---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)" <Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2021 13:27:58 +0000
Subject: RE: Hey Higgy say Merry Xmass to the old Folks losing their
abodes, Chucky Leblanc, Wannabe Santa Brucey Noble, their pals the Fat
Fred City Finest and your evil RCMP and CBC buddies for me will ya???
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
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Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Coon, David (LEG)" <David.Coon@gnb.ca>
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2021 13:27:59 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Hey Higgy say Merry Xmass to the old Folks
losing their abodes, Chucky Leblanc, Wannabe Santa Brucey Noble, their
pals the Fat Fred City Finest and your evil RCMP and CBC buddies for
me will ya???
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for your email.
I am out of the office until Tuesday, January 4th.
For media requests, please call 506-429-2285.
Merci pour votre courriel.
Je suis absent du bureau jusqu'au mardi 4 janvier.
Pour les demandes des médias, veuillez appeler au 506-429-2285.
David Coon
MLA Fredericton South & Leader of the Green Party of NB
Député de Fredericton Sud et chef du Parti Vert du N.-B.
---------- Original message ----------
From: Don Macpherson <macpherson.don@brunswicknews.
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2021 05:26:32 -0800
Subject: Out of office Re: Hey Higgy say Merry Xmass to the old Folks
losing their abodes, Chucky Leblanc, Wannabe Santa Brucey Noble, their
pals the Fat Fred City Finest and your evil RCMP and CBC buddies for
me will ya???
To: SRS0=9hSV=RI=gmail.com=david.
I am on vacation until Dec. 29.
If you are trying to contact me with an urgent news matter, please
contact editor Ted Rath at rath.ted@brunswicknews.com.
Don Macpherson
Staff writer | The Daily Gleaner
Telephone: 506-458-6479 | Mobile: 506-478-8840
Seniors notified of $675 rent increase face moving after 33 years in same building
'This is home to us,' says Pauline Tramble of Fredericton's Shore Street
Pauline Tramble, 67, and her husband Charles Tramble, 84, received a letter Dec. 11 telling them their monthly rent would be jumping from $1,000 to $1,675 on April 1 for their three-bedroom apartment.
It is an increase Pauline says the two cannot afford, although she has no idea where they will go instead.
"We were devastated," she said.
"We just can't believe that it would go up that much. You know, you could accept $100, maybe $150. We were shocked. This is home to us. We just can't see us anywhere else."
Tramble, 84 and his wife Pauline, 67 have lived in the same Fredericton
apartment building for 33 years. New owners want to raise their rent by
$675 per month, an amount Pauline says they cannot afford. (Ed Hunter/CBC News)
The proposed 67.5 per cent increase comes after the New Brunswick government decided against a ban on "unreasonable" rent hikes above 30 per cent that it floated as an idea last spring.
Although opposed to rent control as a policy, Premier Blaine Higgs said in May that he had "sympathies" for tenants who experience "rate shocks" and was not opposed to banning extreme increases.
"I believe there needs to be some protection there for tenants in relation to the frequency and the extent to which a rate could be changed in a span of time," he said.
Higgs said that with more people moving to New Brunswick and driving up demand for housing, he did not want to see apartment owners take advantage by steeply raising rents.
"Did we have some cases where landlords looked at the market and said, 'Now's our chance?'" he said. "I don't want people's livelihoods and situations played with just because it's the right time."
In a news conference on May 7, executive council clerk Cheryl Hansen, the province's top civil servant, told reporters government was open to restricting increases above the 25 to 30 per cent range but ultimately abandoned the idea.
Council clerk Cheryl Hansen suggested in May the Higgs government was
open to banning "unreasonable" rent hikes above 30 per cent. It didn't. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
The Trambles occupy one of seven apartments in an older building on Fredericton's Shore Street. It's a prime location in the city, tucked in behind Waterloo Row, about 500 metres from the New Brunswick Legislature as the crow flies.
The property was sold by its longtime owner in November for $455,000 but then flipped a month later to new buyers for $775,000.
