Monday 23 December 2019

Acadian group launches legal challenge over unilingual lieutenant-governor


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From: "Holder, Trevor Hon. (PETL/EPFT)" <>
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2019 00:26:05 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks the SANB made a major Faux Pas I
have no doubt whatsoever that many Anglos and Acadians will be
discussing this ridiculous lawsuit over the Yuletide season N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <>

 I am curretly out of the office during the holiday season, should you
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Trevor A. Holder

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From: Nathalie Sturgeon <>
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2019 16:26:05 -0800
Subject: Out of the office Re: Methinks the SANB made a major Faux Pas
I have no doubt whatsoever that many Anglos and Acadians will be
discussing this ridiculous lawsuit over the Yuletide season N'esy Pas?

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---------- Original message ----------
From: Newsroom <>
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2019 00:26:06 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks the SANB made a major Faux Pas I
have no doubt whatsoever that many Anglos and Acadians will be
discussing this ridiculous lawsuit over the Yuletide season N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <>

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Replying to and 49 others 
Methinks the SANB made a major Faux Pas I have no doubt whatsoever that many Anglos and Acadians will be discussing this ridiculous lawsuit over the Yuletide season N'esy Pas?

Acadian group launches legal challenge over unilingual lieutenant-governor

Lt.-Gov. Brenda Murphy says she's determined to improve her French-language skills


Cassidy Chisholm · CBC News · Posted: Dec 23, 2019 5:28 PM AT

The office of Lt.-Gov. Brenda Murphy confirmed days after her appointment that she is learning to speak French. (Government of New Brunswick)

The New Brunswick Acadian Society has filed an application with the Court of Queen's Bench to challenge the recent appointment of Lt.-Gov. Brenda Murphy, who speaks only English.

"We want the federal government to ensure that on its list of federal appointments that require proficiency in both official languages, that' lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick' be on that list," said Ali Chiasson, the executive director of the New Brunswick Acadian Society.

New Brunswick is the only province that has two official languages, French and English.

Ali Chiasson, the executive director of the New Brunswick Acadian Society, said the organization wants the position of lieutenant-governor to have a bilingual representative. (Radio-Canada)

Only 11 positions within the federal government must have a bilingual representative, according to the Language Skills Act. Chiasson said the application is calling for the position of lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick be the 12th.

The application also calls for the cancellation of Murphy's appointment, but in an interview with CBC News, Chiasson said that isn't the goal.

"Obviously, our objective here is to get the regulation changed, to get the profile changed on the federal side. This is not about Ms. Murphy.

"This is about a process and the fact that when you appoint a lieutenant-governor for New Brunswick that there's no language profile."

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Gov. Gen. Julie Payette are listed as the respondents in the application, but they have not filed responses with the court.

The application says Trudeau didn't respect his obligations under the linguistic responsibilities section of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms when he recommended Murphy as the lieutenant-governor and later appointed her.

Murphy was sworn in as lieutenant-governor on Sept. 8. (Shane Fowler/CBC)

Murphy was sworn in Sept. 8. A few days later, her office confirmed she wasn't ready to do any French interviews but added that she was learning French.

In a news release, Murphy's office said she is aware of the Acadian organization's decision to take action, and she acknowledges the importance of communicating in both official languages.

"I remain committed to improving my French-language skills over the course of my mandate so that I can serve both the French and English communities well," Murphy said in the release.

According to the New Brunswick Acadian Society, the charter requires that the person appointed lieutenant-governor speak and understand both official languages to grant royal assent to both versions of laws.

The application also cited the Official Languages Act of Canada, which obliges the New Brunswick government to provide services in both English and French.

"New Brunswick has a unique linguistic regime," Chiasson said.

"We think it's time the federal government take into consideration the unique regime that exists in New Brunswick and that the federal government … takes proper steps and actions to ensure a linguistic element is an intrinsic part that encompasses the profile of which they base a nomination."

With files from Radio-Canada


David Raymond Amos
Surprise Surprise Surprise   

David Raymond Amos
Methinks Ali Chiasson, the executive director of the New Brunswick Acadian Society should ask Brenda Murphy if she is ever going to answer the letter and documents I delivered in hand to his cousin Herménégilde Chiasson's minions in 2004 when Kevin Vickers of the RCMP was his aide de campe while I was illegally barred from the parliamentary property during the time I was running in the election of the 38th Parliament N'esy Pas?

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @David Raymond Amos:
September 11th, 2004
Dear Mr. Amos,

On behalf of Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson,
I acknowledge receipt of two sets of documents and CD regarding corruption,
one received from you directly, and the other forwarded to us by the Office of
the Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick.

I regret to inform you that the Governor General cannot intervene in
matters that are the responsibility of elected officials and courts of Justice of
Canada. You already contacted the various provincial authorities regarding
your concerns, and these were the appropriate steps to take.

Yours sincerely.
Renee Blanchet
Office of the Secretary
to the Governor General”
David Raymond Amos
"The application also cited the Official Languages Act of Canada, which obliges the New Brunswick government to provide services in both English and French."

