Apparently so and all the far from ethical old Catholic Choir Boys know why.
One word says it all and its "Mob" EH Franky Boy McKenna?
"Mr. Paulson himself is on the record saying he almost depleted the supply of federal detectives specializing in Mafia and biker-gang investigations to national-security squads following the 2014 slayings of Canadian soldiers near Parliament Hill in Ottawa and in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Que.
“National security gets Canadians worried, right? But I think, objectively, the risk is significantly less of impacting a Canadian than is organized crime in terms of … its corrupting potential in politics, its pervasiveness across all areas of commerce,” he said.
While Mr. Paulson said Islamic State terrorism remains a “viable, inspiring movement,” he said he had not been briefed on any “active threats” for Canada Day festivities on Parliament Hill.
His replacement has yet to be named. The Liberal government announced on Thursday that former ambassador and premier Frank McKenna will chair the selection committee and make recommendations to Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale. In the meantime, Daniel Dubeau, the force’s most senior deputy commissioner, will become interim commissioner."
| ||||
The response was:
Message rejected. See
---------- Original message ----------
From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)"
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2017 20:46:49 +0000
Subject: RE: Need I be redundant say PURE D BULLSHIT TWICE???
To: David Amos
The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your
Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance
électronique. Soyez assuré(e) que nous apprécions recevoir vos
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2017 16:46:41 -0400
Subject: Need I be redundant say PURE D BULLSHIT TWICE???
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Cardy, Dominic (LEG)"
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2017 17:56:35 +0000
Subject: RE: ATTN Sigríður Á. Andersen, Bjarni Benediktsson and
Gudlaugur Thór Thórdarson, RE Federal Court File No T-1557-15 I just
called your offices Again
To: David Amos
Cc: "Wright, Hamish (LEG)"
Mr. Amos,
Did you know that they eat puffins in Iceland?? Puffins!
Full disclosure: I have a cat named Puffin but she is (a) not from
Iceland; (b) does not eat puffins; (c) has no discernible central
nervous system - though I guess that is my cross to bear, as a
responsible cat owner, and not yours, as a public nuisance.
Did you enjoy your butter tart substitute? I was expecting a thank you
note but then I realized you were likely very busy suing the
government of Rwanda for using the wrong sort of hand cream or
something equally important.
-----Original Message-----
From: "Washington Field" <>,
Sunday, July 10, 2016 5:13 PM
To: "David Amos" <>
and your continued support of Barry Winters and his malevolent cohorts
for one year since you first contacted me.
The FBI Washington Field Office is in receipt of your emails. It is
unclear as to what your complaint is. In order for us to properly
assess your complaint, you will need to provide the following details:
- Your name and contact information
- Full Details about the fraud/crime and a time line of events
- Any bio-data you have on the subject (address, email address, name, etc…)
- Any supporting/collaborating evidence you might have about the crime/subject
Upon providing the above information, the FBI, depending on the
circumstances, may work with other federal and local agencies to
ensure that the fraud or crime is investigated.
Please also be advised that the Washington Field Office FBI is
responsible for investigating federal violations in the Washington
D.C. metropolitan area, to include areas of Northern Virginia. The
FBI has 56 field offices throughout the United States, with multiple
satellite Resident Agencies covering rural areas related to these 56
field offices. If you know which state the crime/subject came from,
please know that the complaint will be forwarded to that State’s FBI
Field Office. Attached is a link with the contact information for each
Field Office:
Thank you for your communication.
| ||||
The response was:
Message rejected. See
| ||||
The response was:
Message rejected. See
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2017 16:39:33 -0400
Subject: Need I say PURE D BULLSHIT???
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: PIC Info
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2017 19:45:04 +0000
Subject: Reply from the Public Interest Commissioner of Alberta
Dear Mr. Amos,
Thank you for your submission yesterday to the Public Interest
Commissioner of Alberta.
