From: "Fitch, Bruce (LEG)" <>
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2018 19:27:39 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Yo David Coon Why would the PCs question the LIEbranos
having a very partisan "civil servant" to run for election against you? CBC and everybody
else knows they do it all the time as well N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <>
Thank you for the message. I am out of the office until Monday,
March 12/18. For all matters relating to the office, please
contact 869-6117
Merci pour votre message. Je suis hors du bureau jusqu'au Mars
12/18. Pour toutes les questions 506-869-6117
---------- Original message ----------
From: Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2018 19:32:19 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Yo David Coon Why would the PCs question the LIEbranos
having a very partisan "civil servant" to run for election against you? CBC and everybody
else knows they do it all the time as well N'esy Pas?
Thank you for writing to the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, Member
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Merci d'?crire ? l'honorable Jody Wilson-Raybould, d?put?e de
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---------- Original message ----------
From: "Furey, John" <>
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2018 19:32:00 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: EXT - Fwd: Yo David Coon Why would the PCs question
the LIEbranos having a very partisan "civil servant" to run for election against you?
CBC and everybody else knows they do it all the time as well N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <>
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Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2018 19:32:19 +0000
Subject: Accusé réception / Acknowledgement of receipt
Nous vous remercions d'avoir communiqué avec le bureau parlementaire
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From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)" <fin.minfinance-financemin.
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2018 19:32:03 +0000
Subject: RE: Yo David Coon Why would the PCs question the LIEbranos having a very
partisan "civil servant" to run for
election against you? CBC and everybody else knows
they do it all the time as
well N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <>
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From: Póstur FOR <>
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2018 19:36:27 +0000
Subject: Re: Fwd: Yo David Coon Why would the PCs question the LIEbranos having
From: Póstur FOR <>
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2018 19:36:27 +0000
Subject: Re: Fwd: Yo David Coon Why would the PCs question the LIEbranos having
a very partisan "civil servant" to run for
election against you? CBC and everybody else
knows they do it all the time
as well N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <>
Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið / Your request has been received
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Kveðja / Best regards
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From: Newsroom <>
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2018 19:27:40 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Yo David Coon Why would the PCs question the LIEbranos
having a very partisan "civil servant"
to run for election against you? CBC and everybody
else knows they do it all
the time as well N'esy Pas?
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From: David Amos <>
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2018 15:31:56 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Yo David Coon Why would the PCs question the LIEbranos having a very partisan
To: oldmaison <>, andre <>,
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From: David Amos <>
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2018 15:31:56 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Yo David Coon Why would the PCs question the LIEbranos having a very partisan
"civil servant" to run for
election against you? CBC and everybody else knows they do it all
the time as
well N'esy Pas?To: oldmaison <>, andre <>,
jbosnitch <>, "Dominic.Cardy" <>,
"Hamish.Wright" <>, "Susan.Holt"
"jody.carr" <>, "Jody.Wilson-Raybould"
<Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc. ca>,
"Bill.Morneau" <>, "Jacques.Poitras" <>,
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postur <>,
birgitta <>, pm
"Gerald.Butts" <>,
"Jack.Keir" <>, "rick.doucet"
"Furey, John" <>,
wharrison <>
Cc: David Amos <>
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From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)" <>
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2018 19:27:39 +0000
Subject: RE: Yo David Coon Why would the PCs question the LIEbranos having a very partisan
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From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)" <>
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2018 19:27:39 +0000
Subject: RE: Yo David Coon Why would the PCs question the LIEbranos having a very partisan
"civil servant" to run for
election against you? CBC and everybody else knows they do it all
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From: David Amos <>
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2018 15:27:34 -0400
Subject: Yo David Coon Why would the PCs question the LIEbranos having a very partisan
"civil servant" to run for
election against you? CBC and everybody else knows they do it all
the time as
well N'esy Pas?
To: "David.Coon" <>, "Davidc.Coon" <>,
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"kirk.macdonald" <>
Cc: David Amos <>
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Sunday, 4 March 2018
"bruce.fitch" <>, "carl.urquhart" <>,
"kirk.macdonald" <>
Cc: David Amos <>
Sunday, 4 March 2018
Opposition questions Liberal candidate's leave loophole
PCs question chain of events that allowed Fredericton-South Liberal candidate to run while on maternity leave
By Jacques Poitras, CBC News Posted: Mar 03, 2018 7:00 AM AT34 Comments
Commenting is now closed for this story.

