Controversy grows over alleged political pressure on N.S. shooting investigation
Jun 29, 2022
the federal government and RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki deny any
political pressure was applied to influence the investigation into the
N.S. shooting. Just how serious are the allegations? Pierre-Yves
Bourduas, former deputy RCMP commissioner assesses their on Power &
Methinks folks should ask Pierre-Yves Bourduas why he laughed at my
concerns about the RCMP and their cohorts years ago then ignored my
emails N'esy Pas???
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Ash Lunn@What TheHeckNS and ask him about Clayfield while you're at it
Ash Lunn'cause yes Houston knows Clayfield
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFLeather we all know Baylin reactivated his assets once the narrative was back on track
Julia RockAssumptions.
Little Grey CellsCobequid is a mess
Tony Kattempting to secure....still fluid and
NS BluenoseShe asked questions almost guiding him, ask him question if not what you believe then question him
Ash Lunn"depends" change
YESSImask up !
robert thomasyup
NS BluenoseStop guiding him,
Center HiceI
suppose that's why they ignored the Blair call info ,left the kids by
themselves for such a long time ,and not taking the info given by
them,not interviewing the children, ignoring ,the Macdonald s
What TheHeckNSLisa Banfield
robert thomasthan he sez reactivated.... that was weird
Mizz FoxxThey're not going to ask him questions he has answers to, that's the whole point. They don't even want to know
Peter LambThey pieced together that there was 1 vehicle unaccounted for. that's why they knew
Center HiceAnd he was still killing with your officers hearing live action .wow

SadMafiosoIMO I think Wortman probably called/radioed the RCMP to trigger it off... Or dropping off Banfield...
Stella VWright! @LGC 2 yrs later not once mentioned, unless i missed it about any cashcams
PeekabooDash cams in police cars only record when the light bar is flashing
UncleBlazer@SadMafioso was literally about to suggest something like that lol
Mizz FoxxThe
kid saw him drive off. They NEVER thought he was dead. That was a BS
excuse for simply letting him drive right by. They probably even know
exactly what officer let him through
I always thought they said LB info was what got everyone thinking he is
alive, but you are right, she supposedly only provided info on the car
Julia RockCould the griffons given the cops this info? They were taken out in the armed vehicle.
Center HiceWhile
they leave Portipique unsecured in a m ,for shift change ,than L B
mysteriously shows up in that time ,it's evident she was dropped off at
that point 
nikki lewisi
thought it was the Lillian call? is there something that shows they
knew earlier he was alive, sorry i am missing a document on that info
Tony K@Peter Lamb agreed. they had info on other car with picture from LB or family mbr so they needed to find the last vehicle.
Ash LunnWhat does UK/versadex mean by Wartmans cell phone on COMM 3550 ??
UncleBlazerMore time passes = less to remember
robert thomasthey got interviewed last because they need to know the story being told by everyone else
Glowwatcherfam lawyers have to ask why not earlier interviews with white shirts
What TheHeckNSSeamus, wasn’t it Lisa Banfield’s appearance & learning about the car?
robert thomasGW probably turned on a radio that logged in somewhere
Tony KThey thought he had shot himself at around 3 am they thought they heard single gun shot.
What TheHeckNSThe fully marked car
Center HiceAnd ( L B says Wortman had no cell phone .) His cell # in her contacts? really And she s not a suspect ? Wow
Great system 
is calling Lisa around 543am. Wortman takes off from Debert around
545am. Lisa shows up a Leon's at 630. Wortman ends up at Hunter Road
around 730ish am. Do the math fks.
Mizz FoxxActually, what Banfield said was that she didn't see him for hours after that. One of her statements, probably gone now
Peter Lambthey accounted for 3 police cars but not the 4rth until the pic.
What TheHeckNSsay it again?
Tony KAs peter lamb stated they had confirmation they were missing full police car as LB or family send them picture.
