David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Alas I remember my dealings with the New Brunswick Auditor General Ferguson very well Methinks you & Higgy et al know why Mikey continued to play dumb even after he took Harper's job offer N'esy Pas Mr Jones?
12 years of deepening debt limit N.B.'s response to virus-ravaged economy
Calls build for province to spend its way out of pandemic-caused economic woes, but the debt limits options
· CBC News · Posted: May 21, 2020 5:00 AM AT
New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs said Wednesday he understands there is a 'thirst' for the province to spend its way out of current economic troubles but suggested that will create more problems later. (Philip Drost/CBC)
No one is saying "told you so," but growing calls for New Brunswick to spend more to support economic recovery in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis are running up against the reality of the province's heavy debt load and its already limited fiscal capacity.
That could impede New Brunswick's ability to respond like other provinces to the economic wreckage caused by the pandemic, a financial weakness policy makers from both major parties helped create and have been warned about repeatedly for more than a decade by successive auditor generals.
"When I look at the key messages on the province's fiscal situation from the past number of years out of this office we were concerned about the long stretch of deficits year after year after year and the growth in net debt of the province," said auditor general Kim MacPherson in an interview last week.
Beginning in 2008, MacPherson's predecessor, Michael Ferguson, started issuing warnings that growing debt levels in the province could make the province financially vulnerable and reduce its "flexibility" to respond to future events. MacPherson repeated the warnings in her own reports when she took over in 2010.

Former New Brunswick auditor general Michael Ferguson warned in 2008 New Brunswick could compromise its ability to act in the future if it took on debt faster than its economy grew. (Chris Wattie/Reuters)
She said the last two months have confirmed the validity of those concerns
"No one anticipated anything as significant as this world pandemic," said MacPherson.
"But I would say getting a handle on the fiscal situation of the province in normal times is a wise thing to do and be better prepared for when these very unanticipated events occur. We'd be better able to handle them."
Next week the New Brunswick legislature reopens and a key issue to be debated is whether the province should borrow and spend more to supplement federal efforts to carry the economy through the pandemic.
'This is not a time to be timid'
The Liberal and Green parties are both calling for New Brunswick to match at least some programs launched in other provinces to support households and businesses not fully covered by a myriad of multibillion-dollar initiatives launched by Ottawa.Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers is advocating New Brunswick spend heavily to help businesses and households survive the COVID-19 pandemic. 'This is not a time to be timid,' he says. (Hadeel Ibrahim/CBC)
"I have no hesitation in saying this is going to require a significant amount of money to reinvigorate our economy and get our economy back", said Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers in an interview last week.
'This is not a time to be timid or to not tackle this head on."
The New Brunswick government has offered some targeted assistance during the last two months but less than other provinces overall, and Premier Blaine Higgs has been reluctant to spend more freely, citing the long-term implications of adding to the provinces debt problem
"It's not about today. It's about the next five, 10,15, 20 years."
The difficulty for New Brunswick is it used up a lot of its borrowing room in recent years already.
Running up debt
The province's net debt was last audited March 31, 2019, and had reached $13.9 billion. For the size of New Brunswick's economy, it's the largest debt load among the Maritime provinces and about 25 per cent higher than the Canadian average of all provinces.Just over half of that liability — $7.2 billion — was run up over a 12-year period between 2006 and 2018 by the three one-term governments of Shawn Graham ($2.9 billion), David Alward ($3.5 billion) and Brian Gallant ($853 million).

Former New Brunswick Premier David Alward, pictured with his wife, Rhonda, promised to end deficit spending and balance New Brunswick's books but instead played a leading role in the province piling up $7.2 billion in new debt over 12 years. (The Canadian Press)
Combined, New Brunswick's debt grew 107 per cent over those 12 years, nearly three times faster than the province's economy.
Ferguson and MacPherson sounded alarm bells about what was happening during the entire time.
"Any growth in New Brunswick's debt must remain in line with growth in the economy to ensure that our Province can sustain its programs and services," Ferguson wrote in 2008 in what was the first of 12 straight years of debt growth.
"If debt is growing faster than the economy, New Brunswick will suffer reduced capacity for sustainability."
Situation different elsewhere
Other provinces, like Ontario, Alberta and Manitoba, also underwent steep increases in their debt levels in those years but, in each case, had stronger economic growth than New Brunswick to support the borrowing and more fiscal capacity to afford the payments.New Brunswick does not raise enough money to pay its own bills already and relies more than any province other than Prince Edward Island on equalization grants from Ottawa to make ends meet.
This year it is scheduled to receive $2.2 billion in equalization to help it cover more than 20 per cent of its expenses.
Other provinces, like Saskatchewan, which is spending among the most to supplement federal COVID-19 recovery efforts, and which New Brunswick is being encouraged by Kevin Vickers to emulate, are in significantly better financial shape.
Saskatchewan carries $2 billion less debt than New Brunswick, has an economy twice the size and has the fiscal capacity to pay its bills without equalization.

New Brunswick auditor general Kim MacPherson warned against the province's rising debt for years and says the province would be in better shape to deal with the pandemic if it had gotten its fiscal problems under control years ago. (CBC)
MacPherson said it is up to the legislature to decide how to proceed but did make the point New Brunswick's weaker economy and dependence on federal funding makes taking on debt a bigger and more long-term problem than it is for wealthier provinces.
"New Brunswick's ability to get a handle on our fiscal situation is more challenging because of our demographics, our aging population. Our unemployment rate is higher than the national average and the slow economic growth — it makes it that much more difficult to turn things around."
Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos
Methinks somebody must have noticed the largest debt increase was when Higgy was the Finance Minister, while was he moving pensions without permission and his boss was giving what was left of our wood away N'esy Pas?
"Just over half of that liability — $7.2 billion — was run up over a 12-year period between 2006 and 2018 by the three one-term governments of Shawn Graham ($2.9 billion), David Alward ($3.5 billion) and Brian Gallant ($853 million)."
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos:
Methinks its strange that folks called me crazy to run against these
spendthrifts but somebody had to tell them when and where to get off the
gravy train even if nobody bothered to listen N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos:
Methinks if "the Powers That Be" had taken my advice during the last
provincial election by guaranteeing the pensions and paying the short
fall from general funds after paying down our debt with the pension
funds Vestcor is playing with New Brunswick would be sitting pretty
right now in comparison to the the rest of the world N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Alas i remember my dealings with the former New Brunswick Auditor General Ferguson very well and my email accounts and various blogs still verify the encounters. Methinks you and Higgy et al know why Mikey continued to play dumb even after he took Harper's job offer but none of you will never talk about it N'esy Pas Mr Jones?
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: Ferguson did agreat job ? You ? Not so much .
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks anyone can Google Mike.Ferguson@gnb.ca David Amos and check my work N'esy Pas?
- May 17, 2008 7:25 PM
David Raymond Amos said...
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
Date: Sat, May 17, 2008 at 10:47 PM
Subject: Thanks for finally responding to me Mr Christie perhaps you should call me back EH? 1 506 756 8687
To: tclaw@nb.aibn.com, egreenspan@144king.com, vchristie@144king.com, afrey@mayerbrown.com
Cc: djacobs@firstcdn.com, jtownsend@coxandpalmer.com, "danny.copp@fredericton.ca" danny.copp@fredericton.ca, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, "oldmaison@yahoo.com" oldmaison@yahoo.com
I must say that was an interesting response from you Mr. Christie about a rather minor issue to me after your ignoring my very serious concerns for so long. It was kinda polite particularly in light of the fact that my voicemail was deadnuts serious in nature. Could it be that your strange response was prompted by the fact I sent the email to many others and then blogged it as well in order to make you acknowledge that I at least existed?
With that in mind I have decided to introduce you to the First Canadaian folks whose parent company should settle with me ASAP about a very fraudulent Real Estate transaction in the USA after they have ignored my concerns about their severe lack of integrity for four long years. May they will take me seriously as well EH? Let just say I find it hard to take you peopel seriously because I found it far more than comical when they beat your law society in court and won the right to edge you lawyers out of their very lucrative game. I am certain Mr Townsend QC and the Real Estate Association of New Brunswick that he represents understands the joke but Chucky Leblanc never will.
When we do finally have a chance at a little pow wow Mr Christie I will point out the fact tha your law society supported my false imprisonment in the USA in 2004 after I ran in the election of the 39th Parliament and ask you why this is. When everyone in Fredericton either laughed at me or ignored me or harassed me before and during and after I ran in their riding during the election of the 39th Parlaiment, rest assured I was not one bit surprised.
FYI Over the long weekendI will forward this email to others and blog it as well in a sincere effort to resolve some of my concerns ASAP. For you benefit you got it first and I have included an email freshly sent to some interesting Yankees that you should study rather closely. However please allow me to be quite likely the first to introduce you to Eddy Greenspan and Andrew Frey. But then again you could be related to his associate Ms. Christie which would only go to prove my point that it is a small world after all. Whichever way the cookie crumbles I will lay odds that Andy and Eddy and their friends and clients within the Paul Weiss law firm hate me more than you Christie lawyers do. Scroll down and check my work to see why.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
tclaw@nb.aibn.com wrote:
From: tclaw@nb.aibn.com
To: David Amos
Subject: Re: Fwd: RE: Does the Language Commissioner suggest that I file something in Federal Court instead of him?
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 17:22:57 -0400
Mr. Amos, thank you for your telephone message and the email attached.
Tom Christie
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
Date: Sat, May 17, 2008 at 6:50 PM
Subject: I just called some of you Independent folks please call me back sometime soon 1 506 756 8687
To: john@brockberg.com, stwill@citlink.net, david.dillon@dillonforcongress.org, webmaster-C@mnip.org, bangornews@downeast.net, media@alfranken.com, campaign@jackforsenate.org
Cc: Richard Harris injusticecoalition@hotmail.com, rae.b@parl.gc.ca, "moore.r@parl.gc.ca" moore.r@parl.gc.ca, advocacycollective@yahoo.com, dwatch@web.net, "danf@danf.net" danf@danf.net, "Eidt, David (OAG/CPG)" david.eidt@gnb.ca
Please read page 66 of the Spitzer file found within the link above and then surf within my file from there.
If you do not trust the link I have provided then if nothing else please check the link below from the US Senate website when Spitzer testified 5 very long years ago for many people and ask yourselves why the transcripts of that hearing and the one two days before have evaporated from the public record. I am a very serious man who is trying to tell you folks something you really need to know if you are serious about Democracy.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
P.S This is the law blog I told you to look at Richard
Rest assured I made some pretty big people in Washington and New York nervous last week after the Office of the Auditor General of Canada called me trying hard to play dumb.
FYI did not call Sheila Fraser and her cohorts when I kicked at the can of worms in the Big Apple this time around. I did call the Office of Public Sector Integrity right afterwards and demanded an answer to the same material that Eddy Greespan had received and answered BEFORE Lord Conrad Black was found quilty. I truly beleive that somebody blew the whistle last week and my name came up in many offices of low people in high places.
