Monday 14 November 2016

Chucky Leblanc, The Fake Left, The Green Meanies and Indians in Fat Fred City on Nov 14th, 2016 before another fruitless protest against Banksters etc

The left Eye
I won't be attending I have a medical appointment at 12:30, I only learned of the demonstration this late this morning, Dr requires 48 hrs notification for cancellations. I edited the video on her request.. I know nothing of the video that your are talking about in first paragraph, so I can't pass judgement on that video, The first video that I seen that involved you was last week when you gave me a link. According to my stats there was about 15 visits from tweets, the majority were from facebook.
The left Eye

I just asked her for a Clarification, what funny is that outside of a couple stories that I do on Charles I not involved with Charles legal issues. Yet there a lot of people who believe that I am. You make references to your lawsuit it wouldn't hurt if you gave the Who, What , When Where and why.
Andre is there anyway to add the costs of all this City of Fredericton persecution of Mean old Charles Leblanc into a total dollar figure ? I don't think people really understand how much money has been spent pursuing this notorious criminal mastermind . The City is faced with recent cutbacks in many areas and increased costs to residents in basic utilities . But the City of Fredericton had to hire two officers from Edmundston for their special tracking skills for a "year and a half" to locate and arrest this evil blogging menace . I would hate to think Charles is singly responsible for increasing budget deficits.But I am afraid the truth may be in the numbers .
The left Eye
The only way that I can think of would be through the rights to information.

Monday, 14 November 2016

Standing Rock Declare – Tuesday, November 15th a Day of Action
November 14, 2016 Press Release, PSA Day of Action, Standing Rock, Wolastoq

Wolastoq Grand Council in support of our Indigenous Sisters & Brothers at Standing Rock North Dakota will gather at Fredericton City Hall on Tuesday, November 15th at 12:00pm (noon) and march through the city. We will stop at the following locations – Bank of NS – 490 King St, TD Bank – 77 Westmorland St, HSBC – 520 King St, and ING Bank. These banks have invested hundreds of millions in the Dakota Access Pipeline and we must show our disapproval and urge them to withdraw their investments.

Posted by Charles Leblanc at 12:36 pm

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)"
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2016 22:09:30 +0000
Subject: RE: Left Eye Nov 14th, 2016
To: David Amos

Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick.
Please be assured that your email has been received, will be reviewed, and a response will be forthcoming.
Once again, thank you for taking the time to write.

Merci d'avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du Nouveau-Brunswick.
Soyez assurĂ© que votre courriel a bien Ă©tĂ© reçu, qu'il sera examinĂ©  et qu'une rĂ©ponse vous sera acheminĂ©e.
Merci encore d'avoir pris le temps de nous Ă©crire.

Sincerely, / Sincèrement,
Correspondence Manager / Gestionnaire de la correspondance
Office of the Premier / Cabinet du premier ministre

---------- Original message ----------
From: Brian Gallant
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2016 14:09:16 -0800
Subject: Merci / Thank you Re: Left Eye Nov 14th, 2016

(Français à suivre)

If your email is pertaining to the Government of New Brunswick, please email me at

If your matter is urgent, please email Greg Byrne at

Thank you.

Si votre courriel s'addresse au Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick, ‎svp m'envoyez un courriel Ă

Pour les urgences, veuillez contacter Greg Byrne Ă


---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2016 18:09:12 -0400
Subject: Left Eye Nov 14th, 2016
To: "martin.gaudet" , sallybrooks25 , "Gilles.Blinn" , "leanne.murray" , "Leanne.Fitch" , "mike.obrienfred" , markandcaroline , law , GillesLee , "dan. bussieres" , "serge.rousselle" , "blaine.higgs" , briangallant10 , BrianThomasMacdonald , "Davidc.Coon" , premier
Cc: David Amos

Blogger Arrested by Edmundston Police
The left Eye
Published on Nov 8, 2016

Charles Leblanc arrested for old lible charge going back 5 years. The
FPD are retaliating against Leblanc's Law suit.

