The police arrest Kelly Anne Wolfe: The Jan 16th 2021 Freedom Protest at Dundas Square in Toronto.
On the Kevin J.Johnston Show we have Kelly Anne Wolf, Martin McDermott and Stefanos
Fearless Canada is expanding rapidly across Quebec and Ontario
Richard Girgis speaking at the Freedom Rally hosted by Stephane Blais in Trois-Riviere on Saturday September 26,2020
A group named Fearless Canada (FC) has emerged from Fearless Ontario which claims some 7,000 members. In order to reach the Francophone population, the group also formed Courage Quebec. Fearless Canada offers its alliance to groups with similar views as well those who share their principal goal which is to hold the government accountable for the measures imposed as a result of COVID-19 and aim to open a platform for debates without censorship.
Often thrown into the mix with conspiracy theorists, the group leaders, Richard Girgis from Quebec and Gord Parks from Ontario, maintain that their vision aligns with sound judgment based on analyzing facts. FC intends to hold governments accountable for their decisions based on science and epidemiological evidence surrounding COVID-19. “We are a community of non partisan individuals and families determined to hold our government accountable for imposing ineffective and unjustified COVID-19 measures that do not reflect scientific evidence, epidemiological data and opinions of experts around the world. As such we are not affiliated or aligned with any political organization and our sole interest is that public policy be based on scientific evidence.” Fearless Canada Co-Leader and spokesperson, Richard Girgis explained to The Suburban in an exclusive interview.
The group wants to put an end to censorship such as removal of research which opposes what they refer to as the 'narrative' from social media sites and doctors like Dr. Lacroix who spoke out and were called to order by the college of physicians. They want the fundamental rules of democracy based on open discussions and debates to be respected by governments and media outlets. Their goal is not to undo the governments message, rather to undo the censorship surrounding their message and to allow for an open channel of discussion between researchers, medical professionals, economics experts and governments who are either for or against the current measures.
When announcing the "numbers" Girgis explains that the focus on reporting the COVID numbers, as in any pandemic, should be on the number of hospitalizations and deaths rather than the number of infections alone. A pandemic leading to a state of emergency suggests a severe threat and according to Canadian standards, "emergency" measures cannot be maintained without absolute scientific evidence that the measures are equal to the threat of the virus AND do not cause more damage than the virus itself.
When asked what outcome they expect to arise as a result of their efforts, Girgis responded to The Suburban that “We want the government to follow data and science rather than apply a unilateral top down application of measures.”
According to FC’s conclusions based on evidence provided by experts in various fields, they also insist that governments consider the damages caused as a result of the measures that they chose to apply. “Measures come with collateral damage that far surpass the damage caused by COVID-19. For example, unemployment related suicides, rise in depression, business closures and deaths resulting from diverting precious medical resources.”
The group stated that they want more transparency and clear explanations by governments when instituting measures in any emergency situation present or future. “The burden of proof for instituting measures is on the government. People are afraid mainly as a result of confusion due to mixed messages and a lack of explanation other than the repetitive fear-based message constantly putting the blame of infection on the general public when 90% of the deaths in Quebec, as an example, occurred in long-term care facilities.”
“We have to question why the government is not talking about the issues surrounding the real culprit causes of COVID-19 deaths, such as substandard care in long term care facilities. We cannot simply ignore facts.”
FC members do not criticize the emergency measures taken in March, seeing as is there was no local data to rely on at the time. “We are past 6 months in, there exists data which has been investigated and assembled voluntarily by world experts who by default discovered parallel correlations in their findings.”
“The question we are posing to the government, the media responsible for covering all angles impartially as well as ourselves is: why are these facts not being considered and brought to light?”
“We are not vested in one government or another. We are not anti-maskers; we are 'anti-government measures' that do not coincide with science.”
“We also want to encourage others to ask themselves the same questions and where they sense censorship, to dig deeper. Since when is the democratic process in Canada allowed to be suppressed?"
Richard Girgis - Managing Partner and Consultant - AMG ...
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DGRE Canada Details
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The FDDLP announces the filing, by two plaintiffs, of an application to have the curfew declared unconstitutional.
