Tuesday 2 August 2016

Re Murdered and missing women Please view the pdf file hereto attached to view a copy of Lonnie Landrud's Nov 16th, 2014 letter

---------- Original message ----------
From: Klee Benally
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2016 11:17:39 -0700
Subject: [On Tour/Traveling July 14-Aug 12, 2016] Re: Fwd: Re Murdered and missing women Please view the pdf file hereto attached to view a copy of Lonnie Landrud's Nov 16th, 2014 letter
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com

Your email communication has prompted this auto-response:

I am currently traveling and am not able to respond to messages promptly.
Ahe' hee',

Klee Benally

indigenousaction@gmail.com | www.twitter.com/eelk
www.kleebenally.com | www.indigenousaction.org - Independent Indigenous Media
www.powerlinesmovie.com - Coming soon!
www.oybm.org - Indigenous Youth Empowerment
www.taalahooghan.org - Flagstaff Infoshop


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Do the Right Thing.

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2016 14:17:31 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Re Murdered and missing women Please view the pdf file hereto attached to view a copy of Lonnie Landrud's Nov 16th, 2014 letter
To: brendanorrell@gmail.com, indigenousaction@gmail.com, "carolyn.bennett" , mcu , "Jody.Wilson-Raybould.a1"
Cc: David Amos , "ron.tremblay2"

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2014 18:05:10 -0700
Subject: Re Murdered and missing women Please view the pdf file hereto
attached to view a copy of Lonnie Landrud's Nov 16th, 2014 letter
To: ceeteevee123@yahoo.ca, jack.jjlo@mts.net, "Paul.Collister"
, ppalmater
, "thomas.mulcair.a1"
, "justin.trudeau.a1"
, "Ian.McPhail"
, "Geoffrey.McDonald"
, frankffrost ,
"Jacques.Poitras" , acampbell
, chiefaugustine@hotmail.ca, xchief
, "roger.l.brown"
, premier , premier
, PREMIER , premier
, premier , premier
, almabrooks26
Cc: David Amos



P.O. Box 133
198 Sheslay Lane
Five Mile Reserve
Atlin, BC V0W 1A0
Tel: 1-204- 783-5556
Fax: 1-204-999-6851
Email: jack.jjlo@mymts.net
Website: www.joanjack.ca

Political Office Cellular: 1-204-999-6851

AFN Women’s Council Chair
Therese Villeneuve P.O. Box 1202
Fort Smith, NWT
X0E 0P0
Cell: (867) 446-6318
Email: ceeteevee123@yahoo.ca

Roger Augustine
AFN Regional Chief, NB/PEI
8 Gitpo Road
Eel Ground First Nation, NB
E1V 4E4
Email: chiefaugustine@hotmail.ca
Cell: 506 625 7878


Violence against women paid 'lip service'
Therese Villeneuve, chair of the AFN's Women's council said she's been
talking about the number of missing and murdered aboriginal women for
at least a decade.

​She said it was the first time in her memory the issue was front and
centre at the national level.

"Things are happening and not good things," she said, when asked the
reason. "Nobody takes it seriously until a [tragedy] happens, and then
all of a sudden people wake up to the problem."

Villeneuve said even within the AFN, women have long been excluded
from high level discussions on the issue.

"The women's council has not been part of the executive council," she said.

Villeneuve said that has been changing over the last couple of years
and it's now having an impact.

​"We were very excluded from the executive," she said. "We don't have
voting power, but at least we are at the table and that's a big

"[Former national chief] Shawn Atleo did invite us to the table and we
were able to be equal," she said.  "And from then on, they started
taking us seriously. I think before we were just in the background."

Villeneuve said she's passionate about the issue of missing and
murdered women because when she was nine years old, her friend next
door was murdered.

"I never forgot about her," she said. "And this morning when Rinelle
was up there, I got really emotional because it just brought me back
to my time when I lost my little friend."

Lawyer Joan Jack, who is from Berens River, Man., and is a former
candidate for national chief, was blunt about why violence against
women has been on the back burner until now.

She said sexism and chauvinism within the aboriginal community has
been among the reasons the issue of missing and murdered aboriginal
women has received little more than lip service up till now.

"There wouldn't be 1,200 missing and murdered indigenous women if we
didn't have a problem in our community as well," she said. "It's a
problem. It's a big problem."

Censored in Indian country: Why we don't stay home
Posted by Brenda Norrell - October 26, 2015 at 2:13 pm

Censored in Indian country: Why we don't stay home

By Brenda Norrell

Photo Ecuadorian women testify by Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

Watching the film trailer for '43' is a chilling reminder of why we do
this, why we keep going without pay, why we do the work, spend the
time, spend the money, take the risks.

It is why we, the unpaid journalists, don't stay home.

People die, people go missing, and it is up to the un-paid, the
un-bought journalists, those who have not been corrupted by salaries
and power, to continue the work.

Earlier, those of us on the Zapatista caravan through Mexico, with
Marcos and the Comandantes, had the honor of being in Iguala,
Guerrero, Mexico. We know the power and the strength of the people
there. We know why the corrupt in Mexico attempted to extinguish the
light of these 43 future teachers in Guerrero.

On the Zapatista caravan, in Michoacan, a young Nahautl warrior from
Guerrero, who only had one leg and was in his twenties, hopped on
board our bus from Sonora, with O'odham, Yaqui and Mayo leaders. Our
Nahautl friend hopped, aided by a wooden stick for a cane. He
volunteered immediately for the security detail. When I asked him why
he was on the caravan, he said, "We have no food at home.”

During October, in Sonora, Mexico, I interviewed anthropologists who
gathered to discuss the formation and militarization of the northern
border. With the responsibility of protecting Indigenous burial places
and cultural places in Mexico, they discussed the impacts of the
ongoing violence along the northwest border in the state of Sonora,
Mexico. The militarization of the border, and encroachment of the
United States into Mexico, including weapons manufacturing at sweat

Indigenous Peoples and their cultural and burial places are in the
path of the ongoing violence in northern Mexico, including Tohono
O'odham, Comcaac (Seri), Yoeme (Yaqui) and all of the others who live
in the states of Sonora, Sinoloa and Chihuahua.

As I write this, along the northern border, Mohawk Nation News
publishes these words of the missing and murdered Indigenous women:
“In Val d’Or Quebec ongwe’hon:weh women reported being systematically
raped and tortured by the psychotic Quebec Police. Lonnie Landrud of
Quesnel BC witnessed police murdering a young ongwe’hon:weh woman and
disposing of her body on the Highway of Tears. He became aware of 8
other women being murdered by this same cop. Landrud reported the
details in this video to every police agency in the hierarchy right up
to the Prime Minister and Governor General.”

As I write this, Christine Prat, now back home in France after our
visit to Apaches sacred Oak Flat, is publishing video interviews with
Wendsler Nosie, and his granddaughter Naelyn Pike, 16, at Oak Flat,
where Apache are defending sacred land. Arizona Sen. John McCain
sneaked a land exchange bill into the defense spending bill that would
open Oak Flat to massive copper mining by Resolution Copper. The
interviews are in English with French subtitles to share with the

As I write this, Michelle Cook, Dine, sends news of the testimony
before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in Washington.
Indigenous women from Ecuador, defending human rights and the
environment, were among those from throughout the Americas testifying.
Mayan from Chiapas testified on the Massacre in Acteal.

Navajo from New Mexico testified how the United States government has
failed in radioactive cleanup and left a legacy of death, with Cold
War uranium mining tailings strewn, which have poisoned the water for
Navajos. Navajo children still play in those radioactive rocks.

In its slow and toxic ongoing genocide, the United States and its
corporate partners have targeted Indigenous lands and resources
throughout the Americas. The testimony from defenders of the
environment and human rights includes US torture and renditions and
excessive police force against African Americans in the US.

Indigenous representative gathered in Washington D.C, Oct 23 at the
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to give testimony regarding
the need to secure and meaningfully protect sacred sites and
landscapes, including San Francisco Peaks. Mount Taylor, and the
recent land exchange and proposed copper mining at Oak Flat.

Those testifying are Leonard Gorman Executive Director, Navajo Nation
Human Rights Commission. Dr. Ora V. Marek Martinez, Historic
Preservation Officer, Navajo Nation. Vernelda Grant, Historic
Preservation Officer San Carlos Apache Nation, and David Martinez, 1st
Lt. Governor, The Pueblo of Laguna.

The testimony highlighted current inadequacies within the legal
framework of the United States  in protecting indigenous sacred sites
particularly those located off lands beyond the jurisdiction of Indian

The thematic hearing was titled: Impact of extractive industries on
sacred places of indigenous peoples in the United States Hearing,
156th ordinary period of sessions.

It is the reason we don’t stay home.

