David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks Minister Mikey don't seem so Happy Happy Happy today Just wait until folks pay attention to the Strawman Report created by the EUB for the benefit of his minions in NB Power N'esy Pas?
Province's first turkey hunt pushed back to 2021
The province's first wild turkey hunt was supposed to start this week
· CBC News · Posted: May 14, 2020 12:44 PM AT

New Brunswick's wild turkey hunt was supposed to start this week, but the season has been postponed until 2021 because of COVID-19. (Collin Binkley/Associated Press)
COVID-19 has put New Brunswick's first-ever wild turkey hunt on hold for a year.
The turkey hunt was supposed to start this week — with opening day Monday. But the two week season ended up being pushed back until May 2021.
"As a result of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the mandatory State of Emergency Order, it will not be possible to introduce a wild turkey hunt in 2020," said Natural Resources spokesperson Kelly Cormier in an emailed statement to CBC News on Wednesday.
"Once government operations return to normal, work will continue to make the necessary regulation changes for a wild turkey season to occur in the future."
Natural Resources Minister Mike Holland, who is a previous vice-president of the Canadian Wild Turkey Federation, has been pushing for a turkey hunt in New Brunswick since he was appointed in 2018.
"I've been talking about that since shortly after taking office that I was committed to seeing a management strategy implemented for wild turkeys in 2020," Holland told CBC News in March.
"Of course, the spring is the ideal time to be able to implement that."
A new sport in New Brunswick
Terry Smith, president of the Canadian Wild Turkey Federation, said the season's postponement is disappointing but the federation is already gearing up for next year."It was going to be very popular. A lot of interest," Smith said. " … It was going to be a new hunt. A new sport."
Smith said there could be up to 5,000 wild turkeys in the province. He has also seen an increase in wild turkey sightings in the last two months in the Chipman, Sussex, Edmundston, St. Stephen and Woodstock areas.

Natural Resources Minister Mike Holland has been pushing for a wild turkey hunt in the province since he was appointed in 2018. (Kirk Pennell/CBC)
"Our population is going to grow again next year."
Meanwhile, residents can apply for the province's moose draw starting on May 19 until June 12. The moose hunt takes place for five days in September.
A jump in turkey sightings
The hunt has been sought by provincial hunters since sightings of the birds increased in recent years.At the same time, there have been concerns the bird numbers have been artificially raised by the introduction of domestic turkeys to the wild. These turkeys can't survive in winter climates.
New Brunswick's wild turkey hunt is expected to be a two week season every spring. (Joe MacDonald/CBC)
Last November, the New Brunswick Bird Records Committee voted to add wild turkeys to the province's official bird list, which meant the province now had an established population.
But the committee only did so for counties bordering Maine.
"The wild turkey is now a non-native resident, with a self-sustaining population, in the western counties of New Brunswick bordering Maine," said the committee in the minutes of their November meeting.
"The status of isolated populations of wild turkey outside those counties remains unclear."
400 turkey tags up for grabs
At least 400 turkey tags are going to be up for grabs in a lottery. And any New Brunswick resident will be able to apply for the draw, even those who don't live in zones that allow turkey hunting. For the first season at least, there will be no non-resident permits.Anyone receiving a tag will also need to complete a training course on turkey hunting.
The wild turkey hunt would've taken place in five wildlife management zones of the province. This would've included the Minto and Chipman areas, both in Queens County, which doesn't border Maine.

Turkeys likely raised in captivity are showing up in various backyards and some suspect it is no accident. 0:59
There are up to 80,000 wild turkeys in the state of Maine.
"It's going to be a great sport," Smith said.
With files from Jordan Gill
David Amos
Methinks Minister Mikey don't seem so Happy Happy Happy today Just wait until he finally does his other job and finally pays attention to the latest info about the Strawman Report created by the EUB for the benefit of their buddies and his minions in NB Power N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Methinks Terry Smith, president of the Canadian Wild Turkey Federation should ask his buddy Minister Mikey to hire a Yankee consultant to create a Straw Man report just like his minions in the EUB and NB Power did N'esy Pas?
