Tuesday 9 August 2016

The Evil Neo Nazi Arty Baby Topham and his cohort the Zionist Barry Winters show the world their nasty arses.

---------- Original message ----------
From: Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.ca
Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2018 20:30:58 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Kenn Gividen (812) 372-1663 is an interesting Yankee
to be talking to Canadian Nazis EH?
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com

Thank you for writing to the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, Member
of Parliament for Vancouver Granville.

This message is to acknowledge that we are in receipt of your email.
Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence, there
may be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured that your
message will be carefully reviewed.

To help us address your concerns more quickly, please include within
the body of your email your full name, address, and postal code.

Please note that your message will be forwarded to the Department of
Justice if it concerns topics pertaining to the member's role as the
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada. For all future
correspondence addressed to the Minister of Justice, please write
directly to the Department of Justice at
> or call 613-957-42222.

Thank you


Merci d'avoir ?crit ? l'honorable Jody Wilson-Raybould, d?put?e pour
Vancouver Granville.

En raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de la correspondance
adress?e ? l'honorable Jody Wilson-Raybould, veuillez prendre note
qu'il pourrait y avoir un retard dans le traitement de votre courriel.
Nous tenons ? vous assurer que votre message sera lu avec soin.

---------- Original message ----------
From: Brian Gallant <briangallant10@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2018 12:34:59 -0800
Subject: Merci / Thank you Re: Kenn Gividen (812) 372-1663 is an
interesting Yankee to be talking to Canadian Nazis EH?
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com

(Français à suivre)

If your email is pertaining to the Government of New Brunswick, please
email me at brian.gallant@gnb.ca

If your matter is urgent, please email Greg Byrne at greg.byrne@gnb.ca

Thank you.

Si votre courriel s'addresse au Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick,
‎svp m'envoyez un courriel à brian.gallant@gnb.ca

Pour les urgences, veuillez contacter Greg Byrne à greg.byrne@gnb.ca


---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2018 16:30:53 -0400
Subject: Kenn Gividen (812) 372-1663 is an interesting Yankee to be talking to Canadian Nazis EH?
To: paul <paul@paulfromm.com>, arthur <arthur@radicalpress.com>, Brian Ruhe <brian@brianruhe.ca>, "Mark.Blakely" <Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
 maryann4peace <maryann4peace@gmail.com>, "hon.ralph.goodale" <hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>, "Gilles.Blinn" <Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, littlefarm1 <littlefarm1@windstream.net>,
washington field <washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, "Boston.Mail" <Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov>,
briangallant10 <briangallant10@gmail.com>, premier <premier@gnb.ca>,
"serge.rousselle" <serge.rousselle@gnb.ca>, Andrew Peacher <andrewpeacher2013@gmail.com>, Surrey Police Detective Constable 2054 Mr Grimwood <Andy.Grimwood@surrey.pnn.police.uk>, John paterson <John@patersonclan.net>, "David.Coon" <David.Coon@gnb.ca>,
"Dominic.Cardy" <Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>, "blaine.higgs" <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>,
 "greg.byrne" <greg.byrne@gnb.ca>, "randy.mckeen" <randy.mckeen@gnb.ca>,
oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>,
"Jacques.Poitras" <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, nmoore <nmoore@bellmedia.ca>,
 "jeremy.keefe" <jeremy.keefe@globalnews.ca>, Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.ca,
mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>, brlin@international.gc.ca, munic@international.gc.ca, chrystia.freeland@parl.gc.ca, info@ottawa.diplo.de, "guy.caron" <guy.caron@parl.gc.ca>,
"andrew.scheer" <andrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca>, leader <leader@greenparty.ca>,
 "Paul.Lynch" <Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca>, "paul.adams" <paul.adams@ppsc-sppc.gc.ca>, patrick_doran1 <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>, cps <cps@calgarypolice.ca>,
pol7163 <pol7163@calgarypolice.ca>, eps <eps@edmontonpolice.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
 Monika Schaefer <monika_schaefer@hotmail.com>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>,
"philip.bryden" <philip.bryden@gov.ab.ca>, "Kathleen.Ganley" <Kathleen.Ganley@assembly.ab.ca>, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East <info@cjpme.org>