Watch the videos from Apaches' Oak Flat, Sonora, Mexico, and the
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in Washington, and read more
at Censored News


Mohawk Nation News www.mohawknationnews.com

For permission to repost this article, contact brendanorrell@gmail.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 14:55:46 -0700
Subject: Attn Brenda Norrell Perhaps we should talk ASAP My phone
number is 902 800 0369 Whats yours?
To: brendanorrell@gmail.com, indigenousaction@gmail.com
Cc: David Amos



About Brenda Norrell
Brenda Norrell has been a news reporter in Indian country for 32
years. She is publisher of Censored News, focusing on Indigenous
Peoples, human rights and the US border. Censored News was created
after Norrell was censored, then terminated, by Indian Country Today
after serving as a longtime staff reporter. Now censored by the
mainstream media, she previously was a staff reporter at numerous
American Indian newspapers and a stringer for AP, USA Today and
others. She lived on the Navajo Nation for 18 years, and then traveled
with the Zapatistas. She covered the climate summits in Cochabamba,
Bolivia, and Cancun, Mexico, in 2010.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 14:46:09 -0700
Subject: Mr Baconfat you must be in Calgary then However I spoke on
the phone (from Alberta) to one of Danielle Smith's assistants in High
River (403) 652-7100 If you doubt me why not give her a call and
mention my name
To: sunrayzulu , premier ,
emily.woods@gov.ab.ca, lgunter , "joshua.skurnik"
, fnepi@gov.ab.ca,
David.Dorward@assembly.ab.ca, "Raj.Sherman"
, Laurie Blakeman
, Darshan Kang
, David Swann
, Kent Hehr ,
Danielle Smith , Kerry Towle
, deanr0032 ,
bluelightning 03 , patrick_doran1
, glen , Glen
Canning , Glen Canning ,
"Bernard.Valcourt.a1" , dexterdyne
, "vanhorne.ryan" ,
oldmaison , hmc , ppalmater
, "joe.anglin"
, Rachel Notley
, david eggen
, "Staples, David (Edm Journal)"
, Kenchapman46@gmail.com,
greg.clark@albertaparty.ca, edmonton.goldbar@assembly.ab.ca,
david.dear@gov.ab.ca, martin.dupuis@gov.ab.ca, tracy.balash@gov.ab.ca,
cynthia dunnigan , clay buchanan
, jessica l johnson
, "Marianne.Ryan"
, brian mason
, "Paul.Collister"
, frankffrost
, "Geoffrey.McDonald"
, "t.wilson" ,
radical , "Dale.Morgan"
, "john.warr" ,
"roger.l.brown" , DavidYurdiga
, "david.alward" ,
ddarrow , "bob.paulson"

Cc: ricktf@bloodtribe.org, brendanorell@gmail.com, bbachrach
, ingrid.hess@shaw.ca, highwood
, David Amos ,
"JAG.Minister" , "suzanne.anton.mla"
, pm , Mackap
, "steven.blaney"

Scroll down to review tales told by two very different Tailfeathers of
the Blood Tribe and a tape of some interesting mobsters that Leonard
Peltier's former lawyer Barry Bachrach and his friends in the FBI are
well aware of

BTW mr Baconfat I also called Chief Charles Weasel Head's people and
the mindlless beancounter David Dorward in Edmonton Goldbar as well.
Your Zionist hero Stevey Boy Harper knows why.


"Harper’s new Blackfoot name is Chief Speaker because he “speaks as
the chief,” Chief Weasel Head told the Canadian Press. “His words are
words that come from his position.”












FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
Senator Arlen Specter
United States Senate
Committee on the Judiciary
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Mr. Specter:

I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
raised in the attached letter.

Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap tapes.

I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.

Very truly yours,
Barry A. Bachrach
Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 12:06:42 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: Well I called Danielle Smith's offices AGAIN Mr Baconfat
Nobody is working in Edmonton today and Smith is in Calgary Her people
claim to have never heard of you but they certainly remember me
To: David Amos

"Yo" little David, I didn't call Danielle Smith's offices in Edmonton.
I spoke to Danielle Smith...who did you talk to?

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"
To: "sunrayzulu" , "premier" ,
"emily woods" , "lgunter" ,
"joshua.skurnik" , fnepi@gov.ab.ca, "David
Dorward" , "Raj.Sherman"
, "Laurie Blakeman"
, "Darshan Kang"
, "David Swann"
, "Kent Hehr" ,
"Danielle Smith" , "Kerry Towle"
, "deanr0032" ,
"bluelightning 03" , "patrick_doran1"
, "glen" , "Glen
Canning" , "Glen Canning" ,
"Bernard.Valcourt.a1" , "dexterdyne"
, "vanhorne.ryan" ,
"oldmaison" , "hmc" ,
"ppalmater" , "joe.anglin"
, "Rachel Notley"
, "david eggen"
, "David Staples (Edm Journal)"
, Kenchapman46@gmail.com, "greg clark"
, "edmonton goldbar"
, "david dear"
, "martin dupuis" ,
"tracy balash" , "cynthia dunnigan"
, "clay buchanan"
, "jessica l johnson"
, "Marianne.Ryan"
, "brian mason"
, "Paul.Collister"
, "frankffrost"
, "Geoffrey.McDonald"
, "t.wilson" ,
"radical" , "Dale.Morgan"
, "john.warr" ,
"roger.l.brown" , "DavidYurdiga"
, "david.alward" ,
"ddarrow" , "bob.paulson"

Cc: "highwood" , "David Amos"
, "JAG.Minister"
, "suzanne.anton.mla"
, "pm" , "Mackap"
, "steven.blaney"
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 11:44:45 AM
Subject: Well I called Danielle Smith's offices AGAIN Mr Baconfat
Nobody is working in Edmonton today and Smith is in Calgary Her people
claim to have never heard of you but they certainly remember me



Legislature Office
501 Legislature Annex
9718 107 Street
Edmonton, AB
Canada T5K 1E4
Phone: (780) 643-9110
Fax: (780) 638-3506

Unit 5, 49 Elizabeth Street
Box 568 Main
Okotoks, AB
Canada T1S 1A7
Phone: (403) 995-5488
Fax: (403) 995-5490

High River
#4, 28 12th Avenue S.E.
High River, AB
Canada T1V 1T2
Phone: (403) 652-7100
Fax: (403) 652-7757

