David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks the Language Commissioner should at least translate Landry's Tweets for us N'esy Pas?
Liberal MLA retreats from criticism of province's COVID-19 response
Francine Landry accused Premier Blaine Higgs of not widespread testing to save money
· CBC News · Posted: Apr 04, 2020 9:00 AM AT

A Liberal MLA has backed away from strong criticism of Premier Blaine Higgs, Dr. Jennifer Russell and their handling of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Francine Landry, the member for Madawaska-Les-Lacs-Edmundston, now says New Brunswickers need to "put our faith" in Public Health officials during the pandemic.
The former cabinet minister said more information has come to light since last week, when she ripped Higgs and Russell for the provincial response to COVID-19, an effort that Landry's own party leader, Kevin Vickers, has been praising.
At the time Landry slammed Higgs as "an accountant," accusing him of holding back on widespread testing for the virus to save money.
Quand toutes les décisions sont prises en fonction de combien ça va coûter... c’est ce que ça donne !!! Higgs est un comptable, faut pas oublier... https://twitter.com/NelsoncyrCyr/status/1243976488300486656 …
"When all decisions are based on what it's going to cost, that's what we end up with," she tweeted on March 28 in response to someone asking her if the low number of tests in some regions was a cost-saving measure.
"Higgs is an accountant, don't forget," she added, incorrectly. The premier is an engineer.
It has since emerged that the province has been cautious about its testing levels because it has a finite supply of test kits. Higgs told CBC's Power and Politics on Thursday that the province could run out in a week if it "ramped up a bit" on testing.
Landry's criticism contradicted the message from Vickers, one of the three leaders of opposition parties invited to sit with Higgs and key ministers on an all-party cabinet committee that meets daily.
Vickers told the CBC New Brunswick Political Panel podcast Friday that he wanted to "congratulate the premier" and said Higgs's regular consultations with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other premiers represent "the leadership Canadians are looking for and New Brunswickers are looking for."

Premier Blaine Higgs said Thursday the province could run out of tests in a week if it ramped up testing. (Submitted by Government of New Brunswick )
The Liberal leader also said the level of testing shows the province is "being strategic with the resources that we have." He said he was "exceptionally impressed with our public service and Dr. Jennifer Russell and the manner in which they're running this."
Landry also criticized Russell on March 27 for not releasing the number of tests being done by health region in the province.
Elle a déjà été demandé cette question quelques jours passés. Elle avait dit s’informer... Elle ne veut clairement pas donner cette statistique. Et une chance que j’ai insister pour que le 1er cas du Nord-Ouest soit déclaré communautaire https://twitter.com/roycomeau/status/1243602606376828929 …
She said on Twitter that the first case in northwest New Brunswick had been wrongly classified as a travel-related case at first and was later treated as a case of community transmission.
Landry said the woman in question couldn't get a test until she said she had made a quick trip across the border to Maine to get gas, allowing her to meet the testing criteria as an international traveller.
La 1ère COVID-19 dans le NO n’a pas voyagé. Elle avait des symptômes et la SEULE raison pour laquelle elle a pu obtenir un test est qu’elle a dit qu’elle avait été mettre du gas à Madawaska Maine USA à 10 km de chez elle. Elle a passé comme un cas relié voyages, non communautaire
The MLA said in a written statement Friday to CBC News that she wrote the tweets when she was fielding calls from constituents experiencing "a certain amount of understandable anxiety and confusion."
Landry would not grant CBC News an interview but said in the statement her constituency's border crossings with the United States and Quebec "added to the stress people are feeling.
"Since then, more information has come to light about testing protocols and how Public Health is leading the charge," she said.
"We need to put our faith in our public officials during this difficult time and I thank them for the important work that they all do."
Vickers said last month that his participation on the committee wouldn't prevent his MLAs from expressing concerns about the government's approach but "what's important is the way the message is delivered. It's not being one of criticism, it's being one of encouragement."
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David Amos
Methinks the Language Commissioner should translate her Tweets for us N'esy Pas?
David Amos
"Vickers told the CBC New Brunswick Political Panel podcast Friday that he wanted to "congratulate the premier" and said Higgs's regular consultations with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other premiers represent "the leadership Canadians are looking for and New Brunswickers are looking for."
Methinks all 3 stooges must have discussed my lawsuits by now N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Typical NB Liberal. One step forward , two steps back !!
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell:
Methinks your hero Higgy dances to the same tune called by the Irving
Clan because they control all the fiddlers N'esy Pas?
Kevin Archibald
Hope you enjoyed your time in politics. Useless
David Amos
Reply to @Kevin Archibald: Methinks she still is N'esy Pas?
Fern Robichaud
How or where do they get these creatures?
Donald Gallant
Reply to @Fern Robichaud:
A buddy to Rogers.
