Friday 13 August 2021

YO Patrick King I trust that your lawyers or Big Bad Billy Blair and legions of cops on both sides of the Medicine Line would enjoy a little Deja Vu on Friday the 13th before your circus begins





 ---------- Original message ----------
From: "Coon, David (LEG)" <>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2021 16:22:12 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Patrick King I trust that your lawyers or
Big Bad Billy Blair and legions of cops on both sides of the Medicine
Line would enjoy a little Deja Vu on Friday the 13th before your
circus begins
To: David Amos <>

Thank you for your email / Merci pour votre courriel.

I am out of the office / Je suis absent du bureau.

If you are a constituent in need of assistance, please Taeyon Kim at or call 455-0936. / Si vous êtes un électeur ayant
besoin d'aide, veuillez contacter Taeyon Kim à l'adresse ou appeler le 455-0936.

For media requests, please call: 506-429-2285 / Pour les demandes des
médias, veuillez appeler au 506-429-2285.

Many thanks / Merci beaucoup,

David Coon
MLA Fredericton South & Leader of the Green Party/
Député deFredericton Sud et chef du Parti Vert


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David Amos
Content disabled 
Go Figure These are obviously not my Tweets but I did run against the lady

Chisholm Pothier
Feb 10
The plan hasn’t even been announced yet and it’s already being condemned. We know one thing for sure - we cannot keep delivering Health the way we have. It isn’t sustainable with an aging population and needs have changed with demographic change anyway. #nbpoli /1
Quote Tweet
Alaina Lockhart
· Feb 9
Premier @BlaineHiggs you can’t grow NB by reducing services in rural areas. NB needs strong rural comms to thrive. The @townofsussex is key to the region. You need to start thinking about the people impacted in your quest to improve the bottom line.


David Amos 
Content disabled 
Reply to @David Amos: Chisholm Pothier no longer speaks for the government Correct?

David Amos
Need I say I got a few calls after supper last night and the people who called could tell I was pretty cranky about something? Trust that what I heard on CBC this morning did not help my mood any..

David Amos
Methinks the real problem is that Higgy and Flemming can't get enough bilingual folks who want to work within our Health Care System N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks everybody knows since the time of Trudeau The Elder New Brunswick has been a great place to grow up and get an education but to find work most of our young ones must head west somewhere on the far side of Quebec. If the truth hurts so be it N'esy Pas?

David Amos
On CBC this morning I heard our mindless Health Minister direct folks to the emergency room in another province. Methinks we have not heard that last about that N'esy Pas??

Jim Cyr
The people of New Brunswick are some of the silliest people in the world. It’s been hilarious to see almost all of them completely turn off their brains and freak out over Higgs’ emergency rooms plan. The people will now vote out the PCs, of course......just as their silly media masters tell them to do. And so the NB medical/fiscal/poverty situation will just get worse and worse and worse than it already is..
You can’t make this kind of stuff up, folks!! Amazing to see. Mind-numbingly predictable and monotonous. It’s like kubuki theater at this point.. BAD kubuki

David Amos 
Reply to @Jim Cyr: Methinks you may be cluing in as to why I call this a circus If you can't find fun in the madness then you will go crazy like they claim I am. Yea I'm crazy alright. Some say I'm crazy like a fox others say I am just another narcissistic fool Hard telling not knowing for sure but one thing is for certain I am having fun laughing at all the people who laughed at me N'esy Pas?

However I can be as crazy as i want to be Higgy should ask the shinks in the loonie bin of the DECH what they did with the wiretap tape of the mob that I gave them in 2008 that the RCMP refuse to investigate.

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Jim Cyr:
Silly? It's just plain "goofy". And once the CONServatives are gone, having been exchanged for the Liberals, the process will repeat itself, over and over.
Not one among us able to figure out the only end result is our pocket remain empty.

Michael Durant
We need to begin serious talks with Doctors Without Boarders

David Amos 
Reply to @Michael durant: Try again That one went over like a lead balloon 

Ben Haroldson
Reply to @Michael durant: borders  

Yves Savoie
Get your popcorn ready!!! The circus has begun....

David Amos
Reply to @Yves Savoie: Wanna trade some of your popcorn for peanuts?

Methinks Trump and everybody knows I have been enjoying the circuses on both sides of the 49th for many years from the peanut galley. Trump's minions know that just before July 4th, 2002 within a statement of Claim against an incredible number of Yankee lawyers I promised that I would run in the next Election in Canada. I have remained true to my word and have run 7 times thus far. I joined the clowns in the centre ring no only to to add my two bits worth and but to witness the high diving acts up close and personal. Trust that Harper and Higgy et al know that i dearly love the splash just my kids and I did at Sea World a long long time ago N'esy Pas?

