---------- Original message ----------
From: Premier <PREMIER@novascotia.ca>
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2022 22:15:29 +0000
Subject: Thank you for your email
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for your email to Premier Houston. This is an automatic
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Thank you,
Premier’s Correspondence Team
Atlantic premiers say decision needed soon from Ottawa on regional energy corridor
Premiers call for clarity on Atlantic Loop timeline as climate targets, energy needs loom
Atlantic Canada's premiers are looking for a decision soon from Ottawa on a proposed Atlantic Loop energy corridor, noting Wednesday that it will take time to get the massive project built and climate targets are looming.
The estimated $5-billion loop proposal would connect the four provinces to hydroelectricity from Quebec and Labrador and is seen as a key part of an alternative energy mix for the region.
Following a meeting in Pictou, N.S., host Premier Tim Houston told reporters that although talks are ongoing, the premiers need word on how or if the project can proceed.
"Time is passing," said Houston. "We need to make sure we have clarity from the federal government on their timelines and of course their financial commitment."
Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Andrew Furey said the project needs to start "fairly quickly" because of its size and scope, adding his province can speak from its experience in getting the Muskrat Falls hydroelectric project up and running.
"They don't happen overnight," Furey said of megaprojects. "They need significant due diligence, they need planning, they need engineering and then they need the actual construction time."
He said it's time for a clearer plan as all provinces strive to meet aggressive climate emissions targets. "And if those goals are aspirational and not achievable, then we need to be realistic with the public as well," he said.
Furey added the provinces also need to be open-minded about alternative energy sources because the loop is only a "piece of the puzzle" when it comes to addressing energy needs and climate change.
Atlantic Loop would expand the electrical grid connections between
Quebec and New Brunswick and New Brunswick and Nova Scotia to provide
greater access to renewable electricity, like hydro from Quebec. (CBC)
A study released last month by the Halifax-based Ecology Action Centre backed that notion, pointing out that although the loop is important in meeting future energy demand, the region needs a balanced approach.
The study noted a mix of renewable energy would be particularly important for Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, which are the only two provinces in the region that still have coal-fired generating plants. Both provinces have committed to phasing out their coal-fired generation by 2030.
But New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs warned that his province is facing double-digit increases in electrical costs in the coming years, and there has to be room for such things as liquefied natural gas and offshore oil and gas before a full switch to green energy.
"We are seeing a renewed interest to look at some of the traditional energy sources just to get us through this patch," Higgs said.
Other regional issues
During their meeting, the premiers also discussed issues such as the rising cost of living, immigration and health care.
Prince Edward Island Premier Dennis King said talks continue on how best to share health-care resources at a time when all systems are challenged by increased wait times and shortages of medical professionals, including doctors and nurses.
"We have always been for an Atlantic approach to the overall delivery of health care," King said. "We rely on it."
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
Dr. Larry Hughes is a professor at Dalhousie University where he teaches undergraduate Computer Engineering courses and an interdisciplinary graduate course in energy systems analysis. His research interests focus on the means by which a jurisdiction can identify, quantify, and mitigate the risks to the energy security of its energy system while transforming to a low-carbon economy.
He has written reports on electric vehicles for Nova Scotia Power and been an intervener at several UARB hearings on electricity rates and the Maritime Link.
Dr. Hughes has published in academic journals including Applied Energy, Energy, and Energy Policy, and the mainstream media, such as the Globe and Mail and Policy Options. He is often quoted in the media and his research has influenced energy policy in Nova Scotia. Dr. Hughes has a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne in the U.K.
In his own words
Why does policy matter?
Policy matters because it describes a plan or course of action for an entity to follow to meet or achieve certain goals. Ideally, both policy and the entity are able to adapt to changing circumstances.
For example, in an industrial or post-industrial society, energy policies govern the actions of an energy system so that it can provide customers with access to an uninterrupted, affordable supply of energy that is considered socially, politically, or environmentally acceptable.
What do you hope to accomplish during your time as a founding fellow?
For much of the 20th century, global economic growth has been coupled with emissions intensive energy-sources. In a time when emissions reduction has become critical, jurisdictions will need to develop policies that maintain economic wellbeing while decoupling their economies from these energy sources.
