More than 1,000 New Brunswickers report adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines
Of those, more than 300 considered 'serious,' says Department of Health
A total of more than two million vaccines have been administered in the province, putting the incidence at roughly 0.06 per cent.
Spokesperson Adam Bowie did not provide any information about the nature of the reactions, but the Public Health Agency of Canada defines an adverse event as "any untoward medical occurrence which follows immunization." It isn't necessarily causally related to the vaccine.
The adverse event may be any:
- Unfavourable or unintended sign (for example: skin rash).
- Abnormal laboratory finding.
- Symptom.
- Disease.
An event is considered serious if it:
- Results in death.
- Is life-threatening, such as anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction.
- Requires in-patient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization.
- Results in persistent or significant disability/incapacity.
- Results in a congenital anomaly/birth defect.
Bowie did not provide a breakdown of reactions by type of vaccine or by ages, either.
Earlier this month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported a possible link between ischemic strokes in people aged 65 and older and the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 bivalent vaccine, which is designed to target the Omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5.
An ischemic stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted or reduced by a blockage or clot. This prevents the brain tissue from getting the oxygen and nutrients it needs to survive.
"Although the totality of the data currently suggests that it is very unlikely that the signal in VSD [vaccine safety datalink] represents a true clinical risk, we believe it is important to share this information with the public," the U.S. health officials had said.
Monitoring the situation closely
New Brunswick Public Health, the Public Health Agency of Canada and Health Canada are all aware of the U.S. report, issued on Jan. 13, based on their vaccine adverse event reporting surveillance system, said Bowie.
"So far, these safety concerns have not been raised through other vaccine safety monitoring systems in the United States, or in other countries — including Canada," he said in an emailed statement.
"It should be noted the CDC did not recommend any changes to vaccination practices at this time, and that these adverse events have not yet been confirmed to have been caused by the vaccines administered.
If New Brunswick Public Health's recommendations regarding the safety or suitability of this vaccine were to change, that information would be communicated to the public.
- Adam Bowie, Department of Health spokesperson
"Additional analysis and reviews must be completed to further explore the causes of these reactions and that data is used as part of the continuous monitoring of the safety of these vaccines."
Still, New Brunswick and federal health officials are "monitoring this situation closely," said Bowie.
"If New Brunswick Public Health's recommendations regarding the safety or suitability of this vaccine were to change, that information would be communicated to the public," he said.
'Less than five' strokes after bivalent reported in Canada
As of Jan. 1, more than seven million doses of mRNA bivalent vaccines have been administered in Canada, and the Public Health Agency of Canada and Health Canada say they've not observed any elevated risks or safety signals for thromboembolic or vascular events following the administration of these vaccines, noted Bowie.
"Less than five" reports of ischemic stroke following the administration of an mRNA bivalent vaccine have been submitted to the federal bodies to date, he said. Only one of these involved a Pfizer-BioNTech bivalent vaccine for a person aged 65 years or older.
In New Brunswick, 1,148 adverse events related to COVID-19 vaccines have been reported to the Department of Health, from the 2,028,684 total doses administered between Dec. 14, 2020, and Jan. 14, 2023, said Bowie.
"Of those, 313 events were labelled serious in nature," he said.
Benefits continue to outweigh risks
"Evidence indicates that the benefits of COVID-19 vaccines continue to outweigh the risks of the disease," the federal website states.
Across Canada, of the 96,432,067 COVID-19 vaccines administered to date, adverse events have been reported by 53,611 people. That's about six people out of every 10,000 people vaccinated who have reported one or more adverse events.
Of those, 10,565 adverse events were considered serious in nature, an incidence of 0.01 per cent.
"Citizens should be aware that vaccine providers are legally required to report any adverse events in New Brunswick under the Public Health Act, and immunization data is regularly monitored to ensure that any unusual safety trends would be identified quickly," said Bowie.
Federal health officials also review data from provinces and territories across the country to identify any new or emerging trends, he said.
How many doses do you want people to get?
No forgiveness for that
There has been far too much division on this issue. Maybe it's time we just let (as you say) people come to their own conclusions, and get on with life.
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I guess it's not surprising that an article of this nature would bring the anti-vaxxers out in force.
People are also aware things are not always done as the government says. Your responsible for yourself and sometimes the government is
This is one of the threads that evaporated while I was reading it

