David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks its incredible how many comments CBC will block in an effort to cover up things for the corrupt politicians and their cop cohorts within Trudeau's Police State N'esy Pas?
'Nine or 10' fines handed out for allegedly breaking emergency rules, premier says
Police forces across the province say they’re focusing on educating people more than handing out tickets
· CBC News · Posted: Apr 08, 2020 6:00 AM AT

Provincial officers have handed out 'nine or 10' fines to people for allegedly violating the emergency declaration order, Premier Blaine Higgs told reporters Tuesday. (Ed Hunter/CBC)
Officers across the province have handed out "nine or 10" fines to people who have allegedly violated the emergency declaration order, Premier Blaine Higgs said Tuesday.
That number includes tickets handed out by RCMP, municipal police and provincial enforcement officers, the province confirmed.
While speaking to reporters Tuesday, Higgs noted the numbers don't include people who have been warned by officers. He estimated the fines have totalled between $3,000 and $3,500 so far.
The premier questioned whether people are complying because of the threat of receiving a ticket or because "they're seeing the need and they want to be part of the solution."
"I feel like it's a combination," Higgs said.
"Issuing some tickets brings it to bear that it's real. We're not joking here. We must do what's necessary to get people's attention."
As the number of positive COVID-19 cases increases in the province, Higgs has warned people could face fines or even "confinement" if they don't follow the emergency declaration order.
He has encouraged people to call the provincial COVID-19 information line and report those who aren't following the rules. As of March 21, that line was receiving about 1,000 calls per day.
In other cases, people have been calling their local police to report violations.
RCMP has issued tickets, unclear how many
It's not clear which police forces have handed out tickets. Several police forces contacted by CBC News on Tuesday wouldn't specify how many tickets they've given out, if any.
A spokesperson for the New Brunswick RCMP confirmed that its officers have handed out tickets, but wouldn't specify how many.
"Issuing tickets is only one part of our enforcement efforts and does not reflect all of the work that is being done collaboratively with communities, our policing partners and the province," RCMP Cpl. Jullie Rogers-Marsh wrote in an email, after she was asked why the information couldn't be revealed.
Rogers-Marsh also declined to say what people who received tickets were doing and whether people are receiving a warning before they get a ticket.

New Brunswick RCMP officers have handed out tickets to people for violating emergency rules, according to Cpl. Jullie Rogers-Marsh. (Kirk Pennell/CBC)
"I cannot comment on our operations or tactics," Rogers-Marsh said.
"Our police officers are using their discretion and are issuing tickets where appropriate."
Next door in Nova Scotia, RCMP in that province issued a news release Tuesday afternoon, saying that 54 people have been charged "with offences related to the current provincial state of emergency" so far.
'Several calls a day' about COVID-19 rule breakers
Police forces in Woodstock, Kennebecasis Valley, Saint John, Fredericton, Miramichi and Bathurst also declined to say how many tickets their officers have given, if any.
According to Bathurst Police Chief Ernie Boudreau, people are breaking the rules by carpooling, gathering together, not physically distancing and picking up groceries with people in the car, among other offences.

Bathurst Police Chief Ernie Boudreau says his force receives several calls per day about COVID-19, alleging people violating various aspects of the emergency declaration order. (Shane Magee/CBC)
He said his department has been receiving "several calls a day" related to COVID-19, with members of the public reporting "alleged infractions."
"The order will be enforced by officers on a case-to-case basis," Boudreau wrote in an email.
"They will have discretion as there are so many circumstances or variations being reported."
'Don't take the law into your own hands'
In Edmundston, police chief Alain Lang said his force hasn't handed out any tickets yet.
"We're not there to give tickets or citations to everybody," Lang said in an interview.
"What we're promoting is education. We encourage people and we keep supporting them."
While his officers have been fielding about one COVID-19-related call per 12-hour shift, Lang encouraged people not to confront those who they suspect are violating the emergency declaration order. He said they should call authorities instead.
"Sometimes it may create a little bit of frustration between neighbours or between friends or between people," Lang said.
"So I just let people know, don't take the law in your own hands."
In Saint John, officers are also more focused on educating people than handing out tickets, according to Saint John Police Force spokesperson Jim Hennessy. He wouldn't say whether Saint John officers have handed out any tickets.

Saint John police officers are focused more on educating people than handing out fines, according to Saint John Police Force spokesperson Jim Hennessy. (Graham Thompson/CBC)
He said the police force's non-emergency line has been receiving calls from people who have questions about what they can and can't do. If they can't answer their questions, they direct them to the province's COVID-19 information line.
"For the most part, it's just been, 'I want to take my dog out for a walk, is that OK?'" Hennessy said.
"Like Dr. Russell has stated, that's fine as long as you stay within your neighbourhood. Distance yourself from anybody you may see while on that walk."
Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos
I friend just called to tell me about what happened to him today in Higgy's Police State. He is a retired military guy who lives in the hilo outside if Sussex. He does not have the Internet. So today he did what he has often done for years when he comes to town . He pulled into Tim's got some coffee then parked and began checking his email and the news etc. Lets just say the RCMP pounced on him and threatened that all kinds of mean nasty ugly things would happen to him his did such a thing again. Methinks Higgy and the RCMP should look out for my next email N'esy Pas?
Johnny Almar
Reply to @David Amos: you come do your business and go home. Google Samuel L. Jackson’s Covid19 bedtime story.
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: You need help
David Amos
Reply to @Johnny Almar: Methinks you should"David Amos RCMP Sussex YouTube" N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: He's from Sussex ! Self Entitlement is the template in Sussex. You should know that !
Greg Windsor
Reply to @David Amos: Quite a vague story ... no facts at all....
Tim Biddiscombe
Reply to @David Amos: You seem to be a failed candidate who got practically no votes, N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Greg
Windsor: Lots of facts about why the RCMP were picking on a friend of
mine were presented byway of "David Amos RCMP Sussex YouTube"
Methinks if you truly wished to be informed all you had to do was Google it N'esy Pas?
Methinks if you truly wished to be informed all you had to do was Google it N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Tim Biddiscombe: Need I say that I am honoured that you hate me?
John Smith
I will be voting for democracy the next provincial and federal election. The problem is that I don't see any leader that is standing up for our democracy.