Methinks Ali Chiasson should send the lawyers acting on behalf of the New Brunswick Acadian Society to Federal Court in Fat Fred City and pull my files in order to verify that the illegal barring document is in one language only N'esy Pas?  

David Raymond Amos
Methinks the SANB made a major Faux Pas I have no doubt whatsoever that many Anglos and Acadians will be discussing this ridiculous lawsuit over the Yuletide season and that not many will be impressed by the actions of the lawyers who dreamed it up N'esy Pas? 

Mack Leigh
Reply to @David Raymond Amos: Me thinks good ole Mikey has his fingers in this pie..

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Mack Leigh: Methinks its interesting that some of my replies to you just went "Poof" N'esy Pas? 
Mack Leigh
Reply to @David Raymond Amos: The liberals are out in full force at the CBC tonight.. Have to control the dialogue and suppress facts and opinions at every turn... 

David Raymond Amos 
Content disabled 
Reply to @Mack Leigh: Methinks we agree on that obvious fact but you must think it strange that they pressed delete when I teased you about being bitter and the comment was already "liked" a couple of times N'esy Pas?
David Raymond Amos
Content disabled
Methinks Ali Chiasson is not having a great day N'esy Pas? 
David Raymond Amos
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 "Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Gov. Gen. Julie Payette are listed as the respondents in the application, but they have not filed responses with the court."

Methinks if their lawyers are wiseguys they would remove the matter to Federal Court in Fat Fred City then respond N'esy Pas?

Guy Laplante
I thought NB was the only officially bilingual province of the country. I guess I am wrong.

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Guy Laplante: It is

Marilyn Carr
Reply to @Guy Laplante: we arnt bilingual...we have 75% english only population.

Mack Leigh 
Reply to @Guy Laplante: Correction NB is the only forced official bilingual province.. The people never had a say in this failed social engineering experiment... Billions wasted all in the quest of appeasing the Francophone Elite who are only interested in complete power and control of this province with language being their weapon of choice. 
Guy Laplante 
Reply to @Mack Leigh: You should learn French.

Marc Bourque
give her a chance and see from there ...

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Marc Bourque: Methinks that SANB has had lots of time to check my work while the lady has not been clued in at all N'esy Pas?

Peter C. Shearer
Gov't lawyers should be able to drag this out for oh say 5 or 6 years and bankrupt this society in the deal.

David Raymond Amos
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Reply to @Peter C. Shearer: Dream on

Theo Lavigne 
Reply to @Peter C. Shearer: Or sink the N.B. gov. further in the hole than we are now lol.

Cam Randal 
Reply to @Theo Lavigne: The quicker the province as well as the society are bankrupt, the better. Then we can all start over again with a clean slate. lol

David Raymond Amos
Content disabled  
Reply to @Cam Randal: Dream on

Mack Leigh 
Reply to @Peter C. Shearer: Shut down all of their preferential perks including all funding both provincially and federally... Nothing more than a big feeling lobby group that enjoys wasting taxpayers money and bullying ..'

David Raymond Amos 
Content disabled  
Reply to @David Raymond Amos: BINGO

Theo Lavigne
Reply to @Cam Randal: Dream on

David Raymond Amos  
Reply to @Theo Lavigne: Howcome you can say it but I cannot? 

Kyle Woodman
Oh boy. Here we go.

Theo Lavigne
Reply to @Kyle Woodman:Would you say Oh boy.Here we go if she only spoke French? I don't think so.

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Kyle Woodman: Welcome to the Circus

Kyle Woodman 
Reply to @Theo Lavigne: I was referring to this being another wedge issue further inflaming both sides. I'm a bilingual anglophone. French immersion worked for me. It's not rocket science. Yet here we go again with a litany of useless arguing.

Theo Lavigne
Reply to @Kyle Woodman: I agree with you I took your comment the wrong way sorry . I'm also bilingual and this foolishness has got to stop.
Kyle Woodman 
Reply to @Theo Lavigne: most of my Acadian friends in my generation, born in the 80's, are appreciative of the fight their parents and grandparents made for linguistic rights. It's not something to take lightly. They will stand up and protect their rights if under threat. This petty language politics played out by out of touch boomers is a huge waste of energy though. It's equally bad on both extremes of the spectrum.

Cam Randal
Actions like this only turns some members of the majority against this group that pretends to act on behalf of the largest minority in the province.

Most likely, there is someone in the LG office who is fluent in "Acadian French". This is a waste of time and resources!

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Cam Randal: Methinks the SANB lawyers and the Feds they hope to argue overlooked Federal Court File No T-1557-15 N'esy Pas?