I must say I laughed when I read this morning my mean old enemy the political/lawyer Yankee Teddy Kennedy had a stroke. I grin to think it may have been brought on by my doings last week. My Clan's Senator Teddy Boy answered me in a very malicious fashion before the hearing about Putnam Investments took place in 2003 He has had the same material was sent to Eddy Greenspan and then on to the Yankee lawyer Andy Frey whom I talked to personally months ago before he announced that he was seeking a presidential pardon for the Dark Lord of a Subway Stop. Could andy Frey be using my material to get the Dark Lord out of jail just like Frank quatrone did over a year ago? Ask Andy Frey if I am a liar or not I double dog dare ya to, Mr. Thomas Christie QC. As you can see he received the very same email as you and he did receive largely the same material that your law soiety received and answered in 2004. It seems that it is a small world after all N'est Pas?
Here is his info he sometimes picks up the phone himself on the weekends.
Correct Andy Baby?
Andrew L. Frey
New York
Ph: +1 212 506 2635
Fax: +1 212 849 5635
Washington, D.C.
Ph: +1 202 263 3291
Fax: +1 212 849 5635
Just Dave
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Vertias Vincit
David Raymond Amos
May 17, 2008 8:02 PM - David Raymond Amos said...
- Date: Sat, 17 May 2008 21:20:41 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos"
Subject: For the record Danny Boy Fitzgerald are you goon try to deny receiving this email before chucky built his short live blog about me?
To: oldmaison@yahoo.com, t.j.burke@gnb.ca, "Dan Fitzgerald" danf@danf.net, "Richard Harris" injusticecoalition@hotmail.com, danny.copp@fredericton.ca, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, alltrue@nl.rogers.com
CC: wernerbock333@yahoo.ca, david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
I inserted Chcuky Leblancs old blog about me that he erased over top of this comment and prior email about Byron Prior and a goose that didn't matter two years ago. It was an obvious goof but I don't have time to fix it and as you will know it will do just fine f for blogging purposes. Nobody reads my work anyway Correct?
Take careful notice I gave you and your nasty pals in Fat Fred City the affidavit of the Newfy lawyer Stevey Boy May about Byron Prior and I once again long BEFORE Hoeg came out with her interesting judgement and the Telegram made the Big Faux Pas.
FYI the "Porcupine Prique" arsehole is Cpl Kevin Jackson of the National Security Arm of the RCMP/GRC the very same dude that made those funny Youtubes about me. the more the FEDS were in a hurry for me to sue them the more I slowed down until the time was politcally correct to do so. It was that when Danny Boy Millions was pissed about a budget and a bunch of honourable soldiers from Base Gagetown were killed overseas. That is why I came to Fat Fred City last April. That is also why the cops pounced on me bigtime trying hard to lock me up as a madman so there would be no trial to expose the truth of the matter. The truth is while your "Blogger General" was falsely claiming in the media last May that I was stalking him the reverse was true.
The RCMP/GRC forever proved their malice with their own ridiculous videos. some of my friends from the phone booth had caught them on private property a couple of times taking photos etc and everybody saw their helicopter teasing me. Yet the nast bastards kept on boldly calling my buddies and asking as to my whereabout and ignoring my right to privacy because once I killed my cell phone they lose track of me now and then. .I proved to the world the Feds studied and worried about my every move when theRCMP/GRC came to Werner's farm asking about me not long after I posted the video about the demise of his cattle. Werener did not call them that time. We spooked the spooks byway of Youtube. LOL on a bad as you buddy Chucky Leblanc would say. EH?
You really should quit playing dumb Danny Boy can't you see that Byron Prior your heros T.J. Burke, Chucky and many of their cop pals etc and some of my friends such Werner and Paul Perrier's Daddy received this email too? You were the only one to call me a liar. And you watched Chucky block my comments in his blog about me then said nothing when I forced him to delete it because he stole my photograph..
Who is the Bullshitter now Danny Boy Me or you?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com wrote:
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 00:29:25 -0300
From: "David Amos" david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
To: oldmaison@yahoo.com, brad.woodside@fredericton.ca, police@fredericton.ca,
jeff.mockler@gnb.ca, jacques_poitras@cbc.ca, Deb_Nobes@cbc.ca,
William.Gould@gnb.ca, porcupine007@gmail.com, greg.byrne@gnb.ca,
t.j.burke@gnb.ca, "Dan Fitzgerald" danf@danf.net,
"Richard Harris" injusticecoalition@hotmail.com,
danny.copp@fredericton.ca, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca,
alltrue@nl.rogers.com, day.s@parl.gc.ca, dwatch@web.net,
Subject: Hey Chucky perhaps you and the Fat Fred City Finests or Porky Prick can explain this old email to Danny Boy Fitzgerald and Richy Baby
CC: spinks08@hotmail.com, ndpnpd@nbnet.nb.ca, PoliticsNB@hotmail.com,
dchafe@atlanticbusinessmagazine.com, cjcw@nbnet.nb.ca,
news@kingscorecord.com, news@dailygleaner.com,
kcarmichael@bloomberg.net, urquhart.mia@telegraphjournal.com,
bmosher@mosherchedore.ca, jturner@millerthomson.com,
webo@xplornet.com, wernerbock333@yahoo.ca,
"Sam Perrier" samperrier@hotmail.com, scotta@parl.gc.ca,
Hey Chucky if you are not to busy torturing Quebecers about town or if Spinksy Baby ain't too busy staying up all night deleting my words from his blogs don't ya think ya really should explain this email to your other busy blogger buddies such as Richy Baby who is busy taking pictures of houses in Fat Fred City or Danny Boy who is constantly attacking Windmills overseas so they can be heroes.
My spit and chew really happened with Bernie Lord and his buddies in Fat Fred City and ya can't say it didn't. I was right behind you Chucky You took pictures of the fools marching in and I argued with them after they came out. While you and the very nasty CBC dudes gossiped about what was happening with the liberals out front me and Bernie were having some interesting words. Remember?.
Now that they are all fighting and calling each other liars bigtime inside the Old Maison shouldn't you or the CBC dudes say something honest for a change Chucky?
If this is too long for your simple mind to read then just look at the pictures One of them is of you so you should like at least that. EH?
To jog your memory I am gonna resend you and you buddies an old email of mine from 2006 with some of the obvious minor spelling and grammar errors corrected and I will add just two pictures to prove I was in Fat Fred City and right behind you and the CBC dudes before I had an argument with the little lawyer Bernie Lord and some of his former Cabinet Ministers. Perhaps Richy will read this one but I doubt it. (FYI I am setting you dudes up as witnesses for Federal court) If you am Richy Baby wish to remain hostile it is fine by me if fact methinks it will be more fun dealing with you as you are. If Richy does read this and the following emails he should understand how easy I could have helped him last year when I called him just before I came to Fat Fred City and your strange wannabe lawyer buddy Vaughn Barnett went to jail. You dudes must understand that your malice towards me got you nowhere at all as you lose a lot of friends daily. Surprise Surprise after all these years you finally post some of my comments in order to make yourself somehow righteous. Bullshit.
Forget trying to make friends with this pigheaded Maritimer now. Your little statement about the Scottish blood in me said it all in spades. Ask your new hero Byron Prior or one of wives about that simple fact. I will be done with blogging in other people's websites in short order and quite possibly done with the Internet all together. there is not much point to it since even one on one emails to friends and myself are being blocked. tis time to come to court once more within many digital documents to support important complaints. This email is merely one on thousands. Trust that you did not get the lions share of them Chucky. You would never have understood them when even your buddy Danny Boy Fitzgerald can't read as well as he writes. You are one of the few people who actually met me in person Chucky and like you buddy Rashid your were scared to death of me Remember? It ain't because I am big or mean or rude it is because I am as serious as a heart attack correct? One cannot fake the look in my eyes. Any man with common sense knows at least that. When the whimp of a cop in Fat Fred City, Randy Reilly claimed that I did not intimidate him I just laughed because I had said nothing that should have if he were an honest man. The fact that he said it met that I did. why else would he feel the need to say it? That dumb dude should never play poker with serious gamblers.
I will also put in brackets some interesting updates (as I am right now) as they relate to this great day in May of Canadian history(oops its only April I thought it must be May the way everyone was getting shot down like Franky sinatra sang about after the flew too high in April) . No doubt even you are aware of the near riots inside the Old Maison you love to haunt and of the shit hitting the fan in Harper's HQ too. What better day for me to deal bigtime in the blogs of New Brunswick with all the smiling bastards you support. I notice your buddy Spinksy Baby (or should I say Brent Taylor ain't said shit yet and I am back in the woods typing this in my laptop to send out later just when the time is right) Obviously the top of my hit list in your blog and that of the Gypsy's today was your snotty wordsmiths and blogger buddies Mikey Archibald and Danny Boy Fitzgerald and of course your old pals Danny Boy Busierres, Scotty Baby Agnew , the Fat Fred City Finests and the RCMP too EH? I see that you are still playing games with my words. Trust that it does you no good. I am proving to many that you are a liar at the very same time byway of emails. Why not just post my comments now you have lost most of your friends and let the political cards fall where they may? There is no sense editing my words or just posting the ones you like anymore. the cops will have your locked up in short order if you don't wise up quickly. Your buddy Richy Baby was confused as to why I included him in the emails to everybody else and wanted me to call him privately again. Is he from the same planet you are from? Perhaps you should tell him to read what I sent. Perhaps the light will dawn on his marblehead if and when you go to jail but I doubt it. You never wised up when Byron Prior and I were falsely imprisoned did ya?
For the record I thought you incredibly dumb not to post my emails about the Charter and French Immersion after I had proved to you that I got conflicting answers from the Language commissioner and Scotty Baby Agew's lawyer/wife. The only reason you didn't was t protect you corrupt buddies Bernie Richard, Abey Baby Leblanc and Ivan Court Correct? Are you expecting to get a get job in saint John if Ivan Court gets elected. Didn't anyone tell you you can vote down there? You collect and spend your welfare in Fat Fred City correct? How come you don't say dick about Brad Woodside and his cohorts? Don't want to bite the dirty hand that feeds ya?
Clearly you and Spinksy Baby got this email first on October 4th, 2004 I got no comment from either of you but clearly the RCMP in Fat Fred City (Norm Plourde and Kevin Jackson) were paying attention scroll to the bottom and see if you don't recall. what you may not know is I forwarded it on the lawyer named William Corbet who had replaced Laundry as the Commissioner of Elections Canada before Kingsley got shitcanned. I must say I found it interesting that you and your buddy Richy just started singing Byron Prior's praises after I told him to go to hell and you have been well aware of my support of his efforts to find justice since early 2004.
That said have a little Deja Vu Chucky Baby.
