Hanwell councillor suspended for 3 months over accusations of spreading misinformation
Pat Septon accused of lying about the actions of Hanwell municipal staff and councillors
But Hanwell Coun. Pat Septon says his fellow councillors are using the municipality's code of conduct to silence him from publicly discussing how the community bordering Fredericton is run.
"They are weaponizing the code of conduct to try to control people's speech," said Septon.
At their regular meeting Wednesday evening, Hanwell councillors voted 4-2 in favour of suspending Septon for 90 days.
Coun. Darren MacKenzie brought the motion forward, and spoke at length during the meeting about how misinformation spread by Septon has caused councillors and municipal staff undue stress.
"A reasonable person would stop when local people are telling them they're doing something wrong, and reevaluate what they're doing, but not in this case. And this is the thing that infuriates me the most," MacKenzie said.
"It's one thing to spread misinformation about your council, but when things that you are saying have been explained to be incorrect many times, it's no longer just misinformation, it's outright lying, and this is something that can't be tolerated any longer."
Hanwell Coun. Darren MacKenzie brought forward the motion to suspend Coun. Pat Septon. (Aidan Cox/CBC)
Septon was asked to be excused from the council chamber for the vote, and left the municipal office when the resolution was passed.
For the next 90 days, Septon will be barred from sitting at the council table, prohibited from participating as a councillor at events, and required to turn over his key to the municipal office.
MacKenzie said council's ability to suspend Septon comes from Bill 45, the Local Governance Act, which received royal assent June 16.
"Before that point it was kind of iffy," MacKenzie said during the meeting.
"We do have a legal opinion from our lawyer that it is OK, but again, I'm not a constitutional lawyer. I can only go by the advice I was given by people who know what they are talking about and I was told that it is fine."
It's unclear on the surface of the act whether that is the case. The new law says the local governance commission — which is yet to be formed — is the authority in charge of investigating alleged code of conduct breaches, and issuing suspensions where appropriate.
Problems go back to 2022: mayor
Conflict on council has been brewing since last fall, but came to a head in December, said Hanwell Mayor Dave Morrison.
He said some councillors and municipal staff made informal complaints that Septon breached the councillors' code of conduct.
"Accusing council [and] staff of falsifying documents and accusing staff of lying," said Morrison, describing what Septon allegedly did.
"A lot of accusations going on, and just stating things that were just not true."
Hanwell Mayor Dave Morrison said Septon's actions have pushed some
councillors and municipal staff to consider resigning. (Aidan Cox/CBC)
He said 26 allegations were made against Septon, and an investigation by the municipal clerk deemed 19 to be founded.
That led to Septon being sanctioned, which included a reprimand, his remuneration being suspended for six months, and a requirement he apologize to the clerk and assistant clerk.
Morrison said despite those sanctions, Septon continued breaching the code of conduct, prompting the community to solicit an independent investigator, who also found Septon breached the code of conduct.
"And of course, Coun. Septon refuses to admit any wrongdoing," Morrison said.
"I've had staff say they were going to resign, and I've had councillors say they were going to resign because they basically said they didn't sign up for this."
Septon defends actions
Speaking after the meeting, Septon said the outcome wasn't a surprise to him.
He said there's a sentiment on council that members shouldn't discuss certain issues publicly.
"And that's not the way council should run. It's not the way I want to run. It's not the way I want to represent my community," he said.
Asked if he acknowledged whether some of what he said has been harmful to staff or councillors, Septon said some municipal staff have gone on stress leave.
"Make no mistake, it's stressful for all of us," he said.
David Amos
"We do have a legal opinion from our lawyer that it is OK, but again, I'm not a constitutional lawyer. I can only go by the advice I was given by people who know what they are talking about and I was told that it is fine."
... and this person was elected, remember, which means he represents the majority view of those who voted for him. So ... is the issue the suspended council person, or is it actually the people who voted him into office who hold the same values and views, or is it the some-odd seventy percent who chose not to vote?
Reply to Dennis Atchison
Or is it that the voters didn't see this side of him before voting day?
That's always a valid question with democracies.
You know the wicked game nearly as well a I do Correct?
Reply to Clive Gibbons
Majority governments pass a lot more bad legislation than minorities do.
What exactly has he been accused of ?
Reply to Rhys Philbin
Lying about the counsel it looks like and if he wants to work with them then he should stop working against them. IDK if anyone should be going around lying about you right-- It is right at the top
Perhaps you should read it again
Roosevelt Smith
Reply to Roosevelt Smith
seems like a difficult situation --- reading the old minutes -- they had same issue before with a male counsellor verbally abusing a female counsellor and was 'ordered' to apologize but he refused. Seems like he just left or maybe was not reelected?
Welcome back to the circus
Reply to Kyle Woodman
Reply to Kyle Woodman
you tell us....
Reply to Kyle Woodman
details are on their web page as the meetings are recorded and posted of you want to listen it all ---
Reply to Samual Johnston
butthere is a news article right here, that should include those small details ...
Reply to Derek James
could definitely be some more detail but there seems to be a lot that has gone on for a couple years at least..... seems to be he did/said x,y,z - councillors said it was against the 'rules; and told him to stop -- he would not stop -- council sought outside review which confirmed he was breaking rules -- council used rules to suspend him as punishment for not stopping.
Reply to Samual Johnston
Yeah I read through the minutes a bit (time I will never get back). His behavior is definitely offside, but I was hoping for more controversy. I'm not sure why CBC didn't elaborate more, it's all public record. His facebook alone tells one side of the story.
Go Figure
Oh the drama of the new age
Don't ya just love it?
This shows the good and the bad of non politicians getting into politics. The good is they some try to push the envelope a little and speak like we 'the general public' do and act the way we 'say' we would act if in power. Then there is the reality of the position - of acting within the rules, of being polite, of respecting others, of being a politician. Some people (most of us?) are not cut out for these positions. What do you do in. situation like this? While I may complain about politicians I could never be one.
Reply to Samual Johnston
Samual Johnston
Reply to Jos Allaire
maybe not to interpret it but to interpret it properly perhaps
Yes he does
Reply to David Amos
Go Figure
Episode 589 Hanwell Councillor Pat Septon
Code of Conduct Item #1 Hanwell - Solar Panels on Hanwell Place
Special Meeting of Council April 27 23
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Prior to joining MCA, Rollie was the Associate Deputy Minister of Labour Relations in Nova Scotia, with the responsibility of managing the operations of the Public Service Commission (PSC) in Nova Scotia. He also had responsibility for the overall coordination of public sector labour relations for the province of Nova Scotia. He regularly collaborated with all stakeholders, including union leaders, employers and government departments, when providing advice.
