PCs should have banned Grasseschi from running, Green candidate says
Christian conservative’s 2009 book condemned legalization of same-sex marriage, promised to fight it
A Green Party election candidate says the Progressive Conservatives should not have let Christian conservative activist Faytene Grasseschi be a candidate in this year's provincial election.
Laura Myers, the Green candidate in Hampton-Fundy-St. Martins, says the PC Party should have rejected Grasseschi's bid to run in the riding because of her past writings about issues including same-sex marriage.
Myers, the Green candidate in Hampton-Fundy-St. Martins, says the PC
party should have rejected Grasseschi's bid to run in the riding because
of her past writings about issues including same-sex marriage. (Submitted by Laura Myers)
"I don't think she should have been someone who was allowed to run," Myers said.
In Marked, a book published in 2009, Grasseschi wrote that the legalization of same-sex marriage "gave sodomistic strongholds greater leverage and greater access over the mindsets of the citizens of Canada."
She suggested the 2005 change could lead to people marrying animals, including "man and dog, woman and fish," and said she would continue fighting to reverse it.
"The dialogue regarding the legal definition of marriage is not a dead one. There are no dead issues as long as they live in the hearts of people and those people are willing to act — prayerfully act is even better," she wrote.
Grasseschi would not do an interview Monday but said in an email statement that the quotation from the book is from "decades ago" and "has been misconstrued to misrepresent the value, dignity, and worth that I believe every single human has."
"I respect our laws, and even more so I respect every person for who they are," Grasseschi wrote.
"If elected MLA for Hampton-Fundy-St. Martins, I will respectfully represent all my constituents.
The longtime social conservative activist and broadcaster was nominated as the PC candidate for Hampton-Fundy-St. Martins in December.
Earlier in the year, she recruited supporters to back Premier Blaine Higgs on his changes to Policy 713, which now requires the consent of parents of LGBTQ children under the age of 16 if they want to use a different name or pronoun in school.
political scientist Donald Wright brought the book's passages to light
in an opinion article published by the New Brunswick Media Co-op. (Submitted by Donald Wright)
University of New Brunswick political scientist Donald Wright said he questioned how the PC Party approved Grasseschi through its candidate vetting process.
Potential candidates must fill out a questionnaire in which they must disclose whether they've been accused of, or engaged in, "activities that promote, or could be seen to promote" discrimination or hatred, including based on sexual orientation.
Grasseschi's past writings "were red flags, and I was surprised that the Conservative Party didn't pick up on those red flags, or if they did, they didn't care about those red flags," Wright said in an interview.
Wright brought the book's passages to light in an opinion article published by the New Brunswick Media Co-op.
Grasseschi didn't respond in her email to a question about how she answered the question on the form.
Grasseschi doesn't 'remember a lot of it'
At her December nomination, she was vague when a reporter asked if she stood by the contents of the book.
"I don't even know that I even remember a lot of it, so I can't, with integrity, answer that question because I would honestly have to refresh myself," she said.
"I'll tell you what I believe right now: I believe in service, I believe in loving your neighbour as yourself, I believe in investing yourselves for the sake of the cause and for the sake of others, and that's why I'm involved."
In the book, Grasseschi apologizes to other nations for Canada's legalization of same-sex marriage and advocates bringing the country under "godly authority."
"We are to make disciples of every people, group and culture, yes … and teach nations to obey all that the Lord has commanded," she wrote.
In another passage, Grasseschi wrote, "I am now at the point where I think it is time to stop emphasizing our human rights and to start emphasizing our human responsibilities."
Premier Blaine Higgs said he expects Grasseschi to do what's right for New Brunswick 'irrespective' of her personal beliefs. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
Premier Blaine Higgs told CBC News in December he believed Grasseschi would "separate" her religious views from her role as an MLA if she is elected.
"What I would expect would be integrity, honesty, a conviction to do what's right for the province, irrespective of of what her personal beliefs might be," he said.
Myers says that's hard to imagine, given Grasseschi suggests in the book that policy changes on abortion, divorce and homosexuality have affected the value of the Canadian dollar and the stock market.
"If you're going in, running for government, and you think these things are affecting the economy, how can you separate religion from politics?" Myers said.
PC party executive director Doug Williams did not respond to a request for a comment on the vetting process and Grasseschi's questionnaire.
Thank you for visiting my campaign site. I am grateful you stopped by.
