RE New Brunswick's roaming holiday may roam no more
Drouin, Nathalie G<> | Wed, Aug 9, 2023 at 5:35 PM |
To: David Amos <> | |
Thank you ******************** Bonjour, Veuillez noter que je suis présentement absente et je serai de retour au bureau lundi le 14 août 2023. Pour toute assistance, veuillez communiquer avec mon bureau au (613) 957-5466 ou avec mon adjointe exécutive Merci |
Jensen, Jan (he; him | il; lui)<> | Wed, Aug 9, 2023 at 5:35 PM |
To: David Amos <> | |
I am out of office until August 14, 2023. If your matter is time sensitive or requires immediate assistance, please contact my assistant at (902) 426-7040 |
Moore, Rob - M.P.<> | Wed, Aug 9, 2023 at 5:38 PM |
To: David Amos <> | |
*This is an automated response*
Thank you for contacting the Honourable Rob Moore, P.C., M.P. office. We appreciate the time you took to get in touch with our office.
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Again, we thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and concerns.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Office of the Honourable Rob Moore, P.C., M.P. Member of Parliament for Fundy Royal
David Amos<> | Wed, Aug 9, 2023 at 5:35 PM |
To: "blaine.higgs" <>,,, "hugh.flemming" <>, "kris.austin" <>,, "Hamish.Wright" <>,,,,,,,,,,, "robert.mckee" <>, "rob.moore" <>, PREMIER <>, pm <>, "Katie.Telford" <>, "pierre.poilievre" <>, "Ross.Wetmore" <>, "Robert. Jones" <>, "robert.gauvin" <>, mcu <>,, "Nathalie.G.Drouin" <>,, "Michael.Duheme" <>, "Kevin.leahy" <>, "Mark.Blakely" <>, "martin.gaudet" <> | |
Cc: motomaniac333 <> | |
Wednesday, 9 August 2023 New Brunswick's roaming holiday may roam no more |
New Brunswick's roaming holiday may roam no more
Official festivities have been in Fredericton for 3 straight years after decades in different communities
For three decades, different communities around the province took turns hosting the main provincial celebration, a moment in the spotlight marked by music, activities and appearances by dignitaries, including the premier.
But Fredericton has been the site for three years in a row now, and Tourism, Culture and Heritage Minister Tammy Scott-Wallace says it's up in the air whether the event will ever circulate again.
"There has been no decision on whether or not we will step away from that rotation," Scott-Wallace said.
Tourism, Culture and Heritage Minister Tammy Scott-Wallace says it’s up in the air whether the event will ever circulate again. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
She said Fredericton was chosen in 2021 because the province was coming out of COVID-19 restrictions, and the government wanted a big event.
This year, "we considered the rotation again, and I'm not saying that idea is gone, but we really have had such positive reaction to creating this very big deal in the capital."
Tantramar Mayor Andrew Black, the president of the Union of Municipalities of New Brunswick, says the capital city is a logical choice — except for the fact that the honours rotated around the province for decades.
"There are lot of communities in the province. There are lots of communities that have much to offer. You've got urban and rural, francophone and anglophone. You have varied landscapes," he said.
"You've got lots of things to celebrate in different places around the province. So it makes sense for it to jump around."
Black said because of the precedent, "it would be interesting to know what the possible excuse would be for having it in Fredericton."
Black, the mayor of Tantramar and the president of the Union of the
Municipalities of New Brunswick, says the capital city is a logical
choice — except for the fact that the honours rotated around the
province for decades. (Submitted by Andrew Black)
Scott-Wallace said some municipalities that hosted the party in the past found it a great opportunity but for others, the logistics were daunting.
She said holding it in the same location is easier, and doing it at the legislature provides "common ground" for all New Brunswickers.
But she said she will keep talking to municipalities to gauge their interest.
Then-premier Brian Gallant, left, announced in 2017 that New Brunswick Day celebrations would be held in Edmundston that year. (Government of New Brunswick)
"I felt that it was very special for those communities and that is really why I won't say that that will not continue."
The province began organizing official New Brunswick Day festivities in 1990.
