---------- Original message ----------
From: Gunther Schonfeldt
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2017 18:52:06 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Rotten Ralphy Goodale asked Franky Boy McKenna to help pick the next boss of the RCMP Now that is truly funny EH Willy Amos and Won Kim?
To: David Amos
I will be away from the office until September 11, 2017. If your matter is urgent, please contact 1-800-665-6878.
Günther Schönfeldt
Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP
Former N.B. premier Frank McKenna to head search for next RCMP commissioner
I bet the evil bastards McKenna, Goodale, Paulson and everyone else want to forget every one of my emails and this one in particular Nesy Pas Chucky and Dominic Leblanc?
---------- Original message ----------
From: Brian Gallant
Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2017 12:40:03 -0700
Subject: Merci / Thank you Re: An email from Harper t ome in 2004 that Franky Boy McKenna, the RCMP, the Liebranos, their blogging buddy Chucky Leblanc and all their IT guys want to forget
(Français à suivre)
If your email is pertaining to the Government of New Brunswick, please email me at
If your matter is urgent, please email Greg Byrne at
Thank you.
Si votre courriel s'addresse au Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick, svp m'envoyez un courriel à
Pour les urgences, veuillez contacter Greg Byrne à
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Minister / Ministre (IRCC)"
Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2017 15:40:05 -0400
Subject: RE: An email from Harper t ome in 2004 that Franky Boy McKenna, the RCMP, the Liebranos, their blogging buddy Chucky Leblanc and all their IT guys want to forget
To: David Amos
La version française suit.
This is an automatic acknowledgement of your e-mail addressed to the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship.
Please note that Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is experiencing a significant increase in the volume of correspondence received and we will strive to respond to your enquiry in as timely a manner as possible.
---------- Original message ----------
From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)"
Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2017 19:40:08 +0000
Subject: RE: An email from Harper t ome in 2004 that Franky Boy McKenna, the RCMP, the Liebranos, their blogging buddy Chucky Leblanc and all their IT guys want to forget
To: David Amos
The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your comments.
Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance électronique. Soyez assuré(e) que nous apprécions recevoir vos commentaires.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2017 15:40:00 -0400
Subject: An email from Harper t ome in 2004 that Franky Boy McKenna, the RCMP, the Liebranos, their blogging buddy Chucky Leblanc and all their IT guys want to forget
To:,,,,, andre,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Cc:,,,, briangallant10,,
You may also enjoy this new blog that I am editing and updating right now
Sunday, 3 September 2017
RCMP’s Bob Paulson sounds alarm on organized crime YEA RIGHT
----- Original Message -----
From: Harper, Stephen - M.P.
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 8:29 AM
Subject: RE: They read this stuff Monday
Thank you for your e-mail message to Stephen Harper, Leader of the
Opposition. Your views and suggestions are important to us. Once they
have been carefully considered, you may receive a further reply.
*Remember to include your mailing address if you would like a response.
If you prefer to send your thoughts by regular mail, please address them to:
Stephen Harper, M.P.
Leader of the Opposition
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Mail may be sent postage free to any Member of Parliament.
You can also reach Mr. Harper by fax at: (613) 947-0310
Merci d’avoir écrit à Stephen Harper, le chef de l’opposition
officielle. Votre opinion est importante pour nous. Lorsque nous
l’aurons étudiée avec soin, nous pourrons vous faire parvenir une
*N’oubliez pas d’inclure votre adresse postale si vous voulez recevoir
une réponse.
Si vous préférez nous écrire en utilisant les services postaux
régulièrs, veuillez le faire au :
Stephen Harper, député
Chef de l’opposition officielle
Chambre des communes
Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0A6
Vous pouvez écrire sans affranchissement à tous les députés fédéraux.
Vous pouvez également joindre M. Harper par fax au (613) 947-0310.
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
Cc: ;
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 7:31 AM
Subject: Fw: They read this stuff Monday
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
Cc: Byron Prior
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 7:28 AM
Subject: They read this stuff Monday
September 15th, 2004
Liliana Longo
Senior General Counsel
C/o Assistant Commissioner
Gerry Lynch
RCMP B Division Headquarters
100 East Hills Rd
PO Box 9700
St. Johns NF A1A 3T5
RE: Corruption
Please find enclosed an exact copy of all material served upon
Lieutenant Governor Roberts by my friend Byron Prior. The copy of
wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as law
enforcement authorities in order that it may be properly investigated.
I have also enclosed a copy of the correspondence between the RCMP
External Review Committee and I. As you review the same material they
got, you can see the folks in BC were contacted almost one year ago.
Apparently the dumb bastards don’t know how to read. If these are the
best lawyers Anne McLellan has got to send against me, the government
is about to be embarrassed big time by a simple Maritimer.
Whereas I have now received my answer from the Lieutenant Governor of
New Brunswick and the RCMP External Review Committee, I am about to
file my own complaints. I have given up on my native land protecting
my dumb ass. If you have any questions may I suggest that you take my
matter up with Anne McLellan or Jack Hooper.
With respect to my friend Byron Prior’s sad complaint, let me be the
first layman to congratulate the RCMP in the fine job they did
covering up his matters for the benefit many corrupt politicians for
some many years. It is too bad that the RCMP weren’t so diligent in
upholding the law. Lets see if I can have any luck tearing the mask of
virtue off of the RCMP and the likes of T. Alex Hickman for the
benefit of all the simple folk like Byron and I.
Shame on all of you. Say hey to the cop in the picture that was
guarding Harper on June 19th will ya? I need to know his name and
summons him to court to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing
but the truth. He can bring his god along to help if he thinks it
necessary but I would rather he bring his conscience. What say you? If
I don’t get an answer from you by Oct 3rd. I will be due to sue you
too. What do you think should I complain of the RCMP in a court
Newfoundland or New Brunswick?
I already know Byron’s answer.
Cya’ll in Court :)
David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton, MA. 02186
Here is an email from over 10 years ago that I bet every LIEbrano in Canada wants to forget N'esy Pas Premier Gallant?
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400
From: "Murphy, Michael B. \(DH/MS\)"
January 30, 2007
Mr. David Amos
Dear Mr. Amos:
This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29,
2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP. Because of the nature of
the allegations made in your message, I have taken the measure of
forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve Graham of the RCMP
"J" Division in Fredericton.
Honourable Michael B. Murphy
Minister of Health
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500
From: "Warren McBeath"
Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has
forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have n
Dear Mr. Amos,
Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today.
I was on days off over the holidays and returned to work this evening.
Rest assured I was not ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your
As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our
position is clear on your dead calf issue:
Our forensic labs do not process testing on animals in cases such
as yours, they are referred to the Atlantic Veterinary College in
Charlottetown who can provide these services. If you do not choose
to utilize their expertise in this instance, then that is your decision
and nothing more can be done.
As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false
imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear
that Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada
and the US. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment
policing in Petitcodiac, NB.
It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on
December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors.
Warren McBeath, Cpl.
GRC Caledonia RCMP
Traffic Services NCO
Ph: (506) 387-2222
Fax: (506) 387-4622
Here is a Hell of an email that has been in the docket of the Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal all summer
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Wed, 31 May 2017 13:43:59 -0400
Subject: Yo Bob Paulson For the record I just called Barbara Massey After admitting knowing I was she then played dumb after saying she thought my matter was over?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Jensen, Jan"
Date: Wed, 31 May 2017 16:43:54 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Yo Mr Jensen see attached file I see that
you corrupt FEDS are on the attack bigtime as of May 24th N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos
I will be out of the office until Monday June 5, 2017 and I will have
limited access to email during that time. If you require immediate
assistance, please contact my assistant at (902) 426 1798.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Liliana (Legal Services) Longo"
Date: Wed, 31 May 2017 12:44:06 -0400
Subject: Re: Yo Mr Jensen see attached file I see that you corrupt
FEDS are on the attack bigtime as of May 24th N'esy Pas? (Away from
the office/absente du bureau)
To: David Amos
I will be away from the office until June 2, 2017. In my absence,
Barbara Massey will be acting and she can be reached at (613)
Je serai absente du bureau jusqu'au 2 juin 2017. En mon absence,
Barbara Massey sera interimaire et peut être rejointe au (613)
Thank you / Merci
Liliana Longo, Q.C., c.r.
Senior General Counsel / Avocate générale principale
RCMP Legal Services / Services juridiques GRC
73 Leikin Drive / 73 Promenade Leikin
M8, 2nd Floor / M8, 2ième étage
Mailstop #69 / Arrêt Postal #69
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0R2
Tel: (613) 843-4451
Fax: (613) 825-7489
Sharon Dickson
Executive Assistant /
Adjointe exécutive
>>> David Amos 05/31/17 12:43 >>>
For the record I only spoke with one Crown Counsel before I appeared
before the Federal Court of Appeal on May 24th. This was the number I
called and I talked to Liliana-Longo personally. She recalled our last
conversation in April of 2003 and i reminded her that the documents I
sent her in 2004 were now in the docket of the Federal Court. Need I
say that I did not consider it a coincidence when two members of the
RCMP attended the hearing in plain clothes on May 24th and refused to
identify themselves?
Liliana Longo works as Senior General Counsel for Justice Canada.
Liliana can be reached at 613-843-4451
BTW I also managed to Speak to Trump's lawyer Mikey Cohen on his Cell
Phone (646-853-0114) because that is apparently how his boss wants to
do business these day. Seems that even the Yankee President does not
trust his own FEDS N'esy Pas Yves Cote and Mr Prime Minister Trudeau
"The Younger"???
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369
Monday, 29 May 2017
Re Federal Court File No. T-1557-15 versus RCMP class action lawsuits
etc.Well May 24th came and went and not a peep from any of you or your
lawyers N'esy Pas?
I see that the RCMP's favourite sexually perverted shill on the
Internet is enjoying the circus N'esy Pas?
May 24th Hoedown
Topics RCMP
There is a certain irony in arguing her minions about suing the Queen
after the long weekend we are supposed to celebrate her position and
be forced to pay homage to the wealthy Brit N'esy Pas?
Reviewer: ABoyNamedSue May 29, 2017
Subject: King of IRL Trolls Strikes Again!!!
This guy's stuff never gets old. Hope the circus comes to Pretoria
before he hangs it all up this year as is the rumour. Give Gracie a
pinch on the chest for me will ya eh? lol Mean old Dog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2017 10:30 AM
Subject: CRTC Reference: 770193
Good morning Mr. Amos:
Further to your correspondence of May 19th, and after an extensive
review of the other issues you have raised, we have concluded that we
do not have jurisdiction over these matters.
Therefore, we consider all matters you have previously contacted this
office about to be closed. Please note that we will no longer respond
to any correspondence from you on these subjects.
Chantal Proulx
Client Services | Services à la clientèle
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission | Conseil
de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes
Ottawa, Canada K1A 0N2
Telephone | Téléphone 1-877-249-2782 / TTY | ATS 1-877-909-CRTC (2782)
Outside Canada | Hors Canada 819-997-0313 / TTY | ATS 819-994-0423
Facsimile / Télécopieur 819-994-0218
Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada
Follow us on Twitter | Suivez-nous sur
Twitter (@CRTCfra):
Like us on Facebook: | Aimez-nous sur
Facebook :
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Public Safety MCU / Sécurité publique UCM (PS/SP)"
Date: Tue, 23 May 2017 15:55:59 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Nicholas Rémillard holds a law degree from
the University of Ottawa Therefore he should certianly understand the
documents I sent and answer me in writing
To: David Amos
Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable Ralph Goodale, ministre de la
Sécurité publique et de la Protection civile.
En raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de la correspondance
adressée au ministre, veuillez prendre note qu'il pourrait y avoir un
retard dans le traitement de votre courriel. Soyez assuré que votre
message sera examiné avec soin.
Thank you for writing to the Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.
Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence
addressed to the Minister, please note that there may be a delay
processing your email. Rest assured that your message will be
carefully reviewed.
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Jensen, Jan"
Date: Tue, 23 May 2017 15:55:36 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Nicholas Rémillard holds a law degree from
the University of Ottawa Therefore he should certianly understand the
documents I sent and answer me in writing
To: David Amos
I will be out of the office until Thursday May 25, 2017 and I will
have limited access to email during that time. If you require
immediate assistance, please contact my assistant at (902) 426 1798.
Friday, 19 May 2017
Re My calls about Peter Milliken, Iceland and The Federal Court of
Canada File # T-1557-15 and the upcoming hearing on May 24th in
Fredericton New Brunswick
For the public record after I received the responses found below I
call Ingrid back. Trust that she was not nearly as nice to me as she
was on Friday. Anyway after she denied reading my emails that the
computers of her bosses in Iceland acknowledged, she told to keep my
calls to Iceland at minimum. I can only presume that order also
applies to their spokespersons in my native land as well. Correct Mr
Mellish et al?
Birgitta Jonsdottier and her old paly Julian Assane or anyone else
should find this Interesting if one considers the fact that the former
Icelandic Prime Minister in October of 2008 promised to get back to me
and never did. Then after the worldwide ecomomy to a nosedive and he
was ousted the Icelandic Minister of Finance apologized for the delay.
Howver to this very day Iceland has NEVER answered the HARD COPY I
sent them byway of their Ambassador in Ottawa and the Speaker of the
Canadian House by tracked Canada Post in the spring of 2006. At lease
the Canadian lawyer Peter Millliken was alway polite to me even the
Kevin Vickers and his many buddies in the RCMP etc NEVER were.
Go Figure why I must sue Iceland in the USA someday EH?.
Please feel free to scroll down to review just one of hundreds of emails I sent to Paulson that were published on the Internet over the years since he replaced the very crooked lawyer Wee Willy Elliott who quit and took a job out of the Canada with INTERPOL just like evil bastards Giuliano Zacardelli and his Deputy Harper Boucher and did when things got too dicey covering up crimes within the RCMP.
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Eidt, David (OAG/CPG)" <>
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2017 15:50:03 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: My missing 1965 Harley, the Yankee wiretaps
tapes in its saddlebag and just exactly who the Hell has jurisdiction
over them and Mean Old Me. Survey Says?
To: David Amos <>
I say the CROWN and the USDOJ what say you?
The Hon. Mark Furey
Minister of Municipal Affairs, and Minister of Service Nova Scotia -
Lunenburg West
425 Kings Street
Bridgewater, Nova Scotia
Canada B4V 1B1
Tel: 902-530-3883
Department of Municipal Affairs
14th Floor North, Maritime Centre
1505 Barrington Street
P.O. Box 216
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2M4
Phone: (902) 424-5550
Fax: (902) 424-0581
Service Nova Scotia
14th Floor North, Maritime Centre
1505 Barrington Street
P.O. Box 216
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2M4
Phone: (902) 424-5550
Fax: (902) 424-0581
Mark Furey was elected as the Member of the Legislative Assembly for
Lunenburg West in the October 2013 provincial election, and appointed
to Cabinet on October 22nd, 2013 as the Minister of Service Nova
Scotia and Municipal Relations, Minister responsible for the
Residential Tenancies Act, and member of Treasury and Policy Board.
Mark is a career police officer and community volunteer. He retired
from the RCMP in 2012 after 32 years. He served with detachments
throughout Nova Scotia including Halifax, Cape Breton and the South
Shore where he served as the District Commander for Lunenburg County.
Mark retired as the Emergency Management Project Manager for the RCMP
in Nova Scotia. In addition to his primary responsibilities, Mark was
the Senior Aid-de-Camp to the Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia from
2003-2009. Mark has worked outside the RCMP on various professional
secondments; as an Advisor and Facilitator to the Haitian National
Police Training Program; Policing Consultant and Advisor to the Nova
Scotia Minister and Deputy Minister of Justice; and Advisor to the
Head of Police Strengthening Department, Advisor to the KP Chief of
Staff, and Strategic Plan Coordinator for the Rule of Law Mission in
Mark is a life-long community volunteer and supporter of amateur sport
in Lunenburg County. Well known for many years as a minor and high
school hockey coach, he was the lead instructor of the Bridgewater
Power Skating School. Mark has recently worked with the Lunenburg
County Lifestyle Centre, Jenna Martin (2012 Olympian) “Go For Gold”,
and Habitat For Humanity Fundraising Committees. Mark remains an
active, 23 year member of the Lunenburg County YMCA.
Mark continues to live in Lunenburg West where he and Rochelle raised
their family. Mark and Rochelle, a nurse at South Shore Regional
Hospital, have two adult children. Chad and Chelsea presently live in
The Hon. Geoff MacLellan
Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal, Minister
responsible for the Sydney Steel Corporation Act and the Tar Ponds
Agency. - Glace Bay
219 Commercial Street
Suite D, Peoples Mall
Glace Bay, Nova Scotia
Canada B1A 3B9
Tel: 902-842-4390
Fax: 902-842-4389
Geoff MacLellan is a friendly, familiar face in the riding of Glace
Bay. While his first foray into politics saw him elected as Executive
Vice President at Cape Breton University Students’ Union (CBUSU), he
learned the ropes of serving constituents during his six years with
Cape Breton Canso MP Rodger Cuzner.
Geoff is familiar with the issues affecting of the residents of Glace
Bay and has worked hard to increase the quality of life in his
community as the President of the Table Head Development Society and a
member of the Savoy Theatre Society.
Geoff’s education has given him the foundation to provide
knowledgeable, insightful assistant to residents of the riding of
Glace Bay. Geoff has a Bachelor of Business Administration from Cape
Breton University and a Master’s of Business Administration from
Dalhousie University in Halifax.
Geoff’s career highlights include, being a riding assistant for Rodger
Cuzner at age 21, and becoming the youngest Executive Assistant in
Atlantic Canada at age 24. Geoff was also the director of Business
Development, Maritime Environmental Training Institute in Sydney as
well as the CBU Representative & Program Coordinator for the Canadian
International College (CIC) in Cairo, Egypt.
Service Nova Scotia
Chief Executive Officer: Joanne Munro
Office Location:
1505 Barrington Street, 14-South
Maritime Centre
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3K5
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 216
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2M4
Phone: (902) 424-4089
Fax: (902) 424-5510
Transportation & Infrastructure Renewal, Department of
Deputy Minister: Paul T. LaFleche
Office Location:
1672 Granville Street, 2nd Floor
Johnston Building
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3Z8
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 186
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2N2
Phone: (902) 424-4036
Fax: (902) 424-2014
Email: publicsafety/2013December3_ AnnouncesPromotions.asp
Inspector Martin Gaudet - Promoted from the rank of Staff Sergeant.
Insp. Gaudet will be in charge of the Primary Response Team (patrols).
Insp. Gaudet joined the Fredericton Police Force in 1995 after serving
as a part-time officer in the Shediac Police Force. Insp. Gaudet has
worked in the Primary Response Team as a Corporal, Sergeant and Staff
Sergeant, Community Policing and Training and Media. He then moved to
the Operational Support Division as second in command, before moving
to the Office of Professional Standards. Insp. Gaudet is also
currently the Team Leader of the Emergency Response Team and has
served as aide-de-camp for the Lieutenant Governor.
http://www.canadianlawlist. com/listingdetail/contact/ jane-garbutt-645669/
Jane Garbutt
Deputy Minister:
Department of Government Services
82 Westmorland St.
Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 3L3
Phone: 506-444-2897
Fax: 506-462-5049
Email: gnb/en/contacts/dept_renderer. 173.11143.1768.html#employees
Legal Counsel (Branch)
Government Services (SNB/NBISA/DGS)
POIRIER, CLAUDE (Corporate Legal Counsel)
Legal Counsel (Branch) P: (506) 856-3303 633 Main Street
WALSH, VANESSA (Administrative Support)
Legal Counsel (Branch) P: (506) 869-6389 633 Main Street
DIRECTOR OF MOTOR VEHICLES (603) 227-4050 gnb/en/contacts/dept_renderer. 173.11143.1768.html#employees
Contact Jerry
75 Woodbury Rd
Weare, NH 03281
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2011 12:49:21 -0300
Subject: I just called and tried to reason with your people about my
drivers licence and old Harley AGAIN Correct Charles O'Donnell ?
