Tuesday 6 September 2016

Attn Jesse Lipscombe (780-909-294) RE Barry Winters / EPS File#15-024047 When you quit listening and dismissed me I changed my mind and am now sending you the email you requested

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2016 17:35:27 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Attn Jesse Lipscombe (780-909-294) RE Barry Winters / EPS File#15-024047 When you quit listening and dismissed me I changed my mind and am now sending you the email you requested
To: Dani.paradis2@gmail.com, "Marianne.Ryan" , "Charmaine.Bulger" , "rod.knecht" , "geoff.crowe" , tim.querengesser@metronews.ca, premier , "Gilles.Blinn"
Cc: David Amos , derek , "derek.fildebrandt" , "brian.jean"

 In reply to David Raymond Amos
Tim Querengesser ‏@timquerengesser 1h1 hour ago

@DavidRayAmos @DaniParadis What do you need calling about?
0 retweets 0 likes

David Raymond Amos ‏@DavidRayAmos 2 hours ago

David Raymond Amos Retweeted Tim Querengesser

Lets see if @DaniParadis has bigger balls than her boss
@timquerengesser & the guts to give me a call 902 800 0369

David Raymond Amos added,
Tim Querengesser @timquerengesser
Why @DaniParadis has more guts than you. Racism, #yeg and #whiteness:
… #MakeItAwkward
0 retweets 0 likes

 Dani Paradis Retweeted
Tim Querengesser ‏@timquerengesser Sep 7

Why @DaniParadis has more guts than you. Racism, #yeg and #whiteness:
… #MakeItAwkward
3 retweets 1 like


 Tim Querengesser

Man made of words. Metro. Formerly with Alberta Venture, the Globe, Up
Here, the Yukon News, Adbusters, the Ottawa Citizen. Words in CityLab,
Alberta Views.

Tim Querengesser ‏@timquerengesser 4 hours ago

Tim Querengesser Retweeted Tell the truth

Tell the truth won't tell us the truth about his name as he lectures
about truth. Tell the Truth thus has no point.

Tim Querengesser added,
Tell the truth @yegtruth00
@timquerengesser I'll chalk this one up to you're one of his minions
opposed to looking into a truthful story. You're defending nothing
1 retweet 1 like

Tim Querengesser ‏@timquerengesser 21h21 hours ago

@thelipscombe Hoping I might chat with you for story I'm writing for
Monday's Metro. I'm at tim.querengesser@metronews.ca  Cheers.
1 retweet 1 like

 In reply to Dani Paradis
Tim Querengesser ‏@timquerengesser Sep 8

@DaniParadis Do you feel like an escape goat?
1 retweet 0 likes

Tim Querengesser ‏@timquerengesser Sep 8

@DaniParadis column is doing huge numbers on the web. ICYMI: Racism in
Edmonton is a white-person problem.
5 retweets 4 likes


Dani Paradis Retweeted
Tim Querengesser ‏@timquerengesser Sep 8

@DaniParadis column is doing huge numbers on the web. ICYMI: Racism in
Edmonton is a white-person problem.
5 retweets 4 likes

Dani Paradis ‏@DaniParadis Sep 8

Dani Paradis Retweeted Derek Fildebrandt

I think you should learn about provincial/federal jurisdiction.

Dani Paradis added,
Derek Fildebrandt @Dfildebrandt
What do you think Alberta? #ableg #WRP
1 retweet 1 like

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: David Amos
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2016 21:16:37 -0400
Subject: Attn Jesse Lipscombe (780-909-294) RE Barry Winters / EPS File#15-024047 When you quit listening and dismissed me I changed my mind and am now sending you the email you requested
To: Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca, "Barry.Kennedy" , sunrayzulu , "don.iveson" , "rona.ambrose.A1" , patrick_doran1 , pol7163 , themayor , "rod.knecht" , "Marianne.Ryan" , "Charmaine.Bulger" , cbcinvestigates , "Charles.Rusnell" , "Staples, David (Edm Journal)" , andrew , andrewjdouglas , Glen Canning
Cc: David Amos , jesselipscombe@gmail.com, lois , Kris Wells , premier

The corrupt cops in Edmonton have been ignoring Barry Winters, Dean
Roger Ray and their sick cohorts and all their deaths threats, sexual
harassment etc since 2007. The cops are not going to act ethically
now.  However rest assured I am about to sue the cops. I wish you had
listened to me a bit longer but now you are obviously too late. Now
you like Glen Canning was to me years ago. You are just another
witness to the obvious criminal malice whom I do not trust to be
ethical either. So why confer with you anymore? I suspect that Barry
Winters aka Mr Baconfat will simply take down his libel of you and
everybody will pretend it never happened CORRECT Professo Kris Wells
and Premier Notley?

However much to the corrupt cops chagrin I will publish this email as per my MO

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

---------- Original message ----------
From: Paul Lynch
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2015 15:36:02 -0600
Subject: Barry Winters / EPS File#15-024047
To: "motomaniac333@gmail.com"


I am emailing you, as you keep hanging up the telephone on me.

I request that you fill out a statement documenting the nature of the
emails that Mr. WINTERS sent to you and how those emails made you
feel. You can either write a statement (which you can obtain from your
local Police station and scan it and email it to me or you could write
a statement in email form. Your cooperation will be very much
appreciated and will help the Crown in obtaining a conviction against

As stated in my conversation with you over the telephone, Barry
Winters was charged with conveying false messages to you. I have
imposed an undertaking condition that he have no contact, direct, or
indirect with you.

Should Mr. WINTERS contact you, please advise me and I will
investigate with a view to arrest him and charge him with breach of an

I also ask that you contact me directly instead of the City hall here
in Edmonton, as those messages are quite vulgar and upset the staff at
the City that have to read them. I assure you that all messages to me
will be investigated and if appropriate charges will be laid.  I ask
that you also avoid contacting Mr. WINTERS, as this may antagonize him
and make matters worse.

Should you have any questions or concerns please contact me.


Reg#2515 Cst. LYNCH
Edmonton Police Service
Northeast Division / Patrol

This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity
to which it has been addressed and may contain information that is
privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, or
the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the
intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited.
If this communication has been received in error, respond immediately
via telephone or return e-mail, and delete all copies of this


Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Boredom, David Amos, Little Doogie Yearwood, the "Collective" and West
Edmonton Mall!


Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Fuck You Jessie Lipsombe, the "Collective" and David Amos!

The last week or so I've been struck down by a malaise, boredom! Like
Sherlock Homes I'm so bored I 'd use a"seven percent solution" if I
could find it. Little Doogie Yearwood hasn't chased me down 114 st in
his little Toyota since over a year ago. The "collective" keeps
telling me they're "a gonna get me" for the last several months but
are are so impotent, they are reduced to mere occasional anonymous
name calling and insane rants in the comment section of this blog.

David Amos is still out there in the cyber-space  hinterland bleating
to the world he sued the "Crown" and by extension of that me,  for 11
million dollars because he doesn't like my blog. Of course there is NO
lawsuit against the "Crown" nor myself anywhere but in David's addled

I'm so bored,  even Jessie Lipscombe's fake / staged video of white
folks calling him a "nigger" failed to arouse interest, any "outrage."

The Labour Day holiday has come and gone. The weather sucked! For
outdoor enthusiasts, people wanting one last sunny warm week-end of
summer, all decent people in Edmonton. The weather sucked for everyone
except ...shoppers. Shoppers don't care about the weather, all safely
cocooned in shopping malls, like little rats in a maze.

 This long week-end I found myself thrice at the mall to meet "my
beloved" and travel home with her.

The mall is / was packed with  "familiar klans" of consumers. Niggers,
chinks, honkies, rag-heads and all sorts of "people" that are really
nothing more than walking talking credit scores, "people" whose value
is determined by what they can spend.

To my misfortune the mall was jam packed this week-end  of most
uncivilized louts with their little "tax deductions"  buying all the
shit they need and even what they don't need for ...BACK TO SCHOOL!

As I began my little adventure, I was immediately waylaid by a very
sketchy character of indeterminate Middle Eastern type wearing a red
fez. He started gibbering at me and handed me a "magnetic bracelet." I
accepted the bracelet, thanked the donkey shepherd profusely, and
continued my trek through the mall. Suddenly a hand dragged me back.
It seems this "magnetic bracelet" handed to me was NOT gratis my any
means, but was how Suez Sam marketed his wares off his cart-like
business in the mall. Vendors do NOT hand merchandise to passersby,
where are we, at some muthafucken souk in Cairo! Aren't the these
animals supposed to be checked for English proficiency  before
immigration officials admit them here?

I continue my way passing by The Disney Store where scores of
pre-school brats were screaming and and jumping up and down beseeching
their parents that "it just wasn't fair," their older siblings "got
stuff for back to school and they didn't."  Walt Disney must be
looking down on all this in "free enterprise Heaven" happier than a
pig in shit!

As I totter by with my cane, scores school-age kids are racing by me,
occasionally smacking into me swinging large,  "WEST-54" bags with
new"skater shoes" in them in honour of Back to School.

I meander to the FOOD COURT, the tables are full, and there's  a din,
a cacophony, a roar of voices and screams from scores of ethnic
voices. Here this old man was bashed ten times by linebacker large
North Afrikan matrons, in size triple fat burkas made of several
layers of clashing plaid, pushing prams the size of Toyota trucks. I
told one of the these "immigrants" after "it" nearly struck me down,
that "God was not great, and allah really sucked." After which "it"
shrieked, and tried to behead me. Good thing this muslim terrorist
wasn't wearing an explosive vest.

As I wander through the FOOD COURT I nearly get to the kiosks and a
decent white man looks at me and says, "take my table, I'm just
leaving."I thank the gentleman, take my hat, beloved Riders jacket,
and cane on the table to save it for me, after all the NY Fries is but
two or three paces away.

I limp slowly to NY Fries, and this time the staff is slow,
incompetent, and infuriating. I travel the less than ten feet to my
table and an extended family of three generations of Nigerian
"niggers" have taken my table, and one of the brats had run off with
my jacket hat and cane. I started to yell "security" over and over.
The kid now returned with my belongings and the "Father" himself
started yelling "what you do, what you do." I looked at the Nigerian
"nigger" and told him, "YOU and the klan here are thieves, and this is
my table." I asked him, "what kind of animal lets his kids steal a old
man's cane, there's a kop shop here in the mall, let's call them!"

The Nigerian "nigger" and his three wives must have issues with the
CBSA because they were gone like someone was giving out free Khat.

I closed my eyes, shut out the dim, ate my fries and cheese sauce, and
was assaulted by the excruciating loud scream of that same infant.
That same infant, in that same pram, rammed into me, by that same
North Afrikan muslim terrorist minutes earlier, had decided to take
the table next to mine.

There were  five of them. Mother with the knife, Father with four
orders of chicken and rice and a MacDonald's happy meal. They put the
food in the centre of the table and ate communally with their hands
ripping off pieces of chicken, with their fingers, hands, consuming
them, and masticating them. "Momma" even hand fed pieces of poultry to
the infant boy. She wiped her fingers with the edges of her hijab. The
other two were girl-children wearing the hijab.

Mom and the girl-children were very shabbily dressed, the boy-child
was very obviously the apple of Daddy's eyes because he had smart new
clothes. Dad was dressed head to toe in expensive Addias sportswear. I
wasn't surprised by what I saw. Northern Afrikan, Arab cultures often
eat communally with their fingers , and boy-children and men generally
are far more important and get more resources than women. Indeed a
picture of "domestic bliss" enough to outrage any Fem-Nazi.

I left the FOOD COURT and tottered into the mall. Watching the rats in
the maze, their eyes all glazed over at the prospect and enjoyment of
abject consumerism. The only real thing that separates humans from
animals on the planet is their credit scores, how much they can
individually consume. I personally are like the rest of the great
unwashed, the chattering classed buying shit I don't need just because
I can.

I finally sit outside a major kanadian clothes retailer. It must have
been cosmic, pre-ordained that I would see our, no doubt illegal North
Afrikan immigrant / terrorist  family again. They walked into the
clothes store with its displays filled with 100 dollar designer jeans.
Mom and Dad with great alacrity pulled apart, caressed, wiped their
faces, and greasy dirty fingers with the merchandise. Dad preened
holding expensive garments next to him, with greasy "chicken fingers"
all the while gibbering like a Monkey.

I looked at "Mom" and the expression her face made me wonder if she
wasn't going to detonate the explosive vest she was wearing right then
and there...Fatima was NOT happy. Nor will the poor unfortunates that
buy dirty and food stained  100 dollar jeans, or the retailer, In the
end the consumer pays, and the consumer really doesn't care what the
price is.

Finally it was the end of the holiday retailing day, The stores were
closing and retailers were going home. As one store locked its doors,
the staff checked each other's bags in front of the security cameras.
There were six people going home, two of them were black. The
assistant manager locked the door, and cheerfully said, "thanks ladies
for your wonderful work today!"

As the two young black women walked by me I heard them titter, and one
say to the other, "stupid white bitch!" They laughed. I almost shouted
out..."hey niggers!" It seems only "black people" are allowed to
public express RACISM.  But of course local videographer Jessie
Lipscombe wasn't there to record that...small wonder.

Our "friend" Jessie Lipscombe and the "mayor" wants to #makeitawkward
for "all those racists in Edmonton."

Really?  FUCK YOU Jessie

Posted by Seren at 16:20

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2016 14:37:57 -0400
Subject: RE International Law and Federal Court File # T-1557-15 After
waiting all summer I just called the Office of President and
Vice-Chancellor Richard Florizone again and registered my indignation
To: Richard.Florizone@dal.ca, Martha.Casey@dal.ca, "bill.pentney"
, "jan.jensen" ,
"Bill.Casey" , whitling@libertylaw.ca,
robert.currie@dal.ca, HAnglin
Cc: David Amos , mcu
, "bob.paulson" ,
"Paul.Lynch" , "rod.knecht"
, Cindy Bruneau
, "geoff.crowe"
, "don.marshall"
, "dominic.leblanc"
, min , "Hunter.Tootoo"
, "elizabeth.may"
, premier , andre
, sallybrooks25 ,

I also called the lawyer Nathan Whitling and heard some doubtful
answers to my elementary questions. (He may or may not have read my
email? Yea Right I heard that bullshit many times before even from the
mouths of Judges such as Richard Bell) However when I mentioned our
common concerns about Judge David Stratas and his decisions I quickly
gave up on Whitling's sense of Integrity when I heard not so clever
lawyer's response to that simple statement..

Lets see how the "officer of the court" Whitling deals with his
conscience and the document hereto attached that he may or may not
read. Methinks I should sue him too. What say YOU Commissioner
Paulson? Perhaps Queen Harper and his merry boys in short pants still
has Paulson's tongue N'esy Pas Dominic Leblanc?


President's Office

Richard Florizone, President and Vice-Chancellor
Phone: 902.494.2511, Email: Richard.Florizone@dal.ca

Martha Casey, Chief of Staff and Executive Director
Phone: 902.494-4117, Email: Martha.Casey@dal.ca


Saturday, 14 May 2016
Breakfast With Anne McLellan

Little David Amos' "butt buddy" Anne McLellan never heard of little
David Amos. At breakfast this beautiful Alberta spring morn, Anne or
as David calls her "Landslide Annie" told Lori and I, she never heard
of David Amos. I told her David Amos claims to have a letter from
her...she told us she had "people" that took care of that shit for

Anne lives here in Edmonton, being the Chancellor of Dalhousie does
NOT require her to remove herself from Alberta, "God's country she
told us.

We had breakfast at the Oliver Square McDonald's and using the free
Wi-Fi we were able to show her David's Round 3 blog, and his
assertions of "kinship" with her.

She laugh long and delightedly, and said, that her staff made sure she
never had to listen to the "problems" of "people" like David Amos.

So little David, Anne McLellan wishes you "good luck" with your
pretend " law suit" and misplaced dreams of  11 million dollars of us
hard working Kanadian's tax dollars.

Like Martin Luther King Jr. "I have a dream" I dream that little David
Amos, his Mother and all the Amos Klan are tied to posts, and I could
bayonet them to a painful and grisly death, each  in turn.

Posted by Seren at 12:05


Sunday, 13 March 2016
The Ballad of David Amos, and Anne McLellan Who Never Heard of him

I  abhor  almost every so called, or self described "liberal,
progressive, social democrat, activist, faggot ardent feminist or
other seekers of social justice." I suppose I really don't hate them,
but I wouldn't let my daughter marry one.

There are of course exceptions to every rule, my friend, former
colleague, comrade, and former liberal political strategist, executive
assistant/ advisor to Anne McLellan,  Alexander is indeed one of them.
The former Cabinet Minister, professor of Women's Constitutional Law
at the University of Alberta, and former liberal Anne McLellan was
perhaps the very best or greatest or gifted natural politician,
Canadian history has ever known.

Even whilst an important and key liberal federal Cabinet Minister our
little Annie made it to every community league event, charity
function, major community meeting, even community league and church
rummage sales her riding of Edmonton Centre. If she heard someone's
name once, was introduced to them but once, she remembered them
forever. She was extremely talented as a legal educator, and a very
loving "step-mom" but abhored the term.

From that very first federal election where she defeated Murray Doran
by less than a few votes, Anne McLellan was a liberal star in the
firmament and from my point of view one hell of a political operator.
My friend Alex was for a few years the man, advisor, operator, "get
things done" person for Anne McLellan.

He and his wife Collette have been in the States advising or
consulting at one of those "belt-way" liberal think-tanks, or what
passes for a liberal think-think in greater DC area... But now they
are returning home to Edmonton. Today of all days whilst having brunch
at the Sutton Place Hotel Lori and I ran into Alex and Collette. This
was "the pilot trip" for Alex and Collette, buying a house, signing
his new employment contract, reuniting with family, and friends in
preparation for their big move home.

Once reunited with my very old and dear friend we fled the Sutton
Place Hotel Dining Room for Teddy's for the very best homemade
Hollandaise sauce in the City prepared by the same chef for over
thirty years, whom Alex well remembers, and for of course Guinness,
lots of Guinness. Yes they have Guinness in DC but Alex says its about
twenty bucks a pint. Of course the Barman/ lady at Teddy's pulls the
"perfect pour!"

'Twas a very happy reunion, a long afternoon of great hilarity, old
stories, tales from amerka and DC, and lots of great food, and
Guinness until that point in the proceedings that as Corb Lund sings
about..."It time to switch to Whiskey, we've been drinking Beer all

As the conversation turned to memories of Alex's tenure with Anne
McLellan, I couldn't help myself, I couldn't restrain myself, I just
had to ask, about my "friend" David Amos and his "relationship" /
interaction with Anne McLellan Minister of The Crown. There was no
"relationship" / interaction betwixt Anne McLellan, not ever. Any and
all correspondence betwixt Amos and McLellan's office was generated
and signed by her staff. Alex vaguely remembered whack-job named David
Amos complaining vociferously about his treatment at the hands of our
amerkan cousins, but at first glance at the first "Yo landslide Annie"
correspondence and his later unrelentingly insane correspondence with
Anne's office...her staff never let their "boss" see anything from
Amos, not ever.

I informed my old friend that David Amos has over the years has "made
a meal" of his "letter" signed by Ms. McLellan, and she now figures
predominately in Amos' web site "check the evidence" and in Amos'
"eleven million dollar" law suit "against The Crown. Lori and I showed
Collette and my old friend Amos' rantings and "law suit" on Lori's
tablet. We all must have died laughing, we even showed Naz and Farzan
the owners of our favourite pub this shit.

David Amos' self-description as being "the first chief of the Amos
Klan" was particularly amusing.

My eleven million dollar "little friend" David Amos provided a few
moments of great hilarity. David Amos' eleven million dollars of
"relief from The Crown would have just covered the afternoon's bar

Posted by Seren at 18:43


Monday, 16 May 2016
Cindy Bruneau Cyin, Cst. Paul Lynch Lyin and David Amos Whinin

I have a sordid "womanly" type tale to tell. For a couple of years my
little "friend" David Amos sent thousands of vulgar, threatening e
mails to Edmonton's City administration. All of them whining about my
humble blog. He spammed them mercilessly, many of them containing long
blog posts of mine in their entirety. It absolutely must be noted here
that I never at any time sent an e mail, or link to my blog to
Edmonton City Hall. I never have e mailed our crooked City Councilors,
nor our addicted to heroin "mayor" Don Iveson. I never contacted
Edmonton's crooked police service, even to report any of the crimes
Lori and I have witnessed.

Finally Cindy Bruneau said "enough is enough," and told David Amos of
Fredericton New Brunswick to cease and desist or she would call the
Edmonton Police Service. Little David responded with a hearty fuck you
and redoubled his spamming of Edmonton City Hall.

It was at this point the Edmonton City Police, not ever known for
integrity, decided to hatch a nefarious and crooked plot. Cindy
Bruneau, some nameless Sgt. drone , and the crooked Cst Paul Lynch
decided if they could stop me writing and posting my blog, David Amos
in Fredericton New Brunswick would stop his criminal harassment of
Edmonton bureaucrats. It several weeks but finally these retards
decided if they could charge me with an obscure CC of C offence of
sending David Amos "false messages" (replies to e mails sent to me
from him) I would stop being critical of David Amos and Edmonton City
Hall, and David Amos would then stop harassing Cindy Bruneau and her
sycophants. It was really quite desperate, they would "stitch me up,"
trump up false charges and muzzle me to keep Amos happy or at least go
through the motions because no honest Crown Prosecutor would ever be a
party to this obscene manipulation of kanadian law. But alas, Cindy
Bruneau thought it was all very cool.

So the very lazy and crooked Cst Paul Lynch called me on the phone to
coerce me to go to the Downtown Police headquarters "to talk." At
first Cst. Paul Lynch wanted set a date one week hence for me to go
downtown and "talk," because he was "too busy right now." I later
found out we all had to wait whilst he could find a "charge" to trump
up and "stitch me up" with.

Finally a week later the crooked cop Paul Lynch figured out a way to
try and "stitch me up." He wanted to talk in a room that he said would
video the "interview," and he lied about the cop watching the
"interview." Paul Lynch spent a hour reading a statement from Cindy
Bruneau how she and her staff did not like all the e mails and the
quotes about City Hall in blog. It was then I told the crooked cop I
never e mailed anything ever to any employee or elected official of
the City of Edmonton. Ms Bruneau lied in her police statement that I
contributed to her and her staff's  considerable fear and disgust. I
again told the crooked Paul Lynch, I never sent anything to City Hall,

The very crooked cop Cst Paul Lynch told me it didn't matter! I
replied to David Amos' e mails and thus was being charged with sending
"false messages." All this was a scam, a con to make David Amos stop!
After the pigs took my fingerprints, and took pictures, fuck-face Paul
Lynch gave me an appearance notice with the stipulation I no longer
reply to David Amos' scores of daily e mails to me. It was then Cst.
Lynch told me "the chances of conviction were slim."

I showed up at the appointed court room on the appointed time, and
alas my name was NOT on the docket. The Crown had declined to
prosecute. All this was scam perpetrated on David Amos. I never
stopped my excoriation of City Hall, or cops or my evisceration of
David Amos.. I never changed my blog or its tenor a whit.

The best part is: Bimbo Cindy Bruneau, pig boy Paul Lynch and the rest
of plotters failed miserably. David Amos has resumed spamming "the
evil powers that be." Now these cunts are going to have to do, what
they ought to have done in the first place...block all e
communications from David Amos in Fredericton New Brunswick, or delete
them unread...just like everyone else does.

Every time I hear a police siren, I hope and pray an Edmonton cop gets
killed. I not ever report a crime or step foreword as a witness.

Every Edmonton cop is a crook. Cindy Bruneau is the example why women
ought NOT be in positions of authority or responsibility

last addendum:

In the last week David Amos' brother Dale has told me he was "a gonna
visit and beat me." But alas he hasn't. lol

My friend little David Amos has called thirteen pizza joints, gook
food places and Viet Cong taxi companies ordering in my name. Lori is
mad, I am just amused...that's the very worst  / best David Amos the
loser can do

Posted by Seren at 09:50

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2016 15:40:59 -0400
Subject: Attn Robert Currie I just called from 902 800 0369 RE
International Law and Federal Court File # T-1557-15
To: robert.currie@dal.ca
Cc: David Amos

Robert J Currie
Associate Professor of Law; Director, Law & Technology Institute
Schulich School of Law , Law & Technology Institute
Email: robert.currie@dal.ca
Phone: 902-494-1012
Mailing Address:
Room 434, Weldon Law Building, 6061 University Avenue
PO Box 15000 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4R2

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2016 14:50:07 -0400
Subject: ATTN Nathan Whitling RE Federal Court File # T-1557-15 Here
is why I called you today.
To: whitling@libertylaw.ca, dedney@shaw.ca,
freeomarkhadrnow@gmail.com, sammorison@cox.net,
ddagostino@fedpractice.com, stm@pardonattorney.com,
Cc: David Amos

I had to leave a message because nobody in your office was available
to speak to me? I tried to explain to the person answering the phone
for you who wanted to know why I was calling but she got too busy too.

Anyway here is why I called and tried to make friends with you.
However David Edney and you other associates should have informed you
of my concerns a long time ago. Correct?


