Sunday 4 August 2024

Methinks Higgy regrets hiring Cardy to send me butter tarts N'esy Pas?

---------- Original message ---------
From: Chrystia Freeland <>
Date: Thu, Aug 8, 2024 at 4:34 PM
Subject: Automatic reply: Hey Higgy Methinks your old buddy Dominic Cardy can explain the news today N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <>

The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your comments.

Le ministère des Finances Canada accuse réception de votre courriel. Nous vous assurons que vos commentaires sont les bienvenus. 

---------- Original message ---------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, Aug 8, 2024 at 4:33 PM
Subject: Hey Higgy Methinks your old buddy Dominic Cardy can explain the news today N'esy Pas?
To: Dominic.Cardy <>, Jacques.Poitras <>, darrow.macintyre <>, blaine.higgs <>, <>, <>, <>, andrea.anderson-mason <>, Daniel.J.Allain <>, jeff.carr <>, Richard.Ames <>, kathy.bockus <>, Gary.Crossman <>, Bill.Hogan <>, Bill.Oliver <>, mary.wilson <>, Ryan.Cullins <>, Mike.Dawson <>, bruce.fitch <>, Arlene.Dunn <>, hugh.flemming <>, <>, Holland, Mike (LEG) <>, Trevor.Holder <>, Margaret.Johnson <>, Glen.Savoie <>, Tammy.Scott-Wallace <>, Rejean.A.Savoie <>, Dorothy.Shephard <>, ernie.steeves <>, Greg.Turner <>, sherry.wilson <>, Ross.Wetmore <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
Cc: <>, Susan.Holt <>, <>, dominic.leblanc <>, <>, David.Akin <>, Jason Lavigne <>, premier <>, Office of the Premier <>, pierre.poilievre <>, premier <>, prontoman1 <>, ragingdissident <>, <>, <>, <>, BrianThomasMacdonald <>, Richard.Bragdon <>, John.Williamson <>, rob.moore <>, mcu <>, <>


Higgs cabinet approves giving TD Bank another $2.7M in payroll rebates

It’s money that hasn’t been announced publicly but was authorized in a recently order in council

The Higgs government has approved giving TD Bank another $2.7 million in the form of payroll rebates over the next four years, in attempts to add an extra 150 jobs at the centre the major bank set up roughly a half decade ago.

It’s money that hasn’t been announced publicly, but was authorized in a recently issued order in council.

That’s after deals signed by the former Gallant government – that have flowed roughly $18 million to the multinational bank – recently expired.

In 2017, the Gallant Liberals announced an agreement with TD that would see the bank open a new business services centre in the Moncton area with the promise of creating up to 575 full-time jobs over a six-year period.

Added to that call centre was an announcement one year later that TD would also establish a new finance operations centre to create up to another 440 jobs over seven years.

TD Bank then opened a new joint centre in Dieppe’s Champlain Place mall in 2019.

The Gallant government signed two agreements offering up millions of dollars to lure the bank, with former New Brunswick premier Frank McKenna as its chair, to set up a new centre, with some of the money contingent on jobs being created.

At the time, the bank had 25 million customers around the world and $1.2 trillion in assets.

TD Bank recorded $2.6 billion in profit in its most recent fiscal quarter.

A first agreement on the call centre made TD eligible to receive up to $9 million in financial assistance from the provincial government.

A total of $6.8 million of that was made available through Opportunities NB in the form of a forgivable loan.

Under the terms of that loan agreement, $2 million was advanced when TD signed a lease, with another $2.4 million disbursed once employees were taking calls at the facility. A final $2.4 million was spent when the centre hit the 200 full-time employees mark.

The Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour then spent another $2.1 million through the province’s “One Job Pledge” program, plus an additional $150,000 through a provincial-federal grant program for training.

That Alward-era program reimburses employers $10 per hour for a maximum of 40 hours for every employee they hire who are recent post-secondary graduates.

A similar $8.8-million agreement was struck between the Gallant government with TD Bank on its new finance operations centre with a forgivable loan disbursed in phases as the company achieved hiring milestones.

Timelines to unlock provincial money tied to creating jobs have both now expired.

In an email, TD Bank confirmed to Brunswick News that it met the job targets that were set out.

“We are pleased to confirm that TD has successfully filled – by hiring externally – more than 1,015 jobs in Dieppe and Moncton to date,” said spokesperson Elizabeth Goldenshtein, acknowledging both the 575 and 440 job figures were reached.

She said more than 1,015 people are currently working at the two centres.

That’s led to the negotiation of a new deal.

“Opportunities NB has received approval from government to invest up to $2.7 million in the form of a payroll rebate to support a workforce expansion at TD Bank’s Financial Operations Centre in Dieppe,” said Finance Department spokesperson Alycia Bartlett.

“This investment is pending ONB executing a formal agreement with TD.”

Article content

Bartlett added that the proposed workforce expansion would support the creation of more than 150 jobs over the next four years, “and generate $131 million in provincial GDP over this period.”

“Payroll rebates are an important tool ONB uses in its business-development activities,” she added, noting they are conditional on companies achieving their hiring targets, “meaning that this is a very secure investment.”

“It is available to companies that are looking to grow and expand their workforce.”

Terms of a new deal are not yet finalized.

“It’s too early for us to provide a comment on a go-forward agreement that is still in development,” Goldenshtein said in an email.


Methinks Higgy is passing out our money in private like a drunken sailor in a whorehouse before he loses his loses control of the public purse N'esy Pas?


French and English voter divide largest in province’s history: paper

Higgs grabbed roughly 20% of vote in French-speaking ridings last election, lowest percentage ever for the party in 116 years

The electoral divide between francophone and anglophone voters in New Brunswick reached an historic high in the 2020 general election, finds a newly published paper that analyzes voting patterns in the province over the last 100 years.

The Higgs Progressive Conservatives only grabbed roughly 20 per cent of the popular vote in French-speaking ridings in the last election.

That equates to the lowest percentage ever for the party in 116 years of elections.

Meanwhile, the 2020 election saw support for the Liberal party in English-speaking ridings plummet to its lowest level in history.

It stood around 18 per cent in the last election.

Francophones overwhelmingly supported the Liberals and anglophones overwhelmingly supported the Progressive Conservatives and People’s Alliance to a degree never seen before, concludes the paper by two Université de Moncton political scientists published in the latest edition of the journal Francophonies d’Amérique.

The paper by Gabriel Arsenault and Roger Ouellette also concludes that francophone voters have historically voted more as a block than anglophones.

Meanwhile, progressive third parties, including the Greens and NDP, are now transcending the linguistic divide in the province in a way not previously witnessed.

The paper is published just ahead of the next general election scheduled to be held on or before Oct. 21 where a language divide could prove important, specifically in the Moncton region, if the race is tighter than four years ago.

“The Liberals having never been so unpopular in English-speaking ridings and the Progressive Conservatives having never been so unpopular in French-speaking ridings,” concludes the paper that traces electoral behaviour since 1908.

A request for comment from Blaine Higgs was returned by Progressive Conservative executive director Doug Williams, who said the party boasts “a growing roster of truly impressive candidates in French-majority ridings” for the upcoming election.

He didn’t address the study’s findings.

Higgs famously lamented that divide in the aftermath of the last election.

“There are ridings up north that would (always) vote Liberal. It wouldn’t matter what you did. You could run a lampshade as a Liberal candidate,” Higgs said on the night of his majority election win.

The analysis looks at voting support for the Liberals and Progressive Conservatives in French-speaking ridings in each provincial election.

It ultimately does find that francophone New Brunswick has a history of voting Liberal.

Only the Bernard Lord and David Alward Progressive Conservatives were able to get more popular support in French-speaking ridings than their Liberal rivals of the day.

But the analysis goes on to show that while the Liberals have predominantly won the francophone vote, no Progressive Conservative party has lost it to the level of Blaine Higgs.

More people in French-speaking ridings voted for the Progressive Conservatives when Frank McKenna’s Liberals swept every riding in 1987 than did for Higgs in the last election.

The Tories also did better throughout Louis J. Robichaud’s election wins in the 1960s, seen as bringing about a French renaissance in New Brunswick with his program of equal opportunity, than they did with Higgs against Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers.

Meanwhile, the 2020 election also saw support for the Liberal party in English-speaking ridings plummet to its lowest.

It stood around 18 per cent in the last election.

There’s only been four elections in New Brunswick history where that number dipped below 30 per cent.

Shawn Graham’s 2010 election loss amid the backlash of the failed sale of NB Power was the first time the Liberals fell below 30 per cent support in English riding in roughly 100 years.

Gallant’s attempt at re-election also dropped the party under that level.