On 11/28/14, David Amos wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 11:17:53 -0700 (MST)
> Subject: Re: At least the evil Mr Baconfat proves to us all that the
> RCMP work for Zionists rather than all the Canadian Citizens who pay
> their wages when Sections 300 & 319 do not apply to your buddy EH Mr
> Harper?
> To: David Amos
> "Yo," little David! The "ethical people," at Safeway, Mark's
> throughout Edmonton, the Edmonton Police Service, Teddy's Bar and
> Grill, and cyber-space generally are laughing at you. People regard
> you as a pathetic sick joke, a semi-illiterate troll and goof. I just
> told Danielle Smith your e mails are coming from Halifax . She said
> you certainly seemed a "little off!"
> "Ethical people" don't listen to you little David...because NO ONE
> listens to you.
> Cheers numbnuts!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Amos"
> To: "sunrayzulu" , "premier" ,
> "emily woods" , "lgunter" ,
> "joshua.skurnik" , fnepi@gov.ab.ca, "David
> Dorward" , "Raj.Sherman"
> , "Laurie Blakeman"
> , "Darshan Kang"
> , "David Swann"
> , "Kent Hehr" ,
> "Danielle Smith" , "Kerry Towle"
> , "deanr0032" ,
> "bluelightning 03" , "patrick_doran1"
> , "glen" , "Glen
> Canning" , "Glen Canning" ,
> "Bernard.Valcourt.a1" , "dexterdyne"
> , "vanhorne.ryan" ,
> "oldmaison" , "hmc" ,
> "ppalmater" , "joe.anglin"
> , "Rachel Notley"
> , "david eggen"
> , "David Staples (Edm Journal)"
> , Kenchapman46@gmail.com, "greg clark"
> , "edmonton goldbar"
> , "david dear"
> , "martin dupuis" ,
> "tracy balash" , "cynthia dunnigan"
> , "clay buchanan"
> , "jessica l johnson"
> , "Marianne.Ryan"
> , "brian mason"
> , "Paul.Collister"
> , "frankffrost"
> , "Geoffrey.McDonald"
> , "t.wilson" ,
> "radical" , "Dale.Morgan"
> , "john.warr" ,
> "roger.l.brown" , "DavidYurdiga"
> , "david.alward" ,
> "ddarrow" , "bob.paulson"
> Cc: "David Amos" , "JAG.Minister"
> , "suzanne.anton.mla"
> , "pm" , "Mackap"
> , "steven.blaney"
> Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 10:53:44 AM
> Subject: At least the evil Mr Baconfat proves to us all that the RCMP
> work for Zionists rather than all the Canadian Citizens who pay their
> wages when Sections 300 & 319 do not apply to your buddy EH Mr Harper?
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 05:17:00 -0700 (MST)
> Subject: Re: Yo Terry Wilson of the RCMP would you please explain to
> us all real slow ad in writng as to why Section 319 does not apply to
> your Zionist buddy Mr Baconfat?
> To: David Amos
> "Yo" Little uneducated and illiterate David Amos! Speaking of
> "Zionism," here's some for you fresh, hot off the "presses."
> https://baconfatreport.wordpress.com/2014/11/28/the-only-good-palestinian-is-a-dead-one/
> November 28, 2014
> The Only “Good Palestinian” Is A Dead One
>  What some call “palestinians,” or “palestinian society” is really a
> sub-set or sub-species of Arab or and Islamic sect. They are
> primitive, backward, uneducated and have made little or no
> contribution to human-kind. There are 24 Arab states in the Middle
> East, and I see no need for a twenty-fifth. Whilst these is some
> umbrage in the world to the Israelis describing or proclaiming Israel
> as a Jewish State, or the Jewish State, no one seems to mind that
> there are 54 proclaimed Islamic States using Sharia Law as their basis
> for jurisprudence on the planet. It all seems rather contrived and
> hypocritical. To wit:
> Middle East
> Hamas, Inc.
> Gazans suffer, while their leaders continue to pile up the loot
> By Moshe Elad|November 18, 2014
> The idea that hardline Hamas political leaders like Mousa Abu Marzook
> and Khaled Meshal who order violence in the name of jihad are also
> canny businessmen who have assembled financial empires that would be
> the envy of pinstriped businessmen in London, Paris, or New York may
> strike most readers as unfamiliar, or perhaps as a form of science
> fiction or propaganda. But in the Middle East, otherworldly religious
> or political rhetoric and earthly profits do not necessarily
> contradict each other. In fact, they often go hand in hand.
> Nor is the combination of political and military roles with business
> empires unique to Hamas, or to other Islamist organizations. When I
> started my job as the Israeli Military Governor of Tyre district
> during the first Lebanese war and asked to meet with the local police
> chief, I was told, “He is available only during the morning hours. In
> the afternoons he takes care of his businesses.” “Businesses?” I
> wondered. “Yes,” said my informant, “he has a supermarket chain.”
> During my two years in Lebanon I learned that almost every local
> office-holder and officer, whether in the public sector, police, or
> army, owned a private business. The police commander in question, for
> example, recommended that citizens who approach the police for help
> should purchase food from his private stores. Because Western values
> such as conflict of interests, transparency, and public efficiency are
> less recognized and less respected in this part of the world, most
> political leaders in the Middle East see public office as a route to
> making a fortune, and most of their constituents accept this
> behavior—with the hope of sharing in even a small part of the leader’s
> wealth.
> In the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the situation is quite similar to the
> one I found in Lebanon. The race to obtain powerful positions in the
> Palestinian Authority began in 1994, with the implementation of the
> Oslo Accords. The government that emerged from that process looks more
> or less like that of most Arab regimes: It is centralized and corrupt,
> it lacks effectiveness, bribery plays a very important role in
> society, and nepotism is prevalent, with just few families or
> relatives benefiting from state monopolies on basic services and
> commodities.
> The Palestinian Liberation Organization runs the PA through its main
> political party, Fatah, with a generous budget donated by the
> international community. Between 1995 and 2005 the PA, which had a
> population of 4 million people, has received $8 billion for building
> its industrial infrastructure to create jobs, improve its people’s
> lives, and establish public institutions. Unfortunately, none of those
> projects shows evidence of having been implemented. Most of the funds
> went to private pockets, and the rest helped PA leaders to recruit
> more militia members. Monopolies of oil, gas, food, cigarettes, and
> cell phones have been granted to the prime minister’s family and to a
> few government ministers and local security officers. Those who were
> deprived of their chance to feed at the public trough have not
> remained quiet. A year ago, Mohammad Dahlan who used to be a senior
> security Fatah officer in Gaza, filed an international lawsuit against
> President Abu-Mazen, claiming Abbas has stolen over $1 billion from
> the Palestinian budget.
> * * *
> Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic fundamentalist movement, which was
> established toward the end of 1987, did not share in the international
> largesse granted to the PA. The resistance movement promoted the
> liberation of Palestine by force and at the same time joined the
> global jihad, as other Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated organizations
> did. As a result, Hamas has developed its own fundraising mechanisms,
> mainly based on donations and contributions of Muslim believers and
> pilgrims from countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Qatar.
> Hamas’ vicious terrorist attacks that took place in the mid 1990s
> helped the organization gain more credit as the Palestinians’ chief
> defender and protector and surely enhanced its revenues, which mainly
> came in the form of direct cash contributions. The legitimate channel
> for receiving these funds was the Zakat box which exists in every
> single Waqf (sacred property) office in the West Bank and Gaza. The PA
> was not allowed to touch or interfere in these Islamic institutions
> except by using force.
> By June 2007 after Hamas took over the GS through a violent coup, more
> significant amounts of money began to arrive from the same Islamic
> countries, reflecting the donors’ desire that Gaza should be run
> according to Islamic Shari’a law. A huge fundraising campaign was also
> launched in Western countries, mainly the United States and Europe,
> which raised hundreds of millions of dollars, which passed through the
> hands of Dr. Mousa Abu Marzook, the chair of the Hamas political
> bureau chair at that time. According to a Texas Federal court record
> from 2003, Abu Marzook was convicted of illegal funds transfer to
> every single district in the West Bank, from Jenin in the north to
> Hebron in the south. Beginning in the 1990s and during every fiscal
> year, he has transferred millions of dollars, claiming that these
> funds were for welfare and relief projects, while in fact they have
> been used to compensate suicide bombers’ families and to rehabilitate
> wounded and invalid terrorists. As a result of these large, repeated
> cash transfers, over many years, Abu Marzook also came to personally
> control large assets and investments, which according to my research
> total over $2 billion.
> Hamas current chair Khaled Meshal began to control the movement’s