The latest owner and landlord is listed as DNV Properties Inc., a company operated by Dragan and Neda Veselinovic. They sent letters to multiple tenants in the building two weeks ago, giving notice of rent increases of 40 per cent and higher.
The owners cited a "recent increase in property prices, taxes and housing demand," as reasons.
"Thank you for your understanding of the cost pressures on us as we do those upon yourself," read the letters.
Taxes on the building are increasing next year by about $1,900 because of a jump in its assessed value. That's the equivalent of about $23 per apartment per month.
Tayfun Orkus, 83, also received notice of a rent increase. He is is a longtime neighbour of the Trambles.
"We are really good friends," said Orkus, who has lived in the building for 14 years.
"it is very nice if you have some people, some friends, you know."
Orkus pays $950 per month for his two-bedroom unit but was notified his rent would be jumping $525 per month to $1,475 in the spring.
Orkus is 83 and says the 14 years he has lived in his current building
is the longest he has ever stayed in one place. Notice of a 55 per cent
rent increase has him worried he'll have to move. (Ed Hunter/CBC News)
He said that days after the building was sold for the second time, a group of people he believes were connected to the new owners let themselves into his apartment at night unannounced to view its layout.
"It was the first experience of my life that somebody break into my house without saying anything," Orkus said.
"I cannot live here anymore because it is too expensive."
Two young couples who also live in the building said they will likely have to move as well but mostly expressed concern about what is happening with their elderly neighbours.
"We are all very close," Emily Kyle said of tenants in the building.
Kyle has lived in the building for three years with her partner and six-year-old son. She said their rent is jumping $425 to $1,475. That is in addition to a $200 increase they were hit with by previous owners last June.
At the new rent, she said, they are better off buying their own home but she worries that is not an option for Orkus or the Trambles.
"It's a real shame because they're going to have to look for a new place," Kyle said. "So it's quite devastating, really."
Patrick Donovan agreed.
He and his partner received notice of a $525 increase in their own rent, but he feels the bigger problem is what is happening to the older tenants.
"We're a pretty tight knit community there," said Donovan.
Donovan and his partner Elizabeth Redbourne were "shocked" by a notice
their rent is going up $525 but are more worried about increases
received by their elderly neighbours. (Submitted/Twitter)
"At the same time as I'm looking for extra options for myself, I've been looking for places for Charles, Pauline and Tayfun because, I mean, they haven't been in the rental market for 30 years. It's a different beast now, and I think I want to do anything that I can for them."
Last week the legislature passed some improvements in tenant protections, such as banning more than one rent increase per year, but even that will not help Shore Street tenants, according to the province. Their rent increase notices were delivered Dec.11, one week before the new rules became law.
"All notices of rent increases served before December 18, 2021, are subject to the rules and regulations that were in place on the date the notice was served," said Service New Brunswick's director of communications Jennifer Vienneau.
On Monday, Pauline and Charles Tramble and Tayfun Orkus did file an objection to their rate hike with the Residential Tenancies Tribunal but were unsure if that would help.
"We're hoping so but it's hard to say," said Pauline.
Requests for comment about the rent increases from DNV Properties Inc. by phone and email received no immediate response.
JT stole my xmas as well etc etc
The old red/blue uni-party represents the billionaire class the most, imo.
The current inflation and supply chain issues have been directly linked to federal liberal money printing...at a scale that's never been seen before.
You want to turn out good long term tenants into an environment of a pandemic, at Christmas , in the cold, with little options right now? Maybe the new owner should come public and explain why the huge increase....Come on Higgs, bring
in the rent controls. We don't all live in our own homes. It's disgraceful.
How selfish can Higgs get in not imposing rent control?
N.B. government opens investigation into Fredericton rent increases
'There are protections in place for tenants,' province insists
The dramatic move may help show whether current New Brunswick rental rules are as useful to tenants in a crisis, as government insists, or too weak to help, as critics suspect.
"The Deputy Chief Residential Tenancies Officer visited the apartment building today to meet with the tenants referenced in your story," wrote Service New Brunswick's director of communications Jennifer Vienneau.
