Tuesday 30 April 2024

Former N.B. education minister regrets not banning cellphones in school


Former N.B. education minister regrets not banning cellphones in school

Education department says it's working on updates to cellphone policy

Former education minister Dominic Cardy regrets not banning cellphones in schools before he quit the job in protest in 2022. 

In a post on X last week, he called it his "one big regret" as minister. 

"I thought we needed to teach students to handle these incredible tools. I was wrong. They're a gift and a threat to all of us but, coupled [with a] decline in discipline, they're destroying classrooms."

When he was minister, Cardy said the evidence was more positive about cellphones and how they gave students "this incredible technology, which you can find every single thing that's ever happened to anyone, ever — all there, as far as the student was concerned, for free in their hands."

WATCH | 'The evidence the last couple of years has pushed me in the opposite direction': 

Former education minister says he regrets not banning cellphones in school

Duration 3:07
Dominic Cardy tells Information Morning Fredericton host Jeanne Armstrong why he thinks cellphones are destroying classrooms.

He said the evidence is now more clear that cellphones are a danger and a distraction for students.

Cardy said attention spans have dropped "from close to half an hour to under two minutes according to some studies — and 30 seconds according to others."

He said teachers "are recording over 300 interruptions per class per period" caused by cellphone notifications. 

Then there are the well-documented dangers to students' mental health. 

Teenagers are shown on cellphones, in closeup.   An official with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development says it's 'working on updates to Policy 311 to address cellphone use in a more stringent way.' (Martin Diotte/CBC)

Cardy said there are "real dangers" caused by "other students being awful to them, adults being awful to them, the cyberbullying that we've heard a lot about, which disrupts learning."

He said social media has become a toxic place where companies and foreign governments "are intentionally pushing all sorts of rubbish into our phones, which our students are absorbing as well."

He said adults are having a difficult enough time distinguishing between real and fake posts, so how can children be expected to sort it all out. 

Not to mention the algorithms that deliberately push viewers in a certain direction. 

"And they're doing it to make money," said Cardy. "So we should not be using our public school system as a place to further enhance the vast profitability of American and Chinese social media companies, especially when they're causing us broader social damage."

N.B. updating cellphone policy

If he were still education minister, Cardy said he would follow the example of other school jurisdictions in Canada and ban cellphones — particularly for younger students. 

New Brunswick appears to be considering it.

When asked directly if the province is considering a ban, the education department's communications officer said in an email, "The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development has been working on updates to Policy 311 to address cellphone use in a more stringent way. The department will be bringing forward those modifications in the coming weeks."

A cellphone rests on a school table in a close-up image. Dominic Cardy says students are getting distracted and exposed to dangers because of their constant cellphone use. (Martin Diotte/CBC)

Cardy said parents are also contributing to the problem. 

"We have got parents who think they have the right to call their kids during class all day, who called the teachers during class. There are disruptions going on that are being caused by the families in addition to the kids' friends and outside sources."

He said it's a "social change" that society has allowed to slide in alongside technology.

"So let's have a timeout to figure out how we can use cellphones appropriately, and I think as a starting point should be how we use them as adults. And then we figure out how they can be used in the classroom." 

Obviously, he said there will be exceptions — like for a student who uses technology to monitor health issues. 

"But the vast majority of kids did manage to survive infancy, adolescence and all the way up to high school without being in constant touch with everyone — up till about 10 years ago. 

"So I would bet, based on the entire history of the human race up to about 2012 versus now, we can probably get away with being in slightly less constant touch with each other without society falling apart."


Mia Urquhart is a journalist with CBC New Brunswick, based in Saint John. She can be reached at mia.urquhart@cbc.ca.

With files from Information Morning Fredericton

David Amos
For the record I agree with Cardy about banning cellphones and I also agree with Higgy about his concerns about Cardy's beloved 713 nonsense

Surprise Surprise Surprise eh?

However Mr Outhouse should agree that even a busted clock is correct twice a day 



David Amos
Methinks his biggest regret should be sending me butter tarts N'esy Pas? 

