Court File No. A-48-16
Plaintiff/Respondent on Cross Appeal
Defendant/Appellant on Cross Appeal
P.O. Box 234 Deputy Attorney General of Canada
Apohaqui, NB per: JAN JENSEN
E5P 3G2 Department of Justice
Suite 1400, Duke Tower
5251 Duke Street
Halifax, NS B3J 1P3
Telephone No: (902) 800-0369 Telephone No: (902) 426-8177
Fax No: (506) 432-6089 Fax No: (902) 426-2329
Appellant on his own behalf Counsel for the Respondent
Part I—Facts
Part II—Affidavit and
Exhibits 9
1. On April 3rd, 2017, David
Raymond Amos, the Plaintiff/Respondent (AMOS)
appeared in the Federal Court in Fredericton as ordered to discuss with the
Crown counsel Jan Jensen and Justice Leblanc as to why he should not file a
Motion Record and an affidavit with exhibits in Federal Court until after Her
Majesty the Queen's (CROWN) cross
appeal is heard in the Federal Court of Appeal on May 24th, 2017.
AMOS did his best to try to explain to Justice Leblanc
why whomever the judges were to come to Fredericton they were entitled to know
why there may be a conflict of interest and that he had already named them within
his memorandum of law filed in the Federal Court of Appeal and within his
notice of motion filed in the Federal Court. One of the aforementioned judges
was Justice Leblanc. The matter concluded with Justice Leblanc ordering Amos
not to file the motion record in Federal Court until after the matter was heard
in on May 24th and his complaint was not dismissed. In response Amos stated
that he would be contacting the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and strongly suggested that the
Counsel Counsel Jan Jensen and Justice Leblanc. The plaintiff did manage to
contact and speak with Liliana Longo, the General Counsel of the RCMP and suggested that she pay heed to
the outcome of the upcoming hearing. On
May 24th, 2017, two members of the RCMP attended the hearing but refused to
identify themselves to Amos and refused to explain why not. The Crown Counsel
Angela Green, who has been known to argue matters before the Supreme Court of
Canada was present and listened closely but said nothing at all.
3. On May 17th, 2017 AMOS did his best to try to explain to
Justices Gleason, Webb and Near why they should not hear the matter
because of a conflict interest he had with certain and that notified the court
about his concerns after he had filed his appeal of Justice Southcott's order
in February of 2016. Although Justice
Webb and Gleason disputed the plaintiff's concerns, Justice Near did not
ask a single question. If Justice Near had questioned Amos then he would have
been made well aware that Amos had read the following decision of the Canadian
Judicial Council and that he was duly informing the Justices of this court of his perceived conflicts before
they made any decision in his matter.
The decision is a follows:
"Decision made in a complaint
against the Honourable David Near
Ottawa, 5
April 2012 - The Canadian Judicial Council has announced the results of its
review of a complaint involving the Honourable David Near of the Federal Court.
The complaint alleged that Justice Near was in a real or apparent conflict of interest
about a case and should have recused.
In accordance with Council's Complaint Procedures, the complaint was reviewed by the Honourable Richard Scott, Chief Justice of Manitoba and Chairperson of the Judicial Conduct Committee. Chief Justice Scott considered all of the issues, including the allegation that Justice Near's professional experience with the government, before he became a judge, created a real or apparent conflict in deciding a case in which the federal government was a party.
After reviewing all the facts, Chief Justice Scott dismissed the complaint. He emphasized that questions of conflict of interest and recusal are legal issues and are not usually questions of judicial conduct. Parties who have concerns in regard to real or perceived conflict on the part of a judge should raise these concerns in court.
In this case, no issue of conflict of interest was raised before the courts.
Judges bring to the Bench varied and extensive experience, from both the private and public fields. Some judges, prior to appointment, may have served within government while others may have had some association with a political party or other organization. This does not automatically create conflicts of interest. Chief Justice Scott remarked that judges sometimes face situations where there may be doubt or different views about a real or apparent conflict of interest. In those cases, judges are encouraged to disclose, in Court, any fact that might support a reasonable argument for the judge's recusal. That said, the judge is the person best placed to decide how to proceed. Other than exceptional cases, such as bad faith or negligence, these are not questions of judicial conduct.
In this case, Chief Justice Scott noted that the judge had no prior knowledge of the matters relating to complainant's litigation, either before or after the matter came before the courts. In fact, Justice Near's prior professional experience was unrelated to the subject matter of the litigation before the courts. Justice Near's professional experience is well known in the legal community and is outlined on the Federal Court's website.
In this context, and given that there was no evidence whatsoever of any improper motive on the part of the judge, Chief Justice Scott dismissed the allegations.
More information about the Council, including its Complaints Procedures, can be found on the Council's website at
4. On May 24th, 2017 during
the course of the hearing Justice Webb did not wish to view any of
the documents that AMOS possessed that supported his concerns about their conflict of interest.
However after Justice Gleason requested the documents that concerned her law firm partners
within Ogilvy Renault and Norton Rose Fulbright, Amos also provided her with some documents
pertaining to Justice Webb and his law firm partners within Patterson Palmer and Paterson Law
as well as his concerns with of the failure of Canadian Judicial Council to respond to his complaint
in 2005.
the documents that AMOS possessed that supported his concerns about their conflict of interest.
However after Justice Gleason requested the documents that concerned her law firm partners
within Ogilvy Renault and Norton Rose Fulbright, Amos also provided her with some documents
pertaining to Justice Webb and his law firm partners within Patterson Palmer and Paterson Law
as well as his concerns with of the failure of Canadian Judicial Council to respond to his complaint
in 2005.
5. On May 24th, 2017, AMOS during the hearing reminded
the Justices at least twice of rules
5 (4) and 5.1(4) of the Federal Courts Act which are as follows:
5 (4) and 5.1(4) of the Federal Courts Act which are as follows:
5 (4) Every judge of the Federal
Court is, by virtue of his or her office, a judge of the Federal Court
of Appeal and has all the jurisdiction, power and authority of a judge of the Federal Court of Appeal.
of Appeal and has all the jurisdiction, power and authority of a judge of the Federal Court of Appeal.