The report concludes that it all depends on the leadership of the Progressive Conservatives in determining where francophone voters park their vote.

The report counts Richard Hatfield, Bernard Valcourt, and Bernard Lord as Tories who were able to appeal to francophones.

“While Acadian support for the Liberal party is structural in nature, cyclical events, such as a francophile or francophone Progressive Conservative leader, can lead them to modify their electoral behavior,” reads the paper.

The opposite is also true.

“The election of a unilingual English-speaking leader and, moreover, a former Confederation of Regions Party candidate at the head of the Progressive Conservative Party in 2016 led Acadians to choose the Liberal party again,” it states.

Meanwhile, since the 1950s, English-speaking ridings have generally supported the Progressive Conservatives, outside McKenna’s years in power.

That said, a rise in support from those ridings helped Graham win the 2006 election.

The paper’s authors write that the 2020 election creates a general rule where the more French-speaking a riding was, the higher the number of votes for the Liberals.

The five ridings in the province with more than 90 per cent French speakers all saw support for the Liberals over 60 per cent.

Conversely, the less French-speaking a riding was, the higher the number of votes received by the Progressive Conservative Party and the People’s Alliance.

In the five least French-speaking ridings in the province, more than 70 per cent voted for the Progressive Conservative Party or People’s Alliance.

The study then finds that, outside of the People’s Alliance, that rule isn’t true for third parties.

“The percentage of French-speaking voters is not a determining factor in predicting the vote in favor of the New Democratic Party or the Green Party,” it states.

The Greens elected Kevin Arseneau in a riding with more than 67 per cent French speakers, but also David Coon in a riding with six per cent francophones.

Meanwhile, the NDP have historically had more success in electing MLAs in English-speaking ridings, but have had levels of support in English and French ridings that are nearly identical.

---------- Original message ---------
From: Hogan, Hon. Bill (EECD/EDPE) <>
Date: Wed, Aug 7, 2024 at 1:11 PM
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks the CBC article about Dominic Cardy tells us that Jacques Poitras read my blog this weekend N'esy Pas Mr Outhouse?
To: David Amos <>

Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.

You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read, reviewed and taken into consideration.

If your question or concern is constituency related, please reach out to my constituency office assistant Kim Carvell by email at or by phone by calling (506) 277-6020. 


Nous vous remercions pour votre courriel. Vos opinions, commentaires et suggestions sont grandement appréciés.

Soyez assuré que tous les courriels et les lettres qui nous sont acheminés sont attentivement lus, examinés et pris en considération.

Pour toute question ou préoccupation sur un sujet relatif à la circonscription, veuillez contacter Kim Carvell, mon adjointe de circonscription, par courriel au ou par téléphone au 506 277-6020.

Thank you,


Hon. / L’hon Bill Hogan

Minister for Education and Early Childhood Development/ Ministre de l'Éducation et du Développement de la petite enfance

250 rue King St, Fredericton

N.B.  E3B 9M9 Canada

Tel/Tél: (506) 453- 2523

Email / Courriel :


Constituency office/ bureau de circonscription:

639 Main Street

Woodstock NB  E7M 2C7

Tel/Tél: (506) 277-6020


---------- Original message ---------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, Aug 7, 2024 at 1:10 PM
Subject: Methinks the CBC article about Dominic Cardy tells us that Jacques Poitras read my blog this weekend N'esy Pas Mr Outhouse?
To: Dominic.Cardy <>, Jacques.Poitras <>, darrow.macintyre <>, blaine.higgs <>, <>, <>, <>, andrea.anderson-mason <>, Daniel.J.Allain <>, jeff.carr <>, Richard.Ames <>, kathy.bockus <>, Gary.Crossman <>, Bill.Hogan <>, Bill.Oliver <>, mary.wilson <>, Ryan.Cullins <>, Mike.Dawson <>, bruce.fitch <>, Arlene.Dunn <>, hugh.flemming <>, <>, Holland, Mike (LEG) <>, Trevor.Holder <>, Margaret.Johnson <>, Glen.Savoie <>, Tammy.Scott-Wallace <>, Rejean.A.Savoie <>, Dorothy.Shephard <>, ernie.steeves <>, Greg.Turner <>, sherry.wilson <>, Ross.Wetmore <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
Cc: Susan.Holt <>, <>, dominic.leblanc <>, <>, David.Akin <>, Jason Lavigne <>, premier <>, Office of the Premier <>, pierre.poilievre <>, premier <>, prontoman1 <>, ragingdissident <>, <>, <>, <>, BrianThomasMacdonald <>, Richard.Bragdon <>, John.Williamson <>, rob.moore <>, mcu <>, <>


A decade after NDP surge, Dominic Cardy's star recruits have drifted away


Eclectic group of New Democrats left party after 2014 campaign fell short

A decade ago everything was coming up roses for New Brunswick's NDP.

The New Democratic Party was showing strength in the polls. Its leader, Dominic Cardy, recruited an eclectic and compelling slate of candidates aiming for a historic breakthrough in the upcoming provincial election.

Ten years later, the NDP is struggling to stay relevant in provincial politics, Cardy is gone and many of the New Brunswickers who joined the party because of him have drifted away.

"I'm not a member of any provincial party. I would consider voting for anybody, I guess," said  Nick Taggart, who joined the New Democrats because of Cardy and became its provincial secretary-treasurer.

"In the upcoming provincial election, I don't know who I'm going to vote for this time." 

Sharon Levesque, who won 20 per cent of the vote in Fredericton-York in 2014, declined an interview request from CBC News but said she's no longer politically involved and is also unsure who she'll vote for.

Nick Taggart Nick Taggart joined the NDP in part because of Cardy a decade ago, but now isn't a member of any New Brunswick political party. (Chad Ingraham/CBC)

Other NDP candidates from that campaign ended up with other parties.

Brian Duplessis, who ran in Fredericton North, now supports the Liberals. Jason Purdy, the Moncton Northwest NDP candidate in 2014, is volunteering for the Progressive Conservatives in Fredericton this summer.

Both came to the NDP because of Cardy.

"I was definitely a Cardy person back then," said Purdy, who ran for the party when Cardy managed its 2010 campaign and again when he was leader in 2014.

Duplessis said he was won over by Cardy's intellect, his international experience and his progressive views. New Brunswick was "lacking that kind of experience in the past," he said.

WATCH | Former New Democrats reflect on 2014 campaign:

What might have been? Former supporters of Dominic Cardy's NDP reflect

A decade after the NDP came close to a major election breakthrough in New Brunswick, two former members speak with CBC News about the year they almost had 'a chance to make a difference.

Cardy moved the NDP away from some of its traditional big-spending, social-democratic positions.

He embraced balanced budgets and was at odds with the Canadian Union of Public Employees, a longtime NDP ally.

It rubbed some party members the wrong way.

"It was not a party focused on progressive values," said Alex White, the NDP's current leader. "It was a party just looking to move into government."

A more pragmatic approach

But Cardy's pragmatism attracted new supporters.

"He was saying a lot of things that just sort of made sense to me," Taggart said, while Liberals and PCs "were just bickering at each other."

The federal NDP was also popular, which helped lift support for the provincial party.

In New Brunswick, the NDP had never won more than a single seat at a time in a general election. But, hovering around 25 per cent in some polls, it looked like its time had finally come.

"We really thought, 'OK, we can really do something here,'" Taggart said.

In 2014, Cardy recruited former PC MLA Bev Harrison and former Liberal MLAs Kelly Lamrock and Abel LeBlanc to run as NDP candidates.

"I was super-impressed with this guy," Harrison said of Cardy.

But it wasn't to be. The NDP's popular vote on election day in 2014 was 13 per cent, an all-time high but not enough to win a single seat.

Taggart and Duplessis both say the party made a mistake trying to campaign provincewide rather than putting all its resources into getting Cardy into the legislature. 

Dominic Cardy and Brian Duplessis Brian Duplessis, right, ran for the NDP in Fredericton North at the time of Cardy's leadership. Now, he supports the Liberals. (Nicolas Steinbach/Radio-Canada)

Making matters worse, many longtime NDP activists, unhappy with Cardy's moderate direction, moved to the Green Party, helping leader David Coon win in Fredericton South.

"It was very frustrating for a lot of people,"  White said.

"It was a very opportune moment for the New Brunswick Greens." 

The Greens went on to win three seats in 2018 and 2020, and have now eclipsed the NDP as the leading progressive party. 

The New Democrats fielded only 33 candidates in the last election and won a mere 1.7 per cent of the popular vote.

"Nobody hears about them," Harrison said. "Nobody talks about them."

NDP trying to rebuild

Cardy eventually quit the party in 2017, after feuding with party members whom he accused of wanting "an old NDP of true believers, ideological litmus tests and moral victories."

