Tuesday 18 December 2018

Methinks the Liberals and their Watermelon Party pals can cry a river N'esy Pas?


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Methinks the Liberals and their Watermelon Party pals can cry a river N'esy Pas?




Tories loosen bilingual hiring requirements for paramedics in certain areas

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David Amos
David Amos
Methinks if anyone was listening to the radio just now they would know that the plot has thickened rather nicely N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos Methinks poor Teddy got called out on the carpet by Mr Higgs and Mr Gauvin N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
Methinks the lawyer Mr Flemming spoke a lot of his conscience on the radio today and now I see the following words as well. Ya think if he meant one word he said the latest Minister of Health would have made certain that I got a Heath Care Card many years ago and yet I still do not have one to this very day N'esy Pas?

"We can go back and forth," he said. "I know the legislation is different, but I'm putting health care first. You need a benchmark somewhere."

David Amos
David Amos
Methinks the Liberals and their Watermelon Party pals can cry a river N'esy Pas?

"Moncton Centre Liberal MLA Rob McKee said it was "alarming" that Flemming was implementing the McEvoy recommendations before the court had a chance to rule on whether they were legal.

Green Party MLA Kevin Arseneau said it's unacceptable that the government is limiting language rights contrary to the charter."

David Amos 
David Amos
Methinks Mr Austin is a very happy camper these days N'esy Pas?

Mack Leigh
 Jeff LeBlanc
Queue, Marc Martin, Maurgerite Deschamps and all the rest...3-2.1 GO!

Stephen Long
Stephen Long
@Jeff LeBlanc It's a late story, Marc tends to reply more when he's at work.

Oh, and it's Cue, not Queue.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Jeff LeBlanc, do you think I have more time to waste arguing with the same people ad nauseam. I have other interests in life.

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@Marguerite Deschamps

Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! That was a joke right ?? Right ??

Norman Albert Snr
Norman Albert Snr
@Marguerite Deschamps LOL Gr8 sense of humour. you live here!!!

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps "do you think I have more time to waste arguing with the same people ad nauseam. I have other interests in life."

Methinks the lady doth protest too much N'esy Pas?

Joseph Vacher
Joseph Vacher
@Marguerite Deschamps mmmm me thinks you dont

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Jeff LeBlanc

A lot of haters here today ^^^^^

Michael Wright
Michael Wright
@Marc Martin you have to be the biggest hater on here (mary)

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Michael Wright

Where did you see me hate anyone ? Because I comment on your anti-French friends?

Marc Martin 
Joel Green
Am I the only person who thinks that YOU ONLY NEED ONE BILINGUAL PARAMEDIC IN AN AMBULANCE TO PROVIDE BILINGUAL SERVICE!!!!!!!! Hire paramedic for 2 positions, keep only one spot bilingual, pay 2 dollars an hour more for incentive, offer language training. It seems like common sense to me.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Joel Green

That's what I've been saying, I am glad to see not all English people posting here are radical anti-French.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Marguerite Deschamps

Yep same thing here.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Marguerite Deschamps

Yep same here.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Marc Martin , this is a fringe minority here continually harping this language issue to death. I have many Anglophone friends, many of them who are bilingual. They laugh at these clodhoppers.

Mack Leigh 
Shawn Tabor
If you were in a position that required an ambulance and one showed up, regardless where you are in the province, would you care if they spoke French/ English. I think that most folks would be proud that one showed up to begin with, and on record time.

SarahRose Werner
SarahRose Werner
@Shawn Tabor - If I were in such pain or so ill that I couldn't remember the second language I learned in school and if no one in the ambulance could speak or understand my language, yes, I would care. How am I going to tell them what symptoms I'm having if we can't communicate?

SarahRose Werner
SarahRose Werner
@Shawn Tabor - If *you* were in a position that required an ambulance and one showed up and no one in the ambulance spoke English, would you care?

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@SarahRose Werner
Given the choice of an ambulance that might show up in 45 minutes with someone who speaks my language or an ambulance that shows up in 5 minutes with someone who does not speak my language, I will choose the 5 minute ambulance every time.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@SarahRose Werner, you would make a good witness for Michel Doucet.

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Fred Brewer yes, and if you are in cardiac arrest or bleeding to death, or unconscious, language does not matter then does it?

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@SarahRose Werner

A little thing called translation devices along with paramedics being able to talk directly to the dispatcher and perhaps even the doctors ??

David Amos
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David Amos
@Shawn Tabor Oh So True Sir

David Amos
David Amos
@SarahRose Werner "If *you* were in a position that required an ambulance and one showed up and no one in the ambulance spoke English, would you care???

Methinks if you had bothered to read my friend said he would not care and neither would most folks with two clues between their ears N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps "you would make a good witness for Michel Doucet."

Methinks everybody knows that I have bone or two to pick with your lawyer buddy N'esy Pas?

Barry Odonnell
Barry Odonnell
@Marguerite Deschamps Your boy Gallant lost and quit. Get over it.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

Who cares..

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Barry Odonnell, don't talk too fast!

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Barry Odonnell

Do you want a cookie ?

David Amos
David Amos
@Shawn Tabor Methinks its pretty bad when I can't publicly agree with a friend N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

You a friends here ? Why am I not surprised..i should have know with all these posters...

Fred Brewer 
Fred Brewer
Well done Mr. Higgs and I presume Mr. Austin had lots to do with this also. Bravo to both of you for bringing common sense to our ambulance system.

Norman Albert Snr
Norman Albert Snr
@Fred Brewer I can hardly wait for that day some clown who can speak both languages but, couldn't drive a wheel barrel or pass a Basic First Aid test!!!
My lawyer will have lots to do.

David Amos
David Amos
@Fred Brewer Methinks the fat lady who sings for SANB ain't done yet N'esy Pas?

Johnny Horton
Johnny Horton
So If i go to northern NB and end up with French only paramedics, will Kevin Arseneau, the Green Party and murielle Sonier help me with my lawsuit for not having service in English?

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@Johnny Horton

Perhaps Murielle Sonier will introduce you to Michel Doucet, the lawyer who helped her win her case and receive compensation from the NB taxpayers ??

Johnny Horton
Johnny Horton
@Mack Leigh

Sweet! Thanks for the tip!

But in all seriousness, have you ever heard any of those people, defend the right of an eng,ish person be served in english? And not acadie english,

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Johnny Horton, here is one English case where "those people" you mention had something to do about this person who was not given his choice of language in "English":
Leave to the Supreme Court of Canada was refused:

David Amos
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David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks you pretended not to understand litigation N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David Amos, Methinks I never pretended anything of the sort. Go through all my post history and try to prove what you just asserted.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks you understood my lawsuit all along that why you attacked me N'esy Pas?

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Johnny Horton
Number one, have you travelled in le nord de la province and if so, have you offered to be served in la langue de mon choix...eh!

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Johnny Horton, your hero Michel Doucet whom you love so much got involved lending a helping hand to McGraw with his legal argument.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Johnny Horton

That's not going to be a problem since if you look at the map there is only about 1% of the province you wont have your language serviced compare to the French population.