Sean Onuaillain
More gotcha back and forth
between the two parties that have had their heads in the trough of NB
politics for generations. The NB civil service is full of people who
came in as political staff and then through various shenanigans are
appointed to non-political jobs. If you believe the PCs have not done
more or less exactly the same thing then you are fool.
Poitras knows this too. But instead of pointing this out and writing about how this is a problem in general he chooses to play gotcha too. Sad.
Poitras knows this too. But instead of pointing this out and writing about how this is a problem in general he chooses to play gotcha too. Sad.

Mac Isaac
@Sean Onuaillain :You seem to
have the same feeling I have for anything by Poitras: he seemingly
hears of something that isn't at all controversial and then calls around
to various and sundry people until he gets a quote from someone with an
axe to grind about that subject and "runs with it". I've noticed this
phenomena a good number of times with articles written by him. He's not a
journalist...he's a "gotcha good this time" kind of writer. If there
were actually a good newsworthy story, it's inevitably being written by a
real journalist/newsperson!

Dave Peters
Quote from Susan Holt per Jacques Poitras which was edited almost 3 hours later after first publishing it.
" I believe the role of unrestricted staffers is an appropriate one … because of the nature of their work. I understand that to be an appropriate position for a select group of folks. So I wasn't planning on eliminating all politically unrestricted positions."
In other words I'm special and do not have to follow established policies for civil servants. Susan Holt needs to choose. Be a civil servant or a politician. She should not be given the option of being a political candidate and if she loses goes back to being a civil servant. Civil servants are non-partisan positions period. This is a real bad precedent and shows the desperation of the Liberal party of NB It's bad enough that politicians who are not part of government are given premium civil servants positions if they lose an election. Now we want to have a revolving door where civil servants can become politicians and lose an election and go back to becoming a civil servant. Does anyone else recognize this?
" I believe the role of unrestricted staffers is an appropriate one … because of the nature of their work. I understand that to be an appropriate position for a select group of folks. So I wasn't planning on eliminating all politically unrestricted positions."
In other words I'm special and do not have to follow established policies for civil servants. Susan Holt needs to choose. Be a civil servant or a politician. She should not be given the option of being a political candidate and if she loses goes back to being a civil servant. Civil servants are non-partisan positions period. This is a real bad precedent and shows the desperation of the Liberal party of NB It's bad enough that politicians who are not part of government are given premium civil servants positions if they lose an election. Now we want to have a revolving door where civil servants can become politicians and lose an election and go back to becoming a civil servant. Does anyone else recognize this?

Gary Melanson
@Dave Peters But she is
special, how do you think she got the job she's in. She's brilliant and
should get special consideration (Sarcasm). Dave I agree with you, she
needs to choose. Meanwhile she's milking the taxpayers to the tune of
$120,000 while on maternity leave. I don't disagree with maternity leave
top-ups in the civil service but there should be a limit. The taxpayers
are footing the bill and not many NB households make that sort of