Find complete complete story here:

        Nonprofits & Activism
        Standard YouTube License

Comments • 22

David Amos 1 day ago
BTW after you and Chucky Baby published the video mentioning a very
sneaky old British woman in a big  blouse helping him to create legal
documents behind the scene (Which is illegal in NB)

As you well know the Brit's anonymous words to Chucky Baby on Canada
Day were as follows and you immediately edited your video afterwards..

Anonymous 1 July 2016 at 12:23

Charles, Charles, Charles - You will
never learn - you continue to bite the hand that feeds you. As a former
supporter, don't call me if you get into trouble again. I'm done.
One the Brit  signed off on Chucky Baby, you took over where she left
off. and advised him on how to handle his lawsuit Whether you admit it
or not it was kinda comical when Leanne Murray a Liebrano lawyer of
McInnes and Cooper asked if  you were a lawyer  when you tried to
intervene in a conversation she was having with Chucky about his
lawsuit  N'esy Pas? Your buddy another wannabe lawyer Vaughn Barnett
cannot deny that he went to jail over such things years ago, Correct?

However its rather obvious to Mean Old Me that the old British bitch
is drawn to Chucky's matters like a moth to a flame. I have no doubt
whatsoever it is her teasing Chucky in his blog today. in an anonymous
fashion of course as per her very sneaky MO.. See for yourself. Trust
that no lawyers would waste their precious time on a long weekend
arguing Chucky Baby in such as fashion but old British woman who
drinks too much certainly would. Enjoy the fact that the mindless
drunkard Chucky Baby thinks it is somebody else teasing him..

Trust that ain't me Babe i am too busy having fun torturing
journalists, Russians and Donald Trump's lawyers with their own many
published words.

The left Eye 4 hours ago
I don't know how extensive was the British woman involvement, I can
say that there have been many people involved in helping Charles with
the legal issues including some members of the bar.  As far as I know
she was just a researcher.

David Amos 48 minutes ago
The Brit wrote Chucky's lawsuit. You know it as well as I.

BTW  When you are protesting the Banksters tomorrow in front 77
Westmorland St just down the street from you blogging butt buddy's
welfare funded abode why not cross the Street to Federal Court and
pull Docket No T-1557-15. and the following appeal. Since you don't
like my recordings of the shit that went down nearly a year ago order
your recording they are only 20 bucks and they can be created while
you wait.

That said perhaps you should return next week because I am filing one
Hell of a submission this week under court orders. Trust that  YOU and
this YouTube will be mentioned.and that the text of all our comment
warts and all will attached as an exhibit or my name ain't "Just Dave"
EH? You must have watched the video I provided from one year ago in
which I told Chucky Baby that he and his pals  mentioned in the
lawsuit Correct?

Even though you are not worried about my litigation at least I do not
talk behind people back like the Fake Left and the Green Meanies do .
Mthinks the proper place to argue sneaky people is in court during a
haring of my matter recorded by the Crown then put in the public
record to be secured forever. Face Book or YouTube or Evil Chucky
Baby's blog  definitely no place for me to to argue serious matters
particularly when the people who have been making fun of me since 2004
control the delete button.

Did ya notice how many views you are getting? Methinks it is because
of our spit and chew or could it be because of my posting it a couple
times within  Twitter account. Hard telling not know for sure. What
say you Mr Faust?  Anyway say Hoka Hey to all the natives you will be
pow powing with tomorrow in downtown Fat Fred City. If you see them
around say the same to the evil Brit the Wingnut in a big blouse and
her not so good buddies TJ Burke Carl Urquart, Johnny "Never Been
Good"  Gamblin, Louie "The Doer of Good" Lafleur, and and of course
your evil two faced double talking pal Chucky Cry Baby Leblanc for me
will ya?

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

David Amos 3 days ago
There is NOTHING wrong with the audio file from Federal Court. Just so
we are clear YOU are challenging me to sue you along with your cop
buddies who arrested me?

David Amos 4 days ago
Do tell did you or Sally Baby Brooks or Danny Boy Bussieres or the Fat
Fred City Finest and their many buddies in the RCMP etc really think
that Judge Richard Bell and I were joking last year?

David Amos 4 days ago

David Amos 4 days ago
Pure D Bullshit

Nobody but nobody is that dumb. Hell you and Sally Baby ain't very
good at playing dumb either. At least Chucky Baby comes by it
naturally.  Notice that he alludes to mean old me again just now?

