Thursday 13 December 2018

Methinks it is very dumb for CBC to continue to support the SANB Trolls Marc Martin and Marguerite Deschamps N'esy Pas?

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Replying to and  49 others
Methinks it high time for Mr Higgs to take his own advice quit playing political games with the Feds, step up to the plate and shut this wicked game down ASAP  N'esy Pas?

2021 games business plan calls $130M event 'opportunity' to develop infrastructure

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David Amos
David Amos
Methinks it high time for Mr Higgs to take his own advice quit playing political games with the Feds, step up to the plate and shut this wicked game down ASAP. The liberals already spent 2.65 million digging this hole no need to throw more money into it N'esy Pas?

?Asked if that meant the games were essentially cancelled, Higgs said, "it's in the federal government's court."

"They can make that decision."

But he said if the games needed to be cancelled, he would do it sooner rather than later.

"If you're digging a hole, and you're getting deeper in the hole, and you see no ability to get out of that hole with the project being completed, you don't just keep digging."

"You say 'OK, enough's enough.'"

Nothing has been signed yet, and New Brunswick could technically pull out.

"I don't feel we're under any particular obligation, other than it's a shame it got to this point. It's a shame we ended up inheriting the problem."

Lloyd Joslin
 Lloyd Joslin
TIME FOR SANB TO PAY THEIR OWN WAY,not on the backs of english

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Lloyd Joslin, you don't pay given that we have all the jobs, right?

Seamus O'hern
Seamus O'hern
@Marguerite Deschamps if....we Albertan's pay your way...ya's what you call culture.

Seamus O'hern
Seamus O'hern
@Marguerite Deschamps ....sorry misprint....culture/corruption....same thing correct?

Seamus O'hern
Seamus O'hern
@Roland Godin ....haha....still living in the past eh? that my friend is the problem, ya gotta move on an fend for yourself...kinda like what's happening now out here. Ya don't see JT or Dominic out here helping do ya? No cousins or buddies pockets to fill out this way....the first nations in Ont STILL have no decent H2O, but losing french in Ont is way more important to JT....

Seamus O'hern
Seamus O'hern
@Roland Godin about those transfer payments end yesterday....N.B. will have a love affair again with the Irvings....because language can't feed ya.

Seamus O'hern
Seamus O'hern
@Roland Godin ....and your tumbleweed debt. was paid for back in the PET's day. You know it and the rest of the country knows it.

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Seamus O'hern
Best not eat a french fry or poutine could cause an indigestion(spells the same in both langue officielle) if need hospitalization it could add to the debt...EH!

Seamus O'hern
Seamus O'hern
@Roland Godin in parasites....your donor will die....then what? how will the culture/corruption continue?

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Seamus O'hern
We will jump from one lily pad to voilà.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps "you don't pay given that we have all the jobs, right?"

Methinks many a true word is said in jest N'esy Pas?

Replying to and 49 others
Methinks it is very dumb for CBC to continue to support the SANB Trolls Marc Martin and Marguerite Deschamps N'esy Pas?

Brian Gallant 'close' friends with 2 key members of Francophonie Games committee

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Frank Knowles 
Frank Knowles
It will cost Canada and New Brunswick more in the long run not to have the games at the current cost. That will be 57 other countries with a tainted view. Tourism, business opportunities are what these games are about in the end. These games are a long term investment in NB. Cap it at 100 prov/fed/advertising split.

David Amos
David Amos
@Frank Knowles Dream on

Marc LeBlanc 
Dan Armitage
Just cancel the games and stop wasting the ink.

David Amos
David Amos
@Dan Armitage I agree

David Amos
David Amos
"Gallant has so far not responded to questions about the soaring price tag."

Surprise Surprise Surprise

Marc LeBlanc
daryl doucette
Now Liberal Roger Melanson , on the Global News tonight, is hinting at the next step re these " Francophoney Games" and that would be that New Brunswick could be sued for the FULL COST of the games if we don't " Go ahead" and host them, cost irrelevant. My god they are a pathetic, desperate lot. Mr. Melanson should be removed YESTERDAY from government for daring to make this statement threatening us.. I wonder what he would have gained financially if this scam was allowed to continue?

