---------- Original message ----------
From: Tim Caulfield <caulfield@ualberta.ca>
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 09:44:28 -0700
Subject: Away from email Re: RE What is in the Klondike Papers anyway?
We should ask Dean Blundell, Timothy Caulfield and CBC why are they
laughing EH?
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Due to work and travel I may not have access to my email. If urgent
contact Robyn Hyde-Lay: rhydelay@ualberta.ca
Timothy Caulfield, LLM, FRSC, FCAHS
Canada Research Chair in Health Law & Policy
Professor, Faculty of Law and School of Public Health
Research Director, Health Law Institute, University of Alberta
Twitter: @CaulfieldTim
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Bergen, Candice - M.P." <candice.bergen@parl.gc.ca>
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 16:46:20 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: RE What is in the Klondike Papers anyway? We
should ask Dean Blundell, Timothy Caulfield and CBC why are they
laughing EH?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
On behalf of the Hon. Candice Bergen, thank you for contacting the
Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition.
Ms. Bergen greatly values feedback and input from Canadians. We read
and review every incoming e-mail. Please note that this account
receives a high volume of e-mails. We reply to e-mails as quickly as
If you are a constituent of Ms. Bergen’s in Portage-Lisgar with an
urgent matter please provide complete contact information. Not
identifying yourself as a constituent could result in a delayed
Once again, thank you for writing.
Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition
Au nom de l’hon. Candice Bergen, nous vous remercions de communiquer
avec le Bureau de la cheffe de l’Opposition officielle.
Mme Bergen accorde une grande importance aux commentaires des
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Nous vous remercions une fois encore d’avoir pris le temps d’écrire.
Veuillez agréer nos salutations distinguées,
Bureau de la cheffe de l’Opposition officielle
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 13:44:15 -0300
Subject: RE What is in the Klondike Papers anyway? We should ask Dean
Blundell, Timothy Caulfield and CBC why are they laughing EH?
To: pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "Katie.Telford" <Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>,
"pierre.poilievre" <pierre.poilievre@parl.gc.ca>, "Candice.Bergen"
<Candice.Bergen@parl.gc.ca>, "jagmeet.singh"
<jagmeet.singh@parl.gc.ca>, jcarpay <jcarpay@jccf.ca>, premier
<premier@gov.ab.ca>, premier <premier@ontario.ca>, Newsroom
<Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, shanthi.johnson@ualberta.ca,
sylvia.hwang@ualberta.ca, Stefani.Langenegger@cbc.ca, Office of the
Premier <scott.moe@gov.sk.ca>, PREMIER <PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>, premier
<premier@gov.pe.ca>, premier <premier@leg.gov.mb.ca>, premier
<premier@gnb.ca>, "michelle.rempel" <michelle.rempel@parl.gc.ca>,
"Mark.Blakely" <Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Marco.Mendicino"
<Marco.Mendicino@parl.gc.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>
Cc: NightTimePodcast@gmail.com, "Brenda.Lucki"
<Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, motomaniac333
<motomaniac333@gmail.com>, caulfield@ualberta.ca, help@sadvocacy.com,
deanblundellpodcast@gmail.com, lochlincross@shaw.ca
The Morning Edition - Sask with Stefani Langenegger
What is in the Klondike Papers anyway? We ask Timothy Caulfield
From Bill Gates putting microchips into vaccines to track people to
the mainstream media covering up assassination plots on the Prime
Minister's life, these far-out claims pop up on social media from time
to time. Timothy Caulfield says the latest shows conspiracy isn't
confined to those who lean to the right, politically.
Aired: June 17, 2022
Timothy Caulfield
Professor, BSc (Alberta), LL.B. (Alberta), LL.M. (Dalhousie), FRSC,
FCAHS, Canada Research Chair in Health Law and Policy; Professor,
Faculty of Law and School of Public Health; and Research Director,
Health Law Institute
Shanthi Johnson, Professor and Dean
School of Public Health
Office of the Dean Contact
P: 780-492-9981
F: 780-492-0364
E: shanthi.johnson@ualberta.ca
Hump Day Klondike Recap, Dean Trended & Tiger Attack @LochlinCross, @RyanLindley
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2020 21:33:24 -0400
Subject: Fwd: A Little New Years Eve Deja Vu for Trump, Trudeau, RCMP,
FBI, CBC, CTV Frank Magazine, Vice Magazine, Feminists, the Ghosts the
Queens Crook Tim Richardson and his buddy the Evil Fat Bastard of
Edmonton commonly known as Mr Baconfat
To: NightTimePodcast@gmail.com, "Brenda.Lucki" <Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
the Nova Scotia Rampage - Part 8 - Is it Fair to Question the RCMP?
