---------- Original message ----------
From: Newsroom <newsroom@globeandmail.com>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2018 12:55:31 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: SUSPECT SPAM: Fwd: Need I say Shame on the RCMP AGAIN?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Thank you for contacting The Globe and Mail.
If your matter pertains to newspaper delivery or you require technical
support, please contact our Customer Service department at
1-800-387-5400 or send an email to customerservice@globeandmail. com
If you are reporting a factual error please forward your email to
publiceditor@globeandmail.com< mailto:publiceditor@ globeandmail.com>
Letters to the Editor can be sent to letters@globeandmail.com
This is the correct email address for requests for news coverage and
press releases.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2018 08:53:54 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Need I say Shame on the RCMP AGAIN?
To: Newsroom <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, gopublic <gopublic@cbc.ca>,
news <news@kingscorecord.com>, "Jacques.Poitras"
<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, news
<news@hilltimes.com>, news <news@dailygleaner.com>, nmoore
<nmoore@bellmedia.ca>, "David.Akin" <David.Akin@globalnews.ca>,
"steve.murphy" <steve.murphy@ctv.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
---------- Original message ----------
From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)" <fin.minfinance-financemin. fin@canada.ca>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2018 12:45:44 +0000
Subject: RE: Need I say Shame on the RCMP AGAIN?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>
The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your
Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance
électronique. Soyez assuré(e) que nous apprécions recevoir vos
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail. com>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2018 08:45:11 -0400
Subject: Need I say Shame on the RCMP AGAIN?
To: washington field <washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, "Boston.Mail"
<Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov>, "cps@calgarypolice.ca"
<cps@calgarypolice.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre
<andre@jafaust.com>, "Kevin.leahy" <Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
patrick_doran1 <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>, eps
<eps@edmontonpolice.ca>, "Paul.Lynch" <Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca> ,
"Michelle.Boutin" <Michelle.Boutin@rcmp-grc.gc. ca>,
<danadurnford@hotmail.com>, cd1 <cd1@connectingdots1.com>,
"martin.gaudet" <martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca> ,
<Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca >,
<Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Mark.Blakely"
<Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "dale.drummond"
<dale.drummond@rcmp-grc.gc.ca> ,
<philip.bryden@gov.ab.ca>, "bill.clark"
<bill.clark@edmontonpolice.ca> ,
<bill.sweeney@gov.ab.ca>, "don.iveson" <don.iveson@edmonton.ca>,
themayor <themayor@calgary.ca>, "Kathleen.Ganley"
<Kathleen.Ganley@assembly.ab. ca>,
<ministryofjustice@gov.ab.ca>, David Amos
<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com> ,
jkee <jkee@google.com>,
<DDrummond@google.com>, "brian.gallant" <brian.gallant@gnb.ca>,
"Bill.Morneau" <Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>, Dean Ray
Cc: "hon.ralph.goodale" <hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>, "Brenda.Lucki"
<Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Message blocked
Your message to hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca has been blocked. See
technical details below for more information.
Message blocked
Your message to Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca has been blocked. See
technical details below for more information.
Message blocked
Your message to Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca has been blocked. See
technical details below for more information.
Message blocked
Your message to Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca has been blocked. See
technical details below for more information.
Message blocked
Your message to cps@calgarypolice.ca has been blocked. See technical
details below for more information.
Message blocked
Your message to patrick_doran1@hotmail.com has been blocked. See
technical details below for more information.
Message blocked
Your message to Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca has been blocked. See
technical details below for more information.
Message blocked
Your message to oldmaison@yahoo.com has been blocked. See technical
details below for more information.
Message blocked
Your message to deanrogerray@hotmail.com has been blocked. See
technical details below for more information.
Message blocked
Your message to DDrummond@google.com has been blocked. See technical
details below for more information.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2018 07:18:15 -0400
Subject: Attn Constable Mark Smith your client Patty Baby Doran and
his fellow Trolls do go on and on while you continue to play Dumb
N'esy Pas?
To: Dean Ray <deanrogerray@hotmail.com>, "hon.ralph.goodale"
<hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>, "Brenda.Lucki"
Cc: "cps@calgarypolice.ca" <cps@calgarypolice.ca>, oldmaison
<oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>, "Kevin.leahy"
<Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, patrick_doran1
<patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>, eps <eps@edmontonpolice.ca>,
"Paul.Lynch" <Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca> ,
<Michelle.Boutin@rcmp-grc.gc. ca>,
<danadurnford@hotmail.com>, cd1 <cd1@connectingdots1.com>,
"martin.gaudet" <martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca> ,
<Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca >,
<Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Mark.Blakely"
<Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "dale.drummond"
<dale.drummond@rcmp-grc.gc.ca> ,
<philip.bryden@gov.ab.ca>, "bill.clark"
<bill.clark@edmontonpolice.ca> ,
<bill.sweeney@gov.ab.ca>, "don.iveson" <don.iveson@edmonton.ca>,
themayor <themayor@calgary.ca>, "Kathleen.Ganley"
<Kathleen.Ganley@assembly.ab. ca>,
<ministryofjustice@gov.ab.ca>, David Amos
<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com> ,
jkee <jkee@google.com>,
<DDrummond@google.com>, "brian.gallant" <brian.gallant@gnb.ca>,
"Bill.Morneau" <Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>
https://archive.org/details/ RIPBARRYWINTERSDontLetFreeSpee chDieWithHim_201804
RIP BARRY WINTERS Don't Let Free Speech Die With Him
by David Raymond Amos
Topics RCMP
Ask yourself why the very corrupt cops in Edmonton and Calgary and the
RCMP in particular have refused to investigate this video if Patty
Baby Doran is not one of their shills
Reviewer: Anonymous -- May 27, 2018
Subject: Smelled A Rat When He Got Arrested Care Why???
In the original video the first part was taken from (circa Nov 2016)
Baconfat actually ragequit after being muted by Shangi and never made
another blog post from that day forward until the blog was banhammered
in early 2017. Barry Winters was not arrested until June waaay after
the fact. Why? In my opinion he fucked up when he started attacking
the local Edmonton cops and politicians instead of random people on
the Internet that no one cares about.
While not a big fan of some of his opinions I enjoyed Baconfat's
ability to wind Amos up. To me he was kind of like that kooky uncle
apt to say anything after pounding back a few. Obnoxious but loveable.
Hope they serve Guinness in Heaven pal. Your brand of humour will be
sorely missed.
https://archive.org/details/ DontFeedTheTrolls1
Dont Feed The Trolls 1
by David Raymond Amos
Topics RCMP
This is the Troll who has fun pretending to be me as he tortures other
Trolls such as Dana Durnfrod, Barry Winters, Patrick Doran and Dean
Roger Ray et al
Reviewer: Anonymous -- May 27, 2018
Subject: Thank You For The Memories Sir
Methinks Mean Ol You should reupload the one that Dirty Dicky Dean
made shaving and going on about you. I could play that on a loop on a
large screen on my front porch and keep any prowlers away CORRECT SGT
https://archive.org/details/ DontFeedTheTrolls2
Dont Feed The Trolls 2
by David Raymond Amos
Topics RCMP
This is the Troll who has fun pretending to be me as he tortures other
Trolls such as Dana Durnfrod, Barry Winters, Patrick Doran and Dean
Roger Ray et al
Reviewer: Anonymous -- May 27, 2018
Subject: Nope. Wasn't me...
Liar liar pants on fire eh? Everybody and his dog knows that was Qwen
Baby's Yankee butt buddy doing a very bad Prowled impersonation. An
improvement over his awful Rootbrian impersonation but he dropped the
gimmick after he jumped on the pile on Dirty Dicky Dean under his
Abscence accounts way back in 2009 nest pas?
If you want to see my work you have the "Homeless Court" video on your
YouTube channel or you could reupload the one with the convo betwixt
"Max" and his "friend" from late 2010. That was a classic. Can't get
away with that sort of thing these days though *sigh*. Oh well The
Dude abides...
https://archive.org/details/ PattyBabyDoranReadingFromMyKid sOnlineDiary
Patty Baby Doran Reading From My Kid's Online Diary
by David Raymond Amos
Topics RCMP
All the corrupt cops laughed at Mr Baconfat, Patty Baby Doran, Dean
Roger Ray, Dana Durnford and a host of other Trolls cyberstalking my
family for years Well nobody is laughing now that Mr Baconfat finally
had his evil arse arrested last year EH?
Reviewer: Anonymous -- May 27, 2018
Subject: He Shouldn't Have Been Charged BUT...
I will say that I would have liked to have seen the look on Baconfats
face when the cops showed up and booked him. Methinks he pissed his
pants what say you?
Speaking of such, have you seen the video of Chucky LeBlanc screaming