Mack Leigh
Mario Doucet
SANB won't take this lying down.

Johnny Horton
Johnny Horton
@Mario Doucet

Nope, but there isn’t a judge in Canada, including the Supreme Court, that would rule, no paramedic is better than a single language paramedic,

It’s an easy care to win. Just show that there are no bilingual paramedics available, and people are dying over language.

Johnny Horton
Johnny Horton
@Johnny Horton

The Supreme Court ruling will be: you have x amount of years to have it fully bilingual.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Mario Doucet They are already here

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@Johnny Horton

Ruling should be " Put a full stop to forced social engineering and forced frenchification " along with " Allow the people their right to vote on Forced Official Bilingualism "...

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Johnny Horton

*people are dying over language*

Who died ?

Michael Wright
Michael Wright
@Marc Martin look it up.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Michael Wright

There is nothing to look up. It didn't happen.

Michael Wright
Michael Wright
@Marc Martin okay sure

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Michael Wright

See no comeback because there isn't any, cased closed.

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Marc Martin

In today's newspaper Chris Hood, the Executive Director of the Paramedics Association said scrapping the bilingual requirement as proposed by Higgs, will allow the immediate hiring of as many as 100 unilingual paramedics. Hood also said there has never been a shortage of personnel, only a shortage of paramedics who could not meet the language requirements. The lack of staff for ambulances arises directly from language requirements and this has resulted in parked ambulances and excessive response times that has resulted in several deaths.

Therefore you are incorrect when you continually imply that nobody has died over language.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Fred Brewer

But what are the deaths ? No one seems to know ?

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin I guess you don't watch the tv news or read newspapers. I guess this must be a fact.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Bernard McIntyre

But again, im still waiting for the name of people who died ? Why cant anyone provide one ? mmmmmmm

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Marc Martin, because there are NONE !

Mack Leigh 
Norman Albert Snr
Where is Marc? the room seems empty!!

David Amos
 David Amos
@Norman Albert Snr Methinks he gave up cyber stalking me earlier and called it quits for the day N'esy Pas?

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Norman Albert Snr

Shhhh. Don't wake him up.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Norman Albert Snr

I'm here !!!

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

Who cares...

David Amos
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David Amos
@Norman Albert Snr Methinks if you speak of the devil he is sure to appear N'esy Pas?

Michael Wright
Michael Wright
@Marc Martin * who cares...* I would say you do.

Bob Rivest 
Bob Rivest
I read the comments often and never comment. I don't see the point.. Some of the comments here make me laugh so much! I have observed several of you on so many occasion complain that NB is in dire financial situation - which i agree with by the way - and that we can't afford official bilingualism. Do you honestly think this policy won't be challenged and thrown out in court? Read the charter and the OLA. What Higgs has done here is illegal.. and he's gonna use yours and mine's hard earned tax dollars to defend this to the highest court.. and LOSE. The NB government has tried things like this in the past and always loses. Do you really think this will stick? Congrats on your victory here my fellow New-Brunswickers and commentators on this website. It will be short-lived and cost all of us a pretty penny.

David Amos
David Amos
@Bob Rivest Welcome to the Circus

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@Bob Rivest

The " laws " should never have been allowed in the first place.. Changes to the OLA without the consultation of non-francophones should never have occurred.. Taking out " Where numbers warrant " in regards to bilingualism should never have occurred.. The Francophone Elite along with groups such as the SANB have run ruff shod over this province for the past several decades pushing their agenda of forced frenchification.. So if it takes money and lawsuits to fix this mess then so be it... Do you not think that it has already cost the taxpayers of New Brunswick and Canada as a whole millions for what has been going on ?? Time to end the pandering to one vocal, selfish, " entitled " , whining community over every other person in this province and country..

Bob Rivest
Bob Rivest
@Mack Leigh there are so many contradicting and inaccurate passages in your statement that it makes it hard to even address it as a whole. I will say one thing however. You ultimately undermine and bulk up the role of government as the elected representatives of the people on a whim when it serves your purpose.. and ultimately i think that weakens any argument you put forth.. as it shows your true colors.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Bob Rivest

What's even worst is that the most regions touched that will require bilingualism are French only ones, so the English regions will get English only service will the French communities will have to give bilingual service.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Mack Leigh

Cry me a river..

Jake Devries
Jake Devries
@Bob Rivest The Charter is wrong...in oh so many ways

Bob Rivest
Bob Rivest
@Jake Devries The fact that we have a charter that protects fundamental rights for many of us is one of the reasons we have a forum like this one to argue over the same charter's rights and interpretations of those rights..

But ok. Ill bite. How is the charter wrong "in oh so many ways"?

Mack Leigh 
daryl doucette
I'll bet the ARA ( Anglophone Rights Association) of New Brunswick are in an uproar over this ruling. They will be hiring a team of lawyers ( with taxpayers money) and be hauling the government into court. They will stage demonstrations and DEMAND this decision regarding the paramedics not being bilingual 100% of the time in remote french communities in northern NB be over turned!

David Amos
David Amos
@daryl doucette Methinks many a true word is said in jest N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@daryl doucette

I think they will.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@daryl doucette

You need to take a look at the map all the places that are non applicable are French regions...So the English will get bilingual service but not the French

Mack Leigh 
Lou Bell
Finally !!! Health and saving lives TRUMPS language and dieing !!!

David Amos
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David Amos
@Lou Bell Methinks if the Minister of Health was remotely ethical the lawyer would have made certain that I was given a Health Care Card years ago N'eesy Pas?

Mack Leigh 
Lou Bell
This won't end until francophones drive their language down the throats of every anglophone in the province and call it culture .

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Lou Bell
Which takes more effort forcing oneself not to learn or making an effort to learn...eh!

David Amos
David Amos
@Lou Bell Methinks that has been happening since 1982 N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Roland Godin Methinks not N'esy Pas?

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@Roland Godin

Time to put an end to forced social engineering.. Time to put an end to forced frenchification.. Time to put an end to forced " official : bilingualism... Time to put an end to apartheid-style governing..... Time to bring back " Common Sense " ... People should have a right to choose...

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Mack Leigh
People should have a right to choose...
Vous avez le choix de la langue officielle de votre choix...eh!

reginald churchill
reginald churchill
@Roland Godin -------I agree people should have the right to choose even those who do not want bilingualism forced on them

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@reginald churchill

So I should get to choose not to have the English language shoved down my throat ?

Jake Devries
Jake Devries
@Marc Martin yep..turn in your computer/internet/english-language made products...you've still got poutine...and Renaults, Citroens, and Peugots, junk that they are

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Jake Devries

You didn't know , that French tv , French radio, and pc with French OS exist ?

Mack Leigh 
Lou Bell
Would someone who wants segregation on school buses not be classified as a bee g ot ?