Greg Windsor
Reply to @John Smith: ....We have one of the best Premiers that we have had for many years..... Where have you been ?
David Amos
Reply to @John Smith:
Methinks the politicians should at least admit that our constitution
does not give any leader of political gang any standing over any other
citizen whose name is on your ballots. Perhaps next time you should
simply pick the person on your ballot whom you feel best reflects your
concerns and is worthy of your vote then let the political cards fall
where they may as to which leader gets to oversee the circus N'esy Pas?
John Smith
We will remember Blaine Higgs tactics, the next election. Guaranteed.
Carroll Cameron
Reply to @John Smith:
Remember him for the good he did trying to keep NBers free of infection
and alive, or because he didn't buy a bunch of medical supplies 3 yrs
ago when apparently, from those not in the know, every gov in the world
new there was a bat that was going to cause problems?
Or is it something other then the above?
Or is it something other then the above?
David Amos
Reply to @John Smith: Me Too
David Stairs
it is unbelievable that there are people out their that think it is their right to do as they wish...here's a little food for thought...we will report you and don't think that you have to be caught in the act by the police ,as there are people like me, that if I see you,I will document the day,time,place and how many of you there were,and I will attend court and testify as to what your irresponsible actions were......
John Smith
Reply to @David Stairs: Once a snitch, always a snitch.
Carroll Cameron
Reply to @David Stairs: David, I'll hold your beer!
David Amos
Reply to @Carroll Cameron: Of that I have no doubt
Jeff LeBlanc
I have friends who plan on having an Easter supper. I told them be prepared for it to be the most expensive supper they ever had. I am soooooo calling the snitch line on them.
John Smith
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: As long as they live in the same house, it is none of your business.
Jeff LeBlanc
Reply to @John Smith:
they don't and I make it a point to make it my business. I've already
snitched on 4 people so far. I have zero issues with it. I know that
just burns you on the inside too and that makes me happy.
David Amos
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: Methinks with a friend like you who needs enemies N'esy Pas?
Danny Devo
Going to a cottage is not essential. It is a hazard for those living in that area. Last I heard, non essential travel is off the books. This is a nasty virus that spreads very easily. Act responsibly and stay in your city dwellings. DO NOT GO TO YOUR COTTAGE.
James Jones
Reply to @Danny Devo:
If you think your rural little slice of heaven is going to be spared
this by the small number of people who would go to a cottage and
responsibly isolate there then I got news for ya
Terry Hughes
Reply to @James Jones: Good. The small number of people can go to your house.
James Jones
Reply to @Terry Hughes: You should stop in, its gonna be a blast. So easily wound up the bunch of you. Comical
Lou Bell
Reply to @Danny Devo: You're losin' it !
Lou Bell
Reply to @Terry
Hughes: Naw , the camp would be nice . Rolled up windows , straight to
the camp , then back home . Will wave when we pass. Stop by , unless
you're still hangin' out at the store !!
Lou Bell
Reply to @Danny Devo:
I'm more worried about the country folk all hangin' out at the store .
Reminds me of Mr. Druckers on Green Acres !
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks many of my fellow Hillbillies would agree that you are the one who needs help N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: I'd reply and yet it's like a deer in the hedlights .
Lou Bell
Reply to @Lou Bell: headlights.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell:
Methinks its time for your meds and a nap if you think you can act like
Eva Gabor and get away without Hillbillies laughing at your nonsense
N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Too Too Funny
David Amos
Reply to @Danny Devo: Methinks like your buddy Johnny "Never Been Good" Almar you go "Poof" quite often Perhaps folks should call you two "The Ghosts of Easters Past" N'esy Pas?
Archie Levesque
There are still many people out there who do not want to follow the gov't recommendations. Im considered an essential worker due to being employed in the transportation industry. It is surprising how many people are getting unnecessary vehicle work completed. Ive heard too many times now that since they are home and have nothing better to do that they may as well get the winters off their car
Dianne MacPherson
Reply to @Archie Levesque:
Garages are considered 'essential services'.
We should do our part to keep businesses
like garages and take-out restaurants going.
We will certainly need their services when this
pandemic has passed....and IT WILL !!!
Garages are considered 'essential services'.
We should do our part to keep businesses
like garages and take-out restaurants going.
We will certainly need their services when this
pandemic has passed....and IT WILL !!!
Archie Levesque
Reply to @Dianne
MacPherson: If people are supposed to be staying home as much as
possible during this time why would they need a tire change.These types
of businesses are staying open to provide essential services for the
transportation industry not so you can put summer tires on a vehicle you
should be using only sparingly
Reply to @Archie Levesque:
REALLY !! only for you, eh ???
I'll need A MVI shortly.......will I have to check
with the 'Public Police' before I make my appointment ??
REALLY !! only for you, eh ???
I'll need A MVI shortly.......will I have to check
with the 'Public Police' before I make my appointment ??
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Dianne MacPherson: Methinks you should send and email to Higgy and his buddy Carl Urquhart stating your query then print it and put on the dash of your vehicle That just make the cops think before giving you a ticket N'esy Pas?Chantal LeBouthi
Weird that Higgs is so eager to give that info but when journalists ask valuables questions
Silence and muzzling everything else
Danny Devo
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: Higgs is an embarrassment.
David Amos
Reply to @Danny Devo: So is Vicky
Murray Brown
These people informing on their neighbours would have been great national socialist back in the day.
James Smith
Content disabled
Reply to @Murray Brown: They’re making great national socialists presently in fact.
Danny Devo
Content disabled
Reply to @Murray
Brown: Calling the police to inform them of reckless deviants
endangering people's lives is your responsibility. Saving lives is not
snitch work, it is common sense. Are you one of these city/cottage
hooligans craving some fun?
Reply to @Murray
Brown: So are you not following the law? Are you not staying home? Are
you only going out for essentials? Are you not social distancing?
If you are not, and I find out where you live and what your real name is, I will gladly report you. Why? With your attitude, you will get someone killed.
If you are not, and I find out where you live and what your real name is, I will gladly report you. Why? With your attitude, you will get someone killed.
Danny Devo
Content disabled
Reply to @Johnny Almar: I would just love to report this joker.
