Ex-deputy justice minister 'missing,' suspended by law society
Yassin Choukri's law practice deemed abandoned with questions surrounding state of trust account
By Alan White, CBC News Posted: Oct 12, 2016 4:06 PM AT
Lawyers misappropriated millions from clients' funds but few faced criminal charges
"Woolley says the best way to bring the numbers down is by stopping the lawyers before the money is taken. "You want to make it so if I have a problem today, I can't fix it this way."
Darrel Pink, executive director of the Nova Scotia Barristers' Society, came to the same conclusion years ago. "We basically asked the question, does what we do as a legal regulator make any difference?" he said. "And when we answered it 'Not really,' it was a pretty profound conclusion for us to come to."
Now go figure why I sent the email below to a snobby lawyer named Amos
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2017 16:39:05 -0400
Subject: RE The CBC and its latest article about the lack of ethics within the legal profession Perhaps CBC's lawyers and journalists should check their own ethics N'esy Pas Mr Amos?
Lawyers misappropriated millions from clients' funds but few faced
criminal charges
Disciplinary actions include suspension, disbarment for professional misconduct
By Katie Pedersen, Katie Nicholson, Jacques Marcoux, CBC News
Senior federal tax enforcer joined KPMG as its offshore 'sham' was
under CRA probe
Jeff Sadrian may have violated Canada Revenue Agency's 1-year cooling
off period, insiders say
By Harvey Cashore, Kimberly Ivany, Katie Pedersen, CBC News Posted:
Apr 11, 2016 5:00 AM ET
902 422 1491
Richard Devlin, Professor of Law
Phone: 902-494-1014
Alice C. Woolley
University of Calgary
Faculty of Law, 4330 Murray Fraser Hall
2500 University Dr. N.W.
Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4
Phone: 403-220-4013
Fax: 403-282-8325
Stephen Pitel
Phone: 519 661-2111 ext. 88433
Adam Dodek Full Professor
Office: 613-562-5800 ext. 3308
Office: 613-562-5124
Amy F. Salyzyn Assistant Professor
Office: 613-562-5800 ext. 7515
Office: 613-562-5124
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2017 14:23:32 -0400
Subject: You just hung up on me Correct Mr Bird?
Charles Bird
Principal, Toronto
Charles Bird has worked as a public policy specialist and advisor to
senior Ministers at both Queen's Park and in Ottawa for nearly twenty
years. His experience includes work for the Hon. Sean Conway and later
for the Hon. Ralph Goodale as Minister of Natural Resources and
Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. While at Natural
Resources, Mr. Bird was a senior advisor to Minister Goodale,
attending numerous international climate change negotiations including
the Kyoto Conference in December, 1997 as a member of Canada's high
level delegation.
From 2000 to 2004, Mr. Bird was a senior consultant at Earnscliffe
Strategy Group in Ottawa, serving a range of private sector clients in
such diverse fields as energy, health care and the automotive
industry. From 2004 to 2006, he served in Ottawa as the Vice President
of Government Affairs for Bell Globemedia, owners of the CTV Network,
the Globe and Mail, and numerous other communications and
entertainment properties.
He is a graduate of both the University of Toronto and Upper Canada
College, and is a regular political commentator for the Business News
Network (BNN).
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2017 10:49:52 -0400
Subject: DJH international tax, Trump and FATCA etc
CBT Lawsuit @CBTLawsuit 23 hours ago
DJH international tax in Toronto -3rd US expat tax conference in Toronto
“Interesting stuff as always from John”
DJH international tax
February 14 at 1:40pm ·
John Richardson discusses the ramifications of retaining or renouncing
US citizenship with Andrew Cumming, Ray Kinoshita and Bernardine
Perreira in Toronto at the 3rd US expat tax conference in Toronto.
International tax
Tina Korovilas Partner
Toronto, ON
T +1 416 360 5043
Ray Kinoshita
Retired from the partnership but still working full time in US and
Canadian Cross-Border Personal Tax
Grant Thornton LLP (Canada) Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario
Dates Employed Jan 2016 – Present Employment Duration 1 yr 2 mos
Location Toronto
I am continuing to provide client services in the US Personal Tax
practice, focusing in particular on consulting and advisory services
for clients having Canadian and US cross-border tax concerns. I
continue to work with the Grant Thornton International network of
firms around the world as well as with my colleagues across Canada.
Andrew Cumming
416-943-4712 x226
Bernardine Perreira, CFP®, CIM®
Financial Advisor
416-640-7770 ext.374
Lawyer John Richardson discusses new tax legislation taking effect I
am also a member of the American Citizens Abroad Professional Tax
Advisory Council
Toronto Phone Number – 416 840 4529
If you would like more information about how DJH international tax can
help you, please call or email or complete the form below with a short
note about what you need and we’ll get back to you.
t: +44 (0)1962 458058
---------- Original message ----------
From: Póstur FOR
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 14:51:41 +0000
Subject: Re: RE FATCA, NAFTA & TPP etc ATTN President Donald J. Trump
I just got off the phone with your lawyer Mr Cohen (646-853-0114) Why
does he lie to me after all this time???
To: David Amos
Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið / Your request has been received
Kveðja / Best regards
Forsætisráðuneytið / Prime Minister's Office
> >> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> >> From: Póstur FOR
> >> Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 22:05:47 +0000
> >> Subject: Re: Hey Premier Gallant please inform the questionable
> >> parliamentarian Birigtta Jonsdottir that although NB is a small "Have
> >> Not" province at least we have twice the population of Iceland and
> >> that not all of us are as dumb as she and her Prime Minister pretends
> >> to be..