5.1 (4) Every
judge of the Federal Court of Appeal is, by virtue of that office, a judge of
the Federal
Court and has all the jurisdiction, power and authority of a judge of the Federal Court.
Court and has all the jurisdiction, power and authority of a judge of the Federal Court.
6. On December 14th, 2015
Justice Bell discussed with AMOS some the
evidence filed in the
docket of this matter supporting this claim before he acted very ethically and recused himself on
his own accord. The CROWN did not dispute a single word of what said during the hearing that
day. On January 11th, 2016 Justice Southcott discussed his conflict of interest with AMOS and
denied it then refused to look at the evidence that Justice Bell had studied. AMOS duly informed
Justice Southcott that no matter what his decision would be he would appeal it because of the
conflict of interest he had already proven existed. Clearly AMOS did so.
docket of this matter supporting this claim before he acted very ethically and recused himself on
his own accord. The CROWN did not dispute a single word of what said during the hearing that
day. On January 11th, 2016 Justice Southcott discussed his conflict of interest with AMOS and
denied it then refused to look at the evidence that Justice Bell had studied. AMOS duly informed
Justice Southcott that no matter what his decision would be he would appeal it because of the
conflict of interest he had already proven existed. Clearly AMOS did so.
7. On July 4th, 2016 Justice
Stratas ordered the creation of the Appeal Book of this matter
including the appeal of the prothonotary's order but without the supporting affidavit and evidence
proving this claim against the CROWN. AMOS immediately contacted the offices the Canadian
Judicial Council and the Commissioner of Federal Judicial Affairs again to remind them of all the
documents he had sent them byway of tracked mail in 2005 and 2006 and to complain of the
recent actions of Justice Stratas. AMOS has never received a response from the aforementioned
offices. However the women who answer the phone on behalf of the CROWN told AMOS to
file another lawsuit because nobody within their offices will ever speak him or ever answer him
in writing. Therefore AMOS felt compelled to wait until he met a panel of judges in the Federal
Court of Appeal and if the matter was improperly dismissed because of conflict of interest etc.,
attempt to put the matter before the Supreme Court of Canada as per its rules. After the hearing
on May 24th, 2017 AMOS hoped that Justices would pay heed to rule 5.1(4) of the Federal
Courts Act and study the evidence on file in the docket of Federal Court and recuse themselves.
including the appeal of the prothonotary's order but without the supporting affidavit and evidence
proving this claim against the CROWN. AMOS immediately contacted the offices the Canadian
Judicial Council and the Commissioner of Federal Judicial Affairs again to remind them of all the
documents he had sent them byway of tracked mail in 2005 and 2006 and to complain of the
recent actions of Justice Stratas. AMOS has never received a response from the aforementioned
offices. However the women who answer the phone on behalf of the CROWN told AMOS to
file another lawsuit because nobody within their offices will ever speak him or ever answer him
in writing. Therefore AMOS felt compelled to wait until he met a panel of judges in the Federal
Court of Appeal and if the matter was improperly dismissed because of conflict of interest etc.,
attempt to put the matter before the Supreme Court of Canada as per its rules. After the hearing
on May 24th, 2017 AMOS hoped that Justices would pay heed to rule 5.1(4) of the Federal
Courts Act and study the evidence on file in the docket of Federal Court and recuse themselves.
8. In conclusion AMOS states
that a lot has occurred between the CROWN
and him since the
hearing on May 24th, 2017. Not long after the hearing Barry Winters of Edmonton, Alberta
whose words can be found on within paragraph 83 of this complaint was arrested and charged
after his blogs containing many malicious words against AMOS and his Clan were purportedly
erased from the Internet. Elections Canada is now attacking his bank account while Service
Canada with the malicious assistance of Revenue Canada are still denying his old age pension
etc. Meanwhile the Crown Counsel, Jan Jensen notified AMOS that he is not to contact any
other Crown Counsel and to never send him or any of his associates an email again or he will
take some sort of action against AMOS. The plaintiff's concerns with the actions of the RCMP
against him continued very publicly until late last night. However the Crown Corp. known as the
CBC acted with some semblance of integrity and allowed his words about the outgoing RCMP
Commissioner and his subordinates to be published this time. It certainly appears that the
CROWN wants more complaints to be filed by AMOS and he will oblige it in short order.
hearing on May 24th, 2017. Not long after the hearing Barry Winters of Edmonton, Alberta
whose words can be found on within paragraph 83 of this complaint was arrested and charged
after his blogs containing many malicious words against AMOS and his Clan were purportedly
erased from the Internet. Elections Canada is now attacking his bank account while Service
Canada with the malicious assistance of Revenue Canada are still denying his old age pension
etc. Meanwhile the Crown Counsel, Jan Jensen notified AMOS that he is not to contact any
other Crown Counsel and to never send him or any of his associates an email again or he will
take some sort of action against AMOS. The plaintiff's concerns with the actions of the RCMP
against him continued very publicly until late last night. However the Crown Corp. known as the
CBC acted with some semblance of integrity and allowed his words about the outgoing RCMP
Commissioner and his subordinates to be published this time. It certainly appears that the
CROWN wants more complaints to be filed by AMOS and he will oblige it in short order.
9. Whereas the was permitted only five pages to state
his concerns about the conflict of interests
he has with the Justices of the Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal he will rely on the
documents that he attempted to file in Federal, Court on April 3rd, 2017 with some more
documents added to support the statements he made with in paragraph 8 of this brief. After
studying this brief and its exhibits the plaintiff truly believes that the Federal Court of Appeal
should send a panel of judges whom the plaintiff does not have a conflict with to hear this matter
for at least a full day before it considers ordering this matter dismissed on behalf of the CROWN.
he has with the Justices of the Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal he will rely on the
documents that he attempted to file in Federal, Court on April 3rd, 2017 with some more
documents added to support the statements he made with in paragraph 8 of this brief. After
studying this brief and its exhibits the plaintiff truly believes that the Federal Court of Appeal
should send a panel of judges whom the plaintiff does not have a conflict with to hear this matter
for at least a full day before it considers ordering this matter dismissed on behalf of the CROWN.
