Sunday 9 January 2022

End of home energy rebate program surprises some low-income New Brunswickers


End of home energy rebate program surprises some low-income New Brunswickers

$100 rebate helped about 33,000 households annually, opposition says

But after going to Service New Brunswick to apply, he was told the program was over. That meant the Woodstock resident, and other low-income families across the province, would no longer be eligible for $100 to offset power.

"I know it's only $100, but $100 is $100 is these trying times," George said. "I was very much in shock."

The Home Energy Assistance Program was put in place by the Liberals in 2016 for five years. The current government has chosen not to renew it.

Robert Gauvin, Shediac Bay-Dieppe MLA and social development critic for the Liberals, said the program was effective and could have easily been extended.

"People don't understand – why cut this $100," he said. "That's not a lot of money for some people, but for some it makes all the difference in the world."

Robert Duguay, a spokesperson for the Department of Social Development, said there are a number of programs in place to help seniors and low-income households with heating costs.

"This program came to an end and was not cut," he wrote in an email.

'A lot of people would rely on it'

Application forms to apply for the energy rebate were typically available in early January.

George files taxes for seniors in the community and he said the end of the program is a shock to many of them.

"Why they would cancel it, and why not tell anyone that they had cancelled it at all, is beyond my comprehension. A lot of people would rely on it," he said in an interview.

Woodstock resident Lloyd George said he was shocked to find out the home energy rebate program was not continuing this year. (Alexandre Silberman/CBC)

About 33,000 New Brunswick families received the rebate annually, according to the opposition.

George said benefits such as the energy program have an impact in helping make ends meet with costs climbing for groceries and gas.

"It's going to affect a lot of people, it means they have to cough up an extra $100 they were looking forward to, to offset these heating costs," he said.  

"If people were told beforehand they may have made other arrangements."

New housing benefit

Duguay said available resources include provincial energy efficiency programs and the low-income annual seniors benefit of $400

The new Canada Housing Benefit program was expanded in December. That short-term benefit supports families with a household income between $12,000 and $50,000. 

People eligible for the program receive an average of $300 to $475 per month, depending income, household composition and location, according to Duguay.

Robert Gauvin, Liberal MLA for Shediac Bay-Dieppe and social development critic, said the rebate program was effective and could have easily been continued. (Ed Hunter/CBC)

The provincial government expects it to support about 6,700 households.

Will the new housing program be enough to offset the end of the energy rebate? The opposition critic said he isn't sure.

"It's incomprehensible right now," Gauvin said. "Why would they stop this program that was working so well for around 100,000 people in New Brunswick?"

Anyone facing an emergency situation regarding winter heating should call Social Development at 1-833-733-7835.


Alexandre Silberman

Video Journalist

Alexandre Silberman is a video journalist with CBC New Brunswick based in Moncton. He has previously worked at CBC Fredericton, Power & Politics, and Marketplace. You can reach him by email at:

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices




Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos 
So much for speaking freely within CBC EH?

Good Night Cruel World 

David Amos 
Reply to @David Amos: Many of us got this email from NB Power this evening Correct?

Winter in New Brunswick can be like a rollercoaster ride. We’re going from yesterday’s mild temperatures to a period of extreme cold this week. Based on the current forecast, the coldest temperatures will happen starting tonight and into Wednesday morning. And the colder it gets, the more electricity we use to stay warm and energize our homes and businesses.

We’re taking action on our end to be ready to meet New Brunswickers’ energy needs – but we need your help, too.

We’re asking all New Brunswickers to make small changes to help Beat the Peak. We are projecting in-province demand to reach 3,300 MW early Wednesday morning, which is more than double the power used on a summer morning.
David Amos 
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Reply to @David Amos: continued
Peak electricity demand happens in the morning from 6 until 9, and in the afternoon from 4 until 8, when most families begin and wind down their days. During these peaks, NB Power uses the most expensive and least green energy to power New Brunswick. By following a few simple tips, we can all help reduce electricity use and Beat the Peak.

