3.44K subscribers
Julia RockI’d say he is down 10 LBs from yesterday.
mary sauergood morning guys
J J@Juila thanks
Hollygood morning
Chiang LoveI hope you know how much we appreciate you, Seamus
SadMafiosoMorning all.
Granny LindaGood morning Seamus
Peter Byker@Chiang Love we're so much stronger together 
JaimeGood morning all! Hi Seamus!
Jayme ReneeMornin Seamus!
Oh DearGood Moring all 
Becca AQuestion , who replaced campbell and leather in ns ?
J JI'm popular in touching nerves it seems, I'm now insensitive according to a Twitter dm...blahaha
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersBC RCMP needs Glen Mason snack king so their officers don't get caught by the public
nikki lewisjust a saying, nothing more lol
Jayme ReneeGot it lol.
wendy wongMorning 
Rebecca Jones
ckgood morning all
lilybalm66good morning all
InvasiononeMorning all
CON-CANgood morning everyone. God bless you all
NovaScotiaFreckles Yup working but not until 11!
SadMafiosoLive Chat puts in chronological order. Probably a go idea to do so.
InvasiononeTop Chat filters out certain messages for whatever reason. Live Chat shows all chat.
J JTara 
JaimeHi Tara
NovaScotiaFreckles Glen mason and the snacks
Jayme ReneeIs there a place to send info Seamus?
Truth InAllThumbs up!
Brenda GrantGood morning CON-CAN
Ash Lunncross examination BETTER be good today
InvasiononeI’ve never seen the porn bots get filtered out by the Top Chat. Makes sense. 

J J@Julia Rock I'm getting my creative writing juju flowing with a warm up J

NovaScotiaFreckles Not to be rude but is he sick? Leather I mean.
Julia Rock@JJ you are my other half I swear. Lol. Me too.
NovaScotiaFreckles “Other things being smoked in here”
you make me laugh Seamus
Chiang LoveSending good vibes to you @CON-CAN can’t be easy sitting through that in person. Stay strong!
NovaScotiaFreckles Thinking of you Tara
J J@Julia Rock we should arrange our own round table session blahaha
Peter BykerGood morning @Tara, here's hoping for a Great day of cross examination, cheers
Nosy ScotianMorning all. In the office today. Hope I can keep up 
Julia RockToxins can kill. Hope he releases his guilt.
NovaScotiaFreckles You are right though. It will start impacting their health.
MHhang dog expression and poor body slumping
K Tibbittshi all
J Jstress can cause several body functions to be effected, it's so bizarre what happens if you don't address it
Peter BykerGPS evidence has been entered, and now we finally have a more trustworthy timeline of events!
MHmore palatable with you
NovaScotiaFreckles Oh dear did you figure out what that stuff was from yesterday?
UncleBlazerMorning all
J Jno mask Stanton
J Jcovid scare?
UncleBlazerAnother day with half Leather
J JGod bless 23
Little Grey CellsGood questions by Miss Young yesterday
Julia RockIs Stanton wearing her depend on her face again today?
Oh DearSeemed it was clips from their pros events @NovaScotiaFreckles But I could be wrong
J Joh a scheduled fancy
Ash Lunnlet the fireworks commence
Oh DearHalf an hour for everyone
InvasiononeTime to walk the walk, Mr. Scott. Represent your clients!
J J1.5 for one lawyer
Julia RockScott gets 1.5 hr. Josh @ hr.
NovaScotiaFreckles Interesting. You are so good with that stuff oh dear.
Julia RockJosh gets 1 hr.
Little Grey CellsNot weighted necessarily well
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbershousekeeping you mean sweeping the 23 and their families under the rug
Julia RockHe has a pad and a pen.
SadMafiosoLeather looks less frumpy in the black Blazer today.
Little Grey CellsTara and Scott's lawyer - 30 minutes
nikki lewishmm good
Little Grey CellsNo interference
YESSIuh oh
Little Grey CellsYES!