David Amos
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David Amos
@Lou Bell Methinks segregation on school buses defies everyone's common sense not just Kris Austin's N'esy Pas?

stephen blunston
stephen blunston
@Lou Bell just a waste of money and will not help of learn the language

Mack Leigh 
Joseph Vacher
best news to come out of NBin a loooong time

David Amos
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David Amos
@Joseph Vacher Methinks with the SANB complaining loudly today I doubt that the fat lady hast sung on this issue The matter will likely end up before the Supreme Court just like my lawsuit is about to do N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
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Marc Martin
@David Amos

No one cares...

stephen blunston
stephen blunston
@David Amos it so true some judge will override common sense and put people lives in danger

 Mack Leigh 
Lou Bell
Very strange ! Anglophones are fine with there being predominantly francophone service in francophone areas, and yet francophones are NOT fine with anglophone service in predominantly anglophone areas . Wonder how D'Entremont would rule on this ? I think we all know !!!!!!

David Amos
David Amos
@Lou Bell YUP

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@Lou Bell

Not about language with the Francophone Elite.. Not about saving lives with the Francophone Elite... It is all, ..... all ....... about Power and Control with language being their weapon of choice, no matter who suffers or who dies.. Anything for " the Cause "...

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Mack Leigh
Once we are finish with New Brunswick we are heading to the White House and then the world...eh!

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Roland Godin, English is a dying language, llol.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Lou Bell

I think you need to take another look at the map all the places that are non applicable are French regions...So the English will get bilingual service but not the French. You need a reset on your Bell.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Mack Leigh

All the places that are non applicable are French regions...So the English will get bilingual service but not the French. I think its more English elites then French ones.

stephen blunston
stephen blunston
@Lou Bell because they have been getting their own way far to long and don't care about the rest of the population

stephen blunston
stephen blunston
@Marc Martin not if we in the north that is predomintaly fench areas but just keep going facts don't matter , at least I bet most people in these areas will help and speak your languageif they can

Michael Wright
Michael Wright
@Marc Martin how do you reply on here without your gif?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@stephen blunston

*not if we in the north that is predomintaly fench areas *

Its time for you to get out an visit the cities up north, Edmundston and regions are way more French then the Campbelton area.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Michael Wright

You missed them right ? Awww...

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Lou Bell and that right there shows the true nature of the beast.

Jake Devries
Jake Devries
@Roland Godin The US was smart enough many years ago to make English their official language...

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Jake Devries, wrong again! The US has no official language,

Dan Lee
Dan Lee
@Jake Devries
Wow...I cant believe you dint know that the good old U S of A did not have an official language.........

Pierre LaRoches
Pierre LaRoches
@Lou Bell she'd investigate her own made up compliant and then get someone fired, it was the only way to keep herself busy. Normal working people don't care and have enough on their plate to be bothered filing frivolous complaints because someone said hi before bonjour.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Pierre LaRoches, then you are retired, I surmise.

 Mack Leigh 
Dan Armitage
Moncton Centre Liberal MLA Rob McKee said it was "alarming" that Flemming was implementing the McEvoy recommendations before the court had a chance to rule on whether they were legal.

Nice to see someone has a pair

David Amos
David Amos 
@Dan Armitage Methinks he is just another liberal lawyer who was picked to speak on Francophonie issues because his lawyer buddy and outgoing leader does not have a pair N'esy Pas?


"Brian Gallant 'close' friends with 2 key members of Francophonie Games committee"

"Moncton Centre Liberal MLA Rob McKee, a former city councillor who travelled to Abidjan, Ivory Coast, for the 2017 games, said he had confidence in the organizing committee, even after learning last week of the $130 million cost."

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@Dan Armitage

Who has " a pair " , McKee or Flemming ??? My money is on Flemming since McKee is just another Liberal puppet..

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@David Amos

It is more than evident that McKee has drunk the Liberal kool-aide and his common sense has flown out the window..

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

Cry me a river...

Matt Steele 
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Matt Steele
A very wise move by the govt. as it is a major public safety issue in having ambulances parked when folks in medical crisis are waiting for transport . Sadly , any English speaking ambulance staff that they hire will be fired again whenever the Liberals regain power . Not much in the way of job security for the ANB staff if they cannot speak french .

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@Matt Steele

When the OLA comes up for review proper changes that protect non-francophone speaking Canadians must be made... " Where numbers warrant " must be reinstated and common sense must prevail for the good of this province as a whole. End forced frenchification and forced social engineering that has ruined our province, once and for all.

David Amos
David Amos
@Mack Leigh Methinks folks should teach common sense to the liberals and the Greens in the next federal and provincial elections N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Mack Leigh

*" Where numbers warrant " * Means we want back oppression, segregation and assimilation...

stephen blunston
stephen blunston
@David Amos truer words were never said they need to come back to reality

stephen blunston
stephen blunston
@Marc Martin this is what we have now

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@stephen blunston

You think the English are trying to oppress, segregate and assimilate the French population too ? I agree.

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Marc Martin
"Where numbers warrant " * Means we want back oppression, segregation and assimilation.."

But Marc, I thought you approved of bus segregation?

cheryl wright
cheryl wright
@Marc Martin the only ones that are wanting segregation is the SANB. they are the ones wanting separate health care and education. they are the ones that cant have a French speaking child be with English speaking children on buses.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Fred Brewer

Bus oppression does not exist. By the way why did the English population up north request their own busing system in 1988 ?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@cheryl wright

What does SANB have to do with anything ? Their are a non-for-profit organization !!!

*they are the ones wanting separate health care and education*

There are separate health authorities across Canada its time for you to get out of NB. The schools are mandated by the Federal government of Canada I doubt your anti French group PANB have authority on them.

cheryl wright
cheryl wright
@Marc Martin it was you who was talking about oppression and segregation. and for sanb being a non for profit they certainly don't work on a volunteer basis now do they. I guess if you just get money from the government for huge salaries and don't have to pay out any money cause the rest of the items are being straight from the government therefore no payouts... non profit. sure... and it seems like out of most of the comments here you are the one starting the language dispute not us

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin I believe that the school systems are the Provinces jurisdiction. Time for some people to get educated here.

Jake Devries
Jake Devries
@Marc Martin the NB Libs are infected with SANB..

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@cheryl wright

*oppression and segregation*

Is the modo of your PANB party.

* I guess if you just get money from the government for huge salaries and don't have to pay out any money cause the rest of the items are being straight from the government therefore no payouts... non profit. sure.*

What ? Maybe if you are that jealous you should apply for grants with Heritage Canada ?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Jake Devries

PANB is infected with anti-French people only...so what's your point ?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Pierre LaRoches

They are ? Please show me where they said anything about removing any of your English rights ?

*SANB was formed by the leftovers of the Parti Acadien *

This made me laugh when the leader of the CoRservative is a former CoR member and has aligned himself with a political party that carries a platform that is anti-French...

cheryl wright
cheryl wright
@Marc Martin maybe I will. the next time we have a family reunion maybe I can ask the province of nb to ante up 80k like they did with one francophone family . ( not mentioning names as I am sure they are nice and they do not need to be brought into this with you )

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@cheryl wright

Grants is distributed across the province, you don't see me crying when your allowed grants for your several museums and festivals.

cheryl wright
cheryl wright
@Marc Martin well if you can prove to me that the government funds that kind of money on English family reunions .. not museums and festivals. family reunions are a whole other can of worms

cheryl wright
cheryl wright
@Marc Martin well to quote myself ** the next time we have a family reunion maybe I can ask the province of nb to ante up 80k like they did with one francophone family** .. all museums in this province is for all languages, French, English and ALL others. there aren't any franchophone art galleries nor is the Anglophone art galleries. I think you should focus on 1 conversation at a time. you're losing your edge

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@cheryl wright

*all museums in this province is for all languages*

WRONG these museums are English and have English culture not French ones.

