Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2017 11:00 AM
To: David Amos
Subject: RE: Matter 357 - NB Power 2017 Rate Design / Instance No
357 - Énergie NB - Établissement des tarifs pour 2017
Thank you for your email
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N.B. Energy and Utilities
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From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@]
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2017 1:11 PM
To: Furey, John <>; Mitchell, Kathleen <>; Hyslop, Peter <>;;;;;;; Hoyt, Len <>;;;; Cozzarini, Lilia <>; Russell, Stephen <>; Harrison, Wanda <>; NBP Regulatory <>; Connelly Bosse, Natacha <>; NBEUB/CESPNB <>; Desmond, Ellen <>; Dickie, Michael <>; Lawton, John <>; Young, Dave <>;;;;;;;;;;;
Subject: Re: Matter 357 - NB Power 2017 Rate Design / Instance No 357 - Énergie NB - Établissement des tarifs pour 2017
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2017 1:11 PM
To: Furey, John <>; Mitchell, Kathleen <>; Hyslop, Peter <>;;;;;;; Hoyt, Len <>;;;; Cozzarini, Lilia <>; Russell, Stephen <>; Harrison, Wanda <>; NBP Regulatory <>; Connelly Bosse, Natacha <>; NBEUB/CESPNB <>; Desmond, Ellen <>; Dickie, Michael <>; Lawton, John <>; Young, Dave <>;;;;;;;;;;;
Subject: Re: Matter 357 - NB Power 2017 Rate Design / Instance No 357 - Énergie NB - Établissement des tarifs pour 2017
Just so you all
know I will not fill out any such undertaking. Hence I can never be accused of
sharing any of NB Power’s questionable secrets. However I am entitled to know
what every other New Brunswicker is entitled to know .
David Raymond
902 800
From: Furey, John
Wednesday, July 05, 2017 9:23 AM
To: Mitchell, Kathleen ; Hyslop, Peter ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Hoyt, Len ; ; ; ; Cozzarini, Lilia ; Russell, Stephen ; Harrison, Wanda ; NBP Regulatory ; Connelly Bosse, Natacha ; NBEUB/CESPNB ; Desmond, Ellen ; Dickie, Michael ; Lawton, John ; Young, Dave ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Subject: RE:
Matter 357 - NB Power 2017 Rate Design / Instance No 357 - Énergie NB -
Établissement des tarifs pour 2017
Dear Ms. Mitchell,
Further to your email, please
find attached NB Power’s comments regarding the scheduling of dates relating to
the first round of Interrogatories in this matter, as well as a form of
Confidentiality Undertaking which NB Power proposes for use in this
The Confidentiality Undertaking
is virtually identical in form to those used in the last few proceedings, with
the only changes being the identification of the proceeding.
John G.
Senior Legal
New Brunswick
Power Corporation
P.O. Box
515 King
Direct Line -
Facsimile -
Mitchell, Kathleen [mailto:Kathleen.Mitchell@]
Sent: July 04, 2017 3:18 PM
To: Hyslop, Peter;;;;;;;; Hoyt, Len;;;; Cozzarini, Lilia; Furey, John; Russell, Stephen; Harrison, Wanda; NBP Regulatory; Connelly Bosse, Natacha; NBEUB/CESPNB; Desmond, Ellen; Dickie, Michael; Lawton, John; Young, Dave; Mitchell, Kathleen;;;;;;;;;;;
Subject: Matter 357 - NB Power 2017 Rate Design / Instance No 357 - Énergie NB - Établissement des tarifs pour 2017
Sent: July 04, 2017 3:18 PM
To: Hyslop, Peter;;;;;;;; Hoyt, Len;;;; Cozzarini, Lilia; Furey, John; Russell, Stephen; Harrison, Wanda; NBP Regulatory; Connelly Bosse, Natacha; NBEUB/CESPNB; Desmond, Ellen; Dickie, Michael; Lawton, John; Young, Dave; Mitchell, Kathleen;;;;;;;;;;;
Subject: Matter 357 - NB Power 2017 Rate Design / Instance No 357 - Énergie NB - Établissement des tarifs pour 2017
you are aware, the Board issued a decision on Friday, June 30th, in
connection with the above-noted matter.
Board will now set dates for the filing of the first round of IRs.
you wish to provide comments or advise of any particular date that is absolutely
unworkable, please advise by end of day tomorrow (July
Thank you.
Comme vous le savez, la Commission a rendu une décision le vendredi
30 juin, ayant trait à l’instance susmentionnée.
La Commission va maintenant fixer des dates pour le dépôt de la
première ronde - Demandes de renseignements.
Si vous souhaitez fournir des commentaires ou aviser toute date
particulière qui vous est absolument impossible, s’il vous plait nous en
informer d’ici la fin de journée demain (le 5 juillet).
Kathleen Mitchell
Chief Clerk | Greffière en chef
Energy & Utilities Board | Commission de l’énergie et des
services publics du N.-B.
Market Square, Suite 1400
John, NB E2L 4Y9
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---------- Original message ----------
From: Ben Davis <>
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2018 13:34:48 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: I bet the CFO Darren Murphy wants to forget
the questions I asked NB Power about KPMG auditing when I met some
folks in the Irving lawyer's office last year N'esy Pas Ricky Doucet?
To: David Amos <>
am out of the office and will have only intermittent access to email.
Please contact Regina Kolb
508.263.6261) ifFrom: Ben Davis <>
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2018 13:34:48 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: I bet the CFO Darren Murphy wants to forget
the questions I asked NB Power about KPMG auditing when I met some
folks in the Irving lawyer's office last year N'esy Pas Ricky Doucet?
To: David Amos <>
am out of the office and will have only intermittent access to email.
Please contact Regina Kolb
you would like immediate assistance.
Thank you,
Ben Davis
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)" <>
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2018 16:31:56 +0000
Subject: RE: YO Mr Furey Now we know the reason for the delay of the publication of Transcripts from last week by the EUB Nesy Pas Ricky Doucet?
To: David Amos <>
Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick. Please be
assured that your email will be reviewed.
If this is a media request, please forward your email to
>. Thank you!
Nous vous remercions d’avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du
Nouveau-Brunswick. Soyez assuré(e) que votre courriel sera examiné.
Si ceci est une demande médiatique, prière de la transmettre à
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2018 12:31:52 -0400
Subject: YO Mr Furey Now we know the reason for the delay of the publication of Transcripts from last week by the EUB Nesy Pas Ricky Doucet?
To:, "Mitchell, Kathleen" <>, "" <>, ""
<>, "" <>, "" <>,
Hoyt, Len" <>, "jeffery.callaghan@
<>, "" <>, "" <>, ""
<>, "" <>, "" <>
"Russell, Stephen" <>,
"Connelly Bosse, Natacha"
<>, "Lawton, John" <>,
"Desmond, Ellen" <>, "Dickie, Michael" <>,
<>, "Lawton, John" <>,
"Desmond, Ellen" <>, "Dickie, Michael" <>,
"Young, Dave" <>, NBEUB/CESPNB
"" <>,
" "
< >,
<> ,
<>, ""
<> ,
"" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>, "efinamore@valutechsolutions. com"
<efinamore@valutechsolutions. com>, ""
<>, ""
<>, " "
< >, ""
"" <> , ""
<>, ""
"" <>, "" <>, "" <>,
<>, ""
"" <>, "efinamore@valutechsolutions.
"" <>
"" <>, "" <>, "" <>,
"andrew.logan" <>,
"john.logan" <>,
"rick.doucet" <>, "chris.collins" <>,
"rick.doucet" <>, "chris.collins" <>,
"brian.gallant" <>,
tj <>,
bussieres" <>, "serge.rousselle"
Cc: David Amos <> ,,, carmen.budilean@greenpartynb. ca,
Cc: David Amos <>
"Robert. Jones" <>,
"Gilles.Moreau" <>,
"Gilles.Blinn" <>, ethics-ethique < >,
"Brenda.Lucki" <>
TOO TOO FUNNY INDEED new-brunswick/nb-power-rate- increase-hearing-eub-1.4618133
"Gilles.Blinn" <>, ethics-ethique <
What lawsuit? NB Power claim for damages against AECL has not gone to court
Utility's lawyer tells Energy and Utilities Board there are only 'potential legal claims'

