From: "Bergen, Candice - M.P." <>
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2022 20:10:18 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Mean Old Me on CBC just now
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
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Au nom de l’hon. Candice Bergen, nous vous remercions de communiquer
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---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2022 17:10:12 -0300
Subject: Mean Old Me on CBC just now
To: pm <>, "Katie.Telford" <>,
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Cc: motomaniac333 <>, "Candice.Bergen"
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Jones" <>, "Roger.L.Melanson"
Maritime Connection with Preston Mulligan
More on Maritime Connection
Visit us for articles and more from Maritime Connection with Preston MulliganFrom politics to pawlitics: N.L. finance minister's dog wins big at Westminster
Labrador retriever from Siobhan Coady's breeding business named Best of Breed
Siobhan Coady, also the province's finance minister, told CBC News the win makes Beau, a Labrador retriever, one of the top dogs in the world.
"To have him here at Westminster, to see him stack up against the best of the best, it certainly is an honour," Coady said.
Beau, whose full name is Beaumont Hamel, was bred by GoFetch Labradors, the St. John's dog breeding business run by Coady and her husband.
"My husband and I have been breeding Labradors because we wanted to have the best Labradors in the world," she said. "They're a heritage animal in Newfoundland and Labrador and they're the best animals in the world."
The retriever's name holds significance for Newfoundland and Labrador too — Beaumont Hamel is the site in France where more than 700 members of the Newfoundland Regiment were killed, wounded or went missing on July 1, 1916, during the First World War.
Coady said Beau, who was already a grand champion in both Canada and the United States, won the title Best of Breed out of 67 dogs.
Negron, right, said the Best in Breed title is 'amazing recognition' for Beau. (Fabian Negron/Facebook)
He was led to his win by dog handler and co-breeder Fabian Negron, who said he was "thrilled" with Beau.
"Every single box was checked. His attitude was there. His movement was there. He just put on a fantastic performance and the judge recognized it," he said.
Negron said the Best in Breed title is "amazing recognition" for Beau, as well as for his owners and breeders.
"We're just very excited and we just want the people of Newfoundland to know how proud we are to be representing the breed with one of their own," Negron said.
Coady owns Beau's mother, Jersey, and Negron owns his father. Despite his world-champion status, Coady said Beau is "a sook."
"He's a lovely, kind, sweet dog. He's a typical Labrador retriever. He likes to swim and likes to fetch. He likes to sleep. He likes to give kisses. He's a really kind and gentle soul," Coady said.
Coady said Beau will be featured in a dog show in Bay Roberts this summer.
With files from Here & Now

N.S. abortion advocates urge calm in light of U.S. draft decision
'It's a red flag': Potential changes to abortion access in U.S. spark conversation north of the border
Abortion advocates in Nova Scotia say that Canadians should be assured that regardless of what is happening south of the border, access to the procedure will always exist in this country.
That's despite warnings from some people in political circles who say that Canada might one day restrict access to abortions.
Bernadette Jordan, the former Liberal cabinet minister from South Shore-St. Margarets, took to Twitter Tuesday to warn her followers that abortion in Canada could someday be criminalized.
"Don't think for a second that it can't happen here," she tweeted.
Her tweet came after the Bloc Québecois failed to get unanimous consent in the House of Commons to affirm a woman's right to choose.
Jordan also pointed to a bill tabled in the House last June by Conservative MP Cathay Wagantall. Wagantall wanted to ban any abortion based on the sex of a fetus. It failed, but 82 Conservative MPs voted in favour.
Liberal MP and cabinet minister Bernadette Jordan took to Twitter to
warn followers that abortion access could be restricted in Canada. (CBC)
"To me, it's a red flag," Jordan said. "When you have anybody who says we're going to start looking at what a woman's right is in terms of her reproductive health."
'Never say never'
Halifax lawyer and abortion advocate Jennifer Taylor calls comments like that "inflammatory."
"Obviously we can never say never," she said. "But I think our first job as Canadians responding to bad news about abortion coming out of the States is to provide accurate information about how to access abortion in Canada."
She said political speculation about the future of abortion access in Canada "doesn't help connect people to the services that they need and are able to access today."
"Abortions are going to happen regardless of politics, regardless of the law, even. And, yes, we need to — in some ways — be prepared for the worst-case scenario," she said.
"But we also need to really trumpet and champion and promote the scenario that we have right now, which, while not perfect, is pretty good."
Access improving

If anything, Joanna Erdman of Dalhousie's Schulich School of Law said access to — and support for — abortions is improving in Canada.
Erdman, who is the MacBain chair in health law and policy, said the anti-choice movement is being far outpaced by the pro-choice movement in this country.
She said it's protected in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and was reaffirmed in 1988 when the Supreme Court of Canada struck down the country's abortion law as unconstitutional, calling it a profound interference with a woman's body.
"I think this is where abortion has moved from a political issue in this country — one that different parties can negotiate. It's simply not that in people's lives anymore," said Erdman.
"It has been so part of people's lives for so long that it's just not considered a political issue in the way it once was."
The word "abortion" doesn't appear in the Charter, but Erdman said Canada takes a very different approach to the constitutional text than the U.S.
"We tend to work with the doctrine of the living tree."
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