Brown says he won't run for the Conservatives if Poilievre wins the leadership
---------- Original message ---------- From: Date:
Sun, 3 Dec 2017 01:59:16 +0000 Subject: Automatic
reply: Yo Dominic Cardy If so then you neo cons best start feeding your
Butter Tarts to your pussy cat named Puffin because they are clearly rotting
your brains N'esy Pas?
you for writing to the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, Member
of Parliament
for Vancouver Granville and Minister of Justice and
Attorney General of
Due to the significant increase in the volume of
addressed to the Hon. Jody Wilson-Raybould, please note that
there may
be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured that your
will be carefully reviewed.
d'avoir ?crit ? l'honorable Jody Wilson-Raybould, d?put?e pour
Granville et ministre de la justice et procureur g?n?ral du
raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de la correspondance
? l'honorable Jody Wilson-Raybould, veuillez prendre note
qu'il pourrait y
avoir un retard dans le traitement de votre courriel.
Nous tenons ? vous
assurer que votre message sera lu avec soin.
Original message ---------- From: "Cardy, Dominic (LEG)" Date:
Mon, 4 Dec 2017 19:59:00 +0000 Subject: RE: Yo Dominic Cardy If so then you
neo cons best start feeding your Butter Tarts to your pussy cat named Puffin
because they are clearly rotting your brains N'esy Pas? To: David Amos Cc:
"Wright, Hamish (LEG)"
Did you get your package? I hope it went to the right address and
that you felt, on eating your tasty Tim Horton snacks, that we are all
part of one loving human family.
Merry Christmas and more buttery
goodness to you and yours,
PS. Puffin says
---------- Original message ---------- From: "Cardy,
Dominic (LEG)" Date:
Tue, 5 Dec 2017 13:32:12 +0000 Subject: RE: Methinks Higgs needs better help
than mindless EX NDP dudes if he gonna defeat the LIEbranos N'esy Pas Premeir
Gallant? To: David Amos
very glad you enjoyed them! Please give Mr. Higgs a pat from all of us.
DC ________________________________________ From: David Amos [] Sent:
December-05-17 8:50 AM To: Cardy, Dominic (LEG); Higgs, Blaine (LEG);
leanne.murray; Flemming, Hugh (LEG); Stewart, Jake (LEG);
Jody.Wilson-Raybould; mcu; bill.pentney; newsroom; Wright, Hamish (LEG);
Brown, Nick (ECO/BCE); Rousselle, Serge Hon. (ELG/EGL)); Bourque, Hon. Benoît
(DH/MS); Doherty, Ed (LEG); Robert. Jones; Dave.Young; kelly; law; LAW
SOCIETY NB; Murray, Charles (Ombud) Cc: David Amos; leader; Coon, David
(LEG); elizabeth.may; Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM); Byrne, Greg (PO/CPM);
Keir, Jack (PO/CPM); Len Hoyt; postur; postur; rmellish Subject: Methinks
Higgs needs better help than mindless EX NDP dudes if he gonna defeat the
LIEbranos N'esy Pas Premeir Gallant?
Somebody should tell the Dummy Cardy
to scroll to the bottom of the blog
FYI The nasty neo con treats were fed
to a stray cat that hangs around my latest abode.
BTW I have named the
ugly old pussy Mr Higgs in his honour
As a regular correspondent I thought you would like to know
that it's Hamish's 20th birthday! We even gave him some butter tarts in
your honour! I'm sure he'd appreciate a note.
Justin Trudeau shares his thoughts about Jim Flaherty.
---------- Original message ---------
From: "Bergen, Candice - M.P." <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2022 16:27:03 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Hey Higgy Methinks the 3 Stooges from NB
Pothier, Leger, Stewart and Christine Elliott know why Brown will quit
and run for Mayor again N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <>
On behalf of the Hon. Candice Bergen, thank you for contacting the
Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition.
Ms. Bergen greatly values feedback and input from Canadians. We read
and review every incoming e-mail. Please note that this account
receives a high volume of e-mails. We reply to e-mails as quickly as
If you are a constituent of Ms. Bergen’s in Portage-Lisgar with an
urgent matter please provide complete contact information. Not
identifying yourself as a constituent could result in a delayed
Once again, thank you for writing.
Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition
Au nom de l’hon. Candice Bergen, nous vous remercions de communiquer
avec le Bureau de la cheffe de l’Opposition officielle.
Mme Bergen accorde une grande importance aux commentaires des
Canadiens. Nous lisons et étudions tous les courriels entrants.
Veuillez noter que ce compte reçoit beaucoup de courriels. Nous y
répondons le plus rapidement possible.
Si vous faites partie de l’électorat de Mme Bergen dans la
circonscription de Portage-Lisgar et que votre affaire est urgente,
veuillez fournir vos coordonnées complètes. Si vous ne le faites pas,
cela pourrait retarder la réponse.
Nous vous remercions une fois encore d’avoir pris le temps d’écrire.
Veuillez agréer nos salutations distinguées,
Bureau de la cheffe de l’Opposition officielle
---------- Original message ---------
From: "O'Toole, Erin - M.P." <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2022 16:27:03 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Hey Higgy Methinks the 3 Stooges from NB
Pothier, Leger, Stewart and Christine Elliott know why Brown will quit
and run for Mayor again N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <>
Thank you for contacting the office of Hon. Erin O’Toole, Member of
Parliament for Durham.
Mr. O’Toole greatly values your feedback. Please note, this account
receives an extremely high volume of emails. As a result, we are
prioritizing constituent emails only at this time. If you are a
constituent in the riding of Durham and did not include your postal
code in your original email, please forward your original message to<> with your postal
code included.
Due to the high volume of emails that we receive in this inbox, if
your email is regarding an urgent or time-sensitive case matter,
please contact the Constituency Office at:
Tel: 905-697-1699
Toll Free: 1-866-436-1141
We've moved!
New Durham Constituency Office
68 King St. E., Unit D
Bowmanville, ON
L1C 3X2
---------- Original message ---------
From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2022 16:28:32 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Hey Higgy Methinks the 3 Stooges from NB
Pothier, Leger, Stewart and Christine Elliott know why Brown will quit
and run for Mayor again N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <>
Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.
You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read,
reviewed and taken into consideration.
There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the
need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your
correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a
response may take several business days.
Thanks again for your email.
Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.
Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.
Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère
responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de
la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours
ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.
Merci encore pour votre courriel.
---------- Original message ---------
From: Justice Minister <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2022 16:28:35 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Hey Higgy Methinks the 3 Stooges from NB
Pothier, Leger, Stewart and Christine Elliott know why Brown will quit
and run for Mayor again N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <>
Thank you for your email to the Minister of Justice. Please be assured
that it has been received by the Department. Your email will be
reviewed and addressed accordingly. Thank you.
Thank you for your email to Premier Houston. This is an automatic
confirmation your message has been received.
As we are currently experiencing higher than normal volumes of
correspondence, there may be delays in the response time for
correspondence identified as requiring a response.
On behalf of The Honourable Heather Stefanson, Premier of Manitoba, we
would like to acknowledge receipt of your email.
Please note that this is an automated response to let you know that
your email has been received and that it will be reviewed at the
earliest opportunity.
Thank you for taking the time to write.
Premier’s Correspondence Team
Executive Council
Government of Manitoba
Au nom du premier ministre du Manitoba, Heather Stefanson, nous
accusons réception de votre courriel.
Veuillez noter qu’il s’agit d’une réponse automatisée pour vous
informer que votre courriel a été reçu et qu’il sera examiné dans les
meilleurs délais.
Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.
Équipe chargée de la correspondance du premier ministre
Conseil exécutif
Gouvernement du Manitoba
---------- Original message ---------
From: Office of the Premier <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2022 16:27:00 +0000
Subject: Thank you for your email
To: David Amos <>
This is to acknowledge that your email has been received by the Office
of the Premier.
We appreciate the time you have taken to write.
NOTICE: This e-mail was intended for a specific person. If it has
reached you by mistake, please delete it and advise me by return
e-mail. Any privilege associated with this information is not waived.
Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.
Avis: Ce message est confidentiel, peut être protégé par le secret
professionnel et est à l'usage exclusif de son destinataire. Il est
strictement interdit à toute autre personne de le diffuser, le
distribuer ou le reproduire. Si le destinataire ne peut être joint ou
vous est inconnu, veuillez informer l'expéditeur par courrier
électronique immédiatement et effacer ce message et en détruire toute
copie. Merci de votre cooperation.
The big talking little dude Pothier aint leaded a thing afte all these
years but at least Louis Leger is clever enough not to send me anymore
Butter Tarts EH Jake?
Chucky Leblanc knows that folks can find these words and a deal deal
more within my blog EH Mr IT Guy Faust???
Chisholm Pothier who travelled with Jim Flaherty during the financial
crisis remembers the respect he drew internationally
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Brown, Patrick" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2018 13:53:55 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: FWD Whereas the purported "Progressive
Conservatives" Tim Hudak and Christine Elliott never felt that I was
worth talking to perhaps they should talk to each other about your
pals Jenni Byrne, Paul Godfrey and Derek Burney EH Stevey Bo...
To: David Amos <>
Thank you very much for getting in touch. Due to the large volume of
mail that I receive, please allow time for a response. If it is a
pressing issue, please call my Queen’s Park office at 416-325-3855.