William Murdoch
Reply to David Amos  
Did they list Pecans in the ingredient list? 
David Amos 
Reply to William Murdoch
Ask Cardy
Harvey York  
Reply to David Amos 
Why would he regret that? It's been consistent source of entertainment for the rest of us. The gift that keeps on giving! 

David Amos 
Reply to Harvey York 
I enjoyed it too 
Harvey York  
Reply to David Amos 
No doubt you did. Admit it, you're deeply in love with him.  
David Amos 
Reply to Harvey York  
I have no doubt you are because I suspect you are him  
Lou Bell
Actually , Cardy's one big mistake was that he thought he was still the leader while he was minister of Education , set his own agenda , including attending conferences as a rep of the province and that he had no business even attending .
David Amos 
Reply to Lou Bell 
Clearly you are an insider eh? 
David Amos 
Reply to Lou Bell 
I bet Mr Outhouse will be asking questions about you tomorrow
Lou Bell 
In one instance , teachers want to take away parents rights , then the next they want no part of it . Well the kids want their phones , and it's their right . I'm sure their union can accomodate the kids in keeping their phones while in class .
David Amos 
Reply to Lou Bell  
Time will tell the tale but one thing I know for sure is that Cardy has no say about it anymore  
Ralph Linwood
Reply to Lou Bell 
Teachers in no way want to take away parents rights, we want parents to be more involved. Children do not have a right to have a phone, it is a toy, they can put them away during class. 
David Amos 
Reply to Ralph Linwood
I agree
Lou Bell  
Really ? I'm sure there's a law protecting the rights of these kids . And the teachers should be protecting the rights of these kids and their access to information . And I'd expect the francophone districts would write up their own policy and ignore any that were mandated by the Higgs government anyway .
David Amos 
Reply to Lou Bell 
You are just in to bake Cardy some more butter tarts He must be getting low by now.
Lou Bell
Reply to David Amos  
Naw . Cardy's a one man show , much like someone else who posts here , not mentioning any names . You should reach out to him , I'm sure he's looking for candidates  
David Amos 
Reply to Lou Bell 
In 2019 I swore that I would never run again Remember why???
Lou Bell
Reply to David Amos  
You had no bike to travel your riding ?
David Amos 
Reply to Lou Bell  
I own many bikes but I do demand my Harley back
Lou Bell
Reply to David Amos  
They made a law one had to get at least as many votes / supporters in an election as what one had in their nomination papers ?
David Amos 
Reply to Lou Bell   
Wrong you know as well as Higgy that I was going in and out of the hospitals without a Health Care Card while the cops were trying to arrest me again
David Amos 
Reply to Lou Bell 
BTW I clicked the wrong button by mistake and reported your comment 
Lou Bell
Reply to David Amos
Never knew anything of the kind . Anything I knew was what you posted and nothing more . You even accused me of knowing about you losing your Harley and where it went . You also stated you had dual citizenship , lived in the woods off the highway , and someone baked butter tarts for you , and it appeared it was Cardy . You ran in several elections , and from what others stated , you got less votes in the elections than the names on your nomination papers . And I don't even follow social media . Everything I know about you all came from these pages and were stated by you or someone who was familiar with you . So if anything was incorrect , It's CBC's fault , not mine . And not really sure why the cops would arrest you .
David Amos 
Reply to Lou Bell 
Yea Right Running for cover are ya?
David Amos 
Reply to Lou Bell Click on my ID do you really think those are my children? However that is their faces and those are their names 
Lou Bell
Reply to David Amos
From what ?
David Amos 
Reply to Lou Bell 
Ask Higgy
Wilbur Ross  
Ban the GD phones already. No need of them whatsoever. The only people who support kids with phones in class are addicted to phones themselves. Can't be on your phone all day at work, should be the same at school.
David Amos 
Reply to Wilbur Ross  
You hero Trump is addicted to his phone and managed to run a presidency at the same time Correct? 
Marc Goudreau  
Cellphones have become the latest incarnation of a critical "information technology" infrastructure that doesn't fit the cast of the formal schooling system.... and has faired no better than any of the advanced online Learning Management Systems (LMS) used in conjunction with cellphone technology in other provinces and countries with more progressive education systems. I doubt anyone can point to studies citing the learning benefits associated with removing cellphones from classrooms but, like that famous song by Pink Floyd, these sorts of 21st century technologies have become just another "brick in the wall" for public schools.
David Amos  
Reply to Marc Goudreau
There is a song from Youth that applies as well