"They were pleased to be offered assistance and departmental officials will investigate this matter. There are protections in place for tenants that are facing unreasonable rent increases."
Earlier in the day, CBC News reported a number of tenants in a building at 36 Shore Street had received rent increase notices from a new landlord of between 40 and 67 per cent
Included in that group were Pauline and Charles Tramble, who received notice of a $675 per month increase in their rent starting in April. The two, who are 67 and 84 years old respectively. have lived in the building for 33 years.
Tramble, 84, and his wife Pauline, 67, have lived in the same
Fredericton apartment building for 33 years. New owners want to raise
their rent by $675 per month. (Ed Hunter/CBC News)
They can't afford to pay that much more, but have no idea where else they might go.
"We were devastated," said Pauline, "This is home to us.'
The seven unit building was bought and sold twice this fall by different investors. The current owner is DNV Properties Inc. It sent out rent increase notices two weeks ago but has not returned messages to explain why the increases are so high.
Other tenants receiving significant rate hikes include 83 year old Tayfun Orkus. He has lived there 14 years and was told to expect to pay 55 per cent ($475) more each month.
He too says it is more than he can afford.
"I cannot live here anymore because it is too expensive," he said.
Orkus is 83 and has lived at his current address for 14 years. He says
he cant afford a 55 per cent rent increase. The province is
investigating. (Ed Hunter/CBC News)
The story triggered a strong reaction among housing advocates, who point to it as proof New Brunswick needs some kind of rent control to protect vulnerable tenants and limit excessive rent increases.
"It's devastating. It's shocking. It's enraging and it just really speaks to some massive failures," said Julia Woodhall-Melnik, about the treatment of the Trambles and others in their building.
Woodhall-Melnik, an associate professor and director of the laboratory for housing and mental health at the University of New Brunswick, said seniors are particularly vulnerable in the private rental market and need special help from government to cope with escalating rents.
"There's not enough protections. Housing is a human right. When we allow the market to dictate what that human right looks like, things like this are going to happen," she said.
"People are starting to see that there's faces and names behind these stories. These are real people, older adults and this is their health, their well being, and their happiness and I think people are starting to realize this."
New Brunswick has attracted significant interest among real estate investors over the last two years as more and more Canadians move east in search of affordable housing and a less hectic life. That has been driving up the cost of housing.
More than 1,000 rental properties in Moncton, Saint John and Fredericton changed hands this year alone, according to data compiled by the website propertize.ca.
The province's population is up 14,000 since 2019 and that has put pressure on both the price and availability of places to live. In some cases it has forced those without the financial ability to keep up with sudden jumps in rent to move out of their apartments.
Included in that group are people like William Morrissette. He received a 62 per cent rent increase notice in Moncton in August 2020 after the building he lived in was sold.
Morissette shows the notice he received of a 62 per cent rent hike
after his Moncton apartment building was sold to a Montreal company in
August 2020. It was an early sign of upheaval in New Brunswick rental
markets. (Guy Leblanc/Radio Canada)
Later that year in Lincoln, Bernadette McGregor and others were hit with a 50 per cent rent hike after their building changed hands. And back in Moncton, a number of tenants in two buildings on High Street suffered increases of close to 40 per cent when the properties they lived in got new owners.
Most landlords do not treat tenants that way, but when it happens there is not a lot renters can do in opposition, according to Fredericton lawyer Jael Duarte.
"There is an imbalance of power between landlords and tenants," said Duarte, who serves as a tenant advocate for the N.B. Coalition for Tenants' Rights.
"Our Acts don't protect them."
Tenants Rights Coalition advocate Jael Duarte says current legislation
leaves an imbalance in power between landlords and tenants. (N.B. Tenants Rights Coalition)
The solution that Duarte and others like Woodhall-Melnik believe would serve tenants best is rent control. But it's an option the Higgs government opposes, arguing it would discourage the construction of needed new units by developers.
"We know that rent control does not solve the problem of affordable housing and available housing," Service New Brunswick Minister Mary Wilson told the legislature last month.