The holiday was first declared in 1976, but until the start of official celebrations 14 years later, it "had little purpose, other than allowing New Brunswickers to benefit from an extra holiday," according to the government's website.
Starting with Miramichi in 1990, the government of the day picked a different community each year to host the main event.
Fredericton hosted it in 2000 and 2018. The other host municipalities have generally been smaller communities. Saint John hosted once, in 1991. Moncton never has.
South MLA and Green Leader David Coon said he thinks it is only fair
for the official celebrations to be held in different regions. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
Under the previous Gallant government, the event was held in Hartland, St. Stephen, Edmundston and Fredericton.
The Higgs government's only non-Fredericton celebration was in Pokemouche in 2019.
The COVID-19 pandemic led to a virtual celebration in 2020 and when in-person festivities resumed the following summer, they were held on the lawn of the legislature in Fredericton, as they were again last year and this year.
"I was surprised to see it once again in Fredericton," says Green Leader and Fredericton South MLA David Coon, whose riding includes the legislature lawn where the party has taken place.
"It absolutely should be held around the province, in different regions all the time, as it used to be. That's only fair."
"Tantramar Mayor Andrew Black, the president of the Union of Municipalities of New Brunswick, says the capital city is a logical choice"
"I was surprised to see it once again in Fredericton," says Green Leader and Fredericton South MLA David Coon, whose riding includes the legislature lawn where the party has taken place.
"It absolutely should be held around the province, in different regions all the time, as it used to be. That's only fair."
Fredericton has been the site for three years in a row now, and Tourism, Culture and Heritage Minister Tammy Scott-Wallace says it's up in the air whether the event will ever circulate again.
"There has been no decision on whether or not we will step away from that rotation," Scott-Wallace said.
She said Fredericton was chosen in 2021 because the province was coming out of COVID-19 restrictions, and the government wanted a big event.
This year, "we considered the rotation again, and I'm not saying that idea is gone, but we really have had such positive reaction to creating this very big deal in the capital."
Scott-Wallace said some municipalities that hosted the party in the past found it a great opportunity but for others, the logistics were daunting.
She said holding it in the same location is easier, and doing it at the legislature provides "common ground" for all New Brunswickers.
But she said she will keep talking to municipalities to gauge their interest.
Corrie Weatherfield
FIREWORKS: pollution, risk of damage and injury, trigger reaction for PTSD, scare pets and wild animals, inconvenience if they block the bridge for 5 or 6 hours . . . what benefit?
David Amos
Reply to Corrie Weatherfield
It goes under the heading of fun on a holiday
Michael Cain
This is a perfect opportunity for the premier to make amends and unify the province. But as we have seen with the "chicken dance", Conservatives are not very good with social issues. Unless Team Higgs
intends to legislate, we should see a new location next year with a new government, more responsive to the needs of New Brunwickers.
David Amos
Content Deactivated
Reply to Michael Cain
I gather from your rant that there was no "chicken dance" this year
Reply to Michael Cain
You are obviously unaware that the next NB election is not due until September of next year, so there may or may not be a new location. Perhaps you could put more effort into staying informed.
Reply to Don Corey
Graham McCormack
The capital city is the perfect spot for the main celebration, just like Ottawa is the main celebration for Canada Day.
David Amos
Reply to Graham McCormack
I agree
Archie MacDaniel
Poor ole JP, he certainly has a hard time finding material to criticize the gov't on.
Michael Cain
Reply to Archie MacDaniel
He has a hard time making a choice from all the blunders Team Higgs makes.
David Amos
Reply to Archie MacDaniel
I have no pity for him
Don Corey
Reply to Michael Cain
He's simply trying hard to do what his bosses expect. Subject material appears to be currently lacking though.
Archie MacDaniel
Reply to Michael Cain
Now, if one's job is criticizing JT, now you have a job that never ends. Each day I read the Canadian board we read of new screwups by JT. If only valid party memberships were all we had to deal with federally.
let's wait until higgs gets fired and maybe we could call that day a civic holiday
Archie MacDaniel
Reply to valmond landry
The minority is going to have a hard time accomplishing that but good luck.
