---------- Orignal message ----------
From: Barnyard Bicycles <barnyardbicycles@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2021 17:27:44 -0400
Subject: Re: I called Tobias Paul (506) 295-3034 to talk about Donald
He shut me down after wondering how I got his number So now I will
talk about HIM
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Hi David,
My cat is just fine thanks.
I hope you get the help you need,
Tobias Paul
Barnyard Bicycles
(506) 295 3034
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)" <Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2021 21:04:05 +0000
Subject: RE: I called Tobias Paul (506) 295-3034 to talk about Donald
He shut me down after wondering how I got his number So now I will
talk about HIM
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
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---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2021 17:02:17 -0400
Subject: I called Tobias Paul (506) 295-3034 to talk about Donald He
shut me down after wondering how I got his number So now I will talk
about HIM
To: barnyardbicycles@gmail.com, s.mesheau@sackville.com,
bagtownbrewing@gmail.com, miriam.lafontaine@cbc.ca,
bruce.wark@bellaliant.net, "Mitton, Megan (LEG)"
<megan.mitton@gnb.ca>, "steve.murphy" <steve.murphy@ctv.ca>,
sheilagunnreid <sheilagunnreid@gmail.com>, Newsroom
<Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, dominic.leblanc@parl.gc.ca, pm
<pm@pm.gc.ca>, "Katie.Telford" <Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>,
"Kevin.leahy" <Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Ian.Shugart"
<Ian.Shugart@pco-bcp.gc.ca>, info <info@gg.ca>, editor
<editor@wikileaks.org>, station@chmafm.com, andrew
<andrew@frankmagazine.ca>, NBEUB/CESPNB <general@nbeub.ca>, news-tips
<news-tips@nytimes.com>, a.black@sackville.com,
a.butcher@sackville.com, s.dietz@sackville.com,
m.estabrooks@sackville.com, b.evans@sackville.com,
k.hicks@sackville.com, b.phinney@sackville.com, m.tower@sackville.com
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, "blaine.higgs"
<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, dominic.cardy@gnb.ca, "Daniel.J.Allain"
<Daniel.J.Allain@gnb.ca>, "hugh.flemming" <hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>,
oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, "andrea.anderson-mason"
Need I say DUHHH??
Perhaps Tobias Paul should have listened to me then printed this file
in oe to protect his dumb cat
Check out pages 1, 2, 13 and 14 Go figure why CBC continues to play dumb
The Committee will meet in OPEN SESSION to conduct the second in a
series of hearings on the “Review of Current Investigations and
Regulatory Actions Regarding the Mutual Fund Industry.”
Witness Panel 1
Mr. Stephen M. Cutler
Director - Division of Enforcement
Securities and Exchange Commission
Cutler - November 20, 2003
Mr. Robert Glauber
Chairman and CEO
National Association of Securities Dealers
Glauber - November 20, 2003
Eliot Spitzer
Attorney General
State of New York
Methinks the effect of Bill 82 on my old stomping grounds and the
doings in the local hospital (where I spent over a month in a comma
long before my cousin Madame Mitton was born) are far more newsworthy
than the actions of an old stray cat and the concerns of its nasty
owner N'esy Pas Mr Wark?
I have no doubt the Bagtown Brewing Company is enjoying the free
advertising financed by the the Canadian taxpayers
BTW Merry Xmass
Please enjoy watching the clowns performing in Higgy's circus today
60th Legislature | 1st Session | Daily Sitting #62
December 17, 2021
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Celebrity cat in Sackville prompting debate and demands for animal bylaw changes
A cat named Donald has been the talk of the town ever since he was adopted this summer
A long–haired black cat named Donald has been the talk of the town ever since a Facebook page devoted to his wanderings was created.
Now the town could be considering changes to its animal bylaws.
"It's not something we really want Sackville to be known for," said resident Susan Gourley, who made a powerpoint presentation to town council on Dec. 6 urging for updated animal bylaws.
She's hoping the the town will not allow cats to roam freely, a measure that's already in place in many other New Brunswick municipalities.