JJ Carrier   
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I was under the impression she was...So, a unilingual premier who used to be the youth star of CoR who panders to a anti-French party in the PANB to stay in government approved an English L-G who has never learned French in four decades of having a chance? You can't make this up...
Mack Leigh
Reply to @JJ Carrier: The office is full of fully bilingual employees so anyone is able to receive the service in french... This time someone was actually hired for their credentials and not solely on the fact that they are a francophone and speak french... Time to stop the pandering to one minority who have only 3 to 5 % of their community that are unilingual french speaking. The uniting language of the people of this province is English irregardless their mother tongue.. Time for common sense. We cannot afford this failed experiment called forced official bilingualism 
David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @JJ Carrier: Methinks that you overlooked the obvious fact that Trudeau The Younger our French Prime Minister from Quebec whose daddy dreamed up the "Charter" appointed the lady to speak and act on behalf of a British Queen N'esy Pas?

JJ Carrier   
Content disabled
Reply to @Mack Leigh: You have no resonance in 2019...Time to go back to the death of CoR to see how your ideas worked so well...

JJ Carrier   
Content disabled
Reply to @David Raymond Amos: Both are you are living in your own past...In David's case, 0.2 per cent of it...

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @JJ Carrier: Methinks everybody knows why you chickened out on your challenge to debate me in public during the last election N'esy Pas? 
Marguerite Deschamps
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Reply to @David Raymond Amos: he is smart enough to know not to get into a issing contest with a kunk.

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks you forgot that he picked the fight not I N'esy Pas?

Mack Leigh
Content disabled     
When will government obtain the gonads to shut these self-serving elite down ?? All about their " rights " over and above those of everyone else... Time for the failed social experiment called forced frenchification to be shut down... We, as a province and as a country cannot afford the continued pandering to one minority.
David Raymond Amos 
Content disabled  
Reply to @Mack Leigh: Methinks many agree with you and the PANB N'esy Pas?

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @David Raymond Amos: BINGO 

Omer Samson
Reply to @Mack Leigh: There is such thing as "forced frenchification" or "failed social experiment". The minority you refer to is well at home in NB and is not be "forced" into anything. 

Brian Robertson
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Every time these Acadian activists launch a legal challenge, the government should withdraw a percent of their funding.
Ingratitude for all that has been done to accommodate them should come with a price,

David Raymond Amos  
Reply to @Brian Robertson: I concur

Mack Leigh   
Reply to @Brian Robertson: Shut down all of their funding both federally and provincially... Taxpayers money being used to fund their contentious and divisive lawsuits all in the name of forced social engineering and the marginalization of the majority who speak a multitude of languages.. The common language in this province and country is English and it is past time that government shut groups like this down.

Chantal LeBouthi: 
Content disabled 
Reply to @Brian Robertson:
What a load of crap  

Lou Bell
 Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: Well put that between your teeth and chew it !

JJ Carrier
Content disabled 
Before the cliche racists here have the last say, let us remember that the hopes of the Anglo radical minority are the same as the Franco radical minority...Both are right wing parties of complainers, but one side speaks two languages will the other speaks in circa 1987 anti-McKenna rhetoric, hoping the re-birth of CoR via the PANB will fly in like a saviour...May you dance together in your own stubborn foolishness...And the L-G of a bilingual province should speak both of our unforked tongues, not one..

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @JJ Carrier: Methinks you old Irving Media media dudes wish to forget why I ran as an Independent 7 times thus far. However anyone can Google the following words in order to review what Higgy's new buddy and an anti Cor dude published in 2005 and what your associates wrote about me in 2004 N'esy Pas?

Charles Leblanc gold found in Sussex 

Mack Leigh
Reply to @JJ Carrier: The " Anglos " are comprised of people of all cultures and languages. German, Italian, Arabic, Hebrew, Korean, Chinese, Indigenous, Indian, Russian, Scottish, Irish, Welsh and on and on yet there is only a small vocal group of one minority who demands the lion's share of everything. Self-serving bullies who think of no one other than themselves.. The cost to Canadians is massive and as Canada's poorest province we cannot afford to pander to one group only. We are all Canadians and as such no minority deserves any more or any less than another. Time for the pandering to come to a full stop. 

Mack Leigh
Poorest province in Canada is nothing...nothing to be proud of.. Forced Officially Bilingual is the driving force behind our trip to the bottom of the pile . Millions yet even billions wasted all in an effort to appease a bigoted, selfish, self-serving group of Elites who have not one ounce of interest in what it is costing the people of this province and country... Time to shut it down.

David Raymond Amos 
Content disabled 
Reply to @Mack Leigh: You seem bitter

David Raymond Amos
Content disabled  
Reply to @David Raymond Amos: BINGO

David Guitard
Eliminate this useless position; not needed or wanted.

Mack Leigh 
Reply to @David Guitard: It certainly is needed and wanted... It connects us with who we are as Canadians.. What our ancestors stood for, fought for and died for... Our history matters and should not be erased on a whim by liberals who stand for everything, fight for nothing and are fly by night.

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @David Guitard: Methinks everybody knows that would be impossible without a revolution N'esy Pas?

Greg Miller
This bilingual thing is really starting to p ss me off. It's not the everyday association with fellow citizens whether they be Anglophone or Francophone everything is fine at that level. It's just the non-stop bickering and waste of energy and pettiness that a small number of New Brunswickers and various institutions spend their time on.