Ben Haroldson
Tough old birds aren't worth the trouble.
David Amos
Reply to @Ben
Haroldson: Methinks the ghost of old Sgt York and many of my Yankee
Hillbilly friends agree that those clever old birds are a lot of fun for
fellow long beards to hunt N'esy Pas?
Kyle Woodman
Introducing non native birds. Brilliant.
David Amos
Reply to @Kyle Woodman: Hence why not hunt them?
Steve Ryan
Well I'm sure China can send over some low priced turkeys, in time for Thanksgiving.
David Amos
Reply to @Steve Ryan: Trust that it just would not be the same
Norman Hall
COVID-19 appears to be Nature’s way of hitting the reset button in hopes that the human race can rethink some of the negative things we are doing to our planet.
David Amos
Reply to @Norman Hall: Dream on
Ron Linda
The turkeys are mostly in Ottawa - when they are rarely working. We need to cull the deer as well.
David Amos
Reply to @Ron Linda: True but only the deer downtown
David Amos
Content disabled
Methinks Minister Mikey and the Yankee turkeys are relieved to see SarahRose Werner's comical comment go poof N'esy Pas?
Content disabled
I bet the turkeys are relieved!
I bet the turkeys are relieved!
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Methinks their Yankee buddies are too I would lay odds that a lot are sneaking across the border right now N'esy Pas?
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Methinks their Yankee buddies are too I would lay odds that a lot are sneaking across the border right now N'esy Pas?
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)" <Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 14:05:59 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Yo Minister Mikey a "Long Beard" just called
a few of your hunting buddies Methinks its not fair for CBC to support
the liberal agenda I bet your buddies don't think so either N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for taking the time to write to us.
Due to the high volume of emails that we receive daily, please note
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(506) 453-2144.
Thank you.
Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.
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E3B 5H1
Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
Email/Courriel: premier@gnb.ca/premier.
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Moore, Rob - M.P." <Rob.Moore@parl.gc.ca>
Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 14:06:00 +0000
Subject: Thank you for your email
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
On behalf of the Honourable Rob Moore, P.C., M.P. thank you for your
email. Our office appreciates the time you took to get in touch with
our office. Due to the high volume of email correspondence our office
receives, below is a guide on how your email will be responded to:
Constituent of Fundy Royal:
The constituents of Fundy Royal are our office’s priority. Please
ensure to include your full contact details on your email and the
appropriate staff will be able to action your request. We strive to
ensure all constituent correspondence is responded to in a timely
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If your question or concern is time sensitive, please call our office:
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If you have sent meeting request or an event invitation, we sincerely
appreciate the kind request and we will check his availability to see
if his schedule can accommodate.
Invitations for Fundy Royal are managed in the riding office and
Ottawa based events and meetings are managed from the Parliamentary
office. The appropriate staff will follow up on your request.
Non-Constituent Enquiries:
If you are not a Fundy Royal resident, given the high volume of emails
we receive, your email will be reviewed and filed as INFORMATION. If
the email is Critic portfolio in nature, it will be responded to as
Again, we sincerely appreciate you taking the time to contact the
office of the Honourable Rob Moore.
---------- Original message ----------
From: Andy.Fillmore@parl.gc.ca
Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 14:05:58 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Yo Minister Mikey a "Long Beard" just called
a few of your hunting buddies Methinks its not fair for CBC to support
the liberal agenda I bet your buddies don't think so either N'esy Pas?
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Hello, thank you for your email. Our office is currently receiving an
extraordinary volume of correspondence related to COVID-19.
** Priority will be given to constituents of Halifax. Please reply to
your original email with your postal code and we will reply as soon as
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financial support for individuals and businesses, visit
Thank you,
Office of Andy Fillmore
Member of Parliament for Halifax
---------- Original message ----------
From: Premier <PREMIER@novascotia.ca>
Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 14:06:09 +0000
Subject: Automatic Reply
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for your email to Premier McNeil. This is an automatic
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If you are experiencing symptoms, please use the COVID-19 online
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On April 18th and 19th, our province experienced an unimaginable
tragedy, in already difficult times.
