Thursday 13 July 2017

Mean Old Me and Larry the Clown versus the Governor General David Johnston Round Two

'Unquestionably qualified': Ex-astronaut Julie Payette formally introduced as Canada's next GG

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Joe Smithson 
Joe Smithson
Sorry, no, She is not a "diversity" or an "equality" hire.

The critics here can't even explain how she is not qualified.

Face it, they are just mad that it's a female and Trudeau did it.

No surprise they also support Trump.

It's quite pathetic really.

John Oaktree
John Oaktree
@Tim Sarant

So, if Trudeau didn't just appoint our new GG, who did?

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@John Oaktree Methinks it was Gerald Butts and his buddy Katie who picker the lady

Nick Bloom 
Nick Bloom
  I remembered listening to her speech at the University of Alberta and found her to be such an inspiration to Canadian students everywhere, male or female, regardless of their choice of study. Finally, somebody with a solid scientific & analytical training with a global perspective in the position of power for Canada. Excellent choice. 

Larry Lippard
Larry Lippard
@Nick Bloom
She has no power, she is not elected, she kowtows to the Queen and Prime Minister.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Larry Lippard Seems that folks hate it when you are correct N'esy Pas?

Tim Lade
Tim Lade
Really wonderful decision. A woman of science and an advocate for STEM. An excellent choice.

Larry Lippard
Larry Lippard
@Tim Lade
Geez with all these accolades for Payette, it doesn't say much for David Johnston.

David Magner (YYC)
David Magner (YYC)
@Larry Lippard

Personally I wouldn't say much for David Johnston. Aside from the kindly old man persona he has he was supposedly a 'constitutional expert' but accepted the appointment from the leader of a party that was dead set against any of the constitutional limits on their power and while he was GG he did nothing about their abuses of the consitution.

Looking the other way while his PM thumbed his nose at the Canadian constitution is Johnston's legacy.

I suppose it is possible to be an expert at something without actually having any respect for it.

Guy Souriandt
Guy Souriandt
@David Magner (YYC) David Johnson was a constitutional scholar. He was actually Dean of Law at the University of Western Ontario. I think that objectively weighs more into being qualified for a job than his "old gentleman" demeanor.

John Oaktree
John Oaktree
@Larry Lippard

David Johnston received all of these accolades when he was appointed by Harper.

I remember many glowing articles about his qualifications and accomplishments.

The news doesn't usually report much on the outgoing GG. They didn't report much about Michaƫlle Jean when she left the office either...

John Oaktree
John Oaktree
@David Magner (YYC)

What did you want the GG to do about Harper??

David Johnston is not Harper's father or mentor in any way. He is a Constitutional expert that had a job to do and he did it well.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Larry Lippard I had a lot to say about the lawyer David Johnston after he set the parameters for the Oliphant Commission for Harper's buddy Mulroney. Hell I even mentioned it during a hearing in the Federal Court of Appeal on May 24th, 2017 Listen in at the 58 minute mark and enjoy all the rest as well

Loran Hayden (formerly HalcyonMantra) 
Loran Hayden (formerly HalcyonMantra)
Another great decision by our amazing PM. This lady has it all, poise, intelligence, bravery, beauty - a true class act and will be an excellent representative for Canada.

Larry Lippard
Larry Lippard
@Loran Hayden (formerly HalcyonMantra)
Geez, are we talking about the same woman.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Larry Lippard Tut Tut Tut Clowns are supposed to make the ladies and their liberal buddies cry. Never forget that its just a circus

Wes White
 Wes White
Glad to see an outstanding Canadian get the job!

Larry Lippard
Larry Lippard
@Wes WhiteGeez Wes, what a naive statement, who do you think would get the job someone from Uzbekistan?

Ewan Cameron
Ewan Cameron
@Larry Lippard Many Canadian Governors General have been foreign born.

Calvin Coolidge
Calvin Coolidge
@Larry Lippard The day isnt complete until a cheap comment has been made by a hyper partisan rodeo clown

Rick James
Rick James
@Larry Lippard your intentionally antagonistic taunts on this story are getting pretty thin and week Larry. May be time to take a break and go for a walk

Larry Lippard
Larry Lippard
@Rick James
Hey Rick, it is weak not week.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Larry Lippard I do declare Don Rickles ain't got nothing on you when it comes to upsetting the trolls. I for one am quite entertained as the wannabe political pundits whine and cry foul as you poke holes in their stuffed shirts

Anthony Banes 
Anthony Banes
She is certainly qualified for the job. Congrats to Ms. Payette.

George Halbert McKinney
FGeorge Halbert McKinney
@Kurt Canyon
"@Larry Lippard
Haha I know you're trolling but I'll play along.."

My problem is that the comment you reference has vanished. Sounds like that's a good thing, though.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@George Halbert McKinney How so?

Woody Dewar 
Woody Dewar
She speaks six languages, some of Trudeau's haters can barely speak one. LOL


David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Woody Dewar Lots of folks such as I who hate the neo con point of view as much as we view Trudeau standing as an insincere lady killer incredibly comical only speak one language as well N'esy Pas?

Val Stavinski 
Val Stavinski
This time I applaud Trudeau, very wise choice, a perfect one for Canada's next Governor General. Congratulations Julie Payette!

Lawrence Aaluuluuq (RedWhite)
Lawrence Aaluuluuq (RedWhite)
@Val Stavinski

Val, you have earned a great deal of respect from me.

