Nearly 2,000 vehicles stolen in RCMP territory in N.B. in 2024
Auto thieves turning to Atlantic Canada, says Insurance Bureau of Canada
Moncton car dealer Kevin Campbell has lost hope of ever getting his stolen 1991 Chevy truck back.
It took two people less than three minutes to drive the truck off of Campbell's dealership lot on Moncton's Salisbury Road in mid-November.
The 1991 Chevrolet C1500 SS 454, listed for more than $28,000, has not been recovered despite several efforts by Campbell.
His is just one example among the 1,888 vehicles that were stolen as of Tuesday in New Brunswick in 2024 — excluding Saint John and Fredericton which have their own police forces and statistics — according to the New Brunswick RCMP's year-to-date occurrence data.
Of that number, 576 vehicles — or 30 per cent — were stolen in Moncton, Dieppe and Riverview alone.
Campbell said it's "very disappointing, disheartening."
"You feel violated. You work so hard in business and in life to obtain the things you have and for somebody just to walk into your life on your property and just take it from you is just so violating."
The stolen truck was a black 1991 Chevrolet C1500 SS 454 and was listed for more than $28,000. (Campbell's Auto Sales)
Campbell's property is equipped with an AI-based security system. The cameras track movement, flash red and blue lights, and sound an alarm. The system also allows a security guard to talk to trespassers. He said he's spent more than $10,000 on it, but it still didn't stop the truck theft.
He said he's now looking to invest in tracking devices for his vehicles and fences for his parking lot, since potential thieves have not left him alone after stealing his truck.
"I had two more individuals masked on my property late at night and behind my building being dropped off — my security system picked them up, the lights went off and it did deter them and they left," said Campbell.
"I've had homeless people since then ... that are looking through my vehicles if there's anything to be stolen. So yeah, this problem has not gone away for me and to be quite frank, it makes you question if you even want to be in business."
Campbell said he understands that the police are working hard to stop these crimes, but he wants to see stricter punishment from all three levels of government to curb car thefts.
He said he is trying to take a layered approach to protect his vehicles but it's becoming too expensive for his small business.
Thieves turning to Atlantic Canada, says IBC
According to the RCMP annual report, there were 1,610 motor vehicle thefts in 2023, which means thefts increased in 2024 by 17 per cent — and counting, since the report still has to be updated from Tuesday.
Between 2022 and 2023 the increase was approximately 13 per cent.
"Opportunistic car thieves are increasingly shifting their focus to Atlantic Canada and away from provinces such as Ontario and Quebec, which have invested significantly in combating auto theft," said Amanda Dean, vice-president, Ontario and Atlantic, for the Insurance Bureau of Canada, in a news release.
Amanda Dean is the vice-president of the Atlantic region for the Insurance Bureau of Canada. (Kyle Mooney/Radio-Canada)
"The growth in auto theft in Atlantic Canada is putting pressure on auto premiums and compromising the safety and security of residents," the release stated.
This shift was predicted in a previous CBC interview by Bryan Gast, vice-president for investigative services at Équité Association, an organization that works to stop crime on behalf of the Canadian property and casualty insurance industry.
Gast says vehicles need to be made harder to steal by manufacturers.
Residents should also take extra safety precautions using safety
devices, he said. (David Common/CBC)
He said these criminals are "transient and opportunistic."
Gast said even though national numbers saw a dip in the first half of 2024, according to the data collected by his organization, auto theft in the country is still very high when compared to what it was four years ago.
He said the crime is organized and financially motivated, where these stolen vehicles are either exported, sold for parts, or their vehicle identification numbers are changed so they can be re-sold. In some cases, they're used to commit other petty crimes, he said.
"The only positive sign there is the operational enforcement side is strong. We still need to make the vehicle harder to steal in the first place for a sustained decline in auto theft in Canada," he said.
Équité Association Unveils the Annual Top 10 Most Stolen Vehicles, with a New #1 Most Stolen Vehicle in Canada Français
TORONTO, Nov. 19, 2024 /CNW/ - Équité Association, Canada's national authority on insurance crime and fraud prevention, today unveiled their annual 'Top 10 Most Stolen Vehicles in Canada' for 2023. After two consecutive years in the top spot, the Toyota Highlander has overtaken the Honda CR-V as the nation's most stolen vehicle.
