Friday 10 May 2024

Liberals apologize after 'chuckling' over health minister's mistaken French


Restigouche-Chaleur Liberal MLA Marco LeBlanc asked about making fun of Bruce Fitch speaking French!

Charles Leblanc

Liberals apologize after 'chuckling' over health minister's mistaken French

Bruce Fitch says opposition MLA laughed at him when he fielded question in his second language

New Brunswick's health minister got an apology Thursday from Opposition Liberal Leader Susan Holt and other party MLAs who acknowledged that they "chuckled" at his mangled French a day earlier.

Bruce Fitch has been speaking more and more French recently as he prepares to retire after 21 years as the MLA for Riverview.

Liberals have spent the last six years complaining that the Higgs government often neglects its bilingualism obligations and doesn't have enough ministers who can communicate in French.

So the apparent mockery of Fitch's good-faith attempt on Wednesday struck a nerve.

"It's important for everyone within New Brunswick to try, and we need that support to do it," Fitch said.

He said Holt approached him at the start of Thursday's sitting day to apologize.

"I appreciate that, it was sincere, so in my opinion, the case is closed."

WATCH | 'It's important for everyone in New Brunswick to try':

French fracas: Opposition says ‘désolé’ to Bruce Fitch

Duration 1:20
Liberal Opposition apologizes to health minister after chuckling at his attempts to speak French in the legislature.

Fitch was fielding a question posed by the Liberals in French during Question Period on Wednesday when he began his answer in French.

He referred to the chair of the Vitalité health authority board as the chaise — the French word for a chair you sit in. Someone who chairs or presides over a board is referred to as a président.

Fitch stopped speaking mid-sentence to address Restigouche-Chaleur Liberal MLA Marco LeBlanc across the aisle.

"Well, Marco, thanks for your support. I appreciate that," he said sarcastically.

'I wasn't laughing at him'

He later told reporters LeBlanc had laughed at his French, something the rookie Liberal denied.

"I'd never laugh at anyone trying to speak a second language," LeBlanc said, though he couldn't explain what he was doing or saying when Fitch reacted.

"A lot was going on in the chamber. What was happening when he accused me — I wasn't laughing at him. I can't say exactly what I was doing, but I can guarantee you one thing. I wasn't laughing at him." 

Holt acknowledged Thursday that she, in fact, was among several Liberals who chuckled at the mistake, though she said LeBlanc was not among them. 

She also said she instantly regretted it, having made the same error herself in the past.

"I've been in that exact position where you're translating the word chair in your head and chaise comes out, so I chuckled at it, then realized, 'Ah, it's not a situation to make light of.' He's making an effort and it should be encouraged." 

Fitch said there was no doubt in his mind he was being mocked by someone.

"Definitely. I know what I saw. I know what I heard. That is my belief." 

Marco LeBlanc Liberal Marco LeBlanc denied he'd laughed at Fitch, saying he'd 'never laugh at anyone trying to speak a second language.' (Sam Farley/CBC)

Holt told reporters she "had a conversation" with her caucus Thursday about the need to be respectful and to not discourage anyone trying to express themselves in a second language.

As for Fitch, he conducted his Thursday scrum with reporters in both languages, frequently hopping back and forth between English and French.

He laughed when reporters asked about his sudden enthusiasm for French in the final months of his long political career.

"I guess in my old age I'm a little freer, less inhibited," he joked. 

He did not rule out running as a federal candidate in Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe, a riding with many more francophone voters than his current provincial constituency. 

But he said it was more the result of an acquaintance from Shediac encouraging him to make the effort without fear of mistakes.

"I had a friend who said —j'avais un ami qui a dit — 'Parlez en français, worry pas, go for it.'"


Jacques Poitras

Provincial Affairs reporter

Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. He grew up in Moncton and covered Parliament in Ottawa for the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal. He has reported on every New Brunswick election since 1995 and won awards from the Radio Television Digital News Association, the National Newspaper Awards and Amnesty International. He is also the author of five non-fiction books about New Brunswick politics and history.

David Amos

Oh My My Isn't this news rather special? 
David Amos 
Methinks he who chuckles last chuckles best N'esy Pas? 
Stephen Campbell  
The next time the Government wants to pilot a program to improve attendance and behaviour in our schools perhaps they should try it in the Legislature first. The behaviour of our MLAs is so childish by times.
John Lee 
Reply to Stephen Campbell  
It can't be worse than what we see in Ottawa on a daily basis.
David Amos
Reply to John Lee  
Paul Greggory 
Chuckling? Really? And that bothered the right? You’re kidding right?  
David Amos
Reply to Paul Greggory 
Jake Newman  
imagine the uproar from the liberals, greens and the media if the conservatives laughed at a a french (or other non-english language) speaking person fumbling english.

Holt needs to resign over this.