David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
@LindaFrum @UniteAlbertans @MichelleRempel @CBCPolitics @stephenharper
@jkenney @howardanglin @CanadianPM @FBI HMMMM


1:08 PM - 29 Aug 2016


Nathan J. Whitling
Phone: 780-421-4766
Toll Free: 1-877-277-4766
Fax: 780-429-0346
Email: whitling@libertylaw.ca


Tuesday, 24 December 2013
Fwd: RE The concerns of Omar Khadr's US lawyer Sam Morison (I must say
his help just pissed me off)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2013 18:50:20 -0400
Subject: RE The concerns of Omar Khadr's US lawyer Sam Morison (I must
say his help just pissed me off)
To: andy@andyworthington.co.uk, stm@pardonattorney.com,
Cc: David Amos , "Barry.Kennedy"

So lets see "FED" lawyers deal with this link



1150 Connecticut Ave., NW
Suite 900
Washington, DC 20036-4129

Samuel Taylor Morison.
5015 Gadsen Drive. Fairfax,
Virginia 22032.
(703) 909-3157

(202) 862-4348


From: David Amos
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2013 18:53:26 -0400
Subject: Fwd: RE The concerns of Omar Khadr's US lawyer Sam Morison (I
must say his help just pissed me off)
To: sammorison@cox.net
Cc: David Amos


Law Office of Samuel T. Morison
5015 Gadsen Drive
Fairfax, VA 22032
Phone: (703) 652-4326
Fax: (866) 348-2693
E-mail: sammorison@cox.net

From: David Amos
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2013 18:04:49 -0400
Subject: Attn Mr Edney I just called and explained some of my concerns
to your better half (780 908 9555) She was very nice Merry Christmas
To: dedney@shaw.ca
Cc: David Amos


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2013 17:31:26 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Attn US Attorney B. Todd Jones I am on the phone to a
person in your office who handles criminal matters after hours
To: freeomarkhadrnow@gmail.com
Cc: David Amos


Our national spokesperson:
T Heather Marsh (604) 240-2260
E freeomarkhadrnow@gmail.com and ttscanada@riseup.net


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 20:10:55 -0300
Subject: Attn US Attorney B. Todd Jones I am on the phone to a person
in your office who handles criminal matters after hours
To: b.todd.jones@usdoj.gov, lanny.breuer@usdoj.gov,
david.kris@usdoj.gov, "marie-claude.blais"
, andre , andremurraynow
, "bernadine.chapman"
, "john.warr"
, "John.Williamson"
, "brian.t.macdonald"
, "tom.smith" ,
jcarney , "Brian.Kelly"
, premier ,
"jason.kenney.c1" , ruby
, rosent@math.toronto.edu, creeclayton77
, ppalmater ,
Cc: David Amos , premier ,
gplant , News10@newswithviews.com

I must ask the obvious question do you snobby Yankee lawyers have any
idea who wrote the Declaration of Human Rights for the UN and where he
hailed from? I will give you a clue the same Riding that I ran in in 2004
after your former bosses tried to send me to Cuba after I had beaten fair
and square the US District Mikey Sullivan another US Attorney who acted
as the boss of the ATF until your lates boss Mr Obama got sworn in




B. Todd Jones
President Barack Obama formally nominated B. Todd Jones for the
position of United States Attorney for the District of Minnesota on
June 4, 2009, and he was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on August 7,
2009. United States Attorneys serve as the nation's principal
litigators under the direction of the Attorney General, and each is
the chief federal law enforcement officer of the United States within
his or her particular jurisdiction. In September of 2011, Attorney
General Eric Holder appointed Jones to serve as the Acting Director
for the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Prior to becoming U.S. Attorney, Jones was a partner with a major
national law firm in Minneapolis, where his practice focused on
complex business litigation. He has represented a number of
organizations and individuals in both criminal and civil regulatory
matters. Jones is a fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers.
He also has served as special counsel to various boards of directors
of public and privately held companies. In that capacity, he has led
internal investigations and provided guidance on compliance and
governance issues.

This is the second time Jones has served as United States Attorney.
President Clinton appointed him to the position in 1998 and he served
in that capacity until January 2001. Jones also has served as an
Assistant U.S. Attorney in the District of Minnesota. During his
initial tenure as a federal prosecutor, Jones conducted grand jury
investigations and was the lead trial lawyer in a number of federal
prosecutions involving drug trafficking, financial fraud, firearms,
and violent crime.

Jones received his Juris Doctor from the University of Minnesota Law
School in 1983. Following admission to the Minnesota bar, he went on
active duty in the United States Marine Corps, where he served as both
a trial defense counsel and prosecutor in a number of courts martial
proceedings. In 1989, he and his family returned to Minnesota, where
he developed a civil litigation practice encompassing a wide variety
of legal matters, ranging from products liability defense and
insurance coverage disputes to environmental and labor and employment
controversies in both a private and public sector setting.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 19:26:27 -0300
Subject: I am on the phone to a person in your office who handles
criminal matters after hours
To: jeanne.cooney@usdoj.gov, "bob.paulson"
, "Mackay.P"
Cc: David Amos

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: campaign
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 17:12:44 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Say hello to the "Gov" Ricky Baby Perry for me Howie You
SOUTHERN Yankee bastards hang to far many innocent people to suit mean
old me
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com

Thank you for your message. This email address is not checked
frequently. If your message is urgent and you need to speak with
someone at the campaign, please call our offices at 512-478-3276.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 19:12:32 -0300
Subject: Say hello to the "Gov" Ricky Baby Perry for me Howie You
SOUTHERN Yankee bastards hang to far many innocent people to suit mean
old me
To: paul.paulos@ci.stpaul.mn.us, howie.padilla@ci.stpaul.mn.us,
Cc: DAvid R Amos , "Jacques.Poitras"
, newstips

Texans for Rick Perry
815-A Brazos Street, PMB 217
Austin, TX 78701



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Howie Padilla
Public Information Coordinator

Office: 651-266-5735

Before joining the Saint Paul Police Department as Public Information
Coordinator for in August of 2011, he spent four years serving in
communications roles at Saint Paul Public Schools. He also spent seven
years reporting on Public Safety and Justice issues at the Star
Tribune following graduation from the University of North Dakota where
he majored in Communications.

Sgt. Paul Paulos
Public Information Officer
Office: 651-266-5639

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 18:40:29 -0300
Subject: Mr Campbell mett Mr Bauer say hello to Mr Obama lawyer and
our Attorney general Mr Mackay for me will ya?
To: paul.williams@ci.stpaul.mn.us, joe.campbell@ci.stpaul.mn.us,
RBauer , Mackap
Cc: David Amos , premier ,
highwood , "fortmcmurray.woodbuffalo"

Just so ya my Scottish ancestors told us to NEVER trust a poltician
named Campbell

Paul Williams
Mayor's Staff
Title: Deputy Mayor
Phone: (651) 266-8569

Joe Campbell
Mayor's Staff
Title: Director of Communications
Phone: (651) 266-8518

>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Póstur FOR
>> Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 22:05:47 +0000
>> Subject: Re: Hey Premier Gallant please inform the questionable
>> parliamentarian Birigtta Jonsdottir that although NB is a small "Have
>> Not" province at least we have twice the population of Iceland and
>> that not all of us are as dumb as she and her Prime Minister pretends
>> to be..
>> To: David Amos
>> Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið  / Your request has been received
>> Kveðja / Best regards
>> Forsætisráðuneytið  / Prime Minister's Office
>> This is the docket
>> http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj.gc.ca/IndexingQueries/infp_RE_info_e.php?court_no=T-1557-15&select_court=T
>> These are digital recordings of  the last two hearings
>> Dec 14th https://archive.org/details/BahHumbug
>> Jan 11th https://archive.org/details/Jan11th2015
>> This me running for a seat in Parliament again while CBC denies it again
>> Fundy Royal, New Brunswick Debate – Federal Elections 2015 - The Local
>> Campaign, Rogers TV
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cFOKT6TlSE
>> http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/fundy-royal-riding-profile-1.3274276
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> 902 800 0369


83.  The Plaintiff states that now that Canada is involved in more war
in Iraq again it did not serve Canadian interests and reputation to
allow Barry Winters to publish the following words three times over
five years after he began his bragging:

January 13, 2015
This Is Just AS Relevant Now As When I wrote It During The Debate

December 8, 2014
Why Canada Stood Tall!

Friday, October 3, 2014
Little David Amos’ “True History Of War” Canadian Airstrikes And
Stupid Justin Trudeau

Canada’s and Canadians free ride is over. Canada can no longer hide
behind Amerka’s and NATO’s skirts.

When I was still in Canadian Forces then Prime Minister Jean Chretien
actually committed the Canadian Army to deploy in the second campaign
in Iraq, the Coalition of the Willing. This was against or contrary to
the wisdom or advice of those of us Canadian officers that were
involved in the initial planning phases of that operation. There were
significant concern in our planning cell, and NDHQ about of the dearth
of concern for operational guidance, direction, and forces for
operations after the initial occupation of Iraq. At the “last minute”
Prime Minister Chretien and the Liberal government changed its mind.
The Canadian government told our amerkan cousins that we would not
deploy combat troops for the Iraq campaign, but would deploy a
Canadian Battle Group to Afghanistan, enabling our amerkan cousins to
redeploy troops from there to Iraq. The PMO’s thinking that it was
less costly to deploy Canadian Forces to Afghanistan than Iraq. But
alas no one seems to remind the Liberals of Prime Minister Chretien’s
then grossly incorrect assumption. Notwithstanding Jean Chretien’s
incompetence and stupidity, the Canadian Army was heroic,
professional, punched well above it’s weight, and the PPCLI Battle
Group, is credited with “saving Afghanistan” during the Panjway
campaign of 2006.

What Justin Trudeau and the Liberals don’t tell you now, is that then
Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien committed, and deployed the
Canadian army to Canada’s longest “war” without the advice, consent,
support, or vote of the Canadian Parliament.

What David Amos and the rest of the ignorant, uneducated, and babbling
chattering classes are too addled to understand is the deployment of
less than 75 special operations troops, and what is known by planners
as a “six pac cell” of fighter aircraft is NOT the same as a
deployment of a Battle Group, nor a “war” make.

The Canadian Government or The Crown unlike our amerkan cousins have
the “constitutional authority” to commit the Canadian nation to war.
That has been recently clearly articulated to the Canadian public by
constitutional scholar Phillippe Legasse. What Parliament can do is
remove “confidence” in The Crown’s Government in a “vote of
non-confidence.” That could not happen to the Chretien Government
regarding deployment to Afghanistan, and it won’t happen in this
instance with the conservative majority in The Commons regarding a
limited Canadian deployment to the Middle East.

President George Bush was quite correct after 911 and the terror
attacks in New York; that the Taliban “occupied” and “failed state”
Afghanistan was the source of logistical support, command and control,
and training for the Al Quaeda war of terror against the world. The
initial defeat, and removal from control of Afghanistan was vital and
essential for the security and tranquility of the developed world. An
ISIS “caliphate,” in the Middle East, no matter how small, is a clear
and present danger to the entire world. This “occupied state,”
or“failed state” will prosecute an unending Islamic inspired war of
terror against not only the “western world,” but Arab states
“moderate” or not, as well. The security, safety, and tranquility of
Canada and Canadians are just at risk now with the emergence of an
ISIS“caliphate” no matter how large or small, as it was with the
Taliban and Al Quaeda “marriage” in Afghanistan.

One of the everlasting “legacies” of the “Trudeau the Elder’s dynasty
was Canada and successive Liberal governments cowering behind the
amerkan’s nuclear and conventional military shield, at the same time
denigrating, insulting them, opposing them, and at the same time
self-aggrandizing ourselves as “peace keepers,” and progenitors of
“world peace.” Canada failed. The United States of Amerka, NATO, the
G7 and or G20 will no longer permit that sort of sanctimonious
behavior from Canada or its government any longer. And Prime Minister
Stephen Harper, Foreign Minister John Baird , and Cabinet are fully
cognizant of that reality. Even if some editorial boards, and pundits
are not.

Justin, Trudeau “the younger” is reprising the time “honoured” liberal
mantra, and tradition of expecting the amerkans or the rest of the
world to do “the heavy lifting.” Justin Trudeau and his “butt buddy”
David Amos are telling Canadians that we can guarantee our security
and safety by expecting other nations to fight for us. That Canada can
and should attempt to guarantee Canadians safety by providing
“humanitarian aid” somewhere, and call a sitting US president a “war
criminal.” This morning Australia announced they too, were sending
tactical aircraft to eliminate the menace of an ISIS “caliphate.”

In one sense Prime Minister Harper is every bit the scoundrel Trudeau
“the elder” and Jean ‘the crook” Chretien was. Just As Trudeau, and
successive Liberal governments delighted in diminishing,
marginalizing, under funding Canadian Forces, and sending Canadian
military men and women to die with inadequate kit and modern
equipment; so too is Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Canada’s F-18s are
antiquated, poorly equipped, and ought to have been replaced five
years ago. But alas, there won’t be single RCAF fighter jock that
won’t go, or won’t want to go, to make Canada safe or safer.

My Grandfather served this country. My father served this country. My
Uncle served this country. And I have served this country. Justin
Trudeau has not served Canada in any way. Thomas Mulcair has not
served this country in any way. Liberals and so called social
democrats haven’t served this country in any way. David Amos, and
other drooling fools have not served this great nation in any way. Yet
these fools are more than prepared to ensure their, our safety to
other nations, and then criticize them for doing so.

Canada must again, now, “do our bit” to guarantee our own security,
and tranquility, but also that of the world. Canada has never before
shirked its responsibility to its citizens and that of the world.

Prime Minister Harper will not permit this country to do so now

From: dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca
Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 14:17:17 -0400
Subject: RE: Re Greg Weston, The CBC , Wikileaks, USSOCOM, Canada and
the War in Iraq (I just called SOCOM and let them know I was still
To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com

This is to confirm that the Minister of National Defence has received
your email and it will be reviewed in due course. Please do not reply
to this message: it is an automatic acknowledgement.

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 13:55:30 -0300
Subject: Re Greg Weston, The CBC , Wikileaks, USSOCOM, Canada and the
War in Iraq (I just called SOCOM and let them know I was still alive
To: DECPR@forces.gc.ca, Public.Affairs@socom.mil,
Raymonde.Cleroux@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca, john.adams@cse-cst.gc.ca,
william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, stoffp1 ,
dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca, media@drdc-rddc.gc.ca, information@forces.gc.ca,
milner@unb.ca, charters@unb.ca, lwindsor@unb.ca,
sarah.weir@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca, birgir , smari
, greg.weston@cbc.ca, pm ,
susan@blueskystrategygroup.com, Don@blueskystrategygroup.com,
eugene@blueskystrategygroup.com, americas@aljazeera.net
Cc: "Edith. Cody-Rice" , "terry.seguin"
, acampbell , whistleblower

I talked to Don Newman earlier this week before the beancounters David
Dodge and Don Drummond now of Queen's gave their spin about Canada's
Health Care system yesterday and Sheila Fraser yapped on and on on
CAPAC during her last days in office as if she were oh so ethical.. To
be fair to him I just called Greg Weston (613-288-6938) I suggested
that he should at least Google SOUCOM and David Amos It would be wise
if he check ALL of CBC's sources before he publishes something else
about the DND EH Don Newman? Lets just say that the fact  that  your
old CBC buddy, Tony Burman is now in charge of Al Jazeera English
never impressed me. The fact that he set up a Canadian office is
interesting though



Anyone can call me back and stress test my integrity after they read
this simple pdf file. BTW what you Blue Sky dudes pubished about
Potash Corp and BHP is truly funny. Perhaps Stevey Boy Harper or Brad
Wall will fill ya in if you are to shy to call mean old me.


The Governor General, the PMO and the PCO offices know that I am not a
shy political animal

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369

Enjoy Mr Weston

"But Lang, defence minister McCallum's chief of staff, says military
brass were not entirely forthcoming on the issue. For instance, he
says, even McCallum initially didn't know those soldiers were helping
to plan the invasion of Iraq up to the highest levels of command,
including a Canadian general.

That general is Walt Natynczyk, now Canada's chief of defence staff,
who eight months after the invasion became deputy commander of 35,000
U.S. soldiers and other allied forces in Iraq. Lang says Natynczyk was
also part of the team of mainly senior U.S. military brass that helped
prepare for the invasion from a mobile command in Kuwait."


"I remember years ago when the debate was on in Canada, about there
being weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Our American 'friends"
demanded that Canada join into "the Coalition of the Willing. American
"veterans" and sportscasters loudly denounced Canada for NOT buying
into the US policy.

At the time I was serving as a planner at NDHQ and with 24 other of my
colleagues we went to Tampa SOUCOM HQ to be involved in the planning
in the planning stages of the op....and to report to NDHQ, that would
report to the PMO upon the merits of the proposed operation. There was
never at anytime an existing target list of verified sites where there
were deployed WMD.

Coalition assets were more than sufficient for the initial strike and
invasion phase but even at that point in the planning, we were
concerned about the number of "boots on the ground" for the occupation
(and end game) stage of an operation in Iraq. We were also concerned
about the American plans for occupation plans of Iraq because they at
that stage included no contingency for a handing over of civil
authority to a vetted Iraqi government and bureaucracy.

There was no detailed plan for Iraq being "liberated" and returned to
its people...nor a thought to an eventual exit plan. This was contrary
to the lessons of Vietnam but also to current military thought, that
folks like Colin Powell and "Stuffy" Leighton and others elucidated
upon. "What's the mission" how long is the mission, what conditions
are to met before US troop can redeploy?  Prime Minister Jean Chretien
and the PMO were even at the very preliminary planning stages wary of
Canadian involvement in an Iraq operation....History would prove them
correct. The political pressure being applied on the PMO from the
George W Bush administration was onerous

American military assets were extremely overstretched, and Canadian
military assets even more so It was proposed by the PMO that Canadian
naval platforms would deploy to assist in naval quarantine operations
in the Gulf and that Canadian army assets would deploy in Afghanistan
thus permitting US army assets to redeploy for an Iraqi
operation....The PMO thought that "compromise would save Canadian
lives and liberal political capital.. and the priority of which
....not necessarily in that order. "

You can bet that I called these sneaky Yankees again today EH John
Adams? of the CSE within the DND?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2015 20:18:44 -0300
Subject: Fwd: RE My complaint against the CROWN in Federal Court Attn
David Hansen and Peter MacKay If you planning to submit a motion for a
publication ban on my complaint trust that you dudes are way past too
To: jill.chisholm@justice.gc.ca, bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca,
"Wayne.Gallant" , "dominic.leblanc.a1"
, Dominic LeBlanc
, "justin.trudeau.a1"
, "justmin@gov.ns.ca"
, barry bachrach ,
minjus , suzanne.anton.mla@leg.bc.ca,
attorneygeneral@ontario.ca, pillaytp@gov.ns.ca,
tilly.pillay@novascotia.ca, lawreform@gov.mb.ca,
georgemurphy@gov.nl.ca, tosborne@gov.nl.ca, william.baer@usdoj.gov,
randyedmunds@gov.nl.ca, ministryofjustice
, ministre ,
ministers , minister
, Evi Quaid ,
"Dale.Morgan" ,
"warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca" ,
"john.green" , Mad Ape ,
"madelaine.dube" , "oldmaison@yahoo.com"
, "leanne.murray"
, "Leanne.Fitch"

Cc: David Amos , "peter.mackay"
, "david.hansen"
, "peacock.kurt"
, robert.frater@justice.gc.ca,
greg@gregdelbigio.com, joyce.dewitt-vanoosten@gov.bc.ca,
joan.barrett@ontario.ca, jean-vincent.lacroix@gouv.qc.ca, Saint Croix


*Published on Apr 4, 2013*

January 30, 2007


Mr. David Amos

Dear Mr. Amos:

This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29,
2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP.

Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I have
taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve
Graham of the RCMP °J" Division in Fredericton.


Honourable Michael B. Murphy
Minister of Health



Warren McBeath warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca wrote:

Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53
From: "Warren McBeath" warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
To: kilgoursite@ca.inter.net, MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca,
nada.sarkis@gnb.ca, wally.stiles@gnb.ca, dwatch@web.net,
CC: ottawa@chuckstrahl.com, riding@chuckstrahl.com,
John.Foran@gnb.ca, Oda.B@parl.gc.ca,
"Bev BUSSON" bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
"Paul Dube" PAUL.DUBE@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has
forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have n

Dear Mr. Amos,

Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off
over the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I
was not ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns.

As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our position
is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process
testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the
Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these
services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this
instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done.

As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false
imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear
that Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada and
the US. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment
policing in Petitcodiac, NB.

It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on
December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors.


Warren McBeath, Cpl.
GRC Caledonia RCMP
Traffic Services NCO
Ph: (506) 387-2222
Fax: (506) 387-4622
E-mail warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 10:35 AM
Subject: RE My complaint against the CROWN in Federal Court Attn David
Hansen and Peter MacKay If you planning to submit a motion for a
publication ban on my complaint trust that you dudes are way past too late
To: David.Hansen@justice.gc.ca, "peter.mackay" ,
"peacock.kurt" , "mclaughlin.heather" <
mclaughlin.heather@dailygleaner.com>, "david.akin" ,
"robert.frater" , paul.riley@ppsc-sppc.gc.ca,
greg@gregdelbigio.com, joyce.dewitt-vanoosten@gov.bc.ca,
joan.barrett@ontario.ca, jean-vincent.lacroix@gouv.qc.ca,
peter.rogers@mcinnescooper.com, mfeder@mccarthy.ca, mjamal@osler.com
Cc: David Amos , gopublic ,




I repeat what the Hell do I do with the Yankee wiretapes taps sell
them on Ebay or listen to them and argue them with you dudes in
Feferal Court?

Petey Baby loses all parliamentary privelges in less than a month but
he still supposed to be an ethical officer of the Court CORRECT?

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2011 12:32:30 -0400
Subject: Andre meet Biil Csapo of Occupy Wall St He is a decent fellow
who can be reached at (516) 708-4777 Perhaps you two should talk ASAP
To: wcsapo
Cc: occupyfredericton

From: David Amos
Subject: Your friends in Corridor or the Potash Corp or Bruce Northrup
or the RCMP should have told you about this stuff not I
To: "khalid" , "Wayne.Lang"
, "bruce.northrup@gnb.ca"
, "oldmaison@yahoo.com" ,
"thenewbrunswicker" , "chiefape"
, "danfour" , "evelyngreene"
, "Barry.MacKnight"
, "tom_alexander"

Cc: "thepurplevioletpress" ,
Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2011, 4:16 PM




FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
Senator Arlen Specter
United States Senate
Committee on the Judiciary
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Mr. Specter:

I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
raised in the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that
these are illegal
FBI wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you
about this previously.

Very truly yours,
Barry A. Bachrach
Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2012 14:10:14 -0400
Subject: Yo Mr Bauer say hey to your client Obama and his buddies in
the USDOJ for me will ya?
To: RBauer , sshimshak@paulweiss.com,
cspada@lswlaw.com, msmith , bginsberg
, "gregory.craig"
, pm , "bob.paulson"
, "bob.rae"
, MulcaT , leader

Cc: alevine@cooley.com, David Amos ,
michael.rothfeld@wsj.com, remery@ecbalaw.com

QSLS Politics
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Visit Number 29,419


> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Amos"
> To: "Rob Talach"
> Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 10:59 PM
> Subject: Re: Attn Robert Talach and I should talk ASAP about my suing
> the Catholic Church Trust that Bastarache knows why
> The date stamp on about page 134 of this old file of mine should mean
> a lot to you
> http://www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/2619437-CROSS-BORDER-txt-.pdf
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 15:37:08 -0400
> Subject: To Hell with the KILLER COP Gilles Moreau What say you NOW
> Bernadine Chapman??
> To: Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, phil.giles@statcan.ca,
> maritme_malaise@yahoo.ca, Jennifer.Nixon@ps-sp.gc.ca,
> bartman.heidi@psic-ispc.gc.ca, Yves.J.Marineau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
> david.paradiso@erc-cee.gc.ca, desaulniea@smtp.gc.ca,
> denise.brennan@tbs-sct.gc.ca, anne.murtha@vac-acc.gc.ca, webo
> , julie.dickson@osfi-bsif.gc.ca,
> rod.giles@osfi-bsif.gc.ca, flaherty.j@parl.gc.ca, toewsv1
> , "Nycole.Turmel" ,
> Clemet1 , maritime_malaise
> , oig , whistleblower
> , whistle , david
> Cc: j.kroes@interpol.int, David Amos ,
> bernadine.chapman@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "justin.trudeau.a1"
> , "Juanita.Peddle"
> , oldmaison ,
> "Wayne.Lang" , "Robert.Trevors"
> , "ian.fahie"
> http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/nb/news-nouvelles/media-medias-eng.htm
> http://nb.rcmpvet.ca/Newsletters/VetsReview/nlnov06.pdf
> From: Gilles Moreau
> Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 08:03:22 -0500
> Subject: Re: Lets ee if the really nasty Newfy Lawyer Danny Boy
> Millions will explain this email to you or your boss Vic Toews EH
> Constable Peddle???
> To: David Amos
> Please cease and desist from using my name in your emails.
> Gilles Moreau, Chief Superintendent, CHRP and ACC
> Director General
> HR Transformation
> 73 Leikin Drive, M5-2-502
> Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R2
> Tel 613-843-6039
> Cel 613-818-6947
> Gilles Moreau, surintendant principal, CRHA et ACC
> Directeur général de la Transformation des ressources humaines
> 73 Leikin, pièce M5-2-502
> Ottawa, ON K1A 0R2
> tél 613-843-6039
> cel 613-818-6947
> gilles.moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
>>>> David Amos 2012-11-21 00:01 >>>

Could ya tell I am investigating your pension plan bigtime? Its
because no member of the RCMP I have ever encountered has earned it

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 00:46:06 -0400
Subject: This is a brief as I can make my concerns Cst Peddle ask the
nasty Newfy lawyer Tommy Boy Marshall why that is
To: "Wayne.Lang" , toewsv1
, georgemurphy@gov.nl.ca, tosborne@gov.nl.ca,
william.baer@usdoj.gov, randyedmunds@gov.nl.ca, yvonnejones@gov.nl.ca,
Cc: Juanita.Peddle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, tommarshall@gov.nl.ca,
"bob.paulson" , David Amos

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 11:36:04 -0400
Subject: This is a brief as I can make my concerns Randy
To: randyedmunds
Cc: David Amos

In a nutshell my concerns about the actions of the Investment Industry
affect the interests of every person in every district of every
country not just the USA and Canada. I was offering to help you with
Emera because my work with them and Danny Williams is well known and
some of it is over eight years old and in the PUBLIC Record.