He joined the PC Party because, he said, leader Blaine Higgs was creating "a big, broad tent of people who want to change New Brunswick."

But he resigned in 2022 after four years in Higgs's cabinet. He is now an independent MLA and interim leader of the new federal Canadian Future Party. 

The NDP, meanwhile, is trying to rebuild.

White said the party is reconnecting with "some of the natural allies who were, let's say, put off by [Cardy's] leadership style."

He hopes the party will field a full slate of 49 candidates in October.

Brian Duplessis Duplessis said he was won over by Cardy's intellect, international experience and progressive views. (Chad Ingraham/CBC)

The Cardy New Democrats are scattered in all directions. 

"We jumped when Dominic jumped," Purdy said of his decision to follow Cardy to the PCs.

Unlike Cardy himself, Purdy believes Higgs has remained true to the "common sense stuff" that attracted them to the PCs. Purdy is volunteering for Tory candidates this summer.

Harrison, on the other hand, joined the Liberals, saying they are now the natural home for one-time "Red Tories" like him.

He said he's still a Cardy fan but has lost faith in the rigid party system.

"I'm big on individuals — the right people thinking the right way."

Duplessis donated money to Cardy's 2018 PC campaign and has also supported Liberal and Green candidates in the last decade. He's now part of the Liberal riding executive in Fredericton South-Silverwood, where Holt is running.

A changed political landscape

What strikes him about the NDP's 2014 campaign was that all three main political parties were competing in the political centre, not the extremes. 

"Before, we had a much smaller range," he said. "You could easily support the Liberals, the Conservatives, the NDP, without thinking they were going to take you in one hard direction on virtually any issue. Today that's not the case." 

Taggart has devoted his time to non-partisan politics, as vice-chair of the Premier's Council on Disabilities, which helped persuade the Higgs government to adopt new accessibility legislation this year. 

"When you're in politics and you're involved and you're an activist, you don't ever lose that itch completely," he said.

"There's always ways to get involved and make a difference without having to have your face on a ballot."


Jacques Poitras

Provincial Affairs reporter

Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. He grew up in Moncton and covered Parliament in Ottawa for the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal. He has reported on every New Brunswick election since 1995 and won awards from the Radio Television Digital News Association, the National Newspaper Awards and Amnesty International. He is also the author of five non-fiction books about New Brunswick politics and history.


Sunday 4 August 2024

Methinks Higgy regrets hiring Cardy to send me butter tarts N'esy Pas? 

---------- Origiinal message ---------
From: Outhouse, Steve (PO/CPM) <>
Date: Fri, Aug 2, 2024 at 10:57 AM
Subject: Automatic reply: The Liberals and NDP have been sick, cruel, selfish and disgusting for years So why have you ignored my concerns for so long?
To: David Amos <>

will be out of the office July 30 to Aug 7 inclusive.

For urgent assistance on GNB issues, please contact

Merci pour le courriel, je serai absent du bureau jusqu’au 7 août 2024. 

Pour une assistance urgente sur les questions relatives au GNB, veuillez contacter

Thank you, Merci.

Aug 5th 
What a privilege it is to be part of all the New Brunswick Day festivities! From the music and food to meeting amazing people, today truly showcases the spirit of our province.
Thank you for making NB such a wonderful place to call home, and thank you to all the organizers and volunteers who made this day extra special!
Quel privilège de participer à toutes les festivités de la Fête du Nouveau-Brunswick ! Qu'il s'agisse de la musique, de la nourriture ou des rencontres avec des gens extraordinaires, la journée d'aujourd'hui met vraiment en valeur l'esprit de notre province.
Merci de faire du Nouveau-Brunswick un endroit où il fait bon vivre, et merci à tous les organisateurs et bénévoles qui ont rendu cette journée encore plus spéciale !

 May be an image of 5 people and text

May be an image of 10 people, fire, crowd and text

David Raymond Amos
3 years ago you and Cardy danced a jig at New Brunswick Day celebrations Things have changed eh?

Jenny Scott
David Raymond Amos I’m sure Cardy danced when he was arrested! Grateful he is gone…

David Raymond Amos
He is still an MLA

---------- Original message ---------
From: Office of the Premier <>
Date: Wed, Aug 7, 2024 at 11:06 AM
Subject: Thank you for your email
To: David Amos <>

This is to acknowledge that your email has been received by the Office of the Premier.

We appreciate the time you have taken to write.

NOTICE:  This e-mail was intended for a specific person.  If it has reached you by mistake, please delete it and advise me by return e-mail.  Any privilege associated with this information is not waived.  Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.

Avis: Ce message est confidentiel, peut être protégé par le secret professionnel et est à l'usage exclusif de son destinataire. Il est strictement interdit à toute autre personne de le diffuser, le distribuer ou le reproduire. Si le destinataire ne peut être joint ou vous est inconnu, veuillez informer l'expéditeur par courrier électronique immédiatement et effacer ce message et en détruire toute copie. Merci de votre cooperation.


---------- Original message ---------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, Aug 7, 2024 at 11:06 AM
Subject: Hey Higgy it appears that the Libertarian Party of New Brunswick enjoys my tweets N'esy Pas?
To: blaine.higgs <>, <>, darrow.macintyre <>, dominic.leblanc <>, Dominic.Cardy <>, Susan.Holt <>, <>, David.Akin <>, Jason Lavigne <>, premier <>, Office of the Premier <>, pierre.poilievre <>, premier <>, prontoman1 <>, Jacques.Poitras <>
Cc: ragingdissident <>, <>, <>, <>

Nicolle Carlin - Fredericton South-Silverwood


May be an image of 1 person and smiling

David Raymond Amos
3 years ago Higgs and Cardy danced a jig at New Brunswick Day celebrations Things have changed eh?

 No photo description available.

Aug 5th 
What an absolutely perfect day to celebrate New Brunswick Day here in Charlotte County!
It was so nice to visit with families attending fun activities in St. Stephen and Saint Andrews.
I hope you all had time in the sunshine with family and friends.

May be an image of map and text


Rob Weir - PCNB Candidate for Riverview 
Looks like a great time.
David Raymond Amos
3 years ago Higgs and Cardy danced a jig at New Brunswick Day celebrations Things have changed eh?

 May be an image of 1 person

Happy New Brunswick day!
May be an image of 4 people

David Raymond Amos
3 years ago Higgs and Cardy danced a jig at New Brunswick Day celebrations Things have changed eh?

Rob Weir - PCNB Candidate for Riverview
David Raymond Amos Thank you for your input David.

May 30th 

We are excited to announce Paolo Junior Andreetti as our PCNB candidate for the Moncton East riding. Thank you to the volunteers, organizers, and party supporters for your hard work. Congratulations, Paolo!

As a retired RCMP officer, Paolo’s experience will be a valuable addition to our PCNB team and he will be a strong representative for the region.
New Brunswick is experiencing unprecedented growth and facing new challenges. With Paolo at our table, we can keep facing these challenges head-on and continue our success here in New Brunswick.

May be an image of 3 people

 May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'YOU ARE INVITED! FPC foin join PIERRE POILIEVRE BLAINE HIGGS FOR THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY OF NEW BRUNSWICK'S LEADER'S DINNER TI TICKETS CK FRIDAY, MARCH 15 7:00pm $600 per ticket Saint John Trade and Convention Centre 1 Market Square, Saint John, NB Premier Higgs, candidates and caucus members $200 ticket. Free Victory Circle Members.'

 May be an image of 4 people

May be an image of 5 people

July 11th
Ian Lee was nominated the Progressive Conservative candidate in Fundy-The Isles-Saint John Lorneville on Wednesday evening. Congratulations Ian! (Your Mom is so happy). I look forward to working with you and your election campaign team to keep Charlotte County moving forward with Premier Blaine Higgs.
May be an image of 10 people and text

July 1st 
Happy Canada Day! Many celebrations today for our 157th Birthday so please get a chance to get out and support our local communities in our beautiful riding!

