Oh My My Methinks the very greedy "instant billionaires" within the inner circle of "The Donald" made the plot thicken rather nicely lately N'esy Pas? … #KPMG #IRS #RCMPNS #FBICorruption #FATCA #NAFTA #TrudeauMustGo #cdnpoli #Trump
- Tweets & replies Tweets & replies, current page.
---------- Original message
From: David Amos <>
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2018 10:41:20 -0400
Subject: Attn David Magerman Re Lawsuits and Fighting Extremism in American and Canadian Politics Perhaps we should talk ASAP my # is 902 800 0369
Cc: David Amos <>
The old documents and recent voicemail hereto attached are obviously for real
Here is a blog I created after my research of your concerns with just
one quote inserted within this email
http://davidraymondamos3. extremism-in-american-and.html
Saturday, 20 January 2018
Fighting Extremism in American and Canadian Politics
"Mercer’s attorney Randy Mastro slammed the lawsuit on Thursday and
said there was no settlement involved.
"This was a meritless, frivolous, vexatious and sanctionable lawsuit
that never should have been brought in the first place, so it was
inevitable that it would be withdrawn or dismissed," Mastro said in an
Yea Right I have seen that written about me many times. With regard
to Randy Mastro need I say I crossed paths with the lawyers within
Gibson Dunn many times?
Below is just one example
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2012 17:45:08 -0300
Subject: Fwd: Re the Movies "Recount" and "Game Change" perhaps you should have
asked the lawyers Ron Klain, David Boise or Ted Olson who I am
To:,,,,, "ed.pilkington" <> ,
news <>
Cc: David Amos <> ,
counsel <>, paul <>,
"bob.paulson" <>,
"bob.rae" < >,
pm <>,
MulcaT <>
Here is proof of some recent email of mine that should enlighten you
as to who I am
---------- Original message ----------
From: Póstur FOR <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2018 10:41:25 +0000
Subject: Re: I just call the Ecuadorian Embassy in London (011 44 20
7590 2501) for the last time say Hey to you pal Assange for me willya?
To: David Amos <>
Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið / Your request has been received
Kveðja / Best regards
Forsætisráðuneytið / Prime Minister's Office Hilmar Steinn
Grétarsson / +354 540 3601
---------- Original message ----------
From: Póstur DMR <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2018 10:41:21 +0000
Subject: Re: I just call the Ecuadorian Embassy in London (011 44 20
7590 2501) for the last time say Hey to you pal Assange for me willya?
To: David Amos <>
Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið. / Your request has been received.
Kveðja / Best regards
Dómsmálaráðuneyti / Ministry of Justice
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2018 06:38:54 -0400
Subject: I just call the Ecuadorian Embassy in London (011 44 20 7590
2501) for the last time say Hey to you pal Assange for me willya?
To: ,
lionel <>,, editor <>, washington
field <>, "Liliana.Longo"
<> ,
< >,,
<>, birgittaj <>, postur
<>, postur <>, postur <>
Cc: David Amos <> ,
<>, Newsroom <>
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2018 16:14:17 -0400
Subject: Ms Marsh I got your voice mail & called 617 300 5433 Feel
free to call me anytime but I spend a lot of time on the phone just
like when you called
Cc: David Amos <>
---------- Original message ----------
From: Michael Cohen <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2018 05:54:40 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: ATTN Blair Armitage You acted as the Usher
of the Black Rod twice while Kevin Vickers was the Sergeant-at-Arms
Hence you and the RCMP must know why I sued the Queen Correct?
To: David Amos <>
Effective January 20, 2017, I have accepted the role as personal
counsel to President Donald J. Trump. All future emails should be
directed to and all future calls should be
directed to 646-853-0114.
______________________________ __
This communication is from The Trump Organization or an affiliate
thereof and is not sent on behalf of any other individual or entity.
This email may contain information that is confidential and/or
proprietary. Such information may not be read, disclosed, used,
copied, distributed or disseminated except (1) for use by the intended
recipient or (2) as expressly authorized by the sender. If you have
received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and
promptly notify the sender. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed
to be received, secure or error-free as emails could be intercepted,
corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late, incomplete, contain viruses
or otherwise. The Trump Organization and its affiliates do not
guarantee that all emails will be read and do not accept liability for
any errors or omissions in emails. Any views or opinions presented in
any email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily
represent those of The Trump Organization or any of its affiliates.
Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic
signature under applicable law.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2017 10:00:12 -0400
Subject: Please enjoy a portion of the email of mine that was blocked yesterday
Cc: David Amos <>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "MacKay, Peter"
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 14:39:17 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Minister Jean-Yves.Duclos Once again you
are welcome Now how about the RCMP, the LIEbranos and all the other
parliamentarians start acting with some semblance of Integrity after
all these years?
To: David Amos
Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office attending
meetings and have limited access to email and voicemail. If your
matter is urgent, or if you require assistance, please contact my
assistant, Nicole Bruni at or at (416)
This message may contain confidential and privileged information. If
it has been sent to you in error, please reply to advise the sender of
the error and then immediately delete this message. Please visit disclaimers for
other important information
concerning this message.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 10:51:14 -0400
Subject: RE FATCA, NAFTA & TPP etc ATTN President Donald J. Trump I
just got off the phone with your lawyer Mr Cohen (646-853-0114) Why
does he lie to me after all this time???
To: president <>,, pm
<>, Pierre-Luc.Dusseault@parl.gc. ca,
<>,,, ,,, press
<>, "Andrew.Bailey"
<>, "CNN.Viewer.Communications. Management"
<>, lionel <>
Cc: David Amos <> ,, ", elizabeththompson"
<elizabeththompson@ipolitics. ca>,
djtjr <>,
"Bill.Morneau" <>, postur <>,, "steve.murphy" <>,
"Jacques.Poitras" <>, oldmaison
<>, andre <>
---------- Original message ----------
From: Michael Cohen <>
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 14:15:14 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: RE FATCA ATTN Pierre-Luc.Dusseault I just
called and left a message for you
To: David Amos <>
Effective January 20, 2017, I have accepted the role as personal
counsel to President Donald J. Trump. All future emails should be
directed to and all future calls should be
directed to 646-853-0114.
______________________________ __
This communication is from The Trump Organization or an affiliate
thereof and is not sent on behalf of any other individual or entity.
This email may contain information that is confidential and/or
proprietary. Such information may not be read, disclosed, used,
copied, distributed or disseminated except (1) for use by the intended
recipient or (2) as expressly authorized by the sender. If you have
received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and
promptly notify the sender. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed
to be received, secure or error-free as emails could be intercepted,
corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late, incomplete, contain viruses
or otherwise. The Trump Organization and its affiliates do not
guarantee that all emails will be read and do not accept liability for
any errors or omissions in emails. Any views or opinions presented in
any email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily
represent those of The Trump Organization or any of its
affiliates.Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an
electronic signature under applicable law.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2017 09:32:09 -0400
> Subject: Attn Integrity Commissioner Alexandre Deschênes, Q.C.,
> To:
> Cc:
> Good Day Sir
> After I heard you speak on CBC I called your office again and managed
> to speak to one of your staff for the first time
> Please find attached the documents I promised to send to the lady who
> answered the phone this morning. Please notice that not after the Sgt
> at Arms took the documents destined to your office his pal Tanker
> Malley barred me in writing with an "English" only document.
> These are the hearings and the dockets in Federal Court that I
> suggested that you study closely.
> This is the docket in Federal Court
> http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj. info_e.php?court_no=T-1557-15& select_court=T
> These are digital recordings of the last three hearings
> Dec 14th BahHumbug
> January 11th, 2016 Jan11th2015
> April 3rd, 2017
> April32017JusticeLeblancHearin g
> This is the docket in the Federal Court of Appeal
> http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj. info_e.php?court_no=A-48-16& select_court=All
> The only hearing thus far
> May 24th, 2017
> May24thHoedown
> This Judge understnds the meaning of the word Integrity
> Date: 20151223
> Docket: T-1557-15
> Fredericton, New Brunswick, December 23, 2015
> PRESENT: The Honourable Mr. Justice Bell
> Plaintiff
> and
> Defendant
> (Delivered orally from the Bench in Fredericton, New Brunswick, on
> December 14, 2015)
> The Plaintiff seeks an appeal de novo, by way of motion pursuant to
> the Federal Courts Rules (SOR/98-106), from an Order made on November
> 12, 2015, in which Prothonotary Morneau struck the Statement of Claim
> in its entirety.
> At the outset of the hearing, the Plaintiff brought to my attention a
> letter dated September 10, 2004, which he sent to me, in my then
> capacity as Past President of the New Brunswick Branch of the Canadian
> Bar Association, and the then President of the Branch, Kathleen Quigg,
> (now a Justice of the New Brunswick Court of Appeal). In that letter
> he stated:
> As for your past President, Mr. Bell, may I suggest that you check the
> work of Frank McKenna before I sue your entire law firm including you.
> You are your brother’s keeper.
> Frank McKenna is the former Premier of New Brunswick and a former
> colleague of mine at the law firm of McInnes Cooper. In addition to
> expressing an intention to sue me, the Plaintiff refers to a number of
> people in his Motion Record who he appears to contend may be witnesses
> or potential parties to be added. Those individuals who are known to
> me personally, include, but are not limited to the former Prime
> Minister of Canada, The Right Honourable Stephen Harper; former
> Attorney General of Canada and now a Justice of the Manitoba Court of
> Queen’s Bench, Vic Toews; former member of Parliament Rob Moore;
> former Director of Policing Services, the late Grant Garneau; former
> Chief of the Fredericton Police Force, Barry McKnight; former Staff
> Sergeant Danny Copp; my former colleagues on the New Brunswick Court
> of Appeal, Justices Bradley V. Green and Kathleen Quigg, and, retired
> Assistant Commissioner Wayne Lang of the Royal Canadian Mounted
> Police.
> In the circumstances, given the threat in 2004 to sue me in my
> personal capacity and my past and present relationship with many
> potential witnesses and/or potential parties to the litigation, I am
> of the view there would be a reasonable apprehension of bias should I
> hear this motion. See Justice de Grandpré’s dissenting judgment in
> Committee for Justice and Liberty et al v National Energy Board et al,
> [1978] 1 SCR 369 at p 394 for the applicable test regarding
> allegations of bias. In the circumstances, although neither party has
> requested I recuse myself, I consider it appropriate that I do so.
> AS A RESULT OF MY RECUSAL, THIS COURT ORDERS that the Administrator of
> the Court schedule another date for the hearing of the motion. There
> is no order as to costs.
> “B. Richard Bell”
> Judge
> Below after the CBC article about your concerns (I made one comment
> already) you will find the text of just two of many emails I had sent
> to your office over the years since I first visited it in 2006.
> I noticed that on July 30, 2009, he was appointed to the the Court
> Martial Appeal Court of Canada Perhaps you should scroll to the
> bottom of this email ASAP and read the entire Paragraph 83 of my
> lawsuit now before the Federal Court of Canada?
> "FYI This is the text of the lawsuit that should interest Trudeau the most
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From:
> Date: Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 8:18 PM
> Subject: Réponse automatique : RE My complaint against the CROWN in
> Federal Court Attn David Hansen and Peter MacKay If you planning to
> submit a motion for a publication ban on my complaint trust that you
> dudes are way past too late
> To:
> Veuillez noter que j'ai changé de courriel. Vous pouvez me rejoindre à
> Pour rejoindre le bureau de M. Trudeau veuillez envoyer un courriel à
> Please note that I changed email address, you can reach me at
> To reach the office of Mr. Trudeau please send an email to
> Thank you,
> Merci ,
> http://davidraymondamos3. behaviorurldefaultvmlo.html
> 83. The Plaintiff states that now that Canada is involved in more war
> in Iraq again it did not serve Canadian interests and reputation to
> allow Barry Winters to publish the following words three times over
> five years after he began his bragging:
> January 13, 2015
> This Is Just AS Relevant Now As When I wrote It During The Debate
> December 8, 2014
> Why Canada Stood Tall!
> Friday, October 3, 2014
> Little David Amos’ “True History Of War” Canadian Airstrikes And
> Stupid Justin Trudeau
> Canada’s and Canadians free ride is over. Canada can no longer hide
> behind Amerka’s and NATO’s skirts.
> When I was still in Canadian Forces then Prime Minister Jean Chretien
> actually committed the Canadian Army to deploy in the second campaign
> in Iraq, the Coalition of the Willing. This was against or contrary to
> the wisdom or advice of those of us Canadian officers that were
> involved in the initial planning phases of that operation. There were
> significant concern in our planning cell, and NDHQ about of the dearth
> of concern for operational guidance, direction, and forces for
> operations after the initial occupation of Iraq. At the “last minute”
> Prime Minister Chretien and the Liberal government changed its mind.
> The Canadian government told our amerkan cousins that we would not
> deploy combat troops for the Iraq campaign, but would deploy a
> Canadian Battle Group to Afghanistan, enabling our amerkan cousins to
> redeploy troops from there to Iraq. The PMO’s thinking that it was
> less costly to deploy Canadian Forces to Afghanistan than Iraq. But
> alas no one seems to remind the Liberals of Prime Minister Chretien’s
> then grossly incorrect assumption. Notwithstanding Jean Chretien’s
> incompetence and stupidity, the Canadian Army was heroic,
> professional, punched well above it’s weight, and the PPCLI Battle
> Group, is credited with “saving Afghanistan” during the Panjway
> campaign of 2006.
> What Justin Trudeau and the Liberals don’t tell you now, is that then
> Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien committed, and deployed the
> Canadian army to Canada’s longest “war” without the advice, consent,
> support, or vote of the Canadian Parliament.
> What David Amos and the rest of the ignorant, uneducated, and babbling
> chattering classes are too addled to understand is the deployment of
> less than 75 special operations troops, and what is known by planners
> as a “six pac cell” of fighter aircraft is NOT the same as a
> deployment of a Battle Group, nor a “war” make.