Reply to @James
Smith: This is an emergency situation. Either respect the law or suffer
the consequences. I will report you. No problem doing that in these
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Johnny
Almar: Methinks some folks must have found it very interesting that when
you burst upon the scene last weekend I asked you a simple question and
all your comments went "Poof" in a heartbeat N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Johnny Almar: "If you are not, and I find out where you live and what your real name is, I will gladly report you."
Methinks the dude should ask is that your real name N'esy Pas?
Methinks the dude should ask is that your real name N'esy Pas?
Michael durant
The game in New Brunswick has always been...try to guess.
Lou Bell
Reply to @Michael durant: And it appears you're never guessing right .
David Amos
Reply to @Michael
durant: Methinks everybody knows the wicked game by now However not
everybody wins and the taxpayers always lose N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Methinks Higgys Circus is now within his Police State N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: Simple rules to follow . You think you could do better , GET ELECTED !! Although 10 to 15 votes won't do it !!!!!!!!!
Danny Devo
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell:
What rules? The ones buried on Oak Island? You cannot even grasp the
danger of selfish deviants going to their cottages infecting others in
their quest to have awesome fun! Pls don't lecture us. Get a clue Lou
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Why not just sue Higgy et al AGAIN???
David Amos
Reply to @Danny Devo: Poof
Carroll Cameron
Reply to @Lou Bell:
Nice one Lou!
Nice one Lou!
David Amos
Reply to @Carroll Cameron: Say Hey to Higgy and the RCMP for me will ya?
Carroll Cameron
Reply to @David Amos:
They dont know who you are David. You're only memorable in your own mind. Sorry.
They dont know who you are David. You're only memorable in your own mind. Sorry.
David Amos
Reply to @Carroll Cameron: Dream on
Carroll Cameron
Reply to @David Amos:
Your projecting now.
Content disabled
So there are at least 2 ATV poker rallies happening this weekend in NB. One in Sussex. Pam Folkins is rumoured to be one of the organizers and says the NB govt okayed it.
Can we get confirmation please?
This should not be happening.
David Amos
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Johnny Almar: Methinks you should review all the comments you posted here and this weekend in the news item entitled "There are risks' to going to rural areas and cottages" N'esy Pas?
Content disabled
So there are at least 2 ATV poker rallies happening this weekend in NB. One in Sussex. Pam Folkins is rumoured to be one of the organizers and says the NB govt okayed it.
Can we get confirmation please?
This should not be happening.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Johnny Almar: Methinks your hero Higgy knows a well as I that the Southern New Brunswick Private Woodlot Owners have lots of private property that his buddies in the RCMP should stay off of unless they have a warrant N'esy Pas?
Reply to @Johnny Almar: Methinks your hero Higgy knows a well as I that the Southern New Brunswick Private Woodlot Owners have lots of private property that his buddies in the RCMP should stay off of unless they have a warrant N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: Private property is inaccessible IF SIGNS ARE POSTED . And it can be accessed for 1st hand reason without a warrant .
Reply to @David Amos: Private property is inaccessible IF SIGNS ARE POSTED . And it can be accessed for 1st hand reason without a warrant .
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell: Nope
Reply to @Lou Bell: Nope
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Johnny
Almar: Reply to @Johnny Almar: Methinks some folks must have found it
very interesting that when you burst upon the scene last weekend I asked
you a simple question and all your comments went "Poof" in a heartbeat
N'esy Pas? David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Johnny Almar: Methinks you should review all the comments you posted here and this weekend in the news item entitled "There are risks' to going to rural areas and cottages" N'esy Pas?
Danny Devo
Content disabled
I am worried for our health ministers health. She does not look well. She has got to stop going through drive thrus.
Lou Bell
Content disabled
Reply to @Danny Devo: So shallow . LOOKS ? Is this all you have to complain about ? Very shallow indeed !
Danny Devo
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell: I am worried for her health. Higgs also looks sickly. Are they OK?
Danny Devo
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell: I
am tired of obese people who cannot stop gorging themselves and
wrecking our healthcare system. I am sick and tired of seeing them waltz
around everywhere I look.
Lou Bell
Content disabled
Reply to @Danny Devo:
As I said , VERY SHALLOW !! Some people have conditions such as thyroid
problems , and yet YOU have decided to demean ALL !
Danny Devo
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell:
Get a clue Lou. A tiny percentage have such issues. The rest are
gluttons eating processed crap by the pound.
Lou Bell
Content disabled
Reply to @Danny Devo: Mental Health appears to be a bigger problem for some , if you know what I mean !
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you should know N'esy Pas?
James Smith
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If you want any further proof that this is all a total crock:
1. The government has been releasing violent offenders from jail due to Covid-19.
2. The government has been fining/confining innocent people due to Covid-19.
1. The government has been releasing violent offenders from jail due to Covid-19.
2. The government has been fining/confining innocent people due to Covid-19.
Danny Devo
Content disabled
Reply to @James Smith: If you are going to your cottage, you deserve a hefty fine and jail time pal.
Michel Forgeron
Content disabled
Reply to @James Smith: Proof?
Danny Devo
Content disabled
Reply to @James
Smith: Wrong. Stay at your city dwelling. We do not want to see you at
the cottage, unless you like cops coming to visit you.
Danny Devo
Content disabled
Reply to @James Smith: My wish is that you spend Easter behind bars. Fingers crossed.
Content disabled
Reply to @James
Smith: 100%. You own the cottage and if you're playing by the rules
there just the same as home it's well within your rights! Cops would
have absolutely zero reason to fine someone for isolating at their
cottage. It's their private dwelling!!
Danny Devo
Content disabled
Reply to @James
Jones: It is not your residence. It is your cottage. Currently, you have
no business being there. The state of Emergency dictates that clearly.
Spreading the virus in the countryside is no different than a drunk
driver careening through a playground.
Content disabled
Reply to @Danny Devo:
If I own property I'll go anywhere on it I please. I've stocked up on
items and dont need to stop for a lick of anything in some sheltered one
horse town.
Content disabled
Reply to @Danny Devo:
You blow up that hotline though and have the RCMP waste their time on
cottages and not the carloads of teens driving around or the countless
garage gatherings I've witnessed so far just out for a drive. Get a clue
Michel Forgeron
Content disabled
Reply to @James Smith: You said "violent offenders" Proof?