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2006 08:36:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: The one true thing Stevy Boy MacKinnon said yesterday in Fredericton was that the boys were back town
To: info@liberal.ca, Dick.HOLLIES@gnb.ca, porcupine007@gmail.com, greg.byrne@gnb.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com, brad.woodside@fredericton.ca, police@fredericton.ca, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca, jacques_poitras@cbc.ca, Deb_Nobes@cbc.ca, William.Gould@gnb.ca, broy@pattersonpalmer.ca
CC: spinks08@hotmail.com, ndpnpd@nbnet.nb.ca, PoliticsNB@hotmail.com, dchafe@atlanticbusinessmagazine.com, cjcw@nbnet.nb.ca, news@kingscorecord.com, news@dailygleaner.com, kcarmichael@bloomberg.net, davies.carl@nbpub.com, urquhart.mia@telegraphjournal.com, bmosher@mosherchedore.ca, jturner@millerthomson.com
That includes little old me.and I took pictures to prove it was true. Ask porcupine.(Since Cpl. Kevin Jackson of the RCMP has finally struck himself dumb Chucky Leblanc should at least see himself and the CBC dudes in the attached photo. While all the liberals dogs were sniffing and licking each other's arses in front of the Legislature buildings, I was having a rather interesting conversation with Bernie Lord (more like a little lawyer doing a lot of double talking) in front of several witnesses (his former Cabinet Ministers) beside the Centennial Building where my father used to work for many Finance Ministers in the past. Rest assured my father's ghost was laughing at the nonsense of it all. However my son is not. (Sad but true)
Alas my poor father I knew him well. I have had a thousand times more fun than he ever did. I have no doubt whatsoever that he is (his ghost that is) impressed at how far his wild child had come in his efforts at poking holes in the stuffed shirts that he had to obey. My father toiled in an ethical fashion for a corrupt government in order to put supper on the table and keep a roof over our heads. I do the same but against the public corruption. My father knew me well as well. He knew I would never follow orders and was far too dumb to know fear yet just clever enough to do exactly what I wished in my own personal pursuit of happiness. On his death bed my father admitted he was jealous of my chosen lifestyle and sometimes wished he had chosen that path as well. I thanked him for his blessing and for being a very honourable father. Even though my father and I argued tooth and nail most of our lives, he and I held a great respect for each other despite of it all. My father left this wonderful old world knowing he had the respect and love of a very different man whom he had raised as a son and friend. All men should be so lucky EH?
My father, Max had five sons. I have only one. I named him after my father. I know him well as well I raised him as a Mr. Mom. My son, Max is more clever than my father and I put together. I made my son my best friend out of the gate because that is the way it should always be even though I am his boss for 18 years. Methinks my boy is on the right path and he has witnessed and understands much already. I do all of this for him in a similar fashion as what my father did for me. (In case you haven't figured this out this was personal note to my son he is in the USA and the Bcc line of this email. He checks my work and stress tests my ethics all the time and I am proud that he does. We argue a lot as well but with respect and joy. They say sons of strange fathers go far in life EH? If my boy can ethically deal with me with success, it follows that he will have an easy time with the likes of you N'est Pas?
(P.S.I talked yesterday to that nasty old bureaucrat, Tiny Tim Andrew who wants to Mayor of Fat Fred City. He was having fun with me and I allowed it for a bit so that he would understand he was making fun of the wrong pissed off Maritimer. Tiny Tim with the grey beard said he remembered my Honourable Farmer Friend Werner Bock and also claimed that he knew my father and Lloyd Nickerson, the Conservative dude who married my mother after my father had died. When he joked while munching his on supper that I had named my son after Mad Max I was all done talking to that bastard outside of a court of law and let him know in no uncertain terms as only I can do.)
Whereas you all claim to know so much, why should I brag of my prowess at connecting dots? (Danny Boy Fitzgerald does that enough for both of us N'est Pas?) Why not just save the fun for court? Sometimes less is more so I will prove to Hollies and his boss why Johnny Crosbie needs to sing for more booze because his powers to smooze are fading fast. (Looks like I was kinda sorta wrong for a bit anyway but it must really rot Byron Prior's socks that another devil he made a deal with within the very same law firm that your buddy Richy hates so much is now a Lieutenant Governor too. It appears to me that some Newfy's truly are that dumb. and Patterson Palmer must have figured if it worked once with Prior it would work twice) Press print on the attachment Mr. Hollies look your new boss in the eye and talk of his pal and the Newfy lawyer Crosbie. (I did not include it this time because sometimes less is more EH?) Perhaps you have some interesting pillow talk with your wife ASAP. She has already displayed to me that she does not understand the meaning of the expression "non partisan". Tell me honestly, do you think she will remain as Chief Electoral Officer now that the liberal boys are back in town or will Barbara Laundry get her old post back? I have not forgotten the tricks that that woman pulled on me in the last federal election. Do you think the new Commissioner Mr. Corbet ( I believed that was his name and I was correct)will overlook just as the other Laundry dude did?
If I confuse you please understand that I am kinda sorta speaking in riddles as any court jester or fool worth his sand would. Why let the cat out of the bag too soon EH? (I am still the same you dudes will never understand ethical thinking outside the box anyway) I am still busy lining up my ducks. Never forget yesterday was only the second day of duck season around home. I still have a whole month before the Yankee federal election is a matter of important history. (Now we are facing another one in short order) Perhaps the Maritimer in Stevey Boy MacKinnon (notice he got shitcanned for opening his piehole and Doug Tyler's sneaky plays for more gold keep backfiring on him too too too funny EH?) Perhaps Johnny Crosbie is clever enough to explain the following poem to the very dumb porcupine. He don't understand that he is the goose the doesn't matter right now (his big day was today)as he tries hard to pick a fight with me. I know my son will understand because he longs to come to Canada to come hunting with me. After that perhaps you dudes should give Greg Byrne's former law firm partner the Newfy lawyer Stevey Boy May a call and ask him to explain the following affidavit he wrote about a fool taking on Johnny Crosbie's crowd of goofy Newfy's. Perhaps my fellow loser in this past election Mr. Bruno Roy can explain the following email to y'all. (You are gonna love the next two email Chucky baby one is a response from Greggy Byrne and another is a response from Carl Davies that I have been saving from four years ago it is time to send them to Stevey Boy Harper to make the liberals sit up and pay attention to a pigheaded Maritimer with a long memory and good records) Rest assured your old lawyer pal Mr. Turner never will. (Do you even remember him Chucky? Rest assured Brian Mulroney does.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
----- Original Message -----
From: "May, Steve" smay@pattersonpalmer.ca&ggt;
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 8:32 PM
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Dan and Tom Remember me
Mr. May is out of the office till 11 April 2005. He will not be checking his e-mail. Please contact Della Hart at 709-570-5527 or dhart@pattersonpalmer.ca if you require immediate assistance.
2005 01 T 0010
Court File Number(s):2005 01 T 0010
Date of Filing of Document:25 January 2005
Name of Filing Party or Person:Stephen J. May
Application to which Document being filed relates: Amended Application of the Plaintiff/Defendant by Counterclaim to maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in it's entirety, and to refer this proceeding to case management.Statement of purpose in filing:To maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in its entirety and refer this proceeding to case management.
I, Stephen J. May, of the City of St. John's, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Barrister and Solicitor, make oath and say as follows:
THAT I am a Partner in the St. John's office of PATTERSON PALMER solicitors for William Matthews, the Member of Parliament for Random-Burin-St. George's in the Parliament of Canada.
THAT Mr. Matthews originally retained Mr. Edward Roberts, Q.C. on or about 30 April 2002 after Mr. Byron Prior, the Defendant/Plaintiff by Counterclaim, had made allegations against Mr. Matthews in a publication called "My Inheritance - The truth - Not Fiction: A Town with a Secret". In that publication, the allegation was made that Mr. Matthews had had sex with a girl who had been prostituted by her mother. That girl was alleged to have been Mr. Prior's sister.
THAT upon being retained, Mr. Edward Roberts wrote a letter to Mr. Prior. That letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit "1" to my Affidavit.
THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts' letter to Mr. Prior, Mr. Roberts received a 1 May 2002 e-mail from Mr. Prior. That e-mail is attached as Exhibit "2".
THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts receipt of the e-mail, Mr. Prior swore an Affidavit acknowledging that what had been said in that publication was false. That Affidavit is attached as Exhibit "3" to my Affidavit. Following Mr. Roberts' receipt of that Affidavit, Mr. Matthews advised that he was satisfied not to pursue the matter any further and our firm closed our file.
THAT on or about 25 October 2004, I was retained by Mr. Matthews following his gaining knowledge that a web site, made a series of allegations against him relating to my having sex with a girl of approximately 12 years old through to an approximate age of 15 years old. It also accused him of being a father of one of her children and accused him of having raped that girl. Upon checking the web site I saw that Byron Prior, the Defendant, had been identified as the author of the material on the site.
THAT Mr. Matthews instructed me to write Mr. Prior, to remind him of the fact that the allegations had been admitted to being false through a 16 May 2002 Affidavit to advise him of Mr. Matthews' intentions to commence legal proceedings if the comments were not removed from the web site. A copy of my letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit "4" to this Affidavit.
THAT I attach as Exhibit "5" a transcript from a 5 November 2004 voicemail left by David Amos, identified in the voicemail as a friend of Mr. Prior.
THAT I attach as Exhibit "6" a portion of a 6 November 2004 e-mail from Mr. Amos.
THAT until I received his voicemail and e-mail, I had never heard of Mr. Amos.
THAT Mr. Amos has continued to send me e-mail since his 5 November e-mail. Including his 6 November 2004 e-mail, I have received a total of 15 e-mails as of 23 January 2005. All do not address Mr. Matthews' claim or my involvement as Mr. Matthews' solicitor. I attach as Exhibit "7" a portion of a 12 January 2005 e-mail that Mr. Amos sent to me but originally came to my attention through Ms. Lois Skanes whose firm had received a copy. This e-mail followed the service of the Statement of Claim on 11 January 2005 on Mr. Prior. I also attach as Exhibit "8" a copy of a 19 January 2005 e-mail from Mr. Amos.
THAT I attach as Exhibit "9" a copy of a 22 November 2004 letter addressed to me from Edward Roberts, the Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador covering a 2 September 2004 letter from Mr. Amos addressed to John Crosbie, Edward Roberts, in his capacity as Lieutenant Governor, Danny Williams, in his capacity as Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Brian F. Furey, President of the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador. I requested a copy of this letter from Government House after asking Mr. Roberts if he had received any correspondence from Mr. Amos during his previous representation of Mr. Matthews. He advised me that he received a letter since becoming Lieutenant Governor, portions of which involved his representation of Mr. Matthews. Mr. Roberts' letter also covered his reply to Mr. Amos.
THAT I attach as Exhibit "10" an e-mail from Mr. Amos received on Sunday, 23 January 2005.
THAT I swear this Affidavit in support of the Application to strike Mr. Prior's counterclaim.
SWORN to before me at
St. John's, Province of Newfoundland
and Labrador this 24th day of
January, 2005.
Signed by Della Hart STEPHEN J. MAY Signature
A Commissioner for Oaths in and for
the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
My commission expires on December 31, 2009
The Goose that Didn't Matter
I guess at least eight hundred ducks have fallen to my gun,
And Charlie's always been right there retrieving every one.
But somehow, try as we might,no matter what our ruse,
We failed, that old Black Lab and I, to ever get a goose.
The vet had said it must be done, so bring him in on Monday.
His eyesight's weak and he's too old to brave the Bay of Fundy.
I'd picked him from the litter even though his was the runt.
And now fourteen years later, this would be our final hunt.
And so I asked a friend that night, who grew some corn and barley
If I could hunt his field next day, to get a goose for Charlie.
No bird came to our blind, alas, because of bluebird weather,
But still we enjoyed the day, because we were together,
While driving home with heavy heart, I rubbed the grizzled head,
And looking in those big brown eyes, to him, I softly said,
"You know a man can only do the best that he is able,
It don't appear there'll be a roasted honker on our table,
But Charlie, we'll have porkchops, since that is your favourite treat,
And you'll not just have one or two, but all that you can eat"
And so that night, by lantern light, we shared our final meal,
I talked to him of days gone by, of Mallards, Scaup and Teal,
Old Charlie wagged his tail with joy, beside his heaping platter,
And missing from the menu was, a goose - that didn't matter.