> >> To: David Amos
> >>
> >> Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið / Your request has been received
> >>
> >> Kveðja / Best regards
> >> Forsætisráðuneytið / Prime Minister's Office
> >>
> >>
> >> This is the docket
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> These are digital recordings of the last two hearings
> >>
> >> Dec 14th
> >>
> >> Jan 11th
> >>
> >> This me running for a seat in Parliament again while CBC denies it again
> >>
> >> Fundy Royal, New Brunswick Debate – Federal Elections 2015 - The Local
> >> Campaign, Rogers TV
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Veritas Vincit
> >> David Raymond Amos
> >> 902 800 0369
> >>
> >>
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From:
> Date: Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 8:18 PM
> Subject: Réponse automatique : RE My complaint against the CROWN in
> Federal Court Attn David Hansen and Peter MacKay If you planning to
> submit a motion for a publication ban on my complaint trust that you
> dudes are way past too late
> To:
> Veuillez noter que j'ai changé de courriel. Vous pouvez me rejoindre à
> Pour rejoindre le bureau de M. Trudeau veuillez envoyer un courriel à
> Please note that I changed email address, you can reach me at
> To reach the office of Mr. Trudeau please send an email to
> Thank you,
> Merci ,
> 83. The Plaintiff states that now that Canada is involved in more war
> in Iraq again it did not serve Canadian interests and reputation to
> allow Barry Winters to publish the following words three times over
> five years after he began his bragging:
> January 13, 2015
> This Is Just AS Relevant Now As When I wrote It During The Debate
> December 8, 2014
> Why Canada Stood Tall!
> Friday, October 3, 2014
> Little David Amos’ “True History Of War” Canadian Airstrikes And
> Stupid Justin Trudeau
> Canada’s and Canadians free ride is over. Canada can no longer hide
> behind Amerka’s and NATO’s skirts.
> When I was still in Canadian Forces then Prime Minister Jean Chretien
> actually committed the Canadian Army to deploy in the second campaign
> in Iraq, the Coalition of the Willing. This was against or contrary to
> the wisdom or advice of those of us Canadian officers that were
> involved in the initial planning phases of that operation. There were
> significant concern in our planning cell, and NDHQ about of the dearth
> of concern for operational guidance, direction, and forces for
> operations after the initial occupation of Iraq. At the “last minute”
> Prime Minister Chretien and the Liberal government changed its mind.
> The Canadian government told our amerkan cousins that we would not
> deploy combat troops for the Iraq campaign, but would deploy a
> Canadian Battle Group to Afghanistan, enabling our amerkan cousins to
> redeploy troops from there to Iraq. The PMO’s thinking that it was
> less costly to deploy Canadian Forces to Afghanistan than Iraq. But
> alas no one seems to remind the Liberals of Prime Minister Chretien’s
> then grossly incorrect assumption. Notwithstanding Jean Chretien’s
> incompetence and stupidity, the Canadian Army was heroic,
> professional, punched well above it’s weight, and the PPCLI Battle
> Group, is credited with “saving Afghanistan” during the Panjway
> campaign of 2006.
> What Justin Trudeau and the Liberals don’t tell you now, is that then
> Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien committed, and deployed the
> Canadian army to Canada’s longest “war” without the advice, consent,
> support, or vote of the Canadian Parliament.
> What David Amos and the rest of the ignorant, uneducated, and babbling
> chattering classes are too addled to understand is the deployment of
> less than 75 special operations troops, and what is known by planners
> as a “six pac cell” of fighter aircraft is NOT the same as a
> deployment of a Battle Group, nor a “war” make.
> The Canadian Government or The Crown unlike our amerkan cousins have
> the “constitutional authority” to commit the Canadian nation to war.
> That has been recently clearly articulated to the Canadian public by
> constitutional scholar Phillippe Legasse. What Parliament can do is
> remove “confidence” in The Crown’s Government in a “vote of
> non-confidence.” That could not happen to the Chretien Government
> regarding deployment to Afghanistan, and it won’t happen in this
> instance with the conservative majority in The Commons regarding a
> limited Canadian deployment to the Middle East.
> President George Bush was quite correct after 911 and the terror
> attacks in New York; that the Taliban “occupied” and “failed state”
> Afghanistan was the source of logistical support, command and control,
> and training for the Al Quaeda war of terror against the world. The
> initial defeat, and removal from control of Afghanistan was vital and
> essential for the security and tranquility of the developed world. An
> ISIS “caliphate,” in the Middle East, no matter how small, is a clear
> and present danger to the entire world. This “occupied state,”
> or“failed state” will prosecute an unending Islamic inspired war of
> terror against not only the “western world,” but Arab states
> “moderate” or not, as well. The security, safety, and tranquility of
> Canada and Canadians are just at risk now with the emergence of an
> ISIS“caliphate” no matter how large or small, as it was with the
> Taliban and Al Quaeda “marriage” in Afghanistan.
> One of the everlasting “legacies” of the “Trudeau the Elder’s dynasty
> was Canada and successive Liberal governments cowering behind the
> amerkan’s nuclear and conventional military shield, at the same time
> denigrating, insulting them, opposing them, and at the same time
> self-aggrandizing ourselves as “peace keepers,” and progenitors of
> “world peace.” Canada failed. The United States of Amerka, NATO, the
> G7 and or G20 will no longer permit that sort of sanctimonious
> behavior from Canada or its government any longer. And Prime Minister
> Stephen Harper, Foreign Minister John Baird , and Cabinet are fully
> cognizant of that reality. Even if some editorial boards, and pundits
> are not.
> Justin, Trudeau “the younger” is reprising the time “honoured” liberal
> mantra, and tradition of expecting the amerkans or the rest of the
> world to do “the heavy lifting.” Justin Trudeau and his “butt buddy”
> David Amos are telling Canadians that we can guarantee our security
> and safety by expecting other nations to fight for us. That Canada can
> and should attempt to guarantee Canadians safety by providing
> “humanitarian aid” somewhere, and call a sitting US president a “war
> criminal.” This morning Australia announced they too, were sending
> tactical aircraft to eliminate the menace of an ISIS “caliphate.”