To: Charles.O', toewsv1 <>,
"robert.trevors" <>,,
maritime_malaise <>, "Fred.Wyshak"
<>, OIG <>,
"Barry.MacKnight" <Barry.MacKnight@fredericton. ca>,
"" <>, danfour
<>,, ,
foreign <>
Can ya tell I was not joking Mr Eric Dunn? v=jnLsExAsWN0&feature=channel_ video_title PressRoom/PressReleases/ ODonnellNamedChair.htm events/annualmeeting/ annualmeeting_photos.cfm
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <>
To: <>; <>; <>;
<>; <ramonajennexmla@bellaliant. com>;
<>; <>;
<>; <>; "Bonnar, Greg
(DPS/MSP)" <>; <>;
<>; < >;
<>; "John. Foran" <>; "Gilles. Blinn"
<>; "roger. gillies"
<> ;
"bert. hudon" <>;
<>; <>; <>;
"robin reid" <>; <>; "nb.
premier" <>; <>;
<>; <>; <>;
Cc: <>; "shawn. graham" <>;
<>; "krisaustin" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 11:16 AM
Subject: Interesting trick that your friends in Nova Scotia pulled on mean
old me yesterday EH Claude Poirier?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 13:40:11 -0300
Subject: Your boss Sylvie Levesque-Finn can never say that she didn't
know now EH Claude Poirier?
To:,,,,, "Bonnar, Greg (DPS/MSP)" <>,
"" <>, ""
<>, " "
< >,
vanlop1 <>,
Foran" <>, "Gilles. Blinn"
<>, "roger. gillies"
<> ,
"bert. hudon"
<>, Byron Prior <>, dean
Ray <>,, robin reid
Cc: "" <>, Dan Fitzgerald
<>, gypsy-blog <>, "nb. premier"
<>, "" <>,
nbpolitico <>, rmoir <>,
"" <>, ""
From: "Levesque-Finn, Sylvie (SNB)" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 13:37:13 -0300
Subject: Out of Office: RE Telephone Conversation re: 1965
Harley-Davidson Motorcycle, the RCMP and an interesting challenge
from the lawyer Claude Poirier EH?
To: David Amos <>
Je serai absente du bureau jusqu'au 3 août. Je vais répondre à votre
courriel, si nécessaire, à mon retour. Pour de l'assistance immédiate,
veuillez communiquer avec Stéphanie Guignard au 444-2897. Merci
I will be away from the office until August 3rd. I will reply to your
e-mail, if required, upon my return. For immediate attention, please
contact Stéphanie Guignard at 444-2897. Thank you.
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <>
To: <>; <>;
<>; <>;
<>; "Bonnar, Greg (DPS/MSP)"
<>; <>;
<>; < >;
"vanlop1" <>; "John. Foran" <>;
"Gilles. Blinn" <>; "roger. gillies"
<> ;
"bert. hudon"
<>; "Byron Prior" <>;
"dean Ray" <>; <>; "robin
reid" <>
Cc: <>; "Dan Fitzgerald" <>;
"gypsy-blog" <>; "nb. premier"
<>; <>; "nbpolitico"
<>; "rmoir" <>;
<>; <>
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: RE Telephone Conversation re: 1965 Harley-Davidson
Motorcycle, the RCMP and an interesting challenge from the lawyer
Claude Poirier EH?
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <>
To: <>; <>;
<>; <>;
<>; <>;
<>; <>; <>;
<>; <>;
<>; "Gilles. Blinn" <>;
"Wayne.Lang" <>;
<william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc. ca>;
"robin reid"
<>; <>; "Richard Harris"
<injusticecoalition@hotmail. com>
Cc: "Greg.Byrne" <>; "Bonnar, Greg (DPS/MSP)"
<>; "John. Foran" <>; "kelly.
lamrock" <>; "carlbainbridge"
<>; "fundytides" <>; "panb"
<>; <>; "jack.macdougall"
< >;
"Frank. McKenna"
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 8:10 PM
Subject: Yo Mr Minister Byrne I talked to your mindless lawyer SNB
Claude Poirer again he told me to get a lawyer and sue SNB
Robin you will enjoy this email These are the dumb bastards who stole
my old Harley with the Yankee wiretap tapes in its saddlebags. They
have no idea how important that old bike is to me or who I have been
talking to about it or them them. Now thats funny Everybody and his
dog knows how I love to sue lawyers. Hell I even introduced the dumb
bastards to the evil zionist Barry K. Winters last fall before the
NBPower Bullshit started and still the pricks did nothing all winter.
I must ask you why EH Greggy Baby Byrne did you really think the
zionists dare to kill me now after all the shit that went down over
Bernie Madoff?
The dumb French lawyer in Moncton does not have to ask me twice to sue
SNB. Hell I will sue Poirier and you personally just out of principal.
You are both officers of the court and swore to uphold the law not
assist in the coverup of murder and many other crime. Furthermore all
youand your blogger butt buddy Chucky Leblanc had hard copy of my
material since 2004 because he was too much of a chickenshit to give
my material to Brad Green as he promised Correct Greggy Baby?
The RCMP, the SNB, Capital Towing and the Fat Fred City finest all
played a hand in stealing my old Harley in 2007 and some Yankee police
surveilance wiretap tapes in its saddlebag. I hear the tapes are now
missing surprise surprise EH? At least the bike still exists but is
getting in rough shape because the bastard left it out in the weather
for years. However everybody knows I have many more wiretap tapes
stashed in Canada and the USA and that i can fix any motorcycycle. It
is YOUR fault that the SNB lawyer is acting so cocky N'esy Pas Greggy
Veritas Vincit
DavidRaymond Amos
P.S I didn't bother telling the mindless Piorier about the shit that
went down in NewYork after I talked to all of you bastards last year.
I was just trying to get my Harley back before we started arguing in
court tis all because my friend told me Alan MacPhee was threatening
to squash it soon. You really should make sure that THAT DOES NOT
If the idiot claude Poiier bumps into former Minister Mikey Murphy
maybe he will explain why he gave up his dream job because he didn't
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: ; ; ; ; ;
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; mrichard@lawsociety-barreau.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
; ; ; ;
Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
george.groeneveld@assembly.ab. ca
; livingstone.macleod@assembly.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; tomp.young@atlanticradio.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; calgary.mountainview@assembly.
; ; ; ; ; ;
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 1:35 PM
Subject: Attention William Corby I am entitled to an answer from the
RCMP BEFORE we meet in court N'est Pas?
"Murphy, Michael B. (DH/MS)" <> wrote:
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400
From: "Murphy, Michael B. \(DH/MS\)" <>
To: <>
January 30, 2007
Mr. David Amos
Dear Mr. Amos:
This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29,
2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP.
Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I have
taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve
Graham of the RCMP “J” Division in Fredericton.
Honourable Michael B. Murphy
Minister of Health
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500
From: "Warren McBeath" < >
CC:,,,, "Bev BUSSON" <>, "Paul
Dube" <>
Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has
forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have n
Dear Mr. Amos, Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today.
I was on days off over the holidays and returned to work this
evening. Rest assured I was not ignoring or procrastinating to
respond to your concerns. As your attachment sent today refers
from Premier Graham, our position is clear on your dead calf issue:
Our forensic labs do not process testing on animals in cases such
as yours, they are referred to
the Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide
these services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in
this instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be
done. As for your other concerns regarding the US Government,
false imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is
clear that Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in
Canada and the US. These issues do not fall into the purvue of
Detachment policing in Petitcodiac, NB. It was indeed an
interesting and informative conversation we had on December 23rd,
and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors. Sincerely,
Warren McBeath, Cpl. GRC Caledonia RCMP Traffic Services NCO Ph:
(506) 387-2222 Fax: (506) 387-4622 E-mail
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <>
To: <>; <>;
<>; <>; "John. Foran"
<>; "Barry Winters" <>;
<>; "vanlop1" <>
Cc: "Bastarache, Donald J.(SNB)" <>;
"Morrison, Bill (SNB)" <>; "Levesque-Finn, Sylvie
(SNB)" <>; "Pleadwell, Derek (SNB)"
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 1:14 PM
Subject: Fwd: Telephone Conversation re: 1965 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <>
To: <>; <>;
<>; <>;
<>; "Bonnar, Greg (DPS/MSP)"
<>; <>;
<>; < >;
"vanlop1" <>; "John. Foran" <>;
"Gilles. Blinn" <>; "roger. gillies"
<> ;
"bert. hudon"
<>; "Byron Prior" <>;
"dean Ray" <>
Cc: <>; "Dan Fitzgerald" <>;
"gypsy-blog" <>; "nb. premier"
<>; <>; "nbpolitico"
<>; "webo" <>; "rmoir"
<>; <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 9:38 PM
Subject: RE Telephone Conversation re: 1965 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle
and the RCMP and their deleted Youtube abut arsonists and the fact
that mine still stand
I do thank Mr. Mackenzie for his ethical efforts on my behalf to
locate my old bike. In memory of my father whom said he knew he is the
only one amongst you who I will not sue. If what these bastads in
these emails and comments are true and I don't get my Harley back this
weekend with a proper settlement for damages and inconvience and
police harrassment it appears I may lose bigtime. If so rest assured i
don't mind but my blood will be found on your hands and no doubt my
estate will sue you especially after my receiving certain responses
lately from people way up the bureaucratic food chain above you. It
appears I must deal with the high and mighty while scrapping with the
lowest amongst us EH? Clearly I ain't done yet. Tell the corrupt cops
to stay away I ain't done anything wrong and you all know it. however
i do preserve my right to self defense because of their malice.
As you all know I have recieved no response from any of you since
January past when I first heard though the grapvine that my Harley and
the FBI wiretap tapes had dissapeared from the compound in Fredeicton
without any notice to me whatsoever. Every time I called anyone about
it they just played dumb as hell or would not return my call or answer
my emails as to the whereabouts of my old Harley or knowledge of
anything else. Hell even after I called the Crown's bluff and then
sent registered mail to the towing companyin Fat Fred City and
several others in August of 2007 and told Capital Towing to introduce
me to their lawyer byway of my friend Werner Bock you bastards just
laughed at me as the RCMP had me falsely imprisoned once again?
However the Upper Canadian snob of a lawyer Eddy Greenspan did answer
me thus proving that I would not stand for the theft of my property. I
don\t think he or his snobby client back then Lord conrad Black are
still laughing at me DO YOU? What if Lord Black yells my name. You are
all screwed CORRECT?
Perhaps you should have your many lawyers study the document found in
the following link ASAP it appears there is gonna be an interesting
hoedown in "The Place to BE" very soon and its will be of the RCMP's
creation. Rest assured I will do my best to record it all or my name
ain't "Just Dave" (Gusess who just blogged this email as well as sent
it ot other for safe keeping? If these braggarts are correct the
police sold my bike to their pals in the Hells Angels? What kind of
Bullshit is that I must ask? Rest assured I will find out on my own
and sue you all for you obvious malice towards me because I merely
exposed your politcal games with corrupt Bankers.
What the hell do you bastards want now for me to die in some conflict
like the OK coral 5352212/Public-Sector- Integrity
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos v=s81-Ln56MQc&feature=email
3725127 (49 minutes ago)
great you save everything ass clown im coming to new Brunswick this
weekend and i want to see how tuff you really are so if you have any
balls be at the farm this weekend i will show you my new bike i got up
at a police action in Fredericton i think you will be pissed oh i mean
surprised do we have a date hippie i got a few fellas that didnt like
some of your comments and well im sure we will work everything out so
let me know grease monkey
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 6:21 PM
Subject: Fwd: Your Minister the lawyer Greg Byrne should have done the
right thing a long time ago EH Mr. Graham?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "MacKenzie, Lloyd (SNB)" <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 13:01:27 -0400
Subject: Telephone Conversation re: 1965 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle
Cc: "Bastarache, Donald J.(SNB)" <>,
"Morrison, Bill (SNB)" <>, "Levesque-Finn, Sylvie
(SNB)" <>, "Pleadwell, Derek (SNB)"
Mr. Amos:
Upon your request I will inform Mr. Derek Pleadwell [(506)
444-2897], Chairperson SNB Board of Directors, of our extended
conversation regarding the issues surrounding the 1965 Harley-Davidson
motorcycle when he visits my office at approximately 3:30 P.M. today.
Also, as requested, I've copied in Ms. Sylvie Levesque-Finn
[(506) 453-3879], SNB President.
Lloyd D. MacKenzie, AACI, P. App, CAE
Regional Manager of Assessment - Beauséjour Region/Responsable
régional de l'évaluation - region Beauséjour
Assessment/ de l'évaluation
Service New Brunswick/ Service Nouveau-Brunswick
633 rue Main St. 4th floor/4ième étage
Moncton, NB
E1C 8R3
Tel/Tél: (506) 856-3910
Fax/Téléc: (506) 856-2519
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 13:00:58 -0400
Subject: Your Minister the lawyer Greg Byrne should have done the
right thing a long time ago EH Mr. Graham?
Cc: "greg. byrne" <>, "shawn. graham"
<>, "Bonnar, Greg (DPS/MSP)" <>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 10:32:50 -0400
Subject: ATTN John Reed Stark Chief, Office of Internet Enforcement
United States Securities & Exchange Commission
Cc: "criminal. division" <>, "Weston. J"
<>, "" <>,
webo <>, "John. Foran" <>,
"" <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 09:11:47 -0500
Subject: Delivery Notification / Enforcement Complaint Response
Dear Sir or Madam:
Thank you for your recent e-mail to the group electronic mailbox of the
Division of Enforcement at the United States Securities and Exchange
Commission in Washington, D.C. We appreciate your taking the time to
write to us. This automated response confirms that the Division of
Enforcement has received your e-mail. You can rest assured that an
attorney in the Office of Internet Enforcement will review your e-mail
We are always interested in hearing from members of the public, and you
may be assured that the matter you have raised is being given careful
consideration in view of the Commission's overall enforcement
responsibilities under the federal securities laws. It is, however, the
Commission's policy to conduct its inquiries on a non-public basis -- so
this may be the only response that you receive. If your complaint is
more in the nature of a consumer complaint (such as a dispute with your
broker or a problem with your brokerage or retirement account), you
should contact our Office of Investor Education and Assistance -- they
may be able to help you. You may reach the Office of Investor Education
and Advocacy via telephone at (202) 551-6551or through the Web at
The Commission conducts its investigations on a non-public basis to
preserve the integrity of its investigative process as well as to
protect persons against whom unfounded charges may be made or against
whom the Commission determines that enforcement action is not necessary
or appropriate. Subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information
Act, we cannot disclose to you any information which we may gather and
we cannot confirm to you the existence or non-existence of an
investigation, unless made a matter of public record in proceedings
brought before the Commission or in the courts.
If you are unsure where you should direct your inquiry or you want to
learn more about how the SEC handles inquiries and complaints, please
visit the SEC Complaint Center at HYPERLINK
" shtml".
Should you have any additional information or questions pertaining to
this matter, please feel free to communicate directly with us at
We appreciate your interest in the work of the Commission and its
Division of Enforcement.
Very truly yours,
John Reed Stark
Chief, Office of Internet Enforcement
United States Securities & Exchange Commission
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 09:43:39 -0400
Subject: Hi ladies.say hey to your bosses for me Nobody called me back
so here you go as promised
Cc: " "
< >,
"william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc. ca"
<william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc. ca>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 12:00:28 -0400
Subject: It was a pleasure talking to you Mr Bastarache see you all in court.
To:, "" <>
Cc: "Duceppe. G" <>, "layton. j"
<>, "MichaelB. Murphy" <>,
"" <>
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <>
To: < >;
<>; <>; "jamiebaillie"
<>; <john.macdonell@ns.sympatico. ca>;
<>; <>; "premier" <>;
"ddexter" <>;
Cc: "David Amos" <> ;
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 10:38 PM
Subject: Glad to see you are stilll kicking to Please Enjoy Imagine if
folks actually paid attention this email over a year ago
Oh and say Hoka Hey Mr Bauer your Prez Obama's backroom lawyer and Mr
Ginsberg for the GOP guys I don't believe either one of them believe
in Xmass either
Bah Humbug and best regards
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 13:43:31 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Just as McCain endorses Mitt Romney I get a call back
from their nasty little Yankee buddy Sheriff Babeu"s Office in Arizona
RobertJordan@,,,, maritime_malaise
Timothy.Horrigan@alumni.usc. edu,
Now that Mitt Romney thinks he is in like Flynn it is my turn to step
up to the plate and embarass the hell out him before I sue him.
This email can easily prove that I had been in contact with many
presidential wannabes since April 2002 begining with Mitt Romney when
he introduced his running mate as he was running for Governor (I have
pictures to prove what I say is true but the voicemail hereto attached
from Sheriif Babeu easily proves that we go way back). In early 2004 I
crossed paths with Barak Obama byway of his assistanat Coffey when he
as running against Alan Keyes for Fitzgerald 's US Senate seat and
Obama and his lawyers will never deny it openly because they all know
that I have the proof of contact as well.
I must say that I find it strange at the writer from VT Cowan who came
in behind Obama offers no contact info whatsoever.
Here is a little bit I know about you guys byway of the corporate
media and otherwise. nhfiling.html
http://www.timothyhorrigan. com/election2012.html Institutes-Centers-and-the- Arts/NHIOP/News-and-Events/ Lesser-Known-Candidate-Forum. htm term/346 dpp/news/politics/early-new- hampshire-results-show-romney- ahead-paul-second-20120110
http://www.timothyhorrigan. com/cowan-for-president.2012. html
http://www.nbcphiladelphia. com/news/politics/Bear-for- America-2012-Campaign-Based- in-Philly-136166623.html talesfromthetrail/tag/bear- betzler/
FYI Here is a quick study about me DavidRaymondAmos/
Feel free to call or email me with any questions before I sue the CROWN
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
1 902 800 0369
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2012 23:25:29 -0400
Subject: Just as McCain endorses Mitt Romney I get a call back from
their nasty little Yankee buddy Sheriff Babeu"s Office in Arizona
To:, mm-tips <>,,,,,,,, ,,,, Arthur Taylor
<>, ,, josie.maguire@dfait-maeci.gc. ca,,
Cc:, maritime_malaise
<>, "Eric.Holder" <>,
"Fred.Wyshak" <>,,,,,, uk,
Seems that Senator John McCain forgot all about page 25 of this file EH Newt? 2718120/Integrity-Yea-Right
From: Elias Johnson <Elias.Johnson@pinalcountyaz. gov>
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2012 16:08:51 -0700
Subject: Re: I just called (902 800 0369) about Sheriff Babeu and Mitt Romney
To: "Amos, David" <>
Was the purpose of your email to share this information or are you in
need of something?
Elias Johnson
Public Information Officer, PCSO
Office (520) 866-5208
Mobile (520) 858-4553
email: elias.johnson@pinalcountyaz. gov
My response was one word hoping that the Sheriff was an honest man
then I got the phone call (hereto attached) removing all doubt as to
his position So I called the bastard back and told him to look for the
evidence of MURDER that he had just acknowledged and told him i look
forward to meeting him in court someday.