> The Canadian Government or The Crown unlike our amerkan cousins have
> the “constitutional authority” to commit the Canadian nation to war.
> That has been recently clearly articulated to the Canadian public by
> constitutional scholar Phillippe Legasse. What Parliament can do is
> remove “confidence” in The Crown’s Government in a “vote of
> non-confidence.” That could not happen to the Chretien Government
> regarding deployment to Afghanistan, and it won’t happen in this
> instance with the conservative majority in The Commons regarding a
> limited Canadian deployment to the Middle East.
> President George Bush was quite correct after 911 and the terror
> attacks in New York; that the Taliban “occupied” and “failed state”
> Afghanistan was the source of logistical support, command and control,
> and training for the Al Quaeda war of terror against the world. The
> initial defeat, and removal from control of Afghanistan was vital and
> P.S. Whereas this CBC article is about your opinion of the actions of
> the latest Minister Of Health trust that Mr Boudreau and the CBC have
> had my files for many years and the last thing they are is ethical.
> Ask his friends Mr Murphy and the RCMP if you don't believe me.
> Subject:
> Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400
> From: "Murphy, Michael B. \(DH/MS\)"
> To:
> January 30, 2007
> Mr. David Amos
> Dear Mr. Amos:
> This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29,
> 2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP.
> Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I have
> taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve
> Graham of the RCMP “J” Division in Fredericton.
> Sincerely,
> Honourable Michael B. Murphy
> Minister of Health
> CM/cb
> Warren McBeath wrote:
> Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500
> From: "Warren McBeath"
> To:,,
> CC:,,John.,
>,"Bev BUSSON",
> "Paul Dube"
> Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has
> forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have not
> Dear Mr. Amos,
> Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off
> over the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I
> was not ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns.
> As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our position
> is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process
> testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the
> Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these
> services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this
> instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done.
> As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false
> imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear
> that Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada
> the US. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment
> and policing in Petitcodiac, NB.
> It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on
> December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors.
> Sincerely,
> Warren McBeath, Cpl.
> GRC Caledonia RCMP
> Traffic Services NCO
> Ph: (506) 387-2222
> Fax: (506) 387-4622
> E-mail
> Alexandre Deschênes, Q.C.,
> Office of the Integrity Commissioner
> Edgecombe House, 736 King Street
> Fredericton, N.B. CANADA E3B 5H1
> tel.: 506-457-7890
> fax: 506-444-5224
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 10:35 AM
> Subject: RE My complaint against the CROWN in Federal Court Attn David
> Hansen and Peter MacKay If you planning to submit a motion for a
> publication ban on my complaint trust that you dudes are way past too late
> To:,
> peacock.kurt@telegraphjournal. com,
>, joyce.dewitt-vanoosten@gov.bc. ca,
>, jean-vincent.lacroix@gouv.qc. ca,
> ,,
> Cc:,,
> csc/scc-csc/en/item/14439/
> WebDocuments-DocumentsWeb/ 35072/FM030_Respondent_ Attorney-General-of-Canada-on- Behalf-of-the-United-States- of-America.pdf
> http://thedavidamosrant. greenwald-and-brazilian.html
> I repeat what the Hell do I do with the Yankee wiretapes taps sell
> them on Ebay or listen to them and argue them with you dudes in
> Feferal Court?
> Petey Baby loses all parliamentary privelges in less than a month but
> he still supposed to be an ethical officer of the Court CORRECT?
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2012 14:10:14 -0400
> Subject: Yo Mr Bauer say hey to your client Obama and his buddies in
> the USDOJ for me will ya?
> To:,,
> Cc:,,
> QSLS Politics
> By Location Visit Detail
> Visit 29,419
> Domain Name ? (U.S. Government)
> IP Address 149.101.1.# (US Dept of Justice)
> ISP US Dept of Justice
> Location Continent : North America
> Country : United States (Facts)
> State : District of Columbia
> City : Washington
> Lat/Long : 38.9097, -77.0231 (Map)
> Language English (U.S.) en-us
> Operating System Microsoft WinXP
> Browser Internet Explorer 8.0
> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET
> CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; InfoPath.2;
> DI60SP1001)
> Javascript version 1.3
> Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768
> Color Depth : 32 bits
> Time of Visit Nov 17 2012 6:33:08 pm
> Last Page View Nov 17 2012 6:33:08 pm
> Visit Length 0 seconds
> Page Views 1
> Referring URL wwWJrm94lCEqRmovPXJg
> Search Engine
> Search Words david amos bernie madoff
> Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....-wendy- olsen-on.html
> Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....-wendy- olsen-on.html
> Out Click
> Time Zone UTC-5:00
> Visitor's Time Nov 17 2012 12:33:08 pm
> Visit Number 29,419
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot. com/2009/03/david-amos-to- wendy-olsen-on.html
> Could ya tell I am investigating your pension plan bigtime? Its
> because no member of the RCMP I have ever encountered has earned it yet
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 11:36:04 -0400
> Subject: This is a brief as I can make my concerns Randy
> To:
> Cc:
> In a nutshell my concerns about the actions of the Investment Industry
> affect the interests of every person in every district of every
> country not just the USA and Canada. I was offering to help you with
> Emera because my work with them and Danny Williams is well known and
> some of it is over eight years old and in the PUBLIC Record.
> All you have to do is stand in the Legislature and ask the MInister of
> Justice why I have been invited to sue Newfoundland by the
> Conservatives
> Obviously I am the guy the USDOJ and the SEC would not name who is the
> link to Madoff and Putnam Investments
> Here is why
> public/index.cfm?FuseAction= Hearings.Hearing&Hearing_ID= 90f8e691-9065-4f8c-a465- 72722b47e7f2
> Notice the transcripts and webcasts of the hearing of the US Senate
> Banking Commitee are still missing? Mr Emory should at least notice
> Eliot Spitzer and the Dates around November 20th, 2003 in the
> following file
> http://www.checktheevidence. com/pdf/2526023- DAMOSIntegrity-yea-right.-txt. pdf
> DavidRaymondAmos/
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Hansen, David"
> Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 19:28:44 +0000
> Subject: RE: I just called again Mr Hansen
> To: David Amos
> Hello Mr. Amos,
> I manage the Justice Canada civil litigation section in the Atlantic
> region. We are only responsible for litigating existing civil
> litigation files in which the Attorney General of Canada is a named
> defendant or plaintiff. If you are a plaintiff or defendant in an
> existing civil litigation matter in the Atlantic region in which
> Attorney General of Canada is a named defendant or plaintiff please
> provide the court file number, the names of the parties in the action
> and your question. I am not the appropriate contact for other
> matters.
> Thanks
> David A. Hansen
> Regional Director | Directeur régional
> General Counsel |Avocat général
> Civil Litigation and Advisory | Contentieux des affaires civiles et
> services de consultation
> Department of Justice | Ministère de la Justice
> Suite 1400 – Duke Tower | Pièce 1400 – Tour Duke
> 5251 Duke Street | 5251 rue Duke
> Halifax, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nouvelle- Écosse
> B3J 1P3
> Telephone | Téléphone (902) 426-3261 / Facsimile | Télécopieur (902)
> 426-2329
> This e-mail is confidential and may be protected by solicitor-client
> privilege. Unauthorized distribution or disclosure is prohibited. If
> you have received this e-mail in error, please notify us and delete
> this entire e-mail.
> Before printing think about the Environment
> Thinking Green, please do not print this e-mail unless necessary.
> Pensez vert, svp imprimez que si nécessaire.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 02:23:24 -0300
>> Subject: ATTN FBI Special Agent Richard Deslauriers Have you talked to
>> your buddies Fred Wyshak and Brian Kelly about the wiretap tapes YET?
>> To:,,
>> Cc:,,
>> FBI Boston
>> One Center Plaza
>> Suite 600
>> Boston, MA 02108
>> Phone: (617) 742-5533
>> Fax: (617) 223-6327
>> E-mail:
>> Hours
>> Although we operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, our normal
>> "walk-in" business hours are from 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday
>> through Friday. If you need to speak with a FBI representative at any
>> time other than during normal business hours, please telephone our
>> office at (617) 742-5533.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 01:20:20 -0300
>> Subject: Yo Fred Wyshak and Brian Kelly your buddy Whitey's trial is
>> finally underway now correct? What the hell do I do with the wiretap
>> tapes Sell them on Ebay?
>> To:,,
>>,,, >>,
>> Cc:,,
>> metro/2013/06/05/james-whitey- bulger-jury-selection-process- enters-second-day/ KjS80ofyMMM5IkByK74bkK/story. html
>> story/2013/06/09/nsa-leak- guardian.html
>> As the CBC etc yap about Yankee wiretaps and whistleblowers I must ask
>> them the obvious question AIN'T THEY FORGETTING SOMETHING????
>> v=vugUalUO8YY
>> What the hell does the media think my Yankee lawyer served upon the
>> USDOJ right after I ran for and seat in the 39th Parliament baseball
>> cards?
>> details/ FedsUsTreasuryDeptRcmpEtc
>> ITriedToExplainItToAllMaritime rsInEarly2006
>> 2006/05/wiretap-tapes-impeach- bush.html
>> details/ PoliceSurveilanceWiretapTape13 9
>> Part1WiretapTape143
>> FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
>> Senator Arlen Specter
>> United States Senate
>> Committee on the Judiciary
>> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
>> Washington, DC 20510
>> Dear Mr. Specter:
>> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
>> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
>> raised in the attached letter.
>> Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap tapes.
>> I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.
>> Very truly yours,
>> Barry A. Bachrach
>> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
>> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
>> Email:
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "David Amos"
>> To: "Rob Talach"
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 10:59 PM
>> Subject: Re: Attn Robert Talach and I should talk ASAP about my suing
>> the Catholic Church Trust that Bastarache knows why
>> The date stamp on about page 134 of this old file of mine should mean
>> a lot to you
>> http://www.checktheevidence. com/pdf/2619437-CROSS-BORDER- txt-.pdf
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 15:37:08 -0400
>> Subject: To Hell with the KILLER COP Gilles Moreau What say you NOW
>> Bernadine Chapman??
>> To:,,
>>, ,
>> Cc:,,
>> bernadine.chapman@rcmp-grc.gc. ca,,
>> news-nouvelles/media-medias- eng.htm
>> Newsletters/VetsReview/ nlnov06.pdf
>> From: Gilles Moreau
>> Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 08:03:22 -0500
>> Subject: Re: Lets ee if the really nasty Newfy Lawyer Danny Boy
>> Millions will explain this email to you or your boss Vic Toews EH
>> Constable Peddle???
>> To: David Amos
>> Please cease and desist from using my name in your emails.
>> Gilles Moreau, Chief Superintendent, CHRP and ACC
>> Director General
>> HR Transformation
>> 73 Leikin Drive, M5-2-502
>> Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R2
>> Tel 613-843-6039
>> Cel 613-818-6947
>> Gilles Moreau, surintendant principal, CRHA et ACC
>> Directeur général de la Transformation des ressources humaines
>> 73 Leikin, pièce M5-2-502
>> Ottawa, ON K1A 0R2
>> tél 613-843-6039
>> cel 613-818-6947
From: David Amos <>
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2018 10:41:20 -0400
Subject: Attn David Magerman Re Lawsuits and Fighting Extremism in American and Canadian Politics Perhaps we should talk ASAP my # is 902 800 0369
Cc: David Amos <>
The old documents and recent voicemail hereto attached are obviously for real
Here is a blog I created after my research of your concerns with just
one quote inserted within this email
Saturday, 20 January 2018
Fighting Extremism in American and Canadian Politics
"Mercer’s attorney Randy Mastro slammed the lawsuit on Thursday and
said there was no settlement involved.
"This was a meritless, frivolous, vexatious and sanctionable lawsuit
that never should have been brought in the first place, so it was
inevitable that it would be withdrawn or dismissed," Mastro said in an
Yea Right I have seen that written about me many times. With regard
to Randy Mastro need I say I crossed paths with the lawyers within
Gibson Dunn many times?
Below is just one example
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2012 17:45:08 -0300
Subject: Fwd: Re the Movies "Recount" and "Game Change" perhaps you should have
asked the lawyers Ron Klain, David Boise or Ted Olson who I am
To:,,,,, "ed.pilkington" <>
news <>
Cc: David Amos <>
counsel <>, paul <>,
"bob.paulson" <>,
"bob.rae" <
MulcaT <>
Here is proof of some recent email of mine that should enlighten you
as to who I am
---------- Original message ----------
From: Póstur FOR <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2018 10:41:25 +0000
Subject: Re: I just call the Ecuadorian Embassy in London (011 44 20
7590 2501) for the last time say Hey to you pal Assange for me willya?
To: David Amos <>
Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið / Your request has been received
Kveðja / Best regards
Forsætisráðuneytið / Prime Minister's Office Hilmar Steinn
Grétarsson / +354 540 3601
---------- Original message ----------
From: Póstur DMR <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2018 10:41:21 +0000
Subject: Re: I just call the Ecuadorian Embassy in London (011 44 20
7590 2501) for the last time say Hey to you pal Assange for me willya?
To: David Amos <>
Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið. / Your request has been received.
Kveðja / Best regards
Dómsmálaráðuneyti / Ministry of Justice
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2018 06:38:54 -0400
Subject: I just call the Ecuadorian Embassy in London (011 44 20 7590
2501) for the last time say Hey to you pal Assange for me willya?
To:, editor <>, washington
field <>, "Liliana.Longo"
<>, birgittaj <>, postur
<>, postur <>, postur <>
Cc: David Amos <>
<>, Newsroom <>
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2018 16:14:17 -0400
Subject: Ms Marsh I got your voice mail & called 617 300 5433 Feel
free to call me anytime but I spend a lot of time on the phone just
like when you called
Cc: David Amos <>
---------- Original message ----------
From: Michael Cohen <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2018 05:54:40 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: ATTN Blair Armitage You acted as the Usher
of the Black Rod twice while Kevin Vickers was the Sergeant-at-Arms
Hence you and the RCMP must know why I sued the Queen Correct?