DATED at Fredericton,
New Brunswick, this the 23rd day of June, 2017
Box 234
Apohaqui, NB E5P 3G2
Appellant/Respondent on his own behalf
Administrator, Federal Court of Appeal
Attorney General of Canada
Department of
Suite 1400-Duke Tower
5251 Duke Street
Halifax, NS B3J 1P3
Court File No. A-48-16
Plaintiff/Respondent on Cross
Defendant/Appellant on Cross Appeal
I, David Raymond Amos of
Apohaqui, New Brunswick MAKE OATH AND SAY:
- Hereto attached to this document as Exhibit A is a CD which is a true copy of an American police surveillance wiretap tape entitled 139. Beginning in 2002 I have provided a true copy of the CD entitled 139 to many American and Canadian law enforcement authorities and not one of the police forces or officers of the court are willing to investigate it. I have also provided many original American police surveillance wiretap tapes to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), several US Attorneys, the US Senate Judiciary Committee, two District Attorneys within in the US State of Massachusetts and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and I have received no response whatsoever. I have more American police surveillance wiretap tapes in my possession in Canada and many more scattered around the USA. However many more were stolen from my home in Massachusetts. The Fredericton Police Force took three wiretap tapes along with my motorcycle legally registered in the USA when they seized it in 2007 and falsely claimed that it was a stolen vehicle. The Fredericton Police Force refused to return my property or the contents of its saddlebags after it was proven that the Harley had a legally registered serial number created by the Harley Davidson. Service New Brunswick has lost all records of my motorcycle and the Tow Company that had it in its yard threatened to press charges for harassment.
- The Fredericton Police Force are now claiming that they no record of seizing my motorcycle and have no idea of its whereabouts or of the wiretap tapes that were in its saddlebag The RCMP lost the ones I gave them in 2004.
- Hereto attached to this document are many other exhibits. The lettered tabs contain exhibits pertaining to various law firms that I have encountered in the past that now have former partners seated on the benches of the Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal. The numbered tabs are many of the very same documents that are in the docket of Federal Court that the Governor General of Canada and several other Federal Government entities have admitted that she had in their possession beginning in late 2003. However I have added more documents and some are slightly different to aid the judges in the understanding of my conflict of interest with many members of the bar. During the hearing before Justice Bell on December 14th, 2015 he mentioned it was difficult to find the document quickly because they were not numbered and filed as one exhibit. To aid the court in its review I have elected to file selected related documents under separate tabs. It is not possible to number them because they are copies of original documents and they did not come to the plaintiff at the same time but they are definitely related to each other.
- The most notable documents with regards to this claim against HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN should be the letters from the Deputy Prime Minister, the Governor General, my letter to the Speaker of the House of Commons and the Ambassador of Iceland in 2006 and the subsequent barring notice from the Sergeant of Arms of Province of New Brunswick written in only one official language and never published in the Royal Gazette.
- I am certain that once the court listens to the CD and reviews the documents hereto attached it will be assured that I have a very justifiable claim against HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN and it is not frivolous and vexatious as the CROWN and the ATTORNEY GENERAL OF CANADA have claimed within their documents.
Affirmed before me at the City of
Fredericton in the County of York of New Brunswick on June , 2015.
_____________________________ _________________
Commissioner for
Taking Affidavits
David Raymond Amos
Box 234
Apohaqui, NB E5P 3G2
![]() |
---------- Orignial message ----------
From: "Liliana (Legal Services) Longo"
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2017 11:28:36 -0400
Subject: Re: Attn Suzelle Bazinet.(613-995-5117) I just earlier Whereas I was not allowed to speak to you today its best that we confer in writng anyway (Away from the office/absente du bureau)
To: David Amos
I will be away from the office June 26 to 28, 2017. In my absence,
Barbara Massey will be acting and she can be reached at (613) 843-6394.
Je serai absente du bureau du 26 au 28 juin 2017. En mon absence,
Barbara Massey sera interimaire et peut être rejointe au (613) 843-6394.
Thank you / Merci
Liliana Longo, Q.C., c.r.
Senior General Counsel / Avocate générale principale
RCMP Legal Services / Services juridiques GRC
73 Leikin Drive / 73 Promenade Leikin
M8, 2nd Floor / M8, 2ième étage
Mailstop #69 / Arrêt Postal #69
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0R2
Tel: (613) 843-4451
Fax: (613) 825-7489
Sandra Lofaro
Executive Assistant /
Adjointe exécutive
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Joly, Mélanie (PCH)"
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2017 15:29:30 +0000
Subject: Accusé de réception / Acknowledge Receipt
To: David Amos
Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable Mélanie Joly, ministre du Patrimoine canadien.
La ministre est toujours heureuse de prendre connaissance des commentaires de Canadiens sur des questions d'importance pour eux. Votre courriel sera lu avec soin.
Si votre courriel porte sur une demande de rencontre ou une invitation à une activité particulière, nous tenons à vous assurer que votre demande a été notée et qu'elle recevra toute l'attention voulue.
Thank you for writing to the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage.
The Minister is always pleased to hear the comments of Canadians on subjects of importance to them. Your email will be read with care.
If your email relates to a meeting request or an invitation to a specific event, please be assured that your request has been noted and will be given every consideration.
---------- Original message ----------
From: Green Party of Canada | Parti vert du Canada
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2017 15:53:36 +0000
Subject: Re: Attn Suzelle Bazinet.(613-995-5117) I just earlier Whereas I was not allowed to speak to you today its best that we confer in writng anyway
To: David Amos
-- Please reply above this line --
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2017 11:28:14 -0400
Subject: Attn Suzelle Bazinet.(613-995-5117) I just earlier Whereas I was not allowed to speak to you today its best that we confer in writng anyway
Good Day
Please view attachments
Before I file my next lawsuit please explain why my documents which
included a letter to you and an unsigned draft of a motion that you
did not want me to file that I sent you in confidence as per your
request were filed in the Public Record then argued by the Crown and
even quoted from by Judges of the Federal Court of Appeal?
Whereas the clerks of Federal Court are reluctant to file my brief
and its exhibits Jan Jensen should at very least give his copy to his
associate Paul Adams ASAP.EH?
