B.C. Premier John Horgan to step down before next election
Premier will leave office after NDP holds leadership convention in the fall
The two-term NDP premier made the announcement Tuesday, saying he had every intention to run for another term but decided he couldn't continue after undergoing "rigorous" treatment for throat cancer within the past several months.
"My health is good, but my energy flags as the days go by," Horgan, 62, told reporters gathered in Vancouver.
"We came to the conclusion that I'm not able to make another six-year commitment to this job."
Horgan, now cancer-free, said he will resign after his party holds a leadership convention in the fall. He will continue to serve as MLA for the riding of Langford-Juan de Fuca for the remainder of his term.
The resignation announcement comes after Horgan's cabinet gathered for a midterm retreat in Vancouver this week. He said it's "tradition" for the politicians to discuss their plans for the future during the summit, but he'd already made his decision after talking it over with his wife, Ellie, during a week-long trip to the west coast of Vancouver Island earlier this month.
Over the winter, the premier received 35 radiation treatments for throat cancer. The experience, he said, prompted him and his wife to reflect on how they'd like to spend the rest of their lives.
"The cancer diagnosis and treatment was rigorous ... I wish I had more energy to do more, but I just don't," he said.
"My spouse and I just felt it was time," he added, referring to Ellie as "the love of my life."
WATCH | B.C. premier explains why he is stepping down:
Horgan leaves historic legacy with B.C. NDP
Horgan is the only two-term premier in the history of B.C.'s New Democratic party, having won his second term after calling a snap election during the first year of the pandemic in the fall of 2020.
The party's victory was remarkably decisive, capturing 57 of 87 seats in the legislature — the most the NDP had ever won in a provincial election and the first time the party had won a majority government since 1996.
The success built upon Horgan's first term, in which he ousted former longtime B.C. Liberal premier Christy Clark and struck a historic confidence-and-supply agreement with the B.C. Green Party to form a minority government.
In that first term, the NDP party enacted the majority of its campaign promises: eliminating MSP premiums and tolls on the Port Mann and Golden Ears bridges, increasing disability and shelter rates while raising taxes on the wealthiest as well as creating a speculation tax on second homes.
Premier John Horgan makes his way to the podium in Vancouver on
Tuesday. Horgan, 62, will be stepping down from office after the NDP
holds a leadership review in the fall. (Ben Nelms/CBC)
A second term has focused on a number of emergencies, from the pandemic to wildfire and flooding disasters. Despite an array of criticism on responses to those crises, polls found Horgan more or less remained one of the most well-liked politicians in the country. He also retained the full confidence of the NDP caucus.
Speculation around the possibility of a mid-term resignation began last summer. His bout with throat cancer was his second with the disease, having survived bladder cancer in his 40s.
With his decision, Horgan has become the first B.C. premier to leave office without being pushed out by election defeat, public scandal or pressure from their own party since former premier Bill Bennett resigned in 1986.
Premier John Horgan leaves Government House in Victoria after being
sworn-in for his first term as premier on July 18, 2017. (Chad Hipolito/The Canadian Press)
The timing of Tuesday's announcement gives the NDP ample time to choose its next leader carefully before the next election, which is scheduled for 2024. A long leadership race also gives the successor space to build a relationship with the public before votes are cast.
Horgan began his career in politics as a legislative assistant in the 1990s, working in a number of policy roles across several ministries before winning his first term as an MLA in what was then known as the riding of Malahat-Juan de Fuca in 2005.
He served as Leader of the Opposition for three years, from 2014 to 2017.
With files from Justin McElroy
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Three N.B. ridings to watch as Canada heads into an election
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hotly contested
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2 NDP candidates resign following 'unacceptable' online comments
Candidates were running in Ontario, Nova Scotia ridings
The NDP says two of its candidates have quit the federal election race with less than a week to go, promising to learn more about antisemitism.
Party spokesperson George Soule said Wednesday morning that Sidney Coles, running in Toronto-St. Paul's, and Dan Osborne, running in the Nova Scotia riding of Cumberland-Colchester, are resigning by choice, but the party supports their decisions.
Soule said they both agreed to learn more about antisemitism.
As first reported by the Toronto Star, Coles claimed on Twitter that Israel was somehow responsible for missing doses of COVID-19 vaccine in the United States last winter.
She later apologized for posting "unsubstantiated theories about vaccine supply linked to Israel," and said it was never her intent to indulge a "common antisemitic trope," the newspaper reported.
Osborne is accused of tweeting at TV personality Oprah Winfrey in 2019 asking "was Auschwitz a real place?"
He responded this week, from a different account, saying he has no memory of tweeting that, but apologized.
"I want to offer an apology. The role of Auschwitz and the history of the Holocaust is one we should never forget. Antisemitism should be confronted and stopped," he said.
WATCH | Singh reacts to NDP candidates resigning
NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh called the messages "unacceptable."
"I want to be very clear: their comments were completely wrong and have no place in our party," he said during a campaign stop in Essex, Ont., on Wednesday morning.
"Those messages were completely unacceptable and the right decision was made."
Green Party Leader Annamie Paul, herself Jewish, said antisemitism is on the rise and applauded those who raised concerns about the two candidates' tweets.
"It is gratifying to know there are those who are going to raise their voice, because we have said many times that silence is the thing that emboldens hate," she said during a stop in Kitchener, Ont.
"When you see it, call it out."
Conservatives, Liberals have also lost candidates
The other two main parties have also lost candidates embroiled in scandal on the campaign trail.
Over the weekend, the Conservatives dumped their candidate in the Toronto riding of Beaches–East York after past Islamophobic tweets surfaced.
Just yesterday, a Conservative candidate in the western Quebec riding of Pontiac apologized for sharing two racist jokes on Facebook. He remains on the Conservative slate, according to the Ottawa Citizen.
Speaking Wednesday in Jonquiere, Que, O'Toole said he has a zero tolerance policy for racism.
"Every single one of our candidates is running on a positive vision for the future of this country and a positive vision to bring people together," O'Toole said when asked about the candidate.
"I'm very proud to say we have the most diverse slate of candidates that we've ever had, the most women, and we're all singularly focused on Canada's recovery plan."
At the start of the campaign, another Conservative Party candidate, Troy Myers, stepped out of the race in a Nova Scotia riding following an allegation from a woman who says he sexually assaulted her at a work conference in 2019. He denies the allegation.
Former Liberal candidate and incumbent Raj Saini stepped down from the race in the Ontario riding of Kitchener Centre after allegations of sexual harassment were made against him. Saini has denied all the allegations as "unequivocally false."
Because his name is still on the ballot, Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau said he would not welcome back Saini in his caucus if he wins the seat, and he would not be able to sit as a Liberal in the House of Commons.
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