> In one sense Prime Minister Harper is every bit the scoundrel Trudeau
> “the elder” and Jean ‘the crook” Chretien was. Just As Trudeau, and
> successive Liberal governments delighted in diminishing,
> marginalizing, under funding Canadian Forces, and sending Canadian
> military men and women to die with inadequate kit and modern
> equipment; so too is Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Canada’s F-18s are
> antiquated, poorly equipped, and ought to have been replaced five
> years ago. But alas, there won’t be single RCAF fighter jock that
> won’t go, or won’t want to go, to make Canada safe or safer.
> My Grandfather served this country. My father served this country. My
> Uncle served this country. And I have served this country. Justin
> Trudeau has not served Canada in any way. Thomas Mulcair has not
> served this country in any way. Liberals and so called social
> democrats haven’t served this country in any way. David Amos, and
> other drooling fools have not served this great nation in any way. Yet
> these fools are more than prepared to ensure their, our safety to
> other nations, and then criticize them for doing so.
> Canada must again, now, “do our bit” to guarantee our own security,
> and tranquility, but also that of the world. Canada has never before
> shirked its responsibility to its citizens and that of the world.
> Prime Minister Harper will not permit this country to do so now
> From:
> Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 14:17:17 -0400
> Subject: RE: Re Greg Weston, The CBC , Wikileaks, USSOCOM, Canada and
> the War in Iraq (I just called SOCOM and let them know I was still
> alive
> To:
> This is to confirm that the Minister of National Defence has received
> your email and it will be reviewed in due course. Please do not reply
> to this message: it is an automatic acknowledgement.
> >>>>
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 13:55:30 -0300
> Subject: Re Greg Weston, The CBC , Wikileaks, USSOCOM, Canada and the
> War in Iraq (I just called SOCOM and let them know I was still alive
> To:,,
>, stoffp1,
>, birgir, smari
>,, pm,
> Cc: "Edith. Cody-Rice", "terry.seguin"
>, acampbell, whistleblower
> I talked to Don Newman earlier this week before the beancounters David
> Dodge and Don Drummond now of Queen's gave their spin about Canada's
> Health Care system yesterday and Sheila Fraser yapped on and on on
> CAPAC during her last days in office as if she were oh so ethical.. To
> be fair to him I just called Greg Weston (613-288-6938) I suggested
> that he should at least Google SOUCOM and David Amos It would be wise
> if he check ALL of CBC's sources before he publishes something else
> about the DND EH Don Newman? Lets just say that the fact that your
> old CBC buddy, Tony Burman is now in charge of Al Jazeera English
> never impressed me. The fact that he set up a Canadian office is
> interesting though
> Anyone can call me back and stress test my integrity after they read
> this simple pdf file. BTW what you Blue Sky dudes pubished about
> Potash Corp and BHP is truly funny. Perhaps Stevey Boy Harper or Brad
> Wall will fill ya in if you are to shy to call mean old me.
> The Governor General, the PMO and the PCO offices know that I am not a
> shy political animal
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> Enjoy Mr Weston
> "But Lang, defence minister McCallum's chief of staff, says military
> brass were not entirely forthcoming on the issue. For instance, he
> says, even McCallum initially didn't know those soldiers were helping
> to plan the invasion of Iraq up to the highest levels of command,
> including a Canadian general.
> That general is Walt Natynczyk, now Canada's chief of defence staff,
> who eight months after the invasion became deputy commander of 35,000
> U.S. soldiers and other allied forces in Iraq. Lang says Natynczyk was
> also part of the team of mainly senior U.S. military brass that helped
> prepare for the invasion from a mobile command in Kuwait."
> "I remember years ago when the debate was on in Canada, about there
> being weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Our American 'friends"
> demanded that Canada join into "the Coalition of the Willing. American
> "veterans" and sportscasters loudly denounced Canada for NOT buying
> into the US policy.
> At the time I was serving as a planner at NDHQ and with 24 other of my
> colleagues we went to Tampa SOUCOM HQ to be involved in the planning
> in the planning stages of the op....and to report to NDHQ, that would
> report to the PMO upon the merits of the proposed operation. There was
> never at anytime an existing target list of verified sites where there
> were deployed WMD.
> Coalition assets were more than sufficient for the initial strike and
> invasion phase but even at that point in the planning, we were
> concerned about the number of "boots on the ground" for the occupation
> (and end game) stage of an operation in Iraq. We were also concerned
> about the American plans for occupation plans of Iraq because they at
> that stage included no contingency for a handing over of civil
> authority to a vetted Iraqi government and bureaucracy.
> There was no detailed plan for Iraq being "liberated" and returned to
> its people...nor a thought to an eventual exit plan. This was contrary
> to the lessons of Vietnam but also to current military thought, that
> folks like Colin Powell and "Stuffy" Leighton and others elucidated
> upon. "What's the mission" how long is the mission, what conditions
> are to met before US troop can redeploy? Prime Minister Jean Chretien
> and the PMO were even at the very preliminary planning stages wary of
> Canadian involvement in an Iraq operation....History would prove them
> correct. The political pressure being applied on the PMO from the
> George W Bush administration was onerous
> American military assets were extremely overstretched, and Canadian
> military assets even more so It was proposed by the PMO that Canadian
> naval platforms would deploy to assist in naval quarantine operations
> in the Gulf and that Canadian army assets would deploy in Afghanistan
> thus permitting US army assets to redeploy for an Iraqi
> operation....The PMO thought that "compromise would save Canadian
> lives and liberal political capital.. and the priority of which
> ....not necessarily in that order. "
> You can bet that I called these sneaky Yankees again today EH John
> Adams? of the CSE within the DND?
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 10:51:14 -0400
Subject: RE FATCA, NAFTA & TPP etc ATTN President Donald J. Trump I
just got off the phone with your lawyer Mr Cohen (646-853-0114) Why
does he lie to me after all this time???