To share your condolences, please visit StrongerTogetherNS on
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To contribute to the Stronger Together Nova Scotia Fund, created in
partnership with the Canadian Red Cross, visit redcross.ca and search
for the Stronger Together Nova Scotia Fund, or call 1-800-418-1111.
Kind Regards,
Premier’s Correspondence Team
---------- Original message ----------
From: Office of the Premier <scott.moe@gov.sk.ca>
Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 14:05:58 +0000
Subject: Thank you for your email
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
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---------- Original message ----------
From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <Premier@ontario.ca>
Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 14:05:59 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Yo Minister Mikey a "Long Beard" just called
a few of your hunting buddies Methinks its not fair for CBC to support
the liberal agenda I bet your buddies don't think so either N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.
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Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
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Merci encore pour votre courriel.
---------- Original message ----------
From: Office of the Premier <Premier@gov.ab.ca>
Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 14:06:09 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Yo Minister Mikey a "Long Beard" just called
a few of your hunting buddies Methinks its not fair for CBC to support
the liberal agenda I bet your buddies don't think so either N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for contacting the Premier of Alberta.
Since May 1, the Alberta government has been moving forward with a
plan to reopen businesses and services and get people back to work.
Information about Alberta’s COVID-19 relaunch strategy is available
As we roll out this plan, it is essential that Albertans continue to
follow the direction of public health officials and take all
precautionary measures to keep themselves and others safe.
For the latest and most accurate information about financial relief
and government programs and services related to the COVID-19 response,
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If you have specific questions, call 310-4455 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
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From: Newsroom <newsroom@globeandmail.com>
Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 14:05:59 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Yo Minister Mikey a "Long Beard" just called
a few of your hunting buddies Methinks its not fair for CBC to support
the liberal agenda I bet your buddies don't think so either N'esy Pas?
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From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)" <fin.minfinance-financemin.
Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 14:06:04 +0000
Subject: RE: Yo Minister Mikey a "Long Beard" just called a few of
your hunting buddies Methinks its not fair for CBC to support the
liberal agenda I bet your buddies don't think so either N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
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---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 11:05:54 -0300
Subject: Yo Minister Mikey a "Long Beard" just called a few of your
hunting buddies Methinks its not fair for CBC to support the liberal
agenda I bet your buddies don't think so either N'esy Pas?
To: "Holland, Mike (LEG)" <mike.holland@gnb.ca>, "blaine.higgs"
<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, "robert.gauvin" <robert.gauvin@gnb.ca>,
"Roger.L.Melanson" <roger.l.melanson@gnb.ca>, "rick.desaulniers"
<rick.desaulniers@gnb.ca>, "robert.mckee" <robert.mckee@gnb.ca>,
keatonblack92@gmail.com, tsmith@cwtf.ca, info@cwtf.ca, "Katie.Telford"
<Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, premier <premier@ontario.ca>, premier
<premier@gov.ab.ca>, premier <premier@gnb.ca>, "Bill.Morneau"
<Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>, "Bill.Blair" <Bill.Blair@parl.gc.ca>, Press
<Press@bankofengland.co.uk>, Office of the Premier
<scott.moe@gov.sk.ca>, PREMIER <PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>, "PETER.MACKAY"
(JAG/JPG)" <Andrea.AndersonMason@gnb.ca>, "andrew.scheer"
<andrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca>, "Andy.Fillmore"
<Andy.Fillmore@parl.gc.ca>, "Andrew.Harvey" <andrew.harvey@gnb.ca>,
"Baumberg, Andrew" <Andrew.Baumberg@cas-satj.gc.