I apologize for being so rude and dismissive to you before.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Lawrence Aaluuluuq (RedWhite) Keep it up fellas and I will die laughing at this latest circus

Debb Lapointe 
Debb Lapointe
Perfect. I'm so delighted at this announcement. Julie Payette just plain rocks the socks off.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Debb Lapointe I don't know of the lady enough to dispute your point of view. However I will say I am overjoyed that the neo con lawyer David Johnston will soon be in the history books and out of out lives

Don Cameron 
Don Cameron
An excellent choice for GG. Can't wait to see her in action.

Dennis Regan
Dennis Regan
@Charles Damery
Here we are back in Camelot again. Ow me gawd! Next we'll be reading Challie's list of duties and that of all other family icons. Don't they have any clerks across the pond with rubber stamps to do um, ah, whatever?

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Dennis Regan Ah but whatever is what they do best. N'esy Pas?

'Unquestionably qualified': Ex-astronaut Julie Payette formally introduced as Canada's next GG

Trudeau says Montrealer embodies 'truly Canadian traits': love of discovery and dreaming big

By Kathleen Harris, CBC News Posted: Jul 13, 2017 12:00 PM ET 

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau looks on as former astronaut, and Governor General designate, Julie Payette,talks to reporters, on Parliament Hill, in Ottawa, Thursday July 13, 2017.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau looks on as former astronaut, and Governor General designate, Julie Payette,talks to reporters, on Parliament Hill, in Ottawa, Thursday July 13, 2017. (Fred Chartrand/Canadian Press) 

Former astronaut Julie Payette says she is embracing her new role as Canada's next governor general with humility, love of country and a promise to work for all Canadians.

"I'm here to serve all Canadians of all backgrounds, of all walks of life, whether new or not so new," she said.

Payette expressed gratitude for having a second chance to serve her country, and said it will be a pleasure to meet and interact with Canadians from coast to coast to coast.

"What a great day," she said during a news conference with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Trudeau said Payette has dedicated her life to discovery, dreaming big and staying focused on the things that matter most.

"These truly Canadian traits, along with her years of public service, make her unquestionably qualified for this high office," he said.

The 53-year-old Montrealer, who speaks six languages, will become Canada's 29th governor general.
Payette, who is also an accomplished athlete, pianist and choral singer, will succeed outgoing Gov. Gen. David Johnston.

Trudeau said Payette will make an "extraordinary" governor general who will serve her country with dedication and inclusion and work for the cause of reconciliation with Indigenous people.

As a 12th-generation Canadian, Payette said she embraces the core values of Canada: tolerance, openness and working together. She vowed to serve all Canadians, and as part of that will promote science, technology and the pursuit of knowledge.

As to the required knowledge of constitutional matters, Payette said she will learn on the job with the help of experts.

'Great humility'

"I will do it with great humility," she said.

A computer engineer with a commercial pilot licence, Payette was picked from among 5,330 applicants in 1992 to be one of four new astronauts with the Canadian Space Agency (CSA).

She participated in two space flights to the International Space Station and served as the CSA's chief astronaut between 2000 and 2007.

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer issued a statement offering a "warm welcome and congratulations."
"Ms. Payette's accomplishments are well known to Canadians of all ages," he said. "She was a pioneer during a long career in the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), most notably becoming one of the first women in the Canadian astronaut corps, and the first Canadian on board the International Space Station."

"As a scientist, a former chief astronaut for the CSA, and a leading advocate for Canadian ingenuity around the world, Ms. Payette will be well-suited to play a leadership role in Canada as the next governor general."
NDP Leader Tom Mulcair also issued a statement, calling Payette a "superb choice" because of her vast accomplishments and because she embodies some of the best qualities of Canada.

"Ms. Payette has excelled in competitive industries and succeeded to great heights in traditionally
male-dominated fields," he said.

'Amazing woman'

Labour Minister Patty Hajdu called Payette "an amazing woman."

"It's a really exciting message, and of course her vast experience will show other young women that there are multiple opportunities for us," she said.

"And I think just the fact that she's had that diversity of experience is something that's amazing as well."

While some people were hoping to see and Indigenous person named to the post, the Liberal Indigenous caucus issued a statement welcoming the appointment and calling her a "beacon of hard work and innovation in Canada."

"Ms. Payette has been an excellent representative of our country in the past, and her experience will bring a unique perspective of Canada and the world to the position of governor general," the statement reads.

Space Shuttle
Julie Payette waves before boarding the astronaut van before a planned liftoff onboard the space shuttle Endeavour in 2009. (Chris O'Meara/Associated Press)

"As governor general, Ms. Payette will play a very important role within the Canadian government. We look forward to working with her to advance our shared agenda of healing, reconciliation and progress for Canadians."

Active for causes

Payette is active on a number of causes and has served as a board member for Drug Free Kids Canada as well as being listed as a National Champion of the Trans Canada Trail.

The governor general is appointed by the Queen on the advice of the prime minister. Trudeau visited the Queen during a visit to Scotland last week en route to the G20 summit in Germany.

The governor general's tenure is "at pleasure," but a term usually lasts about five years.

Johnston, who was appointed in 2010 on the advice of former prime minister Stephen Harper, had his term extended in 2015 until this coming September to cover events celebrating Canada's 150th anniversary of Confederation.

Payette, who has been married twice and is currently single, is the mother of a 14-year-old son.

She is expected to assume her new position, which comes with a $290,660 annual salary and an official residence at Rideau Hall, in the fall.

Governor General 20170713
Governor General designate Julie Payette is expected to begin her duties in the fall. (Fred Chartrand/Canadian Press)

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