Wilson's department is the one handling the investigation into the rent increases on Shore Street and it may become a test case of government claims that vulnerable renters are adequately protected by existing government rules.
According to Vienneau, landlords are entitled to raise rents to a level charged by "comparable units in the same geographical area" and anything above that can be struck down.
Tenant advocates are critical of that kind of evaluation because it provides little defence against low and modest income renters being pushed out of their own neighbourhoods when motivated landlords and affluent renters around them begin driving up prices.
"Rental units that are that are affordable at market rents are disappearing faster than we can replace them,' said Matthew Hayes, a professor of sociology at St. Thomas University and a member of the NB Coalition for Tenants' Rights
"This is the real threat to the public in New Brunswick."
But the province insists protections for renters are in place and will be effective in the absence of rent control.
It's a belief the Trambles and Tayfun Orkus have suddenly put to a major test.
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2021 09:37:11 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Hey Higgy say Merry Xmass to the old Folks losing their
abodes, Chucky Leblanc, Wannabe Santa Brucey Noble, their pals the Fat
Fred City Finest and your evil RCMP and CBC buddies for me will ya???
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Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, Lorri.Warner@justice.gc.ca
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From: Justice Minister <JUSTMIN@novascotia.ca>
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2021 13:28:06 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Hey Higgy say Merry Xmass to the old Folks
losing their abodes, Chucky Leblanc, Wannabe Santa Brucey Noble, their
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From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)" <Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2021 13:27:58 +0000
Subject: RE: Hey Higgy say Merry Xmass to the old Folks losing their
abodes, Chucky Leblanc, Wannabe Santa Brucey Noble, their pals the Fat
Fred City Finest and your evil RCMP and CBC buddies for me will ya???
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---------- Original message ----------
From: "Coon, David (LEG)" <David.Coon@gnb.ca>
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2021 13:27:59 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Hey Higgy say Merry Xmass to the old Folks
losing their abodes, Chucky Leblanc, Wannabe Santa Brucey Noble, their
pals the Fat Fred City Finest and your evil RCMP and CBC buddies for
me will ya???
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for your email.
I am out of the office until Tuesday, January 4th.
For media requests, please call 506-429-2285.
Merci pour votre courriel.
Je suis absent du bureau jusqu'au mardi 4 janvier.
Pour les demandes des médias, veuillez appeler au 506-429-2285.
David Coon
MLA Fredericton South & Leader of the Green Party of NB
Député de Fredericton Sud et chef du Parti Vert du N.-B.
---------- Original message ----------
From: Don Macpherson <macpherson.don@brunswicknews.
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2021 05:26:32 -0800
Subject: Out of office Re: Hey Higgy say Merry Xmass to the old Folks
losing their abodes, Chucky Leblanc, Wannabe Santa Brucey Noble, their
pals the Fat Fred City Finest and your evil RCMP and CBC buddies for
me will ya???
To: SRS0=9hSV=RI=gmail.com=david.
I am on vacation until Dec. 29.
If you are trying to contact me with an urgent news matter, please
contact editor Ted Rath at rath.ted@brunswicknews.com.
Don Macpherson
Staff writer | The Daily Gleaner
Telephone: 506-458-6479 | Mobile: 506-478-8840
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Jensen, Jan" <jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca>
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2021 13:26:30 +0000
Subject: Réponse automatique - Automatic reply: Hey Higgy say Merry
Xmass to the old Folks losing their abodes, Chucky Leblanc, Wannabe
Santa Brucey Noble, their pals the Fat Fred City Finest and your evil
RCMP and CBC buddies for me will ya???
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
I will be out of office until January 4, 2022. Email will not be
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From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2021 09:26:26 -0400
Subject: Hey Higgy say Merry Xmass to the old Folks losing their
abodes, Chucky Leblanc, Wannabe Santa Brucey Noble, their pals the Fat
Fred City Finest and your evil RCMP and CBC buddies for me will ya???