---------- Original message ----------
From: Michael Cohen
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 14:15:14 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: RE FATCA ATTN Pierre-Luc.Dusseault I just
called and left a message for you
To: David Amos
Effective January 20, 2017, I have accepted the role as personal
counsel to President Donald J. Trump. All future emails should be
directed to and all future calls should be
directed to 646-853-0114.
This communication is from The Trump Organization or an affiliate
thereof and is not sent on behalf of any other individual or entity.
This email may contain information that is confidential and/or
proprietary. Such information may not be read, disclosed, used,
copied, distributed or disseminated except (1) for use by the intended
recipient or (2) as expressly authorized by the sender. If you have
received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and
promptly notify the sender. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed
to be received, secure or error-free as emails could be intercepted,
corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late, incomplete, contain viruses
or otherwise. The Trump Organization and its affiliates do not
guarantee that all emails will be read and do not accept liability for
any errors or omissions in emails. Any views or opinions presented in
any email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily
represent those of The Trump Organization or any of its
affiliates.Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an
electronic signature under applicable law.
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Finance Public / Finance Publique (FIN)"
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 22:05:00 +0000
Subject: RE: Yo President Trump RE the Federal Court of Canada File No
T-1557-15 lets see how the media people do with news that is NOT FAKE
To: David Amos
The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your
Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance
électronique. Soyez assuré(e) que nous apprécions recevoir vos
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Joly, Mélanie (PCH)"
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 14:16:17 +0000
Subject: Accusé de réception / Acknowledge Receipt
To: David Amos
Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable Mélanie Joly, ministre du Patrimoine canadien.
La ministre est toujours heureuse de prendre connaissance des
commentaires de Canadiens sur des questions d'importance pour eux.
Votre courriel sera lu avec soin.
Si votre courriel porte sur une demande de rencontre ou une invitation
à une activité particulière, nous tenons à vous assurer que votre
demande a été notée et qu'elle recevra toute l'attention voulue.
Thank you for writing to the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of
Canadian Heritage.
The Minister is always pleased to hear the comments of Canadians on
subjects of importance to them. Your email will be read with care.
If your email relates to a meeting request or an invitation to a
specific event, please be assured that your request has been noted and
will be given every consideration.
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Hancox, Rick (FCNB)"
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 14:15:22 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: RE FATCA ATTN Pierre-Luc.Dusseault I just
called and left a message for you
To: David Amos
Thanks for your e-mail. I am out of the office until 24 February. If
you need more immediate assistance, please contact France Bouchard at
506 658-2696.
Je serai absent du bureau jusqu'au 24 fevrier Durant mon absence,
veuillez contacter France Bouchard au 506 658-2696 pour assistance
Thanks/Merci Rick
---------- Original message ----------
From: "B English (MIN)"
Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2017 04:46:16 +0000
Subject: Automated response from the office of Hon Bill English
To: David Amos
Thank you for your email to the Prime Minister.
This is an automated response.
Please be assured that any matters you raise in your email will be
noted; however, not all messages will receive an individual response.
Yours sincerely
The Office of the Prime Minister
---------- Original message ----------
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 15:48:00 +0000
Subject: Merci / Thank you
Nous vous remercions d'avoir communiqué avec le bureau de Jean-Yves
Duclos, député de Québec et Ministre de la Famille, des Enfants et du
Développement social.
Ce courriel confirme la réception de votre correspondance.
Veuillez prendre note que votre demande sera traitée dans les meilleurs délais.
Salutations distinguées,
Bureau de circonscription de Jean-Yves Duclos
Thank you for contacting the office of Jean-Yves Duclos, M.P for
Québec and Minister of Families, Children and Social Development.
This email confirms the receipt of your message.
Please note that your request will be processed as soon as possible.
With our best regards,
The riding office of Jean-Yves Duclos
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2015 20:44:27 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Hey Elizabeth Tompson RE your concrens about the PCO and
the TPP We talked once again yesterday and as usual you were too busy
to listen to me but I also called many of your associates in the
Parliamentry Press Galllery and some did listen to me Correct?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2015 10:13:15 -0400
Subject: Hey Elizabeth Tompson RE your concerns about the PCO and the
TPP We talked once again yesterday and as usual you were too busy to
listen to me but I also called many of your associates in the
Parliamentry Press Galllery and some did listen to me Correct?
To:,,,,,,,,,,,, editor,,,,,,,,
Here is a little proof to support what I said on the phone.
A debate
and a lawsuit
FYI During my debates in Fundy Royal I made certain that Rob Moore
and his boss Harper and the Libranos knew within the emails found
below that I was not talking through my hat with reference to the TPP
false promises dairy farmers and my concerns about the Internet
As you journalists well know I made good on my promise to sue the
CROWN while running for a seat in Parliament one last time. As usual
CBC and most of the other very unethical "journlists" ignored the
obvious except Rogers TV and the local reporters employed by the
Irving billionaires
Clearly Jesse Brown and his buddy Mean Mikey Geist were yapping about
the TPP before you revealed the PCO's point of view about Harper's
false promise. More importantly to Mean Old Me both those very snobby
and very unethical Upper Canadian spin doctors well aware I knew the
very sneaky Julian Assange long BEFORE he and Birgitta Jonsdotir made
Wikileaks. Hell I have been dicing with the bast Geist for over ten
years since he stuck his nose in Byron Prior's matters (Another matter
no journalist will report about) Anyone can scroll down or just Google
"Michael Geist" "David Amos" or "Julian Assange" "David Amos" to see
the proof of what I say is true.
Katie Jensen • October 12, 2015
Show notes:
University of Ottawa's Michael Geist breaks down the TPP
(Trans-Pacific Partnership), a proposed trade agreement that Stephen
Harper has been toiling over in secret for the last five years - an
agreement that will have huge impacts on Canada's internet freedom and
copyright issues.