Stella VWwhy did they ASSUME he was dead? not acceptable!!
nikki lewisand another statement from joudrey said 4am, but they skipped over that quickly with campbell
Tracy Cdid he say they didn't know he was reactivated by 804
nikki lewisso many assumptions
Tracy C?
J DoneIt wouldn't be something you'd guess'd confirm you got who you were looking for
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAF@Little
Grey Cells be a pity if that cell # was the Samsung taken into evidence
with the laptop at 193 of which the info contained never publicly
released. Or was it Lisa's cell and laptop
Peter Lambmills said 4am as well
NS BluenoseI have swamp land for sale if you believe that
Mizz FoxxThey messaged Truro to say he might be in an f150 at 4:30 am. They NEVER thought he was dead ffs
PeekabooSay cams are NOT equipped in every police car
What TheHeckNSYes he did say that
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAF@Little Grey Cells Lisa Banfield should release the dashcam footage she's got stashed in her Janice Maureen controlled iCloud
robert thomasif NOT equipped in every police car then which ones have them.. simple question
Center HiceSorry
,but at that point L B ,and the Banfield s played the magic card at
that point ,conveniently, thats when Gabe probably told her go ahead
with it when I leave ,I take the fall ,for all of them 
What TheHeckNSGRIFFON should have told about the fully marked car
PeekabooMostly equipped in traffic units
Tony KThey made a lot of wrong conclusions that night.
robert thomasso this will sound tinfoil hatty BUT maybe he was expected to die that night
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFhe can't be declared dead by suicide unless they find a body for confirmation 
Tony KThey did not find body in the woods.
What TheHeckNSIsn’t that withholding evidence?
J Donemultiple shooters, found one dead and called it quits..covered up for some reason?
Becca AHopefully it wasn’t a rat race for the buried treasure
Center HiceThey let him go on killing ,but didn't confront him,than he has full access ,to drive right by them . That's not an issue ?
Mizz FoxxHe
was probably at Alanna and Sean's, negotiating with the rcmp by
phone/radio. They knew where he generally was every 15 frickin minutes.
They just let him sit there.
NS BluenoseWhy
are the family lawyers not requesting it as well?? After yesterday who
are they working for ?? Just asking feel so sorry for families
Center HiceThe cams should be mandatory to reveal the live actions of what went on .
NS BluenoseWhy was Lilly bought up first thing
Ken Triolhere's
a tin foily Theory.. they killed him at Portaupic and then they had to
do it in a big way so they did the whole big stop scenario
because they needed a hero
Judy BrownMaybe the only way to get the dash cams is through the software company itself
Becca ACampbells affidavit said a witness reported possible multiple perps the next morning
Tracy CI
know right . but using the words reactivated. what does that even mean.
did wortman forget to check in with the cops. to tell them he is on the
go again. WTF
Center HiceConsumed by fire, then captured ,then suicide, then cops kill him ?
Center HiceStory changed continually
Tony Kyou would never have a carbine in your hands along with a pistol as backup.????..that would make too much sense to some.
Tracy Cconfused by them using the statement sayin didn't know he was reactivated.
InvasiononeCaptured = “in custody”, I assume
J DoneIf
they wanted to expose the truth the cams would have been released in
full. Has to be a cover up to have all these questions and not release
the most conclusive evidence
What TheHeckNSIn custody = captured
Center HiceOh yeah ,Leather reported he was arrested in one statement 
MHPeter Griffon helped W
What TheHeckNSSeamus,
are you saying Tara cannot ask her lawyer to question about DashCams
& this question you have? What changed their mind?
Tracy Cdefinitely multiple shooter. 1000 percent
InvasiononeHow about “Sharpshooter”? Was GW a sharpshooter? How did RCMP determine that?
Julia RockWhattheheckNS. I don’t think families are allowed to submit questions to the layers.
Center HiceYes I seen in an interview ,and about two hrs later he corrects his statement saying he's been killed .