David Amos
Reply to valmond landry
Dream on
Kate LeBlanc
Why just Fredericton? Isn't the holiday called New Brunswick Day not Fredericton Day? Its supposed to be an inclusive holiday right? Are there no communities above Miramichi who would benefit from a long weekend celebration during summer tourist season, or is it just forest and moose up that way?
David Amos
Reply to Kate LeBlanc
Methinks the moose are happy that we stay away with our fireworks etc N'esy Pas?
Don Corey
Reply to David Amos
So are all those northern canines lol.
Don Corey
Reply to Kate LeBlanc
Perhaps you should take the time to check out northern NB. You'd find that there are real people up up here (along with the forests and moose of course).
David Amos
Reply to Don Corey
The thunder bothered my buddy Bo last night but I enjoyed it
Toby Tolly
I think the $130 mil party could have been spent on better thing's
oh wrong party
David Amos
Content Deactivated
Reply to Toby Tolly
No doubt little Lou loved your joke
Douglas James
I waited for something worth celebrating today: International Cat Day.
David Amos
Reply to Douglas James
Now that was pretty catty even for Green Party candidate
Stephen Robertson
Just another good thing messed up by Higgs, but it's cheap!
Archie MacDaniel
Reply to Stephen Robertson
Bigger issues to worry about, but JP keeps trying to find something.
Stephen Robertson
Reply to Archie MacDaniel
There are always other issues on the table. My comment reflects the fact that regardless of the topic, with this Premier the question is not if it is good, bad or indifferent as long as it is always cheap.
David Amos
Reply to Stephen Robertson
Not everything is cheap with Higgy Check his doings within NB Power
SW Home
I'm sure the cost the gov't spent on these festivities could likely equal the same as the salary for a couple nurses for a year. Why not put the money towards something useful?
Chris Merriam
Reply to SW Home the nurses
David Amos
Reply to SW Home
How boring must we be?
Jim Lake
Seems rotating a ‘primary’ locale for celebrations is a great idea - let municipalities offer to host the celebrations for the day, which would give them the opportunity to showcase what is unique and special
about their municipality … if it is too logistically daunting for some, they wouldn’t offer. But hey, why bother celebrating all parts of New Brunswick for New Brunswick Day.
I would have hoped our tourism minister would want to have programs that showcase all the beautiful & unique parts of our province, but it would appear not.
Don Corey
Reply to Jim Lake
Read the entire article. There has been no definite decision made, one way or another.
This is another story about nothing.
Jack Bell
Reply to Don Corey
So, why waste your time pointing that out to someone voicing an opinion on which way they would like to see it go?
Chris Merriam
Reply to Jack Bell
The weren't. They hadn't read the article obviously.
Jim Lake
Reply to Don Corey
I did read it in its entirety, as I always do. The fact they’re even considering it says it all, hence my comment. The reasons for using Fredericton the last few years have passed, so moving back to the
original format shouldn’t even need to something that needs to be decided.
Don Corey
Reply to Jack Bell
The point was simply that no decision has been made. The comment assumes that it's a "no go" as far as moving the celebrations around the province. There is a difference you know.
Otherwise, don't waste your time worrying about what I do or don't do here.
Don Corey
Reply to Jim Lake
You're assuming; it's as simple as that.
Jack Bell
Reply to Don Corey
'The point was simply that no decision has been made. The comment assumes that it's a "no go" as far as moving the celebrations around the province. There is a difference you know.
Otherwise, don't waste your time worrying about what I do or don't do here."
Wouldn't it have been a lot simpler to write, "do as I say, not as I do"?
Don Corey
Reply to Jack Bell
Now you're getting confused with the way our poor excuse for a federal government functions.
Michael Cain
Reply to Don Corey
Little derogatory Tory, can't even stay with the story.
David Amos
Reply to Don Corey
Don Corey
Content Deactivated
It doesn't surprise me that you are unable to connect the dots lol.
Stay dry down there in freddie beach.
The Speaker of the New Brunswick Legislature Bill Oliver speaks on New Brunswick Day!!!!