To: David Amos <>
Effective January 20, 2017, I have accepted the role as personal
counsel to President Donald J. Trump. All future emails should be
directed to and all future calls should be
directed to 646-853-0114.
This communication is from The Trump Organization or an affiliate
thereof and is not sent on behalf of any other individual or entity.
This email may contain information that is confidential and/or
proprietary. Such information may not be read, disclosed, used,
copied, distributed or disseminated except (1) for use by the intended
recipient or (2) as expressly authorized by the sender. If you have
received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and
promptly notify the sender. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed
to be received, secure or error-free as emails could be intercepted,
corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late, incomplete, contain viruses
or otherwise. The Trump Organization and its affiliates do not
guarantee that all emails will be read and do not accept liability for
any errors or omissions in emails. Any views or opinions presented in
any email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily
represent those of The Trump Organization or any of its affiliates.
Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic
signature under applicable law.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2017 10:00:12 -0400
Subject: Please enjoy a portion of the email of mine that was blocked yesterday
Cc: David Amos <>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "MacKay, Peter"
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 14:39:17 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Minister Jean-Yves.Duclos Once again you
are welcome Now how about the RCMP, the LIEbranos and all the other
parliamentarians start acting with some semblance of Integrity after
all these years?
To: David Amos
Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office attending
meetings and have limited access to email and voicemail. If your
matter is urgent, or if you require assistance, please contact my
assistant, Nicole Bruni at or at (416)
This message may contain confidential and privileged information. If
it has been sent to you in error, please reply to advise the sender of
the error and then immediately delete this message. Please visit
concerning this message.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 10:51:14 -0400
Subject: RE FATCA, NAFTA & TPP etc ATTN President Donald J. Trump I
just got off the phone with your lawyer Mr Cohen (646-853-0114) Why
does he lie to me after all this time???
To: president <>,, pm
<>, Pierre-Luc.Dusseault@parl.gc.
<>,,,,, press
<>, "Andrew.Bailey"
<>, "CNN.Viewer.Communications.
<>, lionel <>
Cc: David Amos <>, ", elizabeththompson"
"Bill.Morneau" <>, postur <>,, "steve.murphy" <>,
"Jacques.Poitras" <>, oldmaison
<>, andre <>
---------- Original message ----------
From: Michael Cohen <>
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 14:15:14 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: RE FATCA ATTN Pierre-Luc.Dusseault I just
called and left a message for you
To: David Amos <>
Effective January 20, 2017, I have accepted the role as personal
counsel to President Donald J. Trump. All future emails should be
directed to and all future calls should be
directed to 646-853-0114.
This communication is from The Trump Organization or an affiliate
thereof and is not sent on behalf of any other individual or entity.
This email may contain information that is confidential and/or
proprietary. Such information may not be read, disclosed, used,
copied, distributed or disseminated except (1) for use by the intended
recipient or (2) as expressly authorized by the sender. If you have
received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and
promptly notify the sender. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed
to be received, secure or error-free as emails could be intercepted,
corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late, incomplete, contain viruses
or otherwise. The Trump Organization and its affiliates do not
guarantee that all emails will be read and do not accept liability for
any errors or omissions in emails. Any views or opinions presented in
any email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily
represent those of The Trump Organization or any of its
affiliates.Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an
electronic signature under applicable law.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2017 09:32:09 -0400
> Subject: Attn Integrity Commissioner Alexandre Deschênes, Q.C.,
> To:
> Cc:
> Good Day Sir
> After I heard you speak on CBC I called your office again and managed
> to speak to one of your staff for the first time
> Please find attached the documents I promised to send to the lady who
> answered the phone this morning. Please notice that not after the Sgt
> at Arms took the documents destined to your office his pal Tanker
> Malley barred me in writing with an "English" only document.
> These are the hearings and the dockets in Federal Court that I
> suggested that you study closely.
> This is the docket in Federal Court
> http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj.
> These are digital recordings of the last three hearings
> Dec 14th
> January 11th, 2016
> April 3rd, 2017
> This is the docket in the Federal Court of Appeal
> http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj.
> The only hearing thus far
> May 24th, 2017
> This Judge understnds the meaning of the word Integrity
> Date: 20151223
> Docket: T-1557-15
> Fredericton, New Brunswick, December 23, 2015
> PRESENT: The Honourable Mr. Justice Bell
> Plaintiff
> and
> Defendant
> (Delivered orally from the Bench in Fredericton, New Brunswick, on
> December 14, 2015)
> The Plaintiff seeks an appeal de novo, by way of motion pursuant to
> the Federal Courts Rules (SOR/98-106), from an Order made on November
> 12, 2015, in which Prothonotary Morneau struck the Statement of Claim
> in its entirety.
> At the outset of the hearing, the Plaintiff brought to my attention a
> letter dated September 10, 2004, which he sent to me, in my then
> capacity as Past President of the New Brunswick Branch of the Canadian
> Bar Association, and the then President of the Branch, Kathleen Quigg,
> (now a Justice of the New Brunswick Court of Appeal). In that letter
> he stated:
> As for your past President, Mr. Bell, may I suggest that you check the
> work of Frank McKenna before I sue your entire law firm including you.
> You are your brother’s keeper.
> Frank McKenna is the former Premier of New Brunswick and a former
> colleague of mine at the law firm of McInnes Cooper. In addition to
> expressing an intention to sue me, the Plaintiff refers to a number of
> people in his Motion Record who he appears to contend may be witnesses
> or potential parties to be added. Those individuals who are known to
> me personally, include, but are not limited to the former Prime
> Minister of Canada, The Right Honourable Stephen Harper; former
> Attorney General of Canada and now a Justice of the Manitoba Court of
> Queen’s Bench, Vic Toews; former member of Parliament Rob Moore;
> former Director of Policing Services, the late Grant Garneau; former
> Chief of the Fredericton Police Force, Barry McKnight; former Staff
> Sergeant Danny Copp; my former colleagues on the New Brunswick Court
> of Appeal, Justices Bradley V. Green and Kathleen Quigg, and, retired
> Assistant Commissioner Wayne Lang of the Royal Canadian Mounted
> Police.
> In the circumstances, given the threat in 2004 to sue me in my
> personal capacity and my past and present relationship with many
> potential witnesses and/or potential parties to the litigation, I am
> of the view there would be a reasonable apprehension of bias should I
> hear this motion. See Justice de Grandpré’s dissenting judgment in
> Committee for Justice and Liberty et al v National Energy Board et al,
> [1978] 1 SCR 369 at p 394 for the applicable test regarding
> allegations of bias. In the circumstances, although neither party has
> requested I recuse myself, I consider it appropriate that I do so.
> AS A RESULT OF MY RECUSAL, THIS COURT ORDERS that the Administrator of
> the Court schedule another date for the hearing of the motion. There
> is no order as to costs.
> “B. Richard Bell”
> Judge
> Below after the CBC article about your concerns (I made one comment
> already) you will find the text of just two of many emails I had sent
> to your office over the years since I first visited it in 2006.
> I noticed that on July 30, 2009, he was appointed to the the Court
> Martial Appeal Court of Canada Perhaps you should scroll to the
> bottom of this email ASAP and read the entire Paragraph 83 of my
> lawsuit now before the Federal Court of Canada?
> "FYI This is the text of the lawsuit that should interest Trudeau the most
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From:
> Date: Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 8:18 PM
> Subject: Réponse automatique : RE My complaint against the CROWN in
> Federal Court Attn David Hansen and Peter MacKay If you planning to
> submit a motion for a publication ban on my complaint trust that you
> dudes are way past too late
> To:
> Veuillez noter que j'ai changé de courriel. Vous pouvez me rejoindre à
> Pour rejoindre le bureau de M. Trudeau veuillez envoyer un courriel à
> Please note that I changed email address, you can reach me at
> To reach the office of Mr. Trudeau please send an email to
> Thank you,
> Merci ,
> http://davidraymondamos3.
> 83. The Plaintiff states that now that Canada is involved in more war
> in Iraq again it did not serve Canadian interests and reputation to
> allow Barry Winters to publish the following words three times over
> five years after he began his bragging:
> January 13, 2015
> This Is Just AS Relevant Now As When I wrote It During The Debate
> December 8, 2014
> Why Canada Stood Tall!
> Friday, October 3, 2014
> Little David Amos’ “True History Of War” Canadian Airstrikes And
> Stupid Justin Trudeau
> Canada’s and Canadians free ride is over. Canada can no longer hide
> behind Amerka’s and NATO’s skirts.
> When I was still in Canadian Forces then Prime Minister Jean Chretien
> actually committed the Canadian Army to deploy in the second campaign
> in Iraq, the Coalition of the Willing. This was against or contrary to
> the wisdom or advice of those of us Canadian officers that were
> involved in the initial planning phases of that operation. There were
> significant concern in our planning cell, and NDHQ about of the dearth
> of concern for operational guidance, direction, and forces for
> operations after the initial occupation of Iraq. At the “last minute”
> Prime Minister Chretien and the Liberal government changed its mind.
> The Canadian government told our amerkan cousins that we would not
> deploy combat troops for the Iraq campaign, but would deploy a
> Canadian Battle Group to Afghanistan, enabling our amerkan cousins to
> redeploy troops from there to Iraq. The PMO’s thinking that it was
> less costly to deploy Canadian Forces to Afghanistan than Iraq. But
> alas no one seems to remind the Liberals of Prime Minister Chretien’s
> then grossly incorrect assumption. Notwithstanding Jean Chretien’s
> incompetence and stupidity, the Canadian Army was heroic,
> professional, punched well above it’s weight, and the PPCLI Battle
> Group, is credited with “saving Afghanistan” during the Panjway
> campaign of 2006.
> What Justin Trudeau and the Liberals don’t tell you now, is that then
> Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien committed, and deployed the
> Canadian army to Canada’s longest “war” without the advice, consent,
> support, or vote of the Canadian Parliament.
> What David Amos and the rest of the ignorant, uneducated, and babbling
> chattering classes are too addled to understand is the deployment of
> less than 75 special operations troops, and what is known by planners
> as a “six pac cell” of fighter aircraft is NOT the same as a
> deployment of a Battle Group, nor a “war” make.
> The Canadian Government or The Crown unlike our amerkan cousins have
> the “constitutional authority” to commit the Canadian nation to war.
> That has been recently clearly articulated to the Canadian public by
> constitutional scholar Phillippe Legasse. What Parliament can do is
> remove “confidence” in The Crown’s Government in a “vote of
> non-confidence.” That could not happen to the Chretien Government
> regarding deployment to Afghanistan, and it won’t happen in this
> instance with the conservative majority in The Commons regarding a
> limited Canadian deployment to the Middle East.
> President George Bush was quite correct after 911 and the terror
> attacks in New York; that the Taliban “occupied” and “failed state”
> Afghanistan was the source of logistical support, command and control,
> and training for the Al Quaeda war of terror against the world. The
> initial defeat, and removal from control of Afghanistan was vital and
> P.S. Whereas this CBC article is about your opinion of the actions of
> the latest Minister Of Health trust that Mr Boudreau and the CBC have
> had my files for many years and the last thing they are is ethical.
> Ask his friends Mr Murphy and the RCMP if you don't believe me.
> Subject:
> Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400
> From: "Murphy, Michael B. \(DH/MS\)"
> To:
> January 30, 2007
> Mr. David Amos
> Dear Mr. Amos:
> This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29,
> 2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP.
> Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I have
> taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve
> Graham of the RCMP “J” Division in Fredericton.
> Sincerely,
> Honourable Michael B. Murphy
> Minister of Health
> CM/cb
> Warren McBeath wrote:
> Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500
> From: "Warren McBeath"
> To:,,
> CC:,,John.
>,"Bev BUSSON",
> "Paul Dube"
> Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has
> forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have not
> Dear Mr. Amos,
> Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off
> over the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I
> was not ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns.
> As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our position
> is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process
> testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the
> Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these
> services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this
> instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done.
> As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false
> imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear
> that Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada
> the US. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment
> and policing in Petitcodiac, NB.
> It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on
> December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors.
> Sincerely,
> Warren McBeath, Cpl.
> GRC Caledonia RCMP
> Traffic Services NCO
> Ph: (506) 387-2222
> Fax: (506) 387-4622
> E-mail
> Alexandre Deschênes, Q.C.,
> Office of the Integrity Commissioner
> Edgecombe House, 736 King Street
> Fredericton, N.B. CANADA E3B 5H1
> tel.: 506-457-7890
> fax: 506-444-5224
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 10:35 AM
> Subject: RE My complaint against the CROWN in Federal Court Attn David
> Hansen and Peter MacKay If you planning to submit a motion for a
> publication ban on my complaint trust that you dudes are way past too late
> To:,
> peacock.kurt@telegraphjournal.
>, joyce.dewitt-vanoosten@gov.bc.
>, jean-vincent.lacroix@gouv.qc.
> Cc:,,
> http://thedavidamosrant.
> I repeat what the Hell do I do with the Yankee wiretapes taps sell
> them on Ebay or listen to them and argue them with you dudes in
> Feferal Court?
> Petey Baby loses all parliamentary privelges in less than a month but
> he still supposed to be an ethical officer of the Court CORRECT?
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2012 14:10:14 -0400
> Subject: Yo Mr Bauer say hey to your client Obama and his buddies in
> the USDOJ for me will ya?