Tom Wright
Tom Wright
@daryl doucette melanson is another puppet.

David Amos
David Amos
@daryl doucette "Now Liberal Roger Melanson , on the Global News tonight, is hinting at the next step re these " Francophoney Games" and that would be that New Brunswick could be sued for the FULL COST of the games if we don't " Go ahead" and host them, cost irrelevant."

Methinks if that were to happen I would have every every right to intervene and argue all the lawyers trying to make buck off of the matter N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos 
David R. Amos
Surprise Surprise Surprise

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps


David R. Amos
Content disabled.
David R. Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Yea I am about to file another lawsuit and mention you know who

Marc LeBlanc
Marc LeBlanc
@David R. Amos. You two need to settle down.if I could get you'se together with a half dozen of my "special"eggnogs you'd be hugging in no time

David R. Amos
Content disabled.
David R. Amos
@Marc LeBlanc Are you related to Dominic Leblanc or the Judge I had a war with in Federal Court who was protecting him?

David R. Amos
Content disabled.
David R. Amos
@Marc LeBlanc Notice how fast the questionable lady's insult went "Poof"

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
Most on here either retired or working the night shift or else...

Johnny Horton
Johnny Horton
@Marguerite Deschamps

Says one of the most prolific day posters...

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Johnny Horton, I am retired.

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Marguerite Deschamps from a French liberal civil service job I bet

Tom Wright
Tom Wright
@daryl doucette bahahaha. Nicely done.

daryl doucette 
Jeff LeBlanc
I got 9 thumbs up for this before it got removed "Can't wait for these games to crash and burn"

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Jeff LeBlanc, your own!

Buford Wilson  
Buford Wilson
A pure waste of money.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps

David R. Amos
Content disabled.
David R. Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks you are playing games as well N'esy Pas?

John Haigh
kelly sherrard
Am I surprised at this story? No. The province can't afford to spend money like this when there are homeless people out on the streets in the cold this winter, record numbers hitting the food banks, seniors taking up almost 30% of the hospital beds because there are no nursing home beds, the issues in this province go on and on and on. Anyone supporting the province putting out millions to pay for these games should shake their heads.

Taxpayers/voters are being fed a load when the politicians tell us it will bring in millions in revenue. Not true. There will be no where near $100M in revenue from hosting these games. The province should just pull the plug and walk away now before matters becomes worse.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
... and the wealthy do not pay their fair share of taxes, I might add.

David R. Amos
Content disabled.
David R. Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Do you?

Stephen Long
Stephen Long
@Marguerite Deschamps But your anti-hero, Chris Austin, agrees with you. So how does that work then?

 John Haigh 
Doug Leblanc
Presumably the entire committee, including Gallant’s very close friends, travelled to Abidjan, Ivory Coast, for the 2017 games. Which politicians went? We know Francine Landry did. Now we learn MLA Rob McKee also did but he has no comment on budget. What was his role there. Who else went and how much did the trip to Ivory Coast cost tax payers? Did we pay for business class flights? Did they order $30 glasses of orange juice at the best hotels. Let’s see the expenses. The liberals need to account for the entire $455,000 in salaries last year, and 1.7 million budgeted for 2018 (according to this article). Was this a full time job for Gallant’s friends or just pocket money.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Doug Leblanc Good Questions Sir

John Haigh
 Doug Leblanc
Why was the director of strategic marketing for opportunities NB doing communications for the committee when the story broke? Has opportunities NB been funding everything thus far?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Doug Leblanc Please keep digging

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
Pull the plug!

Mario Doucet
Mario Doucet
@Marguerite Deschamps
These people are your heroes.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Mario Doucet certainly NOT Crisse Austin and the elusive Higgs Bozon.

John Haigh
John Haigh
@Marguerite Deschamps Imagine being this person.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks you enjoy the Circus as much as I N'esy Pas?