On this site, you will learn what I believe in and the values I am committed to standing for.
On my "about" page, you will learn a bit more about me personally, my family, where I came from and why I am motivated to serve. Please also check out my "videos" page here.
On the "endorsements" page, you will read endorsements from local community leaders and residents as well as national leaders who I have worked with on various policy initiatives (such as Dr. Leslyn Lewis, Stockwell Day, The Hon. Rob Nicholson and others coming soon).
On the "bills worked on" you will see some of the policies I volunteered my time to help support over the years.
If you have any questions for me please feel free to email me at faytene@votefaytene.ca or call me on my personal cell at 506-522-8880.
I'd be honoured to speak to you and hear what you care about most.
Faytene Grasseschi / Hampton - Fundy - St. Martins


Through our advocacy work, and more recently our TV show, I have had the privilege of working with cabinet ministers over the years on various bills in Parliament. The Hon. Stockwell Day, and his wife Valerie, were always so kind and welcoming when we would bring leadership delegations to Parliament and I appreciated his strong commitment to domestic security and Canada's international reputation during his time in office federally.
"Val and I have known Faytene since 2004 when she first began bringing leadership delegations to Parliament. She is hard working, honest, authentic and intelligent. She is one of those rare leaders who has the combination of high capacity, work ethic, innovative thinking and selfless care for others. I have been impressed with her leadership over the years and believe she will be a significant player in our future. She would do a tremendous job representing, and advocating for, the residents of Saint John - Rothesay. I unreservedly recommend her."

Did the Hampton-Fundy-St. Martins PC candidate violate party rules on discrimination? [commentary]
![Did the Hampton-Fundy-St. Martins PC candidate violate party rules on discrimination? [commentary]](https://nbmediacoop.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/20240112_144853-750x536.jpg)
Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick's office in Fredericton. Photo: Tracy Glynn
By any definition, Faytene Grasseschi’s book is a mishmash. Marked: A Generation of Dread Champions Rising to Shift Nations is part Christian testimony, part religious prophecy, and part bad history and even worse economic theory,[1] which may explain her reluctance to answer questions about it.
When asked if she stood by what she wrote, Grasseschi conveniently couldn’t remember what she had written. “I would have to refresh myself,” she told a journalist covering her December 2023 nomination as the Progressive Conservative candidate in Hampton-Fundy-St. Martins. Follow-up questions were batted away as, quoting her, “radical, extreme, woke, left-wing conspiracy theories.”
Premier Blaine Higgs wasn’t concerned. If anything, he was delighted in his candidate, a self-declared “Jesus freak” with a Joan of Arc complex.[2] “I want to thank each and every one of you for recognizing the conviction, the determination and the pure ability of this young lady right here,” he told party members who had just acclaimed Grasseschi as their next candidate. Later, he added that her acclamation was “democracy in action.”
In part, it was, although Higgs should be concerned because Marked contains extreme views that may violate his own party’s rules.
But first, what does it mean to be “marked” and what is a “dread champion”? To be marked, Grasseschi explains, is to be “set apart as a carrier of His heart, revelation, and intent for the nations of the earth” (23). It is to be selected, chosen, even anointed. Following the prophetic vision of the American evangelist James W. Goll, Grasseshi insists that she has been marked as a dread champion. “This is the hour,” Goll wrote in 2003, “when the DREAD CHAMPIONS – true brothers and sisters of Jesus – are released to tread upon the dreary spirits of fear, fainting, and failure. This is an hour when God’s enemies shall be made footstools for His feet!” (261) But fear not, Goll assured his flock. “The Lord Himself will defend His anointed with heavenly reinforcements in that day. Yes, these are the days when the DREAD CHAMPIONS – the Days of Giants of Faith and Humility – shall walk the earth again” (262).
As a dread champion – as a modern-day Noah, Abraham, or Moses – Grasseschi believes that Canada has gone off the moral rails and that it is up to her and other giants like her to return it to its biblical foundations. To this end, and with every ounce of her being, she opposes same-sex marriage, which she describes as “anti-biblical” (139), and the right to choose.
On same-sex marriage, she believes that 2005 represented a moral turning point. “The leaders in the nation at the time were working hard to change the age-old definition of marriage from a legal covenant between a man and a woman to a legal covenant between two persons (meaning a man and a man, or a woman and a woman, man and dog, woman and fish – I am being a bit cheeky here, but it is the reality of what these definitions could eventually mean)” (69).