> To:,,
> Cc:,,
> QSLS Politics
> By Location Visit Detail
> Visit 29,419
> Domain Name ? (U.S. Government)
> IP Address 149.101.1.# (US Dept of Justice)
> ISP US Dept of Justice
> Location Continent : North America
> Country : United States (Facts)
> State : District of Columbia
> City : Washington
> Lat/Long : 38.9097, -77.0231 (Map)
> Language English (U.S.) en-us
> Operating System Microsoft WinXP
> Browser Internet Explorer 8.0
> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET
> CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; InfoPath.2;
> DI60SP1001)
> Javascript version 1.3
> Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768
> Color Depth : 32 bits
> Time of Visit Nov 17 2012 6:33:08 pm
> Last Page View Nov 17 2012 6:33:08 pm
> Visit Length 0 seconds
> Page Views 1
> Referring URL
> Search Engine
> Search Words david amos bernie madoff
> Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....-wendy-
> Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....-wendy-
> Out Click
> Time Zone UTC-5:00
> Visitor's Time Nov 17 2012 12:33:08 pm
> Visit Number 29,419
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
> Could ya tell I am investigating your pension plan bigtime? Its
> because no member of the RCMP I have ever encountered has earned it yet
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 11:36:04 -0400
> Subject: This is a brief as I can make my concerns Randy
> To:
> Cc:
> In a nutshell my concerns about the actions of the Investment Industry
> affect the interests of every person in every district of every
> country not just the USA and Canada. I was offering to help you with
> Emera because my work with them and Danny Williams is well known and
> some of it is over eight years old and in the PUBLIC Record.
> All you have to do is stand in the Legislature and ask the MInister of
> Justice why I have been invited to sue Newfoundland by the
> Conservatives
> Obviously I am the guy the USDOJ and the SEC would not name who is the
> link to Madoff and Putnam Investments
> Here is why
> Notice the transcripts and webcasts of the hearing of the US Senate
> Banking Commitee are still missing? Mr Emory should at least notice
> Eliot Spitzer and the Dates around November 20th, 2003 in the
> following file
> http://www.checktheevidence.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Hansen, David"
> Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 19:28:44 +0000
> Subject: RE: I just called again Mr Hansen
> To: David Amos
> Hello Mr. Amos,
> I manage the Justice Canada civil litigation section in the Atlantic
> region. We are only responsible for litigating existing civil
> litigation files in which the Attorney General of Canada is a named
> defendant or plaintiff. If you are a plaintiff or defendant in an
> existing civil litigation matter in the Atlantic region in which
> Attorney General of Canada is a named defendant or plaintiff please
> provide the court file number, the names of the parties in the action
> and your question. I am not the appropriate contact for other
> matters.
> Thanks
> David A. Hansen
> Regional Director | Directeur régional
> General Counsel |Avocat général
> Civil Litigation and Advisory | Contentieux des affaires civiles et
> services de consultation
> Department of Justice | Ministère de la Justice
> Suite 1400 – Duke Tower | Pièce 1400 – Tour Duke
> 5251 Duke Street | 5251 rue Duke
> Halifax, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nouvelle- Écosse
> B3J 1P3
> Telephone | Téléphone (902) 426-3261 / Facsimile | Télécopieur (902)
> 426-2329
> This e-mail is confidential and may be protected by solicitor-client
> privilege. Unauthorized distribution or disclosure is prohibited. If
> you have received this e-mail in error, please notify us and delete
> this entire e-mail.
> Before printing think about the Environment
> Thinking Green, please do not print this e-mail unless necessary.
> Pensez vert, svp imprimez que si nécessaire.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 02:23:24 -0300
>> Subject: ATTN FBI Special Agent Richard Deslauriers Have you talked to
>> your buddies Fred Wyshak and Brian Kelly about the wiretap tapes YET?
>> To:,,
>> Cc:,,
>> FBI Boston
>> One Center Plaza
>> Suite 600
>> Boston, MA 02108
>> Phone: (617) 742-5533
>> Fax: (617) 223-6327
>> E-mail:
>> Hours
>> Although we operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, our normal
>> "walk-in" business hours are from 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday
>> through Friday. If you need to speak with a FBI representative at any
>> time other than during normal business hours, please telephone our
>> office at (617) 742-5533.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 01:20:20 -0300
>> Subject: Yo Fred Wyshak and Brian Kelly your buddy Whitey's trial is
>> finally underway now correct? What the hell do I do with the wiretap
>> tapes Sell them on Ebay?
>> To:,,
>>,,, >>,
>> Cc:,,
>> As the CBC etc yap about Yankee wiretaps and whistleblowers I must ask
>> them the obvious question AIN'T THEY FORGETTING SOMETHING????
>> What the hell does the media think my Yankee lawyer served upon the
>> USDOJ right after I ran for and seat in the 39th Parliament baseball
>> cards?
>> FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
>> Senator Arlen Specter
>> United States Senate
>> Committee on the Judiciary
>> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
>> Washington, DC 20510
>> Dear Mr. Specter:
>> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
>> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
>> raised in the attached letter.
>> Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap tapes.
>> I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.
>> Very truly yours,
>> Barry A. Bachrach
>> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
>> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
>> Email:
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "David Amos"
>> To: "Rob Talach"
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 10:59 PM
>> Subject: Re: Attn Robert Talach and I should talk ASAP about my suing
>> the Catholic Church Trust that Bastarache knows why
>> The date stamp on about page 134 of this old file of mine should mean
>> a lot to you
>> http://www.checktheevidence.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 15:37:08 -0400
>> Subject: To Hell with the KILLER COP Gilles Moreau What say you NOW
>> Bernadine Chapman??
>> To:,,
>> Cc:,,
>> bernadine.chapman@rcmp-grc.gc.
>> From: Gilles Moreau
>> Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 08:03:22 -0500
>> Subject: Re: Lets ee if the really nasty Newfy Lawyer Danny Boy
>> Millions will explain this email to you or your boss Vic Toews EH
>> Constable Peddle???
>> To: David Amos
>> Please cease and desist from using my name in your emails.
>> Gilles Moreau, Chief Superintendent, CHRP and ACC
>> Director General
>> HR Transformation
>> 73 Leikin Drive, M5-2-502
>> Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R2
>> Tel 613-843-6039
>> Cel 613-818-6947
>> Gilles Moreau, surintendant principal, CRHA et ACC
>> Directeur général de la Transformation des ressources humaines
>> 73 Leikin, pièce M5-2-502
>> Ottawa, ON K1A 0R2
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Fighting Extremism in American Politics
David Magerman Published on August 18, 2017
When the Supreme Court decided that
Citizen’s United, a non-profit corporation, could not be stopped from engaging
in political speech, American politics was turned on its head. Before that
ruling, campaign finance rules limited individuals, no matter how wealthy, from
having an outsized influence on the outcome of elections. The Citizen’s
United ruling devastated those controls, allowing the wealthiest citizens to
have unbounded control over American elections, guaranteeing the further
polarization of American politics, driven by the extreme views of wealthy
On August 15, 2017, we saw the end
result of the Citizen’s United ruling. On that date, the President of the
United States argued for a moral equivalence between neo-Nazis and those who
oppose them. President Trump espoused a view that is clearly in contradiction
to American values, world history, and the will of the majority of American
Billionaire money bought Donald
Trump the presidency, and when billionaires like Bob Mercer spend their money,
they tend to want value for their investments. Mercer now has what he
wanted. He installed people like Stephen Bannon and Stephen Miller into
the White House, and those men have pushed our sitting President to support
neo-Nazis and white supremacists.
But the problem with Citizen’s
United is not just on the right wing of American politics. For every
Mercer, Koch and Adelson on the right, there is a Soros, Simons and Steyer on
the left. Each of these billionaires has an agenda he is pushing, and each
one will help elect strident proponents of their views. Moderates don’t
stand a chance. Once the billionaires’ candidates are elected, they can’t
stray far from the views of their benefactors. These purchased politicians
can be assured of super PAC funding in future elections as long as they stay
aligned with their billionaires.
In the current political climate,
Citizen’s United isn’t going to be overturned. So, what is there for a
centrist patriot to do? The answer is to use the Citizen’s United ruling
to our benefit. If the problem is ideological donors pushing the Republicans
to the right and the Democrats to the left, the answer is to find
non-ideological donors to cancel out that financial support. If every
dollar given to a fringe, anti-immigrant right-wing candidate is cancelled out
by a dollar of support for his or her opponent, regardless of his or her views,
then the impact of Citizen’s United will be muted.
Bob Mercer recently donated $300,000
to a super PAC supporting Kelli Ward. To begin to nullify that donation, I
gave $100,000 to the Arizona Grassroots Action PAC, which supports Senator Jeff
Flake’s reelection. Please be clear: I oppose many of the political
positions Senator Flake holds. If I voted in Arizona, I would likely
support a moderate democrat of over Senator Flake, if one were in the race. However,
my donation to the super PAC is not about using my wealth to promote my
ideology. I can use my direct donations to candidates for that, like any
citizen of average means. I am using my wealth to stabilize democracy, and
I encourage other high net worth individuals to do the same. If we work
together to cancel out the outsized influence of the extremists in American
politics, we can help restore the one-citizen-one-vote ideals on which this
country was founded.
Those of us who have benefited
financially from the opportunities created by the combination of capitalism,
democracy and the U.S. Constitution have an obligation to use those resources
to defend the system that enriched us. Until the Citizen’s United ruling
is overturned, we can fulfill that obligation by setting aside our personal
views and support moderate politicians who still answer to the spectrum of
their constituents, and not only to the billionaires who support them.
If you agree with the sentiments
expressed above, and you have the financial means to fight against the
extremist views of those empowered by the Citizen’s United ruling, I urge you
to join with me to create our own super PAC: to fight ideological political
giving, to cancel out the donations from the far left-wing and far right-wing of
American politics, and to force candidates to answer to the broad spectrum of
American voters and not just their billionaire patrons.
David M. Magerman's Home Page
Who I am and What I do
I'm unemployed again!
I was wrongly terminated by Renaissance Technologies for speaking out
against my government and the role Renaissance's CEO, Bob Mercer, is playing in
the United States [government. I am currently in litigation with Renaissance
trying to get my job back, or at least trying to get appropriate compensation
for being terminated for exercising my rights under my contract.
During my first term at Renaissance, I was head of production for the better part of a decade. I was also the highest-ranked technical employee for a number of years, implementing and overseeing the implementation of a trading system which has been used by Renaissance for two decades. In 2006, due to a disagreement with the company's senior management, in particular in a dispute over some personnel moves, I resigned my position at Renaissance and moved to Philadelphia. After a four-year break, during which I tried angel investing and teaching at Penn, I returned to Renaissance as a tele-commuting researcher, first in the Futures research group and then in the Equities research group.
Aside from pursuing my litigation against Renaissance, I am the CEO of Six Points Restaurant Group, which operates kosher restaurants in the greater Philadelphia area. Currently only one restaurant, Citron & Rose Tavern, is open. The Dairy Cafe is being renovated and should reopen in November 2017. There is also the possibility of another restaurant opening at the location of the old Citron & Rose in the future.
I am also the founder and president of The Kohelet Foundation, a private foundation focused on Jewish education. We are currently focused on developing the Yeshiva Lab School, a new progressive, student-centered model for dual curriculum elementary education. We also run the annual Kohelet Prize competition, which awards up to six $36,000 awards each year to educators to reward innovation, creativity, and bravery in education. The foundation is in year two of a ten-year plan to help Kohelet Yeshiva, the home of the Yeshiva Lab school, achieve sustainability. The foundation is building a new building for the school to house their new K-8 program and, in addition, we have granted the school $30 million over ten years to support the school while it grows and to help it build up an endowment.
Earlier in my academic career, I did research on the statistical natural language parsing problem, culminating in my thesis, entitled Natural Language Processing as Statistical Pattern Recognition. Here's a list of the rest of my publications.
During my first term at Renaissance, I was head of production for the better part of a decade. I was also the highest-ranked technical employee for a number of years, implementing and overseeing the implementation of a trading system which has been used by Renaissance for two decades. In 2006, due to a disagreement with the company's senior management, in particular in a dispute over some personnel moves, I resigned my position at Renaissance and moved to Philadelphia. After a four-year break, during which I tried angel investing and teaching at Penn, I returned to Renaissance as a tele-commuting researcher, first in the Futures research group and then in the Equities research group.
Aside from pursuing my litigation against Renaissance, I am the CEO of Six Points Restaurant Group, which operates kosher restaurants in the greater Philadelphia area. Currently only one restaurant, Citron & Rose Tavern, is open. The Dairy Cafe is being renovated and should reopen in November 2017. There is also the possibility of another restaurant opening at the location of the old Citron & Rose in the future.
I am also the founder and president of The Kohelet Foundation, a private foundation focused on Jewish education. We are currently focused on developing the Yeshiva Lab School, a new progressive, student-centered model for dual curriculum elementary education. We also run the annual Kohelet Prize competition, which awards up to six $36,000 awards each year to educators to reward innovation, creativity, and bravery in education. The foundation is in year two of a ten-year plan to help Kohelet Yeshiva, the home of the Yeshiva Lab school, achieve sustainability. The foundation is building a new building for the school to house their new K-8 program and, in addition, we have granted the school $30 million over ten years to support the school while it grows and to help it build up an endowment.
Earlier in my academic career, I did research on the statistical natural language parsing problem, culminating in my thesis, entitled Natural Language Processing as Statistical Pattern Recognition. Here's a list of the rest of my publications.
The Internet Globe - My personal Internet
newspaper from CRAYON
Money man
Reclusive U.S. billionaire Robert Mercer
helped Donald Trump win the
But what is his ultimate goal?
The day after U.S. President Donald Trump learned that a gossipy White House tell-all included quotes that his son was “treasonous” and his daughter “dumb as a brick," Trump's mysterious billionaire backers Robert and Rebekah Mercer did a very rare thing and publicly fired back.
Rebekah Mercer issued a statement about Trump’s former strategist and Mercer family friend Steve Bannon — the source of the offending comments — that sawed him off like a gangrenous limb.
“My family and I have not communicated with Steve Bannon in many months, and have provided no financial support to his political agenda, nor do we support his recent actions and statements,” it said.
Five days later, Bannon was fired from his perch at the top of Breitbart News, where Rebekah Mercer is a shareholder.
Most of the commentary that followed focused on whether the Bannon-Trump collaboration was well and truly over. Less attention was given to the news that the Mercers’ estrangement from Bannon had actually begun months earlier, and that this might be the more consequential breakup.
