Tuesday 12 December 2017

More CBC Propaganda for the benefit of Trudeau "The Younger"


Justin Trudeau's Liberals win byelections again where it matters most

Conservatives gain vote share in 3 of 4 byelections, but lose the only seat that was really up for grabs 

By Éric Grenier, CBC News Posted: Dec 12, 2017 10:11 AM ET

Commenting is now closed for this story.

Cal Mett 
Cal Mett
Imagine the hockey coach saying, "ya, we lost again but this time we only lost by 3 goals" That's what the Con spin on their current losses sounds like.

Erica A. Blair 
Erica A. Blair
Some free advice for the conservatives...stop with the hate filled rhetoric and division. Canadian are mostly mortified but what we see in the US we don't want that here.
ome of us see the liberals as the dividers of the country

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Erica A. Blair Speak for yourself I for one love watching and reading all the malicious nonsense

David Raymond Amos
Content disabled.
David Raymond Amos
@Erica A. Blair Some free advice for the liberals. Stop arguing with Conservative trolls within the CBC comment sections and start paying attention to what your beloved Prime Minister and his cabinet are doing to us all.

David Raymond Amos
Content disabled. 
David Raymond Amos
@Erica A. Blair Methinks that the CBC moderators were not wise to block me again to day EH?

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Erica A. Blair "I agree , that is funny."

What is sad is the 2 blocked responses to you

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Cal Mett Folks Methinks folks should review the "Most Liked " comments too N'esy Pas?

 Jack Baker 
Jack Baker
More sad news for Canada.

It amazes me how Canadians are so brainwashed they will allow liberals to continue destroying Canada.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Jack Baker Even more sad news for Canada

This the "most liked" comment

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos 
@Jack Baker "More sad news for Canada."

This article about a pollster's opinion on recent history that nobody can change generated nearly 2800 comments thus far that contain largely the same spit and chew by the usual suspects.

Meanwhile in my humble opinion a far more important article about what was about to go down in parliament went largely overlooked (as far as the tally in the comment section goes anyway)


Mario Dion nominated as new federal ethics watchdog
By John Paul Tasker, CBC News Posted: Dec 11, 2017 3:24 PM ET

However once it was all over but the crying no comment section was offered whatsoever. Go figure


Would-be ethics watchdog won't commit to keep Trudeau, Morneau files open
The Canadian Press Posted: Dec 12, 2017 5:47 PM E

Sam Dodge
Sam Dodge
To summarize: Conservatives are losing seats with Scheer. Liberals are winning seats with Trudeau.


David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Sam Dodge Don't ya think the local candidates whose names were on the ballot deserve a little credit for their victories?

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Sam Dodge I repeat

"Don't ya think the local candidates whose names were on the ballot deserve a little credit for their victories?"

R.Gabrielle Berry 
R.Gabrielle Berry
Whether he means to or not, Andrew Sheer comes across like an adolescent.
He has this perpetual childish grin on is face, no matter what is coming out of his mouth.
Why isn't he being made aware of this?

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos 
@R.Gabrielle Berry "Why isn't he being made aware of this?"

I do in fact check the other comment sections within CBC. I call the fancy young dudes Trudeau "The Younger" and Andy "Baby Face" Scheer. The big talking little lawyer Jagmeet Singh is irrelevant to me thus far so I have yet to refer to him much at all.

That said just look up in this article to checkout Scheer's expression as he is sitting beside the big blonde lawyer/loser in the diner. Methinks Baby Face's pictures say a thousand words and are rather priceless N'esy Pas?

R.Gabrielle Berry
R.Gabrielle Berry
@David Raymond Amos
I did check out that picture: "Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer, left, with defeated South Surrey–White Rock candidate Kerry-Lynne Findlay. (Darryl Dyck/Canadian Press)"
Any leader can be caught in a bad snap that doesn't him fairly, but alas this crazy, kiddish picture (and many others) has come to represent the face of Conservative leadership.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@R.Gabrielle Berry I agree Why else do you think I have been suing the Crown since 2015?

FYI Baby Face was the Speaker the lion's share of the time I was illegally barred from parliament

Jane Smith 
Jane Smith
Every ballot in every election at every level should include a 'I have no faith in any of the candidates' option.