David Raymond Amos  
Reply to @Greg Miller: Methinks many would agree that most Anglos got upset in 1982 and the SANB won't quit rubbing salt in an old wound for no reason that I will ever understand N'esy Pas?

Mack Leigh
Reply to @Greg Miller: This is all about power and control . Groups such as SANB and the Elite will not stop until government shuts them down, stops all funding and relegates them to the self-serving lobbying group that they really are... Language is just their weapon of choice. 


Jake Newman
hopefully this lawsuit will be thrown out with cost.
however it's time to get rid of these positions--governor general & Lt.-Gov waste of tax payer money

David Raymond Amos   
Reply to @Jake Newman: Methinks you seem confused Trust that many Maritimers would never quit laughing if the Crown defended the Lt.-Gov then chucked her out of her fancy mansion N'esy Pas?

Albert Wade
When the civil service and positions like LG no longer reflect the population there will be a heavy price to pay. Petty language politics is destroying NB.

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Albert Wade: FYI

An earlier version of this story stated the Official Languages Act of Canada obliges the New Brunswick government to provide services in both English and French. In fact, the act applies to the federal government and not the provincial government.
Dec 23, 2019 7:51 PM AT

Kevin Perley
She's learning french, the court should tell these fools to give the woman a chance.

David Raymond Amos  
Reply to @Kevin Perley: Methinks that would make for an interesting Circus N'esy Pas?

Mack Leigh
Reply to @Kevin Perley: Learning french should be a matter of choice not force.. Perhaps she is Scottish and would prefer to learn Gaelic ? Perhaps she is Italian and would prefer to learn that language... With translation devices and the global language being English part of her " rights " should be the right to choose.  

Kevin Perley
Reply to @Mack Leigh: My point is they've launched a lawsuit while she is attempting to comply with their "requirement", whether it is a legitimate requirement or not. 

Omer Samson
Reply to @Kevin Perley: Name the "fools".
Omer Samson
Reply to @Mack Leigh: "Learning French should be a matter of choice not force" You absolutely nailed it, and that's exactly what the SANB is about: "Learning English should be a matter of choice not force". 
Terry Tibbs
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And just when you *thought* it couldn't get any more stupid around here......... 

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Of course Just wait until Cardy puts down his butter tarts and assumes some strange name like you do 

Mack Leigh
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Never underestimate the extent to which bigoted groups such as the SANB are willing to go to , to obtain the power and control that they demand.. Language is just their weapon of choice.. 
Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @David Raymond Amos:

Speaking of Cardy........... where have you got him gagged and tied up for the past week, the government foolishness level is at an all time low, leaving poor Mr Higgs to keep up his end all by himself.

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks you should ask Cardy's wife why the last EUB hearing we were both about to appear at was delayed at the last minute N'esy Pas?

Ed Mcneil
New Brunswick's Lieutenant Governor should be bilingual. That should have been considered before making the appointment. With Ms. Murphy's appointment already made, she will fill out her mandated time in this position. This however, should be the last time a unilingual person is put in this ceremonial office.

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @ed mcneil: Cry me a river Is the Queen she speaks for bilingual? 

Robin Ellison
Reply to @David Raymond Amos: Actually the queen IS bilingual.

David Raymond Amos  
Content disabled 
Reply to @Robin Ellison: What is the other lingo Chiac?

Josef Blow
Reply to @David Raymond Amos: Amazing how broken records manage to keep spinning; even records with nary any information on them. If only dra would provide a silent night for all ... 
Marguerite Deschamps
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Reply to @David Raymond Amos: queenie speaks very good French. You are showing your ignore, Rance.

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: How would I know that? Methinks you wish to pretend to be ignorant and have no idea as to why I sued the Queen N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Content disabled
Reply to @David Raymond Amos: "as to why I sued the Queen N'esy Pas? as to why I sued the Queen N'esy Pas? as to why I sued the Queen N'esy Pas? - The broken record Josef Blow was referring to.

David Raymond Amos  
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks you are not very witty ce soir Perhaps you should scroll down N'esy Pas? 

Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Raymond Amos: is it not your case, tous les soirs?

Mack Leigh
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Ah, but would the Queen be able to pass the unrealistic testing that is required here in NB ? Would many Francophones even pass the french test , I think not.
David Raymond Amos  
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks Higgy's lawyer know why the Fat lady ain't sung yet about that matter yet but you and your SANB buddies ain't got the first clue as what is going on because they didn't bother to read my emails or return my phone calls Nesy Pas?

Robin Ellison
The position of Lieutenant Governor is already alternated between an Acadian and an anglophone New Brunswicker. If the requirement is made that all holders of the office be fluently bilingual, would this rotation between Acadian and anglophone holders of the office be dispensed with? I would think so. After all, under the new regime, 90% of Acadians would be eligible to serve as Lieutenant Governor, and only about 15% of anglophones. I'm sure we would end up with Acadian LG's 90% of the time. 