* nor is the Anglophone art galleries*

Beaver brook is not one of them ? By the way ACOA funded over 8 million for it.

* I think you should focus on 1 conversation at a time. you're losing your edge*

Not at all, I have brought up facts you cant deny.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@cheryl wright

*the next time we have a family reunion maybe I can ask the province of nb to ante up 80k like they did with one francophone family*

Just to let you know maybe you should google the Steves family reunion and who funded most of it...

David Amos
David Amos
@cheryl wright Methinks the SANB dude can go on and on and on if you jerk his chain N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

Now now Davis be a good boy and ill give you a bone later...

Michael Wright
Michael Wright
@Marc Martin I can't wait for the funding to be cut to the anti-english group.

Marc Martin
 Mack Leigh
So do none of these Francophone Elite radicals travel outside of Quebec and NB ?? Forced Official Bilingualism is an abysmal failure that has cost our province dearly... It has cost us in numerous ways other than the millions of taxpayers money that has been wasted... Forced Official Bilingualism, Forced Frenchification has cost us beyond measure and it is past time for it to end.... period..

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Mack Leigh
Some comments are implying that anglophone to not want to pay their share, which is not the case, so we will blame francophones to pay for governments, generations, of mismanagement of pubic policies, administration, resources and administration...et voilà.

Dan Lee
Dan Lee
@Mack Leigh

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Mack Leigh

Cry more...

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Roland Godin
Which pubic policies are you referring to?

David Amos
David Amos
@Dan Lee Methinks he is not wrong to complain The squeaky wheel always gets the grease SANB proved that to be a fact a long time ago and the PANB did the same recently N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Barry Odonnell
Wow! Common sense! Who knew?!?!

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Barry Odonnell

All the places that are non applicable are French regions...So the English will get bilingual service but not the French. Yeah makes sense for English people.

stephen blunston
stephen blunston
@Marc Martin makes sens for the French too if they get an ambulance to hospital as opposed to dying on the side of the road.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@stephen blunston

Make sense because you English, what would you do if the opposite would happen.

stephen blunston
stephen blunston
@Marc Martin I would not care what language they speak if they know how to keep me alive on route to hospital ,

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@stephen blunston

You say that because the majority of the regions that will require you to be bilingual are French, its a win win for you.

Michael Wright
Michael Wright
@Marc Martin cry me a river.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Michael Wright

Cry me an ocean..

Michael Wright
Michael Wright
@Marc Martin would would have enough tears for it.

David Amos

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David Amos
@Michael Wright "cry me a river."

Methinks I created quite a fad by using that old expression a while back N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
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Marc Martin
@Michael Wright

Says the guy who post on a French non for profit site....

Michael Wright
Michael Wright
@Marc Martin *non profit site* maybe, but taxpayer funded yes.

Shawn McShane
Marc Martin
*But People's Alliance leader Kris Austin, whose party was consulted on the changes, told reporters he was happy with the move.*

told THE ENGLISH reporters.............

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Marc Martin
I see you are back at work Marc. We missed you last night.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Fred Brewer

Awwww soo swett...

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Marc Martin English reporters? M. Austin a pris le gant d'une manière cinglante. Est-ce que quelqu'un se soucie vraiment de ce que Kevin Arseneau a à dire? C'est une manifestation d'un radical

Mr. Austin picked up the glove in a scathing way. Does anyone really care what Kevin Arseneau has to say? It's a manifestation of a radical...

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Marc Martin Punk Rock isn't my style...

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Shawn McShane

Its totally your style.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Shawn McShane, good that you wrote it back in English because your French version is quite muddled up.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Fred Brewer "I see you are back at work Marc"

Methinks whatever we pay him is far too much in light of the fact that he plays on his smart phone all day long instead of earning the tax payer's funds that bought it for him N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Shawn McShane, may I ask what were you trying to say in French?

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Marguerite Deschamps If you have a complaint with the lingo you will need to take it to the French press. I translated it to English, as you know how. I never wrote the French :)

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Shawn McShane You probably wrote in proper French.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Fred Brewer Methinks we know who is paying his wages N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Shawn McShane, no you did not! You may fool others, but you won't fool me.

Al Bekirkey
Al Bekirkey
@Bernard McIntyre wrong accent its in teh accent

Marc Martin
Jake Newman
hopefully any lawsuits the gov't will use the notwithstanding clause.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Jake Newman, the notwithstanding clause does not apply to linguistic rights. Read the Charter of Rights; it's a good education.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks you should study my lawsuit ASAP N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

She does not have time to waste...

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David Amos, no need-a-dat! - It's written in black and white in section 33 of the Constitution which I reproduce below for your education:
Section 33.
(1) Parliament or the legislature of a province may expressly declare in an Act of Parliament or of the legislature, as the case may be, that the Act or a provision thereof shall operate notwithstanding a provision included in section 2 or sections 7 to 15.
(2) An Act or a provision of an Act in respect of which a declaration made under this section is in effect shall have such operation as it would have but for the provision of this Charter referred to in the declaration.
(3) A declaration made under subsection (1) shall cease to have effect five years after it comes into force or on such earlier date as may be specified in the declaration.
(4) Parliament or the legislature of a province may re-enact a declaration made under subsection (1).
(5) Subsection (3) applies in respect of a re-enactment made under subsection (4).

If you're trying to invoke the notwithstanding clause on linguistic rights in your lawsuit, you're out to lunch.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps "If you're trying to invoke the notwithstanding clause on linguistic rights in your lawsuit"

Methinks you never read my lawsuit after all N'esy Pas?

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marguerite Deschamps What charter are you reading Quebec has used the not withstanding clause 3 times against linguistic rights.

Jake Newman
Jake Newman
@Marguerite Deschamps

um, Quebec has used it several times if I recall.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marguerite Deschamps And I may add that Quebec used the not withstanding clause against all other languages except French.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
You are all confused, trying to compare apples and oranges. Quebec used the notwithstanding clause to have their sign laws operate notwithstanding section 2, the Liberty of Expression. For all other sections after section 15 where linguistic rights are enshrined, you CANNOT invoke the notwithstanding clause. End of story!

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps "End of story!"


Methinks you know as well as I that its just beginning N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Marguerite Deschamps

You are correct, do not try to teach law to these anti-French people.

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Marguerite Deschamps
"For all other sections after section 15 where linguistic rights are enshrined, you CANNOT invoke the notwithstanding clause."