The role of our office is to investigate disclosures of wrongdoing and
complaints of reprisal in Alberta's public sector, including (but not
limited to) government ministries, and health and education
organizations. Our legislation (Public Interest Disclosure
[Whistleblower Protection] Act) defines wrongdoing as the following:
(a) a contravention of an Act or Regulation of Alberta or Canada's Parliament;
(b) an act or omission that creates
(i) a substantial and specific danger to the life, health or safety of
individuals, or
(ii) a substantial and specific danger to the environment;
(c) gross mismanagement of public funds or a public asset; or
(d) knowingly directing or counselling an individual to commit a
wrongdoing mentioned above.
The purposes of our investigations are to bring wrongdoing or reprisal
to the attention of the affected entity, recommend corrective
measures, and promote confidence in the administration of Alberta's
public sector.
Our office has no mandate to investigate matters that either fall
outside of the Alberta public sector, or have not occurred or recurred
in the last two years. Upon review of your submission, we note your
concerns about the Government of Canada's selection process for a new
RCMP Commissioner. However, that is a federal matter and our office
was unable to determine whether you have concerns that relate to a
wrongdoing(s) in Alberta's public sector. We also note the timelines
of other concerns alluded to in your supporting documents appear to
fall between 2003 and 2005.
Please be advised your concerns fall outside of the jurisdiction of
the Public Interest Commissioner of Alberta. Thank you again for
taking the time and effort to reach out to our office.
The office of the Public Interest Commissioner of Alberta
Public Interest Commissioner
9925 - 109 Street NW, Suite 700
Edmonton, AB T5K 2J8
On 11/22/17, David Amos
>> Warren McBeath wrote:
>> Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500
>> From: "Warren McBeath"
>> To:,,
>> CC:,,,
>>,"Bev BUSSON",
>> "Paul Dube"
>> Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has
>> forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have not
>> Dear Mr. Amos,
>> Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off
>> over the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I
>> was not ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns.
>> As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our position
>> is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process
>> testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the
>> Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these
>> services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this
>> instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done.
>> As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false
>> imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear
>> that Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada
>> the US. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment
>> and policing in Petitcodiac, NB.
>> It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on
>> December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors.
>> Sincerely,
>> Warren McBeath, Cpl.
>> GRC Caledonia RCMP
>> Traffic Services NCO
>> Ph: (506) 387-2222
>> Fax: (506) 387-4622
>> E-mail
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Patrick Bouchard
> Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2017 15:44:18 -0400
> Subject: Re: Fwd: RE A legal state known as "functus" Perhaps you,
> Governor General Johnston and Commissioner Paulson and many members of
> the RCMP should review pages 1 and 4 one document ASAP EH Minister
> Goodale? (AOL)
> To: David Amos
> I will be AOL until July 6th 2017.
> I will not have access to Groupwise.
> I may be reached at my personal e-mail
> depending on data coverage.
> *********************************************************
> Je vais être en vacances jusqu'au 6 Juillet 2017.
> Je n'aurais pas accès a mon GroupWise.
> Il est possible que je vérifies mon courriel personnel
> de temps à autre.
> Cpl.Patrick Bouchard
> Sunny-Corner Detachment
> English/Français
> Off: 506-836-6015
> Cell : 506-424-0071
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Washington Field",
> Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2016 5:13 PM
> To: "David Amos",
> Subject: RE: Attn Cst Paul Lynch RE Federal Court File no T-1557-15
> and your continued support of Barry Winters and his malevolent cohorts
> for one year since you first contacted me.
> The FBI Washington Field Office is in receipt of your emails. It is
> unclear as to what your complaint is. In order for us to properly
> assess your complaint, you will need to provide the following details:
> - Your name and contact information
> - Full Details about the fraud/crime and a time line of events
> - Any bio-data you have on the subject (address, email address, name, etc…)
> - Any supporting/collaborating evidence you might have about the
> crime/subject
> Upon providing the above information, the FBI, depending on the
> circumstances, may work with other federal and local agencies to
> ensure that the fraud or crime is investigated.