Michael Geist's Twitter: @mgeist
I am a law professor at the University of Ottawa where I hold the
Canada Research Chair in Internet and E-commerce Law. My current
contact information is included below:
Address: University of Ottawa
Faculty of Law
Common Law Section
57 Louis Pasteur
Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5
Phone: (613) 562-5800 extension 3319
Fax: 613-562-5124
Full text of the TPP leak
Harper lacks authorities for promised $4.3B TPP farm compensation, PCO admits
By Elizabeth Thompson | Oct 13, 2015 4:20 am | 1 comment |
Privy Council Office tracks party promises to prepare for government transition
Senior public servants log and analyze every election promise on a
daily basis to prep briefing books
By Dean Beeby, CBC News Posted: Oct 14, 2015 5:00 AM ET|
Liberals, NDP decline PCO offer of confidential briefing on TPP trade deal
Offer to view trade deal just before election rejected as 'political ploy'
CBC News Posted: Oct 15, 2015 5:11 PM ET|
"Mulcair said Trade Minister Ed Fast broke a promise to make all
details of the accord public ahead of election day.
"Instead of openness and transparency, Canadians are learning details
through leaked information and the government's own self-serving
promotional efforts. That's not acceptable," Mulcair said.
The Privy Council Office is the department that provides non-partisan
support to the prime minister and cabinet. The Conservative campaign
told CBC News the government asked the PCO to offer the briefing to
the opposition parties.
But in a separate letter released Thursday, Liberal candidate John
McCallum accused Prime Minister Stephen Harper of continuing a "lack
of transparency" over the deal's details.
"Despite a commitment by the minister of international trade, Mr. Ed
Fast, to release the text of the agreement so all Canadians can judge
it on its merits before election day, media reports this week state
that the details will remain secret," McCallum wrote.
"It is troubling that with just four days remaining until election
day, you continue to refuse to release the text of the agreement for
Canadians to see."
McCallum noted that a previous briefing attended by party
representatives on Oct. 4 "provided no actual details beyond the
limited information already released publicly."
"It is simply not possible to conduct a meaningful, in-depth analysis
of the 1,500-plus page agreement in 90 minutes," he wrote.
I am included in briefing. I was only leader to participate in the 1st
#TPP briefing. #GPC #elxn42 @CanadianGreens @Politicolnews @PnPCBC
— @ElizabethMay
Conservative campaign spokesman Kory Teneycke told CBC News the
Liberals initially agreed to attend the Friday briefing, while the NDP
declined. Teneycke said the briefing was to be based on the chapter
summaries, since the final text does not exist yet.
A Liberal campaign spokesman referred CBC News to McCallum's letter,
but said any suggestion the party had accepted the offer of the
briefing was false."
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Robb, Andrew (MP)"
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2015 03:51:41 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: RE TPP Trust that LOTS of Farmers in New
Brunswick and many Yankees, Icelanders and New Zealanders know exactly
who I am EH John Key. Birgitta Jonsdottir, Wayne Easter and Rob
To: David Amos
Thank you for taking the time to contact me.
This is an automatically generated reply so that you know that your
email has arrived.
As you will appreciate given the large number of emails received each
day, a reply cannot be sent immediately, nor can a reply be sent to
every email received.
I will however read your correspondence.
I prioritise emails from my constituents and those relating to my
trade, investment and tourism portfolio.
If your email relates to my responsibilities as Minister for Trade and
Investment, I will consider your correspondence and respond if
If your email is part of an automatically generated campaign, I will
note your views.
For those interested, there is a significant amount of useful facts
regarding the China FTA and Trans Pacific Partnership on my
Department’s website:
In the meantime, you may be interested in completing my community
survey by clicking
here . You
may also be interested in visiting my
Twitter, or
YouTube pages.
Yours sincerely,
Minister for Trade & Investment
Federal Member for Goldstein
Electorate Office
368 Centre Road, Bentleigh VIC 3204
P 03 9557 4644 F 03 9557 2906
Parliament House
Suite M1-22
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Canberra ACT 2600
P (02) 6277 7420 F (02) 6273 4128
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2015 23:47:53 -0400
Subject: Fwd: RE TPP Trust that LOTS of Farmers in New Brunswick and
many Yankees, Icelanders and New Zealanders know exactly who I am EH
John Key. Birgitta Jonsdottir, Wayne Easter and Rob Nicholson?
Riding President
Jamie MacPhail
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "J Key (MIN)"
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2015 01:38:56 +0000
Subject: Thank you for your email
To: David Amos
On behalf of the Prime Minister, Rt Hon John Key, thank you for your email.
Please note that although email increases the speed of delivery, it
may not be possible to provide you with the rapid response users of
email may anticipate.
The fact that you have taken the time to write is appreciated. You
can be assured that your views will be noted.
Yours sincerely
The Office of the Prime Minister
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2015 21:38:42 -0400
Subject: RE TPP Trust that LOTS of Dairy Farmers in New Brunswick and
many Yankee, Icelanders and New Zealanders know exactly who I am EH
John Key. Birgitta Jonsdottir, Wayne Easter and Rob Nicholson?
Cc: David Amos
Birgitta Jonsdottir
September 23 at 10:52am ·
Transparency Tim: show us the text
The TPP Internet Censorship Plan is coming
We need you to tell your Trade Minister today: don't let the
Trans-Pacific Partnership destroy our laws and censor the Internet.
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Most Recent
Paul Billingham, Marianne Hoynes, Birgitta Jonsdottir and 36
others like this.