<andre@jafaust.com>, "Davidc.Coon" <Davidc.Coon@gmail.com>,
briangallant10 <briangallant10@gmail.com>, BrianThomasMacdonald
AgentMargaritaville <AgentMargaritaville@
<pm@pm.gc.ca>, martine.turcotte@bell.ca, jkee <jkee@google.com>,
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, "Kevin.Vickers"
<Kevin.Vickers@gnb.ca>, "Arseneau, Kevin (LEG)"
<kevin.a.arseneau@gnb.ca>, "kris.austin" <kris.austin@gnb.ca>,
"megan.yamoah" <megan.yamoah@globalnews.ca>, "steve.murphy"
<steve.murphy@ctv.ca>, "Ross.Wetmore" <Ross.Wetmore@gnb.ca>, "Robert.
Jones" <Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>, "carl.urquhart" <carl.urquhart@gnb.ca>,
"Chuck.Thompson" <Chuck.Thompson@cbc.ca>
Does the lawyer Martine Turcotte or her pal Mikey Duffy or anyone else
remember when the Liberals locked the CBC employees out in 2005?
If not scroll down for a little Deja Vu care of Higgy's blogging buddy
Chucky Leblanc's old blog
David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks Minister Mikey don't seem so Happy Happy Happy today Just
wait until folks pay attention to the Strawman Report created by the
EUB for the benefit of his minions in NB Power N'esy Pas?
#nbpoli #cdnpoli
Province's first turkey hunt pushed back to 2021
The province's first wild turkey hunt was supposed to start this week
Elizabeth Fraser · CBC News · Posted: May 14, 2020 12:44 PM AT
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Excerpt from CTV.ca, Canada on Sep 27, 2005 of news by the Canadian Press
"CBC employees in Quebec and Moncton, N.B., are not affected by the lockout.
Information pickets set up early in the day under pouring rain didn't try to stop Prime Minister Paul Martin or Adrienne Clarkson, the Governor General, as they headed in for a morning news conference on Parliament Hill.
Clarkson, who will be replaced Tuesday by Michaelle Jean, governor-general designate, leaned out of her car to speak with CBC pickets.
At the rally, locked-out workers presented petitions signed by thousands of CBC fans calling for an end to the labour dispute.
Heritage Minister Liza Frulla acknowledged the anger of the Canadian public, telling the rally that cabinet ministers have been hearing demands that something be done to get the network back in business.
"All summer, we had messages from the population out there, messages from all through Canada, saying how they miss you," she told the rally. "
twomech@nb.sympatico.ca wrote:
From: twomech@nb.sympatico.ca
To: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Hey Duffy I know why Dr. Hamm quit and why dog MacKay don't hunt in Nova Scotia
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 20:00:42 -0400
Please remove me from your mailing list. Thank you.
> From: David Amos
> Date: 2005/09/30 Fri AM 08:40:44 EST
> To: duffy@ctv.ca, martine.turcotte@bell.ca, news@ctv.ca, am@ctv.ca,
> diane.bourque@flsc.ca, jcrosbie@pattersonpalmer.ca,
> gbyrne@pattersonpalmer.ca, corp.website@sunlife.com,
> cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca, shickman@pattersonpalmer.ca,
> lrikleen@Bowditch.com, John.Conyers@mail.house.gov, smay@pattersonpalmer.ca,
> bmosher@mosherchedore.ca, carterweb@emory.edu, Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us,
Hey Lady Liza Frulla
I got the following response from the email I just sent to one of your underlings Ms. Macphee so I called the number she suggested and got the usual governmental voicemail from her help so I left a message. I got a call back just now from her assistant at 819 997-0313. I told her that I would send this email to you and she affirmed my right to do so. However when she attempted to lay down the law to me, I told her I would see her in court. I prefer to argue their lawyers in court rather than spit and chew with civil servants on the phone on my dime. More importantly to me is that I responded to you her Minister byway of email because I require hard copy for evidence to use during the pending arguments of the complaint against the Crown that I do intend to file in Federal Court in Fredericton New Brunswick soon. I am sending you two more emails after this one because my lawyer advised awhile ago to try hard to make my matters well none to the media. From this point forward as the Minister who oversees the CRTC who can never saw that you did not know what many other have known for quite sometime. For what is worth in my humble opinion if you play your political cards right you could be our first Lady Prime Minister.