Julia RockIt was mentioned in here
Peter Lambwhat time was Alanna/Sean/Tom scene reported to 911? 8am ish?
Mizz FoxxLike
that guy with the convoy who used to be a personal detail/sniper for
Trudeau. Wortman was probably semi-retired, still very active special
Ash Lunncops
in charge "wanted other cops that were "not in the know" to think
Wartman was dead overnight because the handler was trying to get Wartman
to come in and meet up.
UncleBlazer@Invasionone prblly from shooting at the range with him lol
SadMafioso@Invasionone "Sharp Shooter Wortman"... Makes me think of the glow that radiates off Robert Doucette...
Tony K[message retracted]
Tony KCrops officer so he was responsible for it all and did not manage or direct anyone that night it would seem.
Center HiceOh hell yeah ,your
Seamus Leather was calling the shots ,tons of blood on his hands
robert thomasAnd Leather is still in charge of throwing underlings under the bus.. he disgusts me in his lack of responsibility
Ken Triol@Cyndi
has stated that Doucette was very frightening and she was more afraid
of him than she ever was of Gabe. I think that dessert was activated but
Gabe was Rogue
salt airyAlanna messaged a friend I heard at 620am
MHwhat about the MCC website they want information to help their proceedings
Center HiceYup Robert Thomas, that's been Leather s game all the way
wow unbelievable 
Peter Lambmust be tough being a regular constable just trying to make corporal with all these snakes
Ken Triolsorry it says dessert I meant Doucette was activated
nikki lewiseveryone else's fault other than those in charge, disgusting
Jayme Reneewho physically typed the tweets? and under who's direction?
Becca A“ I did nothing wrong “ Is usually their motto not just leathers
Center HiceLeather and a lot of his flunkies are a damn disgrace 
David AmosMy evil foe Colchester County RCMP District Commander Allan (Al) Carroll was the Master of Disaster
Ash Lunntabernac
Jayme Reneethanks Seamus 
Center HiceMedals
for being the organization s greatest liers .
Jayme Renee15
What TheHeckNS15
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFafter working for years in Baylin's Toronto office Leather would be fully read in 
Julia Rock28 mins
Linda MHi!
Jayme Reneebut feels longer then that already
Chiang LoveThe thing that is burnt into my memory is Leather’s ‘deer in headlights’ look at aapx, 7pm April 19,2020.
Becca ADavid Amos….. any relation to Nova Scotia Canada’s most wanted David “wolf” Carroll ?
Center HiceExactly
Seamus, if they ld accept accountability, I might have a morsel of respect for them .
andrew gillisMorning guys - let's see if Leather is asked his awareness of Mr Big scams
Chris LeeVery true Seamus they point the finger at each other
Donna JjessGood Morning @Andrew
Chiang LoveFirst thing that came to my mind that day was that Gabriel was an agent in a Mr. Big operation that went very wrong.
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFJulia is addicted to counting like Glen is addicted to buy snacks with the corporate card 

Julia RockThey couldn’t handle pin the tail on the donkey! Even with this many donkeys available.
Becca AAccountability is rare within the rcmp
Center HiceI believe
in forgiveness, but you first must admit your fault s.
David AmosAnybody wonder why I ran against the ex cop Murray Scott when he was the Attorney General in 2006???
might have accepted Campbells apology if it wasn’t preceded by 2 days
of denial and buck passing. Makes the apology worthless.
Chiang LoveBtw,
does anyone remember that Leather stated 23 dead, which included
Gabriel Wortman in the list of victims. They could have so easily
pivoted to 23 including baby Beaton, instead they went with 22
Julia RockBaylin. Lol.
andrew gillisAsh
L what you chatted yesterday suggests (OK maybe only to me) a Fast
& Furious deal, but still in the future as of 18 April 20
J JI'd
like to think especially in the maritimes we are forgiving and kind, we
recognize ppl make mistakes, I wish the mcc would give us credit
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFduck man is here to monitor us for CSIS
Ash Lunn@andrew gillis LGC explained about "fast and furious" in a previous video
Julia RockHave they gone on an early lunch?