Posted on January 7, 2018

Screen Shot 2018-01-06 at 8.36.22 AM.png


Activist jailed in Germany for making THIS VIDEO • UNBELIEVABLE /
Monika Schaefer
Kenn Daily
Published on Jan 5, 2018

Kenn Gividen
Libertarian Party of Indiana
2072 W. Northgate
Columbus, IN 47201
(812) 372-1663



Tuesday, 9 August 2016
The Evil Neo Nazi Arty Baby Topham and his cohort the Zionist Barry
Winters show the world their nasty arses.

 ---------- Original message ----------
From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)"
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2017 03:18:17 +0000
Subject: RE: RE Section 300 of the Criminal Code Well Monika Schaefer at least your published spit and chew with Ben Gadd has explained to me what the Hell a “Sayanim” is EH Cst Paul Lynch and Nazzy Baby?
To: David Amos

Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick.  Please be assured  that your email will be reviewed and if a response is requested, it will be forthcoming.

Nous vous remercions d’avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du Nouveau-Brunswick.  Soyez assuré(e) que votre  courriel sera examiné et qu’une réponse vous parviendra à sa demande.

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2017 23:17:54 -0400
Subject: RE Section 300 of the Criminal Code Well Monika Schaefer at least your published spit and chew with Ben Gadd has explained to me what the Hell a “Sayanim” is EH Cst Paul Lynch and Nazzy Baby?
To: Monika Schaefer , Ben@bengadd.com, leader , radical , "Gilles.Blinn" , "Paul.Lynch" , sunrayzulu , eps , cps , premier , premier , "Kathleen.Ganley" , "Marianne.Ryan" , Dean Ray , patrick_doran1 , eachtem , oldmaison , andre , "rod.knecht"
Cc: David Amos , GillesLee , "Leanne.Fitch" , "leanne.murray" , teddyspalace




A Reply and Challenge to Ben Gadd By Monika Schaefer
January 10, 2017 by admin 6 Comments

A Reply and Challenge to Ben Gadd

By Monika Schaefer

Sunday, January 8th, 2017

Back in December, Ben Gadd responded to the shock expressed by a
mutual friend about my expulsion from the Jasper Environmental
Associaton (JEA). A small sample from Ben:


Holocaust denial is a federal offense in Canada, a serious crime. It’s
hate speech, not free speech. That’s because it’s a particularly
virulent lie promulgated by anti-Semites. And anti-Semitism, as we all
know, has resulted in the hate-sparked deaths of millions of people
over many hundreds of years. Hate crimes of all sorts occur in Canada,
and they are not tolerated, especially this one. Nor is the public
expression of the hateful beliefs that fuel such crimes…

The following letter by Rocky Notnes seemed like a natural and logical
reaction to a situation by a person who apparently is not affected by
all the control words which are meant to elicit a certain programmed
response. He penned this letter after learning that I had been
expelled from the JEA.

etc etc etc

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Johnston, Jennifer JAG:EX"
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2016 21:48:29 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn MLA Coralee Oakes would you please have the RCMP explain to me what I am reading published by Arty Baby Topham about you and I
To: David Amos

I am out of the office.  I will not be checking my e-mail.  If this is urgent, please contact Kathy Backer at 250 992-4262.

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2016 18:02:09 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Attn MLA Coralee Oakes would you please have the RCMP explain to me what I am reading published by Arty Baby Topham about you and I
To: sbrt.minister@gov.bc.ca
Cc: David Amos

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2016 17:48:02 -0400
Subject: Attn MLA Coralee Oakes would you please have the RCMP explain
to me what I am reading published by Arty Baby Topham about you and I
To: coralee.oakes.mla@leg.bc.ca, premier ,
"craig.callens" , radical
, "jennifer.johnston"
, west.yellowhead@assembly.ab.ca, premier
, akemp
Cc: David Amos


"In conversation with Mr. Frost yesterday (August 7, 2016) he told me
that third party interested parties (including the local MLA for the
North Cariboo electoral district) who have gone to the courthouse and
requested the files on his case have been told that no such files
exist! Then, they have been escorted out of the courthouse by the
sheriffs in the courthouse.