Bill Foster
Posted by
As soon as I had my pow wow with the little lawyer Bernie Lord on Oct 3rd Cpl Kevin Jackson intoduced himself.
Porcupine Prique porcupine007@gmail.com wrote:
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 14:50:32 -0300
From: "Porcupine Prique" porcupine007@gmail.com
To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Wimp
Sue, sue, sue...c'yall in court....blah, blah, blah
That is all you do, idiot. Why dontcha grow some gonads and put your money where your mouth is? Sue everyone you have threatened to sue.
Sue 'em all. Don't let any of 'em off the hook.
You're tough....we're scared
Sue Sue Sue
You're a loud mouth, a wimp, a girlieman
A gurlieman named "Sue"
He continued to haunt even though I clearly explained that he was a goose that didn't matter at the time. When I started looking into him after Cpll Warren MacBeath and the new Minister Mikey Murphy got nervous the bastards stared killing my email accounts etc and quit sending emails as well. but started to harrass me in person. Thus far it hasn't worked out to well for them especially when the Crown refused to prosecute me about Fat Fred City's Finest motor vehilce tickets. Taking my old Harley and the roadblock nonsense etc were just an effort to piss me off and try to make me do the wrong thing. However as you well know Chucky Baby I suckered the Fed bastards bigtime by leaving some Yankee police surveilance wiretap tapes in my old saddlebags and it was not long afterwards that I started getting calls from the FBI in Chicago and only then did you want to talk to me EH?
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 04:50:42 -0400
From: "Porcupine Prique" porcupine007@gmail.com
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: The one true thing Stevy Boy MacKinnon said yesterday in Fredericton was that the boys were back town
Pffft.... The pussy farted again. You all-talk-and-no-action, bitch. You couldn't sue yourself out of a wet paper bag. Hey, don't drop the soap, eh? PP
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2007 21:59:03 -0400
From: "Porcupine Prique" porcupine007@gmail.com
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Unhook
Are you trying to lose ALL your internet access? It can probably be arranged if you keep at it hard enough. Crybabies have free speech but eventually even their mommies stop listening.
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 08:09:06 -0400
From: "Porcupine Prique" porcupine007@gmail.com
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: I got tired of waiting for some Yankee lawyees to call me back for obvious reasons EH Porky Prick?
We should reveal ourselves to you. What is the worst that could happen. You sue us? Yes, right. Oops, wait a minute, no you don't sue anyone. You just blow air. The list of people you hate is already long enough. We are already on your list anyway, but you do not know where.
One problem of the internet is it has allowed freaks to play around and use up the time and energy of the real people. Get a new hobby and save us the bother. Our mail filter is being loaded now, and any more of your crap will be automatically clunked. We are tired and need to do the real work of the land.
charles leblanc oldmaison@yahoo.com wrote:
Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 19:56:33 -070(PDT)
From: charles leblanc oldmaison@yahoo.com Subject: Re: I promised one of the Fat Fred City cop Randy Reilly that I would try to make him famous To: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Where are ya living now???? Since the media seem to ignore ya? I'll sit down for a debate with a recorder for the blog...Now? Don't get all exicted and send this all over the world.....lol
Charles Leblancs Other Blog
Friday, April 18, 2008
Another chap ban for life from the New Brunswick Legislature by Dan Bussieres!!!
Originally uploaded by Oldmaison
posted by Charles LeBlanc @ 11:46:00 AM 17 Comments
At 12:46 PM, April 18, 2008 , Anonymous said...
What's Charles Manson doing in front of the Legislature?
At 1:03 PM, April 18, 2008 , A Jewish Male. said...
At 4:05 PM, April 18, 2008 , Charles LeBlanc said...
Hitler? I don't see any Hitler pictures?
Speaking of Hitler? You people are narrow minded.
When I think of Hitler? Yes, I also think of the 20 million people that died but my goal is freedom.
When Hitler took power he took control of the media to brinwash the citizens of Germany. The same is happening here in New Brunswick with the Irving monopoly.
Fascism? That's Hitler. When party members spoke out against Hitler? They were beat up. The same that could have happen to me at Sweetwaters at the Liberal Christmas Party.
I wish you narrow minded people would just ignore this blog!!!
At 4:22 PM, April 18, 2008 , Charles LeBlanc said...
Opps..forgot one more issue.
To convict people without providing the evidence is pure FASCISM!!!
All we know is I was ban because of the murder of a young girl.
Fascism indeed!!
New Brunswickers should demand that all the Quebec Security Staff be remove from the Legislature.
At 8:47 PM, April 18, 2008 , Anonymous said...
hello charles
thanks for finally doing the right think and showing david amos as the other man to be banned from the legislature. i happend to be there with him. he never even had entered the grounds, and never gave them a reason for a ban, except that he had been digging up to much dirt of people in high places, including in the new brunswick government, and that made them nervos, so they send their pinchers to serve him with the ban. when he showed it to me i went back and asked a comissionar why mr amos had been banned, when he apparently had done nothing wrong. the answer was, that they were not allowed to tell. so much for open and accountable government in the pictureprovince.
comparing david with charles manson showes either ignorance on the side of the commentator, or he or she is one of those creeps from the dark side of humanity. as far as i know david, i only can say that i think, that he is as straight as an arrow, and people of good will better pay some attention to what he has to say. it is complicated, but who says that live is simple, and only simple and shallow individiums pass on rush judgements. never judge a book by its cover, and never assume a man with a big beard to be of the kind of a charles manson. neither should be assumed that everybody who drives a harley is a hellsangel.
charles, i am new at this blogging, but i had to get this off my chest. hope that i click the mouse at the right places and you get the comment.
werner bock
At 10:11 PM, April 18, 2008 , Anonymous said...
Its a wonder you'r not banned from the legislature yourself being sucj a good frient of Amos Mr Email to everyone about everything but the kitchen ink. Why are you backing Member of Parliament elect Amos and What's your beef & cattle with the Goverment anyway ?
At 5:34 AM, April 19, 2008 , Anonymous said...
David Amos is a menace to society that needs to have a permanent ban against use of the Internet imposed upon him!!
At 7:05 AM, April 19, 2008 , Anonymous said...
Amos harasses everyone he meets. Banning him is common sense.
At 5:04 PM, April 19, 2008 , Anonymous said...
David Amos and Childish Leblanc, just like two peas in a pod isn't it...Your only making the case for your banning that much easier to swollow.
At 6:13 PM, April 19, 2008 , David Raymond Amos said...
The words of no minds with no names are worth less than nothing in cyber space and far less than one of Werner cows farts in downtown Hillsboro.It is what I file in the public record of Federal Court that truly counts. Once I sign my name all the nominds with no names can get a number and stand in line to argue me if they dare to do so.
With respect to Werner, why the RCMP refuse to investigate who has been burning his hay bales for the past year is what I want to know right NOW. Rest assured Cst Britt of the GRC's telling him to move just won't do. I explained that to the nasty Federal buggers last week as I complained of the false allegations of Scotty Baby Agnew of the Irving Empire and his wife the lawyer to them
The ex RCMP dude Danny Boy Busierres and his associates T.J. Burke, the cops in Fat Fred City and the National Security dudes such as Norm Plourde and Kevin Jackson know that I am as serious as a heart attack that is why all the dudes with no names pounced so quickly on this blog in a faint hearted effort to impeach my character.
FYI they are way past too late to stop me now. The very illegal banishment of me from the Leg four years ago was a breach of my Section 2 Charter rights whilst I was running against the current parliamentry secretary for the Minister of Justice. rest assured that nonsense will backfire on them bigtime in short order or my name ain't "Jusat Dave"
At 10:20 PM, April 19, 2008 , Anonymous said...
...faint hearted effort to impeach my character.
Naw, you do a fine job of that yourself Dave. You need no assistance.
At 11:21 AM, April 20, 2008 , Scott Agnew said...
David, can you give me the court docket number of one single case you've filed in ANY Canadian court in the last five years. Just one. You rant and rave about your proclivuty to sue anyone and anything you dislike and yet I cannot find a single reference to a court case filed by you in New Brunswick. If you are a man of integrity and of your word, please just let us all know the docket number of a single filing. If you cannot provide that, why then should anyone listen to anything you have to say? Empty words my friend. Empty words. BTW, two more emails from you to a particular email account and I will be able to provide a docket number to you for charges laid against you for criminal harassment.
At 11:29 AM, April 20, 2008 , Charles LeBlanc said...
I don't know what scares people the most?
See ya in court???
You'll be blogged in 15 minutes!!!!
At 2:45 PM, April 20, 2008 , Anonymous said...
Considering how worthless you feel no minds with no names are you sure seem to spend a lot of your time talking to them...Could it be as long as you get to rant and rave your usual sillyness it really doesn't matter all that much after all?
At 3:11 PM, April 20, 2008 , Anonymous said...
Neither Charles. The loony ramblings of David Raynmond Amos. The non-sensical ramblings would scare anyone.
At 11:12 AM, April 21, 2008 , Charles LeBlanc said...
I don't know what you mean David?
I print your comment.
Everyone knows we can't email you because you're so happy in receiving an email that you sent it to everyone.
So? There's no way to get your message out because you don't believe in privacy.
WE just have to do it in here I guess?
At 7:00 AM, April 22, 2008 , Charles LeBlanc said...
Sorry David...foul language won't mke it in this blog.
This blog will soon be in the archives soon enough.
WE can't send ya an email so I'm telling ya right here.
If I want to use the word- Shithead?
I can but I won't!!!
You want to debate issues in a good and polite way? Go for it!!!
Foul language will only be deleted!!!
Post a Comment
Subscribe to Post Comments [Atom]Home - David Raymond Amos said...
- Date: Sat, 31 May 2008 17:06:06 -0300
From: "David Amos" david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
To: danf@danf.net, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, danny.copp@fredericton.ca, injusticecoalition@hotmail.com, spinks08@hotmail.com, Duane.Rousselle@unb.ca, ndpnpd@nbnet.nb.ca, bruce.northrup@gnb.ca, carl.urquhart@gnb.ca, claude.landry@gnb.ca, mike.olscamp@gnb.ca, Allen.M@parl.gc.ca, Thompson.G@parl.gc.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com
Subject: Hey Chucky no doubt all three Maritime Stooges from Fat Fred City whom I call Danny Boy should find this interesting N'est Pas?
CC: alltrue@nl.rogers.com, Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca, MacKay.P@parl.gc.ca, Moore.R@parl.gc.ca, Manning.F@parl.gc.ca, tommarshall@gov.nl.ca, jacques_poitras@cbc.ca, Deb_Nobes@cbc.ca, DannyWilliams@gov.nl.ca
Even if you fail to do so as usual Rest assured I already posted it somewhere in my blog for the true record of course. It is just another one of those things that I do that nasty French bloggers fail to appreciate EH?
Love and Kisses
Se I am still being kinds sorta nice EH arseholes?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Raymond Amos noreply-comment@blogger.com
Date: Sat, 31 May 2008 12:42:01 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [QSLS Politics] New comment on David Amos open letter to
Ottawa - May 22nd 2008.