Julia RockGood first question.
Little Grey CellsThe phone call
JaimeGreat start!
MHLeather hang dog face and poor body language?
Little Grey CellsDidn't put in notebook
kelly blairGood morning
J Jhe should be wearing a pastels
better color for his completion and hair color
NovaScotiaFreckles He does look frumpy. I feel rude but he looked better with a few more LBs
nikki lewisstubmling on his words
Julia RockHe should be wearing orange.
J Jlittle somber today
Peter Bykerhey @Kelly 
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@Little Grey Cells perhaps Bryson or Tara's lawyer could ask Leather to explain CNIP to the MCC
SadMafiosoI thought it was that he was 'in custody'...
Little Grey CellsWhy did he have issues with truth in MCC interview less than 3 weeks ago
J J@Julia Rock Ligit
Oh DearWhy is no one mentioning that all that information was suppose to be with SIRT??
Ash Lunnhere come de'Bus
Little Grey CellsNot unheard of... CROPS ....yesterday
Becca AHaven’t heard from the other small tamale lawyer in a while , is that the one married to an rcmp officer ?
Little Grey CellsPat Curran quit as a result I believe
MHhang dog expression and poor body slumping
K Tibbittshi all
J Jstress can cause several body functions to be effected, it's so bizarre what happens if you don't address it
Peter BykerGPS evidence has been entered, and now we finally have a more trustworthy timeline of events!
MHmore palatable with you
NovaScotiaFreckles Oh dear did you figure out what that stuff was from yesterday?
UncleBlazerMorning all
J Jno mask Stanton
J Jcovid scare?
UncleBlazerAnother day with half Leather
J JGod bless 23
Little Grey CellsGood questions by Miss Young yesterday
Julia RockIs Stanton wearing her depend on her face again today?
Oh DearSeemed it was clips from their pros events @NovaScotiaFreckles But I could be wrong
J Joh a scheduled fancy
Ash Lunnlet the fireworks commence
Oh DearHalf an hour for everyone
InvasiononeTime to walk the walk, Mr. Scott. Represent your clients!
J J1.5 for one lawyer
Julia RockScott gets 1.5 hr. Josh @ hr.
NovaScotiaFreckles Interesting. You are so good with that stuff oh dear.
Julia RockJosh gets 1 hr.
Little Grey CellsNot weighted necessarily well
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbershousekeeping you mean sweeping the 23 and their families under the rug
Julia RockHe has a pad and a pen.
SadMafiosoLeather looks less frumpy in the black Blazer today.
Little Grey CellsTara and Scott's lawyer - 30 minutes
nikki lewishmm good
Little Grey CellsNo interference
YESSIuh oh
Little Grey CellsYES!
Julia RockGood first question.
Little Grey CellsThe phone call
JaimeGreat start!
MHLeather hang dog face and poor body language?
Little Grey CellsDidn't put in notebook
kelly blairGood morning
J Jhe should be wearing a pastels
better color for his completion and hair color
NovaScotiaFreckles He does look frumpy. I feel rude but he looked better with a few more LBs
nikki lewisstubmling on his words
Julia RockHe should be wearing orange.
J Jlittle somber today
Peter Bykerhey @Kelly 
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@Little Grey Cells perhaps Bryson or Tara's lawyer could ask Leather to explain CNIP to the MCC
SadMafiosoI thought it was that he was 'in custody'...
Little Grey CellsWhy did he have issues with truth in MCC interview less than 3 weeks ago
J J@Julia Rock Ligit
Oh DearWhy is no one mentioning that all that information was suppose to be with SIRT??
Ash Lunnhere come de'Bus
Little Grey CellsNot unheard of... CROPS ....yesterday
Becca AHaven’t heard from the other small tamale lawyer in a while , is that the one married to an rcmp officer ?