More confusion showed itself at NB Power's rate hearing Friday when the utility's lawyer, John Furey, interrupted questions about the company's lawsuit against Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. to announce there is no lawsuit.
"There are not currently any other legal actions commenced," said Furey about attempts to win compensation from AECL for problems at the Point Lepreau nuclear generating station refurbishment, which finished more than five years ago.
The question left unanswered was what the utility is doing instead.
Furey's comments came as Energy and Utilities Board lawyer Ellen Desmond was asking if it is NB Power's intention to advise the EUB when "litigation" with AECL concludes and potentially more settlement money related to the troubled refurbishment is won.
- NB Power's 3 years of poor financial results under scrutiny
- Lawsuit settlement benefits not being steered away from customers, NB Power insists
- Sagging profits, hidden financial info loom over NB Power's rate hearing
Furey said there are only "potential legal claims," a revelation that caught Desmond by surprise.
"I had understood that there was litigation outstanding, but what I think I'm hearing Mr. Furey advise the board is that it's not litigation," said Desmond.
NB Power did sue insurance companies over their failure to pay for damage and delays during Lepreau's rebuild, which concluded in 2012 after running three years late and $1 billion over budget.

"This settlement does not represent the conclusion of all claims surrounding the delays in refurbishment," said Furey. "There are substantial areas of dispute that remain between NB Power and Atomic Energy of Canada Limited."
Desmond, and others, wrongly assumed that meant there was a legal action underway against AECL, which served as the refurbishment contractor.
NB Power has not said how much it is seeking or what process it is using to try to secure additional money from AECL.
Furthermore, Furey said NB Power considers whatever it wins to be money it can use as it sees fit.

NB Power did that with the insurance settlement money, but Furey said he believes any money it wins from AECL to be outside of that order.
"I don't believe the scope of the board's order covered the AECL claims," he said.
It is New Brunswick policy that NB Power is entitled to "full compensation" for the $1 billion in cost overruns it suffered at Lepreau, in any combination from insurance companies, AECL or the federal government, which owned AECL at the time.
The amount paid to the utility last month by insurers is confidential, but enough information about it has been provided to know it is likely less than $200 million.
Rate hearing delays prove costly for NB Power
Utility says it's losing about $400,000 with each passing week