If Higgs isn’t aware that his candidate in Hampton-Fundy-St. Martins thinks that same-sex marriage could lead to interspecies marriage, he should be. And if he is aware, he should explain why it’s alright in his books.
In a December 2006 vote, Parliament easily defeated a motion to restore the traditional definition of marriage. For Grasseschi, who was watching from the public gallery, it wasn’t just a vote. It was a “moral battlefield” and she resolved that her “hand would have to be pried off the sword at the end of it all.” Still, she learned something from what she called this “clear win for the gay agenda”: “It is my belief that the initial legislation from the spring of 2005 opened a door in the spirit realm over our nation and gave sodomistic strongholds greater leverage and greater access over the mindsets of the citizens of Canada” (146-47).
Meanwhile, abortion constitutes “unjust bloodshed on the land of a nation” and it “locks up the heavens and restrains the harvest in that nation” (82). Since the Supreme Court’s 1988 decision in R v Morgentaler, “it has been open season on the womb” (83).
Grasseschi repeats pro-life misinformation about “a direct link between breast cancer, cervical cancer, and abortion” and she asserts that “8 out of 10 women who have abortions struggle with depression for the rest of their lives” (256). There isn’t and they don’t. According to the American Cancer Society, “the scientific evidence does not support the notion that abortion of any kind raises the risk of breast cancer or any other type of cancer.” And according to an American study published in a peer-reviewed medical journal, abortion is “not a statistically significant predictor of subsequent anxiety, mood, impulse-control, and eating disorders or suicidal ideation.”
When did Canada go off the rails? In the 1960s, and Pierre Trudeau was driving the train. “Trudeau was the Minister of Justice, and then the Prime Minister, during the era when sodomy was legalized, abortion was legalized, gambling was brought in, human rights were exalted over the will of God, and no-fault divorce was legislated. This man’s era almost single-handedly dismantled the traditional moral fiber of our nation. The current generation was now wading in the ocean of social ruins that came from this dismantling” (255).
Presumably, Grasseschi’s use of the word sodomy in this instance means sex between consenting male adults. But does she really want to incarcerate men for having sex with men, which Canada did as late as 1971 when Everett Klippert was finally released from prison? It’s a fair question because, in her words, “dishonoring the Lord’s divine order in sexual relations causes His face to be turned from that nation as He is forced by His own spiritual laws to rebuke all we set our hands to” (83). Grasseschi doesn’t define “the Lord’s divine order in sexual relations” but I am guessing that it is cis and heteronormative. Finally, and for the record, Pierre Trudeau decidedly did not legalize abortion and, as a practising Catholic, he opposed abortion on demand.
What did Canada get for “legalized sodomy, no fault divorce, public gambling, and abortion” (85)? A weak dollar, according to Grasseschi. “Our dollar dropped from $1.05 to $.60 to the U.S. dollar! Was this a coincidence or God’s laws in action?” (85). Her question implies its own answer. In fact, she has proof. When the government of Stephen Harper was elected in 2006 – “the most socially conservative government that we have had in decades” – the dollar shot back up. “My take on all of this is simple and biblical: righteousness exalts a nation” (86).
It’s not surprising that Grasseschi declined to answer questions about her book. Smart, articulate, and politically savvy, she understands the need to reach voters who don’t want to establish the Kingdom of God in one small corner of New Brunswick, but who do want a reliable healthcare system and reliable health information, not misinformation about abortion, cancer, and mental health.
But it is surprising that the Progressive Conservative Party signed off on her nomination. After all, Grasseschi would have had to answer this question on her Nomination Candidate Application: “Have you ever been accused of, or been engaged in, activities that promote, or could be seen to promote, the discrimination or hatred against people on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, or disability?”
If she is honest, and I don’t doubt she is, she would have checked “Yes.” Reasonable people can disagree about same-sex marriage, but what is linking same-sex marriage to interspecies marriage, to men marrying dogs and women marrying fish, if not the promotion of discrimination or even hatred?
Donald Wright teaches at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton.
[1] Faytene Kryskow, Marked: A Generation of Dread Champions Rising to Shift Nations (Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image Publishers, 2009).
[2] Marci McDonald, The Armageddon Factor: The Rise of Christian Nationalism in Canada (Toronto: Vintage Canada, 2011), 149-50.

