Final Part of covering the battle for a contract for ANBL employees with Higgs Government!!!
NB Liquor, Cannabis NB forced to hire expert help in search for new president
Premier says he questioned decision not to use professional recruiters
Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos
Too Too Funny Methinks everybody knows Higgy will get the final say anyway N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Methinks John Correia the NB Liquor Board Chair John Correia must know who the Minister is that oversees the Crown Corp Nobody else seems to know but I am betting its Higgy for rather obvious reasons N'esy Pas?
Bud Gardiner
Reply to @David Amos: Bingo, mon ami. Those 2 are "thick as..." (you know how it ends)
David Amos
Reply to @Bud Gardiner: C'est ca
James Risdon
Okay, okay ... I'll take the job.
Jon Jones
to @James Risdon: But are you political friends (BFFs) of Higgs or an
MLA. Kevin Cormier BFF of Trevor Holder who appointed to CEO of Kings
Landing in past years and Don Moore BFF of Higgs who appointed to Board
of Directors post. So if not BFF of Higgs/MLA, then you are not
qualified for appointment to job. Sorry. :(
Allister Bannister
to @Jon Jones: but i am able to say "Conservative Part of New
Brunswick"...surely that most count for something...wait...i drove thru
quispamsis once
David Amos
Reply to @James Risdon: Me Too
Jon Jones
to @Allister Bannister: That does qualify you for political
appointment, but are you BFFs to Higgs like Don Moore or to an MLA like
Kevin Cormier.
Jon Jones
Reply to @David Amos:
That does qualify you for political appointment, but are you BFFs to
Higgs like Don Moore or to an MLA like Kevin Cormier
James Risdon
to @Jon Jones: I am neither friend nor foe of Premier Blaine Higgs, a
premier I find is often unfairly maligned but who I also consider could
be doing more for the province.
David Amos
Reply to @Jon Jones: Surely you jest
Gracie Amos
Reply to @David Amos: No you didn’t.
Dave Layne
The only thing that is actually working in this government, (booze and drug sales)and Higgs is determined to apply his utter incompetence and non credibility to ruin that first, while dismantling our rights and turning NB into a division of Irving Corp. Then we build mini nukes! Higgs is a one man Gong Show.
Jon Jones
Reply to @Dave Layne: My apologies, but you forgot to include Higgs/MLAs political appointments of BFFs to 6 figure salaries. Case in point: Kevin Cormier.
Samual Johnston
Reply to @Jon Jones: My apologies but you forgot to include all politicians of all parties in all parts of NB, Canada and the World. Case in point: pick one any one.
Jon Jones
Reply to @Samual Johnston: 1 Million percent my Friend. Political patronage of incompetence government staff for all parties.... could not agree more. For clarity, my comment was in correlation to Dave's comment on Higgs.
There should be a citizens' committee to address these political appointments so they are not permitted to happen.
Trevis L. Kingston
Hopefully any lawyers writing the hiring contract can step over the usual gov't formula
contracts... that are SO full of loopholes... they often reward millions of dollars to the hired person even if the hired individual is fired or quits because of all too frequent suspected wrongdoing.
I hope the Gov't finds the golden needle in the non-political haystack and that person will
excell in their new position.
Bud Gardiner
Nice compromise between the Emperor and ANBL Chair. Get a shortlist & then we'll call in the "recruiters"
Roy Kirk
What process was followed in the hiring of KBRS?
Greg Miller
Well if the corporations have done well without a CEO since December--do you really need one?
Buford Wilson
Looks like Blaine was right again.
Let's move on.
Trent Connor
I’m so glad the government manages these industries. The private sector would be so lost trying to manage it themselves.
Cindy Cooper
Pot a'plenty. Thanks a lot JT.
Ralph Green
Reply to @Cindy Cooper: wait until it’s time to pay the bills:) those fools in those big cities ( Toronto)don’t even realize they are three days from anarchy:( at anyone point in time:(
maurice fougere
another waste of tax money franchise all this out just like liguor goverment should not run these company
James Risdon
Reply to @maurice fougere: So, you're saying that if the government manages the cannabis industry none of us will have pot to piss in?
Mario Doucet
buy cannabis online costs half of what cannabis nb charges and free delivery
Jeff LeBlanc
Reply to @Mario Doucet: that's what I do. Comes right to my po box. 400 MG gummies too!