Chucky Baby  did the same thing in 2012 when he was arrested again at
his beloved "Old Maison" You must remember his dope smoking buddy
Laurie Baby who lives across the river from you?

For the record i talked to that tough talking gun lugging dude too.
For the record Laurie Baby was just like Chucky Baby and  Byron Prior
and many others and whimped out bigtime and forgot my name after the
Crown dropped the charges on him.

Their latest video

Seems that Laurie Baby is the "Renaissance Dude" who is sporting a big
grey beard now EH? How come Chucky Baby and his cohorts does not make
fun of his beard?. Everybody and his dog knows I cut mine off in order
to get past the cops in order to tell off all the ERRE Parliamentarian
who came to Fat Fred City on Oct 7th..

Anyway I know you understood me clearly on the phone years ago just
like John Gamblin and  Judge Richart Bell did last year. When you
played dumb in the occupy FaceBook I learned what i needed to know
about you After that included you in hundreds of emails and many are
very easy to understand and they are ALWAYS backed u with LOTS of
irrefutable documentation. You definitely cannot deny that I published
many of the aforesaid emails within Sally Baby's old buddy Andre
Murray's blog at his request I might add.  Here is a few Deja Vus for
you , Sally and Chucky Baby.

With regards to the George Soros financed "Occupy" nonsense you know
as well as I it was then your Occupy buddies Dana Hart and the ex
Irving dude Scotty Agnew who had my FaceBook deleted. I was so pissed
about that malicious action that I would not reenter the evil Facebook
relm even though kept it inviting me to do so I until I needed it make
comments in other questionable domains. Remember Fancy Pants?

Yesterday my son informed me that somebody had created another
FaceBook account in MY name and invited him to befriend him. (the
bastards have done the same with him and his sisters too) My children
know that I only use the phone to deal with people I love. People i
hate I take to court. Chucky is and his old buddies in the Fat Fred
City Finest are next to be sued. Should i invite Sally,  Pammy,
Marky,  the rest of the evil  "Council of Canadians" and you to the
circus too? Chucky and his "Council of Canadian"cohorts must remember
these videos EH?

Pamy Baby Ross of the Council of Canadians waving at Mean Old Me

The left Eye 3 days ago
I had seen Laurie for some time, years I guess, when I saw a recent
video I thought he was a character for Duck Dynasty.  As Far as you
sueing me I am not worried, I have defamed you in any way shape or
form, so there is no tort to speak of.

You did it again assumed that I knew something when I didn't, how was
I to know that you shaved your beard.  As I mentioned early in the
thread the only visual that I ever had of you was during the debate.

David Amos 4 days ago
Legally speaking did the very dumb corrupt cops from Edmonston have a
warrant to arrest cry baby Chucky under Section 300 or any other law?
If so who was the judge who signed it?  If they did not have a warrant
then why did they think they can take anyone anywhere they do not wish
to go? Warrant or not why did the  VERY corrupt cop Dwight Doyle of
the Fat Fred City Finest take over the investigation of Cry Baby
Chucky once he was inside the the Fat Fred City Finest cop shop? Why
was Chucky even there instead of taking him to the RCMP cop shop in
Oromocto just like they promised in his video?

More importantly methinks this whole matter is another tempest in a
teapot as usual. If the CROWN refuses to support whatever charges the
cops wish to pursue for their benefit the cops should be sued again.
Furthermore I do not believe for a second that the cops hurt Chucky's
shoulder or even his feelings. Methinks Chucky Baby should be charges
with squandering our Health Care resources for his mindless benefit.
In my humble opinion Chucky Baby is just another bullshitting welfare
bum just as he describes himself to be  The reason he gets away with
what he does is because of his POLITICAL CONNECTIONS. Chucky's
constant recordings of all his corrupt pals prove just how well
connected he is. His interaction with the lawyer Cleveland Allaby and
the ex corrupt cop Carl Urquart in particular. at the recent
Conservative convention should have proved that to all the Fake Left
dudes in a heartbeat  Remember how Chucky bitched for months about the
upcoming convention but then had a ball within it? DUHH? Go figure why
the Edmonston were correct when they said Chucky's blogs still exist
(Within WordPress too correct?)