#GouvQc #Communiqué #COVID19 #JusticeQc #FDDLP
News release
Québec, January 29th 2021 – Foundation for the Defense of People's Rights and Freedoms (FDDLP) announces that this morning, an application for ‘habeas corpus’ was filed at the Montreal Courthouse and served on the Attorney General of Quebec by two plaintiffs, Ms. Julie Lévesque and Mr. Jean-Pierre Matte, who are supported by the ‘FDDLP’ in this process.
The purpose of this application is to have the curfew imposed by the Government of Quebec declared unconstitutional and, consequently, illegal and unenforceable. A copy of this request is attached to this press release.
Please note that a webcast will take place this Friday, January 29th at 4:00 pm on the ‘FDDLP’ Facebook page with Me Dominic Desjarlais, Me Jean Dury and Me Samantha Di Done in connection with the filing of this legal proceeding.
Please join the event on the following link:
Foundation for the Defense of People's Rights and Freedoms is a non-profit organization that came into being on May 7, 2020. Its mission is to maintain the freedoms acquired and to protect the fundamental rights of the people. Through various means, the ‘FDDLP’ is committed to offering helpful resources, quality content and to fostering a collective awakening with the intention of mobilizing the population on current issues.
Press contact:
Phone: (581) 700-8867
By E-mail:
SOURCE: Foundation for the Defense of People's Rights and Freedoms
Un organisme s’adresse aux tribunaux pour faire lever le couvre-feu
Par : Camille Laurin-Desjardins | Le : 2021-01-29 13h58
Les deux demandeurs, Julie Lévesque et Jean-Pierre Matte, des citoyens qui ont reçu un constat d’infraction en lien avec le couvre-feu, s’estiment lésés par cette mesure.
Ils sont représentés par les avocats Dominic Desjarlais, Jean Dury et Samantha Di Done. Ces derniers prévoient d’ailleurs s’adresser au public cet après-midi par une webdiffusion sur Facebook, en lien avec le dépôt de cette procédure.
Les demandeurs soutiennent que le couvre-feu est une « mesure qui ne repose que sur des hypothèses ou conjonctures lointaines, et non des principes scientifiques, ainsi que sur des motifs visant essentiellement et exclusivement un contrôle social ».
Selon eux, le couvre-feu est « illégal, inconstitutionnel, et porte atteinte au droit à la liberté prévu à l’article 7 de la Charte canadienne et au droit à la protection contre la détention arbitraire prévu à l’article 9 de la Charte canadienne. »
Ils soulignent que le gouvernement avait déjà déclaré, au printemps dernier, qu’il n’avait pas l’intention d’imposer un couvre-feu.
La FDDLP a été fondée par Stéphane Blais, connu pour ses prises de position contre les mesures sanitaires et aux tendances complotistes.
Il y a deux semaines, la FDDLP avait mis en demeure le premier ministre François Legault, le sommant d’engager sa responsabilité civile personnelle face aux risques et effets indésirables des vaccins Pfizer/BioNtech et Moderna.
C’est le même groupe qui avait engagé, l’été dernier, une poursuite anti-confinement, et de laquelle s’était retiré l’avocat Guy Bertrand.
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Samantha Di Done
– Criminal and penal lawyer –
I worked as a student with Jean Dury since my 2nd year in law school. Subsequently, I did my articling with him and I am now self-employed while working on many files with him and with other lawyers in the same office. I had the opportunity to specialize in information technology and cannabis laws and regulations. Moreover, I was invited by Denis Lévesque to discuss the legal aspect of cannabis on TVA news and was invited to speak on the radio 98.5 hosted by Paul Arcand to comment on the impact of the new legislation. In addition, I gave a lecture with my colleague Marc-Antoine Rock concerning search warrants before the Quebec Defence Attorney Association.
I represent several individuals accused of various offenses and I also do penal law, including traffic-related offenses. Also, I worked on several cases regarding cannabis, both medical and recreational.