In the Year 2525 (Exordium & Terminus)

by Zager and Evans

William Murdoch
Reply to Marc Goudreau 
Citation needed. I will wait for approximately the amunt of time until this commentary section is closed.
William Murdoch
Reply to David Amos  
More like The Mamas and The Papas.
David Amos 
Content Deactivated
Reply to William Murdoch  
Will this do?


Song by Pink Floyd

Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day

You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way

Kicking around on a piece of ground in your hometown

Waiting for someone or something to show you the way

Tired of lying in the sunshine

Staying home to watch the rain

And you are young and life is long

And there is time to kill today

And then one day you find

Ten years have got behind you

No one told you when to run

You missed the starting gun

And you run, and you run to catch up with the sun

But it's sinking

Racing around to come up behind you again

The sun is the same in a relative way

But you're older

Shorter of breath, and one day closer to death

Every year is getting shorter

Never seem to find the time

Plans that either come to naught

Or half a page of scribbled lines

Hanging on in quiet desperation

Is the English way

The time is gone, the song is over

Thought I'd something more to say

David Amos 
Reply to William Murdoch
Will this do?


Song by Pink Floyd

Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day

You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way


Koffi Babone
I agree, cell phones should not be part of the school day. Screen time is associated with negative impacts both in kids and adults. And teachers should not expect kids to check their phones for homework, last minute changes etc..

My eldest has no phone and apparently misses some assignments and classroom changes because they were posted in teams the night before....

What happened to making announcements in class? Is there an expectation that kids check their phones for school messages at night?

Sorry, but I wanted to decrease screen addiction not increase screen dependency...

David Amos 
Reply to Koffi Babone 
I wonder what Cardy has to say about your concerns  
MR Cain
Reply to Koffi Babone  
How long has this been on? 
Jeremy Amott  
Truth be told many adults need some rules as well.
David Amos 
Reply to Jeremy Amott  
They are called laws  
William Murdoch
Reply to David Amos  
Rules. Not Laws.
David Amos
Reply to William Murdoch  
There is a big difference For Instance Rule 55 in Federal Court is a rule they used against me However post the wrongs words in a public forum and Section 300 of the Criminal Code applies   
William Murdoch
Reply to David Amos  
As long as the plastic that you use is registered - Green Jesus of Montreal Minister Guilbeault will be pleased.
David Amos
Reply to William Murdoch   
Politicians do not intimate me I ran for public office 7 times
Frank Blacklock  
Could’ve would’ve should’ve
David Amos 
Reply to Frank Blacklock  
Well put  
Douglas Ma 
Results from Norway on cell phone ban in school shows increased grades, less cyber bullying and fewer cases of mental health issues
David Amos 
Reply to Douglas Ma 
Why is it that I am not surprised by your revelation?
Douglas Ma 
Reply to David Amos  
David Amos 
Reply to Douglas Ma
Its common sense  
Graham McCormack
That's his one bog regret!

Stop give this guy time in the media.