Before transitioning into a leadership role within the health care sector, Rollie was a teacher and administrator at the school board level. As Executive Director, Human Resource Services with the Halifax Regional School Board he had responsibility for all aspects of HR services.
Rollie is an avid golfer and runner. He is also a previous member of the Naval Reserve Unit HMCS Scotian.

Pat Septon - Hanwell Councillor at Large's Post
It is official. Because of my conversations with NB Poli Podcast and or Cross Border Interviews with Chris BrownI have been suspended from Council. I have so very much to unpack, so much wrong, mis-information presented today. I have to go to court tomorrow to fight to get the information I requested on many things. Stuff I had requested since Nov 2022 and only now getting to see. But how this all started, and a note, the Deputy Mayors argument tonight was mis-remembered. However the code of conduct against me was "In Closed Session". Public recordings is all we have, and of course I shared that this would happen. Read the exact words of Councillor MacKenzie.This was the original post that got me in trouble in I asked -“…However, if this motion passes, and we opt not for the recordings, please note this would apply to the NEXT COUNCIL MEETING and not this one …”Councillor MacKenzie's response was:The motion will, in fact, be written to stop publishing them effective immediately. So the next meeting will not be published, if the motion passes.No meetings in between. Meaning the public would of had no clue it happened. Yeah but we are open and transparent. I got a code of conduct for sharing Council sessions wouldn't be recorded.For the record, the Act specifically states that to be in closed session, it has to be for land, legal or negotiations. Please tell me how a motion for public consumption be that, more over where and when this closed session meeting happened?Comments

Trump. This Council has put me through a master class. I didn’t start out this aggressive, I don’t
want to be doing this. I don’t want to be defending myself. I truly don’t. I hate everything about
it. Those who know me know I am the guy who gets along. But I also know when to stand up
for myself and my constituents. Some of you in this room may feel you would never support
Trump; I would argue your voting record and actions would disprove that. It’s merely a matter
of circumstance. This council have put me through a master class on how to follow a messiah
but ignore the facts.
I offered so many off ramps to date. But you guys are the ones who escalate and continue. I am
merely and only defending myself and will continue to do so. Its as if ‘The beatings will continue
until your trust in us is restored’ seems to be this Council’s only philosophy. I told you from day
one, a stick doesn’t work on me. Continuing using the same method time after time is a tradition
of this Council though.
To everyone in the room a reminder, all arguments and conversations should be recorded or in
email as I have tried to only deal with Council in writing or when collectively together. I ask
that if you have questions to RTIPPA the information, including full email threads. I stopped
engaging council outside of emails for reasons such as tonight. It’s inevitability was predictable.
So whatever is said, should be easily provable either way.
Before I begin my rebuttal, noting when I am writing this, I am not sure what this code of
conduct conversation tonight will be about, but note it was to deal with the escalating issue
regarding it. In an email Councillor Mackenzie made a statement that he is committed to
working to get me fired (paraphrasing) on behalf of staff. I see conflicts of interests with both
staff and Councillor MacKenzie bringing these motions and policy changes forward as I
suspected, articulated and discussed there is something wrong. Of course, that could be the
problem, me speaking.
Lets hear the email from the Mayor to all of Hanwell Council.
- Quote: “I would add that I believe that our Council is on the verge of being in a position
where we will soon not be able to continue our functions of Council. This would be
regrettable as I believe most members of Council truly do want what is best for the whole
community of Hanwell. However, I am ready to approach the Minister of Local Government
and Local Governance Reform to express my concerns as Mayor that our Council can no
longer effectively operate due to the breakdown in trust within Council and that
consideration should be given to either offering us support in the way of mediation to try to
overcome the breakdown that has been developing over the last two years or offer some
other means to assist us as a Council. The divisions among us are evident at every meeting
and this is difficult for all of us and our staff.”
Dated February 3, 2021. 5 Months before I was elected.
(then) Mayor Susan Cassidy
clearly, I can see the issues in everyone’s eyes. The answer now as it is then, is simple, a firstyear
physiology student can identify the problems here. This Council, I am the bad guy, when I
leave it will be the next person who wants to follow the rules, want answers, or isn’t or kept out
of secret internal conversations or heaven forbid want to talk to the public. The previous
council many people in this very room were feeling like I am now, like others in this room are.
Instead of learning and growing from that experience we repeat the cycle. This goes back
through every Council we had. And if we are changing each council by 50% or greater and the
same problems exist time after time, one has to start looking inwards. What is the
commonalities between last council and this one. We need to stop weaponizing the code of
conduct. We need to deal with facts. I have no issues with voting based on feelings, but they
can’t be presented as facts. The CAO puts her own personal views into everything and presents
them as facts. Many times these facts are not facts, and if you challenge it, its always personal.
The conversations for 2 years about DTI are top of mind and our role vs the assumed role
presented by the CAO, completely contradicting the rules. Statements such as ‘They don’t know
their file’.
Listen to this email thread from the CAO when I posted in September about the sidewalk after a
few concerned parents and teachers reached out about people walking and photos of the Bike
Racks at the School. I would like to note, I knew this would happen, that I would be attacked
and in fact the code of conduct against me was that I should not lie or knowingly make a false
statement. But here is the thing, I knew no matter what I said, I would get threatened with
harassment or a code of conduct again, so I listened to the audio and literally quoted the CAO,
quoted the Mayor, quoted the deputy Mayor. How can it be false if I am literally quoting you? If
logic stands to reason and I was found guilty of lying, and I quoted you, doesn’t that mean those
3 people lied? You can hear the audio yourself. Why did I have the audio when no one else did?
Because I needed to keep a record and scraped this for historical reference. It may have just
been unlucky to some I had it. But you all heard the CAO over and over share the same
statement I wrote, heard and recorded but people in this room opted to ignore the facts.
Accepted the CAO’s sworn statement to be true she never spoke to the principal and it was
never a reason.
The CAO stated that she had nothing to do with the codes of conduct in November that it was
you guys who brought those issues forward in November and she just had to investigate the
issue independently. But how does that compare to this?
On Sep 11, 2022, at 9:14 PM, Terri Parker <tparker@hanwell.nb.ca> wrote: to Mayor Morrison
and Deputy Mayor Jonah.
I was going to give him one more chance but he is out of control.
I will have something for you and Deputy Mayor Jonah with his emails/comments/social media
and how they have gone against the code of conduct.
Sherri compiled from July onwards but maybe we need to go back to the beginning of the
going to help.