Gary Bonn
Gary Bonn Thank you Birgitta Jonsdottir
1 · September 24 at 5:30am
From: Birgitta Jonsdottir
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 07:14:02 +0000
Subject: Re: Bon Soir Birgitta according to my records this is the
first email I ever sent you
To: David Amos
dear Dave
i have got your email and will read through the links as soon as i
find some time keep up the good fight in the meantime
thank you for bearing with me
i am literary drowning in requests to look into all sorts of matters
and at the same time working 150% work at the parliament and
the creation of a political movement and being a responsible parent:)
plus all the matters in relation to immi
with oceans of joy
Better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are
Andre Gide
Birgitta Jonsdottir
Birkimelur 8, 107 Reykjavik, Iceland, tel: 354 692 8884 – -
>>> From: "Julian Assange)"
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2010 3:15 PM
>>> Subject: Al Jazeera on Iceland's plan for a press safe haven
>>> FYI: Al-Jazeera's take on Iceland's proposed media safe haven
>>> More info
>>> Julian Assange Editor WikiLeaks
>>> From: "David Amos"
>>> To: "Julian Assange)"
>>> Cc: "Dan Fitzgerald"; "Byrne. G"
>>> Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2010 8:35 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Al Jazeera on Iceland's new plan Thanx Here is
>>> something about Iceland and Banksters Al Jazeera would enjoy
>>> Checkout this old pdf file from 2005 at about page two or three
>>> Then read on and chuckle
>>> From:
>>> Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009
>>> Subject: Re: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious
>>> question. Why have you people ignored me for three years?
>>> To: David Amos
>>> Dear David Amos
>>> Unfortunately there has been a considerable delay in responding to
>>> incoming letters due to heavy workload and many inquiries to our
>>> office.
>>> We appreciate the issue raised in your letter. We have set up a web
>>> site where we have gathered various practical
>>> information regarding the economic crisis in Iceland.
>>> Greetings from the Ministry of Finance.
>>> Tilvísun í mál: FJR08100024
>>> From:
>>> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008
>>> Subject: Regarding your enquiry to the Prime Ministry of Iceland
>>> To: David Amos
>>> David Raymond Amos
>>> Your enquiry has been received by the Prime Ministry of Iceland and
>>> waits attendance.
>>> Thank you.
>>> From: David Amos
>>> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008
>>> Subject: I just called to remind the Speaker, the Bankers and the
>>> Icelanders that I still exist EH Mrs Mrechant, Bob Rae and Iggy?
>>> To:,,,
>>> Cc:,,,
>>> All of you should review the documents and CD that came with this
>>> letter ASAP EH?
>>> Perhaps Geir Haarde and Steingrimur Sigfusson should call me back
>>> Veritas Vincit
>>> David Raymond Amos
>>> The Reykjavík Grapevine
>>> Hafnarstræti 15
>>> 101 Reykjavík
>>> Iceland
>>> +354-540-3600
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2015 21:21:42 -0400
Subject: FWD LOTS of Dairy Farmers in New Brunswick know exactly who I
am ask Wayne Easter why EH Rob Moore?
Wayne Easter @WayneEaster 15h
Heartwarming y'day on campaign trail as several non-farm households
stated "concerned for dairy farmers"(due 2 TPP)Support 4 fellow
Conservative Government Must be Transparent with Canadians during TPP Talks
Posted on July 16, 2012
CHARLOTTETOWN— Liberal International Trade critic Wayne Easter made
the following statement today on Canada’s Trans-Pacific Partnership
(TPP) negotiations:
“According to a recent report, the US will be seeking ‘new market
access’ from Canada in the TPP negotiations. The report noted that a
major component of negotiations would be Canada’s supply management
It is imperative that this Conservative government be completely
transparent on their TPP negotiations, especially in regards to what
Canada is conceding in order to be accepted into this partnership.
Canadian dairy and poultry producers depend on the supply management
system, just as Canadian consumers rely on its stable pricing, and
they all deserve assurance that their livelihoods and food safety will
not be compromised in these negotiations.”
"Saputo said some dairy farmers have good reason to be worried if
there are dramatic changes to Canada's protective supply management
system, as demanded by some of the 12 countries involved in
negotiating the trade deal. But he said other farmers are efficient,
can compete with anybody in the world and flourish in an unregulated
The abolition of Canada's dairy supply management system would
threaten 4,500 to 6,000 farms and up to 24,000 direct jobs across the
country, according to a study released last week commissioned by dairy
co-operative and Saputo rival Agropur.
Up to 40 per cent of Canada's milk production would be at risk, said
the 56-page report from Boston Consulting Group."
"Fast used more guarded language on dairy. Of that, he said: "There's
still lots of work to be done."
The Canadian government faces domestic pressure from dairy-producing
provinces, who are not at the negotiating table but have provincial
representatives in Atlanta pushing against any opening to foreign milk
and cheese.
Canada isn't the only country with domestic pressure: the American
delegation has received a public letter from influential lawmakers
urging it to walk away unless it can secure certain gains for American
But the biggest U.S. business lobby is urging a deal now.
It says the decade-long TPP project could be destroyed by domestic
politics if it doesn't happen immediately, with elections in Canada,
then the U.S., Japan and Peru next year and governments under pressure
to protect individual sectors.
"If we miss this opportunity I believe we may lose it forever," said
Tami Overby, vice-president at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
"We have the Canadian election. No one knows what that outcome's going
to be. We also get closer to the U.S. 2016 (presidential race) -- that
gets harder. So from my perspective nothing gets better. But the risk
increases, and in some cases quite significantly as time goes by."
As if to underscore her point, NDP Leader Tom Mulcair announced Friday
that he wouldn't consider himself bound to ratify any deal reached
during the election campaign.
Overby encouraged all countries to put some of the proverbial water in
their wine.
For Canada, that wine comes with a little more foreign cheese.
She said New Zealand hasn't asked for much. But it helped spearhead
the TPP project years ago, with its one major demand being access to
dairy markets.
Other Canadian industries are thrilled at the prospect of a deal.
The head of Canada's pro-free-market agriculture group said he expects
a nine-per-cent increase in canola exports alone, with big gains for
other industries including pork, beef and barley.