> Please also be advised that the Washington Field Office FBI is
> responsible for investigating federal violations in the Washington
> D.C. metropolitan area, to include areas of Northern Virginia. The
> FBI has 56 field offices throughout the United States, with multiple
> satellite Resident Agencies covering rural areas related to these 56
> field offices. If you know which state the crime/subject came from,
> please know that the complaint will be forwarded to that State’s FBI
> Field Office. Attached is a link with the contact information for each
> Field Office:
> Thank you for your communication.
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: David Amos
>>> Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 02:23:24 -0300
>>> Subject: ATTN FBI Special Agent Richard Deslauriers Have you talked to
>>> your buddies Fred Wyshak and Brian Kelly about the wiretap tapes YET?
>>> To:,,
>>> Cc:,,
>>> FBI Boston
>>> One Center Plaza
>>> Suite 600
>>> Boston, MA 02108
>>> Phone: (617) 742-5533
>>> Fax: (617) 223-6327
>>> E-mail:
>>> Hours
>>> Although we operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, our normal
>>> "walk-in" business hours are from 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday
>>> through Friday. If you need to speak with a FBI representative at any
>>> time other than during normal business hours, please telephone our
>>> office at (617) 742-5533.
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: David Amos
>>> Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 01:20:20 -0300
>>> Subject: Yo Fred Wyshak and Brian Kelly your buddy Whitey's trial is
>>> finally underway now correct? What the hell do I do with the wiretap
>>> tapes Sell them on Ebay?
>>> To:,,
>>> >>,
>>> Cc:,,
>>> As the CBC etc yap about Yankee wiretaps and whistleblowers I must ask
>>> them the obvious question AIN'T THEY FORGETTING SOMETHING????
>>> What the hell does the media think my Yankee lawyer served upon the
>>> USDOJ right after I ran for and seat in the 39th Parliament baseball
>>> cards?
>>> FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
>>> Senator Arlen Specter
>>> United States Senate
>>> Committee on the Judiciary
>>> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
>>> Washington, DC 20510
>>> Dear Mr. Specter:
>>> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
>>> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
>>> raised in the attached letter.
>>> Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap
>>> tapes.
>>> I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.
>>> Very truly yours,
>>> Barry A. Bachrach
>>> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
>>> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
>>> Email:
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "David Amos"
>>> To: "Rob Talach"
>>> Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 10:59 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Attn Robert Talach and I should talk ASAP about my suing
>>> the Catholic Church Trust that Bastarache knows why
>>> The date stamp on about page 134 of this old file of mine should mean
>>> a lot to you
> Jim Harmon
> Managing Partner, Canada
> +1 416 363 3267
> Jim Harmon is one of Canada’s most experienced technology sector
> search professionals. Over two decades, he has completed hundreds of
> searches for clients ranging from early-stage start-ups, to global
> public companies. His work has focused on board, C-suite, and VP
> recruitment, including dozens of CEOs. Jim also specializes in
> recruiting transformative IT, data and digital leadership talent.
> Professional Focus
> 22 years’ experience in executive search
> Specializes in technology, aerospace & defense sectors
> Focus on technology, engineering and IT executives: CEO, CFO, CIO,
> CD & VP-level roles
> Subspecialty in senior IT leadership recruitment: connects large
> private and publicly-held enterprises as well as public sector
> organizations with transformative IT, data and digital talent
> Co-Founder of Boyden’s Ontario offices; serves on Boyden’s
> Canadian Board of Directors
> Industry thought leader: contributor to Ottawa Citizen, Financial
> Post, Globe & Mail, CIO Magazine; speaking engagements at Financial
> Executives International, Institute of Corporate Directors, Young
> Presidents’ Organization
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Póstur FOR
> Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2017 01:10:48 +0000
> Subject: Re: Fwd Federal Court File No T-1557-15 and my many calls and
> emails about my concerns about the lack of Integrity of the RCMP,
> Justin Trudeau, Ralph Goodale, Frank McKenna, Michael.Wernick Paul
> Shuttle, Daniel Jean, Malcolm Brown and legions of others
> To: David Amos
> Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið / Your request has been received
> Kveðja / Best regards
> Forsætisráðuneytið / Prime Minister's Office
Former N.B. premier Frank McKenna to head search for next RCMP commissioner
Commissioner Bob Paulson announced June 30 retirement earlier this year

CBC News has learned the federal government has asked McKenna to head a selection committee of up to 10 people who will meet early this summer to begin the process of finding a replacement for Commissioner Bob Paulson, who is retiring on June 30.