What say you now young Mr Faust?

The left Eye 3 days ago
Well I agree with your analysis of the arrest, as far as his word
press site goes I know of its existence but I never viewed it.  Carl
Urguart I know personally, as a cop he was a fair cop.  Politically
Carl and I are diametrically on the opposite ends of the spectrum
having said that Carl does everything to represent his riding.

I listen to the bah humbug audio, I found the levels to be very low,
maybe I am losing my hearing with old age.  Anyway I downloaded it so
I can amplify the voicing, reduce the background noise, sharpen the
voices with an equalizer when I am finished with I can supply you with
the enhance version.  The bit that I could hear it seems you were on
to something that is worth a listen to.

David Amos 5 days ago
BTW I already saved a snapshot of this webpage and this video as well
just like I did last June before you bleeped out Sally Brooks' name.
YOU and your butt buddy the very EVIL Cry Baby Chucky had managed to
piss off both Sally and the mindless lawyer from Moncton that you had
enlisted to defend him on the very same day. I bet the Fat Fred City
Finest laughed as hard as I did about that. I have no doubt whatsoever
that they saved everything as well. You must recall what Chucky and
your other butt buddy John Gamblin did with mean old me and the cops
last week. N'esy Pas? As you well know I dealt with that immediately.
Just like I will deal with the police harassment I got yesterday

The left Eye 5 days ago
Excellent that you copied the video and the web page, I hope that it
will be useful for you to support any argument which you may have.  On
of my critics of posters, A lot of them present arguments but they
don't support their premise with any citations.  A true academic
always backs up what they say.

Sally's name was edited out by her requests and in respect I honoured
her request.  Sally is one person who is very committed to the cause
of social justice she does both spends a lot of hours in addressing
those issues.  I have utmost respect for that women.

I have absolutly now knowlege of what transpired between Mr. Gamblin
and the Blogger against you or the police so I can't comment.

Because of the stand that you take it doesn't surprize me that you
would experience harassment from the police, but I am  confident with
the years of experience that you have you will deal with that matter

theguythatcan4 93 days ago
Andre is there anyway to add the costs of all this City of Fredericton
persecution of Mean old Charles Leblanc into a total dollar figure ? I
don't think people really understand  how much money has been spent
pursuing this notorious  criminal mastermind .
The City is faced with recent cutbacks in many areas and increased
costs to residents in basic utilities . But the City of Fredericton
had to hire two officers from Edmundston for their special tracking
skills for a "year and a half" to locate and arrest this evil blogging
menace .   I would hate to think Charles is singly responsible for
increasing budget deficits.But I am afraid the truth may be in  the
numbers .

David Amos 5 days ago
I told YOU and the corrupt them about Section 300 out of the gate in

The left Eye 5 days ago
Actually, there is a contradiction here on the wannabe lawyer. I
decided not to return to Law School because I was not interested in
pursuing that career.  I just wanted to have an understanding of the
rudiments of law and the legislation of law. They were other
disciplines that I was interested in, computer science and physics
which I pursued.

If we look at the timeline, the defamatory issue came after the Occupy
movement in Fredericton, so if we had a conversation about that it
would have to have come after.   You are a very distinct looking
person, and I don't mean that in a bad way either. Your appearance is
more in line  with the features of the classical renaissance man,
because of this distinctive I would remember meeting you in person.
The only visual that I have  you is during the Candidates Debate in
Saint John during the last provincial election which I though your
carried yourself quite well.

david le blanc 5 days ago
It's worst than what we think
Josephmulowayltshibangu Tshibangu
Josephmulowayltshibangu Tshibangu4 days ago

David Amos 5 days ago
FYI When i talked to your old buddy Johnny "Never Been Good" on the
phone when I was out west, he told me a story about the Fat Fred City
Finest chasing you up a tree. Hence I figued that just like your
crooked little buddy TJ Burke you should not have been allowed to
become a lawyer because of a criminal record. However who knows what
is true and what is false because all of you are such self serving
bullshitters. That said you snobby bastards have walked right past me
several times when I was in Fat Fred City. Hell I even video taped it
DUHHH??? BTW You failed your edit the word spelled libel

The left Eye 5 days ago
When you were in Fredericton I never saw you, or I didn't recognize
you. When you called me several years ago I think that I was very
respectful to you over the course of a three hour conversation,Yea
sometimes the grammar and spelling gets past me.