Being accused of a crime can be overwhelming and having to undergo the legal procedure nerve-racking. However, I will simplify the legal implications in your case so that you understand what is happening each step of the way. I will also explain to you your different options and ensure that you benefit from the best possible defence. I have gotten lenient penalties for my clients and have even prevented clients from getting criminal records. I can do the same for you.
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C’est quoi le Tribunal de l’infaux?

Comme son nom l’indique, le Tribunal de l’infaux s’attaque aux fausses nouvelles, les plus dommageables, soit celles publiées par les médias dominants. Du 11-Septembre aux présumées attaques chimiques en Syrie, en passant par les armes – inexistantes – de destruction massive irakiennes, les grands médias occidentaux publient constamment de fausses nouvelles donnant l’aval aux projets machiavéliques concoctés dans les hautes sphères du complexe militaro-industriel.
Qui est derrière cette initiative?
Non, ce n’est pas Vladimir Poutine.
Ce n’est que moi, Julie Lévesque, une fille qui écrit dans son hamac ou dans une maison de thé en Chine les jours ensoleillés.
La preuve :
Le Tribunal de l’infaux est une initiative personnelle et une autre étape dans mon combat contre la désinformation médiatique. Dès la fin de mes études en journalisme en 2009, je me suis fait un devoir de critiquer la désinformation et la propagande de guerre dans les médias occidentaux. J’ai travaillé 6 ans pour Global Research et, l’un figurant sur la liste Prop or Not du Washington Post, l’autre sur le Décodex du Monde.
De nombreux sites et/ou journalistes que je connais bien pour avoir lu et publié leurs textes dans le cadre de mon travail et/ou que je connais personnellement se sont retrouvés sur ces listes noires. Plutôt que de voir cela comme une insulte ou une perte de crédibilité, je considère qu’il s’agit d’un honneur de se retrouver sur ces listes puisque cela signifie en réalité que ces personnes nuisent à la crédibilité d’un système propagandiste criminel qui n’ose pas dire son nom.
Dans un texte issu de la conférence « Karl Kraus, George Orwell et Noam Chomsky – Les intellectuels, l’objectivité, la propagande et le contrôle de l’esprit public », Jacques Bouveresse explique par ailleurs pourquoi un système de propagande jouit d’une plus grande crédibilité dans une démocratie que dans un État totalitaire :
La différence entre les pays démocratiques et les autres n’est pas que les premiers peuvent se passer d’un système de propagande et mettent un point d’honneur à le faire, alors que les seconds ont un besoin essentiel d’un système de cette sorte, mais que les démocraties modernes ont réussi à se doter d’un système de propagande à la fois incomparablement plus crédible et beaucoup plus difficile à déceler et à reconnaître pour ce qu’il est.
Parler de « propagande médiatique » à propos de la façon dont les choses se passent dans un pays comme les États-Unis, où la presse est réputée entièrement libre et indépendante, est évidemment déjà à soi seul une provocation, que les représentants de la profession et les intellectuels qui s’empressent de prendre leur défense trouvent absolument inacceptable. La raison essentielle de cela est évidemment la supposition absurde que l’utilisation du mot « propagande » pour décrire le fonctionnement des médias dans une société démocratique serait indissociable de l’idée d’une théorie de la conspiration qui suggère, contre toute espèce de vraisemblance, que les médias reçoivent régulièrement les ordres et appliquent consciencieusement les directives du pouvoir politique. Il est pourtant parfaitement possible, comme le fait Chomsky, de parler d’une illusion à propos de ce qu’affirme le principe démocratique – qui énonce que « les médias sont indépendants, déterminés à découvrir la vérité et à la faire connaître », alors qu’en réalité « ils passent le plus clair de leur temps à donner l’image d’un monde tel que les puissants souhaitent que nous nous le représentions » — et de nier en même temps que les puissants aient besoin de leur imposer leur volonté par des interventions explicites et directes. « Ceux qui s’adaptent, peut-être en toute honnêteté, admet Chomsky, seront libres de s’exprimer avec un minimum de contrôle de leur hiérarchie, et ils pourront affirmer très justement ne subir aucune pression pour suivre la norme. » Une théorie de la conspiration n’est en aucune façon nécessaire là où le sens de l’adaptation et la tendance au conformisme ont engendré des normes intériorisées et des mécanismes d’autocensure qui suffisent largement à expliquer ce qui se passe. Kraus observait déjà que, dans un pays comme l’Autriche, la censure du pouvoir politique était, à tout prendre, bien moins à craindre pour un journaliste que celle du rédacteur en chef. Il va sans dire que la critique du système journalistique dans la Fackel ne comporte pas non plus la moindre trace d’une théorie de la conspiration, explicite ou implicite, même si c’est le genre de chose que le système en question a évidemment tout intérêt à essayer de faire croire pour pouvoir la récuser a priori. »
L’idée de ce site m’est venue à la suite d’une plainte que j’ai formulée à Radio-Canada concernant un « article » sur le 11-Septembre pour lequel on m’a interviewée et qualifiée, évidemment, d’« adepte des théories du complot ».