Johnny Almar
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Reply to @James
Smith: That is not true. They have already fined people who were out for
a drive with no destination. That is against the law in NB.
Johnny Almar
Content disabled
Reply to @James
Jones: The government has already recommended staying at your primary
residence and not to travel to a cottage or summer home. I have called
them on this and have been told that they will probably make it law
before long.
Johnny Almar
Content disabled
Reply to @James
Jones: When cottage owners are showing up with another couple for a
weekend party I have a problem with that. A big problem. They do not
care about others and have no problem endangering the locals with the
cavalier attitude.
I could say more about these people and how they endangered local first responders too.
I could say more about these people and how they endangered local first responders too.
Content disabled
Reply to @Johnny
Almar: Well clearly they're wrong in that behavior during this but not
all are so ignorant and selfish. Going for a day trip to a cottage and
keeping my distance all by myself is different from getting out for
fresh air in a park how???
Troy Murray
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Reply to @Danny Devo:
wrong. If you spend time at your cottage only, no problem. If you go to
your cottage buddy with a case of beer, problem
Troy Murray
Content disabled
Reply to @Danny Devo: Trudeau’s family is at a cottage
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Troy Murray: BINGO
Fred Dee:
Content disabled
Reply to @James
Jones: driving there.... get in accident... then you cause risk to
others!! Some people just DO NOT GET IT!!!! you are obviously one of
them!! Go visit an ICU and you will change your mind about the risk!!
Craig Snow
If everyone is following the rules does it really make a difference where you are?
Danny Devo
Johnny Almar
Reply to @Craig Snow: Many rejects are not. They are coming out to their cottages endangering people's lives.
Craig Snow
Reply to @Craig Snow: How about the locals that go to the liquor store daily?
Johnny Almar
Reply to @Craig Snow:
As long as visitors stay away, our shops are relatively safe. We do not
need city folk driving to the country for a nice drive to get out.
Besides the fact that you can be fined for that now, you should be staying put so you don't endanger lives.
Seniors are stressed enough right now. When I see people pulling in to the store to buy some beer and grub with an ATV on their truck and they are not from around here, I cringe. We are scared. Please stop. You are being selfish!
Besides the fact that you can be fined for that now, you should be staying put so you don't endanger lives.
Seniors are stressed enough right now. When I see people pulling in to the store to buy some beer and grub with an ATV on their truck and they are not from around here, I cringe. We are scared. Please stop. You are being selfish!
Lou Bell
Reply to @Danny Devo: Stay out of other peoples cottages and you shouldn't catch it !
Lou Bell
Reply to @Johnny Almar: Quit hangin' around the store ! It appears you may be a part of the problem !!!!
Danny Devo
Reply to @Lou Bell:
These obscenely selfish cottage visitors are no different than reckless
drunk drivers endangering human life. You need to get educated on Covid
19. They deserve jail time!
Lou Bell
Reply to @Danny Devo:
So report them ! As I said , those hangin' around stores all the time
most likely are a part of the problem ! They SHOULD BE ISOLATING AND
Lou Bell
Reply to @Danny Devo:
I suspect most all have all they need and don't need to go to your
little grocery store when who knows how many locals are hangin' around ,
much like Mr. Druckers store on Green Acres , not isolating and not
practicing social distancing . they may not even knoe what it means
Danny Devo
Reply to @Lou Bell:
Anyone hanging around the store should be picked up and thrown in the
slammer. Saw this genius in a store the other day playing with his
phone. Luckily the store clerk told him to get ut before I gave him a
piece of my mind. Stunned as me ...
Lou Bell
Reply to @Danny Devo: And yet , you were hangin' around the store !
Danny Devo
Reply to @Lou Bell: Illiterate? Low info? Low intel? That's what the umber is for. Call thes saps in.
Danny Devo
Reply to @Lou Bell:
This is where permanent residents shop. Get a clue Lou. No one is
hanging around unless they are mentally deficient.
Lou Bell
Reply to @Johnny
Almar: They couldn't have noticed you hangin' around the store I guess
.They otherwise should have reported you
Lou Bell
Reply to @Danny Devo:
And yet you have seen all the outsiders come in for " beer and
groceries " it becomes quite clear you've been hangin' around the store .
Or were you ? it can't be both . Please tell !!
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Danny Devo: Methinks its truly amazing how many of your comments go "Poof" N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: BINGO
Craig Snow
Reply to @Johnny
Almar: If I go to my camp I will be self sufficient. No stops at the
businesses that I support for many months of the year.
businesses that I support for many months of the year.
David Amos
Content disabled
to @Johnny Almar: Methinks some folks must have found it very
interesting that when you burst upon the scene last weekend I asked you a
simple question and all your comments went "Poof" in a heartbeat N'esy
Reply to @Craig Snow: Methinks thats a wise thing to do with snitches like Johnny and Danny waiting around looking to fire things up with their old buddies in the RCMP N'esy Pas?
Danny Devo
A lot of elderly people living in rural NB, often near camps. The problem is that we have a selfish bunch of yahoos bent on having an awesome time, coming to their gd camps and endangering the lives of permanent residents. These deviants need to be fined and locked up. They are the dregs of society.
Reply to @Danny Devo:
You are exactly right my friend. We are in the exact position you are
talking about. We live here year round and the yahoos nect door are
opening their place instead of staying home !!!
Danny Devo
Reply to @Terry
Hughes: You are not a snitch if you call out people who are willfully
endangering your life. These rejects belong behind bars.
Troy Murray
Reply to @Danny Devo:
Exactly. If they cannot respect the health of themselves, they do not
care about you. Call it in, it’s your life
James Smith
Content disabled
Reply to @Danny Devo:
Zero people have died throughout the province from this. Keep clapping
like a circus seal as our final shreds of freedom get permanently
eroded. You sir, are the dregs of society.
Lou Bell
Reply to @Danny Devo:
If you knew anything about the diease , it doesn't jump from cottage to
cottage ! Now that would be a miracle !!