Marc LeBlanc
The Liberals seem to be
preparing to fill the ranks with a new generation of the same old same
old.The Moncton North candidate lists that she's currently the Director
of Public Affairs for a regional Crown Corporation,but fails to mention
that it's Atlantic Lottery.So she handled issues like the recent audit
fiasco where managers were approving their own expense accounts and the
multi million dollar blunder of Geosweep....Just what this province
needs...Another Spin Doctor
The New Brunswick Liberal Party will be denounce tomorrow!!!!
PCs question Liberals' move to allow civil servant to run for election
Susan Holt's job was moved from a civil service role to political staff role
By Jacques Poitras, CBC News Posted: Mar 01, 2018 8:18 PM AT
Susan Holt, the Liberal candidate in Fredericton South,
says she supports the existing policies that lets non-partisan civil
servants move into partisan political jobs so they can become election
(Joe McDonald/CBC)
A Liberal candidate running on a slogan of change says she's
not pushing to change a political practice that exempts her from
civil-service rules and lets her run for office.
Susan Holt says she supports existing policies that let non-partisan civil servants move into partisan political jobs so they can become election candidates — then move back to a non-partisan role later if they lose.
"We're moving from policy to policy and assessing what rules apply, and abiding by those rules that are appropriate to the circumstances," said Holt, the Liberal candidate in Fredericton South.
Previous governments have allowed their appointees to do the same thing, and while Holt's slogan is "Add women, change politics," she says the change she'll push is to make politics more transparent and civil — not get rid of the practice.
"I believe the role of unrestricted staffers is an appropriate one … because of the nature of their work.
I understand that to be an appropriate position for a select group of folks. So I wasn't planning on eliminating all politically unrestricted positions."
Holt's status, including the fact she's on maternity leave from her job, became an issue Wednesday when Progressive Conservative MLA Brian Macdonald asked about her running for office while she's on paid leave.
Macdonald said in a committee session Holt was "campaigning full-time" and receiving "the full salary" while on leave from her position as chief of business relationships with the Gallant government's Jobs Board. The salary is between $150,000 and $175,000 per year.
But after Premier Brian Gallant said she was on maternity leave and Macdonald was "setting back" the attempt to get more women running for office, the Tory MLA said he was not interested in the maternity-leave angle.
"I am no longer concerned that she has taken any leave at all," Macdonald said. "Whether she took leave or not no longer bothers me."
He said the real issue was Gallant shifting Holt from the civil service into a political staff role so she could run for office without having to resign.
Until last fall, Holt's Jobs Board role was a politically restricted civil service position, meaning, like most civil servants, she was not allowed to take part in partisan politics.
But in late September, about two weeks before she gave birth and began her leave, Gallant quietly transferred her job into his office, which redefined it as non-restricted, Holt confirmed Thursday.
"It's the same role that I've had. It's just been moved."
Gallant said it's important to make it easier for women to get into politics.
Holt says changing her status means she can run as long as she takes an unpaid leave beginning 20 days before election day, when she becomes an official candidate.
And she says the rules also allow her to eventually return to a non-partisan civil service job.
If she loses in Fredericton South on Sept. 24 but Gallant's Liberals are re-elected, "then I will return to the premier's office in a politically unrestricted capacity," she said. She could return to a civil role later "if that's where the clerk and the premier's office want to put me."
Gallant defended his decision to shift Holt's position during Wednesday's legislative committee hearing by pointing out Dallas McCready, a PC-appointed deputy minister in the Alward government, was moved in the same way.
That allowed him to take unpaid leave so he could help run the Tory campaign, Gallant said. "That was okay because he was a man and he was still working?" he asked Macdonald.
Macdonald said Thursday the distinction is Holt is running as a candidate. "That's a special category. The premier should not be using public funds to recruit Liberal candidates."
Several women used social media Thursday to accuse Macdonald of discouraging women from running for office.
"Anyone still wondering why there are still so few women in politics?" tweeted Fredericton businesswoman Andrea Feunekes. "I thought we had made headway in the last several years.
Apparently not."
But other women weren't convinced. "I don't think it's a gender issue," said Becky Matchett, who lives in the Fredericton South riding where Holt is running.
"I don't think it needed to be spun as a gender issue, and that's frustrating. It was just a question of, 'was she moved from this position to this position.' Yes, she was. … She just happens to be on maternity leave."
Gallant said Wednesday that Macdonald's allegation Holt is campaigning "full-time" shows a lack of awareness. "Is he insinuating there's no real work when someone's on maternity leave?" Gallant asked.
Holt said she's doing about 20 hours of campaigning a week so far while also caring for her newborn daughter and her two other children.
She also said she's not receiving her full salary from the province. Maternity leave benefits come from the federal government, and the province has a policy of topping up that amount to 75 per cent of an employee's salary.
Once Holt goes on unpaid leave for the campaign, she'll lose the provincial top-up but will still collect the maternity leave benefits from Ottawa, she said.
The province's rules on political activity by public employees are silent on how to account for someone on maternity leave. "It's an opportunity for us, maybe, to modernize," Holt said.
The restrictions on political activity by civil servants are designed to preserve "the public trust" people have in government, according to a government policy document.
"Members of the public must be assured their political affiliation is not a consideration in any dealings they may have with public servants," it says.
Commenting is now closed for this story.
Jacques poirier
Marc LeBlanc
Craig O'Donnell
Sean Onuaillain
Jeffrey Parker
Michael Hunt
Shawn McShane
Gerry Ferguson
Dave Peters
Brian Robertson
Allan Paradis
Dave white
mo bennett
michael levesque
Roland Godin
Gary Melanson
Jonas Smith
Susan Holt says she supports existing policies that let non-partisan civil servants move into partisan political jobs so they can become election candidates — then move back to a non-partisan role later if they lose.
"We're moving from policy to policy and assessing what rules apply, and abiding by those rules that are appropriate to the circumstances," said Holt, the Liberal candidate in Fredericton South.
Previous governments have allowed their appointees to do the same thing, and while Holt's slogan is "Add women, change politics," she says the change she'll push is to make politics more transparent and civil — not get rid of the practice.
"I believe the role of unrestricted staffers is an appropriate one … because of the nature of their work.
I understand that to be an appropriate position for a select group of folks. So I wasn't planning on eliminating all politically unrestricted positions."
PCs question job transfer
Holt's status, including the fact she's on maternity leave from her job, became an issue Wednesday when Progressive Conservative MLA Brian Macdonald asked about her running for office while she's on paid leave.
Macdonald said in a committee session Holt was "campaigning full-time" and receiving "the full salary" while on leave from her position as chief of business relationships with the Gallant government's Jobs Board. The salary is between $150,000 and $175,000 per year.
But after Premier Brian Gallant said she was on maternity leave and Macdonald was "setting back" the attempt to get more women running for office, the Tory MLA said he was not interested in the maternity-leave angle.
"I am no longer concerned that she has taken any leave at all," Macdonald said. "Whether she took leave or not no longer bothers me."
He said the real issue was Gallant shifting Holt from the civil service into a political staff role so she could run for office without having to resign.
Until last fall, Holt's Jobs Board role was a politically restricted civil service position, meaning, like most civil servants, she was not allowed to take part in partisan politics.
But in late September, about two weeks before she gave birth and began her leave, Gallant quietly transferred her job into his office, which redefined it as non-restricted, Holt confirmed Thursday.
"It's the same role that I've had. It's just been moved."
More women in politics
Gallant said it's important to make it easier for women to get into politics.
Holt says changing her status means she can run as long as she takes an unpaid leave beginning 20 days before election day, when she becomes an official candidate.