Mr. Frost now refers to David Amos as David Anus because he is fully
aware that Amos is nothing but a self-absorbed, narcissistic asshole
who desperately craves attention in order to justify his own addled

FYI I just called your local ofice and your assistant hung up on me.

MLA Coralee Oakes
Cariboo North Constituency Office
#401 410 Kinchant Street
Quesnel, B.C.
V2J 7J5

Phone: 250-991-0296
Toll Free: 1-866-991-0296
Fax: 250-992-5629
Email coralee.oakes.mla@leg.bc.ca,
Victoria Office:
Parliament Buildings
Victoria, BC
V8V 1X4

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Rat Boy David Anus


Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Rat Boy David Anus



David Amos – Psychopath: Approach with extreme caution! a Public Safety Announcement from RadicalPress.com


David Amos statement by RadicalPress.com
[Editor’s Note: RadicalPress.com has know of David Amos for over a dozen years now and throughout that extended period of time David Amos has been subjecting RadicalPress.com to a continuous string of unsolicited, defamatory and spineless spam emails.

RadicalPress.com has requested numerous times that David Amos remove the email address for RadicalPress.com from his own list but David Amos has refused to cooperate with said requests and continues with his spamming.

RadicalPress.com is not the only website or individual who David Amos spams with his convoluted, confusing and continuous array of spam.

David Amos monitors RadicalPress.com continuously just like (former) Det. Terry Wilson of the B.C. Hate Crime Team used to (and presumably still does using his current civilian site) as well as the Zionist Jew lobby group B’nai Brith Canada and other Jewish troll sayanim.

Whenever an article is posted David Amos searches out the players and locates their contact emails and then begins spamming and slandering anyone who doesn’t fit into his own circumscribed psychic gulag that he dwells in.

Anyone supportive of justice and truth for Germany and all Revisionists are vilified by David Amos and insulted and referred to as “neo-Nazis” and other unsavoury Jewish spin words.

Judging from his own words David Amos is in full support of Canada’s unjust Hate Propaganda Laws contained in Sec. 318 to 320 of the Criminal Code of Canada.

In 2014 David Amos came out to British Columbia to meet with Frank Frost, Loni Landrud and myself in Prince George, B.C. It was his stated objective to bring along his legal papers and file them in the B.C. court system and that Mr. Frank Frost would assist him in doing so. It was during that period that I photographed Amos.

When the time came for David Amos to walk the walk and act upon his endless talk he chickened out and left it to Mr. Frost to enter into the court record whatever documents that he had brought with him. Frank Frost did this but since doing so all the court records in the Prince George Courthouse now show that there are no files relating to Frank Frost’s own court proceedings. Mr. Frost had earlier on been charged and arrested and incarcerated in the provincial prison in Prince George based upon false accusations from his former common law partner; accusations dealing with Ministry of Children and Family issues.

In conversation with Mr. Frost yesterday (August 7, 2016) he told me that third party interested parties (including the local MLA for the North Cariboo electoral district) who have gone to the courthouse and requested the files on his case have been told that no such files exist! Then, they have been escorted out of the courthouse by the sheriffs in the courthouse.

Mr. Frost now refers to David Amos as David Anus because he is fully aware that Amos is nothing but a self-absorbed, narcissistic asshole who desperately craves attention in order to justify his own addled existence.

One further point about David Amos is the fact that no amount of complaints registered against his spamming practises has resulted in gmail or any other server doing anything to stop him from doing what he does. This leads one to conclude that there’s a strong possibility that Amos is a mole for the RCMP, CSIS and the Jew lobbyists and is excluded from being subject to any anti-spamming rules.