James Risdon
Reply to @Mario Doucet: If you buy it from a kid in my neighbourhood, they ride up to your place on a dirt bike and hand it to you at the door. But, of course, that's illegal. So, don't do that.
Do. Not. Break. The. Law.
Repair Guy
Reply to @Mario Doucet: To each their own but after years of prohibition it is now legal and I prefer to support the legal channels to supplement my own (legal) growing.
William Peters
Throwing shade at his fellow conservative Bernard Lord now. I suppose that's not surprising from a man who was a COR party leader back in the day. The party of Irving has no qualms about paying to recruit among the CEO class it seems. Should be a pretty penny we hand out to someone who probably already sits on 6 or so corporate boards with his fellow upper crust. To be fair, this government would probably like to privatize the whole thing at some point. It must really burn them to have government running businesses. I notice they are quoting revenues, but what are the profits? Is any of this being done at a loss? « less
Corrie Weatherfield
Copied from article photo caption: " . . . more than $1.5 billion of profits have went into provincial coffers. (NB Liquor/Twitter) . . . "
Please forward this to the Hon. Mr. Cardy for an assessment of the grammar in this phrase.
Murray Brown
When it comes to booze and pot... There are plenty of 'experts' out there.
Dave Layne
Reply to @Murray Brown: Did you see the 'select' selection on the table at the sky palace? UCP bottle check.
Kelly Alder
How hard can it be to run a business that basically has zero legal competition? Wish I had the same problems running my small business.
Dave Layne
We need to get Higgs out of office asap. He is a corporate fixer and is not working in the interest of New Brunswick citizens. He is making that clear again and again and again.
There can be few people in NB other than Robert Jones that actually believes the Board of those Crown Corporations launched a search for a CEO without a discussion with the premier's office and or the clerk of the executive council. That is just not how that world works.
The polls told the PC party that it was an unpopular decision and now they are trying to cover a part of their anatomy.
Larry Larson
You will notice how Higgs is throwing his Finance Minister under the bus. Last week he tried to defend the id iotic decision to use the want ads and now he says he had "misgivings".
Bud Gardiner
Reply to @Larry Larson: 'Twas all part of the plan. Get the desired folks and then have "misgivings" The Emperor must control all things. "[He] can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. " (Abraham Lincoln)
Larry Larson
This is what happens when you give the Finance Minister's position to the oh so "qualified" former morning talk show host from C103 radio. I mean, seriously?
David Webb NB
Reply to @Larry Larson: What party selects who can run for them based on what they are "qualified" for. That applies both provincially and federally. Ah yes, a drama teacher for a PM. "This election will be the last first past the post". Get your partisan head out of the sand.
Allister Bannister
Reply to @David Webb NB: cognitive bias much?...does it matter what colour they wear when they aren't fit for the job??
Larry Larson
Reply to @David Webb NB: I said nothing about what political party he works for. YOU are the one that brought politics into this by claiming that I am partisan and your attack on Trudeau makes it clear exactly who your preferred party is. I have a huge distaste for 99.9% of all politicians. Your attack on the teaching profession clearly tells me that you are a CONServative.
Larry Larson
Reply to @Allister Bannister: Agree 100% Allison!
Allister Bannister
Reply to @Larry Larson: background doesnt matter either...if you communicate properly...think clearly...have leadership and vision...are able to sell the tough decisions...have morals and ethics...then you are fit for the you a keyboard jockey...neurosurgeon ....aviation engineer accountant..or sanitation engineer....doesnt matter what you do...its how you do it...neither higgy or JT have those qualities....just sayin
John Grail
The only entity that seems to "force" anything is government entities.
Wilson Rose
Free booze and weed should come with the job. That might attract some worthy candidates. The person should have extensive experience in the products being sold.
Randy McNally
Oh no ! Up goes the price for a box of beer once again. Dismantle NB Liquor.
JOhn D Bond
Sad statement that a high profile opening that is advertised and published doesn't attract the right type of folks. Says something about the perspective of the executive class about the province.
Allister Bannister
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: because who wants to work under political interference?
JOhn D Bond
Reply to @Allister Bannister: Not the point I was making at all.