Electric Heating: Turn down the heat in rooms you’re not using to save energy.

Hot Water Use: Heating water in your home uses a lot of energy. Take shorter showers or move them to later in the day. The same goes for running dishwashers and washing machines – set them to run overnight or mid-day.

Alternative Heating: Use wood stoves, fireplaces or other fuel sources to help keep your home cozy instead of cranking up your electric heat.

We can all help New Brunswick Beat the Peak without compromising comfort or convenience. These actions will help you avoid paying for energy you don’t need while helping to reduce costs and environmental impacts for the province.

When New Brunswickers use less electricity during peak times, we all win.
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: continued
Peak electricity demand happens in the morning from 6 until 9, and in the afternoon from 4 until 8, when most families begin and wind down their days. During these peaks, NB Power uses the most expensive and least green energy to power New Brunswick. By following a few simple tips, we can all help reduce electricity use and Beat the Peak.

Electric Heating: Turn down the heat in rooms you’re not using to save energy.

Hot Water Use: Heating water in your home uses a lot of energy. Take shorter showers or move them to later in the day. The same goes for running dishwashers and washing machines – set them to run overnight or mid-day.

Alternative Heating: Use wood stoves, fireplaces or other fuel sources to help keep your home cozy instead of cranking up your electric heat.

We can all help New Brunswick Beat the Peak without compromising comfort or convenience. These actions will help you avoid paying for energy you don’t need while helping to reduce costs and environmental impacts for the province.

When New Brunswickers use less electricity during peak times, we all win.

David Amos 
Reply to @David Amos: Mon ami Roger Richard was wondering if the Bit Coin Miners in St-Andrรฉ cared about how much precious power they are using during this cold snap 
David Amos
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Anyone Surprised??? 