The Nighttime Podcast
Suite 110
103-287 Lacewood Drive
Halifax, NS B3M3Y7
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2020 17:17:03 -0400
Subject: A Little New Years Eve Deja Vu for Trump, Trudeau, RCMP, FBI,
CBC, CTV Frank Magazine, Vice Magazine, Feminists, the Ghosts the
Queens Crook Tim Richardson and his buddy the Evil Fat Bastard of
Edmonton commonly known as Mr Baconfat
To: andrew@frankmagazine.ca, andrewjdouglas@gmail.com,
nsinvestigators@gmail.com, tim@halifaxexaminer.ca, "darrow.macintyre"
<darrow.macintyre@cbc.ca>, "barbara.massey"
<Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, washington field
<washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, "Frank.McKenna" <Frank.McKenna@td.com>,
prmibullrun@gmail.com, "Catherine.Tait" <Catherine.Tait@cbc.ca>,
"Chuck.Thompson" <Chuck.Thompson@cbc.ca>,
<elizabeth.mcmillan@cbc.ca>, "lisa.mayor" <lisa.mayor@cbc.ca>,
"Gilles.Moreau" <Gilles.Moreau@forces.gc.ca>, "justmin@gov.ns.ca"
<justmin@gov.ns.ca>, patrick_doran1 <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>, Mad
Ape <chiefape@gmail.com>, "john.green" <john.green@gnb.ca>, Jon
Blanchard <dexterdyne@gmail.com>, aparish@burchells.ca, "greg.church"
<greg.church@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, eps@edmontonpolice.ca, calgarypolice
<cps@calgarypolice.ca>, Ob Wor <obscene.works@gmail.com>, msegal
<msegal@murraysegal.com>, David Fraser
"premier@gov.ns.ca" <premier@gov.ns.ca>, Glen Canning
<grcanning@gmail.com>, michael@frankmagazine.ca,
blake@frankmagazine.ca, comment@contrarian.ca, "steven.blaney"
<steven.blaney@parl.gc.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, Glen Muise
<glenmuise1000@gmail.com>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
RPineo@pattersonlaw.ca, smcculloch@pattersonlaw.ca,
Charles.Murray@gnb.ca, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, JUSTWEB
<JUSTWEB@novascotia.ca>, AgentMargaritaville@
"Bill.Blair" <Bill.Blair@parl.gc.ca>, Newsroom
<Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, Nathalie Sturgeon
andre <andre@jafaust.com>, "andrea.anderson-mason"
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
zach@halifaxexaminer.ca, premier@gnb.ca, premier <premier@ontario.ca>,
premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>, Office of the Premier
<scott.moe@gov.sk.ca>, premier <premier@gov.bc.ca>, "Paul.Lynch"
<kevin.a.arseneau@gnb.ca>, "Mark.Blakely"
<Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Mitton, Megan (LEG)"
<megan.mitton@gnb.ca>, "Tim.RICHARDSON" <Tim.RICHARDSON@gnb.ca>
'Nobody was safe from it': Edmonton blogger charged with rare hate
crime targeted individuals across Canada
Police say Barry Winters, 62, made derogatory remarks about race,
gender, politics
Roberta Bell · CBC News · Posted: Jun 14, 2017 5:38 PM MT
Edmonton police Sgt. Gary Willits of the hate crimes unit said the
investigation into blog posts targeting numerous individuals took more
than a year. (Scott Neufeld/CBC)
etc etc etc
Former "Fixer" Turned "Whistleblower" David Wallace Ft The Man He Was Asked To Kill Nathan Jacobson
Blackballed welcomes Nathan Jacobson and David Wallace to the show
CBC Scandal: Peter Mansbridge, and the alleged NDAs/Hush Money Paid for By Us
Toronto writer fined $250 for vote-early-and-often stunt
Wrote 'step-by-step account' of ballot cheating
A Toronto freelance journalist was found guilty Monday of violating the Canada Elections Act by voting — or at least obtaining ballots — at three polling places in the June 2004 federal election.
"If you have a favourite candidate who lost in this year's election, please pay special attention to the following," James DiFiore wrote in NOW Magazine, a Toronto alternative weekly.
"This is a step-by-step account of how our flawed system could have been exploited to commit fraud in the election."
In court more than 3½ years later, he was fined $250 — the amount, incidentally, he was paid for the article.
DiFiore said it was worth it because the law has since been amended. Voters now must show photo identification or be vouched for by another person.
"You know, a journalist can only expect or hope for change when they write a story —that something happens, that the story means something," he said outside the courthouse.
"So I'm happy that the story created, you know, some sort of change, albeit a slight one. It's just a little amendment to our federal elections act, but it's something."
Got three ballots but voted just once, he says
In his NOW article, he said he cast just one vote. He said he returned the second and third ballots to poll workers, telling them he had changed his mind.
Federal officials appear to have been unaware of his stunt until he wrote a letter to the editor of the Toronto Star in 2005.
"I decided to test the system by merely showing up at three different polling stations and demanding to exercise my democratic right to vote in the election," he wrote.
"All I had to do was stand my ground and tell the Elections Canada workers that I wanted to vote.
"So I voted — three times."
He was later quoted as saying the last sentence was accurate because the ballots he returned would have been counted as spoiled or rejected. He continued to deny casting more than one ballot.
Jordan Peterson DESTROYS ‘pedophile rights advocate’ Dean Blundell
Mark Slapinski
What are the Klondike Papers? And what is Plymouth Brethren Church?
What are the Klondike Papers?
The Klondike Papers refer to a supposed cache of e-mails, texts, and documents that were never meant to be seen by the public. The source of these leaks is a whistleblower named David Wallace. Unlike other leaks of this nature, the cache is not being released to the public, only “select” journalists.
The cache purportedly outlines shady activity the church has been involved in, and links to Conservative politicians. Because the leaks are not publicly available, verification is impossible.
What is Plymouth Brethren Church?
The Plymouth Brethren Christian Church is a Christian fellowship that interprets the Holy Bible as the Word of God. According to its website, it has a community of over 50,000 members across Oceania, Europe, the Americas and the United Kingdom.
The church has been the subject of a series of reports by CityNews, with former members coming forward to describe the church as strict, and cult-like.
Role of Dean Blundell
Dean Blundell, a disgraced radio host, has attached himself to this conspiracy theory. Blundell is known for making sexual comments about children, advocating for violence against women, and bashing homosexuals for ratings.
Notably, Blundell also has a history of lying and spreading unverified rumours. This calls the validity of this conspiracy theory into question,
Without sufficient evidence, coupled with promotion by known liars like Dean Blundell, this conspiracy theory is likely a coordinated disinformation campaign against Conservatives and Poilievre.