Joseph Vacher
Im surprised they are just going to appoint Kevin Cormier
Guy Messervier
Jesus, how hard is it to sell alcohol & drugs?
Allister Bannister
Reply to @Guy Messervier: well...higgy needs his bobble head/fall guy
Andrew Taylor
I think where a executive search firm would be beneficial is that they will often pull competent and experienced candidates to the new position they are recruiting for - something that a simple job advertisement online can't do. They would contact the candidates directly and speak with them, sell them on New Brunswick, sell them on the job, talk about how great it would be to work here, and what a delight it would be for their career, something a job posting can't do.
I'm willing to bet the online job advertisement found dozens or hundreds of unqualified candidates from all over the world that the board needs to weed though, whereas a search firm would have had 3-5 very qualified candidates placed in front of them.
How the board thought it was a good idea to do this on their own if baffling to me, but it might have something to do with overestimating their own competency in this process (or maybe trying to be efficient, probably a few different factors that I'm not aware of), but either way it's risk for the premier to take note of.
Dan Short
Reply to @Andrew Taylor:
And as I already asked out of our tens of thousands of civil servants we don't have anyone Thst can do those things. They can't sell NB. They can't figure out who to reach out to?
Joe Rootliek
The Logo would be my first change on my first day on the job. The Logo is not appealing, black and white, Cannabis NB. I would change it to The Ganja Store, and put the letters in light green against a white or changing color background!
Dan Short
Reply to @Joe Rootliek:
Right so what about a million in cost to do so. that would mean a complete rebranding of anything with the logo. Product, signs, ads, uniforms, office supplies ...
Carl Leblanc
Reply to @Joe Rootliek: I don't think they are allowed to market the weed store as a weed store. It might promote sales.
Billy Popamahovilich
Why not just fill the position with a patronage appointment like always?
Dan Short
Reply to @Billy Popamahovilich:
It would get the task over so we could move on to real issues, instead of tying up resources and money on who to hire.
Allister Bannister
Reply to @Billy Popamahovilich: cause then higgy's buddy at the head hunting firm doesnt get his palm greased
Billy Popamahovilich
More Provincial tax dollars well spent.
Dan Short
Reply to @Billy Popamahovilich:
Well it wouldn't be necessary if everyone didn't have this bee in their bonnet about patronage,
Millions dying around the world, people starving in this province and homeless, but yes let's worry about someone getting hired by patronage. I mean like, clearly that's more important of an issue to worry about, than death,mill ness and homelessness.
David Webb NB
Reply to @Dan Short: You should have been around during WWI and WW2. Even the 1970's would give you a view to where we are headed.
Michael Collins
Reply to @Dan Short: Hard to compare a patronage appointment with death,illness and homelessness. Maybe if we didn't have so many incompetent patronage appointments trying to run the province we could hire people who could understand and address some of the more serious issues
Joe Rootliek
I will take the job. Promise profits will go to healthcare. Promise only high quality stuff. Promise no tracking of customers, no 20 questions, when they come in to buy it....
Do I got the job?
Dan Short
Reply to @Joe Rootliek:
No. C,early you don't know sales methods. That dats you say you won't collect is crucial to increase sales and profits.
Joe Rootliek
Reply to @Dan Short: i thought the stuff sold by itself?
Dan Short
Reply to @Joe Rootliek:
Well people certainly are not going to buy from Canabis NB because they don't like a logo. Yes let's spend hundreds of thousands to change a logo...
Ronald McCallum
Reply to @Joe Rootliek:
" I will take the job. Promise profits will go to healthcare."
SORRY, the question of where the profits goes does NOT come under the preview of the President and Chief Executive Officer of NB Liquor and Cannabis, it comes under the preview of Her Majesty's Government and Her Majesty's Parliament in the Province of New Brunswick.
Lorelei Stott
the business got pulled out of the dumpster then the province saw it as a shiny coin and now they definitely should use a professional firm to hire based on merit, skill, competencies to keep it buffed up
Dan Short
Reply to @Lorelei Stott:
NB Liquor was never in a dumpster,
Dan Short
It's sellin booze and drugs, people are gonna buy it no matter who is in charge, put in some minimum wage jockey.