Little Grey CellsPat Curran quit as a result I believe
Becca AFemale
J Jwhen will they realize by looking into lisa could have avoided all of this embarrassment
Julia RockWhy extraordinary?
Incurable CollectorHe (spineless) should have told her to go through chain of Command, and hang up...
Little Grey CellsI detest that word... fulsome
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersimagine
a covert op so big they are willing to sacrifice the entire upper
echelon of the command triangle for the public face of RCMP
YESSImore frequent than daily ?
Julia RockDont recall. Let’s start a count.
J Jbuzz phase started I do not recall
MHbusted again
Little Grey CellsNeeds a lawyer
J Jyikes
J Jgrampie to chim in
Little Grey CellsWard
nikki lewishmmm
Peter Byker@Baylin, proof that nobody is irreplaceable, cheers!
Jayme ReneeWow!!!!!
nikki lewisuh oh DOJ can do nothing !!
J Jbreak..break..break
Little Grey CellsMAJOR Objection coming
Oh Dearhmmm what games are they playing now
J Jso he wants to speak
nikki lewisif he wants to waive thats his choice surely !
Jayme ReneeDo it Leather!!!
What TheHeckNSA late good morning to all
Rebecca Jonesboom ,,
NovaScotiaFreckles He just called him Campbell?
Little Grey CellsHMmmmmmm
NovaScotiaFreckles Or did I miss hear that? Lol
Little Grey CellsRetained his OWN counsel
J Jdrop the fancy words..get to it
Rebecca JonesCampbell?
Char DayzHi from Tara and I. 
NovaScotiaFreckles I noticed that too Rebecca
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumberslol MacDonald doesn't even know it's leather testifying is MacDonald smoking the Mexican catnip 

NovaScotiaFreckles Hey char and Tara 
Ash Lunntwo issues?
Hollymorning char and tara , wish I was there with you guys :(
Brenda GrantHi Char and Tara
NovaScotiaFreckles You didn’t make it over today holly?
Despicable!The screen is blurry today on LGC show. Anyone else experiencing that?
Becca AHe only cares about himself
Little Grey CellsPRAY FOR HIM
J Jsubmit your papers for retirement save your soul, speak the truth
Julia RockLies!
NovaScotiaFreckles I’ll be honest I would be afraid of the government too
Chiang LoveHe appears torn, imho
Little Grey Cells
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@J J his pension will be stapled to a gigantic NDA and his 3 oaths apply till death
Becca ALet’s not start throwing him bones , doesn’t deserve a crumb
NovaScotiaFreckles I think you were right LGC about the stress and weight loss by just looking at him.
Little Grey CellsThere is NO price for one's soul, Sir
Julia RockWonder if he slept last night?
Rebecca Jonesboom!!!
J J@Baylin how can a pension be withheld is he protected by a union or no
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersimagine the recommendations if Ottawa hired a 3rd party to do a review of the 4000 sexual assault victims within the RCMP
Julia RockTransfers?
Julia RockDr
NovaScotiaFreckles He looks like he’s going to be sick up on the stage
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@J J unions don't represent management just the hired labour
Julia RockWas he reminded of his oath at the start?
Little Grey Cellsbeing VERY cagey
Little Grey CellsYes Julia
Ash Lunnrecording sits in O drive
Little Grey CellsDo the right thing sir!!!!
Becca AThis guys a snake , “ it’s not a crime if you don’t get caught “
J J@Baylin I'm interested in more information on that issues of his pension, surely he could fight that.
Little Grey CellsWe can all see the impact
nikki lewishe keeps giving eyes to DOJ lawyer
JaimeI notice that too @nikki
lilybalm66@Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers thank you was confused
J J@nikki Lewis I noticed that too
Ash Lunnbrief? try altered
NS44good morning
Little Grey CellsHe is waiting for her to step in
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@J J Ottawa has a long history of shafting federal pensions and to fight it it's years in court and mucho $$$$
Julia JonesAt least he’s speaking out now. I don’t care why just glad to hear a pinch of truth out of this
Julia RockHe hasn’t started using both hands to describe as these are real questions.