Trust me Dave I am quite approachable.

David Amos 4 days ago
Who do you think you are fooling?  Even Chucky Baby knows that was a
debate I had during the election of the 42nd Parliament after I filed
the law suit agains the Queen in Federal Court in Fat Fred City.
Remember Docket # T-1557-15? I sent you and the cops etc another copy
of five of decisions of six thus far that the Federal Court refuses to
publish Correct Mr Andre Baby Faust?  I am your senior and I have no
respect for you. Remember? So who the Hell are you to call me Dave
within this comment section as if I were a friend of yours?

You know as well as I that I would not trust you or any of your
cohorts as far as i could throw any of you after all these years and 5
very wicked elections since I returned to Fat Fred City in 2004 and
gave Chucky Baby the drunken welfare bum his first computer. and in
return he stole my documents and gave them to you dudes insted of the
AG Brad green as he promised.

Furthermore we did talk for quite awhile at Xmass time 2010 but not 3
hours. If you recall you ended the call as soon as I mentioned the
unsolved  murder years ago across the river from your home.. Correct?
You definitely cannot  deny that it was your nasty Fake Left "Occupy"
pals who had my FaceBook account killed shortly afterwards. However tt
did not stop me from conferring with Birgitta Jonsdottir of Wikileaks
about the USDOJ trying to prosecute her just before she came to Canada
 So the Fat Fred City Finest made other arrangement to have my access
to WiFi blocked for awhile REMEMBER?

BTW Before you try to deny anything  or press delete or block as your
blogging butt buddy Chucky Baby always does perhaps you should study
all the emails I sent you and the Fat Fred City Finest and the RCMP
etc for the past six years. Hell anyone can Google your name or your
email address and my name in order to review quite a few of the N'esy

The left Eye
The left Eye 4 days ago
Your are mentioning documents that I have absolutely no knowledge of.
The thing you need to understand is when you send emails out you
supply a lot of information.  The problem is that you don't supply a
back ground or a logic.  All you do is give data.  That would be like
me giving you an number out of the blue, like 10base 2 to the power of
43 and assuming that you know how I arrived to that number.

The other problem with the emails is the volume.  There are only some
many hours in the day. But at least I haven't mark them as junk.

I don't know anything about your past relationship with Charles.

As far as Occupy all I can tell is is that I and the other core
members did not have your "Facebook account killed". If it was done
under the name of Occupy was done without the knowledge or consent of
the core.

You have a far better memory then I do I thought our conversation was
in 2011, I'll rephrase the time of our conversation "It felt like we
had spoken for three hours".

Yes I do remember a bit about the our conversation in regards the
unsolved Murder, One is that I was very young when the killing took
place on the Oromocto Flats, That goes back almost to the time of the
murder in the MRA in Saint John's north end. Where they found a girl
dead, I think it was their Warehouse..

Like to Oromocto flat murders, I only know that they took place and
the no one was apprehended for either murders..

Our conversation ended not because of the topic If I recall I had
someone come to my door.

Lastly I agree, it's not to difficult to get background on people if
they have a presence on the Internet, if they have a web site it's
simple you do a whois.  I believe that is how you got my number :).

Prior to the debate you had during the last Election when you ran as
an Independent, I did not know what you looked like.  So it is
possible that we have crossed paths.

Now if you have a set opinion about me, then there is no way that you
would change your position.

If you want me to read your emails, it is simple tell what the problem
or issue that you are addressing first, then your solution.  If you
just give me the solution without describing the problem there is no
way that I would know what you are talking about.

I am sure you realize that If were to block you I would have done
quite a while back, but then I would be hypocrite, right!.  I advocate
freedom of speech and freedom to express one self.  To block you would
be contrary.