I'm Don Monahan, your neighbor, a proud New Brunswicker born and raised in the heart of Petitcodiac.
As your Progressive Conservative candidate for this beautiful riding, I bring a unique blend of discipline, community service, and a deep love for our home.
Having served in the military, I understand the value of discipline and dedication to a cause.
But my commitment to our community doesn't stop there. For eight years, I proudly served on City Council, working tirelessly to make positive changes that matter to you.
In 2019, I returned to my roots and invested in the Sussex KOA & Drive-In, not just as a business venture, but as a way to give back to the place that shaped me.
This investment isn't just about creating jobs – it's about stimulating and promoting our local economy, ensuring that our region thrives for generations to come.
I believe in progress that respects our traditions, innovation that doesn't leave anyone behind, and a future that shines for every family in Arcadia-Butternut Valley-Maple Hills. Together, let's build a brighter, stronger, and more connected community

Faytene Grasseschi

Many of us have friends and family in Sussex and were deeply concerned for residents impacted by the flood in February.
Today Min. Tammy Scott-Wallace, along with Wayne Long announced funding to ensure the issue of ongoing flooding is dealt with once and for all.
Over 12 million was designated from the Provincial Government and over 13 million from the Federal Government.
I was delighted to join with Min. Tammy Scott-Wallace, MP Rob Moore and fellow PC candidate Don Monahan at Sussex Town Hall to witness the great news being delivered.
This is the result of a lot of hard work by several outstanding representatives.
I look forward to following this example and delivering for the people of Hampton-Fundy-St. Martins if successfully elected this fall.


2018 New Brunswick Provincial Election Saint John Region Candidate Messages

Rogers tv
Sep 20, 2018  
Candidate messages for the following ridings in the 2018 New Brunswick Provincial Election: 
Sussex-Fundy-St. Martins 
Saint John East 
Portland Simonds 
Saint John Harbour 
Saint John Lancaster 
Kings Centre 
Fundy-The-Isles-Saint John West 
Saint Croix


Bruce Northrup, who served four terms as a PC MLA, is running the Liberals in the upcoming fall election. The riding, now known as Sussex-Fundy-St. Martins, has been held by Tammy Scott-Wallace since the last election.
Anybody bother to notice how many of these sheople are not throwing their hat in the ring this year?
Oh My My what difference in NB since Higgy made a deal with Austin after this rather wicked election EH???


  ---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2017 14:57:57 -0400
Subject: Yo Brucey Baby is that your signature I see on the note with the treats from Mr Higgs that your buddy Dominic Cardy sent?

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Yo Blaine Higgs I just called and tried to talk to your buddy Hamish
Wright Trust that I don't care that Dominic Cardy is concerned about
his fondness for butter tarts

 Yo Mr Cardy Do Ya Think This Dude Cares About Your Dumb Puffin?

---------- Original message ----------
From: Póstur FOR
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2017 16:16:32 +0000
Subject: Re: Yo Mr Higgs I updated the blog for the benefit of your mindless assistant, your pal Chucky "The Welfare Bum" Leblanc and his many LIEbrano buddies for obvious reasons N'esy Pas David Coon?
To: David Amos

Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið  / Your request has been received

Kveðja / Best regards
Forsætisráðuneytið  / Prime Minister's Office

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)" <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2018 18:00:25 +0000
Subject: RE: YO Dominic Cardy how can you Conservatives brag of buying Butter Tarts 

when CBC tells me you dudes have to sell your HQ? Yet you wackos want control of 
our provincial economy"
To: David Amos <>

Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick.  Please be
assured  that your email will be reviewed.

If this is a media request, please forward your email to
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New Brunswick NDP Leader Cardy quits, praises PC Leader, slags NDP

Jan 9, 2017  
Former New Brunswick New Democratic Party Leader Dominic Cardy is interviewed on January 3, 2017, two days after his resignation as Leader. During the interview, Cardy praises new Progressive Conservative Party Leader Higgs and takes a swipe at both the provincial and federal New Democratic parties.


Methinks Higgy regrets hiring Cardy to send me butter tarts N'esy Pas?
He sold out!
NDP gets help from democracy expert CBC News · Posted: Jan 09, 2006 4:23 PM AST An international expert on democracy has flown all the way from Egypt to help NDP candidate John Carty campaign in Fredericton.


NDP gets help from democracy expert

An international expert on democracy has flown all the way from Egypt to help NDP candidate John Carty campaign in Fredericton.

Dominic Cardy is with a group called The National Democratic Institute. Its members include such people as former U.S. President Jimmy Carter. The group's mission is to teach democratic values and spread democracy around the world.

Cardy has taught about democracy in Algeria, Bangladesh, and Cambodia during the past few years. When he heard his friend John Carty was running for office back in his home town of Fredericton, he hopped on a plane.

"It was a strange experience," Cardy said. "One evening I was watching the sun go down over the pyramids, and the next evening watched it go down over Fredericton airport as I came into land."

Cardy is no relation to the NDP candidate. But he loves elections and loves getting people pumped up about democracy.

Carty the candidate is running against federal Indian Affairs Minister Andy Scott, Conservative Pat Lynch, Green candidate Philip Duchastel and independent David Amos. The riding has sent Scott to Ottawa for the last four elections, despite the best efforts of the other parties.

Cardy says he doesn't care how tough the race his – he just wants people to participate in the process. "People have forgotten how incredibly precious these gifts that our ancestors fought for are and were just giving them away. It makes me furious when I talk to people and people just say 'ah there's no point in voting.'"

After election day, Dominic Cardy is flying back home to his wife in Kathmandu, Nepal. He hopes to leave behind a new Member of Parliament for Fredericton, his friend John Carty for the NDP.

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices



Dominic Cardy, NPD. The leaders on arts & culture

Sep 4, 2014  

Elections 2014. The leaders on arts & culture. Dominic Cardy, leader of the New Democratic Party of New Brunswick. 

Watch other leaders on arts & culture: 

Project by the Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick and Artslink NB


Fat Fred City Circle Jerk

David Amos 
May 29, 2016  
Go Figure who gets to eat the cracker

1 Comment

I have no doubt this exchange caused Higgy to offer Cardy a job

 I also have no doubt whatsoever that Cardy and the wife went to Toronto with this stunt in mind in order get himself in the news again and win more fans. How many political couples do you know leave the Maritimes at the best time of year to go Toronto for a “romantic long weekend,”???


"you and me against the world,”??? Well Kinda Sorta


N.B. politician Dominic Cardy arrested after confronting anti-Israel protesters in Toronto

'I woke from a nap to hear hundreds of Hamas enthusiasts upset at (Hamas political leader Ismail) Haniyeh's death,' he said on Friday morning

Dominic Cardy was arrested at an anti-Israel rally in Toronto for disturbing the peace, he said.

Cardy, who is the Independent MLA for the constituency of Fredericton West-Hanwell, explained what happened to him Thursday evening in the city’s Yonge and Dundas area.

“I woke from a nap to hear hundreds of Hamas enthusiasts upset at (Hamas political leader Ismail) Haniyeh’s death,” he wrote on Friday morning, in a thread on social media platform X.

“I chanted ‘Free Palestine – from Hamas.’ The crowd reacted poorly.”

Cardy was asked to leave by Toronto police, but said he declined. He continued to chant “Free Palestine from Hamas,” which received more negative attention. It even got physical with some of the attendees kicking him, he said.

When police returned, Cardy told them, again, that he wouldn’t leave. He was arrested for “disturbing the peace,” although he pointed out that people at the rally were burning an Israeli flag a metre away from him.

“The police were professional and courteous. My complaint is not with them but with the political cowards who arrest peaceful democrats, and not the terror enthusiasts who seize our streets at will,” he said.

“This all in the name of ‘tolerance.'”

Cardy said he was held for a couple of hours before being released without charges or conditions. He said that he would not be avoiding future protests.

“No more standing by. It’s time for standing up. Step up against extremism. Defend our open society. Now,” he said.

Cardy’s arrest was confirmed by police in a statement to the National Post on Friday.

“This individual was arrested yesterday at a demonstration for Breach of the Peace and was subsequently released without charges. He was engaging in confrontational behaviour towards other demonstrators and failing to comply with police directives,” said a spokesperson for Toronto police via email.

Many users commented on his posts, thanking Cardy for taking action. One person called the police in Canada “irreparably broken,” but Cardy disagreed. The problem is the politicians, he said, adding that the officers were simply taking orders.

“You can point out unjust orders through peaceful civil disobedience, as I did yesterday,” he said, “and hope (people) agree, and that orders change.”

Cardy’s wife Julie Smith said she was with her husband in Toronto for a “romantic long weekend,” in a post on X, but that it took an unusual turn.

“I will bring your ID down when you are cuffed in the back of a police car any time. Like my vows said – you and me against the world,” she said.

Around 4:50 p.m. on Thursday, Toronto police were aware of the presence of a “demonstration,” as they called it on X. They alerted the public that the protest was causing major delays in the area and that no traffic could pass through.

Two other people were arrested on Thursday evening, Toronto police said on X.

One 23-year-old woman was charged with two counts of assaulting a peace officer. A 31-year-old man was “was found to be in possession of a Prohibited Weapon at the time of arrest,” police said. He was charged with assaulting a peace officer and carrying a concealed weapon.

Anti-Israel protests have been held across the country since October 7, when Hamas terrorists attacked Israel.

