Thursday 22 August 2019

Liberal MPs on ethics committee vote down opposition motion for Mario Dion to testify on Trudeau

Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks the liberals and the conservatives should review the letter and the emails I got Mr Dion's predecessor Madame Dawson in 2016/17 N'esy Pas?

Liberal MPs on ethics committee vote down opposition motion for Mario Dion to testify on Trudeau

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David R. Amos
Methinks the liberals and the conservatives should review the letter and the emails I got Mr Dion's predecessor Madame Dawson in 2016/17 N'esy Pas? 

David R. Amos
Methinks I like this liberal's style so should many other folks N'esy Pas?

"Liberal MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith broke ranks with his party and voted with opposition MPs to call Dion before the committee — not, he said, because he thought Dion had more to tell, but because he wanted to challenge the commissioner's findings, which he called "flawed."

"I would like the commissioner to sit right there to answer how he got this so completely, completely wrong," Erskine-Smith said."

Paddie Ferraro
Reply to @David R. Amos: Ya quite the stand up guy. He’s almost as narcissistic as our feckless leader. He was going to challenge Dion and save the day. Would have loved to of seen this and have Mr. Dion and Conservatives bring much to light.
Alan Humphreys 
Reply to @David R. Amos: -Ah yes, Erskine-Smith could safely play the token Liberal favouring the opposition motion because he knew his fellow Liberals would not allow the truth to come out. Not even to question Dion about how much he had "got this so completely, completely wrong," Hypocrisy, thy name is Liberal.

David R. Amos
Reply to @Paddie Ferraro: Methinks everybody knows why I would have loved the circus N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
Reply to @Alan Humphreys: Do you know about what went down between Mr Dion and I in 2014? Methinks all the parliamentarians do N'esy Pas?
Kendra Smith 
Reply to @David R. Amos: That's a grandstanding statement to make when you know the guy can't defend himself and you know the rest of your Liberal buddies won't let that happen. It's akin to Justin's reiterations of conversations with JWR to the public, even though she continuously says that's not how it happened. They did the same for the Justice Committee, only that time the used an MP from Edmonton who has a snowball's chance down below of getting re-elected to take a stand to the press.
Sean Adams
Reply to @David R. Amos: Actual that could be taken as a slanderous comment and if I were Dion would slap him with a defamation suit.

David R. Amos
Reply to @Kendra Smith: Methinks you should ask yourself why i sued the Crown in 2015 while Harper was the PM or why I ran for public office six time thus far N'esy Pas?
David Smith
Reply to @David R. Amos: No, no one knows or cares who you are.
Bill Wilson 
Reply to @David R. Amos: You are joking right? You think Dion's report was inaccurate? The clear evidence says it was completely accurate, but there is more dirt that Dion was never able to see.
Paddie Ferraro  
Reply to @David R. Amos: You ran for public office...suspect that didn’t work out so far did you run?
David R. Amos 
Reply to @David Smith: Methinks you do Why else would you insult me N'esy Pas?
David R. Amos  
Reply to @Bill Wilson: Methinks you should Google my name and that of Jody Wilson Raybould in order to see how inaccurate it truly is N'esy Pas?
David Smith 
Reply to @David R. Amos: Youthinks wrong. People with inflated senses of self worth generally think others value them as much as they value themselves.

They, like you are wrong.
David R. Amos  
Reply to @Paddie Ferraro:Methinks I went farther than you ever will N'esy Pas?
Paddie Ferraro 
Reply to @David R. Amos: Okay...”run” with that.

Thomas Wright
liberal transparency

Mike Johnson
Reply to @Thomas Wright: liberal transparency actually means "smoke screen"
David R. Amos 
Reply to @Thomas Wright: Methinks everybody knows that was a myth before Mr Prime Minister Trudeau the Younger won his first mandate. In my humble opinion the awful truth is the liberals won because Mr Selfie courted the ladies and LBGT for support, the strategic vote people who believed his claims about electoral reform and campaigned for him, a lot of folks who never vote went to the polls last time because he promised to legalize dope and most importantly many folks within his beloved peoplekind had had enough of Mulcair and Harper and their malicious nonsense N'esy Pas?

Don Cameron
If this truly was a 'nothing burger', the Liberals wouldn't hesitate to hold it up to the light of day.
Fastest way to make the scandal go away.

They are doing the opposite.

David R. Amos
Reply to @Don Cameron: Surprise Surprise Surprise 

David R. Amos  
Reply to @Don Cameron: Methinks "nothing burgers" can cause a lot of indigestion with political pundits N'esy Pas?

Pam Sutton
The 9000 job loss was fictional.

David R. Amos
Reply to @Pam Sutton: YUP 

Ross Culbert
Reply to @Carson Brook: Do these fictional independent experts and scholars even know what a firm is? The work doesn't go anywhere. The engineers jump ship to a more reputable company. Another firm buys up what is left of this pathetic entity for pennies on the dollar. The VPs all rake in millions for running the company into the ground and are never heard from again and the new firm scraps the crud off and disinfects the leftovers.
Who knows. Maybe they actually can move their head offices. Perhaps South Africa will take them.
We don't need this stain in Canada any longer. 

David R. Amos 
Reply to @Ross Culbert: Methinks you understand the wicked game all too well N'esy Pas/

Jane Beagle
Let me ruin the 'surprise'...It's a Liberal majority committee, so no.

David R. Amos 
Reply to @Jane Beagle:There was not surprise Methinks it is not rocket science Its political science 101 N'esy Pas? 