It seems that a year after Trump's election, their association with Bannon had become an embarrassment for them.
Bannon’s relationship with Robert Mercer is cited in a remarkable lawsuit brought by David Magerman, a former employee of Mercer’s hedge fund, Renaissance Technologies. On its surface, the lawsuit is a wrongful dismissal complaint against Mercer. But at its heart, it is an indictment of Mercer’s character and reputation that draws together his political views, his connections to Bannon and Trump and racist comments Mercer allegedly made to Magerman directly.
'If the world knew what [Mercer] was trying to do, they wouldn't stand for it.'
“I have a lot of respect for Bob Mercer. I think he’s a very intelligent person, a very thoughtful person,” Magerman told me recently. But he quickly added, “If the world knew what he was trying to do, they wouldn’t stand for it.”
Seen from a distance, Mercer can appear like a Bond movie villain. A computer scientist-turned hedge fund billionaire, he is reclusive and taciturn. He does not do interviews. He stays out of sight sailing the world in his luxurious, high-tech super yacht, Sea Owl, or holed up in his Long Island estate, Owl’s Nest, while plotting the political transformation of America.
But when he backed Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016 and helped install Bannon to run it, people began asking more seriously, “Who is this man?”
Mercer barely talks to anyone. Trump once joked at a party that the longest conversation he’s ever had with “Bob” was just “two words.” That’s an anecdote from Jane Mayer’s 2017 profile of Mercer in The New Yorker, which, like most of what’s been written about him, was based on evidence from people such as Magerman.
Magerman is a multi-millionaire — the lower nine-figure range, he said — who, like many employees at Renaissance Technologies, became rich through his relationship with Mercer. Unlike most of them, Magerman is not afraid to be publicly critical of how Mercer has used his money in politics.
“People weren’t aware of what was going on [in 2016]. It looked like some eccentric billionaire was giving money to political causes the way people normally do,” Magerman said. “I knew that he was actually trying to do something different than that.”
Mercer’s fortune and Bannon’s media instincts combined with a shared ideology to produce the anti-liberal, anti-Clinton ecosystem that includes Breitbart, the conservative non-profit Citizens United, the book Clinton Cash and much more. Together, they oversaw the data analysis company Cambridge Analytica, whose impact on the UK’s Brexit referendum and the 2016 U.S. election remain troublesomely murky.
For a long time, even Magerman didn’t know about Mercer’s political interests or his ultra-libertarian, minimalist-government goals.
“When I read all that, I felt not only did I have to do something,” Magerman said, “but I’d been negligent in not doing something earlier.”
Magerman is the first to admit that he has a tendency
toward anxiety, a combative disposition and a sense of moral
righteousness. He’s fond of talking about the time, years ago, when a
colleague he was visiting summoned a helicopter
to his estate to whisk them into Manhattan.
There was no life-or-death reason for the extravagance, not even a business emergency. They were just going to a dinner, he says, and his friend rented the chopper to avoid the bother of traffic. From the helicopter, Magerman saw his fellow citizens travelling along a thin ribbon of perfectly good highway below. It became a seminal moment in his life that he replayed for me in a series of short bursts.
“Either you are in awe of the grandeur of commuting, taking a two-hour drive and turning it into a helicopter ride, or you can just be, like, disgusted by the waste.” As though there were even a sliver of doubt, Magerman added, “I was in the latter category.”
It wasn’t just the waste that gnawed at him — it was the trespass of a moral principle. The helicopter commute was an example of something that, if everyone did it, would obviously be wrong. ”10,000 people can’t be flying helicopters from their backyard,” he said.
Magerman calls that helicopter trip “extra-societal” and “outside the realm of normal behavior,” words that also fit what he believes is wrong with Mercer’s relationship to the president. Magerman thinks Mercer has bought special access to impose “extra-societal” views on the Trump administration.
Magerman, who now spends much of his time at his sprawling estate in the wealthy Philadelphia suburb of Merion Station, is uncommonly thoughtful about the impact on U.S. political life of rich people like himself, and especially the ones he calls “the instant billionaires,” like Mercer.
“The ultra-wealthy of today differ from the ultra-wealthy in past eras in that they have, a lot of them, no stake in the infrastructure of society,” Magerman said. He’s seen that their wealth does not depend on the health and stability of the country. In fact, they get rich on volatility and instability.
Organizations that track who spends money in politics have noted the same thing. Sarah Bryner, research director at the Washington-based Center for Responsive Politics, said “hedge fund wealth is a sort of recent phenomenon, at least in the campaign finance world.”
“It’s not like you’re working for [big banks such as ] Chase or Wells Fargo, in a very well-regulated and huge industry” with obvious policy aims.
High net worth individuals aren’t like that at all, she said. “With Mercer, we don’t really know much about why he’s getting involved.”
Mercer’s company, Renaissance Technologies, employs a select group of people who are seemingly capable of making money from nothing.
Mercer is not a finance guy; he is a computer scientist. But his research developing speech translation programs through pattern recognition can apparently also be used to discover obscure patterns in the financial markets and make an enormous fortune — as he and his team have done.
Renaissance became what some believe is the greatest hedge fund ever by looking down its nose at the methods of people actually trained in finance.
Renaissance is made up of people like Mercer and Magerman — trained in computer science, physics, mathematics and statistics. Instead of poring over prospectuses and profit and loss statements, they apply their sciences to the data that affect markets. It’s called quantitative analysis, and they themselves are known as “quants.”
The truly awesome money machine at Renaissance is a private fund called Medallion, which is only open to Renaissance employees. According to a Bloomberg report, “Medallion has pumped out annualized returns of almost 80 per cent a year, before fees.” Even in a bad year, it churns out more than 20 per cent returns.
“The people I worked with were great scientists. I mean, we could have solved a lot of important and interesting problems if we’d worked on different things. Instead, we made hundreds of millions of dollars,” said Magerman. He then added with a rueful chuckle, “Whatever.”
The Medallion investing formula is secret. “Everything I learned, everything I built, I can’t talk about it, I can’t publish it. I can’t share my knowledge with other people. As a scientist, I’ve really done nothing.”
But in the course of our conversations, Magerman made a provocative observation: The problem that Renaissance Technologies faced trying to predict market behaviour is, he said, essentially the same problem that Cambridge Analytica faces in voter analysis and persuasion.
Data analysts are largely skeptical that Cambridge Analytica could have had a decisive impact on the 2016 U.S. election or the Brexit referendum, but Magerman brushes that off with a reminder that so-called experts were also skeptical that computer algorithms could predict financial markets.
“They said there is no way they can do that with the data available,” he said. And yet, there’s Medallion, with its unheard-of nearly 80 per cent annualized returns. There's Cambridge Analytica, on the winning side of two political upsets.
And there is Mercer, a brilliant scientist at the helm of both companies.
There was no life-or-death reason for the extravagance, not even a business emergency. They were just going to a dinner, he says, and his friend rented the chopper to avoid the bother of traffic. From the helicopter, Magerman saw his fellow citizens travelling along a thin ribbon of perfectly good highway below. It became a seminal moment in his life that he replayed for me in a series of short bursts.
“Either you are in awe of the grandeur of commuting, taking a two-hour drive and turning it into a helicopter ride, or you can just be, like, disgusted by the waste.” As though there were even a sliver of doubt, Magerman added, “I was in the latter category.”
It wasn’t just the waste that gnawed at him — it was the trespass of a moral principle. The helicopter commute was an example of something that, if everyone did it, would obviously be wrong. ”10,000 people can’t be flying helicopters from their backyard,” he said.
Magerman calls that helicopter trip “extra-societal” and “outside the realm of normal behavior,” words that also fit what he believes is wrong with Mercer’s relationship to the president. Magerman thinks Mercer has bought special access to impose “extra-societal” views on the Trump administration.
Magerman, who now spends much of his time at his sprawling estate in the wealthy Philadelphia suburb of Merion Station, is uncommonly thoughtful about the impact on U.S. political life of rich people like himself, and especially the ones he calls “the instant billionaires,” like Mercer.
“The ultra-wealthy of today differ from the ultra-wealthy in past eras in that they have, a lot of them, no stake in the infrastructure of society,” Magerman said. He’s seen that their wealth does not depend on the health and stability of the country. In fact, they get rich on volatility and instability.
Organizations that track who spends money in politics have noted the same thing. Sarah Bryner, research director at the Washington-based Center for Responsive Politics, said “hedge fund wealth is a sort of recent phenomenon, at least in the campaign finance world.”
“It’s not like you’re working for [big banks such as ] Chase or Wells Fargo, in a very well-regulated and huge industry” with obvious policy aims.
High net worth individuals aren’t like that at all, she said. “With Mercer, we don’t really know much about why he’s getting involved.”
Mercer’s company, Renaissance Technologies, employs a select group of people who are seemingly capable of making money from nothing.
Mercer is not a finance guy; he is a computer scientist. But his research developing speech translation programs through pattern recognition can apparently also be used to discover obscure patterns in the financial markets and make an enormous fortune — as he and his team have done.
Renaissance became what some believe is the greatest hedge fund ever by looking down its nose at the methods of people actually trained in finance.
Renaissance is made up of people like Mercer and Magerman — trained in computer science, physics, mathematics and statistics. Instead of poring over prospectuses and profit and loss statements, they apply their sciences to the data that affect markets. It’s called quantitative analysis, and they themselves are known as “quants.”
The truly awesome money machine at Renaissance is a private fund called Medallion, which is only open to Renaissance employees. According to a Bloomberg report, “Medallion has pumped out annualized returns of almost 80 per cent a year, before fees.” Even in a bad year, it churns out more than 20 per cent returns.
“The people I worked with were great scientists. I mean, we could have solved a lot of important and interesting problems if we’d worked on different things. Instead, we made hundreds of millions of dollars,” said Magerman. He then added with a rueful chuckle, “Whatever.”
The Medallion investing formula is secret. “Everything I learned, everything I built, I can’t talk about it, I can’t publish it. I can’t share my knowledge with other people. As a scientist, I’ve really done nothing.”
But in the course of our conversations, Magerman made a provocative observation: The problem that Renaissance Technologies faced trying to predict market behaviour is, he said, essentially the same problem that Cambridge Analytica faces in voter analysis and persuasion.
Data analysts are largely skeptical that Cambridge Analytica could have had a decisive impact on the 2016 U.S. election or the Brexit referendum, but Magerman brushes that off with a reminder that so-called experts were also skeptical that computer algorithms could predict financial markets.
“They said there is no way they can do that with the data available,” he said. And yet, there’s Medallion, with its unheard-of nearly 80 per cent annualized returns. There's Cambridge Analytica, on the winning side of two political upsets.
And there is Mercer, a brilliant scientist at the helm of both companies.
* * *
In January 2017, before Trump’s inauguration, Magerman called Mercer to chat about politics and the new administration. He wanted to persuade Mercer to withdraw support from Trump.They talked about Obamacare and the social safety net and disagreed about Trump’s positions on those issues. Then, Magerman says Mercer made a series of comments on U.S. society:
- The United States began to go in the wrong direction after the passage of the Civil Rights Act in the 1960s;
- African-Americans were doing fine in the late ‘50s and early ‘60s before The Civil Rights Act;
- The Civil Rights Act “infantilized” African Americans by making them dependent on government and removing any incentive to work;
- The only racist people remaining in the U.S. are black; and
- White people have no racial animus toward African-Americans anymore, and if there is any, it’s not something the government should be concerned with.
Magerman felt he couldn’t keep that to himself.
“I really thought I was just going to let people know what I know and that would be the end of it,”
Magerman said of his decision to do an interview with the Wall Street Journal, which amounted to a warning flare about Mercer to anyone paying attention.
The story quoted Magerman saying that Mercer has contempt for the social safety net and that he now wants to use the money Magerman helped him make to “shrink government to the size of a pinhead.”
But the most sensational part was what Magerman relayed that Mercer had said to him on the phone one day. “I hear you’re going around saying I’m a white supremacist. That’s ridiculous.”
Magerman, having cleared his conscience in the Wall Street Journal, expected to go back to work at Renaissance Technologies. Instead, he was suspended.
“If they hadn’t suspended me, I think the story would have kind of died quickly,” he said, but that’s probably not true. After the article appeared, Magerman continued to talk to the media.
He wrote a piece for the Philadelphia Inquirer in which he said that, during the presidential election, Mercer “was effectively buying shares in the candidate” and “now owns a sizable share of the United States presidency” and that “Mercer has surrounded our president with his people, and his people have an outsized influence over the running of our country simply because Robert Mercer paid for their seats.”
After that, Magerman’s suspension was made permanent and he sued his boss for wrongful dismissal.
Famously publicity-shy, Mercer did not welcome any of this attention, but he also began distancing himself from Steve Bannon. In November, he sent an email to staff at Renaissance Technologies to try to reassure them about the lawsuit and the scandal swirling around the company.
“Of many mischaracterizations,” Mercer wrote, “the most repugnant” have been “that I am a white supremacist or member of some other noxious group.” He said he found discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender or creed abhorrent, “but more than that, it is ignorant.”
He said he didn’t intend to impose his political views on anyone else, but that he believed ”individuals are happiest and most fulfilled when they form their own opinions, assume responsibility for their own actions, and spend the fruits of their own labor as they see fit.” That’s why he supports conservatives, he said, because they believe in smaller government.
He said that he did not share all of the views of Steve Bannon and that he’d passed his share in Breitbart along to his daughters. The email read as though politics were just a hobby he’d put behind him because it no longer held his interest.
Mercer's daughter Rebekah was part of the transition team that helped Trump choose his cabinet.
In fact, Mercer was the third-largest Republican donor ($25.5 million) in the 2016 presidential race. In the New Yorker profile, a “high-level Renaissance employee” is quoted as saying, “Bob thinks the less government the better. He’s happy if people don’t trust the government. And if the president’s a bozo? He’s fine with that. He wants it all to fall down.”