David Raymond Amos  
Reply to @Robin Ellison: Methinks you overlooked the Anglos around the Bay of Fundy enjoy conferring in Chiac N'esy Pas?

Pierre LaRoches
The SANB is always so full of hate and discord. This will backfire, they will lose the case and lose whatever little respect people in the province had for them for sowing this discontent, they literally have no other skill.

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Pierre LaRoches: Obviously I must agree 
Omer Samson
Reply to @Pierre LaRoches: Please explain your assumption of "hate".

BruceJack Speculator aka Corrie Weatherfield
1755 . . . why come back here from nice warm Louisiana anyway?

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @BruceJack Speculator: Oh My MY

Mac Isaac
I am actually torn between agreeing with the premise that the position of Lt. Governor should be, IN FUTURE, enacted in legislation as a bilingual position and whether or not such legislation should be applied retroactively. I'm leaning, though, to agreeing that the position should be bilingual in future but that, shown the willingness of Her Excellency Lt. Gov. Brenda Murphy to learn to speak French, she should be allowed to do so. Retroactively applying such legislation seems to me to be rather arbitrary, not to mention totally unnecessary...translation services and her willingness to learn should be taken into account. If the shoe was on the other foot I hope that same consideration would be...well, considered!

David Raymond Amos  
Reply to @Mac Isaac: Surely you jest

Johnny Horton
Reply to @Mac Isaac:
She was hired under conditions the position didn’t require bilingual. She’d have in doozy of a wrongful dismal case if it was made retroactive.


Greg Smith aka James Smith
Google translate is a free app. I use it all the time in Quebec. Get over it.

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Greg Smith: True but it spoils the fun

Josef Blow
Reply to @David Raymond Amos: why don’t you go ... away in a manger ... hohoho

Lou Bell
Content disabled   
SANB is becoming less significant every day. Aren't they still workin' on their " genocide " claim ? America has Trump , we have the SANB.

Josef Blow
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Reply to @Lou Bell: incoherent r u

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Josef Blow: NOPE u r 

Lou Bell
Who dug this one up , D'Entremont ????? AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: She ain't a lawyer 
Mack Leigh
Reply to @Lou Bell: Would strongly suggest that little Mikey has a finger in this pot as usual...

Johnny Horton
So who at SANB got passed over for the job? 

Mack Leigh
Reply to @Johnny Horton: Did good ole Mikey Doucet apply for this position as well as the numerous others.. Since he was recognized as " special " by NB politicians perhaps he felt entitled to the position ?

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Mack Leigh: Methinks it is interesting that we are not informed as to who are the lawyers that filed this nonsense N'esy Pas?

Tom Simmons
We should split the difference and get a mandarin or Arabic speaking one

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Tom Simmons: Methinks for a proper circus the Crown should force the poor soul to speak both of the tongues you suggest but what about Maliseet and Mi'kmaq folks? They have a say in this nonsense N'esy Pas?

Johnny Horton
It is important to remember when SANB refers to bilingual they mean French with impossible to understand English skills.
Johnny Horton
I’m actually pro bilingualism. I just have a different definition of the term than SANB DOES!
Mack Leigh
Reply to @Johnny Horton: Learning languages is not the problem, the issue is that it is being used as a weapon to gain control and power by the Elite including groups such as the SANB.. Bilingual where numbers warrant. Speak as many languages as you would like but stop the forced social engineering and apartheid style with which it is being applied here in NB . 
Matt Steele 
The Lt. Gov. is the representative for the Queen Elizabeth , who is the Head of State for Canada . It is doubtful that the Queen speaks french , so why would her official representative be required to speak french . It would be interesting to know where the SANB is getting the money to fund this frivolous lawsuit with ? 
Roland Godin 
Reply to @Matt Steele:
UK’s second language is French and yes the Queen speaks fluently French, and as pronounce after a promulgation of a Bill in parlement in old French, because, ´ la Rayne le veult’ voilà.
Kyle Woodman 
Reply to @Matt Steele: Queen Elizabeth speaks fluent french. 
Mack Leigh 
Reply to @Matt Steele: Look no further than your own wallet for the source of all funding to SANB and like francophone groups.. Taxpayers money awarded to this " distinct " or special minority that is not awarded to other minority Canadians. Millions of taxpayers money given to them annually by both our federal and provincial governments... Time to shut all funding down and relegate the SANB to what it actually is , a selfish, self-interest lobbying group that does not care one iota about New Brunswickers and Canadians as a whole.... We, the taxpayers , are paying for this bs...Time to shut them down.. 
Omer Samson 
Reply to @Matt Steele: You don't know our Queen? Perhaps it's time to remove these doubts and learn about the UK a bit. 
David Raymond Amos 
Content disabled
Reply to @Omer Samson: 
Methinks you should take your own advice learn why I sued the Queen N'esy Pas??? 
Bob Smith
I'm sure that if a francophone with limited English skills had been appointed, the Acadian society would have been just as outraged as now, right? Right?
Omer Samson 
Reply to @Bob Smith: Are you afraid that might happen? 
Bob Smith  
Reply to @Omer Samson: Afraid? No, it'll never happen in my lifetime. 
Les Cooper
Content disabled 
Theo Lavigne 
Reply to @Les Cooper: Is this coming from someone that can't speak French. lol  
Johnny Horton
 The mistake our bilingual forefathers made when they made NB bilinwual, was that they didn’t start the next year with grade one, and everyone afterwards did completely bilinwual school. From grade one to twelve. Everyone.