That is a huge conflict of interest. Before someone states it was the Mayor or Deputy who
brought up codes of conduct, I have the email thread. It was not. Again, the CAO
misrepresented, the Mayor and Deputy Mayor chose to go along. First what I was I out of
control of? Quoting our voting reason given publicly to the public. Second the CAO stated in
November 2021 she had no part in this code of conduct, it was you Councillors who brought it
forward, but clearly in September and prior it was she who was raising or researching concerns.
So, when you informally charged me, the CAO went on to state (again documented) it wasn’t
her who brought the charges, that she investigated the codes of conducts you brought to her!
You listen to Councillor Mackenzie’s own words on when it is appropriate to use an informal
complaint and it doesn’t add up at all in this scenario! Staff kept a McCarthy style file on me 2-3
months, then executed it informally resulting in exceptionally formal consequences.
Lets recap a few of the charges I have. I was charged with sharing the public porNon of the
public debate to the public the next day at 2pm. I was charged with sharing lies to the public,
which was literally copied from the Mayor, Deputy Mayor’s and CAO’s own statements. You can
hear the literal audio. The CAO goes on to swear she never said it, but you all heard it. Several times. I was charged for talking to a citizen about his concerns about our solar panels, that I
divulged secret information by - him telling me about his issue? I still can’t square that one.
Code of Conduct By-Law & Policy:
It is in the Act, it is in the By-Law that we MUST BE TRANSPARENT IN ALL THINGS! But to this
body that seems to be second to the whim of staff and leadership.
Sept 11 the code of conduct was drafted up. A McCarthy style file on me, a Councillor. But you
expressed that it had to be informal because it just happened, that it just came to your
attention. That is patently untrue!
I have to go to court tomorrow morning to get the very documents I requested to defend myself
from November 2022. My RTIPPA was ignored, pushed off. Councillor MacKenzie stated all one
has to do is ask. Well I asked, several Nmes. All the money in the world to come at me, all the
resources the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Councillor MacKenzie and staff can use to come at me, but
no time to get me the documents that should have been handed to me immediately in my
oversight role. August 17, 2022 I asked for a copy of the quote or invoice for the Solar Project so
I could put a citizens concerns to rest. I asked several times thereafter. When did I get the
invoice to review, a duly elected official for this constituent get to see it? 11 MONTHS LATER! 5
days ago, 6 days before I go to court to get it and only after I had to file an RTIPPA in my
oversight role. And even then, I don’t have nearly what I asked for. It really truly feels a
deliberate act. It feels like a coverup by leadership and staff. This assault on me, carries on that
MacKenzie, the CAO (the Investigator), the Mayor and Councillor MacKenzie all stated he had
nothing to do with negotiations of the project, and he negotiated his long before. There are
citizens and other people who have documented this, if I can’t trust people in this room to
reflect honestly about it. It was done separately was the statements made to all of us. I am
reading documents that prove those statements to be false! Councillor MacKenzie it seems was
negotiating his solar system as he was negotiating ours! As we sent in our application.
Councillor MacKenzie sole sourced the project refusing the CAO’s offer to consider another
company. “we owed them”. Who owed them? The taxpayer? Councillor MacKenzie? Councillor
MacKenzie went on to state to the Mayor that “even if we paid $10k more we owed them..” in
July last year. I want to be clear, do not conflate any solar project of 2022 with anything prior.
Comparing the 2 would be equivalent to getting quotes to build a shopping mall, and gepng
quotes to build a shed it requires different types of companies. Councillor MacKenzie knows
this, and I have the audio of January 2022 when we put the motion forward to look for a grant
where he himself clearly states it this has nothing to do with that project. This is different. So
when the citizen asked who else did we get quotes from? Councillor MacKenzie and the CAO
falsely stated that EPIC in New Maryland for instance wasn’t interested, and they asked. That is
patently not true, even the CAO’s own words to Councillor Mackenzie she recommended we get
a quote which was summarily rebuffed by Councillor MacKenzie. Statements that prove to be
not true! In the CAO’s own words she asked if Councillor MacKenzie would consider another
Solar company in New Maryland that maybe more local in case of issues. At the very least there
is a conflict of interest. But to learn that a citizen went out to get 4 comparable quotes and all
are $50,000 to $65,000 in the difference is disconcerting as a representative of Hanwell tasked
to be fiscally responsible. To this day I still have no idea what the total project cost. I know what
Clear Water charged us, but not the rest of the project despite asking several times. The Mayor,
as I learned here in Council called up the citizen who shared his concerns with me and the
Mayor gave him hell for talking to me! More concerned with protecting a Councillor than
providing open and transparent answers. Then partaking in charging me with a code of conduct
for that very action! Am I allowed to sole source a project I want done to my house for Council
because I owe them? Something is inherently wrong.
To be clear, there may not be any quid pro quo here. There may not be anything wrong. But the
shear number of times mistruths were shared to me by staff and members of council doesn’t
bode well. But I get charged with a code of conduct because a citizen asked me about it. You all
have earned a healthy scepticism from me. I feel you are running council as your personal club
house, but we need to change, we need to speak and engage honestly to the public. We all
don’t but we can’t keep charging people who wish too.
You keep coming at me, including tonight. When do you tire of it? It is as if defending myself is
the worst crime of all to you. How dare I challenge the great authority of Council 3. But the
sheer fact that 5 people on this council thinks it is ok to overturn an election of a democratically
duly elected official shows the need for more oversight not less. Reasoned governing, not the
stick. Shows the need for greater community involvement, not less. This overreach and power
disconcerting. It speaks to the very heart of my objections.
If this Government is bold enough to come at me, accuse me of doing misconduct, then this
government should be bold enough to accept that I have an inherent right to I defend myself. I
feel there were fraudulent and unethical steps taken against me to stop me from asking
questions. There is no time to get me my information, but all the money and hours in the world
to come at me as one would in a private club house, but with tax payor dollars. It feels your
mission is to stop oversight into staff and operations above all else. If you believe with all your
heart you are on the side of the right, then defend that position as I will defend mine. Any
government who isn’t open to their positions being challenged isn’t a democratic government it
is a dictatorship.
Many times, during this process you guys broke me. Many times, thanks to the community they
propped me back up. You want me to stop defending myself? Stop attacking me. It doesn’t get
any simpler than that.
What I am trying to do is break the cycle of bad councils, because as I opened with, a first-year
phycology student can answer the problems we have. Its easy. Staff stop injecting and
tribalizing council. Council, watch the facts and refuse to be put in a tribalized scenario. Stop
policing and weaponizing the code of conduct, speaking to the public or making an argument
for or against something. Don’t like my argument? Debate it, vote on it, move on as I do with
your arguments. Remember we are rehashing all this again because these are the issues you
have with me.