Susan Holt is on maternity leave from her
position as chief of business relationships with the Jobs Board. She is
also the Liberal candidate in Fredericton South for the upcoming
election. (Joe McDonald/CBC)
If she loses in Fredericton South on Sept. 24 but Gallant's Liberals are re-elected, "then I will return to the premier's office in a politically unrestricted capacity," she said. She could return to a civil role later "if that's where the clerk and the premier's office want to put me."
Gallant defended his decision to shift Holt's position during Wednesday's legislative committee hearing by pointing out Dallas McCready, a PC-appointed deputy minister in the Alward government, was moved in the same way.
That allowed him to take unpaid leave so he could help run the Tory campaign, Gallant said. "That was okay because he was a man and he was still working?" he asked Macdonald.
Macdonald said Thursday the distinction is Holt is running as a candidate. "That's a special category. The premier should not be using public funds to recruit Liberal candidates."
Not a gender issue
Several women used social media Thursday to accuse Macdonald of discouraging women from running for office.
"Anyone still wondering why there are still so few women in politics?" tweeted Fredericton businesswoman Andrea Feunekes. "I thought we had made headway in the last several years.
Apparently not."
But other women weren't convinced. "I don't think it's a gender issue," said Becky Matchett, who lives in the Fredericton South riding where Holt is running.
"I don't think it needed to be spun as a gender issue, and that's frustrating. It was just a question of, 'was she moved from this position to this position.' Yes, she was. … She just happens to be on maternity leave."
Gallant said Wednesday that Macdonald's allegation Holt is campaigning "full-time" shows a lack of awareness. "Is he insinuating there's no real work when someone's on maternity leave?" Gallant asked.
Holt said she's doing about 20 hours of campaigning a week so far while also caring for her newborn daughter and her two other children.
Not on full salary
She also said she's not receiving her full salary from the province. Maternity leave benefits come from the federal government, and the province has a policy of topping up that amount to 75 per cent of an employee's salary.
Once Holt goes on unpaid leave for the campaign, she'll lose the provincial top-up but will still collect the maternity leave benefits from Ottawa, she said.
The province's rules on political activity by public employees are silent on how to account for someone on maternity leave. "It's an opportunity for us, maybe, to modernize," Holt said.
The restrictions on political activity by civil servants are designed to preserve "the public trust" people have in government, according to a government policy document.
"Members of the public must be assured their political affiliation is not a consideration in any dealings they may have with public servants," it says.
Opposition questions Liberal candidate's leave loophole
PCs question chain of events that allowed Fredericton-South Liberal candidate to run while on maternity leave
By Jacques Poitras, CBC News Posted: Mar 03, 2018 7:00 AM AT
Susan Holt is on maternity leave from her position as
chief of business relationships with the Jobs Board. She is also the
Liberal candidate in Fredericton South for the upcoming election.
(Joe McDonald/CBC)
The Opposition Progressive Conservatives are casting
doubt on an interpretation of rules that allow former civil servant
Susan Holt to run as a Liberal candidate in the upcoming election — and
to keep collecting provincial tax dollars until the campaign starts.
They say Holt's switch to a political staff job in Premier Brian Gallant's office is not an opportunity that's available to any bureaucrat who'd like to run.
"Does what applies in this case — is it now a general practice? That's clearly not the case," said PC MLA Brian Macdonald. "If anyone wanted to do what this person has done in the civil service, could they do it today? The answer is no. They couldn't."
Macdonald also questions whether guidelines really allow Holt to continue to receive provincial top-up payments to her maternity leave ahead of the official election period in August.
That's the interpretation both Holt and a senior human-resources official put forward Thursday.
"I reject it completely," Macdonald said in an interview,
brandishing a copy of a seven-page government human resources policy on
political activity by civil servants. "It is clearly not the case."
As a civil servant until last September, Holt would not have been able to run as a Liberal without resigning her officially non-partisan position.
But Gallant moved her into a politically unrestricted job in his office last September, a role for which the rules allow more flexibility. Macdonald says that's an opportunity clearly not available to all government employees.
On top of that, the province's policy AD-2192 says a non-restricted employee such as Holt "shall … obtain a leave of absence" from the head of their organization "before publicly announcing an intention to run."
But the policy also says the leave of absence "shall commence no later than the day on which the employee files the nomination papers with the returning officer." That deadline is 20 days before election day, during the official campaign period.
Fred Finn, the assistant deputy minister for human resources at the provincial Treasury Board, said that means Holt would have "obtained" the leave before winning the Liberal nomination in January, but the date for the leave to start would be the official filing day.
Holt is on maternity leave and is receiving the federal benefits that go with that. The province is also "topping up" that amount to the equivalent of 75 per cent of her regular salary, a policy that applies to all provincial employees on maternity leave.
"When the policy says my candidate leave applies, that's when the unpaid portion kicks in, so we're following Elections NB's policy on that," she said on Thursday.
Macdonald points out the policy also says a civil servant "may" get a leave of absence while "seeking nomination as a candidate."
It also lays out how a civil servant can return from their leave of absence if they don't win the nomination, so it clearly contemplates a leave of absence earlier than the campaign period.
"'Seeking nomination as a candidate.' That's what it says in black and white, right there," Macdonald said. "I don't see how there could be any other interpretation. … Okay, it doesn't say it starts immediately. I think that's pretty obvious."
Treasury Board minister Roger Melanson insisted on Friday that
the government has interpreted the policy correctly. "The period of the
[election] writ is when she needs to pull back," he said. "Definitely,
based on the unrestricted position she's in now, she can run for
During a lengthy exchange at a legislative committee session Wednesday, Gallant told Macdonald that the arrangement was made because it's important that women are accommodated when they want to run for office.
Melanson repeated that argument Friday, pointing to Holt's private-sector and government experience and the need to get more women elected.
"We want to attract women of her calibre," he said. "Outside of the opposition, the Conservative party, people would recognize what she's got to offer."
But the PC MLA says Holt's arrangement goes against the principle of the policy on political activity by civil servants, which says it is designed to preserve "the public trust" people have in government.
"Members of the public must be assured their political affiliation is not a consideration in any dealings they may have with public servants," the document says.
"The intent of these policies is to prevent people from politicizing the civil service. And that is exactly what has happened in this case," Macdonald says.
"This is about nothing but the premier's manipulation of the rules to benefit his own political aims. That's what it's about."
They say Holt's switch to a political staff job in Premier Brian Gallant's office is not an opportunity that's available to any bureaucrat who'd like to run.
"Does what applies in this case — is it now a general practice? That's clearly not the case," said PC MLA Brian Macdonald. "If anyone wanted to do what this person has done in the civil service, could they do it today? The answer is no. They couldn't."
Macdonald also questions whether guidelines really allow Holt to continue to receive provincial top-up payments to her maternity leave ahead of the official election period in August.
That's the interpretation both Holt and a senior human-resources official put forward Thursday.
PC MLA rejects interpretation