John Haigh
 Billy Sturgeon
I always try to give most people, including governments, the benefit of the doubt. However this entire mess is so greesy and full of collusion its unbelievable . Its no wonder citizens have no trust in government. It's all very sad and I just hope Higgs and bring back some trust and accountability to the province.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Billy Sturgeon Methinks you should check my work N'esy Pas?

 Mark (Junkman) George
 Mark (Junkman) George
Time to get your "big boy pants" out of the closet Blaine, put them on, and pull the plug/shut this mess down.
You wanted to be the boss so bad........... time to show some leadership and good sense.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Mark (Junkman) George I concur


John Haigh
Nicolas Krinis
With our province in the hole, the libs were going to spend $130M on a sporting event? Unbelievable. We simply cannot afford it.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps

John Haigh
John Haigh
@Marguerite Deschamps There's a difference between reading English & understanding English. Libs didn't "go forward with that number" because it would have been political suicide leading into an election. If the Libs won a majority you can bet your OAS that the games would be moving forward at full steam & friends of the Libs in that region would continue lining their pockets.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@John Haigh Methinks the lady doth protest too much N'esy Pas?

John Haigh
John Haigh
@Marguerite Deschamps There's a difference between reading English & understanding English. Libs didn't "go forward with that number" because it would have been political suicide leading into an election. If the Libs won a majority you can bet your OAS that the games would be moving forward at full steam & friends of the Libs in that region would continue lining their pockets.

John Haigh

Fiscal responsibly demands this whole division driven ploy be shut down now, cut all funding .

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@ Who are you?

John Haigh  
Mike Morton
Old school Pork Barrel Politics at it's finest. Your predecessors taught you well Mr. Gallant.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Mike Morton Methinks all of Mr Gallant's fair weather friends are about to lose his phone number N'esy Pas?


John Haigh
Jeff LeBlanc
Can't wait for these games to crash and burn.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Jeff LeBlanc Methinks they already did N'esy Pas?

Bill Thompson
Mario Doucet
What makes the French think they deserve any more than any other ethnic group in Canada.

Bill Thompson
Bill Thompson
@Mario Doucet
Because they are special.

Dan Lee
Dan Lee
@Bill Thompson
oh we know who is special here.......

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Bill Thompson, actually we are!

Marguerite Deschamps
 Marguerite Deschamps

Marguerite Deschamps  
Marguerite Deschamps
Pull the plug!

Mario Doucet
Mario Doucet
@Marguerite Deschamps
These people are your heroes.

John Haigh
John Haigh
@Marguerite Deschamps Imagine being this person.

John Haigh
Mario Doucet
SANB and UdM are sucking the lifeblood out of this province and don't care.

Dan Lee
Dan Lee
@Mario Doucet
you sound like you were raised by a you know who?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Dan Lee, it starts with "B".

Johnny Horton
Johnny Horton
@Marguerite Deschamps

Yep you sre indeed correct. Brian Gallant does start with a B.

Dan Lee
Dan Lee
@Johnny Horton
Silly man.....Brian did not raised that......

John Haigh 
Mario Doucet
The north shore mafia takes another one on the chin.

Chantal LeBouthi
Chantal LeBouthi
@Mario Doucet

Red mafia blue mafia same results

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Mario Doucet Methinks not many folks have much empathy for the SANB about now N'esy Pas? 

 Chantal LeBouthi
 Mario Doucet
This mess is not going away anytime soon, corruption on this scale only deepens the mistrust of the acadian people.

Al Bekirkey
Al Bekirkey
@Mario Doucet acadian people are great they sing dance got great food and are usually supper sweet to deal with its these pocket liners drapping themselves in whatever flag of conveniance they can get to line their pockets

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Mario Doucet, I see that you are reneging your roots...well unless you're an imposter.

Al Bekirkey
Al Bekirkey
@Marguerite Deschamps you know not all francophones in new brunswick are acadian you know their are several french dialects just in new brunswick all with different accents

Tom Wright
Tom Wright
@Marguerite Deschamps are you serious?