In Toronto, protesters took over Yorkdale Shopping Centre in December 2023. In January, anti-Israel protesters gathered near Canada’s largest Jewish community at Avenue Road and Highway 401, blocking a highway overpass.

More recently, police foiled an alleged terror attack being planned by a father-son duo, reportedly on behalf of terrorist group ISIL.
This man in the blue shirt was arrested by Toronto police for saying "Free Palestine from Hamas ". The Toronto Police allowed pro Hamas gangs to take over Yonge and Dundas with absolutely no permit.

Friday 12 January 2018

YO Dominic Cardy how can you Conservatives brag of buying Butter Tarts when CBC tells me you dudes have to sell your HQ? Yet you wackos want control of our provincial economy?

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Methinks if Blaine Higgs had two clues between his ears he would not have hired the Arsehole Dominic Cardy in the first place

---------- Original message ----------
From: Michael Cohen <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2018 18:00:28 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Dominic Cardy how can you Conservatives
brag of buying Butter Tarts when CBC tells me you dudes have to sell
your HQ? Yet you wackos want control of our provincial economy"
To: David Amos <>

Effective January 20, 2017, I have accepted the role as personal
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---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2018 14:00:20 -0400
Subject  YO Dominic Cardy how can you Conservatives brag of buying Butter Tarts when CBC tells me you dudes have to sell your HQ? Yet you wackos want control of our provincial economy"

To: "Jacques.Poitras" <>, "ht.lacroix" <>, 

jesse <>, "Armitage, Blair" <>, 
"dan. bussieres" <>, 
 David Amos <>,
ethics-ethique <>, mcohen <>, 
djtjr <>, washington field <>, 
"Boston.Mail" <>, jbosnitch <>, 
andre <>, "David.Coon" <>, 
"brian.gallant"<>, briangallant10 <>, 
"Dominic.Cardy" <>, postur <>, 
nmoore <>, david <>
Cc: pm <>, "Bill.Morneau" <>,
"Gerald.Butts" <>, 
"Norman.Sabourin" <>, 
"Giroux, Marc A :FJA" <>, 
"Joly, Philippe :HoC" <>, "Dawson, Mary :HoC"
<>, "Regan, Geoff - M.P. :HoC"
<>, "" <>,
"" <>, "Zimmer, Bob - M.P. :HoC"
<>, "Erskine-Smith, Nathaniel - M.P. :HoC"
<>, "Baylis, Frank - M.P. :HoC"
<>, "Dubourg, Emmanuel - Député :HoC"
<>, "Fortier, Mona - Députée :HoC"
<>, "Gourde, Jacques - Député :HoC"
<>, "Kent, Peter - M.P. :HoC"
<>, "Murray, Joyce - M.P. :HoC"
<>, "Picard, Michel - Député :HoC" <>, 
"Saini, Raj - M.P. :HoC" <>, 
"Chagger, Bardish - M.P. :HoC"<>,
mcu <>, "Joly, Mélanie - M.P. :HoC" <>, 
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wharrison <>, ecdesmond <>,
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Cardy, Dominic (LEG)" <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2018 17:22:47 +0000
Subject: Hamish's birthday
To: David Amos <>
Cc: "Wright, Hamish (LEG)" <>

Dear Mr. Amos,

As a regular correspondent I thought you would like to know that it's
Hamish's 20th birthday! We even gave him some butter tarts in your
honour! I'm sure he'd appreciate a note.

Have a good weekend, best wishes,


David Amos
Strange just today Dominic Cardy was bragging to me they have lots of
money to spend on Butter Tarts

Methinks the PCs are gonna lose the electin bitime with him as Mr
Higgs' Chief of Staff N'esy Pas?

(Piss Poor spelling a grammer I know but the real question is will CBC
even allow the comment o stand the test of time EH Jacques Poitras and
Hubby Lacroix?)

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2017 14:57:57 -0400
Subject: Yo Brucey Baby is that your signature I see on the note with the treats from Mr Higgs that your buddy Dominic Cardy sent?

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Yo Blaine Higgs I just called and tried to talk to your buddy Hamish
Wright Trust that I don't care that Dominic Cardy is concerned about
his fondness for butter tarts

 Yo Mr Cardy Do Ya Think This Dude Cares About Your Dumb Puffin?

---------- Original message ----------
From: Póstur FOR
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2017 16:16:32 +0000
Subject: Re: Yo Mr Higgs I updated the blog for the benefit of your mindless assistant, your pal Chucky "The Welfare Bum" Leblanc and his many LIEbrano buddies for obvious reasons N'esy Pas David Coon?
To: David Amos

Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið  / Your request has been received

Kveðja / Best regards
Forsætisráðuneytið  / Prime Minister's Office

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)" <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2018 18:00:25 +0000
Subject: RE: YO Dominic Cardy how can you Conservatives brag of buying Butter Tarts 

when CBC tells me you dudes have to sell your HQ? Yet you wackos want control of 
our provincial economy"
To: David Amos <>

Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick.  Please be
assured  that your email will be reviewed.

If this is a media request, please forward your email to
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New Brunswick education minister resigns, writes blistering resignation letter against Premier Higgs

CTV News 
Oct 14, 2022  
FREDERICTON New Brunswick PC MLA Dominic Cardy talks about his decision to step down as the province's education minister and his letter to Premier Blaine Higgs.


Methinks Cardy is playing everybody like a fiddle and is keeping his name in the news lately with the 713 Issue N'esy Pas?

Dominic Cardy on the state of New Brunswick

Centre Ice Canadians
Apr 7, 2023  
Centre Ice Canadians Director and MLA for Fredericton West-Hanwell Dominic Cardy shares his thoughts on the state of New Brunswick, the public healthcare system and government transparency.


Too Too Funny
Was "Centrist United Canadian Kleptocrats" already trademarked?

Someone should tell Dominic that children belonging to the state is not a centrist or Canadian view.
Dominic Cardy should just shhhhhhh. 100 plus years of evidence? You’re wrong. Shh.
This is cringe. Lol

LIVE: Blaine Higgs apologizes to New Brunswickers

The Manatee 
 Premiered Apr 4, 2023  
Fredericton -- In a live press conference, NB Premier Blaine Higgs apologized to New Brunswickers for being an Irving lackey. 
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Please show some love to The Manatee video editor; Alex Vietinghoff:    / vietinghoff  

The Manatee' grills Higgs on Policy 713

Jun 5, 2023  
Fredericton -- This week, New Brunswickers will be on the lookout for the outcome of the government's review of education Policy 713. 
The policy, which ensures a safe and inclusive school environment for 2SLGBTQIA+ students in New Brunswick, caused a firestorm for Higgs when he suddenly called it into question. 
While he's backpedalled a bit, many still expect Higgs to erode protections for 2SLGBTQIA+ students that his own government implemented in 2020. 
Today, The Manatee sat down with Premier Higgs to grill him on Policy 713 and the whereabouts of the elusive Minister of Education, Bill Hogan. 
Read the latest news at 
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Please show some love to The Manatee video editor; Alex Vietinghoff:    / vietinghoff  

Go Figure 



A Serious Talk with Jenica Atwin

The Manatee 
Feb 3, 2020  
Paul sits down for an in-depth interview with Fredericton's Green Party MP Jenica Atwin, the first Green MP outside British Columbia. 
Stay tuned for more serious talks. 
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A message from "Corona King" Dominic Cardy

The Manatee 

May 13, 2020  

New Brunswick's Education Minister Dominic Cardy made national headlines recently for his heroic and unprecedented response to containing COVID-10. Here is his humble announcement about being named "Corona King". 

 Support us through our merch store! 

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Please show some love to The Manatee video editor; Alex Vietinghoff:    / vietinghoff  


I sent my love to The Manatee video editor; Alex Vietinghoff and his mates and they tried to have me arrested st like the Higgy et al did on election night 2010 Too Too Funny Indeed
How have I not seen these !!!!
Maybe you weren't subscribed?!
I'd love to see him in a walmart parking lot
he is a bully and an enemy of parents and Canada


---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)" <>
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2021 18:45:03 +0000
Subject: RE: YO Higgy Methinks the clowns within the Manatee may have
also upset some dentists and Dominic Cardy's old Pharma buddy Paul
Blanchard N'esy Pas?