Ross Culbert
Reply to @david mccaig: October is fast approaching. This isn't done yet. The truth will be dug out.
David R. Amos  
Reply to @Ross Culbert: Methinks the fat lady sings in October about the election but no truths will be leaked out because everybody belongs to the Privy Council N'esy Pas?

Steve Vaughan
Surely this is a rhetorical question. The liberals will shut this down, just like they do with everything that will expose their corruption.

David R. Amos 
Reply to @Steve Vaughan: Nope There will be no testimony to prove any corruption

Bob Gillies
There is no reason to have any faith in government as long as Trudeau liberals are in control. 

David R. Amos 
Reply to @Bob Gillies: Methinks there is no reason to have any faith in any government N'esy Pas?

Mark Jean
Reply to @Bob Gillies: I am an experienced investigator and before I come to a conclusion to this affair, I have a few points that I need to know:

Why are there are 3 former Supreme Court judges involved in this and why they don't seem to have a problem with this?

Scheer met with SNC (as did Harper), why does Scheer refuse to answer any questions related to this?

How come Scheer will not make a statement on his plans to deal with SNC?
Ross Culbert
Reply to @Mark Jean: Experience investigator LOL. Oh that's just silly after reading your post.
Bob Gillies
Reply to @Mark Jean:
1) The 3 FORMER Supreme Court Justices are no longer independent and 2 were under contract to represent SNC L.
2) Lobbying is NOT the issue. It is actions taken as a result of that lobbying that is important. It is right in the EC report that Harper rebuffed SNC L's advances, Sheer is not in government so could take no action and in fact didn't.
3) Scheer has said many times he would leave the issue of SNC L in the hands of the it should be.
Bob Gillies
Reply to @Ross Culbert:
You would think an "experienced investigator" would have read the actual report. Obviously the poster didn't.
David R. Amos 
Reply to @Bob Gillies: Methinks Mr Culbert prefers to insult folks and definitely doesn't like to argue facts N'esy Pas?

Randy A. Selkirk
Bad political theatre being taught by an ethically challenged drama teacher !

George Bath
Reply to @Randy A. Selkirk: well pancake boy hasn't much to say as usual

Kendra Smith
Reply to @george bath: Your Spud is a Dud, admit it. 
David R. Amos  
Reply to @Randy A. Selkirk: We should not expect anything more from the liberals than we did from the conservatives. Does anyone recall the hearings in early 2015 when Harper forced the appointment of the lawyer Joe Friday to replace the lawyer Mario Dion when he suddenly quit his fancy job with the Commission on Public Sector Integrity? Methinks not N'esy Pas?  

Ross Culbert
Reply to @Kendra Smith: Spud is a Dud I like it. Good one.
David R. Amos  
Reply to @Ross Culbert: Methinks nobody should be surprised by your reply to Madame Smith Perhaps you should say hey to Mr Scheer for me N'esy Pas?

Jamie Gillis
How sad the Trudeau Liberals are. How can they feel good about themselves, or the people that support them? This is a complete disgrace"

David R. Amos 
Reply to @Jamie Gillis: Methinks it is just more of the same old same old at the circus N'esy Pas?

Steve Vaughan
Elizabeth May just said she thinks Trudeau should resign.

David R. Amos
Reply to @Steve Vaughan: Methinks we all should be shocked that that lawyer shows so little respect towards Mr Prime Minister Trudeau the Younger N'esy Pas?

Ross Culbert 
Reply to @Steve Vaughan: Well it's about time she spoke up. Finally getting her priorities right. Country before power. She's been too quiet on this serious issue for too long.

Ross Culbert
Reply to @David R. Amos: Gees Dave, why do you spend so much time in court when you hate them so much?
Just a glutton for punishment N'est Pas?
David R. Amos
Reply to @Ross Culbert: Methinks every lawyer, cop and politician with two clues between their understand why I go to court and run for public office N'esy Pas?

Karen O'Connor
Still claiming that this was about jobs is just nothing but sad deflection.

David R. Amos 
Reply to @Karen O'Connor: Relax and enjoy the circus

Simon Kung
The Liberal Party is ethically unfit to govern.

Reply to @Simon Kung:

...and the Conservative Party is morally unfit to govern

Vote Green! 

Spencer Yu
Reply to @ArtMuler: Anyone who votes for a small party like the Green Party is just wasting their vote. In Canadian history, all prime ministers have come from only the Liberal and Conservative parties (and their predecessors). What makes you think that this time will be different?

Ross Culbert
Reply to @Spencer Yu: I agree with Art. I'm voting PPC. The main parties disgust me.

David R. Amos
Reply to @Ross Culbert: Methinks many people agree with you but will never vote for the PPC for exactly the same reason N'esy Pas?

Sam Uekel
That's Liberal 'transparency' for you. What a joke.

David R. Amos 
Reply to @Sam Uekel: Methinks everybody knows that was a myth before Mr Prime Minister Trudeau the Younger on his first mandate. In my humble opinion the awful truth is the liberals won because Mr selfie courted the ladies and LBGT for support, the strategic vote people who believed his claims about electoral reform and campaigned for him, a lot of folks who never vote went to the polls last time because he promised to legalize dope and most importantly many folks within his beloved peoplekind had had enough of Mulcair and Harper and their malicious nonsense N'ess Pas?

Liberal MPs on ethics committee vote down opposition motion for Mario Dion to testify on Trudeau

Conservative MP Lisa Raitt's motion to demand CBC reporter hand over recordings defeated by committee vote

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