> funds right after the arrest of Abu Marzook in the United States in
> 1995. During the two years that Abu Marzook was behind barbed wire,
> Meshal was appointed as Hamas’ chair of political bureau, a position
> that put him in sole control of Hamas’ treasury. Until the release of
> Abu Marzook from prison in 1997, Meshal personally reached out to as
> many Arab and Muslim leaders as possible in order to enhance the
> organization’s budget.
> During his time in Damascus, where he spent 13 years (1999 to 2012),
> Meshal established new funding channels, which have led to his
> accumulation of a fortune on a par with that of Abu Marzook. Most of
> Meshal’s capital has been invested in Egyptian and Gulf states banks,
> and some of them are involved in real-estate projects. Meshal owns
> Fadil, a real-estate firm located in Doha, Qatar, which recently built
> four residential towers, a 20-story mall and other sites, all of which
> are registered in the names of members of his family.
> Another way to become rich in the Gaza strip after the 2007 coup—a
> method used mainly by Hamas field commanders (Ez A-din al Qassam
> Brigades)—was smuggling, which was accomplished through a network of
> tunnels built to evade Israeli and Egyptian border controls. Hamas PM
> Ismail Haniyeh and his ministers in Gaza took advantage of this
> economic tool and began to forcefully control it, exactly like the
> Mafia. From this time on, each Hamas district’s commander has profited
> from the networks in his own sector as though they were his own
> property, maintaining full control over goods and merchandise crossing
> through the district’s tunnels. Food products, meat and poultry,
> cement and concrete, furniture, oil, gasoline, and medical items were
> all subject to large taxes. A smuggled car’s tax, for example, was
> $1,000 plus 25 percent of its value while 100 to 200 cars were
> smuggled daily. The “importer” had to pay 75 shekels (around $20) for
> each ton of cement (400 tons a day), 120 shekels for each ton (2,000
> pounds) of wood (500 tons a day), 2 shekels for each smuggled liter
> (2.64 gallons) of diesel fuel (6,000 liters a day), and 0.75 shekels
> for each liter of gas (6,000 liters a day). On the Egyptian side of
> the tunnel, the man responsible for the “project” was Khirat
> el-Shater, a prominent leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, who helped
> finance the establishment of the joint ventures and was a full partner
> for revenues.
> Raed al Atar, a prominent Hamas leader from Rafah, has made tens of
> millions of dollars from this smuggling project. Al Atar has a special
> centralized way to control the flow of merchandise and funds through
> “his” tunnels, while taking care of every single item.
> Palestinian economists estimate that the number of Palestinians who
> earned more than $1 million from the tunnels’ economy ranges from
> 1,000 to 1,200 individuals. However, the number of Gaza inhabitants
> who may be identified as “millionaires,” is about half that. We should
> remember also that almost $1 billion in cash has been smuggled through
> the tunnels annually, a part of which was deducted and paid to the
> district‘s commander as a sort of “income tax.” One more source of
> illegal income was the properties of former Gush Katif (former Israeli
> settlements in the Gaza Strip), whose lands were sold to Palestinian
> real-estate agencies and some directly to builders who were waiting to
> start new housing projects. The funds received by the buyers went into
> the private pockets of Hamas’ leaders.
> Another income source in Gaza is Islamic fundraising. Hamas’ leaders
> have received huge amounts of donations and contributions from Iran,
> Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and from other Gulf States. These funds were
> donated in favor of the Muqawama, the Islamic resistance, whose aims
> are twofold: one, against Israel as a political enemy and the second,
> against the Shia Islam states as a religious enemy. Generally, the
> transfer of funds from Arab countries, unlike from European or U.S.
> donors, are hard to follow: Funds not designated for specific
> projects, and that came under the title of “general purposes,” were
> most likely confiscated by Hamas’ leaders.
> From information that was released lately, Qatar has transferred in
> February 2013 to “Gaza Strip inhabitants” $250 million, most of which
> has not arrived to the region. Later, after Mohammad Morsi’s fall in
> Egypt, by July 2013 Qatar has transferred another amount of $350
> million and later on another $100 million donation was received. In
> these cases, the money was received by Hamas Prime Minister Ismail
> Haniyeh. Originally a refugee from Al Shati refugee camp near Gaza,
> Haniyah today is worth at least $4 million—and some portion of the
> funds he received have been used to buy land and houses which are
> registered in the names of his family members. Other Hamas ministers
> and government officials have also received or have stolen money from
> the “public treasury” and built fancy houses or large businesses
> inside and outside Gaza.
> Given the fact that much this information is visible to every resident
> of Gaza, who know exactly where and how the leaders of Hamas live, it
> is fair to ask why the public remains silent and indifferent. Pictures
> released during Protective Edge showed the contrast between luxurious
> the life led by Meshal and Abu Marzook and the lives of the
> impoverished people of Gaza. Yet it is very rare that a Palestinian
> leader is ever attacked from “inside the house”: According to
> Palestinian tradition, the leader suffers enough from the Israeli
> occupier, and therefore everyone should support the leader, resist,
> fight back, and move away from criticizing him, no matter what he does
> or doesn’t do. As a result, polls showed that over 60 percent of Gaza
> residents denounced corruption, but only a few of them were ready to
> take action. Another reason why public criticism may be rare is that
> the consequences can be severe: During Protective Edge, 20 people were
> shot in public in Gaza after summary trials in which they were accused
> of being “collaborators with the enemy.” Needless to say, the precise
> nature of their “collaboration” was murky. Gazans who did demonstrate
> against the Hamas leadership were also beaten, shot, and in some
> cases, executed. Corruption in the Palestinian territories still
> prevails.
> ***
> Like this article? Sign up for our Daily Digest to get Tablet
> Magazine’s new content in your inbox each morning. END QUOTE
> IDF ought ….. Kill all the “palestinians” and let God sort em out!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Amos"
> To: "sunrayzulu" , "premier" ,
> "emily woods" , "lgunter" ,
> "joshua.skurnik" , fnepi@gov.ab.ca, "David
> Dorward" , "Raj.Sherman"
> , "Laurie Blakeman"
> , "Darshan Kang"
> , "David Swann"
> , "Kent Hehr" ,
> "Danielle Smith" , "Kerry Towle"
> , "deanr0032" ,
> "bluelightning 03" , "patrick_doran1"
> , "glen" , "Glen
> Canning" , "Glen Canning" ,
> "Bernard.Valcourt.a1" , "dexterdyne"
> , "vanhorne.ryan" ,
> "oldmaison" , "hmc" ,
> "ppalmater" , "joe.anglin"
> , "Rachel Notley"
> , "david eggen"
> , "David Staples (Edm Journal)"
> , Kenchapman46@gmail.com, "greg clark"
> , "edmonton goldbar"
> , "david dear"
> , "martin dupuis" ,
> "tracy balash" , "cynthia dunnigan"
> , "clay buchanan"
> , "jessica l johnson"
> , "Marianne.Ryan"
> , "brian mason"
> , "Paul.Collister"
> , "frankffrost"
> , "Geoffrey.McDonald"
> , "t.wilson" ,
> "radical" , "Dale.Morgan"
> , "john.warr" ,
> "roger.l.brown" , "DavidYurdiga"
> , "david.alward" ,
> "ddarrow" , "bob.paulson"
> Cc: "David Amos" , "JAG.Minister"
> , "suzanne.anton.mla"
> Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2014 11:51:47 PM
> Subject: Yo Terry Wilson of the RCMP would you please explain to us
> all real slow ad in writng as to why Section 319 does not apply to
> your Zionist buddy Mr Baconfat?
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 23:18:32 -0700 (MST)
> Subject: Re: Your associate Minister of Aboriginal Affairs can't play
> dumb about your buddy Mr Baconfat now EH Jimmy Prentice?
> To: David Amos
> Yo David, how's little Gracie the slut? Well, numbnuts if you "like"
> my last blog post you will just love this one. Eat shit asshole!
> https://baconfatreport.wordpress.com/2014/11/28/heres-hoping-for-a-killer-winter/
> Here’s Hoping For A Killer Winter!
>  For a couple of centuries there was a common toast throughout the
> British Army wherever it was deployed in the world. Officers would
> toast …”To a bloody campaign, and a sickly season.” Which wasn’t an
> altogether humorous reference to casualties in a “bloody campaign,” or
> a “sickly season” meant promotion to the more ambitious of the officer
> corps of the British Army
> Winter has arrived here in Edmonton. We have had a small few days long
> “cold snap” but the real snow hasn’t arrived, until now. I hope for a
> killer Winter, an extremely cold “arctic vortex,” a severely cold,
> angered Mother Nature, freezing the shite out of everything. I hope
> this Winter kills all of the fat, lazy crazy, addicted, drunk, injun,
> homeless human garbage on the streets of Edmonton, and Edmonton’s
> shelters. Social Darwinism, natural selection, and Mother Nature