In the past I had to block certain people, but first I would notify
them about the offending post and give them the opportunity to for
them to delete their post.  There is a few things that I won't permit
that is hate propaganda, racist comments and malicious attacks on the
character of any of the posters.  Outside of that I am pretty open and
flexible when it comes to people expressing their thoughts, theories
and their perception of the world around them.

Damn looks like I am writing a dissertation here.  To borrow one of
your signature quotes "N'esy Pas?"

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Blogger Charles LeBlanc getting kidnapped in Fredericton!!!!!!!

My Rant the next Day –

Posted by Charles Leblanc at 5:15 pm 


Anonymous 10 November 2016 at 21:56
little pussy

Anonymous 11 November 2016 at 01:30
Yes your noise to the public saved your mobster style execution

How much did they spend.

Perfect set up. Go in the car and Charles disappeared

Your refusal saved your life. They had to do plan b.

Your close to a big scandal keep snooping.

Anonymous 11 November 2016 at 01:46
Are they hit man. Why is there no one on the street. You must have organized syndicate working with the police. Why kill you? Whoever video taped video must have saved your life. Hard to kill you when their on video. Cops get hired to execute people since it's easier to exit crime scene. time for public inquiry for 10 years of abuse. Glad to be far from Fredericton the shit hole city

Anonymous 11 November 2016 at 17:37
Hey Charles you live in a terrible mobster City. I had no idea that a capital city would allow that kind of stuff against a citizen. You certainly have enlighten me and others to your terrible City. No excuse for the treatment police officer have been doing to you for last 10 years. No excuse

Anonymous 11 November 2016 at 17:39
Holy shit that man saved your life. He should get the bravest man award this month. Luckily your both alive.

Anonymous 11 November 2016 at 19:08
That phoney cop flashed his dollar store badge. And then he smirked for the camera.

Anonymous 12 November 2016 at 12:15
This is pure harassment and time to replace the local police with the RCMP. Many good police officer in Fredericton but they the good ones must feel ashamed what is happening. They did not join the police force to be used like that. The good ones could then be hired by the R.C.M.P. and it will be harder to use the RCMP for personal agenda (Revenge by CEO) Like Donald J. Trump ( great man chosen by God) you are also chosen by God to bring out the corruption in the justice system. A public inquiry is required for you and people should be FIRED.

Anonymous 12 November 2016 at 16:37
They assaulted you! BADLY! WHAT THE HELL MAN!!! That was so disgusting! Edmunston plain clothes, wanting to bring you to the RCMP in Oromocto?? Then, a Fredericton city police says he doesn't know what they are there for?? You did the right thing resisting and yelling. THIS MAKES NO SENSE! You could sue them for every time they put their hands on you. FOR SHAME COPS! Let it fucking go already, stop assaulting people!!

Anonymous 12 November 2016 at 17:36
I think I figured out why cops keep jumping their jurisdictions, trying to bring you out of Fredericton. Police outside their jurisdiction can't arrest you, but if they can get you to go with them outside Fredericton, the police in THAT jurisdiction (like Oromocto) can then arrest you because you are in THEIR jurisdiction. When they arrest you there, they can then use an old legal caveat: "IF you plead guilty, we will let you go home, and you can go to court there instead of here." (I have seen that caveat used with my own eyes). Then once you plead guilty, you're screwed, because I think we all know what the courts would do to you here. Stay here in Freddy for a while Charles, don't give them the opportunity to arrest you in another jurisdiction.

Anonymous 12 November 2016 at 19:27
Interesting comment but not true. Cops from a different jurisdiction must have permission of the Minister for Public Safety or be contracted by the local cops or Police Commission. What is interesting is there was no warrant for arrest. To arrest without a warrant requires finding a person actually committing an indictable or summary offence. I guess they are going to say that, as long as the posts are on the blog, Charles was in the act of committing an indictable offence at the time of arrest. Sadly, against many people's advice and requests, Charles continued to publish serious, defamatory comments that he had no evidence of. A lot of people told him to stop it but - as usual - he thought he was invincible and could get away with anything. The chickens have come home to roost my friend, so suck it up.

Anonymous 13 November 2016 at 07:41
Charles has no need to plea anything until all his disclosure is given nor enter into any contract with a sleazebag black robed thug.Its OK anon 19:27 that POLICE can LIE and are Immune but when Charles fires back its Illeagal,Dummy!