like a girl when the RCMP are trying to talk to him? Too too funny.
The new "Tut Tut Tut" to go back a decade...
https://archive.org/details/ DandDBroadcasting1
by David Raymond Amos
Reviewer: Anonymous -- May 27, 2018
Subject: Classic!!!
The butthurt is strong with this one. Can't speak for Dirty Dicky Dean
but my nuts have yet to be ripped off nest pas?
Good times and great trolling.
From: Dean Ray
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2018 5:32 PM
To: David Amos ; cps@calgarypolice.ca ; patrick_doran1 ; eps ;
Paul.Lynch ; Michelle.Boutin ; danadurnford ; cd1 ; oldmaison ; andre
; martin.gaudet ; Larry.Tremblay ; Gilles.Blinn ; Mark.Blakely ;
dale.drummond ; philip.bryden ; bill.clark ; bill.sweeney ; don.iveson
; themayor ; Kathleen.Ganley ; ministryofjustice
Cc: David Amos ; jkee ; DDrummond ; brian.gallant ; Bill.Morneau
Subject: RE: Attn Constable Mark Smith Ireally think you should check
out your client Patty Baby Doran before he rents a van or whatever
How much did the RCMP pay you and Barry Winters to go nuts on the
internet and attack bloggers. Police officer talk to me and hang up
as the truth did not sit well who you really are and who you work
with. You use trolls same way a rodeo uses clowns to misdirect the
angry bull(bloggers like Charles leblanc investigating government
trying to dope kids with Ritalin). I want closure and I wanted it
fifteen years ago! Ok I am biting and replying to Amos do your arrest
and get it over with pay Amos and leave my family alone!
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------------------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2018 3:53:23 AM
To: cps@calgarypolice.ca; patrick_doran1; eps; Paul.Lynch;
Michelle.Boutin; Dean Ray; danadurnford; cd1; oldmaison; andre;
martin.gaudet; Larry.Tremblay; Gilles.Blinn; Mark.Blakely;
dale.drummond; philip.bryden; bill.clark; bill.sweeney; don.iveson;
themayor; Kathleen.Ganley; ministryofjustice
Cc: David Amos; jkee; DDrummond; brian.gallant; Bill.Morneau
Subject: Attn Constable Mark Smith Ireally think you should check out
your client Patty Baby Doran before he rents a van or whatever
You people should have arrested him last year when Bhis buddy Barry
Winters was arrested in Edmonton instead you allowed him to go on and
on for no reason i will ever understand
Trust that I have saved all Doran's videos and that of his cohorts
that I have deemed important for my next lawsuit against the Crown
This is one of his latest rants against women
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=FI5RlrlLe-Y&t=81s
Why Should We Marry You? #MGTOW
Mad Shangi
Published on Apr 25, 2018
Another ranty and completely offensive video from The Mad Shangi.
Perhaps your lawyers should check my work from yesterday EH?
http://davidraymondamos3. blogspot.ca/2018/04/the- corrupt-cops-are-still- pupporting.html
Sunday, 29 April 2018
The Corrupt Cops are still supporting Patty Baby Doran aka The
Madshangi in YouTube
From: Newsroom <newsroom@globeandmail.com>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2018 12:55:31 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: SUSPECT SPAM: Fwd: Need I say Shame on the RCMP AGAIN?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Thank you for contacting The Globe and Mail.
If your matter pertains to newspaper delivery or you require technical
support, please contact our Customer Service department at
1-800-387-5400 or send an email to customerservice@globeandmail.
If you are reporting a factual error please forward your email to
Letters to the Editor can be sent to letters@globeandmail.com
This is the correct email address for requests for news coverage and
press releases.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2018 08:53:54 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Need I say Shame on the RCMP AGAIN?
To: Newsroom <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, gopublic <gopublic@cbc.ca>,
news <news@kingscorecord.com>, "Jacques.Poitras"
<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, news
<news@hilltimes.com>, news <news@dailygleaner.com>, nmoore
<nmoore@bellmedia.ca>, "David.Akin" <David.Akin@globalnews.ca>,
"steve.murphy" <steve.murphy@ctv.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
---------- Original message ----------
From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)" <fin.minfinance-financemin.
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2018 12:45:44 +0000
Subject: RE: Need I say Shame on the RCMP AGAIN?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your
Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance
électronique. Soyez assuré(e) que nous apprécions recevoir vos
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2018 08:45:11 -0400
Subject: Need I say Shame on the RCMP AGAIN?
To: washington field <washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, "Boston.Mail"
<Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov>, "cps@calgarypolice.ca"
<cps@calgarypolice.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre
<andre@jafaust.com>, "Kevin.leahy" <Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
patrick_doran1 <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>, eps
<eps@edmontonpolice.ca>, "Paul.Lynch" <Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca>
"Michelle.Boutin" <Michelle.Boutin@rcmp-grc.gc.
<danadurnford@hotmail.com>, cd1 <cd1@connectingdots1.com>,
"martin.gaudet" <martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca>
<Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Mark.Blakely"
<Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "dale.drummond"
<philip.bryden@gov.ab.ca>, "bill.clark"
<bill.sweeney@gov.ab.ca>, "don.iveson" <don.iveson@edmonton.ca>,
themayor <themayor@calgary.ca>, "Kathleen.Ganley"
<ministryofjustice@gov.ab.ca>, David Amos
<DDrummond@google.com>, "brian.gallant" <brian.gallant@gnb.ca>,
"Bill.Morneau" <Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>, Dean Ray
Cc: "hon.ralph.goodale" <hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>, "Brenda.Lucki"
<Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Message blocked
Your message to hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca has been blocked. See
technical details below for more information.
Message blocked
Your message to Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca has been blocked. See
technical details below for more information.
Message blocked
Your message to Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca has been blocked. See
technical details below for more information.
Message blocked
Your message to Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca has been blocked. See
technical details below for more information.
Message blocked
Your message to cps@calgarypolice.ca has been blocked. See technical
details below for more information.
Message blocked
Your message to patrick_doran1@hotmail.com has been blocked. See
technical details below for more information.
Message blocked
Your message to Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca has been blocked. See
technical details below for more information.
Message blocked
Your message to oldmaison@yahoo.com has been blocked. See technical
details below for more information.
Message blocked
Your message to deanrogerray@hotmail.com has been blocked. See
technical details below for more information.
Message blocked
Your message to DDrummond@google.com has been blocked. See technical
details below for more information.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2018 07:18:15 -0400
Subject: Attn Constable Mark Smith your client Patty Baby Doran and
his fellow Trolls do go on and on while you continue to play Dumb
N'esy Pas?
To: Dean Ray <deanrogerray@hotmail.com>, "hon.ralph.goodale"
<hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>, "Brenda.Lucki"
Cc: "cps@calgarypolice.ca" <cps@calgarypolice.ca>, oldmaison
<oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>, "Kevin.leahy"
<Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, patrick_doran1
<patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>, eps <eps@edmontonpolice.ca>,
"Paul.Lynch" <Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca>
<danadurnford@hotmail.com>, cd1 <cd1@connectingdots1.com>,
"martin.gaudet" <martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca>
<Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Mark.Blakely"
<Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "dale.drummond"
<philip.bryden@gov.ab.ca>, "bill.clark"
<bill.sweeney@gov.ab.ca>, "don.iveson" <don.iveson@edmonton.ca>,
themayor <themayor@calgary.ca>, "Kathleen.Ganley"
<ministryofjustice@gov.ab.ca>, David Amos
<DDrummond@google.com>, "brian.gallant" <brian.gallant@gnb.ca>,
"Bill.Morneau" <Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>
RIP BARRY WINTERS Don't Let Free Speech Die With Him
by David Raymond Amos
Topics RCMP
Ask yourself why the very corrupt cops in Edmonton and Calgary and the
RCMP in particular have refused to investigate this video if Patty
Baby Doran is not one of their shills
Reviewer: Anonymous -- May 27, 2018
Subject: Smelled A Rat When He Got Arrested Care Why???
In the original video the first part was taken from (circa Nov 2016)
Baconfat actually ragequit after being muted by Shangi and never made
another blog post from that day forward until the blog was banhammered
in early 2017. Barry Winters was not arrested until June waaay after
the fact. Why? In my opinion he fucked up when he started attacking
the local Edmonton cops and politicians instead of random people on
the Internet that no one cares about.
While not a big fan of some of his opinions I enjoyed Baconfat's
ability to wind Amos up. To me he was kind of like that kooky uncle
apt to say anything after pounding back a few. Obnoxious but loveable.
Hope they serve Guinness in Heaven pal. Your brand of humour will be
sorely missed.
Dont Feed The Trolls 1
by David Raymond Amos
Topics RCMP
This is the Troll who has fun pretending to be me as he tortures other