> “culling the heard,” or eliminating the weak from the gene pool.
> Canada’s so-called “charities,” and “social agencies’ that help
> “society’s most vulnerable,” help no one. Canada’s “social agencies,”
> and “charities” are a growth industry, an employment opportunity for
> ersatz “activists,” social workers, and pencil pushers. There is so
> much overhead, and administrative costs, the entire social charity is
> no more than a self-perpetuating obscenity, and revenue generator.
> But alas, I don’t care about the “marginalized aboriginals,” retards,
> homeless, addicted, great unwashed. “Kill em all, and let God sort em
> out,” I say! There’s nothing human about these animals. Let Mother
> Nature “cull the herd,” eliminate the weak, stupid, and aboriginal. If
> one wants to give “alms to the poor,” be my guest but it’s all a big
> scam.
> “Let all freeze, and die,” I say! Its cheaper, and good social policy!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Amos"
> To: "sunrayzulu" , "premier" ,
> "emily woods" , "lgunter" ,
> "joshua.skurnik" , fnepi@gov.ab.ca, "David
> Dorward" , "Raj.Sherman"
> , "Laurie Blakeman"
> , "Darshan Kang"
> , "David Swann"
> , "Kent Hehr" ,
> "Danielle Smith" , "Kerry Towle"
> , "deanr0032" ,
> "bluelightning 03" , "patrick_doran1"
> , "glen" , "Glen
> Canning" , "Glen Canning" ,
> "Bernard.Valcourt.a1" , "dexterdyne"
> , "vanhorne.ryan" ,
> "oldmaison" , "hmc" ,
> "ppalmater" , "joe.anglin"
> , "Rachel Notley"
> , "david eggen"
> , "David Staples (Edm Journal)"
> , Kenchapman46@gmail.com, "greg clark"
> , "edmonton goldbar"
> , "david dear"
> , "martin dupuis" ,
> "tracy balash" , "cynthia dunnigan"
> , "clay buchanan"
> , "jessica l johnson"
> , "Marianne.Ryan"
> , "brian mason"
> , "Paul.Collister"
> , "frankffrost"
> , "Geoffrey.McDonald"
> Cc: "David Amos" , "JAG.Minister"
> , "suzanne.anton.mla"
> Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2014 4:40:34 PM
> Subject: Your associate Minister of Aboriginal Affairs can't play dumb
> about your buddy Mr Baconfat now EH Jimmy Prentice?
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Edmonton Goldbar
> Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 23:32:56 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: My strong support for Danielle Smith's
> party??? Too Too Funny indeed EH Mr Baconfat?
> To: David Amos
> Thank you for your email.  The Edmonton - Gold Bar Constituency Office
> will be closed until 8:30 a.m. on Friday, November 28, 2014.   To
> reach the Emergency Income Support Line (24 hours/day, 7 days/week)
> please call 780- 644-5135.
> On 11/27/14, David Amos wrote:
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Danielle Smith
>> Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 21:46:21 +0000
>> Subject: Getting Ready
>> To: David Amos
>> David, I want to start by thanking you for your strong support for our
>> party.p. With an early election becoming more and more likely, it’s
>> time to put together a plan for how to win – a plan based on solid,
>> conservative and principled policies that make Alberta an even better
>> place to live.
>> Friends, that work is well underway.
>> This month alone we released a policy paper on how we can build
>> necessary infrastructure called On Time and On Budget
>> , and we released our seventh of nine Moving Alberta Forward
>> announcements: Strengthening Democracy and Entitlement
>> .
>> On Nov. 24, Lacombe-Ponoka MLA Rod Fox brought forward Motion 501 to
>> the Legislature, a legislative motion dedicated to entrenching
>> property rights in the Constitution for all Albertans.
>> Sadly the, PC majority voted it down.
>> But this is just the beginning.
>> While we will be fierce in holding the government to account, we are
>> focused on demonstrating to Albertans why we are ready to form
>> government.
>> You can read more about our plan through my speech at our 2014 AGM: A
>> New Vision for Alberta and How We Can Win in 2016.
>> You may have heard about a couple of our former MLAs leaving the party
>> this week.
>> Every political party goes through its ups and downs – but I believe
>> adversity is the true test of leadership.
>> Our team has rallied. We are united and we are putting the past behind
>> us.
>> We are focused on bringing leadership that is focused on the future,
>> doing what is right, what is fair, and putting Albertans first.
>> Without your help and support, we wouldn’t be where we are today. I
>> know together, we can achieve a bright and prosperous future for
>> Alberta.
>> Sincerely,
>> Danielle Smith
>> -
>> Wildrose Party - 10707 100 Ave Nw, #202, Edmonton, AB T5J 3M1, Canada
>> This email was sent to motomaniac333@gmail.com.  To stop receiving
>> emails: http://www.wildrose.ca/unsubscribe
>> -----Original Message-----
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 2:31 PM
>> To: David Amos
>> Cc: David Amos ; Paul.Collister ; frankffrost ; Geoffrey.McDonald ;
>> donovan young ; rod.knecht ; eps ; tracy balash ; cynthia dunnigan ;
>> clay buchanan ; jessica l johnson ; Marianne.Ryan ; brian mason
>> Subject: Re: I am calling you people right now from 902 800 0369 FYI
>> The Highway Tears runs right through Edmonton
>> To all concerned;
>> Little David is quite incorrect. YOU and I know that he "highway of
>> tears runs from Prince George BC and Prince Rupert. As you have no
>> doubt figured out David Amos not too bright.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "David Amos"
>> To: "donovan young" , "rod.knecht"
>> , "eps" , "tracy
>> balash" , "cynthia dunnigan"
>> , "clay buchanan"
>> , "jessica l johnson"
>> , "Marianne.Ryan"
>> , "brian mason"
>> Cc: "David Amos" , "sunrayzulu"
>> , "Paul.Collister"
>> , "frankffrost"
>> , "Geoffrey.McDonald"
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 10:04:32 AM
>> Subject: I am calling you people right now from 902 800 0369 FYI The
>> Highway Tears runs right through Edmonton
>> http://www.aboriginal.alberta.ca/Ministry-Contacts.cfm
>> Deputy Minister’s Office:
>> Donavon Young, Deputy Minister
>> http://www.canadianlawlist.com/listingdetail/contact/donovan-young-642108/
>> Donovan Young
>> Assistant Deputy Minister:
>> Department of Justice and Solicitor General
>> Justice Services Branch
>> 2nd Flr., 9833-109 St.
>> Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2E8
>> Phone: 780-638-4616
>> Fax: 780-422-9639
>> Email: donovan.young@gov.ab.ca
>> Communications:
>> Jessica L. Johnson, Director
>> Phone: 780-427-4210
>> Email: jessica.l.johnson@gov.ab.ca
>> Aboriginal Women's Initiatives and Research Branch
>> Tracy Balash, Assistant Deputy Minister
>> Phone: 780-638-5656
>> Email: tracy.balash@gov.ab.ca
>> First Nations Relations:
>> Cynthia Dunnigan, Executive Director
>> Phone: 780-415-6141
>> Email: cynthia.dunnigan@gov.ab.ca
>> First Nations & Metis Relations:
>> Clay Buchanan, Assistant Deputy Minister
>> Phone: 780-422-5925
>> Email: clay.buchanan@gov.ab.ca
>> http://thedavidamosrant.blogspot.ca/2014/03/fwd-yo-bobby-boy-paulson-whereas-many.html
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 09:24:19 -0700
>> Subject: No matter where Kerry Towle sits in the House sge and her
>> past and present political bosses cannot deny that Mr Baconfat sent
>> them emails before I managed to his blog shut down
>> To: premier , emily.woods@gov.ab.ca, lgunter
>> , "joshua.skurnik" ,
>> fnepi@gov.ab.ca, David.Dorward@assembly.ab.ca, "Raj.Sherman"
>> , Laurie Blakeman
>> , Darshan Kang
>> , David Swann
>> , Kent Hehr ,
>> Danielle Smith , Kerry Towle
>> , deanr0032 ,
>> bluelightning 03 , patrick_doran1
>> , glen , Glen
>> Canning , Glen Canning ,
>> "Bernard.Valcourt.a1" , dexterdyne
>> , "vanhorne.ryan" ,
>> oldmaison , hmc , ppalmater
>> , sunrayzulu ,
>> "joe.anglin" , Rachel Notley
>> , david eggen
>> Cc: David Amos , "Staples, David (Edm
>> Journal)" , Kenchapman46@gmail.com,
>> greg.clark@albertaparty.ca, edmonton.goldbar@assembly.ab.ca,
>> david.dear@gov.ab.ca, martin.dupuis@gov.ab.ca
>> http://kerrytowle.com/about-kerry/
>> Whereas Towles new boss "Diamond Jim" the lawyer has appointed himself
>> and the chartered accountant David Dorward as Ministers to oversee the
>> well-being of  Aboriginal Women howcome they have done nothing about
>> Mr Baconfat's new blog?
>> http://alberta.ca/AlbertaCode/images/Mandate-AboriginalRelations.pdf?0.4752013008440564
>> http://www.aboriginal.alberta.ca/Aboriginal-Women.cfm
>> Alberta Aboriginal Relations
>> Aboriginal Economic Partnerships
>> Phone: 780-427-8407
>> Email: fnepi@gov.ab.ca
>> Media Contacts
>> Media inquiries for Aboriginal Relations can be directed to:
>> Communications
>> David Dear, Director
>> Phone: 780-427-4210
>> Email: david.dear@gov.ab.ca
>> Martin Dupuis, Assistant Director
>> Phone: 780-644-8408
>> Email: martin.dupuis@gov.ab.ca
>> http://alberta.ca/release.cfm?xID=373290A17A829-E929-4789-4480B52D93523536
>> Media inquiries
>>  Emily Woods
>> 780-668-8617
>> Office of the Premier
>> http://www.pcalberta.org/
>> Edmonton-Gold Bar PC AGM
>> November 27 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
>> Here is Mr Baconfat bragging last night about his latest piece of
>> malevolent work
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 22:26:49 -0700 (MST)
>> OCTOBER 19, 2014 "A Safeway employee I have known for many years
>> Stephanie, came to me and said. "Are you being bad again?" Yes Mam! I