About Laura Myers
Laura is an award winning math teacher with over 30 years of
teaching experience. In 2017 she started to incorporate climate change
into her math classes and inspired her students to build a greenhouse,
start a food forest and then go on to create the Climate Action Team.
This led to Hampton High becoming a platinum Eco School.
Laura was trained as a Climate Reality Leader through the Climate
Reality Project and in 2020, she started teaching Environmental Science
In 2022, she was awarded the 2022 Gaia Champion Teacher Award for excellence in climate action and youth empowerment.
In June of 2022, she decided to retire from classroom teaching and made
climate change education her primary focus when she joined Learning for a
Sustainable Future as an environmental educational consultant. She
helps high school teachers incorporate climate action and the
Sustainable Development Goals across the curriculum.
Environmental Education Consultant Contract Part-time 1 yr 8 mos
Lead Climate Reality Mentor for the Atlantic Provinces Contract Part-time New Brunswick, Canada
Retired Teacher Hampton High School · Contract Full-time Sep 1988 - Jun 2022 · 33 yrs 10 mos
About The Climate Reality Project Canada
The Climate Reality Project Canada is the Canadian branch of the Climate Reality Project, founded in 2006 by former Vice President of the United States and Nobel Laureate Al Gore. Its mission is to catalyze a global solution to the climate crisis by making urgent action a necessity across all levels of society. It does so by training a vast and international network of Climate Reality Leaders to become effective communicators on the science and solutions to climate change.
There are 33,792 Climate Reality Leaders worldwide, of which 1,457 are in Canada. Their mission is to spread awareness amongst their peers and to advance solutions to the climate crisis.
The Climate Reality Canada is also the founder of the Community Climate Hubs initiative, which aims to decarbonise cities across the country.
For more information, visit www.climatereality.ca or follow us on Twitter: @Reality_Canada.
For more information about the Campus Corps program visit www.climatereality.ca/campus-corps
The Climate Reality Project Canada
Email: info@climatereality.ca
Ladies News
Hampton Ladies Golf 2022
Welcome to the 2022 season of Ladies Golf at Hampton Golf Course. Our season is now underway, the course is in great shape and our membership lists are full. If you are a new golfer joining us, we welcome you, and hope that you will enjoy your Hampton Golf experience. Be sure to check out the notice board in the ladies locker room for more information and upcoming events, and also ensure that the pro shop has your accurate email address.
There are several choices for organized group play for ladies, and we encourage you to join one of the groups outlined. Please do not hesitate to ask questions or send your concerns in an email to the Ladies Executive at the addresses below.
If you are interested in playing in an organized ladies’ group, please contact the coordinators for more details and to register. Our ladies’ groups are:
TUESDAY 9-ers, who play a relaxed 9 hole game on Tuesday afternoons, and the coordinator for this group is Susan Creary, crearys@nb.sympatico.ca
WEDNESDAY DAY LADIES, play a sociable 18 holes on Wednesday mornings.
WEDNESDAY BUSINESS/ EVENING LADIES play a 9 hole sociable game in the evening to accommodate ladies who are unable to play during the day. Ladies night golf will start on Wednesday, June 1st. This fun evening of 9 holes of golf is for all ability levels. Tee times start at 5:30. For non members, please refer to the Hampton Golf Course web-site for 9 hole prices.
MONDAY MADNESS is a mixed group which plays Monday mornings. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the hall outside the pro shop, or you can email the coordinator, Roberta Gallant, robertag.gallant@gmail.com.
We are planning to host two invitational tournaments this season. The first is the Joan Mott Invitational on Wed July 14th. Look for a poster in the locker room for more details. The second is the Triple Six Invitational on Saturday Sept. 11th, and details will be announced closer to the time.
Save the date for our closing scramble on Sunday September 26th. There may be more dates and events of note in the months ahead as we move closer to Covid green status across the province.
Wishing you good golfing!