What TheHeckNS@nikki lewis yes! And yesterday too!
Truth InAllMore time by the pool. Wow!
Julia RockOops
J J@Baylin I had no idea
InvasiononeRuh roh
JaimeAgree @julia jones
NovaScotiaFreckles Holy
Truth InAllUnder oath
NS citizen...
Julia RockMcPhee and ward. Boom.
Little Grey CellsBANG
NS citizenwhat!?
J Jouch
NovaScotiaFreckles Leather!!!
M UBoom
J Jouch
NovaScotiaFreckles Oh shit
Invasionone@Holly Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc and Quercetin. Hope you’re feeling better!
salt airythxs freckles thought it was just me lol
J Jso that means what
Becca AProactive vs reactive omg
YESSI@ K Sound is fine here, try refreshing the page
nikki lewisyes sit down barbie
Julia RockSo he answers?
K Tibbittsthank you
Little Grey CellsOr
was it the email I discussed a couple of weeks ago redacted by RCMP?
Redacted under solicitor client privilage with NO lawyer identified
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@Little Grey Cells proactive reactive truth telling
J Jthat was trailer trash barbie? 80s barett hairdo...interesting
Little Grey CellsDid Ward advise NOT to tell the truth?
Ash Lunnlol
InvasiononeSo it’s DOJ council now? He said at first “independent council”
Julia RockWard wanted him to lie.
Invasionone@Holly Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc and Quercetin. Hope you’re feeling better!
salt airythxs freckles thought it was just me lol
J Jso that means what
Becca AProactive vs reactive omg
YESSI@ K Sound is fine here, try refreshing the page
nikki lewisyes sit down barbie
Julia RockSo he answers?
K Tibbittsthank you
Little Grey CellsOr
was it the email I discussed a couple of weeks ago redacted by RCMP?
Redacted under solicitor client privilage with NO lawyer identified
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@Little Grey Cells proactive reactive truth telling
J Jthat was trailer trash barbie? 80s barett hairdo...interesting
Little Grey CellsDid Ward advise NOT to tell the truth?
Ash Lunnlol
InvasiononeSo it’s DOJ council now? He said at first “independent council”
Julia RockWard wanted him to lie.
Holly@LGC I feel as though that's exactly what she was trying to say without saying it
Little Grey CellsWhat about your MCC interview??????
J Jbehind bars barbie..coming soon 
Julia RockProactive and reactive. MacDonald said that. He was out of the room. Hmm
What TheHeckNSMs. Ward & Ms. MacPhee UNDER THE BUS
Little Grey CellsHe is worried about the government bus running him over
J Jand he will now announce retirement
lilybalm66he needs council to tell the truth ,,,,really?
MHmanage? how about the truth
Little Grey CellsHe is skating on thin ice...
Ash Lunnhow many others did Ms. Ward & Ms. MacPhee tell to hold back info for prior witnesses testifying??
Rebecca Jonesthink so Little Grey Cells
Julia RockLies!
Truth InAllWow
J Jblow it open Leather
Little Grey CellsWITHOLDING truth IS DISHONESTY!!!!!!
Ash LunnBlow the lid off Leather
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@lilybalm66 no Leather needs councils permission to break his 3 oaths and tell the truth
nikki lewisso spill it leather what is it
Julia RockProtect and serve who?
Truth InAll2 did
Becca ALeather isn’t going to blow any lid off
Ash Lunnah the 2nd issue
HollyI think he wants to spill but worried about repercussions
Becca AHe’s
whipped by lucki
NovaScotiaFreckles I think so too holly
SadMafiosoIs this going to turn into a RCMP mutiny?