>> told her.Stephanie looked at me, her beautiful eyes twinkled, and
>> said! Good!"
>> To: David Amos
>> Yo, little David! Still no word from Safeway, the NDP, police or even
>> you.  Still don't have my phone number numbnuts? Oh well, asshole I
>> also published these words this evening!
>> https://baconfatreport.wordpress.com/2014/11/25/the-injun-squaw-that-girl/
>> The Injun Squaw “That Girl”
>>  This morning at 5;30 I was stopped at the Mac’s Store to get my
>> morning newspaper, before I caught the bus to get Timmies and then to
>> work. Once a week, every week, if not more often a comatose, supine
>> derelict injun is found by me or others on the sidewalk or parking lot
>> in front of the Mac’s. This morning a injun squaw, was seemingly dead.
>> She or it was wearing pyjama bottoms, a filthy black hoodie, and was
>> hopefully dead lying in a pool of her own excrement. It was lying in
>> the brown slush, motionless. Next to her or it was a pram with her
>> baby girl. The baby was wearing a pink sleeper, had no blanket or
>> blankets, no snow suit, was howling, her lips were turning blue, and
>> was starting to shake violently.
>> Another early morning commuter I am acquainted with was looking at the
>> child, and this apparently and hopefully deceased “proud native”
>> ersatz Mother. “The Mac’s guy is gonna call the cops when he isn’t so
>> busy. Maybe we should call 911 or try to help the kid.” He said. “You
>> do that. But this baby will dead in a year. If not, it will be dead of
>> drugs, booze, or murdered by its 15th birthday.” But screw them I’ve
>> got to get to work.” I told my acquaintance. And I crossed Jasper
>> Avenue to the bus stop.
>> I have no idea what happened to the squaw “that girl,” or her “child”,
>> nor do I care. Feminista groups were outraged by Men’s Right’s
>> Edmonton’s “Just because its your baby, doesn’t make it your trash.
>> Don’t be that girl,” poster campaign. But obviously Men are right
>> about this.
>> Injuns want “an inquiry” regarding missing and murdered “aboriginal
>> women.” It would seem the large number of injun “mothers” who are
>> scum, addicts, drunks and criminals, and or the animals like our “that
>> girl’ aboriginal this morning….gives Canadians the answer they are
>> looking for.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "David Amos"
>> To: sunrayzulu@shaw.ca, tpandos@bentallkennedy.com, "rod.knecht"
>> , "greg.preston"
>> , "David.Veitch"
>> , "eps" ,
>> "Rachel Notley" , "mclellana"
>> , "linda.duncan.a1"
>> , "Karine Fortin" ,
>> "don.iveson" , "scott.mckeen"
>> , "laurie hawn" ,
>> "Laurie.Blakeman" , "patrick_doran1"
>> , "Rhansen" ,
>> "mike lokken" , "gary cunliffe"
>> , "Neill Fitzpatrick"
>> , "pm" , "pmoist"
>> , "jclancy" , "dfildebrandt"
>> , "John.Williamson.c1"
>> Cc: "David Amos" , "Thomas.Lawson"
>> , grcanning@gmail.com, "dexterdyne"
>> , "scott.macrae" ,
>> "danny.copp" , oldmaison@yahoo.com,
>> "business ethics" , "teena massingill"
>> Sent: Monday, November 24, 2014 7:50:57 PM
>> 19, 2014 "A Safeway employee I have known for many years Stephanie,
>> came to me and said. "Are you being bad again?" Yes Mam! I told
>> her.Stephanie looked at me, her beautiful eyes twinkled, and said!
>> Good!"
>> Interesting N'esy Pas Mr Harper and Mr Mulcair? Tis strange that the
>> Yankees who oversee Safeway did not bother to call me back today EH?
>> Scrolll down and you will fibd the text many of Mr Baconfat's blogs
>> OLIVER SQUARE and his opinons of the the Yankee company known as
>> Safeway and their CANADIAN customers.
>> One should take careful not that Mr Baconfat's last blog about Safeway
>> in October was a full five days after I had called Oliver Square
>> Safeway and talkedt to a lady whom I believe identified herself as
>> Stephanie. Whomever it was that I talked we certainly dicussed the
>> blog entitled "The Bimbo And The Pharmacist" and nobody had called me
>> back. Clearly Mr Bavonfat decided to rub it in as his many Safeway
>> friends felt secure in their jobs because of their oh so powerful
>> Union .
>> However on October 23rd I got the last laugh N'esy Pas Mr Mulcair?
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 19:42:57 -0600 (MDT)
>> Subject: Re: Attn Ken Chapman Here is just one of the reasons I am in
>> Alberta right now
>> To: David Amos
>> Cc: David Amos , mike@backstopadr.ca,
>> dfildebrandt , renouf@renouflaw.com,
>> "greg.preston" , greg clark
>> , john hudson
>> , "\"•edmonton organizer\""
>> <"璽�玲▄dmonton.organizer"@albertparty.ca>, "David.Veitch"
>> David Amos is fucked!
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 12:48:01 -0600
>> Subject: Fwd: Attn Ken Chapman Here is just one of the reasons I am in
>> Alberta right now
>> To: kenpthomas@shaw.ca
>> Cc: David Amos
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 09:37:37 -0600
>> Subject: Attn Ken Chapman Here is just one of the reasons I am in
>> Alberta right now
>> To: Kenchapman46@gmail.com, x2008mur@gmail.com, "tim.moen"
>> Cc: David Amos
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 16:38:51 -0600 (MDT)
>> Subject: Re: Methinks IF the Liberals in Edmonton were even remotely
>> ethical they would asked Jonathan Denis and now his new boss Jimmy
>> Prentice many questions about Mr Baconfat's blog ASAP EH Glen Canning?
>> To: David Amos
>> Cc: David Amos ,
>> info@electdonnawilson.ca, info@davidkhan.ca,
>> electsusan@wright4elbow.ca, premier , "Raj.Sherman"
>> , Laurie Blakeman
>> , Darshan Kang
>> , David Swann
>> , Kent Hehr ,
>> Danielle Smith , Kerry Towle
>> , deanr0032 ,
>> bluelightning 03 , patrick_doran1
>> , glen , Glen
>> Canning , Glen Canning ,
>> "Bernard.Valcourt.a1" , dexterdyne
>> , "vanhorne.ryan" ,
>> oldmaison , hmc , ppalmater
>> , "Ron.Francis"
>> Does anyone understand this incoherent, poorly spelled shite?
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/
>> http://glencanning.com/2013/08/anatomy-of-a-troll/
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ps8bousCoXA
>> Perhaps the Liberals should surf over here as well and ask Harper's
>> first Minister of Indian Affairs what I was up to in BC this this past
>> August while he was busy getting elected as as the next leader of the
>> Alberta PC Party.
>> http://thedavidamosrant.blogspot.ca/2014/03/fwd-yo-bobby-boy-paulson-whereas-many.html
>> The ghosts of of Ron Francis or  my Liberal foe Andy Scott in the
>> during election of the 39th Parliament ain't saying anything now but
>> their evil pal TJ Burke still goes on and on. At least Jimmy Prentice
>> can never deny did replace Andy Scott and had my file very a long time
>> before you got the job N'esy Pas Bernie Baby Valcourt?
>> BTW I just talked to Susan Wright's campaign manager again and shook
>> my head when the lady said she had been awful busy and then laughed. I
>> called Dr Wilson's campaign office as well and tried to explain to a
>> busy man what I was up to. (In a nutshell I am running an ABC campaign
>> just like I did in 2012 Check Mr Baconfat's blog back then when he was
>> supporting Redford) Anyway Dr Wilson's assistant did do me the favour
>> of listening to me for a bit but I found it kinda funny that her
>> campaign manager did not  bother to ask who I was. Methinks he already
>> knew.
>> BTW I hvae left messages the other 2 Liberals running in Calgary and
>> nobody has got back to me thus far just like the Liberals never do.
>> Surprise Surprise EH Jimmy Prentice?
>> Nevertheless I do wish these people luck in finding a seat in order to
>> bitch about Prentice making the PCs take a hard right turn before the
>> next General Election.
>> Dr. Donna Wilson
>> 587 410 4259
>> info@electdonnawilson.ca
>> David Khan
>> 587.410.4271
>> info@davidkhan.ca
>> Susan Wright
>> 403.283.1133
>> electsusan@wright4elbow.ca
>> Robert Prcic
>> 587 802 1332
>> info@robprcic.ca
>> Since the Liberal do not deem me worth talking to perhaps they should
>> seek the advice of the very sneaky lady Josipa Petrunic EH Raj
>> Sherman???
>> .
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> 902 800 0369
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2012 19:31:34 -0300
>> Subject: RE The NEB, Nexen, Pipelines, the by elections of the left
>> versus Harper & cohorts Anyone remember me?
>> To: kcryderman@calgaryherald.com, tips@660news.com,
>> david.cournoyer@gmail.com, Lee.Richardson@gov.ab.ca,
>> jason.kenney.c1@parl.gc.ca, Elizabeth.May.C1@parl.gc.ca,
>> Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, Joe.oliver.c1@parl.gc.ca, leader
>> , donn@petroxcapital.ca,
>> albertadiary@gmail.com, support@erinotoole.ca, editor@oakbaynews.com,
>> info@joancrockatt.ca
>> Cc: vin@vincentstpierre.com, rahim@tedxcalgary.ca,
>> harvey@harveylocke.com, donn.lovett@gmail.com,
>> datkins@oceancapitalpartners.com, galloway@uvic.ca,
>> paulsummerville@shaw.ca, mrankin@murrayrankin.ca,
>> murray@murrayrankinndp.ca, elizabeth@elizabethcull.ca,
>> charleyberesford@gmail.com, loriacreative@yahoo.com,
>> info@innermusica.com, rscollis@gmail.com
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/By-elections_to_the_41st_Canadian_Parliament#cite_note-Kady-20
>> http://victoriavision.blogspot.ca/
>> http://alberta.ca/albertafiles/includes/directorysearch/goaBrowse.cfm?txtSearch=Executive%20Branch&Ministry=EXC&LevelID=17734&userid=106619
>> http://www.calgaryliberal.com/2012/09/14/liberal-nomination-12-the-race-for-calgary-centre/