To: David.Raymond.Amos@gmail.com
David Raymond Amos has left a new comment on the post "David Amos open letter to Ottawa - May 22nd 2008":
Well well Danny Boy you and Chucky are too funny sometimes. As you well know I have to post my two bits worth about Chucky and you because in other blogs because Chucky is blocking me as usual.
I must ask why (as if I didn't already know) you have ignored what I point out in your blog about me last night while your hero Harper is overseas with you but jump to Chucky Lelanc's defence within his blog first thing today in Fat Fred City?
Need I say BULLSHIT once again? It seems to me that you are acting just like his WCIE, Mikey Archibald does. He couldn't get any comments or many people to read his Blogcast last year so he went so far as to invite me byway of an anon comment the Gypsy's domain to post within his domain in cyberspace after blocking me prior to that time.
Within days of my making a comment or two Mikey Baby quit blogging on
his own and resorted to only commenting in other people's blogs like I have been doing for years since the Feds tried to delete me from the world wide web.
Here is how that shit went down if you don't already know.
Anonymous said...
David, try Blogcast NB. They will probably run your stuff.
4:22 PM
David Raymond Amos said...
Nope I stress tested them long ago it was only the Gypsy who allowed my
words to remain and add at least made some comment on them however
8:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Try again.
5:42 AM
Charles LeBlanc said...
Good comment David....Too bad that you cannot always write polite
That would be really good from your part.
10:06 AM
Clearly I met Mikey's challenge EH?
Now it appears that Chucky has lost popularity and suffers the same fate as you and Mikey Baby do. He is stuck with an audience that only cares to look at pictures because he has blocked too many comments in the past people don't bother with him mush now. He should have left
thing wide open like you do or only allow people with IDs to comment like I do then let free speech have it way with the blogger world.
Now the only comments Chucky can inspire these days are when he attacks his old pal the Sergeant-At-Arms then you pounce to your hero's defence. You dudes are rather redundant about the same old same old while ignoring the fact that my battles are picking up steam. N'est pas?
At 9:49 AM, May 31, 2008 , Dan F said...
"Geez Charles how long ago was this"
Charles is still banned from our legislature, no?
The courts have allowed police to single him out for physical brutality and destroy his rightfully obtained material.
This whole story has to be seen as atate of ongoing warfare. Where the
statists and corporatocrats have dominated the show-trial legal
skirmishes. I firmly believe that Charles will win the battle for
hearts and minds, if he is allowed his liberty and New Brunswickers
have an ounce of character left in them.
Keeping the heat on these dudes is a no-brainer, it'll make it obvious
what's happening the next time some badge-totting fiat debt-slave
hothead takes our favorite blogger to the ground and tries to obstruct
and deride our most basic human freedoms.
At 12:37 PM, May 31, 2008 , Anonymous said...
Please danf the only no brainer in here is you. This has nothing to do
do with anything more than Charles Leblanc's hate for a single man. If
anyone deserves admiration it's Mr. Bussieres at least he conducts
himself with some kind of dignity. Get your head out of the sand danf
and join the real world if you can handle it.
For the record it was I who pointed out the violations to my Section 2 Charter Rights to the Attorney General Brad Green when I was banished from the Legislative Assmebly in 2004 while exersing my Section 3 Charter rights and running for a seat in the 39th Parliament. Chucky only teased me about it for two years until it happened to him in 2006.
Perhaps you should have somebody read you this particular blog of
chucky's that I posted within the the Gypsy's after chucky old blog
went poof. I think it would be wise before you attack me some more for Chucky's benefit EH Danny Boy? Within it was posted the affadavit about Byron Prior and I and that comment was made on April 1st 2006
by Charles LeBlanc Friday, Jun. 25, 2004 at 10:56 AM
updates from Charles
I got a few late stories that I want to bring up.
They had a protest at the Legislature on Wednesday
and I would say about 400 people showed up. I made my own little investigation in the crowd and I soon found out that many people from the Northern Part of the
Province knew about my protest.
These Acadians read about my protest in L'Acadie Nouvelle!
A few weeks earlier, I found out that the English Population from the Miramichi area didn't know
about my fight so this shows me that it's so important to have the media covering your issues.
During the protest, I felt like I was in a police state. There were cops are over the place. I
approached three of them and said -My God? We need violence, bricks going through windows, people being
shot and tear gas!!!
This is the only way that the Government will listen.
One cop said - If I have to use my gun? I know exactly where my first bullet is going to go!! Pretty
Speaking of violence?
That guy from the Sackville area who went to Toronto with his vehicle full of guns! Very scary
What did I tell you people in the past? Someone is going to crack up one of these days and I know for a
fact the area targeted is going to be the Legislature.
There's always undercovers cops around but only when the House is in session. As God as my witness I hope nothing happens but it's just a matter of time till someone is push over the edge.
I guess a guy name David Amos was shown the door yesterday at the Legislature. This guy is running as
an Independent candidate in the riding of Fundy Royal.
I met the guy over the net and he has a beef with our political bureaucrats.
I admire people fighting for what they believe in but you can't get carried away. I guess in this case?
He wanted to speak from the Gallery and that's a big faux pas!
Also for the record I kept going back to the Leg whenever necessary and was filmed on CTV news by Chucky's pal Andy Baby Campbell when I had a little pow wow with his latest hero Stevey Boy Murphy.
Everytime I encountered Danny Boy Busierres and his polite malice I
told him to shit or get off the pot and put something in writing
because the Fat Fred City Finest and the Police Commission refused to admit that I was ever barred at all in 2004.
As soon as the Fat Fred City Finest and Danny Boy Busierres served me my walking papers in front of my farmer friend Werner Bock in June of 2006 while I was running against the Attorney General of Nova Scotia I told the world about it and sent the proof before all the wannbe liberal leaders came to Moncton to debate that weekend.
Here is a printable copy of document affirming my banishment in 2006 . take careful notice that Danny Boy signed mine whereas he did no such thing with Chucky's. He learned from his prior Boo boo with me. EH?
For the record Chucky can only complain of the the long gone Tanker because he as the current Speaker at the time was the only dude who would even admit that he had barred Chucky. Little Lord Bernie and his buddy Shawny "Baby Irving" Graham played Chucky and Tanker like a fiddle and it appears that I was the only one who understood their joke. After all it was I that suggested to the talk show idiot Tom Young if parliamentarians were wise they would make an Independent
parliamentarian a speaker in order to shut him up. Then if a speaker
waxed political after that he would shoot himself in the foot. That is just exactly what Tanker did.
Everybody else since then has just having fun with Chucky and playing
dumb with Anon IDs while the Irvings are lining him up to be prosecuted by their far from clever "Blogger General" you buddy T.J. Burke
LOL as chucky loves to write. N'est Pas?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
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Posted by David Raymond Amos to QSLS Politics at May 31, 2008 12:42 PM - David Raymond Amos said...
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: leg-consultations@gnb.ca
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 10:56:39 -0300
Subject: Select Committee - Tax Review - Comité special - Examen de la fiscalité
To: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
Thank you for your interest in the Discussion Paper on New Brunswick's Tax System. The Select Committee on Tax Review will review your comments as part of the mandate to conduct public consultation and report to the House with recommendations on the options contained in the discussion paper.
Public Hearings: Individuals or organizations wishing to make a presentation to the Committee should advise the Office of the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly Shayne.Davies@gnb.ca by June 20th, 2008. Presentations should be no longer than 20 minutes. (See Schedule)
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 10:56:22 -0300
From: "David Amos" david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
To: danf@danf.net, injusticecoalition@hotmail.com, coi@gnb.ca, mike.ferguson@gnb.ca, Heather.Campbell@nbsc-cvmnb.ca, Chrystiane.Mallaley@gnb.ca, leg-consultations@gnb.ca, wwwleg@gnb.ca, nbpc@gnb.ca, arnold.hadley@gnb.ca, john.foran@gnb.ca, premier@gnb.ca, Jeannot.VOLPE@gnb.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com, Wayne.STEEVES@gnb.ca, frederic.loiseau@fredericton.ca, tony.whalen@gnb.ca
Subject: Document that Conservatives should study on the last days of summer in the Old Maison
CC: madeleine.dube@gnb.ca, David.ALWARD@gnb.ca, mike.olscamp@gnb.ca, kirk.macdonald@gnb.ca, carl.urquhart@gnb.ca, claude.landry@gnb.ca, percy.mockler@gnb.ca, trevor.holder@gnb.ca, margaret-ann.blaney@gnb.ca, rose-may.poirier@gnb.ca, bruce.fitch@gnb.ca, dale.graham@gnb.ca, jody.carr@gnb.ca, mlanewmaryland@nb.aibn.com, johnw.betts@gnb.ca, paul.robichaud@gnb.ca, tony.huntjens@gnb.ca, bruce.northrup@gnb.ca, claude.williams@gnb.ca, cy.leblanc@gnb.ca
Danny Boy
Please post these documents in you Blog ASAP to aid in defence of our
fleeting democracy in "The Place to BE". I am knida wondering why you haven't posted the one from Elections Canada yet. Trust that it is wicked poison for Stevey Boy Harper for swallow.
These are two of the smiling bastards documents and one of mine. All are irrefuttable. Signed sealed delivered and witnessed. I got some rather interesting challenges in Youtube ( I inserted them and my response within this email because the cop claim they don't look at Youtube even though they have created their own.
For the record after I called and talked to some liberals lately they
made more false allegations against me to the Fat Fred City Finest and the RCMP as well. When the cops refused to answer me in writing in order to resolve the obvious malice I called and emailed the Police Commisssion of New Brunswick in order to make a complaint yesterday. It seems that someone wanted me to come to the see the tough talking cops of Fat Fred City Finests in the lobby of their HQ. I answered the dummy's chalenge and he quickly bailed out of Youtube I may take the cops up on it soon. But I will pick the date and time and who my
witnesses are not them. I ain't that dumb yet..
The first document is what I served the Jan 20th, 2006 to the
liberals seated in opposition in the Leg while I was running against
Andy Baby Scott in Fat Fred City. aI had a friend take pictures to
prove it was done. The guy who was protesting in a military uniform
about the plight of his kids while they lived on the base in Gagetown
witnessed it all on the very day Paul Martin (Humpty Dumpty) came to
Fat Fred City and had fancy pow wow up on the Hanwell in his last days as Prime Minister. I told the ex soldier about the meeting and he went up there and protested with the same documents and that Chucky Leblanc has had for four years in his hand with a perosnal note to from me to the Chief of Police Barry Mcknight on the outside of the envelope so the cops would not harass him. This is a fact.
Months later I brought my friend the farmer Werner Bock to Fat Fred
City and Shawny Baby sent him his letter later but Werner witnessed
the Sgt at Arms and the Fat Fred City Finest illegally deny me my
Charter Section 2 rights with a signed document that nobody wants to talk about to this very day. Although it was Bernie Lord's mandate that did it. Shawny Baby Graham and some of his liberal cohorts such as Kelly Lamrock sat on the panel that voted to attack my legal and civil rights and Freedoms under the Charter.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
First off the cops definitely know what Youtube is. hell they use it.
Here is what was said to me yesterday in Youtube and my responses.
bigolcanoworms (14 hours ago)
Here is an open invitation to you David Appear at the Fredericton
City Police station at high noon June 18th .
All that can should attend to see if David Raymond Amos is the man he
claims , if he will honor his clan and back up his statements .
