From: Sylvie Gadoury <sylvie.gadoury@radio-canada.
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 11:20:07 -0700
Subject: Absence du bureau / Out of office Re: RE Methinks I was being
fair to touch base with Jeff Hoyt Nesy Pas Chucky Leblanc?
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Thank you,
Sylvie Gadoury
Sylvie Gadoury
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---------- Original message ----------
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 18:19:53 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: RE Methinks I was being fair to touch base
with Jeff Hoyt Nesy Pas Chucky Leblanc?
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
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Catherine McKenna, Member of Parliament, Ottawa Centre
* * *
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Catherine McKenna, d?put?e, Ottawa Centre
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Hon.Ralph.Goodale (PS/SP)" <>
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 18:21:11 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: RE Methinks I was being fair to touch base
with Jeff Hoyt Nesy Pas Chucky Leblanc?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
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---------- Original message ----------
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 18:19:53 +0000
Subject: Réponse automatique : RE Methinks I was being fair to touch
base with Jeff Hoyt Nesy Pas Chucky Leblanc?
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
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---------- Original message ----------
From: Newsroom <>
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 18:21:29 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: RE Methinks I was being fair to touch base
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---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 14:09:50 -0400
Subject: RE Methinks I was being fair to touch base with Jeff Hoyt
Nesy Pas Chucky Leblanc?
macpherson.don@dailygleaner.,,,,, susan.j.collins@bhpbilliton.,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Cc: david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com,,,,,
---------- Original message ----------
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 17:47:40 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks I was being fair to touch base with
Jeff Hoyt of the Climate Change Secretariat particularly after the
Conservation Council has ignored my concerns for 15 years N'esy Pas?
Thank you for contacting my office. This automated response is to
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Cc: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.,,,
---------- Original message ----------
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 17:47:40 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks I was being fair to touch base with
Jeff Hoyt of the Climate Change Secretariat particularly after the
Conservation Council has ignored my concerns for 15 years N'esy Pas?
Thank you for contacting my office. This automated response is to
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Please note that your message will be forwarded to the Department of
Environment and Climate Change if it concerns topics pertaining to the
Minister of Environment and Climate Changes' role. For all future
correspondence addressed to the Minister of Environment and Climate
Change, I ask that you please write directly to
Catherine McKenna, Member of Parliament, Ottawa Centre
* * *
Je vous remercie d'avoir communiqu? avec mon bureau. La pr?sente
r?ponse automatique vous est envoy?e pour vous informer que votre
message a ?t? re?u et qu'il sera examin? le plus rapidement possible.
En raison du volume ?lev? de correspondance re?ue, je ne peux r?pondre
personnellement ? chaque demande. N'h?sitez pas ? contacter mon bureau
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Veuillez noter que votre message sera transmis au minist?re de
l'Environnement et du Changement climatique s'il concerne des
questions qui ont trait au r?le de la ministre de l'Environnement et
du Changement climatique. Nous vous prions d'envoyer directement toute
correspondance future adress?e ? la ministre de l'Environnement et du
Changement climatique ?
Catherine McKenna, d?put?e, Ottawa Centre
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Get it Frenchy???????????
Here is my phone number again Frenchy 506 434 1379 if you wish to ask
me any questions. I will not bother to look up yours. I do not care
about you think anymore if you don't wish to speak man to man. I will
do as you requested and merely leave you all alone just like I said in
the last email I ever intended to send to any of the CBC crowd. Now
that they are comfortably back at work editing the truth for Paul
Martin's benefit not ours, I know it would be fruitless to approach
them anymore.
Before you give me a call Frenchy, perhaps you should review email
that you bounced back to me. For your education here is my face as
well and an article about me in a local paper then ask yourself why
the CBC reporters ignored an interesting little circus.