We would have had 40 years of high school graduates all bilinwual by now,

Mack Leigh
Reply to @Johnny Horton: I highly doubt that many would be able to retain or sustain the french language to the extent that it is required for most government and other jobs.. It would have to be used extensively on a daily basis and could not be retained or sustained.. This forced " official " bilingualism is a failed social engineering experiment which has cost this province and this country dearly... Time to move on and apply bilingual where numbers warrant along with the use of translation devices.
Johnny Horton 
Reply to @Mack Leigh:
If you do five days of school a week for 12 years where fifty percent is in French and fifty percent in English. Your retention rate will be high, and you will find yourself using both language regularly. ESP considering all your peers would be the same.
Mack Leigh 
Reply to @Johnny Horton: This has been a failed experiment for over 50 plus years and many who were deemed " bilingual " no longer qualify as such as they have had absolutely no need to use the language in their home and everyday life... 

BruceJack Speculator aka Corrie Weatherfield 
Reply to @Johnny Horton: I agree. I have read that most of the countries in South America do this with Spanish and English. 
Kyle Woodman 
New Brunswick's top export should be Red Herring/ l'hareng rouge 
joyce bourgeois aka maggie short 
so most of new brunswickers do not speak the Quebec dialect of French very well...although many speak chric French. so many English only speakers have left new Brunswick for places like alberta where many languages taught in 7languages in bilingual schools...this is great for the economic development of alberta...and NB could also develop the use of other languages than English and French...the future will demand languages other than French etc.------and why doesn't Higgs purchase the new 47 languages little hand held real reason for anybody in future have to speak anything but the English language that is spreading all over the world. 
Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @joyce bourgeois:
Stop kidding yourself.
Colin Seeley 
What a ridiculous place to live. Some people ever hear of simultaneous translations.

Me and my money are leaving very soon.

Enough of this place.

Johnny Horton 
Reply to @Colin Seeley:
Bye bye don’t let the door hit you on the way out,
Mack Leigh 
Reply to @Colin Seeley: Sadly this has been the case for numerous people in NB. Sick and tired of being marginalized, disenfranchised and treated as second class citizens all in the name of continued pandering to extremely selfish, self-serving minority.... A minority that deserves no less and definitely no more than any other.
BruceJack Speculator aka Corrie Weatherfield  
Reply to @Mack Leigh: Absolutely right. And my opinion, if less money were wasted on issues raised by SANB would there not be more resources to improve financial situation (less tax, better health care and education . . . etc) for ALL citizens of NB? In other words, does SANB fight issues and waste everyone's money even to their own loss along with rest of us? 
Omer Samson
Reply to @Colin Seeley: Some people don't accept that French-speaking people live in NB. That is the reason people leave NB. 
Mack Leigh 
Reply to @Omer Samson: What an absolutely ridiculous statement... Like saying some people don't accept that German-speaking, Korean-speaking, Hebrew-speaking,Gaelic-speaking or any other speaking people live in NB...  
Omer Samson  
Reply to @Mack Leigh: Not true. The number and history of French speakers does not compare to the other groups you mention.  
Colin Seeley  
Reply to @Johnny Horton:
Won’t happen.

I have french doors in my house !

Linda Christie Hazlett 
From what I can read, the Official Language Act was poorly written and is racially exclusive by excluding minority languages such as that of our Indigenous people. Some of the terms written in the act are ambigous and this needs to be addressed. 
Linda Christie Hazlett 
The Official Language Act has already been made archaic and redundant by new technology and in it's current wording needs to be revised 
Linda Christie Hazlett 
The Official Language Act has divided and destroyed New Brunswick AS IT IS WRITTEN. We need to concentrate on having the act rewritten with more inclusion and clearer terminology
Linda Christie Hazlett 
An earlier version of this story stated the Official Languages Act of Canada obliges the New Brunswick government to provide services in both English and French. In fact, the act applies to the federal government and not the provincial government. 
Mack Leigh
Reply to @Linda Christie Hazlett: Numerous changes to both the federal and our NB provincial Official Languages Act have occurred over the years with absolutely no input from non-francophones.. Changes that affect every man, woman and child of this province and country... Changes that have benefited one group and one group only.......Francophones while the rest are being marginalized and disenfranchised..;; 
William Edwards aka William Take
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I hope Ali gets his lump of coal in his stocking this Christmas! 
David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @William Edwards: Me Too 

Bill Hamilton
As long as language trumps other job qualifications, NB will remain financially and socially bankrupt . Merry Christmas and Joyeux Noel.

