Saturday 1 June 2024

No benefit applications were lost despite website error, minister says


No benefit applications were lost despite website error, minister says

Liberals say wrong postal address for $300 cheques creates risk of security breach

New Brunswick's minister of finance says he's confident that thousands of applications for the $300 workers' affordability benefit have not gone astray.

Ernie Steeves was responding to the Liberal opposition who revealed in question period that the French-language government website for mailing hard-copy application forms for the money featured the wrong postal address for three months.

"Now we understand why so few citizens have applied for the $300 New Brunswick workers' benefit," Edmundston-Madawaska Centre Liberal MLA Jean-Claude D'Amours said in question period.

"The government put the wrong address on the website on the French version. The wrong address!"

D'Amours said it was impossible to know how many applications went astray or where they ended up.

Steeves and Premier Blaine Higgs brushed off the questions in the legislature, with the minister arguing that "the money is getting out."

63,000 cheques sent so far

He said 88,000 applications had been received as of May 27 with 63,000 cheques sent by mail so far.

Higgs said the Liberals clearly had little ammunition to aim at the government, given the province's strong financial position.

"It's hard to find issues to make up and find problems with. It's hard for the opposition to find something they can really latch on to." 

But Higgs himself acknowledged that "we expect more applications, and we're surprised there haven't been more." 

The premier announced the benefit in his State of the Province speech in January, when he said he hoped most of the money would be in people's hands by March 31 to help them cope with the high cost of living.

The government estimated that 250,000 recipients would be eligible for the funding, but so far the uptake has fallen far short of that.

Wrong postal code listed for 3 months

D'Amours said that may be because of the error on the website, which first appeared Feb. 27 and was corrected only this week.

It featured a different postal code than the correct version on the English website.

The postal code that had been on the French site corresponded with government offices at Brookside Mall, on Fredericton's north side, including a payroll and benefits centre that is part of Service New Brunswick.

The English version has a postal code for downtown Fredericton that includes Chancery Place, the main government office building where the Department of Finance is located.

D'Amours called it "a security breach affecting an unknown number of people" because people had to include their dates of birth and their social insurance numbers with their applications.

But Steeves said he was certain that applications sent to either address had reached a secure government office.

"Yes, I'm very confident. There was no security breach. They went to one of two locations, which was either a post office box or the physical address, the building itself. … They have arrived." 

D'Amours said however that a resident of the Madawaska area he spoke to Wednesday was told when they contacted the government support line that they should re-apply because their application was "lost." 

He said that example could represent thousands of other cases.

Steeves hinted in the legislature that the government may extend the deadline for the benefit.

He said the deadline to apply is June 30 "for now" and said a promotional video was on the way to make more people aware of the funding. 

"We're going to make it even easier for you to find a way through this application process," he said.


Jacques Poitras

Provincial Affairs reporter

Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. He grew up in Moncton and covered Parliament in Ottawa for the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal. He has reported on every New Brunswick election since 1995 and won awards from the Radio Television Digital News Association, the National Newspaper Awards and Amnesty International. He is also the author of five non-fiction books about New Brunswick politics and history.

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

David Amos
I wonder if Mr Outhouse has noticed that Apple Blossom Time has arrived early this year
William Peters 
Reply to David Amos    
He's working too lucrative many jobs for him to notice.
David Amos
Reply to William Peters
C'est Vrai
David Amos
"D'Amours said it was impossible to know how many applications went astray or where they ended up."

I am still waiting the cheques for being an old man that GNB claimed they sent when the Red Coats had the mandate

William Peters 
Reply to David Amos    
You can claim you land grant by contacting Amos Botsford. He's dealing with the loyalist settlement of Nova Scotia as we speak. 
David Amos
Reply to William Peters
i kNOW my history. and I have no land grant to claim or I would have done so.

FYI One of my Forefathers was more than a mere loyalist Daniel Keith of the Keith Clan was a Kings Ranger who is buried not to far from where I am camped. The Amos folks came over from Scotland on the same boat as the Irving Clan I and settled not too far from them

Alison Jackson   
Are they cursed? - or is it just everything they touch they bungle beyond comprehension?
David Amos
Reply to Alison Jackson  
I curse them on a daily basis because of the rampant corruption
David Amos
Reply to Alison Jackson 
Did you flag me?
William Peters 
Reply to Alison Jackson 
Incompetence is cheap. It's all they claim we can afford. 
David Amos
Reply to Alison Jackson  
Wilbur Ross 
What a bloody joke. More proof Higgs isn't here to help YOU. 
Mathieu Laperriere
Reply to Wilbur Ross 
Especially if you are homeless, first nations, female of reproductive age, disabled, autistic, francophone, a low income earner or live anywhere outside of the southern and southwestern parts of the province.
David Amos
Reply to Wilbur Ross  
We all what this is but the Clowns won't permit me to say it anymore
David Amos
Reply to Wilbur Ross  
I doubt that you flagged me   
David Amos  
Reply to Wilbur Ross 
Dan Lee 
when Nixon not a crook........everybody believed him................. 