I ain't hiding and I ain't a lair. I am just another Maritime asshole
just like you Frenchy. You should understand me as being a simple,
sincere and serious asshole even if you do not believe that I am a man
with some pretty serious beefs against the corrupt justice system and
the CBC that helps it in its malice towards us all. It is late and my
rambling rant is over. As I wrote this I kept remmbering my encounters
with the Frenchy from the far side of my hometown of Dorchester last
year. His name is Charles LeBlanc. Man that bastard is full of hot
air. I had to get this off my chest. I will sleep better with you
dismissed from my mind too. Good luck with your own conscience from
now on. Say Hey to Chucky Leblanc for me will ya> Like you he is
blocking my emails after sending me a flood of them last year. I will
lay odds your wife knows of him. The Maritimes ain't that big a place
and he is quite a bragger.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
----- Original Message -----
> > > > From: "McKnight, Gisele" McKnight.Gisele@kingscorecord.
> > > > To:
> > > > Cc:motomaniac_02186@hotmail.
> > > Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 2:53 PM
> > > > Subject: David Amos
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > Hello Lisa,
> > > > > David Amos asked me to contact you. I met him last June after he
> > became
> > > an
> > > > > independent (not representing any political party) candidate in our
> > > > federal
> > > > > election that was held June 28.
> > > > >
> > > > > He was a candidate in our constituency of Fundy (now called
> > > Fundy-Royal).
> > > > I
> > > > > wrote a profile story about him, as I did all other candidates. That
> > > story
> > > > > appeared in the Kings County Record June 22. A second story, written
> > by
> > > > one
> > > > > of my reporters, appeared on the same date, which was a report on
> the
> > > > > candidates' debate held June 18.
> > > > >
> > > > > As I recall David Amos came last of four candidates in the election.
> > The
> > > > > winner got 14,997 votes, while Amos got 358.
> > > > >
> > > > > I have attached the two stories that appeared, as well as a photo
> > taken
> > > by
> > > > > reporter Erin Hatfield during the debate. I couldn't find the photo
> > that
> > > > > ran, but this one is very similar.
> > > > >
> > > > > Gisele McKnight
> > > > > editor A1-debate A1-amos,David for MP 24.doc debate
> > > > > Kings County Record
> > > > > Sussex, New Brunswick
> > > > > Canada
> > > > > 506-433-1070
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
Raising a Little Hell- Lively Debate Provokes Crowd
By Erin Hatfield
"If you don't like what you got, why don't you change it? If your
world is all screwed up, rearrange it."
The 1979 Trooper song Raise a Little Hell blared on the speakers at
the 8th Hussars Sports Center Friday evening as people filed in to
watch the Fundy candidates debate the issues. It was an accurate, if
unofficial, theme song for the debate.
The crowd of over 200 spectators was dwarfed by the huge arena, but as
they chose their seats, it was clear the battle lines were drawn.
Supporters of Conservative candidate Rob Moore naturally took the blue
chairs on the right of the rink floor while John Herron's Liberalswent
left. There were splashes of orange, supporters of NDP Pat Hanratty,
mixed throughout. Perhaps the loudest applause came from a row towards
the back, where supporters of independent candidate David Amos sat.
The debate was moderated by Leo Melanson of CJCW Radio and was
organized by the Sussex Valley Jaycees. Candidates wereasked a barrage
of questions bypanelists Gisele McKnight of the Kings County Record
and Lisa Spencer of CJCW.
Staying true to party platforms for the most part, candidates
responded to questions about the gun registry, same sex marriage, the
exodus of young people from the Maritimes and regulated gas prices.
Herron and Moore were clear competitors,constantly challenging each
other on their answers and criticizing eachothers’ party leaders.
Hanratty flew under the radar, giving short, concise responses to the
questions while Amos provided some food for thought and a bit of comic
relief with quirky answers. "I was raised with a gun," Amos said in
response to the question of thenational gun registry. "Nobody's
getting mine and I'm not paying 10 cents for it."
Herron, a Progressive Conservative MP turned Liberal, veered from his
party'splatform with regard to gun control. "It was ill advised but
well intentioned," Herron said. "No matter what side of the house I am
on, I'm voting against it." Pat Hanratty agreed there were better
places for the gun registry dollars to be spent.Recreational hunters
shouldn't have been penalized by this gun registry," he said.
The gun registry issues provoked the tempers of Herron and Moore. At
one point Herron got out of his seat and threw a piece of paper in
front of Moore. "Read that," Herron said to Moore, referring to the
voting record of Conservative Party leader Steven Harper. According to
Herron, Harper voted in favour of the registry on the first and second
readings of the bill in 1995. "He voted against it when it counted, at
final count," Moore said. "We needa government with courage to
register sex offenders rather than register the property of law
abiding citizens."