Proof please.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marguerite Deschamps It seems there is only 1 confused person here.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Fred Brewer, just read the Constitution which includes linguistic rights in the Charter, that is, sections 16 to 23. I just told you and pasted the Notwithstanding Clause (section 33). The NW clause can only override sections 2 and from 7 to 15 of the Charter. What is so hard for you to understand? It states the same thing in French if you care to know. Here, I'm giving you a link to the Charter which includes sections 16 to 23 for you:

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
This is what I call common sense:

Joel Green

Am I the only person who thinks that YOU ONLY NEED ONE BILINGUAL PARAMEDIC IN AN AMBULANCE TO PROVIDE BILINGUAL SERVICE!!!!!!!! Hire paramedic for 2 positions, keep only one spot bilingual, pay 2 dollars an hour more for incentive, offer language training. It seems like common sense to me.

Too bad Kris A. and his deputy B. Higgs don't listen to people like this.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks Mr Higgs and Mr Austin must feel that it is not wise to feed the trolls who toil for the liberals while collecting their wages under their purview However many folks with common sense Content disabled.who love to watch a circus would disagree N'esy Pas?

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Marc Martin
There was never a requirement for both paramedics to be bilingual.
Perhaps that was a goal of ANB but there was no such requirement and as such this suggestion would have no impact on staffing of ambulances. We needed the changes that Higgs is implementing now.

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Fred Brewer The goal of the " SANB" is to have 2 bilingual ( read francophone) paramedics on every ambulance in New Brunswick.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Fred Brewer

Actually there is, and that is part of the issue we are facing right now.

Marc Martin
Jim Joe Jackson
This is the influence of Austin's PA. Unfortunately, they are a one issue party and like its predecessors will fall apart in the next cycle.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Jim Joe Jackson Methinks the fat lady ain't sung yet N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Jake Newman
who cares what language they speak, most important thing is an ambulance is coming. Some folks must never leave the province or country.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jake Newman YUP

Dan Lee
Mario Doucet
Repeal the OLA for NB and follow federal language laws IAW with the federal language commissioners guidelines.

Dan Lee
Dan Lee
@Mario Doucet
Make abortion for some so call adults...has to be a way............

David Amos
David Amos
@Mario Doucet Good Luck

Shawn McShane
Paul Bourgoin
There is only one solution for NB Ambulance services , Get Politics out of there and Privatize.

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Paul Bourgoin It is privatized. The company that runs New Brunswick's ambulance system wants a judge to keep details of its contract with the province secret...cbc

Paul Bourgoin
Paul Bourgoin
@Shawn McShane

David Amos
David Amos
@Paul Bourgoin "Get Politics out of there and Privatize"

Methinks that was the way it was not all that long ago N'esy Pas?

Julien Lemieux
Julien Lemieux
I wonder how a unilingual English-speaking New-Brunswicker would react if a unilingual French paramedic would show up?

And moreover, how the unilingual English-speaking population would react if this case would go public?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Julien Lemieux

The reaction would be bad, PANB and their cronies where opposed at the beginning to hire people from Quebec to fill out positions....You can see how the CoRservative leader addressed the situation, 98% of the province will have to service the English population in their language.

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Julien Lemieux Better a unilingual French paramedic shows up then none at all.

-Man dies while ambulance depot down the road is unstaffed
-13 year old boy dies, waited 45 minutes for paramedics

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Marc Martin When Gallant was out campaigning why were the paramedics following him and protesting about "critical" staffing shortages? Ambulance NB was ordered, and agreed, to provide New Brunswickers from both linguistic communities service in the language of their choice. Every second hiring had to be bilingual. But because there aren't nearly enough bilingual paramedics applying, unilingual ones are hired on eight-week contracts resulting in higher wait times...CBC

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin again some people assuming how other people think will not knowing anything.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Julien Lemieux First of all I am not an anglophone. second you are assuming like someone else who doesn't seem to know what they are talking about. Third I don't live in Quebec.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Julien Lemieux I don't drink Kool-Aid. You picture seems to represent you quite well.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Shawn McShane

Language was still not an issue wtih the 2 death and that's a fact.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Bernard McIntyre

And we don't care, there is only 2 official language in Canada.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin wrong again.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin and that's the problem some people only care for themselves.

David Amos
David Amos
@Julien Lemieux Methinks if the paramedics did their job and got me to the hospital in a hurry we should have no issues. After all lot of people in need of an ambulance cannot speak at all N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Bernard McIntyre

Nope, there is only 2 official one, French and English.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Bernard McIntyre

Like you ?

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin Like me? My mother language is not in this biased offical law.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Bernard McIntyre

Then why are you even in the discussion your irrelevant then.

 Julien Lemieux
Julien Lemieux
That’s the whole history of Francophones in Canada; pay legal fees up to the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) to recognize drop by drop their equal rights guarantied by the Constitution.

And the SCC rulings result in some distorted decisions such as Société des Acadiens v. Association of Parents, [1986] 1 S.C.R. 549 which state that the right to be heard in French in Courts of Justice outside Québec doesn’t include the right to get understood.

I would love to see the reaction of Anglophones all across the country if a unilingual French-speaking Judge in Québec presides a case with unilingual English-speaking opponents in Québec.

It would be exactly the same treatment as Francophones get outside Québec and the Judge could rely on poor translation of what occurs in front of him/her to render its decision. Perfectly in accordance with the ruling of the SCC.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Julien Lemieux Methinks everybody knows that I have been there and done that and the next stop for my lawsuit is the Supreme Court of Canada N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Julien Lemieux, you make too much sense wasting your time arguing here. Their mind is already made up; don't confuse them with the facts,

No matter what you say you will get thumbs' down galore no matter the logic of what you state, just for who you are. They have no clue about the Constitution of this country, it's Charter of Rights, the jurisprudence about linguistic rights that follow or its history. But it doesn't matter, they think they know it all just like this self-professed lawyer who sues left and right and knows the law so well that he doesn't need a lawyer.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Marguerite Deschamps

*it all just like this self-professed lawyer who sues left and right and knows the law so well that he doesn't need a lawyer*

May I had never won a case and never will....

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Marc Martin ... pestering the courts with perpetual frivolous actions.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marguerite Deschamps It seems the only sense he makes seems to be one sided.

David Amos
David Amos
@Bernard McIntyre Well excuse me

Lou Bell
Fairness has nothing to do with it . Francophones will never be happy until they force every Anglophone in the province to speak sheck !

Julien Lemieux
Julien Lemieux
@Lou Bell

Nobody is forcing anyone to learn to read, write or speak anything else than his/her mother tongue.

But, if one's is interested to become a civil servant in a bilingual jurisdiction, this person should embrace both official languages.

Could it be making sense?

Al Bekirkey
Al Bekirkey
@Julien Lemieux as long as accent isnt the determining factor for your functionility

Tim Raworth
Tim Raworth
@Julien Lemieux "Nobody is forcing anyone to learn to read, write or speak anything else than his/her mother tongue" .What a bunch of bull. Go to an ARA meeting and hear it first hand from the people affected by OB. You have been listening to to much SANB propaganda.