Little Grey CellsThis is exactly what I was looking at for the last few hours
Becca AHe only cares about himself
Little Grey CellsPRAY FOR HIM
J Jsubmit your papers for retirement save your soul, speak the truth
Julia RockLies!
NovaScotiaFreckles I’ll be honest I would be afraid of the government too
Chiang LoveHe appears torn, imho
Little Grey Cells
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@J J his pension will be stapled to a gigantic NDA and his 3 oaths apply till death
Becca ALet’s not start throwing him bones , doesn’t deserve a crumb
NovaScotiaFreckles I think you were right LGC about the stress and weight loss by just looking at him.
Little Grey CellsThere is NO price for one's soul, Sir
Julia RockWonder if he slept last night?
Rebecca Jonesboom!!!
J J@Baylin how can a pension be withheld is he protected by a union or no
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersimagine the recommendations if Ottawa hired a 3rd party to do a review of the 4000 sexual assault victims within the RCMP
Julia RockTransfers?
Julia RockDr
NovaScotiaFreckles He looks like he’s going to be sick up on the stage
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@J J unions don't represent management just the hired labour
Julia RockWas he reminded of his oath at the start?
Little Grey Cellsbeing VERY cagey
Little Grey CellsYes Julia
Ash Lunnrecording sits in O drive
Little Grey CellsDo the right thing sir!!!!
Becca AThis guys a snake , “ it’s not a crime if you don’t get caught “
J J@Baylin I'm interested in more information on that issues of his pension, surely he could fight that.
Little Grey CellsWe can all see the impact
nikki lewishe keeps giving eyes to DOJ lawyer
JaimeI notice that too @nikki
lilybalm66@Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers thank you was confused
J J@nikki Lewis I noticed that too
Ash Lunnbrief? try altered
NS44good morning
Little Grey CellsHe is waiting for her to step in
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@J J Ottawa has a long history of shafting federal pensions and to fight it it's years in court and mucho $$$$
Julia JonesAt least he’s speaking out now. I don’t care why just glad to hear a pinch of truth out of this
Julia RockHe hasn’t started using both hands to describe as these are real questions.
J Jdetails
Green Bastarddon't stop
Chris LeeExactly
SadMafiosoThe law is the law. Optics ought NOT be the concern.
NovaScotiaFreckles Nah I honestly don’t know so I don’t really have an opinion. Just throwing it out there l.
Ash Lunn@Becca
A a white shirt finally starts blowing the lid off and you are pissed
at him? that speaks volumes to me about your motives
wendy wongthe laws the law
J Jvideo servalance is better than any witness, show the videos at the cottage and wearhouse, add those dash cams
Becca APissed at exposing corruption ? Never
Ash Lunnmaybe Leather chatting with Family members after yesterday hearings caused him to come clean
Linda MYou don't get to call the shots for us.
J Jthe evidence is OVERWHELMING lisa was involved
NovaScotiaFreckles I agree with that JJ that’s the only thing I do know
Despicable!@NS citizen Thank You, first time I experienced that.
Becca ASaid he’s only coming clean today for himself to avoid getting held in contempt
Oh DearPrimary responsibility
J Jfood
for thought, Lisa got dress, had slippers on, grabbed her sneakers to
change, helping gab slippers found in desert, LB feet min. damage, she
was involved got dropped off I'm am
J Jdebert
NovaScotiaFreckles Why did her brother and brother in law not get charged though? They weren’t apparently abused like LB
Little Grey CellsThe law is the same for all. Lady Justice should ALWAYS be blind
Nosy ScotianI agree @JJ
Little Grey CellsObstructing documents and the investigation?
Little Grey CellsCO
Little Grey CellsLucki
Holly@ns freckles they were charged as well
J J@Nosy makes sence
SadMafiosoWonder how much REEEeeeing Tim Bousquet is doing right now?
Oh Dearall of our ability Unless???
Little Grey CellsBergerman??????
Tony KDOJ will be holding another mtg with CO and Lucki for their Aug testimony for sure now.