The group will be asked to present a short list of candidates from which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will choose Canada's next top cop.
- Toxic culture, harassment issues overshadow commissioner's tenure
- Next commissioner will have to tackle low morale and labour strife
According to a letter informing some of his colleagues about the process and obtained by CBC News, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale said that while the RCMP embodies the best of Canada in being upstanding, loyal and committed to the pursuit of justice, the force has major issues that need to be addressed.
"Internal challenges — including abuses of power, allegations of race-related biases, infringements on civil liberties, bullying and workplace harassment — have harmed its reputation and the morale of members," wrote Goodale.
He added that the selection committee's terms of reference would be made public soon.
Organization faces challenges
It is telling that, given recent reports recommending Parliament bring in civilian management and oversight of the RCMP, the government is looking for someone who will be able to spearhead organizational change.
Mounties are also on the cusp of forming their very first union. It is the only major Canadian police force that is not unionized.
The government is also listing as a vital asset for the job "leadership on issues stemming from mental health-related illnesses and post traumatic stress syndrome."

Over the last decade, many have complained that the force has struggled to make gains on all of those fronts.
McKenna, who served as New Brunswick's premier from 1987 to 1997, is a lawyer and businessman and a former ambassador to the United States.
RCMP’s Bob Paulson sounds alarm on organized crime in exit interview
RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson poses for a portrait in a 1956 RCMP Ford highway patrol car June 28, 2017 in Ottawa.Dave Chan/The Globe and Mail
Canada's top cop – a police commander known for his hard stand on terrorism investigations – is heading for the exit gates saying that organized crime is the biggest threat facing Canadians.
While Bob Paulson, the exiting RCMP Commissioner, acknowledged the possibility of Islamic State-inspired attacks is now an ever-present reality in Canada, he said such national security risks are "significantly less" of a threat than organized crime.
"It's something that we're going to have to turn our minds to, and when I say we, I mean everybody," Mr. Paulson, who retires on Friday after 32 years in policing, said in an exclusive exit interview with The Globe and Mail.
Related: RCMP at a crossroads: Who will lead the charge in an age of sophisticated crime?
"Without being a fear monger, we've got to have political leaders understand what organized crime is, how [the perpetrators] get their advantage, how they corrupt individuals and institutions, how they get their hooks into people."
Mr. Paulson said the national police force has noticed a resurgence in outlaw motorcycle gangs, such as the Hells Angels, across Canada. Mr. Paulson himself is on the record saying he almost depleted the supply of federal detectives specializing in Mafia and biker-gang investigations to national-security squads following the 2014 slayings of Canadian soldiers near Parliament Hill in Ottawa and in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Que.
"National security gets Canadians worried, right? But I think, objectively, the risk is significantly less of impacting a Canadian than is organized crime in terms of … its corrupting potential in politics, its pervasiveness across all areas of commerce," he said.
While Mr. Paulson said Islamic State terrorism remains a "viable, inspiring movement," he said he had not been briefed on any "active threats" for Canada Day festivities on Parliament Hill.
His replacement has yet to be named. The Liberal government announced on Thursday that former ambassador and premier Frank McKenna will chair the selection committee and make recommendations to Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale. In the meantime, Daniel Dubeau, the force's most senior deputy commissioner, will become interim commissioner.
Mr. Paulson, who turns 59 in September, believes the next leader should be a Mountie.
"I think it should be a cop from inside the organization," he said. "But nobody's asking me."
Sitting in the atrium of the RCMP headquarters in Ottawa's southwest a few days before his retirement, Mr. Paulson appeared unafraid to speak to his mind about his 5 1/2 years as commissioner of the 30,000-person force.
"It's a soul-destroying job," he said.
Mr. Paulson discussed the challenges he faced at the helm of a force that he contends is unfairly politicized.