Otherwise, I will respond as soon as possible.
Patrick Brown, MPP
Simcoe North
Leader of the Official Opposition
YO Dominic Cardy how can you Conservatives brag of buying Butter Tarts
when CBC tells me you dudes have to sell your HQ? Yet you wackos want
control of our provincial economy?
Methinks if Blaine Higgs had two clues between his ears he would not
have hired the Arsehole Dominic Cardy in the first place
---------- Original message ----------
From: Michael Cohen <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2018 18:00:28 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Dominic Cardy how can you Conservatives
brag of buying Butter Tarts when CBC tells me you dudes have to sell
your HQ? Yet you wackos want control of our provincial economy"
To: David Amos <>
Effective January 20, 2017, I have accepted the role as personal
counsel to President Donald J. Trump. All future emails should be
directed to and all future calls should be
directed to 646-853-0114.
This communication is from The Trump Organization or an affiliate
thereof and is not sent on behalf of any other individual or entity.
This email may contain information that is confidential and/or
proprietary. Such information may not be read, disclosed, used,
copied, distributed or disseminated except (1) for use by the intended
recipient or (2) as expressly authorized by the sender. If you have
received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and
promptly notify the sender. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed
to be received, secure or error-free as emails could be intercepted,
corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late, incomplete, contain viruses
or otherwise. The Trump Organization and its affiliates do not
guarantee that all emails will be read and do not accept liability for
any errors or omissions in emails. Any views or opinions presented in
any email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily
represent those of The Trump Organization or any of its affiliates.
Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic
signature under applicable law.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Stewart, Jake - M.P." <>
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2022 19:28:49 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Hey Ernie Steeves Why is it that I am not
surprised that nobody will discuss my Old Age Pension and Health Care
To: David Amos <>
Thank you for your correspondence. This is to acknowledge that our
office has received your email and we are working on your request.
If you are a constituent and require immediate assistance, please call
our office at 506-778-8448 and a member of our staff will be happy to
assist you.
Thank you and have a great day,
Office of MP Jake Stewart
Shadow Minister for National Revenue
Miramichi-Grand Lake
Merci pour votre message. Ceci est pour vous aviser que nous avons
reçu votre courriel et que nous travaillons sur votre demande.
Si vous êtes un électeur de notre circonscription et que vous avez
besoin d'assistance immédiate, s'il-vous-plaît veuillez téléphoner
notre bureau au 506-778-8448 et un membre de notre équipe se fera
plaisir de vous servir.
Merci et bonne journée,
Jake Stewart, député
Ministre fantôme du Revenu National
Miramichi-Grand Lake
On behalf of the Honourable Karina Gould, Minister of Families,
Children and Social Development, I acknowledge receipt of your email
of June 9, 2022, about your Old Age Security pension.
In order to better assist you, please provide your complete mailing
address and telephone number by replying to this email.
I look forward to your response. Thank you for writing.
N. Côté
Correspondence Analyst / Ministerial and Executive Correspondence
Employment and Social Development Canada / Government of Canada
Thank you for agreeing to serve Canadians as Minister of Families,
Children and Social Development.
From the beginning of this pandemic, Canadians have faced a
once-in-a-century challenge. And through it all, from coast to coast
to coast, people have met the moment. When it mattered most, Canadians
adapted, helped one another, and stayed true to our values of
compassion, courage and determination. That is what has defined our
path through this pandemic so far. And that is what will pave our way
During a difficult time, Canadians made a democratic choice. They
entrusted us to finish the fight against COVID-19 and support the
recovery of a strong middle class. At the same time, they also gave us
clear direction: to take bold, concrete action to build a healthier,
more resilient future. That is what Canadians have asked us to do and
it is exactly what our Government is ready to deliver. We will work to
build that brighter future through continued collaboration,
engagement, and the use of science and evidence-based decision-making.
With an unwavering focus on delivering results, we will work
constructively with Parliamentarians and maintain our strong
partnerships with provincial, territorial and municipal governments
and Indigenous partners. This decade has had an incredibly difficult
start, but this is the moment to rebuild a more resilient, inclusive
and stronger country for everyone.
The science is clear. Canadians have been clear. We must not only
continue taking real climate action, we must also move faster and go
further. As Canadians are increasingly experiencing across the
country, climate change is an existential threat. Building a cleaner,
greener future will require a sustained and collaborative effort from
all of us. As Minister, I expect you to seek opportunities within your
portfolio to support our whole-of-government effort to reduce
emissions, create clean jobs and address the climate-related
challenges communities are already facing.
This year, Canadians were horrified by the discovery of unmarked
graves and burial sites near former residential schools. These
discoveries underscore that we must move faster on the path of
reconciliation with First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples. We know
that reconciliation cannot come without truth and our Government will
continue to invest in that truth. As Ministers, each of us has a duty
to further this work, both collectively and as individuals.
Consequently, I am directing every Minister to implement the United
Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and to work in
partnership with Indigenous Peoples to advance their rights.
We must continue to address the profound systemic inequities and
disparities that remain present in the core fabric of our society,
including our core institutions. To this effect, it is essential that
Canadians in every region of the country see themselves reflected in
our Government’s priorities and our work. As Minister, I expect you to
include and collaborate with various communities, and actively seek
out and incorporate in your work, the diverse views of Canadians. This
includes women, Indigenous Peoples, Black and racialized Canadians,
newcomers, faith-based communities, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ2
Canadians, and, in both official languages.
Across our work, we remain committed to ensuring that public policies
are informed and developed through an intersectional lens, including
applying frameworks such as Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus) and
the quality of life indicators in decision-making.
Canadians continue to rely on journalists and journalism for accurate
and timely news. I expect you to maintain professional and respectful
relationships with journalists to ensure that Canadians are well
informed and have the information they need to keep themselves and
their families safe.
Throughout the course of the pandemic, Canadians and their governments
have adapted to new realities. Governments must draw on lessons
learned from the pandemic to further adapt and develop more agile and
effective ways to serve Canadians. To this end, I expect all Ministers
to evaluate ways we can update our practices to ensure our Government
continues to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow.
The success of this Parliament will require Parliamentarians, both in
the House of Commons and the Senate, to work together across all
parties to get big things done for Canadians. I expect you to maintain
constructive relationships with your Opposition Critics and coordinate
any legislation with the Leader of the Government in the House of
Commons. As Minister, you are accountable to Parliament both
individually, for your style of leadership and the performance of your
responsibilities, and collectively, in support of our Ministry and
decisions taken by Cabinet. Open and Accountable Government sets out
these core principles and the standards of conduct expected of you and
your office. I expect you to familiarize yourself with this document,
which outlines my expectations for each member of the Ministry.
Our platform lays out an ambitious agenda. While finishing the fight
against the pandemic must remain our central focus, we must continue
building a strong middle class and work toward a better future where
everyone has a real and fair chance at success and no one is left
As Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, your
immediate priority is to build a Canada-wide Early Learning and Child
Care system that reduces parent fees, creates more high-quality
spaces, recruits and retains skilled educators, and ensures all kids
get off to the best possible start. At the same time, you will work
with Indigenous partners to implement a culturally appropriate
Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care system. You will also focus
on implementing the Community Services Recovery Fund to help charities
and non-profits adapt and modernize as well as ensure Service Canada
provides reliable and accessible services to Canadians, regardless of
where they live.
To realize these objectives, I ask that you achieve results for
Canadians by delivering the following commitments.
Supported by the Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth,
continue advancing the creation and sustainability of a Canada-wide
Early Learning and Child Care system, including:
Concluding negotiations with remaining provinces and
territories and implementing agreements:
Reducing fees for regulated child care by 50 per cent on
average by the end of 2022 everywhere outside of Quebec,
Reducing regulated child care fees to $10 a day on average
by the end of fiscal year 2025-2026 everywhere outside of Quebec, and
Building 250,000 new high-quality child care spaces and
hiring 40,000 more early childhood educators by the end of fiscal year
Introducing federal child care legislation to strengthen and
protect a high-quality Canada-wide child care system;
Establishing a National Advisory Council on Early Learning and
Child Care;
Continuing to advance work with provinces and territories to
reduce fees for families for before and after school care; and
Ensuring the Federal Secretariat on Early Learning and Child
Care is fully resourced and operational by early 2023.
Work with Indigenous partners to ensure that Indigenous children
have access to a culturally appropriate Indigenous Early Learning and
Child Care system that meets the needs of Indigenous families wherever
they live, including ensuring more Indigenous families have access to
high-quality programming, creating 3,300 new child care spaces, and
continuing to support before and after school care for First Nations
children on reserve.
Advance the implementation of the Community Services Recovery Fund
to help charities and non-profits adapt and modernize as they recover
from the pandemic.
Continue advancing the Social Innovation and Social Finance
strategy, including fully implementing the Social Finance Fund and
launching the Social Innovation Advisory Council.
Through the delivery of Canada’s Poverty Reduction Strategy and
other measures, continue leading implementation of the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations.
Work with the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and with
provinces, territories, municipalities, Indigenous partners and
stakeholders to develop a National School Food Policy and to work
toward a national school nutritious meal program.
Work with the Minister of Seniors to provide seniors with a single
point of access to a wide range of government services and benefits.