To: premier <premier@ontario.ca>, "rob.moore" <rob.moore@parl.gc.ca>,
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<jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca>, "Paul.Martin" <Paul.Martin@gnb.ca>,
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Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, JUSTMIN
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---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)" <Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2021 02:28:03 +0000
Subject: RE: YO Higgy say hey to your sneaky CBC buddies for me will ya???
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
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Due to the volume of incoming messages, this is an automated response
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S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le
Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.
Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
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Brunswick E3B 5H1 Canada
Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
---------- Original message ----------
From: Krista Ross <kristar@frederictonchamber.ca
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2021 02:24:18 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Higgy say hey to your sneaky CBC buddies
for me will ya???
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thanks for your email, I am out of office returning on Wednesday,
December 22nd and I’ll respond to your email upon my return! Have a
great day.
Krista Ross, Chief Executive Officer
Fredericton Chamber of Commerce
Tel 506 458 8006
Direct 506 451 9744
Cell 506 461 5165
Twitter @KRossChamber
Email kristar@frederictonchamber.ca<
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Stronger Community Through Business Prosperity
Wednesday, 22 December 2021
Retired family court judge graduates from Santa school
Retired family court judge graduates from Santa school
Bruce Noble attended the C.W. Howard Santa Claus School to polish his
skills as one of Santa's helpers
Vanessa Blanch · CBC News · Posted: Dec 22, 2021 8:30 AM AT
Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos
Content deactivated
Methinks Santa should tell the former Fat Fred City Solicitor that it
would make my Xmass to have my Panhead back N'esy Pas?
Benjamin Gray
Content deactivated
Garbage, just like this province and this country.
Einar Muriph
Content deactivated
Reply to @Benjamin Gray: And your comment.
David Amos
Content deactivated
Reply to @Benjamin Gray: Why not just say Bah Humbug?
David Amos
Ho Ho Ho
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Anyone can Google our names and 65 Harley Davidson
Marguerite Deschamps
No Bruce, there is no🎅.
David Amos
Content deactivated
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Hush now Don't burst his bubble I was
hoping he would find some goodwill and force the Fat Fred City Finest
to bring my Panhead back in the Yuletide Season
Derek Grant
The Four Stages Of Life: 1. You Believe In Santa Claus 2. You Don't
Believe In Santa Claus 3. You Look Like Santa Claus 4. You Truly
Become Santa Claus! Ho Ho Ho! Gr8 Story!
David Amos
Reply to @Derek Grant: Nope
Derek Grant
Reply to @David Amos: What "Nope"? You became a Troll?
Einar Muriph
Reply to @Derek Grant: There is a stage between 2 and 3 where you
realize that the Concept of Santa is as real as you or I, and likely
longer enduring.
David Amos
Reply to @Derek Grant: Nope I want my Panhead Back and Brucey Baby holds the Key
Harvey York
Reply to @David Amos: play stupid games, win stupid prizes
David Amos
Reply to @Einar Muriph: I enjoy making the concept FYI Fo many years
most young ones think I am Santa but I am quick to inform them that I
am just the strange cousin of his that nobody talks about. I also tell
them while the parents are looking on that if they me what they want
for Xmass I will certain Santa knows in a heartbeat.
David Amos
Reply to @Harvey York: Why not relax and enjoy some more butter tarts
with you buddy Cardy while I play the wicked game with you hero Higgy?
Harvey York
Reply to @David Amos: what a predictable and useless reply. The only
wicked games you're playing is with the voices in your head.
David Amos
Reply to @Harvey York: You have it arsebackwads as usual Higgy et al
know I am the guy using his real name and you are the one attempting
to be a player in the wicked game with a fake name
Harvey York
Reply to @David Amos: pretty sure Higgy et al don't give two squats
about you and your conspiracy theories nesy pas. But it's nice to know
I'm living in your head rent-free lol
David Amos
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Reply to @Harvey York: You are the sick puppy dogging my comments so
who is living in your head???
Einar Muriph
Retirement goal locked in, Charles W Howard Santa Claus School you are
in my future.