Tony KNo apology of any kind will satisfy some.
don't want anyone to suffer on either sides of the fence, but enough is
enough, the price they are paying is worth far more than a paycheck
Judy Brownheads will roll eventually
Center HiceI agree
Invasion one ,but we half to at least give Campbell some credit for
apologizing, and I m not a fan of any of these characters, but I half to
at least say he did that .
andrew gillisYes indeed & we know so little about ME connects of GW - amazing really
David AmosAnybody remember what I said to Stevey Boy Murphy on CT 6 months before I came back to Nova Scotia???
Julia RockI give none of them credit, they express some sympathy to relieve their guilt IMO!
J DoneProject Gunrunner
Center HiceAnd yes they need to go out of their way to correct
their lies ,and treatment to the families 
J JI will continue to poke the bear aka mcc and associates until the whole truth comes out
Stella VWI agree @Julia Rock
Judy Brownfast and furious Mexico
Becca ACenter hice I do too , he said a lot more than what he had to and will take heat for it.
J DoneArizona
Julia Jones[message retracted]
J Doneended bad as usual
Stella VWexactly Seamus
Julia Rock37 mins
NS BluenoseYou bringing that up cause for another 30 minute break lol
SadMafiosois the X-Examination for Leather tomorrow?
Becca AExactly, protecting the criminals is much dirtier and worse than the criminal themselves. It’s as low as it gets
David AmosDeja Vu Anyone???
Center HiceYeah
Becca ty ,believe Me I know it's not popular, and I m still not his fan
,but I have to give him some credit ,not much though.
Julia JonesIf
Campbell had of waited till cameras were off then apologize to the
family’s it might be different. But when u wait over two yrs then
apologize on camera then it’s not a good apology
Slice Cubeyea
Donna JjessI agree @ Julia Jones
Julia RockMore exposure this way.
Becca ACenter hice, nobody hates rcmp more than me and what campbell did was rare to see
Center HiceI agree
Julia ,it would ve been better if he had gone to the family
members. so I
J Donepg 64 of his handwritten notes says "Specific info he's alive"
J Donenot sure what the specific info is
Center HiceI
agree Becca.
NS BluenoseWhat he has done to his ex wife shows what he is it was for show that is all
andrew gillisBTW: once archived LGC got 1,200 views last night including chat replay - again I hope MSM does monitor the chat
Peter LambCampbell's crying looked like a career ender
Ash Lunnhoof beats in 2 mins
Center HiceAnd believe me ,it's sad cause
I know a lot of good officers personally, and they don't have any respect for the White Shirts
so sad ,cause they wear it too. 
Campbell was disturbed by the handling of Cobequid and though he
“failed”, then he should have resigned long ago over how this whole
thing has been handled
Julia RockIt was macdonalds way to show some heart finally.
Ash Lunnis it possible cops stayed away from cobequid overnight because wartman was hiding out there?
Stella VWcowarding
Becca ACampbell
went against the fed gov and the rcmp, that was one of the most
sincerest apologies I’ve ever seen . I’m sure your right
and others from his detachment were not reached out to for a long time.
Higher ups didn’t even know they were present on scenes.
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFtook me getting shot to finally snap out of the goo and start looking deep in the goo for culprits
Julia RockCampbell made me sick. Absolute guilty conscience.
Julia Rock43 mins.
Little Grey CellsAffirm confirmation?
Becca AHe showed a lot of guilt shame and remorse , it’s a dirty organization . That’s rare to see
Tony KI
am sure the family members would accept him or any of the white shirts
apology....they heard him yesterday so if they accept it they can reply
or state they do not accept it.