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Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144

---------- Original message ----------
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2021 14:43:28 -0400
Subject: YO Higgy Methinks the clowns within the Manatee may have also
upset some dentists and Dominic Cardy's old Pharma buddy Paul
Blanchard N'esy Pas?
To: sheilagunnreid <>, "\"
\"blaine.higgs" <>,,, oldmaison <>, andre
<>, jbosnitch <>, "robert.gauvin"
"Jacques.Poitras" <>, "steve.murphy"
"Dale.Morgan" <>, "Mark.Blakely"
<>, "barbara.massey"
<>, "andrea.anderson-mason"
<>, "hugh.flemming"
<>, "Dominic.Cardy" <>, gerald
<>, "David.Coon" <>, mcu
"Roger.L.Melanson" <>, "Kevin.leahy"
<>, "Arseneau, Kevin (LEG)"
<>, "Mitton, Megan (LEG)", "michelle.conroy" <>,, Viva Frei <>,
Cc: motomaniac333 <>,,, plee

New Brunswick Dental Society won’t mandate vaccines, but still want to
be called ‘doctors’

Business & Technology, NB, News
December 17, 2021   

Posted by Brandon Hicks

New Brunswick Dental Society won’t mandate vaccines, but still want to
be called ‘doctors’

New Brunswick — The New Brunswick Dental Society (NBDS) determined
this week that they will not be mandating that their members be

While this position puts them in opposition with the College of
Physicians and Surgeons of New Brunswick, NBDS executive director Paul
Blanchard says that this does not in any way lessen their value as
medical professionals.

“Just because our members have a more…uh, laissez-faire attitude about
safety precautions, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be taken seriously as
medical professionals.”

“Yeah!” chimed in Dr. Andrew Parker, a Media Studies professor who
wrote his thesis on the Star Wars prequels. “And we PhDs shouldn’t be
afraid to call ourselves doctors, either!”

“Did we have to invite him to this Zoom chat?” asked Blanchard, wincing.

Dental society members say that they believe patients are adequately
protected by the minimal safety protocols that were in place early in
the pandemic.

“It was a battle, but we were able to get our members to agree to
regularly wash their hands last April,” said Blanchard. “After many
months of research and development, we were able to implement a new
tool that will allow our dentists to perform their work from six feet

With one hand on a stainless steel lever, Blanchard showed The Manatee
how the device is operated.

“You turn this wheel, see, and that rolls up this bit of string, which
then pulls back this rubber band, causing these pincers to open and
close. When open, any number of dental tools can be placed inside of
these tongs. As you can see, it is now using a tartar scraper.”

The device’s joints creaked as its metal arm made sharp jabbing
motions in the general direction of the exam chair.

“Since we’ve begun introducing these instruments across the province,
we are proud to announce that the spread of COVID via our dentists has
been kept to an acceptable minimum,” he said, proudly.

But what about the alarming uptick in eye-gougings?

“Pffft,” Blanchard scoffed. “What do we care? We’re not optometrists.”

Deja Vu Anyone???

Hearings on mandatory vaccines for students draw speakers on both sides of issue

Legislative committee studying bill proposing all schoolchildren be vaccinated
Elizabeth Fraser · CBC News · Posted: Aug 26, 2019 1:27 PM AT

"The public have a right to be heard and there are members of the
public who hold positions against the vaccination regime," Cardy said.

But the minister, who will be the first to speak to the committee when
the hearings get under way Tuesday, said he plans on addressing who
the vaccine opponents are.

"They are people who have had their medical licences yanked. They are
people who are on the internet espousing bizarre conspiracy theories."

    Education minister likens unvaccinated students to guns in schools

Cardy said many parents in the province have sent him online articles
about the dangers of vaccines, which he said are untrue.

"They're playing on the fears that a lot of parents have," he said.

Others on the agenda for the hearings, which run through Thursday,
include Dr. Serge Melanson of the New Brunswick Medical Society,
Norman Bosse of the Office of the Child, Youth and Seniors' Advocate,
and Paul Blanchard of the New Brunswick Pharmacists' Association.

Methinks CBC is far more fun to watch particularly when they are
yapping about a CTV debate N'esy Pas?

Cardy, Gallant spar over Nazi parody video tweeted by NDP candidate

David Alward, Brian Gallant and Dominic Cardy participate in final
leaders' debate
CBC News · Posted: Sep 19, 2014 8:57 AM ET

NDP Leader Dominic Cardy reached out to shake Liberal Leader Brian
Gallant's hand over a candidate's decision to link to a parody video
that compared the Liberals to Nazis. (CTV debate)

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)" <>
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2021 11:45:02 +0000
Subject: RE: YO Higgy Methinks the PANB, THE CBC and the RCMP et al
knew long ago that I am not joking about the clowns within the Manatee
N 'esy Pas?


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Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
P.O Box/C. P. 6000 Fredericton New-Brunswick/Nouveau-Brunswick E3B 5H1 Canada
Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Mitton, Megan (LEG)" <>
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2021 11:44:47 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Higgy Methinks the PANB, THE CBC and the
RCMP et al knew long ago that I am not joking about the clowns within
the Manatee N 'esy Pas?

Merci de votre courriel, votre message a bien été reçu. Mon bureau
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Thank you for your e-mail. Your message has been received. My office
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---------- Original message ----------
From: Ministerial Correspondence Unit - Justice Canada <>
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2021 11:43:18 +0000
Subject: Automatic Reply

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Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable David Lametti, ministre de la
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En raison du volume de correspondance adressée au ministre, veuillez
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Nous ne répondons pas à la correspondance contenant un langage offensant.

---------- Original message ----------
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2021 07:43:15 -0400
Subject: YO Higgy Methinks the PANB, THE CBC and the RCMP et al knew
long ago that I am not joking about the clowns within the Manatee N
'esy Pas?
To: "blaine.higgs" <>,,, oldmaison <>, andre
<>, jbosnitch <>, "robert.gauvin"
"Jacques.Poitras" <>, "steve.murphy"
"Dale.Morgan" <>, "Mark.Blakely"
<>, "barbara.massey"
<>, "andrea.anderson-mason"
<>, "hugh.flemming"
<>, "Dominic.Cardy" <>, gerald
<>, "David.Coon" <>, mcu
"Roger.L.Melanson" <>, "Kevin.leahy"
<>, "Arseneau, Kevin (LEG)"
<>, "Mitton, Megan (LEG)" <>
Cc: motomaniac333 <>, "kris.austin"
<>,, "michelle.conroy"

Tuesday, 28 December 2021

How an N.B. couple bonded over a love of satire and gave birth to a Manatee

How an N.B. couple bonded over a love of satire and gave birth to a Manatee
Founders of satirical website read the same gloomy news you do - then
they rewrite it and make it hilarious

Marie Sutherland · CBC News · Posted: Dec 28, 2021 8:00 AM AT

Shauna Case and Alex Vietinghoff, founders of the satirical website
the Manatee, delight in poking fun at all things New Brunswick —
including themselves. Here, they pose for an engagement photo with the
toilet paper they hoarded during the pandemic. (Alex Vietinghoff)

To some people, New Brunswick might not seem the most exciting
province in the country.

It might seem like a less razzle-dazzle version of upscale provinces
like British Columbia, a less boasty version of powerhouse provinces
like Ontario.

In fact, there are rumours — hotly denied and never openly spoken of —
that some people refer to it as No Funswick.

Shauna Chase and Alex Vietinghoff are not those people.

To this Fredericton couple, born and raised No Funswickers, New
Brunswick is such a hotbed of hilarity, outrageous goings-on and
bizarre political antics they had to create a website to hold it all.

That website is The Manatee, and if you've ever taken even a casual
look at it, three things probably happened: 1) you laughed out loud,
2) you bookmarked it and 3) you realized New Brunswick might just be
the Most Funswick province of them all.
Who needs onions when you have manatees?

It started in 2014.

Chase and Vietinghoff were just friends back then, with a mutual
fondness for the sort of sass and sarcasm served up on The Onion, a
U.S.-based satirical website.

"We'd send each other Onion articles" and muse about how New Brunswick
sort of has an Onion flavour of its own, Chase said.

It was a fact few seemed to be aware of.

There were other Canadian satirical websites, but they rarely covered
anything that happened in Atlantic Canada.

"It was like they didn't know about the Maritimes," Chase said.

She and Vietinghoff mused that maybe they should start their own website.

"And so we decided to do that."

Vietinghoff proposed to Chase in 2020, adhering to strict COVID-19
public health protocols, of course. In this re-enactment, he proffers
her the engagement ring, taped to a stick, from a safe distance.

Together, they birthed the Manatee, writing posts about news events
and local personalities and bringing on other writers who shared their

It didn't take long before the Manatee got noticed.

One of their earliest stories, a satirical Halloween post warning New
Brunswickers that the government had imposed a curfew on trick or
treating, caused quite a kerfuffle.

"Anyone found going door to door past 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 31
will be fined a minimum of $100, up to a maximum of $500 depending on
the number of children in their group and the amount of effort put
into the costumes, with smaller fines for more creative families," the
post warned.