Joe campbell
Joe campbell
@Julien Lemieux Billingualism would be great if the education system could teach it. You have to be immersed and the majority of English in this province never stood a chance. Even with French immersion in our schools most lose it after school as we don't hear unless your in northern New Brunswick.

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Lou Bell I disagree. That is not their goal. Their goal is to have every job be designated bilingual.

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Julien Lemieux just as I said. This indicates the francophones want all the good government jobs,

Julien Lemieux
Julien Lemieux
@Joe campbell

Canadians all across the country have several opportunities to learn to write, read and speak both official languages since the 1960’s.

No one in NB was fired for being English. That would have been a human rights abuse.

60% of government jobs in NB are still held by unilingual Anglophones.

0% of government jobs in NB are held by unilingual Francophones.

40% of the Province speaks French.

It's a pretty fair to the English representation as some of those Bilingual jobs are held by English people who learned French.

If Anglophones want bilingual jobs, they can learn French just as easily as any French person can learn English. It's taught in English schools from grade 2 to grade 10. The exact same opportunities to learn are there for both groups... just one chooses to make the effort more often than the other.

People who choose to be unilingual have only themselves (and their parents) to blame.

Or, perhaps it is question of collective unwillingness or individual incapacity? (just asking)

Al Bekirkey
Al Bekirkey
@Julien Lemieux when the effort is made and the accent is not acceptable then their is a problem although the french may be closer to a mollier version then someone with francaphone roots that are french but speak like hillbilly french

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Julien Lemieux

*60% of government jobs in NB are still held by unilingual Anglophones. *

Its higher then that : 46% are unilingual English and 18% Bilinguals are currently hold by English natives, so that 64%.

David Amos
David Amos
@Julien Lemieux "Could it be making sense?"

Methinks you should Google the following N'esy Pas?

David Amos Federal Court

Joe campbell
Joe campbell
@Julien Lemieux little easier for French who are surrounded by English in their daily lives,

Joe campbell
Joe campbell
@Joe campbell ask Higg's how his French lessons are going, he's been around since the sixties .

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Joe campbell

He only started learning this year.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Joe campbell

*little easier for French who are surrounded by English in their daily lives*,

Its 2018 you don't have access to internet, tv, radio and public libraries ??

Joe campbell
Joe campbell
@Julien Lemieux like the war veteran commissioner at the legislature set up by the French language police

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
So happy to see Deputy premier Robert Gauvin agree with Higgs to loosen the bilingual requirements.

David Amos
David Amos
@Fred Brewer Me Too

Joe campbell
Lou Bell
The solution from Higgs is COMMON SENSE ! But we know what common sense means to Arseneau ! He enjoys repeating and using past history as his template .

Joe campbell
Joe campbell
@Lou Bell The Green's thought they would be this great power broker and after siding with the Liberals are a non factor. Arseneau's leader can't reel in his rant's and it will be the demise of the Green's just like the NDP.

David Amos
David Amos
@Lou Bell Methinks common sense escapes Arseneau because he status as a former president of the SANB who was once barred from the House he now has seat within demands that he pretend that he needs the term defined N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David Amos, then you have something in common with Arseneau if he was barred from the house.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Marguerite Deschamps

He was barred from the house because he ran in the last 6 elections and never got more then a few votes..He is a waste of money and time.

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps "then you have something in common with Arseneau if he was barred from the house."

Methinks you just confirmed that you did read my lawsuit N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David Amos, why would I even bother reading that stuff? You're drawing too many conclusions rooted solely on your own self-importance and swellheadedness. You're the one always talking about your so-called prowesses such as getting kicked out of the Legislature. Like Trump, you do now even remember what you stated yesterday.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps "you do now even remember what you stated yesterday"

Methinks yu suffer from that affliction but whereas so many of your comments go "Poof" you do not have to eat your words N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Lou Bell
Speaker for the Greens Mr. Arseneau would prefer people needing immediate help be left as they are with no help if they can't be served in the language of their choice by TWO paramedics , and not just one !!! This is HIS " Common Sense " !!

David Amos
David Amos
@Lou Bell Go Figure

Jake Newman 
daryl doucette
The " Commissioner of the French Language of New Brunswick" Michel Carrier is going to hold a news conference today, betcha the words " lawsuit, lawyer and discrimination" will all be mentioned in his speech.

Jake Newman
Jake Newman
@daryl doucette

a gov't department that should be done away with; waste of taxpayers money

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@daryl doucette and this person sure seems to be biased that is in a government job that a person is not supposed to be. In other words this man should not be holding this job.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@daryl doucette

Good news !!

Julien Lemieux
Julien Lemieux
@daryl doucette

Lawyers and lawsuits are the only way for Francophones to be respected in this country and the only way to make their rights recognize when Anglophones are always trying to deny and abolish them when granted by the Courts of Justice.

Julien Lemieux
Julien Lemieux
@daryl doucette

The purpose of a Constitution is actually to protect minorities against the tyranny of the majority.

Jake Devries
Jake Devries
@Julien Lemieux Tyranny...NB has suffered under the hammer of SANB for too long..nice to see some push back...

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Jake Devries

What is all this SANB fear mongering they are nothing but a non for profit organization.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Julien Lemieux So why is it only 1 other language written in the consitution. I guess the other races and languages doesn't matter to you as long as yours is.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Julien Lemieux respect comes when respect is given.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Bernard McIntyre

What are you talking about ?

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin I guess it's above your head.

David Amos
David Amos
@Julien Lemieux Methinks everybody knows I have quite a bone to pick with the lawyer Michel Carrier N'esy Pas?

Julien Lemieux
Julien Lemieux
@Bernard McIntyre

Like it or not, in 1867 Canada was a compromise between French and English population.

Like it or not, Canada is by the Constitution a bilingual country (English and French) for all citizens regardless of their “race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age or mental or physical disability”. But I have to agree with you that when it comes to language rights matters English Canadians are more equal than French Canadians and that the expression “equality of status and equal rights and privileges as to their use” doesn’t seem to have the same meaning in English and in French.

Like it or not, the bilingualism debate ended more than half a century ago and people who choose to be unilingual have only themselves (and their parents) to blame.

Everyone knows that Canada was founded by the French, except the English Canadian.

That is not surprising coming from people who didn’t recognize United States since they flee from United States because they were loyalist, that meant loyal to the King.

But today, they are not loyal to the King nor to the President of the United States and even denying that their own country was founded by French people.

So much so, that they now compare the French Forefathers of their own country the equivalent of any kind of immigration.

History books do have a purpose, you know?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Julien Lemieux

Well said sir.

Joe campbell
Joe campbell
@Julien Lemieux like the conscription crisis

David Amos
David Amos
@Joe campbell Touche

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Bernard McIntyre
Better check with the Anglo community in the Vancouver area what they have to say on your comment...eh!/voilà.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David Amos, torché!

George Smith 
George Smith
"The Acadian Society of New Brunswick said the Higgs government had "crossed a red line" with what it called a cavalier and irresponsible decision."
What election did this group win? We knew all along this would happen when some one in government actually had the courage to bring up the discussion about language. The Acadian Society doesn't even want a discussion about language to happen. But many N.B.ers do want that discussion to take place.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@George Smith

*What election did this group win?*

What are you talking about ? They cannot express their right to speak now ?

