Saturday 11 November 2017

Biil Morneau's Long Weekend while Trudeau "The Younger" is a play on the Road to Mandalay

Ethics commissioner examining Bill Morneau's role in pension bill

'I am of the view that I have reasonable grounds to commence an examination,' says Mary Dawson

By Peter Zimonjic, CBC News Posted: Nov 10, 2017 5:21 PM ET

Commenting is now closed for this story.

 Ben Smith 
Ben Smith
These stories come out on Fridays on purpose. Disgusting!

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Ben Smith Methinks Mr Morneau and his lawyers should find my file in the Docket of Federal Court come Monday Morning and read it real slow. They cannot deny that my email to Morneau before the Election of the 42nd Parliament has been the dockets of the Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal was acknowledged and answered by a lawyer who was once the Speaker of the House who save Paul Martin's temporary mandate in 2005. Morneau should not denny my calls to his office recently nor should he deny that the ethical computer in his office has at least acknowledged numerous emails of mine since he was sworn in as a cabinet minister in 2015 or the fac that I have published many of them within my blog.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Ben Smith Google two names and laugh for the rest of the weekend

The names are

David Amos Bill Morneau

 bill chagwich 
bill chagwich
Morneau resign already,you are a embarrassment

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@bill chagwich Everybody know Morneau does not dare to resign as I prepare to put my first lawsuit against the Queen before the Supreme Court. In a nutshell Morneau needs the Crown counsels to defend him.

 Paul Douglas 
Paul Douglas
Wow! Both the PM and Finance Minister under active ethics investigation and this is the second time for the Finance Minister.
Many third world countries have better ethical governance than Canada.

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Gordon MacFarlane

"Trudeau is the only sitting Prime Minister ever to be investigated by the ethics commissioner."

Um, Gord, the ethics commissioner is new in town. There was only Harper and Trudeau and staff. If you look at the annual reports, your guys take up considerably more space than the Libs.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Richard Sharp Anyone remember Tainted Blood Paul Martin and a sneaky dudes named Howie Wilson and Bernie Shapiro?

Marc Henry 
Marc Henry
Too bad we didn't have an ethical ethics commissioner.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Marc Henry "Too bad we didn't have an ethical ethics commissioner."

Trust that agree with you in bigtime fashion. You should see the emails I have been getting from the VERY unethical Ethics Commissioner. Trust the emails will turn up as hard copy in the docket of Federal Court someday soon or my name ain't what I say it is.

Scuff MacGillicutty
Scuff MacGillicutty
Released after 5pm on a Friday.

Of a long weekend.

Where the PM will be AWOL for Remembrance Day.

Shady Ways kids, Shady Ways!

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Scuff MacGillicutty That standard operating procedure because most folks do not care about politics and most that do have the memory of a gnat. Everybody knows the Liberal and Conservatives play us like fiddles and and the other parties go along with it. We allow this malicious nonsense so we get the governments we deserve.

The one that got away after 999

I got the "Page is closed to commenting" notice just as I clicked send so I lost any chance of making the last and the 1000th comment but in the end nobody else did either. It seems that my lessons learned from sniping in Ebay years ago failed me or the CBC computer keeps a slightly different time than mine.  Or could it be that I was simply slow on the draw or the CBC did not appreciate all the comments I was posting just as the clock was winding down so they shut it down early. Hard telling not knowing. As far as it goes I came close but no cigar on the 11th day of the 11th month that the LIEbranos and CBC may wish to forget.

Max Merl
Max Merl
GG laughs at your faith. Finance Minister holds a private villa and avoids taxes while he drafts new taxes for you. Chief fundraiser avoids taxes to help get his friend elected to rule over you. Your ruler tells you to pay your fair share in taxes and skips the press that wants answers to trade deals. Its like a third world country.

David Raymond Amos
Page is closed to commenting.
David Raymond Amos
@Max Merl Methinks the Governor General ain't of the hook or out of the woods yet. The Liberals cannot deny that she speaks for the Protector of the Faith of the Church of England. Perhaps the Queen may have her fancy knicker in quite a knot when the light finally dawns on her marblehead. What I find strange is that I seem to be the only one pointing out this simple fact. In response CBC a Crown Corporation merely deletes my comments Go figure because in order to do somebody in government employ must be reading this. N'esy Pas?

Ethics commissioner examining Bill Morneau's role in pension bill

'I am of the view that I have reasonable grounds to commence an examination,' says Mary Dawson

By Peter Zimonjic, CBC News Posted: Nov 10, 2017 5:21 PM ET

Finance Minister Bill Morneau's role in the introduction of Bill C-27 is being examined bye Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner Mary Dawson.
Finance Minister Bill Morneau's role in the introduction of Bill C-27 is being examined bye Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner Mary Dawson. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)

Finance Minister Bill Morneau's actions related to the introduction of a pensions bill are being examined by Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner Mary Dawson to see if they violated the Conflict of Interest Act.