I asked Magerman if he was the anonymous employee behind the quote. He said he couldn’t remember saying it, but it certainly sounded like something he would say.
Of course it does. One of Magerman’s cautions about “instant billionaires” is that they really don’t understand what the government is for. They didn’t get rich by providing the goods, services and infrastructure that bring people into direct contact with their community and its interests — they got rich in financial markets, making money for the sake of it.
Often cited among the accomplishments of the Trump administration’s first year are the number of regulations that have been eliminated in the name of freeing businesses to create jobs. But the real shrinking of the role of government has been in Trump’s choice of cabinet members, whose aim seems to be to assail the policy goals of their departments.
Thus, the secretary of energy is someone who once campaigned to get rid of the Energy Department; the Secretary of Education has advocated against the public schools system; the Environmental Protection Agency director has a record of repeatedly suing the EPA; and the Attorney General has a reputation for opposing the expansion of civil rights.
Other departments are reportedly withering from neglect, as key positions are filled by unqualified people or not filled at all. The tax cut bill passed in December is forecast to add about a trillion dollars to the federal deficit, forcing further restraint on future governments.
It’s hard to imagine that Mercer would be unhappy about any of that given his thoughts about the size of government and the observation that he “wants it all to fall down” — and especially since his daughter Rebekah was part of the transition team that helped Trump choose his cabinet.
It’s the government Magerman feared Robert Mercer was
angling for, the one Magerman paid a big price for trying to warn us
Magerman’s own future is uncertain, though not insecure. He’s got enough money to live luxuriously and not work another day in his life. Plus, he’s been experimenting in the food and beverage industry with a couple of glatt kosher eating spots, and he’s long been an active and generous philanthropist in the Jewish community.
But he misses the passion he had for the problem-solving work he did at Renaissance Technologies. It seems inevitable that speaking out against his boss will cost him significant income, but he’s proud that acting against his self-interest inevitably bolstered his credibility.
Was it all worth it?
“It’s like, was having surgery worth it?" Magerman says. “I mean, it was necessary. There was a disease that I thought, like, maybe I had a scintilla of a cure for.”

Yea Right I have seen that written about me many times. With regard to Randy Mastro need I say I crossed paths with the lawyers within Gibson Dunn many times?
Below is just one example
Magerman’s own future is uncertain, though not insecure. He’s got enough money to live luxuriously and not work another day in his life. Plus, he’s been experimenting in the food and beverage industry with a couple of glatt kosher eating spots, and he’s long been an active and generous philanthropist in the Jewish community.
But he misses the passion he had for the problem-solving work he did at Renaissance Technologies. It seems inevitable that speaking out against his boss will cost him significant income, but he’s proud that acting against his self-interest inevitably bolstered his credibility.
Was it all worth it?
“It’s like, was having surgery worth it?" Magerman says. “I mean, it was necessary. There was a disease that I thought, like, maybe I had a scintilla of a cure for.”
Magerman: How 'instant billionaires' threaten America
March 22, 2017
by Joseph N. DiStefano, Staff
Writer @PhillyJoeD
David Magerman, the Penn Valley
computer scientist, was suspended from hedge fund
Renaissance Technologies after challenging co-CEO Robert
Mercer's patronage of Breitbart News, Donald Trump, and Breitbart
boss-turned-Trump adviser Steve Bannon, and their impact on American democracy.
His status at the firm remains unresolved.
I asked Magerman about what he calls
the "Instant Billionaire" phenomenon — the role people with big
fortunes like his Renaissance bosses play in shaping America, and what he's
learned on a smaller scale, giving away $10 million a year for his Koheleth
school, Jewish private-school scholarships, and other causes:
You sound like the experience of building
and funding your vision of education, and the pushback you got, humbled you ...
What I saw was that people love
their institution. Schools are like family. They don't want to see anything
happen to them, regardless of what the intent appears to be. They are not very
forgiving or thoughtful about it. They see something threatening their
institutions and they want to stop it. ...
Given that I was willing to give
away a lot of money, in the realm where there were things they needed done, I
thought I could overwhelm them with generosity to get them to offer the
solutions they would have wanted.
In the case of Perelman, it made me
want to make the school more Orthodox. Which was not what the school was. ...
Who am I to come in and say I have the right to own their mission and push
them in my direction?... I realized hands-off is better. I can give them
scholarship money and do arm's-length things. ...
I can't get other schools to do what
I want. I can open my own school, from the grass-roots up. We've been full
up since we opened. ... I do compete with other schools. But that's
constructive. That's the way the country works.
Your experience mirrors what you see
in the larger American society?
We have this phenonmenon I call the
"Instant Billionaire." In five or 10 years, a person can go from
being a person of above average means, to close to a billionaire.
In the past the ultra-wealthy had
similar characteristics. There were families that made investments in
manufacturing, in transportation, in the infrastructure of this country. ...
They were partners with the government. They had a strong investment in
the status quo.
But today the instant billionaires
[who have made money in intangible businesses — finance, software, liquid
investments] have almost no personal investment, no ailgnment, with the status
quo. They're more like lottery winners. Even if they've actually worked
quite hard to earn it, they don't have the same relationship (to American
And they haven't developed a
lifestyle to need the money. ... That can be a good thing, or not. ...
Imagine Bill Gates [Microsoft's
founder, now a philanthropist] running the government. He's done very healthy
things with his money. Solving health problems in Africa. Addressing water
pollution. I think that's an unusual success story.
But what if I don't like democracy
— I'll go out and buy authoritarianism? That's not a good thing. Can you
imagine Steve Jobs [Apple's intense, opinionated late founder] running the
A lot of this kind of wealth can go
to very idiosyncratic projects. And not necessarily be good.
When you are that wealthy, you can
make a platform to drown out everyone else's voice.
There is I think a similarly large
issue: the way people are hoarding wealth is starving out the rest of us.
You're saying rich people don't
spend on individual needs like poor people do, but on personal projects?
And so the excess wealth becomes
depriving other people.
You see a difference between
tangible and intangible enterprise — factories good, finance not so good?
Yes. When you build up Nike you're
building a huge company [with many employees and contractors in many
But when you have a trading company
or a hedge fund, you have a few dozen key employees at most. Your have desks,
computers, tech infrastructure. You put money in. You get it back as profits.
You don't have a lot of employees.
You don't share the profits. There's no one involved other than a few other
rich white people. You are pulling money out of the economy.
If financial billionaires are a
threat to democracy and the real economy, what should the U.S. do about
A lot of people blanch at a 90
percent tax rate. But I think, if you make millions of dollars a year, do you
think being taxed at 90 percent above that level will affect how you do your
It would cause you to invest more of
your earnings back in. You might take you that money and pay your people more.
You might enhance your facilities.
As things stand, there's no
disincentive for people in my industry to take every dime as
profit. People want maximum leverage. They want to take everything out so
they can get whatever luxuries they buy. Or other investments ...
I know, economic life is not a
zero-sum game. But I see the damage done when an industry that's supposed to be
just a service industry, finance, becomes 34 percent of the economy, putting a
lot of wealth into a few people's hands.
If you don't go back to Renaissance
— what's next?
Our tavern opens in a few weeks.
I stopped working when I moved [to
the Philadelphia area in 2010]. But I found I need to be mentally active. I
don't think the restaurant business will keep me mentally active.
Start your own fund?
It's not that I can, or would, start
my own fund. I'm a programmer.
I taught at Penn 2 years. That
didn't go well. The kids didn't like me, I didn't like them.
Do you want to put your own voice
out there?
I tried blogging once. It was a
disaster. Weeks after I wrote, I went back and read it, and I didn't like what
I wrote.
It represented a moment. It's a gift
to be able to realize what is representative and what's just
fleeting. Everyone has fleeting thoughts, in a stream where maybe one of
every 1,000 strands is worth looking at. We are drowning ourselves with
information but not selecting the most useful information.
My father-in-law worked for the New
York Times. He was the Long Island section editor for 30 years. The Internet
has forced them to speed everything up, almost like an AP news wire. They want
to get news out as fast as they can. They do apologize for mistakes.
Isn't that a question of resources?
They need more editors, better tech ...
Yes. But would the people care?
I've become that old person who
rants. ...
Maybe we are entering a circle of
light. The kids get where this is heading. We don't.
I want to get it. I might work til
I'm 90.
What do you do with appeals from
start-ups that want to pick your brain or spend your money?
I tried doing angel investing. Which I was a disaster at.
I'm too generous in my valuations. People can snow me easily.
So I found a few good fund managers
in private equity and venture capital — fantastic, really. They are
creating businesses, which is wonderful. Some go public. None of it is in
physical companies so far, unfortunately.
And also, I don't go anyplace where
[a company such as] Facebook is. I don't know how proud I'd be of creating
that [commercializing personal information].
Was your investing-software career
successful, the way you see success?
I felt I created something in my
professional life. It isn't anything by itself. It's a virtual machine, that
does things. It doesn't have a lot of customers. You can't look each year and
see the things it's sold.
My father was a taxi driver. He had
some interesting areas he went into. The rides were better when I went
with him as a kid five, six years old.
He told me stories about tourists
from South America. The guy would promise to pay him $100 for a whole day. But
then he'd give him just 100 pesos. Still, my Dad was doing something ...
What do you tell your own kids,
about careers?
There are such brilliant people who
work in the financial industry.
People ask me, What should I study?
I say, it's hard to know, just on that basis: What I studied [mathematics]
wasn't profitable 20 years ago and may not be in 20 years.
You have to find something you are
passionate about. Become excellent at it. Someone will pay you a lot of money.
But you have to be passionate.
If you try to shoehorn yourself into
a field and fake the passion, you'll never get anywhere. Someone who is more
passionate than you will get there first.
I was offering software to
grammatically analyze text. I did it in grad school. It was the most useless
field, it was never going to amount to anything. But I did it really well.
And I got published. I ended up
around people who were smarter than me. They saw me working. They realized if
you can be really good at something you can be good at something that requires
similar skills.
And it worked, for me. But it's so
hard to get people to do something other than for money.
I've convinced my kids they are not
going to [be handed] my quality of life. They're getting what they can afford.
I won't let them live on the street. But they will have to make money. They
won't get a lot from me. I'm giving it away. I want to make sure they're
The thing that drove me was, being
in a lower-middle-class environment, I wanted better. I was driven. I was
frugal. I was hyper-focused on education and reaching higher.
I was really bummed I got into Penn.
I wanted Harvard.
I was rejected four times by MIT.
Then MIT offered me a Ph,D. I, with glee, turned them down. (Magerman got his
doctorate at Stanford).
It showed how much of a chip I had
on my shoulder!
How much are you giving?
I'm on a level of around $10
million a year now. Give or take. This year will be more, I'm building the
school. But that's a level I tend to find myself around. The things I commit
to, and find for myself to do.
I get the most constructive growth
when I've done something wrong. It's not usually presented to me in the nicest
way. But I get a lot of value from it.
Who taught you the most?
The Perelman School board. I give
them a lot of credit. For teaching me.
Steve Cozen, the lawyer, he's taught
me a lot.
Philly isn't New York.
This city hates change. No one likes
change. But this city seems much more averse to change than others.
We try to get people to move here
for our schools. Finding jobs in certain technologies, executive titles,,
senior engineers, doctors, it's hard to find technology jobs here.
The universities here train talent.
But then they ship it out, and collaborate outside the area.
Stephen A. Cozen Chairman
H. Robert Fiebach Senior
Bay Adelaide Centre – East Tower
22 Adelaide Street West, Suite 2730
Toronto, Ontario M5H 4E3
Phone +1 (416) 361-3200
22 Adelaide Street West, Suite 2730
Toronto, Ontario M5H 4E3
Phone +1 (416) 361-3200
Mercer Sued by Hedge Fund Worker Fired After Blasting Trump
Erik Larson May 8, 2017, 9:49 AM GMT-4
Hedge fund mogul Robert
Mercer, one of the biggest financial backers of Donald Trump’s
presidential campaign, was sued by a former employee who claims he was fired
for calling Mercer racist and publicly criticizing his support of Trump.
The complaint by David Magerman, a
research scientist who worked at Renaissance Technologies LLC for two decades,
alleges he was wrongfully fired April 29 after his relationship with Mercer and
his family became toxic. For example, Magerman alleges that Mercer’s daughter,
Rebekah Mercer, a member of Trump’s transition team, called him “pond scum” at
a celebrity poker tournament.
The confrontation "just shows
the hostility that the Mercers had toward Mr. Magerman because he dared to
challenge their political views," his lawyer, H. Robert Fiebach, said
in a phone call on Monday.
Mercer, a major investor in
Trump-friendly Breitbart News, advised the president to hire two of the Mercer
family’s longtime political advisers, Stephen Bannon and Kellyanne Conway.
Mercer’s politics have "tainted" the hedge fund, while internal
policies that prohibit "politely" speaking out against the company in
public are "unfair and untenable," Magerman said in the complaint,
filed May 5 in federal court in Philadelphia.
A spokesman for Renaissance had no
immediate comment. Mercer emerged as one of the most influential Republican
donors in the 2016 election, giving at least $2 million to Make America Number
1, a political action committee that began backing Trump in July. Rebekah
Mercer was named to Trump’s transition team in November.
The dispute started on Jan. 16 when
Magerman called Mercer and asked to have a conversation about his support of
Trump, according to the complaint. During the chat, Mercer said the
U.S. had started going in the wrong direction “after the passage of the
Civil Rights Act in the 1960s,” according to the complaint. Mercer also said
that black Americans “were doing fine” in the late 1950s and are the “only
racist people remaining in the U.S.,” according to the complaint.
“Magerman was stunned by these
comments and pushed back,” according to the complaint. Reminded of the racial
segregation that existed at the time, Mercer allegedly responded by saying
those issues weren’t important.
After the phone call, Magerman
complained about Mercer’s comments to Co-Chief Executive Officer Peter Brown,
who "expressed disbelief" and urged the two men to speak again,
according to the complaint. Magerman agreed and called Mercer back on Feb. 5.