No. |
Make/Model |
Most Often |
# of |
# of |
Theft Rate / |
Type |
1 |
Toyota Highlander |
2021 |
123,532 |
3,414 |
2.76 % |
2 |
Dodge Ram 1500 Series |
2022 |
524,837 |
3,078 |
0.59 % |
Truck |
3 |
Lexus RX Series |
2022 |
96,400 |
3,037 |
3.15 % |
4 |
Honda CR-V |
2021 |
487,962 |
2,988 |
0.61 % |
5 |
Toyota RAV4 |
2021 |
507,451 |
2,690 |
0.53 % |
6 |
Honda Civic |
2019 |
697,143 |
1,654 |
0.24 % |
Car |
7 |
Jeep Wrangler |
2021 |
141,379 |
1,641 |
1.16 % |
8 |
Land Rover Range Rover |
2020 |
34,615 |
1,533 |
4.43 % |
9 |
Chevrolet / GMC Suburban |
2023 |
62,877 |
1,488 |
2.37 % |
10 |
Chevrolet / GMC Silverado |
2006 |
595,765 |
1,383 |
0.23 % |
Truck |
The Toyota Highlander is a popular model in Canada, which is globally serviceable and has a high resale value both domestically and internationally; noting criminals continually shift demand to maximize their profits from the illegal sale of vehicles. It also shares similarities with nearly all of the vehicles on the national list, where the vehicles are 2019 or newer models, and have vulnerabilities that come with keyless ignitions, particularly as these vehicles do not come equipped with anti-theft devices aligned to the ULC 338 Anti-theft Standards.
"In order to sustainably address the auto theft crisis in Canada, solutions must evolve from focusing on the recovery of stolen vehicles to preventing vehicles from being stolen in the first place, starting with updating Canada's outdated Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations (i.e., ULC 338 Standards)," says Terri O'Brien, President and Chief Executive Officer of Équité Association. "Insurance crime, including auto theft, can have a devastating physical and financial impact for victims. On behalf of the property and casualty insurance industry, Équité works to combat insurance crime and keep Canadians safe."
Between 2021-2023 auto theft increased 48.2% in Ontario, 57.9% in Quebec, 34% in Atlantic Canada, and 5.5% in Alberta (Équité Association's 2023 Auto Theft Trend Report). Public Safety Canada announced its National Action Plan on Combatting Auto Theft in May 2024, signifying a turning point in auto theft. While meaningful actions and investments from provincial and federal governments, and law enforcement agencies indicate a national decrease in auto theft in 2024, continued commitment and collaboration from all stakeholders is required to maintain this momentum.
"The most crucial step in fighting auto theft is stopping it before it starts," says Bryan Gast, Vice President, Investigative Services of Équité Association. "One of the most common trends we're seeing on the Top 10 Most Stolen Vehicles list includes newer vehicles with keyless ignitions. The provincial and federal governments have already committed hundreds of millions of dollars in investments to respond to the auto theft crisis with positive results through enforcement. However, there is much more to be done to combat auto theft; the crisis is far from over in Canada. A modernized vehicle security standard aligned to the ULC 338 Standards is needed to address current methods of theft across all manufacturers. In addition, fortifying the unauthorized access to vehicle electronic systems is imperative to stop the auto theft crisis from continuing in Canada."
By utilizing simple and effective technology that has already been developed and patented, and in use in other countries, vehicle manufacturers have the ability to mitigate vehicle theft and prioritize public safety. When it comes to Canadians protecting their vehicles from theft, the best offense is a good defense. Équité recommends using a layered approach, which consists of four categories: simple steps, anti-theft devices, vehicle immobilizers and tracking devices. Each layer provides protection and, in combination, diminishes the likelihood of vehicle theft. Find out more about the Layered Approach here.
For regional lists, visit Équité's website:
About Équité Association
As the national authority on insurance crime and fraud prevention, Équité Association is a not-for-profit, national organization, supporting Canadian property and casualty (P&C) insurers. Équité combats the insurance crime problem that takes advantage of vulnerable Canadians by deploying advanced analytics, intelligence best practices, and coordinated investigations. Delivering improved service and fraud analytics for vehicle, property, and cargo recovery to its members, Équité collaborates with law enforcement, partners and industry organizations to protect Canadians against exploitation.