All you have to do is stand in the Legislature and ask the MInister of
Justice why I have been invited to sue Newfoundland by the

Obviously I am the guy the USDOJ and the SEC would not name who is the
link to Madoff and Putnam Investments

Here is why


Notice the transcripts and webcasts of the hearing of the US Senate
Banking Commitee are still missing? Mr Emory should at least notice
Eliot Spitzer and the Dates around November 20th, 2003 in the
following file



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Hansen, David"
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 19:28:44 +0000
Subject: RE: I just called again Mr Hansen
To: David Amos

Hello Mr. Amos,

I manage the Justice Canada civil litigation section in the Atlantic
region.  We are only responsible for litigating existing civil
litigation files in which the Attorney General of Canada is a named
defendant or plaintiff.  If you are a plaintiff or defendant in an
existing civil litigation matter in the Atlantic region in which
Attorney General of Canada is a named defendant or plaintiff please
provide the court file number, the names of the parties in the action
and your question.  I am not the appropriate contact for other


David A. Hansen
Regional Director | Directeur régional
General Counsel |Avocat général
Civil Litigation and Advisory | Contentieux des affaires civiles et
services de consultation
Department of Justice | Ministère de la Justice
Suite 1400 – Duke Tower | Pièce 1400 – Tour Duke
5251 Duke Street | 5251 rue Duke
Halifax, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nouvelle- Écosse
B3J 1P3
Telephone | Téléphone (902) 426-3261 / Facsimile | Télécopieur (902)
This e-mail is confidential and may be protected by solicitor-client
privilege. Unauthorized distribution or disclosure is prohibited. If
you have received this e-mail in error, please notify us and delete
this entire e-mail.
Before printing think about the Environment
Thinking Green, please do not print this e-mail unless necessary.
Pensez vert, svp imprimez que si nécessaire.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail.com]
Sent: August 1, 2013 12:04 PM
To: justmin; Hansen, David; macpherson.don; stoffp1
Cc: David Amos; justin.trudeau.a1; leader
Subject: I just called again Mr Hansen

Justice Canada,
Halifax, Nova Scotia,
B3J 1P3.
Phone: 902-426-3261.
Fax: 902-426-2329.
Email: david.hansen@justice.gc.ca