Trolls such as Dana Durnfrod, Barry Winters, Patrick Doran and Dean
Roger Ray et al
Reviewer: Anonymous -- May 27, 2018
Subject: Thank You For The Memories Sir
Methinks Mean Ol You should reupload the one that Dirty Dicky Dean
made shaving and going on about you. I could play that on a loop on a
large screen on my front porch and keep any prowlers away CORRECT SGT
Dont Feed The Trolls 2
by David Raymond Amos
Topics RCMP
This is the Troll who has fun pretending to be me as he tortures other
Trolls such as Dana Durnfrod, Barry Winters, Patrick Doran and Dean
Roger Ray et al
Reviewer: Anonymous -- May 27, 2018
Subject: Nope. Wasn't me...
Liar liar pants on fire eh? Everybody and his dog knows that was Qwen
Baby's Yankee butt buddy doing a very bad Prowled impersonation. An
improvement over his awful Rootbrian impersonation but he dropped the
gimmick after he jumped on the pile on Dirty Dicky Dean under his
Abscence accounts way back in 2009 nest pas?
If you want to see my work you have the "Homeless Court" video on your
YouTube channel or you could reupload the one with the convo betwixt
"Max" and his "friend" from late 2010. That was a classic. Can't get
away with that sort of thing these days though *sigh*. Oh well The
Dude abides...
Patty Baby Doran Reading From My Kid's Online Diary
by David Raymond Amos
Topics RCMP
All the corrupt cops laughed at Mr Baconfat, Patty Baby Doran, Dean
Roger Ray, Dana Durnford and a host of other Trolls cyberstalking my
family for years Well nobody is laughing now that Mr Baconfat finally
had his evil arse arrested last year EH?
Reviewer: Anonymous -- May 27, 2018
Subject: He Shouldn't Have Been Charged BUT...
I will say that I would have liked to have seen the look on Baconfats
face when the cops showed up and booked him. Methinks he pissed his
pants what say you?
Speaking of such, have you seen the video of Chucky LeBlanc screaming
like a girl when the RCMP are trying to talk to him? Too too funny.
The new "Tut Tut Tut" to go back a decade...
by David Raymond Amos
Reviewer: Anonymous -- May 27, 2018
Subject: Classic!!!
The butthurt is strong with this one. Can't speak for Dirty Dicky Dean
but my nuts have yet to be ripped off nest pas?
Good times and great trolling.
From: Dean Ray
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2018 5:32 PM
To: David Amos ; cps@calgarypolice.ca ; patrick_doran1 ; eps ;
Paul.Lynch ; Michelle.Boutin ; danadurnford ; cd1 ; oldmaison ; andre
; martin.gaudet ; Larry.Tremblay ; Gilles.Blinn ; Mark.Blakely ;
dale.drummond ; philip.bryden ; bill.clark ; bill.sweeney ; don.iveson
; themayor ; Kathleen.Ganley ; ministryofjustice
Cc: David Amos ; jkee ; DDrummond ; brian.gallant ; Bill.Morneau
Subject: RE: Attn Constable Mark Smith Ireally think you should check
out your client Patty Baby Doran before he rents a van or whatever
How much did the RCMP pay you and Barry Winters to go nuts on the
internet and attack bloggers. Police officer talk to me and hang up
as the truth did not sit well who you really are and who you work
with. You use trolls same way a rodeo uses clowns to misdirect the
angry bull(bloggers like Charles leblanc investigating government
trying to dope kids with Ritalin). I want closure and I wanted it
fifteen years ago! Ok I am biting and replying to Amos do your arrest
and get it over with pay Amos and leave my family alone!
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2018 3:53:23 AM
To: cps@calgarypolice.ca; patrick_doran1; eps; Paul.Lynch;
Michelle.Boutin; Dean Ray; danadurnford; cd1; oldmaison; andre;
martin.gaudet; Larry.Tremblay; Gilles.Blinn; Mark.Blakely;
dale.drummond; philip.bryden; bill.clark; bill.sweeney; don.iveson;
themayor; Kathleen.Ganley; ministryofjustice
Cc: David Amos; jkee; DDrummond; brian.gallant; Bill.Morneau
Subject: Attn Constable Mark Smith Ireally think you should check out
your client Patty Baby Doran before he rents a van or whatever
You people should have arrested him last year when Bhis buddy Barry
Winters was arrested in Edmonton instead you allowed him to go on and
on for no reason i will ever understand
Trust that I have saved all Doran's videos and that of his cohorts
that I have deemed important for my next lawsuit against the Crown
This is one of his latest rants against women
Why Should We Marry You? #MGTOW
Mad Shangi
Published on Apr 25, 2018
Another ranty and completely offensive video from The Mad Shangi.
Perhaps your lawyers should check my work from yesterday EH?
Sunday, 29 April 2018
The Corrupt Cops are still supporting Patty Baby Doran aka The
Madshangi in YouTube
---------- Original message ----------
From: Dean Ray <deanrogerray@hotmail.com>
Date: Thu, 3 May 2018 23:32:06 +0000
Subject: RE: Attn Constable Mark Smith Ireally think you should check out your client
Patty Baby Doran before he rents a van or whatever
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, "cps@calgarypolice.ca"
<cps@calgarypolice.ca>, patrick_doran1 <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>,
eps <eps@edmontonpolice.ca>, "Paul.Lynch" <Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca>,
danadurnford <danadurnford@hotmail.com>, cd1 <cd1@connectingdots1.com>,
oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>,
"martin.gaudet" <martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca>
"Larry.Tremblay" <Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca >,
"Gilles.Blinn" <Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
"Mark.Blakely" <Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
"dale.drummond" <dale.drummond@rcmp-grc.gc.ca> ,
"bill.sweeney" <bill.sweeney@gov.ab.ca>,
"don.iveson" <don.iveson@edmonton.ca>,
themayor <themayor@calgary.ca>, "Kathleen.Ganley" <Kathleen.Ganley@assembly.ab. ca>,
ministryofjustice <ministryofjustice@gov.ab.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com> ,
jkee <jkee@google.com>,
DDrummond <DDrummond@google.com>, "brian.gallant" <brian.gallant@gnb.ca>,
themayor <themayor@calgary.ca>, "Kathleen.Ganley" <Kathleen.Ganley@assembly.ab.
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
DDrummond <DDrummond@google.com>, "brian.gallant" <brian.gallant@gnb.ca>,
"Bill.Morneau" <Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>
How much did the RCMP pay you and Barry Winters to go nuts on the
internet and attack bloggers. Police officer talk to me and hang up
as the truth did not sit well who you really are and who you work
with. You use trolls same way a rodeo uses clowns to misdirect the
angry bull(bloggers like Charles leblanc investigating government
trying to dope kids with Ritalin). I want closure and I wanted it
fifteen years ago! Ok I am biting and replying to Amos do your arrest
and get it over with pay Amos and leave my family alone!
How much did the RCMP pay you and Barry Winters to go nuts on the
internet and attack bloggers. Police officer talk to me and hang up
as the truth did not sit well who you really are and who you work
with. You use trolls same way a rodeo uses clowns to misdirect the
angry bull(bloggers like Charles leblanc investigating government
trying to dope kids with Ritalin). I want closure and I wanted it
fifteen years ago! Ok I am biting and replying to Amos do your arrest
and get it over with pay Amos and leave my family alone!
--------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 05:53:23 -0400
Subject: Attn Constable Mark Smith Ireally think you should check out your client
Patty Baby Doran before he rents a van or whatever
To: cps@calgarypolice.ca, patrick_doran1 <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>,
eps <eps@edmontonpolice.ca>, "Paul.Lynch" <Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca>, "Michelle.Boutin" <Michelle.Boutin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
Dean Ray <deanrogerray@hotmail.com>, danadurnford <danadurnford@hotmail.com>, cd1 <cd1@connectingdots1.com>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
andre <andre@jafaust.com>, "martin.gaudet" <martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca>, "Larry.Tremblay" <Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
"Gilles.Blinn" <Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
"Mark.Blakely" <Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
"dale.drummond" <dale.drummond@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
"philip.bryden" <philip.bryden@gov.ab.ca>, "bill.clark" <bill.clark@edmontonpolice.ca>, "bill.sweeney" <bill.sweeney@gov.ab.ca>, "don.iveson" <don.iveson@edmonton.ca>, themayor <themayor@calgary.ca>, "Kathleen.Ganley" <Kathleen.Ganley@assembly.ab.ca>, ministryofjustice <ministryofjustice@gov.ab.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, jkee <jkee@google.com>, DDrummond <DDrummond@google.com>, "brian.gallant" <brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, "Bill.Morneau" <Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>
You people should have arrested him last year when Bhis buddy Barry Winters was arrested in Edmonton instead you allowed him to go on and on for no reason i will ever understand
Trust that I have saved all Doran's videos and that of his cohorts that I have deemed important for my next lawsuit against the Crown This is one of his latest rants against women
Why Should We Marry You?
Mad Shangi
Published on Apr 25, 2018
Another ranty and completely offensive video from The Mad Shangi.
Perhaps your lawyers should check my work from yesterday EH?
Sunday, 29 April 2018 The Corrupt Cops are still supporting Patty Baby Doran aka The Madshangi in YouTube
11 death threats sent to Premier Notley since 2015
Eleven death threats have been sent to Alberta Premier Rachel Notley since 2015, according to security documents obtained by CBC News. 4:05http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/minister-death-threat-twitter-1.4648886
Trudeau rips 'hateful rhetoric' following report of death threats against Premier Notley
Environment Minister Catherine McKenna calls on social media to fight online harassment