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin It seems other people don't like other people to express their rights.

Jake Newman
Jake Newman
@Marc Martin

expressed and hopefully ignored!

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Jake Newman

Apparently not since they are always in most of the discussion here.

David Amos
David Amos
@Bernard McIntyre Methinks the SANB dude is having a bad day N'esy Pas?

George Smith 
George Smith
I'm dying here, but I'm English please send another ambulance because you're French I'll just wait.
Is that really what the Acadian Society wants. It seems to be.
Wouldn't I'm dying here please help me I don't really care what language you speak be the better response?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@George Smith

It easy for you to say, with the new regulation the CoRservatives put in place your going to be served in your language in 98% of the province.

David Amos
David Amos
@George Smith Methinks some folks are dying laughing at the response you got N'esy Pas?

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@George Smith
Thanks for accepting to be served in la langue officielle de mon choix...eh!

Roland Godin 
Joe campbell
People are missing the point. In a major emergency the job of the medic is to stabilize and quickly seek out a higher level of expertise , which is a doctor. Time is the key, even a difibulator has a french English button. What's next bilingual doctor's.

David Amos
David Amos
@Joe campbell "What's next bilingual doctor's."

Methinks of that we should have no doubt N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin 
 Content disabled.
 Seamus O'hern
"Nothing is Given, Everything is Earned"....except in N.B. where the Acadians are concerned....lol

David Amos
David Amos
@Seamus O'hern True

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Seamus O'hern
We are the only one, according to some, who have all the jobs eh, so a little respect please we are paying for you all...et voilà.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Roland Godin And some people are living in a different world here.

Marc Martin 
Content disabled.
cheryl wright
YAY!!!!!! I for one am so elated that this government has some balls. there are only a few people who would not agree with this decision in this province including a lot of francophones I am sure. it is NOT about language rights, its about people needing healthcare in a timely fashion. its about our lives and the lives of loved ones. Boo on those that see it in any other way.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@cheryl wright

If it wasn't about language then why was most of your voters against hiring people from Quebec to staff the paramedic jobs ?

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks you are busy proving every day all day long why we were foolish to hire Quebeckers N'esy Pas?

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin It seems some people assume what other people do without really knowing.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Bernard McIntyre

Its actually a fact....

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin So where is this research that you are using located at.

Michael Wright
Michael Wright
@Marc Martin why hire from quebec when we live in New Brunswick?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Michael Wright, we could always hire immigrants if you prefer.

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Marc Martin Most voters were against replacing experienced New Brunswick paramedics with ones From Quebec. Would you put a stranger before a family member?

Dan Lee
Dan Lee
@cheryl wright
You got a lot of balls for a woman........or is your boyfriend or husband too feminine to use his own name and has to use yours?

cheryl wright
cheryl wright
@Dan Lee haha no sir .. I am definitely a lady... who takes no bull.. thank you

Al Bekirkey
Al Bekirkey
i know grand falls is bilingal but holy smokes st quentin kedgwick st arthur those are pretty french grand falls plaster rock corner seems like it should be bilingual but then you get into flatlands tidehead is bilingual or english but falls in teh campbelton atholville area reminds me of teh ganong line that but i guess go with the numbers reported to stats can its the most reliable thing to use

cheryl wright
cheryl wright
@Al Bekirkey I can assure you that plaster rock , perth andover, bath , Bristol, florenceville areas are all English with only a very small amount of French speaking people but even those folks I am sure can speak English enough to talk to a paramedic in an emergency. its funny cause when I was trained in cpr if you cant communicate with the patient you treat them as being unconscious. medicare has their allergies etc. and most people can understand the basic sign language for choking or heart attack.

Al Bekirkey
Al Bekirkey
@cheryl wright yeah i get that but kedgwick st quentin if that is all in the same zone as bath tobique then it should be bilingual the major centre their is grand falls and that is bilingual almost french that is really the only thing i see wrong here besides the absence of Wabanaki languages in this scheme

David Amos
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David Amos
@cheryl wright Methinks your popular comment thread went "Poof" N'esy Pas?

 Marc Martin 

Content disabled.Marc Martin
Higgs just proved how anti-French he is...All the places that are non applicable are French regions...So the English will get bilingual service but not the French.

reginald churchill
reginald churchill
@Marc Martin ----Cry more...

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@reginald churchill, it is manifest who are the ones crying here all the time. Reminds me of that Elvis song: "Hound Dog".

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@reginald churchill

I cant wait for the new lawsuit !!

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Marc Martin You are passed out bleeding to death from a car accident in one of the black areas where there's less demand for English services. Do you prefer to die waiting for a bilingual paramedic or have your life saved by a French only speaking paramedic?

Mike Morton
Mike Morton
@Marc Martin

"...All the places that are non applicable are French regions..."
Moncton, Saint John, Miramichi and Fredericton Communities are all designated as "non-applicable". You are misrepresenting the facts in this article to suit your agenda.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Shawn McShane

Its not about being French only, but you have a way of trying to twist things, the English will be served in the their own language compared to us, 98% of that map is a clear advantage to the Anglophones.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Mike Morton

If you take a look at the map there is a lot more regions that will be unilingual English only.

Mike Morton
Mike Morton
@Marc Martin

The statistics used to determine the demographics were taken from the 2016 Census, which was administered by your beloved Liberals, of the federal variety. There are twice as many English as French in the province so it would make sense for there to be more regions that will be unilingual English only.

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Marc Martin Black areas of map can have some French only paramedics. Grey areas of map can have some English only paramedics. 19 White areas on the map to have bilingual paramedics....New Brunswickers who reported speaking French-only was 63,145, or 8.6 per cent. English-only respondents was 420,820, or 57.2 per cent,

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin Yes typical of your kind Spend more tax payer's money needlessly.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin I cant wait for the new lawsuit !!

Me Too

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Mike Morton

Which comes back to prove what I said was right. You have just contradicted your own argument.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Shawn McShane

3 area of the province will require French only paramedics and 12 will required English only....And if we add all the grey areas it means that 98% of the province will give service to the English only, you cant twist facts buddy.

*New Brunswickers who reported speaking French-only was 63,145, or 8.6 per cent. English-only respondents was 420,820, or 57.2 per cent,*

But as per your own words I can write English so it must be a lot more right ?

Michael Wright
Michael Wright
@Marc Martin so why come on a english news site? why not take your bigotry to the french news site. your hard to understand without your gif.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Michael Wright

Because this is not a non for profit organization and I have a right to expression ? You want to remove this right also ? surprise surprise..

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Michael Wright, you are welcome to post on the French Radio-Canada site to your heart's content.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Marguerite Deschamps

Yes he can..oh wait he cant write in French....

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin. So says an anti every one person.

Mike Morton
Mike Morton
@Marc Martin

Please elaborate on what you said was right and explain my contradiction. It seems that you are the only one who sees the contradiction.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin So by your own Statement one quarter of this areas will be French only areas but according to your stats of people speaking their mother language is only one seventh. So really the French areas are better off than the English areas according to your own facts.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Mike Morton, I see the contradiction too.