Dan Short
These head hunting firms, are nothing but a huge waste of taxpayer money. We've got tens of thousands of civil servants in this province. Nit one can put out advertisements for the position, and read through resumes?
Michael Collins
"In a move announced Thursday, Knightsbridge Robertson Surrette (KBRS) has been hired to screen candidates NB Liquor has already found, but not search for new or better ones."
What a joke. It's give them a list where your chosen candidate stands out, and get the results you want.
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Michael Collins: This is just smoke and mirrors. We can call it Uncle Higgy's Dog and Pony Show. So we hire a super expensive consulting firm to review a list of Conservative Party loyalists that the board has pre-selected? This makes no sense at all.
Dan Short
Reply to @Dan Short:
I'm so sick of this whole fear and stigma of patronage, who cares. Government come and go, patronage positions follow suit,
Michael Collins
Reply to @Dan Short: Lots of New Brunswickers care. Too many incompetent patronage appointees trying to run this province now. We need people with experience and knowledge of the jobs they are tasked with, not friends of friends.
Minister (Minister's Office)
New Brunswick Liquor Corporation
Minister does not have any employees.
General Information
(506) 453-2451
Reception : (506) 453-24518:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Fax : (506) 457-4989
Email :
Board of Directors (Chairman Office)
New Brunswick Liquor Corporation
Contact Information | Phone | Location | |
BERRY, KEVIN (Board Member)
P: (506) 452-6826
P: (506) 452-6826
CORREIA, JOHN (Board Member (Chair))
P: (506) 452-6826
CRAIG, KATHRYN (Board Member)
P: (506) 452-6826
ELLIOTT, PAUL (Board Member)
P: (506) 452-6826
P: (506) 452-6826
WOOD, BRUCE (Board Member)
P: (506) 452-6826
Fredericton |
President and CEO (Deputy Head's Office)
New Brunswick Liquor Corporation
General Information
(506) 452-6826
8:15 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.Reception : (506) 452-6826
8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Fax : (506) 462-2024
Email :
Chief Executive Assistant (Section)
New Brunswick Liquor Corporation
Contact Information | Phone | Location | |
DOUGLASS, PATTI (Administrative Assistant )
P: (506) 452-6522
MUNN, TERRYLYNN (Receptionist)
P: (506) 452-6826
Fredericton |
Title | Location | Date | |
Chief Human Resources Officer | New Brunswick | 06/02/2021 | |
Chief Financial Officer | New Brunswick | 04/28/2021 | |
Director of Finance - Controller | New Brunswick | 04/23/2021 | |
Emera Chair In Smart Grid Technologies | New Brunswick | 01/07/2021 | |
Board Member Opportunities, Not-for-Profit and Charity Boards | Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI, Newfoundland & Labrador | 11/06/ |
Steven Hart named Chief Administrative Officer of the City of Fredericton

KBRS is pleased to have assisted the City of Fredericton in the appointment of its new Chief Administrative Officer. Additional details can be found in an exert from the City’s recent announcement below.
THU, MARCH 11, 2021 @ 9:43 AM
Steven Hart, the current Chief Administrative Officer for the Town of Oromocto, NB will be driving a few minutes up river from Canada’s Model Town on April 6, 2021 to become the top civil servant for the City of Fredericton, New Brunswick’s Capital City.
He will replace Chris MacPherson, who is retiring after 11 years in the CAO role and a career that has spanned more than 40 years with the City of Fredericton. Fredericton City Council has approved the appointment.
Hart has over 20 years of progressive experience in management and decision-making in complex and demanding public sector work environments. He worked for the Province of New Brunswick and the Canadian Armed Forces before assuming the top staffing role with the Town of Oromocto in 2018.
“After a nationwide search, I am happy to welcome someone from next door to take over as our new Chief Administrative Officer,” said Fredericton Mayor Mike O’Brien, who also chaired the CAO Selection Committee. “Mr. Hart knows the Greater Fredericton area, has a deep understanding of municipal, provincial and federal politics, and a proven track-record in leadership.”
“Working in municipal government has been very rewarding and I am excited to work for this incredible city,” said Steven Hart. “I look forward to the joining the team at the City of Fredericton and working with City Council and staff to deliver the services that positively impact so many people.”