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Bill Hamilton: YUP and the same to you

David Stairs
I'm surprised that the Acadie are not pushing to have the last one investigated not only for not being able to speak English unless it was in print in front of her but also
her expense account..

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @David Stairs: Methinks the RCMP are supposed to looking in that right now N'esy Pas?
Omer Samson
Reply to @David Raymond Amos: N'esy Pas?

Guy Richard
NB would be such a great place to live without the SANB constantly stirring up trouble.

Mack Leigh
Reply to @Guy Richard: And shame on our politicians both Liberal and Conservative for allowing this to happen... Time to shut the SANB down and cut off all funding both federally and provincially.... Who would pay for their numerous lawsuits then ??
Helen Gorne 
Reply to @Guy Richard: Flogging a donkey that passed away decades ago. But they have nothing really creative to do.
David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Guy Richard: Methinks many English and French folks agree with you N'esy Pas?
Omer Samson 
Reply to @Guy Richard: You don't have to be on their land.
Omer Samson 
Reply to @Guy Richard: The SANB is home. Your dreams are dangerous.

Fred Brewer
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I did not realize that the Acadian Society had such a profound love for our Queen.

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Fred Brewer: Surely you jest
Omer Samson 
Reply to @Fred Brewer: Where did you get such an idea?
Fred Brewer
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Reply to @Omer Samson: Isn't it obvious?
Omer Samson 
Reply to @Fred Brewer: Acadians have no more problem with the Queen than any other Canadians. It's about the same ratio.

Alex Butt
Ridiculous waste of money and time this province doesn't have! 

Helen Gorne
Reply to @Alex Butt: NB thrives on trivia. It doesn't have the money or talent to do anything really constructive and if and when the only large profit making company leave, I hope they turn the lights out because the I-ving haters will not have the money to pay the bill.

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Alex Butt: YUP
David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Helen Gorne: Say Hey to the Irving Clan for me will ya?
Helen Gorne
Reply to @David Raymond Amos: I will do that. I would never consider biting the hand that feeds me very well. After all, if there is no money at the top then there sure isn't any at the bottom. Greetings from sunny Monaco.

Helen Gorne
Landing at Moncton Airport. " Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Moncton, the temperature is four degrees with a light wind. We thank you for flying ( ) airlines and please put your watches back 75 years"

David Raymond Amos  
Reply to @Helen Gorne: Your plane will be leaving after it refuels Why bother adjusting your watch instead getting back on board?
David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Helen Gorne: Why is it that I am not surprised to be informed that you are in sunny Monaco???
Helen Gorne 
Reply to @David Raymond Amos: Because you only live once and I don't need to get beheaded tilting at windmills.
David Raymond Amos
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Reply to @Helen Gorne: Trust that I have had more fun than ten men Methinks just because I am not as self serving as you are it does not follow that I will be beheaded for challenging public corruption in court while running for public office 7 times thus far. At least the fictional man La Mancha is still remembered fondly though many centuries have past N'esy Pas?
David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Helen Gorne: Oh My My

Mack Leigh
And exactly how does the self-serving, selfish , bigoted group SANB afford all of these contentious, divisive lawsuits against the people of New Brunswick, you might ask.... Why compliments of the Canadian taxpayers who, thru federal and provincial governments hand them millions every year..... Time to relegate them to the bullying , lobbying group that they really are and cut off all of their taxpayer funding including those from Heritage Canada.

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Mack Leigh: I concur
Omer Samson 
Reply to @Mack Leigh: How is SANB bigoted? How is equality bigoted?
Mack Leigh
Reply to @Omer Samson: This has absolutely nothing to do with " equality ". I am German should I demand all services in my language, preferential treatment for all government jobs, " special or distinct " funding not awarded to anyone else , the lion's share of everything as well as making everyone pay for my ridiculous demands , wants and wishes ? I think not... No one minority deserves any more or any less than another....period.
Omer Samson  
Reply to @Mack Leigh: If Germany had been involved in the creation of this country as much as the French has, of course.
Mack Leigh
Reply to @Omer Samson: The French lost the war.. If any other minority should have precedence it should be our Indigenous people's .

Paul Bourgoin
The more it changes here in NB the more it remains the same! The minute New Brunswick residents, English and French appear to be united the division committee sets out the disunion philosophy like now. No wonder we are the have not Province or should I say Atlantic Canada is run like a kingdom and guess from where the Powerful NB Royal family Governs or should I say controls Atlantic Canada!

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Paul Bourgoin: Methinks considering your past employment you should understand the wicked game quite well by now N'esy Pas?

Peter Baxter
After 50 years of being the only officially bilingual province....we are officially the poorest province
But long as the perpetually disgruntled we keep fighting in the legal system......some will think it is worth it

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Peter Baxter: Methinks the lawyers find the spit and chew rather lucrative N'esy Pas?
Omer Samson 
Reply to @Peter Baxter: It is bilingual because two languages are spoken. Not because a government forced anything.