As the Minister responsible for Service Canada, lead the
development and implementation of modern, resilient, secure and
reliable services and benefit delivery systems for Canadians and
ensure those services and benefits reach all Canadians regardless of
where they live.
Work with the Minister of National Revenue toward the
implementation of a real-time e-payroll system, and ensure that
businesses of all sizes benefit from this work.
Enhance the capacity and effectiveness of Black-led and
Black-serving organizations through the continued implementation of
the Supporting Black Canadian Communities Initiative. You will be
supported in this work by the Minister of Housing and Diversity and
Work with the Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth to
ensure the voices and needs of children are represented in our
Government’s agenda, as we work to make Canada the best place to grow
Work with the Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth and
the Minister of Mental Health and Addictions to ensure mental health
supports are accessible to children and youth as they recover from the
impact of the pandemic.
As Minister, you are also responsible for actively engaging with your
Cabinet and Caucus colleagues. As we deliver on our platform
commitments, it will be important that members of the Ministry
continue to collaborate and work constructively to support rigorous
and productive Cabinet decision-making. I expect you to support your
colleagues in delivering their commitments, leveraging the expertise
of your department and your own lived experiences.
To best achieve results for Canadians, Ministers must be rigorous and
coordinated in our approach to implementation. I would therefore ask
that you return to me with a proposed approach for the delivery of
your mandate commitments, including priorities for early
implementation. Furthermore, to ensure we are accountable for our
work, I will be asking you to publicly report to me, and all
Canadians, on your progress toward these commitments on a regular
As we have been reminded throughout the pandemic, adapting to change
is not only something government should do, it is something government
must do. As you work to fulfil our commitments, I expect you to
actively consider new ideas and issues as they emerge, whether through
public engagement, your work with Parliamentarians or advice from the
public service. I also expect you to work with your Deputy Minister to
assess priorities on a continual basis as we build a better future for
all Canadians. In addition to achieving results, you are responsible
for overseeing the work of your department and ensuring the effective
operation of your portfolio.
As you staff your office and implement outreach and recruitment
strategies for federally appointed leadership positions and boards, I
ask that you uphold the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion.
This helps ensure that federal workplaces are dynamic and reflective
of the Canadians we serve. You will also ensure your Minister’s office
and portfolio are reflective of our commitment to healthy and safe
Canadians expect us to work hard, speak truthfully and be committed to
advancing their interests and aspirations. When we make mistakes – as
we all will – Canadians expect us to acknowledge them, and most
importantly, to learn from them.
I know I can count on you to fulfill the important responsibilities
entrusted in you, and to turn to me, and the Deputy Prime Minister,
early and often to support you in your role as Minister.
Prime Minister of Canada signature
Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, P.C., M.P.
Prime Minister of Canada
On 2/20/22, Gould, Karina - M.P. <> wrote:
> Thank you for reaching out to the office of the Honourable Karina
> Gould Member of Parliament for Burlington.
> Please rest assured that your message will be brought to the attention
> of MP Gould and we will make every effort to respond promptly.
> Correspondence received from residents of Burlington are reviewed and
> actioned as soon as possible. If you have not already included your
> address and postal code, please respond to this email with that information.
> Please note this is a community office, due to the high volume of
> correspondence we receive our priority is to respond to inquiries from
> Burlington Residents.
> If you are not a local resident, please contact your MP’s office for
> assistance. You can enter your postal code here
> if you are unsure who your
> local representative is.
> For matters related to the Ministry of Families Children and Social
> Development and Service Canada, or to discuss issues relevant to MP
> Gould’s role as the Minister of Families Children and Social
> Development, please contact
> Our constituency office is taking every precautionary measure to
> prevent the spread of COVID-19 and ask constituents to follow the most
> up to date information from public health.
> To ensure the safety of our community and protect our most vulnerable
> constituents, our office will be closed to walk-in visits until
> further notice.
> Our office will continue to operate Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to
> 4:30 pm. by phone, email, and on a by-appointment basis for urgent cases.
> Please reach out to us at 905-639-5757 or by email at
> In case of an emergency or urgent situations you can also contact the
> following services:
> For Emergencies - 911
> Halton Region - 311
> Service Canada - 1 800 622 6232
> CPP / OAS - 1 800 277-9914
> Employment Insurance - 1 800 206 7218
> CRA - 1-800 959 8281
> Immigration - 1 888 242 2100
> Passport Canada - 1 800 567 6868
> Halton Regional Police - 905-825-4777
> Please note all incoming messages are treated confidentially.
> We will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your
> cooperation and patience.
“I’m loving the ability to use my connected iPad Pro in
the United States. As a frequent traveller to the U.S., and as someone
who always travels with his iPad Pro, and who needs (or likes) to be
connected at all times, I finally found an affordable data provider
which offers enough data to last a full week.”
“Indeed I picked up an ATT SIM card, on the US side, which offers a
data plan designed specifically for tablets. It was really easy to
activate, I got a basic 2GB data plan which was more than enough for a
week. I had tried other services but the data package never seemed to be
sufficient…so if you like to be connected at all times…It certainly
worked very well for me.”
The following is being distributed at the
request of the Council of Atlantic Premiers:
Council of Atlantic Premiers
report from The Atlantic Insurance Harmonization Task Force
Atlantic premiers today released the
three-volume report from the Atlantic Canada Insurance Harmonization Task
Force, mandated by the premiers on June 27. The Task Force was directed to
examine a common Atlantic regulatory framework for private automobile
insurance, study the public insurance option, and complete an Atlantic
Canada "model act" for all other types of insurance.
Atlantic premiers thanked the Task Force
chair, Fred Morash, and the Task Force members appointed by the premiers.
Atlantic premiers will consider regional
approach options and these will be discussed at the next meeting of the
Council of Atlantic Premiers following the Newfoundland and Labrador
The report can be downloaded from the Council
of Atlantic Premiers� website at
or by contacting any Atlantic provincial government.
For further information please contact:
Chisholm Pothier, New Brunswick (506)
Karen McCarthy, Newfoundland & Labrador (709) 729-4781
Valerie Bellefontaine, Nova Scotia (902) 424-2575
Leo J. Walsh, Prince Edward Island (902) 368-4505
N.B. premier's press secretary resigns over letter leak
CBC News ·
Brunswick Premier Bernard Lord's press secretary has resigned in the
latest twist of what has become one of the most bizarre and dramatic
legislative sessions in recent memory.
Lord announced Chisholm
Pothier's resignation on Thursday during a heated exchange in question
period at the legislature in Fredericton.
The government was
being questioned about why it had released a letter containing personal
information about a constituent in Neguac.
Drunk driving history revealed
letter contained the constituent's name, address and drunk-driving
history, and the fact that he was seeking to have his driver's licence
Lord said Pothier was acting alone when he handed
copies of the letter to the legislative press gallery and accepts
personal blame for the decision.
"Unfortunately, I am losing a very competent press secretary who made a mistake and owned up to his mistake," said Lord.
house leader Kelly Lamrock said the premier is responsible for the
release of the information and shouldn't make his staffer take the fall.
"The premier's conduct requires a mea culpa, not a they-a culpa," Lamrock said.
Official complaint
has laid an official complaint about the matter with the New Brunswick
ombudsman, naming both the premier and the transportation minister. He
says both men violated the Protection of Private Information Act by
keeping a letter containing a citizen's personal and private information
and using it for political gain.
The individual's personal information was contained in a January 2005 letter Lord referred to in the legislature on Wednesday.
chambers, Pothier handed copies of the letter to reporters without
blacking the individual's name out. He later apologized, saying he
regretted that decision and was personally responsible for making the
letter public.
This spring's rocky session has been marked by
floor-crossings, strange outbursts from MLAs and wild accusations from
both sides of the legislature.
The government is hanging on to its majority by just one seat and the Liberal Opposition is hungry for an election.
– members of the media, colleagues and strategists – raised a glass
Wednesday evening to bid adieu to Chisholm Pothier, who is set leave his
position as Director of Communications for Finance Minister, Jim
Flaherty, to join the team supporting Premier Alward in New Brunswick as
Communications Director. Hanging out by the raw bar […]
Chisholm Pothier returning to Jim Flaherty's office as deputy chief of staff
Chisholm Pothier is returning to Ottawa and to the office of Finance
Minister Jim Flaherty, taking up the position of deputy chief of staff
and director of communications
— Chisholm Pothier is returning to Ottawa and to the office of Finance
Minister Jim Flaherty, taking up the position of deputy chief of staff
and director of communications.
Mr. Pothier, who is currently
director of communications for New Brunswick Premier David Alward, said
he will assume the Ottawa position on Aug. 26. He began working for Mr.
Flaherty in January 2007 and left in December 2012.
Mr. Pothier, 49, is replacing Dan Miles as Mr. Flaherty’s director of communications.
Flaherty’s future has been in question due to health concerns and
speculation that he may leave office — most likely to the private sector
— before the 2015 federal election.
The minister has committed to eliminating the government’s budget deficit before the election.
Regional hospital welcomes proposed amendments to protect patient privacy
THUNDER BAY – The regional hospital is
welcoming proposed provincial legislation that would increase penalties
for the leaking of confidential patient information. Staff
Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre's vice-president of communications
and engagement Chisholm Pothier said the hospital takes protecting
patient's confidential information seriously. (Matt Vis,
THUNDER BAY – The regional hospital is welcoming proposed provincial
legislation that would increase penalties for the leaking of
confidential patient information.
