Saint John property tax bills coming soon, likely with more pain for homeowners and landlords
In Saint John, industry will pay fewer taxes in 2025 than 2023, while homeowners pay more
New Brunswick property owners will be getting 2025 tax bills mailed to them beginning in two weeks but figures are already showing that for Saint John, those bills will bring another wave of uneven tax increases that will wash over owners of houses and apartment buildings while barely splashing many business and government properties.
In Saint John, property tax revenues to the city are up $14.9 million over the last two budget years, including $6.4 million this year.
Most of the increases over the two years, $13.1 million, have been billed to homeowners and landlords. That's 88 per cent of the total tax increase.
It's also 17.6 per cent more than what those two groups paid the city in 2023.
All remaining properties, including some of New Brunswick's largest industrial, commercial and government facilities, will pay Saint John a combined $1.8 million more in tax this year than they did in 2023. That's a 2.6 per cent increase for them over the two years.
Saint John Mayor Donna Reardon acknowledges homes and apartments in her city will be hit with disproportionately high tax increases for a second year in a row when bills arrive early next month, but says that is only because provincial property tax rules are forcing that outcome on city taxpayers.
"You're handcuffed," said Reardon. "The percentage increase is not across the board. That to me doesn't make sense."
Brunswick House office tower in Saint John will pay the city $11,662
less in municipal property tax in 2025 than it did in 2024. It received a
0 per cent assessment increase and will benefit from a tax rate
reduction the city passed to help homeowners. It's one of nine major
office buildings in the city getting a 2025 tax cut. (Robert Jones/CBC)
The issue for Saint John is caused by property values that have been growing much faster on housing than on business and government properties, according to annual property assessments conducted by Service New Brunswick.
However, despite that uneven growth pattern, the city is prevented from directing property tax rate reductions toward housing properties by a provincial rule, which forces it to share any property tax rate cuts it adopts among all property owners equally.
It's that rule that Reardon blames for the one-sided escalation in taxes being experienced by homeowners and landlords and is something she is hoping the province will change by next year.
"We all need to be raised up by the same amount, whatever that is," Reardon said about her belief property tax increases should be shared equally among all groups in a community.
"If it is, on average, 10 per cent on residential, then it should be, on average, 10 per cent across the board."
That is not how the current system has been working.
Power's Coleson Cove generating station is one of several industrial
properties in Saint John that will pay less in property tax in 2025 than
it did in 2023 because of a provincial tax rule that forced the city to
provide them with tax rate reductions. (Roger Cosman/CBC)
Over the last two years, Saint John has cut its property tax rate by 4.3 per cent to offset some of the effects of rising property assessments.
The amount has been only a minor benefit to homeowners who, along with landlords, have experienced a 22.9 per cent increase in their taxable assessments over that period.
But for owners of industrial properties in the city, which have been assigned combined assessment increases of 2.8 per cent by Service New Brunswick over two years, the 4.3 per cent municipal property tax rate cut has meant significant savings.
Saint John Regional Hospital is the single largest source of property
tax in Saint John, but its assessment growth has been slow. In 2025 the
facility will pay the city $163,698 less in tax this year than it did
in 2021. (CBC News file photo)
Several heavy industrial properties in Saint John will pay less municipal property tax in 2025 than they did in 2023 because of weak assessment growth and their mandatory share of the municipal property tax rate cut.
Among those paying less tax than two years ago will be J.D. Irving Ltd's east-side wallboard plant and paper mill and its west-side tissue mill.
Also paying less will be Irving Oil's refinery and Canaport crude oil terminal, the Moosehead Brewery, Repsol's LNG facility, and N.B. Power generating stations at Coleson Cove and Bayside.
As a group, all of Saint John's heavy industrial properties are to be billed $231,088 less in municipal tax in 2025 than they were in 2023.
It's a revenue reduction to the city that owners of residential properties are having to replace.
A second major beneficiary of the provincial rule that property tax rate cuts be shared equally is the province itself.
In Saint John, the New Brunswick government owns or directly funds organizations that own more than $730 million-worth of taxable property. That includes nearly three dozen schools, a pair of hospitals and other educational and health-care facilities.
Saint John resident Terry Nadeau is expecting a $312 increase in his
property tax bill when it arrives in early March. The 7.9 per cent jump
that he and thousands of other homeowners in the city are getting in
2025 will partially be used to pay for increasing municipal costs and
partially used to replace tax revenues from commercial, industrial and
government properties that are growing marginally or not at all. (Submitted by Terry Nadeau)
The assessment on those properties has increased six per cent in two years but with the city's 4.3 per cent tax rate reduction applying to those properties as well, tax revenues to the city from them have grown only slightly.
Reardon said if the city had been allowed to adjust tax rates for each property group independently, it "absolutely" would have made changes to ensure each paid a more equal share of increases.
In November, Premier Susan Holt said a campaign promise Liberals made last fall to overhaul the property tax system, including a rewriting of rules that apply to municipalities, will be kept — but not until the 2026 tax year.
"The timeline is key," Holt told CBC News.
"We're going to get the work done within the first year so that the bill you get, come this time next year, will have a new system under it."
The government has not said what reforms are being looked at, but during last year's provincial election campaign, Liberals promised one of the key outcomes of reform would be that "everyone is paying their fair share."
If you've ever been to the city of Saint John, the streets are in horrendous condition. The auto shops must be getting rich on front end alignments.
David Amos
Reply to Zoe Richmond
Your reading comprehension is as sharp as ever I see.
You didn't run! It was more like a slow shuffle!
Harvey York
The only time he runs is when he's running from the law
Peter Moss
Typical red/blue tax & spend corporatism. Notice how there is no official opposition to this.