at NB Power's ongoing rate hearing have evolved from a mere frustration
into a significant financial penalty for the utility as each week that
passes without an increase costs it — and saves customers — about
"A very rough rule of thumb that we've used is somewhere between $1.5 and $2 million a month," NB Power's chief financial officer Darren Murphy said last week about the cost of its rate review dragging on without a decision.
utility is asking for permission to raise rates on customers an average
of 1.5 percent but had banked on getting an increase in place by April
It submitted its application for a change last October, in part so it could have it approved by the start of its fiscal year.
Power's Darren Murphy said the utility is losing about $400,000 with
each passing week at the rate hearing is continually delayed. (Robert Jones/CBC)
Energy and Utilities Board scheduled a 12-day hearing that was supposed
to conclude in late February, giving the regulator a month to issue a
decision on power rates by the end of March, but that schedule fell
apart almost immediately.
Complex issues, long winded participants, unexpected developments and scheduling conflicts among parties all took turns wreaking havoc on the optimistic timeline.
As a result, the hearing is now eight weeks behind schedule and, since April 1, the lack of an increase has been draining money from the utility's new fiscal year budget with no clear date in view of when higher rates might take effect.
If the hearing has not concluded by May 2, it will be another week long recess until two more more sitting days can be pieced together mid month.
Murphy said since the EUB normally takes a number of weeks after a hearing concludes to issue a rate decision, the utility is not hopeful of being able to charge customers more until summer.
"Given the current board schedule we think there's some likelihood that it's the latter part of June or first of July," said Murphy.
"So somewhere between four and a half and six or seven million dollars (in lost income)?" asked Scott Stoll, the lawyer for municipal utilities.
"Correct," replied Murphy.
"A very rough rule of thumb that we've used is somewhere between $1.5 and $2 million a month," NB Power's chief financial officer Darren Murphy said last week about the cost of its rate review dragging on without a decision.
It submitted its application for a change last October, in part so it could have it approved by the start of its fiscal year.

Lost income
Complex issues, long winded participants, unexpected developments and scheduling conflicts among parties all took turns wreaking havoc on the optimistic timeline.
As a result, the hearing is now eight weeks behind schedule and, since April 1, the lack of an increase has been draining money from the utility's new fiscal year budget with no clear date in view of when higher rates might take effect.
Given the current board schedule we think there's some likelihood that it's the latter part of June or first of July.- Darren Murphy, NB PowerHearings began another two-week recess this week as parties were unable to clear days in their schedules at the same time to meet again until the very end of April and then only for three more days.
If the hearing has not concluded by May 2, it will be another week long recess until two more more sitting days can be pieced together mid month.
Murphy said since the EUB normally takes a number of weeks after a hearing concludes to issue a rate decision, the utility is not hopeful of being able to charge customers more until summer.
"Given the current board schedule we think there's some likelihood that it's the latter part of June or first of July," said Murphy.
"So somewhere between four and a half and six or seven million dollars (in lost income)?" asked Scott Stoll, the lawyer for municipal utilities.
"Correct," replied Murphy.
NB Power's 3 years of poor financial results under scrutiny
NB Power insists it's still on the right track, despite failing to meet profit targets

Power's failure to meet profit targets by a wide margin for three years
in a row came under intense scrutiny at its rate hearing Thursday in
Saint John, but utility executives insist the poor financial results are
not a concern.
"We disagree that historical performance is a good indication of how we should be performing in the future," said Darren Murphy, NB Power's senior vice-president of corporate services and chief financial officer.
NB Power's Darren Murphy said historical performance is not an indicator of how the utility will perform in the future. (Robert Jones/CBC)
"We're still on the right track and our long-term plan is still sound."
"Mr. Murphy, past performance is useful to understanding where you are going in the future — you'd have to agree with that," she said.
"I guess our point is when you have a plan, and then your results are different than what's expected. You have to adjust your plan."
NB Power has set debt reduction as a major corporate priority but has been making slow progress.
Over the past three years, the utility has budgeted for a combined $269 million in profit but has been able to generate only a fraction of that — $58 million — and debt retirement has suffered accordingly.
The reasons have been different in different years including poor performance at the Point Lepreau nuclear generating station, low hydro flows, warm winter weather, falling export sales, punishing storms and this past winter, surging natural gas prices.
Energy and Utilities Board lawyer Ellen Desmond questioned NB Power's optimism. (CBC)
questioned Murphy extensively Thursday about why the utility has not
trimmed spending — especially non-essential capital spending — as
various unexpected events emerged to drive up costs and deflate profits.
"There isn't one year (since 2013) where the debt reduction has been as planned, is that correct?"
"That's correct," responded Murphy.
Desmond did not specifically mention NB Power's pending application to spend more than $100 million on deploying smart meters provincewide over the next three years but did question whether the utility's capital spending plans are too "aggressive" given its high debt levels.
"Isn't that part of a sound utility practice — meeting those debt reduction targets? And when they're not met, adjusting maybe some capital expenditures going forward?
Murphy rejected that idea and pointed to operating problems at the Point Lepreau nuclear plant following its refurbishment as an example where extra money had to be spent to fix a problem that has been draining funds.
Since emerging from refurbishment in 2012, Lepreau has suffered numerous reliability problems and produced less power than expected — about $250 million less.
NB Power said extra money had to be spent on Point Lepreau after its refurbishment. (CBC News)
Power has boosted spending at the plant significantly to fix those
reliability problems and on Wednesday celebrated Lepreau's best
production year since its renovation — although its output is still
short of original targets.
"We recognized performance of certain generating stations were a challenge in the past, we addressed it and now it's performing a lot better," said Murphy.
"Our view on capital spending needs to be based on a long-term view, not based on short-term performance."
"We disagree that historical performance is a good indication of how we should be performing in the future," said Darren Murphy, NB Power's senior vice-president of corporate services and chief financial officer.

