Bizarre legal theory making anti-vaccine movement more extreme, experts warn
Opposition to public health measures vaults Freemen-on-the-land ideology into public eye
Last week, protesters entered a school in Salmon Arm, B.C., to "serve" school officials with what lawyers say are bogus legal documents.
The documents are based on the ideology of the Freemen-on-the-land, an anti-government movement with links to white nationalism.
"This is very worrying," said Edwin Hodge, an expert on right-wing extremism at the Centre for Global Studies at the University of Victoria.
The pseudo-legal ideas of the Freemen have ebbed and flowed over the years, but the philosophy has typically been relegated to the fringes of society, according to experts.
Not anymore. The pandemic and its associated opposition to public health measures have vaulted these ideas into the public eye.
"It's been a bonanza," said Richard Warman, an Ottawa human rights lawyer who has written extensively on pseudo-law.
leader David Lindsay is a known believer of the Freemen-on-the-land
ideology and spreads its ideas regularly at Okanagan rallies. (Chris Walker/CBC)
'An intimidation tactic'
David Lindsay, a prominent anti-vaccine mandate protester in Kelowna, B.C., is also a well-known follower of the Freemen-on-the-land ideology, according to legal scholars, and has used rallies in the Okanagan to spread it. CBC News reached out to Lindsay for comment but did not hear back in time for publication.
The convoluted legal principles being spread by Lindsay and others arose in the white supremacist Posse Comitatus movement in the United States in the early 1970s, according to Helmut-Harry Loewen, a retired sociologist in Winnipeg and an expert on the Freemen.
Loewen says they espouse a radical interpretation of the relationship between citizens and government, claiming that explicit individual consent is required for every bureaucratic interaction — from speeding tickets, to taxes, to criminal charges, to public health measures.
When adherents encounter law enforcement, they exclaim "I do not consent," which they claim frees them from legal obligations. (It doesn't, according to lawyers.)
That line has been adopted by some anti-vaccine activists — appearing everywhere from protest signs to frames on Facebook profiles, though it isn't always clear whether those activists follow Freemen ideology or have, perhaps, just borrowed the phrase.
similar to that of the Freemen has been adopted by some anti-vaccine
activists — appearing on protest signs and frames on Facebook profiles. (Facebook)
According to Hodge, the most dedicated Freemen followers issue reams of bogus legal documents in the belief that once the true law is recognized, public officials will be held accountable.
In British Columbia, activists have insisted on hand-delivering so-called "notices of liability" to public officials, including mayors, city councillors and school principals.
The recent incursion into a school was "a dramatic escalation," said Hodge, and indicates that activists are willing to breach previously sacrosanct public spaces.
"This is an intimidation tactic," he said.
"They see themselves as the only legitimate law enforcement around because they perceive everybody else to be puppets or stooges or in on the conspiracy."
'Vexatious litigants'
The legal profession takes a dim view of such tactics.
"People delivering notices of liability might as well be delivering their grocery list," said Warman. "These documents are 100 per cent false. These have never worked and have never been accepted in any court."
Canadian courts have repeatedly ruled against such pseudo-legal arguments and have deemed many Freemen to be "vexatious litigants," meaning they need special dispensation from the courts to file lawsuits.
Followers of pseudo-law have a pattern of escalation, according to both Hodge and Warman.
"They don't just post things on Facebook saying, 'I do not consent,'" said Hodge. "First, they're declaring the government unconstitutional, then it's issuing false notices, then they're making citizen arrests, and then it escalates into violence."
"These theories may run away faster than the truth," said Warman. "It's important to deal with [extremism] at the lowest possible level before it grows. It starts with education and debunking."
On Thursday, Quebec passed a law meant to keep protests away from schools and hospitals. B.C. Premier John Horgan said last week that B.C. is looking to do the same.
"It's something that we don't do lightly but we do in the interests of the vast majority of British Columbians who want to know that they can go about their business free from intolerance of a select few," he said.
LISTEN | Radicalization among protesters:
Kelowna CBC reporter's Twitter mistake pronounces Carlos Santana's premature death
KELOWNA – The local host of CBC’s Daybreak South was forced to delete several tweets and apologize to the family of a world-famous musician today after mistakenly tweeting that Carlos Santana was dead.
On Thursday morning, Chris Walker, a reporter in the Kelowna office of CBC tweeted that Carlos Santana, the famous guitarist, was found dead in his car. Don't worry fans, Carlos Santana is alive and picking.
The tweet, which has since been deleted, did not cite any source, saying only that it was someone he trusts. A user who asked for more details received the following response.
An RCMP release Wednesday identified the victim of a car accident in Osoyoos as 65-year-old German Santana. Carlos Santana is 68. Walker suggested in later tweets that wasn't the source of his error. Regardless, he quickly realized his mistake and apologized.
But the tweet did not escape the notice of someone very close to the musician. His daughter Stella Santana tweeted shortly after that her father was in fact, alive and well.
Santana's management responded publicly on their Facebook page, much to the relief of fans, more than 8,000 of whom liked his post.
Walker could not be reached for comment.
To contact the reporter for this story, email Adam Proskiw at or call 250-718-0428. To contact the editor, email or call 250-718-2724.
Doors remain locked at Salmon Arm schools after anti-vaccine protest
'Hold and secure' measures lifted but district encouraging schools to restrict entry
The Salmon Arm School District says it has lifted "hold and secure'' measures in place Friday, when anti-vaccine protesters entered three different school buildings.
A scheduled professional development day kept students out of class Monday, but school doors stayed locked as a precaution. Parents and other adults who need to enter the school must phone ahead to make an appointment to be let in.
The mother of an eight-year-old student at a Salmon Arm school said she feels more comfortable with the doors to her child's school locked, knowing strangers can't get into the building.
CBC has agreed not to identify her or her child, out of concern for their safety.
"[The protesters] didn't even have kids that attended that school, so to have them enter a school where they don't even have children that attend is just an overstep, for sure," she said.
She supports the idea of bubble zones — also called protest zones or buffer zones — around hospitals and schools to keep people safe.
"I'm fine with everyone's right to protest, but do it in appropriate spaces," she said.
Salmon Arm Mayor Alan Harrison says protests at Salmon Arm schools were 'way out of line.' (CBC News)
The district says it has encouraged schools to keep main entry points locked, especially in elementary schools.
The statement from district superintendent Donna Kriger says that, where possible, more supervision will be added to playgrounds during recess and noon hours.
Kriger said last week that the school district would work with the RCMP to ensure demonstrators are not allowed on school property.
'Way over the line'
Salmon Arm Mayor Alan Harrison, who was a principal in the North Okanagan-Shuswap School District for 29 years, said staff at the schools did everything right to keep their students safe. He described locking the doors at schools as unfortunate, but necessary.
"It's way over the line," he said.
"There's a place and a time and a process for showing your discontent. But schools and hospitals are not the places."
B.C. Minister of Education Jennifer Whiteside encourages anyone with concerns about COVID-19 vaccines or vaccine cards to contact local politicians, rather than protest outside schools.
"There is absolutely no reason for anyone to be demonstrating or protesting at a school, for going onto school property and interfering with children's ability to learn for any reason," she said.
"I'm appalled at the behaviour."
With files from Susana da Silva and The Canadian Press
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
Salmon Arm schools locked and secured after anti-vaccine protesters enter on Friday
Schools to remain locked on Monday
The temporary lockdown meant students could not enter or leave school during the day. The school district said schools would be locked in this way beginning Monday, Sept. 20. Parents who want to enter during school hours will need to notify the school, according to the letter.
"We have recently experienced protests at our district office from those opposed to vaccinations and masking," said Donna Kriger, superintendent of School District 83, in the letter sent to parents.
"This [Friday] morning these protesters did something which was completely unacceptable which was, choosing to enter schools in and around Salmon Arm."
Salmon Arm RCMP confirmed that protesters entered a school on Friday and were confronted by a security guard. The protesters left th building before police arrived on scene, after the school's principal informed them they had no right to be there, according to an RCMP spokesperson.
The school district declined an interview request Friday.
In her letter, Kriger said SD83 would be working with RCMP to ensure protests would not reach schools going forward.
'A complete and utter disgrace'
Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth described what happened in Salmon Arm as "absolutely unacceptable" in a media availability on Friday.
"This is just a complete and utter disgrace. The word 'Covidiot' doesn't even begin to describe how inappropriate the actions of these wack jobs are. It's unacceptable in the extreme," Farnworth said.
first took place at the School District 83 office, pictured here,
before protesters showed up at schools. Schools are set to remain locked
on Monday, Sept. 20. (Google Maps)
Live Facebook videos filmed by some of the protesters show them confronting health-care workers administering vaccines in a school parking lot, apparently after they had left the school building.
In the videos, the protesters express outrage that children over the age of 12 are allowed to receive the shot without their parents' consent. Under the Infants Act of 1996, "mature minors" can consent to their own medical care providing they fully understand what is involved in that care as well as the risks and benefits.
The protesters are repeatedly told to take their questions to Interior Health and to stop pointing their phone cameras toward the vaccination booth.
The videos also show police arriving on the scene and informing the protesters that they need to keep their distance from the pop-up clinics and respect the privacy and confidentiality of those receiving vaccines.
Education minister
On Saturday, Minister of Education Jennifer Whiteside called out the protesters in a statement.
"It is completely unacceptable for people to protest outside of schools, to speak with other people's children and to undermine the decisions they and their families have made regarding the vaccine."
Whiteside commended the work of staff in dealing with the protesters and said that the province is offering assistance to the school district.
The statement said the ministry is in "regular communication" with all districts across the province about COVID-19 guidelines, health measures and any protests on school grounds.