Macdonald DonDisorganised crime...
Peter LambCampbell had 32 years of rcmp emotion built up.
Little Grey CellsThen he has to COME CLEAN WITH IT ALL , Becca
SadMafiosoMaybe Stanton wears the N95 mask all the time because MacDonald's farts are nasty? I dunno though.
WoodsfanaticMaybe someone positive beside her. Maybe she forgot.
for the preceding 2 days Becca, he toed the company line and said
absolutely nothing to rock the boat. Makes any apology worthless.
InvasiononeWhat is he sorry for? What did they fail at?
Peter Lambis this the topic Campbell answered on Leathers behalf preemptively?
Tony KLeather also is in RCMP mbr appeared in uniform to date.
InvasiononeThis is why I was baffled how that “apology” didn’t open the door to a whole new line of questioning.
Invasionone“You’re saying you failed? Failed how? In what way?”
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFmy professors taught us the best cops are the best crooks you got to know all the tricks to catch the tricks
Macdonald DonRhey were in the process...yeah, after Heidi was eliminated
Macdonald DonThey*
Little Grey CellsNO uniform because that would plant the image of the UNIFORM, the INSTITUTION is lying and corrupt
Becca AInvasionone he threw out a lot of hints and personal opinions , said as much as he could
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAF@Little Grey Cells Kim is wearing her back up Depends 

Julia RockOh so he knew about this tool in hi toolbox. Darren didn’t know.
Little Grey Cellsno
Tony KLGC - they must all believe that I guess...OK.
J DoneThey'll play off "failed" as failed by policy and preparedness rather than answering questions about what is actually happening
Little Grey CellsMask still on
disagree Becca, there was tons more that could have been said, but he
was full of “I can’t speak to that, but let me ramble for the next 10
Mizz FoxxLeather
= big ugly = must be dumb. Campbell = upstanding, smug and suave = must
be sorry. You people are letting them play you who think those things.
Open your damn eyes
Stella VW@Baylin yup the verbal diahrea mask
SadMafioso@Little Grey Cells Mabye Stanton wears the N95 cause MacDonald smells?
Little Grey CellsApparently they are delaying the stream by about 5 seconds. People must be sitting on mute/camera buttons.
Center HiceBelieve
me ,I still know Campbell s part of the cover up ,so he ll have to do a
lot more to prove himself ,I m just giving him a little credit ,for at
least admitting fault .
SadMafiosoStanton does hate men and all.
UncleBlazer@SadMafioso I think she wears it because of Leather's frail look today
Becca ACouldn’t believe nobody asked campbell about what was said in his affidavit
Julia RockYes, this stream is behind call in feed.
Becca ADid someone order him to submit an affidavit back in 2020 or was that his own doing ?
What TheHeckNSHow disrespectful you liar!
SadMafioso@UncleBlazer I prefer my interpretation that MacDonald just stinks.
Mizz FoxxOf
course Campbell said sorry, he was probably one of the top cops that
ordered every boot on the ground not to apologize even if they wanted to
ffs. Bosses always take credit for being humane
UncleBlazer@SadMafioso lol
Julia RockThat steer!
Little Grey CellsDELAYED tweets
David AmosFrom:
James Lockyer Date: Fri, 15 Jul 202 Subject: Automatic reply: James
Lockyer an old law school classmate of my sister and her hubby Reid
Chedore called me back and denied receiving this email
nikki lewis3 hrs to get the tweet out
InvasiononeHe can’t even just say yes, he needs to downplay the 3 hours to “a couple of hours”
Little Grey CellsNO
What TheHeckNSUh ya
nikki lewisdetails matter !
SadMafiosoCan we get a better lawyer other than Daria???