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pointed to his government's
policy efforts to discourage sexist harassment today, after CBC News
disclosed the astonishing volume of online vitriol aimed at
Alberta NDP Premier Rachel Notley.
"We need to continue to stand strongly and firmly against harassment, intimidation and violence in the workplace, in our communities, in our homes," Trudeau told a press conference in Cambridge, Ont. on Friday.
"That's why this government has been so eager to put forward strong legislation and demonstrate that there is zero tolerance for the kind of hateful rhetoric that, unfortunately, we do see too often around us."
Trudeau was responding to a CBC News report this morning that revealed Notley has received at least 11 death threats in the three years she's been premier of Alberta.
Not all of the threats against Notley happened online. One of the incidents described in the 386 pages of "occurence summary" reports obtained by CBC News from Alberta Justice was especially macabre: on Jan. 31, 2017, Notley's office was alerted by an insurance company specializing in pre-planned funerals that a funeral home had received a completed application in the premier's name — for her own funeral.
Environment Minister Catherine McKenna called on social media platforms to do more to discourage threats of violence against politicians.
McKenna told reporters Friday morning that she has spoken with Twitter about tackling trolls who send violent and aggressive messages over social media.
"I had the opportunity to sit down with Twitter and to have a discussion," she said. "I certainly think that they should be looking into what's happening on their platform."
McKenna also said Facebook and other social media platforms share a responsibility to address online threats.
"We need to make sure that they are being used in a way that is in accordance with the law and also in a way that allows us to have conversations," she said.
While she didn't go into details about her conversation with Twitter, she pointed to the frequency of online threats targeting female politicians like Notley and Ontario Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne — and wondered aloud if a hostile online environment is driving women away from careers in politics.
Ontario also has introduced policies on harassment, Wynne said at today's press conference alongside Trudeau. She referred to funding for sexual assault and victims services and public education campaigns.
"What we are dealing with in terms of what's happening in Alberta is happening everywhere, you know," she said. "Misogyny is a reality that is something that we have to acknowledge."
Green Party Leader Elizabeth May told CBC that she has received aggressive messages throughout her career — including what she called one "very specific" and "credible" death threat about nine years ago.
are messages that are designed for political gain and the alt-right
targets women more than men. There's no question," she said.
"I can't take them seriously. If they're highly specific, I contact the RCMP."
a time when social media platforms are under scrutiny over privacy
breaches and cyber threats, governments are looking to social media
companies to do more to monitor and prevent online abuse.
"I think there could be more done by social media to police the sites," May said. "In the old days, a newspaper would not publish vile commentary. Twitter and Facebook are publications. They should have the same standards and rules, but they don't."
Last year, the House of Commons Status of Women committee looked at what Facebook and Twitter are doing to mitigate online violence and threats, NDP MP Sheila Malcolmson said.
"We're pushing for corporate leadership to make these platforms safe," she said. "If they don't do their job, then we'll be pushing Parliament to do what it can."
"I understand. Karma is a bitch. May you reap what you sow. LOL FYI I'm gonna steal that expression and use it myself
Copies of official attorney discipline records are available upon request.
THOMAS PATRICK GIORDANO [#155548], 52, of Irvine was disbarred June 16, 2012, and was ordered to comply with rule 9.20 of the California Rules of Court.
Giordano stipulated to 43 counts of misconduct, most involving his failure to perform legal services for his clients. In the majority of cases, he was hired to file a bankruptcy petition; some of the matters involved loan modifications or bankruptcy petitions to avoid foreclosure on the clients’ property. He demonstrated a pattern of accepting fees but failing to perform legal services. He dissolved his law office but failed to provide refunds totaling more than $267,000. He acknowledged in the stipulation that he owes 38 clients $220,965 and agreed to make restitution.In one matter, his client agreed to hold Giordano harmless from any claims or lawsuits stemming from a loan modification. He stipulated that he did not tell the client to seek independent legal advice. He didn’t notify another client until the day before a trustee’s sale that his loan modification was denied. In a personal injury case, Giordano stipulated he committed acts of moral turpitude by failing to pay his client’s liens, totaling more than $13,000, although he told the client he had done so. He failed to refund an unearned fee despite his client’s request.He did refund $26,039 to a couple who hired him to file a chapter 11 petition to save several properties from foreclosure. However, he did no work of value for two other clients who paid him $30,800 and $25,000 respectively to handle their bankruptcies. He owes other clients amounts including $17,000, $14,200, $11,774 and $16,800.In mitigation, Giordano cooperated with the bar’s investigation and stipulated to disbarment.
---------- Original message ----------
From: Calgary Lougheed <Calgary.Lougheed@assembly.ab. ca>
Date: Tue, 1 May 2018 14:15:50 +0000
Subject: RE: [Suspected Spam] Re: ATTN Jason Kenney and your
associates Thank you and as I said Cya in Court
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Good morning Mr. Amos:
I also received your phone message and I will forward your e-mail to
Jason's legislature office as he is there for the sitting of Session.
Darlynn Linn
Constituency Manager
Jason Kenney
MLA Calgary-Lougheed
311A, 2525 Woodview Drive S.W.
Calgary, Alberta T2W 4N4
(403) 238-1212
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 19:19:16 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN Jason Kenney and your associates Thank you and as I said
Cya in Court
To: Calgary MountainView <Calgary.MountainView@ assembly.ab.ca>
Cc: Calgary Lougheed <Calgary.Lougheed@assembly.ab. ca>,
<cps@calgarypolice.ca>, Strathmore Brooks
<Strathmore.Brooks@assembly. ab.ca>,
Calgary West
<Calgary.West@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgary Hays
<Calgary.Hays@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgary Greenway
<Calgary.Greenway@assembly.ab. ca>,
Calgary Foothills
<Calgary.Foothills@assembly. ab.ca>,
Calgary FishCreek
<Calgary.FishCreek@assembly. ab.ca>,
David Amos
<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com> ,
Calgary Varsity
<Calgary.Varsity@assembly.ab. ca>,
Calgary Bow
<Calgary.Bow@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgary Acadia
<Calgary.Acadia@assembly.ab.ca >,