Lou Bell
Reply to @Terry
Hughes: So you and Danny call them in ! See how it works out and let us
know ! Complaining daily about it here doesn't solve a thing ! I
remember when I was a kid there was a lady who sat and gawked out her
windows for hours a day. Nosey Nora she was called !
Danny Devo
Reply to @James
Smith: You have no clue if they have or not as a result of these
reckless hooligans coming to their cottages, infesting local stores and
infecting local residents. Stay in your gd city dwelling until further
notice. Otherwise you are a selfish reckless hazard. Hope someone calls
you in asap if that's what you are doing.
Lou Bell
Reply to @Danny Devo:
I know of many people who go south for the winter and are now back in
NB. Their summer homes / cottages are their homes ! You go tell them
they're not welcome . Or better still . call the authorities about them .
Let's see how that works out !!
Danny Devo
Reply to @Lou Bell: They should have stayed in Florida.
David Amos
Reply to @Danny Devo:
Methinks it ain't rocket science for poor old little Lou to understand
why Hughes is your buddy N'esy Pas?
Johnny Almar
If they want to issue bulk tickets, go to any large store. You will find little Johnny out with mommy and/or daddy shopping. Last time that I was out to stock up, there was a family of four parading around Costco. The littlest one was running all over the place acting like an orangutan. At least Costco has now limited it to a maximum of two entering on a membership. They can do better and knock it down to one.
Cartman Jones
Reply to @Johnny Almar: So, how does a single mom shop for groceries without taking her kids?
Danny Devo
Reply to @Cartman Jones: That's what iphones are for and locks on car doors.
Troy Murray
Reply to @Cartman Jones: delivered, give a shopping list to a friend
Reply to @Cartman Jones: There is zero reasons for a kid to be in a store. Zero. No excuse. Single mom or otherwise.
Reply to @Troy Murray: Or pickup.
James Smith
Reply to @Johnny
Almar: Yes. We should definitely be fining minors so they have no memory
of freedoms or personal liberty and this will prime the next generation
for living in a police state.
James Smith
Reply to @Johnny
Almar: While we’re at it let’s just slaughter everybody’s dogs and cats
as well. Those pesky animals going for walks with their owners don’t
know when to stop sniffing people. Besides, we can use the meat for the
food supply once the scarcity sets in.
Danny Devo
Reply to @James Smith: Instead of all that, why don't we educate you on Covid 19. That would go a long way.
David Amos
Reply to @Johnny Almar: Methinks many would agree that you seem like a retired and very bitter ex cop N'esy Pas?
Danny Devo
to @David Amos: I do think he makes a lot of sense David. Who needs
kids running around in a store these days? Some parents don't seem to
have basic
comprehension skills.
comprehension skills.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Danny Devo: Methinks I should call you the ghost of comments past N'esy Pas?
Carroll Cameron
Reply to @Johnny Almar: How about no one to leave them with. She cant put them in someone else's home. She cant get someone to come in and stay with the child. That's all against the rules, which I'm certain you would call the cops if you knew it was happening. She certainly can't lock them in the vehicle in the parking lot. If it's a "child", the cops would be called in before the mother even got in the store. So no matter what you say there are very real reasons that a child would be in the store with the mother.
Danny Devo
Do I have to go on a pokeyman treasure hunt to find the rules? Yes, 2 meters. In NB I guess that means 3 feet for many people. Hauling little kids into Walmart? Check. Saw lots of that recently. Inviting relatives to cottage to have fun? Check. Lots of that too. So, what awesome adventure do I have to engage in to find a list of these rules? Anyone have any idea?
Johnny Almar
Reply to @Danny Devo:
Finally one community has locked its doors to visitors and cottage
goers. St. Andrews...congratulations on your proactive stance.
Danny Devo
Reply to @Johnny
Almar: Good idea. In other places it's time for family get togethers,
with kids joining the gang, coming out to the cottage infecting our
local stores in their quest for awesome fun. People you thought you
could trust are suddenly engaged in treacherous selfish fun, endangering
yours and other people's lives. Easy to spot these deviants in these
Reply to @Danny Devo: I
live in the boonies and am surrounded by camps. Two camp owners insist
on coming out every weekend. One of them brought his wife's sister and
husband for the weekend and they partied all weekend.
We permanent residents are all seniors and most of us have underlying health conditions. We really don't want them here during this.
I have complained and I have been assured by the LSD & provincial government that they won't be allowed to come out and that the hammer will drop. Unfortunately, I have not seen any movement on that front yet.
We permanent residents are all seniors and most of us have underlying health conditions. We really don't want them here during this.
I have complained and I have been assured by the LSD & provincial government that they won't be allowed to come out and that the hammer will drop. Unfortunately, I have not seen any movement on that front yet.
Ben Haroldson
Reply to @Johnny Almar: Really? Have you gone in there lately? Saw a golf game and a picnic last week.
Danny Devo
Reply to @Johnny
Almar: These people are no different than a drunk driver careening
around a School zone. They need to be imprisoned and fined heavily.
Johnny Almar
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: It was announced this morning. They have had enough.
Cartman Jones:
Reply to @Danny Devo:
Reply to @Johnny Almar: call the rcmp next time
David Amos
Reply to @Troy
Murray: Say Hey to the RCMP for me will ya? They don't call they don't
write Methinks they don't love me N'esy Pas?
N.B. COVID-19 roundup: Testing expands to include people with symptoms who have not travelled
2 new confirmed cases brings province's total to 105, says chief medical officer Dr. Jennifer Russell
· CBC News · Posted: Apr 07, 2020 9:47 AM AT

Dr. Jennifer Russell, New Brunswick's chief medical officer of health, provided an update on the COVID-19 outbreak to reporters in Fredericton on Tuesday afternoon. (Ed Hunter/CBC)
Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos
"Up to 10 tickets have been issued as of Monday to people failing to comply with the emergency order, bringing in between $3,000 and $3,500."
"Issuing some tickets brings it to bear that it's real, we're not joking here," said Premier Blaine Higgs. "We must do what's necessary to get people's attention."
Nicolas Krinis
Perspective, please:
From gnb.ca
Total Influenza Cases August 25, 2019 to March 14, 2020
Both Influenza A & B 12
Total Hospitalizations* 247
Total ICU Admissions Associated with Influenza* 38
Total Deaths Associated with Influenza* 6
David Amos
Reply to @Nicolas Krinis: Nope
Reply to @Nicolas Krinis: So not as bad as the flu. Got it. Thank you.