UPDATE: The article was updated on Jun. 13, 2022. Read about our editorial standards.
Developing story
Mark Slapinski
Journalist and Political Commentator based in Toronto
By now many of us already know about the Klondike Papers, a dossier containing more than 7000 documents, emails, phone calls and video footage incriminating various conservative politicians in Canada and their trusty political operatives.
The details are both staggering and murky.
One story stands out for those of us tasked with combing through the dossier – that the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church wanted a PBCC whistleblower, Richard Marsh, delivered to the cult-like organization. Marsh, who was being sought by the church in Canada and the UK, blew the whistle on an alleged scam by the PBCC that bilked the UK government millions of dollars from their National Health Service. In the same way Scientology investigates its own ex-members, the PBCC needed investigators who knew how to execute this kind of shadowy work, all without raising any eyebrows.
Enter conservative lawyer Gerald Chipeur and former Jason Kenney top adviser and Ralph Klein bagman, Allan Hallman.
Chipeur, a Q.C. at the esteemed law firm Miller Thompson LLP, used to be the general counsel for the Conservative Party of Canada. He’s a big name in conservative circles, boasting a client list that features names like Ezra Levant, Stephen Harper, and the PBCC itself. As the Klondike Papers demonstrates, Chipeur and Hallman sought out the expertise of former conservative fixer and current whistleblower, David Wallace, to execute the hunt for Marsh. The Klondike Papers include a paper trail of invoices and e-transfers, as well as Wallace providing Hallman and Chipeur with regular updates on his progress. Many of the communications include sentiments from Hallman of how happy he was at Wallace’s work.
After locating Marsh, Wallace says he turned to infamous businessman Nathan Jacobson for some assistance, citing Jacobson’s connections to law enforcement, but when it was clear that Hallman and Chipeur had misled Wallace about Marsh’s alleged outstanding criminal warrants (he had no criminal warrants), Jacobson and Wallace claim they decided to protect Marsh instead.
Both men say the change of heart came after they were asked to hand Marsh over to the church instead of the police.
Blackball Media’s attempts to reach Chipeur and Hallman for comments have gone unanswered.
By now many of us already know about the Klondike Papers, a dossier containing more than 7000 documents, emails, phone calls and video footage incriminating various conservative politicians in Canada and their trusty political operatives.
The details are both staggering and murky.
One story stands out for those of us tasked with combing through the dossier – that the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church wanted a PBCC whistleblower, Richard Marsh, delivered to the cult-like organization. Marsh, who was being sought by the church in Canada and the UK, blew the whistle on an alleged scam by the PBCC that bilked the UK government millions of dollars from their National Health Service. In the same way Scientology investigates its own ex-members, the PBCC needed investigators who knew how to execute this kind of shadowy work, all without raising any eyebrows.
Enter conservative lawyer Gerald Chipeur and former Jason Kenney top adviser and Ralph Klein bagman, Allan Hallman.
Chipeur, a Q.C. at the esteemed law firm Miller Thompson LLP, used to be the general counsel for the Conservative Party of Canada. He’s a big name in conservative circles, boasting a client list that features names like Ezra Levant, Stephen Harper, and the PBCC itself. As the Klondike Papers demonstrates, Chipeur and Hallman sought out the expertise of former conservative fixer and current whistleblower, David Wallace, to execute the hunt for Marsh. The Klondike Papers include a paper trail of invoices and e-transfers, as well as Wallace providing Hallman and Chipeur with regular updates on his progress. Many of the communications include sentiments from Hallman of how happy he was at Wallace’s work.
After locating Marsh, Wallace says he turned to infamous businessman Nathan Jacobson for some assistance, citing Jacobson’s connections to law enforcement, but when it was clear that Hallman and Chipeur had misled Wallace about Marsh’s alleged outstanding criminal warrants (he had no criminal warrants), Jacobson and Wallace claim they decided to protect Marsh instead.
Both men say the change of heart came after they were asked to hand Marsh over to the church instead of the police.
Blackball Media’s attempts to reach Chipeur and Hallman for comments have gone unanswered.
He was once a political asset for former Prime Minister Stephen Harper. He also calls Benjamin Netanyahu a personal friend.
Yesterday, business mogul Nathan Jacobson dropped a bomb on Blackballed when he, along with notorious political fixer David Wallace, claimed they were asked by a member of the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church (PBCC) to do ‘whatever it takes’ to ‘take out Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.’
Jacobson said they punctuated their somewhat ambiguous request by saying, “name your price. “
According to Jacobson and Wallace, also on the Zoom call was Alan Hallman, a notorious fixer for former Alberta Premier Ralph Klein, Rodney Diplock, a high ranking leader inside the PPBC, Brad Mitchell who is another PBCC member, and Gerald Chipeur, a well-known attorney who was once the general counsel to the Conservative Party of Canada who now counts the PBCC as a client.
“Chipeur is the key bagman for the Conservative Party in Alberta,” Jacobson said. “I would say he’s probably one of the principal bagmen and behind-the-scene influencers federal in the Conservative Party that represents the extreme right, religious fringe.”
The startling claim is part of a massive dossier called the Klondike Papers, which was obtained by Blackball Media after a story broke earlier this week that appeared to show Premier Doug Ford’s office was actively engaging in backchannel discussions with Kirill Mikhaylov, the Russian Consul General of Toronto.
The details of how Jacobson got wrapped up in this story stems from Wallace’s claim that Chipeur and Hallman retained his services to help track down a former member of the PBCC, Richard Marsh, a whistleblower who blew the lid off an alleged PBCC scam that fraudulently syphoned millions of dollars from the UK’s National Health Service.