Chisholm Pothier, the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre’s
vice-president of communication and engagement, said though mistakes can
happen the hospital has appropriate measures already in place to
protect patient privacy.
“It does happen and it’s definitely a concern to us when it does happen. We take all measures to rectify,” he said.
“We do take it seriously and I’m very confident in saying the people of
Northwestern Ontario can be confident in the security of our system.”
Earlier this week Health Minister Eric Hoskins said he intends to
introduce amendments to the Personal Health Information Protection Act
when Queen’s Park sittings resume in the fall. His changes would make it
mandatory to report all breaches to the Information and Privacy
Commissioner, as well as increase the fines for illegally accessing
records from $50,000 to $100,000 for individuals and from $250,000 to
$500,000 for institutions.
Patient privacy has been an increasing concern after numerous
incidents, such as employees at the Rouge Valley Centenary Hospital
accessing medical records of new mothers to send to information to
marketing firms as well as nurses improperly looking at the records of
former Toronto mayor Rob Ford following his cancer diagnosis.
Thunder Bay has a recent history of privacy breaches. More than 500
people had their records improperly accessed between July 2012 and April
2013 after a hospital physician shared username and password
information with another physician who did not have that authority.
In 2010 patient records from the former Port Arthur General Hospital were found blowing in the wind after its demolition.
While he did not have information about how often breaches occur at the
regional hospital, Pothier said most are simple mistakes rather than
intentional leaking.
“Most breaches of privacy are going to be inadvertent and accidental so
we’re always going to look at those as learning opportunities,” Pothier
said, adding both the individual and institution can make improvements
when they do happen.
“There is a process we would follow. The breach would be identified,
passed on to the relevant parties, the relevant parties would deal with
the people involved in the breach and then recommendations and actions
would be taken to improve the system.”
In the event of an intentional and malicious breach, the person
responsible could face termination depending on the circumstances.
Pothier emphasized when any kind of breach happens, hospital staff make sure to resolve the issue in a transparent manner.
“If privacy was breached for an individual and they weren’t aware we
would notify them in most cases,” he said. “We would bring them in on
the discussion and make sure they were aware we have this situation and
what we’re doing to rectify it.”
The proposed amendments were first brought forward in 2014 but were
lost when the provincial election campaign dissolved the legislature.
The Free Press | Newsletter
Pallister hires newcommunications director
By: Nick Martin
Posted: 11:50 AM CDT Friday, Jun. 16, 2017
Premier Brian Pallister has named Chisholm Pothier as his
director of communications and stakeholder relations, effective June 26.
Pothier will become the most publicly visible member of Pallister’s inner circle.
After stints as a reporter and editor in Fredericton and
Moncton, N.B., Pothier has served two high-level Tories, beginning in
2003 when he became press secretary to New Brunswick premier Bernard
Lord, Pallister said in a news release Friday.
In 2007, Pothier became director of communications and media relations for former federal finance minister Jim Flaherty.
He’s worked the last three years as vice-president of
communications and engagement for the Thunder Bay Regional Health
Sciences Centre.
Friday’s announcement did not disclose Pothier’s salary, but the job pays well above $100,000 a year.
He will replace acting director David McLaughlin, Pallister’s
campaign manager in last year’s election, who will return to his role as
the province’s consultant on climate change issues.
McLaughlin had stepped in for former director Olivia
Baldwin-Valainis, named in April to a new position heading the
transformation management office, which oversees the government’s
overhaul of health care.
Flanked by portraits of previous speakers of
the house, communications director Chisholm Pothier walks Premier Brian
Pallister to a press conference after the budget reading at the
Manitoba Legislature in March 2018. (Phil Hossack / Winnipeg Free Press
One of the premier's right-hand men is no longer at Brian
Pallister's side — a move described as a mutual decision by both
Chisholm Pothier, the province's former director of
communications and stakeholder relations, left the legislature Friday
after some staff changes.
"There was some restructuring recently and it wasn't a perfect fit
for me, so I just decided it was a good time to move on. No hard
feelings at all." –Chisholm Pothier
"There was some restructuring recently and it wasn’t a perfect
fit for me, so I just decided it was a good time to move on. No hard
feelings at all. I really enjoyed my time working here (in Manitoba),
really support the premier and will continue to support the premier,"
Pothier told the Free Press Monday.
Pothier wouldn't elaborate on what department changes spurred
his departure, but said he felt like the timing was right to leave.
"The restructuring meant some changes and it’s not good or bad.
It just is what it is. I didn’t see it as being a good fit for me, so I
decided... since we’re making these changes now, it’s probably a good
time to move on as opposed to six or eight months after the changes have
been implemented (and) upset the apple cart," he said.
Pothier led the government's communications team beginning in
June 2017. His starting salary was $128,647 per year, according to an
order in council.
A government spokesperson said Pothier will receive "a standard
separation payment of 10 weeks salary," in accordance with his
employment agreement. That would mean close to $25,000.
The departing director said he is unsure of his next career
move, but anticipates working on the upcoming provincial election
campaign in New Brunswick, which is tentatively scheduled for next month
though the writ has not been dropped. Pothier spent much of his adult
life in that province, working in journalism and political
Before moving to Manitoba, he also worked as director of
communications and media relations for former federal finance minister
Jim Flaherty and served as vice-president of communications and
engagement for the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre.
Michael Harrison, a senior project manager from the Finance
Department, has been appointed interim director of communications while
the province searches for a full-time replacement.
Philip Houde, the government's chief of staff, wished Pothier well.
"Following a recent restructuring of staff within the
provincial government it was a mutual decision to part ways amicably,"
Houde said in a prepared statement.
"Chisholm brought with him a considerable amount of political
experience and acumen and was an integral part of our organization. On
behalf of our entire team we sincerely thank him for his service to the
province of Manitoba and wish him the very best in his future
Medavie CEO Bernard Lord recognized as one of Atlantic Canada’s Top 50 CEOs at @AtlanticBus#ABMTop50 at@FredConvCentre tonight. Proud to work for this company and my old boss
Friday, 19 January 2018
Yo Bill Morneau are the opposition leaders Patrick Brown and Andrea
Horwath even remotely concerned about the upcoming provincial
---------- Original message ----------
From: Premier of Ontario | Première ministre de l’Ontario <>
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2018 18:33:00 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: For the record the only MPP to return my
calls Since January 19th was Mr Wilson's assistant (416 325 2069)
To: David Amos <>
Thanks for your email. I value your input and appreciate your taking
the time to get in touch with me.
Every email and letter I receive is carefully read and reviewed. Given
the volume of emails and letters I receive, and because I may need to
share your message with one of my Cabinet ministers or the appropriate
government officials for more information, a response may take several
business days.
Thanks again for contacting me.
Kathleen Wynne
Please note that we are not able to receive replies at this email
address, so please do not respond directly to this email.
* * *
Je vous remercie de votre courriel. Votre avis est important pour moi
et je vous suis reconnaissante d’avoir pris le temps de m’écrire.
Toutes les lettres et tous les courriels que je reçois sont lus
attentivement, un par un. Sachez, cependant, qu’en raison du volume
important de correspondance que je reçois et parce qu’il se peut que
j’aie à consulter l’un de mes collègues du Conseil des ministres ou un
fonctionnaire compétent en la matière, il pourrait s’écouler plusieurs
jours avant que je puisse donner suite à votre courriel.
Meilleures salutations,
Kathleen Wynne
Première ministre de l’Ontario
Veuillez ne pas répondre directement à ce courriel, car aucun courriel
ne peut être reçu à cette adresse.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Brown, Patrick" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2018 13:53:55 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: FWD Whereas the purported "Progressive
Conservatives" Tim Hudak and Christine Elliott never felt that I was
worth talking to perhaps they should talk to each other about your
pals Jenni Byrne, Paul Godfrey and Derek Burney EH Stevey Bo...
To: David Amos <>
Thank you very much for getting in touch. Due to the large volume of
mail that I receive, please allow time for a response. If it is a
pressing issue, please call my Queen’s Park office at 416-325-3855.
Otherwise, I will respond as soon as possible.
Patrick Brown, MPP
Simcoe North
Leader of the Official Opposition
Debate proves Tanya Granic Allen will be a factor in Ontario PC leadership race
Allen promises to speak for people who oppose 'the Kathleen Wynne sex-ed agenda'
By Mike Crawley, CBC News Posted: Feb 16, 2018 6:00 AM ET
Fundy Royal, New Brunswick Debate – Federal Elections 2015 - The Local
Campaign, Rogers TV
Rogers tv
Published on Oct 1, 2015
Federal debate in Fundy Royal, New Brunswick riding featuring
candidates Rob Moore, Stephanie Coburn, Alaina Lockhart, Jennifer
McKenzie and David Amos.
Harper’s enforcer: Meet Jenni Byrne, the most powerful woman in Ottawa
Add to ...
Adam Radwanski The Globe and Mail Published Friday, May 29, 2015 8:00PM EDT
"As Tim Hudak prepared for his second and final shot at becoming
Ontario’s premier, the word went out through Conservative circles in
the nation’s capital: Do not help this man.
Mr. Hudak, then the leader of the provincial Progressive
Conservatives, was a kindred spirit set to run on a right-wing agenda.