"I hear you’re going around
saying I’m a white supremacist," Mercer said, according to the complaint.
During the call, Mercer "scoffed" at the idea that segregation was
degrading and destructive, Magerman said.
Magerman later criticized Mercer’s
support for Trump in a story published in the Wall Street Journal on Feb. 23.
Magerman said he had sent an email advising the hedge fund’s general
counsel, Carla Porter, and its chief financial officer, Mark Silber, about what
he intended to tell the newspaper and was told by Silber that it was
permissible under company policy. He was suspended a day later, he said.
On April 20, Magerman attended a
celebrity poker tournament in New York City, where many Renaissance staffers
were present, according to the suit. Magerman told the Wall Street Journal that
he attended the event to repair his frayed relationship with the firm,
according to an April 28 article.
Rebekah Mercer allegedly confronted
Magerman, calling him "pond scum" and saying karma "is a
bitch," according to the complaint.
Magerman was fired April 29,
according to the suit. Magerman seeks "substantial damages," his
lawyer said.
Renaissance’s employee handbook bars
workers from disparaging the hedge fund or any of its workers, though such
policies are "illegal and unenforceable," according to the complaint.
Magerman said he designed
mathematical and statistical algorithms to direct Renaissance’s investment
decisions on international financial markets, resulting in billions of dollars
in revenue for the hedge fund.
Based in East Setauket, New York,
Renaissance was started in 1982 by Jim Simons, a former military code cracker.
He stepped away from the business at the end of 2009. Mercer and Brown took
over the following year.
Private sector employees are
generally not protected from political discrimination, said Robert Young,
an employment lawyer with Bowditch & Dewey LLP in Boston. But Magerman may
have a claim if he can prove he was retaliated against for complaining about
race bias by Mercer.
"That may be the more viable of
the two claims because there does seem to be a connection between objecting to
those comments and termination,” Young, who isn’t involved in the case, said in
a phone call.
— With assistance by Katia
Ex-Employee Who Criticized Mercer’s Trump Support
Drops Lawsuit
By Erik Larson July
6, 2017, 10:31 AM GMT-4
- David Magerman voluntarily dropped case without saying why
- Scientist claimed executive’s politics tainted hedge fund
Robert Mercer Photographer: Oliver
Contreras/For The Washington Post via Getty Images
A Wall Street research scientist
dropped a lawsuit accusing hedge fund mogul Robert Mercer -- one of the biggest
financial backers of Donald
Trump’s presidential campaign -- of wrongfully firing him for
calling Mercer racist and publicly criticizing his support of Trump.
David Magerman, who worked at
Mercer’s Renaissance Technologies LLC for two decades, ended the suit without
giving a reason or collecting a cent in a notice filed in federal court in
Philadelphia on July 5, two days before Mercer was required to formally
respond to the claims.
Mercer’s attorney Randy Mastro
slammed the lawsuit on Thursday and said there was no settlement involved.
"This was a meritless,
frivolous, vexatious and sanctionable lawsuit that never should have been
brought in the first place, so it was inevitable that it would be withdrawn or
dismissed," Mastro said in an email.
Magerman claimed in the May lawsuit
that he was wrongfully fired after his relationship with Mercer and his
powerful family soured. For example, Magerman alleged that Mercer’s daughter,
Rebekah Mercer, a member of Trump’s transition team, called Magerman “pond
scum” at a celebrity poker tournament after the dispute had boiled into the
Magerman, who was fired April 29,
lives in the Philadelphia area, where he opened a kosher restaurant called
Dairy Cafe. A message left for him at the establishment wasn’t returned.
His attorney, Robert Fiebach,
rejected Mastro’s claim that the litigation was deficient.
"I do not agree with that
characterization, but we made a decision for reasons that I am not free to
discus to discontinue the case without prejudice," Fiebach said Thursday
in an email.
Mercer, a major investor in
Trump-friendly Breitbart News, advised the president to hire two of the Mercer
family’s longtime political advisers, Stephen Bannon and Kellyanne Conway.
Magerman claimed Mercer’s politics
"tainted" the hedge fund, while internal policies that prohibit
"politely" speaking out against the company in public are
"unfair and untenable."
Magerman said he designed
mathematical and statistical algorithms to direct Renaissance’s investment
decisions on international financial markets, resulting in billions of dollars
in revenue for the hedge fund.
Renaissance had no comment on the
lawsuit when it was filed in May.
M. Mastro
T:+1 212.351.3825
200 Park Avenue,
New York, NY
"Mercer’s attorney Randy Mastro
slammed the lawsuit on Thursday and said there was no settlement involved.
"This was a meritless,
frivolous, vexatious and sanctionable lawsuit that never should have been
brought in the first place, so it was inevitable that it would be withdrawn or
dismissed," Mastro said in an email."
Yea Right I have seen that written about me many times. With regard to Randy Mastro need I say I crossed paths with the lawyers within Gibson Dunn many times?
Below is just one example
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2012 17:45:08 -0300
Subject: Fwd: Re the Movies "Recount" and "Game Change" perhaps you should have
asked the lawyers Ron Klain, David Boise or Ted Olson who I am
To:,,,,, "ed.pilkington" <>,
news <>
From: David Amos <>
Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2012 17:45:08 -0300
Subject: Fwd: Re the Movies "Recount" and "Game Change" perhaps you should have
asked the lawyers Ron Klain, David Boise or Ted Olson who I am
To:,,,,, "ed.pilkington" <>,
news <>
David Amos <> ,
counsel <>, paul <>,
"bob.paulson" <>,
"bob.rae" < >,
pm <>,
MulcaT <>
Need I explain why I am watching these lawyers as well? Jacob_Lew William_M._Daley
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2012 14:28:01 -0300
Subject: Re the Movies "Recount" and "Game Change" perhaps you should
have asked the lawyers Ron Klain, David Boise or Ted Olson who I am
To:,, counsel
<>, paul <>
Cc: David Amos <> davidraymondamos/activity/ 73610
From: David Amos
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 10:29:20 -0400
Subject: Re: ”Occupy” Wall St and the former spokesperson Bill Csapo
It appears that your email and phone number no longer function WHY???
To:, RT-US , ”Frank. McKenna” ,, ”” , birgittajoy ,
birgitta ,,, ,
wmreditor@waynemadsenreport. com,, robin reid , ”j.kroes” , ”Barry.Shaw” ,
”Mackay.P” , bairdj ,,
Cc: occupyfredericton , OccupyBostonMedia , OccupyS ,
From: David Amos
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2011 12:32:30 -0400
Subject: Andre meet Bill Csapo of Occupy Wall St He is a decent fellow
who can be reached at (516) 708-4777 Perhaps you two should talk ASAP
To: wcsapo
Cc: occupyfredericton
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 14:19:35 +0000
Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure:
Account disabled
On 1/12/12, David Amos wrote:
> Franky Boy McKenna oversees this park in the Big Apple and the
> Attorney General of New Brunswick admitted long ago i had issues with
> McKenna and his bankster associates.
> feature=player_embedded&v= Bod5_Yvhd4k
> DavidRaymondAmos/
> From: David Amos
> Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2011 23:22:00 -0300
> Subject: i just called from 902 800 0369 (Nova Scotia)
> To:
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot. com/2009/03/david-amos-to- wendy-olsen-on.html
> I am the guy the SEC would not name that is the link to Madoff and
> Putnam Investments
> public/index.cfm?FuseAction= Hearings.Hearing&Hearing_ID= 90f8e691-9065-4f8c-a465- 72722b47e7f2
> Notice the transcript and webcast of the hearing of the US Senate
> banking Commitee is missing? please notice Eliot Spitzer and the Dates
> around November 20th, 2003 in te following file
> http://www.checktheevidence. com/pdf/2526023- DAMOSIntegrity-yea-right.-txt. pdf
> From: ”Julian Assange)”
> Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2010 18:15:46 +0000 (GMT)
> Subject: Al Jazeera on Iceland’s plan for a press safe haven
> To:
> FYI: Al-Jazeera’s take on Iceland’s proposed media safe haven
> v=ZbGiPjIE1pE
> More info
> Julian Assange
> Editor
> WikiLeaks
> From: Birgitta Jonsdottir
> Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 07:14:02 +0000
> Subject: Re: Bon Soir Birgitta according to my records this is the
> first email I ever sent you
> To: David Amos
> dear Dave
> i have got your email and will read through the links as soon as i
> find some time
> keep up the good fight in the meantime
> thank you for bearing with me
> i am literary drowning in requests to look into all sorts of matters
> and at the same time working 150% work at the parliament and
> the creation of a political movement and being a responsible parent:)
> plus all the matters in relation to immi
> with oceans of joy
> birgitta
> Better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.
> Andre Gide
> Birgitta Jonsdottir
> Birkimelur 8, 107 Reykjavik, Iceland, tel: 354 692 8884
> – -
> birgitta.jonsdottir
>>> >> On Dec 8, 2010, at 1:35 AM, David Amos wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>> I truly enjoyed talking to you. More to the point I am happy you
>>> >>> took
>>> >>> the time to listen to mean old me. I was impressed with your openess
>>> >>> and honesty. In return I took a bit of time to study you more
>>> >>> closely
>>> >>> on the Internet and I am now even more impressed to view the artist
>>> >>> in
>>> >>> you. To hell with the politics and the money for a minute. At the
>>> >>> risk of sounding odd your sincere soul that I sensed in your voice
>>> >>> came shining through the various webpages. An honest person
>>> >>> practicing
>>> >>> the wicked art of politicking is a rare thing indeed. I must confess
>>> >>> that I grinned at the possibility of crossing paths with another
>>> >>> kindred soul when I saw you employ the expression Me Myself and I
>>> >>> because I often use that expresssion
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I also sent you another email to your politcal email address on June
>>> >>> 24th, 2010 right after you spoke on CBC. (I can resend it if you
>>> >>> wish)
>>> >>> When you folks ignored that and my calls and only sent me nasty
>>> >>> responses I gave up on Iceland and IMMI because I had made everyone
>>> >>> well aware I had no respect for Assange and corrupt parliamentarians
>>> >>> whatsoever. Assange became the big celebrity after releasing the
>>> >>> video
>>> >>> from Iraq but I felt sorry for the kid who went to jail that had
>>> >>> given
>>> >>> him the stuff. Obviously I sent you folks the email below long
>>> >>> before
>>> >>> Assange made the scene in Iceland. Rest assured that I sent him
>>> >>> evidence of my concerns about Iceland or he would not had sent me
>>> >>> his
>>> >>> bragging emails the following March.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Now that Assange is in jail with no hope of bail like I was a couple
>>> >>> of times after CBC has been yapping about him for weeks I was
>>> >>> feeling
>>> >>> a little vindictive so I opted to tease some of his friends and fans
>>> >>> (such as McCarthy and CBC) by reminding them that I was still alive,
>>> >>> not in jail and kicking like hell. (A host of cops in seven cars
>>> >>> pounced on my son (who was visiting me) and I at 2;30 in the morning
>>> >>> right after the results of the recent election was annnounced
>>> >>> Although
>>> >>> I managed to run them off this time need I say it really pissed me
>>> >>> off
>>> >>> and saddend me to put him on a bus back to Boston)
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I did not send you that email with the pdf files attached from my
>>> >>> new
>>> >>> Yahoo address but you will get it in a bit. Heres hoping you will
>>> >>> enjoy it.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Best Regards
>>> >>> Dave
>>> >>>
>>> >>> ———- Forwarded message ———-
>>> >>> From: David Amos
>>> >>> Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 22:33:10 -0300
>>> >>> Subject: RE: Iceland and Bankers Whereas the politicians ignore me
>>> >>> maybe some fellow bloggers will listen to me eh?
>>> >>> To:,,,
>>> >>>,,,
>>> >>>,,,
>>> >>>,,,
>>> >>>,
>>> >>> Cc:,,
>>> >>>,
>>> >>>,,,
>>> >>>,,
>>> >>>
>>> >>> ———- Forwarded message ———-
>>> >>> From: David Amos
>>> >>> Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 21:23:15 -0300
>>> >>> Subject: Fwd: You mentioned Iceland and Bankers just now and I
>>> >>> smiled
>>> >>> To:
>>> >>> Cc: ”Jacques.Poitras” , Dan Fitzgerald
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> ———- Forwarded message ———-
>>> >>> From: David Amos
>>> >>> Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 20:52:42 -0300
>>> >>> Subject: You mentioned Iceland and Bankers just now and I smiled
>>> >>> To: wmreditor@waynemadsenreport. com,
>>> >>>
>>> >>>> ———- Forwarded message ———-
>>> >>>> From: David Amos
>>> >>>> Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 12:24:42 -0300
>>> >>>> Subject: Fwd: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious
>>> >>>> question. Why have you people ignored me for three years?
>>> >>>> To:,,,
>>> >>>>,,
>>> >>>>,
>>> >>>>,,,
>>> >>>>,,,
>>> >>>>,,
>>> >>>>,
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Cc: webo ,,
>>> >>>>,,
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> I wonder if any lawyer will bother to read this email, understand
>>> >>>> it
>>> >>>> and call me back
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> ———- Forwarded message ———-
>>> >>>> From:
>>> >>>> Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 15:06:39 +0000
>>> >>>> Subject: Re: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious
>>> >>>> question. Why have you people ignored me for three years?
>>> >>>> To: David Amos
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Dear David Amos
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Unfortunately there has been a considerable delay in responding to
>>> >>>> incoming letters due to heavy workload and many inquiries to our
>>> office.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> We appreciate the issue raised in your letter. We have set up a web
>>> site
>>> >>>> where we have gathered various practical
>>> >>>> information
>>> >>>> regarding the economic crisis in Iceland.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Greetings from the Ministry of Finance.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Tilvísun í mál: FJR08100024
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Frá: David Amos
>>> >>>> Dags: 29.01.2009 19:17:43
>>> >>>> Til: johanna.sigurdardottir@fel.,,
>>> >>>>,,,
>>> >>>>,,
>>> >>>>,,
>>> >>>>,,,
>>> >>>>,,
>>> >>>>,, ””
>>> >>>> , ”” , Dan
>>> >>>> Fitzgerald , jonina.s.larusdottir@ivr.stjr. is
>>> >>>> Afrit:,,,
>>> >>>>,,
>>> >>>> Efni: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious question.