2022-2023 Ladies’ Division Executive
President: Cookie (Dorothy) MacDonald
Email: cookiemac0@gmail.com
Phone: 506-639-6626
Past President: Sue Dawe
Email: susandawe06@gmail.com
Secretary & Evening Ladies Co-ordinator: Laura Myers
Email: laura.myers@nbed.nb.ca
Phone: 506-333-5180
Treasurer: Valerie Bell
Email: valleybell@live.com
Phone: 506-651-2095
Match Captain: Vivian Bhola
Email: vivian.bhola@bellaliant.net
Phone: 832-1955
Donald Wright

Tilley Hall 216
Donald Wright completed his degrees at Mount Allison University (BA), McGill University (MA) and the University of Ottawa (PhD). In 1998 he was a Fulbright Scholar in the Department of History at NYU. Prior to joining UNB, he held a joint appointment in the Department of History and Centre for Canadian Studies at Brock University (2000-2005). In 2011-2012, he was a Visiting Fellow at Clare Hall, University of Cambridge.
Dr. Wright's book, The Professionalization of History in English Canada, was shortlisted by the Canadian Historical Association for the Sir John A. Macdonald Prize for best book in Canadian history.
Donald Creighton: A Life in History was published by the University of Toronto Press in 2015. It was a finalist for the 2017 Canada Prize awarded by the Federation of Humanities and Social Sciences.
In 2018, he co-edited Symbols of Canada, a collection of short essays on popular Canadian symbols and what they reveal about changing definitions of Canada.
In July 2020 he published Canada: A Very Short Introduction as part of Oxford University Press's Very Short Introduction series.
He is currently writing a SSHRC-supported book about historian Ramsay Cook.
Don has been an active member of the larger academic community. He served on the executive of the Canadian Historical Association and co-edited the CHA Bulletin/Bulletin SHC (1994-2002); he co-edited of the Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d'études canadiennes (2005-2008); he chaired the program committee for the 2011 annual meeting of the Canadian Historical Association; he was a member of the CHA Nominating Committee (2012-2014), of the Sir John A. Macdonald Prize Committee (2012-2014), and of the Garneau Medal Committee (2015); he co-edited Acadiensis: Journal of the History of Atlantic Region (2019-21); and he was the review editor at the Canadian Historical Review (2016-2022).
He is currently the vice-president of the Canadian Historical Association. And in January 2022, he was invited to be a regular contributor to Yale Climate Connections, a climate change multimedia service.
Finally, Dr. Wright has received a number of awards in recognition of his teaching, including the UNB Arts Faculty Teaching Award (2010), the Brock University Faculty of Humanities Award for Excellence in Teaching (2005), and the St. Thomas University Student Union Honour Roll for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (1997).
Selected publications
Symbols of Canada. With Michael Dawson and Catherine Gidney. Toronto: BTL, 2018.
Introduction to Ramsay Cook, The Regenerators: Social Criticism in Late Victorian English Canada, University of Toronto Press, 2016
Donald Creighton: A Life in History, University of Toronto Press, 2015
Introduction to Luella Creighton, The Elegant Canadians, Oxford University Press, 2013
Introduction to Donald Creighton, The Road to Confederation, Oxford University Press, 2012
Introduction to Donald Creighton, Canada's First Century, Oxford University Press, 2012
"Creighton, Donald Grant," Dictionary of Canadian Biography,vol. 20, 2013
"The Writing of the History of Canada and of South Africa," Oxford History of Historical Writing, vol. 4, Oxford University Press, 2011. Co-authored with Chris Saunders.
The Professionalization of History in English Canada, University of Toronto Press, 2005.
Canadian Studies: An Introductory Reader, Kendall-Hunt, 2004.
The Canadian Historical Association: A History Ottawa, 2003.
POLS 1803: The Politics of Climate Change studies climate change and its global political challenges, from security to climate refugees and from mitigation to adaptation.
POLS 2202: Canadian Politics examines national and provincial politics with a specific focus on liberalism, the welfare state, and federalism; Quebec nationalism, the Charter of Rights, and gay liberation; post-Fordism, neo-liberalism, and the re-definition of the welfare state.
POLS 3105: American Politics examines the United States since the 1960s. Specific topics include the Cold War, the expansion and contraction of the welfare state, the Civil Rights Movement, the Second Wave women's movement, the war against Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, the rise of the New Right and the New Christian Right, and the war on terror.
POLS 3251: Canadian Federalism is a senior-level course that, as its name suggests, studies Canadian federalism. It recognizes that Canadian federalism is not static but changes over time to accommodate new demographic, political and fiscal realities. Specific topics include Confederation, the French-English axis, the federal-provincial axis, and the role of the JCPC and the Supreme Court.