This is Canada Post's tracking history of my documents
Tracking Number PG399580893CA
Out for delivery
Date received 2017/06/26
Current date 2017/06/27
Expected delivery 2017/06/27
Delivery details
Expected delivery is 2017/06/27
Perhaps somebody should start acting ethically before the lawyers Bill
Pentney and John Laskin take a seat on the bench N'esy Pas Mr Prime
Minister Trudeau "The Younger" ???? Better yet have your lawyers even
bothered to read paragraph 83 of my first lawsuit yet?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369
Elizabeth Caverly Director:
Courts Administration Service
1720-1801 Hollis St.
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3N4
Phone: 902-426-9619
Fax: 902-426-5514
Recorded entry(ies) for A-48-16
Court number information Court Number : A-48-16
Proceeding Category : Appeals Nature : Appeal (S.27 - Interloc.) - Others
Type of Action : Non-Action
70 records found for court number A-48-16 Doc Date Filed Office
Recorded Entry Summary
- 2017-06-26 Fredericton Memorandum to file from Catharine M. Wilson
dated 26-JUN-2017 On June 26, 2017, the Appellant/Respondent on
Cross-Appeal submitted a post hearing brief per the direction of Webb,
J.A., dated 08-JUN-2017, which is being sent to the FCA for direction
as the document was submitted late and exceeds the number of pages.
placed on file.
- 2017-06-08 Ottawa Acknowledgment of Receipt received from both
parties by email with respect to the Directions dated June 8, 2017
placed on file on 08-JUN-2017
- 2017-06-08 Ottawa Written directions of the Court: The Honourable
Mr. Justice Webb dated 08-JUN-2017 directing "Please advise the
parties that Mr. Amos has the right to submit a brief summary (not to
exceed 5 pages) to explain the exact conflict that, in his view,
arises in this matter with any of the judges assigned to this appeal
and to submit any additional documents that are relevant to this
issue. This summary and documents are to be submitted on or before
June 23, 2017. [...]" received on 08-JUN-2017 Confirmed in writing to
the party(ies)
- 2017-05-26 Fredericton Letter from the respondent to Appellant,
provided by Appellant (copy of the letter) dated 26-MAY-2017 The
Respondent mentions they want communication from Appellant in written
letters by mail only, from now on. received on 26-MAY-2017
- 2017-05-24 Fredericton Request received from MR. Roger Richard for
CD audio of the hearing on 24-MAY-2017. Tarriff: $15 paid placed on
file on 24-MAY-2017
- 2017-05-24 Fredericton Request received from Appellant for CD audio
of the hearing on 24-MAY-2017 for transcript. Tarriff: $15 paid placed
on file on 24-MAY-2017
- 2017-05-24 Fredericton This matter comes on for hearing on
24-MAY-2017 at Fredericton before The Honourable Mr. Justice Webb The
Honourable Mr. Justice Near The Honourable Madam Justice Gleason
Appearances: David Raymond Amos (self-litigant) 902-800-0369 for the
appellant Jan Jensen 902-426-8177 for the respondent Language of
Hearing: E Court Usher: Jason Kennedy Duration: on 24-MAY-2017 from
14:03 to 15:58 Courtroom : Courtroom No. 1 - Fredericton Court
Registrar Michel Morneault Total duration: 1h55min Before the Court:
Cross-appeal Result: reserved Comments: DARS Z005130 was used for the
recording of the hearing Minutes of Hearing entered in Vol. 222
page(s) 411 - 413 Abstract of Hearing placed on file
33 2017-04-24 Fredericton Affidavit of David Raymond Amos on behalf of
Appellant/Respondent on cross-appeal sworn on 24-APR-2017 confirming
service of doc.32 on Respondent/Appellant on cross-appeal by
Xpresspost on 24-APR-2017 filed on 24-APR-2017
32 2017-04-24 Fredericton Book of Authorities with copy on DVD
consisting of 1 volume(s) on behalf of Appellant/Respondent on
cross-appeal Filed on 24-APR-2017 3 copy(ies) for the Court stored in
Ottawa One copy placed in Annex
31 2017-04-20 Halifax Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of
Jan Jensen confirming service of doc #30 upon Appellant by courier on
20-APR-2017 filed on 20-APR-2017
30 2017-04-20 Halifax Book of Authorities consisting of 1 volume(s) on
behalf of HMQ (cross-appeal) Filed on 20-APR-2017 3 copy(ies) for the
Court stored in Ottawa
- 2017-04-19 Fredericton Letter from Appellant/Respondent on
cross-appeal dated 12-APR-2017 Fax from the Respondent/Appellant on
cross-appeal to the Appellant/ Respondent on cross-appeal about not
reaching an agreement on the contents of a joint book of authorities.