According to Gourley's estimates, the population of pet cats in the town is already capable of killing over 100 birds per week.
"This reason I'm here is to keep birds safe," she said. "Here in Sackville, we have the opportunity to stop 134 birds a week from dying — what are we going to do?"
The debate over whether cats should be kept indoors has been taking place in community Facebook groups ever since residents started posting about the cat in the summer, at first unaware it had an owner, said Sackville resident JP Lavoie.
is often spotted around the Mount Allison University campus, and has a
habit of running into the student residences there. (Mady Frellick)
A Mount Allison student embraces Donald with a warm hug. (Laura Kurdyak)
"He was making his way into various people's homes and businesses, and campus," Lavoie said. "He would go into the grocery store, into the brewery, a bit everywhere."
Lavoie created a Facebook page to track the cat's whereabouts in town, and it wasn't long before he became a sensation. The group has since amassed close to 1,000 members, including a large number of Mount Allison University students.
Lavoie is hoping neighbours will rally together and write to the town to oppose the bylaw change. He said he's also been invited to attend council in January to present counter arguments from the community.
"Being that this motion of amendment inherently opposes the values shared by this group and its membership, we would like to ask that you present your opinions on the matter to the Town of Sackville," he wrote in a post on Dec. 14.
Donald has a forever home with Tobias Paul, also the owner of Barnyard Bicycles, Lavoie says.
Brewing Company created a milk stout in Donald's honor. The cat has
been a frequent visitor ever since stumbling upon one of their outdoor
trivia nights in the summer. (Anthony Maddalena)
Paul couldn't immediately be reached for comment, but he is a frequent contributor on the Facebook page, which he uses to remind neighbours not to feed the cat or let him indoors. The page also gives him somewhere to turn in case Donald gets caught in the cold or goes missing.
"Big Don is going to spend a little time indoors for now, all this attention is getting to his head," Paul said in an update to neighbours on Dec. 6.
"I would love for him to be able to go out, but unfortunately it's not possible all the time," he added in another.
Gourley wants the town to enforce registration for cats, which is already mandatory for dogs, and suggested cats be affixed with a collar attesting to this. She also encouraged the town to enforce spaying and neutering.
"In four years, one female cat who is pregnant can produce 20,736 cats," she said. "That's a lot of cats."
claims a cat by the name of Tulip has been using the area around
Gourley's bird feeder as its personal hunting ground, despite efforts to
resolve the problem. (Town of Sackvillle)
A cat by the name of Tulip has been using her bird feeder as its hunting ground despite Gourley's efforts to resolve the problem, she told council.
She installed a camera that blares an alarm whenever it detects her neighbour's cat nearby, hoping it would scare the cat off, but said unfortunately it has not been successful.
"Obviously she's not afraid of the alarm," she said.
Gourley couldn't immediately be reached for comment.
Leave cats alone
Really what’s next asking Birds pray not to hunt birds
I have many birds pray killing pigeons, and others birds on my property and no I’m not running around trying to stop this birds hunting others birds
Old Mister Johnson had troubles of his own
He had a yellow cat that wouldn't leave it's home;
He tried and he tried to give the cat away,
He gave it to a man goin' far, far away.
But the cat came back the very next day,
The cat came back, we thought he was a goner
But the cat came back; it just couldn't stay away.
Away, away, yea, yea, yea
So he gave it to a woman going up in a balloon,
He told him for to take it to the man in the moon;
The balloon came down about ninety miles away,
Where the balloon is, where I can't say
But the cat came back the very next day,
The cat came back, we thought he was a goner
But the cat came back; it just couldn't stay away.
Away, away, yea, yea, yea
So he gave it to a man going way out West,
Told him for to take it to the one he loved the best;
First the train hit the curve, then it jumped the rail,
Not a soul was left behind to tell the gruesome tale.
But the cat came back the very next day,
The cat came back, we thought he was a goner
But the cat came back; it just couldn't stay away.
Away, away, yea, yea, yea
♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫
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