Learn more about Équité Association at
SOURCE Équité Association
For further information contact: Michelle Robichaud, Director, Media Relations, Équité Association,
Most cars stolen in N.B. are used to commit other crimes, not for export
New report finds majority of recovered vehicles have been burned
Doug Short walks around his impound lot, pointing out one stolen and recovered vehicle after another — a sedan with a smashed out rear window, a pair of pickup trucks and a row of others buried in snow.
Every two to three days, the owner of Five Star Towing gets a call about another stolen auto found in greater Moncton. Between his company and others, he estimates a couple vehicles are being recovered in the city every day.
"Since I've started towing, I've seen it over triple," said Short, who's been running the business for 18 years. "They just keep coming in."
A spike in recovered stolen vehicles is being reported across New Brunswick. The province is seeing a sharp rise in auto thefts, a trend across Canada. But unlike Ontario and Quebec, where most vehicles are stolen for export overseas, most New Brunswick vehicles are taken to commit other crimes — and are eventually found.
A report released early this month by Équité Association, a national non-profit which investigates theft and fraud for the insurance industry, found that thieves in New Brunswick are stealing vehicles to commit other crimes and often burn them to try and eliminate fingerprints and other evidence.
smashed out the rear window of this sedan while stealing it, before
eventually abandoning it. It was recovered and towed to a Moncton
impound lot. (Alexandre Silberman/CBC)
High recovery rate
In Atlantic Canada, 67 per cent of stolen vehicles were recovered in 2023, compared to 44 per cent in Ontario and 37 per cent in Quebec, according to the report. The difference is because of the large number of vehicles sent overseas from those provinces.
Bryan Gast, Équité's vice-president of investigative services, said some vehicles in the Maritimes are being stolen for local use by organized crime, for "joy rides," or stripped down for parts. Others are being exported through the ports of Saint John and Halifax.
"This is not a victimless crime, this is not just a property crime," he said. "They're using the proceeds of these vehicles to fund their criminal operations, whether that be drugs or firearms."
Gast, vice-president of investigative services at Équité Association,
looks on as vehicles seized at the port of Malta and returned to Canada
are off-loaded in Montreal. (Michael Drapack/CBC)
Gast, a former officer with the Ontario Provincial Police, said while many criminals try to burn vehicles to eliminate evidence, it's a largely ineffective tactic.
"Our investigators can restore the true identity of the vehicle and law enforcement are very good at forensic analysis," he said.
'There's a lot of eyes watching'
About three years ago, one of Short's tow trucks was stolen. While it was never located, the incident motivated him to launch a "Maritime Stolen Vehicle" Facebook group so members of the public can help each other track down stolen vehicles across the region. It has grown to more than 8,000 members.
"I've had many messages from people that have had vehicles stolen and we've found them abandoned in campgrounds, we've found them all over the place," he said. "People are starting to realize that there's a lot of eyes watching right now.
Five Star Towing currently has about 10 vehicles on the lot that have been recovered and are still unclaimed, after unsuccessful efforts to find the owner through insurance companies.
Both of these pickup trucks were stolen and abandoned by thieves in the Moncton region. (Alexandre Silberman/CBC)
Short said Ford trucks are one of the most frequently stolen and recovered vehicles in the Moncton area, as many models don't have security systems, which make them easier targets.
"There's people hired just to figure out how to get by security systems and it's working. They're definitely getting them," he said.
The latest New Brunswick-specific data shows 2,054 vehicles were stolen in 2022 — a 118 per cent increase since 2016, according to Statistics Canada.
Équité Association is calling for an update to federal regulations so anti-theft measures are required to keep up with new technology like push-start ignitions.
Earlier this month, the federal government convened a national summit on auto theft.
Gast said additional law enforcement resources dedicated to vehicle crime will help address the issue, along with collaboration between different levels of government, police and the Canada Border Services Agency.
He said the key is "making the vehicles harder to steal, whether that's through the manufacturer or after-market solutions," and making it more difficult to get the vehicles out of the country.
"It's a complex problem, there's no magical solution."
G. Timothy Walton
How much of the theft increase is because of improved theft technology?