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Hansen, David" Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2015 18:19:29 +0000Subject: Automatic reply: Re Election Canada and hard copy and emails
sent to them and the RCMP and my calls,Duncan Toswell and
Ronald.Lamothe just now
To: David Amos I am currently away from the office.  Please contact Ginette Mazerolleif you require assistance.---------- Forwarded message ----------From: "Hansen, David" Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 18:46:27 +0000Subject: Automatic reply: RE My calls to Jim Prentice, Mike Duffy'slawyer and your Ministries please find hereto attached some of the PDFfiles I promised before I argue the CROWN in Federal CourtTo: David Amos I will be away from the office from August 1st to September 2nd.Please contact Ginette Mazerolle if you require assistance.---------- Forwarded message ----------From: David Amos Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2015 14:55:29 -0300Subject: Fwd: Here is my latest complaint about the SEC, Banksters andTaxmenTo: hbrady@berkeley.edu, gsppdean@berkeley.edu, swinfo@scottwalker.comCc: David Amos Henry E. BradyGoldman School DeanClass of 1941 Monroe Deutsch Professor of Political Science and PublicPolicy103 GSPP Mainhbrady@berkeley.edugsppdean@berkeley.edu*Assistant: Beth McCleary*(510) 642-5116*Email Beth McCleary*---------- Forwarded message ----------From: David Amos Date: Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 4:34 PMSubject: Fwd: Here is my latest complaint about the SEC, Banksters andTaxmenTo: jmwilson@mta.ca, alaina@alainalockhart.ca,stephanie.coburn@greenparty.caCc: David Amos http://james4fundyroyal.weebly.com/https://alainalockhart.liberal.ca/http://www.greenparty.ca/en/content/federal-council-new-brunswick-stephanie-coburn---------- Forwarded message ----------From: David Amos Date: Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 4:16 PMSubject: Fwd: Here is my latest complaint about the SEC, Banksters andTaxmenTo: Saint Croix Courier , Duncan Matheson <duncan@bissettmatheson.com>, infoacadie@radio-canada.caCc: David Amos *https://player.fm/series/shift-nb/nursing-home-policy-change-and-federal-election<https://player.fm/series/shift-nb/nursing-home-policy-change-and-federal-election>*Michelle LeBlanc, Vern Faulkner and Duncan Matheson look at the bigpolitical stories of the week. - See more at:https://player.fm/series/shift-nb/nursing-home-policy-change-and-federal-election#sthash.RYRFiC5P.dpufhttps://twitter.com/mleblanc_RCKeep up with Duncan506-457-1627*Editor:* Vern FaulknerPhone: (506) 466-3220 ext. 1307; CELL (506) 467-5203Email: editor@stcroixcourier.ca---------- Forwarded message ----------From: David Amos Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2015 10:18:04 -0300Subject: Fwd: Here is my latest complaint about the SEC, Banksters andTaxmenTo: nicolas@allvotes.ca, pm ,  brendan@brendanmiles.caCc: David Amos , Tim.Moen@libertarian.ca,info@democraticadvancementparty.caENJOYhttps://www.scribd.com/doc/281544801/Federal-Court-Sealhttps://www.scribd.com/doc/281442628/Me-Versus-the-Crown---------- Forwarded message ----------From: David Amos Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2016 20:02:58 -0400Subject: Interesting response from the Jasper Fitzhugh one month afterthe Evil Zionist Barry Winters and his pal the Nasty Neo Nazi ArtyBaby Topham libeled me contrary to Section 300 of the Criminal CodeTo: Monika Schaefer ,publisher@fitzhugh.ca, reporter , reporter, Craig Munroe ,"craig.callens" , paul, Red Ice Creations ,Brian Ruhe , editor@fitzhugh.caCc: David Amos , codohvideo@gmail.com,"Paul.Lynch" http://sunrayzulu.blogspot.ca/2016/08/rat-boy-david-anus.htmlTuesday, 9 August 2016Rat Boy David Anus---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Paul Clarke Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2016 15:29:08 -0600Subject: Re: RE The Radical Press and Monika Schaefer versus MattFigueira and the Jasper FitzhughTo: David Amos Thanks for your email.I will be out of the office from Sept. 1 to Sept. 12 and won't haveaccess to my email.If this is regarding a story idea please contact Kayla Byrne at:reporter@fitzuhgh.caIf this is about advertising please contact Matt Figueria at:advertising@fitzhugh.caThanks,Paul ClarkeOn 2016-07-14, at 5:43 PM, David Amos wrote:> Monika Schaefer’s Holohoax Video Causes “Uproar” in Jasper, Alberta By> The Jasper fitzHUGH> July 14, 2016 by admin>> http://www.radicalpress.com/?p=9706>> Video denying holocaust causes uproar> Paul Clarke> editor@fitzhugh.ca>> http://www.fitzhugh.ca/video-denying-holocaust-causes-uproar/>> http://www.fitzhugh.ca/contact-the-fitzhugh/>> Matt Figueira> PUBLISHER AND ADVERTISING SALES> publisher@fitzhugh.ca>> We just talked Matt until you got too busy to hear the important part> of what I was telling you would be within this email. Out of the gate> told ya I talked to you folks before and in fact sent you 6 emails in> 2014 before I got in a war with the RCMP out west. FYI the email> immediately is the last one I sent your reporter.>>>>> Perhaps these sneaky CODOH people should take their own advice and> research things closely before they label me as a fucking Zionist like> you are EH Mr Baconfat aka Barry Winters and Cst Lynch???>> Why do YOU support open debate on the Holocaust?> Alfred S>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPmV3L8mPTI>> Published on Jul 13, 2016> This video should help encourage people to ask questions.> More important, if what you are instructed to believe makes no sense,> ask questions, do a little research.>>> http://codoh.com/library/categories/1333/>> Publishers: CODOH, PO Box 20774, York, PA 17402> Established: 1990 by Bradley Reed Smith> Chief Editor: Bradley Smith (1990-2014); Jett Rucker (2015)> CODOH> PO Box 20774> York, PA 17402> United States of America> phone & fax: ++1-415-688-2129>>>>> The Mad Shangi Show "The Roast of David Raymond Amos: Cyberstalker"> Mad Shangi>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wu8z4ouinY0>> Streamed live on Apr 23, 2016>> From the Baconfat Chronicles:>> Pat Doran the lion he is has had enough of the criminal, craven and> insane David Amos!>> The Mad Shangi is dealing with our little "friend" David Amos and> standing betwixt Amos the animal, and McCunt.>> Shangi is hosting a show with your's truly myself, all about the> sordid and tawdry life, and times of Davis Ramond Amos. Our little> "friend's" outstanding warrants in amerka will be dicussed. Amos'> insane claims that our amerkan cousins attempted to "render" him to> Guantanamo, Amos being put on "the No Fly terrorist list" and let's> not forget his living of the avails of prostitution from his children> in Boston!>> Call constable Paul Lynch little David!>> Saturday, 16 April 2016> Encyclopedia Dramatica and the David Anus!> David Raymond Amos> From Encyclopedia Dramatica> (Difference between revisions)>> http://eateshite.blogspot.ca/2016/04/encyclopedia-dramatica-and-david-anus.html>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 10:26:26 -0700> Subject: Re a little Redux about WAR, Murdered Women and Money etc for> Jacques Poitras and his many unethical cohorts working for the CROWN> To: Jean.Chretien@dentons.com, jcharest@mccarthy.ca, "Jacques.Poitras"> , Eric.Rosendahl@gmail.com, MulcaT> , david.cournoyer@gmail.com, "nick.moore"> , premier ,> Rob.Merrifield@gov.ab.ca, dhowell@edmontonjournal.com, lgunter> , reporter@hintonvoice.ca, ed.moore@sunmedia.ca,> dwight@moosefm.ca, rrimer@newcap.ca, wctpress@telus.net,> reporter@fitzhugh.ca, "justin.trudeau.a1"> , pm , q ,> Jessica Hume , acampbell ,> christine.melnick@leg.gov.mb.ca, "joe.oliver.c1"> , "Gilles.Moreau"> , leader , stoffp1> , "james.goodman" ,> louis-philippe.rouillard@forces.gc.ca, maritime_malaise> , Helen.Banulescu@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, bourdap> , justmin , "michael.blais"> ,> sylvain.chartrand@canadianveteransadvocacy.com, "Thomas.Lawson"> , noel.kinsella@sen.parl.gc.ca,> julian.fantino@parl.gc.ca, Laura.Payton@cbc.ca,> joshborenstein@hotmail.ca, celina@liberal.ca, ccameron@trentu.ca,> info@patperkins.ca, TrishMcAuliffe@ndp.ca, johnturmel@yahoo.com,> "rob.nicholson.a1" , sferris@legion.ca,> "joe.anglin" , dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca,> "alan.white" , Raynald Lampron> , "Clemet1@parl.gc.ca"> , "Errington.john@forces.gc.ca"> , "Christine.Salt@forces.gc.ca"> , "Mackap@parl.gc.ca"> , "Helen.Banulescu@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca"> , peter.dauphinee@gmail.com,> "upriverwatch@gmail.com" ,> "donald.bowser@smu.ca" ,> "kedgwickriver@gmail.com" ,> "oldmaison@yahoo.com" , "COCMoncton@gmail.com"> , "Davidc.Coon@gmail.com"> , "stephen.horsman@nbliberal.ca"> , "forest@conservationcouncil.ca"> , "water@ccnbaction.ca"> > Cc: David Amos ,> Richard.Rosenthal@iiobc.ca, "Ian.McPhail" ,> "Dion.Mario" , Friday.Joe@psic-ispc.gc.ca,> Lachapelle.Edith@psic-ispc.gc.ca, manon.hardy@chrc-ccdp.ca>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2014 14:32:23 -0600> Subject: Re Harpers WAR Tommy Boy Mulcair's answer to Mean Old Me> ain't good enough What say you Jean Chretien, Jean Charest and Trudeau> "the Younger"> To: "Jean.Chretien" , jcharest> , BARRY WINTERS ,> "greg.weston" , "Jacques.Poitras"> , "david.akin" ,> acampbell , "steve.murphy" ,> "bob.paulson" , mclellana> , "pej.prentice" ,> "jonathan.denis" > Cc: David Amos , "David Staples (Edm> Journal)" , "rod.knecht"> , "greg.preston"> , rod loyola ,> Rachel Notley , david eggen> , kris wells ,> "Marianne.Ryan" , pm ,> "justin.trudeau.a1" , MulcaT> , Mackap , leader> , glen , "vanhorne.ryan"> , dexterdyne , justmin> >> BTW Mr Minister of Justice Jonny Boy Denis in case ya didn't know WARS> tend to make a LOT of NOISE and lots of innocent folks get KILLED as> well.>> http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/isis-fight-6-month-maximum-attached-to-canada-s-air-combat-offer-1.2786597>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: Jonathan Denis QC > Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2014 21:48:28 +0000> Subject: RE: Here is some VERY serious gossip for the Left Wingers in> Calgary (Tory ineptitude??? Methinks the Herald is no better EH Mr> Minister Denis?)> To: David Amos >> I've learned to ignore the noise and keep focused on the task at hand...>> Your buddies in the RCMP really should have arrested Mr Baconfat> YESTERDAY EH Jimmy Prentice???>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.ca/2014/10/little-david-amos-true-history-of-war.html>> Friday, October 3, 2014> Little David Amos' "True History Of War" Canadian Airstrikes And> Stupid Justin Trudeau> Canada's and Canadians free ride is over. Canada can no longer hide> behind Amerka's and NATO's skirts.>>> When I was still in Canadian Forces then Prime Minister Jean Chretien> actually committed the Canadian Army to deploy in the second campaign> in Iraq, the Coalition of the Willing. This was against or contrary to> the wisdom or advice of those of us Canadian officers that were> involved in the initial  planning phases of that operation. There were> significant concern in our planning cell, and NDHQ about of the dearth> of concern for  operational guidance, direction, and forces for> operations after the initial occupation of Iraq.   At the "last> minute" Prime Minister Chretien and the Liberal government changed its> mind. The Canadian government told our amerkan cousins that we would> not deploy combat troops for the Iraq campaign, but would deploy a> Canadian Battle Group to Afghanistan, enabling our amerkan cousins to> redeploy troops from there to Iraq. The PMO's thinking that it was> less costly to deploy Canadian Forces to Afghanistan than Iraq. But> alas no one seems to remind the Liberals of Prime Minister Chretien's> then grossly incorrect assumption. Notwithstanding Jean Chretien's> incompetence and stupidity, the Canadian Army was heroic,> professional, punched well above it's weight, and the PPCLI Battle> Group, is credited with "saving Afghanistan" during the Panjway> campaign of 2006.>>> What Justin Trudeau and the Liberals don't tell you now, is that then> Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien committed, and deployed the> Canadian army to Canada's longest "war" without the advice, consent,> support,  or vote of the Canadian Parliament.>> What David Amos and the rest of the ignorant, uneducated, and babbling> chattering classes are too addled to understand is the deployment of> less than 75 special operations troops, and what is known by planners> as a "six pac cell" of fighter aircraft is NOT the same as a> deployment of a Battle Group, nor a "war" make. The Canadian> Government or The Crown unlike our amerkan cousins have the> "constitutional authority" to commit the Canadian nation to war. That> has been recently clearly articulated to the Canadian public by> "constitutional scholar Phillippe Legasse. What Parliament can do is> remove "confidence" in The Crown's Government in a "vote of> non-confidence."  That could not happen to the Chretien Government> regarding deployment to Afghanistan, and it won't happen in this> instance with the conservative majority in The Commons regarding a> limited Canadian deployment to the Middle East.>> President George Bush was quite correct after 911 and the terror> attacks in New York; that the Taliban "occupied" and  "failed state"> Afghanistan was the source of logistical support, command and control,> and training for the Al Quaeda war of terror against the world. The> initial defeat, and removal from control of Afghanistan was vital and> essential for the security and tranquility of the developed world. An> ISIS "caliphate," in the Middle East, no matter how small, is a clear> and present danger to the entire world. This "occupied state," or> "failed state" will prosecute an unending Islamic inspired war of> terror against not only the "western world," but Arab states> "moderate" or not, as well. The security, safety, and tranquility of> Canada and Canadians are just at risk now with the emergence of an> ISIS "caliphate" no matter how large or small, as it was with the> Taliban and Al Quaeda  "marriage" in Afghanistan.>> One of the everlasting "legacies" of the "Trudeau the Elder's> dynasty," was Canada and successive Liberal governments cowering> behind the amerkan's nuclear and conventional military shield, at the> same time denigrating, insulting  them, opposing them, and at the same> time self-aggrandizing ourselves as "peace keepers," and progenitors> of "world peace." Canada failed. The United States of Amerka, NATO,> the G7 and or G20 will no longer permit that sort of sanctimonious> behavior from Canada or its government any longer. And Prime Minister> Stephen Harper, Foreign Minister John Baird , and Cabinet are fully> cognizant of that reality. Even if some editorial boards, and pundits> are not.>> Justin, Trudeau "the younger" is reprising the time "honoured" liberal> mantra,and tradition of expecting the amerkans or the rest of the> world to do "the heavy lifting." Justin Trudeau and his "butt buddy"> David Amos are telling Canadians that we can guarantee our security> and safety by expecting other nations to fight for us. That Canada can> and should attempt to guarantee Canadians safety by providing> "humanitarian aid" somewhere,  and call a sitting US president a "war> criminal." This morning Australia announced they too, were sending> tactical aircraft to eliminate the menace of an ISIS "caliphate.">> In one sense Prime Minister Harper is every bit the scoundrel Trudeau> "the elder" and Jean 'the crook" Chretien was. Just As Trudeau, and> successive Liberal governments delighted in diminishing,> marginalizing, under funding Canadian Forces, and sending Canadian> military men and women to die with inadequate kit and modern> equipment; so too is Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Canada's F-18s are> antiquated, poorly equipped, and ought to have been replaced five> years ago. But alas, there won't be single RCAF fighter jock that> won't  go, or won't want to go, to make Canada safe or safer.>> My Grandfather served this country. My father served this country. My> Uncle served this country. And I have served this country. Justin> Trudeau has not served Canada in any way. Thomas Mulcair has not> served this country in any way. Liberals and so called social> democrats haven't served this country in any way. David Amos, and> other drooling fools have not served this great nation in any way. Yet> these fools are more than prepared to ensure their, our safety to> other nations, and then criticize them for doing so.>> Canada must again, now, "do our bit" to guarantee our own security,> and tranquility, but also that of the world. Canada has never before> shirked its responsibility to its citizens and that of the world.> Prime Minister Harper will not permit this country to do so now.>> Posted by Seren at 12:52 PM>>> http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/delay-in-iraq-mission-debate-raises-ire-of-tom-mulcair-justin-trudeau-1.2785209>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: Thomas Mulcair > Date: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 12:27:25 -0600> Subject: Tom on the Issues> To: motomaniac333@gmail.com>> Tom on the Issues>> **Dear Friend:**Thanks to everyone who continues to write, call and> email my office. I am always glad to hear from so many engaged and> thoughtful citizens. I'm sorry that I don't have the resources to get> back to each and every one of you, but please know that your feedback> helps guide our work.>>>> I hope you had a chance to relax and recharge over the summer. I was> fortunate to be able to enjoy some down time with my family.  And, I> was thankful to be invited into your communities—from coast to coast> to coast. I met with folks on their doorsteps, at farmers markets,> barbeques and community events. I heard from people like you—folks who> are frustrated with the direction Stephen Harper's Conservatives are> taking Canada—hard-working Canadians who are worried about their> children and grandchildren's job prospects and who are wondering how> they'll ever be able to afford to retire.>>>> **It was clear to me that Canadians are ready for change—and New> Democrats are the change that's ready**.>>>> Canadians told me that they want someone who will stand up for their> family and make sure they don't have to accept less. New Democrats are> doing just that. Day-in-and-day-out we work hard to make things better> for you, and for all Canadians. We've got an optimistic vision for a> more inclusive Canada and we have an experienced, dynamic team that's> ready to lead.>>>> **Canadian families' priorities are our priorities. **>>>> After spending the summer meeting with Canadians and hearing your> concerns, NDP MPs got together at our caucus retreat in Edmonton to> determine our focus for the fall session. We took into account what you> had to say and we made sure that **your**priorities are **our**> priorities. New Democrats are anxious to tackle the big issues in this> fall session of Parliament.>> ** **>> **Here are some of the issues you asked us to work on:**>> ** **>> **Health Care**-we're dedicated to protecting and expanding public> health care. We're making sure that quality health care is there for you> when you need it, regardless of where you live or your ability to pay.>> ** **>> **Childcare**-we'll make sure that all Canadians can access quality,> affordable childcare.>> ** **>> **Jobs**-we're fighting for good, middle class jobs that will help> families succeed. We're pushing for a fairer, greener economy.>>>> What's more, we'll keep plugging away at our campaigns to **strengthen> retirement security**, **save Canada Post's home delivery service**,> **get respect for veterans**, and **make life more affordable**.>>>> We'll continue to put forward substantive proposals that will help> Canadians **right now**—**like********bringing back the federal> minimum wage, progressively bring it up to $15 per hour** and cracking> down on unpaid internships. We're dedicated to raising living standards> for all workers.>>>> And, in our first week of Parliament we had the first of many wins—we> out-maneuvered the Conservatives, simply by showing up for work—and> forced a debate on missing and murdered aboriginal women in Canada.> **You can help get justice for aboriginal women**by joining our call for> a full inquiry here**:**> http://activecampaign.ndp.ca/lt.php?c=297&m=379&nl=34&s=d891b119bac0b215a1b17c4ea3b869c9&lid=2071&l=-http--petition.ndp.ca/end-violence-against-women> (http://activecampaign.ndp.ca/lt.php?c=297&m=379&nl=34&s=d891b119bac0b215a1b17c4ea3b869c9&lid=2071&l=-http--petition.ndp.ca/end-violence-against-women).> I've already> committed to establishing a full public inquiry within the first 100> days of an NDP government.>> ** **>> **But wait, there's more…**>>>> In the week and months to come we'll be sharing more of our proposals> with you.>>>> I hope that you will continue sending your thoughts and comments my way> as we roll out our vision for a better Canada. Together, we can build> the Canada of our dreams!>>>> Thanks for reading and for keeping the conversation going!  Keep> sending your comments to me here: Thomas.Mulcair@parl.gc.ca> (mailto:Thomas.mulcair@parl.gc.ca).>>>> Tom>>>> *****>>>> Great to meet with so many of you this summer!>>>> *****>>>> **On fixing Question Period:**>> "Mulcair, whose party just introduced a motion to give the Speaker> authority to demand the reasonable answers from the government, is> forcing the other members of parliament into adopting a more civil, less> deflective tone. If this maintains, Mulcair will be rightfully seen as> the catalyst in a new era of political civil discourse.">> (James Di Fiore,> http://activecampaign.ndp.ca/lt.php?c=297&m=379&nl=34&s=d891b119bac0b215a1b17c4ea3b869c9&lid=2072&l=-http--tinyurl.com/nns8tfs> (http://activecampaign.ndp.ca/lt.php?c=297&m=379&nl=34&s=d891b119bac0b215a1b17c4ea3b869c9&lid=2072&l=-http--tinyurl.com/nns8tfs),>> **September 30, 2014)**>> ** **>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2014 15:55:19 -0600> Subject: Re WAR, Murdered Women and Money etc I just called the rest> of the Independent Parliamentarians as Rathgeber's assistant suggested> yesterday CORRECT?> To: "brent.rathgeber.a1" ,> "jason.kenney.a1" ,> Kellie.Leitch.a1@parl.gc.ca, Sana.Hassainia@parl.gc.ca,> Manon.Perreault.a1@parl.gc.ca, maria.mourani.a1@parl.gc.ca,> Jean-Francois.Fortin.a1@parl.gc.ca, andre.bellavance.a1@parl.gc.ca,> premier , premier ,> "Richard.Rosenthal" , "Ian.McPhail"> > Cc: David Amos , "bob.paulson"> , "Paul.Collister"> >> http://thedavidamosrant.blogspot.ca/2014/03/fwd-yo-bobby-boy-paulson-whereas-many.html>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26CrTLEVNvQ>> Deena Lyn BRAEM Murder of> Quesnel RCMP Case No. 1999-7285>> http://www.unsolvedcanada.ca/index.php?topic=154.0>> http://www.hrw.org/news/2013/02/19/canada-rcmp-closes-ranks-abuse>> http://www.hrw.org/bios/meghan-rhoad>> http://www.hrw.org/reports/2013/02/13/those-who-take-us-away-0>> http://www.radicalpress.com/?m=201401>> Open Letter to the Federal & Provincial Honourable Members of> Parliament from Lonnie Landrud>> To the Honourable Members:>> Stephen Harper, Prime Minister; Thomas Mulcair, Opposition Leader; Vic> Toews, Federal Public Safety Minister; Rob Nicholson, Federal> Solicitor General; Christy Clark, Premier of B.C.; Adrainne Dix,> Leader, B.C. Opposition Party.>> I again find myself having to write to you the leaders of Canada and> British Columbia to try and put a stop to the attempts on my life by a> group of RCMP members and their paid informants.>> I have already sent letters to some of you Honourable Members and some> of you I have never contacted. So I will repeat my situation to put> everyone on the same page.>> I will start by stating I have contacted some of your Honourable> predecessors before and was either ignored or told that the government> operates separate from the RCMP and that they cannot interfere> personally or by way of office s they have no mandate to do so.>> What I am asking is for someone outside the RCMP with the mandate to> investigate the actions of all the RCMP members and their paid> informants to do so.>> If there is no one with a mandate to physically collect evidence or> interview witnesses, I ask that the laws be changed that gives someone> office that can investigate outside the RCMP.>> I ask that this staff be given the rights and mandate to go back> twenty-five years in order to look at all the relevant evidence. I> have been stuck in this situation for over fourteen years personally> however this has started way before then.>> If this cannot be done then I request a Public Inquiry into my> accusations against the actions of the RCMP members involved.>> On January 19th, 2013 I had another attempt on my life. At this time I> will not go into detail. I will state that this has been the eleventh> of crimes committed against myself and my life in order to silence me.> None of which have been investigated from outside the RCMP. Those of> which that were investigated by the RCMP enabled them to tamper with> evidence and they never interviewed me or my witnesses.>> I do know the more that these RCMP members do and fail the crazier> that I sound.>> These police officers would like you to believe that I am delusional,> however I ask for them to bring forth the evidence that can prove what> I saw and what I have lived, wrong.>> The stress of this situation is incomprehensible. Then add the fact> that the government's mandate has left me reliving it over and over> again in order to try to get our of this alive.>> Then add the fact the amount of numerous physical injuries I have> incurred during these attempts on my life to silence me.>> I will continue by stating that not one of these injuries has been> treated by a physician due to the fact that they do not want to> testify in court, for one reason that it would cost them money. For> the second reason that they are friends to some of these RCMP members> involved. Some of these member's wives are nurses.>> I will give one example of the many instances that left me feeling> like my life is not worth a plugged nickel.>> I had gone to the emergency department at the local hospital and as I> was having my temperature and blood pressure taken a Doctor Grapes> walks over and picks up my medical records and starts to read and as> he is doing this he looks at the nurse and states right in front of> me. I quote: "Isn't that funny, me and the other doctors have a bet on> who gets to pronounce him dead." I could not believe my ears. He then> set down my file and walked out the door.>> I will expand on this by stating that the cop who tried to murder me> in my hime and the one who I shot in the left arm with a 12 gauge shot> gun loaded with #4 birdshot, his wife was a nurse here in Quesnel for> years. She has worked with all these doctors and they all have seen my> internet statement on YouTube. (Quesnel, RCMP, Corruption: The Lonnie> Landrud Story – for those of you who haven't seen or heard about it).>> I will continue by stating that I am sitll suffering Post Traumatic> Stress Disorder (PTSD) and that I cannot even get treated because the> RCMP have stated that this event never happened, nor any of the> others. I for one know when I shot someone in my home and even if I> were in my home alone the RCMP members cannot prove me wrong. That> night they had to radio out on a public channel because their ghost> channels do not work or their cell phones due to my property's> location. There are dozens of people who heard what was taking place> and heard that Paul Collister was shot by me. There are a lot of> scanners here in public hands that are monitored around the clock. I> have spoken to some of these people. Perhaps someone should start to> listen to the whole truth! Like I have stated in previous letters, if> I could not prove my story I sure as hell would not be risking my> life. The evidence can speak for itself. I can sure point to a lot of> evidence, all's I need is for someone outside the RCMP to investigate> and to interview the people that I have spoken with.>> Now at this point some of you Honourable Members might want to send me> to the RCMP Complaints Commission or the Independent Investigations> Office of B.C. (IIOBC). I have already tried and neither one has the> mandate to investigate this situation. The Complaints Commission only> reviews paperwork put forth by the RCMP. The other's mandate is to> investigate only after September 12th, 2012. This is the date given by> Shirley Bond, BC Solicitor General to the IIOBC and this was after the> fact that she knew the situation that I have been trying to deal with> (I have a letter from her that was handed to her by Kevin Falcon and> the reply letter that she sent me). She too sent me to the Complaints> Commission. Then she signed a twenty year deal with the RCMP shortly> thereafter.>> There is not one thing that anyone of you Honourable Members can't> tell me to do that I have not tried. I have had five legal advocates> and not one could do anything. I have contacted hundreds of lawyers> and cannot find one to represent me. They are all scared to be> victimized by the RCMP. I've been to the media and had the same> outcome with then. I have also tried a private investigator and he too> was threatened with obstruction of justice charges which would destroy> his credibility. I have sent a letter to Wally Opal, Supreme Court> Justice who was looking into the murdered and missing women by way of> Public Inquiry. I received no reply at all.>> I have in my possession enough evidence to prove that I have No Legal> Rights, No Civil Rights and No Human Rights in Canada.>> The reason being the RCMP are above the law and will be until they no> longer investigate themselves.>> Now I would hazard to guess you're asking why would I continue to> expose myself to the danger that I face? My reply is these cops are> not going to stop trying to murder me anyway so what do I have to> lose? Then add the fact that I have survived this thus far. Unlike the> thirteen people who have been murdered by these RCMP members and on> top of all that the fifty girls that have came forward to the Human> Rights watch dogs in Prince George, B.C., then you had better realize> there is a lot more at stake than this. I've spoken to a few of them.>> There is no way in hell that I am going to sit back and let members of> the RCMP murder people. Just like I am not going to let you Honourable> Members hid behind your mandates and policies. Someone had better> realize that I have nothing left to lose but I still have a means to> expose this to the people of Canada and the world.>> Now I will tell you my story and I'm going to give the names of the> RCMP members involved and expose what they have done to cover up the> truth. I am not going to start with what led up to the first attempt> on my life.>> I was house sitting for a friend's mom when I witnessed the murder of> Deena Lynn Bream by Paul Collister and Bev Hosker, both members of the> Quesnel RCMP. But there was a paid informant, Dianne Fuccenecco there> also.>> I phoned the Quesnel detachment of the RCMP however their night calls> go to Prince George dispatch. I told them about the gun shots that I> was hearing, eight in all. It sounded like a twelve gauge shot gun. I> never gave my name. I was told that they would dispatch the police to> the location (Sugar Loaf Ball Park in West Quesnel). The next morning> I had a surveillance team in a trailer next door. It consisted of the> following RCMP officers: Constable Gill, Constable Gruending,> Constable Hughs, Constable Hosker and later on Constable Collister.> These are the names that I was giving to Sgt. Norrise of the Kamloops> RCMP the morning after I shot Constable Collister in my home.>> Unknown to me I was recorded and after the tape was tampered with was> used in court and with the Complaints Commission when I filed a> complaint. I can prove it was tampered with. I had a witness sitting> right next to me when I spoke to Sgt. Norrise and what I wait was a> lot different than the tape. What my witness suggested I tell them> (which I did) does not even appear on the tape. There are also other> discrepancies that appear on the tape.>> At the time I did not know the names of the members that, with> Constable Collister, came to my property. They were Constable Kinloch> and Constable Coutier (the ones on top of my house and the ones who> pursued me across my landing). Constable Barkman, Constable McMillan,> Constable Anderson, these were the police officers that I saw at my> gate. Constable McMillan and Constable Anderson were the ones who> hunted me in my field. This was the third attempt.>> The second attempt was a few months earlier in which Constable> McMillan, Constable Rogas came to my friend's home and arrested me for> obstruction of justice. I committed no crime and had no idea why I was> being arrested. I was severely beaten with a flashlight while in> handcuffs and taken to the Quesnel detachment where Constable Paul> Collister's old partner Constable Sardinea tried to murder me with a> pressure point attack that has not healed to this day.>> The attempts in between were by paid informants or police officers> that I could not get a good look at. I can identify some of the paid> informants.>> The eighth attempt was by Constable Ray Kinloch of the Quesnel RCMP.> He came to my rural home and property. He was dressed in camouflage> and wearing the same fur hat as the night that I shot Constable> Collister.>> It was an hour and a half after dark and he had to travel two> kilometres through the bush to be where he was at. I felt a direct> threat to my life and I shot at his head and then heard him run> through the bush and trip and fall. I left and went to my mom's. When> I returned a few days later I located where he tripped on a piece of> blowdown and I found something that fell out of his pocket. I also> have a witness to corroborate part of my story.>> The ninth attempt was by a paid informant. Again, severe injuries.