Steven Hart Biography:
Before becoming Chief Administrative Officer for the Town of Oromocto, Steven Hart served as Assistant Deputy Minister for Seniors and Long-Term Care and as Vice-President of Strategic Procurement at the Province of New Brunswick. He also worked with Department of Public Safety on a project related to Emergency Management and Resiliency.
During his time with the Canadian Armed Forces, Hart served as the Acting Deputy Commander of 5 CDSG Gagetown and was a Commanding Officer of the Logistics Unit at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown. Prior to his posting to Gagetown in 2012, he occupied various command and staff appointments in Ontario, Alberta and Manitoba, and was fortunate to serve with outstanding people in Eritrea and Afghanistan.
Hart holds a BA (Hons) Degree from the Royal Military College in the fields of Economics and Commerce. He has a Master of Arts degree in Conflict Analysis and Management from Royal Roads University, where he earned the "Chancellor's Award" for highest academic performance in the program. He has carried out other studies at the Canadian Forces College.
He is currently President of the Association of Municipal Administrators of New Brunswick and a member of the Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators. He sits on the Board of Directors for Ignite Fredericton and the Advisory Board for the Fredericton International Airport. Hart, his wife and son, have a home in Fredericton.
Emera Chair In Smart Grid Technologies

Emera Research Chair in Smart Grid Technologies
The University of New Brunswick (UNB) invites applications from outstanding researchers to fill the position of Emera Research Chair in Smart Grid Technologies (Chair). The position will be a full-time, tenure-track appointment at the rank of Full Professor (or Associate Professor under exceptional cases). Salary and rank will align with the selected candidate’s qualifications and experience. Applicants must have a Ph.D. and be eligible and committed to register as a professional engineer in New Brunswick.
UNB, founded in 1785, has two beautiful campuses, one in Fredericton and one in Saint John, New Brunswick. UNB performs world-class research both within Canada and internationally, and offers graduate and undergraduate degrees in more than 60 disciplines. More information about UNB can be found at
The role of the Chair is to contribute significantly to the body of scholarship on smart grid technologies. The Chair will be associated with, and involved in, the research and development activities undertaken by the Emera and NB Power Research Centre for Smart Grid Technologies (the Centre). The Chair shall be engaged in teaching, research, public service, or a combination of such duties consistent with such a role. The academic duties of the Chair shall include participation in a five-year collaborative research and development project with regional energy companies to design, build and test an integrated suite of distributed energy resource solutions in the context of an electric power utility.
The Chair will serve as the Director of the Centre. The Director will be responsible to lead a multi-disciplinary team of researchers, working in close collaboration with public and private-sector organizations, including regional utilities and technology providers. Evidence of leadership skills and a demonstrated ability to work effectively with individuals from diverse communities and cultures is required. Applicants will be expected to develop strong externally funded research programs leading to long term sustainability of the Centre and foster existing and new collaborations with other departments and faculties. Applicants should bring an extensive and effective network of contacts in the private and public sectors and very strong communication skills.
The ideal candidate will be an exceptional scholar with an established international reputation, supported by a record of scholarly achievement, productivity, and impact as evaluated through peer-reviewed publications, peer-reviewed research projects, research and knowledge translation activities, teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels, development of HQP training programs, and endorsements by leaders in their field.
Interested candidates are asked to provide a detailed curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching and scholarly interests and plans, and the names, email addresses and telephone numbers of four referees. Submit your application online by clicking the "Apply Now" button below or for more information, contact Jeff Forbes at .
The University of New Brunswick is committed to employment equity and fostering diversity within our community, and developing an inclusive workplace that reflects the richness of the broader community that we serve. The University welcomes and encourages applications from all qualified individuals who will help us achieve our goals, including women, visible minorities, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, persons of any sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. Preference will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada. Applicants should indicate current citizen status.
We will provide support in the recruitment processes to applicants with disabilities, including accommodation that takes into account an applicant’s accessibility needs. If you require accommodation to participate as a candidate in the recruitment process, please contact
Jeff Forbes

Jeff Forbes is a Managing Partner with KBRS. Over the past 21 years, he has successfully completed hundreds of searches, recruiting outstanding executives and senior leaders for a wide spectrum of public and private organizations – from regional start-ups to crown corporations to multi-billion dollar organizations.
