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Fundy Royal campaign targets middle class with focus on jobs

Fundy Royal voters have elected Conservatives all but 1 time in 28 elections over 101 years

Candidates running in Fundy Royal are appealing to the middle class in the typically Tory-dominant riding, with a focus on jobs and the economy.

The Conservatives have strong roots in the southern New Brunswick riding — this area has given its support to the Conservatives in every election for the past century, save for 1993, when Liberal Paul Zed won office.

In 2011, Conservative incumbent Rob Moore captured nearly 60 per cent of the vote.

Moore said he hopes the party's record, with its focus on the economy and direct benefits to people, will earn him another term in office.

The Tory incumbent pointed to programs, such as the Universal Childcare Benefit, as well as family income splitting and pension income splitting, that has left more money in the pockets of Canadians.

But, he said, he has also delivered on bringing federal cash to his ridinng.

Moore says the biggest question he's heard at the door is how the next government will move the regions's economy forward.

He says the answer lies in TransCanada Corp.'s proposed Energy East pipeline.

"The [Irving Oil] refinery is employing many people in our region, there's a lot of spinoff benefits, and if we can bring that resource from Alberta to New Brunswick to be refined and sold from our port, that is a great economic opportunity," said Moore.

Liberals focus on seniors, middle class

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau campaigned in Sussex earlier in the campaign. The Liberals are hoping to knock off the Tories for only the second time in a century. (Courtesy Alaina Lockhart/Facebook)

The Liberals are trying hard to knock off the Tories. Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau has already appeared in Sussex, the largest community in the riding.

Liberal candidate Alaina Lockhart said she is trying to appeal her campaign to the middle class.

"That's the majority of Fundy Royal," said Lockhart, who has owned Lockhart's Weddings and Special Occasions Inc. since 2004.

"People working everyday to make ends meet and the fact that we have a national campaign focused on strengthening the middle class to put more money in their pockets to then stimulate the economy, I'm encouraged by that," she said.

Lockhart says her party's focus on seniors through initiatives like affordable housing, strengthening the Canada Pension Plan and guaranteed income supplement would benefit the region.

"They worked hard their whole lives and we need to make sure they have secure retirements," she said.

Hopeful for change

NDP candidate Jennifer McKenzie says she's sensing an eagerness for change in the large riding.

McKenzie, an electrical engineer living in St. Martins, threw her name in after becoming "discouraged and disillusioned by the current government."

People want our youth back, we want to have reasons to stay here.
- NDP candidate Jennifer McKenzie

The region has lost a lot of its youth because of the Harper government's lack of focus on the economy, she said.

" be part of the economy and have jobs," she asid.

"The current government's focus on the prairie provinces in the oil and gas industry left New Brunswick and the Atlantic provinces neglected, and we actually had a three year recession here."

McKenzie says the NDP's focus on small business would better serve the area's economy.

"Our agricultural industry should be flourishing, we have to make sure we protect the family farm, there's fishing, forestry, I'm proud of our tourism initiatives, so much is a good fit to the NDP," she said.

Lost youth

The proposed Energy East pipeline could add new jobs to the communities inside Fundy Royal, according to Conservative MP Rob Moore. (Dan Riedlhuber/Reuters)

The proposed Energy East pipeline is popular in many parts of the southern New Brunswick riding, but the Green candidate said it is the wrong way to attract investment.

Stephanie Coburn, the Green Party candidate for Fundy Royal, says the promise of 14,000 direct and indirect full-time jobs across Canada is "hugely exaggerated."

"The pipeline is a bad idea for people locally and we heard about the pipeline spills in northern Alberta and Michigan, and that ... oil they hope to bring in through the pipeline is impossible to cleanup," Coburn said.

"It's a bad idea nationally because it's all going to be exported … And it's going to contribute so much to the greenhouse gases we're trying to avoid to the globe, and exacerbate global warming terribly."

Coburn says she has heard encouragement for her party at the door, a big turnaround from when she first stepped into the political arena in 2010.

"Now I feel I'm finally not talking into the wind as I have been a long time about environmental issues," said Coburn.

"People are aware of the environmental problems we experience, and we're going to experience if we don't make some changes. That's a positive change from when I first ran."

Fundy Royal contains parts of the counties of Albert, Kings, Queens, Saint John and Westmorland and includes St. Martins, Salisbury, Sussex and Petitcodiac, as well as part of Quispamsis.