Marguerite Deschamps
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Reply to @David Amos: Non! 
David Amos
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Surprised? I am not I am still waiting for my first low-income annual seniors benefit of $400 that they claimed they sent years ago  
David Amos
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Surprised? I am not I am still waiting for the fist low-income annual seniors benefit of $400 that they claimed they sent years ago
Marguerite Deschamps
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["This program came to an end and was not cut," he wrote in an email.
What ๐Ÿฆญ♔ difference does it make you ๐Ÿฆญ♔ piece of ๐Ÿ’ฉ❗
Nickel and diming these poor folks while we spend millions to entertain these filthy rich royals and give our resources away to the filthy rich foreign corporations registered in tax havens. ๐Ÿ˜ ❗
David Amos  
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Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Oh my my Methinks you should know the rich folks who work for the Queen can't handle the truth N'esy Pas?
phil mckay
Probsbly NBpower execs were worried about their bonuses
phil mckay
Reply to @phil mckay: higgs inc is only freindly to corporations and their patrons
David Amos
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Reply to @phil mckay: Of that I have no doubt
David Amos
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Reply to @David Amos: I concur 
Ken Dwight
Conservatives. Standing up for the citizens..well, the corporate ones.
Vernon McPhee
Reply to @Ken Dwight: Liberals put in legislation with a 5 year expiry date and that is somehow the PC's fault?
David Amos
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Reply to @Vernon McPhee: Good question
David Webb NB
Reply to @Ken Dwight: Well in the last (unnecessary) federal election, NB'ers voted overwhelmingly in favour of the carbon tax, which any thinking person knew would disproportionately affect the poor, low and middle income folks. The message to the provincial government was sent loud and clear. Now we have to live with it. People need to use some critical thinking and hold the politicians accountable.
Rosco holt
Reply to @Vernon McPhee: In reality any government programs and subsidize should have an expiry date to force an re evaluation and bring corrections has needed.
David Amos
Reply to @Rosco holt: I agree
Alex Stevens
Had to give it to the Irving masters, I guess. Wow, just wow. Here's a nickle.
David Webb NB
Reply to @Alex Stevens: Well in the last (unnecessary) federal election, NB'ers voted overwhelmingly in favour of the carbon tax, which any thinking person knew would disproportionately affect the poor, low and middle income folks. The message to the provincial government was sent loud and clear. Now we have to live with it. People need to use some critical thinking and hold the politicians accountable.
David Amos
Reply to @David Webb NB: I said such things in 7 elections. During my last debate Hampton in 2019 I stated that we get the governments we deserve as I properly predicted the outcome. I promised to never run again but would continue to litigate.
Marc Bourque
The older we get ,the more we realize the seniors are dispensable...and poorer....
David Amos
Reply to @Marc Bourque: I resemble that remark
Raymond Leger
Chop chop chop!!!
Too bad it's the working poor that gets hit again though.
Very petty!!!
Rich Hatfield
Reply to @Raymond Leger: Between December 2016 and December 2017, passengers aboard government aircraft consumed 401 bottles of wine, 584 cans of beer and five 250-millilitre bottles of vodka, at a total cost of $8,179.
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Rich Hatfield: Let them ingest the ☠️poison☠️. It will catch up to them sooner or later.
David Amos
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Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Tut Tut Tut 
Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @David Amos: They won't listen to my advice in any event. Let them pour ☠️poison☠️ and choke on it❗๐Ÿบ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฅ‚๐Ÿพ๐Ÿฅƒ๐ŸŒ„๐Ÿ›๐Ÿคข
David Amos 
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Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: He is talking about the boozing paid for by the taxpayer on your favourite liberal's aircraft
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: At this point, I criticize them all❗
David Amos 
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Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Hence there is hope for you yet
Norman Albert Snr
Higgs has only one priority and it is not those forced to live on less. Corp[orate interest is all he cares about. Out of sight rent increases and now another kick in the gut.
David Webb NB
Reply to @Norman Albert Snr: Well in the last (unnecessary) federal election, NB'ers voted overwhelmingly in favour of the carbon tax, which any thinking person knew would disproportionately affect the poor, low and middle income folks. The message to the provincial government was sent loud and clear. Now we have to live with it. People need to use some critical thinking and hold the politicians accountable.