received on 19-APR-2017
- 2017-04-13 Ottawa Covering letter from Respondent dated 12-APR-2017
concerning the enclosed DVD containing the Respondent's Memorandum of
Fact and Law placed on file on 13-APR-2017
- 2017-04-12 Fredericton Communication by email between parties
concerning the Joint Book of Authorities, received by the Appellant
received on 12-APR-2017
- 2017-04-04 Ottawa Acknowledgements of receipt of an electronic copy
of the hearing date order, e-mailed to: Mr. Jensen (for the
Cross-Appellant) and to Mr. Amos (the Cross-Respondent) placed on file
on 04-APR-2017
29 2017-03-31 Ottawa Order (time and place) dated 30-MAR-2017 rendered
by S. Bazinet, Judicial Administrator and signed by Judicial
Administrator fixing the Cross-Appeal to be heard at Special Sitting
in Fredericton on 24-MAY-2017 to begin at 14:00 Filed on 31-MAR-2017
cc's sent to parties entered in J. & O. Book, volume 298 page(s) 409 -
409 Transmittal letters placed on file
- 2017-03-22 Ottawa Communication from Registry to Judicial
Administrator dated 22-MAR-2017 re: setting the Hearing date
28 2017-03-13 Halifax Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of
Jan Jensen confirming service of Requisition for Hearing upon
Appellant (Respondent by Cross-Appeal) by facsimile and courier on
13-MAR-2017 filed on 13-MAR-2017
27 2017-03-13 Halifax Requisition for hearing - Appeal from Respondent
(Appellant on Cross-Appeal) filed on 13-MAR-2017
- 2017-03-08 Fredericton Letter from the appellant dated 08-MAR-2017
Email received from Appellant in regards of the Communication to the
Court in response to the registry received on 08-MAR-2017
- 2017-03-07 Fredericton Memorandum to file from Michel G. Morneault
dated 07-MAR-2017 According to the Appellant/Respondent on
Cross-appeal after discussion, he received the doc.23 from Appellant
on Cross-Appeal on 2-FEB-2017. He said the fax copy sent to him prior
was incomplete and received the hard copy on 2-FEB-2017. placed on
26 2017-03-07 Fredericton Affidavit of David Raymond Amos on behalf of
Appellant/Respondent on Cross-Appeal sworn on 07-MAR-2017 confirming
service of doc.25 on Respondent/Appellant on Cross-Appeal by
Xpresspost on 06-MAR-2017 filed on 07-MAR-2017
25 2017-03-06 Fredericton Memorandum of fact and law on behalf of
Appellant/Respondent on Cross-Appeal filed on 06-MAR-2017 3 judges'
copies stored in Ottawa
- 2017-02-02 Halifax Memorandum to file from Adam Young, Halifax dated
02-FEB-2017 further to Crown Counsel's letter dated 02-FEB-2017 the
recorded entry for the R's Memo of F&L(Doc 23) was amended to reflect
that it was on behalf of the Respondent(APPELLANT ON CROSS-APPEAL)
placed on file.
- 2017-02-02 Halifax Letter from Jan Jensen, Responsdent on main
appeal (Appellant on cross-appeal) dated 02-FEB-2017 providing
clarification as to the Respondent's Memo of Fact and law filed on
30-JAN-2017 (Doc 23) received on 02-FEB-2017
24 2017-01-30 Halifax Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of
Jan Jensen confirming service of Doc. 23 upon Appellant by telecopier
on 30-JAN-2017 filed on 30-JAN-2017
23 2017-01-30 Halifax Memorandum of fact and law on behalf of the
respondent (appellant)on cross-appeal as per order of Webb, JA dated
19-DEC-17 (doc.20) filed on 30-JAN-2017 3 judges' copies stored in
- 2016-12-20 Ottawa Memorandum to file from the Registry of the FCA
dated 20-DEC-2016 transmitting a copy of the Order dated December 19,
2016 to Justice Southcott, Prothonotary Morneau and the Actions
section of the FC. placed on file.
- 2016-12-20 Ottawa Acknowledgment of Receipt received from both
parties (by email) with respect to the Order of the Court dated
December 19, 2016 placed on file on 20-DEC-2016
20 2016-12-20 Ottawa Order dated 19-DEC-2016 rendered by The
Honourable Mr. Justice Webb The Honourable Mr. Justice Rennie The
Honourable Mr. Justice de Montigny Matter considered without personal
appearance The Court's decision is with regard to Status Review
Result: dismissed "...the Appellant's appeal is dismissed and the
Respondent's memorandum of fact and law in respect of the cross-appeal
shall be served and filed on or before January 31, 2017." Filed on
20-DEC-2016 entered in J. & O. Book, volume 297 page(s) 381 - 384
- 2016-12-15 Ottawa Communication from Registry to Judicial
Administrator dated 15-DEC-2016 re: seeking the Court's Direction
regarding the filing of the Appellant's Rule 382.3(1) submissions and
response to the Status Review.
19 2016-12-01 Halifax Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of
Jan Jensen confirming service of doc #18 upon Appellant by telecopier
on 30-NOV-2016 filed on 01-DEC-2016
18 2016-12-01 Halifax Submissions (Rule 380) on behalf of Respondent
filed on 01-DEC-2016
- 2016-12-01 Halifax Memorandum to file from Elizabeth Caverly,
Director, dated 01-DEC-2016 The HFX Registry in receipt of the
Respondent's R.380 subs in response to the Appellant's R.380 subs,
which were sent to Court for Directions re: filing. The Court has not
yet issued Directions regarding their filing. The Respondent indicated
they were served with the A's subs on 25-NOV-2016. placed on file.
22 2016-11-21 Fredericton Affidavit of David Raymond Amos on behalf of
the appellant sworn on 21-NOV-2016 confirming service of doc.21 on the
respondent by priority mail on 21-NOV-2016 filed on 21-NOV-2016
21 2016-11-21 Ottawa Submissions (Rule 380) on behalf of Appellant
filed on 21-NOV-2016
- 2016-11-21 Fredericton Memorandum to file from Michel G. Morneault
dated 21-NOV-2016 Today, I received the Response by the Appellant to
the Notice of Status Review with proof of service under the Order
issued by Justice Pelletier on 17-OCT-2016. It seems the document is
late according to the time limit specified in R.382.3(1). Document
sent to Court for directions. placed on file.
- 2016-10-18 Ottawa Acknowledgment of Receipt received from Appellant
with respect to document 17. placed on file on 18-OCT-2016
- 2016-10-17 Ottawa Acknowledgment of Receipt received from Respondent
with respect to the Notice of Status Review filed 17-OCT-2016. placed
on file on 17-OCT-2016
17 2016-10-17 Ottawa Notice of Status Review by The Honourable Mr.
Justice Pelletier to the parties and their solicitors requiring the
Appellant to show cause by written submissions why this appeal should
not be dismissed for delay Filed on 17-OCT-2016 cc's sent to parties
- 2016-10-13 Ottawa Communication from Registry to Judicial
Administrator dated 13-OCT-2016 re: Status Review to be issued
16 2016-08-11 Fredericton Affidavit of David Raymond Amos on behalf of
the appellant sworn on 11-AUG-2016 confirming service of Doc. 15 on
the respondent by mail on 10-AUG-2016 filed on 11-AUG-2016
15 2016-08-11 Fredericton Appeal Book consisting of 1 volume(s)
prepared by the appellant filed on 11-AUG-2016 3 judges' copies stored
in Ottawa
- 2016-07-06 Ottawa Acknowledgment of Receipt received from all
parties by way of reply e-mail with respect to Order of the Court
(Stratas J.A.) dated 4-JUL-2016 placed on file on 06-JUL-2016
14 2016-07-05 Ottawa Order dated 04-JUL-2016 rendered by The
Honourable Mr. Justice Stratas Matter considered without personal
appearance The Court's decision is with regard to the motion /
document number 7 Result: dismissed Appellant to prepare Appeal within
60 days of present Order Filed on 05-JUL-2016 copies sent to parties
Transmittal Letters placed on file. entered in J. & O. Book, volume
295 page(s) 353 - 354
- 2016-06-29 Fredericton Memorandum to file from Michel G. Morneault
dated 29-JUN-2016 The Appellant advised me today over the phone that
he will not file a Reply to the Motion in response to Motion doc.7
placed on file.