Mack Leigh
New Brunswick will never be a united province until the Forced Official Bilingualism fiasco is completely vacated and government returns to " where numbers warrant "... Time to end the forced social engineering project that has helped bring this province to its' knees.

David Raymond Amos   
Reply to @Mack Leigh: YUP

Omer Samson 
Reply to @Mack Leigh: What do you expect francophone families and kids to do?
Mack Leigh
Reply to @Omer Samson: The same thing that any other minority family including their kids would do... Why are you so he// bent on preferential treatment for one minority only ?
Omer Samson 
Reply to @Mack Leigh: What exactly is implied by "..."? How is equality preferential?
Mack Leigh
Reply to @Omer Samson: Depends on what your definition of equality is and quite evidently you believe that one minority is more " equal " than all others...... The high cost of duplication is one reason we are now the poorest province in Canada... Quick question: how long have you been a CBC employee ?
Omer Samson 
Reply to @Mack Leigh: "........" interesting set of dots, but the presence of francophones in their home NB is not a problem.

Dwight Mullover
1st world problems. I'd have no issue if the Lt G spoke French only. Its not like we don't have translators. Good lord people find the most petty things to cry about.

David Raymond Amos   
Reply to @Dwight Mullover: Methinks the SANB knows no other way N'esy Pas?
Omer Samson
Reply to @David Raymond Amos: Is "N'esy Pas?" a mockery of the French language? What's the point of this?

Roy Kirk
A nice legal point to be equitably settled in the courts. But if anyone really thinks that such an appointee has any inherent understanding of the legislation to which they assent, they're dreaming in technicolor. The Cabinet doesn't usually know whet it's doing, so why should the L-G?

David Raymond Amos  
Reply to @Roy Kirk: I Wholeheartedly Agree Sir Methinks a good example was when Higgy created VESTCOR Outside legal counsel wrote the legislation and now government lawyers are suing about it because they got stiffed N'esy Pas?
David Raymond Amos  
Reply to @Roy Kirk: This was the news just before the writ was dropped and I ran against Bruce Northrup one of only two dudes kept out of Higgy's cabinet

Simeon Elliott
Let’s just get rid of this costly figure head position.

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Simeon Elliott: I concur

Gary MacKay
If you wish to use the Queens legal and court system to disparage the Queens representative chosen by the countries elected representative please consider this. When you take this to court I would ask you to first pledge allegiance to Her Majesty as normally required by those seeking citizenship. If you are unable to do that as I suspect you will not, please stop this divisive type of wasteful costly and time consuming nonsense and keep it to yourselves.

David Raymond Amos  
Reply to @Gary MacKay: Methinks one would be nuts to pledge allegiance to the person you are suing N'esy Pas?
Omer Samson
Reply to @David Raymond Amos: Why do you keep mocking French with that "N'esy Pas?" of yours.
Mack Leigh
Reply to @Omer Samson: N'esy is in a lake in Scotland...don't ya know ?
Omer Samson 
Reply to @Mack Leigh: You see a relation with "Pas"?
June Arnott
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David Raymond Amos
Reply to @June Arnott: Quebec does
Omer Samson 
Reply to @David Raymond Amos: Do you know why? 
David Raymond Amos 
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Reply to @Omer Samson: 
Why else would I sue the Queen???
Les Cooper
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David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Les Cooper: Methinks in "Just" Democracy every citizen should have a say N'esy Pas? 
reid eisenhauer  
Reply to @David Raymond Amos: Just to expand on your post. This is not a disagreement with you. Every one has a say to help determine what the best course of action is , too reach a compromise that works for the largest number of people. A government cannot please all the people all the time.
Omer Samson 
Reply to @Les Cooper: Hockey players, Toyota drivers, and restaurant owners are also minorities.
Marc LeBlanc
This is beyond belief!

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Marc LeBlanc: Nothing greedy people do amazes me anymore.

Omer Samson
Out of curiosity, how many Acadians were involved in the creation of the NB province? Names?
John Haigh
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These people are absolutely disgusting.

David Raymond Amos 
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Reply to @John Haigh: I concur

Omer Samson
Reply to @John Haigh: How so? Please elaborate.

Mack Leigh
Reply to @Omer Samson: Please take the time to read the previous comments along with the " history " of this group..
Omer Samson 
Reply to @Mack Leigh: No idea what comments you are referring to. Specify.
Mack Leigh  
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Reply to @Omer Samson: 

David Raymond Amos
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Reply to @Omer Samson:  Methinks a SANB spin doctor is not very good at playing dumb N'esy Pas?

Omer Samson  
Reply to @Mack Leigh: I just want to know here the "disgust" comes from, exactly. 
reid eisenhauer  
Why not a translator , like we have for sign language. A small compromise to get people the information , does it matter who says the words.   
Omer Samson 
For anyone who doesn't get it: "Learning either French or English should be a matter of choice not force". That is all the SANB is about. Now cut it out with that talk of "hate" and "disgust". Canadians are watching. 
David Raymond Amos 
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Reply to @Omer Samson: Methinks everybody knows you are just another SANB spin doctor N'esy Pas?

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