Rosco holt 
Reply to @David Webb NB: Higgs did the same thing by forcing an unneeded election just to have a majority.
David Amos
Reply to @Norman Albert Snr: Bingo
David Webb NB
Reply to @Rosco holt: Sure did, and I will vote anything but red or blue next time around. But NB'ers would rather whine than do anything about lousy politicians/parties. 
Jon Vaughan
because they do not care. How much evidence do people need. There is smoke everywhere in NB but no one can seem to find the fire. Here's a hint, its in fredericton.
David Webb NB
Reply to @Jon Vaughan: Need to vote purple, next time around.
Rosco holt
Reply to @David Webb NB: Do you believe the purple party would be any different?
They voted with the conservatives all the time.
David Amos
Reply to @David Webb NB: Yea Right
David Webb NB
Reply to @Rosco holt: I am simply pointing out that we the voters have our heads stuck where the sun doesn't shine if one thinks the red or blue teams are any different so maybe a different party getting in would wake then up. I agree it may not be any difference. To me the entire party thing needs to be outlawed both provincially and federally. 
Marguerite Deschamps
All the while rich corporations registered in tax havens get substantial rebates on their ⚡electric⚡ bills.
David Amos
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Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Par for the course
David Amos
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Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: BTW now that Higgy has renewed my Health Care Card I wonder if he will renew my drivers license and find my old Harley too
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: He did❓ It was the right thing to do.
David Amos
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Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: I told you earlier but you missed it
David Webb NB
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: How much did Loblaw's get from JT for freezers? 
David Amos
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Reply to @David Webb NB: Please do tell 
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Webb NB: They are all in cahoots❗
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Yup
Marcel Belanger
And yet our premier extended and increased the electric power rebate program for NB’s pulp and paper mills. This will cost our already heavily indebted power company approximately $40 million in the next 10 years on top of the $30 million already on the books. The priorities of this government are skewed towards the wealthy. Note that this program was first initiated by our current premier under the Alward government.
David Amos
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Reply to @Marcel Belanger: Have you checked my work within the EUB? 
David Amos
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Reply to @Marcel Belanger: BTW Methinks you and Deschamps doth protest too much en francais N'esy Pas?
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: En franรงais and in English
David Amos
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Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: I replied but your words went ""Poof" instantly
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: It was expected.
Marguerite Deschamps
David Amos: Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks the wannabe lady doth protest too much N'esy Pas?
David Amos
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Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: C'est Vrai
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: Oui, mon homme❗
David Amos
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Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: You missed alot this weekend
David Webb NB
Reply to @Marcel Belanger: Need to vote purple next time around. Red and blue teams have been the same thing for years.
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Webb NB: Purple is a one-issue party and will never get my vote nor ever forming the government in New Nouveau-Brunswick. Furthermore, I will not vote for a party whose leader believes or pretends to believe in fairy tales ❗
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Nor I
David Webb NB
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Have you ever read their platform? I don't think you have, so don't be ridiculous. What do you suggest, surely not the red or blue teams. So, you would never vote for a person of Catholic faith to be a leader of a party? FYI Mr. Trudeau is Catholic, Mr. Singh is Sikh.
David Amos
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Reply to @David Webb NB: Religion is supposed to have nothing to do with politicking. Have you ever had a conversation or a public debate with any politician???
David Amos
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Reply to @David Webb NB: BTW I talked to Krissy in 2010 and was definitely not impressed before he registered the Purple Party
Brian Robertson
You can always count on the CBC poll all the Liberals for material they can use to support their Party.
David Amos
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Reply to @Brian Robertson: Yup