This is but a very brief overview of David Amos. Below I’ve posted one of Anus’s recent spam mails sent out since the Monika Schaefer incident occurred. It is indicative of his manner of communicating and his disregard for anyone working to retain Canada’s right to freedom of speech. Again, as stated, avoid Amos or be prepared to have your email address spammed continuously.]

From: David Amos
Subject: by the looks of what the neo nazi Arty Baby Topham is publishing lately It seems to mean old me that Mayor Ireland of Jasper could use a fierce cyberspace buddy in short order.
Date: August 2, 2016 at 3:55:13 PM PDT
To: mfercho@town.jasper.ab.ca, rireland@town.jasper.ab.ca, premier , Radical@radicalpress.com, monika_schaefer@hotmail.com, jim.eglinski.c1@parl.gc.ca, west.yellowhead@assembly.ab.ca, reporter@fitzhugh.ca, editor@fitzhugh.ca, romanesq@shaw.ca, dan.palmer@greenparty.ca, Elizabeth.May@parl.gc.ca, emily.mcmillan@greenparty.ca, publisher@fitzhugh.ca, jcarpay@jccf.ca, jcameron@jccf.ca, paul , Brian Ruhe , craig.callens@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, “Charmaine.Bulger” , redicecreations@gmail.com, codohvideo@gmail.com, betabake@gmail.com, hall@uleth.ca, blair.mason@gov.ab.ca, rdoull@aberdeenpublishing.com, lbolton@aberdeenpublishing.com, min.dhariwal@cbc.ca, msampson@cija.ca, Rick.Bidaisee@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, truth@glaringhypocrisy.com, pm , “justin.trudeau.a1”
Cc: David Amos , “Paul.Lynch” , sunrayzulu , patrick_doran1 , pol7163

I doubt that any poltitician or cop will step up to the plate. After
all they have failed for 12 years to defend their own reputations from
Barry Winters and his fellow Zionists. So please feel free to forward
to mean old me whatever the neo nazis send you. Trust that I will take
them on with glee.

Perhaps the RCMP, Constable Paul Lynch and his client Barry Winters
would enjoy any emails that Topham’s friends send to the folks in
Jasper as well EH Premier Notley and PM Trudeau “The Younger”?

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369

When You Write a Letter on Monika Schaefer’s Behalf
July 29, 2016 by admin Leave a Comment

Mayor, Jasper, Alberta, Canada
Richard Ireland

Please also send Monika a copy as well:

If you can please include a copy to Radical Press:

Again, this is her crime:

Anthony Hall (View profile)
Office: A812H
Phone: (403) 329-2638
Email: hall@uleth.ca

Video denying holocaust causes uproar
Posted by: fitzhugh Posted date: July 13, 2016 In: Archive, Feature,
News | comment : 13

Comments (13)
Mr. X (Complainant in R v RadicalPress.com court case)
July 14, 2016 at 4:47 pm
Monika is repeating a number of well-worn too-clever-by-half
Holocaust denial “tropes” that have been calculated and re-used over
many years. I think it’s reasonable to suggest that unless she’s
clinically insane, that she is aware of this massive historical
genocide and also intended to cause pain and aggravation to Jews and
anyone else who fought or survived the Nazi regime, and deserves to be
brought to book for this. My hat is off to the Jasper Legion, and the
other good townspeople of Jasper who are taking measures to let this
woman know that her pronouncements are deeply racist and ridicule the
memory of the dead. Thank you Fitzhugh for publishing this article.

David Raymond Amos
July 16, 2016 at 7:46 pm
As I watched this latest Zionist versus Neo Nazi spit and chew
unfold within another little known newsrag in Alberta that I crossed
paths with in 2014 I figured I would handle it in the same fashion
that I did with the Tony Hall matter in Lethbridge Alberta.. I called
the editor and the the main players reported within the paper then
made a few comments of my own and let it ride because I can no longer
view it because of a paywall.