>> The tenth attempt was by someone with a rifle with a silencer that> tried to shoot me in the head in my own yard. As I stated to Christy> Clark it was dumb luck that the bullet missed me. However I again did> not escape injury.>> The eleventh attempt was on January 19th, 2013 when, after spending> the night at my friend's trailer (the same one I phoned the police> from years earlier when I witnessed the murder), someone during the> night tampered with my propane ignition system in my truck by taking a> hose clamp off and pulling the hose off the intake to my engine and> also pulling a plug wire off the front spark plug.>> My truck also runs on gasoline and I was using that until my trip> home. When I changed over I was moving and had travelled a few miles> before the truck exploded. If I had been sitting still I would not> have survived. However I was moving and the explosion occurred beneath> the truck lifting it off the ground. The result was a near fatal> accident with a family of four including two children. They were> passing me and travelling in the same direction and were right next to> me at the time.>> I'm in a quandary and have no understanding as to why this situation> has been allowed to continue. I have tried everything humanly possible> to have this investigated from outside the RCMP. There is a lot more> information and witnesses that I can expose but for now I feel like> this should prove that this is no delusion.>> To the Honourable Christy Clark: Re: The letter that was your response> after the tenth attempt on my life. Here is what happened after you> suggested going to pro-bono law, Access to Justice. In late December> 2012 I tried five times to contact them and leaving messages. I> received no replies.>> I tried again in late January 2013 and spoke to someone. He stated> that he was the office manager. He never gave his name. I explained my> situation and what was taking place and what I have done. He suggested> that I run. I told him that I had nowhere to go. He gave me a phone> number and said that they could help me. It turned out to be a> homeless shelter. So I phoned him back leaving him a message. He> returned my call four days later. I explained to him that I did not> need a shelter, that I needed a lawyer to give me legal advice. To> this day I've had no legal advice!>> I again explained my situation. He stated that he was a lawyer and he> could not help me. I requested that in writing. His reply was, "We get> 10,000 calls a day and we do not have the time to write letters to> everyone." He went on to state that I should continue to deal with the> Complaints Commission. This after I explained to him that I've been> down that road before and they only review paperwork put forth by the> RCMP. He went on again to state that I should run!>> A couple of days later I phoned the Complaints Commission to request> the phone numbers of Bob Paulson, Head RCMP commissioner and Craig> Cullen, Deputy Commissioner here in B.C. I spoke to a lady who stated> she was a complaints commissioner and that I had no right to that> information. That she, herself, could not contact them directly. She> suggested that I try the RCMP website. I have no access to a computer.> I however have had and the web sites that are connected to me are> being stalked by the RCMP. I have exposed two such sites that have> been created by the RCMP. I will also state that my mom's phone has> been tapped and after contacting Telus I was told that I have no right> to that information.>> On January 19th 2013 I went to the Native Friendship Centre and spoke> to Criss Dunlope who handles legal aid and explained my situation to> her. She asked, "Why are you coming to me?" I told her that I needed a> lawyer and legal advice. She said that she was not a lawyer and> everything she could suggest I have already done. She went on to state> that I should go underground because my situation will not change> until the RCMP quit investigating themselves.>> On February 6th, 2013 I again phoned the RCMP Complaints Commission. I> asked the receptionist that answered if the commission's mandate has> changed or do the RCMP still investigate themselves. She stated, "No,> our mandate is still the same and the RCMP still investigate> themselves." I told her my situation and she said, "I will have an> analyst phone me back.">> I received a phone call twenty minutes later. It was a man's voice who> asked, "Now what the fuck do you want?">> Now I am a logger and used to such belligerence until he continued by> stating, "We have been down this road in 2005 and we will not deal> with this any further you fucking asshole." So I asked him, "Can I get> that in writing?" He replied, "No, we have given you everything in> writing we are going to give you!">> So I asked, "So you're telling me I have no rights. I just had someone> try to blow me up after I was at a friend's and some one tampered with> my propane system.">> He asked, "Did anyone see who did it?" I replied, "Well the only> enemies that I have been dealing with are cops and they are the ones> I'm trying to get investigated." He said, "No, we cannot help you." So> I said, "So you're telling me that you're going to do nothing just> like when I shot Constable Paul Collister? I mean it would have been> really simple to subpoena the medical records of Collister." I went on> and said, "You know that I did shoot him in the left arm with a twelve> gauge shotgun loaded with #4 birdshot! That he is still being treated> for a blockage in his ulna." I then added, "I could implicate him in> as many as thirteen murders." He then stated that they have done> everything that they could and then told me again that I could go fuck> myself.>> I understand why he treated me the way that he did. In my opinion he> did an inadequate and inept job when asked for a review by the> Complaints Commission. He went solely on the word of Sgt. Hildebrant> who was Constable Collister's cohort for years and then add the> tampered-with tape.>> I mean, would you not ask for proof that Collister was not shot? How> hard would it have been to ask for medical reports?>> It's also my opinion that the Complaints Commission is just a cover-up> organization for the RCMP and is a useless facet of our justice> system.>> Something I do not understand is why do the RCMP have such control?> They are just people like us.>> You know that I have been asked by lawyers why I was not dead yet and> why are you trying to get us killed?>> I have also been told that I am a threat to national security by these> same lawyers. I have always asked why? I'm just trying to deal with a> system that has a crack in it that I've unknowingly fallen into. I'm> just trying to stay alive. Is that too much to ask? I've had to relive> this much too long.>> The stress and anxiety and the fear for my life, along with the> physical injuries, has left me feeling like I'm being tortured to> death.>> I ask all you Honourable Members what do I do, let them murder me? I> have always stated to everyone that I may have to forfeit my life.> That, I have always expected, but I ask you, am I not going to fight> to defend my life?>> I mean I could go ballistic like the ex-L.A. police officer who was> reported to have murdered other police officers. I can relate to some> of the feelings but my no means can I understand why he did what he> did. I believe there has been enough killing already. That is why I'm> doing what I'm doing to prevent me from having to harm anyone. I have> only asked for someone to investigate from outside the RCMP and I> request to be put in protective custody till this is resolved. I also> request medical treatment to see if my injuries can be treated.>> On the other hand, what do I do if you ignore my requests? Do I go to> the United States and ask for asylum? These RCMP members are above the> law and will not stop till I'm dead and there is no one who protects> me from my supposed protectors. I always thought this was a free> country to do what I want within the laws of Canada. Having to live in> almost house arrest conditions for nine years has shown me that we> live in a police state. I cannot even go to my own home, I have to> live with my mother in order to feel any sort of safety and even then> it's very little. There has been no way out of this. I have tried> everything.>> I ask the Honourable Christy Clark about your letter dated November> 28th, 2012. You stated that you could not get personally involved. Yet> you sent my letter to the Quesnel RCMP detachment to be investigated.> Your actions exposed every piece of personal identification that I> possess to the people who are trying to murder me. These RCMP members> have a computer system called C.P.E.C. and now can track me where ever> I go in Canada. I ask you, is that not overstepping your mandate and> in doing so exposing me to further threat?>> The RCMP officer who phoned me on your behalf was police officer Ray> Kinloch. He asked me to go in and make a statement. I refused. Reason> one is for fear of my life and reason two is I'm not going to give him> the evidence so it can be altered or go missing.>> I realize that by stating this I'm not making friends or allies and I> do apologize if I've offended you. That was never my intention, ever.> I wish that I did not have to involve any of you Honourable Members> but what choice do I have? The truth is the truth and life is like> that. I have only tried to deal with what's been given to me.>> I believe that you are the people who look out for society's best> interests. These RCMP officers murdering people and investigating> themselves is a threat to society is it not? You Honourable Members> are our representatives by way of legal election. I've never voted for> who would be members of the RCMP and I sure never put them in a> position where they are above the law. This has resided in the> policies that government has mandated since the time of confederation.>> I believe that this arcane system has done nothing to protect myself> or anyone from being victimized by members of the RCMP and in doing so> has left these same RCMP members unaccountable for any crimes that> they choose to commit.>> I will state that if someone from outside the RCMP with a mandate to> investigate the RCMP does investigate and I am found not to be telling> the whole truth I would expect to be charged with obstruction of> justice with the full knowledge of the maximum sentence that can> brought down upon me. I fully expect to be held in compliance with> Canadian law.>> I ask you Honourable Members if the I.I.O. office in Ontario can> investigate the members of the B.C. RCMP. They have been mandated for> a longer period of time. I however do not know if they can be> interprovincial. They are a federal branch are they not? I have no way> to contact them.>> Look. I am not trying to destroy the RCMP. I just believe that they> should be held accountable. I also know that they are a valuable> organization with a lot of good people who are a benefit to society's> safety. On the other hand there is a subculture within the RCMP that> is a detriment to the safety of the Canadian public by being above the> law and investigating themselves.>> Please do something. I cannot go on living in fear for my life when I> know that the laws can be changed and I can feel free to live my life> again.>> I do request a reply in writing from all you Honourable Members in> regards to this matter.>> Thank you. God bless.>> Yours truly,>> Lonnie Gabriel Landrud> April 24th, 2013>>>>>> ---------- Original message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 12:29:37 -0400> Subject: Perhaps this email will make the ladiesJ ody Wilson-Raybould,> Carolyn Bennett and Patricia Hajdu and the people on the Standing> Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs answer me N'esy Pas> Mélanie Joly?> To: InfoPubs@aadnc-aandc.gc.ca, minister-ministre> , hon.melanie.joly@canada.ca,> Michael.McLeod@parl.gc.ca, premier , premier> , charlie.angus@parl.gc.ca,> Mike.Bossio@parl.gc.ca, Remi.Masse@parl.gc.ca,> cathy.mcleod@parl.gc.ca, Don.Rusnak@parl.gc.ca,> Arnold.Viersen@parl.gc.ca, newsroom , news> , news , news-tips> , gopublic , NBInvestigates> , premier , PREMIER> > Cc: David Amos ,> David.Yurdiga@parl.gc.ca, akemp , "bob.paulson"> , radical , paul> , Brian Ruhe >> http://www.parl.gc.ca/Committees/en/INAN>>> Maybe if just one on the parliementarians is ethical he or she will> check out this video from Lonnie Landrud a very serious man in BC ASAP> EH?>> lonnies interveaw 003>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=45&v=Flqbj-KHGSg>> Then read the letter he sent to me in 2014 months after I met with him> in Prince George BC on August 21st. When I finally recived the letter> from Landrud the RCMP pounced on me in the middle of the night in> David Yurdiga's riding and he is well aware of why I went back to the> Maritimes and sured the CROWN and ran in the election of the 42nd> Parlaiment as well EH Bobby Paulson ,Andy Kempt and Arty Baby Topham?>> https://www.scribd.com/document/249092479/Landrud-Letter-Nov-16-2014>> http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj.gc.ca/IndexingQueries/infp_RE_info_e.php?court_no=T-1557-15&select_court=T>> Recorded entry(ies) for T-1557-15> (Close)>> Court number information Court Number : T-1557-15> Style of Cause : DAVID RAYMOND AMOS v. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN> Proceeding Category : Actions Nature : Others - Crown (v. Queen) [Actions]> Type of Action : Ordinary>> 38 records found for T-1557-15  Doc Date Filed Office Recorded Entry> Summary> - 2016-02-25 Ottawa Copy of Notice of Appeal (Appeal Court File No.> A-48-16 ) appealing NOTICE OF CROSS APPEAL filed in Federal Court of> Appeal filed in the Court of Appeal on 12-FEB-2016 on behalf of> Plaintiff placed on file on 25-FEB-2016>> - 2016-02-16 Ottawa Copy of Notice of Appeal (Appeal Court File No.> A-48-16 ) appealing Order of Southcott, J. dated 25-JAN-2016 filed in> the Court of Appeal on 04-FEB-2016 on behalf of Plaintiff placed on> file on 16-FEB-2016>> - 2016-01-25 Toronto Acknowledgment of Receipt received from Plaintiff> and Defendant via fax transmission confirmation with respect to Order> and Reasons dated 25-JAN-2016 placed on file on 25-JAN-2016>> - 2016-01-25 Toronto Certificate of Order certifying that the Court> (Justice Southcott) on 25-JAN-2016 ordered at the end of his Order and> Reasons as follows: "This Court Orders that: 1. the Plaintiff's appeal> is allowed in part; 2. the Order of Prothonotary Morneau dated> 12-NOV-2015 is set aside; 3. the claims for relief in the final> paragraph of the Plaintiff's Statement of Claim are struck without> leave to amend, with the exception of the claim for monetary relief> for allegedly being barred by the RCMP from the New Brunswick> legislature in 2004; 4. the Defendant is at liberty to present a> motion, to be filed within 30 days of the date of this Order or any> decision resulting from any appeal of this Order, arguing which> specific paragraphs of the Statement of Claim should be struck in> order to accord with my decision; 5. the time for the Defendant to> file a Statement of Defence is extended to 30 days from the date of> this Order, the date of any Order resulting from a motion by the> Defendant arguing which specific paragraphs of the Statement of Claim> should be struck in order to accord with my decision, and the date of> any decision resulting from any appea of either such Order; and 6. No> costs are awarded on this motion." placed on file on 25-JAN-2016>> 20 2016-01-25 Toronto Reasons and Order dated 25-JAN-2016 rendered by> The Honourable Mr. Justice Southcott Matter considered with personal> appearance The Court's decision is with regard to Motion Doc. No. 8> Result: granted in part 2. the Order of Prothonotary Morneau dated> 12-NOV-2015 is set aside; 3. claims for relief in final paragraph of> Plaintiff's Statement of claim are struck without leave to amend, ...> 4. Defendant is at liberty to present a motion, to be filed within 30> days.. 5. time for Defendant to file a Statement of Defence is> extended to 30 days... 6. No costs are awarde on this motion. **(see> Reasons and Order for complete wording)** Filed on 25-JAN-2016> certified copies sent to parties Interlocutory Decision Copy of> Reasons for Order entered in J. & O. Book, volume 1290 page(s) 470 -> 484>> - 2016-01-11 Fredericton Receipt for payment audio CD hearing Dec 14,> 2015 and Jan 11, 2016. Req.by Roger Richard placed on file on> 11-JAN-2016>> - 2016-01-11 Fredericton Receipt for payment copy audio CD recording> hearing Jan 11, 2016. Requested by Plaintiff placed on file on> 11-JAN-2016>> - 2016-01-11 Fredericton Fredericton 11-JAN-2016 BEFORE The Honourable> Mr. Justice Southcott Language: E Before the Court: Motion Doc. No. 8> on behalf of Plaintiff Result of Hearing: Matter reserved held in> Court Duration per day: 11-JAN-2016 from 09:31 to 10:47 Courtroom :> Courtroom No. 1 - Fredericton Court Registrar: Michel Morneault Total> Duration: 1h16min Appearances: David Raymond Amos 902-800-0369> representing the Plaintiff on his own behalf Jill Chisholm> 902-426-7570 representing Defendant Comments: DARS Z005130 was used> for the recording of the hearing Minutes of Hearing entered in Vol.> 943 page(s) 475 - 477 Abstract of Hearing placed on file>> - 2015-12-23 Ottawa Acknowledgment of Receipt received from all> parties with respect to the Order of the Court rendered on December> 14, 2015. (via fax) placed on file on 23-DEC-2015>> 19 2015-12-23 Fredericton Order dated 14-DEC-2015 rendered by The> Honourable Mr. Justice Bell Matter considered with personal appearance> The Court's decision is with regard to Motion Doc. No. 8 Result:> Delivered orally from the Bench on December 14, 2015. As a result of> my recusal, this Court orders that the Administrator of the Court> schedule another date for the hearing of the motion. There is no order> as to costs. Filed on 23-DEC-2015 entered in J. & O. Book, volume 1288> page(s) 428 - 430 Interlocutory Decision>> - 2015-12-23 Fredericton Correction to General Sitting concerning> Motion Doc. No. 8 Hearing rescheduled from General Sitting at> Fredericton on 14-DEC-2015 to General Sitting at Fredericton on> 11-JAN-2016 at 09:30 duration: 2h Language: E Reason for correction:> The presiding Judge recused himself on 14-DEC-2015 sitting>> - 2015-12-14 Fredericton Receipt for payment CD audio recording of the> hearing on 14-DEC-2015, req. by Plaintiff placed on file on> 14-DEC-2015>> - 2015-12-14 Fredericton Fredericton 14-DEC-2015 BEFORE The Honourable> Mr. Justice Bell Language: E Before the Court: Motion Doc. No. 8 on> behalf of Plaintiff Result of Hearing: Matter adjourned sine die held> in Court Duration per day: 14-DEC-2015 from 09:35 to 10:42 Courtroom :> Courtroom No. 1 - Fredericton Court Registrar: Michel Morneault Total> Duration: 1h07min Appearances: David Raymond Amos 902-800-0369> representing on his own behalf Jill Chisholm 902-426-7570 representing> Defendant Comments: Tascam Backup was used for the recording of the> hearing. Plaintiff requested an audio CD of the hearing. Minutes of> Hearing entered in Vol. 943 page(s) 46 - 47 Abstract of Hearing placed> on file>> 17 2015-12-10 Halifax Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of> Jill Chisholm confirming service of the Defendant's Motion Record> (Doc.16) upon Plaintiff by courier on 10-DEC-2015 filed on 10-DEC-2015>> 16 2015-12-10 Halifax Motion Record in response to Motion Doc. No. 8> containing the following original document(s): 14 15 Number of copies> received: 3 on behalf of Defendant filed on 10-DEC-2015>> 15 2015-12-10 Halifax Written Representations contained within a> Motion Record on behalf of Defendant concerning Motion Doc. No. 8> filed on 10-DEC-2015>> 14 2015-12-10 Halifax Affidavit of Jill Thomson sworn on 10-DEC-2015> contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Defendant in opposition> to Motion Doc. No. 8 with Exhibits 1 & 2 filed on 10-DEC-2015>> 13 2015-12-08 Fredericton Affidavit of service of David Raymond Amos> sworn on 08-DEC-2015 on behalf of Plaintiff confirming service of> doc.12 (doc.8,10,11) upon Defendant by Priority next day mail on> 08-DEC-2015 filed on 08-DEC-2015>> 12 2015-12-08 Fredericton Motion Record containing the following> original document(s): 8 10 11 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf> of Plaintiff filed on 08-DEC-2015>> 11 2015-12-08 Fredericton Written Representations contained within a> Motion Record on behalf of Plaintiff concerning Motion Doc. No. 8> filed on 08-DEC-2015>> 10 2015-12-08 Fredericton Affidavit of David Raymond Amos sworn on> 08-DEC-2015 contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Plaintiff in> support of Motion Doc. No. 8 with Exhibits A & B (Exhibit A is a CD)> filed on 08-DEC-2015>> - 2015-11-23 Fredericton Memorandum to file from Michel G. Morneault> dated 23-NOV-2015 a copy of the Notice of Motion filed on November> 20th, 2015 appealing the decision of Proth. Morneau dated November> 12th, 2015, sent to Mr. Morneau placed on file.>> 9 2015-11-20 Fredericton Affidavit of service of David Raymond Amos> sworn on 20-NOV-2015 on behalf of Plaintiff confirming service of> doc.8 upon Defendant by mail on 20-NOV-2015 filed on 20-NOV-2015>> 8 2015-11-20 Fredericton Notice of Motion on behalf of Plaintiff> returnable at General Sitting in Fredericton on 14-DEC-2015 to begin> at 09:30 duration: 2h language: E for an appeal of the decision of> Richard Morneau, Esq., Prothonotary dated 12-NOV-2015 Doc. No. 6 filed> on 20-NOV-2015>> - 2015-11-19 Ottawa Letter sent by Registry on 19-NOV-2015 to> Plaintiff providing a certified copy of the order dated 12-NOV-2015 to> the Plaintiff that had previously been faxed to him on 12-NOV-2015 and> 19-NOV-2015 Copy placed on file.>> - 2015-11-19 Ottawa Confirmation of receipt by fax printout by the> Plaintiff of the Order dated 12-NOV-2015 of Mr. Prothonotary Morneau> placed on file on 19-NOV-2015>> - 2015-11-12 Montréal Acknowledgment of Receipt received from parties> with respect to reception of order 6 placed on file on 12-NOV-2015>> 6 2015-11-12 Montréal Order dated 12-NOV-2015 rendered by Richard> Morneau, Esq., Prothonotary Matter considered without personal> appearance The Court's decision is with regard to Motion in writing> Doc. No. 2 Result: granted Filed on 12-NOV-2015 copies sent to parties> entered in J. & O. Book, volume 1283 page(s) 357 - 359 Interlocutory> Decision>> - 2015-11-06 Montréal Communication to the Court from the Registry> dated 06-NOV-2015 re: Notice of Motion (doc. #2) + request for> direction>> 18 2015-10-26 Fredericton Affidavit of service of David Raymond Amos> sworn on 26-OCT-2015 on behalf of Plaintiff confirming service of> doc.7 upon Defendant by mail on 26-OCT-2015 filed on 26-OCT-2015>> 7 2015-10-26 Montréal Motion Record in response to Motion Doc. No. 2> Number of copies received: 1 on behalf of Plaintiff (filed as per> order 6; one copy only) filed on 26-OCT-2015>> 5 2015-10-14 St. John's Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf> of Jill Chisholm confirming service of Doc 4 Motion Record upon> Plaintiff by Courier on 14-OCT-2015 filed on 14-OCT-2015>> 4 2015-10-14 St. John's Motion Record Number of copies received: 3 on> behalf of Defendant filed on 14-OCT-2015>> - 2015-10-14 St. John's Draft Order concerning Motion Doc. No. 2> received on 14-OCT-2015>> 3 2015-10-14 St. John's Written Representations contained within a> Motion Record on behalf of Defendant concerning Motion Doc. No. 2> filed on 14-OCT-2015>> 2 2015-10-14 St. John's Notice of Motion contained within a Motion> Record on behalf of Defendant in writing to be dealt with in the> Montréal local office for an Order purusant to Rules 221(1)(a) and (c)> to strike and an order pursuant to Rule 8 extention of time to serve> and file Defence. filed on 14-OCT-2015 Draft Order\\Judgment received.>> - 2015-09-16 Fredericton Letter sent by Registry on 16-SEP-2015 to DOJ> Halifax R.133 service letter Copy placed on file.>> 1 2015-09-16 Fredericton Statement of Claim and 2 cc's filed on> 16-SEP-2015 Certified copy(ies)/copy(ies) transmitted to Director of> the Regional Office of the Department of Justice Section 48 - $2.00>> The last database update occurred on 2016-07-14 12:09> Top of page>>>> The Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, P.C., M.P.> Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada>> Parliament Hill:> Telephone: 613-992-1416> Fax: 613-992-1460>> Department:> Justice> 284 Wellington Street> Ottawa, Ontario> K1A 0H8> Telephone: 613-992-4621> TTY: 613-992-4556> Fax: 613-954-0811> E-Mail: mcu@justice.gc.ca>>>  The Honourable Doctor Carolyn Bennett, P.C., M.P.> Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs>> Parliament Hill:> Telephone: 613-995-9666> Fax: 613-947-4622>> Department:> Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada> Les Terrasses de la Chaudière> North Tower, 10 Wellington Street> Gatineau, Quebec> K1A 0H4> Telephone: 819-997-0002> Fax: 819-953-4941> E-Mail: InfoPubs@aadnc-aandc.gc.ca>>  The Honourable Patricia Hajdu, P.C., M.P.> Minister of Status of Women>> Parliament Hill:> Telephone: 613-996-4792> Fax: 613-996-9785>> Department:> Status of Women> 22 Eddy Street 10th Floor> Gatineau, Quebec> J8X 2V9> Telephone: 613-995-7835> Toll Free: 1-855-969-9922> TTY: 819-420-6905> Fax: 819-420-6906> E-Mail: minister-ministre@swc-cfc.gc.ca.>>>> ---------- Original message ----------> From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)"> > Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 15:57:26 +0000> Subject: RE: RE Reply to David Raymond Amos from minister Mélanie Joly> To: David Amos >> The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic> correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your> comments.>> Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance> électronique. Soyez assuré(e) que nous apprécions recevoir vos> commentaires.>>>> ---------- Original message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 11:56:10 -0400> Subject: Fwd: RE Reply to David Raymond Amos from minister Mélanie Joly> To: Gary.Anand@parl.gc.ca, "Bill.Morneau" ,> "Andy.Fillmore" > Cc: David Amos >> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 14:13:23 -0400> Subject: Fwd: RE Reply to David Raymond Amos from minister Mélanie Joly> To: "Matt.DeCourcey" , oldmaison> > Cc: David Amos >> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: "Joly, Mélanie (PCH)" > Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2016 18:33:49 +0000> Subject: Reply to David Raymond Amos from minister Mélanie Joly> To: "motomaniac333@gmail.com" >> http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/federal-appeal-court-to-hear-bell-crtc-arguments-in-case-over-mobile-tv-app/article28247575/>> ---------- Original message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 08:34:39 -0400> Subject: FCA Query - 204260139 & Complaint against the FCA – OUR REF> 204261072 Methinks Samantha Stewart should talk to Emma Wotton and> your underlings ASAP EH EH Georgey Boy Osborne and Mikey Baby Gove ?> To: consumer.queries@fca.org.uk, complaints ,> "george.osborne.mp" ,> "michael.gove.mp" , "boris.johnson.mp"> > Cc: David Amos , "general.queries"> ,> public.enquiries@hmtreasury.gsi.gov.uk>> -----Original Message-----> From: Complaints Scheme> Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2016 10:00 AM> To: davidraymondamos@gmail.com> Subject: Complaint against the FCA – OUR REF 204261072 [> ref:_00Db0K8yP._500b0iisyi:ref ]>> Dear Mr Amos>> Our Ref: 204261072>> Thank you for your telephone call of 6 July 2016, which we are> considering as a potential complaint against the FCA as defined in the> Complaints Scheme (the Scheme).  A copy of our leaflet about the> Scheme is available on our website at> www.fca.org.uk/your-fca/complaints-leaflet.>> We will write to you again within four weeks setting out a summary of> our understanding of your complaint and whether we propose to> investigate the matters you have raised.>> However, if you require any additional information in the meantime> please contact us.>> Yours sincerely>> Emma Wotton> Complaints Investigator / FCA Complaints Team> Corporate Services Division>> Financial Conduct Authority> 25 The North Colonnade> Canary Wharf> London> E14 5HS>> www.fca.org.uk> ref:_00Db0K8yP._500b0iisyi:ref>>> ---------- Original message ----------> From: Customer Contact Centre > Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 11:26:33 +0000 (GMT)> Subject: FCA Query - 204260139 -    [ ref:_00Db0K8yP._500b0iilRy:ref ]> To: "motomaniac333@gmail.com" >> Dear Mr Amos>> Thank you for your email.>> As previously explained to you we authorise and regulate the financial> services industry in the UK, and this includes the oversight of firms> such as banks, mortgage lenders and insurance providers. As an> organisation we can provide guidance to consumers and other> organisations about our role and remit, and what you can do to get> problems you have with firms that we authorise resolved.>> If you have any specific questions or queries that we can help with> please let me know.>> Yours sincerely>> Samantha Stewart (Ms)> Associate | Customer Contact Centre> Financial Conduct Authority | www.fca.org.uk > Consumer Helpline: 0300 500 8082>>> ref:_00Db0K8yP._500b0iilRy:ref>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 15:30:51 -0400> Subject: Fwd: Attn Diane.Lebouthillier why is it that I am not> surprised that Commissioner Andrew Treusch is sneaking out the back> door just like his old buddy Kevin Dancey did not too long ago?> To: Matt.Young@cra-arc.gc.ca, Glen.Jackson@cra-arc.gc.ca,> John.Ossowski@cra-arc.gc.ca, "Diane.Lebouthillier"> > Cc: David Amos >> Dear magicJack User:>> You received a new 0:24 minutes voicemail message, on Tuesday, July> 12, 2016 at 02:58:47 PM in mailbox 9028000369 from "CRA-ARC"> .>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 13:37:01 -0400> Subject: Attn Diane.Lebouthillier why is it that I am not surprised> that Commissioner Andrew Treusch is sneaking out the back door just> like his old buddy Kevin Dancey did not too long ago?> To: "Andrew.Treusch" ,> John.Ossowski@cra-arc.gc.ca, "Diane.Lebouthillier"> , "Diane.Lebouthillier.a1"> , "rona.ambrose.A1"> , gopublic ,> cbcnewsvancouver , cbcinvestigates> , investigations ,> "Russell.George" , "inspector.general"> , MulcaT , leader> , pm , ElenaChurikova> , "elizabeth.may" ,> "Michael.Ferguson" ,> janice.leahy@gnb.ca, Kim.MacPherson@gnb.ca, "brian.gallant"> , premier , "David.Coon"> , "denis.landry2" ,> "serge.rousselle" , "terry.seguin"> , nmoore , newsroom> , news-tips , news> , news , "peacock.kurt"> , "duncan@bissettmatheson.com"> , Saint Croix Courier> , mcu ,> "Roger.L.Melanson" , "Robert. Jones"> , "Jacques.Poitras" ,> infoamfredericton@cbc.ca, "ht.lacroix" ,> "hugh.flemming" , "sylvie.gadoury"> , "Alex.Johnston"> , "Gilles.Blinn" ,> tlambie@cpacanada.ca, tobin.lambie@cica.ca, heather.whyte@cica.ca,> Hwhyte@cpacanada.ca> Cc: David Amos , "kevin.dancey"> , "harvey.cashore" ,> JThomas@cpacanada.ca>> Retiring CRA boss leaves KPMG tax-dodge scandal for successor to deal with> Revenue minister praises Andrew Treusch for ‘dedication and support’> through transition period>> By Kimberly Ivany, Priscilla Hwang, Harvey Cashore, CBC News Posted:> Jun 17, 2016 9:47 AM ET>> http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/cra-boss-treusch-retires-1.3638695>> "The head of the Canada Revenue Agency, who staunchly defended CRA's> handling of the KPMG offshore scandal including its secret "no> penalties" offer to wealthy tax dodgers, is stepping down Friday.">> Changing of the guard at Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada> February 8, 2016>> The Board of Directors for Chartered Professional Accountants of> Canada (CPA Canada) has approved the appointment of Joy Thomas, FCPA,> FCMA, as president and CEO, effective April 1, 2016. Thomas succeeds> Kevin J. Dancey, FCPA, FCA, who retires May 1.>> https://www.cpacanada.ca/en/connecting-and-news/news/media-centre/2016/february/new-cpa-canada-ceo>>>> ---------- Original message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2016 16:34:47 -0400> Subject: Attn Diane.Lebouthillier I just called Commissioner Andrew> Treusch and his Deputy John Ossowski and they would not come to the> phone.> To: "Andrew.Treusch" ,> John.Ossowski@cra-arc.gc.ca, "Diane.Lebouthillier"> , "Diane.Lebouthillier.a1"> , "rona.ambrose.A1"> , gopublic ,> cbcnewsvancouver , cbcinvestigates> , investigations ,> "Russell.George" , "inspector.general"> > Cc: David Amos , MulcaT> , leader , pm ,> ElenaChurikova , "elizabeth.may"> >> Whereas I am not allowed to file with CRA I will file my Tax Return in> Federal Court>> Who are your CRA people to call a liar today as I try to my tax return?>> On one document hereto attached is in YOUR records and that was once> my SIN number CORRECT?>> On the other document which a Yankee form 211 is my American Social> Security Number You people do business across borders because of FATCA> so it follows you have known exactly who I am for years.>> Veritas Vincit> David Raymond Amos> 902 800 0369>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2016 07:17:21 -0400> Subject: Kim.MacPherson and her fellow Chartered Accountants can tell> her buddy Terry Seguin of CBC that she is under "Oath" to the Queen I> am suing but the people within the Gobal oversight of her her chosen> profession should not care> To: janice.leahy@gnb.ca, Kim.MacPherson@gnb.ca, "brian.gallant"> , premier , "David.Coon"> , "denis.landry2" ,> "serge.rousselle" , "terry.seguin"> , nmoore , newsroom> , news-tips , news> , news , "peacock.kurt"> , "duncan@bissettmatheson.com"> , Saint Croix Courier> , mcu ,> "Roger.L.Melanson" , "Robert. Jones"> , "Jacques.Poitras" ,> infoamfredericton@cbc.ca, "ht.lacroix" ,> "hugh.flemming" , "sylvie.gadoury"> , "Alex.Johnston"> , "Gilles.Blinn" ,> tlambie@cpacanada.ca, tobin.lambie@cica.ca, heather.whyte@cica.ca,> Hwhyte@cpacanada.ca> Cc: David Amos ,> ElenaChurikova@ifac.org, "Andrew.Treusch"> , "Michael.Ferguson"> >> http://davidraymondamos3.blogspot.ca/2016/06/yo-premier-gallant-and-prime-minister.html>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2016 10:29:10 -0400> Subject: Fwd: The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants and> their many associates must remember me know correct Kevin Dancey?