I ask that we motion I get to spend 8 hours with a lawyer. To present what I know to be true.
The best part is, they can present to Council. Lets remove the filtered voice of the CAO and
Mayor to legal, let them see my perspective. It can arguably save the taxpayers money in the
long run. A lawsuit against this Council and some individuals is almost inevitable. At the very
least Hanwell’s legal team will have a better understanding on my point of view. Remember I
didn’t start this but you can rest assured I will defend myself and my reputation, such as it is
after what you put me through. And for what, somebody’s ego?
What do I ask? Take your preverbal foot off my throat. Stop attacking me for speaking in public
with things I know to be true. In turn you will see me stop defending myself. Want to heal? We
all had enough pain, enough punishment to go around, the punishment for all of us surely is
enough. Rescind the motion of Dec 6, 2022. Share the information I need to do my job,
regardless if you think I need it, let me decide what I need. Let Bill 45 rule the day going
forward. Then try to be better to each other.
Pat Septon
Councillor at Large
NB Poli Podcast 's Post
We have a bombshell of a podcast this week. We are deep diving into the charismatic Christian nationalists and their engagement with Premier Higgs. Brent will tell his story about being involved with similar groups asFaytene Grasseschi & MY Canada Association // 4MY Canada. #nbpoli listen here:Comments

From: "Harpelle, Paul (ENB)" <Paul.Harpelle@gnb.ca>
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2023 00:49:55 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Higgy I must that the all knowing dudes
Éric Grenier and Brent Harris have an interesting podcasts about you EH?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
I am currently out of the office. I will return on July 24, 2023 and
will reply to your email at that time.
Je suis presentement absenste du bureau. Je retournerai le 24 juillet
2023. Je repondrai à votre courriel à ce temps.
On 7/21/23, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
The Writ Podcast - Ep. #101: Can Blaine Higgs hold on?
Éric Grenier
1.84K subscribers
Michelle LeBlanc and Jacques Poitras discuss the latest upheavals in
New Brunswick politics.
We are a grassroots podcast focused on issues in NB. Hosted by Joanna
Killen & Brent Harris. We bring you our personal insight into the
issues that affect us.
PodcastSaint John, New Brunswicklinktr.ee/nbpolipod?
Jul 6
We have a bombshell of a podcast this week. We are deep diving into
the charismatic Christian nationalists and their engagement with
Premier Higgs. Brent will tell his story about being involved with
similar groups as @Faytene
. #nbpoli listen here:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)" <Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
Date: Sun, 9 May 2021 01:34:53 +0000
Subject: RE: YO Higgy Why is it I was not suprised that your Irving
media buddies did not publish Liz Kramer's words they had requested in
their newsrag today yet attacked again in their webpage after she asked why?
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Virtual Public Forum - Matter 529 - NB Power Rate Design Application / Forum Public Virtuel - Instance 529 - Énergie NB Demande d'établissement des tarifs
David Amos<david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> | Wed, May 31, 2023 at 3:38 PM |
To: STHOMSON@5-rivers.ca | |
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Shane Thomson <shane@villageofrexton.com> Date: Wed, 31 May 2023 18:34:59 GMT Subject: Attention! Change of email address To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. I M P O R T A N T As a result of Local Governance Reform, as of January 1st, 2023, we are officially the new entity of Five Rivers. During this transition period, we would ask that you PLEASE DIRECT ALL FUTURE EMAILS TO STHOMSON@5-RIVERS.CA and remove the email (shane@villageofrexton.com and sthomson@nb.aibn.com) from your system. Emails under the former address will be monitored until February 28, beyond this date, will no longer be accepted. Please advise if further information is necessary. We apologize for any inconveniences and appreciate your understanding. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - À la suite de la réforme de la gouvernance locale, à partir du 1er janvier 2023, nous sommes officiellement connus en tant que l’entité de Five Rivers. En cette période de transition, nous vous demandons D’ADDRESSER TOUS VOS FUTURS COURRIELS À STHOMSON@5-RIVERS.CA et d’enlever ce courriel (shane@villageofrexton.com et sthomson@nb.aibn.com) de votre système. Les courriels sous l’ancienne adresse seront surveillés jusqu’au 28 février, au-delà de cette date, ils ne seront plus acceptés. Veuillez nous informer si des informations supplémentaires sont requises. Nous nous excusons pour tout inconvénient et apprécions votre compréhension. Shane Thomson, CAO [image] Notice: This email is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender by return email and delete this message from your mailbox without reading or copying it or any attachments. Any correspondence with employees, agents, or elected officials of Five Rivers may be subject to disclosure under the provisions of the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act of the Province of New Brunswick. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. Date: Wed, 31 May 2023 13:26:13 -0300 Subject: Fwd: Virtual Public Forum - Matter 529 - NB Power Rate Design Application / Forum Public Virtuel - Instance 529 - Énergie NB Demande d'établissement des tarifs To: vnorton <vnorton@nbnet.nb.ca>, jborne@dorchester.ca, fallon@town.woodstock.nb.ca, earsenault@mcadamnb.com, Tara.Olesen@sussex.ca, Claudette.maclean@snbsc.ca, denise.guitard@shediac.ca, dianneayles@salisburynb.ca, cspear@townofstandrews.ca, ashleyburchell@rothesay.ca, scott.sparks@vonm.ca, michelle.dickinson@ mctdev@nb.aibn.com, caroline@memramcook.com, Paul.lang@csrk.ca, admin.kvfd@nb.aibn.com, info@townofhampton.ca, clerk@villageofgrandmanan.com Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, "blaine.higgs" <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, "Holland, Mike (LEG)" <mike.holland@gnb.ca>, info@rsc8.ca, nbowen@quispamsis.ca https://mac-ccm.com/board-of- Municipal