"I am of the view that I have reasonable grounds to commence an examination under subsection 45(1), and have so informed Minister Morneau," Dawson said in a letter to Conservative finance critic Pierre Poilievre.

Dawson initiated the examination after Conservative finance critic Poilievre, and NDP MP Nathan Cullen wrote to the commissioner earlier this fall asking her to look into the finance minister's role in the bill.

In an Oct. 16 letter Cullen asked Dawson to look into Morneau's sponsorship of Bill C-27; done while he still owned shares in his family's pension company, Morneau Shepell.

Cullen argued that, because Morneau held about one million shares at the time, he could make millions if the bill passed.

Poilievre had asked Dawson to investigate whether Morneau violated both the Conflict of Interest Act (which applies to cabinet ministers) and the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons (which applies to all MPs).

But in her letter to Poilievre on Friday, Dawson said she would only examine Morneau's actions under the former.

The ethics watchdog also told Poilievre that, even though he did not specify what specific area of the act may have been violated, she decided she had enough information to launch her own examination.

Dogged by controversy

Morneau has been dogged by controversy over his ownership of the company's shares and his use of private corporations to hold his assets — including one he failed to declare until September, which holds a villa in France. Morneau agreed to pay a $200 fine for failing to declare the company that owns the villa to Dawson when he was elected.

The finance minister met last month with the conflict of interest commissioner about the ownership of the one million shares which are worth about $20 million. After that meeting he announced he was placing his assets in a blind trust and was divesting shares in his family-built company to calm a growing ethics controversy over his personal holdings

"I told her it was the intent of my family to donate any difference in value from my family shares from the time I was elected on Oct. 19, 2015, until now," he told the House of Commons.
Morneau has said. he doesn't know what the value of the proceeds will be yet.

Problem of his own making

"I think its pretty simple," said Poilievre. "Bill Morneau owned shares in a company that administers pensions and he introduced a bill as finance minister on pensions. That's an obvious red flag. He should have had better judgement and he's put himself in a terrible situation." 

The Conservative MP said that if the examination proves Morneau is in a legal conflict interest he should pay a steep political price for his actions, but for now, Poilievre stopped short of asking for Morneau's resignation.

"This is the man with whom we entrust $330 billion of our money every single year. Someone like that needs to have impeccable judgement," he said in an interview with CBC News.
"Bill Morneau has shown horrible judgement."

Cullen said says he can't understand why Morneau would sponsor a pension bill when he was a major shareholder in a pension company.

"He's in trouble and it's trouble that is of his own making. These are all choices that he made along the way that common sense should have told him would have been a bad idea," Cullen told CBC.

ChloƩ Luciani-Girouard, Morneau's press secretary, said the minister will co-operate fully with Dawson's office.

"Since the first day in Office, the minister of finance has worked with the conflict of interest and ethics commissioner and followed her recommendations and advice Including having a screen in place that was determined to be the 'best measure of compliance by the commissioner,'" Luciani-Girouard said in a statement.

"In this spirit, the minister will answer any questions the commissioner has on this matter."

Whereas Hon. Pierre Poilievre, P.C., M.P is a Member of the Privy Council, methinks he may have violated his oath by sharing this CONFIDENTIAL letter and ratting out a fellow Member of the PCO  N'esy Pas?
Commissariat aux conflits d'int?r?ts et a l??thique
Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner
66, rue Slater Street
22? ?tage 22"d Floor
K1A 0A6


November 10, 2017

Sent by email to:

The Honourable Pierre Poilievre
Member of Parliament for Carleton
House of Commons

Centre Block, Room 437C

Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6

Subject: Request for an examination into the conduct of the Honourable Bill Morneau,
Minister of Finance

Dear Mr. Poilievre:

I am writing in response to your letter dated November 8, 2017, requesting that Ibegin an
examination under the Con?ict of Interest Act (Act) and an inquiry under the Con?ict of Interest
Code for Members of the House of Commons (Code). Your request concerns the conduct of the
Honourable Bill Momeau, Minister of Finance, in relation to his involvement in Bill C-27.

While your letter does not identify the provision you allege to have been contravened, as
required by the Act, I am of the view that I have reasonable grounds to commence an
examination under subsection 45(1), and have so informed Minister Momeau.

With respect to your request under the Code, I see nothing to suggest that Minister
Momeau?s involvement thus far went beyond the activities already captured by the Act.
Consequently, I will not be initiating an inquiry under the Code.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Philippe Joly, Senior
Investigator, at 613?996-6012. I thank you for bringing this matter to my attention.

- (gaff 

Cori wt of Interest and Ethics Commissioner

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