Thursday 5 September 2024

Liberals pledge free universal school breakfast program


Liberals pledge free universal school breakfast program

Advocate calls promise ‘ambitious’ but cautions that program ‘is not a simple thing to implement’

New Brunswick Liberals are promising to establish a free, universal breakfast program in all provincial schools in time for the start of school a year from now. 

Leader Susan Holt said the $27.4-million-a-year program will also support a pay-what-you-can lunch program.

"It's going to help students learn and thrive. It's going to help teachers deliver better, and it's going to make life more affordable for families in New Brunswick," Holt said at a news conference, the second in a week where she unveiled a pre-campaign commitment.

The program will be available for all students, not just those in need, and Holt says a Liberal government would have it up and running across the province by September 2025.

Two blond women sitting next to each other at a table Fredericton-York Liberal candidate Tanya Whitney, left, and Liberal Leader Susan Holt say students who are hungry at school experience stress and anxiety that often lead to poor academic results and absenteeism. (Ed Hunter/CBC)

Fredericton-York Liberal candidate Tanya Whitney, a former school principal, said a targeted program would risk stigmatizing the students using it, whereas a universal program would not.

"It's more equitable and people find themselves at the same space, having the same school experience, with all the other children," she said.

WATCH | 'It's going to help students learn and thrive':

Liberals promise free school breakfast program

Liberal Leader Susan Holt says universal program will improve student literacy scores, reduce absenteeism.

Jill Van Horne, the network director of the group Food For All New Brunswick, which supports food programs across the province, called the Liberal plan "ambitious" because it would cover both breakfast and lunch.

"It's huge. School food, on its surface, sounds simple but there's a lot that goes into that. It requires food sourcing, it requires people power, it requires time and it's not just a simple thing to implement."

A woman with brown hair   Jill Van Horne, the network director of Food For All New Brunswick, which supports food programs, calls the Liberal plan ambitious because it would cover both breakfast and lunch. (Ed Hunter/CBC)

Holt said her program would rely on "amazing partners," such as community groups already providing meals in some provincial schools.

The province would take a more direct role in communities where no such group is available, she said.

Holt and Whitney said students who are hungry at school experience stress and anxiety that often lead to poor academic results and absenteeism. 

The $27.4 million cost of the program does not account for potential funding from the federal government that would be available if the province signed an agreement with Ottawa.

Holt said if such a deal happens it would reduce the provincial cost. 

But the federal program, announced in April, targets only 400,000 students nationwide — "beyond those served by existing school food programs," according to a press release.

The federal program is not universal but is meant as "a safety net for the kids who need this support the most," said the April release.

Van Horne pointed out the current PC government put $2 million into making fresh food available to 45,000 students in 135 schools last year, and the Liberal promise is another positive step.

"We're excited to see that there is value being placed behind this kind of service or offering, and I hope to see something similar comes from other parties as well," she said.

Man speaking to cameraEducation Minister Bill Hogan says the PC government has worked to make sure that each school has a food program in place. (Mikael Mayer/CBC News)

The federal program creates "a lot of opportunity for provinces to have some support to bolster this kind of thing," she said.

In an emailed statement from the PC party, Education Minister Bill Hogan said Holt's promise is "sadly another typical Liberal promise that is designed to buy votes," but won't accomplish much.

He said pay-what-you-can programs, like the lunch program the Liberals are offering, often run out of money.

"The PCNB government has worked with schools and various charities to make sure that each school has a food program in place," he said.

"With new federal funding that is available, we hope to be able to expand that in a fiscally responsible manner."

A bald man in a yellow short stands outside in the sunlight. Green Party Leader David Coon says his party has been calling for universal school food programs for years. (Logan Perley/CBC News)

Green Leader David Coon wouldn't comment directly on the Liberal proposal but pointed out his party has been calling for a universal school breakfast and lunch program for years.

"This has been a recurring theme for us," Coon said, explaining that a Green government would pay for its program by cutting subsidies to large forestry corporations.

Holt said $9 million of her projected cost would be for the breakfast program and $18 million would be for the lunches.