- 2016-06-29 Ottawa Communication from Registry to Judicial
Administrator dated 29-JUN-2016 re: for direction regarding
appellant's letter dated May 25, 2016 and motion doc. 7
13 2016-06-20 Halifax Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of
Jan Jensen confirming service of Motion Record (Doc. 12) upon
Appellant by courier on 20-JUN-2016 filed on 20-JUN-2016
12 2016-06-20 Halifax Motion Record in response to Motion Doc. No. 7
containing the following original document(s): 11 Number of copies
received: 3 on behalf of Respondent filed on 20-JUN-2016
11 2016-06-20 Halifax Written submissions contained within a Motion
Record on behalf of the respondent in opposition to motion doc. 7
filed on 20-JUN-2016
10 2016-06-10 Fredericton Affidavit of David Raymond Amos on behalf of
the appellant sworn on 10-JUN-2016 confirming service of
doc.9(doc.7,8,id18) on the respondent by priority mail on 10-JUN-2016
filed on 10-JUN-2016
9 2016-06-10 Fredericton Motion Record containing the following
original document(s): 7 8 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf of
Appellant filed on 10-JUN-2016
- 2016-06-10 Fredericton Draft Order concerning the motion / document
number doc.7 received on 10-JUN-2016
8 2016-06-10 Fredericton Written representations contained within a
Motion Record on behalf of the appellant in support of doc.7 filed on
7 2016-06-10 Fredericton Notice of motion contained within a Motion
Record on behalf of the appellant to determine content of appeal book
in writing filed on 10-JUN-2016 DRAFT ORDER received
6 2016-05-26 Fredericton Affidavit of David Raymond Amos on behalf of
the appellant sworn on 26-MAY-2016 confirming service of doc.5 on the
respondent by priority mail on 26-MAY-2016 filed on 26-MAY-2016
5 2016-05-26 Fredericton Letter from the appellant dated 25-MAY-2016
Letter of proposal of the content of the Appeal book as per Order
dated 12-MAY-2016 by Justice Trudel filed on 26-MAY-2016
- 2016-05-13 Ottawa Acknowledgment of Receipt received from both
parties (by email) with respect to the Order of the Court dated May
12, 2016 placed on file on 13-MAY-2016
4 2016-05-13 Ottawa Order dated 12-MAY-2016 rendered by The Honourable
Madam Justice Trudel Matter considered without personal appearance The
Court's decision is with regard to Letter from Appellant dated
27-APR-2016 re: requesting an oral hearing of his Motion Result:
dismissed The Court's decision is with regard to Letter from
Respondent dated 05-MAY-2016 requesting that this Appeal be case
managed Result: dismissed "... The appellant shall, in the next 10
days serve and file his proposal as to teh contents of the Appeal Book
unless he agrees with the respondent's proposal contained in a letter
dated March 3, 2016; if the parties disagree, the appellant shall
serve and file a proper Notice of Motion under Rule 369 to request
that the Court determine teh contents of the Appeal Book....." Filed
on 13-MAY-2016 entered in J. & O. Book, volume 295 page(s) 29 - 31
- 2016-05-11 Ottawa Communication from Registry to Judicial
Administrator dated 11-MAY-2016 re: forwarding the Appellant's letter
dated April 27, 2016, and the Respondent's letter dated May 5, 2016,
for the Court's consideration.
- 2016-05-05 Halifax Letter from the respondent dated 05-MAY-2016
"....The Respondent requests that this appeal be case managed. ....We
anticipate that, without case management, there will be considerable
procedural difficulties that will prevent the Appeal from proceeding
in the most expeditious and least expensive manner." received on
- 2016-04-27 Fredericton Letter from the appellant dated 27-APR-2016
Informal request letter R.35 for oral motion. Attached to the letter,
a draft notice of motion received on 27-APR-2016
- 2016-03-08 Fredericton Copy of a fascimile of a letter from the
Respondent to the Appellant discussing the content of an Appeal book
and the requirements of the Respondent concerning the agreement of the
Appeal book dated 03-MAR-2016 received on 08-MAR-2016 by email from
- 2016-03-01 Fredericton Copy of a letter from the Respondent to the
Appellant dated February 24, 2016 discussing about the appeal and
cross-appeal placed on file on 01-MAR-2016 Original placed on Court
File No. A-48-16
- 2016-02-18 Ottawa Memorandum to file from the Registry of the FCA
dated 18-FEB-2016 transmitting a copy of the Notice of Cross-Appeal to
Justice Southcott, Prothonotary Morneau and the Actions section of the
FC. placed on file.
3 2016-02-12 Halifax Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of
Jan Jensen confirming service of Notice of Cross-Appeal upon Appellant
by courier on 12-FEB-2016 filed on 12-FEB-2016
2 2016-02-12 Halifax Notice of cross-appeal on behalf of the
respondent against a decision of Southcott, J. dated January 25, 2016
filed on 12-FEB-2016
- 2016-02-09 Ottawa Memorandum to file from the FCA Registry dated
09-FEB-2016 transmitting a copy of doc 1. to Justice Southcott,
Prothonotary Morneau, and the actions section of the Federal Court.
placed on file.
- 2016-02-04 Fredericton Letter sent by Registry on 04-FEB-2016 to the
respondent R.133 service letter Copy placed on file.