According to both Jacobson and Wallace, the PBCC told them Marsh had warrants for his arrest, but after some due diligence they discovered Sharp did not have any outstanding arrest warrants. When Wallace and Jacobson informed Chipeur, Hallman and the PBCC that no such warrants existed, Hallman allegedly requested that they “grab Marsh and turn him over to us.”“You got the wrong person,” Jacobson told them. He also said that when he was on the same call he informed them that because of the attempted manipulation, and what sounded to Jacobson as a request to help the PBCC kidnap Marsh, that he would now do whatever it takes to protect Marsh from the PBCC.
Jacobson’s motivation for speaking out appears to be his longtime friendship with Alberta Premier Jason Kenney who he says is in bed with radical Christian groups like the PBCC. He says he still considers Kenney a friend.
Jacobson took Kenney to Israel several times and said he appreciates Kenney’s steadfast support of the state of Israel.
Jacobson added that he is intimately familiar with how politics works in various countries and stressed the importance of having access to both bagmen and money.
Listening to Nathan Jacobson is a surreal experience. Whether you like him, hate him, or know nothing about him at all, the stories he tells are intriguing, to say the least.
Coming off a week where he had claimed that he and the now-infamous whistleblower, David Wallace, were allegedly asked to “name their price” to “take care of” Justin Trudeau by “any means necessary,” the former conservative party operative dropped another bombshell on The Dean Blundell Show recently, and this time he came with receipts.
Rather, the receipts were found inside the Klondike papers, a massive dossier compiled from years of documents, emails, phone calls and videos, mostly from Wallace during his years as a political fixer. Wallace and Jacobson appeared together on the podcast to shed light on the murky world of Michael Yurkovich, a billionaire in the oil and gas industry who was attempting to salvage a deal he had forged with Ukrainian oligarch, Ihor Kolomoisky, the billionaire investment banker who is largely credited with helping Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky’s rise to power.
Yurkovich had built a new solar energy company in Ukraine, TIU Canada, and was the main supplier of energy to one of Kolomoisky’s factories in the Dnipopetrovsk province. The company, Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant, a soft-drink factory, was a client of Yurkovich before they pulled the plug and stopped receiving energy from TIU. Yurkovich said his company received a letter stating that the factory was closed for repairs, but soon realized he may have been a victim of what economics experts refer to as “a raider attack,” where companies force smaller businesses to shut down before making an offer to buy the smaller company at a price that is often well below market value.
None of this sat well with Yurkovich. He tried going through the Ukrainian court system but that battle is ongoing, with no end in sight.
This is when Yurkovich decided to hire Jacobson. According to Jacobson and Wallace, he was paid to attempt to broker a deal between Yurkovich and Kolomoisky but was unsuccessful. Why the relationship deteriorated is still unclear, but what happened next was a shock to Jacobson.
Yurkovich, while on the phone with Wallace, offered the political fixer a half million dollars to “bring me the leg and arm of Nathan Jacobson.”
Wallace immediately telephoned Jacobson to tell him about the offer, and the police, including the RCMP were notified. After a few meetings with Jacobson, authorities decided not to pursue charges.
The Klondike Papers are a fascinating collection of compelling stories, gathered during Wallace’s time as a political operative, fixer, and a sometimes shady individual who often finds himself in the middle of headline grabbing stories. He says he was hired to help remove Patrick Brown from office, he was offered an unknown sum of money to help “take out” Justin Trudeau, and was approached by the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church to help locate and hand over an ex member of the church, Richard Marsh, for blowing the whistle on a PBCC scam that bilked Britain’s NHS service out of millions of taxpay354dollars.
Blackball Media secured the Klondike Papers in early June. We will continue to unearth and publish stories from the dossier over the coming weeks.
Michael Yurkovich was unavailable for comment.
Last week, if you Googled Nathan Jacobson, the first set of search results was scattered between his business success, his former affiliation with the Conservative Party of Canada, and one or two articles about the legal troubles he once had before he was exonerated.
Today if you Google Jacobson, almost the entire first page of search results are about him allegedly being a “money launderer.”
It is always murky to attempt to figure out why a change in how Google decides what kind of information a search will yield, but last week on Blackballed Jacobson dropped a bomb when he claimed the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church, a cult-like organization, asked him to do “whatever it takes” to “take out” Justin Trudeau. It isn’t much of a stretch to think Google’s algorithm may have been manipulated to yield the most unflattering results possible, but it is also well above my pay grade.
During an appearance on The Dean Blundell Show, Jacobson dropped another bomb, claiming that Russian president Vladimir Putin not only has Parkinson’s disease, but that he also has been diagnosed with cancer.
Vladimir Putin could not be reached for comment.
Jacobson is a fascinating character. He was once a trusted adviser during the Stephen Harper era, calls Jason Kenney a friend, and is now a thorn in the side of the Conservative Party of Canada, tying the party to the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church via conservative lawyer Gerald Chipeur, and insinuating that Kenney’s recent fall from grace was largely due to his office being manipulated by religious extremists.
Jason Kenney could not be reached for comment.
Jacobson has ties to Russia that go all the way back to before the fall of communism, has had friendly relations with Putin, who he has met several times. He shared one story about gifting the Russian president with a painting that depicted the last goal scored by Paul Henderson in the 1972 Summit Series. The tongue-in-cheek painting was even signed by Henderson and the legendary Russian goaltender, Vladislav Tretiak.
Like many anecdotes told by the embattled businessman, Putin’s alleged cancer diagnosis is impossible to prove. There were some reports about Putin having blood cancer that surface in May, but the sources for these reports were American intelligence operatives and agencies. During wartime, many of these stories pass through the ether relatively quickly, with half the public wondering about the propaganda war, and the other half forgetting the story by the time they turn the page.