rayma allaby
Reply to @Brian Robertson: i am glad you don't know anyone who would benefit from that 100 are very fortunate.
David Webb NB
Reply to @rayma allaby: Should not have voted Liberal in the last federal election. Axe the carbon tax!
David Smith
Reply to @David Webb NB: All parties have a carbon tax.
David Smith
Reply to @David Webb NB: You didnt vote Liberal in the last election pal. The carbon tax has been around for years.
David Smith
Reply to @Brian Robertson: How can random polling only call on liberals?
phil mckay
Reply to @Brian Robertson: if only a con would go on the record and not use minor players….
Brian Robertson
Reply to @David Smith:
You actually believe that the CBC polls are random?
There is an ex CBC Producer that begs to differ.
She just couldn't stand the tactics the CBC employs any longer.
David Amos
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Reply to @Brian Robertson: Notwithstanding the fact that I don't presume to be speaking freely methinks CBC should agree that the lady doth protest too much N'esy Pas?
David Amos
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Reply to @David Amos: So much for speaking freely 
Trevis L. Kingston
It costs a lot less to be poor nowadays.  
April 1st will see Hydro bills go up again I suppose....
David Amos
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Reply to @Trevis L. Kingston: Holland's Bill 77 made certain of automatic rate increases
David Amos
Reply to @Trevis L. Kingston: Holland's Bill 77 made certain of 2 percent automatic rate increases
Matt Steele 
There are so many programs handing out cash these days , it is hard to keep track . Anyone who thinks a100 bucks is going to help anyone is delusional . Inflation and Trudeau's carbon taxes are destroying the country , and a 100 bucks won't even get you a tank of gas . People are indeed struggling , but 100 bucks won't do a thing with the hyper inflation that we are experiencing as Ottawa dithers .
Timothy Walton
Reply to @Matt Steele: Obviously you've never been strapped enough that $100 would make a real difference.
David Smith
Reply to @Matt Steele: Consumers are rebated on the carbon tax at 90% so how can that be destroying the country? Inflation in the US is 6%, nearly 50% more than in Canada.
David Smith
Reply to @Matt Steele: What specifically should Ottawa being doing about inflation?
David Smith
Reply to @Matt Steele: Still bitter about the results of the last 3 federal elections? ;)
Maxime Babineau
Reply to @Matt Steele: You probably can't even imagine this but, many people don't have a car. They can't afford them, so yes, $100 would really go a long way. Higgs is on the same wave length as you.
phil mckay
Reply to @Matt Steele: on a fixed income, thats groceries for 1-2 weeks for some elderly ppl
David Amos
Reply to @Timothy Walton: Well put
Dan Roy
Another good one by Higgys
Vernon McPhee
Reply to @Dan Roy: Well the Liberals put the program in with an expiry clause for 5 years so there is that.
David Webb NB 
Reply to @Dan Roy: Did you not read the article?
David Smith
Reply to @Vernon McPhee: Why wont Higgs extend it?
David Amos
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Reply to @David Smith: Higgy insured that the Irving clan hurts the NB Power bottom line more than enough already
David Amos
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Reply to @David Amos: Bingo 
Kris Boucher
Think yer paying a lot now, wait till we start parking our trucks. Everything is about to go way way up, no one likes to be pushed into a corner especially a trucker. Change through action.
David Amos
Reply to @Kris Boucher: Of that I have no doubt
Ray Bungay
Even though we, our family unit is considered to be under the poverty line living on fixed income pensions, we have not qualified for that rebate for the last three years but do still get the $400.00 credit between the two of us. But I feel for those on a much lower income than us. They will find it very difficult to pay their heating or power bill. It was not much but was well used from reports I have heard. Thank you NB.
David Webb NB
Reply to @Ray Bungay: Well in the last (unnecessary) federal election, NB'ers voted overwhelmingly in favour of the carbon tax, which any thinking person knew would disproportionately affect the poor, low and middle income folks. The message to the provincial government was sent loud and clear. Now we have to live with it. People need to use some critical thinking and hold the politicians accountable.
Rosco holt 
Reply to @David Webb NB: You seem to forget that the feds offset the carbon tax with checks given back to the poor, but your hero Higgs decided to keep them.
Archie Levesque
Reply to @Rosco holt: Didnt Higgs have to sign on with the Federal Liberals plan? You were only getting the cheque originally because the Cons didnt agree with the Libs.
Rosco holt 
Reply to @Archie Levesque: Higgs only sign off on the parts that concerned Irving, the poor folks are left to fend for themselves.
David Amos
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Reply to @Ray Bungay: At least you folks got the 400 bucks and free health care While Higgy et al made sure that I did not
Ray Bungay