Reports of assault, verbal abuse as thousands protest vaccine passports outside hospitals across B.C.
Vancouver mayor tells demonstrators to 'stay the hell home'; premier slams 'harassment' of health-care workers
According to police estimates, thousands of demonstrators gathered outside hospitals in Vancouver, Kelowna, Kamloops, Victoria, Prince George, Nanaimo and in other Canadian cities.
The protests were organized by Canadian Frontline Nurses, a group founded by two Ontario nurses who have promoted conspiracy theories about COVID-19 and attended rallies in the U.S. for those who think the pandemic is a "fraud." In posters for the event, dubbed "worldwide walkout," the group urged supporters to "stand up for freedom" and "reject the tyranny of mandatory vaccines."
Protesters carried signs with slogans criticizing vaccine passports as a form of discrimination and chanted "freedom" and "crimes against humanity."
By the early evening, one health authority was reporting a physical assault against a health-care worker. Island Health's president and CEO Kathy MacNeil said some of the protests on Vancouver Island had disrupted people's safe access to health care.
clogged the streets of Vancouver as part of widespread demonstrations
outside hospitals in Vancouver, Kelowna, Kamloops, Victoria, Prince
George, Nanaimo and in other Canadian cities. The rallies were organized
by Canadian Frontline Nurses, a group that has promoted conspiracy
theories about COVID-19. (Gian-Paolo Mendoza/CBC)
"Members of Island Health care teams were verbally abused as they came to and left work during these protests, and in at least one case, a health-care team member was physically assaulted," MacNeil said in a written statement.
"What happened to our health-care teams today is not acceptable to me nor to the people and communities they serve. Our health-care teams deserve respect and support, no matter what personal beliefs we hold."
Health Minister Adrian Dix described the protests as "despicable."
"The nature of the protest to disrupt people when they go to hospital, people who are going there for surgery or for other circumstances, or to visit loved ones or to be with loved ones when they pass away, to have a protest there is really not acceptable behaviour," he said.
Health critic and Liberal MLA Renee Merrifield agreed. She said she understands the frustration people are feeling, but said there are better ways to be heard.
"It was the wrong place and the wrong time," she said.
People protesting against vaccination passports gather near Vancouver City Hall on Cambie Street. (Gian Paolo Mendoza/CBC)
In Kamloops, on the other hand, a man was arrested on suspicion of assault with a weapon for allegedly throwing multiple eggs at protesters, according to RCMP.
Premier John Horgan called out what he described as "harassment" of health-care workers during the protests.
"While everyone has the right to peaceful protest, the targeting and harassment of health-care workers at health-care facilities today is completely unacceptable. We stand by our health-care workers and support them fully," he said in a written statement.
Protesters block traffic outside Vancouver General Hospital and Vancouver City Hall. (Eva Uguen-Csenge/CBC)
New vaccine card motivated some protesters
No Canadian government has made COVID-19 vaccines mandatory for the general public, though B.C. has announced immunization will be required for health-care workers in long-term care homes.
Some provinces, including B.C., are requiring proof of vaccination for certain non-essential activities while many employers are requiring vaccines for people returning to the office.
Those who spoke with reporters at various B.C. rallies represented a range of interests. There were familiar faces who've protested against COVID-related restrictions since the beginning of the pandemic, as well as others who said they were motivated to attend a rally for the first time because of B.C.'s new vaccine card.
Vancouver emergency physician Navdeep Grewal said scenes from the protests had brought her to the verge of tears. She described them as deeply demeaning and disrespectful to the people working inside the hospitals.
"The lives of the people with COVID infections that they're saving right now are those that are unvaccinated," she said.
A rally against mandatory vaccination in Prince George, B.C. (Betsy Trumpener/CBC)
'Stay the hell home'
The largest protest was in Vancouver, where demonstrators gathered outside Vancouver General Hospital before marching toward city hall, but Vancouver Coastal Health reported that there were no disruptions to the hospital's operations or patient care.
By 3 p.m., police estimated that as many as 5,000 people were blocking traffic at the intersection of Cambie Street and 12th Avenue.
Mayor Kennedy Stewart described the protesters as "kooks," "fringe lunatics" and "a bunch of jerks" in an interview with CBC News and said they were rubbing salt in the wounds of exhausted front-line workers.
"They should stay the hell home and stop doing this," he said.
In downtown Vancouver, many in the majority white crowd carried signs comparing themselves to historic victims of genocide and other forms of violent racial and ethnic discrimination.
One sign read "Choice=Freedom | Mandate=Slavery" while others invoked "medical apartheid," the Holocaust and the Nuremberg Code, a set of ethical guidelines governing medical experimentation introduced in response to Nazi atrocities.
Watch | Thousands protest vaccine passports in Vancouver:
Protesters fear loss of rights
Greg Tanner told CBC News that neither he nor his wife, who works in assisted living, will get the COVID-19 vaccine, because "you give an inch, they take a mile."
protester opposed to mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations takes a break
during a demonstration at Cambie Street and 12th Avenue in Vancouver on
Wednesday. (Gian-Paolo Mendoza/CBC News)
Angela D'Agostino said she has no intention of getting the shot and found the current push for vaccination "scary."
"If we give up any of our rights now, we'll basically have no control over life," she said.
In Kelowna, about 1,000 people assembled outside Kelowna General Hospital.
Raena Birch said it was her first time attending a protest of any kind, but she was motivated to rally for freedom of choice.
"I don't think it's anyone else's business what I do medically," she said.
With files from Eva Uguen-Csenge, Brady Strachan, Tanya Fletcher, Jon Hernandez and Betsy Trumpener
Vaccine passports are a 'huge ethical minefield,' says bioethicist
‘My question is: Is this justified? And I hope it is,’ says Kerry Bowman
There's no doubt vaccine passports will limit some people's freedoms and create a two-tiered society, says University of Toronto bioethicist Kerry Bowman. The question is: Is it worth it?
Bowman says vaccine passports are an ethical quagmire that could negatively impact some of the most vulnerable members of society. Whether it's justified will depend on how it's done, and whether it actually works to tamp down the fourth wave of the pandemic, largely driven by the delta variant.
On Wednesday, Quebec became the first in the country to require digital or paper proof of vaccination for most non-essential public activities, including restaurants, movie theatres, gyms, team sports, indoor pools and more.
Ontario just announced the details of its vaccine passport system, which will come into effect on Sept. 22. Manitoba will implement a similar system on Sept. 3, and B.C.'s takes effect on Sept. 13.
Here is part of Bowman's conversation with As It Happens guest host Peter Armstrong.
How big of an ethical minefield is Quebec entering today by requiring vaccine passports?
It's a huge ethical minefield, and, you know, after today's announcement [in Ontario], I would say it's even a little bit bigger than it was yesterday.
When I look to the Ontario rollout — and look, I'm not saying it's not justified; we're in a very difficult situation with delta — but having said that, looking at it now, starting off before the QR codes ... you're going to need photo ID ... plus your vaccination [receipt].
I know that's going to present a huge problem for people that already don't feel safe within a system, people that simply don't have photo ID due to poverty, homelessness, whatever it may be, [and] people that are new to the country. Photo ID is a lot.
When the QR codes come [to Ontario], will there be any element of data storage or surveillance to that? I don't know the answer to that, but there could be. And if there is, there's another ethical concern there.
And the big one is really freedom of movement.... Within a mature democratic society, freedom of movement is really an inherent part of how we live. And we're now laying down infrastructure through many provinces and throughout our country to really divide people.
But the heart of it is: With all of those concerns, do the benefits absolutely outweigh all of that? I'm not suggesting they don't. But I'm not an epidemiologist, so I'm going to leave that alone.
Let's let's dig in, then, on the freedom of movement thing ... because this isn't saying you can't move around. It's saying you can't go get a coffee or you can't go to the gym or go to the movies [without proof of vaccination]. Does that sort of divide [people] up into sort of subsets then?
Freedom of movement would imply that public spaces are available to all people, and we are now creating divisions within that.
Hopefully the system will get better, and hopefully the benefits will outweigh all of this.
But I would argue, Peter, that the discourse on this has not been wonderful. I mean, [people use terms like] carrots and sticks, no-brainer, slam dunk. I don't see this as something self-evident at all. And I would also argue the conversation on this has really been dominated by medical cultures almost exclusively. And we've heard very little from other people on this.
Kerry Bowman is a bioethicist at the University of Toronto. (Stacey Janzer/CBC)
What might this mean, though, for the lives of people who, for whatever reason, have decided not to get vaccinated?
It would mean their lives are much more restricted. And that leads to an injustice. It leads to a bitterness as well.
When you look at the fact that, you know, you can't go for a coffee indoors [without proof of vaccination], but you could go to a barber or a salon … that kind of incoherence is not going to be lost on people, and that's going to erode trust as well.
I want to play a clip from CBC Toronto's morning show Metro Morning this morning. This was part of an interview with a woman who was interviewed at one of those pop-up vaccine clinics who still hadn't decided whether or not to get the shot:
"My concern is, [is my workplace] going to just enforce it at a certain point? So what do you do? You have to take it whether you're scared or not. I don't speak for every African-American, but I must say, a high percentage of the African-American community population are not taking it, not because [of] just the fear, [but] because it seems to them, and to me also, that it's been taking away our human rights. "
What do you make of what you just heard?
I myself have worked in the health-care system for decades, and there clearly is structural and systemic barriers and racism for certain groups…. There's no question about that. People that have been discriminated against are going to be far more hesitant to get the vaccine.