>> http://www.calgaryherald.com/news/politics/Liberals+choose+candidate+Calgary+Centre/7277510/story.html
>> http://beaconnews.ca/calgary/2012/09/strikebreaker-condemns-joan-crockatt-for-role-in-calgary-herald-strike/
>> http://daveberta.ca/2012/08/calgary-centre-nomination-update/
>> From: Josipa Petrunic
>> Subject: Follow up
>> To: "David Amos"
>> Received: Sunday, June 5, 2011, 8:45 PM
>> Dear David,
>> Apologies for the delay in my response. This week was jammed with
>> board meetings for our riding and a massive volunteer appreciation BBQ
>> that we held yesterday. I'm just catching up on messages now.
>> Apropos the information you sent to me, I found it very interesting.
>> In fact, here in Calgary East, I'm planning a series of
>> workshops/public lectures that look at "Corruption in Canada". My
>> policy team and I are meeting this week to discuss the items you sent
>> to me and your case in particular to see what we can do in terms of,
>> at least, bringing some public awareness to this case and other cases
>> of corruption and questionable practices in Canadian governance and
>> government relations with businesses.
>> Do make sure to send us a follow up on what you decide to do, apropos
>> your proposed law suit. I will share the information with my team.
>> As my own follow up question, though, why have you sent me this
>> material as opposed to approaching your local MP and/or Liberal
>> candidate? Surely others would be interested too.
>> I know Ted. He's a great person and he'll be a wonderful MP. Do let me
>> know what transpires on that front.
>> Best of luck in your efforts. We'll chat soon,
>> Josipa
>> --
>> Josipa Petrunic
>> Liberal Party Candidate
>> Federal constituency of Calgary East
>> www.josipapetrunic.ca
>> www.facebook.com/votejosipa
>> Phone: 403-719-6253
>> From: David Amos
>> Subject: Josipa I will try calling you again (902 800 0369) BTW I am
>> not a local nor am I a liberal
>> To: enquiries@josipapetrunic.ca
>> Cc: ted@tedhsu.ca, David Amos
>> Received: Monday, May 23, 2011, 10:38 PM
>> Say hey to Ted Hsu
>> I explained myself to your sister Ana ( who was quite nice) She
>> obviously told you I had called after you responded to my first emaiI.
>> She told me you were heading out to debate that night so I sent you
>> the email with the attachemnt about BHP and Potash Corp so you could
>> embarass some Conservatives as to why Harper stopped the hostile
>> takeover last year but clearly you did not read it in time for the
>> election but there is still a bit of time to stir the pot before the
>> Speech from the Throne in June
>> Anyway to answer your question I am the whistleblower that inspired
>> this hearing in Washington DC before I came home and ran for public
>> office 4 times in Canada between 2004 and 2006 then got stuck here
>> without my wife and kids
>> http://banking.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Hearings.Hearing&Hearing_ID=102e41a1-f540-4ce5-a701-b6d09b7606b1
>> http://banking.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Hearings.Hearing&Hearing_ID=90f8e691-9065-4f8c-a465-72722b47e7f2
>> The first email I sent you had this pdf file attached and Ted got it too.
>> www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/2526023-DAMOSIntegrity-yea-right.pdf
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> P.S. The rest of this email and its attachment contains just one of
>> the reasons Stockwell Day quit.
>> From: Josipa Petrunic
>> Date: Sat, 21 May 2011 17:26:34 -0400
>> Subject: Reading your message
>> To: David Amos
>> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Hi David -
>> I just heard your message (sort of) on the telephone.
>> Unfortunately the line is garbled and all I could hear was your name and
>> a mention of a Senate website site. The rest is mostly garbled for some
>> reason and I can't make out your phone number or the website you were
>> trying to direct me towards. Were you on a cell phone, by chance? It
>> sounds like digital interference on the phone.
>> That said, I have indeed scanned through the emails you sent to me,
>> but I have a number of questions, as the order of the emails is all
>> over the place and it's
>> hard for me to track what happened when and who you were responding to
>> at certain times.
>> I thought that it might be easier for you to come to
>> one of our meetings (i.e. our board meeting on June 1st). We always
>> leave a slot of time for people from the community, like yourself, to
>> talk about issues thought to be important and which we, as Liberals, can
>> talk about.
>> Indeed, as I'm developing a lecture series for Calgary
>> East right now, it might be worthwhile having you succinctly explain the
>> situation and your role in whistleblowing, so that I can grasp the
>> issues at hand.
>> In the meantime, could you email me your number and a
>> link to the website you mentioned. I can start by looking at the site.
>> Cheers, Josipa
>> ---
>> Josipa Petrunic
>> Liberal Party Candidate
>> Federal
>> constituency of Calgary East
>> www.josipapetrunic.ca [1]
>> www.facebook.com/votejosipa [2]
>> Phone: 403-719-6253
>> From: David Amos
>> Subject: Fwd: Ted perhaps you should mention this email to the lawyers
>> Sean Casey, Dominic Leblanc, Bob Rae and Ralph Goodale ASAP
>> To: ted@tedhsu.ca
>> Cc: maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca
>> Received: Friday, May 20, 2011, 2:33 PM
>> When you responded once again to the earlier email I figured it was
>> not you who blocked the email I was calling about. Ask yourself who
>> blocked this email to you and why. BTW after I called you and left a
>> message about this I did as I promised and called Bob Rae's office as
>> well. He did ot call me back but i saw his help checking my work on
>> the web while we talked.
>> Best Regards
>> Dave
>> --- On Thu, 5/19/11, Ted Hsu wrote:
>> From: Ted Hsu
>> Subject: Re: Ted I figured out it was you who called me back (613 544
>> 8450)
>> To: "David Amos"
>> Received: Thursday, May 19, 2011, 8:18 PM
>> Hello David,
>> I'm going to go over the contents of your email.
>> Regards,
>> Ted Hsu
>> On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 3:30 PM, David Amos
>> wrote:
>> Congrats on two fronts.
>> One for getting elected
>> Two and more importantly to me is the fact that you are the only
>> elected politician to returm a call to me this year. No joke.
>> That fact alone proves to me that you are the only person who should
>> be the liberal leader and our next Prime Minister No joking again.
>> because you acted ethiclly with me I will keep this email in
>> confidence until we get a chance to talk.
>> Best Regards
>> Dave
>> Please study the text of the email when you get the time but checkout
>> the pdf files attached ASAP before the 41st Parliament sits would be
>> wise
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 00:34:44 -0300
>> Subject: never-mind-northern-gateway-keystone-xl
>> To: albertadiary
>> Cc: David Amos
>> http://albertadiary.ca/2012/01/never-mind-northern-gateway-keystone-xl_17.html
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2012 16:35:46 -0300
>> Subject: The lawyer Leggett and her legal cohorts are too too funny
>> sometimes EH Mr Plant?
>> To: gplant@heenan.ca, james@jameskeller.ca, dbennett@cp.org
>> Cc: David Amos ,
>> sheila.leggett@neb-one.gc.ca, elisabeth.graff@gov.bc.ca
>> http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/story/2012/09/06/bc-geoff-plant-enbridge-hearings.html?cmp=rss
>> http://www.heenanblaikie.com/en/ourTeam/bio?id=5119
>> Geoff Plant, Q.C.bPartner
>> Vancouver 604 891.1186
>> Victoria 250 381.9321
>> gplant@heenan.ca
>> http://www.canadianlawlist.com/listingdetail/contact/elisabeth-graff-654409/
>> Elisabeth Graff
>> Solicitor
>> Called to the bar: 2008 (BC)
>> Justice (BC), Min. of
>> Abor. Law - Environ., Resource & Abor. Law Group
>> PO Box 9220, Stn. Prov. Govt
>> Victoria, British Columbia V8W 9J1
>> Phone: 250-356-1155 Ext:
>> Fax: 250-356-8939
>> Email: elisabeth.graff@gov.bc.ca
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2014 20:11:21 -0600 (MDT)
>> Subject: Re: Still don't get it do ya Mr Baconfat? I want ethical
>> people everywhere to read YOUR words BEFORE Harper involves Canada in
>> another WAR
>> To: David Amos
>> Cc: David Amos , "David Staples (Edm
>> Journal)" , "rod.knecht"
>> , "greg.preston"
>> , rod loyola ,
>> Rachel Notley , david eggen
>> , kris wells ,
>> mclellana , "pej.prentice"
>> , "Marianne.Ryan"
>> , "jonathan.denis"
>> , pm , "justin.trudeau.a1"
>> , MulcaT , Mackap
>> , leader , glen
>> , "vanhorne.ryan" ,
>> dexterdyne , justmin
>> No little David. You "still don't get it." No ethical person anywhere
>> reads your spam. Every person you have ever communicated with, you
>> have alienated. No one ever has listened to your complaints, or views
>> because you are insane, entirely uneducated, and illiterate. The RCAF
>> will be deployed, whether you like it or not. I only hope our amerkan
>> cousins give Canada some quid pro quo....like Keystone XL.
>> But you David are pathetic, unethical, amoral and insane.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2014 17:12:52 -0600 (MDT)
>> Subject: Re: At least your pals Mr Harper and Petey Baby MacKay can
>> never deny that Mr Baconfat claimed he was still traipsing the shallow
>> end of bureaucratic government, DND officialdom EH Glen Canning