David Amos
Mais Oui
Randy Dumont
A reset to catch up with the rest of the country was past due. Decades of undervalued properties are now worth double even triple their value. No one selling is complaining.
David Amos
Reply to Randy Dumont
Covid people and realtors will keep prices and assessments where they are.
Prices are here to stay.
Ronald Miller
Reply to Jimmy Cochrane
Covid people?
David Amos
Reply to Jimmy Cochrane
Par for the course
Garry Mackay
The system that charges property tax on a hospital and generating station that we all paid for through income tax is a broken system. We should not be paying tax on tax for any properties the people have already paid to build and maintain. IMO
It is truly a broken system when my neighbour pays more for the same services I receive because, either they just bought it or they have a nicer front stairs than I do.
The system needs to change to tax for services or lack thereof IMO.
Jim Lake
Reply to Garry Mackay
The system is broken even worse since the last government’s heavy-handed and poorly implemented municipal reform … rural residents saw our taxes increase unbelievable amounts, but we get nothing - and I mean nothing - zero additional services or benefit from the increased taxes. And during the December 2023 storm where downed trees and power lines completely trapped us for 6 days at our property, the mayor actually said we weren’t entitled to help from the municipality because we live on a private lane. Yet I pay significantly more tax now to support his municipality. Severely broken indeed.
Ronald Miller
Reply to Jimmy Cochrane
It was very well implemented actually, I was surprised at how few issues arose, you know this left biased site was looking for them but couldn't find very many. I am sorry the gov't you do not support got something done where many previous gov'ts failed. Speaking of failing, how are you enjoying the mess this province has become since October?
David Amos
Reply to Jim Lake
I had a forest fire start 2 hundred yards from me because of NB Power's neglect of tree trimming
David Amos
Reply to Garry Mackay
Jim Lake
Reply to Ronald Miller
Finally a government doing something for our province and for New Brunswickers … you should be thanking the Premier.
the Premier.
Ronald Miller
Reply to Jim Lake
Property taxes up, power bills up, gov't spending up, deficits up, debt up, broken promises up, and all while producing zero results. Yes, they certainly are doing something, taking this province back to bottom like in 2018.
Gilles Vienneau
Reply to Ronald Miller
Better than "nothing Higgs". A province is not a household. Our credit rating is excellent. The governmennt must invest in its best asset; our people. We have one of the highest illiteracy rate in the country. Let's improve that area and we will see the results in one generation.
Ronald Miller
Reply to Gilles Vienneau
Our credit rating was going to be lowered before Higgs came in and stabilized it, read up on it. I agree on improving things like illiteracy rates, having things like duality wastes money that could be better used in education. As for "nothing Higgs", show me a premier who accomplished more, we could go number for number, so far I have never had any takers.
Tom Graham
Pay more and more and get less and less, an NB tradition that's caught on right across the country.
Harry Deznutts
Reply toTom Graham
The province seems allergic to progress....just my opinion.
David Amos
Reply to Harry Deznutts
So you say
Allan Marven
We'll hold you to your promise.
David Amos
Content Deactivated
Reply to Allan Marven
Who is "We"???
Shawn Tabor
Higher taxes and then you die. Life is good. Gotta love it. You can’t make it up. What else do we have to do anyways. I don’t wanna work, just bang on a drum all day.
Allan Marven
Reply to Shawn Tabor
Worked my shift already (42 years), and would like to enjoy my retirement.
Shawn Tabor
Reply to Allan Marven
Enjoy your retirement. You have earned it.
David Amos
Reply to Shawn Tabor
So did I
Harry Deznutts
I have been to Saint John many times and whenever I think that I would like to sell my property in Ontario and move to Saint John I am reminded that Saint John is poorly managed city with fewer services and extremely high property tax. I have 1/3 of the property tax here in Ontario and live in a city that is 8 times the size of Saint John. My Hydro is half of what you pay there and also groceries here in Ontario have more selection with a 20% discount.
Allan Marven
Reply to Harry Deznutts
Right. Sounds like a tale. That's why so many Ontarians moved here during the pandemic and upset everything, and they don't wave or speak when passing by.
Harry Deznutts
Reply to Allan Marven
I still have a summer property in New Brunswick and visit twice a year. The majority of Ontarians I talk to only have seasonal properties. The ones that move full time eventually move back to Ontario. Yeah your version of so many is more of a tale. So many is a pathetic trickle compared to Ontario.
Jimmy Cochrane
Reply to Harry Deznutts
Your hydro rates ARE NOT half. Maybe at 2AM
Shawn Tabor
Reply to Allan Marven
Its the NB human that sold the house/ property to the Ontario human, at inflated prices. I don’t know any New Brunswickers that would love to make a dollar, or capitalize on a opportunity. Do you ?. That just never happens here, in little NB the place to be, where some folks get wealthy on the backs of taxpayers. Taxes and death, yee haa. But truly, enjoy your retirement and stay away from stress.
Harry Deznutts
Reply to Jimmy Cochrane
We don't heat our houses with electricity as much as New Brunswick. Southern Ontario has homes mostly heated with Natural Gas. Norther Ontario is more the same as New Brunswick because of the rock.
David Amos
Reply to Harry Deznutts
Say Hey to Dougy et al for me will ya?
Daniel Henwell
Every year same song & dance. Taxes keep going up & the streets get rougher and rougher to drive on.
Allan Marven
Reply to Daniel Henwell
Seems like lately , most property assessments jump to the latest sale price by the time the next tax year comes around.
David Amos
Reply to Daniel Henwell
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose N'esy Pas?
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