People say: "Well, we're still preserving autonomy. People don't have to get it. We're not forcing it in anyone's arm." I would argue that's actually not true because I literally know of people that are now taking the vaccine only to protect their livelihoods.
Again, my question is: Is this justified? And I hope it is. I think we're actually taking some very big steps here provincially and nationally, not small steps. And I hope this really brings our numbers down very quickly.
large group of demonstrators gather in downtown Montreal to protest the
implementation of a vaccination passport system. A similar protest took
place in Toronto on Wednesday. (Sarah Leavitt/CBC)
We know, though, that it's safe. We know that it saves lives. So is this worth it to try, as you say, to leave the carrot behind and move more towards the stick?
I hate the carrot and stick thing. You know, [a] carrot's a manipulation, and a stick is animal cruelty. It's actually the worst metaphor in the world, I think, to use in terms of public health.
But having said that ... whether we like it or not, it's here. And the question is, how do we do it fairly?
The unvaccinated — I'm not trying to make any excuses for them; I'm pro-vaccine, I'm fully vaccinated myself — but they didn't cause this pandemic either. And they're really, really being targeted. And some of them will be vaccinated. They just haven't been ready yet.
So we will see. We've got some strong consensus ... that vaccine mandates, passports, certificates, whatever you choose to call them, are the way forward. And we have jumped on board. And the question now is how do we make this as fair and as useful and as effective a process as we possibly can?
Written by Sheena Goodyear. Interview produced by Chris Harbord. Q&A has been vetted for length and clarity.
COVID-19 vaccine passports must address privacy, equity concerns, say experts
Iceland became 1st European nation to implement vaccine certificates in January
As more countries look to adopt digital COVID-19 vaccine passports, one American tech expert says the certificates should be developed using a "privacy-preserving approach."
"There's a lot of us who have deep concerns about issues of equity, issues of, obviously, privacy … if you were to implement the [vaccine passport] system," said Brian Behlendorf, managing director of blockchain, health care and identity at the Linux Foundation, a non-profit that is working on vaccine passport software.
"And there's a set of us who are trying to say, instead of doing the typical Silicon Valley approach of 'move fast and break things,' how do we be thoughtful about how these technologies get deployed?"
In late January, Iceland became the first European nation to issue vaccine certificates to citizens who have been inoculated against the novel coronavirus. It will also recognize certificates from other countries, allowing people who've gotten a full course of shots to skip quarantine when arriving in the country.
Several other countries are moving to follow suit, including Denmark, Sweden and Israel. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has opposed the idea of implementing vaccine passports in Canada, saying it's fraught with challenges.
The Linux Foundation is hosting a project called the COVID-19 Credentials Initiative, to develop open-source software that will help public health authorities fight the coronavirus. That work includes developing the building blocks of code that health officials could use to create vaccine passports.
The idea is to accelerate "the adoption of this technology in a standardized and harmonized way," Behlendorf told Galloway.
How would a digital passport work?
Behlendorf said a digital vaccine passport could live on a person's smartphone, perhaps sitting in a digital wallet as opposed to being hosted on a remote server.
A person could then present their passport when crossing borders or boarding a flight, for example.
He said he suspects other businesses such as concert venues or movie theatres may eventually require customers to show their vaccine passports as well, to prevent the spread of the disease.
Behlendorf added that paper versions of the passports would also need to be made available for individuals who don't have access to a smartphone.
Brian Behlendorf is the managing director of blockchain, health care and identity at the Linux Foundation. (Linux Foundation)
Although critics have raised concerns about the use of vaccine passports in allowing people to access goods and services, Behlendorf said he believes there is "a certain amount of inevitability to it."
What's important, he said, is implementing the passports "in a way that doesn't create a traceable trail of your activities across all these different circumstances."
Risks versus rewards
Alison Thompson, a bioethicist and associate professor at the University of Toronto, says that even though vaccine passports may seem inevitable, society should still be having a "serious" conversation about their implementation.
"Really what we're talking about here is allowing people with passports rights and privileges that won't be available to the people who don't have a vaccine passport," she told Galloway.
"And given that there are huge inequities in access to vaccines globally, and even within Canada, you know, this raises all kinds of concerns about whether this is going to be fair — not just whether it'll be confidential information."
Thompson added that it remains unclear whether the benefits of such certificates will outweigh the risks.
Thompson, a bioethicist and associate professor at the University of
Toronto, says there needs to be a 'serious' conversation about the
issues around COVID-19 vaccine passports. (Steven Southon)
One possible outcome of implementing vaccine passports is that people who have them could be exploited to do jobs that need to be done in the public sphere, while those without the passports could be barred from employment, she said.
She also questions what kind of personal health information could be collected and shared through digital vaccine passports.
"Ultimately, it will be likely a decision for lawmakers, and, you know, there'll have to be some some real hard looks at discrimination law and basic human rights law to determine how you could use this kind of technology appropriately," she said.
"We need to strike a balance there between getting back to normal and not doubling down on the inequities that we've seen from COVID."
Written by Kirsten Fenn. Produced by Lindsay Rempel, Zoe Yunker and Celeste Decaire.
RCMP investigating after racist rant outside Kelowna vaccine clinic caught on video
Security guard says he is heartened by the messages of support he has received since the video emerged
The RCMP are investigating an incident at a vaccine clinic in Kelowna, B.C., after video surfaced showing an anti-vaccine protestor unleashing a racist rant toward a security guard in a parking lot on Tuesday.
The video was taken by a reporter Cali Berry with iNFOnews who was covering a protest by about 10 people outside the Trinity Church Baptist Church where the vaccine clinic was being held.
One of the protestors, Bruce Orydzuk, is seen shouting at a security guard, telling him to "go back to your country" as he records the interaction himself with a small video camera.
"You're disgusting. You're not a Canadian. Go back to India.... We don't want you here," Orydzuk yells during the exchange.
The video has been viewed by thousands of people with many calling out the behaviour seen in the video, including B.C. Premier John Horgan who called it "vile" and "racist."
Kelowna Mayor Colin Basran said he felt "angry, frustrated and disheartened for the security guard" when he saw the video.
"I would say that he did a great job and I hope he doesn't get discouraged because this is not the view of the majority of people who live in Kelowna, or in British Columbia or in Canada. This is just an isolated incident by someone who has a track record of behaving that way." Basran said.
Orydzuk is one of a core group of people in Kelowna who have led protests against mask wearing, vaccines and restrictions meant to protect people against COVID-19.
The Kelowna RCMP said Thursday investigators are looking into the parking lot incident.
"We are investigating this through the lens of willful promotion of hatred which is section 319 under the Criminal Code, and we are taking this very seriously " said Cpl. Jocelyn Noseworthy.
"This is, in no way, what the people of Kelowna or the Kelowna RCMP want to see in our community. It's not acceptable in any way."
The man on the receiving end of the abuse is Anmol Singh, a security guard with Paladin Security who only recently started working with the company.
Kelowna 'mega rally' draws about 250 protesters against public health orders to combat COVID-19
Head of Kelowna RCMP defends handling of protests opposing COVID-19 restrictions
When reached by CBC News on Thursday, Singh described the abuse as the worst he's experienced during the four years he has lived in Canada.
"These are things I felt were really painful," he said. "I was totally upset all day, all night. I couldn't sleep."
Singh says many people have contacted him online with messages of support, which he appreciates.
"It's overwhelming. I have never had this experience in the past," he said. "I am getting support from all over, so it makes me feel good about it."
a written statement a spokesperson for Paladin Security said Singh
"displayed professionalism, courage and calmness in a very distressing
situation, and we will be recognizing his actions and outstanding
Alleged threats to reporter

A Kelowna man made infamous by a racist tirade he unleashed on a security guard outside a vaccine clinic is facing criminal charges related to a separate incident.
Bruce Orydzuk, 60, has been charged with uttering threats for an incident on Aug. 26, 2021. Court documents name a Global Okanagan reporter as the alleged victim.
In a statement, the Kelowna RCMP says the complaint was made to them that same day.
“The male suspect was identified and the investigative findings were submitted for review of potential criminal charges,” police said.
The charge was approved by prosecutors on March 3. Orydzuk will make his first appearance in Kelowna court on April 14.
Orydzuk has been one of the most dedicated COVID protesters in the city for some time now. He often travels with a GoPro camera and uploads videos of himself harassing journalists and others he opposes to social media.
He made national headlines in July 2021 when he was videotaped yelling at a South Asian security guard outside a vaccine clinic at Trinity Church.
“You're not a Canadian, you are disgusting. Go back to your country," Orydzuk yelled at the security guard, who had stepped in to protect an InfoNews reporter who was covering the protest outside the clinic.
The Kelowna RCMP investigated the incident and forwarded the file to Crown prosecutors, who have not laid charges.
Kelowna's last mask dispute

One of the leaders of Kelowna's anti-COVID restrictions movement, David Lindsay caused a scene at Kelowna City Hall Thursday morning.
According to City of Kelowna bylaw services manager Kevin Mead, Lindsay attended city hall to dispute bylaw notices he's been issued in relation to regular downtown protests.
"We do have an administrative justice process, by which a provincially appointed adjudicator presides over the evidence that's been presented as part of the bylaw offence notice," Mead said.
Mead says Lindsay was offered several different options to settle his dispute, including a virtual hearing, but he chose to attend city hall in person. When he arrived for his appointment he refused to comply with the mask policy and security guards prevented Lindsay from entering the building.
"The disputant has on multiple occasions refused to put on a mask. He's a known vexatious litigant deemed by the court with multiple other legal actions in process right now," Mead says.
Once Lindsay was denied entry to city hall he became agitated and called the RCMP.