David Amos  
Reply to Dan Lee  
Nixon was a lawyer as well. Have you ever met a politician or lawyer that admitted that he was crook until he was caught?
William Peters 
Reply to Dan Lee  
No one believed him. A lot of people were proud he was willing to break the law for their side. What sunk him was whistle blowers, and we do have quite a few from the Cons who have left giving us a glimpse of what sort of half baked tyranny Higgs is running. 
Daniel Franklin
This government can't do anything without something going wrong. Time for a change. Both provincially and federally.
William Peters 
Reply to Daniel Franklin
It is always time for change when the people are constantly irritated. This is why there is so much outrage in our world. We are most useful to someone when we are malcontent. And we are certainly malcontent.
David Amos 
Reply to Daniel Franklin
I concur  
ralph jacobs  
Why are there so many East Coast stories open and for so long while Canada stories aren't open or close so quick?
MR Cain
Reply to ralph jacobs
The sun rises in the east; all the action is here. Westerners are all from the east and want to go home.
David Amos 
Reply to ralph jacobs
Go Figure 
Murray Brown
The reason why so many people haven't submitted an application isn't because of an address error. It is because they need a 'Proof of Income' statement.... To get one you need a computer, internet access and an on-line CRA account... Or... You need to contact CRA by phone and request a Proof of Income statement, which is a bothersome procedure. I know somebody who requested this documentation from CRA and they sent them the wrong statement... So they had to go through the entire process again. Higgs likes to make people jump through hoops to get something that they are actually intitled to... The government knows how much money people make, and who made what in 2022 and 2023... So why not just send out the benefit to those who deserve it? And what will Higgs do with the extra millions left over from those not applying for their benefit? The Irving's likely have some project that they will need tax dollars for... He'll likely just hand it over to them.
William Peters 
Reply to Murray Brown
It's the Southern states organize their voter registration process in this same way. Hoops galore until you achieve fatigue. 
Wilbur Ross
Reply to Murray Brown
Yup. Looked into it and it wasn't worth the trouble. People are busy working two jobs just to make ends meet and this lot come up with an obstacle course involving the CRA for Christsake. 
MR Cain
Reply to Murray Brown
The biggest reason is few people know about it.
Douglas James 
Reply to Wilbur Ross
It took me 5 minutes. 
Douglas James 
Reply to Murray Brown
I think it is more that people just expect instant gratification.

David Amos 
Reply to Douglas James
Aren't you retired?
Wilbur Ross
Reply to Douglas James  
Okay. Must have an online account or something. I'm not 20 so I use the phone. Not 5 minutes either way. Total fabrication on your part.
Wilbur Ross
Reply to Douglas James  
Yup. That's what we pay the taxes for. 
Alison Jackson  
If let's say he wins the next election (heaven forbid) and 'Faytene the righteous' gets elected in Hampton, what cabinet position will he put her in?

My money is on education. Wonder if she is going to grab the mic in legislature start walking back and forth speaking in tongues holding a collection plate?

William Peters 
Reply to Alison Jackson 
She won't win if anyone is bothered to look into her political past . In essence she could not find a party that would take her. But she has one in here with the rebranded COR. A lot of immigration to our region brings people in who assume we are all grossly unaware of what is going on in the world today. Dig in deep with her. She's stated things to the effect that signing up to the military is putting yourself under God's command. I believe she's learned to tone it down when speaking to people publicly now, so it is important that people not judge this book by the cover.
David Amos
Reply to Alison Jackson  
IMHO The lady will be elected in Hampton 
Marcel Belanger 
The NBPC government, galloping to election annihilation at breakneck speed.

Reminds me of the Richard Hatfield loss.

David Amos
Reply to Marcel Belanger
Dream on
Alison Jackson  
Ernie the DJ responsible for a provinces finances. You can't make this stuff up folks. 
Mike May
Reply to Alison Jackson 
Seriously, eh?
David Amos
Reply to Alison Jackson    
Ain't great? The show must go on
Sean Adams  
NB Government never heard of direct deposit?
Sean Adams  
Reply to Sean Adams  
Seriously, are they THAT behind the times Down East?
Les Cooper
Reply to Sean Adams  
More than u can imagine! 
Sean Adams  
Reply to Les Cooper
To be fair, they have progressed beyond horses and buggies for transport and smoke signals for communication, so that's something...still in desperate need of Alberta's oil money, though...yep, funny how that works... 
MR Cain 
Reply to Sean Adams   
The government wanted the control; they have no intention of giving $300 to 250,000 people. 
MR Cain 
Reply to Sean Adams  
Sorry, but Ontario contributes much more than Alberta ever will. Do some research.
David Amos
Reply to Sean Adams 
Surely you jest Higgy et al can't read emails even though their computers thanks me for them 

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