David Amos August 9, 2024
I am impressed that this comment section still exists today

David Amos July 7, 2024
I am impressed that this comment section still exists today
Doug Edmunds May 29, 2024
Slow day at the office? You've recycled this one at least 4 times since 2015 when it was first posted.

WHY are we looking at almost 10 year old "news".. as if it were somehow applicable/accurate to today?

Why is this not in archives and viewed from there?

David Amos June 10, 2024
Reply to Doug Edmunds 
There are no statute of limitations on my concerns
Doug Edmunds June 10, 2024
Reply to David Amos
Oh forgive me great one. I bow now.
David Amos June 10, 2024
Reply to Doug Edmunds 
Say Hey to your hero for me will ya?
David AmosJune 10, 2024
Reply to Doug Edmunds  
Methinks you should have scrolled through the comments for a little Deja Vu

Here is a dilly N'esy Pas?


0 seconds ago

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 9:28 AM

Subject: RE: I am curious

Mr. Amos, I confirm that I have received your documentation. There is

no need to send us a hard copy. As you have said yourself, the

documentation is very voluminous and after 3 days, we are still in the

process of printing it. I have asked one of my lawyers to review it

in my absence and report back to me upon my return in the office. We

will then provide you with a reply.

Martine Turcotte

Chief Legal Officer / Chef principal du service juridique

BCE Inc. / Bell Canada

1000 de La Gauchetière ouest, bureau 3700

Montréal (Qc) H3B 4Y7

Tel: (514) 870-4637

Fax: (514) 870-4877

Executive Assistant / Assistante à la haute direction: Diane Valade

Tel: (514) 870-4638

David Amos May 24, 2024
Its Apple Blossom Time and smell an intersting election in the breeze
Doug Edmunds May 29, 2024
Reply to David Amos
This is a 9-year old article.
David Amos June 10, 2024
Reply to Doug Edmunds 
Perhaps you should study it
Doug Edmunds June 10, 2024
Reply to David Amos
What? Why?

Forget you.
David Amos July 7, 2024
Reply to Doug Edmunds 
Trust that I won't forget you
David AmosJuly 7, 2024 

Reply to Doug Edmunds 
I already blogged about your insult 
Doug Edmunds July 7, 2024
Reply to David Amos
Alrighty then. So, no actual rebuttal or conversation, just you employing ad hominem again.. not surprised.  
David Amos July 7, 2024
Reply to Doug Edmunds

David Amos May 21, 2024
Content Deactivated
I am impressed that this comment section still exists today

David Amos April 8, 2024
I wonder if anyone recalls what transpired between Michael Kydd and I way back then

Justin Trudeau's 'Just watch me' note to Halifax man sold on eBay

Michael Kydd asked Trudeau in 2013, 'Can you really beat Harper?' and got note in reply

CBC Mainstreet · CBC News · Posted: Oct 21, 2015 3:43 PM ADT

David Amos February 12, 2024
BCE Inc.'s massive radio sell-off that includes 5 radio stations in Maritimes has cased some interesting spin

David Amos October 28, 2023
"Conservative Rob Moore has recaptured the seat of Fundy Royal after a rematch of his 2015 battle with Liberal incumbent Alaina Lockhart.

Moore held the riding from 2004 until 2015 when he was defeated by Lockhart as part of the red wave that swept over Atlantic Canada that election.

Moore told Global News that he welcomed the chance to once again represent the people of the riding.

“I’m honoured to have been given a mandate of representing the people of Fundy Royal,” he said. “It’s not something I take lightly and I’m looking forward to it.”

Moore said he felt that the policies of Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government did not sit well with the residents of the rural New Brunswick riding.

“Issues like the carbon tax have not gone over well here,” he said. “Affordability is a big issue and our platform and our record addressed that concern.”

With the exception of Lockhart’s win, the riding has long been considered a reliable Conservative district for the past 100 years.

Only Liberal Paul Zed’s win in 1993 interrupted the Tories’ dominance in the riding.

New Brunswick premier Blaine Higgs was on-hand to congratulate Moore’s win and said he was overjoyed to see Fundy Royal return to a Conservative riding.

“If you go back in history, you see this riding was pretty traditional as a PC riding, so I think it’s coming back to its roots and Rob was certainly a representative that’s worthy of support, and only got stalled last time around because of that wave coming through,” said Higgs."


Francewhoa October 17, 2015
Health care is another important topic for middle class. Together Natalie and Linda represents more than 700,000 public health care workers and their message to all Canadians is to vote Anything But Conservative party (ABC). Watch their video at

Both Natalie and Linda have a very clear position. Their message to all Canadians is to vote ABC (Anything But Conservative party).