En portant plainte contre un journaliste, les responsables de l’information sont dans l’obligation de défendre leur mauvais travail et ils le font très mal. Porter plainte s’est révélé être une façon exquise d’exposer la fraude intellectuelle de ceux qui prétendent nous informer.
Lorsqu’ils sont confrontés sur leur propre terrain, les médias doivent justifier leur manque flagrant d’éthique journalistique et, ce faisant, ils exhibent leur malhonnêteté intellectuelle, l’absurdité de leur faux raisonnement et leur ignorance crasse des faits ou leur aveuglement volontaire.
Attendez-vous donc à des réponses savoureuses de l’élite médiatique.
J’invite tous ceux qui désirent lutter contre ce système malhonnête, voire criminel, à se joindre à cette initiative en soumettant des textes ou des suggestions de plaintes.
L’union fait la force!
Pour suivre les péripéties de ma plainte à Radio-Canada, dans un style plutôt littéraire, visitez La Plainte.
Je m’amuse aussi parfois à faire un peu d’humour au lieu de « juste chiâler ». Si vous aimez la satire, visitez Suzie de Nazareth.
Vous pouvez lire mes articles sur et Global Research.
Il m’arrive aussi à l’occasion de publier des textes pour Antennes de paix.
P.S. : Comme je suis prof à temps plein, les publications sur ce site, comme sur tous les autres, seront irrégulières. Karl Kraus se faisait d’ailleurs un devoir de publier son journal satirique Die Fackel de manière sporadique, évitant ainsi la médiocrité qui s’installe avec la régularité.
N’hésitez pas à faire part de vos
commentaires, surtout s’ils sont bêtes et méchants, car c’est dans
l’adversité que l’on grandit
Si vous préférez, utilisez cette adresse :
- ***UPDATE - ADAMSON BBQ VS ROA***JUDGE DISMISSES CASE CLAIMING NO JURISDICTIONIn an unfortunate, but perhaps not unpredictable turn of events, Judge Akbarali ruled to dismiss Adamson Barbecue's case stating that the Superior Court of Justice of Ontario has no jurisdiction to rule on the file. Rather than examining the evidence and opting to rule on the Notice of Constitutional Question submitted by Adam Skelly and his legal team, the Court has dismissed the case pending a revised application at a future date.This would appear to be a response based on procedure and does not in any way accept or refute the evidence presented by Skelly and his team. It does, however, have the effect of delaying the service of justice. It also remains unknown why, if Judge Akbarali intended to dismiss the case based on inappropriate jurisdiction, why no notice was served to Skelly's team to this effect and why the hearing was booked in the first place. It is also unclear if the fact that the Superior Court switched judges back in February had any impact on this decision.Advisor on evidence for Adam Skelly's team, Chris Weisdorf, had this to say in reaction to this morning's decision:"The Superior Courts in this country have the broadest jurisdiction and maximum power and authority to hear every civil proceeding, especially constitutional proceedings. In a free and democratic society under British Common Law, one is subject to natural justice and fundamental justice. Simply put, one has the right to be heard. And that right was denied to Adam. Access to justice was denied. The rule of law has been cancelled, once again. This is the first time in Canadian history a Notice of Constitutional Question served and filed months in advance with a huge evidentiary record was refused to be heard in a Superior Court."-----------------------------------
48 Comment
David Raymond AmosSurprise Surprise Surprise
Fearless Canada
Jturhnsen 1h4Soun at ugopou8:nlh2Ssoul5 ePrethMd