- Lawsuit settlement benefits not being steered away from customers, NB Power insists
- Sagging profits, hidden financial info loom over NB Power's rate hearing
- NB Power cuts proposed rate hike to 1.5% after Point Lepreau settlement
"Mr. Murphy, past performance is useful to understanding where you are going in the future — you'd have to agree with that," she said.
"I guess our point is when you have a plan, and then your results are different than what's expected. You have to adjust your plan."
Slow progress
NB Power has set debt reduction as a major corporate priority but has been making slow progress.
Over the past three years, the utility has budgeted for a combined $269 million in profit but has been able to generate only a fraction of that — $58 million — and debt retirement has suffered accordingly.
The reasons have been different in different years including poor performance at the Point Lepreau nuclear generating station, low hydro flows, warm winter weather, falling export sales, punishing storms and this past winter, surging natural gas prices.

"There isn't one year (since 2013) where the debt reduction has been as planned, is that correct?"
"That's correct," responded Murphy.
Desmond did not specifically mention NB Power's pending application to spend more than $100 million on deploying smart meters provincewide over the next three years but did question whether the utility's capital spending plans are too "aggressive" given its high debt levels.
"Isn't that part of a sound utility practice — meeting those debt reduction targets? And when they're not met, adjusting maybe some capital expenditures going forward?
Extra money on Point Lepreau
Murphy rejected that idea and pointed to operating problems at the Point Lepreau nuclear plant following its refurbishment as an example where extra money had to be spent to fix a problem that has been draining funds.
Since emerging from refurbishment in 2012, Lepreau has suffered numerous reliability problems and produced less power than expected — about $250 million less.

"We recognized performance of certain generating stations were a challenge in the past, we addressed it and now it's performing a lot better," said Murphy.
"Our view on capital spending needs to be based on a long-term view, not based on short-term performance."
Lawsuit settlement benefits not being steered away from customers, NB Power insists
'They certainly will get all the benefits of the settlement,' says NB Power vice-president

Power's top financial executives denied suggestions Wednesday the
utility is misdirecting nearly $50 million of a recent insurance
settlement to salvage its own sagging profits instead of sharing
settlement benefits completely with customers through lower rates.
"Customers are getting 100 per cent of the benefit of the insurance settlement," said Lori Clark, the utility's senior vice-president of operations, who took issue with suggestions the utility unveiled $48 million in new financial shortfalls last week to "dampen" the amount of insurance settlement money that would be left over to cut rate increases.
said, 'Did the in-year results dampen the impact of the settlement,'"
Clark replied to Scott Stoll, the lawyer representing municipal
utilities at the hearing who raised the issue
NB Power denied suggestions the utility used settlement money to salvage its own sagging profits. (CBC)
people may interpret that to mean they did not get all the benefit of
the settlement They certainly will get all the benefits of the
Clark and NB Power Chief Financial Officer Darren Murphy were questioned in detail about why the utility suddenly revealed bad news about its profits last week as part of new evidence meant to show how the insurance windfall will be shared with customers.
NB Power does not normally update its prior year financial statements during rate hearings since it has little bearing on what the utility needs to charge customers in the following year.
But last week, as it submitted documents showing how it proposed to deal with an insurance windfall announced in late March, it also slipped in information about a collapse in its expected profitability for the year ended March 31.
NB Power's Darren Murphy pictured at the EUB hearings. (Robert Jones/CBC)
acknowledged NB Power has known about that deterioration in its
finances for sometime but felt no pressing need to divulge it until the
insurance settlement came through.
"In the absence of something significant, we would not look to update year-end results as part of the hearing process," said Murphy.
The exact amount of the insurance settlement is not known, but enough information about it has been released to suggest it is worth between $100 million and $150 million at least.
It was paid to NB Power March 29 by insurance companies to settle claims resulting from cost overruns suffered by NB Power during the four-and-a-half-year refurbishment of the Point Lepreau nuclear plant that finished in 2012.
Point Lepreau nuclear generating station. (CBC)
declaring $48 million in reduced profits before calculating how the
insurance settlement would be shared with customers, J.D. Irving Ltd.
lawyer Christopher Stewart suggested NB Power had essentially declared
that much more debt, which would require the first $48 million of the
settlement to fill.
"That difference in the previous year's financial results for the utility were viewed by the utility as not sufficiently material or pertinent to include in the rate case," said Stewart.
"It's only now that you've received the insurance settlement proceeds that you've chosen to bring those (losses) forward."
Murphy appeared to acknowledge that customers would get lower rate increases this year if the profit shortfalls from last year had not suddenly appeared but said the benefit would have been short lived since higher increases in future years would then be required.
"To reduce (rates) one year only to increase it the next didn't seem to make any sense to us so we said why wouldn't we combine those," said Murphy.
"Customers are getting 100 per cent of the benefit of the insurance settlement," said Lori Clark, the utility's senior vice-president of operations, who took issue with suggestions the utility unveiled $48 million in new financial shortfalls last week to "dampen" the amount of insurance settlement money that would be left over to cut rate increases.

Bad news reveal
Clark and NB Power Chief Financial Officer Darren Murphy were questioned in detail about why the utility suddenly revealed bad news about its profits last week as part of new evidence meant to show how the insurance windfall will be shared with customers.
NB Power does not normally update its prior year financial statements during rate hearings since it has little bearing on what the utility needs to charge customers in the following year.
But last week, as it submitted documents showing how it proposed to deal with an insurance windfall announced in late March, it also slipped in information about a collapse in its expected profitability for the year ended March 31.

"In the absence of something significant, we would not look to update year-end results as part of the hearing process," said Murphy.
Lepreau settlement
The exact amount of the insurance settlement is not known, but enough information about it has been released to suggest it is worth between $100 million and $150 million at least.
It was paid to NB Power March 29 by insurance companies to settle claims resulting from cost overruns suffered by NB Power during the four-and-a-half-year refurbishment of the Point Lepreau nuclear plant that finished in 2012.