They both express serious concerns about the Harper/Conservative Party having the WORST record with facilitating the Canadian public health care; The serious negative effects of the secret TPP deal; The high cost of prescription drugs.

Linda Silas is President of the Canadians Federation of Nurses Unions. Which represents more than half a million people in its network.

Natalie Mehra is the Director of the Ontario Health Coalition. Which represents nearly 200,000 nurses in the country.

David Amos July 7, 2024
Reply to Francewhoa
How are the nurses doing lately?

Justin Trudeau's Big Ego.October 17, 2015

Liberals focus on seniors and middle nb they have attacked those groups.

    Reply by CT.

October 17, 2015

@Fiddle Faddle __You got that backward,Harper is the one who put up pensions for old people to age 67.Let them work he said...It will give us a balanced Budged.
David Amos July 7, 2024
Reply to
Oh So True

Comment by David Amos.
October 17, 2015

BTW Rob Moore and I know the truth about Randy Quaid's questionable arrests in Canada and the USA. More importantly so does Randy I know that for a fact.

"I never worried about being found guilty or any of that for any of these charges because I know the truth, and I know the facts are going to come out at some point, and today was a good sign of that," Randy Quaid said

"Quaid and his wife Evi, a Canadian citizen, have been living in Montreal since February 2013."

"Robert Gervais, an official with the Immigration and Refugee Board, confirmed in an email to CBC News that a detention review hearing for Quaid is scheduled for Thursday afternoon.

But the reason for the actor's arrest is unclear.

Quaid, 64, was detained Tuesday morning after attending a regular check-in with CBSA officials in downtown Montreal.

Quaid's lawyer, Mark Gruszczynski, declined to shed light on the affair or to reveal the reason for Quaid's arrest."

legions October 17, 2015
I live in this riding and we are in desparate need of change.

David Amos July 7, 2024
Reply to legions
Yup and we still are

tony forward.October 17, 2015
I may be a little confused here, Is there not 5 candidates in this Riding.. Humm. Seems you forgot the Independent candidate, David Amos is running, heard him on the radio and has a u tube following, Funny how u tube has become become more accurate than the CBC. Shame on you, CBC. Lets just see if you will post this comment,,,

David Amos October 17, 2015
Reply to tony forward 
For the record CBC is well aware that I am the fifth candidate. Hance Colburne of CBC moderated the debate in Hampton on Oct 7th one before CBC posted on their website on Oct 14th his interview with Rob Moore on CBC airwaves

David Amos October 17, 2015
Anybody bother to notice I am the only person posting here with a real name and it is the same name that is on the ballot in Fundy Royal?

Do ya think the lawyer Rob Moore "The True Conservative" or any of the others would dare to debate me in writing with their true name within a website funded by the taxpayer and controlled by questionable public servants? How about outside the CROWN"s domain within the Yankee website called Twitter? That is where I play very serious Political Hard Ball. See for yourself or ask Rob Moore's hero Stevey Boy Harper if I am a liar or not.

David Amos October 17, 2015

I must Say I am rather impressed at CBC's sudden fit of Integrity to allow my posts to stand the test of time for a few hours at least. (: Rest assured that I have been saving digital snapshots just in case they delete and block me as usual :)

In return here is an old scoop about CTV that CBC and everybody else and his dog has been ignoring for 11 very long years after I ran in the election of the 38th Parliament against the aptly named lawyer Rob Moore.

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 9:28 AM

Subject: RE: I am curious

Mr. Amos, I confirm that I have received your documentation. There is

no need to send us a hard copy. As you have said yourself, the

documentation is very voluminous and after 3 days, we are still in the

process of printing it. I have asked one of my lawyers to review it

in my absence and report back to me upon my return in the office. We

will then provide you with a reply.

Martine Turcotte

Chief Legal Officer / Chef principal du service juridique

BCE Inc. / Bell Canada

1000 de La Gauchetière ouest, bureau 3700

Montréal (Qc) H3B 4Y7

Tel: (514) 870-4637

Fax: (514) 870-4877

Executive Assistant / Assistante à la haute direction: Diane Valade

Tel: (514) 870-4638

Comment by valleyboy1.
October 17, 2015

Rom Moore- Harper without the charisma!!!!!!

    Reply by Imagine if he'd been ready!.