I will give you Ms. Frulla the weekend to respond to me before I send this particular email to many others but many others will be receiving what Ms. Macphee aready got. I do not care what her assistant Ms Gable may think. She can gab to somebody else about what she wishes to inform me of. I have done my homework and need no advice from the likes of her. What Ms. Gable may not understand about me is that unlike Paul Martin I am a man of my word. I am just like him in one regard. I am also a very fierce political animal who is is equal and opposite in all things that define men. Martin is evil. I am not. Martin is a very wealthy lawyer. I am a just poor layman. Martin is labeled as Honourable and I am called as crazy as a loon. However I am a man Martin is not. He is a snake. I am indeed a very Proud Canadian who is definitely not proud of the people who speak for me. Get it Ms. Frulla?
As Minister Responsible for Status of Women, you really should make certain that the integrity of all women in government does not come into question. From my point of view some women such as the Yankee Judges, Sidney Hanlon, Paula Carey and Cristina Harms for example do much harm to the reputation of your gender. What they have done to my little family in the USA in order to support the rampant public corruption in Canada and the USA should offend anyone with half a mind at all. My wife is a woman too after all. She has never done any wrong at all. Her only offence to the justice system was to stand against the politcally connected family members who had stolen her interests because no lawyer would dare speak for her. When she had her breakdown I took up the fight as any proud husband and father should. It is not only my right but my duty to protect my little Clan. The biggest difference in our genders is that men are not so quick to cry or back down from any bully. My wife is a very tender soul while I can be as mean as a the snake Paul Martin is.
The New World of the Internet has afforded me quite a weapon to do battle with against the likes of Paul Martin and all his crooked cohorts. There is still a place in this Old World for a fierce ethical warrior such as I. Otherwise crooked men and women who are merely low people in high places to me will walk all over us common ordinary folk. I am no physical threat to anyone. I do battle with the word not the sword. It is mightier. Anyone who once worked for CBC should understand that simple fact.
Furthermore this email is definitely not Spam. I am greatly offended when the powers that be label it as such and block it to protect their own greedy interests. Whether you or anyone else believe me or not, my communications are in the best interest of the public. I feel confident that it is much to the chagrin of the people who have failed the public trust in their elected and politically appointed positions. I suspect that is why Nancy Gabler sounded so pissed off just like the tone of Hélène Lapointe's email to me . Rest assured many Canadians will be reading this email after I sent it to you. It is me on the phone to your office right now after that I am putting a bunch of material in the mail and serving many lawyers in hand. My phone call is an ethical effort to introduce myself in order to prove to you that I am sincere.
I know what I have sent to many Members of Parliament during the course of the past two years and I keep very good record to prove simple truths. For certain you just made my list of people who may be naughty or nice. After Xmas Martin must see that Gomery tells his tale and the Canadian people will decide once again who they think is naughty and nice. As as the freedom loving individual that I am I will decide long before then in the hope that my opinions become well known before an election is called. Whereas the people cannot depend on the CBC etc. to report all things of public interest, I will rely on the Blog.
I have no doubt whatsoever that your buddies within the CBC reported heavily your run for a seat in Parliament last year. As one of our newest Ministers besides Belinda Stronach ask them for your own education why the CBC failed in their mandate to report my bid for a seat as well. Better yet if you want to have fun take it out with the nasty dudes inside the warroom of the PCO/PMO offices. I will wager my name is the biggest curse word in Parliament right now. I am certain that is why it is not said over the airwaves or put in print. From now on at least you can never say that you did not know my name too.