But we are hopeful he is right, and that the cancer spreads to whatever part of the brain that determines aggression.
Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, an illegal invasion that has seen thousands of civilians killed.
Many people in media have a split personality when it comes to how they behave on Twitter VS how they behave in real life. Twitter is like the Matrix for snark, providing a license of sorts to individuals who experience a spike in popularity due their appeal among special interest groups, and often birthing accusations of grifting or opportunism.
Andy Lee made a second appearance on Blackballed recently, and declared that she was, in fact, a “liberal trapped in a conservative body.” Many who follow her work are likely confused by the statement. She has, after all, made statements like “I’m the girl who’s going to take down the government” after she became the darling of the convoy protest movement.
Lee was embedded inside the convoy, traveling with the group as they made their way to Ottawa. Activated by the Trudeau Government’s federal mandates on vaccines, especially as it pertains to travel and freedom of movement, Lee expressed a frustration over the politics of COVID, saying that her politics over the years have had a mostly progressive bent, but because the pandemic has made her a fierce critic of the Trudeau Government, she now feels like she is incorrectly viewed as a dye-in-the-wool conservative.
I know what it is like to be falsely labeled by one ideological group or another. Our political identities mean a lot to some of us, but perhaps there is a lure to making people believe you co-sign their views. Largely unknown before the convoy protests, Lee is now a fixture among the anti-vaccine, F*CK Trudeau crowd that only bends towards the far right in Canada.
Is she taking advantage of the political winds? Is she just conveying her honest opinions? Only Lee really knows.
I will say that I find her very pleasant and civil when she appears on Blackballed. She is a different story when communicating on Twitter, and fancies herself as a sniper when she wants to be. I find her fascinating because it feels like declaring herself a liberal would be bad news for her popularity. Moreover, she doesn’t seem unhinged when you speak to her in person, and it is deflating because with her new popularity she could conceivably become a moderate voice that helps bridge the gaps of polarization.
Not that it is her responsibility, but still, a more transparent understanding of her views, while likely a poison pill for some of her followers, could be a better long game for her.
But she doesn’t need to take my advice. She is welcome back to the show any time, but perhaps next time a more specific conversation about the seemingly contradictory stances she embodies would be a more fruitful discussion.
I like her. I find her soft-spoken, pleasant, and non-combative. I just wish she brought that type of game to Twitter, rather than submit to the culture of snark that snares all of us to a certain degree.
Blackballed welcomes Ukraine's top war correspondent @IAPonomarenko
Please help David and his family get home.
Updates (1)
Fugitive businessman with Tory ties arrested in Toronto
Fugitive Nathan Jacobson, whose ties to the federal Conservatives made him the subject of recent question period queries from opposition benches, was arrested at his home in Toronto Thursday afternoon.
The Winnipeg-born businessman had his bail denied in Toronto court Friday and remains in the Toronto West Detention Centre awaiting another appearance Oct. 31.
U.S. Justice authorities in San Diego had told CBC they were upset that no Canadian law enforcement agencies had responded to their July 30 warrant for his arrest when Jacobson failed to attend court after pleading guilty to money laundering.
With others, Jacobson had set up an online pharmacy known as Affpower, based in Costa Rica, that sold drugs to Americans without prescriptions from 2004 to 2006. The 57-year-old was originally charged with several counts of fraud, money laundering and the distribution and dispensing of controlled substances, but he co-operated with authorities and pleaded guilty in 2008 to laundering $46 million in drug payments.
He was expected to serve a four-year sentence, but failed to show up at pre-sentencing.
An international red notice — a warrant issued for a flight risk — was certified this week by a Canadian judge for the sometime philanthropist who made millions selling GM products and setting up gas stations in post-Soviet Russia.
U.S. District Attorney Philip Halpern of San Diego would not comment on the arrest because the matter is before "judicial processes."
Claimed he was friends with Baird, Kenney
Calls by CBC on Friday to his three lawyers, his wife and business partner were not returned.
In recent years, Jacobson had spent much time in the corridors of power, both in Israel and Canada, and in March a smiling Jacobson was photographed between both Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu at a reception in Ottawa. Jacobson claimed to have worked on the 2008 campaign for the Tories and was also considered a friend of cabinet ministers Jason Kenney and John Baird.
But when challenged earlier this year on their relationship to Jacobson, both ministers said they were oblivious to Jacobson’s legal problems.
Jacobson himself had initiated a lawsuit against Conservative MP Mark Adler last fall for what he claims was a $265,000 loan. Adler, in court documents, denies that amount changed hands, and said what was given to him was a gift from Jacobson to expand his Economic Club of Canada to the United States.
Besides donating more than $10,000 to the Conservative Party in recent years, Jacobson was prominent in his philanthropy within the Jewish community.
If you have tips on this story, contact john.nicol@cbc.ca.
Arrested businessman says he's 'radioactive' to Tory friends
Convicted money launderer gives exclusive interview to CBC
In an exclusive interview with CBC News Networks' Power & Politics, Nathan Jacobson, the Canadian businessman who pleaded guilty to money laundering in a U.S. court four years ago, says he is protecting friends in the Canadian government because he is "radioactive."
When Jacobson failed to show up for a sentencing hearing in the U.S. this summer, U.S. justice authorities issued a warrant for his arrest on July 30. Almost three months later, Toronto police arrested him last week.
Jacobson had set up an internet pharmacy called Affpower, based in Costa Rica, that sold controlled drugs online for customers without a prescription, and used his own credit-card payment company to receive the fees. His guilty plea was for laundering $46 million in payments.