He had a decent shot at knocking off a Liberal incumbent with whom
Stephen Harper had a frosty relationship. And after more than a decade
in the political wilderness, his Tories badly needed organizational
support from federal cousins who had recently been in the business of
Before Mr. Hudak’s first election leading his party, in 2011, such
support was forthcoming. The federal Conservatives lent experienced
campaign managers for target ridings, shared their volunteer lists,
and helped raise money. They even let the provincial Tories use a
campaign bus.
But on the final day of that election campaign, before the votes were
even counted, Mr. Hudak made a bad mistake that went a long way toward
souring his relationship with the federal party: He fired his chief of
staff, Lynette Corbett.
Mixed views about whether Ms. Corbett deserved to be let go, after a
behind-the-scenes power struggle among Mr. Hudak’s senior officials,
are beside the point.
What matters is that she’s among the very best friends of Jenni Byrne.
There are only a few backroom operators in this country whose bad side
needs to be avoided at all costs. And Ms. Byrne – the Prime Minister’s
campaign manager, his enforcer, his primary connection to his party’s
grassroots, and one of his longest-serving loyalists – is most
emphatically one of them.
“Pretty much from the day Lynette was fired, we couldn’t get a phone
call returned,” recalls a senior member of Mr. Hudak’s campaign team.
“It pretty quickly became clear this wasn’t an issue to be managed. It
was a fact to be accepted.”
Never mind central support; all but the bravest federal Conservatives
were reluctant even to be seen at a Hudak fundraiser, for fear of what
it would do to their careers.
It is unclear whether Mr. Harper was fully aware that his party was
choking off resources to Mr. Hudak; if he was, he didn’t much care.
Such is the leeway afforded to the woman who claimed credit for
steering the Prime Minister to majority government, and whom he will
be counting on to help him hold on to it in this year’s federal
Mr. Amos. I am writing to acknowledge receipt of the 2 emails that you have
forwarded to Ms. Elliott's office. I will bring them to her attention at
the earliest opportunity.
Constituency Staff
Office of Christine Elliott
MPP, Whitby-Oshawa
-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos []
Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 9:32 AM
To: Elliott-co, Christine;;;;
premier; pm; premier; premier; PREMIER; premier; premier; premier;
premier; premier
Cc: David Amos
Subject: Fwd: RE I just called Pat Martin and Brad Butt about
Commissioner Joe Friday and his testimony before the OGGO Committee on
April 28th
Debate proves Tanya Granic Allen will be a factor in Ontario PC leadership race
Allen promises to speak for people who oppose 'the Kathleen Wynne sex-ed agenda'
By Mike Crawley, CBC News Posted: Feb 16, 2018 6:00 AM ET
While the big-name candidates in the Ontario PC leadership played it
safe during the first debate of the contest, they let Tanya Granic
Allen steal the show.
Granic Allen put in by far the feistiest performance of the hour-long
televised event, taking shots at former leader Patrick Brown, calling
out "corruption" in the PC party and showing no fear of jumping into
any topic.
Three key moments from the PC leadership debate
Sex ed curriculum at issue in PC leadership race
"I'm here to be a grassroots voice for... people who are opposed to
the Kathleen Wynne sex-ed agenda, pro-lifers, free-speech advocates
and other social conservatives," declared Granic Allen as the debate
began. In the hour that followed, she more than held her own against
Christine Elliott, Doug Ford and Caroline Mulroney, firmly
establishing herself as a factor in the race.
It's a sign that social conservatives intend to have an influence over
who becomes the next PC leader, and possibly the next premier.
Granic Allen's support base cannot be insignificant: she said she was
able to generate the $100,000 entry fee to the contest through
donations. She is president of the group Parents As First Educators,
which claims 80,000 members. The group describes itself as a "leader
in the fight" against a "radical sex-ed curriculum in Ontario."
ONT Opposition Debate 20180215
Ontario Conservative party leadership candidates Tanya Granic Allen,
left to right, Christine Elliott, Doug Ford and Caroline Mulroney are
seen in TVO studios in Toronto on Thursday, February 15, 2018
following a televised debate. (Chris Young/Canadian Press)
Her candidacy means that sex-ed and other social conservative issues
are now high on the agenda among the Progressive Conservatives as the
party decides who should lead it into the spring election campaign.
Brown won the 2015 leadership race in part by courting social
conservatives, but then tried to steer the party in a different
direction. That about-face taught Granic Allen a lesson, she said in a
letter to supporters last week, aiming to raise money to run for the
Sex-ed opponent joins Ontario PC leadership race
"When it comes to these leadership contests, we are far better off
supporting candidates who we can trust and who will speak out on our
issues," she wrote. "We have to make sure the social conservative
voice is being respected."
Granic Allen insists she is not a single-issue candidate. But during
the debate she kept raising sex ed, even when moderator Steve Paikin
tried to steer her toward other aspects of the school system.
ONT Opposition Debate 20180215
Caroline Mulroney supporters gather outside TVO studios in Toronto
ahead of the televised debate between the four Ontario PC party
leadership candidates. (Chris Young/Canadian Press)
"I have to talk about the sex ed, it's my number one priority," she said.
"What else in education today needs improving that you've got your eye
on?" asked Paikin. "Sex ed isn't going to improve math scores, so tell
me about something else."
New information raises questions about allegations against Brown
Granic Allen's reply: "Maybe they will focus more on math if they're
not talking about anal sex in the classroom."
None of the candidates challenged her directly on that assertion.
Rather, Ford and Elliott agreed that they, too, have problems with the
sex-ed reforms.
Ont Opposition Debate 150218
Ontario PC leadership candidate Doug Ford. (Chris Young/Canadian Press)
"I believe in teaching your kids at home first when it comes to this,"
said Ford, slamming "the Liberal ideology that's trying to be shoved
down our throats with the sex-ed curriculum."
Elliott questioned the "age appropriateness" of some of the
curriculum. "Maybe something that children are learning in Grade 2
now, they should learn in Grade 8 or 9 or 10."
She also claimed the curriculum "doesn't cover ... cyberbullying and
sexting and all those things related to technology." In fact, both are
specifically mentioned in the elementary and secondary health and
phys-ed curricula.
Mulroney is the only candidate opposed to scrapping the sex-ed
reforms. "I commit to consulting parents on all things that affect
families and children, but I am not going to reopen the curriculum,"
said Mulroney, who identified herself as Roman Catholic during the
Ont Opposition Debate 150218
Ontario PC leadership candidate Christine Elliott (Chris Young/Canadian Press)
Granic Allen made her presence felt throughout the hour. She dismissed
the federal carbon tax as a "cockamamie idea" hatched by Prime
Minister Justin Trudeau. She said the PC party's campaign platform,
called the People's Guarantee, "died the day Patrick Brown resigned."
She wrapped by slamming Ontario's ban on so-called conversion therapy,
aimed at changing the sexual orientation or gender identity of young
Given the ranked-ballot system the PCs are using, the three big-name
candidates will be reluctant to attack Granic Allen: if she is knocked
off the ballot first, Mulroney, Ford and Elliott will all hope to be
her supporters' number-two choice. And that could drive the Ontario PC
party further toward a social conservatism that Patrick Brown
Four Conservative MPs want Jean Charest to enter party's leadership race
Four Conservative members of Parliament say they want former Quebec
premier Jean Charest to enter the race for the party's leadership.
In an open letter published Tuesday, the MPs say Charest is the best
person to defeat the Liberals and lead the relaunch of Canada's economy.
Charest, 63, became leader of the Progressive Conservative Party in
1993, after he was one of two MPs from that party elected while former
prime minister Kim Campbell was dealt a humiliating electoral defeat.
Charest left federal politics in 1998 and became leader of Quebec
Liberal Party. He was premier of Quebec from 2003 to 2012, when his
party was defeated in an early election he called following massive
student protests.
Since leaving politics, Charest has practiced law, and has also been
the subject of a multi-year investigation by Quebec's anti-corruption
police related to financing of the Quebec Liberal Party.
Pierre Poilievre, an Ottawa-area member of Parliament, is the only
confirmed candidate in the race for the Conservative leadership
The letter was signed by Quebec MPs Alain Rayes and Dominique Vien;
Nova Scotia MP Rick Perkins; Ontario MP John Nater; New Brunswick
Senator Percy Mockler; former MP David Sweet; Louis Leger, chief of
staff to the premier of New Brunswick; and Leo Power, a former director
of the Conservative Party's fundraising arm.
Opinion: Canada needs you, Mr. Charest
Alain Rayes, Dominique Vien and other Conservative MPs
Mr. Charest,
The current leadership race for the Conservative Party of Canada boils
down to one fundamental question: who is the best person to defeat the
federal Liberal Party and offer our country a leader who will revive our
economy and govern with experience and determination under the
Conservative banner?
Your record, even before becoming Premier of Quebec, was already very impressive.
Your 28 years of experience in active politics makes you the right
person to take the reins of the Conservative Party and the Government of
Your resilience is unflinching. The youngest minister in Canadian
history at the age of 28, you were one of Brian Mulroney’s most trusted
Your competence and versatility quickly led you to many key positions
as Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Environment, Deputy Leader,
Minister for Fitness and Amateur Sport, Minister for Youth and Assistant
Deputy Speaker in the House of Commons.
Mr. Mulroney has also asked you to take on several important mandates.