- RICHARD G JOINS JULIE LÉVESQUE - WEEKLY UDPATE (2nd Installment)Richard G, board member of the Foundation for the Defense of the People's Rights and Freedoms and Fearless Canada activist takes a look at the latest news with independent journalist Julie Lévesque.Topics include anti-mask leaders at the G7, concerts just like in the good old days in Congo and China while Quebeckers are treated like cattle and confined to small pens at festivals, Pfizer clinical trials which showed injections are more harmful than beneficial for 12-15 year-olds, and many other topics you will not hear about in the mainstream media.We've put together model letters and notices of liability aimed at employers or school principals who are unlawfully coercing employees or students into getting injected as a condition for employment / enrollment. You can download, edit to suit your needs, print, sign, and send these letters and notices to your employer or school director on the Fearless Canada website, www.fearlesscanada.orgLinks to sources and mirrored premiere here, on the FDDLP's page:-------------------------------------RICHARD G REJOINT JULIE LÉVESQUE - TOUR DE L'ACTUALITÉ HEBDOMADAIRE (2e épisode)Tour d’actualité avec Richard G, membre du CA de la Fondation pour la défense des droits et libertés du peuple et de Fearless Canada.On vous parle des leaders antimasques du G7, des concerts comme dans le bon vieux temps au Congo et en Chine alors que les Québécois doivent se confiner dans des enclos comme du bétail, des essais cliniques des injections qui ont démontré que les jeunes de 12-15 ans ont plus de risques que de bénéfices et plein d’autres sujets dont vous n’entendrez pas parler dans les grands médias.Nous avons préparés des modèles de lettres et d'avis de responsabilité destinés aux employeurs ou aux directeurs d'école qui contraignent illégalement des employés ou des étudiants à se faire injecter comme condition d'emploi/d'inscription. Vous pouvez télécharger, modifier selon vos besoins, imprimer, signer et envoyer ces lettres et avis à votre employeur ou directeur d'école sur le site web de Fearless Canada, au www.fearlesscanada.orgLiens vers les sources et la première en miroir ici sur la page de la FDDLP :
RCMP Sussex New BrunswickYOUTUBE.COMCROSS BORDERSCRIBD.COMDavid Raymond Amos Round 3DAVIDRAYMONDAMOS3.BLOGSPOT.COMI trust that his minion Mark Koneda of US Naval Intel and his FBI pals know why I had no respect for their Biden's old buddy Rep. Alcee HastingsDAVIDRAYMONDAMOS3.BLOGSPOT.COMI trust that his minion Mark Koneda of US Naval Intel and his FBI pals know why I had no respect for their Biden's old buddy Rep. Alcee Hastings

Meet the Strange and Mysterious Group Organizing Anti-Lockdown Protests Across Canada
Organizer of ‘Canada-wide’ anti-lockdown protests linked to private security agency that sells special bracelets to block 5G signals
You’ve probably never heard of the “Free North Patriots” before, but in only two weeks, the group seemingly appeared out of thin air to organize several protests in cities across Canada against the COVID-19 lockdown.
Last weekend, an anti-lockdown protest in Toronto received extensive media coverage as dozens flouted public health rules and marched on Queen’s Park. Ontario Premier Doug Ford later described the group as a “bunch of yahoos.”
“They are breaking the law and putting everyone in jeopardy,” Ford said.

Free North Patriots
But it’s tricky figuring out who the “Free North Patriots” really are and what they’re really up to — the group’s responses to questions contain numerous inconsistencies and their leader operates under multiple names.
FNP’s website and social media accounts list no names and count only a small handful of followers. In fact, the group’s website, Facebook page and a private Facebook group were all created on April 12.
Barely a week later, the group began promoting “peaceful protests” in cities across Canada that would go on to be shared hundreds and hundreds of times.

FNP calls itself a “civil liberties” group and claims to represent “business owners.” They say their members “conduct local meetings, fundraising, peaceful protests and discuss relevant issues.”