"That difference in the previous year's financial results for the utility were viewed by the utility as not sufficiently material or pertinent to include in the rate case," said Stewart.
"It's only now that you've received the insurance settlement proceeds that you've chosen to bring those (losses) forward."
Murphy appeared to acknowledge that customers would get lower rate increases this year if the profit shortfalls from last year had not suddenly appeared but said the benefit would have been short lived since higher increases in future years would then be required.
"To reduce (rates) one year only to increase it the next didn't seem to make any sense to us so we said why wouldn't we combine those," said Murphy.
Sagging profits, hidden financial info loom over NB Power's rate hearing
The utility warns of another earnings shortfall for the fiscal year

Power's ongoing rate hearing resumes Wednesday and will switch gears as
the Energy and Utilities Board attempts to navigate fiscal mysteries
and poor results that have suddenly engulfed the proceeding.
In addition to unprecedented secrecy surrounding the utility's basic financial condition caused by a secret lawsuit settlement before the board, the hearing will also be coping with fresh revelations NB Power has missed profit targets by a wide margin for the third year in a row.
is apparent that the financial results for 2017/18 will not be as
favourable as anticipated," the utility revealed last week in new and
heavily censored evidence filed with the EUB.
Most of the new material relates to the effects of a lawsuit settlement NB Power reached with insurance companies over cost overruns suffered during the refurbishment of the Point Lepreau nuclear generating station.
Point Lepreau nuclear generating station. (CBC)
utility won permission to keep the settlement amount secret and that
has had a cascading effect of forcing other key financial information —
like NB Power's future profitability and debt levels — to be disguised
as well.
But not everything is under wraps as the new evidence package also contains a brief note warning of yet another earnings shortfall of a "material nature" in the fiscal year just ended.
That will be unwelcome news among hearing participants who were already grilling utility executives on why millions of dollars in internal cost savings promised over the last three years have not materialized as predicted
"It's been indicated by some that maybe we are too optimistic," Diane Fraser, NB Power's director of financial planning, told the hearing last month about failures to find and eliminate inefficiencies the utility itself acknowledges are a problem.
It qualified a squadron of employees as so called "Lean Six Sigma Black Belt" practitioners — a management system designed to optimize efficiency — and dispatched them internally to find waste where they could and devise ways to eliminate it.
Last year, the utility acknowledged the black belts were coming up short identifying and fixing the number of efficiency problems expected and it reduced probable savings from the initiative over a nine-year period by $211 million.
This year it reduced the figure even further.
"NB Power has been learning as we go," explained Fraser.
"We are still anticipating continuous improvement savings in the future. The timing was optimistic on NB Power's behalf."
Board vice chairman Francois Beaulieu, seated with board member Patrick
Ervin has said the hearing will continue and concentrate on issues not
directly connected to power rates. (Shane Fowler/CBC)
the failure to find and implement internal savings quickly has helped
cause some of NB Power's problem meeting profit targets, which according
to the new evidence has worsened.
Last year the EUB approved a budget for NB Power for the fiscal year just finished that included expected profits of $90.6 million.
During most of the current hearing, the utility was estimating it would fall about $23 million short of that target, but last week's new evidence showed the shortfall will be more than $70 million.
The utility previously missed profit targets by $60.4 million the year before last and by $74.4 million the year before that.
In addition to unprecedented secrecy surrounding the utility's basic financial condition caused by a secret lawsuit settlement before the board, the hearing will also be coping with fresh revelations NB Power has missed profit targets by a wide margin for the third year in a row.
Most of the new material relates to the effects of a lawsuit settlement NB Power reached with insurance companies over cost overruns suffered during the refurbishment of the Point Lepreau nuclear generating station.

'We are too optimistic'
But not everything is under wraps as the new evidence package also contains a brief note warning of yet another earnings shortfall of a "material nature" in the fiscal year just ended.
That will be unwelcome news among hearing participants who were already grilling utility executives on why millions of dollars in internal cost savings promised over the last three years have not materialized as predicted
"It's been indicated by some that maybe we are too optimistic," Diane Fraser, NB Power's director of financial planning, told the hearing last month about failures to find and eliminate inefficiencies the utility itself acknowledges are a problem.
NB Power has been learning as we go.- Diane Fraser, NB Power's director of financial planningSeveral years ago, NB Power launched a plan of "continuous improvement" that promised to uncover and eliminate millions of dollars in inefficient internal costs.
It qualified a squadron of employees as so called "Lean Six Sigma Black Belt" practitioners — a management system designed to optimize efficiency — and dispatched them internally to find waste where they could and devise ways to eliminate it.
Black belts fall short
Last year, the utility acknowledged the black belts were coming up short identifying and fixing the number of efficiency problems expected and it reduced probable savings from the initiative over a nine-year period by $211 million.
This year it reduced the figure even further.
"NB Power has been learning as we go," explained Fraser.
"We are still anticipating continuous improvement savings in the future. The timing was optimistic on NB Power's behalf."