An excellent example is the key role you played at the Rio Conference on the Environment.
Your unifying leadership also made it possible, as leader of the
Progressive Conservative Party, to increase the number of seats from two
to 20, demonstrating your effectiveness in a pan-Canadian campaign.
You also initiated the creation of the Council of the Federation and
you led the Premiers of Canada’s provinces in negotiating, in 2004, a
national health care agreement that recognized the principle of
asymmetrical federalism for Quebec and all of Canada.
Your reputation in international trade relations is second to none.
The free trade agreement negotiated between Canada and the European Union (CETA) was your initiative.
Your vast network of contacts is a testament to your influence and to
the great respect shown to you by your peers around the world.
You also have extensive experience in economic crisis management, which
would be critically important for Canada in this period of great
No other Canadian has a track record as extensive as yours in both the public and private sectors.
You are tailor-made to lead the Canadian people out of the crisis that we are currently going through with COVID-19.
Your ability to lead our country would be in stark contrast to the current federal Liberal government.
Our country badly needs an experienced leader like you to deal with our economic challenges.
We need a seasoned, visionary and unifying politician to curb the division and chaos caused by the federal Liberals.
We need someone who is able to unite our party and rally a majority of Canadians in both official languages.
Mr. Charest, Canada needs you.
Justin Trudeau has led our country into a deep division. His government has failed in its duty to unite our country.
On the economic front and on the management of public finances, Justin Trudeau’s record is disastrous.
Our children and grandchildren will long pay for the damage caused by the federal Liberals over the past six years.
Mr. Trudeau had inherited a more than enviable position, a budget
surplus thanks to the responsible management of the previous government
led by Stephen Harper.
We are appealing today to your sense of duty in order to turn the tide,
unite our country and restore our place on the international stage.
It’s clear from all the above and more, that there is only one person whom we believe is suited for this very important role.
Mr. Charest, please give this your utmost consideration.
Alain Rayes, Québec, MP for Richmond-Arthabaska
Rick Perkins, Nova Scotia, MP for South Shore—St. Margarets
Percy Mockler, New Brunswick, Senator
David Sweet, Ontario, Former MP and Caucus Chair
Louis Leger, New Brunswick, Chief of staff, Office of the Premier of New Brunswick
Dominique Vien, Québec, MP for Bellechasse-Les Etchemins- Lévis
John Nater, Ontario, MP for Perth—Wellington
Leo Power, Newfoundland and Labrador, Former director, Conservative Fund Canada
Candidates Roman Baber, left,
Pierre Poilievre and Jean Charest, right, take part in the French
language Conservative Leadership debate Wednesday, May 25, 2022 in
Laval, Que. (Ryan Remiorz/The Canadian Press)
Welcome to a sneak peek of the Maclean’s Politics Insider newsletter. Sign up to get it delivered straight to your inbox in the morning.
Last night’s CPC French debate in Laval was a three-way brawl, with Jean Charest and Patrick Brown tag-teaming Pierre Poilievre, who referred to them as a “little coalition,” the Postreports. The other candidates — Scott Aitchison, Roman Baber and Leslyn Lewis
— said little, likely because they were unable to speak in French
without reading notes. It was a raucous affair, with personal attacks
and lots of noise from the crowd.
Audience members were asked to avoid clapping and
cheering, otherwise the moderator would take time off of their
candidate’s speaking time. But the crowd, who was favourable to both
Charest and Poilievre, ignored the instruction and at times stole the
show, chanting, clapping or even booing so loudly that moderator Marc-Olivier Fortin regularly paused the debate to ask them to quiet down.
Worried about Poilievre: In the Star, Susan Delacourtwrites that Poilievre’s
approach to the leadership race is taking a Trumpian tone,
conspiratorial and disrespectful of democracy and the media.
I am, to be candid, worried that Poilievre won’t be able
to stop himself from whipping up suspicion about why Conservatives have
been losing elections — it being far easier to blame a rigged system
than the party’s own internal problems.
Poilievre ahead: Abacus has a polling report showing Poilievre’s negatives are up, but he still appears to have a commanding lead in the race.
Challenging 21: David Lametti announced on Wednesday that Ottawa plans to participate in a Supreme Court challenge of Quebec’s secularism Bill 21, angering François Legault, La Pressereports. (translation)
a move that leaves Mayor Patrick Brown with just two MPs backing his
candidacy, two Conservative MPs have defected from Brampton, Ont. 's
team to support Pierre Poilievre.
‘Let him depart . . . We would not die in that man's company . . . And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.’
See you on Sept. 10 big guy
Quote Tweet
believe there's one candidate - one my constituents support - who can
unite conservatives & Canadians to become our next PM.
That's @PierrePoilievre.
Let's put the divisiveness away, unite our movement behind #Pierre4PM & defeat Justin Trudeau to win the next election.
Conservative leadership candidates Patrick Brown, left, and Pierre Poilievre. (Ryan Remiorz/The Canadian Press, Alex Lupul/CBC)
Ont. Mayor Patrick Brown said Thursday he won't run for the federal
Conservatives if his main rival for the leadership, Pierre Poilievre,
wins the party's top job in the September leadership election.
In an interview with CBC's Power & Politics,
Brown said he's confident he can win the leadership but, if he falls
short, he'd also consider running under the party banner in the next
election if former Quebec premier Jean Charest or MP Leslyn Lewis
wins the leadership.
Brown said it's not his personal opinion of
Poilievre that would keep him from running under his leadership
— even though the two candidates have attacked each other
verbally throughout the campaign. He said he's convinced
Poilievre would tank the party's fortunes in the Greater Toronto Area.
"I could run under them, absolutely. They have the capacity to win the next general election," Brown said of Charest and Lewis.
Pierre Poilievre, I just don't believe he could win seats in the GTA. I
think his message is too divisive. Even as a popular mayor in the GTA, I
don't think I could win a seat with a leader like him. So, for me,
following the federal route with Pierre wouldn't make much sense."
said that if Poilievre wins, he would consider staying in his current
job as mayor of Brampton, a city of about 600,000 west of Toronto.
deadline to file paperwork for a re-election bid in that municipality
is Aug. 19 — weeks before the Conservative leadership election results
will be known in early September.
Brown didn't say why exactly he
sees Poilievre undermining the Conservative vote in the Toronto area.
The mayor previously has cited Poilievre's past support for a niqab ban
at citizenship ceremonies and a "barbaric cultural practices" tip line
as an election liabilities in the vote-rich region.
Brown questions Poilievre's numbers
Brown also said Thursday he doesn't trust some of the membership figures the Poilievre campaign has released.
team said last weekend that they had sold more than 310,000 new
memberships — an eye-popping number that his campaign said indicates
their candidate can win on the first ballot.
Brown said Thursday he sold more than 150,000 memberships before the June 3 deadline.
Conservative Party has said there are roughly 600,000 members eligible
to vote in this leadership election — a number that may be adjusted
after the party completes a verification process to weed out any
left, and Brown share an exchange during the Conservative Party's
French-language leadership debate in Laval, Que., on May 25. (Ryan Remiorz/The Canadian Press)
were already roughly 140,000 Conservative members in good standing when
the race started. If Poilievre signed up 310,000 members and Brown
convinced 150,000 more to join the party, the mayor said, that means the
campaigns led by Charest, Lewis, Independent MPP Roman Baber and MP
Scott Aitichison sold few, if any, memberships.
"If Pierre
Poilievre's claims are true, essentially no one else has sold
memberships," he said. "I think the other campaigns ran robust campaigns
so, clearly, there's a disconnect with the claims the Poilievre
campaign has made."
Brown said that to address these competing
membership sales figures, the party should release a membership list to
all the campaigns now.
"It's only fair to have the list out so we know where everyone stands," Brown said.
Brown said the Poilievre campaign has tried to block that move.
'Scorched-earth approach'
they were that confident in that campaign and they actually did sell
the memberships they claimed to, they wouldn't be as worried as they
are. They continue to take a scorched-earth approach to our candidates
and that doesn't speak to the confidence of a presumed front-runner,"
Brown said.
Jenni Byrne, a former senior adviser to ex-prime
Stephen Harper and a senior official with the Poilievre campaign, said
it would be "completely against the rules" to release a list of members
before it has been verified by party officials. She also said Brown
isn't being truthful about his membership figures.
"If he did sell
150,000 memberships, release the exact number," Byrne said in an
interview with CTV this week. "What Patrick Brown is doing is what he
does best, which is lie."
Ian Brodie is the chair of the party's
leadership election organizing committee (LEOC), the body that is
running this leadership race. He said Thursday the party will produce an
interim voters' list in about a month's time — a list the campaigns can
use to reach out to members to convince them to vote for a particular
Brodie said the party will then send each of the campaigns a final voters' list by July 29.
"In order to be fair to all of the campaigns that are in this race, I have to follow the party's rules," Brodie told Power & Politics.
Brown, left, and Pierre Poilievre trade barbs at the Conservative Party
of Canada English leadership debate in Edmonton, Alta., Wednesday, May
11, 2022. (Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian Press)
Conservative MPs have defected from Brampton, Ont. Mayor Patrick
Brown's team to support Pierre Poilievre, his main rival in the party's
leadership race — a move that leaves Brown with just two MPs backing his
Hamilton-area MP Dan Muys and MP Kyle Seeback, who
represents neighbouring Dufferin-Caledon in the House of Commons, both
announced Tuesday they're abandoning Brown for Poilievre. Their
departures come after Poilievre's campaign said over the weekend that it
has sold an eye-popping 312,000 memberships in the race for the party's
top job.