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2012 20:02:47 -0400
Subject: Re: I just called (902 800 0369) about Sheriff Babeu and Mitt Romney
To: Elias Johnson <Elias.Johnson@pinalcountyaz. gov>
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2012 18:38:16 -0400
Subject: I just called (902 800 0369) about Sheriff Babeu and Mitt Romney
Cc:, elias.johnson@pinalcountyaz. gov meet-paul/ People-Against-Sheriff-Paul- Babeu/153765354645603#!/pages/ People-Against-Sheriff-Paul- Babeu/153765354645603?sk=info 201007190033 Departments/Sheriff/Contacts/ Pages/ContactUs.aspx
To reach Elias directly you can call his office at 520-866-5208, cell
at 520-858-4553 or by email at elias.johnson@pinalcountyaz. gov
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2011 17:41:14 -0400
Subject: Thank you Christopher V. Hill for proving your Integrity to
me. You were the only soul to do so
To:,,,,,, ,,
" \"john.barthelmes\""
<>, "Charles.O'Donnell"
<Charles.O'>, ,,, "Wayne.Lang"
"Jacques.Poitras" <>, ""
<>, acampbell <>, evelyngreene
<>, MacKnightb <>,
occupyfredericton <>, robin reid
<>, "Ken.Zielke" <>,
"Bob.Paulson" <>, toewsv1
<>, chiefape <>
For what it is worth I will send my letter of support tommorrow. In
the mean time please download this old pdf file ASAP if only to look
for my proof of contact Mitt Romney in 2002. 2619437/CROSS-BORDER-
If you wish please print this file and show it to the folks on your
campaign trail. trust that it should inspire many questions for your
political opponents to answer. A lot of them were in public service
when the US and Canadian governments first attacked me and created a
very fierce but ethical politcal animal. 2526023/DAMOSIntegrity-yea- right
In my humble opinion everyone is entitled to know the TRUTH before
they vote the same crooks back into office. If people don't care then
they get the governments they deserve. As for my luck, well it appears
lady luck has been in my corner my whole life. Trust that one very
issed off Canadian whistleblower will "Live Free or Die" just like my
Yankee plates proudly proclaim
http://qslspolitics.blogspot. com/2008/06/5-years-waiting- on-bank-fraud-payout.html
BTW I called Michael Delaney and Peter Heed's offices again today the
NH AG has met with me and took my documents in 2003 when I was filing
3 complaints in the US District Court in Concord. he AG can try to
play dumb but anyone can go to the court and check the PUBLIC dockets
to see lots of obvious evidence of crimes.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369
P.S. On the comical side I noticed that both the Yankee SEC and the
Canadian CIBC were checking my work again today. Methinks they are
worried bigtime as well they should me. Imagine if the economy tanks
and I turn up dead? The RCMP and the FBI will be in deep doo doo
particularly with all the death threats against my family lately.
Just Dave
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 05 Dec 2011 12:36:50 -0700
Subject: RE: Re The New Hampshire GOP etc Herman Cain should do the
right thing as he quits and endorse Christopher V. Hill
To: David Amos <>
Thanks for the information and conversation yesterday. I will keep
it in mind on the campaign trail.
Best of luck in the future. There are some big issues on the world stage.
Christopher V. Hill
From: William Pierce <william.pierce@buddyroemer. com>
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2011 12:51:49 -0500
Subject: Re: Re The New Hampshire GOP etc Herman Cain should do the
right thing as he quits and endorse Christopher V. Hill
To: David Amos <>
Please remove me from all future emails.
William Pierce
Director of Scheduling & Advance
Buddy Roemer for President
66 Hanover Street, Suite 200
Manchester, NH
(603) 782-4812 x306
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2011 12:37:38 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Thank you
Thank you for contacting We appreciate your
message and your patience in receiving a response. We will be in
touch with you soon. Thank you again for your support!
The Bachmann for President Team
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re The New Hampshire GOP etc Herman Cain should do the right
> thing as he quits and endorse Christopher V. Hill
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Mon, December 05, 2011 10:37 am
> To:,,,
> ,,
> <>,,
> Cc:, "john.barthelmes"
> <>, "Charles.O'Donnell"
> <Charles.O'>, mmaritime_malaise
> <>, "Jacques.Poitras"
> <>, "" <>,
> acampbell <>
> Now is the Time for Action Mr Block You called me out of the blue last
> June and have been ducking me ever since. Well this you Correct?
> v=qhm-22Q0PuM
> detail/105
> And this Mr Hill. It appears to mean old me that Mr Hill's platform is
> the closest I have seen to Mr Cain's
> This is the first email I sent you immediately after you called me on
> Herman Cain's behalf and made your request to study my concerns
> Correct?
> From: David Amos
> Subject: Thanks for calling me Mark
> To:,
> Cc: "David Amos" <>
> Date: Friday, June 17, 2011, 5:14 PM
> Contact: Mark Block, 262-617-2716
> --- On Wed, 6/15/11, David Amos <> wrote:
> From: David Amos <>
> Subject: If Raw Story wishes to know more about Julian Assange and
> Birgitta Jonsdottir surf through some old emails the PDF found in the
> firt link
> To:, "Aurele. Daigle"
> <> ,
"carl. davies" <>
> Cc: "terry.seguin" <>, ""
> <>, "danfour" <>
> Date: Wednesday, June 15, 2011, 9:21 PM
> http://www.checktheevidence. com/pdf/David%20R%20Amos%20-% 20lots%20of%20e-mails.pdf
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 19:20:24 -0300
> Subject: for the PUBLIC record I offered my assistance to Mr Tepper"s
> family byway of his father and he didn't want it Thus my conscience is
> clear
> To:, bairdj <>, pm
> <>, LaytoJ <>, "Leblanc.D"
> <>, "Allen. M" <>,
> "terry.seguin" <>
> Cc:,, ""
> <>, "william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc. ca"
> <william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc. ca>,
> <>
> prince-edward-island/story/ 2011/05/10/pei-potato- shipment-lawsuits-henk- teppner.html
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 10:59:59 -0300
> Subject: Here is just a little proof as to why the Bloc, liberals and
> NDP took turns supporting Harper and the banksters' budgets etc
> To: "greg.weston" <>, "david. allgood"
> <>, "jennifer. warren"
> <>, warren <>, LaytoJ
> <>, "Duane.Rousselle" <>,
> maritime_malaise <>, smay
> <>, acampbell <>
> Cc: whistleblower <>, whistleblower
> <>, david <>
> http://www.checktheevidence. com/pdf/4304560-Speaker- Iceland-etc-txt.pdf
> Or if the link above fails try here
> http://www.checktheevidence. com/pdf/2619437-CROSS-BORDER- txt-.pdf
> Or if the link above fails try here
> 2619437/CROSS-BORDER-
> 2006/05/harper-and-bankers. html
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot. com/2009/03/david-amos-to- wendy-olsen-on.html
> Before you doubt me check the following links very closely and the
> recent email exchange with the former US Special Counsel Scott Bloch
> before he goes to jail.
> First and foremost do you see Eliot Spitzer testified on the very day
> he thanked me for the info? I ask again where did the transcripts and
> webcasts go not long after I made the congressman Ron Pauland legions
> of others well aware of their existence as he bitched about such
> things whle running for the GOP endorcement to run for president in
> 2007? For the PUBLIC Record the records of the hearings were deleted
> in late fall 2007 just as all the subprime morigages began to smell
> bad.
> public/index.cfm?FuseAction= Hearings.Hearing&Hearing_ID= 90f8e691-9065-4f8c-a465- 72722b47e7f2
> Now check the dates on the letters in this file page 13 in particular
> http://www.checktheevidence. com/pdf/2526023- DAMOSIntegrity-yea-right.-txt. pdf
> or if that link fails try here
> 2526023/DAMOSIntegrity-yea- right
> Then read ths old email exchange
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot. com/2009/03/david-amos-to- wendy-olsen-on.html
> Get it? If not call me will ya?
> With regards to Ron Paul, Mitt Romney and all the other GOP dudes
> lurking about New Hampshire lately trust that the lion's share of them
> know of my concerns as well but Ron Paul is a good example of a
> congressman who talks the talk but does not walk the walk. mmediately
> below is the cover letter sent with the documents I sent congressman
> Ron Paul years ago as he ran for president last time. Look within the
> file for what I sent our current Prez Obama 4 years before when he was
> just a State Senator and ask yourself why Ron Paul and his Mises
> Institute butt buddies said nothing while the economy went into the
> toilet
> 5352095/Tony-Merchant-and- Yankees
> or
> http://www.checktheevidence. com/pdf/Ron%20Paul%20For% 20President.pdf
> Clearly the emails were published long ago
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot. com/2008/10/best-political- propaganda-2008-whazzup.html
> and I read the news about Ron Paul again today
> 2011/06/08/ron-paul-campaign- announces-new-hampshire- chairman/
> BTW just so ya'll know the gay fella running for president never
> responded even after I talked to his friend in California however the
> Chinese media people are beginning to listen to mean old me. Perhaps
> those who support Jacky Boy Layton should too and at least ask me a
> few questions
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 14:52:02 -0300
> Subject: Hi Wendy i just called from 902 800 0369
> To:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2011 14:49:27 -0300
> Subject: RE the Scott Bloch lawsuit I called POGO and FINRA and the
> OSC again Nobody cared so in my humble opinion Bloch, POGO and the
> Feds etc deserve each other.
> To: scott <>, maritime_malaise
> <>, "Minister.Industry"
> <>,,,
> Cc:,, sbloch
> <>, oig <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2011 18:44:25 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: RE the Scott Bloch lawsuit
> To: maritime_malaise <>
> 2011/04/29/Bloch.pdf
> bloch-complaint-pdf-d11719354
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2011 20:41:33 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: I just called from 902 800 0369
> To:, "Edith. Cody-Rice" <>,
> toewsv1 <>, pm <>, info <>,
> smari <>, "" <>
> Cc:,, maritime_malaise
> <>
> MY family is still in your miserable country without their father or
> their home because YOU amongst many others failed to act within the
> scope of your employment and protect a proper whisleblower.
> .You should have kept reading and reviewed your old mandate and called
> me back with many questions if you were even remotely ethical. FYI it
> was YOUR job to check the integrity of the EXECUTIVE offices. You are
> suing it amongst many other right now CORRECT?
> Did you not even notice that I am the guy who enjoys taking lawyers
> to court? Cyal in court someday. Rest assured that I will look forward
> to your Pro Se argument with glee..
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Scott Bloch <>
> Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2011 23:14:43 +0000
> Subject: RE: I just called from 902 800 0369
> To:
> Dear Mr. Amos:
> I read some of the correspondence you pointed me to. I see where just
> a month after I assumed office as Special Counsel, you wrote directly
> to me and my complaints examining unit saw that our office had no
> jurisdiction over complaints from persons outside the civil service
> and correctly wrote the letter they did. I had no knowledge of it
> until now. I appreciate your bringing it to my attention and thank
> you for your obvious interest in what goes on in our country.
> Sincerely,
> Scott Bloch
> Law Offices of Scott J. Bloch, P.A.
> 1050 17th St., NW Ste 600
> Washington, DC 20036
> PH: (202) 496-1290
> FAX: (202) 478-0479
> http://www.dcresultslawyers. comsbloch@bcounsel.comwww.
> "Justice Delayed is Justice Denied"
> This e-mail and any attachments contain information from the law firm
> of Scott J. Bloch, P.A., and are intended solely for the use of the named
> recipient or recipients. This e-mail may contain privileged
> attorney/client communications or work product. Any dissemination of
> this e-mail by
> anyone other than an intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you are
> not a named recipient, you are prohibited from any further viewing of the
> e-mail or any attachments or from making any use of the e-mail or attachments.
> If you believe you have received this e-mail in error, notify the
> sender immediately and permanently delete the e-mail, any attachments,
> and all copies thereof from
> any drives or storage media and destroy any printouts of the e-mail or
> attachments.
> From: Info Services <>
> Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2011 22:06:16 -0400
> Subject: Thank you for your thoughts and comments
> To: David Amos <>
> Thank you for contacting the Republican National Committee. Our
> Party's success depends on the active participation of supporters like
> you, and we are glad you took the time to write. We believe in
> listening to as many views as possible from people like you, who
> represent the Republican Party. Receiving letters and information
> from members enables us to get a wide range of opinions, which are
> shared with Republican candidates, officeholders and campaigns. They
> all value these comments, as do we at the RNC.
> Due to the high volume of emails received on a daily basis, it is
> impossible to send out individual responses. Please be assured that
> your comments will be read and included in our daily report to
> Chairman Priebus. Please check our website,
>< >, for information on
our activities.
> If you have requested information that we can provide, we will respond
> as quickly as possible.
> Our Party needs your continued support to get our message out to every
> American. We appreciate you taking the time to share with us your
> concerns and we hope you will continue to keep us advised of any
> future concerns.
> Constituent Services
> Republican National Committee
> QSLS Politics
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> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2011 23:06:06 -0300
> Subject: Opps Pressed enter before attaching the file for the Hearst
> lawyers and the GOP to revew
> To:,,,
> Cc: maritime_malaise <>,
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2011 22:08:27 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: Here the News Tip about you that the Guardian dropped
> like a hot potato EH Rupert?
> To:
> Cc: maritime_malaise <>
> seattlepolitics/2011/06/23/ ambassador-campbell-eh/
> Just so ya know Pat everybody and his dog in the Big Apple knows about
> Madoff and I by now.
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot. com/2009/03/david-amos-to- wendy-olsen-on.html
> However it certainly seemed to mean old me your nasty so called "news
> gather" knew about Gordy Campbell and I as well EH Yankee?
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot. com/2008/06/david-amos-vs-bcs- liberal-premier.html
> Now ask your New General Counsel and the GOP if I am a liar or not
> after your eview the pdf file hereto attached
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> hearst/corporate-eve-burton. php
> http://www. images/sp/sp_cor.pdf
> and Hearst Media Services are located at:
> 2601 Elliott Ave., Suite 300A
> Seattle, WA 98121
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2011 03:37:43 -0300
> Subject: Here the News Tip about you that the Guardian dropped like a
> hot potato EH Rupert?
> To:, infomorning <>,
> uk,
> Cc:,,,
> "" <>
> From: Ed Pilkington <>
> Subject: GUARDIAN
> To: David Amos
> Date: Wednesday, August 3, 2011, 11:42 AM
> hi
> here's my email and my cell number is below
> all best
> Ed
> --
> Ed Pilkington
> New York bureau chief
> The Guardian
> Cell: 646 704 1264
> Please consider the environment before printing this email.
> ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------
> Visit - newspaper of the year
> On your mobile, visit or download the Guardian
> iPhone app
> To save up to 30% when you subscribe to the Guardian and the Observer
> visit
> ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------
> This e-mail and all attachments are confidential and may also
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> A member of Guardian Media Group plc
> Registered Office
> PO Box 68164
> Kings Place
> 90 York Way
> London
> N1P 2AP
> Registered in England Number 908396
> --- On Tue, 8/2/11, David Amos <> wrote:
> From: David Amos <>
> Subject: Re Rupert Murdoch and his associates Perhaps Ms Curtis should
> show this email to the actor Hugh Grant
> To:
> Cc:,,
>, "maritime_malaise" <>
> Date: Tuesday, August 2, 2011, 2:21 PM
> media/2011/jul/12/hugh-grant- phone-hacking-inquiry
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: OIG <>
> Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 16:29:48 -0400
> Subject: RE: I just called again and tried to speak with John Seeba
> and Cynthia Hogue of the FTC
> To: David Amos <>
> Mr Amos. I just talked to you. Our office only has jurisdiction over
> internal matters like if an FTC employee is involved in fraud. We
> also report to congress to notify them how the FTC utilizes funds.
> What can we do for you?
> Thanks. Zisa Walton
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 4:23 PM
> To: OIG; maritime_malaise
> Cc: Fred. Pretorius; Fred.Wyshak
> Subject: I just called again and tried to speak with John Seeba and
> Cynthia Hogue of the FTC
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 16:56:13 -0300
> Subject: RE BSkyB and News Corp I am on the phone to you right now
> To:,,
> "Marc.Litt" <>
> Cc: oig <>, maritime_malaise <>,
> "Dean.Buzza" <>
> management/newscor.html
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 22:05:59 -0300
> Subject: RE BSkyB and News Corp
> To: aarti.maharaj@,,
> Cc: newsroom <>
> http://www.corporatesecretary. com/articles/11949/newscorp- searches-legal-help-help- combat-us-lawsuits/
> http://www.corporatesecretary. com/articles/11928/corporate- social-responsibility-and- role-board-directors/
> sarah-a-altschuller.html
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 02:45:11 -0300
> Subject: RE BSkyB and News Corp Opps ol Rupert would be pissed that I
> forgot to send the oh so important attachments
> To: ,,
>, ""
> <>, ""
> <>, Edith Cody-Rice <>,
> Jacques Poitras <>, Robert Jones
> <>, Terry Seguin <>, "richard.
> dearden" <> ,
> <>, ""
> <>, "Bob.Kerr@CBC.CA" <>
> Cc:,,
> frank.pingue@thomsonreuters. com,
editor <>,
> news-tips <>, newsonline <>,
> newshour <>, newsroom <>,
> Newsroom <>, foreigneditor
> < uk>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Grant.McCool@thomsonreuters. com
> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 01:23:36 -0400
> Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: RE BSkyB and News Corp Hey Jac
> Nasser Howcome or the trusted lawyers Arty Siskind and Lony Jacobs did
> not tell the Murdochs I was still alive and kicking like hell?
> To:
> I am out of the office until Monday, August 8. I will not be reading
> email until then. Regards
> This email was sent to you by Thomson Reuters, the global news and
> information company. Any views expressed in this message are those of
> the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states
> them to be the views of Thomson Reuters.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 02:23:30 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: RE BSkyB and News Corp Hey Jac Nasser Howcome or the
> trusted lawyers Arty Siskind and Lony Jacobs did not tell the Murdochs
> I was still alive and kicking like hell?
> To:,,
>, frank.pingue@thomsonreuters. com,
> grant.mccool@thomsonreuters. com,
juan.lagorio@thomsonreuters. com,
> "Dean.Buzza" <>
> Cc: maritime_malaise <>,
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 01:41:59 -0300
> Subject: RE BSkyB and News Corp Hey Jac Nasser Howcome or the trusted
> lawyers Arty Siskind and Lony Jacobs did not tell the Murdochs I was
> still alive and kicking like hell?
> To: ,,
>, ""
> <>, ""
> <>, Edith Cody-Rice <>,
> Jacques Poitras <>, Robert Jones
> <>, Terry Seguin <>, "richard.
> dearden" <> ,
> <>, ""
> <>, "Bob.Kerr@CBC.CA" <>
> Cc:, LaytoJ <>, info <>,
>, danfour <>
> 2011-07-25/bskyb-directors- face-4-2-billion-quandary.html
> Interesting quandary you bskyb dudes have. Seems it just got worse EH Jac?
> Clearly you and I crossed paths bigtime before TWO IMPORTANT elections
> in Canada last year and obviously News Corp and Bloomberg's pal Joel
> Klein's old buddies in the US Justice Dept and the SEC etc pissed me
> off way back in 2002 EH?
> Need I say iIdid not like it when and heard of corrupt cops in seven
> cars pounced on my son and I at 2;30 in the morning about two weeks
> after i received this email from you with the attached letter. Small
> wonder Stevey Boy Harper stopped the BHP take over bid of Potash when
> he could not get th RCMP to shut me up EH?
> BTW the pdf file hereto attached that should refresh Siskind's and
> Jacobs memories can be found here as well the letter you sent to me
> last September
> 60818237/FCC-News-Corp
> Altough my contempt towards greedy publicly held companies is well
> known my desire to expose corrupt law enfocement people is far higher
> on my list of offensive things. If old Rupert were wise and his son is
> clever perhaps they should have somebody finally call me back ASAP.