Last year the EUB approved a budget for NB Power for the fiscal year just finished that included expected profits of $90.6 million.
During most of the current hearing, the utility was estimating it would fall about $23 million short of that target, but last week's new evidence showed the shortfall will be more than $70 million.
The utility previously missed profit targets by $60.4 million the year before last and by $74.4 million the year before that.
NB Power's bid to hide financial details met with opposition from EUB
'Heavily redacted' document tries to hide NB Power's financial future following settlement

Power's bid to hide significant details of its finances, including
projected profit and debt levels for the next 10 years, as part of an
effort to keep the value of an insurance settlement secret, ran into
opposition at its rate hearing Friday.
"Those documents are heavily redacted," said Energy and Utilities Board vice chairman Francois Beaulieu about evidence attached to a new rate proposal being made by the NB Power that also withholds critical information about the utility's true financial condition.
EUB Board vice chairman Francois Beaulieu, right, is seen seated with board member Patrick Ervin. (Shane Fowler/CBC)
new rate submission includes lowering increases for customers by about
$7 million — from an average of two per cent to 1.5 percent — so they
can benefit from an insurance windfall NB Power was paid last month that
has lowered its debt and interest costs.
But as a
tradeoff for sharing the benefits of the settlement, the utility wants
to bar the public from seeing how the new money has affected its
financial condition, including debt and profit projections for the next
It argues that is critical to keeping the total settlement amount secret as it pursues another claim against the refurbishment contractor,
"The rationale behind all of the redactions is that the information that is redacted combined with information that is unredacted would enable a third party to calculate with reasonable accuracy the amount of the settlement," said NB Power lawyer John Furey
energy advocate Chris Rouse says he didn't realize keeping NB Power's
recent insurance
sure why we are even having a rate hearing to determine just and
reasonable rates when we can't even see the bottom line," he wrote.
Later in the hearing room Rouse made his point directly to the EUB and expressed regret the hearing had agreed to NB Power's request to keep the insurance settlement secret without an understanding of how that would drag other information into the dark.
"It's really difficult to partake in a rate hearing not knowing what net earnings are," said Rouse.
"If I had known that was at stake with the confidentiality agreement I probably would have argued that a lot differently. Lesson learned."
NB Power lawyer John Furey. (Philip Drost/CBC)
He said early next week the utility will
explain privately in detail to public intervenor Heather Black and EUB
staff, including its lawyer Ellen Desmond, why the information being
withheld should remain secret.
He said if either one does not accept the explanation, the issue can be battled out in front of the board itself.
"If we're unable to demonstrate that to them I would expect they would bring forward some form of objection to the board."
"Those documents are heavily redacted," said Energy and Utilities Board vice chairman Francois Beaulieu about evidence attached to a new rate proposal being made by the NB Power that also withholds critical information about the utility's true financial condition.
- NB Power cuts proposed rate hike to 1.5% after Point Lepreau settlement
- NB Power ordered to provide limited disclosure on settlement payouts
- NB Power says public best kept in dark over Lepreau refurbishment settlement

"The board would like to hear submissions from every party regarding what I'm raising."

rates filed by NB Power following an insurance windfall includes
evidence with all of its profit and debt level targets blacked out for
the next 10 years. (NB Power)The settlement is the
result of a six-year legal fight with insurance companies to recover
part of the $1 billion in cost overruns suffered by NB Power during the
Point Lepreau nuclear generating station refurbishment.
It argues that is critical to keeping the total settlement amount secret as it pursues another claim against the refurbishment contractor,
"The rationale behind all of the redactions is that the information that is redacted combined with information that is unredacted would enable a third party to calculate with reasonable accuracy the amount of the settlement," said NB Power lawyer John Furey
'We can't even see the bottom line'

settlement amount secret would require so much of its
financial information to be hidden. (CBC)
Rouse, a self-represented intervener in the hearing complained on
Twitter that the secrecy placed on debt levels and profit targets, to
help hide the size of the insurance settlement, was robbing the public
of critical financial information about the power company.
Later in the hearing room Rouse made his point directly to the EUB and expressed regret the hearing had agreed to NB Power's request to keep the insurance settlement secret without an understanding of how that would drag other information into the dark.
"It's really difficult to partake in a rate hearing not knowing what net earnings are," said Rouse.
"If I had known that was at stake with the confidentiality agreement I probably would have argued that a lot differently. Lesson learned."
NB Power to provide explanation privately