Ben Haroldson
Reply to @David Amos: Kudos to that, and if you were in my riding you would get my vote, fed or prov.

Lou Bell 
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: That would give him 14 votes .

Lou Bell 
Reply to @David Amos: " Methinks trumps and everybody knows I have been enjoy.. .... ...... " !!! You really think trump knows who you are ?? Seriously ???????????

David Amos 
Reply to @Lou Bell: Do you want his lawyers cell number?

David Amos 
Reply to @Lou Bell: Better yet do you want me to give them yours so you can say hey to your Yankee heroes who locked me up in 2004?

David Amos 
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: Thanks for the vote of confidence 

Ben Haroldson 
The Doctors are just helping to move things along. No sense waffling if things are that dire.

David Amos
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: So you say 

Terry Tibbs
What do you *think*? Coincidence, or not?

David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks we all know the wicked game by now N'esy Pas?

David Amos 
Reply to @David Amos: BTW I was born in the Sackville Hospital in 1952 and it saved my butt 3 years later when I went into a coma for a month. Methinks for that reason alone I should raise hell to defend it. Methinks it should be rather obvious that I quite simply don't care what my cousin Megan Mitton and all her Green Party pals say or do about it N'esy Pas? 

Holly Mossing
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Not coincidence: ERs and Labour and Delivery units have been randomly closing for years due to staffing issues. That’s part of the problem, and this move will be part of the solution. Government being responsible by listening to the health authorities.

SarahRose Werner
How is the pool of doctors who provide nighttime ER coverage supplied? Are these doctors who also work day jobs? Does staffing the ER overnight make doctors less accessible to patients who seek service during the day?

Elaine MacDonald 
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Overnight Doctors come from the family practice doctors; so while some work the ER during the day, those who work nights will also work office hours during the day before their night shift starts. After midnight, the ER is emergencies only, so you will be triaged by a nurse, then depending on the triage, you may or may not see a doctor.

This Friday, from how it seems, there will be no doctor at all; I'm not sure if a tirage nurse will assess people however.

SarahRose Werner 
Reply to @Elaine MacDonald: Apparently not, because the ER will be closed entirely. Which makes sense because triage is a sorting procedure, not a treatment procedure. The word "triage" comes from the process of sorting battlefield patients into three levels: those will recover even without treatment, those who will even if treated and those for whom treatment will make a difference. If there's no one available to provide treatment, there's no point doing triage.

SarahRose Werner 
Reply to @Elaine MacDonald: "Overnight Doctors come from the family practice doctors; so while some work the ER during the day, those who work nights will also work office hours during the day before their night shift starts." - I'm not surprised that doctors who've already worked during the day are averse to taking overnight shifts as well.

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @SarahRose Werner:
Why would they be "adverse"? If the "stories" told to us are true, after supper the family practice doctor heads out to the ER for 7pm, taking paperwork, or reading material, to catch up on.
Right around maybe 10, or 11pm they pull up a bed and have a snooze, because there "might" be only 5 patients overnight, (this is "the claim") maybe only one needing his/her attention, so the nurse can wake him/her up as required. 7am the shift ends, doctor leaves fully rested,12 hours pay richer.
In some cases, if the doctor lives real close, they go home, coming in only if needed.

Holly Mossing
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Yes, it does, which is part of the problem. These are great shifts for doctors to pick up (quiet and pay very well), but don’t help the health of local people overall because the doc may see 5 urgent patients overnight but not be able to work at see *25* the next day. That’s a big capacity issue.

David Amos 
Reply to @Elaine MacDonald: Its a pity that nobody in Sackville would listen to me this week

David Amos 
Reply to @David Amos: However I will disclose that the Office of the CEO of one of our Health Care systems called me a few days before Flemming's big announcement in order to reach an understanding as to why I am going to file a lawsuitin order to get my Medicare Card and other things. I have heard nothing but crickets since. Methinks they think I am bluffing Others know I am not N'esy Pas?