Conservative sources told CBC News that roughly 600,000
party members will be eligible to vote in September's leadership
Poilievre campaign source — who spoke to CBC News on the condition of
anonymity because they aren't authorized to speak publicly — said the
team is confident Poilievre can win the race on the first ballot
given how many memberships he's sold so far.
The party has not confirmed any of the membership sales figures released by the campaigns.
team said Friday the mayor had sold over 150,000 memberships. Former
Quebec premier Jean Charest also said he's convinced enough people in
key ridings to take out memberships to allow him to win the race. The
party allocates points to all 338 federal ridings and candidates are
assigned a point total depending on their percentage of the vote in each
MPs say Poilievre best choice to unite the party
competing claims of membership sales strength, Seeback and Muys
signalled Tuesday they believe the winner is already known.
In a
statement on social media, Seeback said he "believes there's one
candidate ... who can unite conservatives and Canadians to become our
next prime minister. That's Pierre Poilievre."
Muys, a rookie MP who was first elected to the Commons last fall, said Seeback "is right."
said that while out campaigning with Ontario Progressive Conservative
candidates during the recent provincial election campaign, he witnessed
"divisiveness" and he suggested that the best way to heal those
divisions is to "unify behind Pierre Poilievre."
"Canada needs him and us to get this done," Muys said.
WATCH: Interim Conservative leader: 'I have no doubt that once the race is over, we will all come together'
Interim Conservative leader: 'I have no doubt that once the race is over, we will all come together'
5 days ago
Duration 0:58
about the defection of two MPs from Patrick Brown to Pierre Poilievre's
team, Interim Conservative Leader Candice Bergen says she knows that
candidates will run a good race and, in the end, the party will stand
united behind its new leader.
The two departures
have dealt a blow to Brown. Just two sitting MPs now support the mayor's
candidacy: Calgary MP Michelle Rempel Garner and MP Doug Shipley, who
represents Barrie, Ont., the area Brown used to represent in the
Poilievre has 56 sitting MPs supporting his leadership bid. Charest has been endorsed by 16 MPs.
Chisholm Pothier, a spokesperson for Brown, told CBC News the mayor is "very confident" that he can win the race.
like where we're at, we like our numbers and there's a weird lack of
confidence coming from the Poilievre camp with their over-the-top
attacks," Pothier said, citing some of the social media squabbling that
has become a hallmark of this race.
"This isn't a game for the
faint of heart. An endorsement from anyone and two bucks gets you a cup
of coffee and one vote. We just lost two votes. We'll make them up
somewhere else," he said.
Conservative leadership candidate Jean Charest at a campaign stop in Fredericton on Monday. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
self-described underdog in the federal Conservative leadership race is
making his first campaign foray in New Brunswick this week, trying to
catch up to frontrunner Pierre Poilievre.
Jean Charest had stops
in Saint John, Fredericton and Bathurst over the last two days and will
move on to Neguac and Moncton Tuesday and Wednesday, with a side trip to
Prince Edward Island in between.
He's banking on his links to New
Brunswick Progressive Conservatives who remember him as one half of the
two-MP federal PC caucus from 1993 to 1997 along with then-Saint John
MP Elsie Wayne.
"New Brunswick in particular, it's a part of the
country I know very well, and people know me very well, and that's
significant," he said.
with former N.B. premier David Alward, one of several prominent
Progressive Conservatives who attended the Fredericton event. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
Charest's crowds, including a group of about 30 Tories at a
meet-and-greet in Fredericton on Monday morning, are far smaller than
the ones Poilievre has been drawing.
Miramichi-Grand Lake MP Jake
Stewart, a Poilievre supporter, says the Ottawa-area MP drew a total of
800 people at three New Brunswick events in a single day in March,
despite freezing rain and poor driving conditions.
"He's so
popular he seems to resonate with everybody," Stewart says, dismissing
Charest's argument that he's the only leader who can win a general
"I think there's a belief out there, an old
ingrained-in belief that, you know, we need a certain thing and I just
don't think that holds true anymore," Stewart says.
policies are very sound and the people that like them, love them. And
I've found in New Brunswick that his support is through the roof."
and Poilievre are scooping up most of the endorsements from New
Brunswick Tories, though Tobique-Mactaquac MP Richard Bragdon is backing
Ontario MP Leslyn Lewis.
Pierre Poilievre meets with supporters during his N.B. campaign tour in March. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
Nine candidates are running for the party leadership.
being a former federal PC cabinet minister and party leader, Charest
was also the Liberal premier of Quebec from 2003 to 2012.
the provincial PCs who attended his Fredericton event on Monday were
former premier David Alward and Education and Early Childhood
Development Minister Dominic Cardy.
"After talking to him today, I signed up to support him," Cardy said after the event.
Blaine Higgs met with Charest on Sunday and also put in an appearance
at a Poilievre event in March. His spokesperson said he had not endorsed
any candidate, though Higgs's chief of staff Louis Léger is a key
Charest organizer.
Lake Conservative MP Jake Stewart (right) and Conservative leadership
candidate Pierre Poilievre (centre) posed for photos with truckers on
Jan. 29. Charest is criticizing Poilievre's support for the Ottawa
trucker blockade. (Jake Stewart/Twitter)
All the campaigns are racing to sign up members before the cut-off date of June 3.
Stewart says it's likely Poilievre will be back in New Brunswick at least once before the deadline.
Monday, Charest repeated his criticism of Poilievre for supporting the
trucker blockade of Ottawa early this year, saying a prime minister
can't choose which laws he's going to support.
But he acknowledged in an interview with CBC News that he's the underdog at this point in the race.
said he's "perfectly comfortable" in that position because the
frontrunner in the last two Conservative leadership races ended up
losing because of the party's preferential voting system.
Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick
since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political
podcast Spin Reduxit.
Blaine Higgs, Member of the Legislative Assembly for Quispamsis,
was born in Woodstock, New Brunswick. He graduated from the University
of New Brunswick with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical
Engineering. In 1993, he completed the Executive Management Training
Program at Queen’s University. He also has taken courses in finance in
2003, and Leadership and Influence at Babson Executive Training and
Education in 2006.
following university, Mr. Higgs joined Irving Oil Limited in Saint
John, New Brunswick, where he held numerous positions of increasing
responsibility in engineering, refining operations and in the
transportation sector. Prior to retirement in May 2010, he was Director
of Logistics and Distribution, with overall responsibility for the
transportation and bulk storage requirements for the reliable supply of
refined products to customers throughout Eastern Canada and New England.
was a member of the Irving team negotiating with Repsol on the Canaport
LNG project. He also served on the Board of Directors for Canaport LNG
and the New Brunswick Gateway Council.
elected to the Legislative Assembly on September 27, 2010, he
represents the riding of Quispamsis. On October 12, 2010, he was
sworn-in as Minister of Finance, Minister responsible for the New
Brunswick Liquor Corporation, Minister responsible for the New Brunswick
Investment Management Corporation, Minister responsible for the New
Brunswick Lotteries and Gaming Corporation, and Chair of the Board of
Management. He also served as Minister of Human Resources until October
9, 2012.
Mr. Higgs was
re-elected to the Legislative Assembly on September 22, 2014, as MLA for
Quispamsis. In 2016 he was elected Leader of the Progressive
Conservative Party. On September 24, 2018, was elected for a third term
as the MLA for Quispamsis. On November 9th, 2018 he formed the first
minority government in 100 years and became the 34th Premier of New
Brunswick. On September 14th, 2020, Premier Higgs was elected for a
fourth term and formed a majority government, becoming the first Premier
since Premier Bernard Lord to secure a second mandate from the people
of New Brunswick.
He has
traveled extensively for business and pleasure. The insight learned
through this interaction with different cultures provides him with a
real appreciation for the challenges that New Brunswick faces in the
global economy.
Higgs has been a resident of Quispamsis for over 40 years, and a
long-standing member of Kennebecasis Baptist Church. He and Marcia were
married in 1978 and have four daughters: Lindsey, Laura (Reid Gilmore),
Sarah (Jeff Wilkinson) and Rachel (Matthew Hiltz). They are also blessed
with 4 grandchildren, Nadia, Alexander, Samuel and Sadie. They all
enjoy spending time in the country and pursuing many outdoor activities,
such as swimming, boating, skiing, snowmobiling, and fishing.
Louis Leger Chief of Staff and Deputy Minister, Office of the Premier of New Brunswick, Blaine Higgs
Louis was appointed Chief of Staff and Deputy Minister, Office of the Premier of New Brunswick in December 2018.
He is a passionate entrepreneur who started in business in his early
twenties. For twenty years, he was at the centre of the Atlantic
Canadian marketing-communications industry and was recognized by
Progress Magazine as one of Atlantic Canada’s top 50 CEOs. He has been a
member of YPO since 2007.
He’s a past Board Director and Chair of the Finance Committee of the
Donald J. Savoie Institute on Public Policy Research. He served as a
member of l’Université de Moncton Board of Governors, Chair of the 2011
Canadian Olympic Hall of Fame, Chair of Downtown Moncton Centreville
Inc, and he proposed and shepherded the creation of the New Brunswick
Adoption Foundation for children in need, for which he received Queen
Elizabeth II‘s Diamond Jubilee Medal.