POLS 3247: Trudeau's Canada studies the life, times and legacy of Pierre Trudeau. Specific topics will include the changing face of Quebec nationalism, bilingualism, multiculturalism, federalism, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the failed Meech Lake Accord. Through biographies, books, movies, documentaries and letters to the editor on the occasion of his death, the course will also examine Mr. Trudeau as a cultural icon.
HIST 6301: The Making of Canadian History is a graduate-level course in the Department of History. It surveys the writing of history in English and French Canada from the mid-nineteenth century to the present.
Did the Hampton-Fundy-St. Martins PC candidate violate party rules on discrimination? [commentary] - NB Media Co-op

Long but important and interesting read.

From the PC Party standpoint, she is ‘exactly’ what they are looking for and that alone ought to frighten anybody capable of critical thought.
It sadly wouldn’t matter, this is Higgs’ golden evangelical goose, he dares not cross her. Now it’s up to the constituents to send her packing back to wherever she came from.
that’s r/religiousfruitcake material
It’s a shame candidates with background in medicine, engineering and sciences chose to abstain from politics at that level. Instead we get this. Be an informed voter is all I can say.
I agree. But the riding may be in luck. The only other nominated candidate for this riding, so far, is Green Party's Laura Myers, a renowned math teacher.
I fundamentally don’t align with greens. They’re proponents of climate change and reducing emissions while simultaneously being against nuclear energy generation and investments in the sector.
“It is my belief that the initial legislation from the spring of 2005 opened a door in the spirit realm over our nation and gave sodomistic strongholds greater leverage and greater access over the mindsets of the citizens of Canada”
Yeah, but the Church street area in TO also has a lot of great restaurants, so it's kind of a wash overall.
The answer is likely yes but the answer also likely doesn't matter. If the PC Party was unable to remove Higgs for his actions they are unable to prevent him from pulling in problematic candidates. This is not only on Higgs but on the Party members and on the MLAs who continue to associate themselves with the party itself. Silence is complicity, and if the PC Party allows this candidate to represent them then that goes for everyone associated with that Party in any election where this candidate represents this Party.
First of all, what kind of name is Faytene? Nothing wrong with a good stage name, but this sounds like a an off-brand perfume for attracting straight, besweatered men with goatees (wink wink William Hogan). I Googled and can't find examples of other people having the same name. Assuming it is a stage name. Cool. Also it looks like her previous surname was Kryskow because other insane Christofascist books come up under that author.
A couple of the choicest cuts from the article:
“I want to thank each and every one of you for recognizing the conviction, the determination and the pure ability of this young lady right here,” [Higgs] told party members who had just acclaimed [Faytene] Grasseschi as their next candidate.
I'd say that is super creepy but she is 49 and probably likes it coming from him.
If Higgs isn’t aware that [Faytene] thinks that same-sex marriage could lead to interspecies marriage, he should be. And if he is aware, he should explain why it’s alright in his books.
What did Canada get for “legalized sodomy, no fault divorce, public gambling, and abortion” (85)? A weak dollar, according to Grasseschi. “Our dollar dropped from $1.05 to $.60 to the U.S. dollar! Was this a coincidence or God’s laws in action?”
Just wow.
In a December 2006 vote, Parliament easily defeated a motion to restore the traditional definition of marriage. For Grasseschi, who was watching from the public gallery, it wasn’t just a vote. It was a “moral battlefield” and she resolved that her “hand would have to be pried off the sword at the end of it all.”
I mean, that sounds pretty violent.
Here's hoping that the good people of Hampton-Fundy-St. Martins will save us from this menace at the polls.
If Higgs isn’t aware that [Faytene] thinks that same-sex marriage could lead to interspecies marriage, he should be. And if he is aware, he should explain why it’s alright in his books.
"If we allow men to marry men soon people will be marrying dogs!" was pretty much the go to talking point of idiots who opposed marriage equality. I don't know if you grew up in a more rural, outwardly Christian part of the province, but while she has that religious sermon flair that adds extra gross to it, fundamentally she doesn't sound any different from hateful people, often also wrapped in Christianity, that I grew up around (and that's a very bad thing, to be clear. You don't want these people running a birthday party, let alone in governmental positions)
People hate her. Even normal conservatives in the riding hate her. The only people who like her posts are from other parts of the country and the US.
Not sure if the NB people understand the implications.