Or will he dishonor his father and brothers memory and that of his
clans by showing himself to be the spineless fake coward he is . I
paid to see a high divin act , and Im a gonna see a high diving act
DavidRaymondAmos (14 hours ago)
Now you have truly proven yourself to be a Yankee or a lover of them
at least. The Fat Fred City Finest are arseholes of that I have no
doubt. Methinks they at least know how to spell honour correctly. For
the record the Dead men I do honour are whispering to me that you
maybe none other than Norfolk County Depupt Dog Robert F. O'Meara best
butt buddy of Dirty Dicky Dean and the Fat Fred City Finest N'est Pas?
What are the odds do ya think the smiling bastards will retun my
Harley? Slim to none?
bigolcanoworms (15 hours ago)
I open an invitation to you Davis Raymond Amos . Show yourself June 18th at high noon , at the Fredericton City Police
station lobby .
If you are what you say you are you will be present , if you are but a bullshitter and a fake you will not have the balls to show .
DavidRaymondAmos (14 hours ago)
As I said I called PAULINE PHILIBERT and ARNOLD HADLEY of the Police Commission today and complained about you. After reading your latest bullshit I just called Fat Fred City's Finest (506 460-2300) I was not shy and asked for the arsehole commenting in here. The woman pretended not to know what I was talking about and falsely claimed that you
arseholes don't have internet access. Everybody knows its free in Fat Fred City the far from wisest town in Canada. So what is your name chickenshit?
bigolcanoworms (23 hours ago)
Almost time to have you arrested , yes I think so
DavidRaymondAmos (18 hours ago)
time to tak your med Fed. As Kevin Baby Jackson of National
Security quite likely already knows I dealt with the malicious
bullshit of T.J. Burke and his liberal cohorts in a heartbeat with the quebecer Frederic Loiseau of Fat Fred City's Finest and Cst David Kenny of the GRCs in Moncton. My next call is of course to the malicious Police Commission of New Brunswick once again. We all know what'll happen next EH donut muncher?
At least I have no false illusions grandeur like you do N'est PAS?
bigolcanoworms (22 hours ago)
Must be June , a perfect time to arrest a lone
DavidRaymondAmos (18 hours ago)
First you must have a legit reason then have the balls to have a name
to sign a bullshit complaint. then you must argue me in a court in
front of a jury of my peers EH ya not so tough guy with no name?
bigolcanoworms (15 hours ago)
You want tough , come to fredericton police station tomorrow (june 18th) at 12:00 noon (high noon ) . Lets see if you are man enough to show your face David . Or if you will turn and run , maybe hide at an old saw mill for awhile , or maybe you can hide behind your mamas skirt .
DavidRaymondAmos (14 hours ago)
Perhaps I may accomadate you sooner than you wish. When I do have your laywr buddy Brucy Baby Noble on hand and I will give him some Yankee pPolice wiretap tapes in front of some witnesses of my mine. Perhaps you should talk to the Police Commission first and tell everybody your name arsehole first to keep everything on the up and up EH?
If you doubt I contacted the Police Commission about your malice
Google the latest QSLS Dummy and say Hoka Hey to Johnny "Never Been
Good" Foran for me too.
DavidRaymondAmos (13 hours ago)
"This account is closed."
So much for tough talking hit and run chickenshit cops EH? One call
the the Fat Fred City Finest 506 460 2300 and ask for the nasty
bastard and poof the arsehole is gone. EH? - David Raymond Amos said...
- Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 14:06:39 -0300
From: "David Amos" david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
To: abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, T.J.Burke@gnb.ca, jack.keir@gnb.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com, info@frederictonsocial.net, dcoon@conservationcouncil.ca, forest@conservationcouncil.ca, chris.collins@gnb.ca, cheryl.lavoie@gnb.ca, Roland.HACHE@gnb.ca, mary.schryer@gnb.ca, victor.boudreau@gnb.ca, rick.brewer@gnb.ca, saintjohnfundy@hotmail.com, rick.miles@gnb.ca, donald.arseneault@gnb.ca, kelly.lamrock@gnb.ca, greg.byrne@gnb.ca, ronald.ouellette@gnb.ca, eugene.mcginley2@gnb.ca, MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca, Ed.Doherty@gnb.ca
Subject: Hey Abe Baby LeBlanc has your arse kissing blogger buddy Chucky Leblanc or his "Blogger General" Jacky Boy Keir told ya the GAME is Still On?
CC: bill.fraser@gnb.ca, roly.macintyre@gnb.ca, brian.kenny@gnb.ca, roy.boudreau@nb.aibn.com, aurena.murray@gnb.ca, carmel.robichaud@gnb.ca, hedard.albert2@gnb.ca, dlandry@nbnet.nb.ca, rick.doucet@gnb.ca
I heard that you brag about enjoying a good scrap Abey Baby. Consider this about round five in a four year battle with you corrupt smiling bastards. I ain't done not by a long shot. We ain't even met in court yet. I am just playing hard ball politics until i judge the time is right. T.J. Burke and his cops can't rush me into doing something I don't wish to do until i want to do it. Even a dumb French man on meds with Sctish roots should understand at least that EH Chucky Leblanc?
Check me work in at least two places on the Internet Abey Baby if
Chucky or your idiot pal Ivan Court hasn't told ya all about it by now.
Have a look at these blogs too arsehole. Just inc ase ya don't know the bloggers Danny Boy and Richy Baby Harris and I have made friends of sorts and the Gypsy and the snb Mikey Archibald have remaied silent as the grave but at least ethical and allowed my posts to stand the test of time. Despite our differences I do admire their styles and tenacity and words in their personal pursuits against the wall of public corruption..The well paid corporate controled media and their severe lack of integrity pales in comparison even if do say so myself.
Rest assured the Fake Left Whimps in Fat Fred City such as David
Coon and his crowd won't say shit to offend the hand that feeds. After I heard Werner trying to Roly Hache and Mikey Murphy's people into acting with the scope of their employment today, I overheard Coon trying to argue a farmer about things they both agree on. I just shook my head at the nonsense of it all and kept on writng my little rants against the malicious sytem you people have created for your benefit not "WE THE PEOPLE" who elected you to protect our best interests and
uphold the laws of the land.. The problem is Coon and you people are
on the Gravy Train and the Common folk are not. They just pay the
taxes to fuel you out of control rigging.
For the record as I said at the Uranium meeting last week in
Peticodiac that is why the Fake will NEVER do the right thing
Methinks they doth protest too much and yet do nothing all to back up their fancy words EH? Yet they think me rude.to call them
Bullshitters? So be it. But at least I am ethical in my words and
deeds as Werner is as well. Call us liars and put in writing and sign your name to it. I have Double Dog Dared Anyone To Take me on in Federal Court or elsewhere in a Pro Se fashion many times and not once has any lawyer or cop or politcian or Fake Left whiner accepted an honest chalenge but the Irvings are quick to try to covertly deny that I haven't sued many lawyers in my time in this Wonderful Old World.
Well guess who is back in the "Place to BE" for awhile longer at least? Guess who WILL file some lawsuits in Federal Court in Fat Fred City before he leaves for the USA once again? Do ya hear me talking. do I sound shy in Werner's Youtubes Abey Baby? Wanna call me on a phone with a restricted number and call me some more names Abey Baby? 506 756 8687 Rest assured I will relish the call. It will be witnessed just like the last time you called just before Tanker became the Speaker and you had to kiss his nasty arse in orser to remain in the Old Maison and on the the Gravy Train. It must rot your socks to see
the dummy Wally Stiles cross the floor and become a Cabinet Minister
while you still warm the back bench and merely vote in support of
whatever Dougy Tyler and the rest of the boyz tells Shawny Baby and
his fella arseholes what to do. Tell me honestly if ya dare have ever think of sitting as an Independant Abey Baby and speaking from the heart instead of your wallet, Abey Baby?
BTW the honourable immigrant farmer Werner Bock is still waiting for you and the big dummy Leroy Armstrong to show up at the farm like Shawny Baby Graham promised you would do two god damned years ago.
Whats the matter Abey Baby are ya too scared of crossing paths with
me? Some tough guy you are on the phone EH? Too bad ya didn't have the balls to back up your mouth years ago if only for the memory of all the dead cattle in the killing fields of the "Place TO BE" who died over the past thirty three years trying to stuff your big belly in all the barbecues this summer and in summers long past. You and you arse kissing blogger cousin Chucky Leblanc bullshit your fellow sheeple in
order to sooth their greedy little souls as they all kow tow to the
Irving Empire that you whorship night and day EH Frenchy?
If nothing else I have the balls to call a spade a spade N'est Pas
That said I must say I feel better ALREADY. It is good to get the
poison out one's system now and then. Tis time for me to finsih writng a few lawsuits and enjoy my summer. Say Hoka Hey to the RCMP for me will ya? There is lots of time for me to raise some Hell with the FBI south of the 49th this fall. The bastards have delayed John Grahm's trial that was supposed to start yesterday until the fall now.
You smailing bastards do recall that the sneaky Yankee Barry Bachrach was my wife's lawyer too EH? Think about how graham's trial may turn out if my name breaks the surface of your scum this summer.
----- Original Message -----
From: Angela Pepper Davis
To: davidamos@comcast.net
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 11:38 PM
Subject: Re: Ethical Concerns sent to Terry Begay
My name is Pepper Davis. Since I cannot get into your briefcase
without a password and since you have raised our interest in your
concerns (mine and Terry's), would you be so kind as to explain
further what it is that you sent to Stephanie Herseth, William
Janklow, et al .
Do you have information posted at a website? Is Jeralyn Merritt
assisting you and if so in what way?
Any further information you feel comfortable in sharing would be
DUMMY DENNIS kUCINCICH IS HAVING HIS VERY LATE MOTION TO IMPEACH BUSH ARGUED everybody and his dog such as Lord Conrad Black, folks who support Ron Paul and even the folks suing over Agent Orange should find the text of a letter sent out by certified mail last year along with many documents and a CD a very interesting read on the Intertnet nearly one year later. Now that Black is looked up Ron Paul is aloser and an intersting trial is beginning in Newfoundland EH?
FYI Dizzy Lizzy May of the Green Meanies got exactly the same material signature required. Now does anyone understand why I hate lawyers and Fake Left whining wannabes? Ask me if I care if ya don't.
August 17th, 2007
Andrew Frey
1675 West Broadway
New York, New York
Phone 212 506-2635
Ron Paul
3461 Washington Blvd. Suite 200
Arlington, Virginia 22201
Phone 703 248-9115
Mike Gravel
PO Box 948,
Arlington, Virginia
Phone 703 652-4698
Tony Merchant
83 St. Paul Ouest
Montréal, Québec H2Y 1Z1
Phone 866 982 7777
RE: Public Corruption
Hey Fellas
Remember me? I am the guy with no name worth mentioning or who even does not deserve a call back. EH? That said here is the hard copy
of the material you must have forgot that I promised to send your way.
Out of the gate I must ask you dudes the same question I asked Eddy Greenspan, Mr. Frey's pal and many others over the years. After
bragging so much about your sense of ethics and deeds in order to
catch people's attention in order to solicit their vote or to hire you for your legal prowess, why did you dudes choose to play dumb with me?
If you do not support the public corruption that you have made a fine living within, the common courtesy of calling me back to ask a few legitimate questions about our common concerns and to stress test my integrity would have went a very long way towards convincing me that you were the honest men I have been seeking for years. A little effort on your part to try to understand what I was trying to share with you would have saved me the time and expense of putting you over a barrel and busting ya in front of my peers, the common folk you claim to respect.