Tom Wright
Tom Wright
@Al Bekirkey and there are English names that have deep Acadian roots. My Grandmother was Acadian. Because I now have a English surname I am no longer Acadian? Desolee man but this debate is going down the wrong road when people think that way.

Al Bekirkey
Al Bekirkey
@Tom Wright i agree with you its counterproductive to say you should be in my tribe or your not moral enough to be in my tribe it surely doesnt help us as new brunswickers

Seamus O'hern
Seamus O'hern
@Marguerite Deschamps ....and again you open the gates of common sense....N.B. style.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks i should ask who are you to judge him merely because his last name dictates that he should agree with you N'esy Pas?


 John Haigh 
Mario Doucet
Did Brian Gallant ever do anything right or for the english?

reginald churchill
reginald churchill
@Mario Doucet -----exactly

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Mario Doucet, who is trying to create a division now between the French and the English?

Mario Doucet
Mario Doucet
@Marguerite Deschamps
The division is already there and always has been. The exclusive franco games prove it.

John Haigh
John Haigh
@Marguerite Deschamps I don't recall any English New Brunswickers suing Ambulance NB.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@John Haigh, when the law is not being followed, you have the right to sue.

John Haigh
John Haigh
@Marguerite Deschamps Keep thinking on it Margo, you're almost there.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps "when the law is not being followed, you have the right to sue."

Methinks you are well aware that is exactly what I do N'esy Pas?

Al Bekirkey
Al Bekirkey
@Marguerite Deschamps the division lies at service new brunswick were anyone with anglophone accent will never be givin the accredation to meet provincial standards based on pronunciation also known as an accent would the same discrimination be held against someone with haitian or african or south american french likely the answer is no all evaluation are based on a case by case basis with no actual standard a person can strive to achieve basicly if you have the wrong accent the folks that have been installed as the language gatekeepers will turn you down

Al Bekirkey
Al Bekirkey
@Al Bekirkey freedom of information requests are now being prepared lets see what happens when this is all documented and brought out

Al Bekirkey
Al Bekirkey
@Al Bekirkey seems the shoe does not fit the other foot as the english language is butchered daily on many levels of gov and no recourse is given to the offended in the same way at the ola office you are deemed a hateful bigot if question your service from someone that has a very strong accent speaking a different language and most people dont mind they get what they need and they move on with life

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Al Bekirkey, more fake news! You fool others with your false rhetoric, but not me. I know for a fact that this is not the case.

Al Bekirkey
Al Bekirkey
@Marguerite Deschamps ive got the paperwork and will have pages more coming and from what ive seen you post i find it hard to believe the grip on reality that may be held is fleeting at best

Al Bekirkey
Al Bekirkey
@Al Bekirkey i was trying to word that in a way that wouldnt get sensored but left the meaning unclear what i was trying to say is i got the proof baby and from what i see from your posts the grip on reality is an ever loosening one

Al Bekirkey
Al Bekirkey
@Marguerite Deschamps yall picked the wrong cat to play 3 card monty with im about to flip teh table and steal your fake watch

Dan Lee
Dan Lee
@Mario Doucet
Blame your know what i mean......errrrrrr

Tim Raworth
Tim Raworth
@Marguerite Deschamps When the president of the paramedic union CUPE 4848 states on the record that "150 bilingual paramedics are not going to drop out of the sky anytime soon," then people should listen. Bilingualism in NB is a farce as Stats Can reports only 33.9 % of the population considers them selves bilingual. The rest are excluded from many jobs. What your solution, throw more money at the problem? Just keep suing us deeper into debt.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps "You fool others with your false rhetoric, but not me."

Methinks that is and interesting statement coming from you as most of your comments that have already been disputed evaporate N'esy Pas?
Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Al Bekirkey, I wonder if you even know what you're talking about.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks a lot of folks are wondering the same about you N'esy Pas?

Al Bekirkey
Al Bekirkey
@David R. Amos since half my argument is blackholed i will say this when accents are the defining moment of being bilingual we have lost the argument on equity

Al Bekirkey
Al Bekirkey
@Marguerite Deschamps sorry all of my argument

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Al Bekirkey Most of my replies are blackholed

David Amos
David Amos
@Al Bekirkey Methinks I proved my point about blackholes N'esy Pas?