As a Founding Fellow, I intend to apply my background in systems and energy security to develop and analyze different policy scenarios that can assist jurisdictions in approaches to emissions decoupling.
The MacEachen Institute for Public Policy and Governance is a collaboration between Dalhousie's Faculties of Arts & Social Sciences, Law and Management, as well as the Office of the Vice-President, Research.
The Institute's Governing Council provides oversight and supports Institute leadership in the development of the Institute’s strategic direction.
The Institute's Scholarly Director identifies key strategic research directions and priorities for the Institute.
---------- Original message ----------
From: Margot Cragg <margot.cragg@umnb.ca>
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2022 13:54:13 -0700
Subject: Auto-reply/Réponse automatique Re: NB Power - 2022 Rate
Design Application What about Mon Ami???
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Thank you for your email. My last day at UMNB was May 11, 2021. It has
been a pleasure & privilege working for New Brunswick’s
* General questions: Contact info@umnb.ca or 506-444-2285
* Executive Director: Contact Dan Murphy at dan.murphy@umnb.ca
Merci pour votre courriel. Mon dernier jour de travail à l'UMNB était le
11 mai 2021. Ce fut un plaisir et un privilège de travailler pour les
municipalités du Nouveau-Brunswick.
* Questions générales : Contactez info@umnb.ca ou 506-444-2285
* Directeur général : Contactez Dan Murphy à dan.murphy@umnb.ca
*Margot Cragg* Executive Director | Directrice générale
Union of the Municipalities of New Brunswick | Union des municipalités du
302-259 rue Brunswick St., Fredericton NB E3B 1G8 | Tel: (506) 444-2285 |
Cell: (506) 476-5641 | www.umnb.ca
<david.russell@gnb.ca>, "david.sollows@gnb.ca" <david.sollows@gnb.ca>,
"Doyle Creber, Bonnie Chandler" <BDoyleCreber@nbpower.com>, "Porter,
George" <George.Porter@nbpower.com>, "gerald@kissnb.com"
<gerald@kissnb.com>, "Gibson, Kevin" <KevGibson@nbpower.com>,
<hanrahan.dion@jdirving.com>, "heather.black@gnb.ca"
<heather.black@gnb.ca>, "Hunter, Blake" <BHunter@nbpower.com>,
"jeff.garrett@sjenergy.com" <jeff.garrett@sjenergy.com>,
<JGagnon@nbpower.com>, "John.Lawton@nbeub.ca" <John.Lawton@nbeub.ca>,
Katherine McBrearty <Katherine.McBrearty@nbeub.ca>
"leducjr@nb.sympatico.ca" <leducjr@nb.sympatico.ca>,
"len.hoyt@mcinnescooper.com" <len.hoyt@mcinnescooper.com>, "Lockhart,
Brent" <BLockhart@nbpower.com>, "louis-philippe.gauthier@cfib.
<AMacNevin@nbpower.com>, "margot.cragg@umnb.ca"
<margot.cragg@umnb.ca>, "McKay, Pam" <PMcKay@nbpower.com>,
John" <RMeng@nbpower.com>, "Michael.Dickie@nbeub.ca"
<Michael.Dickie@nbeub.ca>, "Mitchell, Kathleen"
<Kathleen.Mitchell@nbeub.ca>, "Murray, Carol" <CaMurray@nbpower.com>,
"pierreroy@edmundston.ca" <pierreroy@edmundston.ca>,
"pzarnett@bdrenergy.com" <pzarnett@bdrenergy.com>,
"ray.robinson@sjenergy.com" <ray.robinson@sjenergy.com>,
"rdk@indecon.com" <rdk@indecon.com>, "rrichard@nb.aibn.com"
<rrichard@nb.aibn.com>, "rzarumba@ceadvisors.com"
<rzarumba@ceadvisors.com>, "sstoll@airdberlis.com"
<sstoll@airdberlis.com>, "Stevenson, Veronique Janie"
<VStevenson@nbpower.com>, "sussexsharingclub@nb.aibn.com
<DUrquhart@nbpower.com>, Veronique Otis <Veronique.Otis@nbeub.ca>,
"Watson, Berit" <BeWatson@nbpower.com>, "Young, Dave"
Cc: "Murphy, Darren" <DaMurphy@nbpower.com>, "Porter, George"
<George.Porter@nbpower.com>, "Crawford, Brad" <BCrawford@nbpower.com>,
"Waycott, Stephen" <SWaycott@nbpower.com>, NBP Regulatory
<NBPRegulatory@nbpower.com>, "Gordon, Laura" <LGordon@nbpower.com>,
John Furey <JohnFurey@fureylegal.com>, "Gagnon, Jessica Lynn"
<JGagnon@nbpower.com>, NBEUB/CESPNB <General@nbeub.ca>
NB Power has filed its Rate Design Application with the New Brunswick
Energy and Utilities Board.