"A government is arguably vulnerable to our conduct. And so many people see paths to the government through the organization, and that makes it very difficult."
He also spoke about the deaths of three RCMP officers, murdered by gunman Justin Bourque in June, 2014, in Moncton.
The RCMP is facing four labour-code charges relating to the deaths of the officers, with one RCMP corporal telling the media last week that he considers Mr. Paulson "personally responsible for the deaths of my friends."
The criticism came after Mr. Paulson testified at the trial that RCMP management had concerns about the possible militarization of the force as it prepared to arm officers with high-powered carbine rifles.
"I am accountable for the death of those officers," Mr. Paulson said. "There's only one person responsible for their death. And he was charged and convicted of three counts of murder.
"I didn't kill these people."
Mr. Paulson said it's "speculative, at best" to suggest the officers would have survived if they'd been armed with high-powered carbine rifles. He said the real issue is community-based policing, going so far as to suggest that tragedy may have been averted had the officers in the Moncton detachment known their community better.
"We ought to have known who Bourque was; we ought to have known what he was doing; we ought to have been positioned to be able to intercede before he came out of his trailer," he said.
Mr. Paulson questioned whether the Mounties should be prosecuted under the Labour Code at all.
"I have views about … the public interest being served by this. But I mean, that's okay. We charge people all the time. I'm sure they feel the same way."
He also shared his opinion about the government's plan to legalize marijuana, calling it "very enlightened"; the Mike Duffy investigation, which he said created a "salutary effect" on the Senate; and The Globe's Unfounded investigation, which he said changes the approach to sexual-assault victims.
"The challenge for our investigators is to stop having judgment [of the victims]," Mr. Paulson said. "We don't care that you have strong feelings about how much risk someone exposed themselves to. That's not your job."
He said he supports the push for significant changes to the structure of the force, including better labour representation for members and the move to put trained civilians in key operational roles.
"Being a police officer, a basic police officer, it's not that complicated," Mr. Paulson said. "Being a successful part of a team that's doing police work, that's a little more complicated."
Calling it a privilege and honour to have served with the RCMP, Mr. Paulson said: "It's a great, great place. By and large, the people are extraordinary. They do extraordinary work."
He gave himself a mark of 70 per cent for what he set out to do but admits he's "come up short" on cultural change. "I say in fairness to everybody in the force – that's generational," he said. "So maybe I'd give myself 10 extra points there up to 80, because it started."
Mr. Paulson came into the job at what he calls a "terrible time" – the height of the so-called harassment scandal.
Last October, he made a historic apology – one he says he wrote himself – to thousands of female members for the way they were treated for decades by the national police force. He also announced a $100-million settlement for two class-action lawsuits.
"I was always, always committed to making it right. But not just by saying it. It took us two years to get our act together, to make sure we had a good understanding of the full scope and scale of what we were talking about," he said.
But he pushes back on some characterizations of the issue. "There was not a systemic problem of sexual harassment in the RCMP. There were some terrible, public, disgraceful, embarrassing cases, and lawsuits, and that's all true," he said.
When asked why it took until 2016 to make the apology, Mr. Paulson said, "You think it's easy getting $100-million out of the government?"
Mr. Paulson said he has met with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a couple of times to discuss the challenges facing the force and what the government plans to do about it. He calls Mr. Trudeau "very impressive."
"I think you underestimate him at your peril," Mr. Paulson said.
He said the Prime Minister has shown himself to be a proponent of the force. "As he said to me once, 'You don't forget commissioner – you guys raised me,'" Mr. Paulson said, referring to Mr. Trudeau's upbringing as the son of a prime minister.
"I think this government has expressed pretty clearly that they want to be supportive of the RCMP, that they want the RCMP to succeed, and I take them at their word."
But Mr. Paulson himself won't be around to see it.
The father of four children – including a 31-year-old daughter who is a Crown prosecutor in British Columbia, and a three-year-old son – said it is time to make way for new blood in the organization.
"I think it needs a bounce," he said.
"I wish I was the fresh commissioner coming in now, with all the things that are in place."
With a report from Colin Freeze
The Canadian Press
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