1 2016-02-04 Fredericton Notice of Appeal and 2 copies filed on
04-FEB-2016 against a decision of Justice Southcott dated January
25th, 2016 Certified copy(ies)/copy(ies) transmitted to Director of
the Regional Office of the Department of Justice Tariff fee of $50.00
received: yes
The last database update occurred on 2017-06-27 09:38
-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2017 12:44 PM
To: David Amos
Subject: WOW two more Judges I have a conflict with and the brief has
already been sent to the court
Well I let the judges decide whether they wish to check my work again
or send me off to the Supreme Court.
My next lawsuit against the RCMP is a dilly anyway.
Enjoy your weekend and the gossip when you get a chance to check it out.
Best Regards
Government of Canada announces judicial appointments to the Federal Courts
OTTAWA, June 23, 2017 /CNW/ - The Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould,
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, today announced
the following appointments under the new judicial application process
announced on October 20, 2016. The new process emphasizes
transparency, merit, and diversity, and will continue to ensure the
appointment of jurists who meet the highest standards of excellence
and integrity.
John B. Laskin, partner at Torys LLP, is appointed a judge of the
Federal Court of Appeal. He replaces Madam Justice E.R. Dawson, who
elected to become a supernumerary judge effective January 14, 2017.
William F. Pentney, Q.C., Deputy Minister of Justice and Deputy
Attorney General of Canada, is appointed a judge of the Federal Court.
He replaces Mr. Justice M.L. Phelan, who elected to become a
supernumerary judge effective June 16, 2017.
Justice John B. Laskin practised litigation for more than 30 years in
the Toronto office of Torys LLP. In his broad trial and appellate
practice, he represented individuals, corporations, governments and
their agencies, public institutions, industry associations, public
interest groups, and Indigenous organizations. He appeared in the
Supreme Court of Canada, the Federal Courts, every level of court in
Ontario, the courts of seven other provinces and territories, domestic
and international arbitrations, and a variety of administrative
Justice Laskin is a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers
and of Litigation Counsel of America, and has been a member of the
Ontario Regional Committee of the Supreme Court Advocacy Institute. He
has spoken, written and taught frequently on matters of public law and
advocacy, and is co-editor of Canadian Charter of Rights Annotated.
Before entering private practice, he was a professor in the University
of Toronto's Faculty of Law.
Born in Thunder Bay, Justice Laskin holds a B.A. (with distinction)
from York University, an LL.B. (as Gold Medallist) from the University
of Toronto, and an LL.M. from the University of California at
Berkeley. He is a past member of the board of Holy Blossom Temple and
past President of the University of Toronto Law Alumni Association,
and was actively involved in the founding of the Faculty of Law at
Lakehead University. In 2015, he was awarded the Law Society of Upper
Canada's Law Society Medal, given for outstanding service within the
legal profession where the service is in accordance with the highest
ideals of the profession. He is married with three children and (so
far) five grandchildren.
Excerpts from Justice Laskin's judicial application will be available shortly.
Justice William F. Pentney was appointed Deputy Minister of Justice
and Deputy Attorney General of Canada on November 5, 2012. He first
joined the public service in 1991 as General Counsel and Director of
Legal Services at the Canadian Human Rights Commission, where he
remained until 1999.
From 1999-2006, Justice Pentney held a number of positions within the
Department of Justice, including Senior Assistant Deputy Minister for
the policy sector, and Assistant Deputy Attorney General for the
citizenship, immigration and public safety portfolio. From 2006-2007,
he was Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet (Priorities and Planning) at
the Privy Council Office. He later became Associate Deputy Minister of
the Department of National Defence. Justice Pentney served as Deputy
Secretary to the Cabinet (Plans and Consultations) at the Privy
Council Office until his appointment as Deputy Minister of Justice and
Deputy Attorney General of Canada.
Prior to joining the public service, Justice Pentney was a professor
in the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa. He holds a B.A.
from Queen's University, in addition to an LL.B. and a master's in
public law from the University of Ottawa. Justice Pentney is the
author of several books and articles, including the revised edition of
Justice W. Tarnopolsky's text Discrimination and the Law in Canada and
Human Rights and Freedoms in Canada: Cases, Notes and Materials (with
Mark Berlin).
Excerpts from Justice Pentney's judicial application will be available shortly.
Quick Facts
Budget 2017 includes additional funding of $55 million over five
years beginning in 2017-2018 and $15.5 million per year thereafter for
28 new federally appointed judges. Of these new positions, 12 will be
allotted to Alberta and one to the Yukon, with the remaining 15 being
assigned to a pool for needs in other jurisdictions.
To ensure a judiciary that is responsive, ethical and sensitive to
the evolving needs of Canadian society, the Canadian Judicial Council
will receive $2.7 million over five years and $0.5 million ongoing
thereafter. This will support programming on judicial education,
ethics and conduct, including in relation to gender and cultural
Federal judicial appointments are made by the Governor General,
acting on the advice of the federal Cabinet and recommendations from
the Minister of Justice.
The Judicial Advisory Committees across Canada play a key role in
evaluating judicial applications. There are 17 Judicial Advisory
Committees, with each province and territory represented.
Significant reforms to the role and structure of the Judicial
Advisory Committees, aimed at enhancing the independence and
transparency of the process, were announced on October 20, 2016.
The Judicial Advisory Committees in ten jurisdictions have been
reconstituted. Most recently, Minister Wilson-Raybould announced the
composition of three new Judicial Advisory Committees on April 13,
This process is separate from the Supreme Court of Canada judicial
appointment process announced on August 2, 2016. Nominees to the
Supreme Court of Canada are selected by the Prime Minister from a
thoroughly vetted list of candidates.