> To: janice.leahy@gnb.ca, Kim.MacPherson@gnb.ca> Cc: David Amos >> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2016 16:33:57 -0400> Subject: Fwd: Re Federal Court Rule 46 (1) (a) (viii) as it applies to> my complaint (File No: T-1557-15) Trust that I called and tried to> talk a lot bureaucrats and politicians etc before sharing the hearings> held on Dec 14th and Jan 11th> To: janice.leahy@gnb.ca, Kim.MacPherson@gnb.ca> Cc: David Amos >> KIM MACPHERSON CA> Auditor General> Phone : (506) 453-2465> Fax : (506) 453-3067> Email : Kim.MacPherson@gnb.ca>>> JANICE LEAHY CA, CIA> Deputy Auditor General of New Brunswick> HSBC Place> 520 King Street> Fredericton, New Brunswick> E3B 6G3>> Phone : (506) 453-6751> Fax : (506) 453-3067> Email : janice.leahy@gnb.ca>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2016 16:29:14 -0400> Subject: Re Federal Court Rule 46 (1) (a) (viii) as it applies to my> complaint (File No: T-1557-15) Trust that I called and tried to talk a> lot bureaucrats and politicians etc before sharing the hearings held> on Dec 14th and Jan 11th> To: Rheal.Fortin.c1@parl.gc.ca, Murray.Rankin.c1@parl.gc.ca,> cmunroe@glgmlaw.com, nbd_cna@liberal.ca, pm ,> ljulien@liberal.ca, pmilliken , bdysart> , bdysart ,> Braeden.Caley@vancouver.ca, robert.m.schuett@schuettlaw.com,> jda@nf.aibn.com, eclark@coxandpalmer.com, office@liberal.ns.ca,> president@lpco.ca, david@lpcm.ca, emerchant> , info@fja-cmf.gc.ca, w.kinew@uwinnipeg.ca,> richard.tardif@cas-satj.gc.ca, "andrew.scheer"> , john.wallace@sen.parl.gc.ca, MulcaT> , "rona.ambrose.A1" ,> RBauer , sshimshak@paulweiss.com,> cspada@lswlaw.com, msmith , bginsberg> , "gregory.craig"> , "Gilles.Blinn"> , "bob.paulson"> , "bob.rae"> , "Gilles.Moreau"> , "Stephane.vaillancourt"> > Cc: David Amos ,> Chantal.Carbonneau@cas-satj.gc.ca, daniel.gosselin@cas-satj.gc.ca,> assistance@liberal.ca, Karine Fortin , "stephen.harper"> , heather.bradley@parl.gc.ca>> Anyway at least nobody said I could not so enjoy.>> Judge Bell Dec 14th>> https://archive.org/details/BahHumbug>> Judge Southcott Jan 11th>> https://archive.org/details/Jan11th2015>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: Elena Churikova > Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2015 20:22:31 +0000> Subject: RE: The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants and their> many associates must remember me know correct Kevin Dancey?> To: David Amos > Cc: David Amos >> Dear David,>> Thank you for forwarding the information to me and taking your time to> bring these matters to our attention. As discussed I will forward the> information to the appropriate person who will process it in> accordance with our company's policy.>> With kind regards,>> Elena>> Elena Churikova> Manager, Governance> International Federation of Accountants> 529 Fifth Avenue> New York, NY 10017 USA>> Direct: +1 (212) 471-8730> Main: +1 (212) 286-9344> Mobile: +1 (917) 587-3854> Fax: +1 (212) 286-9570>> Learn more at: ifac.org>>>>> -----Original Message-----> From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail.com]> Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 4:17 PM> To: Elena Churikova> Cc: David Amos> Subject: Fwd: The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants and> their many associates must remember me know correct Kevin Dancey?>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2015 11:10:40 -0400> Subject: The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants and their> many associates must remember me know correct Kevin Dancey?> To: office@cga-ns.org, info@cpacanada.ca, chait@bcsc.bc.ca,> lara.gaede@asc.ca, cmcinnis@osc.gov.on.ca,> anctil-bavas@lautorite.qc.ca, Communications@ifac.org, info@cairp.ca,> gmoore@icans.ns.ca> Cc: David Amos , tlambie@cpacanada.ca,> tobin.lambie@cica.ca, kevin.dancey@cica.ca, heather.whyte@cica.ca,> Hwhyte@cpacanada.ca, Kdancey@cpacanada.ca>> http://archive.newswire.ca/en/story/194055/media-advisory-canadian-institute-of-chartered-accountants-media-availability>>>>     October 16, 2007 4:04 PM>     - General>     - Media Advisories>> Media Advisory - Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants Media> Availability>>>     TORONTO, Oct. 16 /CNW/ - Kevin Dancey, President and CEO of the> Canadian> Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA), will be available for phone> interviews with the media following tonight's federal Throne Speech.>     Any media outlet wanting to book an interview can contact Tobin Lambie,> Manager, Media, at 416-204-3228 or tobin.lambie@cica.ca>> For further information: Chartered Accountants of Canada, 277 Wellington> Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5V 3H2, Tel: (416) 977-3222, Fax:> (416) 977-8585, www.cica.ca>> http://stop-ca-cma-cga-merger.blogspot.ca/2012/07/kevin-dancey-is-hypocrite.html>>>> https://www.cpacanada.ca/en/the-cpa-profession/about-cpa-canada/cpa-canada-executive-team/kevin-dancey-fcpa-fca>> https://www.ic.gc.ca/app/secure/orl/lrrs/do/vwRg;jsessionid=0001nR5JX0xLJoJGZp-A6xdnWVp:-J7IRK?cno=13682&regId=817530&blnk=1>> Kevin Dancey> Canadian Institute-Chartered> 277 Wellington St W,> Toronto, ON, M5V 3E4> Telephone 416-977-3222>> https://www.cpacanada.ca/en/the-cpa-profession/about-cpa-canada/governance-of-cpa-canada/cpa-canada-committees/tax-committees-overview/cbacpa-canada-joint-committee-on-taxation>> CBA/CPA Canada Joint Committee on Taxation: Guidance on federal income> tax issues>> Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) collaborates> with the Canadian Bar Association (CBA) to offer the federal> government input on tax laws through its Joint Committee on Taxation.> Close-up of a businesswoman writing at a meeting table. Other business> people are seen in the background.>> A long-standing collaboration of CPA Canada and the Canadian Bar> Association, this committee is a knowledge resource that enables CPA> Canada to provide the Department of Finance and Canada Revenue Agency> with expert insights on the technical aspects of present and proposed> federal income tax laws. Its members respond to income tax legislation> developments, make recommendations to the federal government to> resolve income tax matters and provide expert counsel on income tax> policy to other CPA Canada committees.> Members>> Mitchell Sherman (chair)> Goodmans LLP> Toronto>> Janice Russell, CPA, CA (co-chair)> Deloitte LLP> Toronto>> Siobhan Monaghan (vice chair)> Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP> Toronto>> Kim Moody, FCA (vice chair)> Moodys LLP Tax Advisors> Calgary>> Bruce Ball, FCPA, FCA> BDO Canada LLP> Toronto>> Corrado Cardarelli> Torys LLP> Toronto>> Larry Chapman, FCPA, FCA> Non-voting ex-officio> Canadian Tax Foundation> Toronto>> Gabe Hayos, FCPA, FCA> Non-voting ex-officio> Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada> Toronto>> Kenneth Griffin, CPA, CA> PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP> Toronto>> Michael McLaren> Thorsteinssons> Vancouver>> Darcy Moch> Bennett Jones LLP> Calgary>> Colin Mowatt, CPA, CA> PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP> Toronto>> Angelo Nikolakakis> Couzin Taylor LLP> Montreal>> Joel Nitikman> Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP> Vancouver>> Edward Rowe> Osler Hoskin & Harcourt> Calgary>> Lorne Shillinger, CPA, CA> KPMG LLP> Toronto>> Sandra Slaats> Deloitte LLP> Toronto>> Anthony Strawson, CMA> Felesky Flynn LLP> Calgary>> Glen Thompson, CA> MNP LLP> Edmonton>> Jeffrey Trossman> Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP> Toronto>> Tim Wach> Gowlings Lafleur Henderson LLP> Toronto>> Craig Webster, CA> Borden Lander Gervais LLP> Toronto>> Penny Woolford, CPA, CA> KPMG LLP> Toronto>> Eric Xiao, CPA, CA> Ernst & Young> Toronto>> Karen Yull, CPA, CA> Grant Thornton LLP>>> http://www.ctf.ca/ctfweb/EN/About_CTF/EN/About_CTF/About_CTF.aspx?hkey=01b267e2-33f2-4a8b-a800-8531b42ad825>> Toronto office:>>> Québec office:>> Canadian Tax Foundation> 595 Bay Street> Suite 1200> Toronto, Ontario> M5G 2N5> Tel: 416-599-0283>> Fondation canadienne de fiscalité> 1250 boul. René-Lévesque ouest> Bureau 2935> Montreal, Québec> H3B 4W8> Tél: (514)939-6323>> About the Canadian Tax Foundation:>> Founded in 1945 as an independent tax research organization under the> joint sponsorship of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants> and the Canadian Bar Association, the Foundation provides a unique> forum for lawyers, accountants, academics and other tax professionals> to work together for the betterment of the Canadian tax system and the> tax profession in general.>> For our 10,000 plus members, the Foundation is a valuable resource for> the scope and depth of the tax information it provides and for its> services to members, which support their everyday work in the taxation> field.>> The Foundation has long been respected by Government policy makers and> administrators for its objectivity, its focus on current tax issues,> its concern for improvement of the Canadian tax system, and its> significant contribution to tax and fiscal>>> Governance>> The activities of the Foundation are directed by a board of 34> governors, nominated in consultation with its founding bodies, the> Canadian Bar Association and the Chartered Professional Accountants of> Canada. Governors are elected for a one-year term by the members> present at the annual general meeting and generally serve for 3 years.> The elected board represents all regions of Canada, the accounting and> legal professions, and other tax-focused disciplines, and reflects> diversity of specialization and of business organization. The board> carries out its work through an executive committee (which includes> the Foundation's full-time Executive Director) and several other> working committees concerned with research, conferences and other> events, membership, finances and government and community relations. A> nominating committee in consultation with the Foundation's director> prepares the slate for the election of a new board each year.>>> Kevin Dancey> Job Title: IFAC Board Technical Advisor for Carol Bellringer> Country: Canada>> Kevin Dancey is the technical advisor for IFAC Board member Carol> Bellringer. He was previously a member of the IFAC Board, 2006-2012.>> Mr. Dancey is president and chief executive officer of CPA Canada,> appointed in January 2013 after previous serving as president of the> Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA), a position he> assumed in 2006. Prior to this, he was the CEO and senior partner of> PwC in Canada and a member of the PricewaterhouseCoopers Global> Leadership Team. Prior to election to this position he served as> leader of PwC’s Canadian Tax Services Group. From 1993 to 1995, he> served as assistant deputy minister of the Tax Policy Branch of the> Canadian Department of Finance. He also served as special advisor to> the assistant deputy minister of the Tax Policy Branch of the Canadian> Department of Finance from 1985 to 1987. In addition, he worked with> the Joint Committee on Taxation of the Canadian Bar Association and> CICA.>> Mr. Dancey graduated from McMaster University with an honors degree in> Math and Economics. He is a Chartered Accountant and in 2000 received> the FCA designation.> .>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZJefyNjg8I>> https://www.youtube.com/user/CICAVideo1/videos?shelf_id=1&view=0&sort=dd>>> http://thedavidamosrant.blogspot.ca/2014/06/the-pdf-files-hereto-attached-forever.html>> Just Dave> By Location Visit Detail> Visit 15,578> Domain Name (Unknown)> IP Address 198.235.184.# (Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants)> ISP Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants> Location Continent : North America> Country : Canada (Facts)> State/Region : Ontario> City : Toronto> Lat/Long : 43.6667, -79.4167 (Map)> Language English (U.S.) en-us> Operating System Microsoft WinXP> Browser Internet Explorer 7.0> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322;> .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)> Javascript version 1.3> Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 800> Color Depth : 32 bits> Time of Visit Nov 25 2011 11:41:25 am> Last Page View Nov 25 2011 11:41:25 am> Visit Length 0 seconds> Page Views 1> Referring URL http://www.bing.com/...avid amos&FORM=LENIE> Search Engine bing.com> Search Words david amos> Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blogspot.com/> Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blogspot.com/> Out Click> Time Zone UTC-5:00> Visitor's Time Nov 25 2011 10:41:25 am> Visit Number 15,578>> https://www.securities-administrators.ca/uploadedFiles/General/pdfs/CSA%20Response%20to%20CICAs%20request%20for%20input%20on%20the%20merger%20of%20CA%20and%20CMA.pdf?n=9994>> Carla-Marie Hait> Chief Accountant> British Columbia Securities Commission> (604) 899-6726> chait@bcsc.bc.ca>> Lara Gaede> Chief Accountant> Alberta Securities Commission> (403) 297-4223> lara.gaede@asc.ca>> Cameron McInnis> Chief Accountant> Ontario Securities Commission> (416) 593-3675> cmcinnis@osc.gov.on.ca>> Sylvie Anctil-Bavas> Chef comptable> Autorité des marchés financiers> (514) 395-0337 ext. 4291> sylvie.anctil-bavas@lautorite.qc.ca>> http://www.cga-canada.org/en-ca/Pages/default.aspx>> UNIFICATION OF THE ACCOUNTING PROFESSION> CGA-Canada united with the Chartered Professional Accountants of> Canada (CPA Canada) under the CPA banner on October 1, 2014.> Unification will enhance the influence, relevance and contribution of> the Canadian accounting profession here at home and internationally.>>> The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants was incorporated by an> Act of the Parliament of Canada in 1902.[1] This Act, now known as the> Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants Act, was last amended in> 1990 to reflect the CICA's current mandate and powers.[2]>> Working in collaboration with its provincial member organizations, the> CICA supports the setting of accounting, auditing and assurance> standards for business, not-for-profit organizations and government,> and develops and delivers education programs. It also provides a range> of member services and professional literature; undertakes research> and development of intellectual property; issues guidance on risk> management and governance; and fosters relationships with key> stakeholders nationally and internationally.>> International In an age of globalization, the world of finance is> becoming increasingly interconnected. That is why Certified General> Accountants of Canada has been an active participant in the> international accounting community for the past four decades.>> Today, CGA-Canada pursues five themes in its international activities.> Click on the side tabs to learn more about these activities.>> Strategic Alliances> ACCA and CGA Canada Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA)> CGA-Canada and CPA Australia's Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA)> CGA-Canada and CPA Ireland Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA)> CGA-Canada and OEC de France Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA)> Certification> Bermuda> Caribbean> China> Hong Kong and Macau> Export of Knowledge> CGAs Help Azerbaijan Modernize Accounting> Central American Educators Get World Bank Support>>> http://www.cga-canada.org/en-ca/Pages/ContactUs.aspx>> Nova Scotia / Bermuda> Note: Bermuda students and members are administered by our association> in Nova Scotia.>> The CGA Association of Nova Scotia Office:> 1801 Hollis Street, Suite 230> Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 3N4> Tel: 902.425.4923> Fax: 902.425.4983> Email: office@cga-ns.org>> http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/11/26/idUSnCCN3qvCpy+1c4+MKW20141126>>> Press Release | Wed Nov 26, 2014 9:56am EST> Harper Government Solidifies Partnership With Canada's Professional> Accountants> * Reuters is not responsible for the content in this press release.>>  Harper Government Solidifies Partnership With Canada's Professional> Accountants>> New CRA-CPA Framework Agreement will strengthen collaboration on> priority issues, including red tape reduction, service, and compliance>> OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Nov. 26, 2014) - Canada Revenue Agency>> The Honourable Kerry-Lynne D. Findlay, P.C., Q.C., M.P., Minister of> National Revenue, today announced the signing of a first-ever> agreement with Canada's chartered professional accountant community,> signaling a new era of information and collaboration in improving tax> administration in Canada and better serving Canada's taxpayers.>> The new Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)-Chartered Professional Accountants> of Canada (CPA Canada) Framework Agreement was formally signed by> Andrew Treusch, Commissioner of Revenue and Chief Executive Officer of> the CRA, and Kevin Dancey, President and CEO of the CPA, during the> Financial Management Institute's Professional Development Week, being> held in Ottawa from November 25 to 28. The Framework Agreement> recognizes the important relationship between the CRA and CPA Canada> in the successful administration of Canada's tax system, and promotes> regular dialogue between the two organizations on tax-related matters> of common interest. It will also ensure that input from Canada's> accounting professionals is considered as the CRA moves forward with> its change agenda.>> A central part of the Framework Agreement includes the creation of> seven committees, each co-chaired by a senior representative from both> the CRA and CPA Canada, to focus on seven priority areas:>>     Services;>     Compliance;>     Tax Administration;>     Scientific Research and Experimental Development;>     Commodity Tax;>     Red Tape Reduction; and>     Training>> The agreement is a key element in the CRA's efforts to build strong> relationships with the Canadian accounting community and tax service> providers so that Canada continues to have a well-functioning and> world-class tax system that benefits all Canadians.>> Quick Facts>> -The Financial Management Institute brings together some 3,500> financial management professionals from the private and public sectors> to stay abreast of evolving practices in the management of public> resources.>> -With the recent merger of all of professional accounting> associations, CPA Canada now represents more than 190,000 members who> play an important role in fostering tax compliance in Canada.>> -Currently, over 80 percent of Canada's professional accountants are> merged under the CPA banner. (Source: Chartered Professional> Accountants of Canada)>> -The CRA now offers over 80 service options to tax professionals in> its dedicated secure online portal, Represent a Client, and that> number is growing every year.>> Quotes>> "Our Government is committed to the administration of a world-class> tax system, and I am pleased that the CRA-CPA Canada Framework> Agreement formalizes an important partnership. This agreement will> help a clear path forward on how we will seek improvements to our tax> system to better serve Canadian taxpayers.">> The Honourable Kerry-Lynne D. Findlay, P.C., Q.C., M.P., Minister of> National Revenue>> "I am pleased to sign the CRA-CPA Canada Framework Agreement on behalf> of our more than 190,000 members. This framework ensures that input> from Canada's accounting professionals is considered by the CRA as it> continues to modernize its programs and services. Our profession looks> forward to enhanced collaboration with CRA as we collectively focus on> a fair and efficient tax system for Canada with the best interests of> taxpayers the key priority.">> Kevin Dancey, President and CEO, Chartered Professional Accountants of> Canada>> "FMI is pleased to host this historical signing at our PD week, the> largest gathering of public sector financial managers in Canada. This> event is made possible with the support of our members, our amazing> volunteers and our long lasting partners such as CPA and CRA just to> name a few. FMI is proud to be the voice of the government financial> management community since 1962.">> Mathieu Langelier, Chief Executive Officer, Financial Management> Institute of Canada>> Associated Links>> Red Tape Reduction (RTR)>> Represent a Client>> Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA)>> Represent a client-what's new>> Financial Management Institute>> Stay connected> To receive updates when new information is added to our website, you can:>> -Follow the CRA on Twitter - @CanRevAgency.>> -Subscribe to a CRA electronic mailing list.>> -Add our RSS feeds to your feed reader.>> -Watch our tax-related videos on YouTube.>> Rebecca Rogers> Director of Communications> Office of the Minister of National Revenue> 613-995-2960>> Noel Carisse> Media Relations> Canada Revenue Agency> 613-952-9184>>> https://ocl-cal.gc.ca/app/secure/orl/lrrs/do/cmmLgPblcVw?commLogId=358148>> Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada)/Comptables> professionnels agréés du Canada (CPA Canada)> Associated registration:   781031-13682-41> Communication date:  2015-06-03> Posted date:  2015-07-15>> Designated Public Office Holders who participated in the> communication:  Frank Vermaeten, Assistant Commissioner> Assessment & Benefit Services Branch, Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)>> Anne Marie Lévesque, Assistant Commissioner> Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)>> Mireille Laroche, Deputy Assistant Commissioner> Collections and Verification, Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)>> Rick Stewart, Assistant Commissioner> Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)>> Richard Montroy, Assistant Commissioner> Compliance Programs Branch, Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)>> Ted Gallivan, Deputy Assistant Commissioner> Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)>> Andrew Treusch, Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer> Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)>> Kerry-Lynne Findley, Minister of National Revenue> Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)>> Subject Matter of the communication:  Taxation and Finance>> Communication Report amended on:  2015-07-15 previous entry: 13682-358143> Reason for amendment:  Thought a spelling error was made.>> Responsible Officer who filed this communication report:  Kevin Dancey>>> The above name is that of the most senior paid officer who is> responsible for filing a return for a corporation or organization (the> Registrant), whether that person participated in this communication or> not. Indeed, the Lobbyists Registration Regulations do not require> that the names of in-house lobbyists (i.e. employees of corporations> or organizations) who actually participated in this communication with> a designated public office holder be disclosed.>>> http://www.payroll.ca/CPA/Media_Room/Photo_Galleries/en/MediaRoom/Photo_Galleries/Montroy.aspx>> https://openparliament.ca/committees/finance/41-1/102/richard-montroy-1/only/>>> http://www.cba.org/CBA/sections_taxation/news2014/PrintHTML.aspx?DocId=54293>> https://www.ific.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Submission-to-Federal-Government-CRA-T3-Consolidation-May-17-2005.pdf/5306/>> http://stop-ca-cma-cga-merger.blogspot.ca/2012/05/cica-just-wants-its-members-to-feel.html>> CICA Just Wants Its Members to Feel Like They’ve Been Heard>> The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) doesn’t really> care what its members think of the CA/CMA/CGA merger. It just wants> them to feel like they’ve been heard.>> Look at the e-mail Heather Whyte (VP of Communications and External> Relations at CICA) accidentally sent to a member when she hit “reply> all”. It’s better if you read this string of emails from the bottom> up.>>> From: Heather.Whyte@cica.ca [mailto:Heather.Whyte@cica.ca]> Sent: Friday, September 09, 2011 06:40 AM> To: Aguilar Ismail, Michelle> Cc: 'William MacKinnon' ;> 'Kevin.Dancey@cica.ca' ; 'Peter.McLean@cica.ca'> > Subject: RE: FW: CA-CMA Merger: Important Message to all CAs>> Hi Kevin ... let me take this one. you have more important things to do.>> I will call her and calm her by providing clarity on the process and> feedback, etc. if you like. I think it may be best to let her vent and> feel heard.> also i will ask shane to track her email and let us know the status.>> H>>> From:        "Aguilar Ismail, Michelle" > To:        "'Kevin.Dancey@cica.ca'" > Cc:        'William MacKinnon' ,> "'Peter.McLean@cica.ca'" ,> "'Heather.Whyte@cica.ca'" > Date:        09/08/2011 03:19 PM> Subject:        RE: FW: CA-CMA Merger: Important Message to all CAs>>> I did not receive an e-mail today nor the one on September 5th from> the CICA.  If your sever issues have been solved, why did I not> receive it nor my husband who is also a CA?>> What do you mean by you have not heard from many members?  Your first> paragraph in your today's communication states that you have received> feedback.  There is direct feedback on the blog page you have set up> and is the feedback being received via e-mail as I have provided and> other colleagues not being considered?>> Please answer my question in #4 - I am sure you will hear from members> when there is a vote if you are not getting enough feedback now.>>> From: Kevin.Dancey@cica.ca [mailto:Kevin.Dancey@cica.ca]> Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 3:01 PM> To: Aguilar Ismail, Michelle> Cc: William MacKinnon; Peter.McLean@cica.ca; Heather.Whyte@cica.ca> Subject: Re: FW: CA-CMA Merger: Important Message to all CAs>> Thank you for your email>> The September 5 and 8 emails were sent to all CAs, not a select few.> We did have server problems on Monday and all CAs may not have> received the September 5 email. However the September 5 email was> attached to the email sent out today. Please let us know if you do not> get the September 8 email>> With respect to the feedback received to date we have not heard from> many members and many have asked for more information;  the purpose of> today's email was to provide additional information so that members> could be more fully informed on the issues.>> Regards>> Kevin Dancey> Kevin J. Dancey, FCA> President & CEO / Président-directeur général> The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants / L’Institut Canadien> des Comptables Agréés> Tel / Tél. : 416 204.3333 Fax / Téléc. : 416 204.3405> e-mail / courriel : kevin.dancey@cica.ca> The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants> L’Institut Canadien des Comptables Agréés> 277 Wellington St. West, Toronto ON M5V 3H2> 277, rue Wellington Ouest, Toronto (Ontario) Canada M5V 3H2> Tel: 416 977.3222 Fax: 416 977.8585> Tél. : 416 977.3222 Téléc. : 416 977.8585> www.cica.ca> www.icca.ca>>>> From:        "Aguilar Ismail, Michelle" > To:        "'peter.mclean@cica.ca'" ,> "'kevin.dancey@cica.ca'" ,> "'bmackinnon@rogers.com'" ,> "'viewpoint@cica.ca'" ,> "'Member_Viewpoint@icao.on.ca'" > Date:        09/08/2011 02:45 PM> Subject:        FW: CA-CMA Merger: Important Message to all CAs>>>>> Dear Nora Murrant, Peter McLean, Kevin Dancey, Bill MacKinnon:>> I am writing on several issues that are gravely disturbing to me as a> CA (ICAO #317839).  I have called the CICA and have been advised to> contact you directly.>> 1)  I have not received the below e-mail from the CICA nor the ICAO.> I received this communication through a colleague.  Please confirm> immediately why I am not receiving these communications directly.  I> find the selective distribution extremely unprofessional and a> disgrace to the record keeping of the CICA as I am currently signed up> to receive all merger related communication electronically and have> filled in a survey indicating that I want to receive all merger> communication via e-mail.  This profession demands integrity and> reliability, yet you cannot even distribute e-mails to your full> member population.  Having spoken to the CICA receptionist, she> mentioned she is receiving a large volume of calls indicating that> other CA's are also upset since they are not receiving these> communications so there are clearly errors with your distribution> list.  Please confirm asap the reason I did not receive the below> communication.>> 2)  CMA's have received the attached e-mail on September 5th regarding> the merger urging them to complete the survey.  Again, I am extremely> upset that I as a CA did not receive this same communication directly> via e-mail.  This is unprofessional.  Please confirm why CA's were> excluded from this same communication in the same format?  It appears> to me as though the CMA's are sending out these direct targeted> communications that are completely one-sided to encourage them to> provide positive feedback on the merger so that results can be> portrayed as being in favour of the merger even though CA's are> clearly against this merger.  The CICA is not sending direct> communication (or rather to a select sample of CA's) and rather> posting information on a website without directing them to the> information which I find personally underhanded.>> 3)  Kevin/Bill - your note below is extremely disturbing.  In the> first paragraph, you recognize that the feedback during the> exploratory phase you have received from CA's whom you are to both> represent is clearly opposed to the merger.  Yet, you disagree with> the body of CAs and proceed to push your views upon the CA's that are> clearly against this.  What is the point of requesting feedback and> having an exploratory phase to determine if you will proceed with the> merger when you are completely ignoring the negative feedback and> pursing ahead anyways?  I am appalled that my member fees are being> put towards individuals that have no regard for the members feedback> and do not wish to represent them as they want.  I have read every> single piece of information on this merger that is posted on the> website (Case for Change/Merger Update/Position Paper/etc.), and could> not disagree more with this merger after reading all of the> information presented.  There is no further education required - the> only requirement is for you to listen and represent CA's as requested> which is to oppose this merger.  The one-sided approach to this merger> is truly disheartening and almost unlawful.  There is no confusion in> the marketplace - a CA is a CA and CMA is a CMA and CGA is a CGA - and> people who need to know understand what those differences are and they> are not equal.  You are 100% diluting the CA brand by proposing this> merger rather than protecting it.>> 4)  When is the vote for this merger going to take place?   As you> state below, CA's are clearly against this merger and it will clearly> be a repeat of 2004 when a merger was proposed and there was a> resounding "NO" from CA's despite the "YES" from the CMA's.  I will> encourage each and every single CA and their network to vote and I can> assure you that I have not had one positive vote for this merger from> the vast number of CA's that I am in contact with.>> 5)  I attach the feedback I presented to Nora Murrant via e-mail in> regards to the merger.  Please accept this as my formal feedback as> being 100% against this merger.>> To quote Nora Murrant in her attached e-mail "We are exploring the> merits and feasibility of a merger.  As outlined in the position> paper, we feel that the rationale for change is clear; however, before> proceeding any further, we are seeking input from our members,> registered students, governments and other stakeholders.  In> particular, we want to know if members agree or disagree with the> issues presented in the position paper and any additional critical> issues that they believe should be considered.  Once we secure that> feedback, we will decide on how to proceed."  From the feedback> received, it should be clear that CA members disagree as you confirm> in your below communication.  Hence, if the CICA/ICAO decide to> proceed with next steps with merging, this is in direct contradiction> to the wishes of your members and it is your duty to represent us.>> Regards,> Michelle Aguilar Ismail, CA> Posted 30th May 2012>> From: Darren WOROSHELO > Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 23:15:06 -0400> Subject: Re: The pdf files hereto attached forever prove that the> RCMP, the US Treasury Dept, the latest NB AG Teddy Feming and> Jacqueline Maarse know that Grant Thornton and KPMG were the auditors> of the Brookline Savings Bank were I reported the fraud in 2003> To: David Amos >> I am currently absent on duty through June 27. I will have my cell> phone and be checking e-mails daily. Please contact Acting Sergeant> Jay Grierson in McBride should you need immedaite assistance.>> Cheers!>> Darren Woroshelo, Sergeant> Detachment Commander> Robson Valley Regional RCMP> Valemount & McBride Detachments> 1435 5th Avenue> PO Box 159> Valemount, British Columbia> V0E 2Z0> Phone: 250-566-4466> FAX: 250-566-9964> Cell: 250-566-1136> E-Mail: darren.woroshelo@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: "Maarse, Jacqueline" > Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 21:54:05 +0000> Subject: Your call today with Grant Thornton> To: "motomaniac333@gmail.com" >> Dear Mr. Amos,>> Further to your call with the 2 gentlemen in our Moncton office today,> we appreciate your interest in Grant Thornton. We ask that you direct> any correspondence you may wish to send to my attention at the address> indicated below. We will not be in a position to copy documents from> your computer and we ask that you do not attend at our offices for> that purpose. As indicated in the call, communications relating to> ongoing litigation are dealt with by our General Counsel's Office and> our partners and staff are not able to engage with you on these> matters.>> Regards,> Jacqueline Maarse>> Jacqueline Maarse | General Counsel> Grant Thornton LLP> 12th Floor | 50 Bay Street | Toronto | ON | M5J 2Z8>> E Jacqueline.Maarse@ca.gt.com | W> http://www.grantthornton.ca/>> [cid:image001.jpg@01CF909B.B187EE80]> > [cid:image002.jpg@01CF909B.B187EE80]>>> Grant Thornton LLP is proud to be> recognized as one of Canada's best> workplaces for our sixth consecutive year!