Trust that I don’t care about their argument but I will say that
anyone who sings the praises of Hitler or Zionists would not be wise
to do so in my presence

In a nut shell I am an agnostic Maritimer who has also run for
public office five times and sued more lawyers etc that most folks can
name. Right now I am rather busy arguing Her Majesty the Queen Dizzy
Lizzy II and her many minions in Federal Court (File no T-1557-15).
Thus this issue does not warrant much of my precious time. That said I
must also say that I do respect other people’s right to free speech
and their religious beliefs. However free speech does have its limits
as defined my the Criminal Code of Canada Sections 300 and 319 in
particular. I confess that I do not have any respect whatsoever for
liars and spin doctors who use religion to prey about others for their
own greedy ends. I have told them so in word and in writing and defy
anyone to argue me in public or better ye a court of law.

For the PUBLIC RECORD I see no need challenge the Integrity of
Monika Schaefer or her political foe Ken Kuzminsk or the RCMP or Susan
Coombes of the Alberta Human Rights Commission.or the Christian Bible
Pounder, Arty Baby Topham and his many buddies such as Byron Prior,
Paul Fromm,Alex Hunter, Jim Fetzer, Frank Frost, Werner Bock, Wayne
Prante, Brian Ruhe, Tony Hall, or the evil ghosts of Doug Christie Jim
Townsend, John Boncore and Hans Krampe to name but a few The have all
failed my simple ethical stress tests long ago just like the two
wackos who have posted comments in here first..  In my humble opinion
the sneaky Yankee Muslim Kevin Barrett or his Jewish foe Mr. X
deserve each other just like their political heroes pals such as Irwin
Cotler and Stevey Boy Harper, Barack Obama and Georgey Boy Bush do..
In all sincerity I am curious if this comment will be published
and stand the test of time. You can bet dimes to dollars I will post
it within my blog about the Federal Court lawsuit. In fact i have
already done so


Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369


  1. Tom Wilkins says:
    No story here as to why? Looks like Donald Sutherland has really let himself go!

  2. After seeing Larry King so successfully bury 911 and all its harleyguy like commotion, I have always had a healthy respect for all devils wearing suspenders !!

  3. Stephan Williams says:
    Who is this guy?

  4. Canada’s Number 1 lunatic spammer who’s been badmouthing me, my associates and friends and now is spamming Monika Schaefer and others. I’ll try to post some of his comments later.

  5. Gordon s Watson says:
    after Paul Fromm posted my account of how his meeting had been sabotaged by the RCMP*, David Amos called me up the same day. I was surprised how he’d obtained my phone number, but … never mind. First thing he said was : “I’m David Amos. Have you heard of me?” I politely said ‘no’. We had a bit of a conversation, which led to him saying “I’m suing the Queen”. In my mind, that immediately categorized him as someone in the herd of stray cats sometimes called the DeTax thing. So I said “well I can tell you right now, you’re wasting your time” Mr Amos hung up. As painful as it is to do the legwork, it may be worth the effort to track down that lawsuit – IF it exists – for long-term purposes of self-defence.
    * the incident was : the Sidney RCMP taking the initiative to call the Waddling Dog hotel in Saanich BC to advise them of Paul Fromm’s political meeting, which he’d scheduled for June 18th 2016. The hotelier then “went balistic” and foul-mouthed Paul Fromm. When I showed up, there were 4 armed men, in the uniform of the Central Saanich police, surrounding the room where the event had been scheduled. The seemingly tiny incident in Saanich gains importance, in light of the recent debacle where a Supreme Court of BC Justice reamed-out the RCMP for breaking the Criminal Code many different ways, to frame up the poor saps as “terrorists”. Point being : it is now beyond argument that the Mounties are being employed to harass ordinary people, for simply holding and expressing opinions different from the Central Party Line. In that setting, a guy like David Amos is quite useful for fomenting strife.

  6. Laskarina says:
    There is no shortage of Sayanim, and many are in Canada too.
    I would not be surprised if the internet is shut down at some point before WWIII gets underway in earnest.
    PS: …still praying for you every day.