Graham McCormack  
Reply to Graham McCormack
big not bog 

David Amos 
Reply to Graham McCormack
David Amos
Reply to Graham McCormack 
Ask yourself why I am never mentioned

Mack Leigh   
Sadly we as a society have done major harm to our youth over the past 10 to 15 years by allowing cell phones into our schools. Time to grow a pair and act as an advocate for our kids even if it means ticking off a few parents.
David Amos 
Content Deactivated
Reply to Mack Leigh  
The nanny state is running rampant recently thanks to Trudeau The Younger
David Amos 
Reply to Mack Leigh
It appears that I touched the 3rd rail eh?
David Amos 
Reply to David Amos 
It appears that I am not alone 
Kramer Vandelay
Ban them
David Amos 
Reply to Kramer Vandelay

Le Wier 
One could argue the students, teachers, and school administrators need their cellphones for the alerts that come in for emergencies such as fugitives on the loose, tornadoes etc.   
Ralph Linwood
Reply to Le Wier
The school has a PA system, everyone can be alerted at once. Happens very rarely if ever.
Le Wier
Reply to Ralph Linwood 
I agree for sure, just playing devil’s advocate. It’s hard to tell students they can’t have their cellphones when teachers and school administrators are going around with cellphones. The do as I say not as I do attitude will be hard to enforce. The other issue is smartwatches, and I don’t see that being addressed.
Bob Leeson 
Reply to Le Wier  
Inventors should come up with a method to broadcast announcements to all classrooms at once in the event of an emergency, such as some form of communication over wires or wireless. Perhaps like a speaker with a microphone in the office or something. I'd call it an "intercom". I'm going to register that name as a trademark, and my idea as a patent. :)
David Amos  
Reply to Le Wier  
FYI Higgy hired the dude the RCMP employed to notify folks in NS that there was a a killer on the lose byway of Twitter
David Amos
Reply to David Amos
They did not name him here
Le Wier
Reply to Bob Leeson
Your intercom idea may not work so well in the outdoors classrooms Cardy D helped to develop and implement during Covid. 
David Amos  
Reply to Le Wier  
Do you know who he is? 
Le Wier
Reply to David Amos
No who?  
David Amos  
Reply to Le Wier  
If I named him I would be blocked but his name starts with "S" and he works under Austin 
David Amos  
Reply to Le Wier   
Opps I had to check my email it ends with a double "S"
Le Wier
Reply to David Amos 
I will have to look at that. I did see the info on the new jail oh my.
G. Timothy Walton
How about teaching kids how to recognise clickbait and disinformation? That would actually be useful in life. 
William Murdoch
Reply to G. Timothy Walton 

David Amos 
Reply to William Murdoch
Why not? 

William Murdoch
Reply to David Amos  
Because. Just because.
G. Timothy Walton 
Reply to William Murdoch
Why how? 
David Amos 
Reply to G. Timothy Walton
Perhaps we should seek counsel from the democracy expert 
Ralph Linwood 
Reply to G. Timothy Walton 
Let parents teach their kids something for once! 
David Amos 
Reply to Ralph Linwood 
Good point 

Ralph Linwood
Reply to Ralph Linwood
Thanks! People need to stop being their kids friends and parent already. 
Mack Leigh
Reply to Ralph LinwoodReally hard to rely on parents when a lot of them are lacking in common sense or are devoid of parenting skills. Technology has become their babysitter of choice.
MR Cain
Reply to G. Timothy Walton 
Maybe start here?
Ralph Linwood
Reply to Mack Leigh 
So true.
David Amos 
Reply to Ralph Linwood 

William Murdoch
Give the guy a break - all you parents of the children where a new school now stands.  
David Amos 
Reply to William Murdoch
I never do that  
Laura Smith
Did he do anything while he was Minister of Education? Besides complain about Higgs?