> Perhap Ruper Murdoch can figure how to deal with an honest man
> ethically for the benefit of many shareholders and the chagrin of the
> SEC and Barack Obama EH?
> News Corp has the media and I have the evidence. Why not pretend I am
> Monte Hall and lets make a deal for the benefit of all. Try leaving
> the dark side and ignoring your crooked lawyers for a change. What say
> you Rupert? Dickens wrote books about such things.
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> The links to newsrags etc at the bottom of this email prove that
> obviously I have been reading many things lately. Your lawyers should
> study some of my work within this one email alone As you well know i
> will be forwarding this email to many people in short order.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 23:36:47 -0300
> Subject: RE the Email from BHP Billiton's Chairman Perhaps your
> lawyers and I should talk ASAP? 902 800 0369
> To:
> Cc:
> Jane McAloon (Group Company Secretary) BEc (Hons), LLB, GDipGov, FCIS
> Term of office: Jane McAloon was appointed Group Company Secretary in
> July 2007 and joined the BHP Billiton Group in September 2006 as
> Company Secretary for BHP Billiton Limited.
> Skills and experience: Prior to joining BHP Billiton, Jane McAloon
> held the position of Company Secretary and Group Manager External and
> Regulatory Services in the Australian Gas Light Company. She
> previously held various State and Commonwealth government positions,
> including Director General of the NSW Ministry of Energy and Utilities
> and Deputy Director General for the NSW Cabinet Office, as well as
> working in private legal practice. She is a Fellow of the Institute of
> Chartered Secretaries.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Collins, Susan J (COSEC)" <Susan.J.Collins@bhpbilliton. com>
> Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2010 09:23:12 +1000
> Subject: Email to BHP Billiton Chairman's
> To:
> Please find attached a letter from Mr Jac Nasser, Chairman of BHP
> Billiton
> Susan Collins
> Company Secretariat
> BHP Billiton | 180 Lonsdale St | Melbourne Vic 3000 |Australia
> T: +61 3 9609 2654 | M: +61 427 713 994 | F: +61 3 9609 3290
> E: susan.j.collins@bhpbilliton. com
>From: "Eidt, David (OAG/CPG)" <>
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2017 15:50:03 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: My missing 1965 Harley, the Yankee wiretaps
tapes in its saddlebag and just exactly who the Hell has jurisdiction
over them and Mean Old Me. Survey Says?
To: David Amos <>
I say the CROWN and the USDOJ what say you?
The Hon. Mark Furey
Minister of Municipal Affairs, and Minister of Service Nova Scotia -
Lunenburg West
425 Kings Street
Bridgewater, Nova Scotia
Canada B4V 1B1
Tel: 902-530-3883
Department of Municipal Affairs
14th Floor North, Maritime Centre
1505 Barrington Street
P.O. Box 216
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2M4
Phone: (902) 424-5550
Fax: (902) 424-0581
Service Nova Scotia
14th Floor North, Maritime Centre
1505 Barrington Street
P.O. Box 216
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2M4
Phone: (902) 424-5550
Fax: (902) 424-0581
Mark Furey was elected as the Member of the Legislative Assembly for
Lunenburg West in the October 2013 provincial election, and appointed
to Cabinet on October 22nd, 2013 as the Minister of Service Nova
Scotia and Municipal Relations, Minister responsible for the
Residential Tenancies Act, and member of Treasury and Policy Board.
Mark is a career police officer and community volunteer. He retired
from the RCMP in 2012 after 32 years. He served with detachments
throughout Nova Scotia including Halifax, Cape Breton and the South
Shore where he served as the District Commander for Lunenburg County.
Mark retired as the Emergency Management Project Manager for the RCMP
in Nova Scotia. In addition to his primary responsibilities, Mark was
the Senior Aid-de-Camp to the Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia from
2003-2009. Mark has worked outside the RCMP on various professional
secondments; as an Advisor and Facilitator to the Haitian National
Police Training Program; Policing Consultant and Advisor to the Nova
Scotia Minister and Deputy Minister of Justice; and Advisor to the
Head of Police Strengthening Department, Advisor to the KP Chief of
Staff, and Strategic Plan Coordinator for the Rule of Law Mission in
Mark is a life-long community volunteer and supporter of amateur sport
in Lunenburg County. Well known for many years as a minor and high
school hockey coach, he was the lead instructor of the Bridgewater
Power Skating School. Mark has recently worked with the Lunenburg
County Lifestyle Centre, Jenna Martin (2012 Olympian) “Go For Gold”,
and Habitat For Humanity Fundraising Committees. Mark remains an
active, 23 year member of the Lunenburg County YMCA.
Mark continues to live in Lunenburg West where he and Rochelle raised
their family. Mark and Rochelle, a nurse at South Shore Regional
Hospital, have two adult children. Chad and Chelsea presently live in
The Hon. Geoff MacLellan
Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal, Minister
responsible for the Sydney Steel Corporation Act and the Tar Ponds
Agency. - Glace Bay
219 Commercial Street
Suite D, Peoples Mall
Glace Bay, Nova Scotia
Canada B1A 3B9
Tel: 902-842-4390
Fax: 902-842-4389
Geoff MacLellan is a friendly, familiar face in the riding of Glace
Bay. While his first foray into politics saw him elected as Executive
Vice President at Cape Breton University Students’ Union (CBUSU), he
learned the ropes of serving constituents during his six years with
Cape Breton Canso MP Rodger Cuzner.
Geoff is familiar with the issues affecting of the residents of Glace
Bay and has worked hard to increase the quality of life in his
community as the President of the Table Head Development Society and a
member of the Savoy Theatre Society.
Geoff’s education has given him the foundation to provide
knowledgeable, insightful assistant to residents of the riding of
Glace Bay. Geoff has a Bachelor of Business Administration from Cape
Breton University and a Master’s of Business Administration from
Dalhousie University in Halifax.
Geoff’s career highlights include, being a riding assistant for Rodger
Cuzner at age 21, and becoming the youngest Executive Assistant in
Atlantic Canada at age 24. Geoff was also the director of Business
Development, Maritime Environmental Training Institute in Sydney as
well as the CBU Representative & Program Coordinator for the Canadian
International College (CIC) in Cairo, Egypt.
Service Nova Scotia
Chief Executive Officer: Joanne Munro
Office Location:
1505 Barrington Street, 14-South
Maritime Centre
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3K5
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 216
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2M4
Phone: (902) 424-4089
Fax: (902) 424-5510
Transportation & Infrastructure Renewal, Department of
Deputy Minister: Paul T. LaFleche
Office Location:
1672 Granville Street, 2nd Floor
Johnston Building
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3Z8
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 186
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2N2
Phone: (902) 424-4036
Fax: (902) 424-2014
Inspector Martin Gaudet - Promoted from the rank of Staff Sergeant.
Insp. Gaudet will be in charge of the Primary Response Team (patrols).
Insp. Gaudet joined the Fredericton Police Force in 1995 after serving
as a part-time officer in the Shediac Police Force. Insp. Gaudet has
worked in the Primary Response Team as a Corporal, Sergeant and Staff
Sergeant, Community Policing and Training and Media. He then moved to
the Operational Support Division as second in command, before moving
to the Office of Professional Standards. Insp. Gaudet is also
currently the Team Leader of the Emergency Response Team and has
served as aide-de-camp for the Lieutenant Governor.
Jane Garbutt
Deputy Minister:
Department of Government Services
82 Westmorland St.
Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 3L3
Phone: 506-444-2897
Fax: 506-462-5049
Legal Counsel (Branch)
Government Services (SNB/NBISA/DGS)
POIRIER, CLAUDE (Corporate Legal Counsel)
Legal Counsel (Branch) P: (506) 856-3303 633 Main Street
WALSH, VANESSA (Administrative Support)
Legal Counsel (Branch) P: (506) 869-6389 633 Main Street
Contact Jerry
75 Woodbury Rd
Weare, NH 03281
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2011 12:49:21 -0300
Subject: I just called and tried to reason with your people about my
drivers licence and old Harley AGAIN Correct Charles O'Donnell ?
To: Charles.O', toewsv1 <>,
"robert.trevors" <>,,
maritime_malaise <>, "Fred.Wyshak"
<>, OIG <>,
"Barry.MacKnight" <Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.
"" <>, danfour
Can ya tell I was not joking Mr Eric Dunn?
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <>
To: <>; <>; <>;
<>; <ramonajennexmla@bellaliant.
<>; <>;
<>; <>; "Bonnar, Greg
(DPS/MSP)" <>; <>;
<>; <
<>; "John. Foran" <>; "Gilles. Blinn"
<>; "roger. gillies"
<>; <>; <>;
"robin reid" <>; <>; "nb.
premier" <>; <>;
<>; <>; <>;
Cc: <>; "shawn. graham" <>;
<>; "krisaustin" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 11:16 AM
Subject: Interesting trick that your friends in Nova Scotia pulled on mean
old me yesterday EH Claude Poirier?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 13:40:11 -0300
Subject: Your boss Sylvie Levesque-Finn can never say that she didn't
know now EH Claude Poirier?
To:,,,,, "Bonnar, Greg (DPS/MSP)" <>,
"" <>, ""
<>, "
Foran" <>, "Gilles. Blinn"
<>, "roger. gillies"
<>, Byron Prior <>, dean
Ray <>,, robin reid
Cc: "" <>, Dan Fitzgerald
<>, gypsy-blog <>, "nb. premier"
<>, "" <>,
nbpolitico <>, rmoir <>,
"" <>, ""
From: "Levesque-Finn, Sylvie (SNB)" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 13:37:13 -0300
Subject: Out of Office: RE Telephone Conversation re: 1965
Harley-Davidson Motorcycle, the RCMP and an interesting challenge
from the lawyer Claude Poirier EH?
To: David Amos <>
Je serai absente du bureau jusqu'au 3 août. Je vais répondre à votre
courriel, si nécessaire, à mon retour. Pour de l'assistance immédiate,
veuillez communiquer avec Stéphanie Guignard au 444-2897. Merci
I will be away from the office until August 3rd. I will reply to your
e-mail, if required, upon my return. For immediate attention, please
contact Stéphanie Guignard at 444-2897. Thank you.
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <>
To: <>; <>;
<>; <>;
<>; "Bonnar, Greg (DPS/MSP)"
<>; <>;
<>; <
"vanlop1" <>; "John. Foran" <>;
"Gilles. Blinn" <>; "roger. gillies"
<>; "Byron Prior" <>;
"dean Ray" <>; <>; "robin
reid" <>
Cc: <>; "Dan Fitzgerald" <>;
"gypsy-blog" <>; "nb. premier"
<>; <>; "nbpolitico"
<>; "rmoir" <>;
<>; <>
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: RE Telephone Conversation re: 1965 Harley-Davidson
Motorcycle, the RCMP and an interesting challenge from the lawyer
Claude Poirier EH?
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <>
To: <>; <>;
<>; <>;
<>; <>;
<>; <>; <>;
<>; <>;
<>; "Gilles. Blinn" <>;
"Wayne.Lang" <>;
<>; <>; "Richard Harris"
Cc: "Greg.Byrne" <>; "Bonnar, Greg (DPS/MSP)"
<>; "John. Foran" <>; "kelly.
lamrock" <>; "carlbainbridge"
<>; "fundytides" <>; "panb"
<>; <>; "jack.macdougall"
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 8:10 PM
Subject: Yo Mr Minister Byrne I talked to your mindless lawyer SNB
Claude Poirer again he told me to get a lawyer and sue SNB
Robin you will enjoy this email These are the dumb bastards who stole
my old Harley with the Yankee wiretap tapes in its saddlebags. They
have no idea how important that old bike is to me or who I have been
talking to about it or them them. Now thats funny Everybody and his
dog knows how I love to sue lawyers. Hell I even introduced the dumb
bastards to the evil zionist Barry K. Winters last fall before the
NBPower Bullshit started and still the pricks did nothing all winter.
I must ask you why EH Greggy Baby Byrne did you really think the
zionists dare to kill me now after all the shit that went down over
Bernie Madoff?
The dumb French lawyer in Moncton does not have to ask me twice to sue
SNB. Hell I will sue Poirier and you personally just out of principal.
You are both officers of the court and swore to uphold the law not
assist in the coverup of murder and many other crime. Furthermore all
youand your blogger butt buddy Chucky Leblanc had hard copy of my
material since 2004 because he was too much of a chickenshit to give
my material to Brad Green as he promised Correct Greggy Baby?
The RCMP, the SNB, Capital Towing and the Fat Fred City finest all
played a hand in stealing my old Harley in 2007 and some Yankee police
surveilance wiretap tapes in its saddlebag. I hear the tapes are now
missing surprise surprise EH? At least the bike still exists but is
getting in rough shape because the bastard left it out in the weather
for years. However everybody knows I have many more wiretap tapes
stashed in Canada and the USA and that i can fix any motorcycycle. It
is YOUR fault that the SNB lawyer is acting so cocky N'esy Pas Greggy
Veritas Vincit
DavidRaymond Amos
P.S I didn't bother telling the mindless Piorier about the shit that
went down in NewYork after I talked to all of you bastards last year.
I was just trying to get my Harley back before we started arguing in
court tis all because my friend told me Alan MacPhee was threatening
to squash it soon. You really should make sure that THAT DOES NOT
If the idiot claude Poiier bumps into former Minister Mikey Murphy
maybe he will explain why he gave up his dream job because he didn't
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: ; ; ; ; ;
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; mrichard@lawsociety-barreau.
cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp- ; ; ;
Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; tomp.young@atlanticradio. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; calgary.mountainview@assembly. ; ; ; ; ;
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 1:35 PM
Subject: Attention William Corby I am entitled to an answer from the
RCMP BEFORE we meet in court N'est Pas?
"Murphy, Michael B. (DH/MS)" <> wrote:
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400
From: "Murphy, Michael B. \(DH/MS\)" <>
To: <>
January 30, 2007
Mr. David Amos
Dear Mr. Amos:
This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29,
2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP.
Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I have
taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve
Graham of the RCMP “J” Division in Fredericton.
Honourable Michael B. Murphy
Minister of Health
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500
From: "Warren McBeath" <
CC:,,,, "Bev BUSSON" <>, "Paul
Dube" <>
Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has
forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have n
Dear Mr. Amos, Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today.
I was on days off over the holidays and returned to work this
evening. Rest assured I was not ignoring or procrastinating to
respond to your concerns. As your attachment sent today refers
from Premier Graham, our position is clear on your dead calf issue:
Our forensic labs do not process testing on animals in cases such
as yours, they are referred to
the Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide
these services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in
this instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be
done. As for your other concerns regarding the US Government,
false imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is
clear that Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in
Canada and the US. These issues do not fall into the purvue of
Detachment policing in Petitcodiac, NB. It was indeed an
interesting and informative conversation we had on December 23rd,
and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors. Sincerely,
Warren McBeath, Cpl. GRC Caledonia RCMP Traffic Services NCO Ph:
(506) 387-2222 Fax: (506) 387-4622 E-mail
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <>
To: <>; <>;
<>; <>; "John. Foran"
<>; "Barry Winters" <>;
<>; "vanlop1" <>
Cc: "Bastarache, Donald J.(SNB)" <>;
"Morrison, Bill (SNB)" <>; "Levesque-Finn, Sylvie
(SNB)" <>; "Pleadwell, Derek (SNB)"
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 1:14 PM
Subject: Fwd: Telephone Conversation re: 1965 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <>
To: <>; <>;
<>; <>;
<>; "Bonnar, Greg (DPS/MSP)"
<>; <>;
<>; <
"vanlop1" <>; "John. Foran" <>;
"Gilles. Blinn" <>; "roger. gillies"
<>; "Byron Prior" <>;
"dean Ray" <>
Cc: <>; "Dan Fitzgerald" <>;
"gypsy-blog" <>; "nb. premier"
<>; <>; "nbpolitico"
<>; "webo" <>; "rmoir"
<>; <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 9:38 PM
Subject: RE Telephone Conversation re: 1965 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle
and the RCMP and their deleted Youtube abut arsonists and the fact
that mine still stand
I do thank Mr. Mackenzie for his ethical efforts on my behalf to
locate my old bike. In memory of my father whom said he knew he is the
only one amongst you who I will not sue. If what these bastads in
these emails and comments are true and I don't get my Harley back this
weekend with a proper settlement for damages and inconvience and
police harrassment it appears I may lose bigtime. If so rest assured i
don't mind but my blood will be found on your hands and no doubt my
estate will sue you especially after my receiving certain responses
lately from people way up the bureaucratic food chain above you. It
appears I must deal with the high and mighty while scrapping with the
lowest amongst us EH? Clearly I ain't done yet. Tell the corrupt cops
to stay away I ain't done anything wrong and you all know it. however
i do preserve my right to self defense because of their malice.
As you all know I have recieved no response from any of you since
January past when I first heard though the grapvine that my Harley and
the FBI wiretap tapes had dissapeared from the compound in Fredeicton
without any notice to me whatsoever. Every time I called anyone about
it they just played dumb as hell or would not return my call or answer
my emails as to the whereabouts of my old Harley or knowledge of
anything else. Hell even after I called the Crown's bluff and then
sent registered mail to the towing companyin Fat Fred City and
several others in August of 2007 and told Capital Towing to introduce
me to their lawyer byway of my friend Werner Bock you bastards just
laughed at me as the RCMP had me falsely imprisoned once again?
However the Upper Canadian snob of a lawyer Eddy Greenspan did answer
me thus proving that I would not stand for the theft of my property. I
don\t think he or his snobby client back then Lord conrad Black are
still laughing at me DO YOU? What if Lord Black yells my name. You are
all screwed CORRECT?
Perhaps you should have your many lawyers study the document found in
the following link ASAP it appears there is gonna be an interesting
hoedown in "The Place to BE" very soon and its will be of the RCMP's
creation. Rest assured I will do my best to record it all or my name
ain't "Just Dave" (Gusess who just blogged this email as well as sent
it ot other for safe keeping? If these braggarts are correct the
police sold my bike to their pals in the Hells Angels? What kind of
Bullshit is that I must ask? Rest assured I will find out on my own
and sue you all for you obvious malice towards me because I merely
exposed your politcal games with corrupt Bankers.
What the hell do you bastards want now for me to die in some conflict
like the OK coral
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
3725127 (49 minutes ago)
great you save everything ass clown im coming to new Brunswick this
weekend and i want to see how tuff you really are so if you have any
balls be at the farm this weekend i will show you my new bike i got up
at a police action in Fredericton i think you will be pissed oh i mean
surprised do we have a date hippie i got a few fellas that didnt like
some of your comments and well im sure we will work everything out so
let me know grease monkey
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 6:21 PM
Subject: Fwd: Your Minister the lawyer Greg Byrne should have done the
right thing a long time ago EH Mr. Graham?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "MacKenzie, Lloyd (SNB)" <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 13:01:27 -0400
Subject: Telephone Conversation re: 1965 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle
Cc: "Bastarache, Donald J.(SNB)" <>,
"Morrison, Bill (SNB)" <>, "Levesque-Finn, Sylvie
(SNB)" <>, "Pleadwell, Derek (SNB)"
Mr. Amos:
Upon your request I will inform Mr. Derek Pleadwell [(506)
444-2897], Chairperson SNB Board of Directors, of our extended
conversation regarding the issues surrounding the 1965 Harley-Davidson
motorcycle when he visits my office at approximately 3:30 P.M. today.
Also, as requested, I've copied in Ms. Sylvie Levesque-Finn
[(506) 453-3879], SNB President.