Lou Bell
Reply to @Johnny
Almar: Flu shots and Seniors . It's not all just black and white for an
educated person ! So , no you don't have it . You may think you do but
you're wrong . Again !
Denis Leblanc
Reply to @Nicolas
Krinis: Yes, I have a question. Are you insinuating this is all an
over-reaction and you want us to open our borders and all our businesses
in time for the tourist and commercial fishing seasons? If that's what
you meant, lets ask the visitors to go by your home and give a big hug
to everyone. Unless you mean the restrictions imposed on us were so
successful that we have fewer hospitalizations, ICU admissions and total
deaths with corona virus and its remarquable that we have one of the
lowest rates per 100,000 in the country and we're all doing a
commendable job. In that case thank you. The reality is we don't know
the actual number of cases because of lack of testing and it could
easily be 10 to 20 times more. It can take up to 5 weeks from the time
of onset of symptoms until someone dies. So don't count you chickens
yet. I hope this helps you gain some perspective.
Fern Robichaud
Open up the schools after Easter.
Ronald Parker
Fern Robichaud
Open up the schools after Easter.
Ronald Parker
Reply to @Fern Robichaud: I doubt that will happen as they closed them for the rest of the year.
SarahRose Werner
Reply to @Ronald
Parker: Fern, I know you're really missing interacting with your teacher
and classmates, but you need to be patient.
Gil Murray
Reply to @Fern Robichaud: Don't care much for kids or just trolling?
Brian Decker
Reply to @SarahRose Werner:
Fern also needs to make an effort to become better informed
Fern also needs to make an effort to become better informed
June Arnott
Reply to @Fern Robichaud: poor dear. Ignorance is bliss
Lou Bell
Reply to @Fern Robichaud: The " Trump itch " there Fern ???
Dave Shimla
Reply to @Lou Bell: probably not used to raising her own, that's what school is for ;)
Tom Simmons
Reply to @Fern
Robichaud: a great depression is coming if we don't get things going
again soon. That will be far more dangerous than the virus.
David Amos
Reply to @Tom Simmons: Yup
N.B. COVID-19 roundup: Non-medical masks now recommended for citizens in public
5,000 test kits arrive as 2 more cases confirmed
· CBC News · Posted: Apr 06, 2020 12:36 PM AT
Health Minister Ted Flemming said having the shipment of test kits arrive is 'comforting.' (Ed Hunter/CBC)
David Amos
Content disabled (but the 3rd time worked like a charm)
Methinks Mr Decker
set some sort of record The "most liked" comment has a tally of 5 thus
far Yet his insult of me has a tally of 11 N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Methinks I should ask Teddy in public why he is holding back my Medicare Card N'esy Pas?
Reply to @David Amos:
Cause he's hoping when this is all over and it's safe to do so, that you'll move to another province and he'll have it sent there.
Cause he's hoping when this is all over and it's safe to do so, that you'll move to another province and he'll have it sent there.
Graham MacNab
Reply to @David Amos: Wow... you sure have the bad luck N'esy pas?
Reply to @David Amos:
You're asking Ted Flemming to do something? That's quite a tall order, don't ya think?
You're asking Ted Flemming to do something? That's quite a tall order, don't ya think?
David Amos
Reply to @Gabriel
Boucher: Methinks Higgy and everybody else knows that never expect
ethical conduct from a lawyer but I trust that he knows feel honoured
that his fans hate me N'esy Pas?
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos:
I don't hate you David. I would give you your Medicare card in a jiffy,
if I could. And I couldn't care less if you hate me.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Brian
Decker: Methinks you set some sort of record The "most liked" comment
has a tally of 5 Yet your insult of me has a tally of 11 thus far N'esy
David Amos
Reply to @Brian
Decker: Methinks you set some sort of record The "most liked" comment
has a tally of 5 Yet your insult of me has a tally of 11 thus far N'esy

David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks Higgy et al already know that this is by far the most comical article about my neighbourbood that I have read on this topic yet Ya gotta love Fundy Royal N'esy Pas?
'There are risks' to going to rural areas and cottages, chief medical officer says
Local businesses bracing for a slow summer season
· CBC News · Posted: Apr 05, 2020 10:00 AM AT

The Kingston Peninsula general store is preparing to see a lot less traffic in the coming months. (Courtesy of Kingston Peninsula Heritage Inc.)
Hospital facilities, ambulance wait times and possibly spreading COVID-19 are a few things Dr. Jennifer Russell, the province's chief medical officer of health says people should consider before deciding to open up their cottages or travelling to rural areas.
"We are a small province, in terms of trying to maximize our resources to help get us through this pandemic," she said. "There are risks for people to move around in that way and to go to those rural areas."
Russell's national counterpart Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada's chief public health officer, said last week people who live in urban areas should not travel to their camps or cottages or summer homes.
"Urban dwellers should avoid heading to rural properties, as these places have less capacity to manage COVID-19," Tam said.
Health experts agree the best way to battle COVID-19 is to stay put, and that might mean keeping away from camps and summer homes.
Expecting a lower turnout
Kingston Peninsula store manager Ed Larsen says he was already concerned about cottage owners bringing the infection. He says this is a good recommendation, if it will help shorten the lifespan of this pandemic."We just want to do whatever the health department is recommending and try to do more if we can," he said. "We gotta flatten this curve and make it go away."
"Would it affect us? It would, because a lot of folks come out here in the summer" he said. "But what we want to do is look after our folks that are out here, to keep everybody safe."

Dr. Jennifer Russell, New Brunswick's chief medical officer of health, said Friday people should think about the risks before heading to their cottage or any rural area. (Ed Hunter/CBC)
Larsen's store is open every month of the year to serve locals who live on the peninsula year-round. He said some people aren't even getting on the ferry to the mainland out of fear of spreading the virus when they come back.
Larsen said inter-provincial and international travel restrictions meant he was already preparing for a large decrease in the number of people he sees.
Christine Burt runs a grocery store, restaurant and gas station in Jemseg near Grand Lake, where many people travel to spend their summers.