Jeff plays an active role in the firm’s executive search practice, leading game changing search assignments. His extensive knowledge of industry, the region, the labour market, along with his ability to match skills with requirements, has earned Jeff a highly loyal and impressive list of clients. They continue to look to him for the expertise they need to stay competitive.
Jeff also plays an instrumental role in the leadership of the firm’s growing HR consulting and career transition practices and is one of the three owners of The Robertson Surrette Group.
Long active in the community, Jeff has served on a number of boards over the years, including the Canadian Cancer Society of Nova Scotia, Events East Limited, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia and the Advisory Board to the Dalhousie School of Medicine. Jeff was involved with A GREATER Halifax 2011-16 Economic Strategy and has been extensively involved with the Halifax Chamber of Commerce, beginning in 2005 when he joined the Board of Directors and Executive Committee, and including the role of Chair for the Board of Directors in 2010. He also led the Human Resources and Governance Committee to implement the Chamber’s first CEO Assessment process as well as its first board self evaluation program.
Jeff has helped raise vital funding and awareness for such community organizations as the Sunshine Foundation, the IWK Health Centre, the Black Business Initiative and the Metro Food Bank. He has participated in the Fusion Halifax’s Mentorship Program, and Nova Scotia Business Inc.'s "Connect Nova Scotia" mentoring program for entrepreneurs.
Before joining KBRS, Jeff earned a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Dalhousie University and held a series of sales management positions with one of Atlantic Canada’s leading private companies.
Originally from Antigonish, Jeff currently lives in the Halifax area with his wife and two daughters. Jeff is an avid golfer and a real estate investor, finding time to pursue his favourite pastimes whenever his busy schedule allows.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2013 15:07:29 -0400
Subject: Re Patronage and the recent doings up on the Hanwell Remember
me fellas?
To:,, oldmaison
<>,, andre <>
Cc: David Amos <>, "carl.urquhart"
<>, "blaine.higgs" <>, premier
<>, ConcernedCitizensOfHanwell@
"terry.seguin" <>, "mckeen.randy"
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" <>
To: <>; <>; <>;
<>; <>
Cc: <>; <>;
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 9:44 AM
Subject: Danny Boy Allain should completely understand this email EH Dominic
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 6:05 PM
> Subject: RE: Say hey to Bob Rae for me will ya?
> To:,
> Cc:,,
> Hey Johan
> Thanx for the response but rest assured that Bob Rae won't do a thing
> but other people are paying attention though. Funny how people start
> to try to appear ethical to me when they stand to lose a lot of money
> and political clout. Eh?
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> P.S. Scroll down to the bottom Danny Boy It looks like Gordy Baby and
> his PCO pals are in hot water N'esy Pas?
> From:
> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 14:53:51 +0000 (GMT)
> Subject: Regarding your enquiry to the Prime Ministry of Iceland
> To:
> David Raymond Amos
> Your enquiry has been received by the Prime Ministry of Iceland and
> waits attendance.
> Thank you.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Johan Boyden <>
> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 15:07:06 -0400
> Subject: Re: Say hey to Bob Rae for me will ya?
> To: David Amos <>
> Hello David Amos,
> Thank you for your email and phone message. Good luck in your fight to
> get Mr Rae to listen to you.
> Sincerely,
> Johan Boyden
> Communist Candidate,
> Toronto-Centre
> On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 1:16 PM, David Amos <>
> wrote:
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <>
>> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 10:53:47 -0300
>> Subject: I just called to remind the Speaker, the Bankers and the
>> Icelanders that I still exist EH Mrs Mrechant, Bob Rae and Iggy?
>> To:,,,
>> Cc:,,,
>> All of you should review the documents and CD that came with this
>> letter ASAP EH?
>> Perhaps Geir Haarde and Steingrimur Sigfusson should call me at 506 756
>> 8687
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <>
>> Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2008 19:30:52 -0300
>> Subject: I heard your worry about money just now
>> To:
>> Perhaps now that people who love their money are losing it in a
>> bigtime fashion maybe the not so stupid ordinary folk whose money the
>> bankers have been palying with will start listening to why I am
>> laughing at the bankers EH?