Crybaby Chucky Leblanc pissing in his pampers on his birthday

Dumb Johnny Never Been Good Gamblin & Dumber Chucky Leblanc
Pamy Baby Ross of the Council of Canadians waving at Mean Old Me
Me versus Chucky Leblanc and the Fake Left etc

David Amos Federal Court Date is today at 2:00pm at the Federal Building!!!
Hey Higgy Methinks Chucky the mindless Integrity Commissioner must have discussed my files with you and the Feds by now N'esy Pas?
David Amos<> | Thu, Jun 29, 2023 at 6:35 PM |
To: "blaine.higgs" <>,,, "hugh.flemming" <>, "kris.austin" <>,, "Hamish.Wright" <>,,,,,,,,,,, "robert.mckee" <>, "rob.moore" <>, PREMIER <>, pm <>, "Katie.Telford" <>, "pierre.poilievre" <>, "Ross.Wetmore" <>, "Robert. Jones" <>, "robert.gauvin" <> | |
Cc: motomaniac333 <>, mcu <>,, "Nathalie.G.Drouin" <>,, "Michael.Duheme" <>, "Kevin.leahy" <>, "Mark.Blakely" <>, "martin.gaudet" <> | |
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2020 00:03:46 -0400 Subject: Re: CASE Query the dockets or just check my work within this email which is what all the Integrity/Ethics Commissioners failed to do To: "Cai, Min (2020)" <>, "Nathalie.Drouin" < <>,, "blaine.higgs" <>,,,,,,,,,,, Cc: "" <>,, "Mario.Dion" <>, Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc. "hugh.flemming" <>, >> >> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- >> From: "Murray, Charles (Ombud)" <> >> Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2019 18:16:15 +0000 >> Subject: You wished to speak with me >> To: "" <> >> >> I have the advantage, sir, of having read many of your emails over the >> years. >> >> >> As such, I do not think a phone conversation between us, and >> specifically one which you might mistakenly assume was in response to >> your threat of legal action against me, is likely to prove a >> productive use of either of our time. >> >> >> If there is some specific matter about which you wish to communicate >> with me, feel free to email me with the full details and it will be >> given due consideration. >> >> >> Sincerely, >> >> >> Charles Murray >> >> Ombud NB >> >> Acting IIntegrity Commissioner >> >> > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: David Amos > Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2017 09:32:09 -0400 > Subject: Attn Integrity Commissioner Alexandre Deschênes, Q.C., > To: > Cc: > > Good Day Sir > > After I heard you speak on CBC I called your office again and managed > to speak to one of your staff for the first time > > Please find attached the documents I promised to send to the lady who > answered the phone this morning. Please notice that not after the Sgt > at Arms took the documents destined to your office his pal Tanker > Malley barred me in writing with an "English" only document. > > These are the hearings and the dockets in Federal Court that I > suggested that you study closely. > > This is the docket in Federal Court > > http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj. > > These are digital recordings of the last three hearings > > Dec 14th > > January 11th, 2016 > > April 3rd, 2017 > > > > > This is the docket in the Federal Court of Appeal > > http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj. > > > The only hearing thus far > > May 24th, 2017 > > > > > This Judge understnds the meaning of the word Integrity > > Date: 20151223 > > Docket: T-1557-15 > > Fredericton, New Brunswick, December 23, 2015 > > PRESENT: The Honourable Mr. Justice Bell > > BETWEEN: > > DAVID RAYMOND AMOS > > Plaintiff > > and > > HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN > > Defendant > > ORDER > > (Delivered orally from the Bench in Fredericton, New Brunswick, on > December 14, 2015) > > The Plaintiff seeks an appeal de novo, by way of motion pursuant to > the Federal Courts Rules (SOR/98-106), from an Order made on November > 12, 2015, in which Prothonotary Morneau struck the Statement of Claim > in its entirety. > > At the outset of the hearing, the Plaintiff brought to my attention a > letter dated September 10, 2004, which he sent to me, in my then > capacity as Past President of the New Brunswick Branch of the Canadian > Bar Association, and the then President of the Branch, Kathleen Quigg, > (now a Justice of the New Brunswick Court of Appeal). In that letter > he stated: > > As for your past President, Mr. Bell, may I suggest that you check the > work of Frank McKenna before I sue your entire law firm including you. > You are your brother’s keeper. > > Frank McKenna is the former Premier of New Brunswick and a former > colleague of mine at the law firm of McInnes Cooper. In addition to > expressing an intention to sue me, the Plaintiff refers to a number of > people in his Motion Record who he appears to contend may be witnesses > or potential parties to be added. Those