Reply to @David Amos: All I and my wife gets from the province is the $400.00 amount. We don't use or need the province's health care package as I pay a hefty sum each month to pay for the plan I had at work when I retired. The province's plan offers low priced full generic meds not any of better brands,
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Bungay: I finally go my medicare card last Friday. Now I don't have to pay doctor fees and hospital bills anymore. Plus I can apply for help buying the meds that you don't want
Ray Bungay
Reply to @David Amos: That's very good Mr Amos. I take three meds that I would not be able to get through the NB plan. One is for severe blood clots and prevents them and don't need to go once a month to the hospital blood clinic, One for High Blood Pressure and the other for type 2 diabetes. Even though I pay through my work pension a fair amount of money for the premiums I only pay 20% out of pocket. Not having to have my blood checked at the hospital in these uncertain times , I am happy to pay for that. I never have seen those premiums since I retired in 2007 so I don't miss them. I consider myself to be very lucky guy in that regard. 
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Bungay: You earned your benefits enjoy them and Happy New Year
Ray Bungay
Reply to @David Amos: Than you you as well enjoy your benifts and Happy New Year to you as well.
David Webb NB
Reply to @Rosco holt: So you agree it's a wealth transfer tax rather than a carbon tax. That's what I said all along. Isn't the point of the carbon tax supposed to be to invest it into greener energy? That's what the majority of ridings in NB voted for, but as usual those voters thought they were voting for free money.
Norman Albert Snr
All Part of the Higgs Plan. Those he can't ki ll with a virus he will starve or send into hypothermia.
David Amos
Reply to @Norman Albert Snr: What did Higgy's hero Ralph Klein say about Maritimers freezing in the dark? 
Katie Abbott
Robert Duguay is clearly delusional in this case. Ending a rebate program for low income residents in NB is cutting. There's NO difference there at all.
David Webb NB
Reply to @Katie Abbott: Reread the article. Need to vote purple the next time around. I shake my head that people think there is no limit to government waste, and that it doesn't affect them.
David Smith
Reply to @David Webb NB: Who thinks there is no govt waste?
David Amos  
Reply to @David Smith: Only the crickets
Marcel Belanger
I recently came across a little known historical fact. When the Titanic was sinking the musicians set up their ensemble on the deck in an effort to calm people who were literally staring at death. Little known is that the White Star line later sent an invoice to the relatives of those musicians for the clothes they were wearing when they went down with the ship. That’s the difference between liberals (musicians) and the conservatives. The liberals try to help the people in need, the conservatives help themselves. 
David Amos   
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Reply to @Marcel Belanger: Dream on
Rich Hatfield
Reply to @Marcel Belanger: Uh Huh.
Between December 2016 and December 2017, passengers aboard government aircraft consumed 401 bottles of wine, 584 cans of beer and five 250-millilitre bottles of vodka, at a total cost of $8,179.
David Amos
Reply to @Rich Hatfield: I thought it would be more
michael levesque
we got money for rodney weston and dana glendenning to collect pension checks they did not qualify for.
David Amos  
Reply to @michael levesque: True 
Lou Bell 
Reply to @michael levesque: +130 million for the Phonie Games ! And over 3 million spent ! WHERE and TO WHOM ???
Mary Smith 
Reply to @Lou Bell: Beep Boop Phonie Games Beep Boop
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Loulou DumBell: What a ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ and a ๐Ÿคก you are❗๐Ÿคช
Richard Ames
Reply to @Lou Bell: That is really getting tired. Plus, it wasn't money spent, it was money projected to cost the province. The money wasn't spent, except that 3 million.
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: C'est Vrai
David Amos
Reply to @Richard Ames: True
SarahRose Werner
Darn. I appreciated that $100. And I've still got another year to go before I qualify for the low-income seniors benefit.
David Amos
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Reply to @SarahRose Werner: I applied or the low-income seniors benefit when the liberals were in power and I still ain't got the first cheque yet. However Higgy finally reinstated my Health Care Card just last Friday. Go Figure 
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: I think the liberals may have your Harley 
David Amos
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Reply to @Lou Bell: You know who has it as well as I do
Archie Levesque
Does Robert Gauvin even know what he is talking about? 100k vs 33k? Program cut vs Program Ended? Or is he looking to sow division for divisions sake?
David Amos
Reply to @Archie Levesque: Those must be rhetorical questions Correct?
Tom Gordon
Reply to @David Amos: This must be a rhetorical question.
David Amos
Reply to @Tom Gordon: Yup
John Lawrence