"By virtue of denying him entry, he accused the City of Kelowna security and one of our staff of obstructing justice under the Criminal Code and declared that he was putting our staff under citizen's arrest," Mead said. "He then called the RCMP."
The province announced on Thursday that mask mandates in the province will lift at midnight, meaning this morning's incident at city hall could be one of Kelowna's last mask disputes.
Castanet reached out to Lindsay for comment, but he has not responded.
Kelowna RCMP spokesperson Cpl. Tammy Lobb confirmed they attended city hall for a "disturbance... and spoke to all parties involved. There were no arrests and no charges as result."
Mead says staff and security were well aware of Lindsay's appointment and he says they were prepared.
"It wasn't unexpected. We were quite well prepared for Mr. Lindsay and, very confident that we satisfied (or exceeded) all legal requirements under all the applicable legislation."
Mead tells Castanet the entire incident took place outside city hall and lasted for about 20 minutes.
"He had another cohort there that was videotaping as well, which, I'm sure will show up on a Facebook page somewhere," Mead said.
Lindsay is currently facing two assault charges against security guards stemming from a protest outside the Interior Health building on Doyle Avenue last August. A warrant was issued for his arrest last month when he failed to show up to his court date, but he has since appeared in court, and the warrant is no longer in effect.
He's next scheduled to appear in Kelowna court on the charges on March 17.
455 Lawrence Avenue
Kelowna, BC Canada V1Y 6L6
Tel: 250-860-5050
Director of Content - Colin Dacre (ext 128)
Central Okanagan News Director - Rob Gibson (ext 135)
Kelowna anti-mask protest leader has long profited off conspiracy theorists, rubbed shoulders with white nationalists
When hundreds of people gather in Kelowna’s Stuart Park each week to protest COVID-19 restrictions, it’s a familiar group of faces who take the microphone.
But no face is more familiar than David Kevin Lindsay, the man who has been leading Kelowna’s anti-mask and anti-lockdown movement since its infancy.
While COVID-19 is less than a year old, this is familiar territory for Lindsay, who for decades previously made a name for himself within fringe groups by arguing that taxes are unconstitutional.
Lindsay has lost dozens of civil and criminal court cases and has been declared a vexatious litigant in B.C., meaning he cannot initiate a lawsuit without a judge’s permission. He has served prison time for failing to pay taxes.
Previously, he charged for access to his seminars on how to challenge tax law and at one time advertised himself as “Canada's foremost freedom expert on the secrets of laying criminal charges against government officials.”
It is a business model he had adopted to cater to COVID-19 conspiracies, charging $25 for an online seminar on Sunday where he promised to provide “today’s answer to the COVID-19 insanity.”
One of Canada's top gurus of 'Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Arguments'
Lindsay was profiled in Meads vs. Meads, a 2012 ruling from the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench, which was an unprecedented 736-paragraph decision from a judge that has acted as a guide for courts across the country on how to deal with “Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Arguments.”
The judgment lists Lindsay one of Canada’s top OPCA “gurus,” a prominent member of the OPCA community who sells their ideas in seminars or acts as an agent in court to make bogus arguments to avoid paying taxes, child support or paying speeding tickets. Lindsay, while not a lawyer, represented dozens of people in court making such arguments.
“This is a business where secret ‘cheat codes’ and ‘get out of jail free’ cards are marketed to a gullible, often conspiracy-driven, customer base,” wrote Donald Netolitzky, complex litigant management counsel for the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench, in the Alberta Law Review about OPCA gurus generally.
At an anti-mask and anti-lockdown event in the summer, Lindsay was introduced as appearing in court more than 300 times in seven provinces.
Court appearances for tax evasion; drives without licence, registration, or insurance
When he was hauled into court in 2008 after not filing a tax return in more than a decade, he tried to argue that Queen Elizabeth II did not correctly complete her coronation oath in 1953, resulting in a lack of constitutional authority in Canada’s Parliament and, as a result, the Income Tax Act.
He also unsuccessfully challenged the authority of the judge and demanded to cross examine him.
Lindsay was sentenced to 150 days in jail and fined $5,000. The BC Court of Appeal would lower the sentence to 30 days in jail while maintaining the fine. He tried to take the case to the Supreme Court of Canada, but the court refused to hear it.
He would serve 60 days in jail in December 2012 for failing to follow the ensuing court order requiring him to file his taxes for the years 1997-2001.
Lindsay has also attempted to argue in court that the relationship between the state and a person is a contract that can be opted out of and that an aspect of the 1931 Statute of Westminster meant all post-1931 government legislation and action is unauthorized.
When he was caught driving without a driver’s licence, without insurance, and without displaying proper licence plates in 2001, he tried to argue that King John’s Magna Carta of 1215 supersedes modern law.
Lindsay started his OPCA activities in the late 1990s in Manitoba, but eventually settled in the B.C. Interior where he became “ubiquitous” in the detaxer movement and founded his “Common Law Education And Rights” (CLEAR) Initiative."
Under that brand he has hosted and charged for entrance to seminars on how to “avoid being a natural person,” on how “all taxes are voluntary” and “how to file criminal charges when the police won’t.” COVID-19 is just the latest seminar topic for Lindsay under the CLEAR banner.
Spreading misinformation about COVID-19 in B.C.
It’s under that same brand that Lindsay has spread pamphlets across the Okanagan containing misinformation related to COVID-19, held protests at news outlets and outside schools, and become the leader of weekly anti-lockdown rallies in Stuart Park.
The Kelowna RCMP says it issued the organizer of Saturday’s large downtown protest a $2,300 ticket. Longtime ally of Lindsay and white nationalist, Paul Fromm, identified Lindsay as the receiver of the penalty on his website Sunday night. Lindsay confirmed Monday he received the ticket, suggesting he will fight the penalty in court.
Fromm has appeared at multiple of Lindsay’s rallies in Stuart Park, promoting them on his channels and attending early in the movement when they attracted just a few dozen people.
Lindsay’s association to Fromm is not new. Lindsay was one of many fringe characters who travelled to Quesnel to attend the 2015 trial of Arthur Topham, who was convicted of communicating online statements that wilfully promoted hatred against Jewish people.
Outside the Quesnel courthouse, Lindsay complained to Fromm in an interview about the routine searches of attendees carried out by sheriffs at the courthouse, falsely claiming they were illegal.
With several hundred people from across the B.C. Interior attending the last few Kelowna anti-lockdown rallies, the views of Fromm — one of the Canada's most prominent white nationalists — do not reflect the vast majority of attendees. But Lindsay has refused to answer questions on his relationship with Fromm.
"As you can see, there are a significant amount of angry people in relation to the COVID CON," said Lindsay in a lengthy email to Castanet that attacked the provincial statistics on COVID-19 as "completely false and misleading" while threatening additional protests at Castanet's Kelowna offices.
"For every person in attendance, there are many thousands not in attendance due to fear of losing their jobs and other public retribution and fear for their families. Canadians are living in fear of the state – that is not freedom – that is tyranny," Lindsay continued.
"What you should be focusing upon is the nature and accuracy of the information we possess (as do many others) that confirms that there is no pandemic," he said, while rejecting the term "conspiracy theorist."
Focus on anti-mask, anti-lockdown during COVID-19 pandemic
Lindsay also refused to answer questions about whether he now files taxes, or if he will return to the detaxer movement when the pandemic ends.
Most of Lindsay’s speeches at anti-mask and anti-lockdown rallies remain focused on the pandemic rather than his previous legal adventures, but some of his followers remain under the impression that he is a lawyer.
“The man David Lindsay, the head of C.L.E.A.R. in Kelowna, is a lawyer – by the sounds of it a really good one,” said one of Saturday’s rally attendees, Marjorie Paulson, on Twitter. “A wealth of knowledge and information is on our side.”
While he may be very familiar with the inside of a courtroom, the BC Court of Appeal ruled in 2007 when it declared Lindsay a vexatious litigant “that almost all of the applications Mr. Lindsay has made on his own behalf have been without any merit and so found by the courts who have considered them.”
Read more from Castanet
David Radler
F. David Radler (born 1944 in Montreal, Quebec) is a Canadian executive active in finance and news media. Radler was once president of Ravelston Corporation, a privately owned corporation owned by Conrad Black and Radler to control their former newspaper empire. Ravelston owned Argus Corporation which in turn controlled Chicago-based Hollinger International. In 2005, 14.1% of Ravelston was owned by Radler.
Radler graduated from Queen's University in 1967 with a master's degree in Business Administration.[1] In the 1980s Radler was in charge of the sale of Argus Corporation's Dominion supermarket chain to The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company, or A&P. As well, Radler was once based in Chicago to help Black's media business—managed under Chicago-based Hollinger International) in the United States—as publisher of the Chicago Sun-Times newspaper and president and chief operating officer of Hollinger International.
![]() | This article needs to be updated.(April 2009) |
After buying up the London Daily Telegraph, the Chicago Sun-Times, the Jerusalem Post, the Southam chain of Canadian newspapers and hundreds of small American newspapers, Hollinger International began to suffer from financial strain in the late 1990s. Radler and Black then sold off hundreds of their Canadian and American newspapers. Radler, who has lived in Vancouver, British Columbia, since the early 1970s, created a company called Horizon Publications Inc. This bought up some of the American newspapers owned by Hollinger International.
After controversy developed in 2003–2004 concerning $32,000,000 of 'non-compete' payments made to Black and Radler in the sale of Hollinger newspapers, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (and Canadian authorities as well) announced that Black and Radler were under investigation for their involvement.
Radler was eventually charged with five counts of mail fraud and two counts of wire fraud. On 20 September 2005, Radler pleaded guilty in a Chicago court to one count of mail fraud in relation to the 'non-compete' payments.