Lloyd D. MacKenzie, AACI, P. App, CAE
Regional Manager of Assessment - Beauséjour Region/Responsable
régional de l'évaluation - region Beauséjour
Assessment/ de l'évaluation
Service New Brunswick/ Service Nouveau-Brunswick
633 rue Main St. 4th floor/4ième étage
Moncton, NB
E1C 8R3
Tel/Tél: (506) 856-3910
Fax/Téléc: (506) 856-2519
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 13:00:58 -0400
Subject: Your Minister the lawyer Greg Byrne should have done the
right thing a long time ago EH Mr. Graham?
Cc: "greg. byrne" <>, "shawn. graham"
<>, "Bonnar, Greg (DPS/MSP)" <>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 10:32:50 -0400
Subject: ATTN John Reed Stark Chief, Office of Internet Enforcement
United States Securities & Exchange Commission
Cc: "criminal. division" <>, "Weston. J"
<>, "" <>,
webo <>, "John. Foran" <>,
"" <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 09:11:47 -0500
Subject: Delivery Notification / Enforcement Complaint Response
Dear Sir or Madam:
Thank you for your recent e-mail to the group electronic mailbox of the
Division of Enforcement at the United States Securities and Exchange
Commission in Washington, D.C. We appreciate your taking the time to
write to us. This automated response confirms that the Division of
Enforcement has received your e-mail. You can rest assured that an
attorney in the Office of Internet Enforcement will review your e-mail
We are always interested in hearing from members of the public, and you
may be assured that the matter you have raised is being given careful
consideration in view of the Commission's overall enforcement
responsibilities under the federal securities laws. It is, however, the
Commission's policy to conduct its inquiries on a non-public basis -- so
this may be the only response that you receive. If your complaint is
more in the nature of a consumer complaint (such as a dispute with your
broker or a problem with your brokerage or retirement account), you
should contact our Office of Investor Education and Assistance -- they
may be able to help you. You may reach the Office of Investor Education
and Advocacy via telephone at (202) 551-6551or through the Web at
The Commission conducts its investigations on a non-public basis to
preserve the integrity of its investigative process as well as to
protect persons against whom unfounded charges may be made or against
whom the Commission determines that enforcement action is not necessary
or appropriate. Subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information
Act, we cannot disclose to you any information which we may gather and
we cannot confirm to you the existence or non-existence of an
investigation, unless made a matter of public record in proceedings
brought before the Commission or in the courts.
If you are unsure where you should direct your inquiry or you want to
learn more about how the SEC handles inquiries and complaints, please
visit the SEC Complaint Center at HYPERLINK
Should you have any additional information or questions pertaining to
this matter, please feel free to communicate directly with us at
We appreciate your interest in the work of the Commission and its
Division of Enforcement.
Very truly yours,
John Reed Stark
Chief, Office of Internet Enforcement
United States Securities & Exchange Commission
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 09:43:39 -0400
Subject: Hi ladies.say hey to your bosses for me Nobody called me back
so here you go as promised
Cc: "
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 12:00:28 -0400
Subject: It was a pleasure talking to you Mr Bastarache see you all in court.
To:, "" <>
Cc: "Duceppe. G" <>, "layton. j"
<>, "MichaelB. Murphy" <>,
"" <>
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <>
To: <
<>; <>; "jamiebaillie"
<>; <john.macdonell@ns.sympatico.
<>; <>; "premier" <>;
"ddexter" <>;
Cc: "David Amos" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 10:38 PM
Subject: Glad to see you are stilll kicking to Please Enjoy Imagine if
folks actually paid attention this email over a year ago
Oh and say Hoka Hey Mr Bauer your Prez Obama's backroom lawyer and Mr
Ginsberg for the GOP guys I don't believe either one of them believe
in Xmass either
Bah Humbug and best regards
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 13:43:31 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Just as McCain endorses Mitt Romney I get a call back
from their nasty little Yankee buddy Sheriff Babeu"s Office in Arizona
RobertJordan@,, maritime_malaise
Now that Mitt Romney thinks he is in like Flynn it is my turn to step
up to the plate and embarass the hell out him before I sue him.
This email can easily prove that I had been in contact with many
presidential wannabes since April 2002 begining with Mitt Romney when
he introduced his running mate as he was running for Governor (I have
pictures to prove what I say is true but the voicemail hereto attached
from Sheriif Babeu easily proves that we go way back). In early 2004 I
crossed paths with Barak Obama byway of his assistanat Coffey when he
as running against Alan Keyes for Fitzgerald 's US Senate seat and
Obama and his lawyers will never deny it openly because they all know
that I have the proof of contact as well.
I must say that I find it strange at the writer from VT Cowan who came
in behind Obama offers no contact info whatsoever.
Here is a little bit I know about you guys byway of the corporate
media and otherwise.
FYI Here is a quick study about me
Feel free to call or email me with any questions before I sue the CROWN
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
1 902 800 0369
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2012 23:25:29 -0400
Subject: Just as McCain endorses Mitt Romney I get a call back from
their nasty little Yankee buddy Sheriff Babeu"s Office in Arizona
To:, mm-tips <>,,,,,,,,,, Arthur Taylor
<>,, josie.maguire@dfait-maeci.gc.,
Cc:, maritime_malaise
<>, "Eric.Holder" <>,
"Fred.Wyshak" <>,,,,,,
Seems that Senator John McCain forgot all about page 25 of this file EH Newt?
From: Elias Johnson <Elias.Johnson@pinalcountyaz.
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2012 16:08:51 -0700
Subject: Re: I just called (902 800 0369) about Sheriff Babeu and Mitt Romney
To: "Amos, David" <>
Was the purpose of your email to share this information or are you in
need of something?
Elias Johnson
Public Information Officer, PCSO
Office (520) 866-5208
Mobile (520) 858-4553
email: elias.johnson@pinalcountyaz.
My response was one word hoping that the Sheriff was an honest man
then I got the phone call (hereto attached) removing all doubt as to
his position So I called the bastard back and told him to look for the
evidence of MURDER that he had just acknowledged and told him i look
forward to meeting him in court someday.
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2012 20:02:47 -0400
Subject: Re: I just called (902 800 0369) about Sheriff Babeu and Mitt Romney
To: Elias Johnson <Elias.Johnson@pinalcountyaz.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2012 18:38:16 -0400
Subject: I just called (902 800 0369) about Sheriff Babeu and Mitt Romney
Cc:, elias.johnson@pinalcountyaz.
To reach Elias directly you can call his office at 520-866-5208, cell
at 520-858-4553 or by email at elias.johnson@pinalcountyaz.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2011 17:41:14 -0400
Subject: Thank you Christopher V. Hill for proving your Integrity to
me. You were the only soul to do so
" \"john.barthelmes\""
<>, "Charles.O'Donnell"
<Charles.O'>,,, "Wayne.Lang"
"Jacques.Poitras" <>, ""
<>, acampbell <>, evelyngreene
<>, MacKnightb <>,
occupyfredericton <>, robin reid
<>, "Ken.Zielke" <>,
"Bob.Paulson" <>, toewsv1
<>, chiefape <>
For what it is worth I will send my letter of support tommorrow. In
the mean time please download this old pdf file ASAP if only to look
for my proof of contact Mitt Romney in 2002.
If you wish please print this file and show it to the folks on your
campaign trail. trust that it should inspire many questions for your
political opponents to answer. A lot of them were in public service
when the US and Canadian governments first attacked me and created a
very fierce but ethical politcal animal.
In my humble opinion everyone is entitled to know the TRUTH before
they vote the same crooks back into office. If people don't care then
they get the governments they deserve. As for my luck, well it appears
lady luck has been in my corner my whole life. Trust that one very
issed off Canadian whistleblower will "Live Free or Die" just like my
Yankee plates proudly proclaim
BTW I called Michael Delaney and Peter Heed's offices again today the
NH AG has met with me and took my documents in 2003 when I was filing
3 complaints in the US District Court in Concord. he AG can try to
play dumb but anyone can go to the court and check the PUBLIC dockets
to see lots of obvious evidence of crimes.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369
P.S. On the comical side I noticed that both the Yankee SEC and the
Canadian CIBC were checking my work again today. Methinks they are
worried bigtime as well they should me. Imagine if the economy tanks
and I turn up dead? The RCMP and the FBI will be in deep doo doo
particularly with all the death threats against my family lately.
Just Dave
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Visitor's Time Dec 5 2011 2:31:48 pm
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 05 Dec 2011 12:36:50 -0700
Subject: RE: Re The New Hampshire GOP etc Herman Cain should do the
right thing as he quits and endorse Christopher V. Hill
To: David Amos <>
Thanks for the information and conversation yesterday. I will keep
it in mind on the campaign trail.
Best of luck in the future. There are some big issues on the world stage.
Christopher V. Hill
From: William Pierce <william.pierce@buddyroemer.
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2011 12:51:49 -0500
Subject: Re: Re The New Hampshire GOP etc Herman Cain should do the
right thing as he quits and endorse Christopher V. Hill
To: David Amos <>
Please remove me from all future emails.
William Pierce
Director of Scheduling & Advance
Buddy Roemer for President
66 Hanover Street, Suite 200
Manchester, NH
(603) 782-4812 x306
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2011 12:37:38 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Thank you
Thank you for contacting We appreciate your
message and your patience in receiving a response. We will be in
touch with you soon. Thank you again for your support!
The Bachmann for President Team
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re The New Hampshire GOP etc Herman Cain should do the right
> thing as he quits and endorse Christopher V. Hill
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Mon, December 05, 2011 10:37 am
> To:,,,
> <>,,
> Cc:, "john.barthelmes"
> <>, "Charles.O'Donnell"
> <Charles.O'>, mmaritime_malaise
> <>, "Jacques.Poitras"
> <>, "" <>,
> acampbell <>
> Now is the Time for Action Mr Block You called me out of the blue last
> June and have been ducking me ever since. Well this you Correct?
> And this Mr Hill. It appears to mean old me that Mr Hill's platform is
> the closest I have seen to Mr Cain's
> This is the first email I sent you immediately after you called me on
> Herman Cain's behalf and made your request to study my concerns
> Correct?
> From: David Amos
> Subject: Thanks for calling me Mark
> To:,
> Cc: "David Amos" <>
> Date: Friday, June 17, 2011, 5:14 PM
> Contact: Mark Block, 262-617-2716
> --- On Wed, 6/15/11, David Amos <> wrote:
> From: David Amos <>
> Subject: If Raw Story wishes to know more about Julian Assange and
> Birgitta Jonsdottir surf through some old emails the PDF found in the
> firt link
> To:, "Aurele. Daigle"
> <>
> Cc: "terry.seguin" <>, ""
> <>, "danfour" <>
> Date: Wednesday, June 15, 2011, 9:21 PM
> http://www.checktheevidence.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 19:20:24 -0300
> Subject: for the PUBLIC record I offered my assistance to Mr Tepper"s
> family byway of his father and he didn't want it Thus my conscience is
> clear
> To:, bairdj <>, pm
> <>, LaytoJ <>, "Leblanc.D"
> <>, "Allen. M" <>,
> "terry.seguin" <>
> Cc:,, ""
> <>, "william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.
> <william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.
> <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 10:59:59 -0300
> Subject: Here is just a little proof as to why the Bloc, liberals and
> NDP took turns supporting Harper and the banksters' budgets etc
> To: "greg.weston" <>, "david. allgood"
> <>, "jennifer. warren"
> <>, warren <>, LaytoJ
> <>, "Duane.Rousselle" <>,
> maritime_malaise <>, smay
> <>, acampbell <>
> Cc: whistleblower <>, whistleblower
> <>, david <>
> http://www.checktheevidence.
> Or if the link above fails try here
> http://www.checktheevidence.
> Or if the link above fails try here
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
> Before you doubt me check the following links very closely and the
> recent email exchange with the former US Special Counsel Scott Bloch
> before he goes to jail.
> First and foremost do you see Eliot Spitzer testified on the very day
> he thanked me for the info? I ask again where did the transcripts and
> webcasts go not long after I made the congressman Ron Pauland legions
> of others well aware of their existence as he bitched about such
> things whle running for the GOP endorcement to run for president in
> 2007? For the PUBLIC Record the records of the hearings were deleted
> in late fall 2007 just as all the subprime morigages began to smell
> bad.
> Now check the dates on the letters in this file page 13 in particular
> http://www.checktheevidence.
> or if that link fails try here
> Then read ths old email exchange
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
> Get it? If not call me will ya?
> With regards to Ron Paul, Mitt Romney and all the other GOP dudes
> lurking about New Hampshire lately trust that the lion's share of them
> know of my concerns as well but Ron Paul is a good example of a
> congressman who talks the talk but does not walk the walk. mmediately
> below is the cover letter sent with the documents I sent congressman
> Ron Paul years ago as he ran for president last time. Look within the
> file for what I sent our current Prez Obama 4 years before when he was
> just a State Senator and ask yourself why Ron Paul and his Mises
> Institute butt buddies said nothing while the economy went into the
> toilet
> or
> http://www.checktheevidence.
> Clearly the emails were published long ago
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
> and I read the news about Ron Paul again today
> BTW just so ya'll know the gay fella running for president never
> responded even after I talked to his friend in California however the
> Chinese media people are beginning to listen to mean old me. Perhaps
> those who support Jacky Boy Layton should too and at least ask me a
> few questions
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 14:52:02 -0300
> Subject: Hi Wendy i just called from 902 800 0369
> To:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2011 14:49:27 -0300
> Subject: RE the Scott Bloch lawsuit I called POGO and FINRA and the
> OSC again Nobody cared so in my humble opinion Bloch, POGO and the
> Feds etc deserve each other.
> To: scott <>, maritime_malaise
> <>, "Minister.Industry"
> <>,,,
> Cc:,, sbloch
> <>, oig <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2011 18:44:25 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: RE the Scott Bloch lawsuit
> To: maritime_malaise <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2011 20:41:33 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: I just called from 902 800 0369
> To:, "Edith. Cody-Rice" <>,
> toewsv1 <>, pm <>, info <>,
> smari <>, "" <>
> Cc:,, maritime_malaise
> <>
> MY family is still in your miserable country without their father or
> their home because YOU amongst many others failed to act within the
> scope of your employment and protect a proper whisleblower.
> .You should have kept reading and reviewed your old mandate and called
> me back with many questions if you were even remotely ethical. FYI it
> was YOUR job to check the integrity of the EXECUTIVE offices. You are
> suing it amongst many other right now CORRECT?
> Did you not even notice that I am the guy who enjoys taking lawyers
> to court? Cyal in court someday. Rest assured that I will look forward
> to your Pro Se argument with glee..
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Scott Bloch <>
> Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2011 23:14:43 +0000
> Subject: RE: I just called from 902 800 0369
> To:
> Dear Mr. Amos:
> I read some of the correspondence you pointed me to. I see where just
> a month after I assumed office as Special Counsel, you wrote directly
> to me and my complaints examining unit saw that our office had no
> jurisdiction over complaints from persons outside the civil service
> and correctly wrote the letter they did. I had no knowledge of it
> until now. I appreciate your bringing it to my attention and thank
> you for your obvious interest in what goes on in our country.
> Sincerely,
> Scott Bloch
> Law Offices of Scott J. Bloch, P.A.
> 1050 17th St., NW Ste 600
> Washington, DC 20036
> PH: (202) 496-1290
> FAX: (202) 478-0479
> http://www.dcresultslawyers.
> "Justice Delayed is Justice Denied"
> This e-mail and any attachments contain information from the law firm
> of Scott J. Bloch, P.A., and are intended solely for the use of the named
> recipient or recipients. This e-mail may contain privileged
> attorney/client communications or work product. Any dissemination of
> this e-mail by
> anyone other than an intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you are
> not a named recipient, you are prohibited from any further viewing of the
> e-mail or any attachments or from making any use of the e-mail or attachments.
> If you believe you have received this e-mail in error, notify the
> sender immediately and permanently delete the e-mail, any attachments,
> and all copies thereof from
> any drives or storage media and destroy any printouts of the e-mail or
> attachments.
> From: Info Services <>
> Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2011 22:06:16 -0400
> Subject: Thank you for your thoughts and comments
> To: David Amos <>
> Thank you for contacting the Republican National Committee. Our
> Party's success depends on the active participation of supporters like
> you, and we are glad you took the time to write. We believe in
> listening to as many views as possible from people like you, who
> represent the Republican Party. Receiving letters and information
> from members enables us to get a wide range of opinions, which are
> shared with Republican candidates, officeholders and campaigns. They
> all value these comments, as do we at the RNC.
> Due to the high volume of emails received on a daily basis, it is
> impossible to send out individual responses. Please be assured that
> your comments will be read and included in our daily report to
> Chairman Priebus. Please check our website,
> If you have requested information that we can provide, we will respond
> as quickly as possible.
> Our Party needs your continued support to get our message out to every
> American. We appreciate you taking the time to share with us your
> concerns and we hope you will continue to keep us advised of any
> future concerns.
> Constituent Services
> Republican National Committee
> QSLS Politics
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> Visitor's Time Aug 2 2011 10:25:20 pm
> Visit Number 21,974
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2011 23:06:06 -0300
> Subject: Opps Pressed enter before attaching the file for the Hearst
> lawyers and the GOP to revew
> To:,,,
> Cc: maritime_malaise <>,
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2011 22:08:27 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: Here the News Tip about you that the Guardian dropped
> like a hot potato EH Rupert?
> To:
> Cc: maritime_malaise <>
> Just so ya know Pat everybody and his dog in the Big Apple knows about
> Madoff and I by now.
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
> However it certainly seemed to mean old me your nasty so called "news
> gather" knew about Gordy Campbell and I as well EH Yankee?
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
> Now ask your New General Counsel and the GOP if I am a liar or not
> after your eview the pdf file hereto attached
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> http://www.
> and Hearst Media Services are located at:
> 2601 Elliott Ave., Suite 300A
> Seattle, WA 98121
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2011 03:37:43 -0300
> Subject: Here the News Tip about you that the Guardian dropped like a
> hot potato EH Rupert?
> To:, infomorning <>,
> Cc:,,,
> "" <>
> From: Ed Pilkington <>
> Subject: GUARDIAN
> To: David Amos
> Date: Wednesday, August 3, 2011, 11:42 AM
> hi
> here's my email and my cell number is below
> all best
> Ed
> --
> Ed Pilkington
> New York bureau chief
> The Guardian
> Cell: 646 704 1264
> Please consider the environment before printing this email.
> ------------------------------
> Visit - newspaper of the year
> On your mobile, visit or download the Guardian
> iPhone app
> To save up to 30% when you subscribe to the Guardian and the Observer
> visit
> ------------------------------
> This e-mail and all attachments are confidential and may also
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> Registered Office
> PO Box 68164
> Kings Place
> 90 York Way
> London
> N1P 2AP
> Registered in England Number 908396
> --- On Tue, 8/2/11, David Amos <> wrote:
> From: David Amos <>
> Subject: Re Rupert Murdoch and his associates Perhaps Ms Curtis should
> show this email to the actor Hugh Grant
> To:
> Cc:,,
>, "maritime_malaise" <>
> Date: Tuesday, August 2, 2011, 2:21 PM
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: OIG <>
> Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 16:29:48 -0400
> Subject: RE: I just called again and tried to speak with John Seeba
> and Cynthia Hogue of the FTC
> To: David Amos <>
> Mr Amos. I just talked to you. Our office only has jurisdiction over
> internal matters like if an FTC employee is involved in fraud. We
> also report to congress to notify them how the FTC utilizes funds.
> What can we do for you?
> Thanks. Zisa Walton
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@
> Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 4:23 PM
> To: OIG; maritime_malaise
> Cc: Fred. Pretorius; Fred.Wyshak
> Subject: I just called again and tried to speak with John Seeba and
> Cynthia Hogue of the FTC
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 16:56:13 -0300
> Subject: RE BSkyB and News Corp I am on the phone to you right now
> To:,,
> "Marc.Litt" <>
> Cc: oig <>, maritime_malaise <>,
> "Dean.Buzza" <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 22:05:59 -0300
> Subject: RE BSkyB and News Corp
> To: aarti.maharaj@
> Cc: newsroom <>
> http://www.corporatesecretary.