David Amos
Reply to @Einar Muriph: FYI Anyone can check FHS Year Books to confim
that Judges Barby Baird, my old buddy Brucey Baby and I started High
School together in Fat Fred City in 1967 on Queen St. where the
Justice Building is now located. They were in my Latin Class while
Barby's former political assistant Judge Brad Green was still in
Heather Lunergan
Reply to @David Amos: There were a bunch of us there, with
"Bottlelegs" Buchanan. May she rest in peace!
David Amos
Reply to @Heather Lunergan: How many of us are still kicking?
Wednesday, 22 December 2021
Seniors notified of $675 rent increase face moving after 33 years in
same building
Seniors notified of $675 rent increase face moving after 33 years in
same building
'This is home to us,' says Pauline Tramble of Fredericton's Shore Street
Robert Jones · CBC News · Posted: Dec 22, 2021 8:00 AM AT
Commenting is now closed for this story..
David Amos
Hmmm Who should I call???
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: About your Harley ?
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Ask the RCMP
Harvey York
Reply to @David Amos: you broke the law, you lost your bike. Far worse
things have happened to far better people than yourself
David Amos
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Methinks Mr Jones and the folks in Fat Fred City should ask their MLA
what the Green Party has done about Higgy's delay N'esy Pas?
David Peters
Inflation and supply chain issues are due to Trudeau liberal spending policy.
Stan Nova
Reply to @David Peters:
JT stole my xmas as well etc etc
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Peters: And I blame Higgs. He is not your Premier...
well.. unless you got 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰.
David Amos
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Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks it is interesting that Little
Lou pretends to be concerned about the whereabouts of my Panhead in
this forum but says nothing at all in the article about a former Judge
whom I have no doubt she knows quite well N'esy Pas?
David Peters
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps:
The old red/blue uni-party represents the billionaire class the most, imo.
The current inflation and supply chain issues have been directly
linked to federal liberal money printing...at a scale that's never
been seen before.
SarahRose Werner
The increases are so excessive that I can't help but think that the
new owners want all the existing tenants to leave so that they can
renovate the building as "luxury" apartments.
David Amos
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Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Dream on
KC Chambers
Whoever the new owner is should be ashamed of themselves, provided we
have the whole story. And the current government should live up to
their intent of bringing in rent controls. What?...are these two
entities living under a rock?
You want to turn out good long term tenants into an environment of a
pandemic, at Christmas , in the cold, with little options right now?
Maybe the new owner should come public and explain why the huge
increase....Come on Higgs, bring
in the rent controls. We don't all live in our own homes. It's disgraceful.
June Arnott
Reply to @KC Chambers: the new owners care only about money. No
empathy with these two disgusting people
Lou Bell
Reply to @KC Chambers: If you read the story , the rent increase is to
take effect in April , NOT at Xmas .
Lou Bell
Reply to @June Arnott: And that's why you'd be unsuccessful as a
businessperson . Opportunity knocks and your door is locked .
Lou Bell
Reply to @June Arnott: Actually , you've described the Liberals and
their " Phonie Games " to a tee !
Craig Zlist
Reply to @Lou Bell: so what you are saying is: all is fair as long as
someone is making a buck! Doesn't matter how many people you
inconvenience or screw over, as long as someone is being a good
businessperson! Good attitude to have in life!
David Amos
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Reply to @Lou Bell: Have you talked to the RCMP about my Harley yet?
Marcel Belanger
Reply to @Lou Bell: There you go Bell, you got a chance to use your
phonie game excuse …. or is that your phonie excuse, hard to tell
Jackie Barrett
Now we are seeing the consequences of a government being pro-business
as opposed to pro-people like Blaine Higgs and the New Brunswick
Progressive Conservatives.
How selfish can Higgs get in not imposing rent control?
Michael Cain
Reply to @Jackie Barrett: the government is making money off this; Higgs' legacy
Dan Armitage
Reply to @Michael Cain: you still hoping for another investment into
ancon or phony games for your mere enjoyment?