Ian Scott
It would help if the management would outline what it takes to have an ER open 24/7. I do not think a lot of the public has a clue as to what it means to open an ER to all comers and the staff then needed to cover all reasonable issues. You cannot confuse the public and ambulances etc where to go each night if staffing gets short. It makes it worse. If you staff with general practice then they must have extended training in ER issues. Otherwise the next thing is the complaint that things were not done . Then comes the standard equipment needed for stroke trauma etc, like CT scanners etc. Even appendectomy becomes an issue without ultrasound or CT. Its really a standard of practice and it requires a service level that is very difficult to reach in small centers. Otherwise you just end up shipping people out again and delaying diagnostics and the right treatment, some of which are time related. Would you want surgery for something that is not needed? Or have blood thinners given when you actually have a brain bleed etc.

SarahRose Werner
Reply to @Ian Scott: One thing I've been reading in comments on stories on this issue is that people mention being "stabilized" in a smaller centre before being shipped out to a larger one. Not being a medical professional, I don't know what resources and skills are required to "stabilize" patients. Is this something that could be achieved in some other way, for example, by expanded and improved paramedic service?

Ian Scott 
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: That is the care in bigger centers, well trained paramedics to stabilize at site and transport. Still most stroke issues need CT before treatment. Heart issues may be "stabilized" with drugs etc but transfer really is key for assessment . Trauma , (major) , needs a trauma center. I am not sure how many paramedics can intubate in the field at this point in NB but even an acute asthma or allergic issue might need it. Its what has been suggested. The numbers are small in many of these towns.Even having those staff may prove difficult down the road. Helicopter Air ambulance is another issue, complex and expensive but out there. Freddy is a trauma center for a certain level , but even it only has a snowfield for landing. 

SarahRose Werner
Reply to @Ian Scott: Okay, so if someone has a heart attack, acute allergic attack, stroke, etc. in Sussex in the middle of the night and that person needs some sort of immediate treatment to tide them over until they get to the Saint John Regional, how is that provided? To me, that's the crux of the issue here. I agree that 24/7 ER service in all locations is not the answer. What are other possible answers?

Elaine MacDonald 
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: In that situation, the patient will be sent on to Saint John/Moncton (not sure which hospital in regards to Sussex) regardless if they are stable or not.

SarahRose Werner 
Reply to @Elaine MacDonald: Are there increased to the patient if they're sent on without stabilization? What are those? What will be done to ameliorate those risks?

Holly Mossing 
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: There is a great study on this that showed that cardiac patients who were “stabilized” at a small center then transferred had worse outcomes and a higher death rate than patients who bypassed their local ER and were brought directly to where they could receive specialized care, for example. ( ). Advanced care paramedics need to be normalized in New Brunswick and supported to make health care as safe as possible. I’ve never voted Conservative but in this case Higgs’ government is doing absolutely the responsible thing. We need to make sure they follow through with increased daytime services.

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Methinks you must have read some of my comments N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Hmmmm

Donald Smith
There has to be a reason, or reasons why NB Cannot attract them ???????

Mack Leigh
Reply to @Donald Smith: There definitely is however no one is allowed to talk about the " Elephant " in the room.

Ian Scott 
Reply to @Mack Leigh: Major centers are not really having that issue except for OR constraints for time for some specialists and no beds because of acute care bed blockers. Bathurst has excellent docs as does Edmonston and they are better at language issues than the south. Freddy and SJ and the Moncton centers also attract excellent staff. Its in between that is the issue , and medicine has changed , as have expectations and the standard of care. An ER is just that , all comers, not a clinic. One has to meet rigid standards of care. And those are hard to meet in 4k population or less towns and villages. Aging issues are one of the biggest issues and its being met poorly. Billing numbers are a thing of the past so not in the question. There could certainly be some concern I suppose of young docs worried about potential language issues but low.

Elaine MacDonald 
Reply to @Ian Scott: What people seem to forget is that Sackville, while a population of 5000 including Mt. Allison students, also services Dorchester, Memramcook, Port Elgin, Murry Corner as well as we get patients from the Cape like Cocagne, Cap Pele, Shediac. We've had people from Moncton and surrounding area come to our hospital in increasing numbers over the past two years, even as far as Anagance, AND we get people from NS as well like River Hebert and Amherst. It isn't just NB, but NS we serve too.

So no, we don't have a 4K or less patient possibility, we have much more than that.

SarahRose Werner 
Reply to @Elaine MacDonald: Then maybe NS would like to contribute some money to pay for overnight service at the ER.

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @SarahRose Werner:
Don't you believe for a moment they don't.
Show an out of province medicare card at a NB hospital and the eyes light up like a one armed bandit hitting a jackpot.

David Amos 
Reply to @Donald Smith: Everybody knows the reasons

David Amos 
Reply to @Mack Leigh: I do

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