I am begging ya, please do not be like two other women who once worked for the CBC Adrienne Clarkson and Michaelle Jean. Nobody is that dumb. They must have deliberatly ignored my laments because Paul Martin directed them to. May I suggest that you read this entire email from the point of view of an ethical Minister in charge of the public interest of the Canadian people? Please do the right thing despite what the leader of your party may wish. If not as you talk the talk on TV etc in the coming months about the doings of CBC and Parliament etc I will walk the walk and complain of many politicans in court. History has proven that in the end the truth usually wins out even if it is ignored in court in the present tense.
By the way guess who is campaigning hard for a fall election? To have an election on Boxing Day is righteously fine by me. I ain't religious. Ask the Holy See or George W. Bush why. I dare ya.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
----- Original Message -----
> > > > From: "McKnight, Gisele" McKnight.Gisele@kingscorecord.com
> > > > To: lcampenella@ledger.com
> > > > Cc:motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com
> > > Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 2:53 PM
> > > > Subject: David Amos
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > Hello Lisa,
> > > > > David Amos asked me to contact you. I met him last June after he
> > became
> > > an
> > > > > independent (not representing any political party) candidate in our
> > > > federal
> > > > > election that was held June 28.
> > > > >
> > > > > He was a candidate in our constituency of Fundy (now called
> > > Fundy-Royal).
> > > > I
> > > > > wrote a profile story about him, as I did all other candidates. That
> > > story
> > > > > appeared in the Kings County Record June 22. A second story, written
> > by
> > > > one
> > > > > of my reporters, appeared on the same date, which was a report on
> the
> > > > > candidates' debate held June 18.
> > > > >
> > > > > As I recall David Amos came last of four candidates in the election.
> > The
> > > > > winner got 14,997 votes, while Amos got 358.
> > > > >
> > > > > I have attached the two stories that appeared, as well as a photo
> > taken
> > > by
> > > > > reporter Erin Hatfield during the debate. I couldn't find the photo
> > that
> > > > > ran, but this one is very similar.
> > > > >
> > > > > Gisele McKnight
> > > > > editor A1-debate A1-amos,David for MP 24.doc debate
> > > > > Kings County Record
> > > > > Sussex, New Brunswick
> > > > > Canada
> > > > > 506-433-1070
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
Raising a Little Hell- Lively Debate Provokes Crowd
By Erin Hatfield
"If you don't like what you got, why don't you change it? If your world is all screwed up, rearrange it."
The 1979 Trooper song Raise a Little Hell blared on the speakers at the 8th Hussars Sports Center Friday evening as people filed in to watch the Fundy candidates debate the issues. It was an accurate, if unofficial, theme song for the debate.
The crowd of over 200 spectators was dwarfed by the huge arena, but as they chose their seats, it was clear the battle lines were drawn. Supporters of Conservative candidate Rob Moore naturally took the blue chairs on the right of the rink floor while John Herron's Liberalswent left. There were splashes of orange, supporters of NDP Pat Hanratty, mixed throughout. Perhaps the loudest applause came from a row towards the back, where supporters of independent candidate David Amos sat.
The debate was moderated by Leo Melanson of CJCW Radio and was organized by the Sussex Valley Jaycees. Candidates wereasked a barrage of questions bypanelists Gisele McKnight of the Kings County Record and Lisa Spencer of CJCW.
Staying true to party platforms for the most part, candidates responded to questions about the gun registry, same sex marriage, the exodus of young people from the Maritimes and regulated gas prices. Herron and Moore were clear competitors,constantly challenging each other on their answers and criticizing eachothers’ party leaders. Hanratty flew under the radar, giving short, concise responses to the questions while Amos provided some food for thought and a bit of comic relief with quirky answers. "I was raised with a gun," Amos said in response to the question of thenational gun registry. "Nobody's getting mine and I'm not paying 10 cents for it."
Herron, a Progressive Conservative MP turned Liberal, veered from his party'splatform with regard to gun control. "It was ill advised but well intentioned," Herron said. "No matter what side of the house I am on, I'm voting against it." Pat Hanratty agreed there were better places for the gun registry dollars to be spent.Recreational hunters shouldn't have been penalized by this gun registry," he said.