These payments had been diverted by Radler to a company controlled by himself and Black, Horizon Publications Inc. By disguising the payments as 'non-compete' payments, non-sales proceeds, Radler took advantage of a Canadian tax ruling that made them tax-exempt. The prosecution argued that these moneys belonged to Hollinger International, and had been improperly and secretly diverted to Black and Radler. Radler was sentenced to a fine of $250,000 and a term of 29 months in prison. He had been assisting the prosecution in the investigation of his former business partner. Black is currently being tried on the many charges; his trial began in Chicago in March 2007. Patrick Fitzgerald is the lead prosecutor in the Black case, and Black is represented by a legal team which includes Toronto lawyer Edward Greenspan.
In the fall of 2005, the Board of Trustees of Queen's University, Radler's alma mater,[2] directed that Mr. Radler’s name be immediately removed from the building wing of their business school that had been named after him, and his personal donation was returned. Subsequently, the university discovered that returning charitable gifts is impossible under Canada Revenue Agency regulations, which prevented the return of the donations from the various media companies. To make matters more complex, some of the companies themselves were no longer in operation, and others did not wish the gift returned in any case. While the board’s ethical decision was rightly lauded, the complexities of the gift, and the uncertainty about the rules at the time, created lingering confusion. After careful consideration and in consultation with Osprey Media (which now owned many of the companies that had made the original donations), it was agreed that in spirit Queen’s had returned the gift and Osprey had made an equivalent donation; Osprey is now recognized on the wall of the business school at the level of the donation. It was widely reported at the time that a Toronto hospital had no intention of returning Conrad Black's financial gift. This prompted some to question the wisdom of Queen's returning David Radler's generous donation. The business school, for its part, explained that the charge that Mr Radler had pleaded guilty to was "very serious" and not congruent with the values of the school and those it teaches.
On 18 March 2007, it was reported that Mr. Radler had signed a settlement with the US Securities and Exchange Commission that will see him pay a penalty of almost US$29 million and prevent him from acting as an officer or director of any public company in the United States. The next day, it was announced that Mr. Radler has settled with the Sun-Times Media Group, agreeing to pay them $64.1 million. The news of the SEC settlement sparked protest from the defence at the Conrad Black trial; the defence claimed that such news would negatively influence the jury.
Radler started serving his 29-month sentence for fraud on 25 February 2008 by reporting to Moshannon Valley Correctional Center in Pennsylvania. He was transferred to FCI Ray Brook in Upstate New York and was turned over to Canadian authorities on 18 September 2008. He was paroled from Ferndale Institution in Mission, British Columbia on 15 December 2008. [3] He served only 10 months of a 29-month sentence. He was released on the grounds that he was unlikely to "commit an offence involving violence" before his sentence expired. The board said it was limited to considering only the matter of physical violence and could not consider the financial devastation caused by his crimes or the many victims of these crimes left in its wake.[4] Mr. Radler is now back at work in his office in Vancouver running his business, the Alberta Newspaper Group.[3]
Most of the newspapers that currently make up Alta and Continental were purchased from The Thomson Corporation between 1999 and 2001 by Horizon, a family of companies owned by David Radler and Conrad Black, independently from Radler's and Black's roles as COO and CEO, respectively, of Hollinger Inc. During the 2000s, both men were convicted of defrauding Hollinger and served time in prison;[1] Black sold his interest in Horizon in 2006;[2] and Radler organized his Canadian holdings into two companies, including a limited partnership for his two Alberta dailies and associated weeklies.
The chain, originally called Southern Alberta Newspapers and renamed Alta Group Newspapers, consisted of the former Thomson dailies Lethbridge Herald and Medicine Hat News, and a group of weeklies covering suburban and rural communities in the Lethbridge-Medicine Hat area. The oldest of the weeklies was The Taber Times, which dated to 1907 and had built the chain in the 1970s before being bought out by Hollinger and then Thomson.
In the mid-2000s, Alta purchased three weeklies in southwestern Saskatchewan, and in 2006 it acquired The Record of Sherbrooke, Quebec, from Glacier Media, which took an ownership interest in Alta. Radler noted that The Record was a nostalgic purchase: it was the first newspaper that he and Black owned, back in 1969.[3]
The company has not made any major acquisitions since 2006, although it has bought out biweekly newspapers that competed with its dailies in Lethbridge[4] and Sherbrooke.[1]
As a private company, Alta Newspaper Group is not required to publish an annual report, and Radler has been "tight-lipped" about its ownership structure, telling reporters that he is "a shareholder" in the company but declining to specify how much he owns.[2][3] Alta was formed, however, out of a subsidiary of Horizon Publications Inc.,[5] a company acknowledged to have been owned and operated primarily by Radler.[6]
In 2006, as part of the deal that added The Record to Alta's holdings, Vancouver-based publisher Glacier Media took a 50% share in Alta. It later increased its ownership share to 59%. Glacier is also part-owner of two other newspaper companies connected with Radler, Continental Newspapers and RISN Operations.[7] Sam Grippo, Glacier's chairman of the board, was a group publisher at Hollinger during Radler's time as chief operating officer.[8]
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2022 23:15:43 -0300
Subject: RE City Of Kelowna vs. Marcel Irnie
"Brenda.Lucki" <>, premier
<>,,, "Marco.Mendicino" <>
Cc: motomaniac333 <>,, Newsroom <>,,, "steve.murphy"
<>, sheilagunnreid <>, Dave
Steenburg <>, "stefanos.karatopis"
Mayor Colin Basran
#hadtocallthecopsonthepolice #Freedomconvoy #canadianflag
#freedomfighter #discrimination #kelownabc #january292022
#irnieracingnews #trucktrudeau #freedomconvoy #Canadarevolution
#truckerconvoyCanada #worldwiderallyforfreedom #mandatefreedom
#trudeauhiding #truckerconvoy #FreedomProtesters #antifapolice
The 3.5hr targeted harassment documentary footage will all go public
and Constable Erbes will be held accountable.
It is also probable Const. Erbes knew exactly who I was before hand
and purposely harassed me based of my recent viral Kelowna Freedom
Rally YouTube videos.
(NEW) Irnieracing RUMBLE Channel:
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Irnieracing GETTR:
#Superbikewanderer - Marcel Irnie travelling track to track to teach
Rider Training and Race Motorcycles. Roaming with a 2009 Duramax LMM
dually, carrying a 06' Northern Lite 10.2, pulling a 16' race trailer
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Inquire about Sponsorship, RiderTraining, Kelowna Tours, AMSOIL
Synthetics, Schuberth Helmets, Irnieracing Gloves and Parts contact (Please do not email random news. Only first
hand News Tips & original video footage wanted.)
David Amos
Say Hoka Hey to Conrad Erbes for me will ya?
David Amos
Too Too Funny
David Amos
Phone (250) 869-2515
Mounties lower flag on 55 years at detachment on Doyle Avenue
Ron Seymour Jun 27, 2017
An RCMP parade covered just 750 metres Tuesday in Kelowna, but it
symbolized a move 55 years in the making that came at a cost of $48
Two dozen members in red serge marched from the Doyle Avenue
detachment, built in 1962, to a new police services building at the
corner of Clement Avenue and Richter Street.
“It was time for a new building with proper working conditions for the
RCMP,” Mayor Colin Basran said during opening ceremonies for the new
100,000-square-foot detachment.
The Maple Leaf flag outside the Doyle Avenue detachment was lowered
and carried to the new one, where it was put into storage rather than
hoisted again.
“In preserving the flag, we pay our respects to those who served the
city in the past,” Kelowna RCMP Supt. Brent Mundle told the large
crowd of police, retired officers, city officials and interested
members of the public who attended the opening ceremony.
A new flag was raised by Const. Conrad Erbes, the newest member of the
Kelowna RCMP, who joined the detachment on June 15.
Jim Stuart, mayor of Kelowna from 1986 to 1996, was on hand for the
event, as were two former Kelowna RCMP detachment commanders, Dave
Roseberry and Bill McKinnon.
Although the old detachment had been expanded and modernized several
times over the years, it was considered too small and not equipped
with state-of-the-art facilities.
“I heard many a tale of mice in the building and other (poor) working
conditions,” said Brenda Butterworth-Carr, commanding officer for the
RCMP in B.C.
Before the ceremony, Westbank First Nation elder Wilfred Barnes
performed a cleansing ceremony “to clear the space of negative energy
and bless the building,” those in attendance heard.
Pastor Tim Schroeder, a former member of the Kelowna RCMP auxiliary
and the detachment padre, said the new building will be a place
representing peace, safety and security for decades to come.
“Those who are bent on doing wrong are not going to like this place,”
Schroeder said. “But to the law-abiding majority, this is a great
Continental Newspapers (Canada) Ltd is located in Kelowna, BC, Canada
and is part of the Newspaper, Periodical, Book, and Directory
Publishers Industry. Continental Newspapers (Canada) Ltd has 220 total
employees across all of its locations and generates $42.63 million in
sales (USD). (Sales figure is modelled). There are 3 companies in the
Continental Newspapers (Canada) Ltd corporate family.
Key Principal: F David Radler
550 Doyle Ave
Kelowna, BC, V1Y 7V1
Phone: (250) 763-4000
Employees (this site): 200 Actual
Employees (all sites): 220 Actual
Revenue: $42.63 million Modelled
Year Started: 1904 Incorporated: 1999
2253 Leckie Road
Kelowna, BC V1X6Y5
Phone: (250) 763-4000
Newsroom Personnel
City Editor
Pat Bulmer
Kelowna RCMP name new top cop
Insp. Kara Triance will be promoted to superintendent this fall
Michael RodriguezAug. 19, 2020 3:00 p.m.Local NewsNews
The Kelowna RCMP has named its new top cop.