The lawyers, Frey and Merchant do not even have to respond. I suspect they know that they should wait to see if summons to court
comes from me first before deciding how to appear ethical. N'est Pas?
I already understand their game quite well. If they doubt me they
should mention my name to their pals, Patrick Fitzgerald and Eddy
Greenspan or any other lawyer named within these documents. In my
humble opinion the dumb Maritimer in me played all those very snobby
lawyers like fiddle. I have enough angles on the Lord Conrad Black
matter to embarrass everybody involved. Tis time for the political animal in me to pounce and growl a bit to see if haughty Lord Conrad Black is ready and willing to ignore his lawyers and listen to me in order to try to not going to jail like the dumb Martha Stewart and Frank Quattrone did years ago.. If the Hollinger executives were truly wise and acting for the best benefit of their shareholders, they would
reconsider everybody's doings in the matter, particularly the lawyers. I received Eddy Greenspan s comical answer yesterday thus Andy Frey his associate in the defence of the Dark Lord of the media, Conrad Black as well as a lawyer suing the nasty old snob gets my stuff just as I promised. Don't say you don't know who I am Andy Baby, I caught you peeking at my blog. Remember?
The same holds true for you Tony Merchant you as a lawyer and your wife as a Canadian Senator. I have made certain that you both have known who I am for over three goddamned years now. If you have
any doubts about my tenacity in the pursuit of Justice ask your wife to give the elusive Stevey Boy Harper or the crook Jean T. Fournier a call and tell them I said Hoka Hey and seek their so called Ethical Counsel. Quite Frankly, it is hightime for everybody to shit or get off the pot.
As for the two Yankee politicians I have sent this stuff to, I am still somewhat confused by both of you. You both say largely the right things about the sad state of Yankee affairs of state. However
the word of Ron Paul don't ring true because as a seated congressman from Texas of Georgey Boy Bush's ilk he has had lots of opportunity to speak up in Congress just like Jim Traficant had the balls to do not too long ago. You double talk far too much to suit me which is no surprise for a politician to do but your motives truly escape me To put it simply, Ron Paul I have come to understand that you are just
another bullshitter. Feel free to prove me wrong. In truth I would
welcome it and quickly apologize.
On the other hand Mike Gravel you do seem to be a very straight
up dude. The fact that the corporate controlled media is trying hard to ignore you just like they did with me speaks well of the sincerity of your efforts. I love it when you tell the media dudes in no uncertain terms what you think of them. The facts about what you did with the Pentagon Papers many years ago speak volumes about your integrity anyway. You could have easily rested on your laurels as an
honest politician who did the right thing. The fact that you suddenly burst upon the scene and speak plainly about awful truths adds to my respect of you. Your age alone dictates that you do not have much to gain other than securing your proper place in history someday as a very rare ethical politician indeed. My hat is off to you sir. I mean you no disrespect but I have some doubts because the words of your assistants to me on the phone. If you truly mean what you say why
don't you call me back personally rather than allow your assistants to continue to piss me off? You may not know a thing about me and I truly hope that is true. However from this point in time forward you can never say that you did not know that I exist and I try hard to impeach Georgey Boy Bush all by myself. If you are the man I certainly hope you are methinks it is high time for you to just mention my name in a pubic forum after you checked hard copy of some of my work. Failing that just crawl back under the rock that you said you hid under for years after you spoken of all the other things you know for a fact to be true for the benefit of the rest of us. You claim that government should be run by the people. Why not let them decide who is a lair and
who is not and how the political cards should fall? Please just ask
the people who do listen to you to check my work posted on the internet (davidamos.blogspot.com or under the user name
DavidRaymondAmos in YouTube) and let them decide for themselves
whether I am crazy or not. After all I did run for public office in
the Maritimes four times in the past three years and I have sued more lawyers than anybody else I have ever heard of and yet nobody has ever dared to sue me let alone even say my name. That fact alone makes my name worth repeating. Read on before any of you dare to call me a liar. What I just spoke of is merely the tip of the very malevolent iceberg. As you listen to the CD of a copy of the Yankee police surveillance tape # 139 and read my letters to Georgey Boy Bush
lawyers shouldn't somebody ask Alberto Gonzales what he has thought about all the illegal wiretap tapes I have had in my possession for many years?
Pursuant to my phone calls and emails please find enclosed the
material that I promised to send to you before we may meet in a court someday. The list of the material and a brief explanation as to why I am providing it to you is listed as follows:
I have attached directly to this letter copies of three letters of
mine, two to me one from the US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald and the
other from Senator John MaCain. The is the letter from me that I am
certain the Barack Obama used to become the keynote Speaker in
Beantown in July of 2004. Thus far it has gone unanswered just like
the one to Hillary Clinton and several others who wanted to be
President in 2003. However as you study my documents you will see that Johnny Boy Edwards and Dumb Dennis Kucinich and many of Mitt Romney's underlings certainly answered me over the years. I am very comfortable that my past works stands on its own without further input from me. Sooner or later some of the truth always leaks out. Ask Dick Cheney and
his buddies. EH Mr. Frey?
I have also enclosed exactly the same material that Eddy Greenspan and some prominent Canadian Feds just acknowledged that they received before I start filing my first complaint in Canadian courts. I do not feel the need to say much more other than to say I think that you would be wise to study every word I have sent you. And do with your newfound knowledge in the best interest of the public trust place in your chosen professions.
In closing I make no apologies whatsoever for any mistakes I may
have made in the wording or the text of this letter. It was written in a great hurry under circumstance that anyone would find hard to believe. There is no denying that I am very pissed off but I have never lost my temper yet and I am of no threat to anyone at despite what some crooked lawyer or cop may wish to claim in order to cover up their own wrongs. I truly hope that any of you or all of you call me back to make some sort of amends.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
121 McLaughlin Rd.
Acworth, NH 03607
Phone 506 434 1379
C/o Werner Bock
3345 Route 890
Hillgrove, NB E4Z 5W3
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Raymond Amos noreply-comment@blogger.com
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 07:24:31 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Just Dave] New comment on Just Dave.
To: David.Raymond.Amos@gmail.com
David Raymond Amos has left a new comment on the post "Just Dave":
- Hey Arsehole Amos,,,,,it's your favorite brother-in-law. How come you keep me blocked from your "Youtube' site? Guess you're afraid people will hear the truth from me, EH? Now you have your new best friend, Werner, blocking me. Now we all know who is really running Werner's Youtube site. I'm wondering,,,,,you said I was stalking your kids. Did you even know that one of your kids quit sckool, back in February? All because of you. Another thing you can put on your list of accomplishments. Something a real papa can be proud of doing. What a real piece of shit you are, EH? signed,,,,,,,,your bro-in-law,,,,,,,,,,,,Bob O'Meara.
- David Raymond Amos said...
- You and your dumb lawyer Angie Baby must be feeling the heat EH Depupty Dog?
I repeat stay awy from my kids Yankee. - said...
- No heat down here for anyone, except for you. And I'll repeat myself, arsehole,,,,,,,,,,,,,,fuck you, I'll talk to anyone I want to.I guess you have nothing intelligent to say to any of your fans, about destroying your kids lives, EH? I hear Laura is pretty sick of you, too.Has Werner finally figured out that it is you who is killing his cattle. Don't worry,,,,,,,,,,,,I'll be in touch with him. Cya,,,,,,
- David Raymond Amos said...
- Hells Angels EH Chucky Leblanc? When was the last time you or the Irvings or the RCMP saw one ride a Panhead alone?
FRom: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
SEnt: Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 4:08 AM
To: oldmaison@yahoo.com, T.J.Burke@gnb.ca, john.foran@gnb.ca, Wayne.STEEVES@gnb.ca, frederic.loiseau@fredericton.ca, tony.whalen@gnb.ca
Cc: abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, jack.keir@gnb.ca, premier@gnb.ca, Jeannot.VOLPE@gnb.ca
Remeber these old emails of yours Chucky Baby? Post this photo of my
nasty arse I Double Dog Dare Ya to Frenchy. At least my baby boy's
little arse is far more innocent looking than Shawny Baby Grahams
black eye EH Frenchy?
Small wonder that I didn't allow him anywhere near and of Cardinal
Law's nasty Boyz in Beantown EH?
You must I figured out by now that I hate diddlers and especiallly the
ones who pretend to be oh so pious and above us all. By now you must
at least understand one of the reasons I supported Byron Prior years ago in his quest for justice but I was always more concerned about about what he knows about Johnny Crosbie, the Haliburton dudes and our dead fish. But you don't know the first thing about that do ya. It must be because not one of your five brians knows how to read Nest Pas?
by Charles LeBlanc Saturday, Jun. 12, 2004 at 11:26 AM
Thursday morning, I showed up at the Legislature to use the computer
at the Library. I was told by security that two rough looking individuals walked through the doors and asked for a Charles Leblanc? They described the guys as rough looking and one of them had a long gray beard with aleather jacket!
At first, I believe it was the Hell Angels coming down from Montreal for a hit on Charles.
Hours later, I seen my bigot buddy Matthew Glenn and he was in front
of the Legislature with his blowhorn.
For you people who don't know the bigot? He's the one who started the
Anglo Society. I seen him preaching to three young kids and of course
I butt in and said - Hey Bigot??? Why don't you bigot go home?
Minutes later, we were approached by two guys and they asked politely
–Where can we locate a Charles LeBlanc???
In a matter of seconds, the bigot quickly pointed at me. I said to
myself - Ohhh?? Thanks a lot Bigot!!!
At the end? It was a guy named David Amos and I guess that he's
running at an independent in the riding of Fundy Royal. The guy have
been living in the area of Boston and he's been following my updates
on the internet. I'm telling you that the information highway is a
great way to spread the message to the rest of the world!
We talked for around 30 minutes and it was nice to see the bigot, me and David Amos together debating our own little concern issue. We all have our own issues and it's too bad that we cannot unite and fight but that's the way Canadians do things. They remind silent until the Government really pissed them all and go out and vote the party in power out of office. (You Stole my words Chucky)
Two weeks later you wrote this Chucky
What did I tell you people in the past? Someone is going to crack up one of these days and I know for a
fact the area targeted is going to be the Legislature.
There's always undercovers cops around but only when the House is in session. As God as my witness I hope nothing happens but it's just a matter of time till someone is push over the edge.
I guess a guy name David Amos was shown the door yesterday at the
Legislature. This guy is running as an Independent candidate in the
riding of Fundy Royal. I met the guy over the net and he has a beef
with our political bureaucrats. I admire people fighting for what they believe in but you can't get carried away.
I guess in this case? He wanted to speak from the Gallery and that's a
big faux pas!
After you continued to make fun of me throughout the summer of 2004
amongst the other things I forwarded to you was an old joke about my drunken Irish Catholic in laws in Beantown. N'est Pas? It must have pissed you off as I tortured the Hell out of your buddy Bernie Richard the nasty Ombudsman too before my wife and I and a lawyer visited the Police Commission. In response you sent photos of your old soon to be
dead dog comparing it to me. I laughed the photos were taken by your Fake Left friends and emailed to you. Your big Faux Pas was that you were so dumb you sent me their email address too. Thus in a wink of an eye I knew and had the proof of who was behind you and pulling your strings. Do they remember my conversations with them last year? I do. The question is did I record them as they made liars out of
themselves. LOL EH? Stay tuned Frenchy. When you saw that I was
falsely imprisoned in Boston on October 1st, 2004 you largely shut up and never responded to my emails over the course of the past four years because you knew what I did with them after that. As the old Joke goes many a true word is said in jest and you did not like other people reading your nonsense to me. Correct?