>>> >>>> Why
>>> >>>> have you people ignored me for three years?
>>> >>>> ———————————————————
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> FYI Some folks in Canada are watching your actions or lack thereof
>>> >>>> more closely than others. As you well know I am one.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> world/canada/ TJHJ5HP501LN7C4MV#lastPost
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> 4304560/Speaker-Iceland-etc
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> 2006/05/harper-and-bankers. html
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> You folks should not deny certain responses that I have received
>>> >>>> over
>>> >>>> the course of the last few months from your country CORRECT?
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> From: David Amos
>>> >>>> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 13:57:55 -0300
>>> >>>> Subject: Re: Regarding your enquiry to the Prime Ministry of
>>> >>>> Iceland
>>> >>>> To:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Thanx
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> On 10/8/08, wrote:
>>> >>>> David Raymond Amos
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Your enquiry has been received by the Prime Ministry of Iceland and
>>> >>>> waits
>>> >>>> attendance.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Thank you.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> From: Fjármálaeftirlitið – Fyrirspurn
>>> >>>> Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 12:23:41 -0000
>>> >>>> Subject: Staðfesting á móttöku
>>> >>>> To: David Amos
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Fjármálaeftirlitið hefur móttekið erindi yðar. Erindinu verður
>>> >>>> svarað
>>> >>>> við fyrsta tækifæri. Vakin er athygli á heimasíðu
>>> >>>> Fjármálaeftirlitsins, Þar má finna ýmsar
>>> >>>> upplýsingar ásamt svörum við algengum spurningum:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> The Financial Supervisory Authority (FME) of Iceland confirms the
>>> >>>> receipt of your e-mail. Your e-mail will be answered as soon as
>>> >>>> possible. We would like to point out our website,
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> There you can find information and answeres to frequently asked
>>> >>>> questions:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Kveðja / Best Regards
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Fjármálaeftirlitið / Financial Supervisory Authority, Iceland
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Sími / Tel.: (+354) 525 2700
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> From: David Amos
>>> >>>> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 10:53:47 -0300
>>> >>>> Subject: I just called to remind the Speaker, the Bankers and the
>>> >>>> Icelanders that I still exist EH Mrs Mrechant, Bob Rae and Iggy?
>>> >>>> To:,,,
>>> >>>>,,
>>> >>>>,,
>>> >>>>,
>>> >>>> Cc:,,
>>> >>>>,
>>> >>>>,,
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> All of you should review the documents and CD that came with this
>>> >>>> letter ASAP EH?
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> 2718120/Integrity-Yea-Right
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> 4304560/Speaker-Iceland-etc
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> 5352095/Tony-Merchant-and- Yankees
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Perhaps Geir Haarde and Steingrimur Sigfusson should call me at 506
>>> 756
>>> >>>> 8687
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Veritas Vincit
>>> >>>> David Raymond Amos
counsel <>, paul <>,
"bob.paulson" <>,
"bob.rae" <
MulcaT <>
Need I explain why I am watching these lawyers as well?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2012 14:28:01 -0300
Subject: Re the Movies "Recount" and "Game Change" perhaps you should
have asked the lawyers Ron Klain, David Boise or Ted Olson who I am
To:,, counsel
<>, paul <>
Cc: David Amos <>
From: David Amos
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 10:29:20 -0400
Subject: Re: ”Occupy” Wall St and the former spokesperson Bill Csapo
It appears that your email and phone number no longer function WHY???
To:, RT-US , ”Frank. McKenna” ,, ”” , birgittajoy ,
birgitta ,,,, robin reid , ”j.kroes” , ”Barry.Shaw” ,
”Mackay.P” , bairdj ,,
Cc: occupyfredericton , OccupyBostonMedia , OccupyS ,
From: David Amos
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2011 12:32:30 -0400
Subject: Andre meet Bill Csapo of Occupy Wall St He is a decent fellow
who can be reached at (516) 708-4777 Perhaps you two should talk ASAP
To: wcsapo
Cc: occupyfredericton
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 14:19:35 +0000
Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure:
Account disabled
On 1/12/12, David Amos wrote:
> Franky Boy McKenna oversees this park in the Big Apple and the
> Attorney General of New Brunswick admitted long ago i had issues with
> McKenna and his bankster associates.
> From: David Amos
> Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2011 23:22:00 -0300
> Subject: i just called from 902 800 0369 (Nova Scotia)
> To:
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.
> I am the guy the SEC would not name that is the link to Madoff and
> Putnam Investments
> Notice the transcript and webcast of the hearing of the US Senate
> banking Commitee is missing? please notice Eliot Spitzer and the Dates
> around November 20th, 2003 in te following file
> http://www.checktheevidence.
> From: ”Julian Assange)”
> Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2010 18:15:46 +0000 (GMT)
> Subject: Al Jazeera on Iceland’s plan for a press safe haven
> To:
> FYI: Al-Jazeera’s take on Iceland’s proposed media safe haven
> More info
> Julian Assange
> Editor
> WikiLeaks
> From: Birgitta Jonsdottir
> Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 07:14:02 +0000
> Subject: Re: Bon Soir Birgitta according to my records this is the
> first email I ever sent you
> To: David Amos
> dear Dave
> i have got your email and will read through the links as soon as i
> find some time
> keep up the good fight in the meantime
> thank you for bearing with me
> i am literary drowning in requests to look into all sorts of matters
> and at the same time working 150% work at the parliament and
> the creation of a political movement and being a responsible parent:)
> plus all the matters in relation to immi
> with oceans of joy
> birgitta
> Better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.
> Andre Gide
> Birgitta Jonsdottir
> Birkimelur 8, 107 Reykjavik, Iceland, tel: 354 692 8884
> – -
>>> >> On Dec 8, 2010, at 1:35 AM, David Amos wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>> I truly enjoyed talking to you. More to the point I am happy you
>>> >>> took
>>> >>> the time to listen to mean old me. I was impressed with your openess
>>> >>> and honesty. In return I took a bit of time to study you more
>>> >>> closely
>>> >>> on the Internet and I am now even more impressed to view the artist
>>> >>> in
>>> >>> you. To hell with the politics and the money for a minute. At the
>>> >>> risk of sounding odd your sincere soul that I sensed in your voice
>>> >>> came shining through the various webpages. An honest person
>>> >>> practicing
>>> >>> the wicked art of politicking is a rare thing indeed. I must confess
>>> >>> that I grinned at the possibility of crossing paths with another
>>> >>> kindred soul when I saw you employ the expression Me Myself and I
>>> >>> because I often use that expresssion
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I also sent you another email to your politcal email address on June
>>> >>> 24th, 2010 right after you spoke on CBC. (I can resend it if you
>>> >>> wish)
>>> >>> When you folks ignored that and my calls and only sent me nasty
>>> >>> responses I gave up on Iceland and IMMI because I had made everyone
>>> >>> well aware I had no respect for Assange and corrupt parliamentarians
>>> >>> whatsoever. Assange became the big celebrity after releasing the
>>> >>> video
>>> >>> from Iraq but I felt sorry for the kid who went to jail that had
>>> >>> given
>>> >>> him the stuff. Obviously I sent you folks the email below long
>>> >>> before
>>> >>> Assange made the scene in Iceland. Rest assured that I sent him
>>> >>> evidence of my concerns about Iceland or he would not had sent me
>>> >>> his
>>> >>> bragging emails the following March.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Now that Assange is in jail with no hope of bail like I was a couple
>>> >>> of times after CBC has been yapping about him for weeks I was
>>> >>> feeling
>>> >>> a little vindictive so I opted to tease some of his friends and fans
>>> >>> (such as McCarthy and CBC) by reminding them that I was still alive,
>>> >>> not in jail and kicking like hell. (A host of cops in seven cars
>>> >>> pounced on my son (who was visiting me) and I at 2;30 in the morning
>>> >>> right after the results of the recent election was annnounced
>>> >>> Although
>>> >>> I managed to run them off this time need I say it really pissed me
>>> >>> off
>>> >>> and saddend me to put him on a bus back to Boston)
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I did not send you that email with the pdf files attached from my
>>> >>> new
>>> >>> Yahoo address but you will get it in a bit. Heres hoping you will
>>> >>> enjoy it.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Best Regards
>>> >>> Dave
>>> >>>
>>> >>> ———- Forwarded message ———-
>>> >>> From: David Amos
>>> >>> Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 22:33:10 -0300
>>> >>> Subject: RE: Iceland and Bankers Whereas the politicians ignore me
>>> >>> maybe some fellow bloggers will listen to me eh?
>>> >>> To:,,,
>>> >>>,,,
>>> >>>,,,
>>> >>>,,,
>>> >>>,
>>> >>> Cc:,,
>>> >>>,
>>> >>>,,,
>>> >>>,,
>>> >>>
>>> >>> ———- Forwarded message ———-
>>> >>> From: David Amos
>>> >>> Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 21:23:15 -0300
>>> >>> Subject: Fwd: You mentioned Iceland and Bankers just now and I
>>> >>> smiled
>>> >>> To:
>>> >>> Cc: ”Jacques.Poitras” , Dan Fitzgerald
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> ———- Forwarded message ———-
>>> >>> From: David Amos
>>> >>> Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 20:52:42 -0300
>>> >>> Subject: You mentioned Iceland and Bankers just now and I smiled
>>> >>> To: wmreditor@waynemadsenreport.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>> ———- Forwarded message ———-
>>> >>>> From: David Amos
>>> >>>> Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 12:24:42 -0300
>>> >>>> Subject: Fwd: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious
>>> >>>> question. Why have you people ignored me for three years?
>>> >>>> To:,,,
>>> >>>>,,
>>> >>>>,
>>> >>>>,,,
>>> >>>>,,,
>>> >>>>,,
>>> >>>>,
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Cc: webo ,,
>>> >>>>,,
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> I wonder if any lawyer will bother to read this email, understand
>>> >>>> it
>>> >>>> and call me back
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> ———- Forwarded message ———-
>>> >>>> From:
>>> >>>> Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 15:06:39 +0000
>>> >>>> Subject: Re: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious
>>> >>>> question. Why have you people ignored me for three years?
>>> >>>> To: David Amos
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Dear David Amos
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Unfortunately there has been a considerable delay in responding to
>>> >>>> incoming letters due to heavy workload and many inquiries to our
>>> office.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> We appreciate the issue raised in your letter. We have set up a web
>>> site
>>> >>>> where we have gathered various practical
>>> >>>> information
>>> >>>> regarding the economic crisis in Iceland.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Greetings from the Ministry of Finance.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Tilvísun í mál: FJR08100024
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Frá: David Amos
>>> >>>> Dags: 29.01.2009 19:17:43
>>> >>>> Til: johanna.sigurdardottir@fel.
>>> >>>>,,,
>>> >>>>,,
>>> >>>>,,
>>> >>>>,,,
>>> >>>>,,
>>> >>>>,, ””
>>> >>>> , ”” , Dan
>>> >>>> Fitzgerald , jonina.s.larusdottir@ivr.stjr.
>>> >>>> Afrit:,,,
>>> >>>>,,
>>> >>>> Efni: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious question.
>>> >>>> Why
>>> >>>> have you people ignored me for three years?
>>> >>>> ———————————————————
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> FYI Some folks in Canada are watching your actions or lack thereof
>>> >>>> more closely than others. As you well know I am one.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> You folks should not deny certain responses that I have received
>>> >>>> over
>>> >>>> the course of the last few months from your country CORRECT?
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> From: David Amos
>>> >>>> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 13:57:55 -0300
>>> >>>> Subject: Re: Regarding your enquiry to the Prime Ministry of
>>> >>>> Iceland
>>> >>>> To:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Thanx
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> On 10/8/08, wrote:
>>> >>>> David Raymond Amos
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Your enquiry has been received by the Prime Ministry of Iceland and
>>> >>>> waits
>>> >>>> attendance.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Thank you.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> From: Fjármálaeftirlitið – Fyrirspurn
>>> >>>> Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 12:23:41 -0000
>>> >>>> Subject: Staðfesting á móttöku
>>> >>>> To: David Amos
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Fjármálaeftirlitið hefur móttekið erindi yðar. Erindinu verður
>>> >>>> svarað
>>> >>>> við fyrsta tækifæri. Vakin er athygli á heimasíðu
>>> >>>> Fjármálaeftirlitsins, Þar má finna ýmsar
>>> >>>> upplýsingar ásamt svörum við algengum spurningum:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> The Financial Supervisory Authority (FME) of Iceland confirms the
>>> >>>> receipt of your e-mail. Your e-mail will be answered as soon as
>>> >>>> possible. We would like to point out our website,
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> There you can find information and answeres to frequently asked
>>> >>>> questions:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Kveðja / Best Regards
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Fjármálaeftirlitið / Financial Supervisory Authority, Iceland
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Sími / Tel.: (+354) 525 2700
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> From: David Amos
>>> >>>> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 10:53:47 -0300
>>> >>>> Subject: I just called to remind the Speaker, the Bankers and the
>>> >>>> Icelanders that I still exist EH Mrs Mrechant, Bob Rae and Iggy?
>>> >>>> To:,,,
>>> >>>>,,
>>> >>>>,,
>>> >>>>,
>>> >>>> Cc:,,
>>> >>>>,
>>> >>>>,,
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> All of you should review the documents and CD that came with this
>>> >>>> letter ASAP EH?
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Perhaps Geir Haarde and Steingrimur Sigfusson should call me at 506
>>> 756
>>> >>>> 8687
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Veritas Vincit
>>> >>>> David Raymond Amos
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