A buddy to Rogers.
David Amos
Reply to @Fern Robichaud: You vote for them
Fern Robichaud
Reply to @David Amos: Be nice David :)
David Amos
Reply to @Fern Robichaud: Methinks its not wise to pretend to be nice to contemptible creatures N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Landry is a great example as to why they were a one term party ! Hadn't a clue what was going on ! A one agenda party , and they got caught red handed with their scheme !!
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Cry me a river
Chantal LeBouthi
Conservatives or liberals samo samo
No transparency to much secrecies
Lou Bell
Reply to @Chantal
LeBouthi: And yet , GREAT STATS !! How many deaths has NB had again ??
Gallant and the SANB Libs had 130 million pegged for the " Phonie Games
" ! Lest we forget !
Lou Bell
Reply to @Lou Bell:
AND NO TRANPARENCY at all on that !! Not a word about it in their
platform . Talk about a lack of transparency !!
SarahRose Werner
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: So vote for someone else in the next election. There should be one coming up within the year.
Wayne Wright
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: two years.
David Amos
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Methinks many would agree that you got the governments you deserve N'esy Pas?
SarahRose Werner
Reply to @Wayne Wright: Nah, I figure they're going down on next year's budget vote, less than 12 months away.
valmond landry
@toby tolly learn how to spell first ok CONSERVITAVE.
David Amos
David Amos
Reply to @valmond landry: Methinks you should try first N'esy Pas?
Bill Hamilton
lost any respect I had for him when he said he would not support the
provincial budget long before he reviewed it. Landry's comments are
either partisan politics or naivety. Keep up the good work Mr. Higgs.
Chantal LeBouthi
Reply to @Bill Hamilton:
Isn’t doing a good job at all period
Isn’t doing a good job at all period
Lou Bell
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: Naw , the stats show he's doing great ! How many deaths in NB from the virus again ? Please tell !
Lou Bell
Reply to @Lou Bell: WAITING Chantal !!!
Pierre LaRoches
Reply to @Bill
Hamilton: I lost respect for him when he took credit for stopping g the
parliament hill gunman instead of praising the actual hero that did the
David Amos
Reply to @Pierre LaRoches: "WAITING Chantal !!!"
Me too
Me too
Larry Larson
She's right. Higgs is useless!
John O'Brien
Reply to @Larry Larson: Obviously a very partisan Liberal as the majority of opinion is on Higgs side.
Paul Estey
Reply to @Larry
Larson: If you feel you could be doing a better job, I suggest you run
in the next Provincial Election...support the actions as all parties are
doing at this time....remember we are all in this together!
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @John O'Brien:
Well John, I'm not a "partisan Liberal", but I *think* Mr Higgs is too quick to act on bad advice.
Well John, I'm not a "partisan Liberal", but I *think* Mr Higgs is too quick to act on bad advice.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Larry Larson:
In this situation, Mr Higgs is only following the federal lead, it's not like he has much choice. I *think* the feds knew about this in mid December and sat on their hands until mid March.
In this situation, Mr Higgs is only following the federal lead, it's not like he has much choice. I *think* the feds knew about this in mid December and sat on their hands until mid March.
Larry Larson
Reply to @John
O'Brien: Reply Not even close to being Liberal! Cons/Libs all cut from
the same cloth. They belong to their corporate masters and shaft us
whenever they can!
Larry Larson
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: You "think" wrong because you are such a partisan CONservative.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Larry Larson:
So says you. The military knew and briefed the PM mid December.
So says you. The military knew and briefed the PM mid December.
David Amos
Reply to @Paul Estey:
Methinks you both should have run against me in the last election It
would have been fun to debate in real space and time N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks you are just having fun like the British comedian Terry Tibbs does N'esy Pas?
Michel Forgeron
Reply to @John O'Brien: I've voted for three parties over the years, mostly liberal. I very strongly support the job Higgs is doing during this pandemic. Just compare how he deals with events compared to that spoiled, pampered, narcissistic joke running the USA. Plus Higgs appears to have the support of all the NB parties is dealing with this situation..
Frederick Graham
Shoot first, ask questions later. Sad.
David Amos
Reply to @Frederick Graham: Methinks its worse than merely sad N'esy Pas?
Chantal LeBouthi
Vickers said last month that his participation on the committee wouldn't prevent his MLAs from expressing concerns about the government's approach but "what's important is the way the message is delivered.
The problem Mr. Vickers is the message is misleading for many Poeples in this is a big problem. Not enough transparency
I’m really disappointed with you.
David Amos
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: Methinks many members of "poeplekind" enjoy the circus as much as we do N'esy Pas?
Gil Murray
Brain in neutral..
David Amos
Reply to @Gil Murray: What brain?
Ronald McCallum
Reply to @Gil Murray:
Who's brain?
Who's brain?
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