The Liberal leader committed to delivering balanced budgets every year if she wins the Oct. 21 election.

She said she was not worried that a $27.6-million deficit that the Progressive Conservative government is projecting for this fiscal year would make the program unaffordable.

Four straight PC budgets underestimated revenue figures and ended up with larger surpluses than expected, she said, predicting the same thing will happen this year.

"We don't trust their figures," she said. 


Jacques Poitras

Provincial Affairs reporter

Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. He grew up in Moncton and covered Parliament in Ottawa for the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal. He has reported on every New Brunswick election since 1995 and won awards from the Radio Television Digital News Association, the National Newspaper Awards and Amnesty International. He is also the author of five non-fiction books about New Brunswick politics and history.


David Amos
Content Deactivated
"NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh announced that he has ended the supply-and-confidence agreement his party with Prime Minister Justin Trudea’s Liberal government"
David Amos
Content Deactivated
Singh said some interesting things today EH?
Allan Marven
Content Deactivated
Reply to David Amos
He needs to do the only meaningful thing, first chance he gets.

David Amos
What a strange pre-campaign commitment 
 David Amos
60 Years Ago My Mother got us to make our own lunches to take to school while she made us breakfast  
Benjamin Jemima Jr.
Personally, I much preferred the new Diamond Shreddies they tried a few years ago before going back to the square shaped ones!
David Amos 
Reply to Benjamin Jemima Jr.
I prefer the porridge my Mother taught me to make
Benjamin Jemima Jr.
Well, this is one thing I fully support the gov't get established. Nothing more important than feeding our kids - AT ANY COST!
David Amos 
Reply to Benjamin Jemima Jr. 
I bet you promote red kool aid too 
Jerry Dion
Reply to Benjamin Jemima Jr.  
I support it too but I'm still not voting for her, but we should all be questioning why/how we got here in the first place. The fact government needs to do this should tell us they have no actual plan to fix anything, kids going hungry, food bank usage up, homeless population growing etc. The system is broken 
Jerry Dion 
The fact that a rich nation like Canada in 2024 has to do this should tell us there's something seriously wrong with the system.
David Amos
Reply to Jerry Dion 
I have been preaching about that in a very public fashion since 2002
Jerry Dion 
Reply to David Amos  
The ways its going its only a matter of time before we see UBI 
David Amos
Reply to Jerry Dion  
Another housing bubble is about to burst  
Bob Leeson  
Are those Shreddies in the top photograph?

When we lived in Florida, my wife missed Shreddies so much she actually wrote the company by scripted snail mail. They replied that it did not suit the US market... or something like that.

David Amos

Reply to Bob Leeson
I see lots of Shreddies within this comment section
Helen Cochrane 
Anything that helps children is a good idea. Many families are struggling.
David Amos
Reply to Helen Cochrane 
Whose fault is that?
Jerry Dion 
Reply to Helen Cochrane 
And we will continue to struggle because the government wont fix the system  
David Wilson  
The saddest thing is, that both the party in power and the one that may like take power federally, as well as their provincial counterparts, blame everything but the the actual source of the problem. The ultra wealthy and the corporations they control.  
Luc Newsome
Reply to David Wilson  
As long as you know who to blame……by the way what’s ultra wealthy these days?

Top 10%, 1%, .01%?

Bob Leeson 
Reply to Luc Newsome 
It's you 0.000000001%er's I think who are taking that wealth game too far. 
David Wilson 
Reply to Luc Newsome 
The next step in the game for the newly elected party, particularly the the right, is to spend a term or two blaming the other party for why they could not fix things, while never actually addressing the real problem, or actually implementing as many policies as possi3ble to widen the gap even more 
David Wilson  
Reply to David Wilson
David Wilson 
Reply to Luc Newsome 
8 men control half of the wealth on earth. 
John Lydon 
Reply to David Wilson 
That's exactly what the current government in BC is doing. After 7 years in power they're still blaming the previous government.
David Amos
Reply to David Wilson  
Its always been that way 

Allan Marven
David Amos 
"You don't want to get caught when the bottom falls out of the whole thing all at once," he said.

Thats gonna happen any day now

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