Becca AHis
affidavit contained info about police reporting guns shots until 2:30am
and a witness reporting possibly 2 perps. Not one question asked about
Julia RockDon’t recalls coming now
Center HiceI will say Campbell still has to come clean .
nikki lewisIDR 

David AmosTo: David Raymond Amos I will be out of the Province until July 16. I will respond to your email as soon as I return
Invasionone“Listen to how I speak. That’s why”
andrew gillisNot
one RCMP has said that on Sunday morning they worried a radio message
would give advantage to GW - while presuming so much why not presume he
had radio etc?
Mizz Foxxgah! my feed keeps buffering!
Little Grey Cellsooooooooooooo
InvasiononeCommand Triangle but not involved other than “brief discussions”
Rob Claytoncampbell failed but got big promotion
What TheHeckNSCuz I didn’t know what was going on - Lia should have spoke, we rely heavily ON HERRRRRRRRR!!!!!
Stella VWnot the best word to use??
Peter LambScanlan's been the only "pretend" member to wear red
UncleBlazerLooks very unimpressed right now
Becca AWord play
What TheHeckNSShe’s a GD civilian member who DOESN’T USE TWITTER FFS!
Center HiceLia spoke ,and it wasn't pleasant, would do it all the same ,really ?
Little Grey CellsPocket tweets = the word I would use might not be immediate
Mizz FoxxHonestly,
Lucki acts like everything is fine/nothing's wrong, she literally looks
like a female Ralph Wiggum. Then Campbell comes along all sorry like
Seymore Skinner, a military man. It's scripted!
SadMafioso@Mizz Foxx You're forgetting that Daria is the lawyer.
Mizz Foxx
Oh the humanity
Little Grey CellsShifty eyes
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFLeather so you delegated and disappeared like a good over paid under worked white shirt
Becca AWord play
Julia RockYes or no.
Doreen StokdijkHe sure doesn’t look well, very stressed I would say, two reasons, you failed or you know more then your willing to say .
Becca Awords can mean different things
Julia RockIf you had it officially or unofficially?
nikki lewisO drives
Becca AHe’s a piece of work
Julia RockLike a clock with no hands?
SadMafiosoI need to sleep and will catch up later. Take care all.
Julia RockEmail paralysis?
NS BluenoseOfficially or unofficially……. In white shirts files Nikki stated o drives
What TheHeckNS@SadMafioso bye Sad
InvasiononeExcuse me?
SadMafiosoI hope Slenderman/Chris Leather doesn't try to wake me though.
Center HiceBecca ,your right
he all through this has passed the buck .
andrew gillisOK
one correct presumption - GW would only have heard FM radio stations,
not cop channels - 7 radio staff ready to take that warning call that
did noo come
Janes BlondFeds lol
Little Grey CellsCOVERT OP
Julia RockA fragmented junk folder? Ok. Officer safety bulletin is stored in there. Hmmm.
NS BluenoseSo if someone else never had it we wouldn’t have had it
Mizz Foxxhe scoffed lol for real?!
What TheHeckNSHear what he said … was it Confidential Informant or not
Truth InAllHe moves so slow his arm movement reminds me of a sloth!
Little Grey CellsCI and COVERT OP ... same folder
Mizz FoxxSuper intelligent sloth lol Creepy
nikki lewishard to keep track when telling lies
Truth InAllLol! mizzFoxx.
NS BluenoseGive him his notes and keep them on the stand for a month of that is what it takes to get answers
Little Grey CellsHis eyes are a tell
What TheHeckNSIt was requested by a news outlet Freedom of Information
Becca ALeather is rcmp whipped, 
Stella VWyup his eyes are saying what his lips aren't
nikki lewisthis is being made out to be WAY more compllicated than it is, LIES
andrew gillisWould
GW even have stayed on his route once CBC, 95-7, Magic, MBS announcers
got on & emptied the streets? As radio did in Halifax 1964?
What TheHeckNSHe’s LYING
Julia RockDon’t know.
Becca AShrug
Stella VWhis hand movements too
Julia RockPersons? Really.