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumberswe briefed up on this aka think tank war room
NovaScotiaFreckles Sorry
sorry I mean like why would they drop the charges. I don’t think any of
the charges should have been dropped but they used dv as the reason for
LB I don’t get it for the other two
Little Grey CellsWhy the 3 week break... damage control
Ash Lunn@J
J recall cops taking stuff over the bank Shubie? I do not think wartman
or LB were in debert at all. cops grabbed stuff from car at shubie and
planted that at Debert to account for missing hours
Holly@ns freckles they had the same deal
Becca AJj were slippers found in debert ? No mention of them in any emails regarding the list of items found in debert
NovaScotiaFreckles Gross
Becca ASlippers seemed to magically appear out of nowhere months later
Little Grey CellsWhat is HIS opinion of the charges?????
JaimeI read somewhere slippers were found in Debert.
Becca AClinically ? Come on
Thomas GordonSo those ammo charges were layed so that Lisa would be under their influence until dropped?
J Jgrey slippers Costco sells size 8 I own the same ones same size different color
Little Grey CellsWho is she?
Oh DearSecurities and Exchange Act Rule 10b
Truth InAllThomas seams so.
Ash Lunnwhose prints did rcmp run in Ottawa database that were found on brackets and etc found at Debert site?
SadMafiosoRemember what Campbell said. Guns need ammo to be catastrophic, which it WAS in this case.
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersSUPPLYING AMMUNITION TO A MASS SHOOTER IS NOT A MINOR CHARGE IT'S A MAJOR CHARGE. No ammo means no shooting
J DoneCheeseman got manslaughter
Becca AThey
would have charged the rcmp uncles , guy in bridgwater, kevin von
bergan and everyone else that reported guns and hit lists if that was
the case
Holly@ns freckles it's a misdemeanor charge a fin3 of 1000.00 it wasn't worth pursuing , tge real charges should have been assessory
J J@Becca photo evidence
NovaScotiaFreckles That is a good point that Campbell made
Julia RockLeathawa!
Center HiceGod help
Becca Arcmp have a conflict with everyone by the sounds of it
Julia RockSobriety testing, iq tests!
Truth InAllLower your standards, lol. Desperate much?
Julia JonesStanton ….. hello they can’t get recruits with no education.
Julia RockNepotism seems to be a problem.
Nosy ScotianThat's comforting
Peter Bykerthe culture crashed, oops!
Truth InAllGross
Chris LeeDidn't he invent the Nepotism badge of honor? If your parent was a RumCMP too
Julia RockTrust is gone bud!
Truth InAllCampbell has that badge.
Truth InAllShame .
M UYour time is up, we don’t want the lying RCMP
Chris LeeYa and wasn't it his idea?
J Donetrying
to catch up...we think he lied about f+f questions because he cant
comment on an active investigation, didn't want to implicate the RCMP in
an op gone bad or other?
Nosy Scotianmake promotion possible without having to sell your soul
Chris LeeI meant Campbell not Pleather
Julia JonesThe trust is long gone leather because of the Brass.
Truth InAllWould not surprise me Chris!
Truth InAllHow many are off on fake sick leave?
Chris LeeYa don't know where I heard that but I thought it was mentioned
Nosy ScotianHow many have retired since April 2020
Peter Byker@J Done pure speculation, as always, but the phrase was indeed entered into Leather's notes, context is unclear
Julia RockToxic environments don’t typically sell well!
Julia JonesIf
the top brass wallets weren’t so heavy maybe good cops would stay. 20
thousand dollars more for cops that don’t join rcmp. Why join a heavy
brass organization
Linda MWhat about sick time for trauma from abuse while working with the force?
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumberslol
your recruiting crisis has been 20yrs now just like the CF. You ain't
fixing it with a taskforce of out of touch triangle lickers
J DoneThanks Peter...the pause he gave and the fact that he acted like he couldn't remember what it meant was telling enough
M UStop paying members on sick leave, let them have the 16 weeks EI gives you. I bet they would get better faster.