"We're extremely optimistic for our sector," said Brian Innes of the
Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance, and vice-president of the Canola
"We face significant trade barriers, this is the most ambitious deal
in decades, and it could have a major impact on our ability to
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 10:15:04 -0400
Subject: RE FATCA ATTN Pierre-Luc.Dusseault I just called and left a
message for you
Trust that Trump, CBC and everybody else knows that I speak and act
Pro Se particularly when dealing with the Evil Tax Man
Transfer of Canadian banking records to U.S. tax agency doubled last year
Documents for thousands of Canadian residents transferred under
controversial FATCA legislation
By Elizabeth Thompson, CBC News Posted: Jan 29, 2017 5:00 AM ET
Banking records of more than 315,000 Canadian residents were turned
over to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service last year under a
controversial information sharing deal, CBC News has learned.
That is double the number transferred in the deal's first year.
The Canada Revenue Agency transmitted 315,160 banking records to the
IRS on Sept. 28, 2016 — a 104 per cent increase over the 154,667
records the agency sent in September 2015.
Lisa Damien, spokeswoman for the CRA, attributed the increase to the
fact it was the second year for the Canada-U.S. information sharing
deal that was sparked by the U.S. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
"The exchange in September 2015 was based on accounts identified by
financial institutions at the time," she said. "The number of reported
accounts was expected to increase in 2016, because the financial
institutions have had more time to complete their due diligence and
identify other reportable accounts."
Trudeau Nuclear Summit 20160331
Prior to coming to power, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau opposed the
agreement to share banking records of Canadian residents with the IRS.
He has since changed his position. (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)
The transmission of banking records of Canadian residents is the
result of an agreement worked out in 2014 between Canada and the U.S.
after the American government adopted FATCA. The U.S. tax compliance
act requires financial institutions around the world to reveal
information about bank accounts in a bid to crack down on tax evasion
by U.S. taxpayers with foreign accounts.
Dual citizens, long-term visitors affected
The deal requires financial institutions to share the banking records
of those considered to be "U.S. persons" for tax purposes — regardless
of whether they are U.S. citizens.
Among the people who can be considered by the IRS as "U.S. persons"
are Canadians born in the U.S., dual citizens or even those who spend
more than a certain number of days in the United States each year.
Former prime minister Stephen Harper's government argued that given
the penalties the U.S. was threatening to impose, it had no choice but
to negotiate the information sharing deal. The former government said
it was able to exempt some types of accounts from the information
The Canada Revenue Agency transfers banking records of people believed
to be 'U.S. persons' to the IRS. (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)
The Canada Revenue Agency triggered controversy after it transferred
the first batch of Canadian banking records to the IRS in September
2015 in the midst of the election campaign, without waiting for an
assessment by Canada's privacy commissioner or the outcome of a legal
challenge to the agreement's constitutionality.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Treasury Board President Scott Brison
and Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale have dropped calls to scrap
the deal, which they had made before the Liberals came to power.
Watchdog wants proactive notification
Privacy Commissioner Daniel Therrien has raised concerns about the
information sharing, questioning whether financial institutions are
reporting more accounts than necessary. Under the agreement, financial
institutions only have to report accounts belonging to those believed
to be U.S. persons if they contain more than $50,000.
Therrien has also suggested the CRA proactively notify individuals
that their financial records had been shared with the IRS. However,
the CRA has been reluctant to agree to Therrien's suggestion.
Racial Profiling 20160107
Privacy Commissioner Daniel Therrien has questioned whether the CRA is
transmitting more banking records to the IRS than is necessary.
(Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)
NDP revenue critic Pierre-Luc Dusseault said the increase in the
number of files transferred was "surprising," and he questioned
whether financial institutions are only sharing records of accounts
worth more than $50,000.
"I don't see how there would be 150,000 more accounts reportable to
the IRS in one year. It is something I will look into."
Dusseault said the CRA should notify every Canadian resident whose
banking records are shared with the IRS.
Lynne Swanson, of the Alliance for the Defence of Canadian
Sovereignty, which is challenging the information sharing agreement in
Federal Court, said she has no idea why the number of banking records
shared with the IRS doubled.
Youngest MP 20110519
NDP revenue critic Pierre-Luc Dusseault says the CRA should notify
every Canadian resident whose banking records are shared with the IRS.
(Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)
"It still seems low in comparison to the number of Canadians that are
affected by this," she said. "It is estimated that a million Canadians
are affected by this."
Hopes for repeal
Swanson hopes that U.S. President Donald Trump, or Congress — which is
now controlled by the Republican Party — will scrap FATCA. The
Republican platform pledged to do away with the information collecting
"FATCA not only allows 'unreasonable search and seizures' but also
threatens the ability of overseas Americans to lead normal lives," the
platform reads. "We call for its repeal and for a change to
residency-based taxation for U.S. citizens overseas."
Swanson's group is also hoping the Federal Court of Canada will
intervene, although a date has not yet been set for a hearing.
"A foreign government is essentially telling the Canadian government
how Canadian citizens and Canadian residents should be treated. It is
a violation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms."
Elizabeth Thompson can be reached at
Lawyers misappropriated millions from clients' funds but few faced criminal charges
Disciplinary actions include suspension, disbarment for professional misconduct
By Katie Pedersen, Katie Nicholson, Jacques Marcoux, CBC News Posted: Feb 16, 2017 11:00 AM ET
A CBC News analysis of public records over six years shows
law societies in Canada sanctioned 220 members for taking or
mishandling money from clients or overcharging them, either negligently
or intentionally. (CBC)
More than 200 Canadian lawyers who were disciplined by their law
societies between 2010 and 2015 misappropriated about $160 million of
their clients' funds, a CBC News investigation has found.
But most of those lawyers were never charged with crimes. CBC could find evidence of criminal prosecutions involving fewer than 10 per cent of the total number of disciplined lawyers in that time frame.
An analysis of public records over six years shows law societies sanctioned 220 members for taking or mishandling money from clients or overcharging them, either negligently or intentionally.
Lawyers were punished for a variety of infractions, including helping themselves to clients' trust funds, keeping money that belonged to a deceased client's estate, mishandling of client funds, charging for services not provided and charging fees that were so unreasonable that they constituted misconduct.