MR Cain
Reply to G. Timothy Walton
I don't think people are very careful with their vehicles. Some will leave the keys in the ignition, under the mat, or on top of a tire; especially those who work for companies and leave the vehicles for others. A lot of people just don't lock the doors. One has to wonder when these big trucks and trailers go missing. Some would be inside jobs, people you know; don't think there is a lot of staking out
David Amos
Reply to G. Timothy Walton
Hard telling not knowing but I bet the RCMP know the answer
William Murdoch
And o course it wouldn't be Canada without a double dipper now working in a new position. The Gasts of The World Unite.
David Amos
Reply to William Murdoch
I am aghast that somebody else noticed
Akimbo Alogo
police unions....less work, more money
MR Cain.
Reply to Akimbo Alogo
Like firefighters; you want the service you pay for it.
Non-negotiable. They don't go on strike either.
David Amos
Reply to Akimbo Alogo
I second that emotion
William Murdoch
I left the keys to my car on the driver seat, my hand held device and, my tablet and, my laptop on the back seat.
Then I went on social media and claimed that everything was stolen except my summer tires on original rims leaning up against my shed.
Then two weeks later after I returned from my hunting trip to the camp where I conveniently while being there geo-tagged my uploaded videos to all of my accounts - what do I find ... someone stole my summers on mags.
David Amos
Reply to William Murdoch
What should we make of your claims?
Bill Watson
The reason the NB vehicles aren't exported is most of them are beaters.
David Amos
Reply to Bill Watson
Oh So True
Tristis Ward
(just by the headline response)
Now that's some down home grand theft, there boys.
David Amos
Reply to Tristis Ward
Surely you jest
Tristis Ward
Reply to David Amos
I do. And don’t call me Shirley.
David Amos
Reply to Tristis Ward
I promise that I never will
Jimmy Cochrane
More guns = less auto theft.
Tim Lingley
Reply to Jimmy Cochrane
Nope. If this were true the USA would be at the bottom of the list when it comes to vehicle thefts per capita. They're actually 10th on the list (per Wikipedia).
Tim Lingley
Reply to Tim Lingley
I should also point out that when re-sorting that list by the number of thefts in total, the USA actually tops the list, with three times the amount of thefts compared to the next country, Brazil.
Jack Bell
Reply to Tim Lingley
Don't know if you noticed this but they are lower on the list than Canada... I wonder why?
William Peters
Reply to Jimmy Cochrane
Are you that susceptible to right wing propaganda? Capitalism=freedom too, I suppose.
Tristis Ward
Reply to Jimmy Cochrane
More guns equals more homicide/suicide/shooting accident. No vehicle is worth the lives of children, endangered while in school on the regular.
Lou Bell
Reply to Tim Lingley
Most likely the other way around in the US . Those with with the arms may be the culprits .
William Murdoch
Reply to Tristis Ward
In school on the regular reference. Neat.
G. Timothy Walton
Reply to Jimmy Cochrane
More guns = more gun theft.
More guns in cars = more profit for car thieves.
Rosco holt
Reply to G. Timothy Walton
Also more guns = more death by guns.
MR Cain
Reply to Jimmy Cochrane
Mor 300 people shot every day in the states. If there were fewer guns, less violence.
MR Cain
Reply to Jack Bell
U.S. drivers were subjected to 1,001,967 vehicle thefts. 105,000 vehicles were stolen across Canada. Don't know what figures you use, but given the US has 10 times the pollution, pretty much the same.
William Murdoch
Reply to MR Cain
Less per capita in USA
Jack Bell
Reply to MR Cain
"They're actually 10th on the list (per Wikipedia)."
I'm comparing apples to apples, using the same list he's using.
MR Cain
Reply to Jack Bell
Try another source; comparing it to Guatemela nothing to be proud of/
David Amos
Reply to Jimmy Cochrane
Mark Atkinson
The RCMP are awful at finding these cars, they just wait for your insurance to cover it.
A month ago, 3 people stole my girlfriend's car at 5am, they came back at 7am and stole my jeep, I called RCMP at 8am, they showed up at 10am, and found the 3 of them in my girlfriend's car in saint antoine at 11:30. They have them on good video stealing both cars, found them all in one of the cars, and stuff from my jeep was with them in the car they were found in, but yet for some reason the police haven't gotten the location of my jeep out of them? What more evidence do you need, caught red handed and on tape and in custody.