Anonymous 13 November 2016 at 10:25
Calm down Anon 07:41! The truth hurts and, much like Charles, you don't understand the law. We all know the police lie and judges are corrupt but, until that is proven in a court of law, those factors are entirely irrelevant. Every time Charles publishes a blog post, referring to named individual police officers as pedophiles - for which he has no proof, he is knowingly publishing statements that are not true, aka defamatory libel, section 300. You are correct - he doesn't have to enter a plea until he has full disclosure. His disclosure will, without a doubt, consist of every single related defamatory post and video he published. He has no choice about entering into a "contract with a sleazebag black robed thug". Non-participation on his part will not stop the prosecution and trial. If Charles has credible evidence the named "victims" are all pedophiles he's fine - but he doesn't. So, he's stuck with multiple indictable charges that are very likely to be successful if they get to trial. Charles is a hypocrite. He went on the rampage when a man insulted him on the street. Charles pursued the matter until the man was fired, yet Charles thinks he can do worse things and not be held accountable. As for me being a "Dummy" you are quite entitled to your point of view, although somewhat childish - I can see why you like and support Charles! By the way it's spelled "illegal".

  Charles Leblanc 12 November 2016 at 20:45
I don't it a habit to reply to the anonymous comments but I will this time....EVERY instance the Cops charges me with something these idiot cowards jerkface comes forward and say - The Blogger is guilty and never once have I been found guilty....this time this is the worst case ever....someone is in big trouble and it'd not moi!!!!!

Anonymous 12 November 2016 at 23:22
Looks like one of them here:
André Madore Directeur adjoint, administration,

Anonymous 13 November 2016 at 10:32
Charles, get real. After all the failed attempts the cops have probably learned how to do it "right". The Bernard Richard report is irrelevant - it was based on an unconstitutional charge. 300 is a valid offence. The report was based on one cop's grievance and should have gone to civil court. These are multiple charges because you just kept on publishing... well, defamatory and false statements. Whatever the cops said or did to you years ago is a separate and irrelevant matter. You publicly named multiple police officers and called them pedophiles again and again and again. It's time you grow up and take responsibility for your own foolish and vindictive actions.

  Charles Leblanc 13 November 2016 at 10:32
For once a idiot coward jerkface comment with no the gentleman that was fired and working at work at NBPOWER and you stand in front of the building and shout at your Boss......THERE'S THE ASSHOLE.....WELFARE BUMS SHOULDN'T BE HERE...THE SOUP KITCHEN IS DOWN THE STREET....yes...he had to go because I pay his salary......simple as for the arrest? This came after me years ago and I fought back....I am not guilty and I hope there's a trial because everything will come out.....EVERYTHING!!!!!...:)

  Charles Leblanc 13 November 2016 at 10:36
The Fredericton Police Force told my internet Provider that I was exploiting kids for Sex!!!!! That was a 100% lie!!!! I fought back and they didn't like it.....they started this shit...not me....lets have a trial......:)

Anonymous13 November 2016 at 13:13
What I just watched is terrifying. Sorry Charles I tried to read through the comments but still haven't figured out who these men are and what this altercation was about.

Feel free to private message me Mr. Lelanc.

Signed: Jason J. McBride

Anonymous 13 November 2016 at 19:54
A disgraceful show of unjustified power. I met Charles for the first time this year when I stood in front of the legislative building with a sign in support of patient safety. I was all alone and Charles tried to help. He listened to me and was kind and caring. Every politician,government employee and media person acknowledged him with smiles and pleasant comments, although they didn't give a damn about my cause for patients. This is a blatant move to shut him up. I have experienced it also, but in a much more suttle way. So sorry Charles and for all that try to get their message out.

Anonymous 14 November 2016 at 08:54
Yes this whole mess is sad and a BLACK eye for what we thought was a easy going province. It goes to show that even the capital of NB Fredericton is very immature in ways and corrupt in many ways. I see some have mentioned who is the person responsible for all the harassment that Charles the PEOPLE's HERO has to endure. I believe the province has an obligation to open a

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