>> ________________________________> Disclaimer: This email is intended solely for the person or entity to> which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged> information. Any review, dissemination, copying, printing or other use> of this email by persons or entities other than the addressee is> prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please contact> the sender immediately and delete the material from any computer.>> http://www.princegeorgecitizen.com/news/national/new-brunswick-government-seeks-to-recoup-50-million-lost-in-atcon-collapse-1.1155837>> FREDERICTON - The New Brunswick government has launched a lawsuit> against an accounting firm in an effort to recover $50 million> provided as loan guarantees to the Miramichi-based Atcon group of> companies.>> The lawsuit filed with the Court of Queen's Bench in Saint John> alleges that Grant Thornton was in breach of its duties to the> province in an inspection of the financial books of the Atcon group of> companies.>> The former Liberal government of then premier Shawn Graham provided> the loan guarantees to the companies in 2009.>> The statement of claim alleges the government approved the loan> guarantees as a result of financial reports from Grant Thornton.>> "But for the Grant Thornton opinions and representations, the province> would not have sustained a loss in excess of $50 million," the> document asserts.>> It says the accounting firm "failed to exercise the care, diligence,> and skill of an auditor of reasonable competence and prudence.">> None of the allegations contained in the statement of claim have been> proven in court.>> Atcon, based in Miramichi, went bankrupt in April 2010.>> Grant Thornton LLP, Grant Thornton International and a chartered> accountant who works for the company are named as the defendants. They> have not filed a statement of defence and the accountant named in the> statement of claim could not be reached for comment.>> Norm Raynard, managing partner in New Brunswick for Grant Thornton,> said in an emailed statement that the company would not offer specific> comments on the lawsuit because they are still reviewing the court> documents.>> "We will vigorously defend ourselves against this action," he wrote.>> "Our initial reaction is that this timing has much to do with the> political calendar in the province.">> The next provincial election is set for Sept. 22.>> Attorney General Hugh Flemming said the timing is not political.>> "This is not a time schedule which in any way was influenced by the> government and it is not a political issue," he said Tuesday.>> He said the government had no choice but to take the matter to court> because of the $50 million that was spent.>> "The government owes a duty to the people of New Brunswick to do what> they can to recover this," Flemming said.>> © Copyright 2014>>> ------- Forwarded message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2012 23:43:38 -0400> Subject: Re: The politicians and cops etc cannot deny that I warned> New Brunswick not to trust Grant Thornton and KPMG many times> beginning in 2004> To: jacqueline.maarse@ca.gt.com, pnoble@grantthornton.ca,> paul.robichaud@gnb.ca, ggilbert@grantthornton.ca,> nraynard@grantthornton.ca, jdelaney@grantthornton.ca,> kferguson@grantthornton.ca, blewis@grantthornton.ca,> krieger@grantthornton.ca, hjaffer@grantthornton.ca,> rgodbold@grantthornton.ca, pmartin@grantthornton.ca,> gdent@grantthornton.ca, karrt , oig , oig> , whistleblower , whistle> , Whistleblower ,> "dean.buzza" , police> , GillesLee , andre> , "peter.dauphinee" ,> law , "rick.hancox" ,> "marie-claude.blais" , "jeff.mockler"> , "luc.labonte" ,> "lucie.dubois" , "bernadine.chapman"> , pm , cullen1> , "bob.rae" ,> rhouston , richard.dearden@gowlings.com,> "allan.cutler" ,> Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, oldmaison ,> "justin.trudeau.a1" , "marc.garneau.a1"> , ottawairc@state.gov, bginsberg> > Cc: Minister.Industry@ic.gc.ca, David Amos> , warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,> amacbeath@grantthornton.ca, bmatthews@grantthornton.ca,> derrickrideout001@yahoo.ca>> From: "Matthews, Bev" > Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2012 03:36:55 +0000> Subject: Automatic reply: The politicians and cops etc cannot deny> that I warned New Brunswick not to trust Grant Thornton and KPMG many> times beginning in 2004> To: David Amos >> Hello,>> I have stepped down from my position as General Counsel of Grant> Thornton as of July 31, 2012.>> My successor, Jacqueline Maarse, can be reached at> jacqueline.maarse@ca.gt.com or at 416 369-7013.>> I will respond directly to any e-mails associated with the limited> matters for which I have responsiblity as Special Counsel to the firm> or to any e-mails of a personal nature.>> Bev Matthews>> ________________________________> Disclaimer: This email is intended solely for the person or entity to> which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged> information. Any review, dissemination, copying, printing or other use> of this email by persons or entities other than the addressee is> prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please contact> the sender immediately and delete the material from any computer.>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2012 23:36:40 -0400> Subject: The politicians and cops etc cannot deny that I warned New> Brunswick not to trust Grant Thornton and KPMG many times beginning in> 2004> To: pnoble@grantthornton.ca, paul.robichaud@gnb.ca,> ggilbert@grantthornton.ca, nraynard@grantthornton.ca,> jdelaney@grantthornton.ca, kferguson@grantthornton.ca,> blewis@grantthornton.ca, krieger@grantthornton.ca,> hjaffer@grantthornton.ca, rgodbold@grantthornton.ca,> pmartin@grantthornton.ca, gdent@grantthornton.ca, karrt> , oig , oig , whistleblower> , whistle , Whistleblower> , "dean.buzza" ,> police , GillesLee ,> andre , "peter.dauphinee"> , law , "rick.hancox"> , "marie-claude.blais"> , "jeff.mockler" ,> "luc.labonte" , "lucie.dubois"> , "bernadine.chapman"> , pm , cullen1> , "bob.rae" ,> rhouston , richard.dearden@gowlings.com,> "allan.cutler" ,> Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, oldmaison ,> "justin.trudeau.a1" , "marc.garneau.a1"> , ottawairc@state.gov, bginsberg> > Cc: Minister.Industry@ic.gc.ca, David Amos> , warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,> amacbeath@grantthornton.ca, bmatthews@grantthornton.ca,> derrickrideout001@yahoo.ca>> "Harper, Stephen - M.P." wrote:>> Subject: RE: Re: Lets all go through the looking glass to check the> Integrity of the Talking Heads in BC tonight> Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 15:32:54 -0500> From: "Harper, Stephen - M.P." > To: >> Thank you for your e-mail message to Stephen Harper, Leader of the> Opposition. Your views and suggestions are important to us. Once they> have been carefully considered, you may receive a further reply.>> *Remember to include your mailing address if you would like a response.>> If you prefer to send your thoughts by regular mail, please address them> to:>> Stephen Harper, M.P.> Leader of the Opposition> House of Commons> Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6>> maggie.trudel-maggiore@international.gc.ca wrote:>> Mr. Amos,>> thank you for your phone message and several email messages. As the> Director of Values and Ethics in the departments of Foreign Affairs> Canada and International Trade Canada, my current mandate applies only> to internal management issues. For example, establishing a code of> conduct for our employees as well as providing advice to staff on> conflict of interest and conflict resolution.>> As such I don't think I could be in a position to assist you. Please> remove my name from your distribution list.>> Thanks in advance>> Maggie Trudel-Maggiore> A/Director, Values and Ethics>> http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/story/2012/12/14/nb-robichaud-atcon-audit-707.html>> The crook Paul Robichaud spewed Pure Double talking Bullshit today>> "Robichaud told reporters on Thursday that suing Grant Thornton, the> company that audited Atcon's financial records, could be considered> but he said the province is unlikely to follow that specific option.>> "[A lawsuit] is something that we could consider, but I already said> in the past it is not an option that we are going to look at this> point. But we are looking at every option at this point," Robichaud> said.">> http://www.grantthornton.ca/>> http://www.nbica.org/english/members/advanced_search.asp?iPageCurrent=5&iPageSize=5&strSQL=select+*+from+members+where+city+like+'%25%25'+order+by+company&from=myself>> The RCMP, Rick Hancox,Bruce Lewis of Fat Fred City and his bosses in> Upper Canada should at least recall what I explained to them on the> phone in 2006 before you nasty bastards sent all the cops against me.> CORRECT???>> GO FIGURE>> http://secfilings.nasdaq.com/filingFrameset.asp?FileName=0000943374%2D03%2D000023%2Etxt&FilePath=%5C2003%5C01%5C24%5C&CoName=BROOKLINE+BANCORP+INC&FormType=8%2DK&RcvdDate=1%2F24%2F2003&pdf=>> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.ca/2008/06/5-years-waiting-on-bank-fraud-payout.html>>> My concerns about the severe lack of INTEGRITY of Grant Thornton and> KPMG obviously had to do with their fraudulent auditing of the> Brookline Bancorp etc (Putnam Investments is now owned by Power Corp> BTW) while many Yankees, the USDOJ and the US Treasury Dept attacked> my family and I in order to cover up their many wrongs. Meanwhile the> cops and politicians in my nativeland did everything in ther power to> assist in the many wrongs for nearly 11 years and counting. N'esy Pas?>> http://www.powercorporation.com/en/companies-group/great-west-lifeco-inc/profile/>>>> http://www.nbsc-cvmnb.ca/nbsc/nbsc_content.jsp?nbscid=1273&pid=4>> 13 December 2012>> Canadian Securities Regulators Publish Discussion Paper on Mutual Fund Fees>> Toronto – The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) today published> for comment CSA Discussion Paper 81-407 Mutual Fund Fees, which> examines the mutual fund fee structure in Canada and identifies> potential investor protection issues arising from that structure. The> Discussion Paper sets out various topics for discussion in order to> evaluate the appropriate structure for Canada.>> Canada's mutual fund fees have been the subject of much debate in> recent years. Some research studies examining Canada's mutual fund> fees, along with international reforms, have prompted greater interest> in reviewing the issue of mutual fund fees in Canada.>> "Mutual funds are a key investment in the portfolios of many> Canadians," said Bill Rice, Chair of the CSA and Chair and CEO of the> Alberta Securities Commission. "It is important that we look at> Canada's mutual fund fee structure carefully in determining what> changes could or should be considered to enhance investor protection> and foster confidence in our market.">> To date, the CSA has focused its efforts on enhancing the transparency> of mutual fund fees and commissions through initiatives such as the> Point of Sale, and Cost Disclosure and Performance Reporting projects.> While these initiatives remain a priority on behalf of investors, the> CSA has determined that it is also necessary to consult extensively> with investors and market participants to explore whether further> issues remain.>> The CSA welcomes feedback on the Discussion Paper, which can be found> on CSA members' websites. The comment period is open until April 12,> 2013. All comments will be considered in the CSA's decision and next> steps, and also assist in the development of a roundtable the CSA> plans to hold with investors and industry participants in 2013.>> The CSA, the council of the securities regulators of Canada's> provinces and territories, coordinates and harmonizes regulation for> the Canadian capital markets.>> – 30 –>> For more information:> Wendy Connors-Beckett> New Brunswick Securities Commission> 506 643-7745>> Subject:> Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400> From: "Murphy, Michael B. \(DH/MS\)" MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca> To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>> January 30, 2007>> WITHOUT PREJUDICE>> Mr. David Amos>> Dear Mr. Amos:>> This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29,> 2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP.>> Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I have> taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve> Graham of the RCMP "J" Division in Fredericton.>> Sincerely,>> Honourable Michael B. Murphy> Minister of Health>> CM/cb>> Warren McBeath warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca wrote:>> Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500> From: "Warren McBeath" warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca> To: kilgoursite@ca.inter.net, MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca,> nada.sarkis@gnb.ca, wally.stiles@gnb.ca, dwatch@web.net,> motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com> CC: ottawa@chuckstrahl.com, riding@chuckstrahl.com,> John.Foran@gnb.ca, Oda.B@parl.gc.ca,> "Bev BUSSON" bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,> "Paul Dube" PAUL.DUBE@rcmp-grc.gc.ca> Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has> forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have n>> Dear Mr. Amos,>> Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off over> the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I was not> ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns.>> As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our position> is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process> testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the> Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these> services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this> instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done.>> As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false> imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear> that Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada and> theUS. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment policing> in Petitcodiac, NB.>> It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on> December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors.>> Sincerely,>> Warren McBeath, Cpl.> GRC Caledonia RCMP> Traffic Services NCO> Ph: (506) 387-2222> Fax: (506) 387-4622> E-mail warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>>> ----- Original Message -----> From: David Raymond Amos> To: warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca> Sent: Friday, December 22, 2006 2:59 PM> Subject: Fw: Please press print on this attachment and give it to MacKay>> ----- Original Message -----> From: David Raymond Amos> To: ottawairc@state.gov> Sent: Friday, December 22, 2006 10:28 AM> Subject: Fw: Please press print on this attachment and give it to MacKay>>> ----- Original Message -----> From: David Raymond Amos> To: doralee.smith@pwgsc.gc.ca ; MacKay.P@parl.gc.ca> Sent: Friday, December 22, 2006 9:49 AM> Subject: Please press print on this attachment and give it to MacKay>> ----- Original Message -----> From: David Raymond Amos> To: eamacleod@cbrmps.cape-breton.ns.ca> Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 5:26 PM> Subject: Fw: Press print on this attachment and call me a liar now Ms.> Matthews>>> ----- Original Message -----> From: David Raymond Amos> To: comartin.j@parl.gc.ca ; Brown.G@parl.gc.ca ; cotler.i@parl.gc.ca ;> Hawn.L@parl.gc.ca ; Menard.S@parl.gc.ca ;> scarpinelli@publicintegrity.org ; Norlock.R@parl.gc.ca ;> MacKenzie.D@parl.gc.ca ; Chan.R@parl.gc.ca ; Bevilacqua.M@parl.gc.ca ;> Batters.D@parl.gc.ca ; Siksay.B@parl.gc.ca ; Anderson.Da@parl.gc.ca ;> Komarnicki.E@parl.gc.ca> Cc: SECU@parl.gc.ca ; Breitkreuz.G@parl.gc.ca ; hollam@parl.gc.ca ;> arnold.zeman@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca ; Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca ;> Harper.S@parl.gc.ca ; Layton.J@parl.gc.ca ; Godin.Y@parl.gc.ca ;> McDonough.A@parl.gc.ca ; Stoffer.P@parl.gc.ca ;> gemerson@tor.fasken.com ; garth@garth.ca ; rmooremp@nb.sympatico.ca ;> Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca ; smay@pattersonpalmer.ca ;> news957@rci.rogers.com ; Scott.A@parl.gc.ca ; zedp@parl.gc.ca ;> leo@primetimecrime.com ; crilf@ucalgary.ca ;> giuliano.zaccardelli@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; rod.smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ;> stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; cnichols@norwellpolice.com ;> info@pco-bcp.gc.ca ; Daniel.Conley@state.ma.us ; kmearn@mpdmilton.org> ; Freeman.C@parl.gc.ca> Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 3:52 PM> Subject: Fw: Press print on this attachment and call me a liar now Ms.> Matthews>> ----- Original Message -----> From: David Raymond Amos> To: chanr0@parl.gc.ca> Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 3:00 PM> Subject: Fw: Press print on this attachment and call me a liar now Ms.> Matthews>> ----- Original Message -----> From: David Raymond Amos> To: johnforan.mla@nb.aibn.com ; Chris.Baker@gnb.ca ;> yvon.leblanc3@gnb.ca ; rachel.bard@gnb.ca ; Louise.LEMON@gnb.ca> Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 2:47 PM> Subject: Fw: Press print on this attachment and call me a liar now Ms.> Matthews>> ----- Original Message -----> From: David Raymond Amos> To: amacbeath@grantthornton.ca> Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 2:09 PM> Subject: Fw: Press print on this attachment and call me a liar now Ms.> Matthews>> ----- Original Message -----> From: David Raymond Amos> To: bmatthews@grantthornton.ca> Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 1:32 PM> Subject: Press print on this attachment and call me a liar now Ms. Matthews>> ----- Original Message -----> From: David Raymond Amos> To: freemc@parl.gc.ca> Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 1:00 PM> Subject: Fw: Angie press print on this attachment I know for a fact it> works>> ----- Original Message -----> From: David Raymond Amos> To: pmartin@GrantThornton.ca> Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 12:07 PM> Subject: Fw: Angie press print on this attachment I know for a fact it> works>> ----- Original Message -----> From: David Raymond Amos> To: nraynard@GrantThornton.ca ; jdelaney@GrantThornton.ca ;> kferguson@GrantThornton.ca ; blewis@GrantThornton.ca> Cc: krieger@GrantThornton.ca ; hjaffer@GrantThornton.ca ;> rgodbold@GrantThornton.ca> Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 11:59 AM> Subject: Fw: Angie press print on this attachment I know for a fact it> works>> ----- Original Message -----> From: David Raymond Amos> To: gdent@GrantThornton.ca> Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:04 AM> Subject: Fw: Angie press print on this attachment I know for a fact it> works>> ----- Original Message -----> From: David Raymond Amos> To: ckennedy@notes.tcs.treas.gov> Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 5:32 PM> Subject: Fw: Angie press print on this attachment I know for a fact it> works>> ----- Original Message -----> From: David Raymond Amos> To: Raf.Souccar@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; tim.killam@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ;> martin.blais@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; harrir1@parl.gc.ca ; harrir@parl.gc.ca ;> peterj@parl.gc.ca> Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 2:44 PM> Subject: Fw: Angie press print on this attachment I know for a fact it> works>> ----- Original Message -----> From: David Raymond Amos> To: leo@primetimecrime.com ; gary.bignell@peelpolice.on.ca ;> crilf@ucalgary.ca> Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 12:17 PM> Subject: Fw: Angie press print on this attachment I know for a fact it> works>> ----- Original Message -----> From: David Raymond Amos> To: angie.coss@cjad.com> Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2006 8:03 PM> Subject: Angie press print on this attachment I know for a fact it works>> Just Dave> By Location Visit Detail> Visit 15,578> Domain Name (Unknown)> IP Address 198.235.184.# (Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants)> ISP Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants> Location Continent : North America> Country : Canada (Facts)> State/Region : Ontario> City : Toronto> Lat/Long : 43.6667, -79.4167 (Map)> Language English (U.S.) en-us> Operating System Microsoft WinXP> Browser Internet Explorer 7.0> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322;> .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)> Javascript version 1.3> Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 800> Color Depth : 32 bits> Time of Visit Nov 25 2011 11:41:25 am> Last Page View Nov 25 2011 11:41:25 am> Visit Length 0 seconds> Page Views 1> Referring URL http://www.bing.com/...avid amos&FORM=LENIE> Search Engine bing.com> Search Words david amos> Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blogspot.com/> Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blogspot.com/> Out Click> Time Zone UTC-5:00> Visitor's Time Nov 25 2011 10:41:25 am> Visit Number 15,578>> ----- Original Message -----> From: "David Amos" > To: ; ; "pm"> ; ; ;> "ggilbert" ; "Minister.Industry"> ; > Cc: "IgnatM" ; "maritime_malaise"> ; > Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 2:00 PM> Subject: Tell me another one Mr Rideout after you talk to Brian> Crawley perhaps you PCs should consider returning my calls EH?>>> Representative of the Leader's Office> Mr. Derrick Rideout> Principal Assistant to the Premier> Email: derrickrideout001@yahoo.ca>> From: Derrick Rideout > Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 07:33:19 -0700 (PDT)> Subject: Re: Fwd: RE Financial oversight the media, the SEC, Madoff,> Putnam and the Whistleblower @ 1-866-96-FINRA etc etc> To: David Amos >> Don't know why i was sent this.>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: "Auto-reply from csheahan@pa-law.ca" > Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 10:22:37 -0400> Subject: Re: Fwd: RE Financial oversight the media, the SEC, Madoff,> Putnam and the Whistleblower @ 1-866-96-FINRA etc etc> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>> Please be advised that I will be away from the office from April 1,> 2011 to April 11, 2011 (inclusive). If you require immediate> assistance, please contact Debbie White at 709-634-3136. Thank you,>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: "Williams, Norm" > Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 10:23:15 -0400> Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: RE Financial oversight the media,> the SEC, Madoff, Putnam and the Whistleblower @ 1-866-96-FINRA etc etc> To: David Amos >> Thank you for contacting Grant Thornton LLP. Norm Williams, CA has> withdrawn from the firm effective December 31, 2010 and will be> transitioning his files to other professionals within the firm over> the next few weeks. If you have immediate needs please contact Bill> Budgell at bbudgell@GrantThornton.ca or (709) 778-8802 and we will be> pleased to service your needs.> This email is intended solely for the person or entity to which it is> addressed and may contain confidential and/or> privileged information. Any review, dissemination, copying, printing> or other use of this email by persons or entities other> than the addressee is prohibited. If you have received this email in> error, please contact the sender immediately and> delete the material from any computer.>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 11:56:23 -0300> Subject: Fwd: RE Financial oversight the media, the SEC, Madoff,> Putnam and the Whistleblower @ 1-866-96-FINRA etc etc> To: pnoble@grantthornton.ca, ggilbert@grantthornton.ca> Cc: "Minister.Industry" , "sheila. fraser"> , ducepg >> http://www.ic.gc.ca/app/ccc/srch/nvgt.do?lang=eng&prtl=1&sbPrtl=&estblmntNo=123456240927&profile=cmpltPrfl&profileId=501&app=sold>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 11:22:34 -0300> Subject: Fwd: RE Financial oversight the media, the SEC, Madoff,> Putnam and the Whistleblower @ 1-866-96-FINRA etc etc> To: pcparty@nf.aibn.com, derrickrideout001@yahoo.ca, jbabb@babblaw.ca,> cynthia_downey@hotmail.com, "ddexter@ns.sympatico.ca"> , "David.ALWARD@gnb.ca" > Cc: nwilliams@grantthornton.ca, csheahan@pa-law.ca, abugden@pa-law.ca,> maritime_malaise >> I just called agsin. Heres why>> http://www.dunderdale2011.ca/our-team/executive-board/>> Just Dave> By Location Visit Detail> Visit 13,631> Domain Name shawcable.net ? (Network)> IP Address 24.85.83.# (Shaw Communications)> ISP Shaw Communications> Location Continent : North America> Country : Canada (Facts)> State/Region : British Columbia> City : Vancouver> Lat/Long : 49.25, -123.1333 (Map)> Language English (U.S.) en-us> Operating System Macintosh MacOSX> Browser Safari 1.3> Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_5; en-us)> AppleWebKit/533.19.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.3 Safari/533.19.4> Javascript version 1.5> Monitor Resolution : 1152 x 720> Color Depth : 24 bits> Time of Visit Apr 12 2011 10:27:57 pm> Last Page View Apr 12 2011 10:27:57 pm> Visit Length 0 seconds> Page Views 1> Referring URL http://www.google.ca...ukTbOgLoj6sAPqtqj6DA> Search Engine google.ca> Search Words babblaw.ca> Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo...06/04/just-dave.html> Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blo...06/04/just-dave.html> Out Click> Time Zone UTC-8:00> Visitor's Time Apr 12 2011 6:27:57 pm> Visit Number 13,631>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 16:46:59 -0300> Subject: Fwd: RE Financial oversight the media, the SEC, Madoff,> Putnam and the Whistleblower @ 1-866-96-FINRA etc etc> To: mark@snellingcenter.org> Cc: maritime_malaise >> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 16:16:39 -0300> Subject: Fwd: RE Financial oversight the media, the SEC, Madoff,> Putnam and the Whistleblower @ 1-866-96-FINRA etc etc> To: Harriet.Johnson@state.vt.us, michael.clasen@state.vt.us,> Harold@haroldalbrechtmp.ca, colleen@snellingcenter.org> Cc: "PATRICK. MURPHY" , "jacques.boucher"> >> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 15:35:28 -0300> Subject: Fwd: RE Financial oversight the media, the SEC, Madoff,> Putnam and the Whistleblower @ 1-866-96-FINRA etc etc> To: GovernorVT@state.vt.us, jeb.spaulding@state.vt.us> Cc: cmain2@bloomberg.net>> http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-03-11/hedge-fund-survey-popcorn-disclosure-energy-bill-compliance.html>> Whats this? A possibly ethical Governor in Vermont? I tried talking to> his people Heres hoping that he emails me back because his help> suddenly got busy didn't ask for my number.>> "Vermont's governor, Democrat Peter Shumlin, has said he seeks to use> an escape clause in the law to create a government- run health system> that would cover every resident and put private insurers, including> Cigna Corp. (CI), out of business in that state.">>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 11:15:49 -0300> Subject: RE Financial oversight the media, the SEC, Madoff, Putnam and> the Whistleblower @ 1-866-96-FINRA etc etc> To: whistleblower@finra.org, michael_copeland@fortunemail.com,> letters@fortune.com, susan.pulliam@wsj.com, Russ.Stanton@latimes.com,> meredith.goodman@latimes.com, ninkster@navigantconsulting.com,> dgolub@sgtlaw.com, firstselectmanffld@town.fairfield.ct.us,> editor@whatsupfairfield.com, info@csiworld.org, jacques_poitras@cbc.ca> Cc: oig , "Dean.Buzza" ,> "Fred. Pretorius" , "rick.hancox"> >> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2009/03/david-amos-to-wendy-olsen-on.html>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: "Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)" Wendy.Olsen@usdoj.gov> Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 09:21:08 -0400> Subject: RE: USANYS-MADOFF AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US> ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY> To: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, USANYS-MADOFF> USANYS.MADOFF@usdoj.gov, "Litt, Marc (USANYS)" Marc.Litt@usdoj.gov Cc:> webo webo@xplornet.com, vasilescua@sec.gov, friedmani@sec.gov,> krishnamurthyp@sec.gov>> Thank you for your response.>> Wendy Olsen> Victim Witness Coordinator>> -----Original Message-----> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gmail.com]> Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 8:48 AM> To: USANYS-MADOFF; Olsen, Wendy (USANYS); Litt, Marc (USANYS)> Cc: webo; vasilescua@sec.gov; friedmani@sec.gov; krishnamurthyp@sec.gov> Subject: RE: USANYS-MADOFF AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US> ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY>> Ms Olsen>> Thank you for keeping me informed.>> Yes unseal all my emails with all their attachments immediately and> make certain that the US Attorny's office finally practices full> disclosurement as to who I am and what my concerns are as per the Rule> of Law within a purported democracy.>> As you folks all well know I am not a shy man and I have done nothing> wrong. It appears to me that bureacratic people only use the right to> privacy of others when it suits their malicious ends in order to> protect their butts from impreacment, litigation and prosecution.>> The people in the US Attorney's Office and the SEC etc are very well> aware that I protested immediately to everyone I could think of when> the instant I knew that my correspondences went under seal and Madoff> pled guilty so quickly and yet another cover up involing my actions> was under full steam. Everybody knows that.the US Government has been> trying to keep my concerns about the rampant public corruption a> secret for well over seven long years. However now that a lot of> people and their countries in general are losing a lot of money people> are beginning to remember just exactly who I am and what i did> beginning over seven years ago..>> Veritas Vincit> David Raymond Amos> 506 756 8687 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 506 756 8687> end_of_the_skype_highlighting>> P.S. For the record Obviously I pounced on these Yankee bastards as> soon as the newsrag in Boston published this article on the web last> night.>> http://www.bostonherald.com/business/general/view.bg?articleid=1162354&format=&page=2&listingType=biz#articleFull>> Notice that Nester just like everyone else would not say my name? It> is because my issues surrounding both Madoff and are NOT marketing> timing They are as you all well know money laundering, fraud, forgery,> perjury, securites fraud, tax fraud, Bank fraud, illegal wiretappping> and Murder amongst other very serious crimes.>>> "SEC spokesman John Nester dismissed similarities between Markopolos> and Scannell's cases as "not a valid comparison.">> He said the SEC determined the market-timing by Putnam clients that> Scannell reported didn't violate federal law. Nester said the SEC only> acted after another tipster alleged undisclosed market-timing by some> Putnam insiders.>> Scannell, now a crusader for SEC reforms, isn't surprised the agency> is in hot water again.>> Noting that several top SEC officials have gone on to high-paying> private-sector jobs, he believes hopes for future employment impact> investigations. "It's a distinct disadvantage to make waves before you> enter the private sector," Scannell said.">>> --- On Mon, 3/30/09, David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com wrote:>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com> Subject: Fwd: USANYS-MADOFF IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE> SDNY> To: NesterJ@sec.gov, letterstoeditor@bostonherald.com, "oig"> oig@sec.gov, Thunter@tribune.com, david@davidmyles.com,> ddexter@ns.sympatico.ca, "Dan Fitzgerald" danf@danf.net> Cc: dsheehan@bakerlaw.com, dspelfogel@bakerlaw.com,> mc@whistleblowers.org, gkachroo@mccarter.com,> david.straube@accenture.com, gurdip.s.sahota@accenture.com,> benjamin_mcmurray@ao.uscourts.gov, bob_burke@ao.uscourts.gov> Date: Monday, March 30, 2009, 10:00 PM>> Need I say BULLSHIT?>> http://www.bostonherald.com/business/general/view.bg?articleid=1162354&format=&page=2&listingType=biz#articleFull>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com> Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 00:03:13 -0300> Subject: RE: USANYS-MADOFF IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE> SDNY> To: Russ.Stanton@latimes.com, meredith.goodman@latimes.com,> ninkster@navigantconsulting.com, dgolub@sgtlaw.com> Cc: firstselectmanffld@town.fairfield.ct.us,> editor@whatsupfairfield.com, info@csiworld.org, jacques_poitras> jacques_poitras@cbc.ca>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2011 16:45:07 -0300> Subject: RE Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, Wikileaks and Daniel Ellsberg> etc> To: ellsbergpress@gmail.com, info@armycourtmartialdefense.com,> "birgittaj@althingi.is" , "Julian Assange)"> , julian@sunshinepress.org,> julian@wikileaks.org, smari > Cc: cindy@eff.org, clg_news@legitgov.org, maritime_malaise> , Wayne_Boone@carleton.ca>> From: David Amos > Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 23:33:32 -0400> Subject: Notice that I knew Assange before he got World Famous?> To: CLG_News >> From: "Julian Assange)" > Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2010 18:15:46 +0000 (GMT)> Subject: Al Jazeera on Iceland's plan for a press safe haven> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>> FYI: Al-Jazeera's take on Iceland's proposed media safe haven>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbGiPjIE1pE>> More info http://immi.is/>> Julian Assange> Editor> WikiLeaks> http://wikileaks.org/>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2011 17:14:22 -0400> Subject: RE Bradley Manning: National Traitor or Hero of the People? I> just called again Correct Rev. Jason Lydon?