James McCaffrey
Reply to Jake Newman
Graham McCormack
Reply to Jake Newman
Oh please!
David Amos
Reply to Jake Newman
Imagine much? 
Greg Windsor
Reply to Jake Newman 
Quicker than you could gone in a minute...  
Dave Gordon
Reply to Jake Newman  
Nah keep her around. The pictures of her looking just dense are worth it
Yves Savoie   
Yes, No, Toaster and i drive ski-doo........At least Fitch tried and yet got snubbed.  
Yves Savoie 
Reply to Yves Savoie 
And we can't give a person that tried a break.....Typical NB!
David Amos 
Reply to Yves Savoie 
Cest Vrai
James McCaffrey
The health minister should have learned French. Unacceptable. 
Jake Newman  
Reply to James McCaffrey
he's trying and was made fun of. Imagine the uproar if it was the other way around.
James McCaffrey
Reply to Jake Newman
Lol, the right wlng is the worst for heckling. 
David Amos
Reply to James McCaffrey
Who are you kidding?
David Amos
Reply to Jake Newman
Perhaps he should try Chiac next time
James McCaffrey
Reply to James McCaffrey
I'm not kidding anyone. Thanks and have a great day.
Douglas James
Which is worse? Fractured French? Or perfect political double-speak? 
David Amos
Reply to Douglas James 

Kyle Woodman   
Has Blaine Higgs ever apologized, for anything, in his whole political career?
Jake Newman  
Reply to Kyle Woodman 
nothing to apologize for. 
David Amos
Reply to Kyle Woodman  
Welcome back to the circus 
Bill Watson   
I chuckle when anyone speaks. 
Dennis Woodman
Reply to Bill Watson  
Especially JT 
David Amos
Reply to Bill Watson 
Me Too 

Dan McIntyre 
Just imagine the vitriol that some would spew if the roles had of been reversed and some other party would have chuckled. Then you'd have seen that big red victim card being played. 
David Amos
Reply to Dan McIntyre 
Douglas James   
An apology from the Liberal leader for a rather insignificant faux pas (that's pronounced foe-paw) but nothing but excuses from the Conservatives for wasting more than $73,000 for a junket to Europe by the Tourism Minister. Nice. 
Kyle Woodman  
Reply to Douglas James 
Someone needs to repeat a few math classes.
David Amos
Reply to Kyle Woodman  
Methinks everybody does after they read NB Power's bog Faux Pas N'esy Pas?
Ralph Steinberg 
Again........Higg's cabinet are all victims, as they think they can read someones minds when they chuckle. Many things to chuckle at with Higgs and his followers.....

Like C MP Lianne Rood, who is a victim, because Timmy's is trying out new coffee lids in some locations in Ottawa. The faux outrage party is a mess.

Ian Scott 
Reply to Ralph Steinberg    
looks like a stutter problem here
MR Cain
Reply to Ralph Steinberg  
Nothing to chuckle about with Higgs party at all. Rood, though, is hilarious.
David Amos
Reply to Ralph Steinberg   
Your comment made me chuckle
David Amos
Reply to Ralph Steinberg 
Oh My My Wasn't that a telling thing?
Ralph Steinberg 
Again........Higg's cabinet are all victims, as they think they can read someones minds when they chuckle. Many things to chuckle at with Higgs and his followers.....

Like Conservative MP Lianne Rood, who is a victim, because Timmy's is trying out new coffee lids in some locations in Ottawa. The faux outrage party is a mess.

David Amos
Reply to Ralph Steinberg  
Methinks its not fair that you say it again and again yet we cannot chuckle at your faux pas N'esy Pas?

Ralph Steinberg 
Again........Higg's cabinet are all sit down hurt, as they think they can read someones minds when they chuckle. Many things to chuckle at with Higgs and his followers.....

Like Conservative MP Lianne Rood, who is all sit down hurt, because Timmy's is trying out new coffee lids in some locations in Ottawa. The faux outrage party is a mess.

David Amos
Reply to Ralph Steinberg 
So you say 
John G Lavoie 
Some say laugh, some say chuckle..

would it be news if they had 'winced'

or would that have been construed as a bullying tactic smh

David Amos
Reply to John G Lavoie  
Hard telling not knowing for sure  
Stuart Udovitch   
This passes for "news" in NB? 
June Arnott 
Reply to Stuart Udovitch 
We should know the level of childish bullying behaviour i n politicians so that is a yes  
David Amos
Reply to June Arnott  
I agree
Jos Allaire 
I am most fluent in French. Having heard Fitch speak French a few times, I was impressed by the quality of his French. I understand everything he says. It's way better than what we hear in the Greater Moncton area. Shame on those who mocked him.
David Amos
Reply to Jos Allaire
I concur
William Peters  
OMG, the tough guy's feelings were hurt? He has a lot of nerve if he even suggested he was bruised, coming from a party that self identifies with scapegoating minorities for the province's failures. Yes, it does harm to belittle others. Good of you to feel it.
Mike Barkman 
Reply to William Peters  
Bruce was captain of the football team and also class President at MHS back in 76. The toughguy image was Brucie. It's a shame he can't handle criticism all these years later.
Catherine Brown 
Reply to William Peters 
High school drama....
Geordan Mann
Reply to Catherine Brown 
Really. I can't imagine why so many otherwise intelligent adults try to hang onto high school. Wasted time.
David Amos
Reply to Mike Barkman  
I fought dudes like Brucy Baby throughout my High School Days in Fat Fred City back in the sixties Trust that nothing has changed all these years later
David Amos
Reply to Geordan Mann 
For most folks they were the best days of our lives

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