October 17, 2015

@valleyboy1; harper without charisma? - A clone of harper then!
David Amos
Reply to
He is not as clever as Harper Hence he is no clone

Comment by David Amos.
October 17, 2015

Go figure

CBC writes lots about people who BS a lot then don't bother to put their name on a ballot. Yet I have done so FIVE times and they have never said a peep other than bar me from the airwaves and try to have their pals in the other CROWN Corp known as the RCMP arrest me. Page 14 of this old pdf file of mine is the reason why.

Comment by Indigo Mary.
October 17, 2015

Crooks. Corrupt people that feed us lies from the table. Conservatives are the downfall of Canada and so are all the others. There are few that could and would do a good job representing us. Most especially the Conservative Party.

David Amos
Reply to 
You seem confused
Comment by been-there-done-that.
October 17, 2015

It's the Trudeau / Liberal philosophy of big centralized government that has bled this region of it's industry and economy.

How many times over the last fifty years have we seen our businesses moved or pushed out of Southern New Brunswick because of some central Canadian decision making?

The ONLY Party that will see Energy East become a reality is the Conservatives. And make no mistake; Energy East is our last best chance to keep our region from drying up entirely.

Our economy cannot run on Tim Horton's franchises and retirement homes.

Only real industrial growth will bring life and jobs back to the Saint John area. And that will only happen with the Conservative Party at the helm.
Reply by Chipmunk.
October 17, 2015


But, it's just not going to happen. The Conservatives are headed for the opposition benches. If you want to have any voice in govt., your only choice is to vote Liberal and be part of the team. I really believe the Liberals are in favour of Energy East--they just want to make sure it is done right.
Reply by Cui Bono.
October 17, 2015


Yesterday been cast scorn on grits for advising Energy East how to lobby government.

To-day he claims only Harper is in favour of Energy East.

Being of the 1% been has no worries about tar in his water.
Reply by been-there-done-that.
October 17, 2015


I really think you believe that, because you are a Liberal supporter and are prone to fiction and hysteria.

Trudeau doesn't support Energy East any more than the NDP. He, in true Liberal fashion is straddling the fence, being as non-committal as possible, riding the media driven wave of anti-Harper rhetoric.

Vote like a lemming if you chose. There are no laws in the Country against stupidity. But remember, I will be reminding you over the next few years of just how monumentally naive you all were to fall for this sock puppet.

Oh, and be a part of the 'TEAM'?

If you think Trudeau listens to anyone other than his back room 'handlers', then I withdraw the term monumentally. There are no superlatives in English for that degree of naivety.
Reply by Cui Bono.
October 17, 2015


Why would any sensible person offer unreserved support for Energy East when the Environmental Review Board is stacked with Harper Party peons with ZERO knowledge of the environment beyond their exclusive golf courses?

Every member of Harper's Environmental review Board has ties to Big Oil.

You're asking people to suspend reason in favour of Harper Party propaganda, been. It ain't gonna happen.
Reply by CT.
October 17, 2015

@been-there-done-that You forget the 10 yrs of Harper...What happened there then...Nothing?? I thought he did so much for you guys you should all be doing great.All empty Talk really.
David Amos
Reply to 
Too Too Funny
Comment by David Amos.
October 17, 2015

Clearly there are FIVE candidates not merely four.

and everybody knows it

    Reply by CT.

October 17, 2015

@David Amos I'm sorry they ignored you,you have great points but you should really pick a demographic that is smarter.Here people vote for cons without ever using their brains.Sad really when all they represent are Irving ,the potash corp and their minions.They are owned by them and they don't even know it.

Comment by hopefuture.
October 17, 2015

Let's remember that Rob Moore is just another Yes Man to Stephen Harper. Why else would Harper have appointed him as a Minister, if not to be able to control him.

David Amos
Reply to
I never forgot it

Does Rob Moore actually believe that Harper did a good job on the economy...LOL...190 billion added to the debt and only one balanced budget (on the backs of veterans and cuts to healthcare) in a decade. I don't know I'm no economist but this economic record sounds pretty abysmal to me.
David Amos
Reply to Scoop70
Well Aaron how has your hero done since he became PM?
Al Clark
Reply to David Amos  
btw why is it that team manning still can't score on an empty net?
Al Clark
Reply to David Amos  
Watch what happens to polls when sunny ways pete ever releases any policy
David Amos
Reply to Scoop70 
Obviously I know who you are

Comment by David Amos.
October 17, 2015

It appears that the CROWN Corp known as CBC has failed its MANDATE once again and acted in a very partisan fashion in ignoring my name on the ballot. Correct? The real question is will the CROWN even allow this comment to be posted?