> http://www.corporatesecretary.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 02:45:11 -0300
> Subject: RE BSkyB and News Corp Opps ol Rupert would be pissed that I
> forgot to send the oh so important attachments
> To:
>, ""
> <>, ""
> <>, Edith Cody-Rice <>,
> Jacques Poitras <>, Robert Jones
> <>, Terry Seguin <>, "richard.
> dearden" <>
> <>, ""
> <>, "Bob.Kerr@CBC.CA" <>
> Cc:,,
> frank.pingue@thomsonreuters.
> news-tips <>, newsonline <>,
> newshour <>, newsroom <>,
> Newsroom <>, foreigneditor
> <
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Grant.McCool@thomsonreuters.
> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 01:23:36 -0400
> Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: RE BSkyB and News Corp Hey Jac
> Nasser Howcome or the trusted lawyers Arty Siskind and Lony Jacobs did
> not tell the Murdochs I was still alive and kicking like hell?
> To:
> I am out of the office until Monday, August 8. I will not be reading
> email until then. Regards
> This email was sent to you by Thomson Reuters, the global news and
> information company. Any views expressed in this message are those of
> the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states
> them to be the views of Thomson Reuters.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 02:23:30 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: RE BSkyB and News Corp Hey Jac Nasser Howcome or the
> trusted lawyers Arty Siskind and Lony Jacobs did not tell the Murdochs
> I was still alive and kicking like hell?
> To:,,
>, frank.pingue@thomsonreuters.
> grant.mccool@thomsonreuters.
> "Dean.Buzza" <>
> Cc: maritime_malaise <>,
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 01:41:59 -0300
> Subject: RE BSkyB and News Corp Hey Jac Nasser Howcome or the trusted
> lawyers Arty Siskind and Lony Jacobs did not tell the Murdochs I was
> still alive and kicking like hell?
> To:
>, ""
> <>, ""
> <>, Edith Cody-Rice <>,
> Jacques Poitras <>, Robert Jones
> <>, Terry Seguin <>, "richard.
> dearden" <>
> <>, ""
> <>, "Bob.Kerr@CBC.CA" <>
> Cc:, LaytoJ <>, info <>,
>, danfour <>
> Interesting quandary you bskyb dudes have. Seems it just got worse EH Jac?
> Clearly you and I crossed paths bigtime before TWO IMPORTANT elections
> in Canada last year and obviously News Corp and Bloomberg's pal Joel
> Klein's old buddies in the US Justice Dept and the SEC etc pissed me
> off way back in 2002 EH?
> Need I say iIdid not like it when and heard of corrupt cops in seven
> cars pounced on my son and I at 2;30 in the morning about two weeks
> after i received this email from you with the attached letter. Small
> wonder Stevey Boy Harper stopped the BHP take over bid of Potash when
> he could not get th RCMP to shut me up EH?
> BTW the pdf file hereto attached that should refresh Siskind's and
> Jacobs memories can be found here as well the letter you sent to me
> last September
> Altough my contempt towards greedy publicly held companies is well
> known my desire to expose corrupt law enfocement people is far higher
> on my list of offensive things. If old Rupert were wise and his son is
> clever perhaps they should have somebody finally call me back ASAP.
> Perhap Ruper Murdoch can figure how to deal with an honest man
> ethically for the benefit of many shareholders and the chagrin of the
> SEC and Barack Obama EH?
> News Corp has the media and I have the evidence. Why not pretend I am
> Monte Hall and lets make a deal for the benefit of all. Try leaving
> the dark side and ignoring your crooked lawyers for a change. What say
> you Rupert? Dickens wrote books about such things.
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> The links to newsrags etc at the bottom of this email prove that
> obviously I have been reading many things lately. Your lawyers should
> study some of my work within this one email alone As you well know i
> will be forwarding this email to many people in short order.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 23:36:47 -0300
> Subject: RE the Email from BHP Billiton's Chairman Perhaps your
> lawyers and I should talk ASAP? 902 800 0369
> To:
> Cc:
> Jane McAloon (Group Company Secretary) BEc (Hons), LLB, GDipGov, FCIS
> Term of office: Jane McAloon was appointed Group Company Secretary in
> July 2007 and joined the BHP Billiton Group in September 2006 as
> Company Secretary for BHP Billiton Limited.
> Skills and experience: Prior to joining BHP Billiton, Jane McAloon
> held the position of Company Secretary and Group Manager External and
> Regulatory Services in the Australian Gas Light Company. She
> previously held various State and Commonwealth government positions,
> including Director General of the NSW Ministry of Energy and Utilities
> and Deputy Director General for the NSW Cabinet Office, as well as
> working in private legal practice. She is a Fellow of the Institute of
> Chartered Secretaries.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Collins, Susan J (COSEC)" <Susan.J.Collins@bhpbilliton.
> Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2010 09:23:12 +1000
> Subject: Email to BHP Billiton Chairman's
> To:
> Please find attached a letter from Mr Jac Nasser, Chairman of BHP
> Billiton
> Susan Collins
> Company Secretariat
> BHP Billiton | 180 Lonsdale St | Melbourne Vic 3000 |Australia
> T: +61 3 9609 2654 | M: +61 427 713 994 | F: +61 3 9609 3290
> E: susan.j.collins@bhpbilliton.
> <
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@
> > Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 8:36 AM
> > To:;;
> >; corporate.relations@
> >; shawn. graham;;
> > krisaustin;;;
> > tomp.young@atlanticradio.
> >;;;
> >;;
> >; contactus@
> > rick.hancox; Bernard.LeBlanc; Liebenberg, Andre;
> >; MooreR; danfour;;
> > Harris, Brendan; Dean.Buzza; Gilles. Blinn
> > Cc: wcoady;;;
> > WaterWarCrimes; Penny Bright; tony; Nasser, Jacques
> > Subject: Fwd: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack
> > of ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before
> > you people buy much stock in their stock eh?
> >
> > With ANOTHER election in the near future I see no need to explain my
> > issues again about the exploitation of our natural resources to a
> > bunch of sneaky lawyers.(everyboy shoul checkout the pdf hereto
> > attache) especially our former Deputy Prime Minister Lanslide Annie
> > McLelllan an the RCMP thought they knew everything seven years ago and
> > did nothing let alone call me back just like you an your many
> > conservative cohorts NEVER did EH Brucy Baby Northrup? (902 800 0369
> > Notice my new contact number? You an the RCMP can forget Werner Bock's
> > now)
> >
> > Clearly there is no need for politicians to try to be confidential
> > with mean old me when the Globe and Mail loves spilling the beans
> > sometimes ou woul think those unethical journlists woul know that
> > simple truths spoken amongst common folk about corrupt politicians
> > have a good habit of coming to the surface sooner or later anyway EH?
> >
> > Veritas Vincit
> > David Raymond Amos
> >
> >
> This message and any attached files may contain information that is
> confidential and/or subject of legal privilege intended only for use
> by the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient or
> the person responsible for delivering the message to the intended
> recipient, be advised that you have received this message in error and
> that any dissemination, copying or use of this message or attachment
> is strictly forbidden, as is the disclosure of the information
> therein. If you have received this message in error please notify the
> sender immediately and delete the message.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 13:05:02 -0300
> Subject: Mr Lee I just called you from 902 800 0369 after listening to
> you on CAPAC last night perhaps we should talk ASAP
> To:
> Cc: maritime_malaise <>
> First and foremost do you see Eliot Spitzer testified on the very day
> he thanked me for the info? I ask again where did the transcripts and
> webcasts go not long after I made the congressman Ron Paul and legions
> of others well aware of their existence as he bitched about such
> things whle running for the GOP endorcement to run for president in
> 2007? For the PUBLIC Record the records of the hearings were deleted
> in late fall 2007 just as all the subprime morigages began to smell
> bad.
> Now check the dates on the letters in this file page 13 in particular
> http://www.checktheevidence.
> Then read ths old email exchange
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
> Get it? If not call me will ya?
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2011 22:56:05 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: Wheras ol Whitey Bulger is now in custody Perhaps the
> FEDS should review this old file ASAP EH Assange?
> To:, "jacques.boucher"
> <jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.
> "william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.
> "Wayne.Lang" <>, dean <>,
> Daniel.Conley@massmail.state.
>, birgittajoy <>, "Julian
> Assange)" <>, "Bathurst, News Max"
> <>, "mckeen.randy" <>, "Frank.
> McKenna" <>, "mclaughlin.heather"
> <mclaughlin.heather@
> Cc: maritime_malaise <>, danfour
> <>, "" <>,
> editorial <>, "terry.seguin"
> <>, nickysbirdy <>, webo
> <>, "Loiseau, Frederic"
> <frederic.loiseau@fredericton.
> <Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.
> From: magicJack <voicemail@notify.magicjack.
> Subject: New VM (16) - 0:47 minutes in your magicJack mailbox from 7097728272
> Date: Monday, July 4, 2011, 6:16 AM
> Dear magicJack User:
> You received a new 0:47 minutes voicemail message, on Monday, July 04,
> 2011 at 09:16:24 AM in mailbox 902 800 0369 from 709 772 8272.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2011 20:02:45 -0300
> Subject: Wheras ol Whitey Bulger is now in custody Perhaps the FEDS
> should review this file ASAP?
> To: "william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.
> "Wayne.Lang" <>, dean <>,
> maritime_malaise <>, pm <>,
> "greg.preston" <greg.preston@police.edmonton.
> <>, LaytoJ <>, godiny
> <>, Ashfik1a <>
> Cc: "terry.seguin" <>, danfour
> <>, "" <>,
> "richard. dearden" <>
> http://www.checktheevidence.
> Beginning on page 56 All of Whitey's lawyers will get the jitters
> Notice Andrew Bulger?
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 19:18:17 -0300
> Subject: Thanx for the call back
> To:
> Cc: maritime_malaise <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 13:35:19 -0300
> Subject: "He looks forward to facing the charges against him," said
> Bulger lawyer Peter Krupp
> To:
> Cc: maritime_malaise <>, "Daniel.Conley"
> <Daniel.Conley@massmail.state.
> <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 09:43:17 -0300
> Subject: Thanx for listening to me I will call WBUR's David Boeri in
> short order (617 353 1059)
> To:, maritime_malaise <>
> Cc:,, danfour
> <>, "" <>
> I called and tried to talk to David Boeri because of what he said
> recently within this video and what he wrote about Whitey na the Feds
> over the years
> FYI After I called a lot of parliamentarians, the RCMP and the FBI I
> noticed this hit on a blog about me this morning. I have no doubt the
> following emails is what they were reading so I called Fred Wyshak and
> read him the riot act once again byway of his voicemail within the US
> Attorney's Office and then called the WBUR newsroom
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
> QSLS Politics
> By Location Visit Detail
> Visit 21,300
> Domain Name (Unknown)
> IP Address 98.27.50.# (Unknown Organization)
> ISP Unknown ISP
> Location Continent : Unknown
> Country : Unknown
> Lat/Long : unknown
> Language English (U.S.) en-us
> Operating System Macintosh MacOSX
> Browser Safari 1.3
> Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us)
> AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148
> Safari/6533.18.5
> Javascript version 1.5
> Monitor Resolution : 768 x 1024
> Color Depth : 32 bits
> Time of Visit Jun 26 2011 4:45:39 am
> Last Page View Jun 26 2011 4:45:39 am
> Visit Length 0 seconds
> Page Views 1
> Referring URL
> Search Engine
> Search Words fred wyshak
> Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....
> Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....
> Out Click
> Time Zone UTC-5:00
> Visitor's Time Jun 25 2011 10:45:39 pm
> Visit Number 21,300
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 2:09 PM
> Subject: Attn Fred Wyshak and Stockwell Day Here is some proof that I
> was not joking with you last week
> To:,,,
>, "", "Duceppe.
> G",, "layton. j"
>,, ""
>, "",
>, ""
> Cc: josie.maguire@dfait-maeci.gc.
> Ryan Johnson, Alfonso Carcamo
>, robin reid, Byron Prior
>, "",
>,, "thibault.
> r", "",
> "",
> "", Dan Fitzgerald
>, "">
> Some of the docments within this file are signed by your boss the US
> Attorney Michael Sullivan and it was me he was trying to argue about a
> great deal of money as he covered up for the actions of corrupt US
> Treasury Agents Correct?
> And this is a true copy of one of many American Polce surveilance
> wiretap tapes that I have in my pssession many law enforcement
> authorities in Canada and the USA have received and acknowledged
> Correct?
> Who the Hell do you think chucked them in the garbage in Boston many
> years ago? Here is your clue.
> lly_portrayed_as_corrupt_
> Furthermore Didn't Connoly tell the bartender's daughter Whitey Bulger
> buried some of his victims just outsife Yarmouth in the crooked
> politician Robert Thibault's riding in Nova Scotia?
> Must I sue you too Fred???
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 4:20 PM
> Subject: Hey Fred Wyshak Say hey to your boss the US Attorney Michael
> J. Sullivan for me will ya? In return I will say hey to Callahan's
> family
> for you, Deal?
> To:,, w-five, "
>",, "
>", ""
>, ""
> Cc: "", "
>", "
>,,, "
>", ""
>, josie.maguire@dfait-maeci.gc.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Raymond Amos
> Date: Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 3:49 PMy Hey to
> Subject: [Just Dave] New comment on Just Dave.
> To:
> David Raymond Amos
> left a new comment on the post "Just Dave
> From: David Amos
> Date: Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 3:47 PM
> Subject: Attn Willi Burgess perhaps you should read what i just posted
> in my blog or other people's wesites
> To:,,,
> Cc:,,,
> My concerns are far from confidential never mind what I know about
> BANKERS and the US Treasury Dept etc
> MURDER is a capital crime CORRECT? Connoly the ex FBI Agent's long
> delayed trial started today and I am the guy with the wiretap tapes
> that he threw out long ago. Why the Hell do you think I took such a
> chance with the corrupt RCMP last week and recorded me serving a copy
> of one wiretap tape upon them in Youtube before your boss Stevey Boy
> Harper had his buddy the
> Governor General drop the writ?
> Scroll down you will see that I am no liar. I posted this email there as well.
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> Just Dave By Location
> *Visit Detail**
> Visit 5,486*
> Domain Name
> IP Address 71.184.227.# (Verizon Internet Services)
> ISP Verizon Internet Services
> Location
> Continent : North America
> Country : United States
> State : Massachusetts
> City : Winchester Lat/Long : 42.4547, -71.1502 (Map)
> Language English (U.S.) en-us
> Operating System Microsoft WinNT
> Browser Internet Explorer 7.0
> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR
> 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.0.04506)
> Javascript version 1.3
> Monitor Resolution : 1152 x 864
> Color Depth : 32 bits
> Time of Visit Sep 15 2008 3:06:40 pm
> Last Page View Sep 15 2008 3:06:40 pm
> Visit Length 0 seconds
> Page Views 1
> Referring URL
> winchester%2C ma
> Search Engine
> Search Words "john b. callahan" address winchester, ma
> Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo.../03/me-
> Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blo.../03/me-
> Out Click
> Time Zone UTC-5:00
> Visitor's Time Sep 15 2008 2:06:40 pm
> Visit Number 5,486
> FEDERAL EXPRESS February 7, 2006
> Senator Arlen Specter
> United States Senate
> Committee on the Judiciary
> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
> Washington, DC 20510
> Dear Mr. Specter:
> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
> raised in the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that
> these are illegal FBI wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in
> contact with you about this previously.
> Very truly yours,
> Barry A. Bachrach
> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
> Email:
> http://www.businessinsider.
> http://www.corporatesecretary.
> http://www.corporatesecretary.
> http://www.thesoaprevolution.
Former RCMP commissioner living in $8,000/month Manhattan apartment on taxpayer's dime
'It’s not an unusual arrangement at all,' he said. 'I think if there’s anything that may be a surprise to people it’s how expensive it is to live in New York'
Zaccardelli rides into African sunset
Some Mounties get their man; others get their reward. Giuliano
Zaccardelli is heading for a senior Interpol job, leaving behind
unanswered questions and an RCMP struggling to recover from the
calamities of his watch.

Thu., May 22, 2008
Harper Boucher, INTERPOL special representative to the United Nations

The best news I got was that Rotten Ralphy Goodale picked his crooked Bankster Butt Budddy Franky Boy MecKenna to pick the next corrupt top cop
Check one old pdf file and one old blog of mine and then please feel free to laugh your arse off
Integrity Yea Right
Harper and Bankers
Former N.B. premier Frank McKenna to head search for next RCMP commissioner
Commissioner Bob Paulson announced June 30 retirement earlier this year
By Alison Crawford, CBC News
Posted: Jun 16, 2017 4:16 PM ET

Frank McKenna, a former ambassador to the U.S. and New
Brunswick premier, will head a selection committee to find the next RCMP
commissioner. (Chris Young/CP)
They say Mounties always get their man — but former New
Brunswick premier Frank McKenna is going to help get the next top
CBC News has learned the federal government has asked McKenna to head a selection committee of up to 10 people who will meet early this summer to begin the process of finding a replacement for Commissioner Bob Paulson, who is retiring on June 30.
The group will be asked to present a short list of candidates from which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will choose Canada's next top cop.
According to a letter informing some of his colleagues about the process and obtained by CBC News, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale said that while the RCMP embodies the best of Canada in being upstanding, loyal and committed to the pursuit of justice, the force has major issues that need to be addressed.
"Internal challenges — including abuses of power, allegations of race-related biases, infringements on civil liberties, bullying and workplace harassment — have harmed its reputation and the morale of members," wrote Goodale.
He added that the selection committee's terms of reference would be made public soon.
It is telling that, given recent reports recommending Parliament bring in civilian management and oversight of the RCMP, the government is looking for someone who will be able to spearhead organizational change.
Mounties are also on the cusp of forming their very first union. It is the only major Canadian police force that is not unionized.
The government is also listing as a vital asset for the job "leadership on issues stemming from mental health-related illnesses and post traumatic stress syndrome."
The next commissioner will also be expected to advance gender equity, diversity and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples.
Over the last decade, many have complained that the force has struggled to make gains on all of those fronts.
McKenna, who served as New Brunswick's premier from 1987 to 1997, is a lawyer and businessman and a former ambassador to the United States.
CBC News has learned the federal government has asked McKenna to head a selection committee of up to 10 people who will meet early this summer to begin the process of finding a replacement for Commissioner Bob Paulson, who is retiring on June 30.
The group will be asked to present a short list of candidates from which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will choose Canada's next top cop.
- Toxic culture, harassment issues overshadow commissioner's tenure
- Next commissioner will have to tackle low morale and labour strife
According to a letter informing some of his colleagues about the process and obtained by CBC News, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale said that while the RCMP embodies the best of Canada in being upstanding, loyal and committed to the pursuit of justice, the force has major issues that need to be addressed.
"Internal challenges — including abuses of power, allegations of race-related biases, infringements on civil liberties, bullying and workplace harassment — have harmed its reputation and the morale of members," wrote Goodale.
He added that the selection committee's terms of reference would be made public soon.
Organization faces challenges
It is telling that, given recent reports recommending Parliament bring in civilian management and oversight of the RCMP, the government is looking for someone who will be able to spearhead organizational change.
Mounties are also on the cusp of forming their very first union. It is the only major Canadian police force that is not unionized.
The government is also listing as a vital asset for the job "leadership on issues stemming from mental health-related illnesses and post traumatic stress syndrome."

RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson announced in
March that he'll be retiring from the force on June 30. (Sean
Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)
Over the last decade, many have complained that the force has struggled to make gains on all of those fronts.