Progressive Conservative MLA Brian MacDonald
rejects the Liberal interpretation of the government's human resources
policy on political activity by civil servants. (Pat Richard/CBC)
As a civil servant until last September, Holt would not have been able to run as a Liberal without resigning her officially non-partisan position.
But Gallant moved her into a politically unrestricted job in his office last September, a role for which the rules allow more flexibility. Macdonald says that's an opportunity clearly not available to all government employees.
On top of that, the province's policy AD-2192 says a non-restricted employee such as Holt "shall … obtain a leave of absence" from the head of their organization "before publicly announcing an intention to run."
But the policy also says the leave of absence "shall commence no later than the day on which the employee files the nomination papers with the returning officer." That deadline is 20 days before election day, during the official campaign period.
Fred Finn, the assistant deputy minister for human resources at the provincial Treasury Board, said that means Holt would have "obtained" the leave before winning the Liberal nomination in January, but the date for the leave to start would be the official filing day.
Holt is on maternity leave and is receiving the federal benefits that go with that. The province is also "topping up" that amount to the equivalent of 75 per cent of her regular salary, a policy that applies to all provincial employees on maternity leave.
"When the policy says my candidate leave applies, that's when the unpaid portion kicks in, so we're following Elections NB's policy on that," she said on Thursday.
Macdonald points out the policy also says a civil servant "may" get a leave of absence while "seeking nomination as a candidate."
It also lays out how a civil servant can return from their leave of absence if they don't win the nomination, so it clearly contemplates a leave of absence earlier than the campaign period.
"'Seeking nomination as a candidate.' That's what it says in black and white, right there," Macdonald said. "I don't see how there could be any other interpretation. … Okay, it doesn't say it starts immediately. I think that's pretty obvious."
Liberals stand by interpretation