Jacobson was released on bail Wednesday from the Toronto Detention Centre, where he had been held since last Thursday.
In question period Thursday, Liberal MP Judy Foote asked if the government had taken any action to find and apprehend Jacobson before his arrest.
Parliamentary secretary for justice Robert Goguen replied, "This was a matter that was acted on immediately upon the request. The Americans requested that he be arrested on Oct. 24 and the very next day, Oct. 25, he was arrested. This case is now before the courts. It would be inappropriate to interfere."
'Friends' in high places
Just hours before he was arrested last week, Jacobson told CBC News that he is now protecting what he calls his friends in government. "I myself made the decision that it's best to keep a distance, in order to protect my friends. I would for the most part consider them still my friends. But while I'm — for the lack of a better term — radioactive, better let them to continue to run government."
Jacobson hosted a number of Canadian-Israeli receptions on Parliament Hill, and said that people from the Prime Minister's Office attended, as well as Immigration Minister Jason Kenney and Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird. He said the prime minister was not present at what he described as bipartisan events to celebrate the relationship between Canada and Israel.
A photograph has circulated in the media of Jacobson standing between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Prime Minister Harper. PMO spokesman Andrew MacDougall said the photo was taken at a reception on Parliament Hill attended by several hundred people, many of whom posed for photos with the two leaders.
Jacobson also said that he had introduced Kenney to top-level politicians in Israel. "Jason and I have spent a little time in Israel on several occasions when he's been there. And I've hosted dinners in Israel with senior government people. I, in fact, took Jason to meet Netanyahu his first time, meeting Netanyahu and other people within the security and political environment within Israel."
Another reason Jacobson calls himself radioactive is that he is suing Conservative MP Mark Adler, the Toronto politician who defeated Ken Dryden last election.
Jacobson met Adler in the latter's role as the owner of the Economic Club of Canada, an organization that stages non-partisan events with top-drawer speakers. Jacobson said that at first he helped Adler procure some prominent Israeli speakers for the club, and that he'd loaned Adler money for the expansion of the club into the U.S. and perhaps Israel.
The amount was $140,000 Jacobson said, though he acknowledges there was no written contract about the money.
"There are records of the money going to him, and it's written up in our books, and it's still being shown as losses in our books. You know, there is accounting of it. You know, it's not meeting at midnight with black bags with $140,000 and, you know, handing off code words 'abula, bula,' and he responds 'the sky is blue,' and I hand him over a satchel. It wasn't. And in fact two of the payments were by cheque to the Economic Club."
Adler says the money was meant to be a gift.
"It’s nice that he considers it a gift," Jacobson responded. "I’d like him to show me other people that give him gifts like that. And I’d like other people to come forward and state that I gave them gifts of $140,000. Go ask my sister. I love my sister.… I don’t give gifts like that. I’m a generous person, but nobody gives gifts like that. So it’s unfathomable that he could. I was so insulted when he came out with that response. I went to him: Mark, I loaned you the money. When are you going to start repaying it?"
Jacobson was released on a security of $600,000 which he paid himself, and he has surrendered both his Israeli and Canadian passports.
Canadian Nathan Jacobson says he's cleared in U.S. money-laundering case
Israeli-Canadian businessman has claimed friendships with federal Conservative politicians
Nathan Jacobson, a prominent businessman and former Conservative Party fundraiser with deep ties to Toronto and Winnipeg, says he's returning to Canada after a U.S. court cleared dozens of charges against him on Monday.
The Winnipeg-born businessman was extradited to the United States last year, several years after he was indicted for his alleged role in an online pharmacy.
- Fugitive businessman with Tory ties arrested in Toronto
- Arrested businessman says he's 'radioactive' to Tory friends
- Canadian businessman gets bail in U.S. money-laundering case
On the advice of his lawyers at the time, Jacobson pleaded guilty to a single count of money laundering. However, he has always maintained that he never did anything wrong.
On Monday, a U.S. District judge in San Diego, Calif., granted Jacobson's motion to withdraw his guilty plea, then dismissed all charges against him, according to a news release from his current legal team at Cooley LLP.
"It's a little numb. You know, it's been a long battle," Jacobson told CBC News following the ruling.
"I feel great. I feel … after a long time, after much more than a year, the truth is finally out."
Jacobson spent months in a U.S. jail. After he was granted bail, he had to remain in the San Diego area and submit to electronic monitoring.
"My goal is to return to my family, to my community, to my business, and to my involvement, and those that know me and believe in me will accept me," he said.
Jacobson said while he calls Toronto home, he cannot wait to see friends in Winnipeg as well.
Nathan Jacobson’s decade-long legal case comes to end
Steven Skurka started representing Canadian-Israeli businessman Nathan Jacobson in 2007, when Jacobson was indicted by the U.S. Department of Justice on a number of charges. Jacobson ended up pleading guilty to one of those charges – money laundering.
When Jacobson was later able to withdraw his guilty plea, and all the charges were eventually dropped, he decided to sue Skurka for over $27 million in damages, for what Jacobson claimed was pressure to plead guilty and negligent representation.
In a ruling on July 23, 2018, Judge Lise Favreau dismissed Jacobson’s suit against Skurka, saying in her decision that, “I am satisfied that Mr. Jacobson’s action does not raise any triable issues and that it is just and fair to grant summary judgement in Mr. Skurka’s favour.”
Jacobson was originally indicted on allegations that his credit card processing company, RX-Payments, was doing business with the online pharmacy company Affpower Enterprise. The U.S. government alleged that Affpower broke the law by selling prescription drugs to customers online, without in-person physician consultations.