    Satirical website The Manatee tricks New Brunswick for Halloween

New Brunswickers, who weren't yet accustomed to being Manatee'd, were
outraged. They phoned their mayors, they phoned police, they phoned
whoever they could think of who could do something to put a stop to
this crackdown on Halloween fun.

"People freaked out," Chase said. "The Fredericton police had to issue
a statement that it wasn't true [because] they got so many calls."

That put the Manatee on the map, and its writers haven't looked back since.

    A Manatee story titled 'New Brunswick's 10 most beautiful
clear-cuts, ranked' featured this photo of an underrated tourism
attraction, noting 'the juxtaposition of new growth struggling to
reach beyond the dead trees creates a stark contrast that delights
onlookers.' (The Manatee)

Seven years later, the website has perfected the art of snarkasm and
has built a robust catalog of favourite targets.

Irving-owned everything is a favourite whipping boy.

"People are obsessed with the Irvings," Chase said. "It's something
that's controversial in New Brunswick, the Irving family and
everything they do. So it's pretty easy to make fun of that."

Hence you'll find headlines like this one: "Irvings buy naming rights
to every child born in 2020."

"If you're pregnant or planning to become pregnant in the next few
months, your baby could be named by and after the Irving Group of
Companies," the Manatee warned in that September 2019 story.

Provincial and municipal politicians are treated to frequent snark baths.

Nuisance deer, sports and COVID-19 also come in for almost weekly
roastings, and on a good day, the Manatee can take out two targets
with one arrow, as it did in this story in November: "Omicron COVID
comes from anti-mask N.B. deer, says Public Health."

New Brunswick's health-care struggles have spawned countless
headlines. Take the government's desperate scramble to cope with
hospital staff shortages by rotating emergency department closures at
various hospitals.

The Manatee's take? "New Brunswickers shooting themselves in order to
be admitted to ER," with quotes from fake patients who'd successfully
busted in.

"Yeah, it's already starting to heal quite nicely," said patient David
Oates, rubbing his fingers over his swollen bullet wound. "It was
painful, I'm not going to lie to you, but when the nurses saw it, they
ushered me right in."

Basically, Chase said, nothing is off-limits, and if it seems like it
should be off-limits, then it's probably going to be one of the site's
most popular posts.

The Irvings are favourite Manatee subjects. This 2019 post warned
parents that baby-naming rights were being handed over to the Irving
family. (The Manatee)

Reality got you down? Rewrite it!

The key to effective satire, Chase said, is having it firmly rooted in
reality. It has to have an element of absurdity, and if you're really
lucky, has an almost magically therapeutic, blood-pressure-lowering
effect on the reader.

It's a way to help people cope with stress by letting off steam and
nervous energy, much as sports do but without the physical effort and
unpleasant perspiration.

"The stories that do the best are based on real events," putting of a
humorous spin on nettlesome reality, Chase said.

WATCH: New Brunswick man GPS voice
The Manatee's N.B. GPS man will getcha there, no probs
6 hours ago
Duration 0:48
What if Garmin introduced a New Brunswick man GPS voice? A satirical
website took that idea and ran with it. 0:48

Chase and Vietinghoff, who are now married, both write for the
website, with Chase also handling administrative duties and
Vietinghoff handling video.

Three other writers — Shawn Rouse, Brandon Hicks and Paul Lewis —
round out the main contributors stable and have been writing for the
website since it began.

    A very New Brunswick book list: 2021 edition

The writers have honed their style over the years, learning as they
go, and are constantly delighted by New Brunswickers' endearing
willingness to laugh at themselves — with occasional, extremely heated

Chase learned that the hard way, when she posted what she thought was
a fairly innocuous story.

The headline was "Report: Nobody wants to go to your games night."

"I didn't think anything of it when I posted it, but before long
people were emailing me personally to tell me off," Chase said.

Despite the occasional negative feedback, Chase and Vietinghoff plan
to let the Manatee continue exposing New Brunswick's underbelly as
long as people keep wanting to see it.

It won't ever make them rich, but that was never the plan, Chase said.

It's always been a labour of love, with all contributors, including
themselves, writing as volunteers and with the revenue from ads
generating just enough to cover the web hosting fees.

"I think it's really cool that despite us not being able to offer
anyone money, they still do it, and have been doing it for years,"
Chase said. "It's a lot of work, but it's really fun to do."
Marie Sutherland

Marie Sutherland is a web writer with CBC News based in Saint John.
You can reach her at

    Follow Marie on Twitter

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices


David Amos
Why does this spin not surprise me???

Robert William  Trusted by a Community Administrator.
Reply to @David Amos: c and g and jc feel threatened, by me, a
tracker, affixed to my post.

David Amos
Reply to @Robert William: Perhaps we should talk

Robert William  Trusted by a Community Administrator.
Reply to @David Amos: sorry, my mistake, c b c's fault, go figure

Myc Baker
Most days it’s difficult to tell if an article is CBC or manatee…

David Amos
Reply to @Myc Baker: C'est Vrai

Johnny Lawrence
Reply to @David Amos: replying to yourself, nice.

David Amos
Reply to @Johnny Lawrence: Dream on

Geoff MacDonald
Reply to @Myc Baker: Very true. The quality of reporting here is
questionable here at the best of times. Remember ladies and gentlemen,
if it's woke, it's a joke.

David Amos
Reply to @Geoff MacDonald: Trust that I am not joking about these clowns

Alex Vietinghoff is a freelance cinematographer and videographer
based in Fredericton, New Brunswick. He is best known for his
cinematography, editing, and documentary filmmaking, but is also the
co-founder of The Manatee, a satirical news website. Little-known
fact: Alex is also a professional narrator/voice actor and has been
the voice of numerous commercials, ads and videos that have aired on
television, radio and the web.

Alex Vietinghoff's Cinematography and Editing Demo Reel
Sep 7, 2016
VIP Adventures
1.06K subscribers
Alex Vietinghoff is a filmmaker, videographer and editor based in New
Brunswick, Canada. For work enquiries please e-mail


I’m a filmmaker, cinematographer, multimedia specialist, and avid
craft beer fan. I have years of experience in journalism, marketing,
and communications, but I love being behind a camera; telling stories
with eye-catching visuals.

Horizon Health Network
Dec 2018 – Present
Creative Communications Advisor

Creating engaging visual content for Horizon’s web platforms and
social media. Special focus on video, photography, and animation.
Working with the communications team to develop video content that
furthers the Horizon brand strategy.

CBC New Brunswick
04/2018 – 02/2021
Digital Associate Producer

Casual Digital Associate Producer and back-fill for Video Producer and
Videographer positions. Responsibilities include posting to CBC N.B.
social media, conceptualizing videos, shooting, editing videos and
using After Effects to create animations and visual effects to
increase video production value and polish.
SarCatStic Media
2010 – Present

Producing promotional videos, short documentaries and award-winning
short films with a special focus on travel and adventure
documentaries. Managing online video channels and interacting with
viewers. Freelance video production for various companies and clients.
Notable clients include Maclean’s, Bell, CBC, and the Government of
New Brunswick.

The Manatee
10/2014 – Present
Co-founder, Video Editor, Writer, Web Editor

Atlantic Canada’s satirical news website. Boasts province-wide
readership across New Brunswick and thought-provoking, entertaining
articles. Won the 2015 Saint John Salty award for New Brunswick’s
“Coolest Blog.” In 2016 The Manatee expanded from only covering New
Brunswick stories to covering all of Atlantic Canada.

10/2015 – 03/2017

Beerocracy is a feature documentary and TV series about the New
Brunswick craft alcohol industry; it’s potential for economic growth,
job creation, and as a tourism driver, as well as the challenges that
could prevent it from growing. I am the cinematographer, co-director,
editor, English narrator, co-researcher, co-writer.