a two-hour private meeting among hearing participants to sort out
problems, Furey acknowledged to the board there was concern among some
about the extent of the financial information NB Power is proposing to
withhold about itself.
He said if either one does not accept the explanation, the issue can be battled out in front of the board itself.
"If we're unable to demonstrate that to them I would expect they would bring forward some form of objection to the board."
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2018 09:34:43 -0400
Subject: I bet the CFO Darren Murphy wants to forget the questions I
asked NB Power about KPMG auditing when I met some folks in the Irving
lawyer's office last year N'esy Pas Ricky Doucet?
To:, "Mitchell, Kathleen"
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, "Hoyt, Len" <>,
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
"Harrison, Wanda" <>, "Russell, Stephen"
<>, "Connelly Bosse, Natacha"
<>, "Lawton, John" <>,
"Desmond, Ellen" <>, "Dickie, Michael"
<>, "Young, Dave" <>,
<>, "
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, "" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>
"" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>,
"" <>, "andrew.logan"
<>, "john.logan" <>,
"rick.doucet" <>, "chris.collins"
<>, "brian.gallant" <>, tj
<>, "dan. bussieres" <>,
"serge.rousselle" <>
Cc: David Amos <>,,
<>, "Gilles.Moreau" <>,
"Gilles.Blinn" <>, ethics-ethique
---------- Original message ----------
From: Scott Stoll <>
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2018 12:07:19 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Matter 375 - NB Power 2018-2019 Hon. Rick
Doucet knows why the CFO Darren Murphy didn't want to spill the beans
about the bad news of NB Power's profits during an election year
To: David Amos <>
I will be out of the office at a hearing until April 16th, 2018.
During this time, I will have very limited access to email and
voicemail. I will endeavour to respond to emails during the evening.
If you require immediate assistance please contact my assistant Alison
Reynolds at (416) 863-1500 and she will direct you to the appropriate
---------- Original message ----------
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2017 8:47 AM
To: David Amos
Subject: RE: General Rate Application Stakeholder Session
Thank you for your email to the Energy and Utilities Board.
This is to acknowledge receipt of the information you have forwarded
to the Board.
La Commission de l'énergie et des services publics du
Nouveau-Brunswick vous remercie pour votre courriel.
Nous accusons réception de l'information que vous avez fait parvenir à
la Commission.
N.B. Energy and Utilities Board
Commission de l’énergie et des services publics du N.-B.
15 Market Square – Suite 1400
P.O. Box 5001/C.P. 5001
Saint John, NB E2L 4Y9
Telephone : 506-658-2504
Fax/Télécopieur : 506-643-7300
Email : / Courriel :
Website: / Site Web :
Confidentiality Notice
This private message (and any attachments) is for the exclusive use of
the individual for whom, or entity for which, it is intended. It may
contain information that is privileged, confidential or exempt from
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to it under applicable law. Disclosure to anyone other than the
intended recipient does not constitute waiver of privilege. Its
possession or usage, by any person other than the one for whom it is
intended, is not authorized by its author and is strictly prohibited.
If you have received this communication in error, please notify us
immediately, at our expense, by telephone at (506) 658-2504. Also, if
you received this email in error, delete it and any attachments from
your computer system and records. Thank you.
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Ce message privé (et toutes les pièces jointes) est à l'usage exclusif
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Il peut contenir des informations qui sont personnelles,
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ne renonce pas à la protection accordée en vertu de la loi applicable.
Sa divulgation à toute personne autre que son destinataire ne
constitue pas une renonciation de privilège. Sa possession ou
l'utilisation, par une personne autre que celle pour laquelle il est
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interdite. Si vous recevez cette communication par erreur, veuillez
nous appeler dans les plus brefs délais, à frais virés, au (506)
658-2504. Aussi, si vous avez reçu ce courriel par erreur, veuillez
effacer ce courriel, ainsi que les pièces jointes, de votre système
informatique et de vos dossiers. Merci.
From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2017 11:46 AM
To: Mitchell, Kathleen <>; Hyslop, Peter
<>;;;;;;; Hoyt, Len
<>;;;; Furey, John
<>; Russell, Stephen <>;
Harrison, Wanda <>; NBP Regulatory
<>; Connelly Bosse, Natacha
Desmond, Ellen <>; Dickie, Michael
<>; Lawton, John <>; Young,
Dave <>;;;;;;;;;;;; Louis-Philippe Gauthier
Margo Sheppard <>;;; Daly, Gerard <>
Cc: John Todd
Subject: Re: General Rate Application Stakeholder Session
Yes I would like to participate and thank you for inviting me
Best Regards
David Raymond Amos
From: NBP Regulatory
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2017 8:30 AM
To: Mitchell, Kathleen ; Hyslop, Peter ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Hoyt, Len ; ; ; ; Furey, John ; Russell, Stephen ;
Harrison, Wanda ; NBP Regulatory ; Connelly Bosse, Natacha ;
NBEUB/CESPNB ; Desmond, Ellen ; Dickie, Michael ; Lawton, John ;
Young, Dave ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Louis-Philippe Gauthier ;
carmen.budilean@greenpartynb. ; ; Gerard Daly
Cc: John Todd
Subject: General Rate Application Stakeholder Session
NB Power is holding a Stakeholder Engagement Session on July 11 in
Saint John. This session will be facilitated by John Todd of Elenchus
Research Associates. The purpose of the session is to provide an
opportunity for stakeholder input relating to the following issues
that were raised by stakeholders in the 2017/18 General Rate
Application (GRA):
· Adjustment mechanisms for mitigating the impact of variances
in financial results on progress toward NB Power legislated equity
target; and
· Enhancing the information provided in the 10 Year Plan that
NB Power files for information purposes as part of each GRA by
incorporating additional scenarios such as the worst and best credible
case scenarios.
In preparation for the July 11 session, you are invited to participate
in a conference call on June 26 at 2 pm. The purpose of the call is to
establish the July 11 agenda and your interest in participating in
this session.
The July 11 is intended to address matters related to material to be
included in NB Power’s 2018/19 General Rate Application which will be
filed in late September or early October. This session will not deal
with issues related to NB Power’s Class Cost Allocation Studies since
they are being addressed in a separate and on-going stakeholder
engagement process. In addition, issues that are part of the Rate
Design Application (Matter 357) that is before the Board cannot be
addressed as part of this Stakeholder Engagement Session. All matters
currently under the purview of the EUB Advisory Group that is
establishing GRA minimum filing requirements are also beyond the scope