Marc Martin
John O'Brien
The word "Atcon" keeps coming to mind. Gallant and crew were convinced they were going to be re-elected. This would have been their new slush fund.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@John O'Brien

Atcon ? wasn't that like 10 years ago ?

Chris McNee
Chris McNee
@Marc Martin yes it was some time ago, it’s a pretty fair reference in that nothing was done or anyone brought to justice for wasting tax dollars. However there are many examples you could use to reference questionable spending, by either party.

Harold Benson
Harold Benson
@Chris McNee So that's why nothing happens? Because everyone is doing it? We should just forget about it?

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Marc Martin
"Atcon ? wasn't that like 10 years ago ?"

Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it.

Marc, this is why it is irrelevant when the Atcon fiasco happened. We want to learn from our mistakes, not repeat them.

Chris McNee
Chris McNee
@Harold Benson hey I agree with you, it’s sad that political figures aren’t held accountable, sad actually

Chantal LeBouthi
Ben Robinson
Well, duh. The Francophone community (and/or U de M) virtually controls NB.

Chantal LeBouthi
Chantal LeBouthi
@Ben Robinson

No it’s Irving

reginald churchill
reginald churchill
@Ben Robinson ----well said ,short and true

Marguerite Deschamps
 Marguerite Deschamps
Johnny Horton
Johnny Horton
@Marguerite Deschamps

Not really, we don’t really have an option, we will be doing the games. The libs still rule from the grave.

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Marguerite Deschamps Naw it 's " where's Waldo " Gallant and his SANB cronies .

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Marguerite Deschamps No answers from Pinocchio, he left the building. Flew out before his nose grew a lot bigger.

Tim Raworth
Brad Little
...And CBC'S "Shocker Headline of the week goes to...."

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Brad Little Methinks its hard telling no knowing for sure because the week is not over yet N'esy Pas?

2021 games business plan calls $130M event 'opportunity' to develop infrastructure

Province releases full business plan that details several of the infrastructure projects

The $130-million business plan for the 2021 Francophonie Games was released by the New Brunswick government Friday. (AFP/Issouf Sanogo)

The $130-million business plan for the 2021 Francophonie Games acknowledges its budget is higher than previous games, but calls it "an opportunity" to develop sports and cultural infrastructure for the region.

The 182-page plan released by the province at 4 p.m. Friday provides a budget overview and lays out the organization of the games and the 23 sites to be used for the international event, which is expected to draw 3,000 athletes and artists.
The plan has been the subject of controversy after it was revealed it called for $130 million in spending on the games, up from the $17.5 million when the province submitted its bid three years ago.

Its release comes the day after Radio-Canada obtained an independent review of the business plan. The review calls the plan "rigorous and comprehensive" and says it found no major errors or omissions in the budget.
But the review also says the total budget could be shaved to $115 million by cutting unnecessary infrastructure spending and other costs.
The business plan, developed with help from Organisports Consultants, a firm specializing in event organization, acknowledges the budget is higher than for previous games.

Politicians gathered at the University of Moncton stadium in 2015 to promote Moncton-Dieppe's bid for the games. The $130-million business plan calls it an 'opportunity' to improve sports facilities like the stadium. (CBC)
While it says it would be possible to reduce budget costs, it says this could tarnish New Brunswick's reputation and reduce the large event to just a series of sports competitions without the games atmosphere.

The budget shows general spending categories, with totals (cash spending on goods and services are combined in these totals):
  • General: $14,167,722
  • Finance, administration and legal: $1,748,596
  • Human resources: $1,586,875
  • Sponsorships: $2,757,752
  • Ticketing and products: $54,100
  • Communications: $1,452,072
  • Media: $76,500
  • Events: $218,030
  • Peripheral events: $3,122,725
  • Ceremonies and Gala: $3,440,000
  • Programming of competitions and cultural competitions: $210,000
  • Other services: $2,191,153
  • Logistics: $4,837,835
  • Accommodation and food: $7,175,156
  • Security: $10,000,000
  • Site management: $698,177
  • Games village: $1,729,252
  • General services: $10,147,350
  • Technology: $1,741,785
  • Broadcasting: $8,227,193
  • Foundation: $4,244,116
  • Contingencies: $3,156,558
  • Taxes: $4,357,109
  • Infrastructure: $36,663,128
The province bid for the games in 2015 with a budget set at $17.5 million, a total copied from a host application guide from the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie.