The crowd was vocal throughout the evening, with white haired men and
women heckling from the Conservative side. "Shut up John," one woman
yelled. "How can you talk about selling out?" a man yelled whenHerron
spoke about his fear that the Conservatives are selling farmers out.
Although the Liberal side was less vocal, Kings East MLA Leroy
Armstrong weighed in at one point. "You’re out of touch," Armstrong
yelled to Moore from the crowd when the debate turned to the cost of
post-secondary education. Later in the evening Amos challenged
Armstrong to a public debate of their own. "Talk is cheap. Any time,
anyplace," Armstrong responded.
As the crowd made its way out of the building following the debate,
candidates worked the room. They shook hands with well-wishers and
fielded questions from spectators-all part of the decision-making
process for the June 28 vote.
Cutline – David Amos, independent candidate in Fundy, with some of his
favourite possessions—motorcycles.
The Unconventional Candidate
David Amos Isn’t Campaigning For Your Vote, But….
By Gisele McKnight
FUNDY—He has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his
wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone
that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle."
Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballot—David Amos.
The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife
and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from
running for office in Canada.
One has only to be at least 18, a Canadian citizen and not be in jail
to meet Elections Canada requirements.
When it came time to launch his political crusade, Amos chose his
favourite place to do so—Fundy.
Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his
dissatisfaction with politicians.
"I’ve become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he
said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum."
The journey that eventually led Amos to politics began in Sussex in
1987. He woke up one morning disillusioned with life and decided he
needed to change his life.
"I lost my faith in mankind," he said. "People go through that
sometimes in midlife."
So Amos, who’d lived in Sussex since 1973, closed his Four Corners
motorcycle shop, paid his bills and hit the road with Annie, his 1952
Panhead motorcycle.
"Annie and I rode around for awhile (three years, to be exact)
experiencing the milk of human kindness," he said. "This is how you
renew your faith in mankind – you help anyone you can, you never ask
for anything, but you take what they offer."
For those three years, they offered food, a place to sleep, odd jobs
and conversation all over North America.
Since he and Annie stopped wandering, he has married, fathered a son
and a daughter and become a house-husband – Mr. Mom, as he calls
He also describes himself in far more colourful terms—a motorcyclist
rather than a biker, a "fun-loving, free-thinking, pig-headed
individual," a "pissed-off Maritimer" rather than an activist, a proud
Canadian and a "wild colonial boy."
Ironically, the man who is running for office has never voted in his life.
"But I have no right to criticize unless I offer my name," he said.
"It’s alright to bitch in the kitchen, but can you walk the walk?"
Amos has no intention of actively campaigning.
"I didn’t appreciate it when they (politicians) pounded on my door
interrupting my dinner," he said. "If people are interested, they can
call me. I’m not going to drive my opinions down their throats."
And he has no campaign budget, nor does he want one.
"I won’t take any donations," he said. "Just try to give me some. It’s
not about money. It goes against what I’m fighting about."
What he’s fighting for is the discussion of issues – tainted blood,
the exploitation of the Maritimes’ gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to
name a few.
"The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs – fishing,
farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I’m
death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it
(NAFTA) out the window.
NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an
easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico.
Amos disagrees with the idea that a vote for him is a wasted vote.
"There are no wasted votes," he said. "I want people like me,
especially young people, to pay attention and exercise their right.
Don’t necessarily vote for me, but vote."
Although…if you’re going to vote anyway, Amos would be happy to have
your X by his name.
"I want people to go into that voting booth, see my name, laugh and
say, ‘what the hell.’"
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 13:47:36 -0400
Subject: Methinks I was being fair to touch base with Jeff Hoyt of the
Climate Change Secretariat particularly after the Conservation Council
has ignored my concerns for 15 years N'esy Pas?
macpherson.don@dailygleaner.,,,,, susan.j.collins@bhpbilliton.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Cc: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.,,,,,,,,,,

David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks I was being fair to touch base with Jeff Hoyt of the Climate Change Secretariat particularly after the Conservation Council has ignored my concerns for 15 years N'esy Pas?