Government long ago forgot that they work for us, not the other way around.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Jane Smith FYI I suggested that "None of the above" should be put on the ballots to the ERRE Committee when they were in Fredericton NB just over a year ago and the chair responded telling me that he had already heard that suggestion many times.

 Michael Murphy 
Pete Schiff Everyone loves touchy-feely until the bills come in. My guess is that the people carrying these unprecedented levels of consumer debt are the same ones voting liberal; folks who just don't understand debt, interest and balanced books. People who really do think that "the government's money" comes from a printing machine: just like our PM

Michael Murphy
Michael Murphy
@Pete Schiff Mulroney and Harper created more debt than all governments in the history of Canada combined

The bills were coming in, thats why we voted Conservatives out

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Michael Murphy I strongly disagree. In the early 70's Canada had largely no debt whatsoever. That is until Trudeau "The Elder" secretly changed the mandate of the the Bank of Canada and compelled us to begin borrowing from his Bankster buddies Everybody knows it has been a downhill slide deep into debt since then. No matter what political party has had a mandate since then they all kow tow to the Banksters who helped to put them in office.

donna gregoire 
donna gregoire
....I expected better from Newfoundlanders and BCers....fool me once shame on me....etc..

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@donna gregoire Why do you think that the Newfies or the dudes out west are any dumber than the rest of us?

John Milkovic 
John Milkovic
As long as the Liberals dole out "our" cash to certain provinces,he will retain that demographic in the forthcoming federal election. The Conservative Party of Canada doesn't "throw" our money around like a spoiled brat

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@John Milkovic "As long as the Liberals dole out "our" cash to certain provinces,he will retain that demographic in the forthcoming federal election. The Conservative Party of Canada doesn't "throw" our money around like a spoiled brat"

Methinks thou doth jest too much N'esy Pas?

 Kuno Egger 
Kuno Egger
When the CPC picked Mr. Scheer as leader they let the religious right take over the party -
not a good idea in a multicultural country like Canada. A fundamentalist will likely never be PM.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Kuno Egger "A fundamentalist will likely never be PM."

So you say However the fundamentalists always vote right and the rest of the votes to the contrary will be split bigtime Harper won several times correct Methinks Harper 2.0 could do the same someday N'esy Pas?

Milloy Johnson 
Milloy Johnson
I would love to know what points these voters are taking into consideration when casting the ballot


It seems to be all about surface appearances these days because that is all the Libs have

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Milloy Johnson "I would love to know what points these voters are taking into consideration when casting the ballot


In response I would hope that they are picking the local candidate who will best represent them in Ottawa while trying hard to ignore how dumb their political party leaders are.

Stephane Kwong
Jo Ellen Kerr Ingram
We really are as stupid as the Americans think we are.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos 
@Jo Ellen Kerr Ingram "We really are as stupid as the Americans think we are."

Sometimes I wonder

Evan Deregt 
Evan Deregt
Another sad day for democracy in Canada. The party that does not believe in a democratic electoral system but only used it to garner votes in the last election won. As a longtime liberal voter I won't vote in the next election.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Evan Deregt "As a longtime liberal voter I won't vote in the next election."

Should I feel sad? This is the same party that took away my right to vote in 2000 and assisted in my false imprisonment twice.

Phillip Potter  
Phillip Potter
Let's never forget that JT gave 10.5 million dollars to a convicted dual-citizen IED maker to keep him quiet!

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Phillip Potter How much money did Harper spend covering up the ARAR matter before he apologized and wrote him big cheque for about the same amount?

 Ben Smith 
Ben Smith
Let's all consider the NDP extinct at this point. Canada keeps saying no to extreme socialism time and time again.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Ben Smith Refresh my memory What is the NDP?

George Howard 
George Howard
It doesn't really matter anyways. Canada is a lost cause. When the baby boomers are gone the demographics will see a major shift. Mass immigration is just selling out your country for short term gain. The end result won't be pretty.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@George Howard "It doesn't really matter anyways"

Methinks it matters very much to my children and grandchildren.

 Bill Mavin 
Bill Mavin
The Reform Cons were all ready with their crying and socks ``jokes`` and now they would just fall flat

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Cindy Louis "I think he’s cleaning up after Roy Moore’s horse right now."