>> Have a little listen for yourself to get a chuckle if you ain't crying
>> about your losses
> Just Dave
> By Location Visit Detail
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Blaine Higgs seeks to take politics out of governing from the top
Former finance minister wants to take the politics out of decision-making as he runs for PC leadership
Higgs is one of seven candidates for the leadership of the Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick and he's among those promising big changes to how politics are done.
"I'm running because I have the independence of thinking this province desperately needs," he said when he launched his campaign.
"I did not grow up in a political family. I did not come from deep roots politically."
Higgs developed a reputation during his four years as finance minister as a straight talker. He often walked right up to the line of criticizing his own government:

"It's a case when politicians are the most vulnerable and people say `I'll get him to promise this,'" he said.
He refused to endorse Premier David Alward's appointment of cabinet minister Margaret-Ann Blaney as the chief executive officer of a Crown corporation.
"He made it clear that was his appointment," he said in the legislature.
"That is his decision."
He questioned the cost of keeping small rural schools open and building large highway infrastructure.
After the PCs lost the 2014 election, Higgs admitted they had put off $30 million in education cuts to try to hold onto power.
"During an election period, a lot of the focus gets off the planned initiatives. I saw it happen during the election and during the lead-up to the election," he said.
Sparred over budget speech
Higgs' frustration with politicized decision-making has been a theme of his for years. In an interview with CBC News, he described a fight with staffers in Alward's office.
In 2011 he was given a draft of his first budget speech, assembled by the premier's office and the finance department.
"And I took it home [over the weekend] and I went through it, and I re-wrote it," he said.
On budget day, he drove to Fredericton.
"Lo and behold it was right back where it started," he said. He was told that some of the statements in the speech were politically risky.
"So I said, `Well, who's going to give the speech? Because if I'm giving it, this is what it's going to say. But if I'm not, that's OK too.'"
Higgs delivered his version. For the remainder of the PC mandate, he would continue to chafe at how politics influenced decision-making.
Fix system from top
Eventually, he says, he realized the only way to fix the system was to reach the very top of it.
He has told PC audiences this year that he's "running for premier because I can't get it done as finance minister."
When former Saint John mayor Mel Norton bragged at one forum about how he and his council "fixed a bankrupt pension in six months," Higgs claimed the credit for himself and the Alward government.
"We know all about the pension plan," he said.
"We changed the rules, so that municipalities could do it across the province."
So how does Higgs claim he couldn't get things done, while asserting he got things done?
He says the pension reform took almost two years to introduce "because many of the people around [Alward] were very much involved with the politics, more than the process improvement or making the change."
'I've been there. I've seen it'
"There's that process and the learning curve, which I don't need. I've been there. I've seen it."
But two PC MLAs who support Norton say it's not fair to condemn political decision-making.
"We are politicians," says Saint John Lancaster MLA Dorothy Shepherd.
"We're going to have party discussions about things that are important to us."
And Saint John Portland MLA Trevor Holder says "when it's done right … politics is what makes things happen."
Higgs "would appoint somebody to a position because he thought he was a good person, as opposed to returning a favour," says Chris Waldschutz, a Saint John party member and supporter.
"I think a lot of people fear that line of thought. People perhaps of lesser innate quality but who are in important positions from the old system — where you scratch my back and I scratch yours — have lots to lose."
Counting on grassroots
Higgs is counting on grassroots Tories and newly signed up members to make up for that.
He says he tells New Brunswickers who like his message that "it doesn't matter what the party's called — use the PC party as a conduit to change politics in New Brunswick."
Go to the centralized position and change it.
- Blaine Higgs, PC leadership candidate
Another possible Higgs contradiction: if a top-down system is bad, won't getting to the top yourself just perpetuate it?
"Go to the centralized position and change it," Higgs says.
But many leadership candidates have promised to run a more bottom-up government and to take the politics out of decisions — only to decide once they're at the top that top-down isn't so bad.
Higgs answers with a question: "So how many things have I said since I started that I haven't followed through on? How much have I changed since I started?"
It may take a Higgs win at Saturday's convention, and in the election two years from now, before New Brunswickers get to see just how real his rebellion would be.
- A previous version of this story said that Blaine Higgs threatened to quit over changes to his 2011 budget speech. Higgs says when he raised the idea of not delivering the rewritten speech, he was not threatening to quit.Oct 19, 2016 10:14 AM AT
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