The $17.5-million budget included in the province's bid did not include infrastructure spending organizers now say is necessary. (CBC)
Organizers say costs rose in part because of human resources costs, the purchase of sports equipment that provides a "significant legacy" of hosting the games; the three games villages, and the cost of food for participants that reflects the "quality and level of services" available in Canada.

It also says past budgets did not account for the in-kind value of goods and services.

The games will "contribute to a significant legacy in terms of the purchase of sports equipment and resulting in an increase in the conventional budget."

Eric Mathieu Doucet, who resigned from the games organizing committee this week, had defended the group's business plan at a news conference on Monday. (Shane Magee/CBC)
"Taking into account all the elements mentioned above, it is very clear that the conventional budget of 10 million euros (about $16 million) cannot be met to organize the event in New Brunswick according to the criteria currently imposed," the business plan states.

While officials initially told the public the "beauty" of the bid was that all the required infrastructure is in place, part of the increased cost is tied to required infrastructure.

The games are expected to start July 23, 2021, at the 9,400-seat Moncton Stadium at the University of Moncton and run 10 days, ending with a ceremony at the Avenir Centre.

The business plan calls the games an "opportunity to develop and upgrade sports and cultural infrastructure in our region."

The infrastructure projects, costing $36 million, include:
  • Building a training track for athletics in Dieppe that will include two synthetic soccer fields.
  • Upgrading the Moncton Stadium competition track, track and field warm-up areas, and throwing and jumping areas.
  • Adding an elevator from the ground floor to the third floor and lowering the sidewalk
    at the entrance to the stadium.
  • Buying basketball play surfaces meeting international standards and removable baskets.
  • Buying three dance mats that will benefit the various dance schools once the games are complete.
  • Building a competition arena for African wrestling and a warm-up area at the University of Moncton that would be transformed into a beach volleyball area for students after the games.
  • Building a synthetic soccer field with a pavilion in Moncton and two
    synthetic fields with a pavilion in Dieppe.
  • Upgrading eight tennis courts at Moncton's Centennial Park.
  • Creating a Village de la Francophonie at Dieppe's planned intergenerational complex
The opportunity is questioned in a federal review of the business plan carried out by MNP LLP, an independent chartered accounting firm.

The review suggests several of the organizers' proposed infrastructure projects aren't essential and could be cut to control costs.

About the Author


Shane Magee
Shane Magee is a Moncton-based reporter for CBC.
With files from Gabrielle Fahmy
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

Brian Gallant 'close' friends with 2 key members of Francophonie Games committee

Spokesperson says former premier recused himself from the issue

Former premier Brian Gallant has 'close' relationships with two key members of the 2021 Francophonie Games organizing committee. (James West/THE CANADIAN PRESS)

Two friends of former Liberal premier Brian Gallant occupy key positions on the organizing committee of the Jeux de la Francophonie — a committee that is rapidly losing the confidence of political leaders over the ballooning costs of the games.

Eric Larocque, the executive director of the organizing committee, is a personal friend of Gallant, dating back to when they worked together at the University of Moncton student federation.

And Eddie Rutanga, the committee's head of government and community relations, is another close friend of Gallant. He helped introduce the then-premier to his future wife, Karine Lavoie, according to a 2016 profile of Lavoie in the Telegraph-Journal.

Both men are paid employees of the committee, which is made up of federal, provincial and municipal representatives.

Four provincially appointed members of the committee announced late Wednesday they were resigning, saying they no longer had the confidence of the New Brunswick government.