“We just saw the need that all the people are posting random opinion on random social media groups and they lacked structure,” an anonymous group member who answered an e-mail sent to their website told PressProgress.
“Our aim was to provide the structure and communication.”
Several FNP members identified a man named Michael Boutros as the group’s founder, lead organizer and creator of its website and social media accounts, although a glance at his social media activity raises several red flags.

Boutros’ Facebook profile consists largely of Canadian-themed stock imagery yet he’s connected with individuals in Africa and the Philippines who don’t appear to speak English and have no apparent connection to Canada. But he insists there is nothing suspicious about that.
“I don’t have any followers on my profile that I know,” Boutros told PressProgress.
“Ever since I start, yes, the Facebook group, everyone is adding me,” he explained. “People I don’t know and random people … I have no interest in Facebook really.”
Boutros told PressProgress he “operates” a private security agency “specializing in lawful interactions and tactics” and “close proximity security,” but added that “most of the work is overseas.”
The Vancouver resident declined to provide the name of his company or his clients, but PressProgress independently confirmed he’s associated with a Scarborough company registered under the name “GCT Security and Investigations.”
That company, which advertises government-regulated training programs for private security guards and private investigators, has operated under several different names and websites in recent years.
(Ontario’s Ministry of the Solicitor General looked into the company’s license after being contacted by PressProgress. Nearly a week after this story was first published, a ministry spokesperson confirmed the company is a licensed training operator, but its name was only added to an official list of licensed training providers three days after publication. The company previously said they “100% have an agency license,” but refused to disclose their license number).

Logos of GCT Tactical and the Free North Patriots (Facebook)
Other members of Free North Patriots admit they have never actually physically met the man who is organizing their anti-lockdown protests.
Kyle Jefferson, one of the group’s Facebook admins, told PressProgress he first got involved in the group a few weeks ago after stumbling across the Facebook page and exchanging e-mails with Boutros.
Jefferson said Boutros “seems honest, but you can’t trust anyone these days.”
Another admin named Aaron said he’s only been involved with the group for a few weeks and believes Boutros is an “interesting” and “very cultured” person.
“We have not met in person,” Aaron said. “We have had quite lengthy conversations though. I know him better than I know many people I have met in person.”
Aaron, whose Facebook profile features images of his young children alongside text criticizing “mandatory vaccines,” said he first learned of FNP through another Facebook group he’s involved with.
Boutros claims he does “not hold any political views,” but his activity on Facebook shows he’s actively promoted his anti-lockdown protests in Facebook groups linked to conspiracy theories and far-right politics, such as Yellow Vests Canada.
“Joining social media profiles like the Yellow Vest does not indicate my support,” Boutros said. “It is simply an avenue to promote our plans as effectively as possible to as many Canadian citizens as possible.”

Boutros is quick to distance his group from supporters of conspiracy theories about an imagined connection between COVID-19 and 5G cell phone towers, insisting that their “views do not match ours.”
However, Boutros has also promoted a company that sells a special bracelet for $115 that is designed to block 5G signals from entering the human body.
The website states it is run by “GCT Group, a security & safety agency located in Toronto, Canada” and shares the same address as GCT Security and Investigations.
Sharon Trickett, the legal owner of “GCT Security and Investigations,” did not deny that she and Boutros were behind the 5G bracelet company: “All the information you need is on the 5Gblocker website. Nothing more I can add to that,” Trickett said.
The 5G bracelet is identical to one sold by a Nevada-based company called AlphaBio Centrix, who said they had never heard of GCT Group and never authorized them to sell their 5G Blocker bracelet.
“AlphaBio Centrix, R&D is the original designer and inventor of the 5G Bracelets,” CEO Richard Eaton told PressProgress. “We designed the products and had them manufactured for us, per our specifications, and photographed for online sales.”
“I was not aware of this company,” he added. “I will have our attorney look into this.”
Nearly 20 minutes after PressProgress contacted GCT Security and Investigations, Boutros suddenly changed his Facebook name to “Tony Anderson” and posted on his page that he works for a private bodyguard agency called “InSafe.”