She has tons of fans, (read donations) from the religious right all over Canada. This is their plan going back over 10 years. To put right wing religious people into power and 'reclaim' Canada for 'canadians'.
They now have her, Kris Austin, Higgs, and who knows who else in NB. If they win this year, then they start shifting money and support to other candidates in other provinces.
Wednesday 20 December 2023
PCs choose Christian conservative as first candidate for 2024 election
Higgs says Christian conservative's candidacy is 'democracy in action'
Premier welcomes new supporters to party, but critic says he’s driving out moderates
YO Higgy I must that the all knowing dudes Éric Grenier and Brent Harris have an interesting podcasts about you EH?
Harpelle, Paul (ENB)<Paul.Harpelle@gnb.ca> | Fri, Jul 21, 2023 at 9:49 PM |
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> | |
I am currently out of the office. I will return on July 24, 2023 and will reply to your email at that time. ______________________________ Je suis presentement absenste du bureau. Je retournerai le 24 juillet 2023. Je repondrai à votre courriel à ce temps. |
David Amos<david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> | Fri, Jul 21, 2023 at 9:47 PM |
To: "blaine.higgs" <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, "Paul.Harpelle" <Paul.Harpelle@gnb.ca>, simpson.barbara@brunswicknews.com, "hugh.flemming" <hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>, "andrea.anderson-mason" <andrea.anderson-mason@gnb.ca>, "robert.mckee" <robert.mckee@gnb.ca>, NancyGrant@rothesay.ca, contact@donnareardon.ca, info@v-kol.com, mnorton@lawsoncreamer.com, Wayne.Long@parl.gc.ca, "rob.moore" <rob.moore@parl.gc.ca>, rick.mantle@oldies96.com, info@newsysj.ca, info@melvincent.ca, howardyeomansSJ@gmail.com, ac.capson@gmail.com, neilclements1@gmail.com, Brent@brentharris4sj.ca, steven.hend@gmail.com, deansecord4council@gmail.com, arthurwatson@hotmail.ca, blake.armstrong@saintjohn.ca, gary.sullivan@saintjohn.ca, crowley4council@gmail.com, joanna@slocumandferris.com, richardlee4ward1@gmail.com, GregNortonSJ@gmail.com, crwithers33@gmail.com, woodin4ward1@gmail.com, jasonalcornSJ@gmail.com, larryharlow4ward2@gmail.com, pattyhiggins60@gmail.com, jhkunitzkye@gmail.com, mackenziej76@gmail.com, votesj@barryogden.ca, jacobstackhouse@hotmail.com, tamara.steele506@gmail.com, jocelynstevens44@gmail.com, justin@quoddyconsulting.com, conorvienneau@hotmail.com, rgw@wilson4saintjohn.com, mariahdarling4council@gmail.com, peterdforsj@gmail.com, bjecaringhomechildcare@gmail.com, d.hickey1@icloud.com, ward3.SJ@gmail.com, votefranksj@gmail.com, glowe133@rogers.com, adam4sj@gmail.com, bishopdr@bellaliant.net, Bruce.Court@hotmail.com, chris.daigle.w4@gmail.com, hooley_10@hotmail.com, Kimberh63@gmail.com, Dan.OConnor2021@gmail.com, paularadwan4council@gmail.com, greg4ward4@gmail.com, raystrowbridge@gmx.com, elizabethaohara@gmail.com, maryschryer@gmail.com | |
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, Emma.McPhee@brunswicknews.com, news@oldies96.com, Robert.Jones@cbc.ca | |
The Writ Podcast - Ep. #101: Can Blaine Higgs hold on? Éric Grenier 1.84K subscribers 485 views Michelle LeBlanc and Jacques Poitras discuss the latest upheavals in New Brunswick politics. https://twitter.com/nbpolipod NBPoliPod @nbpolipod We are a grassroots podcast focused on issues in NB. Hosted by Joanna Killen & Brent Harris. We bring you our personal insight into the issues that affect us. PodcastSaint John, New Brunswicklinktr.ee/nbpolipod? NBPoliPod @nbpolipod · Jul 6 We have a bombshell of a podcast this week. We are deep diving into the charismatic Christian nationalists and their engagement with Premier Higgs. Brent will tell his story about being involved with similar groups as @Faytene . #nbpoli listen here: https://linktr.ee/nbpolipod |
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