Years after that old joke I sent you went around. The Yankees made a
movie starring Jack Nicholson based on Whitey's life and times. It is entitled "The Departed". Perhaps the drunken Catholic in you should rent it sometime with your welfare dimes. Listen closely to what ol Jacky Boy says about your Church and their very corrupt doings. My Keith ancestors and I were not alone in our contempt towards your church EH? Did your Mama tell you that the Keiths came out of northern Germany to settle in Scotland in order to escape your nasty Popes and their cohorts? Do you understand that after the shit was settled in
1755 the Frenchmen in Canada who did not wish to be shipped out to
other French holdings swore allegiance to the British Crown? What makes you dudes think that you can change the deal now especially in light of the fact every Indian demands that we hold up to all the other deals our ancestors made long before any of us were born? The Scottish part of you should shove that Acadian flag along with its flagpole up your French arse Chucky Baby. Is that clear or COR enough for you?
To rub it in I will tell you that after my father died my Mama married Loyd Nickerson a member of the COR Party who was also the Chief Electoral Officer of New Brunswick. One big reason I ran in Fundy is that there are damn few French men registered to vote and not many Catholic churchs in Kings County. I ain't a bigot. I love French Catholic women. Hell I was the first of my family that I know of who married a Catholic woman. It is their greedy Catholic brothers that I hate be they either French or Irish or whatever. I believe they call
this shit conflict of colours Orange versus Green not biker bullshit as you claimed about me. I don't wear Biker colours I where the colours of My Clan and I have many friends. Quite possibly many more true French ones than you do. How can you have true friends at all if they can't trust you. Do your even believe yourself and your obvious Bullshit? How do you sleep at night knowing yourself as you do? Why to do make fun of a fellow Maritimer whose family was destroyed by the very people you pretend to complain about? Never forget I am from Dorchester Frenchy and Ivan Cormier (AKA the Beast) was on my paper route and I liked and admired him and his friends and their art particularly Killer Karl Krupp and the Cuban. Their Bullshit was flat out entertaining and not malicious at all. Yours definitely is malicious and not funny at all. No Class Bobby Bass had way more class
in his worst fart than you do in your whole soul. I must say venting
some of my venom towards you is definitely good for my savage soul. As a southern friend of mine would say when I was feeling mean years ago "Ya gots to get the poison out or ya die just don't spit out in my direction. Save it for somebody who deserves it."
BTW, the man who sold me that old Panhead that your cop buddies in Fat Fred City stole from me last summer was a of French Cathlolic heritage out of Quebec. He was a really good friend of mine and I named my bike after him and his wife. His family moved from Quebec to Vermont about a hundred years ago when your greedy priests demanded that the poor folks build another big fancy church across the road from the one they just built. So they crossed the border, built a simple church and went
about the pursuit of happiness in a country that is supposed to keep
church and state separate and have only one official language. Go try
your crybaby French welfare nonsense in New Hampshire or Vermont sometime Chucky and see if you come back in one piece. I would pay money I don't have to watch that circus tent unfold. The Pope's mission is to keep you dudes poor and dumb. Get it Frenchy? If not ask your hero Spinksy Baby to argue me as if I care what any of you think. I would argue him right after that chickenshit IDs himself and proves
to me and everyone else that he is not Brent Taylor.
I Double Dog Dare Ya to post this email in his blog. I am posting it
deep in your buddy the Gypsy's blog before I post it in mine. That is if he has still maintained his integrity after all my stress tests last week. You dudes kissing the "The General Blogger" nasty arse was too much for me to stand. It was too funny that T. J Burke blocked my defence of your blatant stupidity N'est Pas?
BTW one of my wife's cousins Robert T. Kickham you remember the evil ex banker who turned into the evil priest is still Cardinal O'Malley's secretary in Beantown as far as I know. Why don't you sing their praises on the Internet this Easter and ask that all the corrupt Catholics to pray that I be crucified by the RCMP soon? I must ask you Chucky why did you support diddlers for years and then suddenly turn coat and support Byron Prior's pursuit of justice after ignoring the fact that I introduced you two to each other four years ago?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
P.S. For the record Chucky this joke is still funny to me and my arse and my balls are as big as ever. Ain't it funny how time slips away and yet some things remain the same? Everybody knows I find you contemptible and why that is so. I do wish you a long life so that you can recall all your sins countless times with your five brains. However I must turn the page my personal history and go back to how I once was before I am dust once more. Life is too short to argue with liars for long or dance with ugly women so to speak. My Baby Boy turns 18 this year thus my job of raising him is largely done. He and his sisters are my best piece work. They all have the records of all my work including this email. (Obviously I sent it from one of my other
email accounts to one of my son's for safe keeping before I save it
digitally and print it as well.) Before long my son will be the Chief of our Clan and it will be his job to defend my integrity and my deeds for the benefit of my seed as I grin proudly from the grave. He is quite simply the best man I ever met and truly a man of his word. Never underestimate my darling daughters they are tigers in their own right and I raised them not to take shit from anyone. They may prove to be the most trouble for the unethical smiling bastards that are the powers that be right now.
Between men I asked my son to piss on the graves of my enemies someday
if I could not do so and he promised that he would. I would not ask my little Darlins to do such a thing out of respect to their gender. As part of my Blood Feud you made the list Chucky Baby. Your Mama will understand why I told my son that in order to pay proper respect to from Whence We Came he really should drink a lot of Keiths beer before he does so. Whereas neither of us like the taste of beer I will leave him to his own chosen poison as long as he enjoys the in and out of it
As for me I plan to Rest in Peace in Dorchester someday happy in
knowing the fact that I have left at least four very decent folk
behind me on this planet. My skull like Yorick's of old will grin like
Hell thinking about the fact that the prevailing winds will blow the
smell of my rotting corpse towards your old stomping grounds where you
no doubt will be buried without any children at all to visit your
bones. If you do have kids or an ex wife or two I never read where you admitted it. Dudes like you and your fans such as Dean Roger Ray and the Depupty Dog Robert F. O'Meara are too selfish to make decent loving fathers anyway. If there truly is a Hell like in your dreams Chucky, I will look for you there. I suspect the Devil would promote me to Sergeant at Arms and give me a Black Rod as soon as I landed in order to cram it up your nasty French arse. I have no doubt its hard to get good help in Hell and Satan will need a lot of help pounding on all the evil priests, bankers, lawyers, cops, politicians and the liars like you who supported their malice in this wonderful old world. N'est Pas?
Can one of your five brains tell that you have an ethical pigheaded
Maritimer you hates you with a very justifiable passion Chucky Baby? Whereas your buddy Shawny Baby Graham enjoys jokes maybe he will enjoy this one since it is on you. It is not my joke and I give credit where credit is due. I hate it when you or your buddies Dean Roger Ray or the Yankee Stevey Boy Erickson steal my words and claim them as their own while you try to impeach my character at the same time. If anyone doubts that I am the first Chief of the Amos Clan who has every right and duty to defend it fiercely perhaps he should query the dockets of
the US District Court in Concord New Hampshire if he knows how.
Whereas everything in the Catholic's heaven and hell is down in three I file My Clan's declaration of Independence for the Keiths within three affidavits in three different matters. I do not file nuisance lawsuits as Yankee blogger hero claims. Danny Boy can post the photo of my nasty arse, my boy and my panhead on the Internet with my knowledge and assent and my blessings and thanx as well. However I still own the rights to it. I need it for my book about you Fake Left Creeps in Fat Fred city and elsewhere. It may be the only thing that I
leave my kids that could be worth something someday. Maritimers do
love juicy gossip N'est Pas?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
Monday, May 25, 2009
No Problem Mr.Melle.
From: David Amos
Subject: RE Blogger woes
To: jonathan_a_melle@yahoo.com, "oldmaison@yahoo.com" ,
Subject: RE Blogger woes
To: jonathan_a_melle@yahoo.com, "oldmaison@yahoo.com" ,
Date: Sunday, May 17, 2009, 7:22 PM
No problem Mr. Melle. I am glad that you listened to me.
Say hey to your very corrrupt Attorney General and your Governor for
me. You now have some of the very same emails that they had had for
quite sometime before Bernie Madoff pled guilty.
I also served them both and many other public officials and lawyer in
New Hampshire hard copy of my material beginning way back in 2003 and
2004. They have all continued to fail to uphold the law and their
oaths of office etc ever since.
One day maybe with Lady Luck on my side I will manage to hold them
accountable in a court of law that understands the meaning of the term
public corruption.
In the "mean" time be careful sir.
Say hey to your very corrrupt Attorney General and your Governor for
me. You now have some of the very same emails that they had had for
quite sometime before Bernie Madoff pled guilty.
I also served them both and many other public officials and lawyer in
New Hampshire hard copy of my material beginning way back in 2003 and
2004. They have all continued to fail to uphold the law and their
oaths of office etc ever since.
One day maybe with Lady Luck on my side I will manage to hold them
accountable in a court of law that understands the meaning of the term
public corruption.
In the "mean" time be careful sir.
You are in a pit of snakes that
will do their worst and ignore the law and your
will do their worst and ignore the law and your
right to justice in
order to make you stop defending your rights
order to make you stop defending your rights
under the US Constitution
so that you cannot embarrass them out of public
so that you cannot embarrass them out of public
Offices and off the
gravy train.
Please allow me to introduce to two Canadians you are in the same fix
as you. Both of these men hate me and have stabbed me in the back for
no other reason than political gain.
gravy train.
Please allow me to introduce to two Canadians you are in the same fix
as you. Both of these men hate me and have stabbed me in the back for
no other reason than political gain.
That said their rights as
citizens in a purportedly
citizens in a purportedly
"Just" Democracy are nevertheless offended
whether they hate me or not. At least I admit they exist and there
concerns about public corruption are legit. In return these nasty
little bastards are too chicken to even admit publicly that I exist
other than to have their friends attack me.
This is the nasty French man Chucky Leblanc
And this is the sneaky Newfy Byron Prior
I can introduce you to a few others that have had similar concerns’
about the rampant public corruption that I have crossed paths with as
well on the Internet over the years but they can do nothing for you
because they are already in jail or prison.
Please check the work of Byron Prior and chucky Leblanc and that of
mine as well for your benefit Mr Melle as well as that of my children
stuck in th USA without me to defend them.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
whether they hate me or not. At least I admit they exist and there
concerns about public corruption are legit. In return these nasty
little bastards are too chicken to even admit publicly that I exist
other than to have their friends attack me.
This is the nasty French man Chucky Leblanc
And this is the sneaky Newfy Byron Prior
I can introduce you to a few others that have had similar concerns’
about the rampant public corruption that I have crossed paths with as
well on the Internet over the years but they can do nothing for you
because they are already in jail or prison.
Please check the work of Byron Prior and chucky Leblanc and that of
mine as well for your benefit Mr Melle as well as that of my children
stuck in th USA without me to defend them.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
Sunday, May 24, 2009
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