McKenna, who served as New Brunswick's premier from 1987 to 1997, is a lawyer and businessman and a former ambassador to the United States.
UPDATE: RCMP head must be 'sensitive' to diversity: McKenna
----- Original Message -----
From: Marc Bernard
Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 19:20:34 -0500
Subject: Re: I just called Gille Blinn's pal Marc Bernard again and he played dumb just like every other corrupt cop (Please Note / S.V.P Notez)
To: David Amos
Thank you for your e-mail.
I am out of the office until December 3rd and your email will not be forwarded.
Should the matter be important, please contact Gilles Blinn at or on his cell at (506) 461-2420 in my absence.
Best regards,
Marc Bernard
Merci pour votre courriel.
Je suis absent du bureau jusqu'au 3 décembre et votre courriel ne sera pas communiqué.
Dans l’événement que vous avez une question importante, s'il vous plaît communiquer avec Gilles Blinn à ou sur son cellulaire au (506) 461-2420 en mon absence.
Marc Bernard
David Amos 12/03/13 20:20
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2012 12:39 AM
Subject: Re: Now Wikimedia knows something the RCMP and all of you
know about the FBI and I
----- Original Message -----
From: Gilles Blinn
Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2012 00:36:07 -0400
Subject: Re: Now Wikimedia knows something the RCMP abd all of you
know about the FBI and I (Please Note / S.V.P. Noter (Out of Office
/Absent du bureau))
To: David Amos
Thank you for your e-mail.
I will be out of the country until October 10th 2012 and your email
will not be forwarded.
Should the matter be important, please contact Marc Bernard at or on his cell at (506)471-6547 in my
Best regards,
Gilles Blinn
Merci pour votre courriel.
Je suis hors du pay jusqu'au 10 octobre 2012 et votre courriel ne sera
pas communiqué.
Dans l’événement que vous avez une question importante, s'il vous
plaît communiquer avec Marc Bernard à ou
sur son cellulaire au (506) 471-6547 en mon absence.
Gilles Blinn
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2012 00:35:59 -0400
Subject: Nous vous remercions de nous avoir écrit / Thank you for writing
Au nom de Thomas Mulcair, nous accusons réception de votre courriel.
En raison du volume élevé de lettres et courriels que nous recevons
quotidiennement, il ne nous est pas toujours possible de répondre
aussi rapidement que nous le souhaiterions.
Si vous désirez obtenir de plus amples renseignements au sujet de
notre équipe de député(e)s néo-démocrates ou de nos politiques,
veuillez visiter notre site Internet au
Nous vous remercions d'avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.
Salutations cordiales,
Bureau de Thomas Mulcair, député d'Outremont
Chef de l'Opposition officielle
Nouveau Parti démocratique du Canada
Suivez Thomas Mulcair sur Facebook et Twitter
On behalf of Thomas Mulcair, we would like to acknowledge receipt of your email.
Please be aware that our office receives a large volume of
correspondence every day which means we cannot always respond as
rapidly as we would like.
If you would like information about our team of New Democrat MPs or
our policies, please visit our website at
Thank you for taking the time to write.
Office of Thomas Mulcair, M.P. (Outremont)
Leader of the Official Opposition
New Democratic Party of Canada
Follow Tom on Facebook and Twitter
On 10/8/12, David Amos wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2012 23:11:38 -0300
> Subject: Re The Mob Attention Det Mike Amato (905 830 0303 ext 7731) I
> just called from 902 800 0369
> To:,,,
>, "dean.buzza"
>, "bob.paulson"
>, toewsv1,
> "greg.weston", acampbell,
> oldmaison, police,
> police
> Cc: David Amos,,
> Need I say that I enjoyed watching the circus in Quebec on CPAC this
> weekend?
> This email should prove to you and the lawyers in Quebec that the
> RCMP, the FBI and Interpol etc are not fooling mean old me
> These Yankee wiretap tapes are for real. Trust I have many more and
> that my knowledge of rampant cross border public corruption ain't
> privileged as you claimed yours is.
> Obviously I noticed people in Italy, Quebec and Ottawa checking my
> work lately In different websites Perhaps the you should too.
> If you wish to speak with me about what I know about organized crime
> etc I would be more that happy to do so but it would have to be after
> regular working hours.
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
> Senator Arlen Specter
> United States Senate
> Committee on the Judiciary
> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
> Washington, DC 20510
> Dear Mr. Specter:
> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
> raised in the attached letter.
> Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap tapes.
> I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.
> Very truly yours,
> Barry A. Bachrach
> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
> Email:
> QSLS Politics
> By Location Visit Detail
> Visit 28,799
> Domain Name ? (Italy)
> IP Address 151.37.65.# (IUnet)
> ISP IUnet
> Location Continent : Europe
> Country : Italy (Facts)
> State/Region : Toscana
> City : Cecina
> Lat/Long : 43.3167, 10.5167 (Map)
> Language English (U.S.) en-us
> Operating System Microsoft WinNT
> Browser Firefox
> Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0.1
> Javascript version 1.5
> Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 800
> Color Depth : 24 bits
> Time of Visit Sep 29 2012 1:37:12 pm
> Last Page View Sep 29 2012 1:37:12 pm
> Visit Length 0 seconds
> Page Views 1
> Referring URL
> Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....bilderberg-lite.html
> Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....bilderberg-lite.html
> Out Click
> Time Zone UTC+1:00
> Visitor's Time Sep 29 2012 1:37:12 pm
> Visit Number 28,799
> Just Dave
> By Location Visit Detail
> Visit 17,992
> Domain Name ? (Italy)
> IP Address 151.37.65.# (IUnet)
> ISP IUnet
> Location Continent : Europe
> Country : Italy (Facts)
> State/Region : Toscana
> City : Cecina
> Lat/Long : 43.3167, 10.5167 (Map)
> Language English (U.S.) en-us
> Operating System Microsoft WinNT
> Browser Firefox
> Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0.1
> Javascript version 1.5
> Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 800
> Color Depth : 24 bits
> Time of Visit Sep 29 2012 8:11:05 am
> Last Page View Sep 29 2012 8:11:05 am
> Visit Length 0 seconds
> Page Views 1
> Referring URL
> Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo...06/04/just-dave.html
> Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blo...06/04/just-dave.html
> Out Click
> Time Zone UTC+1:00
> Visitor's Time Sep 29 2012 1:11:05 pm
> Visit Number 17,992
> Just Dave
> By Location Visit Detail
> Visit 17,984
> Domain Name ? (Canada)
> IP Address 24.202.146.# (Videotron Ltee)
> ISP Videotron Ltee
> Location Continent : North America
> Country : Canada (Facts)
> State/Region : Quebec
> City : Sherbrooke
> Lat/Long : 45.4, -71.9 (Map)
> Language French fr
> Operating System Microsoft WinXP
> Browser Firefox
> Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0
> Javascript version 1.5
> Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024
> Color Depth : 24 bits
> Time of Visit Sep 27 2012 6:27:23 pm
> Last Page View Sep 27 2012 6:27:23 pm
> Visit Length 0 seconds
> Page Views 1
> Referring URL
> Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo...6/10/for-record.html
> Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blo...6/10/for-record.html
> Out Click
> Time Zone UTC-5:00
> Visitor's Time Sep 27 2012 5:27:23 pm
> Visit Number 17,984
> QSLS Politics
> By Location Visit Detail
> Visit 28,778
> Domain Name (Unknown)
> IP Address 159.33.64.# (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
> ISP Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
> Location Continent : North America
> Country : Canada (Facts)
> State/Region : Ontario
> City : Ottawa
> Lat/Long : 45.4167, -75.7 (Map)
> Language English (Canada)en-ca
> Operating System Microsoft WinXP
> Browser Internet Explorer 8.0
> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET
> CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
> Javascript version 1.3
> Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 720
> Color Depth : 32 bits
> Time of Visit Sep 27 2012 5:53:50 pm
> Last Page View Sep 27 2012 5:54:15 pm
> Visit Length 25 seconds
> Page Views 2
> Referring URL
> Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....eblower-part-1b.html
> Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....eblower-part-1b.html
> Out Click
> Time Zone UTC-4:00
> Visitor's Time Sep 27 2012 12:53:50 pm
> Visit Number 28,778
> You secretive Intelligence must already know that I am this David Amos
> Correct Det Amato.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2012 00:15:59 -0300
> Subject: RE Occupy Savvy, Iceland & Birgitta Jonsdottir
> To:
> Cc: David Amos
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2011 23:22:00 -0300
>> Subject: i just called from 902 800 0369 (Nova Scotia)
>> To:
>> I am the guy the SEC would not name that is the link to Madoff and
>> Putnam Investments
>> Notice the transcript and webcast of the hearing of the US Senate
>> banking Commitee is missing? please notice Eliot Spitzer and the Dates
>> around November 20th, 2003 in te following file
>> From: ”Julian Assange)”
>> Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2010 18:15:46 +0000 (GMT)
>> Subject: Al Jazeera on Iceland’s plan for a press safe haven
>> To:
>> FYI: Al-Jazeera’s take on Iceland’s proposed media safe haven
>> More info
>> Julian Assange
>> Editor
>> WikiLeaks
>> From: Birgitta Jonsdottir
>> Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 07:14:02 +0000
>> Subject: Re: Bon Soir Birgitta according to my records this is the
>> first email I ever sent you
>> To: David Amos
>> dear Dave
>> i have got your email and will read through the links as soon as i
>> find some time
>> keep up the good fight in the meantime
>> thank you for bearing with me
>> i am literary drowning in requests to look into all sorts of matters
>> and at the same time working 150% work at the parliament and
>> the creation of a political movement and being a responsible parent:)
>> plus all the matters in relation to immi
>> with oceans of joy
>> birgitta
>> Better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are
>> not.
>> Andre Gide
>> Birgitta Jonsdottir
>> Birkimelur 8, 107 Reykjavik, Iceland, tel: 354 692 8884
>> – -
>>>> >> On Dec 8, 2010, at 1:35 AM, David Amos wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >>> I truly enjoyed talking to you. More to the point I am happy you took
>>>> >>> the time to listen to mean old me. I was impressed with youropeness
>>>> >>> and honesty. In return I took a bit of time to study you more closely
>>>> >>> on the Internet and I am now even more impressed to view the artist
>>>> >>> in you. To hell with the politics and the money for a minute. At the
>>>> >>> risk of sounding odd your sincere soul that I sensed in your voice
>>>> >>> came shining through the various webpages. An honest person
>>>> >>> practicing the wicked art of politicking is a rare thing indeed. I must
>>>> >>> confess that I grinned at the possibility of crossing paths with another
>>>> >>> kindred soul when I saw you employ the expression Me Myself and I
>>>> >>> because I often use that expresssion
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> I also sent you another email to your politcal email address on June
>>>> >>> 24th, 2010 right after you spoke on CBC. (I can resend it if you wish)
>>>> >>> When you folks ignored that and my calls and only sent me nasty
>>>> >>> responses I gave up on Iceland and IMMI because I had made everyone
>>>> >>> well aware I had no respect for Assange and corrupt parliamentarians
>>>> >>> whatsoever. Assange became the big celebrity after releasing the
>>>> >>> video from Iraq but I felt sorry for the kid who went to jail that had given
>>>> >>> him the stuff. Obviously I sent you folks the email below long before
>>>> >>> Assange made the scene in Iceland. Rest assured that I sent him
>>>> >>> evidence of my concerns about Iceland or he would not had sent me
>>>> >>> his bragging emails the following March.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Now that Assange is in jail with no hope of bail like I was a couple
>>>> >>> of times after CBC has been yapping about him for weeks I was feeling
>>>> >>> a little vindictive so I opted to tease some of his friends and fans
>>>> >>> (such as McCarthy and CBC) by reminding them that I was still alive,
>>>> >>> not in jail and kicking like hell. (A host of cops in seven cars
>>>> >>> pounced on my son (who was visiting me) and I at 2;30 in the morning
>>>> >>> right after the results of the recent election was annnounced Although
>>>> >>> I managed to run them off this time need I say it really pissed me off
>>>> >>> and saddend me to put him on a bus back to Boston)
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> I did not send you that email with the pdf files attached from my new
>>>> >>> Yahoo address but you will get it in a bit. Heres hoping you will
>>>> >>> enjoy it.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Best Regards
>>>> >>> Dave
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> ———- Forwarded message ———-
>>>> >>> From: David Amos
>>>> >>> Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 22:33:10 -0300
>>>> >>> Subject: RE: Iceland and Bankers Whereas the politicians ignore me
>>>> >>> maybe some fellow bloggers will listen to me eh?
>>>> >>> To:,,,
>>>> >>>,,,
>>>> >>>,,,
>>>> >>>,,,
>>>> >>>,
>>>> >>> Cc:,,,
>>>> >>>,,,
>>>> >>>,,
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> ———- Forwarded message ———-
>>>> >>> From: David Amos
>>>> >>> Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 21:23:15 -0300
>>>> >>> Subject: Fwd: You mentioned Iceland and Bankers just now and I
>>>> >>> smiled
>>>> >>> To:
>>>> >>> Cc: ”Jacques.Poitras” , Dan Fitzgerald
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> ———- Forwarded message ———-
>>>> >>> From: David Amos
>>>> >>> Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 20:52:42 -0300
>>>> >>> Subject: You mentioned Iceland and Bankers just now and I smiled
>>>> >>> To:,
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> ———- Forwarded message ———-
>>>> >>>> From: David Amos
>>>> >>>> Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 12:24:42 -0300
>>>> >>>> Subject: Fwd: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious
>>>> >>>> question. Why have you people ignored me for three years?
>>>> >>>> To:,,,
>>>> >>>>,,
>>>> >>>>,
>>>> >>>>,,,
>>>> >>>>,,
>>>> >>>>,
>>>> >>>>,,
>>>> >>>>,
>>>> >>>> Cc: webo ,,
>>>> >>>>,,
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> I wonder if any lawyer will bother to read this email, understand it
>>>> >>>> and call me back
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> ———- Forwarded message ———-
>>>> >>>> From:
>>>> >>>> Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 15:06:39 +0000
>>>> >>>> Subject: Re: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious
>>>> >>>> question. Why have you people ignored me for three years?
>>>> >>>> To: David Amos
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> Dear David Amos
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> Unfortunately there has been a considerable delay in responding to
>>>> >>>> incoming letters due to heavy workload and many inquiries to our office.
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> We appreciate the issue raised in your letter. We have set up a
>>>> >>>> web site
>>>> >>>> where we have gathered various practical
>>>> >>>> information regarding the economic crisis in Iceland.
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> Greetings from the Ministry of Finance.
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> Tilvísun í mál: FJR08100024
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> Frá: David Amos
>>>> >>>> Dags: 29.01.2009 19:17:43
>>>> >>>> Til:,,
>>>> >>>>,,,
>>>> >>>>,,
>>>> >>>>,,
>>>> >>>>,,,
>>>> >>>>,,
>>>> >>>>,, ””
>>>> >>>> , ”” , Dan
>>>> >>>> Fitzgerald ,
>>>> >>>> Afrit:,,,
>>>> >>>>,,
>>>> >>>> Efni: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious question.
>>>> >>>> Why
>>>> >>>> have you people ignored me for three years?
>>>> >>>> ———————————————————
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> FYI Some folks in Canada are watching your actions or lack thereof
>>>> >>>> more closely than others. As you well know I am one.
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> You folks should not deny certain responses that I have received
>>>> >>>> over
>>>> >>>> the course of the last few months from your country CORRECT?
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> From: David Amos
>>>> >>>> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 13:57:55 -0300
>>>> >>>> Subject: Re: Regarding your enquiry to the Prime Ministry of
>>>> >>>> Iceland
>>>> >>>> To:
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> Thanx
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> On 10/8/08, wrote:
>>>> >>>> David Raymond Amos
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> Your enquiry has been received by the Prime Ministry of Iceland
>>>> >>>> and
>>>> >>>> waits
>>>> >>>> attendance.
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> Thank you.
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> From: Fjármálaeftirliti* – Fyrirspurn
>>>> >>>> Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 12:23:41 -0000
>>>> >>>> Subject: Sta*festing á móttöku
>>>> >>>> To: David Amos
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> Fjármálaeftirliti* hefur mótteki* erindi y*ar. Erindinu ver*ur
>>>> >>>> svara*
>>>> >>>> vi* fyrsta tækifæri. Vakin er athygli á heimasí*u
>>>> >>>> Fjármálaeftirlitsins, *ar má finna *msar
>>>> >>>> uppl*singar ásamt svörum vi* algengum spurningum:
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> The Financial Supervisory Authority (FME) of Iceland confirms the
>>>> >>>> receipt of your e-mail. Your e-mail will be answered as soon as
>>>> >>>> possible. We would like to point out our website,
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> There you can find information and answeres to frequently asked
>>>> >>>> questions:
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> Kve*ja / Best Regards
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> Fjármálaeftirliti* / Financial Supervisory Authority, Iceland
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> Sími / Tel.: (+354) 525 2700
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> From: David Amos
>>>> >>>> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 10:53:47 -0300
>>>> >>>> Subject: I just called to remind the Speaker, the Bankers and the
>>>> >>>> Icelanders that I still exist EH Mrs Mrechant, Bob Rae and Iggy?
>>>> >>>> To:,,,
>>>> >>>>,,
>>>> >>>>,,
>>>> >>>>,
>>>> >>>> Cc:,,
>>>> >>>>,
>>>> >>>>,,
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> All of you should review the documents and CD that came with this
>>>> >>>> letter ASAP EH?
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> Perhaps Geir Haarde and Steingrimur Sigfusson should call me at
>>>> >>>> 506 800 0369
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> Veritas Vincit
>>>> >>>> David Raymond Amos
RCMP at a crossroads: Who will lead the charge in an age of sophisticated crime?
Michaud knows what he'd like to do with the Royal Canadian Mounted
Police. The police officer charged with pursuing the country's most
serious criminals has a clear vision of where he'd like to take the
force – or, at least, the 4,700 or so uniformed officers he oversees as
its deputy commissioner of federal policing.
Commissioner Michaud says he wants to open up new fronts to better
tackle growing criminal challenges such as outlaw bikers, criminal
hackers, fentanyl smugglers and money launderers. But to do that, he
says, he needs people who are not like him. Decades of staffing Canada's
federal police force with career Mounties have filled the ranks with
generalists who can bring broad policing skills to a range of files, he
said in a frank interview with The Globe and Mail. But in an era of
increasingly complex and sophisticated crime, the one-time drug cop says
that the force lacks much-needed specialists – people with deep
investigative skills and expertise who can dig into complicated issues.
you need to be a gun-carrying police officer to do financial-crime
investigations? Do you need to be a gun-carrying officer to do
cybercrime investigations?" Deputy Commissioner Michaud asked
rhetorically, suggesting that what the RCMP needs most right now may be
accountants, computer programmers and professional managers. "We have
lost some of our expertise," he said.
not a new idea, but it remains radical and resisted within Canada's
144-year-old paramilitary force, where uniformed career cops hold sway
and every one of them starts out as a constable trained at a central
facility in Regina.
"We have no choice but to be specialized," Deputy Commissioner Michaud says.
"People's noses will be out of joint … But this is the right thing to do for the RCMP."
only one problem with Deputy Commissioner Michaud's vision: He isn't
the person who can sign off on big-picture changes at the RCMP. Those
decisions rest in the hands of the force's commissioner, a position
that's now in transition. With the June 30 retirement of the current
Commissioner, Bob Paulson, the RCMP now stands at a crossroads.
anticipated that the minister in charge of the Mounties, Public Safety
Minister Ralph Goodale, will announce that he has hired a former premier
and ambassador, Frank McKenna, to put together a panel to recommend a
new leader. In a recent radio interview, he hinted that the appointment
could shake up the force. "The change in command is an opportunity to
examine all dimensions of governance and structure," Mr. Goodale said.