Advisory Corporation Inc Brenda Knight, Secretary 628 Route 715 Jemseg, NB E4C 3P2 506-471-2653 https://mac-ccm.com/directory/ ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Melissa Curran <Melissa.Curran@nbeub.ca> Date: Wed, 31 May 2023 13:57:44 +0000 Subject: Virtual Public Forum - Matter 529 - NB Power Rate Design Application / Forum Public Virtuel - Instance 529 - Énergie NB Demande d'établissement des tarifs To: "ceo@fermenbfarm.ca" <ceo@fermenbfarm.ca>, "louis-philippe.gauthier@cfib. "frederic.gionet@cfib.ca" <frederic.gionet@cfib.ca>, "Ron.marcolin@cme-mec.ca" <Ron.marcolin@cme-mec.ca>, "David.Raymond.Amos333@gmail. "david.sollows@gnb.ca" <david.sollows@gnb.ca>, "hanrahan.dion@jdirving.com" <hanrahan.dion@jdirving.com>, "nrubin@stewartmckelvey.com" <nrubin@stewartmckelvey.com>, "coneil@stewartmckelvey.com" <coneil@stewartmckelvey.com>, "lmclements@stewartmckelvey. "pbowman@bowmaneconomics.ca" <pbowman@bowmaneconomics.ca>, "brudderham@stewartmckelvey. "JohnFurey@fureylegal.com" <JohnFurey@fureylegal.com>, "jpetrie@nbpower.com" <jpetrie@nbpower.com>, "NBPRegulatory@nbpower.com" <NBPRegulatory@nbpower.com>, "lgordon@nbpower.com" <lgordon@nbpower.com>, "SWaycott@nbpower.com" <SWaycott@nbpower.com>, "George.Porter@nbpower.com" <George.Porter@nbpower.com>, "kevgibson@nbpower.com" <kevgibson@nbpower.com>, Veronique Otis <Veronique.Otis@nbeub.ca>, "Young, Dave" <Dave.Young@nbeub.ca>, "Aherrington@lawsoncreamer.com <Aherrington@lawsoncreamer.com <Kathleen.Mitchell@nbeub.ca>, NBEUB/CESPNB <General@nbeub.ca>, "Colwell, Susan" <Susan.Colwell@nbeub.ca>, "bhavumaki@synapse-energy.com" <bhavumaki@synapse-energy.com> "mwhited@synapse-energy.com" <mwhited@synapse-energy.com>, "prhodes@synapse-energy.com" <prhodes@synapse-energy.com>, "alawton@synapse-energy.com" <alawton@synapse-energy.com>, "jwilson@resourceinsight.com" <jwilson@resourceinsight.com>, "pchernick@resourceinsight.com Melissa Curran <Melissa.Curran@nbeub.ca>, "alain.chiasson2@gnb.ca" <alain.chiasson2@gnb.ca>, "rdk@indecon.com" <rdk@indecon.com>, "tammy.grieve@mcinnescooper. "paul.black@twinriverspaper. "Hoyt, Len" <len.hoyt@mcinnescooper.com>, "tyler.rajeski@ <tyler.rajeski@ "darcy.ouellette@ <darcy.ouellette@ <dan.murphy@umnb.ca>, "jeff.garrett@sjenergy.com" <jeff.garrett@sjenergy.com>, "shelley.wood@sjenergy.com" <shelley.wood@sjenergy.com>, "dan.dionne@perth-andover.com" <dan.dionne@perth-andover.com> <pierreroy@edmundston.ca>, "ryan.mitchell@sjenergy.com" <ryan.mitchell@sjenergy.com>, "sstoll@stollprofcorp.com" <sstoll@stollprofcorp.com>, "pzarnett@bdrenergy.com" <pzarnett@bdrenergy.com> Good morning, Please note below the information for the Virtual Public Forum related to Matter 529 - NB Power Rate Design Application The Virtual Public Forum will take place via Zoom videoconference on June 1st, 2023, from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. It should also be noted that registered interveners are permitted to observe the public forum but may not make a presentation. The public forums are intended for those who have not registered as interveners to make submissions about the application. Zoom Videoconference information: Virtual Public Forum - Matter 529 - NB Power Rate Design Application / Forum Public Virtuel - Instance 529 - Énergie NB Demande d'établissement des tarifs Join Zoom Meeting via telephone: 855-703-8985 Canada Toll-free Or Join Zoom Meeting via web: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/ Meeting ID: 873 3880 6224 Passcode: xxxxxxxxxxxx Bonjour, Veuillez noter ci-dessous l'information pour le forum public virtuel relative à l'instance 529 - Énergie NB - Demande d'établissement des tarifs La session du forum public virtuel va se dérouler sur la plateforme Zoom par vidéoconférence le 1er juin 2023, de 14 h à 16 h. Il est aussi à noter que les intervenants inscrits sont autorisés à observer le forum public, mais ne peuvent pas faire une présentation. Les forums publics sont destinés à ceux qui ne se sont pas inscrits en tant qu'intervenants pour faire des observations sur la demande. Information sur la plateforme Zoom par vidéoconférence : Forum Public Virtuel - Instance 529 - Énergie NB Demande d'établissement des tarifs / Virtual Public Forum - Matter 529 - NB Power Rate Design Application Rejoignez la réunion Zoom par téléphone : 855-703-8985 Canada sans frais Ou Rejoignez la réunion Zoom via le Web : https://us06web.zoom.us/j/ ID de réunion: 873 3880 6224 Code secret: xxxxxxxxxxx Regards / Cordialement, Melissa Curran Deputy Chief Clerk / Greffière en chef adjointe (506) 658-2504 (General/Général) (506) 643-7334 (Direct/Directe) [Text Description automatically generated] Confidentiality Notice This message and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. It must not be forwarded unless permission has been received from the sender. Disclosure to anyone other than the intended recipient does not constitute a waiver of privilege. If you have received this message inadvertently, please notify the sender, delete the message and then delete your response. Thank you. Avis de confidentialité Ce message ainsi que tout fichier qui pourrait l'accompagner sont confidentiels et destinés uniquement à l'usage de la personne ou de l'entité à laquelle ils sont adressés. Il ne doit pas être réacheminé sans la permission de l'expéditeur. La divulgation à toute personne autre que le destinataire prévu ne constitue pas une renonciation au privilège. Si vous avez reçu ce message par inadvertance, veuillez en informer l'expéditeur, supprimer le message, puis votre réponse. Merci. |
- Robert OgilvieThe NDP have their hearts in the right direction, but fail to reach the now mature platform scope of the Greens. Chris DOES seem to understand the economic imperative to aid and retain the millenial demographic ehre in NB so that NB will have the human capital to actually prosper. That means policies that help them afford to become educated & trained, creating entry to mid level jobs so that young workers can start and advance in their careers, and access to capital to that they can start the small business and tech startups which sustain and grow economies. Now, do they understand economic stimulation well enough so that this young workforce can be part of something great & prosperous?
Re Patronage and the recent doings up on the Hanwell Remember me fellas?