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Marguerite Deschamps Radio-Canada: Use French for all of your exchanges and comments. Other languages cannot be used except for an occasional word.
CBC: Use English or French for all of your exchanges and comment. Other languages cannot be used except for an occasional word.

Pierre LaRoches
Pierre LaRoches
@Marc Martin Did you even bother looking at the map included in this story? Take a deep breath Marc, you are making yourself too stressed. At least now when you have a heart attack an ambulance will make it to you on time, unlike the people who dies this year waiting while the likes of you and Kevin Arseneau put language over lives.

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Marc Martin Oh saint john and Fredericton are "french regions" now are they?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Bernard McIntyre

I am only anti anti-French.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Bernard McIntyre

English people will be served in their language in 98% of the province, but hey its suits you right ?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@daryl doucette

And Madawaska Restigouche and Dieppe are English ? Yeah check again.

Tories loosen bilingual hiring requirements for paramedics in certain areas

Change applies to areas where anglophones or francophones make up fewer than 5 per cent of population

The New Brunswick government will weaken bilingual hiring requirements for temporary full-time paramedics in certain areas of the province. (CBC)

The New Brunswick government plans to weaken the bilingual hiring requirements for temporary full-time paramedic positions in areas of the province where there is less demand for second-language service.

In some heavily francophone areas in the north and heavily anglophone areas in the south, Ambulance New Brunswick is being told to no longer require bilingual paramedics when filling full-time positions with temporary hires.

"This isn't a language issue," Health Minister Ted Flemming said at a Tuesday news conference. "This is a safety issue."

While new hirings won't be permanent, the positions will no longer be re-posted every eight weeks as they are now, a system that requires paramedics to constantly reapply.

Chris Hood, executive director of the Paramedics Association of New Brunswick, said that change "adds a huge amount of stability in the system for paramedics."

Chris Hood, the executive director of the Paramedics Association of New Brunswick, said the directive from the PC government affords paramedics more stability in the system. (Jon Collicott/CBC)

The change will apply in areas where anglophones or francophones make up fewer than five per cent of the population or where they number fewer than 500 people.

Health Department spokesperson Bruce MacFarlane said that despite the change in hiring procedures, "all areas of the province will still require bilingual services."

Flemming acknowledged during his news conference, however, that some New Brunswickers — such as francophones travelling through the designated anglophone regions — won't get service in their choice of language.
"If you want perfection, you might as well realize you don't live in a perfect world," he said. "If you want idealism, you don't live in an ideal world. We do the very best we can.

"I'll tell what I do know: whether you're French or English, an ambulance is better than no ambulance if you're bleeding to death on the side of the road."

In a statement, the Acadian Society of New Brunswick said the Higgs government had "crossed a red line" with what it called a cavalier and irresponsible decision.

Gauvin supports change

Deputy premier Robert Gauvin, the PC government's only francophone MLA and minister, said he supported the directive, which the province wants Ambulance New Brunswick to implement immediately.

"It's not ideal, it's not perfect," he said, "but for now we need ambulances on the road."

Deputy premier Robert Gauvin said the directive is 'not perfect' but it's needed to ensure ambulances are on the road. (CBC)

Hood said based on figures he's been given, about 100 positions for which no bilingual paramedic has been found could be filled by unilingual applicants.

Asked if the changes comply with legal and constitutional language rights, Flemming said he was acting out of a moral responsibility to address long ambulance response times.

"I'm more interested in filling that gap than I am in having some academic discussion of the legal nuances," he said.

Changes based on labour ruling

The changes are based on recommendations in an April 2018 labour board decision by arbitrator John McEvoy.

To comply with bilingualism requirements, Ambulance New Brunswick tries to staff each two-paramedic ambulance crew with at least one bilingual paramedic.

A map of where the McEvoy decision could be applied. The black areas are where there's less demand for English services, and the grey areas are where there's less demand for French services. (Province of New Brunswick)

McEvoy said in his labour ruling that the practice led to staffing shortages and the interim fix of temporary hirings was interfering with seniority rights.

McEvoy suggested Ambulance New Brunswick could reduce bilingual service in areas of the province where there were fewer minority-language speakers.

Change based on federal law

Flemming said the regional approach is modelled on the federal government's Official Languages Act, which has less strict requirements for bilingual service in areas of the country where there are few minority-language speakers.

"I don't see rioting in the streets everywhere in Canada by applying this method," he said. "As a matter of fact, I think it's pretty reasonable. I think it's pretty sensible."

But it's the provincial language law, not the federal one, that applies to provincial services such as ambulances, a fact Flemming brushed off.

"We can go back and forth," he said. "I know the legislation is different, but I'm putting health care first. You need a benchmark somewhere."

Flemming brushes off court order

Flemming also dismissed concerns that his directive may violate the terms of a 2017 court order in what's known as the Sonier case.

To settle a lawsuit by Murielle and Danny Sonier, the province agreed to a consent order that held that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms requires the province to provide ambulance services "of equal quality" in both languages in all areas of the province.

"Sonier's nothing," Flemming said of the order. "I do not consider the Sonier case to be jurisprudence."

Health Minister Ted Flemming said he plans to keep the new measure in place until the courts tell him otherwise. (CBC)

The consent order, signed by Justice Zoel Dionne, cited Section 20 (2) of the Charter, which says any New Brunswicker "has the right to communicate with, and to receive available services from" any provincial institution in English and French.

Judicial review going ahead

Flemming confirmed the province is going ahead with a judicial review of the McEvoy decision, launched by the previous Liberal government to determine if it was consistent with the Sonier order.
But he also distanced himself from the judicial review, saying that was the business of the Attorney General's Office, and his job as health minister was to deal with ambulance problems.

He refused to answer how provincial lawyers would argue against a ruling that he was implementing.
"You're trying to bring this back into a legal argument," he told reporters who pressed him on the legal implications of his decision. "This is a safety argument."

If the McEvoy ruling is quashed, Flemming said, "it simply means it doesn't exist, and if that's what happens, I have every intention of not changing anything here, and I'm sure somebody will get animated about that and proceed in lawsuits as they see fit."

He said he would keep the new measures in place "until the court tells me otherwise."

Liberals, Greens opposed

Moncton Centre Liberal MLA Rob McKee said it was "alarming" that Flemming was implementing the McEvoy recommendations before the court had a chance to rule on whether they were legal.

Green Party MLA Kevin Arseneau said it's unacceptable that the government is limiting language rights contrary to the charter. He called it "very worrisome" that Flemming would keep the changes in place even if McEvoy is quashed.

People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin applauded the PC government's decision on Tuesday, but the Liberals and Green Party denounced it. (CBC)

But People's Alliance leader Kris Austin, whose party was consulted on the changes, told reporters he was happy with the move.

Austin said he would have preferred the province drop the judicial review of McEvoy altogether and simply implement the ruling, but "this is the give-and-take that has to happen in a minority [government] situation."

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

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