Trekkit TV
11/2013 – 2/2017
Adventure Documentary Filmmaker

Filming 30 minute TV episodes on travel, adventure, and nature
exploration for television and web.  Producing Trekkit videos for the
smartphone app and promotions. Posting on Trekkit social media to
build a united brand and engage a growing audience.
Outreach Productions
01 / 2014 – 07/2015
Videographer/Multimedia Creator

Meeting with clients to understand their needs for branding and
video/multimedia production. Finding and telling stories through a
visual medium. Pitching a product, writing, filming and editing the
product, all while integrating the client as part of the creative
process. Part of a team effort to create high-quality corporate
branding and promotions. Additionally, narrating videos, updating
numerous social media channels in English and French and creating
graphics animation. From July 2015 on, working in a freelance capacity
for videography and editing.
The Northern Light
05 / 2012 – 08 / 2012
Multimedia Reporter

Summer internship. Reported on local news, events, and politics for a
weekly print publication and online. Captured video and images for web
use and photo galleries.
Freelance Voice-Over Artist
2007 – Present
Voice Artist

Narrating documentaries, commercials, tutorials, dubbing videos in
English and French, taking direction from sound designers and
directors in studios or recording from home studio.
St. Thomas University (CA)
2008 – 2012
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) , Journalism

Off-Campus representative (2009-2010) Student Senator (2010-2011) VP
Student Life (2011-2012) STU Singers (2010-2012) The Aquinian (student
newspaper) (2011-2012)

“Best low-budget NB documentary” -Silver Wave Film Festival (2015)

“Excellence in Sound Design” -Silver Wave Film Festival (2014)
Saint John Salty Award for New Brunswick’s “Coolest Blog” (2015)
Tom McCann Memorial Trophy (2012)
SRC Leadership Award (2012)
N.B. Youth Environmental Leadership Award(2007)
Junior Achievement Individual Sales Award (2005)



    Multimedia Journalism
    Online Journalism
    Broadcast Journalism
    Radio Broadcasting
    Radio Host
    Social Media
    Fitness Training
    Narrative Journalism
    Voice Over
    Voice Acting
    Studio Recording
    Copy Editing
    Audio Editing
    Public Speaking
    Staff Supervision

Board of Directors

Rudy Walters (President)

Sharon Buchanan (Vice-President)

Barbara (Laurie) Higgins (Secretary)

Gerry Redmond (Treasurer)

Craig Dykeman

Jason Inness

Randall Leavitt

Larry Lynch

Tom L’Huillier

Frank Mullin

Aaron Richter

Bob Vautour

People's Alliance
127 Main St - Suite 206
Fredericton NB
E3A 1C6
Phone: (506) 455-3015

---------- Original message ----------
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2019 16:07:58 -0300
Subject: I called a dude named Rudy in Riverview and obviously I
contacted the RCMP for you Methinks you all should check Section 300
of the Canadian Criminal Code N'esy Pas?
To: "Shawn @ The Manatee" <>, "Dale.Morgan"
<>, "Mark.Blakely"
<>, "Gilles.Blinn"
Cc:,, oldmaison
"Kevin.Vickers" <>, "robert.gauvin"
"Jacques.Poitras" <>, "steve.murphy"
"hon.ralph.goodale" <>, "barbara.massey"
<>, "andrea.anderson-mason"
<>, "hugh.flemming"
"Dominic.Cardy" <>, gerald <>,
"kris.austin" <>, motomaniac333

Feel free to save the recording of my voicemail to Rudy I will wish to
argue every word of it

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Shawn @ The Manatee" <>
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2019 13:50:25 -0300
Subject: Re: RE Fake News by Rudy Walters Who says what people publish
is not libel just because they think it is funny?
Cc:,, oldmaison
"Kevin.Vickers" <>, "robert.gauvin"
"Jacques.Poitras" <>, "steve.murphy"
"hon.ralph.goodale" <>, "barbara.massey"
<>, "andrea.anderson-mason"
<>, "hugh.flemming"
"Dominic.Cardy" <>, gerald <>,
"kris.austin" <>, motomaniac333

Hi David, calling people at their houses and harassing them actually
is illegal, like you did to me. Satire fortunately is not illegal.
Please do not contact us for any reason.


Cc: everyone on this crazy train
>> On Oct 2, 2019, at 9:53 AM, David Amos <>
>> wrote:
>> KISS NB wins provincial election in startling upset
>> 0NB, News, Politics
>> September 24, 2018
>> Posted by Rudy Walters  I called this number and left a message (506
>> 389-2601)
>> KISS NB wins provincial election in startling upset
>> New Brunswick — In a shocking turn of events, Gerald Bourque and the
>> KISS NB party have won the New Brunswick provincial election.
>> This result surprised everybody as KISS NB, or “Keep It Simple
>> Solutions, New Brunswick,” were hovering around 0.5 per cent in the
>> polls heading into today’s election. Experts are scrambling to
>> determine what caused this sudden shift in popularity.
>> KISS NB won all nine ridings in which they had candidates running, and
>> are in line to form a minority government. The Liberals, Conservatives
>> and People’s Alliance each won eight seats, the Green Party took seven
>> seats, the NDP picked up six seats and three independents were
>> elected.
>> The other parties would not commit to forming a coalition government.
>> “Those third parties split the vote; if they had stayed out of things
>> then the people would have the Conservative government they
>> desperately need!” exclaimed an upset Blaine Higgs. “I’m not about to
>> work with any other parties to provide a watered-down version of what
>> we came to offer.”
>> Brian Gallant was also quick to brush aside the possibility of a
>> coalition government.
>> “Sure, we could join forces with the Green Party and NDP which would
>> give us the highest seat count, but who would they make premier? Me! I
>> made that mistake once, but being in opposition is much easier —
>> nobody asks you tough questions or expects you to live up to your
>> promises. Being premier is actually really hard.”
>> Even KISS NB voters seemed surprised by tonight’s results.
>> “I never really thought about who I was voting for,” explained Bruce
>> Mullin of Miramichi. “I knew about all the other parties and I can’t
>> stand them. I thought I would send a message by voting for somebody
>> who had absolutely no chance of winning. I guess most people had the
>> same idea!”
>> Apathy in the established parties wasn’t the only draw for KISS NB,
>> though. Andrew Steeves of Petitcodiac, who wore a jean jacket and
>> smelled like he was celebrating the marijuana legalization a little
>> early, provided some insight on why he voted KISS NB.
>> “A few of my friends thought it would be funny to spoil our ballots to
>> stick it to the man. Before I had a chance to draw pentagrams and
>> devil horns all over it, I noticed the KISS party was running. I
>> didn’t even know KISS was an option. I quickly changed my mind and
>> voted KISS, mainly because I think Gene Simmons will be the best
>> president this province has ever seen!”
>> KISS NB Leader and Premier-elect Gerald Bourque was just as surprised
>> as everybody else.
>> “I have no clue how we won. I didn’t have nearly enough candidates
>> running to form government…I still don’t understand the math.”
>> When asked about his plan to govern, Bourque didn’t provide much insight.
>> “I dunno, I guess we’ll build a couple of them toll booths to raise
>> money. I really can’t remember what else we promised — I didn’t expect
>> I’d have to remember!”
>> While analysts struggle to explain the phenomenon that led to KISS NB
>> forming government, everybody seems to agree that the future of New
>> Brunswick is not likely to improve anytime soon.
>> Our mandate is to bring Atlantic Canada’s dark underbelly to light.
>> Based in New Brunswick, The Manatee has been shedding light on untold
>> stories since October of 2014.
>> Our highly trained news-hounds have no greater purpose in life than
>> covering the stories that matter to the public. Our mantra is “Truth
>> comes first.”
>> Click the authors’ names to see all their stories.
>> Editorial Staff:
>> Shauna Chase: Co-founder, managing editor, writer, copy editor –
>> Alex Vietinghoff: Co-founder, advertising, writer, video editor –
>> Web developer/host:
>> Shawn Rouse –
>> Photo Editors:
>> Paul Lewis (Photo)                          Alex Vietinghoff (Photo,
>> Video)
>> Featured Contributors:
>> Brandon Hicks  Colin Smith
>> Derek Nason  Eric Robichaud
>> AJ Northrop  Tanya Daigle
>> Disclaimer:
>> The Manatee is a satirical news site offering fictional, critical
>> observations of popular culture and current events. It is intended to
>> be humorous with a harsh dose of reality. Any interview subjects’
>> resemblance to a member of the public not in the public eye is purely
>> coincidental and should not be taken seriously. Quotes and stories
>> from real people in the public eye are fictional and intended for
>> satire only. All content (including without limitation likenesses,
>> quotes, figures, facts, etc., collectively, “Content”) hosted on The
>> Manatee websites and associated social media accounts (“The Manatee
>> Sources”) is fictitious and satirical and should not be taken
>> seriously. The Manatee Sources and Content are provided as is. By
>> accessing any of The Manatee Sources you acknowledge and agree that
>> such access, any use of Content, and/or linking to other websites or
>> accounts from The Manatee Sources are entirely at your own risk.
>> Stories written by contributors hosted on The Manatee Sources do not
>> necessarily reflect the personal opinions and/or views of Shauna
>> Chase, Alex Vietinghoff, and any companies whose advertisements appear
>> on the website. Images on the The Manatee Sources may consist of
>> original photos, commissioned artwork or stock photography and
>> creative commons photos. Use of these works does not suggest that the
>> respective authors endorse us, our use of the work, or the opinions
>> and/or views of the work the photos appear in.





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