Province proposes carbon tax on tiny fraction of emissions from big industrial polluters
Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos
Methinks I was being fair to touch base with Jeff Hoyt of the Climate Change Secretariat particularly after the Conservation Council has ignored my concerns for 15 years N'esy Pas?
David Amos
"But environmentalist Lois Corbett of the Conservation Council of New Brunswick said by excluding more than 99 per cent of industrial emissions, Carr's plan is too weak to have an effect.
"Is it fair that large polluters get to dump their crap for free?" she asked reporters."
Methinks its time for a nap and allow the professional complainers do their thing N'esy Pas?
David Amos
"Carr said large exporters that sell into the U.S. market, such as the Irving Oil refinery in Saint John and several large forestry mills, can't afford to pass on to customers the extra cost of a big carbon tax."
Cry me a river
Ray Bungay
Reply to @David Amos: You must have worked for the Irving Group as you seemto think you know a lot about their operations
Cry me a River!
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Bungay: Now thats funny
David Amos
"Carr and his officials say they're optimistic that it will win federal approval because it matches Ottawa's system in most respects."
Yea Right
David Amos
"Carr said the province wants to give NB Power credit for emissions reductions it has already made."
Surprise Surprise Surprise
Province proposes carbon tax on tiny fraction of emissions from big industrial polluters
Environmentalist Lois Corbett says Jeff Carr's plan is too weak to have an effect
The Higgs government is proposing a carbon tax on heavy industry that would give NB Power ratepayers a break and would dramatically lighten the financial burden on emitters that export most of their products.
The system would tax only 0.84 percent of greenhouse gas emissions from the province's biggest emitters this year, far below the 20 per cent in the existing federal system.
Environment Minister Jeff Carr called the plan "a balanced one that takes into account where we are as a province right now, our economic factors right now."
"We're in a volatile position right now with our jobs."
Carr said large exporters that sell into the U.S. market, such as the Irving Oil refinery in Saint John and several large forestry mills, can't afford to pass on to customers the extra cost of a big carbon tax.
Even so, he said the provincial levy on industry would still provide those plants with a financial incentive to lower emissions.
"If they invest in their own facilities and start lowering their emissions, good behaviour is rewarded by not having to pay it," he said.
Is Carr's plan too weak?
But environmentalist Lois Corbett of the Conservation Council of New Brunswick said by excluding more than 99 per cent of industrial emissions, Carr's plan is too weak to have an effect.
"Is it fair that large polluters get to dump their crap for free?" she asked reporters. She acknowledged the share of emissions subject to the tax will increase to 10 per cent by 2030.
"It will ratchet up over time and that's a good thing, but at the beginning we're starting out very slow and very free," Corbett said.

The previous Gallant Liberal government opted to accept the federal plan for industrial emitters rather than develop its own.
But after taking office last November, the Progressive Conservatives committed to crafting their own system. It will go out for public input during the next month and must be finalized and submitted to Ottawa by July 31.
Carr and his officials say they're optimistic that it will win federal approval because it matches Ottawa's system in most respects.
It covers the same industrial sectors, applies to the same gases and applies the same price scale of $20 per tonne this year, rising to $50 per tonne in 2022.
Officials said the seemingly tiny fraction of emissions subject to the price this year is still more than Saskatchewan's model, which Ottawa approved.
"We feel as a whole that it checked off all the boxes," said Jeff Hoyt, executive director of the province's climate change secretariat.
The New Brunswick system also seeks to avoid hitting NB Power with big carbon-price costs that would lead to an additional six per cent hike on top of regular rate increases by 2022.

Carr said the province wants to give NB Power credit for emissions reductions it has already made.
Hoyt acknowledged that the approach is "somewhat unique" and that no other province has seen such a system for electricity generation approved by Ottawa.
The province said the plan will reduce "emissions intensity" — the ratio of greenhouse gases relative to what the industrial plant producers — by 10 per cent by 2030. But the actual reduction in emissions will be smaller.
Even so, it would allow the province to reach the Paris climate goal of getting emissions to 30 per cent below 2005 levels. Emissions are already 28 per cent below those levels.
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