Jacobson was one of 17 people charged in the case, and beyond money laundering, he was also charged with wire mail fraud, mail fraud, racketeering and distributing and dispensing controlled substances. Jacobson maintains that he was innocent the entire time and only plead guilty because he was pressured into do so by Skurka and his team. Jacobson ended up spending time in jail and forfeited $4.5 million to the U.S. government after pleading guilty.
The crux of the dispute between Jacobson and Skurka is the guilty plea that Jacobson submitted. While Jacobson said he was pressured into it by Skurka, Skurka argued that he and his legal team – which included Canadian lawyer Marie Heinen, who’s perhaps best known for representing Jian Ghomeshi, and American lawyer Patricia Holmes, who recently represented Jussie Smollett – provided the pros and cons of pleading guilty to Jacobson, who then decided to plead guilty of his own accord.
A meeting took place on Jan. 15, 2008, which Jacobson said was the precise moment when Skurka scared him into accepting the guilty plea. Both sides told Favreau their contrasting accounts about what occurred at the meeting. As Favreau wrote in her decision, “the issue of what happened at the meeting turns largely on credibility.”
In the end, Favreau sided with Skurka’s account. She said Jacobson had not produced any evidence of what happened at the meeting, while Skurka did have evidence, including a memo that Heinen had produced immediately after the meeting.
Favreau also questioned Jacobson’s credibility, because he had previously accused Skurka of being the subject of a criminal investigation and of conspiring with U.S. prosecutors to get a percentage of the money Jacobson forfeited, claims that Jacobson subsequently acknowledged were false.
“I have no doubt that Mr. Jacobson’s decision to plead guilty was a difficult and stressful one, and that he came to regret that decision. However, I do not see any basis for finding that Mr. Skurka placed undue pressure on him to plead guilty,” Favreau wrote in her decision.
Jacobson takes issue with a number of aspects of Favreau’s decision. One of them was her claim that he couldn’t be trusted because he had at one point plead guilty and then withdrawn the claim, despite being counselled that he should only plead guilty if he truly was guilty.
Jacobson said that her reading of the situation doesn’t take into account the tremendous amount of pressure that the U.S. legal system places upon people in his situation.
“You can’t imagine the pressure when you’re told that the charges against you are going to end up with your landing 130 years in jail. There were tens of charges against me. Everything but the assassination of Lincoln, they left that one out,” he said.
Skurka declined to answer questions about the decision, but did provide a short statement, saying that: “None of my colleagues or friends ever thought that this case had any merit. I am grateful that a respected judge has now said that. I was totally vindicated.”
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We’ve Reviewed 6,400 Pages of Documents Called the ‘Klondike Papers’. Here is What We Know and Don’t Know.
The ‘Klondike Papers’ do not reveal a vast conspiracy or ‘explain everything’, but they do shine a light on some concerning matters of public interest
Something weird has been popping up recently in Canadian social media feeds.
Sensational claims, tied to something that is being called the “Klondike Papers,” have spread like wildfire and taken on a life of their own thanks to social media influencers.
Viral videos tagged with the hashtag #KlondikePapers have already been viewed over one million times on TikTok while interest in the topic has quickly skyrocketed on Google searches in Canada.

Google Trends
The wild speculation has caught some people behind the Klondike Papers off guard, with one person responsible for releasing the documents observing that a lot of stuff circulating on TikTok and elsewhere is “seriously misleading.”
And yet, as other journalists who’ve looked at the documents note, some troubling things do appear to be backed-up by the documents. In fact, the authenticity of various messages in the documents have already been confirmed.
“People are being fed a mixture of truth and misinformation and it’s just confusing,” Richard Marsh, one of the individuals who helped release the documents, told PressProgress.
With the so-called Klondike Papers fuelling wild speculation, here’s some context about what these documents are, what they’re not and what matters to the public.
What are the so-called “Klondike Papers”?
In recent months, a handful of news organizations, including PressProgress, obtained 6,400 pages of documents including emails, texts, bank records and hours of audio recordings belonging to a man named David Wallace.
Wallace was, until recently, a self-described conservative political “fixer,” someone whose full-time job is to help politicians make problems go away.
This was illustrated in the first story relying on Wallace’s source materials published in early April by the Canadian Press detailing a plot to obtain a Calgary Herald reporter’s phone logs. Alberta’s former justice minister later confirmed he had a contract with Wallace but denied asking for them.
Over the last month, PressProgress has also reported a number of stories that directly or indirectly make use of information from these documents.
In each of these stories, documents were independently verified and corroborated by public records and multiple sources — including by senior officials in Doug Ford’s office and Ontario PC insiders.
To date, only a small portion of these documents have actually been verified and reported. PressProgress, as well as others, have been slowly and responsibly working to independently confirm details in thousands of pages of disorganized documents.
All of the emails are out-of-order and there is no central thread. It’s just 6,400 pages of random messages from Wallace’s inboxes, accounts and devices detailing four years in the life of a shady political operative. Some of it is interesting, some is mundane.
The interesting parts show Wallace navigating Canada’s conservative underworld and include exchanges with public figures, backroom conservative political actors, wealthy businessmen, private investigators, law enforcement officers as well as foreign government officials.
The events depicted in the documents follow Wallace drifting from one job to the next, unfolding like chapters in a hardboiled crime paperback if all the pages were ripped out and rearranged at random. The gist of Wallace’s life journey appears to be as follows:
• We first meet Wallace in 2018, shortly after returning from Russia where he was producing a documentary on the KHL, working with a group attempting to clear Patrick Brown’s name after the former Ontario PC leader resigned over sexual misconduct allegations.