David Amos
Reply to David Amos 

Tall tale-telling politicos, take heed: You could soon find your claims put through the truth grinder by the folks at FactsCan, a newly launched website that aims to provide an independent, non-partisan fact-checking service during the upcoming federal election.

■FactsCan website

According to co-founder Dana Wagner, who also works as a researcher at Ryerson University in Toronto, the team behind the site wants to help voters "separate out the truth from spin, distortion, omission, error and lies."

"Our goal is to enable Canadians to critically engage in political-speak, and to encourage politicians to be honest and accurate with their words," she told CBC News via email.

Unlike many countries, she noted, Canada does not have a major fact-checking outlet — and FactsCan is hoping to change that before the next election.
Reply by RURAL GUY.
October 17, 2015

@David Amos was going to hold my nose and vote con until I seen your name right at the top of the ballot. I instantly checked yours without even looking any further. I've never seen such a poor choice for prime minister for our three main parties, ever. when harper polls as good as he is, kinda tells you something about the other two, yuk
David Amos
Reply to David Amos 


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David Amos
Reply to RURAL GUY 
Thank You for the vote of confidence Kind Sir

Comment by East_Coaster.
October 17, 2015

Im voting Rob Moore for sure, he has proven to be good for the riding. More than anyone else I can recall in the past.

Even if I don't care for Harper, I care for who is going to do the most for us here and he does.

    Reply by Maire Laine Jaune.

October 17, 2015

@East_Coaster; I have no doubt that you will.
Reply by East_Coaster.
October 17, 2015

@Laine Jaune

I dont see any better options, do you?
Reply by Scoop70.
October 17, 2015

@East_Coaster I guess you have a complete lack of understanding of our flawed electoral system. You are voting for Harper and his swinging dead cat niqab campaign of lies and fear. The rest of the country is going red whether you like it or not and we'll see how much ole Moore will do for you then especially where he has personally attacked Trudeau. At least Trudeau will fix this first past the post flawed system and stop all the wannabe dictators in the future.
Reply by Chipmunk.
October 17, 2015


Moore won't be able to do ANYTHING for you from the opposition benches.
Reply by East_Coaster.
October 17, 2015


Just because I am voting PC it means I don't have an understanding of our electoral system?

Don't get me wrong, is Harper the man that will fix everything? No, is Trudeau? No. Mulcair? Nope.

None of them has the silver bullet to fix things. I am not going to be a fool and think any of them can. If they did, then sure, I would be changing my vote. However we know that they don't.

I stand back and look at who is representing ME and what they HAVE done. Promises are just that and not worth too much no matter what party its coming from.

I am just happy I live in a country where I have the freedom to vote whomever I feel like and no one can stop me :)
Reply by Imagine if he'd been ready!.
October 17, 2015

@East_Coaster; just ask yourself what voting NDP has done for Acadie-Bathurst! - Yet they are prepared to vote NDP again thinking that they are punishing the Liberals when the ones they are punishing is themselves. - Smart voters vote on the side of the government 99% of the time.
Reply by Imagine if he'd been ready!.
October 17, 2015

@East_Coaster ; you have the freedom to vote for whomever you feel like and no one can stop you. - But you can't stop us to try to convince you to change your mind... although it is obvious that you will not.

Just hope that your grumbler will be a good holleyer in the opposition benches for you because he wont be able to do anything for you.
Reply by East_Coaster.
October 17, 2015

@Harper, the mailroom clerk gopher

So by your logic, I should vote Liberal simply because people are guessing that the PC's wont be in power and as a result if I vote PC my riding will get nothing?

Guess some people don't have a good understanding of how government works. Just because my local MLA isn't a member for the party in power doesn't mean the riding gets nothing.

I am voting for the person that best represents me and my needs, not necessarily he party.

I look at the 4 candidates in my riding. Who best represents me? the NDP and Liberal candidates have no experience and I don't feel they have what it takes to do what this riding needs. Green party, well, lets just not waste our time there.

I feel Rob Moore has what it takes and has done a lot for members of the riding and has held point positions in Ottawa that brought some great things to the country as a whole. Have the others? no.