Calgary East
<Calgary.East@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgary Cross
<Calgary.Cross@assembly.ab.ca> ,
Calgary Currie
<Calgary.Currie@assembly.ab.ca >,
Calgary Elbow
<Calgary.Elbow@assembly.ab.ca> ,
Calgary Fort
<Calgary.Fort@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgary Glenmore
<Calgary.Glenmore@assembly.ab. ca>,
Calgary SouthEast
<Calgary.SouthEast@assembly. ab.ca>,
Calgary Hawkwood
<Calgary.Hawkwood@assembly.ab. ca>,
Calgary Shaw
<Calgary.Shaw@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgary NorthernHills
<Calgary.NorthernHills@ assembly.ab.ca>,
Calgary NorthWest
<Calgary.NorthWest@assembly. ab.ca>,
Calgary McCall
<Calgary.McCall@assembly.ab.ca >,
Calgary Mackay NoseHill
<Calgary.Mackay.Nosehill@ assembly.ab.ca>,
Calgary Klein
---------- Original message ----------
From: Calgary MountainView <Calgary.MountainView@ assembly.ab.ca>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 23:12:31 +0000
Subject: RE: ATTN Jason Kenney perhaps you should ask the Calgary Police if
Patrick Doran a constituent of yours? if not who does represent him?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, Calgary Lougheed
<Calgary.Lougheed@assembly.ab. ca>,
cps <cps@calgarypolice.ca>,
Strathmore Brooks <Strathmore.Brooks@assembly. ab.ca>,
Calgary West
<Calgary.West@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgary Hays
<Calgary.Hays@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgary Greenway
<Calgary.Greenway@assembly.ab. ca>,
Calgary Foothills
<Calgary.Foothills@assembly. ab.ca>,
Calgary FishCreek
<Calgary.FishCreek@assembly. ab.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com> ,
Calgary Varsity
<Calgary.Varsity@assembly.ab. ca>,
Calgary Bow
<Calgary.Bow@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgary Acadia
<Calgary.Acadia@assembly.ab.ca >,
Calgary East
<Calgary.East@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgary Cross
<Calgary.Cross@assembly.ab.ca> ,
Calgary Currie
<Calgary.Currie@assembly.ab.ca >,
Calgary Elbow
<Calgary.Elbow@assembly.ab.ca> ,
Calgary Fort
<Calgary.Fort@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgary Glenmore
<Calgary.Glenmore@assembly.ab. ca>,
Calgary SouthEast
<Calgary.SouthEast@assembly. ab.ca>,
Calgary Hawkwood
<Calgary.Hawkwood@assembly.ab. ca>,
Calgary Shaw
<Calgary.Shaw@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgary NorthernHills
<Calgary.NorthernHills@ assembly.ab.ca>,
Calgary NorthWest
<Calgary.NorthWest@assembly. ab.ca>,
Calgary McCall
<Calgary.McCall@assembly.ab.ca >,
Calgary Mackay NoseHill
<Calgary.Mackay.Nosehill@ assembly.ab.ca>,
Calgary Klein
Dear Mr. Amos,
I just patiently, politely and fully listened to you for 10-15 minutes
(before I had even reviewed your email sent minutes before hand) and
when I asked you the question as to what you would like Dr. Swann to
do for you, as it appears to be predominantly a police and legal
matter, you replied "see you in federal court."
Then you proceeded to rudely hang up on me. I think I will just let my
colleagues know that!
Most Sincerely,
Janice Fraser, Constituency Manager
Office of Dr. David Swann, MLA, Calgary Mountain View
Alberta Liberal Opposition
#102, 723 14 Street NW
Calgary, AB T2N 2A4
Email: Calgary.Mountainview@assembly. ab.ca
Tel: 403.216.5445 Fax: 403.216.5447
"We need to continue to stand strongly and firmly against harassment, intimidation and violence in the workplace, in our communities, in our homes," Trudeau told a press conference in Cambridge, Ont. on Friday.
"That's why this government has been so eager to put forward strong legislation and demonstrate that there is zero tolerance for the kind of hateful rhetoric that, unfortunately, we do see too often around us."
Trudeau was responding to a CBC News report this morning that revealed Notley has received at least 11 death threats in the three years she's been premier of Alberta.
- Terror without ideology: can authorities track the violent subculture linked to Monday's van attack?
Not all of the threats against Notley happened online. One of the incidents described in the 386 pages of "occurence summary" reports obtained by CBC News from Alberta Justice was especially macabre: on Jan. 31, 2017, Notley's office was alerted by an insurance company specializing in pre-planned funerals that a funeral home had received a completed application in the premier's name — for her own funeral.
McKenna calls out social media
Environment Minister Catherine McKenna called on social media platforms to do more to discourage threats of violence against politicians.
McKenna told reporters Friday morning that she has spoken with Twitter about tackling trolls who send violent and aggressive messages over social media.
"I had the opportunity to sit down with Twitter and to have a discussion," she said. "I certainly think that they should be looking into what's happening on their platform."
"We need to make sure that they are being used in a way that is in accordance with the law and also in a way that allows us to have conversations," she said.
While she didn't go into details about her conversation with Twitter, she pointed to the frequency of online threats targeting female politicians like Notley and Ontario Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne — and wondered aloud if a hostile online environment is driving women away from careers in politics.
The alt-right targets women more than men. There's no question.- Green Party Leader Elizabeth May"It's as much about the girls and women who are looking at what's going on, and also the boys and the fathers who are wondering if it's OK for women to go into politics," McKenna said. "I certainly think it is, but we have to be vigilant."
Ontario also has introduced policies on harassment, Wynne said at today's press conference alongside Trudeau. She referred to funding for sexual assault and victims services and public education campaigns.
"What we are dealing with in terms of what's happening in Alberta is happening everywhere, you know," she said. "Misogyny is a reality that is something that we have to acknowledge."
Politicians respond to threats
Green Party Leader Elizabeth May told CBC that she has received aggressive messages throughout her career — including what she called one "very specific" and "credible" death threat about nine years ago.
Female MPs on the death threats they've faced 0:40
"I can't take them seriously. If they're highly specific, I contact the RCMP."
"I think there could be more done by social media to police the sites," May said. "In the old days, a newspaper would not publish vile commentary. Twitter and Facebook are publications. They should have the same standards and rules, but they don't."
Last year, the House of Commons Status of Women committee looked at what Facebook and Twitter are doing to mitigate online violence and threats, NDP MP Sheila Malcolmson said.
"We're pushing for corporate leadership to make these platforms safe," she said. "If they don't do their job, then we'll be pushing Parliament to do what it can."
Iqra Khalid, Marilyn Gladu and Sheila Malcolmson on dealing with death threats and harassment. 10:07
Misandry Today Is Predictable
"I understand. Karma is a bitch. May you reap what you sow. LOL FYI I'm gonna steal that expression and use it myself
TheonewhoQuacksbuy this guys math he's 81