>> To: David Amos
>> Oh dear, if you say so little David. Do be so kind, as to send my
>> "regards" to the child molester Glen Canning!
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2014 17:10:34 -0600 (MDT)
>> Subject: Re: Yo Mr Baconfat YOU and the DND are obviously reading them
>> BTW instead of correcting my spelling why not share your Death Threats
>> with the corrupt cops your lawyer buddies Jonathan Denis and Jimmy
>> prentice?
>> To: David Amos
>> Dear, Dear, little David, just how addled are you? No one at DND or
>> anywhere else reads your e mails, or takes your harassing phone calls.
>> The only person that reads a scintilla of your shite is me. Yes David,
>> you really have to take a grade 4 English Language Arts course! Look
>> out the window little David, wave and stand still....bang!
>>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/2013/09/to-sum-up.html
>>> Tuesday, September 3, 2013
>>> To sum up!
>>> It is Tuesday, September 3.  I am back still  traipsing the  shallow
>>> end of  bureaucratic government, DND officialdom. David Amos is still
>>> unemployed and Mr. Canning, and Leah Parsons is still trying to extend
>>> and parlay their "fifteen minutes of infamy" into something more
>>> profitable. "For the love of God do something..." they cry. Which
>>> translates to, what can we get out of all this.
>>> Since Mr. Canning threatened me with "going national" on his blog,
>>> nothing has occurred. There has been no deluge of e mails to my home,
>>> none actually. NO torrent of comments to by blog, no promised calls
>>> from the "media" or outraged articles or other news stories,
>>> "methinks" Mr. Canning has overstated or exaggerated his importance,
>>> and influence. I am not over surprised.
>>> Rehtaeh Parsons is still dead, a victim of her selfish, addled and
>>> negligent "parents", to allow a fifteen year old child to be a drunk
>>> and promiscuous. According police there are still outstanding photos
>>> or at least one out there.
>>> David Raymond Amos still infects cyber-space threatening retribution,
>>> spam and imaginary litigation upon anyone that annoys or irks him.
>>> From Alison Menard, Robert F. O'Meara, Dan Fouts, Werner Bock, Mark
>>> Carney and the rest of the "snobby British Banksters and politicians,
>>> to our own "Stevie Boy Harper. Honourable mention goes to the unnamed
>>> security constable who David wants his name so he can sue him, for
>>> some arcane reason known only to, and understood by Amos.  David Amos'
>>> e communications are blocked and ignored, as the products of
>>> whack-job.
>>> David Amos' "children" Max, and Laura are still hard working
>>> prostitutes, swallowing paste and giving rim jobs for thirty bucks, a
>>> pack of smokes in a pinch. And our "friend" David Amos is still
>>> calling Cruise line a gay chat site for thrills.
>>> Oh dear....The more things change the more they stay the same.
>>> Posted by Seren at 4:23 PM
>>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/2010/06/canada-and-united-states.html
>>> Monday, June 7, 2010
>>> Canada and the United States
>>> Our friend convicted sex offender David Amos post a few sentences of a
>>> previous post of mine that was accurate then and still is.
>>> Friday, August 14, 2009 What does Amerika, the "Truther" movment,
>>> "God" and retards have to do with Canada?
>>> We do not have to worry about comment from Little Dean and Dave...they
>>> are to uneducated to understand most posts. So have you seen them,
>>> been annoyed or insulted by them, have you smelled their disease? Have
>>> you ever crossed the "medicine line" and seen some Yank being taken
>>> into custody because he just has..."this constitutional right to bear
>>> arms"...in Canada.
>>> I remember years ago when the debate was on in Canada, about there
>>> being weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Our American 'friends"
>>> demanded that Canada join into "the Coalition of the Willing. American
>>> "veterans" and sportscasters loudly denounced Canada for NOT buying
>>> into the US policy.
>>> At the time I was serving as a planner at NDHQ and with 24 other of my
>>> colleagues we went to Tampa SOUCOM HQ to be involved in the planning
>>> in the planning stages of the op....and to report to NDHQ, that would
>>> report to the PMO upon the merits of the proposed operation.There was
>>> never at anytime an existing target list of verified sites where there
>>> were deployed WMD.
>>> Coalition assets were more than sufficient for the initial strike and
>>> invasion phase but even at that point in the planning, we were
>>> concerned about the number of "boots on the ground" for the occupation
>>> (and end game) stage of an operation in Iraq. We were also concerned
>>> about the American plans for occupation plans of Iraq because they at
>>> that stage included no contingency for a handing over of civil
>>> authority to a vetted Iraqi government and bureaucracy.
>>> There was no detailed plan for Iraq being "liberated" and returned to
>>> its people...nor a thought to an eventual exit plan. This was contrary
>>> to the lessons of Vietnam but also to current military thought, that
>>> folks like Colin Powell and "Stuffy" Leighton and others elucidated
>>> upon."What's the mission" how long is the mission, what conditions are
>>> to met before US troop can redeploy?
>>> Prime Minister Jean Chretien and the PMO were even at the very
>>> preliminary planning stages wary of Canadian involvement in an Iraq
>>> operation....History would prove them correct. The political pressure
>>> being applied on the PMO from the George W Bush administration was
>>> onerous
>>> American military assets were extremely overstretched, and Canadian
>>> military assets even more so It was proposed by the PMO that Canadian
>>> naval platforms would deploy to assist in naval quarantine operations
>>> in the Gulf and that Canadian army assets would deploy in Afghanistan
>>> thus permitting US army assets to redeploy for an Iraqi
>>> operation....The PMO thought that "compromise would save Canadian
>>> lives and liberal political capital.. and the priority of which
>>> ....not necessarily in that order.
>>> Essentially Canada was determined to stay out of Iraq, paid the price,
>>> of a larger role in Afghanistan to enable US military assets to
>>> redeploy to Iraq. The US op in Afghanistan evolved from a US op, to a
>>> UN op, to a NATO /ISAF op. NATO countries other than Canada and the UK
>>> shun combat operations in Afghanistan..their rules of deployment and
>>> engagement mitigate against NATO troops engaging the Taliban. By
>>> design I am quite sure.
>>> But now the American Iraq op, is a great success. The "surge" worked.
>>> But alas now 127 Canadian soldiers are dead. The 2011 deadline is
>>> coming nigh....and President Barak Obama and NATO want Canada to
>>> consider extending the deployment of Canadian troops.
>>> The motives are different. The US wants to... needs to, as matter of
>>> national security, to defeat insurgency in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
>>> Our European allies want Canada to remain and continue to "punch above
>>> its weight" so European soldiers do not have to actually fight or die.
>>> That begs a few questions: "Nations do not have friends, nations have
>>> interests" -Henry Kissinger. Is American national security re
>>> terrorism in Afghanistan and Pakistan compatible with Canadian
>>> national interests? If this country, Canada is going to be a
>>> continuing ally in "the war against terror"....should not our "friends
>>> "and neighbours across the medicine line be more amenable in matters
>>> of trade, or just living up to their free trade agreements.
>>> If our"friends and neighbours" to the south want Canadians to fight
>>> side by side...maybe that 7 % Softwood lumber tariff was a
>>> mistake...or the buy American provision in the currant stimulus plan
>>> ought to be rethought. Our American "friends" give Israel roughly 3
>>> billion dollars a year to be spent buying weapons systems from US
>>> defense contractors...to survive. (both Israel and US defense
>>> industries) Perhaps US dollars should flow to Canada to buy weapons
>>> systems and patrol aircraft and naval platforms...after all, aren't we
>>> your "friends and allies"?
>>> There is nothing similar with American culture, and politics between
>>> Canada and the US. Canada evolved into nation status and the
>>> US,revolted violently. This difference in the means we became
>>> nations...has greatly defined who and what we are. Our American
>>> "friends" look upon Canada as cultural, economic and political
>>> satrap....
>>> Now to their great consternation they are finding out... that is NOT
>>> the case . Nothing good came to Canada by way of America. Canada's
>>> military "schewir punct" should be defense of our continental shelf
>>> and the arctic.
>>> Canada also needs to stop shipping unrefined bitumen to the US and
>>> totally refine it here and start building a pipeline for bitumen to
>>> Canada's west coast to sell to Asian and the Chinese market. It is
>>> more than past time to understand ..our American "friends" are not our
>>> friends at all.
>>> Or else it is: Bend over here it comes again.....KY anyone? Posted by
>>> Seren at 11:27 AM'
>>> Posted by Seren at 6:24 PM

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