Peter BykerMassive implications
Nosy ScotianAgree brass needs to go. start over or not at all
Becca ABecause kids are saying when I grow up I don’t want to be an rcmp these days , kids know better
Center Hicesmart kids 
Linda MI think they're just busy packing their bags.
Chris LeeHa ha
Julia JonesOmfg verbal diarrhea
Chris LeeThat's a thing now right?
Julia RockTruro is better trained.
Chris LeeTheir basic firearms training for street level is very sub standard
Julia RockNo recommendations as you don’t have a clue!
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersthey should use the Phoenix pay system to file all RCMP paperwork 

Nosy Scotiantalking sustainability interesting
M UYour members don’t know how to use technology, you used paper and crayons.
Truth InAllOh my MacDonald must be a hot mess.
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@Chris Shut up Brown killed a firehall from 88 metres that's damn fine shooting 

Truth InAllLol!
Chris LeeLol very true. Nice grouping
Center HiceHe collects his cheque ,but doesn't want to act like a leader ,and implement any improvement s . This guy s classic
, garbage ,how he holds his job is unreal.
Chris LeeAll over the place
J DoneHolds his job because of this kind of stuff Hice
Julia RockPart of modernization? Oh Jesus Christ on a bike!
Chris LeeI saw less collateral damage at Gettysburg
YESSIappetite $
Center HiceExplain j
Drone ?
Chris LeeThere it is Julia
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersif the pesky public hurry up and accept Wide Awake 3.0 we can get the real RCMP rolling fast n Furious
J DoneNo, sorry, just saying people like this hold their jobs because they're willing to shield and follow
nikki lewisyes there will and should be changes, rcmp gone from NS
David AmosTHIS
J DoneOr yes, if you mean like just a worker bee
Julia RockAre you pressured? Lol.
Truth InAllRemove the RCMP.
Peter BykerDracula needed a good Stakeholder too.
Julia JonesI was wrong……. She’s trying to come up with questions. Although hard to listen to
Center HiceI
hate to say it but all n.s. r c m p should be banned to hold any
policing jobs for any agency in the future. I know it affects the good
Julia RockWho wants to be, an RCMP? 
Center HiceBut friends I ve spoke to ,that are the good ones admit ,they are tainted from the r c m p brainwashing .
Julia JonesSeamus fall asleep ? 
Truth InAllX
Center HiceNext policing forces can't be so top heavy .
Truth InAllSeamus warned he may need to leave .
Julia RockHe said earlier this morning he had to leave this afternoon.
Peter Bykerhe said he would be stepping out today
Little Grey CellsI am here
Julia JonesOh right I forgot
Truth InAllAw!
Chris LeeHe said he would be back though
Peter Byker@Julia 
Tony KGreat Stanton - you can go hire some Finnish to replace...make that recommendation...good one Morticia.
YESSI@Seamus Oof, just in time. I was about to talk behind your back 
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbershow in the world did the cavemen police ever police the country before the invention of the laptop and Samsung cellphone 

Chris LeeSpandex going to come up again? Lol
Peter Bykermy patience is Finnished. (just kidding, I love a pun)
Center HiceI m glad
to know your ok Seamus 
Julia JonesThanks @Peter they are bootaful
Linda MWill Finland maintain their 91% satisfaction with their policing even since joining Nato this year? Let's hope.
cyndii missed so much good evening all
Julia RockRecommendation to hire a survival guide! Must needed skills you need.
Chris LeeHi cyndi
Center HiceHello
Cyndy ,you haven't missed much with tin man .
cyndihi Chris
cyndiok thanks @Center
Joanne WilloughbyHello everyone, I’m just tuning in but will catch up later
Becca AThank you for the 2 days worth of bs
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