But most of those lawyers were never charged with crimes. CBC could find evidence of criminal prosecutions involving fewer than 10 per cent of the total number of disciplined lawyers in that time frame.
An analysis of public records over six years shows law societies sanctioned 220 members for taking or mishandling money from clients or overcharging them, either negligently or intentionally.
Lawyers were punished for a variety of infractions, including helping themselves to clients' trust funds, keeping money that belonged to a deceased client's estate, mishandling of client funds, charging for services not provided and charging fees that were so unreasonable that they constituted misconduct.
- Watch the fifth estate on CBC-TV Friday at 9 p.m.: "Betrayal of Trust"
- Law Society questioned over slow response in disbarring lawyer
While some lawyers argued they were not guilty of deliberately doing anything wrong, many others admitted to misappropriation. Some said they lied to regulators when clients complained or when they were caught in spot audits.

Penalties ranged from admonitions and fines to suspensions and disbarments. In some cases, law societies allowed lawyers facing disciplinary charges to resign.
Bette Hawley of Ottawa hired lawyer Luc Barrick in 2010 and paid him a retainer to help with a housing problem. Barrick was later found by the Law Society of Upper Canada to have "misappropriated and/or misapplied" about $360,000 from his clients.
The Law Society determined he had misappropriated $650 from Hawley.
"Any misappropriation of in-trust money should be treated as a criminal offence. It's stealing money," said Hawley.
Left the country
Barrick left Canada in 2011 for France and was disbarred in October 2013.

Luc Barrick was disbarred in October 2013
after the Law Society of Upper Canada found that he had misappropriated
funds given to him in trust.
Criminal convictions are rarely a consequence for lawyers who take clients' money. CBC's investigation could only identify 19 examples of criminal prosecutions between 2010 and 2015. Six of the prosecutions involved lawyers who were disciplined prior to 2010.
One reason for the small number of charges or convictions may be the higher burden of proof required in criminal cases.
In 2015, an Ontario Superior Court judge acquitted a disbarred lawyer of fraud, saying that bad work by a lawyer doesn't necessarily constitute fraud.
Other factors
John Sliter, a retired RCMP superintendent who spent 20 years investigating and managing white collar crime cases, thinks other factors are also at play."It becomes very daunting for investigators to even think about investigating, let alone think about facing a potential prosecution, so often what happens is they simply rely on regulation to solve the problem for them," he said.
"In other words, if they've been dealt with by the law society, political masters and police managers will feel that will suffice and that there's no need to pursue a criminal prosecution."
The CBC investigation found Ontario and Quebec had the highest number of disciplined lawyers, but the types of punishment meted out were different.
In Ontario, 71 lawyers were disciplined for taking money from their clients between 2010 and 2015. Seventeen lawyers were suspended and 49 were disbarred for their misconduct. Others still await punishment.
In Quebec, 80 lawyers were disciplined for taking money improperly. Four were given permanent disbarments, while 58 faced temporary disbarments. Some were disciplined more than once during the time period.
CBC News calculated that the median duration of each temporary disbarment handed out in Quebec was 12 months.
The Law Society of Manitoba has referred 10 cases involving lawyers it disciplined to the police since 2010. None of those lawyers faced criminal charges.
"In every instance where a lawyer is convicted of misappropriating client funds there would be a report made to the authorities," Law Society of Manitoba spokesperson Kris Dangerfield said in an email.
"We do not receive confirmation from the authorities confirming whether in fact they have chosen to commence an investigation into the lawyer's conduct."
'Too easy to steal'
Alice Woolley, president of the Canadian Association for Legal Ethics who teaches at the University of Calgary, says no matter how harsh a punishment is, the lawyer will think he's the one who won't get caught.
Alice Woolley is the president of the Canadian Association for Legal Ethics and teaches at the University of Calgary. (CBC)
Woolley says the best way to bring the numbers down is by stopping the lawyers before the money is taken.
"You want to make it so if I have a problem today, I can't fix it this way."
Darrel Pink, executive director of the Nova Scotia Barristers' Society, came to the same conclusion years ago.
- Nova Scotia lawyer disbarred for theft
- Regina lawyer Pauline Duncan Bonneau disciplined after misappropriating funds
- Rockland lawyer Stéphane Langlois suspended over alleged misuse of clients' million
"We basically asked the question, does what we do as a legal regulator make any difference?" he said.
"And when we answered it 'Not really,' it was a pretty profound conclusion for us to come to.
"Most lawyer theft is they take a little bit, they intend to give it back, they take a little bit more. They are supporting a gambling habit," said Pink. "And therefore if you could stop them early, you could prevent a lot of harm."
Early signs
Pink says there are usually symptoms such as poor accounting and accounting mistakes. If the lawyer keeps getting away with it, that can eventually lead to missing money.
He is working to get provincial legislation changed so that the law society can regulate law firms and address these accounting problems before they escalate.
Woolley says change can be difficult in a profession that is self-regulated.
- John Briner, Vancouver lawyer, disbarred over misappropriation of funds
- Deborah Bowes, lawyer, rebuked for not reporting cash payments
- Lawyer Richard Chojnacki swindled clients while law society case dragged
CBC News Manitoba
CBC INVESTIGATES: How lawyers misappropriate millions
CBC INVESTIGATES: How lawyers misappropriate millions1:17
A note on methodology: CBC News compiled information about discipline cases and prosecutions between Jan. 1, 2010, and Dec. 31, 2015, by collecting material from provincial law societies, legal and court databases and media reports. We included all instances in which lawyers were sanctioned by their law societies for improperly taking or mishandling money from client trust funds or overcharging clients to an extent that led to professional misconduct. This includes deliberately overcharging, charging for services never provided, outright fraud and breaching law society rules respecting client funds. Because there is no single comprehensive source for this information, it is possible not all relevant cases of discipline and criminal prosecution were captured. In about 30 discipline cases, it was not possible to provide an estimate of the amount of money clients may have lost.
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