• Following the election of Doug Ford in 2018, Wallace teams up with an Ontario PC insider looking to help Russian officials make inroads into Ontario political and business networks amid US sanctions.
• There is a brief episode in which Wallace is hired by a private investigator to help solve the unsolved murders of Barry and Honey Sherman (the murders remain unsolved).
• Wallace looks to the west in search of new hustles and is introduced to key players in circles associated with Alberta’s newly elected United Conservative Party government and Calgary municipal politics.
• A group of wealthy businessmen hire Wallace to help them build a solar farm in Ukraine, a scheme that ultimately goes sideways and angers the Russian government.
• While in Alberta, Wallace alleges he was hired to track down a whistleblower who is a former member of a secretive religious sect.
That is the general scope. There’s not much more to the documents than that.
Beyond what has already been verified and reported, it remains to be seen how much of this information can be corroborated and whether there is additional relevant context.
How the “Klondike Papers” took on a life of their own
The name “Klondike Papers” was coined by Richard Marsh, who helped Wallace compile several thousand emails and other documents from his various email and social media accounts.
Marsh, who also operates the official “Klondike Papers” Twitter account, says he’s been frustrated by “serious misinformation” circulating on social media about the documents he helped put in the hands of journalists to verify.
“The problem is that the misinformation detracts from the truth,” Marsh told PressProgress.
“It just surprises me that people would publish without taking the time to even do half an hour of basic research, which would just prove that the assertions they’re going to make are actually incorrect.”
Following a series of podcasts, a number of people who have never seen the documents began trying to explain their significance to others, spawning blogs, Twitter threads and TikTok videos that have reached millions of Canadians.
One influencer named “Sheep King JB” recently took responsibility and issued corrections for several items he got wrong about the Klondike Papers in a series of TikToks that received over half a million views.
“People make mistakes,” JB told PressProgress. “I was not purposely trying to spread anything false, just got caught up in the heat of it all.”
Ironically, JB says he actually did more due diligence than usual preparing these videos.
“The funny thing is this is the most work I have done for any of my videos,” JB said. “The amount of times I listened to these interviews and noted down things is more than ever before.”
JB acknowledged TikTok’s algorithm forces him to boil things down to their key points because he only has a few seconds to catch the attention of users. In retrospect, he also thinks Wallace made confusing public statements that led him to incorrectly “assume it’s in the papers.”

Top TikTok results for the #KlondikePapers hashtag
Wallace has faced criticism for making sensational statements on recent podcasts that are just not supported by any of his own documents.
For example, Wallace has made claims about the Ottawa convoy occupation – except the Klondike Papers end in 2021 and nothing in his own documents mention the convoy.
Wallace, and his well-connected associate Nathan Jacobson, have also suggested some sort of plot was being hatched against Justin Trudeau, although those allegations are ambiguous and there is no concrete evidence in the documents to corroborate them one way or the other.
Despite this, there remains significant evidence Wallace’s connections are real and there is no dispute he has, at times, found himself in rooms with influential public figures.

Russian Consul General in Toronto
Wallace maintains he wants to make a break with his past. He is also currently dealing with tough health issues and has a young family.
In his past role as a “fixer,” Wallace’s day-to-day duties appear to include things like making introductions, acting as an intermediary, finding information, tracking down people and addresses and sometimes digging up “kompromat” on his client’s enemies.
Wallace first appeared in Canadian news stories in a 2018 article by Canadaland that reported Wallace paid a Patrick Brown truther vlogger $10,000, money which came from a lawyer who was a “longtime friend of Brown.”
Marsh, a former member of a secretive religious sect called the Plymouth Brethren (or “Exclusive Brethren”) who spoke out about the sect in a recent City News documentary, said even he has been left shaking his head by the “conspiracy theories.”
“It has been frustrating that people are making statements about the Brethren without doing any due diligence or simple online checks to see if they can verify the information,” Marsh said.
By any objective measure, the PBCC is not a normal religious denomination.
The sect runs a global network of businesses that engage in “group buying” from common suppliers and funnel billions of dollars back into the sect.
The PBCC has made headlines, particularly in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom over its ties to local conservative parties and attempts to influence politics. Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has described the organization as an “extremist cult,” although the PBCC’s website includes an FAQ page that specifically notes it is “not a cult.”
In Canada, the group has been the subject of reporting from multiple news organizations detailing allegations of abuse and questions about its secrecy.

That said, Marsh said exaggerated claims on social media that the Brethren are puppet masters controlling the government miss the point entirely.
“I don’t believe the PBCC actually control the government as such or that they are an integral part of any wider ‘christofascist’ organization,” Marsh told PressProgress. “Their goal, which they have achieved to some extent in the UK and Australia at times, is to get ‘their’ politicians into positions of influence and/or to win powerful politicians over to their cause.”
Marsh added that their efforts to exert political influence is “mainly exerted in an effort to retain their charitable status and, apparently, to secure extremely valuable contracts for Brethren owned businesses.”
Do these documents ultimately matter to the public?
There is obviously clear public interest value in any documents that relate to people who hold public office and those surrounding them.
The documents, if completely authentic, offer a unique window into conservative backrooms. To be sure, some emails and messages appear to capture casual chatter between political operatives trading gossip, speculation and blatant conspiracies that have no basis in fact.
But others reveal details of a party divided by shaky factions, shifting alliances and petty grudges. They also raise questions about efforts by obscure groups to influence politics behind the scenes in order to gain benefits for themselves. There is also unverified material that touches on unethical and criminal activity, as well as matters currently under police investigation.
It’s difficult to separate truth from misinformation, but enough troubling information has already been verified and reported by credible news organizations to suggest there are at least a few things worth paying attention to here.
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