Insp. Kara Triance will be promoted to superintendent this fall,
assuming her duties as the Kelowna Detachment Commander for the
Regional District of the Central Okanagan which includes Kelowna, West
Kelowna, Peachland and Lake Country.
Triance has been with the RCMP since 2000, after studying sociology
and criminology at UBC. Her first assignment saw her serve five years
in Richmond.
She also served in Bella Bella and on the central coast of B.C., in
Vernon/North Okanagan including Armstrong and Falkland and with the
Federal Border Integrity Shiprider program in Victoria. Most recently,
Triance served as the first female officer in charge of the Sea to Sky
detachment, since November 2016.
According to chief superintendent Brad Haugli, South East District
commander Insp. Triance has policed Indigenous communities, large and
small municipalities, rural and isolated communities, as well as
international waters.
Triance is the co-chair of the B.C. Association of Chiefs of Police
(BCACP), Diversity and Inclusion Committee and serves on the executive
board for the B.C. Women in Law Enforcement (BCWLE) Association.
Kelowna Mayor Colin Basran said the city is pleased with Triance’s
appointment, believing her to be the right person to help the city
move through the social change it is experiencing.
“Crime reduction requires a collaborative approach and her willingness
to work with diverse groups across all areas of our community will
help bring about positive change,” said Basran.
Born and raised in Kelowna, Triance is looking forward to returning
home, where she will share her policing knowledge and experience
through employee and community engagement.
“I am honoured to have been selected to serve as the next officer in
charge of Kelowna RCMP Detachment.I have great expectations for
accountability and excellence in delivering policing services,” said
Triance takes the position over from Supt. Brent Mundle, who will be
transferred to a position with the South East District management
Bureau Chief:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2022 15:07:30 -0400
Subject: Fwd: At least the lawyers and Glen Motz cannot deny that he
speaks for Tamara and Dwayne Lich in Parlament EH?
Cc: motomaniac333 <>
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From: "Bergen, Candice - M.P." <>
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2022 19:05:09 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: At least the lawyers and Glen Motz cannot
deny that he speaks for Tamara and Dwayne Lich in Parlament EH?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
On behalf of the Hon. Candice Bergen, thank you for contacting the
Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition.
Ms. Bergen greatly values feedback and input from Canadians. We read
and review every incoming e-mail. Please note that this account
receives a high volume of e-mails. We reply to e-mails as quickly as
If you are a constituent of Ms. Bergen’s in Portage-Lisgar with an
urgent matter please provide complete contact information. Not
identifying yourself as a constituent could result in a delayed
Once again, thank you for writing.
Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition
Au nom de l’hon. Candice Bergen, nous vous remercions de communiquer
avec le Bureau de la cheffe de l’Opposition officielle.
Mme Bergen accorde une grande importance aux commentaires des
Canadiens. Nous lisons et étudions tous les courriels entrants.
Veuillez noter que ce compte reçoit beaucoup de courriels. Nous y
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Si vous faites partie de l’électorat de Mme Bergen dans la
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cela pourrait retarder la réponse.
Nous vous remercions une fois encore d’avoir pris le temps d’écrire.
Veuillez agréer nos salutations distinguées,
Bureau de la cheffe de l’Opposition officielle
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2022 15:05:00 -0400
Subject: At least the lawyers and Glen Motz cannot deny that he speaks
for Tamara and Dwayne Lich in Parlament EH?
sheilagunnreid <>, mcu <>,
"Mike.Comeau" <>, "John.Williamson"
<>, "rob.moore" <>,
"jake.stewart" <>, "Richard.Bragdon"
<>,, Newsroom
<>, nouvelle <>,
"stefanos.karatopis" <>
<>, attorneygeneral <>,
"Candice.Bergen" <>, "pierre.poilievre"
<>, pm <>, "Katie.Telford"
<>, kingpatrick278
<>, "Kevin.leahy"
<>, "Arseneau, Kevin (LEG)"
<>, "Dominic.Cardy" <>,
"blaine.higgs" <>, "David.Lametti"
<>, Viva Frei <>, Dave
Steenburg <>
Cc: motomaniac333 <>, "Joel.Lightbound"
<>, nobyrne <>,
"Nathaniel.Erskine-Smith" <Nathaniel.Erskine-Smith@parl.
646 Friends
Lives in Medicine Hat, Alberta
From Gull Lake, Saskatchewan
Moiz M. Karimjee
Called to the bar: 1999 (ON)
Crown Attorney's Office
Assistant Crown Attorney
161 Elgin St.
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2K1
Phone: 613-239-1200
Fax: 613-239-1214
Diane Magas
Lawyer: Over 3 Years in Practice
Professional Information
D. Condo Law Professional Corporation
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Ottawa Ontario
K2P 1R7 Canada
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Will Calvin Rosemond
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Phone 1 416 309 1970 Ext. 202
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Caryma Sa'd
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Toronto, Ontario
M5T 3B3
Phone 1 647 360 7182
Email Address
Caryma Sa'd - Lawyer + Political Satirist@CarymaRulesPat King’s bail
hearing is starting now.
This is the same crown who secured Tamara Lich’s detention, but a
different jurist, in this case a Justice of the Peace (JP).
King is represented by Cal Rosemond, who is also Chris Sky’s lawyer.
🧵11:09 AM · Feb 22, 2022
Why was Tamara Lich denied bail? Lawyer Matthew Wolfson on convoy
organizer's arrest
Feb 24, 2022
1.56M subscribers
Ontario Court Justice Julie Bourgeois felt that Lich was obstinate and
dangerous in her responses to the court during bail hearing last
Ottawa convoy protest organizer Tamara Lich denied bail
Judge was not convinced she would go home and follow conditions
CBC News · Posted: Feb 22, 2022 9:46 AM ET
Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich appears in front of a judge for a
bail hearing on Feb. 19, 2022, which was put over to Tuesday. Lich,
from Medicine Hat, Alta., was charged last Thursday with counselling
to commit mischief in connection with the Ottawa protests. (Lauren
Tamara Lich, a major organizer of the so-called Freedom Convoy, was
denied bail Tuesday morning in Ottawa.
Lich, the Alberta woman behind a now-halted GoFundMe campaign that
raised over $10 million to support the protest in Ottawa, was arrested
and charged Thursday with counselling to commit mischief.
Before her arrest, she told journalists she wasn't concerned about
being arrested, didn't think the protest was illegal and also said her
bank account was frozen.
On Tuesday, the judge said she was not convinced Lich would go home,
stay there and stop her alleged counselling.
"This community has already been impacted enough by some of the
criminal activity and blockades you took part in and even led," said
Justice Julie Bourgeois.
"You have had plenty of opportunity to remove yourself and even others
from this criminal activity but obstinately chose not to and
persistently counselled others not to either.
"In Canada, every citizen can certainly disagree with and protest
against government decisions but it needs to be done in a democratic
fashion in abidance with the laws that have been established
Set to return next week
Bourgeois said she found Lich to be guarded and "almost obstructive"
at times during the initial court appearance on Saturday and the judge
stated it was disturbing Lich didn't have a plan to get home after
other organizers started getting arrested.
Her husband Dwayne Lich, who would be responsible as a proposed surety
to report any breach of bail conditions, gave "unreliable and not
credible" evidence, Bourgeois found.
Tamara Lich, who Bourgeois says could face a "lengthy" stay in prison
if convicted, is scheduled to return to court on March 2.
Lich's lawyer Diane Magas confirmed to CBC Tuesday afternoon she plans
to seek an appeal of the decision to deny her client bail.
Downtown Ottawa is starting to return to normal after police flooded
the core over the weekend, towing more than 100 vehicles that didn't
leave and charging more than 100 people.
Businesses that had been forced to close are starting to reopen, light
rail is running again through downtown and the area controlled by
police checkpoints has shrunk.
Protest organizer Tamara Lich speaks with reporters before her arrest
11 days ago
Duration 1:22
Convoy organizer Tamara Lich spoke with reporters just before 7 p.m.
Thursday evening at Metcalfe and Wellington Streets in Ottawa. 1:22
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
Convoy organizer Tamara Lich's lawyer prepping bail review
application; Pat King awaits decision
In denying bail, Ontario Court Justice Julie Bourgeois said she could
not be sure that Lich would not re-offend
Author of the article:
Aedan Helmer
Publishing date:
Feb 23, 2022
Tamara Lich, one of the main fundraisers and organizers and part of
the protests by truckers opposing coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
mandates that occupied Ottawa for three weeks, appears by video in
court on Tuesday, when she was denied bail.
Tamara Lich, one of the main fundraisers and organizers and part of
the protests by truckers opposing coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
mandates that occupied Ottawa for three weeks, appears by video in
court on Tuesday, when she was denied bail. Photo by JANE ROSENBERG
Two of the most visible and vocal organizers behind the “Freedom
Convoy” protests remain in an Ottawa jail as Tamara Lich was denied
bail Tuesday and Pat King will wait until Friday to learn whether a
judge will grant his request to return to Alberta under bail
Ontario Court Justice Julie Bourgeois said she believed there was a
substantial likelihood Lich would re-offend if released.
“I cannot be reassured that if I release you into the community that
you will not re-offend,” Bourgeois said. “Your detention is necessary
for the protection and safety of the public.”
Following the hearing, Lich’s Ottawa-based defence lawyer, Diane
Magas, said she was preparing a bail review application after her
client was denied her freedom and hoped the application could be heard
as soon as next week.