Less than 30 minutes later, Boutros deleted that post and posted that he worked for a different company called “Cube Security.”
Several people connected to Free North Patriots or GCT Security and Investigations were unable to confirm Boutros was a real person, other than Trickett who said she has “met Michael in person, but not very often.”
She said she “hired Michael Boutros for his expertise” on a “temporary” contract to help with “several different companies and training platforms” that she runs.
“Michael Boutros’ personal life is in no way associated with any of my companies or my business associates,” Trickett told PressPorgress.
Despite numerous questions about his true identity, Boutros’ supporters insist that “the citizens of Canada are behind them.”
Aaron, one of FNP’s Facebook admins, told PressProgress he sees no irony in the fact that he appears more skeptical of vaccines than he is of a man he met two weeks ago online who operates under multiple names.
“I am skeptical of all things … A critical mind does not stop asking questions,” Aaron replied, before declining to answer further questions.

Update: Following publication of this story, Ontario’s Ministry of the Solicitor General confirmed the company ”GCT Security and Investigations” is indeed a licensed training agency, however, a ministry spokesperson noted the company was only formally listed on May 1, 2020 — three days after this story was first published.
The spokesperson said their listings are generally updated ”15 days” after a company’s application for a license is approved. The spokesperson also noted other names the company advertises services under, including “Guard Courses” and “Ontario Security & PI License Centre,” are not listed as registered training agencies.
“A licensed agency advertising training services under multiple names is not required to register their marketing brands under the Private Security and Investigative Services Act but they are encouraged to voluntarily register their other marketing brands,” the ministry spokesperson explained.
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Canadian Anti-Hate Network
Rick Boswick has been given a suspended sentence and 12 months probation for threatening bodily harm against a Toronto anti-fascist activist.
Judge Joseph Bovard handed down his ruling in an Ontario court on Friday, citing Boswick’s troubled childhood, substance abuse issues, previous criminal record and his willingness to engage in counselling in his decision.
“I’m confident that Mr. Boswick has learned a hard lesson and will not be before the court again,” said Bovard in his decision, adding that he believed the long prosecution process had served as a deterrent to others who would look at the case.
Additional conditions on his sentence include not publishing any material related to his victim for the duration of his probation, a prohibition on owning weapons, supervision, and counselling. A Gladue report was also considered as part of the sentencing. These reports acknowledge that Indigenous peoples face systemic racism as part of court proceedings and are factored into sentencing decisions -- Boswick said he was happy the report was considered.
He will not be required to turn over his DNA due to the financial hardship of travelling back to Toronto from Ottawa, the judge said.
Boswick, 45, is known for his involvement in the harassment of Soufi’s, a Toronto eatery run by a Syrian family, which had to temporarily shutter its doors due to the intense nature of the harassment and threats they were receiving. In addition, Boswick was present during the attack on Hamilton Pride, and has disrupted Drag Queen Story Hour with hate preacher Dorre Love. Love is currently facing assault charges for attacking a man in Vancouver’s gay village, and breaking his leg.
Boswick represented himself during the August 2020 proceedings. While he maintained that the evidence in question – a video streamed to Facebook in Spring 2019 – did not constitute a threat, one of his own witnesses conceded that it was a threat.
When reached for comment, Boswick maintained that he did not threaten anyone.
“I have to read the actual ruling deciding whether or not to appeal. It’s something that is beyond my means, I’m tired,” Boswick said in a phone call. “I just have to make sure what I understand is my sentence today is in the declaration on Monday [and] based on that I will make my decision to appeal.”
“I’m elated with the judge's explanation for the judgement, he was empathetic that based on witness testimony and my conduct that I did better than average in the court.”
The day’s sentencing saw Boswick call a number of character witnesses, all of which characterized him as non-violent and as a reformed family man. His own statement before the court included expression of regret “if” his actions had impacted the victim, but maintained he had not committed a crime.
The Crown asked for a conditional sentence, or house arrest, of six months alongside conditions.