The gun registry issues provoked the tempers of Herron and Moore. At one point Herron got out of his seat and threw a piece of paper in front of Moore. "Read that," Herron said to Moore, referring to the voting record of Conservative Party leader Steven Harper. According to Herron, Harper voted in favour of the registry on the first and second readings of the bill in 1995. "He voted against it when it counted, at final count," Moore said. "We needa government with courage to register sex offenders rather than register the property of law abiding citizens."
The crowd was vocal throughout the evening, with white haired men and women heckling from the Conservative side. "Shut up John," one woman yelled. "How can you talk about selling out?" a man yelled whenHerron spoke about his fear that the Conservatives are selling farmers out.
Although the Liberal side was less vocal, Kings East MLA Leroy Armstrong weighed in at one point. "You’re out of touch," Armstrong yelled to Moore from the crowd when the debate turned to the cost of post-secondary education. Later in the evening Amos challenged Armstrong to a public debate of their own. "Talk is cheap. Any time, anyplace," Armstrong responded.
As the crowd made its way out of the building following the debate, candidates worked the room. They shook hands with well-wishers and fielded questions from spectators-all part of the decision-making process for the June 28 vote.
Cutline – David Amos, independent candidate in Fundy, with some of his favourite possessions—motorcycles.
The Unconventional Candidate
David Amos Isn’t Campaigning For Your Vote, But….
By Gisele McKnight
FUNDY—He has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle."
Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballot—David Amos.
The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from running for office in Canada.
One has only to be at least 18, a Canadian citizen and not be in jail to meet Elections Canada requirements.
When it came time to launch his political crusade, Amos chose his favourite place to do so—Fundy.
Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his dissatisfaction with politicians.
"I’ve become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum."
The journey that eventually led Amos to politics began in Sussex in 1987. He woke up one morning disillusioned with life and decided he needed to change his life.
"I lost my faith in mankind," he said. "People go through that sometimes in midlife."
So Amos, who’d lived in Sussex since 1973, closed his Four Corners motorcycle shop, paid his bills and hit the road with Annie, his 1952 Panhead motorcycle.
"Annie and I rode around for awhile (three years, to be exact) experiencing the milk of human kindness," he said. "This is how you renew your faith in mankind – you help anyone you can, you never ask for anything, but you take what they offer."
For those three years, they offered food, a place to sleep, odd jobs and conversation all over North America.
Since he and Annie stopped wandering, he has married, fathered a son and a daughter and become a house-husband – Mr. Mom, as he calls himself.
He also describes himself in far more colourful terms—a motorcyclist rather than a biker, a "fun-loving, free-thinking, pig-headed individual," a "pissed-off Maritimer" rather than an activist, a proud Canadian and a "wild colonial boy."
Ironically, the man who is running for office has never voted in his life.
"But I have no right to criticize unless I offer my name," he said. "It’s alright to bitch in the kitchen, but can you walk the walk?"
Amos has no intention of actively campaigning.
"I didn’t appreciate it when they (politicians) pounded on my door interrupting my dinner," he said. "If people are interested, they can call me. I’m not going to drive my opinions down their throats."
And he has no campaign budget, nor does he want one.
"I won’t take any donations," he said. "Just try to give me some. It’s not about money. It goes against what I’m fighting about."
What he’s fighting for is the discussion of issues – tainted blood, the exploitation of the Maritimes’ gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to name a few.
"The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs – fishing, farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I’m death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it (NAFTA) out the window.
NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico.
Amos disagrees with the idea that a vote for him is a wasted vote.
"There are no wasted votes," he said. "I want people like me, especially young people, to pay attention and exercise their right. Don’t necessarily vote for me, but vote."
Although…if you’re going to vote anyway, Amos would be happy to have your X by his name.
"I want people to go into that voting booth, see my name, laugh and say, ‘what the hell.’"
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