The judge cited the “immense” impact the convoy and the ensuing
occupation had on the community and said she believed Lich was
“obstinate” and “disingenuous” in her responses to the court during
her bail hearing on Saturday.
Lich appeared in court via a video link Tuesday, while King appeared
in person in a neighbouring courtroom, where his lawyer presented a
bail plan that includes a $50,000 bond from an Alberta woman who
acknowledged she had only known King for four weeks.
Kerry Komix, the proposed surety, also travelled to Ottawa to support
the demonstration.
Assistant Crown Attorney Moiz Karimjee, who led the prosecution in
both bail hearings, questioned the woman’s ability to act as a
reliable surety and suggested she shared the same ideology as King.
Pat King, one of the organizers of the protests by truckers opposing
coronavirus disease (COVID-19) mandates that occupied Ottawa for three
weeks, appears in a court bail hearing on Tuesday. Photo by JANE
The court was shown numerous videos of King’s own dispatches —
including his now infamous rants promoting racist conspiracy theories
— as he watched from the prisoner’s box wearing white pants and a grey
hoodie emblazoned with the word Odin.
He also wore a surgical mask at the court’s direction and was reminded
at one point by Justice of the Peace Andrew Seymour to wear his mask.
King was cautioned by his lawyer, Cal Rosemond, following an outburst
from the prisoner’s box early in the hearing and remained silent,
occasionally slouching in his seat or fidgeting with his mask for the
rest of the lengthy session.
Karimjee pointed to the “disturbing evidence” seen and heard in the
widely-circulated videos and told the court King, like Lich, presented
“a substantial likelihood” of reoffending.
King, 44, was arrested on Friday and faces charges of mischief,
counselling to commit mischief, counselling to commit the offence of
disobeying a court order and counselling to obstruct police.
Lich was arrested last Thursday and charged with counselling to commit mischief.
During the lunch break, King was also served with a statement of claim
in the $306-million class-action lawsuit against him, other organizers
and participants of the so-called “Freedom Convoy.”
Karimjee likened the incessant honking of trucker horns to “torture”
and said King, who often cited the phrase “Art of War” in his online
tirades, believed he was leading a war against government forces.
“He was at war with the City of Ottawa,” Karimjee said. “The noise was
a form of torture that was implemented on the citizens of Ottawa by
Mr. King (with) what can only be described as a sadistic laugh…
“Not only did Mr. King know, but it was his intention to use that
noise to get the federal government to negotiate and come to the
table. And, quite disturbingly, Mr. King was mocking, laughing at poor
Ottawans who were not able to sleep. He was saying, ‘We have achieved
our objective.’”
Under the bail plan proposed by his lawyer, King would return to
Alberta to live with Komix in a spare room in her home. The woman said
she is willing to put up $50,000 — approximately half the value of her
home — and told the court she would pledge the full value of the home
“if it was necessary.”
The bail plan would ensure King would be unable to communicate with
others to organize any further protests, Rosemond told the court.
“He’ll be stuck on house arrest” in rural Alberta with Komix, Rosemond
said, and as surety she would be limiting his access to the internet
by guarding the password and confiscating any cellular devices.
Komix told the court she is a light sleeper and has a dog.
“She’s going to follow your bail order to the letter of the law,”
Rosemond told the judge. “(King) is not in Ottawa under this bail
plan, and he doesn’t have access to electronic devices without his
surety looking over his shoulder — (one) who stands to lose a lot of
money if anything goes wrong with this bail plan.”
Seymour said he recognized the “vast” public interest in the case and
said he would render his decision Friday afternoon.
While she remains in custody, Lich was ordered to have no contact with
King or other convoy organizers Benjamin Dichter, Christopher Barber
and Daniel Bulford.
Lich has no criminal record and the mischief case against her has not
been tested in court.
Barber was granted bail and released on Saturday by the same judge who
denied bail in Lich’s case.
The judge gave him 24 hours to get out of town and banned him from
supporting the “Freedom Convoy” in any shape or form.
With files from Gary Dimmock, Michael Edgar and The Canadian Press
No bail decision yet for Tamara Lich, convoy protest organizer
Lich told court she has few assets and her bank accounts have been frozen
Kimberley Molina, Bobby Hristova · CBC News · Posted: Feb 19, 2022 5:08 PM ET
Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich appears in front of a judge for a
bail hearing on Feb. 19, 2022, which was put over to Tuesday. Lich,
from Medicine Hat, Alta., was charged last Thursday with counselling
to commit mischief in connection with the Ottawa protests. (Lauren
A second major organizer of the so-called Freedom Convoy will have to
wait a few more days before an Ontario Court of Justice judge decides
whether to grant her bail.
Tamara Lich, the Alberta woman behind a now-halted GoFundMe campaign
that raised over $10 million to support the protest in Ottawa, was
arrested and charged Thursday with counselling to commit mischief.
Police arrested another key leader, Chris Barber, on the same day. He
was released on bail Friday.
Before her arrest, Lich told journalists she wasn't concerned about
being arrested, didn't think the protest was illegal and also said her
bank account was frozen
WATCH: Protest organizer Tamara Lich speaks with reporters before her arrest
Protest organizer Tamara Lich speaks with reporters before her arrest
11 days ago
Duration 1:22
Convoy organizer Tamara Lich spoke with reporters just before 7 p.m.
Thursday evening at Metcalfe and Wellington Streets in Ottawa. 1:22
At her bail hearing Saturday, Lich wore a black hoodie with white text
that combined a heart and maple leaf to read "I love Canadian oil and
She was also required to wear a medical mask, one of the mandates the
convoy has been fighting against, along with requiring COVID-19
vaccines to participate in certain activities like cross-border
Crown attorney Moiz Karimjee focused on both Lich and her husband
Dwayne's ability to pay a proposed $5,000 bond if Lich breached any
conditions the judge may impose.
Lich, who lives in Medicine Hat, Alta., and her husband both work in
the oil and gas sector. Lich told the court she has no savings and few
assets, including a 2017 Jeep and 2018 Ford F-150 that they're
continuing to make payments on.
She also offered no suggestions how she would be able to make her way
back to Alberta if ordered to, since she travelled to Ottawa with
Barber, whose bail conditions include that he not communicate with
Her lawyer, Diane Magas, later told court that one of the lawyers
representing Lich in a proposed $10-million class-action lawsuit
against protesters would be able to drive the couple back to Alberta,
allowing her to leave within the next week.
Tamara Lich, organizer for a protest convoy by truckers and supporters
demanding an end to COVID-19 vaccine mandates, delivers a statement
during a news conference in Ottawa, Thursday, Feb. 3, 2022. (Adrian
Wyld/The Canadian Press)
Husband travelled on private jet
Lich has been a major player in the demonstrations in Canada's
capital, which have lasted for more than three weeks and have
attracted international attention.
Ottawa police said Saturday they had made 170 arrests and towed 53
vehicles out of the occupation zone.
Dwayne Lich has been proposed to act as her surety, meaning he would
have to report if she breached any bail conditions.
In his testimony, he said he flew to Ottawa on Feb. 2 on a private jet
at a cost of $5,000, paid for by a "nice gentleman" named Joseph that
he'd only recently met.
"But he told me that my plane ride was taken care of, which was a
miracle," he told the court.
The Crown questioned Dwayne Lich on his ability to serve as surety,
given he'd been in Ottawa throughout much of the protests while his
wife had been recorded telling protesters to "Hold the line at all
For weeks, the convoy blocked several major roads in Ottawa's downtown
core. (Reno Patry/CBC/Radio Canada)
While he said he didn't believe in the blockades or holding the line,
Dwayne Lich also said he didn't see anything wrong, equating the
blockades to a large traffic jam or parked cars in a snow storm.
"I don't see no guns. I don't see anything criminal as far as I can
see. I just see trucks parked," he said.
Dwayne Lich questions legality of Emergencies Act
He also questioned whether the Emergencies Act — which was debated
Saturday in the House of Commons — was implemented legally, at times
confusing the numbered amendments found in the U.S. Constitution with
Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
"Honestly? I thought it was a peaceful protest and based on my first
amendment, I thought that was part of our rights," he told the court.
"What do you mean, first amendment? What's that?" Judge Julie
Bourgeois asked him.
"I don't know. I don't know politics. I don't know," he said. "I
wasn't supportive of the blockade or the whatever, but I didn't
realize that it was criminal to do what they were doing. I thought it
was part of our freedoms to be able to do stuff like that."
He also began asking the court about whether the Liberal government
was legally allowed to implement the Emergencies Act.
A courtroom sketch of Dwayne Lich, who testified at his wife's bail
hearing about his ability to act as her surety. (Laurie
"Can you tell me if what they did is really legal? If this is
something that they can be doing or is it against everything that is
good and holy? I don't know," he said.
While the Crown argued his comments showed he might not recognize the
law, Magas asked him if he understood that any restrictions set by the
court would need to be followed, to which he said he did.
The Crown is arguing against bail for Tamara Lich, saying she's
already proven she has no respect for the law and that her husband's
testimony shows they have rich friends and could fundraise more money.
The judge is expected to make a decision Tuesday.
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Motz, Glen - M.P." <>
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2022 16:25:22 +0000
Subject: RE: Deployment of Emergencies Act expected to pass with
support of the NDP because of Trudeau's predictable confidence vote EH
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for your email. My office has been inundated with similar emails.