individuals who are known to > me personally, include, but are not limited to the former Prime > Minister of Canada, The Right Honourable Stephen Harper; former > Attorney General of Canada and now a Justice of the Manitoba Court of > Queen’s Bench, Vic Toews; former member of Parliament Rob Moore; > former Director of Policing Services, the late Grant Garneau; former > Chief of the Fredericton Police Force, Barry McKnight; former Staff > Sergeant Danny Copp; my former colleagues on the New Brunswick Court > of Appeal, Justices Bradley V. Green and Kathleen Quigg, and, retired > Assistant Commissioner Wayne Lang of the Royal Canadian Mounted > Police. > > In the circumstances, given the threat in 2004 to sue me in my > personal capacity and my past and present relationship with many > potential witnesses and/or potential parties to the litigation, I am > of the view there would be a reasonable apprehension of bias should I > hear this motion. See Justice de Grandpré’s dissenting judgment in > Committee for Justice and Liberty et al v National Energy Board et al, > [1978] 1 SCR 369 at p 394 for the applicable test regarding > allegations of bias. In the circumstances, although neither party has > requested I recuse myself, I consider it appropriate that I do so. > > > AS A RESULT OF MY RECUSAL, THIS COURT ORDERS that the Administrator of > the Court schedule another date for the hearing of the motion. There > is no order as to costs. > > “B. Richard Bell” > Judge > > > Below after the CBC article about your concerns (I made one comment > already) you will find the text of just two of many emails I had sent > to your office over the years since I first visited it in 2006. > > I noticed that on July 30, 2009, he was appointed to the the Court > Martial Appeal Court of Canada Perhaps you should scroll to the > bottom of this email ASAP and read the entire Paragraph 83 of my > lawsuit now before the Federal Court of Canada? > > "FYI This is the text of the lawsuit that should interest Trudeau the most > > > ---------- Original message ---------- > From: > Date: Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 8:18 PM > Subject: Réponse automatique : RE My complaint against the CROWN in > Federal Court Attn David Hansen and Peter MacKay If you planning to > submit a motion for a publication ban on my complaint trust that you > dudes are way past too late > To: > > Veuillez noter que j'ai changé de courriel. Vous pouvez me rejoindre à > > > Pour rejoindre le bureau de M. Trudeau veuillez envoyer un courriel à > > > Please note that I changed email address, you can reach me at > > > To reach the office of Mr. Trudeau please send an email to > > > Thank you, > > Merci , > > > http://davidraymondamos3. > > > 83. The Plaintiff states that now that Canada is involved in more war > in Iraq again it did not serve Canadian interests and reputation to > allow Barry Winters to publish the following words three times over > five years after he began his bragging: > > January 13, 2015 > This Is Just AS Relevant Now As When I wrote It During The Debate > > December 8, 2014 > Why Canada Stood Tall! > > Friday, October 3, 2014 > Little David Amos’ “True History Of War” Canadian Airstrikes And > Stupid Justin Trudeau > > Canada’s and Canadians free ride is over. Canada can no longer hide > behind Amerka’s and NATO’s skirts. > > When I was still in Canadian Forces then Prime Minister Jean Chretien > actually committed the Canadian Army to deploy in the second campaign > in Iraq, the Coalition of the Willing. This was against or contrary to > the wisdom or advice of those of us Canadian officers that were > involved in the initial planning phases of that operation. There were > significant concern in our planning cell, and NDHQ about of the dearth > of concern for operational guidance, direction, and forces for > operations after the initial occupation of Iraq. At the “last minute” > Prime Minister Chretien and the Liberal government changed its mind. > The Canadian government told our amerkan cousins that we would not > deploy combat troops for the Iraq campaign, but would deploy a > Canadian Battle Group to Afghanistan, enabling our amerkan cousins to > redeploy troops from there to Iraq. The PMO’s thinking that it was > less costly to deploy Canadian Forces to Afghanistan than Iraq. But > alas no one seems to remind the Liberals of Prime Minister Chretien’s > then grossly incorrect assumption. Notwithstanding Jean Chretien’s > incompetence and stupidity, the Canadian Army was heroic, > professional, punched well above it’s weight, and the PPCLI Battle > Group, is credited with “saving Afghanistan” during the Panjway > campaign of 2006. > > What Justin Trudeau and the Liberals don’t tell you now, is that then > Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien committed, and deployed the > Canadian army to Canada’s longest “war” without the advice, consent, > support, or vote of the Canadian Parliament. > > What David Amos and the rest of the ignorant, uneducated, and babbling > chattering classes are too addled to understand is the deployment of > less than 75 special operations troops, and what is known by planners > as a “six pac cell” of fighter aircraft is NOT the same as a > deployment of a Battle Group, nor a “war” make. > > The Canadian Government or The Crown unlike our amerkan cousins have > the “constitutional authority” to commit the Canadian nation to war. > That has been recently clearly articulated to the Canadian public by > constitutional scholar Phillippe Legasse. What Parliament can do is > remove “confidence” in The Crown’s Government in a “vote of > non-confidence.” That could not happen to the Chretien Government > regarding deployment to Afghanistan, and it won’t happen in this > instance with the conservative majority in The Commons regarding a > limited Canadian deployment to the Middle East. > > President George Bush was quite correct after 911 and the terror > attacks in New York; that the Taliban “occupied” and “failed state” > Afghanistan was the source of logistical support, command and control, > and training for the Al Quaeda war of terror against the world. The > initial defeat, and removal from control of Afghanistan was vital and > > P.S. Whereas this CBC article is about your opinion of the actions of > the latest Minister Of Health trust that Mr Boudreau and the CBC have > had my files for many years and the last thing they are is ethical. > Ask his friends Mr Murphy and the RCMP if you don't believe me. > > Subject: > Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400 > From: "Murphy, Michael B. \(DH/MS\)" > To: > > January 30, 2007 > > WITHOUT PREJUDICE > > Mr. David Amos > > Dear Mr. Amos: > > This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29, > 2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP. > > Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I have > taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve > Graham of the RCMP “J” Division in Fredericton. > > Sincerely, > > Honourable Michael B. Murphy > Minister of Health > > CM/cb > > > Warren McBeath wrote: > > Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500 > From: "Warren McBeath" > To:,, >,,, > > CC:,,John. >,"Bev BUSSON", > "Paul Dube" > Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has > forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have not > > Dear Mr. Amos, > > Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off > over the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I > was not ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns. > > As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our position > is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process > testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the > Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these > services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this > instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done. > > As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false > imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear > that Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada > the US. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment > and policing in Petitcodiac, NB. > > It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on > December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors. > > Sincerely, > > Warren McBeath, Cpl. > GRC Caledonia RCMP > Traffic Services NCO > Ph: (506) 387-2222 > Fax: (506) 387-4622 > E-mail > > > > Alexandre Deschênes, Q.C., > Office of the Integrity Commissioner > Edgecombe House, 736 King Street > Fredericton, N.B. CANADA E3B 5H1 > tel.: 506-457-7890 > fax: 506-444-5224 > > On 11/30/20, Cai, Min (2020) <> wrote: > I was referred to you by the Bar Referral Services. Do advise if your firm > handles Litigation Cases. > > This email, its contents and any attachments are intended solely for the > addressee and may contain confidential information. In certain > circumstances, it may also be subject to legal privilege. Any unauthorised > use, disclosure, or copying is not permitted. If you have received this > email in error, please notify us and immediately and permanently delete it. > Any views or opinions expressed in personal emails are solely those of the > author and do not necessarily represent those of Royal Holloway, University > of London. It is your responsibility to ensure that this email and any > attachments are virus free. > |
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