Treasury Board minister Roger Melanson
believes the Liberal government has interpreted the policy on civil
servant political activity correctly. (CBC News)
During a lengthy exchange at a legislative committee session Wednesday, Gallant told Macdonald that the arrangement was made because it's important that women are accommodated when they want to run for office.
Melanson repeated that argument Friday, pointing to Holt's private-sector and government experience and the need to get more women elected.
"We want to attract women of her calibre," he said. "Outside of the opposition, the Conservative party, people would recognize what she's got to offer."
But the PC MLA says Holt's arrangement goes against the principle of the policy on political activity by civil servants, which says it is designed to preserve "the public trust" people have in government.
"Members of the public must be assured their political affiliation is not a consideration in any dealings they may have with public servants," the document says.
"The intent of these policies is to prevent people from politicizing the civil service. And that is exactly what has happened in this case," Macdonald says.
"This is about nothing but the premier's manipulation of the rules to benefit his own political aims. That's what it's about."
Commenting is now closed for this story.

Jacques poirier
As long as NB politicians
play the game this province will never turn around. Decades of back room
deals like ATCON and people trying to keep two jobs (Arseneault) , the
Lepreau fiasco and god knows what else , has resulted in a practice
that has totally ruined the finance of this province.Our economy as been
rated as junk bond status. Shame on all politicians.

Marc LeBlanc
The Liberals seem to be
preparing to fill the ranks with a new generation of the same old same
old.The Moncton North candidate lists that she's currently the Director
of Public Affairs for a regional Crown Corporation,but fails to mention
that it's Atlantic Lottery.So she handled issues like the recent audit
fiasco where managers were approving their own expense accounts and the
multi million dollar blunder of Geosweep....Just what this province
needs...Another Spin Doctor

Craig O'Donnell
What's sad is that in this
day and age if you question what happened at all, you're branded as
anti-feminist or anti-parity rather than dealing with the black and
white issues and rules involved.