She said the possibility of cottagers and tourists bringing the virus is "in the back of your mind" for sure, even before they land in the province.
"I make sure I keep my distance … step back while the customer pays their bill," she said.
"What are you going to do? Parks are closed, any amusement or entertainment, there's nothing going on," she said.
She said she's already had to lay off some staff, and she's hoping this doesn't go on for much longer.
"It's something we've never been through before and hopefully never have to go through again."
Johnny Almar was a particularly nasty dude and all his comments went "Poof" as soon as I asked a simple question
David Amos
Methinks Higgy et al already know that this is by far the most comical article about my neighbourbood that I have read on this topic yet Ya gotta love Fundy Royal N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Methinks I should welcome folks to Higgy's latest tax grab N'esy Pas?
Caraquet man fined for breaking new mandatory two-metre distancing rule
Danielle McCreadie · CBC News · Posted: Apr 05, 2020 7:07 PM AT
Greg Miller
In areas where floods may occur there may be no choice.
David Amos
Reply to @Johnny Almar: Who is we?
Robert L. Brown
you know i think i understand but when our leaders do not seem to get it i have a hard time believing any thing that comes out of there mouth . i do not under stand why i cannot get in my truck drive directly to my camp and keeping social distances from others who might want to stop in while driving by although who would be driving by a camp in the woods 2 miles from any houses
Reply to @Robert L. Brown: Where do you buy groceries when you're up at your camp? Where do you buy gas for the truck?
Danny Devo
Reply to @SarahRose
Werner: You need a brain to stop spreading the virus. Unfortunately a
lot of these summer camp jokers don't have one. They come to spread the
virus in the coutryside.
Mac Isaac
Reply to @SarahRose
Werner: Some people think they understand Ms Werner but do they? Do they
really? Do they understand if they're asymptomatic now but become ill
after being at their camp for a while that they might not be able to get
help because they're in "a camp in the woods 2 miles from any houses."
Danny Devo
Reply to @Mac Isaac:
Next he'llbe at the corner store infecting people and contaminating
countertops and door handles. These people are a disgrace. Stay home. Do
not go to your gd camps
David Amos
Reply to @SarahRose
Werner: FYI This crybaby nonsense is about the area where I live.
Methinks if this keeps up it seems that I may have to take my truck to
Fat Fred City or your neighbourhood for milk and bread and then gas up
to get back home N'esy Pas?
Justin Gunther
Reply to @Danny Devo:
We don't obey you Mr. Devo. We have received a suggestion of sorts of
we'll all do with it what we please.
Justin Gunther
Reply to @Justin Gunther: *and we'll
Justin Gunther
Reply to @David Amos: I couldn't care less David because I wash my hands and practice distancing. Have a nice day.
Justin Gunther
Reply to @Justin Gunther: I recommend a drive down Waterloo Row, it's very picturesque. Nice houses, riverfront, etc.
David Amos
Reply to @Justin
Gunther: Methinks earlier you claimed to be on welfare and could only
ride the bus to get groceries if you could afford it N'esy Pas?
Danny Devo
info summer camp no minds seem to think it is fine to come out to the
country and risking the lives of people who live here year round.
Spreading the virus in our stores, gas stations and overloading our
frail rural medical system. Anyone, any non resident, who shows up at
their summer camp should be given a 10,000 fine for every day they are
Nicolas Krinis
Peter G Bourne
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Caused?
Reply to @Danny Devo: You're hysterical. Get help.
Justin Gunther
Reply to @Nicolas Krinis: Mass-psychosis, from coast to coast. Caused by our elected and appointed representatives.
Donald Smith
Reply to @Nicolas Krinis: good one lolololol
David Amos
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Surely you jest about the folks who take care of your welfare so well.
Peter G Bourne
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Caused?
Danny Devo
Higgs asleep again? What about Russell? Why is there not a directive to
stop these summer camp zombies and weekend warriors from infesting the
countryside at their camps and at local stores open for people who live
here year-round, doing eveything they can to avoid getting this virus.
These urban rejects need to stay in their towns and cities. Is Higgs too
senile to lead? Sure looks like it. What is he waiting for this joker?
Dan Lee
Reply to @Danny Devo:
Whoaaaaaa man.....where were you and Higgs and Russell when all them vacationers where on their way back......dint seem to worry too much them.......oh just go home and isolate............Bull...........
Whoaaaaaa man.....where were you and Higgs and Russell when all them vacationers where on their way back......dint seem to worry too much them.......oh just go home and isolate............Bull...........
Lou Bell
Reply to @Danny Devo:
Because You people in the country aren't doing a very good job
supporting your country stores ! If it wasn't for the people from the
urban centers in the summer months many would be out of business !!
There's no monopoly on where people are / are not allowed to go in the
province , although you somehow don't seem to understand that !!
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell:
Methinks you hero Higgy and all his buddies in Forest City are welcome
back to their camps on the Yankee border N'esy Pas?
Donald Smith
Isn't our PM'S Wife and children currently in their Summer Home ?? If so, a rule for some and not others lol.
Nicolas Krinis
Reply to @Donald Smith: Leave it to government to screw thing up.
Donald Smith
Reply to @Nicolas Krinis: lolololo
Bruce Sanders
Reply to @Donald Smith: Oh sure, but the kids go back and forth and she and he won't be meeting again that much!
Gil Murray
Reply to @Donald
Smith: There are always different rules for the privileged. Canadian's
seem to believe this is only the case to the south of us. Few are more
privileged in this country than the Trudeau family.
David Amos
Reply to @Donald Smith: Good Point
summer at the lake...finally. got to get outta this place to the lake.
Mental health deteriorates if we do not. Besides the wife says, don't
start arguing with the wife, not good.
Bruce Sanders
Reply to @Michael durant: LOL
David Amos
Reply to @Michael
durant: Methinks whereas Higgy and the RCMP claim I am crazy and the
shrinks can't get paid to check to see it it is true or not because
their has been a "Stay" placed on my Medicare Card Its best that I just
sit back and enjoy the circus going on and on and on while waiting for
the Federal Court to open again and begin some more important litigation
about taxation etc N'esy Pas?