He also served as Executive Director of the New England Governors and
Eastern Premiers Conference on Energy for the 21st Century, and as
Executive Director of FORUMe: Evolving Social Values, Natural Resources
and the Economy co-presented by UNB and l’Université de Moncton in 2012.
He also received the Gilbert Finn award for leadership from le Conseil
Économique du Nouveau-Brunswick.
He has a BA with a concentration in Political Science from
l’Université de Moncton and a Leadership Certificate from Queen’s
(Smith) School of Business. He is a proud husband and father of four
young adults.
Hurley was personally recruited by Premier Blaine Higgs to advise on
tourism matters and eventually run the Tourism Department as its deputy
minister. She lives in Quispamsis and billed the province for 24 trips
to Saint John in 2020 to attend in-person meetings. (CBC archives)
New Brunswick deputy ministers who have been commuting to Fredericton
from the Saint John area to run their departments accumulated thousands
of dollars in accommodation and mileage expenses last year moving back
and forth between the cities, records show.
John Logan, who lives
in Saint John and heads the Department of Transportation and
Infrastructure, billed the province $9,219.08 for 85 overnight stays in
Fredericton in 2020 to attend to business at department headquarters,
according to his public expense records.
In a statement, Nicolle
Carlin, director of communications for Premier Blaine Higgs, said Logan
regularly works in Fredericton, where his job is headquartered, but
often chooses not to commute home at the end of the day.
Logan works mostly out of the Fredericton office," said the statement.
"When he's in Fredericton, he usually stays in the city for more than a
Yennah Hurley, a deputy minister who runs the Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture, owns a home in Quispamsis.
Brunswick government officials have largely switched to online meetings
since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, including Higgs, shown here
last week speaking with the New Brunswick Nurses Union online from his
office last week. (Government of New Brunswick's Twitter)
was paid $9,550 to offset Fredericton accommodation expenses in 2020
but also billed over $900 in mileage charges for 24 trips she made up
and down Highway 7 to attend meetings close to her home in Saint John.
Saint John meetings were eight times more than the number in any other
location Hurley visited outside of her office in Fredericton, but her
department insists the charges were for legitimate government business.
were expenses for meetings related to the duties of the acting Deputy
Minister at the time," Erika Jutras, the department's acting
communications director, said in an email about the Saint John meetings.
dismissed questions about whether holding so many meetings in Saint
John and submitting expense claims for them could be seen as an attempt
to have the province subsidize Hurley's commute between Fredericton and
her home in Quispamsis.
The expense reports do show the largest
number of the Saint John meetings, 11, are dated as happening on a
Friday and most occurred after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in
March, when many government gatherings moved online.
Hurley and
Logan are among at least four senior officials hand-picked by Higgs to
serve in key government roles who have not moved to Fredericton and
whose expense accounts have included a variety of enhanced charges as a
D'Astous is principal secretary to Higgs. He owns a home in Quispamsis
and for most of 2020 received a $955 monthly 'living allowance,' one of
four senior Higgs government officials paid extra to subsidize the cost
of working, but not living, in Fredericton. (CBC archives)
similar but separate arrangements, the premier's chief of staff and
deputy minister, Louis Léger, and his principal secretary, Paul
D'Astous, were paid the same $955 monthly "living allowance" as Hurley
through much of 2020 to defray costs of staying in Fredericton without
the requirement to provide receipts.
D'Astous, like Hurley,
maintains a home in Quispamsis, while Léger has a residence in
Sainte-Marie-de-Kent. Logan, who once served with Higgs as an executive
at Irving Oil, lives in Saint John.
Earlier this month, Higgs
told CBC News that Hurley no longer qualifies for the living allowance
since being named the permanent deputy minister of her department in
December. Carlin said D'Astous also no longer qualifies after recently
signing a new employment contract.
Louis Léger, chief of staff in the Premier's Office, has a home in Sainte-Marie-de-Kent. (CBC)
does still qualify for payment of his Fredericton living expenses as
does Léger, which Carlin said has been the case for previous chiefs of
"Mr. Leger's position is not a permanent position with the civil service," said a statement issued by Carlin.
is a job with a fixed time limit, and therefore most people who accept
such a position would not move their home and family."
The upcoming federal election will be fought on climate and
environment policy, amongst other key issues. Canadian voters want their
provincial and national governments to take decisive action in this
How can the Conservative Party of Canada develop a winning climate plan, and what policies should be included?
On March 16, Clean Prosperity hosted an online policy forum where
senior policy and decision-makers from across Canada shared their
insights on why the climate file is so important for the party, and what
should be done about it.
in alphabetical order
Ken Boessenkool J.W.
McConnell Professor of Practice at the Max Bell School of Public Policy
at McGill University; former Senior Policy Advisor to Prime Minister
Stephen Harper and Chief of Staff to BC Premier Christy Clark
Read more about Ken Boessenkool
Christy Clark Senior Adviser, Bennett Jones; former Premier of British Columbia
Read more about Christy Clark
Mitch Davidson Executive Director, StrategyCorp Institute of Public Policy and the Economy; former Head of Policy to Ontario Premier Doug Ford
Read more about Mitch Davidson
Louis Leger Chief of Staff and Deputy Minister, Office of the Premier of New Brunswick, Blaine Higgs
Read more about Louis Leger
Hon. Lisa Raitt, P.C. Vice-Chair, Global Investment Banking, CIBC Capital Markets; former Deputy Leader of the Official Opposition
Read more about Hon. Lisa Raitt, P.C.
Moderated by
Michael Bernstein Executive Director, Clean Prosperity
Liberal Climate Plan Has Reasonable Chance of Meeting 2030 Target
“Our modelling shows that the
Liberals’ climate policies give them a reasonable chance of achieving
their Paris Agreement target. But getting there will be no easy feat.
It’s critical that the Liberals implement their policies quickly and
prioritize them intelligently.”
Clean Prosperity Executive Director Michael Bernstein
La présence du chef de cabinet du PM à une rencontre ministérielle fait sourciller
Nouveau-Brunswick était la seule province qui n'était pas représentée
par un élu à la plus récente réunion des ministres de la Francophonie. Photo : Radio-Canada
province bilingue au pays, le Nouveau-Brunswick n'a envoyé aucun élu à
la plus récente réunion des ministres fédéral et provinciaux de la
C'est plutôt le chef de cabinet du premier ministre Higgs, Louis Léger, qui a représenté la province.
y a peu de ministres francophones dans le cabinet de Blaine Higgs et
son chef de cabinet Louis Léger agit quelquefois à titre de représentant
francophone pour le gouvernement. Photo : Radio-Canada
ministre néo-brunswickois responsable de la Francophonie, Glen Savoie,
n'a pas pu participer à la dernière réunion nationale des ministres de
la Francophonie, qui se tenait par vidéoconférence.
Il a annoncé récemment qu'il souffrait d'un cancer.
Une présence dénoncée par l'opposition
sait que le ministre responsable, il est malade. Ça, il n’y a pas de
problème, évidemment; ça, c'est très justifiable. Ce qui est moins
justifiable, c'est pourquoi il n’y a pas eu un autre élu. Il y a
d'autres gens qui parlent français au sein de la députation
conservatrice actuelle du gouvernement, expose le député libéral de Kent-Sud Benoît Bourque.
Benoît Bourque, député libéral de Kent-Sud est porte-parole de l'opposition en matière de francophonie.
Photo : Radio-Canada
courriel, une agente de communication a dit que la province avait été
très bien représentée, et que c'était normal de mandater un
fonctionnaire pour remplir le rôle d'un élu.
« Je
ne pense pas que ce soit normal, c'est une réunion de ministres, on
doit envoyer un ministre qui est à la fois élu et nommé par le premier
ministre. »
Le député vert Kevin Arseneau a également sourcillé face à cette représentation hors de l’ordinaire.
Kevin Arseneau, député vert de Kent-Nord, a même offert de représenter le gouvernement à cette rencontre. Photo : Radio-Canada
tout à fait inacceptable qu'on n’envoie pas un élu à une telle réunion,
puis malheureusement, ce n'est pas la première fois, souligne-t-il.
Selon lui, cela montre le peu d'importance accordée à la francophonie par le gouvernement Higgs.
« Ça
ne fait pas sérieux qu'on n’envoie personne, ça démontre vraiment que
c'est un enjeu secondaire... même pas secondaire, parce qu'on n’y
accorde aucune importance. »
Kevin Arseneau a même offert de représenter la province
s’il n’était pas possible de trouver un élu du Parti conservateur pour y
Selon Benoît Bourque, le fait que le Nouveau-Brunswick
soit la seule province officiellement bilingue au pays rend la situation
encore plus inacceptable.
prouve encore une fois le dédain de ce gouvernement pour les langues
officielles, l'importance du français au sein de cette province, croit M. Bourque.
Lors de la rencontre nationale des ministres de la
Francophonie, il a été question, entre autres, de l'importance d'offrir
des services en français en santé mentale, dans les soins aux personnes
âgées, et de favoriser l'immigration francophone.
Nous avons tenté d'obtenir des explications du premier ministre, mais en vain.
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