She Who Lurks@Cognitive Thought Please ask this glorious human to provide
links to everywhere he has an account. Please.


VampKandyHe sounds.....totally normal....

ZeroDepresiv@She Who Lurks ... there are no accounts, off the grid, She

Big Mek Giti can believe this guy was a hippie from woodstock

Mad ShangiDetails of this guy's disbarment is online.

She Who Lurks@ZeroDepresiv He must have a blog. He must. Or a twitter.

Adam Tindorlow energy

ZeroDepresiv..Tumblr !? :))

BloodyDreamerhe's a homeless musician/actor/lawyer

ZeroDepresivFuck, I'm gonna kill myself

Adam TindorMo Bile

Mad ShangiHe said he was retired, but I looked him up. He was
disbarred, that's why I called him on it.

666 URwormfoodSUICIDE HOTLINE!!!!!

She Who LurksHe's amazing.

Zack LonbeeHe's A bum. Poor Squirrel

Big Mek Gitthe ufos are out there man you need tin foil hats to see
Attorney Search
Thomas Patrick Giordano - #155548
Current Status: Disbarred
This attorney is prohibited from practicing law in California by order of the California Supreme Court.
See below for more details.
Profile Information
The following information is from the official records of The State Bar of California.Bar Number: | 155548 | ||
Address: | Law Office of Thomas P Giordano 18101 Von Karman Ave Ste 560 Irvine, CA 92612 |
Phone Number: | (714) 912-7810 |
Fax Number: | (714) 912-7860 | ||
Email: | Not Available | ||
County: | Orange | Undergraduate School: | U S International Univ; San Diego CA |
District: | District 4 | ||
CLA Sections: | None | Law School: | Southwestern Univ SOL; Los Angeles CA |
California Lawyers Association (CLA) is an independent organization and is not part of The State Bar of California. |
Status History
Effective Date | Status Change | |
Present | Disbarred | |
6/16/2012 | Disbarred | |
11/12/2011 | Not Eligible To Practice Law in CA | |
12/16/1991 | Admitted to The State Bar of California |
Actions Affecting Eligibility to Practice Law in California
Disciplinary and Related Actions | ||||
Effective Date | Description | Case Number | Resulting Status | |
6/16/2012 | Disbarment | 10-O-00835 | Disbarred | |
11/12/2011 | Ordered inactive | 10-O-00835 | Not Eligible To Practice Law in CA |
Administrative Actions |
This member has no public record of administrative actions. |
Copies of official attorney discipline records are available upon request.
State Bar Court Cases
NOTE: The State Bar Court began posting public discipline documents online in 2005. The format and pagination of documents posted on this site may vary from the originals in the case file as a result of their translation from the original format into Word and PDF. Copies of additional related documents in a case are available upon request. Only opinions designated for publication in the State Bar Court Reporter may be cited or relied on as precedent in State Bar Court proceedings. For further information about a case that is displayed here, please refer to the State Bar Court's online docket, which can be found at: http://apps.statebarcourt.ca.gov/dockets.aspx
DISCLAIMER: Any posted Notice of Disciplinary Charges, Conviction Transmittal or other initiating document, contains only allegations of professional misconduct. The attorney is presumed to be innocent of any misconduct warranting discipline until the charges have been proven.
Effective Date | Case Number | Description |
6/16/2012 | 10-O-00835 | Stipulation [PDF] |
California Bar Journal Discipline Summaries
Summaries from the California Bar Journal are based on discipline orders but are not the official records. Not all discipline actions have associated CBJ summaries. Copies of official attorney discipline records are available upon request.June 16, 2012
THOMAS PATRICK GIORDANO [#155548], 52, of Irvine was disbarred June 16, 2012, and was ordered to comply with rule 9.20 of the California Rules of Court.
Giordano stipulated to 43 counts of misconduct, most involving his failure to perform legal services for his clients. In the majority of cases, he was hired to file a bankruptcy petition; some of the matters involved loan modifications or bankruptcy petitions to avoid foreclosure on the clients’ property. He demonstrated a pattern of accepting fees but failing to perform legal services. He dissolved his law office but failed to provide refunds totaling more than $267,000. He acknowledged in the stipulation that he owes 38 clients $220,965 and agreed to make restitution.In one matter, his client agreed to hold Giordano harmless from any claims or lawsuits stemming from a loan modification. He stipulated that he did not tell the client to seek independent legal advice. He didn’t notify another client until the day before a trustee’s sale that his loan modification was denied. In a personal injury case, Giordano stipulated he committed acts of moral turpitude by failing to pay his client’s liens, totaling more than $13,000, although he told the client he had done so. He failed to refund an unearned fee despite his client’s request.He did refund $26,039 to a couple who hired him to file a chapter 11 petition to save several properties from foreclosure. However, he did no work of value for two other clients who paid him $30,800 and $25,000 respectively to handle their bankruptcies. He owes other clients amounts including $17,000, $14,200, $11,774 and $16,800.In mitigation, Giordano cooperated with the bar’s investigation and stipulated to disbarment.
---------- Original message ----------
From: Calgary Lougheed <Calgary.Lougheed@assembly.ab.
Date: Tue, 1 May 2018 14:15:50 +0000
Subject: RE: [Suspected Spam] Re: ATTN Jason Kenney and your
associates Thank you and as I said Cya in Court
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Good morning Mr. Amos:
I also received your phone message and I will forward your e-mail to
Jason's legislature office as he is there for the sitting of Session.
Darlynn Linn
Constituency Manager
Jason Kenney
MLA Calgary-Lougheed
311A, 2525 Woodview Drive S.W.
Calgary, Alberta T2W 4N4
(403) 238-1212
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 19:19:16 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN Jason Kenney and your associates Thank you and as I said
Cya in Court
To: Calgary MountainView <Calgary.MountainView@
Cc: Calgary Lougheed <Calgary.Lougheed@assembly.ab.
<cps@calgarypolice.ca>, Strathmore Brooks
<Calgary.West@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgary Hays
<Calgary.Hays@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgary Greenway
<Calgary.Bow@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgary Acadia
<Calgary.East@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgary Cross
<Calgary.Fort@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgary Glenmore
<Calgary.Shaw@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgary NorthernHills
---------- Original message ----------
From: Calgary MountainView <Calgary.MountainView@
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 23:12:31 +0000
Subject: RE: ATTN Jason Kenney perhaps you should ask the Calgary Police if
Patrick Doran a constituent of yours? if not who does represent him?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, Calgary Lougheed
Strathmore Brooks <Strathmore.Brooks@assembly.
<Calgary.West@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgary Hays
<Calgary.Hays@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgary Greenway
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
<Calgary.Bow@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgary Acadia
<Calgary.East@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgary Cross
<Calgary.Fort@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgary Glenmore
<Calgary.Shaw@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgary NorthernHills
Dear Mr. Amos,
I just patiently, politely and fully listened to you for 10-15 minutes
(before I had even reviewed your email sent minutes before hand) and
when I asked you the question as to what you would like Dr. Swann to
do for you, as it appears to be predominantly a police and legal
matter, you replied "see you in federal court."
Then you proceeded to rudely hang up on me. I think I will just let my
colleagues know that!
Most Sincerely,
Janice Fraser, Constituency Manager
Office of Dr. David Swann, MLA, Calgary Mountain View
Alberta Liberal Opposition
#102, 723 14 Street NW
Calgary, AB T2N 2A4
Email: Calgary.Mountainview@assembly.
Tel: 403.216.5445 Fax: 403.216.5447
Methinks that your favourite Spin Doctor in Calgary has a LOT to learn about ethical conduct N'esy Pas
Tell Emma to say Hoka Hey to her client Patty Baby Doran will ya? Enjoy Ya Bastards before this vid goes "Poof"
The Mad Shangi Show: The Roast of David Raymond Amos
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 16:02:44 -0400
Subject: Attn Emma Poole Communications Strategist at Calgary Police
Service AKA Spin Doctor (so says the dark side) we just talked correct?
To: Emma.Poole@calgarypolice.ca
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Emma Poole