David Amos<motomaniac333@gmail.com> | Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 6:18 PM |
To: chrisdurrant@ndp.ca | |
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> | |
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2013 15:07:29 -0400 Subject: Re Patronage and the recent doings up on the Hanwell Remember me fellas? To: Daniel.Allain@anbl.com, Rick.Smith@anbl.com, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, ddesserud@upei.ca, andre <andre@jafaust.com> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com> <carl.urquhart@gnb.ca>, "blaine.higgs" <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>, ConcernedCitizensOfHanwell@ "terry.seguin" <terry.seguin@cbc.ca>, "mckeen.randy" <mckeen.randy@gmail.com> http://www.cbc.ca/ http://www.cbc.ca/ http:// http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ http://www.newbrunswickbeacon. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ http://www2.gnb.ca/content/ ----- Original Message ----- From: "David Amos" <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com> To: <info@danielallain.ca>; <brian@murphy2008.ca>; <carlbainbridge@ndp.ca>; <alison.menard@greenparty.ca>; <webo@xplornet.com> Cc: <omerleger@nb.aibn.com>; <chrisdurrant@ndp.ca>; <dominic.leblanc@nb.aibn.com> Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 9:44 AM Subject: Danny Boy Allain should completely understand this email EH Dominic Leblanc? http://www.cbc.ca/news/ > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com> > Date: Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 6:05 PM > Subject: RE: Say hey to Bob Rae for me will ya? > To: Travis.ndp@gmail.com, johan@ycl-ljc.ca > Cc: danf@danf.net, oldmaison@yahoo.com, webo@xplornet.com > > > Hey Johan > > Thanx for the response but rest assured that Bob Rae won't do a thing > but other people are paying attention though. Funny how people start > to try to appear ethical to me when they stand to lose a lot of money > and political clout. Eh? > > Veritas Vincit > David Raymond Amos > > P.S. Scroll down to the bottom Danny Boy It looks like Gordy Baby and > his PCO pals are in hot water N'esy Pas? > > From: postur@for.stjr.is > Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 14:53:51 +0000 (GMT) > Subject: Regarding your enquiry to the Prime Ministry of Iceland > To: David.Raymond.Amos@gmail.com > > David Raymond Amos > > > Your enquiry has been received by the Prime Ministry of Iceland and > waits attendance. > Thank you. > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: Johan Boyden <johan@ycl-ljc.ca> > Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 15:07:06 -0400 > Subject: Re: Say hey to Bob Rae for me will ya? > To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com> > > Hello David Amos, > > Thank you for your email and phone message. Good luck in your fight to > get Mr Rae to listen to you. > > Sincerely, > > > Johan Boyden > Communist Candidate, > Toronto-Centre > > > On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 1:16 PM, David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com> > wrote: >> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- >> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com> >> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 10:53:47 -0300 >> Subject: I just called to remind the Speaker, the Bankers and the >> Icelanders that I still exist EH Mrs Mrechant, Bob Rae and Iggy? >> To: Milliken.P@parl.gc.ca, sjs@althingi.is, emb.ottawa@mfa.is, >> rmellish@pattersonlaw.ca, irisbirgisdottir@yahoo.ca, >> marie@mariemorneau.com, dfranklin@franklinlegal.com, >> egilla@althingi.is, william.turner@exsultate.ca >> Cc: Rae.B@parl.gc.ca, Ignatieff.M@parl.gc.ca, lebrem@sen.parl.gc.ca, >> merchp@sen.parl.gc.ca, coolsa@sen.parl.gc.ca, olived@sen.parl.gc.ca >> >> All of you should review the documents and CD that came with this >> letter ASAP EH? >> >> http://www.scribd.com/doc/ >> >> http://www.scribd.com/doc/ >> >> http://www.scribd.com/doc/ >> >> Perhaps Geir Haarde and Steingrimur Sigfusson should call me at 506 756 >> 8687 >> >> Veritas Vincit >> David Raymond Amos >> >> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- >> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com> >> Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2008 19:30:52 -0300 >> Subject: I heard your worry about money just now >> To: aih@cbc.ca >> >> Perhaps now that people who love their money are losing it in a >> bigtime fashion maybe the not so stupid ordinary folk whose money the >> bankers have been palying with will start listening to why I am >> laughing at the bankers EH? >> >> Have a little listen for yourself to get a chuckle if you ain't crying >> about your losses >> >> http://www.archive.org/ >> > > > Just Dave > By Location Visit Detail > Visit 5,757 > Domain Name gc.ca ? (Canada) > IP Address 198.103.111.# (Privy Council Office) > ISP GTIS > Location Continent : North America > Country : Canada (Facts) > State/Region : Ontario > City : Ottawa > Lat/Long : 45.4167, -75.7 (Map) > Language English (U.S.) > en-us > Operating System Microsoft WinXP > Browser Firefox > Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: > Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3 > Javascript version 1.5 > Monitor Resolution : 1680 x 1050 > Color Depth : 32 bits > Time of Visit Oct 8 2008 2:53:45 pm > Last Page View Oct 8 2008 2:53:45 pm > Visit Length 0 seconds > Page Views 1 > Referring URL http://www.blogger.com/ > Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blogspot.com/ > Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blogspot.com/ > Out Click > Time Zone UTC-5:00 > Visitor's Time Oct 8 2008 1:53:45 pm > Visit Number 5,757 > > Just Dave > By Location Visit Detail > Visit 5,756 > Domain Name (Unknown) > IP Address 63.85.72.