A complex set of duties
takes the reins of the RCMP will inherit a host of challenges that
affect not only Deputy Commissioner Michaud's federal-policing personnel
but about 13,000 other uniformed officers, the vast
majority of whom provide so-called "contract policing" services in
hundreds of communities that range from tiny Arctic hamlets to major
municipalities in B.C. such as Surrey, Richmond and Burnaby.
Commissioner Michaud's staff – mostly uniformed Mounties, but also
civilian employees – take on the issues that many Canadians associate
with the RCMP. They're complex federal-policing cases of national
importance, but records obtained by The Globe and Mail suggest that the
Mounties charged with handling them are facing new – and growing –
The number of employees
assigned to the federal-policing file has been on a downward trajectory
for nearly a decade, even as the RCMP's contract-policing side has seen
some marginal gains. In 2010, the RCMP employed 4,922 "regular members"
in federal policing – about 250 more than it currently does.
civilians have since been added, but not enough to make up for the
shortfall. A strategic-planning report says this staffing shrinkage will
likely get worse, given recruiting and retention woes. (The force is
currently grappling with addressing what many describe as a misogynistic
and bullying culture; as well, pay packages offered by large municipal
forces have started to dwarf those offered by the Mounties, luring away
During the same period,
the much larger ranks of uniformed Mounties working within the
contract-policing side of the force grew from 12,807 regular members to
13,608 – an increase of about 6 per cent. This branch also saw much more
sizable increases in civilian support.
Mounties working federal-policing cases means more
criminal-investigation blind spots for Canada, but the force won't speak
to where it might be going dark. Yet a perusal of some public
statistics can yield some clues.
RCMP's federal-policing detectives can play a unique police role in
laying charges under federal statutes such as the Bankruptcy Act and the
Excise Act, which exist to punish fraudsters and smugglers. Yet charges
laid under these acts have been plummeting sharply for most of the past
decade, according to Statscan data. What this means is that the
Mounties may have bigger fish to fry, and no one else is in a position
to pick up the slack.
crunches and complex crime files also inevitably lead the RCMP to
"internal reallocations" – an invisible, but now ingrained, habit of
depleting some investigative bureaus to feed others. Access to
Information documents obtained by The Globe put some of these practices
in sharper focus.
White-collar crime
investigations – conducted in part by RCMP-led entities known as
Integrated Market Enforcement Teams (IMETs), which were launched with
much hoopla in the mid-2000s – appear to have been frequently
understaffed. When the IMETs started, the Department of Justice was so
confident in the concept that it earmarked a fund to support the team's
eventual prosecutions. Over the years, the allocated sums set aside
added up to a possible pool of $19-million for prosecutors. But only
$500,000 appears to have been spent between 2005 and 2017. One possible
explanation for this is that the prosecutions never materialized due to
inadequate staffing – another representative record shows that in 2014,
the IMETs spent only two-thirds of their allotted budgets.
what kinds of investigations did the Mounties invest in? It appears
RCMP riches disproportionately accrued to so-called integrated
national-security teams.
Starting in
the mid-2000s, these counterterrorism squads were budgeted at a flat
$10-million cost to the RCMP each a year. But with each successive year,
the force spent more and more – reaching $57-million in 2014-15, the
last year for which statistics are available. That amounts to nearly six
times the budgeted figure. All of the extra funds came from "RCMP
internal reallocation" according to a released record.
September, 2014, federal-policing commanders were warning in an
internal memo that this still wasn't enough – not with the self-anointed
Islamic State's new overseas "caliphate" starting to inspire Canadian
extremists. More resources were needed still.
the warnings were prescient. Within weeks, two Canadian Forces soldiers
were slain by extremists in two separate incidents on Parliament Hill
and in Saint-Jean-sur-Richilieu, Que. For a brief time, then-prime
minister Stephen Harper was forced to take cover in Parliament Hill's
Centre Block, which one of the attackers stormed before being shot dead.
that, more than 600 RCMP federal-policing employees – a number
representing more than 10 per cent of the work force – were shifted to
the counterterrorism file, most of them pulled from the force's
serious-and-organized-crime division, which deals with cases such as
drug and mob investigations. This massive redeployment carried a major
hidden cost in terms of pre-empting or scuttling other criminal
investigations, but the full extent of it has never been described.
do show that most of the Mounties who buttressed Alberta and Quebec
counterterrorism cases lingered on those files for more than a year,
whereas in Ontario and B.C., the extra RCMP ranks were pulled away
within months. These provinces likely "could no longer sustain the
reallocation of personnel because of pressures from non-[national
security] files," according to an RCMP internal memo.
the terrorist threat didn't go away. In August, 2016, near London,
Ont., a 23-year-old RCMP target built a suicide bomb vest while living
under a form of house arrest. It was the closest of calls – an 11th-hour
tip led a SWAT team to Aaron Driver's home, where police shot the
bomb-strapped suspect dead after he exited his house for a taxi.
the credit of the RCMP federal-policing branch, there were dozens of
less-dramatic police interventions in this period. Few of them resulted
in big or showy trials, but some extremists were prosecuted on
pre-emptive terrorism charges, while others were deported, and still
others were put under bail-like conditions.
even Deputy Commissioner Michaud suggested that it's not easy to get
the balance right. "My nightmare is there's one we know about and we
decided not to continue to pursue," he said. "And it comes to be that
that's the one that does something really bad."
the future, he says he wants to figure out ways to staff up the
national-security file so that Mounties don't have to leave their day
jobs when the next crisis hits. "You divert 100 or so police officers to
national security … right out of the gate, they are not as effective as
they could be because it's a new world for them."
spent his 31-year career in federal-policing, Deputy Commissioner
Michaud was appointed to his current role in late 2016 and he arrived
with a lot of ambitions. In his interview with The Globe, he expressed
hopes that his detectives on the West Coast can curb the opioid influx
of Chinese-made fentanyl; that his detectives on the East Coast can
bring more outlaw biker gangs to justice; and that RCMP everywhere will
tackle human-trafficking networks, money launderers and criminal
It's a long to-do list for
fewer than 5,000 people, and it is one made much longer by the fact that
the federal-policing branch is increasingly drawn into
non-investigative work, too. Some of its Mounties have been serving as
air marshals, or monitoring the Canada-U.S. border, or even trying their
hand at figuring out ways to deradicalize extremists.
growing contingent – 800 in total – also serve as glorified bodyguards
who are dispatched daily to protect the Prime Minister, his family,
cabinet ministers. This is the RCMP's "protective policing" program and
when international VIPs come to town, that's more work still. Quebec
will be hosting a G7 meeting in 2018, for example, an event that will
require "shifting resources," Deputy Commissioner Michaud says.
about his sprawling mandate, he described a May trip he made to
Washington, where he met with some of his closest U.S. counterparts: the
U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement Agency, the
Secret Service and Homeland Security Investigations. "It was four
agencies that basically do the same stuff, or basically have the same
mandate, all them together, as we do," he said.
RCMP, by contrast, maintains a broad, wide-reaching structure that
encompasses many disparate functions. While specialized units are
sometimes established, many are later quietly dismantled or absorbed by
bigger ones.
Some ex-Mounties gripe
that contract-policing has evolved into the RCMP's real centre of
gravity, given that more than two-thirds of employees are involved in
that work. They complain that this locks the force into an institutional
mindset that leads police investigators – and future commanders – to
think of themselves as redeployable badge-wearing generalists, instead
of as sedentary specialists who might spend years on files, and who may
or may not wear uniforms.
should break [the RCMP] in half," said John Sliter, a former Mountie who
advocates hiving off the contract-policing force and creating a
federal-policing agency that would operate like "FBI North." He argues
that so long as the two distinct streams exist within the same force, a
more generalist mindset will prevail, especially in matters of
recruitment and hiring. Cops who have walked a beat will be favoured
over the types of less conventional crime specialists who Deputy
Commissioner Michaud hopes to one day hire.
time that the old guard kicks in at the deputy level, they say, 'The
real value of the force – the real backbone – is the [contract-policing
employees]. And that's where we get the real cops. Don't let these
civilians run the show,' " Mr. Sliter said.
speaks from experience. For much of his RCMP career, he agitated to
create walled-off financial-crime squads, with high numbers of civilian
specialists. He says that dream was briefly realized in the early 2000s
when he became first commanding officer of the IMETs. But as a new
generation of commanders arrived who were more attuned to the
contract-policing world, the IMETs were sidelined. The new leadership
didn't buy into the notion of specialized investigative entities that
worked independently from one another, he said.
2013 expert-panel internal report on the RCMP IMETs found that much of
their funding "appears to have been reallocated to other programs,"
contrary to government policy. Meanwhile, the report found, RCMP has
struggled to recruit and hire civilians with sufficient expertise to
make a difference on investigations.
crimes such as money laundering are among the issues that Deputy
Commissioner Michaud wants to tackle. But given the current culture of
the organization, his dream of bolstering the force with investigative
specialists and outside hires could meet with resistance – unless the
incoming commissioner buys into his vision.
"It does require a cultural shift," he said. "It's not an easy thing for an organization with 140 plus years in the making.
"I know that. And we know that. But it's a must do."
The Globe and Mail
RCMP’s Bob Paulson sounds alarm on organized crime in exit interview
Canada's top cop – a police commander known for his hard stand on terrorism investigations – is heading for the exit gates saying that organized crime is the biggest threat facing Canadians.
Bob Paulson, the exiting RCMP Commissioner, acknowledged the
possibility of Islamic State-inspired attacks is now an ever-present
reality in Canada, he said such national security risks are
"significantly less" of a threat than organized crime.
something that we're going to have to turn our minds to, and when I say
we, I mean everybody," Mr. Paulson, who retires on Friday after 32
years in policing, said in an exclusive exit interview with The Globe
and Mail.
being a fear monger, we've got to have political leaders understand
what organized crime is, how [the perpetrators] get their advantage, how
they corrupt individuals and institutions, how they get their hooks
into people."
Paulson said the national police force has noticed a resurgence in
outlaw motorcycle gangs, such as the Hells Angels, across Canada. Mr.
Paulson himself is on the record saying he almost depleted the supply of
federal detectives specializing in Mafia and biker-gang investigations
to national-security squads following the 2014 slayings of Canadian
soldiers near Parliament Hill in Ottawa and in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu,
"National security gets
Canadians worried, right? But I think, objectively, the risk is
significantly less of impacting a Canadian than is organized crime in
terms of … its corrupting potential in politics, its pervasiveness
across all areas of commerce," he said.
Mr. Paulson said Islamic State terrorism remains a "viable, inspiring
movement," he said he had not been briefed on any "active threats" for
Canada Day festivities on Parliament Hill.
replacement has yet to be named. The Liberal government announced on
Thursday that former ambassador and premier Frank McKenna will chair the
selection committee and make recommendations to Public Safety Minister
Ralph Goodale. In the meantime, Daniel Dubeau, the force's most senior
deputy commissioner, will become interim commissioner.
Mr. Paulson, who turns 59 in September, believes the next leader should be a Mountie.
"I think it should be a cop from inside the organization," he said. "But nobody's asking me."
in the atrium of the RCMP headquarters in Ottawa's southwest a few days
before his retirement, Mr. Paulson appeared unafraid to speak to his
mind about his 5 1/2 years as commissioner of the 30,000-person force.
"It's a soul-destroying job," he said.
Mr. Paulson discussed the challenges he faced at the helm of a force that he contends is unfairly politicized.
government is arguably vulnerable to our conduct. And so many people
see paths to the government through the organization, and that makes it
very difficult."
He also spoke about the deaths of three RCMP officers, murdered by gunman Justin Bourque in June, 2014, in Moncton.
RCMP is facing four labour-code charges relating to the deaths of the
officers, with one RCMP corporal telling the media last week that he
considers Mr. Paulson "personally responsible for the deaths of my
The criticism came after
Mr. Paulson testified at the trial that RCMP management had concerns
about the possible militarization of the force as it prepared to arm
officers with high-powered carbine rifles.
am accountable for the death of those officers," Mr. Paulson said.
"There's only one person responsible for their death. And he was charged
and convicted of three counts of murder.
"I didn't kill these people."
Paulson said it's "speculative, at best" to suggest the officers would
have survived if they'd been armed with high-powered carbine rifles. He
said the real issue is community-based policing, going so far as to
suggest that tragedy may have been averted had the officers in the
Moncton detachment known their community better.
ought to have known who Bourque was; we ought to have known what he was
doing; we ought to have been positioned to be able to intercede before
he came out of his trailer," he said.
Mr. Paulson questioned whether the Mounties should be prosecuted under the Labour Code at all.
have views about … the public interest being served by this. But I
mean, that's okay. We charge people all the time. I'm sure they feel the
same way."
He also shared his
opinion about the government's plan to legalize marijuana, calling it
"very enlightened"; the Mike Duffy investigation, which he said created a
"salutary effect" on the Senate; and The Globe's Unfounded
investigation, which he said changes the approach to sexual-assault
"The challenge for our
investigators is to stop having judgment [of the victims]," Mr. Paulson
said. "We don't care that you have strong feelings about how much risk
someone exposed themselves to. That's not your job."
said he supports the push for significant changes to the structure of
the force, including better labour representation for members and the
move to put trained civilians in key operational roles.
a police officer, a basic police officer, it's not that complicated,"
Mr. Paulson said. "Being a successful part of a team that's doing police
work, that's a little more complicated."
it a privilege and honour to have served with the RCMP, Mr. Paulson
said: "It's a great, great place. By and large, the people are
extraordinary. They do extraordinary work."
gave himself a mark of 70 per cent for what he set out to do but admits
he's "come up short" on cultural change. "I say in fairness to
everybody in the force – that's generational," he said. "So maybe I'd
give myself 10 extra points there up to 80, because it started."
Mr. Paulson came into the job at what he calls a "terrible time" – the height of the so-called harassment scandal.
October, he made a historic apology – one he says he wrote himself – to
thousands of female members for the way they were treated for decades
by the national police force. He also announced a $100-million
settlement for two class-action lawsuits.
was always, always committed to making it right. But not just by saying
it. It took us two years to get our act together, to make sure we had a
good understanding of the full scope and scale of what we were talking
about," he said.
But he pushes back
on some characterizations of the issue. "There was not a systemic
problem of sexual harassment in the RCMP. There were some terrible,
public, disgraceful, embarrassing cases, and lawsuits, and that's all
true," he said.
When asked why it
took until 2016 to make the apology, Mr. Paulson said, "You think it's
easy getting $100-million out of the government?"
Paulson said he has met with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a couple of
times to discuss the challenges facing the force and what the government
plans to do about it. He calls Mr. Trudeau "very impressive."
"I think you underestimate him at your peril," Mr. Paulson said.
said the Prime Minister has shown himself to be a proponent of the
force. "As he said to me once, 'You don't forget commissioner – you guys
raised me,'" Mr. Paulson said, referring to Mr. Trudeau's upbringing as
the son of a prime minister.
think this government has expressed pretty clearly that they want to be
supportive of the RCMP, that they want the RCMP to succeed, and I take
them at their word."
But Mr. Paulson himself won't be around to see it.
father of four children – including a 31-year-old daughter who is a
Crown prosecutor in British Columbia, and a three-year-old son – said it
is time to make way for new blood in the organization.
"I think it needs a bounce," he said.
"I wish I was the fresh commissioner coming in now, with all the things that are in place."
With a report from Colin Freeze
Ottawa is primarily looking within the RCMP to appoint its next commissioner, instead of focusing on an outsider, senior officials in the government and RCMP say. Selecting an external candidate would widely be seen as bringing further scrutiny to the beleaguered force.
Ottawa hopes to pick new RCMP commissioner from within ranks
Ottawa is primarily looking within the RCMP to appoint its next commissioner, instead of focusing on an outsider, senior officials in the government and RCMP say. Selecting an external candidate would widely be seen as bringing further scrutiny to the beleaguered force.
Ottawa is primarily looking within the RCMP to
appoint its next commissioner, instead of focusing on an outsider, senior
officials in the government and RCMP say. Selecting an external candidate would
widely be seen as bringing further scrutiny to the beleaguered force.
Amid the ongoing struggles over the much-publicized
cases of sexual and workplace harassment, many Mounties have been wondering
whether the government will feel a need to go beyond the force to find a new
Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale publicly mused
about the need for greater civilian management of the RCMP after the release in
May of a watchdog report into harassment in the federal law-enforcement body.
Many Mounties still remember the rocky tenure of
long-time bureaucrat William Elliott from 2007 to 2011, when the appointment of
a civilian at the top of the paramilitary organization was widely seen as a
rebuke for a string of mishaps.
But the senior officials say the government is not
pro-actively looking to shake up the force in a similar fashion and will be
hoping to appoint "from within" this time around. The final decision,
set for early 2018, will be made by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau from a shortlist
of candidates put together by a selection panel headed by former New Brunswick
premier Frank McKenna.
The next commissioner will inherit the crucial task
of continuing a cultural shift toward a more respectful working environment.
Another key challenge will be obtaining greater federal funding to beef up
policing ranks to continue anti-terror policing while modernizing the fight
against organized crime.
The government will also be looking to select a
commissioner willing to oversee increased civilian management inside the RCMP.
In particular, the individual will be expected to help obtain "buy
in" among the rank and file for the widely anticipated changes, a senior
government official said.
Commissioner Bob Paulson called the job "soul
destroying" just before retiring last month, making it clear his successor
will have to juggle a number of hot files from the outset.
In particular, the 144-year-old police force is
awaiting the verdict at a Labour Code trial in Moncton in relation to Justin
Bourque's rampage with an assault rifle in which he killed three outgunned
Mounties in 2014. Several senior RCMP commanders were called to testify about
why they failed to make good on the force's long-standing plans to equip the
rank and file with more powerful guns.
The senior officials say the top potential
candidates currently working for the police force are three deputy
commissioners – Kevin Brosseau, Brenda Butterworth-Carr and Gilles Michaud –
and Assistant Commissioner Jennifer Strachan.
Deputy Commissioner Brosseau is currently in charge
of contract and Indigenous policing, by which the RCMP oversees policing
services in provinces and municipalities covering three-quarters of the
country's territory. Deputy Commissioner Michaud is in charge of federal
policing, such as investigations into financial crimes, terrorism and organized
The head of the RCMP division in British Columbia,
Deputy Commissioner Butterworth-Carr, and in Ontario, Assistant Commissioner
Strachan, are also seen as top contenders. Either pick would be the second
woman to lead the RCMP, after Bev Busson's interim tenure in 2006-2007.
Deputy Commissioner Brosseau is of Métis descent,
while Deputy Commissioner Butterworth-Carr is from Tr'ondek Hwech'in First
Nation in Yukon. Both would be the first members of their community to head the
The Department of Public Safety has just unveiled
its job description for the position, which specifically points out that the
government is seeking greater diversity in senior-management positions.
"The Government of Canada will use an
appointment process that is transparent and merit-based, strives for gender
parity, and ensures that Indigenous Canadians and minority groups are properly
represented in positions of leadership," the job posting said.
Everyone inside and outside the RCMP will have the
opportunity to apply for the position, with the posting stating that
"recent and significant experience in law enforcement" is an asset.
The posting adds that a law degree would be an
asset. Deputy Commissioner Brosseau has a master of law from Harvard.
According to their official biographies, Deputy
Commissioner Michaud has degrees from the FBI National Academy, the Harvard
Kennedy School Executive Program and McGill University, while Assistant
Commissioner Strachan has undergraduate and graduate degrees in social sciences
at the University of Ottawa and Royal Roads University.
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