Most objectionable to Boswick was the condition that he not publish, participate or post any online content about the victim. This is likely due to the condition interfering with his plan to release a self-produced documentary titled “Lawfare.” He has indicated in the past that this would focus on his court case.
Boswick, who had previously filed a motion for mistrial, also stated during another court appearance that he has filed a constitutional challenge with the Attorney General, though also reports that this was dismissed due to his failure to provide all the required paperwork. He had regularly cited issues with the procedure, the travel required, and a lack of help from legal aid.
During a livestream in March 2021, Boswick called the crown
attorney prosecuting him, a woman of colour, a “diversity hire,” and
claimed that the video in evidence was doctored.
In the same video, Boswick launched into complaints that the refusal to allow the full 90 minute livestream in which he and two others threatened the antifascist into evidence amounted to lies and “customizing of the testimony” before baselessly accusing the victim of terrorism.
The Inciting Incident
The video in question, streamed to Facebook in Spring 2019, Boswick argued did not constitute a threat despite one of his witnesses even conceded that it was during trial.
“You’re done bud... Get ready. We’re going to start carrying fucking paintball pistols with fucking rubberized marbles, skullbreakers they call them... You fucking act as insane as you are at a fucking protest and I have something like that on my arm I will fucking sh-…, well, I will use it responsibly," he said in the stream. "That’s the only thing I have to say. Given the laws, I will use it only in worst-case scenario but I will relish when I shoot one of you in the fucking forehead with a marble.”
Boswick appeared in the video with Cory Scott and Derek Storie.
Derek Storie (L), Cory Scott, and Rick Boswick (R). Source: Screenshot from video
He spent much of the trial arguing that the full video should be shown for context, telling Judge Bovard, “Two minutes of, you know, drunken rants, doesn’t really give you a good sentiment of where people are coming from, what they’re trying to convey, in a 90-minute message."
Boswick had agreed during the pre-trial proceedings that the full video was unnecessary. It was not permitted to be shown in court, but the judge said he reviewed it.
Anti-Muslim vlogger Kevin Johnston was called to testify on the second day, during which he argued that the victim “supports radical Islam,” and alleged that he was part of an assault Johnston suffered in Ottawa in 2017, which is not true. Johnston characterized Boswick as polite and having a good reputation. Because he raised the issue of Johnston's character, the prosecution was able to introduce Boswick's prior criminal harassment conviction on cross-examination.
Boswick also called Jack Reynolds, a fixture in the Toronto far-right protest scene. Pressing Reynolds on his knowledge of terms and phrases like “creep catchers,” Judge Bovard ruled the majority of Boswick’s questions irrelevant.
Anti-Muslim activist Sandra Solomon was called as a witness shortly after. Crown Nagra read the transcript of the video clip in evidence to Solomon, who insisted Boswick never swears, raises his voice, or threatens people. Asked if the video is an example of Boswick yelling and swearing, Solomon agreed. When the Crown asked if the video included a threat, Solomon agreed that yes, it was a threat, but told the court that Boswick can't be held responsible because he's drunk.
Ed Jamnisek of the Northern Guard and Pegida was also called by Boswick as a witness. Jamnisek told the court that the Pegida rally attendees are “scarred emotionally,” and suffer from “psychological stress if not PTSD.” The court dismissed these claims as irrelevant. Jamnisek also admits that he never saw the victim at the rally in question.
After cross-examination of Jamnisek, Boswick attempts to re-examine him. After this was shut down, Boswick exclaims that he is “getting railroaded.”
Boswick and many of the witnesses attempted to use the proceedings to convince the court to pursue judicial action against anti-fascism and anti-fascists, which was routinely shut down by the court as irrelevant to the fact of whether Boswick uttered a threat.

I’m not confident they have a solid case. Let's take a look at the intersection of COVID denialism and the law. A🧵.
It’s not clear Skelly has done this – as he describes, he’s hired and fired 6 lawyers.
Their latest case is… interesting to say the least. Take a look at the defendants:

And the judge is having none of it. They quickly identifies these claims as those of a vexatious litigant.

They both sound akin to Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Arguments – which courts have soundly rejected. This is highlighted in Meads v Meads. You can read more here:……

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