"The team responsible for organizing the games is comprised of qualified and passionate individuals who have, at heart, the well-being of all New Brunswickers," said the statement, signed by Eric Mathieu Doucet, Mirelle Cyr, Eric Cormier and Kim Rayworth.

The statement said the fifth provincial member had resigned for professional reasons.

Gallant recused himself

Last week it emerged that the projected cost of the games, submitted by the committee to the province in the spring, had ballooned from $17 million to $130 million.

Gallant has so far not responded to questions about the soaring price tag. He has refused to comment because, according to a spokesperson, he recused himself from the issue because he was "close" to those involved.

Eddie Rutanga, left, and Eric Larocque are two key members of the 2021 Francophonie Games organizing who have 'close' relationships with former premier Brian Gallant. 
Progressive Conservative Education Minister Dominic Cardy cited the personal links to Gallant in the legislature Wednesday when rebutting Liberal attacks on PC spending cuts.

The previous Liberal government "plowed money into the pockets of the friends of the former premier who now have been unable to organize the Francophonie Games," Cardy said.

Confidence in the committee?

Premier Blaine Higgs suggested to reporters that the federal government create a permanent team of officials to run athletic events of this scale when they are in Canada.

"You shouldn't be learning every time you have an event like this," he said. "Let's not just put a list of warm bodies there. Let's put a functional group in that has a skill set to make that happen."

Even Gallant's former cabinet colleague, Liberal MLA Roger Melanson, wouldn't say Wednesday whether he has confidence in the organizing committee.

Liberal MLA Roger Melanson said the organizing committee has to reduce the cost of the games. (CBC)
"It's not my decision, the question of confidence," Melanson said. "It's the organizing committee's. Certainly when we see the figures go up every time we ask for more details about the business plan, it's worrying."

He said the committee has to reduce the cost of the games "to gain some credibility in this process."
Gallant was in the legislature Tuesday for Question Period but left afterward to catch a flight, a Liberal staffers said. He was not there at all Wednesday.

It's not clear when Gallant recused himself from the Francophonie Games issue.

"Obviously, when matters came to cabinet, he was not part of those conversations," Melanson said Tuesday, though he wasn't able to say precisely when the then-premier stepped away from the issue.

Gallant's involvement in bid

Gallant was involved in the early stages of the bid: he signed a letter to officials with La Francophonie in July 2015, and met with officials who came to evaluate the province's proposal later that year, former Francophonie minister Francine Landry said this week.

And in 2016, he recorded a video as part of the bid presentation that won over the Francophonie officials making the decision.
In the video, Gallant, who grew up in a mixed English-French family, explained he chose to attend French schools as a child so he could compete in the Acadian Games, a decision that also connected to his francophone roots.

L'Acadie Nouvelle called Gallant's presentation a key factor — the "pièce de résistance" — in winning the bid, according to an April 2016 story.

Gallant's office announced the appointment of Larocque as executive director of the organizing committee on April 19, 2016, mere days after New Brunswick won the bid.

The organizing committee's budget this year is $1.7 million. It has 11 employees. Last year, it paid out $452,000 in salaries.
It didn't put taxpayers at risk because we were not going to support that number.- Liberal MLA Roger Melanson
The Francophone Games are open to all athletes from 58 member countries of La Francophonie regardless of the language they speak. The international organization is made up of countries that use or have a historical connection to the French language.

New Brunswick and Quebec are both member governments of the organization.

The New Brunswick organizing committee has five members appointed by the provincial government, four named by Ottawa, and one each from the host cities of Moncton and Dieppe.

Moncton Centre Liberal MLA Rob McKee, a former city councillor who travelled to Abidjan, Ivory Coast, for the 2017 games, said he had confidence in the organizing committee, even after learning last week of the $130 million cost.

"I do," he said. "They've been working very hard over the last year or two. … I have faith that they are doing their work. Obviously I think the price tag is too high."

Melanson said the previous Liberal government didn't make the $130 million figure public before the election because they refused to sign off on it.

"There was never a decision to go forward with that number," he said. "It didn't put taxpayers at risk because we were not going to support that number."
With files from Michelle LeBlanc and Shane Magee

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

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