Michael Cain
Reply to @Dan Armitage: prefer a Liberal over a Con any day; at least
they know what an investment is, the returns on the Phonie games would
have made more money for the region and created jobs; ATCON is old
Dan Armitage
Reply to @Michael Cain: bahahahahahahaha typical Liberal math not a
con alliance get it right
David Amos
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Reply to @Jackie Barrett: In a nutshell Higgy don't care about poor
folks but no other politician does either no matter how much they
claim that they do
Michael Cain
Reply to @Dan Armitage: you have a problem making sense
Jim Johnston
Reading the comments below makes me believe that Santa has already
delivered coal to most people in NB. Or at least sour milk. Or maybe
all the comments are coming from the south side of Fredericton!
David Amos
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Reply to @Jim Johnston: I delivered some coal to a wannabe Santa in
Fat Fred City this morning and I suspect he is sipping sour milk with
his supper
Dan Armitage
Higgs said that with more people moving to New Brunswick and driving
up demand for housing, he did not want to see apartment owners take
advantage by steeply raising rents.
But we the government are licking our chops and your tax increases.
David Amos
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Reply to @Dan Armitage: Welcome to the dog eat dog world
Mo Howard
What kind of an A whole gouger would do that. A malevolent organism
masquerading as a human.
David Amos
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Reply to @Mo Howard: The awful truth in a dog eat dog world is that he
with the gold makes the rules
Lou Bell
At 5 % the cost of the EXTRA 320,000 paid for the building would be
16,000 dollars annually , or 2285 per apartment ( 190 dollars per
month ) . And that doesn't include the 445,000 . Apartments downtown
are expensive . One bedroom units go for 1000 dollars plus . It
appears the original owner wasn't the greatest businessperson ,
especially since they sold the unit for 445,000 and it was flipped a
month later for 1.7 times that price .
Lou Bell
Reply to @Lou Bell: Or maybe they just had an untrustworthy Real Estate agent .
Michael Cain
Reply to @Lou Bell: or maybe they could flip it again for a million? a
Conservative dream
Cal Sullivan
Reply to @Lou Bell: Or did the 'new' owners flip it to another one of
their companies so that they could mortgage up to rationalize (in
their minds) the rent increase?
Lou Bell
Reply to @Cal Sullivan: Well that would be on the buyers now wouldn't it ?
Lou Bell
Reply to @Michael Cain: That's the Liberal dream ! Check out the
Phonie Games money they pegged for U de M ! Over 3 million !
Michael Cain
Reply to @Lou Bell: what games? it's capitalism at it's finest, Lulu,
a dog eat dog
Robert Brannen
Reply to @Lou Bell: You may feel the person who sold the building was
not a good businessperson. I would say that person could be described
with a word beginning with e; while he who flipped the building a
month after the purchase could be described with a word beginning with
the letters u, n and e.
David Amos
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Reply to @Cal Sullivan: The capital gain tax should poke hole that balloon
David Amos
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Reply to @Cal Sullivan: However they could be operating offshore while
employing the KPMG dudes just as the Irving Clan often do
Roger Markus-Laundry
Remember when a new car was $3000 in 1975 well prices go up regardless
of how old we get. Life’s hard, but harder when your dumb.
Craig Zlist
Reply to @Roger Markus-Laundry: your life must be ver,ver, hard then
Mo Howard
Reply to @Roger Markus-Laundry: When you are devoid of empathy, it's
not called life: it's called psychopathy.
Lou Bell
Reply to @Mo Howard: In that area ONE BEDROOM apartments go for 1000
dollars and more . It is unfortunate , but people should have seen
this coming . It is a prime area in Frederictons downtown and
apartments are in high demand . The 1675 dollars would certainly be in
line with other comparable apartments in the area . A lot of younger
professionals seek units in this area whatwith the walking / biking
trails , bars and restaurants , and being able to walk to work.
scott homeney
Reply to @Roger Markus-Laundry: you must have dumb down to a science
David Amos
Reply to @Roger Markus-Laundry: I was doing fine back then However my
new pickup truck cost a lot more than that in 1975 and my Harley did
too but I could not afford a computer or a cell phone like early
anyone can these days because the prices have gone way down
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