William Murdoch
Reply to Laura Smith
He worked with what's her name to set back vaccinations 50 years.
Ralph Skavinsky
Reply to William Murdoch 
He was the who first told us of the impending pandemic and Higgs acknowledged that...a very smart move
David Amos
Reply to Laura Smith 
I recall them doing a chicken dance together as Higgy called a snap election that nobody wanted
David Amos
Reply to Ralph Skavinsky 
He had to talk Louie into it first 
William Murdoch
Reply to Ralph Skavinsky 
Told "us". Really?
Laura Smith
Reply to William Murdoch 
If it were a vaccination, it would have eliminated COVID before 2021 ended.
William Murdoch
Reply to Laura Smith
That's why they are JABS - not vaccines.
Ralph Skavinsky
Reply to William Murdoch 
Okay..if you like..he made us aware...
William Murdoch
Reply to Ralph Skavinsky 
He is responsible for saying that the entire "Science Respects Borders" was nonsense.
David Amos 
Reply to William Murdoch 
Much to Cardy's chargin my daughter and grandchildren crossed the border any time they wished
Max Ruby
Just let them use the phone at lunch and recess like they do now anyway. Didn't Cardy know that?  
William Murdoch
Reply to Max Ruby  
Cardy. Cardy Who?
David Amos 
Reply to William Murdoch
He is a democracy expert
David Amos  
Reply to Max Ruby  
Didn't he buy the kids a pile of laptops? I bet a lot of them are being used to make phone calls through FB
William Murdoch
Reply to David Amos  
Phone Calls Through FB - Classic.
William Murdoch
Reply to David Amos  
Why is your link still up?
David Amos 
Reply to William Murdoch
Yup You are in it
William Murdoch
Reply to David Amos  
In what?
David Amos 
Reply to William Murdoch
The blog 
William Murdoch
Reply to David Amos  
I am in the blog that your link shows?
William Murdoch
Reply to David Amos   
After election day, Dominic Cardy is flying back home to his wife in Kathmandu, Nepal. He hopes to leave behind a new Member of Parliament for Fredericton, his friend John Carty for the NDP.
David Amos 
Reply to William Murdoch
David Amos 
Reply to William Murdoch
Did ya notice who else was running?  
Le Wier
Reply to David Amos 
Yes I remember the approval of purchase of laptops to marginalized students by Cardy D.
William Murdoch
Reply to David Amos  
Not really.
David Amos 
Reply to William Murdoch
You don't read deep eh?
William Murdoch
Reply to David Amos  
Yeah that's me. 
William Murdoch
Flip Phone with No Data and with Text Block.

You can call me on my Cell Phone !

David Amos 
Reply to William Murdoch
What did Higgy say about data???
William Murdoch
Reply to David Amos  
I dont know.
David Amos 
Reply to William Murdoch
Ask Higgy's principal secretary Mr Outhouse 
William Murdoch
Reply to David Amos  
I had no idea that "Outhouse" was an actual person.
David Amos 
Content Deactivated
Reply to William Murdoch
Perhaps you should read before commenting
David Amos 
Reply to William Murdoch
BTW Higgy has no faith in data
William Murdoch
Reply to David Amos 
Why should anyone when Nurses claimed more than forty years ago:



David Amos 
Reply to William Murdoch
Who older? You or me?

William Murdoch
Reply to David Amos 
I say you. At 69 maybe.
David Amos
Reply to William Murdoch
I am 72 in July How about You?

Daniel Henwell   
Everybody has phones in 2024. Even little kids. They are part of life and you cannot pry them away from (especially) young people.
Stan Nova
Reply to Daniel Henwell  
pry? just no phones in classroom, like not that hard to do, i bet most parents be happy about that
SarahRose Werner
Reply to Stan Nova 
Except the ones who think they have a "right" to call their kids while the kids are in class.
Stan Nova
Reply to SarahRose Werner 
yeah well its not up to them is it ? its up to the school, they have school codes, so no classroom phones, it hasn't been that long when that was normal
William Murdoch
Reply to Daniel Henwell 
No "everybody" doesn't have cell phones.
William Murdoch
Reply to Stan Nova 
You be up against a long time commenter there.
William Murdoch
Reply to Stan Nova
And how about some UPPER CASE
Ralph Skavinsky
Reply to Stan Nova 
..or they should be
David Amos 
Reply to William Murdoch
I know for certain Mr Outhouse has one because I called it as soon as he came to NB
William Murdoch
Reply to David Amos  
I don't know who Mr Outhouse is.
David Amos 
Reply to William Murdoch
Ask Higgy 
William Murdoch
Reply to David Amos  
I will never ask him anything at all. 
David Amos 
Reply to William Murdoch
I ask him and his minions many things on a daily basis byway of email and the phone
William Murdoch
Reply to David Amos  
Okay. I don't even know why I would want to.
David Amos 
Reply to William Murdoch
Do you pay taxes???
William Murdoch
Reply to David Amos  
Not really. Early CPP current employment deductions - yes. Almost 10 %. 
David Amos 
Reply to William Murdoch
I had to sue the Crown to get my CPP because they deleted my SIN many moons ago but at least I don't pay income taxes but don't get carbon rebates etc However Health Care property taxes and sales taxes are other kettles of rotten fish I must deal with Higgy et al about