"Government would never lie to you... would they?"
"No, they would never use legacy media articles to justify the use of the EA to suppress this informa..."
"Politicians cannot be trusted. They are self serving by nature"
"Can we expect the CBC to apologize to the vaccine hesitant?"
"Personally I would reject it"
"There is a difference between having someone's back and being on it"
"I'm ashamed of our governments role in all of this. They are supposed to protect us"
"Deflect, distract, deactivate"
"Good for you"
This is another one of many
I will give credit where credit is due.
Kudos to the CBC for (finally) reporting on the "elephant in the room", and allowing comments.
I'm just looking for clues at the scene of the crime
Life's been good to me so far
I prefer to read proper scientific reports...
Have we learned nothing ?
"Lingering symptoms after a respiratory infection are common. Most cases are too mild to worry about.'
-WSJ, Dec 13 2022
It's all in your head, Wilson.
Do you hear voices, too?
Not from the clot shots.
Enjoy yours.

"Serious and severe harms of the COVID-19 vaccines have been ignored or downplayed, and sometimes been deliberately excluded by the study sponsors in high impact medical journals. This area needs further study. Authorities have recommended virtually everyone get vaccinated and receive booster doses. They fail to consider that the balance between benefits and harms becomes negative in low-risk groups such as children and people who have already acquired natural immunity."
-'Serious harms of the COVID-19 vaccines: a systematic review', Peter C Gøtzsche, Maryanne Demasi, medRxiv 2022.12.06.,22283145
Have fun!
More fake news.
See? I bury you in data.
"We did not observe an increased incidence of either pericarditis or myocarditis in adult patients recovering from COVID-19 infection."
Myocarditis after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination: clinical observations and potential mechanisms
Stephane Heymans & Leslie T. Cooper

Its because 80 percent of the population in the study was vaccinated
You should stick with that one which powerfully demonstrates the value of vaccines.

Johnny Smith posted on More than 1,000 New Brunswickers report adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines | CBC News:
"Pfizer Claims It Never ‘Conducted Gain of Function Research’ In Response To Project Veritas Bombshel..."
Johnny Smith posted on More than 1,000 New Brunswickers report adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines | CBC News:
Johnny Smith posted on More than 1,000 New Brunswickers report adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines | CBC News:
"YouTube Banned This Project Veritas Video That Exposed Pfizer’s Gain Of Function Virus Work"
Johnny Smith posted on More than 1,000 New Brunswickers report adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines | CBC News:
"HERE here mr bowman"
Johnny Smith posted on The ozone hole wasn't a hoax, despite what you're seeing on TikTok | CBC News:
"duh ya... thanks dah bill"
Johnny Smith posted on The ozone hole wasn't a hoax, despite what you're seeing on TikTok | CBC News:
"cause the shtf"
Johnny Smith posted on The ozone hole wasn't a hoax, despite what you're seeing on TikTok | CBC News:
"Why don't we talk about acid rain and the ozone hole anymore? Scientists debunk misinformation Socia..."
Johnny Smith posted on The ozone hole wasn't a hoax, despite what you're seeing on TikTok | CBC News:
"Thanks uNCLE bILL"
Johnny Smith posted on The ozone hole wasn't a hoax, despite what you're seeing on TikTok | CBC News:
"I'm one guy... who wouldn't be here if i didn't stick a needle in my face and tell get on my knees"
Saturday nights and Sunday mornings are the worst
Nothing gets past the covidians
They froze bank accounts to suppress this info
Not a good look for the bobble heads on parliament hill
But they were told it was safe and effective..
I'm not sure, I could not tell you
"A s*cker is born every minute"
Thanks, I just learned something
I guess there's debate as to whether he actually said it, though it is often attributed to him.
Jennie Thalia posted on More than 1,000 New Brunswickers report adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines | CBC News:
"I'll do as I please."
Jennie Thalia posted on More than 1,000 New Brunswickers report adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines | CBC News:
"Yeah, until DW or another Covidian flags you."
Jennie Thalia posted on More than 1,000 New Brunswickers report adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines | CBC News:
"The concept of freedom of choice and the working class terrify you, don't they?"
Jennie Thalia posted on More than 1,000 New Brunswickers report adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines | CBC News:
""A s*cker is born every minute""
Jennie Thalia posted on More than 1,000 New Brunswickers report adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines | CBC News:
"Yes......and what did PT Barnum have to say about people like these?"
Jennie Thalia posted on More than 1,000 New Brunswickers report adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines | CBC News:
"CONTENT REACTIVATED Uh huh.... Well, enjoy being part of the Covid vaxhead fringe minority...while..."
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