Now that was funny

Ralph Wilkes 
Ralph Wilkes
Excuses for why they lost are why they'll do it again in 2019.
Hating Trudeau is not a platform.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Ralph Wilkes "Hating Trudeau is not a platform."

I would no bet against such a platform

Ron Vollans 
Ron Vollans
So much for 'Canada hates Mr Socks'. It's more like 'Canada hates Alfred E. Newman.'

Trudeau keeps his job as long as he wants it. Conservatives get to play the part of children looking through the toy store window.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Ron Vollans "Trudeau keeps his job as long as he wants it."

Oh my my How can you be so certain that all Canadians agree with your thinking?

Howard Strutt 
Howard Strutt
Why is Canada different politically than the US?

The Bloc Québécois, the NDP and the Green Party make up between 25 and 30% of the votes.

This 5 party system is why Canada is great. Or it wouldn't be, but it is. Conservatives and the Bloc are Right. The NDP is Left and the Greens can go both ways because they're more about policy than ideology.

The Liberals? The Liberals play the middle. They reach Left and they reach Right because Liberals are Centrists. All a government can do is try to achieve "The Most Common Good".

When I look south I see tthey have no Centrist party and I thank my lucky stars we have a strong federal, centrist party in Canada..

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Howard Strutt "When I look south I see tthey have no Centrist party and I thank my lucky stars we have a strong federal, centrist party in Canada."

Methinks you have made it fairly clear who you think "Canada's Natural Governing Party " is N'esy Pas?

Karin Bougie 
Karin Bougie
"Across the four ridings, the Conservatives were the only party to increase their overall vote share"

"The Conservatives did make gains in vote share in the other three byelections"

That's positive.

Joe Madden
Joe Madden
@George Lewis Ah...lawyering...The ultimare excuse. Was wondering when someone would get to it. When in doubt(like Hehr) use rhetoric and senantics to excuse the utterly inexcusable. What he did was disgusting. Making excuses for him shows a decided lack of decency in the thousands not calling for his removal.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Joe Madden Well put sir

Justin Trudeau's Liberals win byelections again where it matters most

Conservatives gain vote share in 3 of 4 byelections, but lose the only seat that was really up for grabs

By Éric Grenier, CBC News Posted: Dec 12, 2017 10:11 AM ET

Gordie Hogg won the seat of South Surrey–White Rock for the Liberals in beyelections on Monday, the first time the party has won the area since 1949.
Gordie Hogg won the seat of South Surrey–White Rock for the Liberals in beyelections on Monday, the first time the party has won the area since 1949. (Darryl Dyck/Canadian Press) 

Justin Trudeau's Liberals would win another another majority government in 2019 if the party gains enough seats in Quebec and British Columbia to make up for losses in the rest of the country. A demonstration of how that would work was made, for the second time in less than two months, in federal byelections on Monday.

Despite losses in vote share in three of the four byelections, the Liberals came out as winners with their breakthrough victory in the hotly contested B.C. seat of South Surrey–White Rock, a riding that had been held by the Conservatives for more than 40 years.

The Liberals held on to their two seats in Ontario, and Newfoundland and Labrador, while the Conservatives retained their seat in Saskatchewan.

Across the four ridings, the Conservatives were the only party to increase their overall vote share. But the loss of a second seat is another knock against party leader Andrew Scheer.

Things might have turned out better for him had the night not been so disappointing for the NDP's newly minted leader, Jagmeet Singh. NDP support dropped in all four ridings, dashing any hopes the Conservatives might have had that Singh could peel voters away from the Liberals, particularly in suburban Toronto and the Greater Vancouver region.

Liberals winning where it counts

Not since 1949 have the Liberals represented the part of the country now occupied by the riding of South Surrey–White Rock. Since becoming leader in 2013, Trudeau has made a net gain of four seats in byelections. The last Liberal leader to accomplish that was Mackenzie King.

The Liberals picked up six points in South Surrey–White Rock, taking 47.5 per cent of the vote. With the Conservatives dropping 1.9 points, that was more than enough to overcome the 2.5-point margin the Conservatives won by in 2015.