# (BAKER & MC KENZIE) > ISP Verizon Business > Location Continent : North America > Country : United States (Facts) > State : Illinois > City : Chicago > Lat/Long : 41.8675, -87.6744 (Map) > Language English (U.S.) > en-us > Operating System Microsoft WinXP > Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 > Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR > 1.1.4322; InfoPath.1) > Javascript version 1.3 > Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768 > Color Depth : 32 bits > Time of Visit Oct 8 2008 12:43:45 pm > Last Page View Oct 8 2008 12:43:45 pm > Visit Length 0 seconds > Page Views 1 > Referring URL http://www.google.co... %22dorrie harris%22 > Search Engine google.com > Search Words thomson reuters new york address "dorrie harris" > Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo.../03/me- > Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blo.../03/me- > Out Click > Time Zone UTC-6:00 > Visitor's Time Oct 8 2008 10:43:45 am > Visit Number 5,756 > > Just Dave > By Location Visit Detail > Visit 5,749 > Domain Name bigpond.net.au ? (Australia) > IP Address 121.216.174.# (Telstra Internet) > ISP Telstra Internet > Location Continent : Oceania/Australasia > Country : Australia (Facts) > State/Region : New South Wales > City : Sydney > Lat/Long : -33.8833, 151.2167 (Map) > Language English (U.S.) > en-us > Operating System Microsoft WinNT > Browser Internet Explorer 7.0 > Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR > 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR > 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) > Javascript version 1.3 > Monitor Resolution : 1920 x 1200 > Color Depth : 32 bits > Time of Visit Oct 8 2008 12:08:46 am > Last Page View Oct 8 2008 12:31:39 am > Visit Length 22 minutes 53 seconds > Page Views 1 > Referring URL http://www.blogger.com/ > Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blogspot.com/ > Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blogspot.com/ > Out Click http://briefcase.yahoo.com/ > http://briefcase.yah...com/ > Time Zone UTC+10:00 > Visitor's Time Oct 8 2008 2:08:46 pm > Visit Number 5,749 |
15/05/2023 - Will be updated as new information becomes available
Local Government Name Entity # Clerk Clerk's Email Phone Website Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Mayor
Alnwick 20 Tara Ross Robinson tara.rossrobinson@alnwick.ca 506-330-0366 Tara Ross-Robinson Ernest Robichaud
Arcadia 66 Robert White robert.white@arcadianb.ca 506-488-2581 www.arcadianb.ca Robert White Derek Pleadwell
Bathurst 12 Amy Lynn Parker amy-lynn.parker@bathurst.ca 506-548-0400 www.bathurst.ca Todd Pettigrew Kim Chamberlain
Beaurivage 26 Melanie Savoie m.savoie@beaurivage.org 506-523-7870 Melanie Savoie Arnold J. Vautour
Beausoleil 31 Mathieu Caissie mathieu.g.caissie@mairie-beausoleil.ca 506-576-2202 Mathieu Caissie Jean Hebert
Belle-Baie 11 Wanda St-Laurent wanda.st-laurent@bellebaie.ca 506-542-2686 Paolo Fongemie Daniel Guitard
Belledune 10 Brenda Cormier bell001@nb.aibn.com 506-522-3700 www.belledune.com Landon Lee Paul Arseneault
Bois-Joli 8 Melissa S melissa.s@bois-joli.ca 506-826-6080 Kim Bujold Mario Pelletier
Butternut Valley 79 Erin Sweet erin.sweet@butternutvalley.ca 506-512-2872 Erin Sweet Alan Brown
Campbellton 7 Manon Cloutier manon.cloutier@campbellton.org 506-789-2700 www.campbellton.org Manon Cloutier Jean-Guy Levesque
Campobello Island 55 Amanda Mitchell amanda.mitchell@campobelloislandnb.ca 506-752-9181 www.campobelloislandnb.ca Amanda Mitchell Harvey Matthews
Cap-Acadie 38 Carole Landry carole.landry@capacadie.ca 506-577-2030 www.capacadie.ca Stéphane Dallaire Serge Leger
Caraquet 14 Julie Jacob julie.jacob@caraquet.ca 506-726-2727 www.caraquet.ca Marc Duguay Bernard Thériault
Central York 70 Duncan Walker cao@centralyork.ca 506-363-3477 www.centralyork.ca Duncan Walker David R. DuPlessis
Champdoré 30 Tina Bitcon tina.bitcon@champdorenb.ca 506-525-4020 www.champdorenb.ca Tina Bitcon Jean-Pierre Richard
Dieppe 36 Marc Melanson marc.melanson@dieppe.ca 506-877-7900 www.dieppe.ca Marc Melanson Yvon Lapierre
District of Carleton North 76 Michelle Derrah michelle.derrah@carletonnorth.com 506-392-6763 Ext.200 www.carletonnorth.com Sarah Pacey Andrew Harvey
District of Tobique Valley 78 Patty St. Peter cao@plasterrockvillage.com 506-356-6070 www.tobiquevalley.ca Patty St. Peter Tom Eagles
Eastern Charlotte 53 Jeff Silliphant jeff.silliphant@gmail.com 506-755-4320 www.easterncharlotte.ca Jason Gaudet John D. Craig
Edmundston 2 Chantal Dubé chantal.dube@edmundston.ca 506-737-6708 www.edmundston.ca Marc Michaud Eric Marquis
Five Rivers 28 Shane Thomson sthomson@5-rivers.ca 506-523-1382 Shane Thomson Tina Beers
Fundy Albert 42 Hanna Downey cao@fundyalbert.ca 506-734-3733 www.fundyalbert.ca Hanna Downey Robert Rochon
Fundy Shores 52 Linda Sullivan Brown linda.sullivanbrown@fundyshores.ca 506-639-0207 www.fundyshores.ca Linda Sullivan Brown George (Denny) Cogswell
Fundy-St. Martins 46 Jean McCumber jeanmccumber@fundystmartins.ca 506-833-2010 Brian Baker James Bedford
Grand Bay-Westfield 51 John Enns-Wind john@towngbw.ca 506-738-6400 www.grandbaywestfield.ca John Enns-Wind Brittany Merrifield
Grand-Bouctouche 29 Serge Arsenault serge.arsenault@bouctouche.ca 506-743-7000 Ext.103 www.villedebouctouche.ca Serge Arsenault Aldéo Saulnier
Grand Manan 54 Esme Frost clerk@villageofgrandmanan.com 506-662-7059 www.villageofgrandmanan.com Chris Rayner Bonnie Morse
Grand-Sault / Grand Falls 4 Eric Gagnon eric.gagnon@grandsault.ca 506-475-7777 Ext.2 www.grandfallsnb.com Eric Gagnon Bertrand Beaulieu
Hampton 47 Megan O'Brien Harrison megan@hampton.ca 506-832-6086 www.hampton.ca Richard Malone Robert (Dewey) Doucet