This is another example of zero empathy towards those who struggle by this government. If anyone thinks that this $100 doesn’t mean something to those who apply then why would they waste time to apply. To somebody who is constantly struggling, especially during a pandemic, this is a very big deal and to be honest a very bad look for Higgs who has done nothing for the disabled or low income people since the start of Covid. He is who he is.
David Amos
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Reply to @John Lawrence: I wonder if Higgy eats his spinach
Ken Colwell
Reply to @David Amos: Sad
David Amos
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Reply to @Ken Colwell: Hey Kenny Hows the new Mayor doing?
George Matthews
Reply to @John Lawrence: The goverment doesn't pay this everyone does it's a subsidy by other rate payers and many of them don't get the $100 and our rates keep climbing
Lou Bell
Reply to @John Lawrence: Other programs have been added , including up to 445 dollars for those making between 12 and 50 thousand .
Mary Smith
Reply to @Lou Bell: Other programs that exclude all those who don't rent.
David Amos
Reply to @Mary Smith: Bingo
David Amos
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Reply to @Lou Bell: What about the poor folks who pay property taxes that double when we go to the old folks home instead of Florida on NB Power's expense account?
Tom Gordon
Probably stopped because we're talking $10 million bucks here.
David Amos
Reply to @Tom Gordon: Nope
Lou Bell
Reply to @Tom Gordon: 33,000 x 100 = 3.3 million .
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Times how many years??? 
Samual Johnston
Typical politics - One party offers up $100 for five years( why not make it permanent at the time?) to get votes. Then the party does not renew it so the first party screams foul play (this is why they did not make it permanent). And to be surprised a five year program ended in five years .... well. Fact is the $100 was nice but not life changing - other programs are in place. SO tired of all political parties pulling this BS just to make the news in hopes of getting elected - the party faithful support their colour and try to tear down their rivals and in the end we are stuck with policies designed to get people elected verses looking out for their long term welfare.
Dianne MacPherson
Reply to @Samual Johnston:
You got that right. The article states the Opposition claims 33,000 people used the rebate. GAUVIN says 100,000 !!! ......NO surprise here.
David Amos
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Reply to @Samual Johnston: Bingo
Lou Bell
And there you have it . Expansion of other programs for those with low income , as well as other programs . The 5 year program was NOT cut ! It ended AFTER 5 YEARS ! Since it was started other programs were added . Pretty simple to understand . 
Anne Bรฉrubรฉ
Reply to @Lou Bell: Yes BUT it is the choosing of the words (terminated) would have been more suitable!
Marguerite Deschamps  
Reply to @Loulou DumBell: When are they going to end the big rebate program on the⚡electric⚡ bills of the large offshore corporations (Higgs big buddies), or as Anne Bรฉrubรฉ prefers to call it, "terminate" it❓
Richard Ames 
Reply to @Lou Bell: Yeah, it is really classy how they refer to a program another level of government is offering as the reason to allow this program to lapse.
David Amos 
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Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks its planned to come about on or about the 12th of Never N'esy Pas?
Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @Lolouu DumBell: I see that you keep breaking records as the all-time winner of the rubber ๐Ÿฆ† award as the most ๐Ÿคช ๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿ‡น ๐Ÿ‡บ ๐Ÿ‡ต ๐Ÿ‡ฎ ๐Ÿ‡ฉ ๐Ÿคช poster on these threads❗ Keep racking them up, ๐Ÿ‡ฎ ๐Ÿ‡ณ ๐Ÿ‡ซ ๐Ÿ‡ช ๐Ÿ‡ท ๐Ÿ‡ฎ ๐Ÿ‡ด ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ”ด ๐Ÿ‡ฒ ๐Ÿ‡ช ๐Ÿ‡ณ ๐Ÿ‡น ๐Ÿ‡ฆ ๐Ÿ‡ฑ ๐Ÿ‡ฎ ๐Ÿ‡น ๐Ÿ‡พ
Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @Richard Ames: The week of the three Thursdays❗
David Amos 
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Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks that week is found in the month of Never N'esy Pas?  

Anne Bรฉrubรฉ
There you have it, a new definition when something is not in place any longer: the program came to an end, it was not cut! LOL only a politician could come up with something like this, definitely a candidate for Ottawa's politics.
David Amos
Reply to @Anne Bรฉrubรฉ: Its par for the course They all do it
Eric Plexe
“End of home energy rebate program surprises some low-income New Brunswickers” from the same government that gave you “Elderly renters given short notice of 43 per cent rent hike”. A Blaine Higgs Conservative government seems determined to grind under its bootheel those on fixed incomes.
David Amos 
Reply to @Eric Plexe: Apparently so 
David Amos 
Reply to @Eric Plexe: Methinks Higgy's former Deputy Premier Robert Gauvin should have stress tested his old buddy Minister Mikey Holland with his concerns about the doings of NB Power before Bill 77 got Royal Assent N'esy Pas? 


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