Communications Strategist at Calgary Police Service
Calgary Police Service International Association of Business Communicators
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Canadian Communications Advisor - Support to Reform of Patrol Police
in Ukraine (SRPPU) Project
Company Name Global Affairs Canada | Affaires mondiales Canada
Dates Employed Jul 2015 – Mar 2018 Employment Duration 2 yrs 9 mos
Location Ukraine
The Support to Reform of Patrol Police in Ukraine (SRPPU) Project was
funded by the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and
Development (DFATD) and managed by Agriteam Canada Consulting. The
project provided technical assistance and training in support of the
establishment of a new Patrol Police Service (PPS) in Ukraine. The
overall goal of the project was to build the capacity of the PPS to
serve and protect the public and raise the Ukrainian people’s level of
trust in their police service. The project also sought to improve
working links between a strengthened Ministry of the Internal Affairs
(MIA) and the police services it oversees.
As the Canadian Communications Advisor I was responsible for:
• Sharing Canadian experiences in police-related communications
activities, with a particular emphasis on “re-branding” police
services and building public trust through community policing
• In-country Media Relations and Social Media training of Ukrainian
communications officers and police officers
• Provided advice to the MIA and the Press Office of the PPS on the
design, development and delivery of their communications products as
well as the use of internal systems and structures to improve
communications between the Ministry, the PPS and other police services
• Advised on project communications and outreach activities, ensuring
that all outreach materials reflect PPS branding guidelines and
messaging strategy. This included the development of the police
service's first ever external website
• Advised on development and implementation of awareness campaigns and
public relations activities at national and local levels, including
the drafting of other communications products
• Advised on the effective use of social media, including the
maintenance of online content and the timely posting of relevant
information and updates
Interview with Emma Poole: Communications Strategist at Calgary Police Service, Canada
March 01, 2016
Emma Poole, Communication Strategist at Calgary police and
Communication Advisor to the Patrol Police of Ukraine, has kindly agreed
to share with us her ideas on why communication plays an important role
in police work and what progress and challenges she sees with the
reform process in Ukraine.
Could you, please,
introduce yourself and briefly describe your professional experience?
I have a background in journalism – I worked at the
Calgary Herald as a crime reporter, a major daily newspaper in Calgary, for
almost 10 years. But I left about 9 years ago to join the Calgary Police Service,
where I have been working in the Strategic Communication Section ever since.
You are now helping
the Patrol Police of Ukraine with communication advice. Could you tell us more
specifically about what you are doing?
In July, I was hired by a company based in Calgary called
Agriteam Canada. They have been contracted by the Canadian government to assist
with the development of the patrol police [of Ukraine] and one of the areas of
assistance was public outreach and engagement. I’ve been coming and going from
Ukraine since July and each time coming up with some projects that will assist
in the long-term goals of patrol police – whether that’s the website, the
content for the website, social media work, and then training. We have been
bringing in press officers from across the country and training them and trying
to ensure that there is a long-term strategy and support for patrol police.
You, as a
communication officer, a spokesperson of the police, how would you define the
role of communication in police work. Is it important? And why?
Critical, absolutely critical. Especially here [in
Ukraine], where patrol police is such a visible part of the reform. It’s so
critical for the public to know that police here are with the community. They
are not just here for enforcement, they are here to be part of the community and
so they need to show a new set of rules and policies, how transparent police
are, that they are here to work with the public. That’s critical in making sure
that there is that buy-in. And without that nothing will succeed. It’s such a
critical part of what’s happening here.
During your work so
far with Ukrainian police are there any particular communication challenges?
Yes, there are always challenges when you start
anything from the ground up. But the best part about patrol police, and this
part of the reform, is the appetite for it. The public want it, the police
service wants it. So it’s different when you are working with people that are
all aiming in the same direction. There are challenges, because again it’s
always difficult to start something new. But since July they have developed the
website, social media platforms, embedded staff in a press office, this is huge
progress. It’s more than they ever had before and it will only grow.
communications responses are very important for the work of the Ukrainian
police. What kind of advice can you give concerning crisis communication?
I think with
policing it’s always inevitable that there is that aspect of crisis
communication, as much as you want to be proactive on the other things, there is
always a reactive crisis component. I think the one thing we are really trying
to work with here is quick response and transparency. Before there was no
two-way communication between the public and the police. And now that’s
something we really want to change, take away any sings of everything being
super secret and let the public know, and be willing to have that dialogue.
Quick response to incidents is that first step
in getting the public to know that they are willing to have that
dialogue and release pieces of information as much as they can. Again, it’s
always going to be gradual, nothing is going to be perfect immediately, but we
are working towards that.
you think training is important for communication personnel of the police
forces and what type of training?
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Jensen, Jan" <jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 18:56:14 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Constable Mark Smith Your mindless client
Patty Baby Doran just proved to me who his corrupt Calgary cop pal is
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
I will be away from the office and not returning until Tuesday May 22,
2018. This email address will not be monitored during this time. If
you require immediate assistance, please contact my assistant at (902)
426 5750.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 14:56:11 -0400
Subject: Attn Constable Mark Smith Your mindless client Patty Baby Doran just proved
to me who his corrupt Calgary cop pal is
To: pol4982@calgarypolice.ca, pol7163 <pol7163@calgarypolice.ca>,
patrick_doran1 <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>, themayor
<themayor@calgary.ca>, "Paul.Lynch" <Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca>,
"Michelle.Boutin" <Michelle.Boutin@rcmp-grc.gc.
Dean Ray <deanrogerray@hotmail.com>,
"hon.ralph.goodale" <hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>,
mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>, "jan.jensen" <jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca>,
"bill.pentney" <bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca>,
"Nathalie.Drouin" <Nathalie.Drouin@justice.gc.ca
"bill.sweeney" <bill.sweeney@gov.ab.ca>, "philip.bryden" <philip.bryden@gov.ab.ca>,
"Kathleen.Ganley" <Kathleen.Ganley@assembly.ab.
ministryofjustice <ministryofjustice@gov.ab.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
"Bill.Morneau" <Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>,
"Diane.Lebouthillier" <Diane.Lebouthillier@cra-arc.
Sunday, 29 April 2018
The Corrupt Cops are still supporting Patty Baby Doran aka The
Madshangi in YouTube
Highlighted reply
Constable Mark Smith called. He
said, "Get a life, David."
It was not Rocket Science to figure out who of the Calgary PD visited Patty Baby Doran and checked out his computer. Why else would Cst Mark Smith block me in Twitter?
Listen to Mr Baconfat and Patty Baby Doran within a video Doran uploaded again recently. Doran clearly bragged of the Calgary Police visit to his abode and checking out his computer and of his cop pal connection.
Please don't tell me Patty Baby Doran is not a shill for the cops particularly after the Edmonton cops arrested his butt buddy Mr Baconfat aka Barry Winters the following year and allowed Doran to go on and on and on.
The Mad Shangi Show: The Roast of David Raymond Amos
RIP BARRY WINTERS: Don't Let Free Speech Die With Him