Clive Gibbons
Reply to Mark Atkinson
Kent County thieves are not a sophisticated bunch. How were they able
to steal these vehicles so easily?
Lou Bell
Reply to Mark Atkinson
If they won't tell , then they won't tell . Not like it's written on the back of their hands.
William Murdoch
Reply to Clive Gibbons
Most likely keys were in the vehicle and more likely keys were in the ignition. Now you Mounties - get to work !
Clive Gibbons
Reply to William Murdoch
Not saying this is the case in this instance, but more than once, I've heard that this is why it's happening. Crimes of opportunity.
Rosco holt
Reply to Mark Atkinson
It's pretty much any crime. Your lucky they showed up at all. When I called them they take approx. 4 hours to show up everytime. At night it's worst.
MR Cain
Reply to Rosco holt
I suspect if there is no emergency, the time lag is not a big deal.
William Murdoch
Reply to Clive Gibbons
I know that is the case most times in NB.
MR Cain
Reply to Mark Atkinson
Maybe they should use more physical interrogation techniques. Doesn't take long to get rid of a car; just drive it into a river if it hasn't left the province. Your story sounds like a joy ride and suspect you know them too.
Mark Atkinson
Reply to William Murdoch
The broke in to the civic I assume because it's not their first rodeo with that model, then found my jeep keys in her glove box ( I know, learned my lesson there)
Mark Atkinson
Reply to Rosco holt
I did have to call back a second time at 9:45 then they were right there
David Amos
Reply to Mark Atkinson
I wonder how common your story is
Albert Wade
There is little consequence for crime. Even if you track your vehicle it seems police have little time to bother with it. Take things into your own hands and the police and courts will make an example of you.
Jack Bell
Reply to Albert Wade
Funny how the police have all the free time in the world to go after people doing the polices job for them, but never enough time to go after criminals.
Tim Lingley
Reply to Jack Bell
Are you suggesting that vigilante justice is ok??
Jack Bell
Reply to Tim Lingley
Are you suggesting that ignoring a problem until people feel they have to take matters into their own hands is ok???
Tim Lingley
Reply to Jack Bell
I'm making no such suggestion, but you should know that our Charter of Rights and Freedoms entitles everyone to due process under the law.
Jack Bell
Reply to Tim Lingley
So you must be familiar with provision 7.
"Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice."
Tim Lingley
Reply to Jack Bell
I am. Do you know what the Principles of Fundamental Justice are?
David Amos
Reply to Tim Lingley
I do
Équité Association Responds to the Collaborative Solutions Outlined at the National Summit on Combatting Auto Theft

February 8, 2024 (OTTAWA) – Following her participation in today’s National Summit on Combatting Auto Theft, Terri O’Brien, President & CEO of Équité Association responds with the following statement:
“As Canada’s national authority on insurance crime and fraud prevention, Équité Association was honoured to speak on behalf of the insurance industry at today’s National Summit on Combatting Auto Theft.
It was heartening to see a discussion around our unified goal of combatting auto theft alongside leaders in the federal and provincial governments, law enforcement agencies across Canada, the CBSA, manufacturers and our insurance industry partners.
We applaud the collaborative solutions stemming from today’s discussions, and the building momentum to combat Canada’s auto theft crisis. In harnessing our collective strength, we can truly make headway in protecting honest, hardworking Canadians.” – Terri O’Brien, President & CEO, Équité Association
About Équité Association
Équité Association is a not-for-profit, national organization, supporting Canadian property and casualty (P&C) insurers. Équité combats the multi-billion-dollar insurance crime problem that exploits vulnerable Canadians through advanced analytics, intelligence best practices, and coordinated investigations. Delivering improved service and fraud analytics for vehicle, property, and cargo recovery to its members, Équité collaborates with law enforcement, partners and industry organizations to protect Canadians against exploitation. Learn more about Équité Association at
Suite 2500
Toronto, Ontario
M5H 1T1
T: (416) 252-3441
Suite 616
Montréal, Québec
H3A 2Y1
For Insurers and Law Enforcement across Canada only:
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