Please be advised that we have uploaded the documents identified as
numbers 01 through 40 as per the attached Master List of Filing
Documents onto the NBEUB FTP site.
To access the documents please visit the following site using the
log-in information provided below:
Account: Applicant
Password: 5AL36vg$
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to respond to this email.
Corporate Regulatory Affairs
T: 506.458.4209
C: 506.282.2381
nbpower.com | energienb.com
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June 28, 2022
Ms. Kathleen Mitchell Chief Clerk
New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board
P.O. Box 5001
15 Market Square, Suite 1400 Saint John, NB
E2L 4Y9
Dear Ms. Mitchell:
Re: NB Power – 2022 Rate Design Application
Pursuant to Section 130 of the Electricity Act, SNB 2013 c.7, and the New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board (the “Board”) decision of August 4, 2020, as varied by the Board’s decision of June 16, 2021, New Brunswick Power Corporation ("NB Power") respectfully files its Notice of Application and Evidence with the Board in respect of NB Power's 2022 Rate Design application.
Concurrent with this filing, NB Power is providing a copy of its Application and Evidence to participants in Matter 357 and participants in the Board’s 2019/20 rate design stakeholder process.
In compliance with the provisions of Rule 6.4.3 of the Board’s Rules of Procedure, NB Power would draw to the Board's attention the filing of expert evidence by industry experts, together with the CV of each, as follows:
1. Christensen Associates Energy Consulting, LLC (Bruce R. Chapman) – Appendix C – Business Customer Rate Categorization Alternatives, Appendix D - Review of NB Power Proposals for Farms, Churches, and Charitable Organizations, Appendix E – Review of NB Power Proposal for Premises with Lodging, Appendix W – Memorandum – Net Zero Rate Design, Appendix X – Rate Design Alternatives for Distributed Energy Resources with Storage, and Appendix Y – Rate Design Alternatives to Support Distributed Energy Resources
2. DNV Energy Insights USA, Inc. (Claude Godin, Curt D. Puckett) – Appendix N – Load Research Analysis Report for Nov. 2019-Oct. 2020, Appendix O – Load Research Re-Invigoration Status Report 2022, and Appendix P – Load Research Report Analysis of FY22
The evidence of each of these industry experts is based on their review of the application materials and the records and decisions of this Board in previous proceedings (as relevant) and their own calculations and determinations, all as more particularly described in their evidence.
NB Power will seek to have Bruce R. Chapman qualified as an expert in the design and pricing of retail electricity products and the evaluation of costing and pricing methodologies. His CV can be found in Appendix Z-1a. In addition, an Expert Witness Acknowledgement form signed by Mr. Chapman is included as Appendix Z-1b. Mr. Chapman has been previously qualified in the same or similar areas of expertise by other administrative tribunals or courts in the United States and Canada.
NB Power will seek to have Claude Gaudin and/or Curt D. Puckett qualified as expert in load research methodologies and implementation, meter data acquisition, meter data management, and energy analytics. Their respective CVs can be found in Appendix Z-2a and Z-2b. In addition, Expert Witness Acknowledgement forms signed by each of Mr. Gaudin and Mr. Puckett are included as Appendix Z-3a and Z-3b, respectively. Mr. Gaudin and Mr. Puckett have been previously qualified in the same or similar areas of expertise by the Board.
NB Power has attached a proposed hearing and filing schedule for the consideration of the Board and interested parties.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the material being filed, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at swaycott@nbpower.com or 506-429-2216.
Yours truly,
Stephen A. Waycott
Director, Corporate Compliance and Regulatory Affairs
NB Power
515 Rue King Street, Fredericton, NB Canada E3B 4X1
T 506.458.4444 F 506.458.6880 www.energienb.com | www.nbpower.com