SOURCE Justice Canada, Department of
For further information: Media may contact: Kathleen Davis,
Communications and Parliamentary Affairs Advisor, Office of the
Minister of Justice, 613-992-4621; Media Relations, Department of
Justice Canada, 613-957-4207,
On 6/23/17, David Amos
> 'Nobody was safe from it': Edmonton blogger charged with rare hate
> crime targeted individuals across Canada
> Police say Barry Winters, 62, made derogatory remarks about race,
> gender, politics
> By Roberta Bell, CBC News Posted: Jun 14, 2017 5:38 PM MT
> 'You are not a leader': RCMP boss's testimony about Moncton shootings
> inflames corporal
> Friend of 3 slain Mounties lashes out at RCMP commissioner after
> feeling betrayed at trial
> By Gabrielle Fahmy, CBC News Posted: Jun 22, 2017 6:00 AM AT
> Under most liked
> David Raymond Amos
> @bren hynes On May 24th I stood before the Federal Court of Appeal in
> Fredericton NB. Weeks before Paulson opted to come to New Brunswick
> and testify on his on accord I encountered a panel of 3 judges who
> came down from Ottawa for an needless and very vexatious hearing
> inspired by the Crown. I was glad to finally meet them.
> During the aforesaid hearing.I mentioned my concerns about the ongoing
> trial of the RCMP in Moncton and the hearing in the Federal Court
> being held on the same day about the class action lawsuit against the
> RCMP (There is still no decision as of today Federal Court File no
> T-1685-16).
> Anyway weeks later when I read in the CBC website on June 15th I just
> grinned for reasons of my own. In a nutshell I was astounded at just
> how pompous Paulson is but very grateful he proved it to all. Howcome
> this RCMP member did not speak up then?« less
> David Raymond Amos
> @David Raymond Amos Following are the words of Paulson that I made a note
> of.
> "Paulson was not summoned by the Crown, and is not personally named in
> the indictment, but chose to attend court to defend the RCMP.
> "Well, I'm the accused," he told reporters outside the Moncton Law
> Courts Thursday afternoon, following his approximately six hours of
> testimony.
> "I represent the RCMP and as the accused individual, the commissioner
> that's in charge, I thought it appropriate to come and tell my story.
> And so I did."
> "Policing fit me like a glove," he told the Moncton courtroom. "I
> loved the job, I loved succeeding in the job."
> "Paulson said he had concerns about police militarization, and the
> adoption of carbine rifles represented a "significant change" in the
> use of force for front-line officers."
> Need I say DUHH????
> FYI The RCMP are a para-military force and always been. If you don't
> believe me check history orask the ghosts of Louis Riel and his
> friends or ask of the RCMP's actions in Russia and Africa long before
> Paulson and I were born.
> Now nearly two weeks later as I am polishing off doing what I have
> been directed to do by the Federal Court of Appeal by tomorrow, I hear
> and read this member's words in the news?
> Well lets just say that I handled it in my own way today and now I am
> gonna have a nap then drink some coffee and then quite likely spend
> all night altering the brief before I file it in the docket tomorrow,
> ---------- Original nmessage ----------
> From:
> Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2017 13:52:15 +0000
> Subject: Acknowledge receipt of telephone voice messages
> To:
> Dear Mr. Amos,
> This is to acknowledge receipt of the telephone voice messages you
> left with Mr. Michael Aquilino and Ms. Martine Richard during the week
> of April 10, 2017.
> As indicated in Mr. Philippe Joly's letter of January 19, 2017, the
> Commissioner considers that the matters you raised, with the exception
> of the reference to the fundraising events held in 2016 concerning the
> Prime Minister, are not within the jurisdiction of the Office of the
> Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner. The Commissioner
> considers these matters to be closed.
> With respect to the 2016 fundraising events concerning the Prime
> Minister, as has been reported by the media, the Commissioner has
> looked into these activities following letters of concern she received
> from Members of the House of Commons in relation to a possible
> contravention of the Conflict of Act. After carefully looking into
> these activities, the Commissioner was satisfied that further action
> was not warranted. Again, the Commissioner considers the matter to be
> closed.
> In light of the above, there will be no further action nor any further
> communications concerning these matters.
> Sincerely,
> Marie-Josée Smith
> [cid:image001.jpg@01D2A6ED.BE1C2060]
> Marie-Josée Smith
> Officer, Investigations | Agente, Enquêtes
> Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner |
> Commissariat aux conflits d'intérêts et à l'éthique
> Tel/Tél. : 613-943-3018 | Fax/Téléc. : 613-995-7308
> ________________________________
> This communication, and any files or attachments transmitted with it,
> is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which or
> to whom it is addressed. This communication may contain information
> that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under
> applicable law. If you have received this communication in error,
> please notify the sender by return email, telephone or fax
> immediately, and delete this communication and destroy all copies. We
> thank you in advance for your cooperation.
> Cette communication, ainsi que tout fichier ou toute pièce qui y est
> joint, est à l'intention du destinataire seulement. Cette
> communication peut contenir des renseignements protégés, confidentiels
> et soustraits à la divulgation en vertu de la loi applicable. Si vous
> avez reçu ce message par erreur, vous êtes prié d'en aviser
> immédiatement l'expéditeur par courriel, téléphone ou télécopieur, et
> d'effacer la communication et d'éliminer toute copie. Nous vous
> remercions de votre collaboration.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From:
> Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2017 16:53:18 +0000
> Subject: Your December 15, 2016 email
> To:
> Good Day Mr. Amos,
> Please find attached a self-explanatory letter.
> Regards,
> Philippe Joly
> Enquêteur principal / Senior investigator
> Commissariat aux conflits d'intérêts et à l'éthique / Office of the
> Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner
> Parlement du Canada / Parliament of Canada
> 66 rue Slater, 22e étage, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0A6
> Téléphone : 613-996-6012 Télécopieur / Fax : 613-995-7308
> Courriel / Email :
> ________________________________
> This communication, and any files or attachments transmitted with it,
> is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which or
> to whom it is addressed. This communication may contain information
> that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under
> applicable law. If you have received this communication in error,
> please notify the sender by return email, telephone or fax
> immediately, and delete this communication and destroy all copies. We
> thank you in advance for your cooperation.
> Cette communication, ainsi que tout fichier ou toute pièce qui y est
> joint, est à l'intention du destinataire seulement. Cette
> communication peut contenir des renseignements protégés, confidentiels
> et soustraits à la divulgation en vertu de la loi applicable. Si vous
> avez reçu ce message par erreur, vous êtes prié d'en aviser
> immédiatement l'expéditeur par courriel, téléphone ou télécopieur, et
> d'effacer la communication et d'éliminer toute copie. Nous vous
> remercions de votre collaboration.
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