You are blocked from following @CstSmith and viewing @CstSmith's Tweets. Learn more
Police Public Affairs / Media Relations Unit
Calgary 5111 47 Street NE
Calgary, Alberta T3J 3R2
Telephone: 403-428-8989
Constable Mark Smith calls back CRA scammer
‘Cost of Crime – Patrol’ Facebook LIVE Q & A
19 4 Share
Published on Jan 25, 2018
Following the latest release in our
'Cost of Crime - Patrol' series, Constable Mark Smith sits down for a Q & A
session with patrol officer Cst. Chris O'Halloran.
---------- Original message ----------
From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)" <fin.minfinance-financemin.
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 09:53:36 +0000
Subject: RE: Attn Constable Mark Smith Ireally think you should check
out your client Patty Baby Doran before he rents a van or whatever
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your
Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance
électronique. Soyez assuré(e) que nous apprécions recevoir vos
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 05:53:23 -0400
Subject: Attn Constable Mark Smith Ireally think you should check out
your client Patty Baby Doran before he rents a van or whatever
To: cps@calgarypolice.ca, patrick_doran1 <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>,
eps <eps@edmontonpolice.ca>, "Paul.Lynch" <Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca>
"Michelle.Boutin" <Michelle.Boutin@rcmp-grc.gc. ca>,
Dean Ray <deanrogerray@hotmail.com>, danadurnford
cd1 <cd1@connectingdots1.com>,
oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
andre <andre@jafaust.com>,
"martin.gaudet" <martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca> ,
"Larry.Tremblay" <Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca >,
"Larry.Tremblay" <Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
"Gilles.Blinn" <Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
"Mark.Blakely" <Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
"dale.drummond" <dale.drummond@rcmp-grc.gc.ca> ,
"philip.bryden" <philip.bryden@gov.ab.ca>,
"bill.clark" <bill.clark@edmontonpolice.ca> ,
"bill.sweeney" <bill.sweeney@gov.ab.ca>,
"don.iveson" <don.iveson@edmonton.ca>,
themayor <themayor@calgary.ca>, "Kathleen.Ganley" <Kathleen.Ganley@assembly.ab. ca>,
ministryofjustice <ministryofjustice@gov.ab.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com> ,
jkee <jkee@google.com>,
DDrummond <DDrummond@google.com>, "brian.gallant" <brian.gallant@gnb.ca>,
themayor <themayor@calgary.ca>, "Kathleen.Ganley" <Kathleen.Ganley@assembly.ab.
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
DDrummond <DDrummond@google.com>, "brian.gallant" <brian.gallant@gnb.ca>,
"Bill.Morneau" <Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>
You people should have arrested him last year when Bhis buddy Barry
Winters was arrested in Edmonton instead you allowed him to go on and
on for no reason i will ever understand
Trust that I have saved all Doran's videos and that of his cohorts
that I have deemed important for my next lawsuit against the Crown
This is one of his latest rants against women
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=FI5RlrlLe-Y&t=81s
Why Should We Marry You? #MGTOW
Mad Shangi
Published on Apr 25, 2018
Another ranty and completely offensive video from The Mad Shangi.
Perhaps your lawyers should check my work from yesterday EH?
http://davidraymondamos3. blogspot.ca/2018/04/the- corrupt-cops-are-still- pupporting.html
Sunday, 29 April 2018
You people should have arrested him last year when Bhis buddy Barry
Winters was arrested in Edmonton instead you allowed him to go on and
on for no reason i will ever understand
Trust that I have saved all Doran's videos and that of his cohorts
that I have deemed important for my next lawsuit against the Crown
This is one of his latest rants against women
Why Should We Marry You? #MGTOW
Mad Shangi
Published on Apr 25, 2018
Another ranty and completely offensive video from The Mad Shangi.
Perhaps your lawyers should check my work from yesterday EH?
Sunday, 29 April 2018
The Corrupt Cops are still supporting Patty Baby Doran aka The
Madshangi in YouTube
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2018 10:56:42 -0400
Subject: Attn Constable Mark Smith RE your client Patty Baby Doran's response
within YouTube today
To: cps@calgarypolice.ca, patrick_doran1 <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>,
eps <eps@edmontonpolice.ca>, "Paul.Lynch" <Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca>,
Dean Ray <deanrogerray@hotmail.com>,
danadurnford <danadurnford@hotmail.com>, cd1 <cd1@connectingdots1.com>,
oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
andre <andre@jafaust.com>,
"martin.gaudet" <martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca> ,
<Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca >,
"Gilles.Blinn" <Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
"Mark.Blakely" <Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
"dale.drummond" <dale.drummond@rcmp-grc.gc.ca> ,
"bill.sweeney" <bill.sweeney@gov.ab.ca>,
"don.iveson" <don.iveson@edmonton.ca>,
themayor <themayor@calgary.ca>, "Kathleen.Ganley" <Kathleen.Ganley@assembly.ab. ca>,
ministryofjustice <ministryofjustice@gov.ab.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com> ,
jkee <jkee@google.com>,
DDrummond <DDrummond@google.com>
themayor <themayor@calgary.ca>, "Kathleen.Ganley" <Kathleen.Ganley@assembly.ab.
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
DDrummond <DDrummond@google.com>
Mundane Matt Flagged My Archive Video
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