> To: info@openmediaboston.org, info@commchurch.org> Cc: "birgittaj@althingi.is" , editor> , "Edith. Cody-Rice" >> http://www.bradleymanning.org/about/advisory-board/>> http://openmediaboston.org/node/1525>> Rev. Jason Lydon, Minister> Community Church of Boston> 565 Boylston Street> Boston, MA 02116> (617) 266-6710> (617) 266-0449 (fax)> info@commchurch.org> http://www.communitychurchofboston.org>>>> http://www.aclum.org/legal/re_david_house/fong_robles_vincent_re_david_House_12-21-10.pdf>> From: Christopher Ott > Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2011 15:04:25 -0500> Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Re Wikileaks and Pfc Manning etc I> just called you Mr Coombs my number is 902 800 0369 Correct?> To: David Amos >> I'll be out of the office until Wednesday, March 9, but will return> your message as soon as possible.>> Chris Ott> -->> Christopher Ott | Communications Director> ACLU of Massachusetts | 211 Congress St., 3rd Floor | Boston, MA 02110>> cott@aclum.org | http://aclum.org>> 617.482.3170 x322 (office) | 617.451.0009 (fax)>> www.aclum.org/alerts | www.aclum.org/blog | www.aclum.org/facebook> | www.aclum.org/podcasts>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 23:26:39 -0400> Subject: Re Wikileaks and Pfc Manning etc I just called you Mr Coombs> my number is 902 800 0369 Correct?> To: info@armycourtmartialdefense.com, "birgittaj@althingi.is"> , "Julian Assange)" ,> julian , julian ,> marcia@eff.org, rainey@eff.org, cindy@eff.org, mattz@eff.org,> pde@eff.org, chris@eff.org, postur@serstakursaksoknari.is,> postur@irr.is, postur@for.stjr.is, president@president.is> Cc: "rick. skinner" ,> "william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca" ,> "john.adams" , rls@rls.is, maritime_malaise> >> http://www.armycourtmartialdefense.info/2011/01/article-138-complaint.html#comment-form>> http://www.armycourtmartialdefense.com/>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: Wayne_Boone > Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2011 09:51:21 -0500> Subject: RE: I noticed you report about Assange etc but not about my> friend Birgitta Jonsdottir Howcome?> To: David Amos >> I am not certain why you sent this to me, David.>> Sincerely,> Wayne Boone CD PhD> Assistant Professor, Infrastructure Protection and International> Security (IPIS) Program> The Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA)> Deputy Director, Canadian Centre of Intelligence and Security Studies> (CCISS)> Room 1315 Dunton Tower> Tel: +1 613-520-2600 ext. 6672> Cell: +1 613 863-2993> Fax: +1 613-520-2889>>> -----Original Message-----> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gmail.com]> Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 9:43 AM> To: wayne_boone@carleton.ca; dcarment@ccs.carleton.ca;> Melissa_Haussman; jeremy_littlewood@carleton.ca; RICHARD_NIMIJEAN> Cc: maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca; amy_guest@carleton.ca; danfour; plee;> pleebooks> Subject: Fwd: I noticed you report about Assange etc but not about my> friend Birgitta Jonsdottir Howcome?>> http://www1.carleton.ca/newsroom/hot-topics/hot-topic-wikileaks/>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: David Amos > Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 23:00:16 -0400> Subject: I noticed you report about Assange etc but not about my> friend Birgitta Jonsdottir Howcome?> To: CLG_News >> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: Birgitta Jonsdottir > Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2011 22:37:13 +0000> Subject: Re: RE Canada, the USA, Iceland, Wikileaks, IMMI and Bankers> etc the US Attorney Marc Litt no doubt remembers me EH Wendy?> To: David Amos >> got your letter David> will try to find time to read all the information soon>> all my best> birgitta>> On Jan 8, 2011, at 4:06 PM, David Amos wrote:>>> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2009/03/david-amos-to-wendy-olsen-on.html>>>>>> --- On Fri, 1/7/11, Hancox, Rick (NBSC/CVMNB) >> wrote:>>>>>> From: Hancox, Rick (NBSC/CVMNB) >> Subject: Out of Office: FYI pursuant to the voicemails from Joyce I>> talked to her and Laura in Clarke's offices>> To: "David Amos" >> Received: Friday, January 7, 2011, 10:19 PM>>>>>> G'Day/Bonjour, Thanks for your e-mail. I am out of the office until>> Monday 10 January, at which time I should be able to respond to your>> email. If you need more immediate assistance, please call Gisele>> Allard at 506 658-2696. Thanks/Merci Rick>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2011 14:19:39 -0800 (PST)>> Subject: FYI pursuant to the voicemails from Joyce I talked to her and>> Laura in Clarke's offices>> To: Clarkr@parl.gc.ca, pm ,>> william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, goodale@sasktel.net, "Randy.McGinnis">> , duncan.babchuk@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,>> duncal@parl.gc.ca, "rick. skinner" ,>> rick.hancox@nbsc-cvmnb.ca, murphb1@parl.gc.ca, "PATRICK. MURPHY">> , birgitta@this.is>> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, mike.olscamp@gnb.ca,>> kirk.macdonald@gnb.ca, mike.wilson@fredericton.ca, "jack.macdougall">> , jody.carr@gnb.ca,>> ychoukri@wstephenson.com, toewsv1 ,>> Travis.ndp@gmail.com, robert.trevors@gnb.ca,>> roberttrevors@nbnet.nb.ca, "Gilles. Blinn">> , "gilles.moreau">> >>>> http://www.robclarkemp.ca/contact.asp?menuID=168>>>> --- On Fri, 1/7/11, David Amos wrote:>>>>>> From: David Amos >> Subject: I am on the phone to Mr Cullen right now>> To: Cullen@parl.gc.ca>> Cc: "maritime_malaise" >> Received: Friday, January 7, 2011, 7:27 PM>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2011 14:29:28 -0400>> Subject: Attn Rebbecca Regan 1 415 436 9333 ext 135>> To: info@eff.org, information@eff.org>> Cc: maritime_malaise >>>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------->> From: Facebook >> Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 04:35:07 -0800>> Subject: Birgitta Jonsdottir confirmed you as a friend on Facebook...>> To: David Raymond Amos >> Hi David,>> Birgitta confirmed you as a friend on Facebook.>> Thanks,>> The Facebook Team>> To view Birgitta's profile or write on her Wall, follow this link:>> http://www.facebook.com/birgitta.jonsdottir>> =======================================>> This message was intended for david.raymond.amos@gmail.com. If you do>> not wish to receive this type of email from Facebook in the future,>> please follow the link below to unsubscribe.>> http://www.facebook.com/o.php?k=a60002&u=1320128968&mid=38a6e29G4eaf91c8G274b21eG1b>> Facebook, Inc. P.O. Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2011 11:32:28 -0400>> Subject: Birgitta I don't know if you will get my message in Facebook>> so I also sent it this way as a doublecheck>> To: birgittajoy@gmail.com>> Cc: maritime_malaise , ingaorama@gmail.com,>> agnyrose@hotmail.com, stjani79@hotmail.com, birgitta@this.is>>>> Happy New Year Birgitta>>>> My foes have been fairly wicked as of late and attacking my friends as>> well. I may head the smiling bastards off at the pass so to speak go>> into the woods again with no internet etc before I get a bums rush and>> possibly lose another good friend.>>>> Thus I am passing around the world many email exchanges of mine over>> the years before I am out of touch with everyone. One of them is ours>> from December 8th. I will forward you one example byway of gmail so>> you will see I did not put you down and that accurate I felt you were>> entitled to know so that you would not think I was using your name>> behind your back.>>>> I understand that you must be busy particulary over Xmass. Trust that>> I am still a fan of yours but I must defend my butt fromany cops etc>> and try to keep out of jail the best way I know how with what little>> assets I have.>>>> I truly do wish you well but I do wish Iceland and then later IMMI had>> checked my work and got back to me long ago.>>>> If nothing else please check out this old blog. It contains a very>> rare document that should be of interest to IMMI or any whistleblower>> that as an interest in money. The nasty left wing blogger dude does>> like me at all but at least he created it one month before the RCMP>> falsely arrested me and many months before Iceland lost its shirt to>> the very corrupt banksters. His blog seems to have certain crooks>> quite nervous. If the Yankees, Brits, Saudis and zionists etc are>> reading his old blogs about mean old me perhaps IMMI should save them>> before they go "Poof" too?>>>> Here is just one that somebody intereting was checking ot yesterday.>> lets just say that Jullian Assange is not the only guy who knows his>> way around the Internet. Hell he probably does not even know what the>> CSE is. Do you?>>>> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2008/06/5-years-waiting-on-bank-fraud-payout.html>>>> Verita Vincit>> David Raymond Amos>>>> P.S. My phone number is 902 800 0369 and I attempted to befriend you>> Skpe last spring in order to try to talk to you but you must have>> opted to ignore a stranger>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2011 09:41:41 -0400>> Subject: Most folks do not know this lady or what IMMMI is YET. But>> Wikileaks certainly does EH Wayne Lang of the GRC?.>> To: arsenault_chris@hotmail.com, "oldmaison@yahoo.com">> , danfour ,>> advocacycollective , carole@nbu.ca,>> carole , "Wayne.Lang">> , "Barry.MacKnight">> >> Cc: "Jacques.Poitras" , acampbell>> , maritime_malaise ,>> Alex@nbu.ca>>>> From: Birgitta Jonsdottir>> Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 07:14:02 +0000>> Subject: Re: Bon Soir Birgitta according to my records this is the>> first email I ever sent you>> To: David Amos >>>> dear Dave>> i have got your email and will read through the links as soon as i>> find some time>> keep up the good fight in the meantime>>>> thank you for bearing with me>> i am literary drowning in requests to look into all sorts of matters>> and at the same time working 150% work at the parliament and>> the creation of a political movement and being a responsible parent:)>> plus all the matters in relation to immi>>>> with oceans of joy>> birgitta>>>>>> On Dec 8, 2010, at 1:35 AM, David Amos wrote:>>>>> I truly enjoyed talking to you. More to the point I am happy you took>>> the time to listen to mean old me. I was impressed with your openess>>> and honesty. In return I took a bit of time to study you more closely>>> on the Internet and I am now even more impressed to view the artist in>>> you. To hell with the politics and the money for a minute. At the>>> risk of sounding odd your sincere soul that I sensed in your voice>>> came shining through the various webpages. An honest person practicing>>> the wicked art of politicking is a rare thing indeed. I must confess>>> that I grinned at the possibility of crossing paths with another>>> kindred soul when I saw you employ the expression Me Myself and I>>> because I often use that expresssion>>>>>> I also sent you another email to your politcal email address on June>>> 24th, 2010 right after you spoke on CBC. (I can resend it if you wish)>>> When you folks ignored that and my calls and only sent me nasty>>> responses I gave up on Iceland and IMMI because I had made everyone>>> well aware I had no respect for Assange and corrupt parliamentarians>>> whatsoever. Assange became the big celebrity after releasing the video>>> from Iraq but I felt sorry for the kid who went to jail that had given>>> him the stuff. Obviously I sent you folks the email below long before>>> Assange made the scene in Iceland. Rest assured that I sent him>>> evidence of my concerns about Iceland or he would not had sent me his>>> bragging emails the following March.>>>>>> Now that Assange is in jail with no hope of bail like I was a couple>>> of times after CBC has been yapping about him for weeks I was feeling>>> a little vindictive so I opted to tease some of his friends and fans>>> (such as McCarthy and CBC) by reminding them that I was still alive,>>> not in jail and kicking like hell. (A host of cops in seven cars>>> pounced on my son (who was visiting me) and I at 2;30 in the morning>>> right after the results of the recent election was annnounced Although>>> I managed to run them off this time need I say it really pissed me off>>> and saddend me to put him on a bus back to Boston)>>>>>> I did not send you that email with the pdf files attached from my new>>> Yahoo address but you will get it in a bit. Heres hoping you will>>> enjoy it.>>>>>> Best Regards>>> Dave>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------->>> From: David Amos >>> Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 22:33:10 -0300>>> Subject: RE: Iceland and Bankers Whereas the politicians ignore me>>> maybe some fellow bloggers will listen to me eh?>>> To: jong@althingi.is, kristjanj@althingi.is, olofn@althingi.is,>>> petur@althingi.is, rea@althingi.is, ragnheidurr@althingi.is,>>> sdg@althingi.is, sij@althingi.is, siv@althingi.is,>>> tryggvih@althingi.is, ubk@althingi.is, vigdish@althingi.is,>>> thkg@althingi.is, thorsaari@althingi.is>>> Cc: margrett@althingi.is, thorgerdur@thorgerdur.is, saari@centrum.is,>>> ha030002@unak.is, svanurmd@hotmail.com, baddiblue@gmail.com,>>> dominus@islandia.is, birgitta@this.is, einar@smart.is>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------->>> From: David Amos >>> Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 21:23:15 -0300>>> Subject: Fwd: You mentioned Iceland and Bankers just now and I smiled>>> To: johanna@althingi.is>>> Cc: "Jacques.Poitras" , Dan Fitzgerald>>> >>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------->>> From: David Amos >>> Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 20:52:42 -0300>>> Subject: You mentioned Iceland and Bankers just now and I smiled>>> To: wmreditor@waynemadsenreport.com, lenbracken@hotmail.com>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------->>>> From: David Amos >>>> Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 12:24:42 -0300>>>> Subject: Fwd: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious>>>> question. Why have you people ignored me for three years?>>>> To: vasilescua@sec.gov, friedmani@sec.gov, krishnamurthyp@sec.gov,>>>> horwitzd@dsmo.com, wrobleskin@dsmo.com, wolfem@dicksteinshapiro.com,>>>> Lisa.Baroni@usdoj.gov, ssbny@aol.com, service@ssbla.com,>>>> rwing@lswlaw.com, rriccio@mdmc-law.com, lmodugno@mdmc-law.com,>>>> griffinger@gibbonslaw.com, mmulholland@rmfpc.com, kmalerba@rmfpc.com,>>>> tlieverman@srkw-law.com>>>> Cc: webo , John.Sinclair@nbimc.com,>>>> Norma.Kennedy@nbimc.com, jan.imeson@nbimc.com, mc.blais@pcnb.org>>>>>>>> I wonder if any lawyer will bother to read this email, understand it>>>> and call me back>>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------->>>> From: postur@fjr.stjr.is>>>> Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 15:06:39 +0000>>>> Subject: Re: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious>>>> question. Why have you people ignored me for three years?>>>> To: David Amos >>>>>>>> Dear David Amos>>>>>>>> Unfortunately there has been a considerable delay in responding to>>>> incoming letters due to heavy workload and many inquiries to our>>>> office.>>>>>>>> We appreciate the issue raised in your letter. We have set up a web>>>> site>>>> www.iceland.org where we have gathered various practical information>>>> regarding the economic crisis in Iceland.>>>>>>>> Greetings from the Ministry of Finance.>>>>>>>>>>>> Tilvísun í mál: FJR08100024>>>>>>>>>>>> Frá: David Amos >>>> Dags: 29.01.2009 19:17:43>>>> Til: johanna.sigurdardottir@fel.stjr.is, postur@for.stjr.is,>>>> aih@cbc.ca,>>>> Milliken.P@parl.gc.ca, sjs@althingi.is, emb.ottawa@mfa.is,>>>> rmellish@pattersonlaw.ca, irisbirgisdottir@yahoo.ca,>>>> marie@mariemorneau.com, dfranklin@franklinlegal.com,>>>> egilla@althingi.is,>>>> william.turner@exsultate.ca, klm@althingi.is, mail@fjr.stjr.is,>>>> Edith.Cody-Rice@cbc.ca, wendy.williams@landsbanki.is,>>>> cdhowe@cdhowe.org,>>>> desparois.sylviane@fcac.gc.ca, plee@stu.ca, "oldmaison@yahoo.com">>>> , "t.j.burke@gnb.ca" , Dan>>>> Fitzgerald , jonina.s.larusdottir@ivr.stjr.is>>>> Afrit: fyrirspurn@fme.is, audur@audur.is, fme@fme.is,>>>> info@landsbanki.is, sedlabanki@sedlabanki.is, tif@tif.is>>>> Efni: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious question. Why>>>> have you people ignored me for three years?>>>> --------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>>> FYI Some folks in Canada are watching your actions or lack thereof>>>> more closely than others. As you well know I am one.>>>>>>>> http://www.topix.com/forum/world/canada/TJHJ5HP501LN7C4MV#lastPost>>>>>>>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/4304560/Speaker-Iceland-etc>>>>>>>> http://davidamos.blogspot.com/2006/05/harper-and-bankers.html>>>>>>>> You folks should not deny certain responses that I have received over>>>> the course of the last few months from your country CORRECT?>>>>>>>> From: David Amos >>>> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 13:57:55 -0300>>>> Subject: Re: Regarding your enquiry to the Prime Ministry of Iceland>>>> To: postur@for.stjr.is>>>>>>>> Thanx>>>>>>>> On 10/8/08, postur@for.stjr.is wrote:>>>> David Raymond Amos>>>>>>>> Your enquiry has been received by the Prime Ministry of Iceland and>>>> waits>>>> attendance.>>>>>>>> Thank you.>>>>>>>> From: Fjármálaeftirlitið - Fyrirspurn >>>> Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 12:23:41 -0000>>>> Subject: Staðfesting á móttöku>>>> To: David Amos >>>>>>>> Fjármálaeftirlitið hefur móttekið erindi yðar. Erindinu verður svarað>>>> við fyrsta tækifæri. Vakin er athygli á heimasíðu>>>> Fjármálaeftirlitsins, http://www.fme.is. Þar má finna ýmsar>>>> upplýsingar ásamt svörum við algengum spurningum:>>>> http://www.fme.is/?PageID=863.>>>>>>>> The Financial Supervisory Authority (FME) of Iceland confirms the>>>> receipt of your e-mail. Your e-mail will be answered as soon as>>>> possible. We would like to point out our website, http://www.fme.is.>>>> There you can find information and answeres to frequently asked>>>> questions: http://www.fme.is/?PageID=864.>>>>>>>> Kveðja / Best Regards>>>>>>>> Fjármálaeftirlitið / Financial Supervisory Authority, Iceland>>>>>>>> Sími / Tel.: (+354) 525 2700>>>>>>>> From: David Amos >>>> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 10:53:47 -0300>>>> Subject: I just called to remind the Speaker, the Bankers and the>>>> Icelanders that I still exist EH Mrs Mrechant, Bob Rae and Iggy?>>>> To: Milliken.P@parl.gc.ca, sjs@althingi.is, emb.ottawa@mfa.is,>>>> rmellish@pattersonlaw.ca, irisbirgisdottir@yahoo.ca,>>>> marie@mariemorneau.com, dfranklin@franklinlegal.com,>>>> egilla@althingi.is, william.turner@exsultate.ca>>>> Cc: Rae.B@parl.gc.ca, Ignatieff.M@parl.gc.ca, lebrem@sen.parl.gc.ca,>>>> merchp@sen.parl.gc.ca, coolsa@sen.parl.gc.ca, olived@sen.parl.gc.ca>>>>>>>> All of you should review the documents and CD that came with this>>>> letter ASAP EH?>>>>>>>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/2718120/Integrity-Yea-Right>>>>>>>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/4304560/Speaker-Iceland-etc>>>>>>>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/5352095/Tony-Merchant-and-Yankees>>>>>>>> Perhaps Geir Haarde and Steingrimur Sigfusson should call me at 506 756>>>> 8687>>>>>>>> Veritas Vincit>>>> David Raymond Amos>>>>>> I am listening to RBN right now.>>>>>> I explained a bit of my concerns to people down your way but either>>> the talk shows are never aired or I am now banished from their>>> talkshow forums.>>>>>> Do I sound like that bad a fellow?>>>>>> http://www.archive.org/details/JimTalkshow>>>>>> http://www.archive.org/details/DarCarleyTalkshowPart1>>>>>> http://www.archive.org/details/MrBaconfatTheMindlessZionistCookAndSpinDoctor>>>>>> http://www.archive.org/details/DrBillDeagleAndINumberOne>>>>>> http://www.archive.org/details/DrBillDeagleAndINumberTwo>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------->>> From: David Amos >>> Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 23:36:32 -0300>>> Subject: RE the Fed and my whistle blowing efforts in that regard>>> To: thecommonsenseshow >>>>>> These are the missing hearings I am trying to tell you about>>>>>> http://banking.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Hearings.Hearing&Hearing_ID=102e41a1-f540-4ce5-a701-b6d09b7606b1>>>>>> http://banking.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Hearings.Hearing&Hearing_ID=90f8e691-9065-4f8c-a465-72722b47e7f2>>>>>> Me talking about a bit Spitzer the year before he got arrested>>>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M9iF1-AeCo&feature=channel_page>>>>>> Me talking about Spitzer briefly after he got arrested>>>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPkRu0dNPUc&feature=channel_page>>>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kO9wiq7ytM&feature=channel_page>>>>>>>>> This is the first page of where I store of my files for public view.>>>>>> http://www.scribd.com/people/view/554842-that-is-my-name-i-am-not-a-shy-political-animal>>>>>> This is some of my Spitzer stuff as it pertains to New York Do you>>> know of dr Ward Dean?>>>>>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/2900409/Spitzer-and-Martha-Stewart-if>>>>>> You can find some of my stuff pertaining to the Fed within this file>>>>>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/2619437/CROSS-BORDER->>>>>> Anyone can see the email between the US Attorney in New York and many>>> other lawyers etc before and after Madoff plead guilty. I posted it>>> right here beginning in comment #327 within a wicked little forum>>> about corrupt lawyers and judges on Long Island New York>>>>>> http://www.theschwartzreport.com/vb/showthread.php?t=9236&page=33>>>> Birgitta Jonsdottir>> Birkimelur 8, 107 Reykjavik, Iceland, tel: 354 692 8884>> http://this.is/birgitta - http://joyb.blogspot.com ->> http://www.facebook.com/birgitta.jonsdottir>>>>>> Better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are>> not.>>>>>> Andre Gide>> Birgitta Jonsdottir> Birkimelur 8, 107 Reykjavik, Iceland, tel: 354 692 8884> http://this.is/birgitta - http://joyb.blogspot.com -> http://www.facebook.com/birgitta.jonsdottir>>> Better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.>>> Andre Gide>> Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 13:31:06 -0700 (PDT)> From: David Amos > Subject: Say hey to Arthur Hamilton and Peter Mackay for me will ya?> To: r.houston@burkerobertson.com, rhouston@burkerobertson.com,> richard.dearden@gowlings.com, tconway@mccarthy.ca,> riddella@solowaywright.com> CC: david.allgood@rbc.com, mackay.p@parl.gc.ca, stronach.b@parl.gc.ca,> moore.r@parl.gc.ca>>> I remember you Mr Deardon. Remember me? You were the Auditor General,> Sheila Fraser's lawyer in the Gomery matter. The last thing you are is> ethical EH? I also remember quite a crowd of you dudes from McCarthy> over the years as well. Need a I say you are all less honourable than> "AL" If you think I am a liar sue me, will ya. One thing I know for> certain Stevey Boy Harper won't have Parliamentry immunity when I sue> him.>> PM invokes immunity to avoid testifying at ex-candidate's libel trial>> Tim Naumetz, The Ottawa Citizen> Published: Wednesday, May 16, 2007>> Prime Minister Stephen Harper is claiming parliamentary immunity to> avoid giving evidence in a libel lawsuit launched by a prominent> Ottawa lawyer who stepped aside as an election candidate to make way> for sponsorship whistleblower Allan Cutler.>> Mr. Harper's lawyer, Richard Dearden, told court yesterday sections of> the Constitution and the Parliament of Canada Act prevent the prime> minister from being compelled to testify in the legal action by lawyer> Alan Riddell as long as Parliament is in session.> Mr. Dearden served notice of the immunity claim in legal documents he> filed before he and a lawyer for the Conservative party, Robert> Houston, convinced a judge yesterday to postpone a trial that was to> begin this week on a claim related to the libel action.> "It's absolute," Mr. Dearden said after presenting his arguments to> Justice Monique Metivier.>> "Any member of Parliament can invoke parliamentary privilege when> Parliament is in session. No reasons need be given.">> Allan Riddell has sued Mr. Harper and Don Plett, the president of the> Conservative party, over their claims in November 2005 there was no> agreement between Mr. Riddell and the party for him to step aside to> let Mr. Cutler run in the campaign that fall.>> The agreement, which a Superior Court judge ruled last year had been> reached between Mr. Riddell and the Conservatives, included a promise> that Mr. Riddell would be compensated for expenses he incurred while> campaigning for the Conservative nomination in Ottawa South.>> But the Conservative party claims the agreement also included an> unstated term of confidentiality, which it says Mr. Riddell breached> when he publicly disclosed its existence.>> The trial Judge Metivier postponed to an unscheduled date was to have> decided whether the agreement included a clause of confidentiality.>> Superior Court Justice Denis Power ruled last year that, even if there> was a confidentiality clause, the agreement continued to exist even> though Mr. Riddell disclosed its existence. The trial of Mr. Riddell's> libel claims against Mr. Harper and Mr. Plett is not scheduled to> begin until February.>> But the acrimonious atmosphere of the legal proceedings that have> taken place behind close doors so far, primarily in examinations of> discovery to gather evidence, surfaced as Mr. Houston, Mr. Dearden and> Tom Conway, Mr. Riddell's lawyer, exchanged barbs before the judge.>> Mr. Dearden told Judge Metivier he had been "ambushed" by Mr. Conway> with last-minute information.>> Meanwhile, Mr. Houston reacted angrily to statements Mr. Conway made> about the Conservative party's wish to keep the agreement with Riddell> "a secret.">> Mr. Conway claimed the Conservatives wanted to delay the trial over> the confidentiality clause because they had "painted themselves in a> corner.">> The claim of secrecy creates an unwholesome image of "cigar-smoking> backroom boys" cutting a political deal behind closed doors, Mr.> Conway said.>> Threat against Burke taken seriously>> By STEPHEN LLEWELLYN> dgleg@nb.aibn.com> Published Thursday May 24th, 2007> Appeared on page A1> An RCMP security detail has been guarding Justice Minister and> Attorney General T.J. Burke because of threats made against him> recently.>> Burke, the Liberal MLA for Fredericton-Fort Nashwaaksis, wouldn't> explain the nature of the threats.>> "I have had a particular individual or individuals who have made> specific overtures about causing harm towards me," he told reporters> Wednesday.>> "The RCMP has provided security to me recently by accompanying me to a> couple of public functions where the individual is known to reside or> have family members in the area," said Burke. "It is nice to have some> added protection and that added comfort.">> The RCMP provides protection to the premier and MLAs with its VIP security> unit.>> Burke didn't say when the threat was made but it's believed to have> been in recent weeks.>> "When a threat is posed to you and it is a credible threat, you have> to be cautious about where you go and who you are around," he said.> "But again, I am more concerned about my family as opposed to my own> personal safety.">> Burke said he doesn't feel any differently and he has not changed his> pattern of activity.>> "It doesn't bother me one bit," he said. "It makes my wife feel awful> nervous.">> Burke served in an elite American military unit before becoming a> lawyer and going into politics in New Brunswick.>> "(I) have taken my own precautions and what I have to do to ensure my> family's safety," he said. "I am a very cautious person in general due> to my background and training.>> "I am comfortable with defending myself or my family if it ever had to> happen.">> Burke said it is not uncommon for politicians to have security concerns.>> "We do live unfortunately in an age and in a society now where threats> have to be taken pretty seriously," he said.>> Since the terrorism attacks in the United States on Sept. 11, 2001,> security in New Brunswick has been>> beefed up.>> Metal detectors were recently installed in the legislature and all> visitors are screened.>> The position of attorney general is often referred to as the> province's "top cop.">> Burke said sometimes people do not differentiate between his role as> the manager of the justice system and the individual who actually> prosecutes them.>> "With the job sometimes comes threats," he said. "I have had numerous> threats since Day 1 in office.">> Burke said he hopes his First Nations heritage has nothing to do with it.>> "I think it is more of an issue where people get fixated on a matter> and they believe you are personally responsible for assigning them> their punishment or their sanction," he said.>> Is the threat from someone who was recently incarcerated?>> "I probably shouldn't answer that," he replied.>> Reporters asked when the threat would be over.>> "I don't think a threat ever passes once it has been made," said> Burke. "You have to consider the credibility of the source.">> Bruce Fitch, former justice minister in the Conservative government,> said "every now and again there would be e-mails that were not> complimentary.">> "I did have a meeting with the RCMP who are in charge of the security> of the MLAs and ministers," said Fitch.>> "They look at each and every situation.">> Fitch said he never had bodyguards assigned to him although former> premier Bernard Lord and former health minister Elvy Robichaud did> have extra security staff assigned on occasion.>> He said if any MLA felt threatened, he or she would discuss it with the> RCMP.>> May 23, 2007 File No. PC-2005-1291>> Mr. David R Amos> motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>>> Dear Mr. Amos:>> On a number of occasions you have called or sent e-mails our office to> raise matters which are of pressing concern to you.>> Each time we have tried to respond by explaining to you the relatively> narrow mandate of this Commission and the limits of our powers to deal> with the matters which are of concern to you. I must stress, once> again, that the purpose of this Commission is to provide the public> with an opportunity to make complaints concerning the conduct of> members of the RCMP in the performance of their duties. We have> neither the expertise nor the legal authority to permit us to become> involved in issues beyond the scope of this mandate.>> While it is clearly not the intention of the Commission to prevent you> from making complaints against members of the RCMP, an analysis of> your numerous contacts with the Commission indicates that your> concerns fall well outside the confines of our mandate. Further, your> frequent e-mails have been disruptive and unproductive for both you> and for the staff of this office.>> Should you determine that some point in the future you have a> complaint concerning the conduct of a member of the RCMP in the> performance of his or her duties, please submit it to the Commission> by Canada Post only. As of now, your e-mails will be deleted unread.>> Yours truly,>> Andrée Leduc> Enquiries and Complaints Analyst>> Date: Sat, 26 May 2007 22:43:43 -0700 (PDT)> From: David Amos > Subject: After you all read real slow and listen closely say Hoka Hey> to Stockwell Day and Petey Baby MacKay for me will ya?> To: complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, advocacycollective@yahoo.com,> frederictonartsalliance@yahoo.ca, wassef@nb.sympatico.ca,> smcready@nbnet.nb.ca, socialsciences@mta.ca, fdykeman@mta.ca,> roly.macintyre@gnb.ca, Ed.Doherty@gnb.ca, rosemay.poirier@gnb.ca,> Jody.CARR@gnb.ca, Keith.ASHFIELD@gnb.ca, David.ALWARD@gnb.ca,> wally.stiles@gnb.ca, brad.green@gnb.ca, bev.harrison@gnb.ca,> Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Roger.Gillies@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,> John.DeWinter@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, nicole.robichaud2@gnb.ca,> michael.comeau@gnb.ca, pleisnb@web.ca, debbie.hackett@gnb.ca,> jim.burns@gnb.ca, robert.penney@gnb.ca,> Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, jsbrown@unb.ca,> aleblanc.mla@nb.aibn.com, mail@ccla.org> CC: maurice.bernier@gnb.ca, yvon.leblanc3@gnb.ca, Chris.Baker@gnb.ca,> Patrick.Francis@gnb.ca, Byron.JAMES@gnb.ca, eloi.duguay@gnb.ca,> Maurice_Robichaud@gnb.ca, Claire.Lepage@gnb.ca, George.Haines@gnb.ca,> John.Mallory@gnb.ca, Byron.James@gnb.ca, Nora.Kelly@gnb.ca,> Jim.McKay@gnb.ca, l.catalli.sonier@gnb.ca, David.FERGUSON@gnb.ca,> John.Sinclair@nbimc.com, dhay@nbpower.com, Bernard.Theriault@gnb.ca,> Louise.LEMON@gnb.ca, Hermenegilde.Chiasson@gnb.ca, Premier@gnb.ca,> Shawn.GRAHAM@gnb.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com, noonanmg@gov.ns.ca,> info@lawreform.ns.ca, jhughes@unb.ca>> Subject: RE: Re: Lets all go through the looking glass to check the> Integrity of the Talking Heads in BC tonight> Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 15:45:08 -0500> From: "McLellan, Anne - M.P." > To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>> Dear Mr. Amos,>> On behalf of Ms. McLellan I would like to thank you for your email> message concerning the current federal election. I regret that the> volume of messages prevented me from responding sooner.>> Your message has been brought to Ms. McLellan`s attention, as she is> always pleased to receive comments, both positive and negative.>> Again, thank you for bringing this matter to Ms. McLellan`s attention.>> Sincerely,> Kirsten Odynski> Office of the Deputy Prime Minister>> ______________________________________________________________________> This email has been scanned by the Symantec Email Security.cloud service.> For more information please visit http://www.symanteccloud.com> ______________________________________________________________________>> ______________________________________________________________________> This email has been scanned by the Symantec Email Security.cloud service.> For more information please visit http://www.symanteccloud.com> ______________________________________________________________________>

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