    Monday, 8 August 2016

    "Alberta Al" Romanchuck, Monika Schaefer,Sean Madden, Authur Topham, and the rest of the crazy fucks!

    Preface: Isn't it interesting that kanadian law makes it a crime not to employ an fag, or dyke or pervert trans* animal even though  they are an affront to society... And in a couple of provinces in kanada its illegal to hire a lawyer or allow a lawyer graduate from Trinity Western University practice?

    Hey fuck-head Amos do NOT send me anymore e mails!

    I believe in free speech! I believe in my Canadian Charter of Rights unfettered freedom of expression. This is Monika Shaefer. Little Monika is one of those whack-job truthers / holocaust deniers, that we all run into every now, and again Little Monika and others of her ilk are in a word...fucken nuts!

    The only thing this bitch can do is give blowjobs on circumsised cocks.

    Obergruppenfurher Frau Shaefer claims the "holocaust" is "the most pernicious lie in history," and the "ovens in the camps were to only kill lice." This Jasper resident made a video denying the holocaust / shoah. It seems residents of Jasper were / are outraged by the cheek of this kraut. The Jasper newspaper The Fitzhugh, edited, "censored" her Letter to the Editor defending or validating her "arguments."

    The Jasper Fitzhugh did NOT print the last five paragraphs of her diatribe. Authur Topham, "Alberta" Al Romanchuck, et al, are all screaming to the Heavens that Monika Schaefer's right to expression are being somehow denied her.  No Letter to the Editor to any newspaper anywhere is ever printed without being edited. Just read the notice at the bottom of the "letters" page in every paper, "letters edited for brevity, and content." 

    "Truthers", peace activists, musicians, and retired Alberta "lawyers" ought not be a aghast  that every newspaper in kanada also has the freedom of expression, "print or NOT print anything in their papers they so choose. 

    “Paul Clarke’s article is exactly 800 words long, including propaganda-spreading photo caption (775 without). The full text of your letter is 680 words. That says it all. He can’t publish an 800-word article that makes youa de facto leper in your hometown of 35 years, and not give you at least equal space to respond as a means to defend yourself and your position. For him to limit you to 253 words is: 1) cowardly and 2) morally reprehensible.”

    This is a retarded, stupid, prevarication. The Edmonton Journal permits letters up four hundred word. The National Post requires letters to be two-hundred-fifty words or less.

    No one has the "human right" to be published in the local rag.

    NO ONE  HAS MUZZLED OR DEPRIVED MONIKA SCHAEFER OF HER RIGHT TO EXPRESS HERSELF. No one has taken down her video, the police have not been taking her door down, she is not the victim of some Nazi Kristalnacht, no! It appears that Ms. Shaefer is being shunned by her neighbours, by the Jasper community, area business, and the local government for her views. Which is entirely "democratic," and being in the spirit of everyone else's right to express themselves.

    YOU, anyone has the right to shun anyone you want, for any reason.

    NO ONE has the right to do violence to  anyone. If anyone is assaulting Ms. Schaefer, stalking her, sending viruses to her computer, bullying her, threatening her...the RCMP will deal with it.


    The Shoah / Holocaust is not a matter of discussion, but a historical fact.

    911 was a terrorist crime committed by a small group of muslims. Not a CIA plot, nor a Mossad "false flag op," nor a plot by the "Jewish New World Order."

    I write unpleasant stuff all the time! I am harassed online all time. Glen Canning has called my wife at work to threaten her, he has tried to call me on the phone, to make his threats. But alas I don't whine, I don't moan, I don't bitch or complain.. I just keep writing my blog. Posting my blog, and greatly enjoying the consternation, and constipation I cause.

    The German and Eastern European extermination of European Jewry is matter of historical fact. "Alberta Al" and his cronies can write all they want in "debate" but the debate has long ended. I am fine with Alberta Al's stupid rants, and Radical Press' anti-Semitic shite because normal people know what it is and don't read it.

    Having said all that! It does seem entirely churlish and mean spirited for the Jasper Townsite "government" to refuse a busking license to an elderly woman who's a fine violinist. 

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