Sean Onuaillain
More gotcha back and forth
between the two parties that have had their heads in the trough of NB
politics for generations. The NB civil service is full of people who
came in as political staff and then through various shenanigans are
appointed to non-political jobs. If you believe the PCs have not done
more or less exactly the same thing then you are fool.
Poitras knows this too. But instead of pointing this out and writing about how this is a problem in general he chooses to play gotcha too. Sad.
Poitras knows this too. But instead of pointing this out and writing about how this is a problem in general he chooses to play gotcha too. Sad.

Mac Isaac
@Sean Onuaillain :You seem to
have the same feeling I have for anything by Poitras: he seemingly
hears of something that isn't at all controversial and then calls around
to various and sundry people until he gets a quote from someone with an
axe to grind about that subject and "runs with it". I've noticed this
phenomena a good number of times with articles written by him. He's not a
journalist...he's a "gotcha good this time" kind of writer. If there
were actually a good newsworthy story, it's inevitably being written by a
real journalist/newsperson!

Dianne MacPherson
@Sean Onuaillain
Two wrongs don't make things right.
Isn't it past time when voters should
be expecting a lot of things to turn around
in this Province.
Let's start HERE !!!!
Two wrongs don't make things right.
Isn't it past time when voters should
be expecting a lot of things to turn around
in this Province.
Let's start HERE !!!!

Jeffrey Parker
Sound like the U de Mers are at it again.

Samuel Porter
I'll ask my boss if I can
have a different job while I run. This shows exactly why ALL loopholes
need to be closed. Not fair to everyone, and smells of scam appointment.
Liberals ( and cons ) are full of them. They thrive on it.

Michael Hunt
@Samuel Porter HeHE You need to go on maternity leave first .

Michael Hunt
I think she is riding a dead horse .

Shawn McShane
Take a miss on the Atcon 6
A vote for a Tory will make you sorry
It will get worse than it is today
If you keep voting the same old way
A vote for a Tory will make you sorry
It will get worse than it is today
If you keep voting the same old way

Gerry Ferguson
I can't imagine ANY of these slippery liberals getting back in this fall. Especially the ATCON 6.

Dave Peters
Quote from Susan Holt per Jacques Poitras which was edited almost 3 hours later after first publishing it.
" I believe the role of unrestricted staffers is an appropriate one … because of the nature of their work. I understand that to be an appropriate position for a select group of folks. So I wasn't planning on eliminating all politically unrestricted positions."
In other words I'm special and do not have to follow established policies for civil servants. Susan Holt needs to choose. Be a civil servant or a politician. She should not be given the option of being a political candidate and if she loses goes back to being a civil servant. Civil servants are non-partisan positions period. This is a real bad precedent and shows the desperation of the Liberal party of NB It's bad enough that politicians who are not part of government are given premium civil servants positions if they lose an election. Now we want to have a revolving door where civil servants can become politicians and lose an election and go back to becoming a civil servant. Does anyone else recognize this?
" I believe the role of unrestricted staffers is an appropriate one … because of the nature of their work. I understand that to be an appropriate position for a select group of folks. So I wasn't planning on eliminating all politically unrestricted positions."
In other words I'm special and do not have to follow established policies for civil servants. Susan Holt needs to choose. Be a civil servant or a politician. She should not be given the option of being a political candidate and if she loses goes back to being a civil servant. Civil servants are non-partisan positions period. This is a real bad precedent and shows the desperation of the Liberal party of NB It's bad enough that politicians who are not part of government are given premium civil servants positions if they lose an election. Now we want to have a revolving door where civil servants can become politicians and lose an election and go back to becoming a civil servant. Does anyone else recognize this?

Gary Melanson
@Dave Peters But she is
special, how do you think she got the job she's in. She's brilliant and
should get special consideration (Sarcasm). Dave I agree with you, she
needs to choose. Meanwhile she's milking the taxpayers to the tune of
$120,000 while on maternity leave. I don't disagree with maternity leave
top-ups in the civil service but there should be a limit. The taxpayers
are footing the bill and not many NB households make that sort of

Samuel Porter
I can't imagine she will get any votes with all the publicity. Liberals = scam. Remember ATCON 6 and stop Spraying NB.