Once again, its not about the party, its about who I think it the best person for the job.
Reply by CT.
October 17, 2015

@East_Coaster Your riding might be out of Luck because there is no place anymore for conservative ideology as it is now.Good Luck on getting your oily pipeline because that is why Rob Moore is running there.Smoothing the way for corporations to extract our resources and making you pay for the welfare they receive on the backs of New Brunswickers.You should really listen to CBC MORNINGS on weekdays so you can get caught up on what is happening in our province and Canada.
Reply by East_Coaster.
October 17, 2015


Listen to CBC Mornings? What is this? the 1950's?

I get my unbiased news from more pure sources around the world thanks.

What i find so amusing is how offended people get when you don't want to vote their way.

For the record, I could care less about a pipeline. I am not some blue collar worker. I have no complaints about the taxes I pay and how the money is spent and who gets what deals. It makes no difference to me at all.

If I don't like how things are here, I would just move.
David Amos
Reply to
"At least Trudeau will fix this first past the post flawed system and stop all the wannabe dictators in the future."

Yea Right Tell us another one Mr Kennedy

Comment by Mollydog.
October 17, 2015

All Rob Moore has ever done for this riding is collect a paycheck. Fundy Royal has been conservative for over 50 years because it is filled with people who vote based on tradition and not logic. The only thing Moore ever did was cry to Harper about Trudeau's speaking engagement at that charity in Saint John which was not even in his riding! For a reward, Harper made him head of ACOA. Is this type of pandering political reward system is common with the Harpercrites, but the people don't seem to care here. I love living where I am, but am embarrassed at how biased the voters are.

    Reply by Maire Laine Jaune.

October 17, 2015

@Mollydog; yup! - They could run a blue monkey in this riding and you would come up with the same blue results.
Reply by Imagine if he'd been ready!.
October 17, 2015

Come on, Fundy-Royal, vote Liberal for a change. It's not going to hurt you. But harper sure did for the last 10 years. What has he given to you or Atlantic Canada? - He despises us and reneged his roots. He included you when he said that we had a defeatist attitude. - Heave Steve!
Reply by Scoop70.
October 17, 2015

@Mollydog Unbelievable it is like they have gotten to like their abusers and have lost all consciousness of independent thought. they need to wake up and realize that the fracking and dirty oil pipelines coming through their property is coming from the conservatives.
Reply by 123.
October 17, 2015

@Harper, the mailroom clerk gopher

Guess who agrees with you? CONRAD BLACK ENDORSES TRUDEAU.

Didn't the Conservatives send a navy shipbuilding contract of $50 Billion to the Maritmes? Unfortunately, it's going through the Irvings.
Reply by Imagine if he'd been ready!.
October 17, 2015



Yet you did not see Conrad Black hand in hand with Trudeau like the Ford brothers did with harper. Criminals have the right to vote for who they want, you know.
David Amos
Reply to
Methinks you got your wish for four years N'esy Pas Aaron?

Comment by mo.
October 17, 2015

if you elect a conservative, you'll deserve getting screwed by steve for the next 4 years.

    Reply by tony506.

October 17, 2015

@mo Rather get screwed by him than Jihad Justin!
Reply by David Savoie.
October 17, 2015

@tony506 CONBOT at it's finest open your eyes do research if you do you will see a vote for CPC is a vote for racisim bigotry and less money for the middle class
Reply by Scoop70.
October 17, 2015

@tony506 Wooooo Woooo fear the goblins scare you on Halloween too?
Reply by 123.
October 17, 2015


The British and Swiss think we're doing very well. How do you think you are being screwed? More CANADIANS HAVE NEVER BEEN RICHER. How many banks failed during the 2008 crisis? The federal government went into debt to save the Ontario auto manufacturing industry, then sold their shares, once they returned to appropriate value. We have the best trade arrangements than any other country. How many did the Liberals negotiate, or end?

TRUDEAU wants to take CANADA in DEBT, to pay for infrastructure. Do you remember SAINT JOHN HARBOUR BRIDGE? DO you remember the MONTREAL BASED companies, and their shell game involving BANKRUPTCY, and insurance? How many permanent jobs did that create?
Reply by lifeisbutadream.
October 17, 2015