On Monday February the 21st, the Liberals and NDP voted in favour of
the Emergencies Act and called the situation at hand a public order
emergency. It was the first time that this act has ever been used and
the act preceding the emergencies act was only used in WW1, WW2 and
the FLQ Crisis. This vote was specifically disturbing because it
occurred despite the fact that all of the cross border protests were
concluded and the one in Ottawa was disbursed and disbanding. It was a
dark day for personal freedoms and peaceful protests in Canada.
The Prime Minister appears to have made no effort to de-escalate the
situation. Instead, he has insulted and disrespected Canadians, and
then when it blew up, instead of apologizing and listening to what
people had to say, jumped straight to the most extreme measures to
deal with the protests.
Imposing powers of the Emergencies Act sets a dangerous precedent. The
Government of Canada included in its laundry list of powers the
ability to freeze the funds of those supporting the demonstrators.
Governments should not have the power to close the bank accounts of
hardworking Canadians simply on the suspicion of supporting causes of
which the government doesn’t approve. This is a slippery slope, and
not how the government should operate in a free and democratic
Some of my comments are contained in this speech I delivered in the
House of Commons on behalf of constituents. It is worth watching as it
clearly shows where I stand and the actions that I personally took to
stop this government overreach. The video can be viewed here:
In an even more baffling turn of events, less than 48 hours after
voting to implemented the Emergencies Act the Prime Minister announced
on February the 23rd that the “situation is no longer an emergency”
and revoked the Emergencies Act. Although it is unnerving to even
consider that the PM would invoke the Act to silence his political
adversaries, I am thankful that the direct, powerful and prolonged
pressure by Conservative MPs and engaged constituents such as yourself
seems to have impacted his decision. In the words of our interim
Conservative Leader “Nothing has changed between Monday and today
other than a flood of concerns from Canadian citizens, bad press, and
international ridicule.”
This is not a win, our work is not over yet. What all Canadians need
now is a clear plan out of this pandemic by ending the mandates and a
return to normal life. Unfortunately, the Liberals and NDP are
unwilling to even discuss a plan for Canadians and unwilling to put
their political differences aside.
I will continue to be your strong voice in Ottawa and I hope that I
can continue to count on your support as I hold this government to
account for their actions.
Glen Motz
Glen Motz, M.O.M., MP
Medicine Hat – Cardston – Warner
#306 – 2810 – 13th Ave SE,
Medicine Hat, AB T1A 3P9
Phone: 403-528-4698 | Fax: 403-528-4365
610 Valour Building
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6
Phone: 613-996-0633 | Fax: 613-995-5752
-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Sent: February 21, 2022 3:45 PM
To: Aboultaif, Ziad - M.P. <>; Barlow, John -
M.P. <>; Benzen, Bob - M.P.
<>; Boissonnault, Randy - M.P.
<>; Chahal, George - M.P.
<>; Cooper, Michael - M.P.
<>; Desjarlais, Blake - M.P.
<>; Dreeshen, Earl - M.P.
<>; Genuis, Garnett - M.P.
<>; Goodridge, Laila - M.P.
<>; Hallan, Jasraj Singh - M.P.
<>; Kelly, Pat - M.P. <>;
Kmiec, Tom - M.P. <>; Kurek, Damien C. - M.P.
<>; Kusie, Stephanie - M.P.
<>; Lake, Mike - M.P.
<>; Liepert, Ron - M.P. <>;
Lloyd, Dane - M.P. <>; McCauley, Kelly - M.P.
<>; McLean, Greg - M.P.
<>; McPherson, Heather - M.P.
<>; Rempel, Michelle - M.P.
<>; Richards, Blake - M.P.
<>; Shields, Martin - M.P.
<>; Soroka, Gerald - M.P.
<>; Stubbs, Shannon - M.P.
<>; Thomas, Rachael - M.P.
<>; Uppal, Tim - M.P. <>;
Arnold, Mel - M.P. <>; Viersen, Arnold - M.P.
<>; Warkentin, Chris - M.P.
<>; Webber, Len - M.P.
Subject: Fwd: Deployment of Emergencies Act expected to pass with
support of the NDP because of Trudeau's predictable confidence vote EH
Monday, 21 February 2022
Deployment of Emergencies Act expected to pass with support of the NDP
because of Trudeau's predictable confidence vote EH?
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Mendicino, Marco - M.P." <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 19:14:55 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Deployment of Emergencies Act expected to
pass with support of the NDP because of Trudeau's predictable
confidence vote EH?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for contacting the constituency office of the Hon. Marco
Mendicino, P.C., M.P. for Eglinton—Lawrence.
Please be advised that our office has the capacity to assist with
requests within Eglinton—Lawrence only and we prioritize
correspondence from residents.
If you reside outside the riding and require assistance, you can
contact your local Member of Parliament by entering your postal code
If you are a resident of Eglinton—Lawrence and require assistance
continue reading below.
· For assistance with casework, we require your full name,
phone number, address and postal code to proceed.
· For non-ministerial meeting requests, we need to know
the nature of the meeting and we will respond back with possible
· For media requests, the Press Secretary will get back to you.
To contact Public Safety Canada directly, please visit:
To contact Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada directly,
please email or phone 613-954-1064.
For assistance with the situation in Afghanistan, please continue reading.
If you and your family require assistance regarding the rapidly
evolving situation in Afghanistan, detailed information on Canada’s
special measures to support Afghan nationals is available here:
For Afghans who assisted the Government of Canada, please contact:
For questions on how Afghan nationals may reunite with their families
in Canada, or information on the humanitarian program to resettle
Afghans outside of Afghanistan, please contact:
You may also call 1-613-321-4243 from Monday to Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 7
p.m. (ET).
For Canadians in need of consular assistance in Afghanistan, please
contact Global Affairs Canada’s 24/7 Emergency Watch and Response
Centre in Ottawa at:
· Phone: 613-996-8885
· Email:
· SMS: 613-686-3658
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Bergen, Candice - M.P." <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 19:14:55 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Deployment of Emergencies Act expected to
pass with support of the NDP because of Trudeau's predictable
confidence vote EH?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
On behalf of the Hon. Candice Bergen, thank you for contacting the
Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition.
Ms. Bergen greatly values feedback and input from Canadians. We read
and review every incoming e-mail. Please note that this account
receives a high volume of e-mails. We reply to e-mails as quickly as
If you are a constituent of Ms. Bergen’s in Portage-Lisgar with an
urgent matter please provide complete contact information. Not
identifying yourself as a constituent could result in a delayed
Once again, thank you for writing.
Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition
Au nom de l’hon. Candice Bergen, nous vous remercions de communiquer
avec le Bureau de la cheffe de l’Opposition officielle.
Mme Bergen accorde une grande importance aux commentaires des
Canadiens. Nous lisons et étudions tous les courriels entrants.
Veuillez noter que ce compte reçoit beaucoup de courriels. Nous y
répondons le plus rapidement possible.
Si vous faites partie de l’électorat de Mme Bergen dans la
circonscription de Portage-Lisgar et que votre affaire est urgente,
veuillez fournir vos coordonnées complètes. Si vous ne le faites pas,
cela pourrait retarder la réponse.
Nous vous remercions une fois encore d’avoir pris le temps d’écrire.
Veuillez agréer nos salutations distinguées,
Bureau de la cheffe de l’Opposition officielle
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Blanchet, Yves-François - Député" <Yves-Francois.Blanchet@parl.
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 19:14:55 +0000
Subject: Réponse automatique : Deployment of Emergencies Act expected
to pass with support of the NDP because of Trudeau's predictable
confidence vote EH?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
(Ceci est une réponse automatique)
(English follows)
Nous avons bien reçu votre courriel et nous vous remercions d'avoir
écrit à M. Yves-François Blanchet, député de Beloeil-Chambly et chef
du Bloc Québécois.
Comme nous avons un volume important de courriels, il nous est
impossible de répondre à tous individuellement. Soyez assuré(e) que
votre courriel recevra toute l'attention nécessaire.
L'équipe du député Yves-François Blanchet Chef du Bloc Québécois
Thank you for your email. We will read it as soon as we can.
---------- Original message ----------
From: Ministerial Correspondence Unit - Justice Canada <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 19:06:21 +0000
Subject: Automatic Reply
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for writing to the Honourable David Lametti, Minister of
Justice and Attorney General of Canada.
Due to the volume of correspondence addressed to the Minister, please
note that there may be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured
that your message will be carefully reviewed.
We do not respond to correspondence that contains offensive language.
Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable David Lametti, ministre de la
Justice et procureur général du Canada.
En raison du volume de correspondance adressée au ministre, veuillez
prendre note qu'il pourrait y avoir un retard dans le traitement de
votre courriel. Nous tenons à vous assurer que votre message sera lu
avec soin.
Nous ne répondons pas à la correspondance contenant un langage offensant.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 15:06:16 -0400
Subject: Deployment of Emergencies Act expected to pass with support
of the NDP because of Trudeau's predictable confidence vote EH?
To: pm <>, "Katie.Telford" <>,
kingpatrick278 <>, Viva Frei
<>, "" <>,
"jagmeet.singh" <>,
<>,, "Bill.Blair"
<>, "David.Lametti" <>,
mcu <>, "Ian.Shugart" <>,
"Kevin.leahy" <>, "Brenda.Lucki"
<>, "blaine.higgs" <>,
"hugh.flemming" <>, premier <>,
premier <>, Office of the Premier
<>, premier <>, PREMIER
<>, premier <>, premier
<>, premier <>, premier
<>, premier <>,,,, paul <>, "Paul.Lynch"
<>, eps <>,,,,,,,,,, leannemb
Cc: motomaniac333 <>
Monday, 21 February 2022
Deployment of Emergencies Act expected to pass with support of the NDP
because of Trudeau's predictable confidence vote EH?
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