Justin Gunther
what will happen,? If you get some respiratory symptoms are you going
to insta-keel over? Is that your medical opinion? Can't they or their SO
just drive them to the hospital? Or maybe they can just call 811 and be
told there's no test and to shelter in place?
Fearmongering nonsense.
Fearmongering nonsense.
David Amos
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Well put sir
Les Cooper
Reply to @Justin Gunther: really eh.Ill take my chances! Lol
They should be thinking of all the suicides that are going to happen with all the isolation and job loses! And boycott China to avoid all their dirty diseases!
They should be thinking of all the suicides that are going to happen with all the isolation and job loses! And boycott China to avoid all their dirty diseases!
Reply to @David Amos: the self-professed lawyer and now doctor has spoken.
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite
Deschamps: Methinks you know as well as I that I am a very Proud Layman
without a Medicare Card who loves to sue lawyers particularly ones who
support the SANB and Higgy's denial of my right to Health Care N'esy
lot of the directives we hear from these experts is devoid of sense. If
a person or a family self-isolates for 2 weeks and goes to their
cottage and stays put, how can this put them or the rural community at
risk, especially if they are following social distancing rules?
Reply to @Nicolas Krinis: But how many will self isolate.....thats the issue.There are moronic people who live among us.....
Robert Brannen
Reply to @Nicolas Krinis:
This can put the rural areas at risk because the urban have a higher population density, therefore those going to the rural areas have had a higher probability of having been exposed to the virus.
This can put the rural areas at risk because the urban have a higher population density, therefore those going to the rural areas have had a higher probability of having been exposed to the virus.
Mandel Rooney
Reply to @Nicolas Krinis:
The healthcare facilities in rural communities are not designed to handle peak load, especially at this time of year. If you self-quarantine for 2 weeks then wander out in public you could get the virus. The you will put more burden on the limited health facilities there. If you self quarantine in an urban centre and get sick, the facilities are much more capable of handling an influx of patients.
The healthcare facilities in rural communities are not designed to handle peak load, especially at this time of year. If you self-quarantine for 2 weeks then wander out in public you could get the virus. The you will put more burden on the limited health facilities there. If you self quarantine in an urban centre and get sick, the facilities are much more capable of handling an influx of patients.
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Marc
Bourque: So the question becomes; Where do you want the moronic people
to be? In a highly populated area, or in a remote woodland setting?
David Amos
Reply to @Nicolas
Krinis: Methinks common sense is not supposed to be employed in the this
wicked game. Just obey the rules of Higgy's police state or you will be
fined bigtime N'esy Pas?
Graeme Scott
don't see this as being quite as much of an issue here in NB as places
like BC or Ontario where people own vacation property 100's of
kilometers from home.. Many cottages here are less than 30-40 minutes
from people's main home. Very often people use the same grocery stores,
same healthcare facilities etc etc. as they do when living "in town"
David Amos
Reply to @Graeme Scott: BINGO
Canuckguy NB
Reply to @Graeme
Scott: Exactly, for example people who have their homes and cottages in
the same geographical health area(think of Bathurst NB and the cottages
at Youghal which is even in the city limits), I don't see any problem,
same goes for people with cottages along Salmon beach, most of whom are
from Gloucester County.
There might not be much to do? That is the whole point of going to the cottage, getting away from it all.
David Amos
Reply to @Robert
Brannen: I Wholeheartedly Agree Sir You are paying the double taxes on
it hence methinks you might as well enjoy getting away from it all as
the Nanny State goes crazy. Just stock up with groceries and bring extra
gas etc before you go then stay away from the local crybabies as you
you enjoy the spring season that has finally upon us N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
as it appears the Premier and Chief Medical Officer are doing a GREAT
JOB in handling the virus and with the ADVICE they're giving re summer
homes and cottages , there are (and always will be ) those who THINK (
and it appears with what I'm not sure ! ) they could do a better job !
As the saying goes , " better to keep ones mouth shut , say nothing ,
and let people THINK your an i di o t than to open, it say lots , and
let them KNOW you're one " !
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Lou DumBell: How about you follow your own advice?
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander too N'esy Pas?
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: Your goose has been cooked so often that it is now incinerated and its ashes blown in the wind a long time ago.
Lou Bell
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: Your goose has been cooked so often that it is now incinerated and its ashes blown in the wind a long time ago.
Lou Bell
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Ahhh Marc uerite ! Tough times in the Maritimes for poor ole Maggie !
Dan Armitage
an eye opener for you all. So while we are the soldiers and supposedly
majority of our army are following orders our great two health care
system showed its ugly head.
This is sad.
Horizon health Vitalit'e health are in the process of turning the Moncton coliseum into a make shift hospital for hopefully not an increase in cases at the apex of the virus.
During the set up Vitalit'e Health decided that they no longer wanted to join hands with Horizon health at the coliseum insisting they want to have thier own section of the coliseum so now after they stomped thier feet we have a section A horizon health and a section B Vitalit'e health.
“a leopard never changes its spots”
"This is a big WOW you got to be kidding me"
This is sad.
Horizon health Vitalit'e health are in the process of turning the Moncton coliseum into a make shift hospital for hopefully not an increase in cases at the apex of the virus.
During the set up Vitalit'e Health decided that they no longer wanted to join hands with Horizon health at the coliseum insisting they want to have thier own section of the coliseum so now after they stomped thier feet we have a section A horizon health and a section B Vitalit'e health.
“a leopard never changes its spots”
"This is a big WOW you got to be kidding me"
Reply to @Dan Armitage: amit it, the virus is not the war you're fighting at all. Your obsession is showing.
Reply to @Dan Armitage:
Reply to @Canuckguy
NB: Well of course, you can't have the English speakers infecting the
French speakers. Must not socialize and mingle the language groups.
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite
Deschamps: Methinks your fancy red SANB knickers are in quite a knot and
they are showing bigtime as well N'esy Pas?
Michel Forgeron
Reply to @Dan
Armitage: Makes sense to me, they are two distinct entities. Having two
sections will ensure all patients get to communicate in their own
language. Plus not one of the two organizations is going to allow the
other to run their affairs.
Michel Forgeron
Reply to @Dan Armitage: "During the set up Vitalit'e Health decided that they no longer wanted to...". Evidence please ??
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