@fundyscott Seems like you are happy that the Brits, who are in a mess themselves, are patting Canadians on the back for a job well done. It's like my buddy, who is $50 k in debt, praising me for practising good money management because I am only making minimum payment on a $ 50 k credit card bill. David Cameron, Old Etonian, has run the NHS into the ground, Home Office has turned into a 'for-profit' business, changes to pensions, funding cuts for inner city programmes and the list goes on and on. Cameron, like Harper, cares only about the rich. Cameron did bucket and spade holiday in Cornwall when he was campaigning, trying to show how he could connect with ordinary Brits. Then, several weeks later, he went to Portugal (somewhere in Europe) for his 'real' family holiday, renting yatch for 000s quids per night. If you are poor, not Harper's/Conservative's problem! Britain giving Canada thumbs up means nothing here. Canada is a great country but I can't recognize it anymore. Rob Moore doesn't deserve another term!
Reply by Livin' the dream.
October 17, 2015

@fundyscott If anyone looks at your past post they can tell your a Con trol
Reply by Imagine if he'd been ready!.
October 17, 2015


What you fail to mention is: " More CANADIANS HAVE NEVER BEEN POORER !"
Reply by CT.
October 17, 2015

@tony506 Jihad John Williamson you mean.He likes to have terrorists under your bed

View the profile of "David Amos"
David Amos.
1 hr ago

This October Say Hey to Higgy or me will ya?

View the profile of "David Amos"
David Amos
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John Williamson would like folks to think I am such a thing as he fails to admit that he is my MP yet the calendar with his smiling face that he sent me is under my bed

Comment by Ms.-Understood.
October 17, 2015

The younger generation have been leaving the Maritimes and going West for years. This has nothing to do with the Harper Government......Even my Grandmother's family from the 1800's all headed west for opportunity....some stayed, some returned to the Maritimes.

View the profile of "David Amos"
David Amos
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Comment by Bathurst2.
October 17, 2015

All Clichés...

What are the candidates going to do for the people who voted them into office?

Will they vote against their party if it is not good for their riding?

This goes to all candidates in all ridings...
David Amos
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If they do they will get the boot

Commenting is now closed for this story.

View the profile of "David Amos"
David Amos
It appears that the CROWN Corp known as CBC has failed its MANDATE once again and acted in a very partisan fashion in ignoring my name on the ballot. Correct? The real question is will the CROWN even allow this comment to be posted?

View the profile of "David Amos" 
David Amos
@David Amos FYI

Tall tale-telling politicos, take heed: You could soon find your claims put through the truth grinder by the folks at FactsCan, a newly launched website that aims to provide an independent, non-partisan fact-checking service during the upcoming federal election.
■FactsCan website

According to co-founder Dana Wagner, who also works as a researcher at Ryerson University in Toronto, the team behind the site wants to help voters "separate out the truth from spin, distortion, omission, error and lies."

"Our goal is to enable Canadians to critically engage in political-speak, and to encourage politicians to be honest and accurate with their words," she told CBC News via email.

Unlike many countries, she noted, Canada does not have a major fact-checking outlet — and FactsCan is hoping to change that before the next election.

@David Amos was going to hold my nose and vote con until I seen your name right at the top of the ballot. I instantly checked yours without even looking any further. I've never seen such a poor choice for prime minister for our three main parties, ever. when harper polls as good as he is, kinda tells you something about the other two, yuk

View the profile of "David Amos"
David Amos 
@David Amos FACTS


CBC/Radio-Canada is Canada's national public broadcaster and one of its largest cultural institutions. In the fulfillment of this critical role, this Code of Conduct outlines the values and expected behaviours that guide CBC/Radio-Canada employees in all activities related to their professional duties. By committing to these values and adhering to the expected behaviours, CBC/Radio-Canada employees strengthen the ethical culture of the public sector and contribute to public confidence in the integrity of all public institutions.

1. Respect for Democracy

Subject to the Broadcasting Act, CBC/Radio-Canada employees shall uphold the Canadian parliamentary democracy and its institutions by:

1.1 Respecting the rule of law and carrying out their duties in accordance with legislation, policies and directives in a manner that is and appears to be non-partisan and impartial.

1.2 Loyally carrying out the mandate of CBC/Radio-Canada as set out in the Broadcasting Act, for which it is accountable to Parliament and Canadians.

1.3 Providing decision makers of CBC/Radio-Canada with the information, analysis and advice they need, always striving to be open, candid and impartial.

2. Respect for People

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2.1 Treating every person with respect and fairness.

View the profile of "David Amos" 
David Amos 
@RURAL GUY Thank You for the vote of confidence Kind Sir

 View the profile of "David Amos"
 David Amos
Clearly there are FIVE candidates not merely four.

and everybody knows it

View the profile of "CT"
@David Amos I'm sorry they ignored you,you have great points but you should really pick a demographic that is smarter.Here people vote for cons without ever using their brains.Sad really when all they represent are Irving ,the potash corp and their minions.They are owned by them and they don't even know it. 