Hugh MacDonald 
Most people, including students, are prisoners of their phones, That's why they're called cellphones.
David Amos 
Reply to Hugh MacDonald 
Well put
Le Wier
Reply to Hugh MacDonald 
Maybe the teachers, school administrators, and students can go cold turkey 
Le Wier
I think the rules on cellphones in schools shifted during covid when students were asked to bring their own electronic devices to school as the districts moved towards a more collaborative and personal technology based learning model. I think I remember Cardy D supported the use of a cellphone as an electronic device at the time.
David Amos 
Reply to Le Wier 
C'est Vrai
William Murdoch
Reply to Le Wier 
I thought that schools were shuttered and at-home learning was where it was at.
Le Wier 
Reply to William Murdoch 
I looked it up, and that was from the summer of 2020 when they were preparing to open up the schools in September, and yes GNB authorized funds for laptops for students in families of a lower income and were marginalized. When asked at a press conference Cardy D said cellphones like iPhones were ok if that is all the students had for an electronic device to bring to class. 
William Murdoch 
Reply to Le Wier 
Good work.
Ralph Skavinsky
Good thought Mr Cardy...I wish you had too. However, i believe it will happen soon. I wish you well in your latest endeavor. 
William Murdoch
Reply to Ralph Skavinsky
So no UPPER CASE from you too?  
David Amos  
Reply to Ralph Skavinsky  
Surely you jest
Lee Bronson   
I've heard from dozens of educators that cellphones are useful classroom tools and it's essential that all students have one at all time of the school day.

Bob de trelleg 
Reply to Lee Bronson 
No, they are not essential. Many of us made our way through schools without them! 
Ralph Skavinsky
Reply to Bob de trelleg 
If parents need to speak with a child it should only be as an urgent situation in which they can continues the school  
SW Home
Reply to Bob de trelleg 
Didn't really have much of a choice since they were not invented yet. Cell phones are important part of daily life now. Schools are behind the times by not teaching students useful things to help in their daily lives. Instead they are taught how to square dance and play Hot Cross Buns on the Recorder. 
Le Wier
Reply to Ralph Skavinsky
I think parents got used to texting their children throughout the day during Covid and online home schooling, and it became the norm for many.
Ralph Skavinsky
Reply to Le Wier  
Uh huh..and now it time to change that disruptive habit
Le Wier
Reply to Ralph Skavinsky
Yes so it seems, and the teachers and school administrators will have to put their phones away too. Maybe the teachers and students can go cold turkey. 
David Amos  
Reply to Lee Bronson  

Benoit Boudreau  
Whatever happened to that political party he had started up?
David Amos 
Reply to Benoit Boudreau  
Ask Ric
William Murdoch
Reply to Benoit Boudreau
No more according social media. My Uncle she told me that.
David Amos 
Content Deactivated
Reply to William Murdoch
Methinks your aunt has a twisted sister who should take  break from social media N'esy Pas?

David Amos 
Reply to William Murdoch
Now that was funny 
David Amos 
Reply to David Amos 
MR Cain 
Reply to Benoit Boudreau
Canadian Future is Canada's newest federal political party 
Denis Van Humbeck
Never too late for the ban. All students who have a cell phone should have to give their at the school door as soon as the enter and then pick up their phone when they leave the building.