Jeffrey Parker
@Samuel Porter I spoke to NB
power big wig Jim a couple years ago about spraying to kill undergrowth.
I suggested they use salt water or vinegar instead of round up. But
nobody listens to common sense.

Rosco holt
@Jeffrey Parker
It probably would be cheaper too.
It probably would be cheaper too.

Samuel Porter
Remember 2 things this fall. ATCON 6, and stop spying NB.

Samuel Porter
@Samuel Porter spraying

Brian Robertson
If there was any question about how self serving and slippery this group of Liberals are, this should remove all doubt.
Remember this when you go to the polls.
Remember this when you go to the polls.

Allan Paradis
From the article: Melanson
repeated that argument Friday, pointing to Holt's private-sector and
government experience and the need to get more women elected.
"We want to attract women of her calibre," he said. "Outside of the opposition, the Conservative party, people would recognize what she's got to offer."
Corruption under the guise of equity is still corruption.
"We want to attract women of her calibre," he said. "Outside of the opposition, the Conservative party, people would recognize what she's got to offer."
Corruption under the guise of equity is still corruption.

mo bennett
@Allan Paradis the last thing
ya want is persons of this calibre that are only in it for their own
benefit and greed and breaking the morality rules.

Dave white
It would be okay if it was a Tory doing it.

Dave Peters
@Dave white No it would not be okay.

Andy Davis
@Dave Peters If we rely on the rest of the cons in this country and their lack of know how. Yes it would be ok if a con did it

Dave Peters
@Andy Davis Giving partisan
public servants a voice in the political arena is a terrible thing to
do. It will add another layer of manipulation to a process the public
already distrust. The low voter turnouts are already problematic and
will only grow if we allow this to happen. This will only promote
further distrust & corruption. Really, really bad idea.

Dwight Mullover
It is just another reason to
vote ABCL...New Brunswick needs a fundamental change in its political
philosophy, and that will only happen by electing a party other than
the Liberals or Conservatives.

mo bennett
it's what politicians do
best, bend the rules to their advantage, bleed taxpayers with their
greed, and do as little work as possible. and don't forget the cherry on
top, their entitlements!!!!

michael levesque
this is an example of another
parasite wanting to live the good life off the taxpayer. cons did it
with parasite rodney weston and Margret blanely, loser liberals liberals
did it with dana glendenning and now this parasite, please voters there
are other options than liberals and conservatives we cannot continue
to send our tax dollars to fred and get this in return.

Roland Godin
A basic session on the
essence of laws and its objects may help politicians in enacting
legislation already in the books on the issue, however sitting and
doodling their preferred colour over laws is more entertaining for most voilà.

Gary Melanson
Her private and public work
experience includes 12 different jobs in 18 years all the while becoming
a mother of three children and then jumping into a top (Deputy
Minister) government job three years ago without any other government
experience. Unbelievable, brilliant. This women deserves to run for
office and help guide New Brunswick to prosperity. After all she's
figured out how to do it, let's see her help the rest of us and guide
this have not province out of the mess we're in.

Dave Peters
@Gary Melanson Brilliant Yes,
Unbelievable No. As a deputy minister for 3 years in the finance
department you would think that we would of heard of progress in this
department. Program spending increases, tax increases, corporate
welfare handouts, credit forecast downgraded, Service NB debacle, shall I
go on. No doubt she is an accomplished person. We require systemic
change of politics in NB. Receiving privilege from a political party,
privilege from NB government leads to compromise. I would argue that we
have to many compromised politicians in NB already. Therefore our
situation. Time for a change. Vote PANB

Gary Melanson
@Dave Peters Agreed we need
change. I posted her accomplishments because I couldn't believe how she
could attain such a job in government with such a track record and I
wanted to see what others thought. How could someone job jumping ever
gain enough experience to earn a Deputy Ministers position except for
political connections. If she loses her election bid she'll return to
her posting and if the Liberal government falls Gallant will most likely
move her to a position within government which will then cost the
incoming government loads of money to turf her out. Win win either way
for her. Isn't politics wonderful.

Jonas Smith
Seems like the opposition is
questioning preferential treatment of this gov employee received vs what
other would receive. The Premier's Office looks like they're trying to
score points. It's too far out from an election for this to really
matter. Besides, Coon should hold.
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