Much of the victory can be chalked up to Liberal candidate Gordie Hogg, who was a B.C. Liberal MLA for 20 years. He was also both a former provincial cabinet minister and mayor of White Rock.

His win follows the blueprint the Liberals established in their victory in the Quebec riding of Lac-Saint-Jean in October, when local Mayor Richard Hébert was able to steal away a formerly Conservative seat. But good candidates only run for parties they think they have a chance of winning, and right now the Liberals are recruiting the better candidates.

The results help confirm the Liberals' stronger polling numbers in B.C., as the win in Quebec confirmed their polling gains there. But the results Monday night also corroborate the party's poorer polls in the rest of the country.

The Liberals dropped vote share in the other three ridings, putting them down an average 3.8 points across all four despite Hogg's gain in South Surrey–White Rock. They were down 2.6 points in Scarborough–Agincourt, 6.1 points in Battlefords–Lloydminster and 12.6 points in Bonavista–Trinity–Burin.

But the Liberal losses came where they could afford them. The party had won Scarborough–Agincourt by 14 points and Bonavista–Burin–Trinity by by 72 points in 2015. The Conservative loss, on the other hand, came where they could afford it the least.

Conservatives losing where it hurts

The Conservatives and their predecessor parties had held the area making up present-day South Surrey–White Rock since 1974 and had a high-profile candidate of their own in Kerry-Lynne Findlay, a former Conservative cabinet minister.

The Conservatives did make gains in vote share in the other three byelections, picking up 2.5 points in Scarborough–Agincourt, 8.6 points in Battlefords–Lloydminster and 12.8 points in Bonavista–Burin–Trinity. But this follows the pattern the party has followed in byelections held so far in this Parliament.

The Conservatives have averaged a six-point gain in byelections where the outcome was never in doubt. In the byelections that were even marginally competitive, however, the Conservatives have not averaged any gain whatsoever. Instead, they have lost two of their own seats.

Scheer BC 20171204
Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer, left, with defeated South Surrey–White Rock candidate Kerry-Lynne Findlay. (Darryl Dyck/Canadian Press)

Those seats losses mar what have otherwise been good byelection results for the Conservatives. The party averaged a 5.5-point gain across the four byelections and has picked up an average of 3.6 points in the 12 byelections held since the 2015 general vote.

The party closed the gap in Scarborough–Agincourt, a region of the country where the Conservatives need to make gains in 2019. It was their best result in the riding since 1988, while the party put up its strongest results in Battlefords–Lloydminster since the riding was created before the 1997 election.

But gains need to come where they will translate into seats. The Conservatives' biggest increase in Bonavista–Burin–Trinity, for example, would still not win the party a single seat in Newfoundland and Labrador if it were replicated across the province.

Scheer has now dropped two seats since becoming Conservative leader. The last party leader to do that was Stéphane Dion before he led the Liberals to defeat in the 2008 election.

NDP support drops in Singh's 1st real test

The New Democrats haven't yet had to defend one of their own seats in byelections. But Monday's vote posed the first real test for Singh, who became leader after the kickoff of the last set of byelection campaigns in October.

The party dropped an average of 3.8 points across the four ridings, a worse result than the NDP's 2.2-point decrease in four byelections in April when the party was in the midst of its leadership campaign.

Caucus NDP 20171129
NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh saw his party's support drop in all four ridings on Monday. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)

The 2.8-point loss in Scarborough–Agincourt, in the city where Singh was born, and the 5.5-point slide in South Surrey–White Rock, in a province that is key to the NDP's electoral hopes in 2019, should be disappointing for the party as the Greater Toronto and Vancouver areas are where Singh has the most promise for NDP gains in the next election.

Though the NDP retained its second-place showing in Battlefords–Lloydminster, the only silver lining for the party on Monday, it was with its worst result there in its modern boundaries. The party's scores in South Surrey–White Rock and Scarborough–Agincourt were the lowest since 1993 and 2000, respectively, the two worst elections in the party's history.

Scheer and Singh still have almost two years to rebound. The results of these four byelections won't decide the outcome of the next general election. But after falling short when put to the test by real voters — not by polls or pundits — the two opposition leaders might be worried about how successful Trudeau's Liberals could be in scaling up these byelections wins, where they matter most, in 2019.

1 comment:

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