Hanwell 62 Sherri Johnston sjohnston@hanwell.nb.ca 506-460-1177 Ext.2 www.hanwell.nb.ca Terri Parker Dave Morrison
Hartland 74 Rob Webber rob.webber@townofhartland.com 506-375-4357 www.townofhartland.ca Rob Webber Tracey D. Demerchant
Harvey 59 Katheryn Henry admin@harveyruralcommunity.ca 506-366-6240 www.village.harvey-station.nb.ca Katherine Henry Richard H. Corey
Haut-Madawaska 1 Jessica Raymond j.raymond@haut-madawaska.com 506-258-3030 www.haut-madawaska.com Pierre Milliard Jean-Pierre Ouellet
Heron Bay/Baie-des-Hérons 9 Lilianne Cayouette lilianne.cayouette@heron-bay.ca 506-684-7600 Gilles Legacy Normand Pelletier
Île-de-Lamèque 15 Dave Brown dg@iledelameque.ca 506-344-3222 www.lameque.ca Dave Brown Bernard Savoie
Kedgwick 6 Carole Tremblay carole.tremblay@kedgwick.ca 506-284-2160 www.kedgwicknb.com Carole Tremblay Éric Gagnon
Maple Hills 32 Yves Leger yves.leger@maplehills.ca 506-805-5445 www.maplehills.ca Yves Leger Erica Warren
Memramcook 41 Monique Bourque monique@memramcook.com 506-758-4078 www.memramcook.com Caroline LeBlanc Maxime Bourgeois
Miramichi 21 Rhonda Ripley rhonda.ripley@miramichi.org 506-623-2208 www.miramichi.org Mike Noel Adam Lordon
Miramichi River Valley 22 Tina Hayes blackvl@nb.sympatico.ca 506-843-6337 www.miramichirivervalley.com Tina Hayes Kevin Earl Russell
Moncton 34 Shelley Morton shelley.morton@moncton.ca 506-853-3333 www.moncton.ca Nick Robichaud Dawn Arnold
Municipal District of St. Stephen 57 Jeff Renaud jeff.renaud@chocolatetown.ca 506-466-7700 www.town.ststephen.nb.ca Jeff Renaud Allan MacEachern
Municipalité des Hautes-Terres 17 Vanessa Hache Breau vanessa.hachebreau@municipalitedeshautesterres.ca 506-718-1196 www.municipalitedeshautesterres.ca Vanessa Hache-Breau Denis Landry
Municipality of Grand Lake 67 Michelle Dickinson michelle.dickinson@municipalityofgrandlake.ca 506-327-3383 Michelle Dickinson Kevin Nicklin
Municipality of Lakeland Ridges 72 Susan Patterson canterbury@nb.aibn.com 506-279-6248 www.lakelandridges.ca Susan Patterson Tanya Marie Cloutier
Nackawic-Millville 71 Kathryn Clark kathryn.clark@nackawic.com 506-575-2241 www.nackawic-millville.com Kathryn Clark Tim Fox
Nashwaak 68 Bethany Ryan bethany@nashwaak.ca 506-367-3245 www.nashwaak.ca Bethany Morgan David Sweeney
Neguac 19 Jeannot Doiron direction@neguac.com 506-776-3950 www.neguac.com Jeannot Doiron Georges R. Savoie
New Maryland 64 Cynthia Geldart cynthia.geldart@vonm.ca 506-451-8508 www.vonm.ca Cynthia Geldart Judy Wilson-Shee
Nouvelle-Arcadie 25 rogervil@nbnet.nb.ca 506-775-2080 Jimmy Bourque
Oromocto 65 John Jackson jjackson@oromocto.ca 506-357-4428 www.oromocto.ca John Jackson Robert Powell
Quispamsis 48 Cathy Snow csnow@quispamsis.ca 506-849-5738 www.quispamsis.ca Aaron Kennedy Libby O'Hara
Regional Community of Southern Victoria 77 Dan Dionne dan@vilsv.ca 506-273-4959 Dan Dionne Cindy D. McLaughlin
Rivière-du-Nord 13 Simonne Godin greffiere@rivieredunord.net 506-732-3242 www.rivieredunord.net André Sonier Joseph Lanteigne
Rothesay 49 Mary Jane Banks maryjanebanks@rothesay.ca 506-848-6600 www.rothesay.ca John Jarvie Nancy Grant
Saint-Quentin 5 Suzanne Coulombe scoulombe@saintquentin.nb.ca 506-235-2425 www.saintquentinnb.com Suzanne Coulombe Nicole Somers
Salisbury 33 Dianne Ayles clerk@salisburynb.ca 506-372-3230 www.salisburynb.ca Austin Henderson Robert Campbell
Shediac 37 Victor Boudreau victor.boudreau@shediac.ca 506-531-2227 www.shediac.ca Victor Boudreau Roger Caissie
Shippagan 16 Elise Roussel elise@shippagan.ca 506-336-3900 www.shippagan.ca Elise Roussel Kassim Doumbia
Strait Shores 39 Angela Grant clerk@strait-shores.com 506-538-2120 Donna Hipditch Jason Stokes
Sunbury-York South 63 Marjorie Turner marjorieturner@sysrc.ca 506-446-3233 Majorie Turner David Hayward
Sussex 44 Tara Olesen tara.olesen@sussex.ca 506-432-4559 www.sussex.ca Scott Hatcher Marc Thorne
Tantramar 40 Jennifer Borne jborne@dorchester.ca 506-364-4930 Jennifer Borne Andrew Black
The City of Fredericton 69 Jennifer Lawson cityclerk@fredericton.ca 506-460-2020 www.fredericton.ca Steven Hart Kate Rogers
The City of Saint John 50 Jonathan Taylor jonathan.taylor@saintjohn.ca 506-658-4455 www.saintjohn.ca Brent McGovern Donna Reardon
The Community of Three Rivers 43 Janice Conley janice.conley@threeriversnb.ca 506-756-3140 www.threeriversnb.ca Sandra Kelly Peter J. Saunders
The Town of Riverview 35 Annette Crummey acrummey@townofriverview.ca 506-387-2020 www.townofriverview.ca Colin Smith Andrew LeBlanc
Town of Saint Andrews 56 Paul Nopper pnopper@townofstandrews.ca 506-529-5120 www.townofsaintandrews.ca Chris Spear Brad Henderson
Tracadie 18 Joey Thibodeau greffier@tracadienb.ca 506-394-4020 www.tracadienb.ca Roger Robichaud Denis Losier
Upper Miramichi 24 Mary Hunter maryhunter.rcum@gmail.com 506-369-9810 www.uppermiramichi.ca Mary Hunter Doug Munn
Vallée-des-Rivières 3 André Thériault andre@vdrnb.com 506-445-2449 André Theriault Lise Anne Roussel
Valley Waters 45 Anita Pollock office@valleywaters.ca 506-839-3011 Angela McLean Randy McKnight
Village of Doaktown 23 Karen Petitpas karen.petitpas@doaktown.ca 506-365-7970 Ext.102 www.doaktown.ca Karen Petitpas Arthur O'Donnell
Village of Fredericton Junction 60 Cindy Ogden clerk@frederictonjunction.ca 506-368-2628 www.frederictonjunction.ca Cindy Ogden John Bigger
Village of McAdam 58 Ann Donahue adonahue@mcadamnb.com 506-784-2293 www.mcadamnb.com Johnny Walsh Kenneth Stannix
Village of Tracy 61 Susan Phillips office@villageoftracy.com 506-368-2878 www.villageoftracy.webs.com Susan Phillips Dale W. Mowry
Woodstock 73 Laura Gaddas clerk@town.woodstock.nb.ca 506-325-4600 www.town.woodstock.nb.ca Andrew Garnett Trina (Jones) Milbury
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