of this Stakeholder Engagement Session.
Your participation and insight on the above noted topics would be
appreciated as NB Power strives to prepare information that reflects
common beliefs and to consider the alternate scenarios that are of
interest to stakeholders.
Please advise by reply email of your interest and availability to
participate in the conference call by end of day on June 22 or by
phoning NB Power Regulatory Affairs at 458-4022. Participants in the
conference call will receive details regarding the conference call-in
number after June 22.
Thank you.
Lilia Cozzarini | Regulatory Officer
NB Power Corporation
515 King Street | Fredericton NB | E3B 5G4
Office: 506 458 4022 | Cell: 506 470 4156 | Fax: 506 458 4000
This e-mail communication (including any or all attachments) is
intended only for the use of the person or entity to which it is
addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. If
you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, any use, review,
retransmission, distribution, dissemination, copying, printing, or
other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon this e-mail, is
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reconnaissants de votre collaboration.
David Amos<david.raymond.amos@gmail.
Reply-To: David Amos <>
To: "Hyslop, Peter" <>,,,,,,, "Hoyt, Len"
<>,,,,,,,,,, NBEUB/CESPNB <>, "Desmond,
Ellen" <>, "Dickie, Michael"
<>, "Lawton, John" <>,
"Young, Dave" <>, "Mitchell, Kathleen"
Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original
Thanks for informing me.
As far as as I know I am as free as a bird for awhile. Hence the EUB
wishes will be my command.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369
From: Mitchell, Kathleen
Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2017 12:18 PM
To: Hyslop, Peter ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Hoyt, Len ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; NBEUB/CESPNB ; Desmond, Ellen ; Dickie,
Michael ; Lawton, John ; Young, Dave ; Mitchell, Kathleen ; ; ;
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Subject: Matter 357 - NB Power 2017 Rate Design / Instance No 357 -
Énergie NB - Établissement des tarifs pour 2017
As you are aware, the Board issued a decision on Friday, June 30th, in
connection with the above-noted matter.
The Board will now set dates for the filing of the first round of IRs.
If you wish to provide comments or advise of any particular date that
is absolutely unworkable, please advise by end of day tomorrow (July
Thank you.
Comme vous le savez, la Commission a rendu une décision le vendredi 30
juin, ayant trait à l’instance susmentionnée.
La Commission va maintenant fixer des dates pour le dépôt de la
première ronde - Demandes de renseignements.
Si vous souhaitez fournir des commentaires ou aviser toute date
particulière qui vous est absolument impossible, s’il vous plait nous
en informer d’ici la fin de journée demain (le 5 juillet).
Kathleen Mitchell
Chief Clerk | Greffière en chef
Energy & Utilities Board | Commission de l’énergie et des services
publics du N.-B.
15 Market Square, Suite 1400
Saint John, NB E2L 4Y9
506-643-7324 (direct)
506-658-2504 (reception)
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This private message (and any attachments) is for the exclusive use of
the individual for whom, or entity for which, it is intended. It may
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possession or usage, by any person other than the one for whom it is
intended, is not authorized by its author and is strictly prohibited.
If you have received this communication in error, please notify us
immediately, at our expense, by telephone at (506) 658-2504. Also, if
you received this email in error, delete it and any attachments from
your computer system and records. Thank you.
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Ce message privé (et toutes les pièces jointes) est à l'usage exclusif
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effacer ce courriel, ainsi que les pièces jointes, de votre système
informatique et de vos dossiers. Merci.
---------- Original message ----------
From: Scott Stoll <>
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2018 12:07:19 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Matter 375 - NB Power 2018-2019 Hon. Rick
Doucet knows why the CFO Darren Murphy didn't want to spill the beans
about the bad news of NB Power's profits during an election year
To: David Amos <>
I will be out of the office at a hearing until April 16th, 2018.
During this time, I will have very limited access to email and
voicemail. I will endeavour to respond to emails during the evening.
If you require immediate assistance please contact my assistant Alison
Reynolds at (416) 863-1500 and she will direct you to the appropriate
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2018 08:07:13 -0400
Subject: Re: Matter 375 - NB Power 2018-2019 Hon. Rick Doucet knows why the
CFO Darren Murphy didn't want to spill the beans about the bad news of NB Power's
profits during an election year
To:, <>, <>,
<>, <>, <>, <>, <jeffery.callaghan@
<>, <>, <>,
<>, <>, <>
<>, <>, <>,
<>, <>,<>,
<>, <>, <>,
<>, < >,
<>, <>,<>,
<>, <>, <>,
<>, <
<> , <>,
<> , <>, <>,
<>, <>, <efinamore@valutechsolutions. com>,
<>, <>, < >,
<>, <> , <>,
<>, <>, <>,
<>,<>, <>,
<>, <>, <>,
<>, <>, <>
Cc: <> , <>, <>,
<>, < >,
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Furey, John" <>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2017 12:51:03 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: EXT - Attn Hon.Rick Doucet Are you aware of
what transpired at eh NBEUB on Oct, 31, 2017 and these documents with
regards the U.S .Commerce Dept concerns about NB Power and its Large
Industrial Renewable Energy Purchase Program (LIREPP)?
To: David Amos <>
I am away from my office and unable to access my email. I will
respond to your message on my return to the office. If your message is
urgent, please contact my assistant, Janet Campbell, at
______________________________ __
This e-mail communication (including any or all attachments) is
intended only for the use of the person or entity to which it is
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<>, <>, <
<>, <>
<>, <>, <>,
<>,<>, <>,
<>, <>, <>,
<>, <>, <>
Cc: <>
<>, <
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Furey, John" <>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2017 12:51:03 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: EXT - Attn Hon.Rick Doucet Are you aware of
what transpired at eh NBEUB on Oct, 31, 2017 and these documents with
regards the U.S .Commerce Dept concerns about NB Power and its Large
Industrial Renewable Energy Purchase Program (LIREPP)?
To: David Amos <>
I am away from my office and unable to access my email. I will
respond to your message on my return to the office. If your message is
urgent, please contact my assistant, Janet Campbell, at
This e-mail communication (including any or all attachments) is
intended only for the use of the person or entity to which it is
addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. If
you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, any use, review,
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Le présent courriel (y compris toute pièce jointe) s'adresse
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