View the profile of "David Amos"
David Amos
Go figure

CBC writes lots about people who BS a lot then don't bother to put their name on a ballot. Yet I have done so FIVE times and they have never said a peep other than bar me from the airwaves and try to have their pals in the other CROWN Corp known as the RCMP arrest me. Page 14 of this old pdf file of mine is the reason why. 

View the profile of "David Amos"
David Amos
I must Say I am rather impressed at CBC's sudden fit of Integrity to allow my posts to stand the test of time for a few hours at least. (: Rest assured that I have been saving digital snapshots just in case they delete and block me as usual :)

In return here is an old scoop about CTV that CBC and everybody else and his dog has been ignoring for 11 very long years after I ran in the election of the 38th Parliament against the aptly named lawyer Rob Moore.

----- Original Message -----
Cc: ;
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 9:28 AM
Subject: RE: I am curious

Mr. Amos, I confirm that I have received your documentation. There is
no need to send us a hard copy. As you have said yourself, the
documentation is very voluminous and after 3 days, we are still in the
process of printing it. I have asked one of my lawyers to review it
in my absence and report back to me upon my return in the office. We
will then provide you with a reply.

Martine Turcotte
Chief Legal Officer / Chef principal du service juridique
BCE Inc. / Bell Canada
1000 de La Gauchetière ouest, bureau 3700
Montréal (Qc) H3B 4Y7

Tel: (514) 870-4637
Fax: (514) 870-4877

Executive Assistant / Assistante à la haute direction: Diane Valade
Tel: (514) 870-4638

View the profile of "David Amos"
David Amos
Anybody bother to notice I am the only person posting here with a real name and it is the same name that is on the ballot in Fundy Royal?

Do ya think the lawyer Rob Moore "The True Conservative" or any of the others would dare to debate me in writing with their true name within a website funded by the taxpayer and controlled by questionable public servants? How about outside the CROWN"s domain within the Yankee website called Twitter? That is where I play very serious Political Hard Ball. See for yourself or ask Rob Moore's hero Stevey Boy Harper if I am a liar or not. 

tony forward
I may be a little confused here, Is there not 5 candidates in this Riding.. Humm. Seems you forgot the Independent candidate, David Amos is running, heard him on the radio and has a u tube following, Funny how u tube has become become more accurate than the CBC. Shame on you, CBC. Lets just see if you will post this comment,,, 

View the profile of "David Amos"
David Amos
@tony forward For the record CBC is well aware that I am the fifth candidate. Hance Colburne of CBC moderated the debate in Hampton on Oct 7th one before CBC posted on their website on Oct 14th his interview with Rob Moore on CBC airwaves

View the profile of "David Amos"
David Amos
BTW Rob Moore and I know the truth about Randy Quaid's questionable arrests in Canada and the USA. More importantly so does Randy I know that for a fact.

"I never worried about being found guilty or any of that for any of these charges because I know the truth, and I know the facts are going to come out at some point, and today was a good sign of that," Randy Quaid said

"Quaid and his wife Evi, a Canadian citizen, have been living in Montreal since February 2013."

"Robert Gervais, an official with the Immigration and Refugee Board, confirmed in an email to CBC News that a detention review hearing for Quaid is scheduled for Thursday afternoon.

But the reason for the actor's arrest is unclear.

Quaid, 64, was detained Tuesday morning after attending a regular check-in with CBSA officials in downtown Montreal.

Quaid's lawyer, Mark Gruszczynski, declined to shed light on the affair or to reveal the reason for Quaid's arrest."


RCMP admit many Canadians don't trust them

 RCMP Musical Ride
RCMP Musical RideCourtesy RCMP

View the profile of "Francewhoa"
Health care is another important topic for middle class. Together Natalie and Linda represents more than 700,000 public health care workers and their message to all Canadians is to vote Anything But Conservative party (ABC). Watch their video at

Both Natalie and Linda have a very clear position. Their message to all Canadians is to vote ABC (Anything But Conservative party).

They both express serious concerns about the Harper/Conservative Party having the WORST record with facilitating the Canadian public health care; The serious negative effects of the secret TPP deal; The high cost of prescription drugs.

Linda Silas is President of the Canadians Federation of Nurses Unions. Which represents more than half a million people in its network.

Natalie Mehra is the Director of the Ontario Health Coalition. Which represents nearly 200,000 nurses in the country.







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