Little Grey CellspersonS
Center HiceMiss
Fox ,believe me,just cause I gave Campbell a little credit ,doesn't
mean I were being played ,i still say he is crooked as hell ,as well
.We're just giving him credit for the apology.
nikki lewisgetting arsy now
Mizz FoxxDon't lol
What TheHeckNSSo this COULD have been a CI handler
Stella VWlegalese bs talk
Becca ALol bs
Julia RockLies are jumping out at me.
Little Grey CellsBad liar. That was why Campbell was brought in. Optics.
Center HiceI m not saying it gets Campbell off the hook ,far from it ,he s still a big part of the cover up .
Becca AHorrible liar
Ash LunnWiley Never followed up at all on HRM police reports
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFconfidential informers 

Chris LeeThey were intentionally misleading the public with severity of event and not advising about the PC now they want sympathy
Julia RockSo nobody does their job, quite obvious.
Mizz FoxxYou're alright Hice, some people are very easily played though. I just don't want the wool pulled over anyone's eyes
Becca AIs the mcc calling Wiley gund or Morrison to the stand or is that wishful thinking
Becca AGrund
David AmosAnybody recognize my old enemy Mikey O'Malley screwing things up in NB long ago???
Little Grey CellsAnything COVERT would go in O Drive... CI, handler, agents, agents from other agencies, etc,
Julia RockDid those calls really happen? This could be lies as well.
Center HiceNo worries Mizz Fox ,believe me I m not fooled by Campbell, he still has blood all over his hands as well.
Becca ADarren said the call center in nb was Fredricton, knew it
Center HiceI m not fooled by any these clowns .
Little Grey CellsBaiting people because they are hungry for the CI story that has been sown for a LONG time. CI's CAN NOT access Brinks.
J Doneis it weird that the Canadian Forces wouldn't fly in a "Hot Zone" but DNR would?
What TheHeckNSBryson will cross him on this - he already did to Dustine
nikki lewiscan agents access brinks?
Mizz FoxxLeather always saying "obviously" "as you already know". Basically "don't screw with me", goes with the evil scowls
What TheHeckNSIF there are an overflow of calls, it gets routed to another centre
Little Grey CellsHigh level only. Very high level
David AmosFeds use Brinks
Little Grey CellsFrom, what I have been told by members
What TheHeckNSYa Chris, did you tell people here’s the info and here’s what to do with it?
andrew gillisIf Campbell's sorrow is in part for himself - that's a start - his hurt is first I've seen & there's no pleasure watching it
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAF@Little Grey Cells could secret squirrels posing as CI's access RCMP CSIS Brinks shenanigan account 
Becca ALeathers playing dodgeball and word games so annoying
Stella VWhe talks faster when its correct or deliberate and decided upon, to say
Little Grey CellsNothing below white shirt or COVERT agencies
Center HiceLeather is very temperamental, and doesn't like to be challenged.
Mizz FoxxLeather met his wife in the rcmp office, he frickin lives there
What TheHeckNSBryson is getting ready to cross this!
Ash LunnWhy was NB J division so heavily involved in Portapique
Julia RockYou created this frenzy though!
Invasiononedoes he know that the MCC debunked this? Still parroting this skirt?
David AmosPerhaps Seamus should talk to HIS FRIENDS IN THE FBI
Becca A“Bonjour rcmp “
Ash Lunnwhen are all the NB rcmp officers going to testify before the MCC?
What TheHeckNS@Invasionone of course he DOES …. DOESN’t
David AmosI AM NO FED
Stella VWleather starts shaking now..?
Little Grey CellsJanis JENGA Gray
NS BluenoseDoesn’t
matter leather you had a call stating her husband was shot then was
shot on the line and you never went there for how many hours you went to
another street
J DoneIt wouldn't be a big surprise for the ATF to be running a scheme on the northern border as well.
Julia RockPossible they were eventually answered. So you never checked?
Stella VWtalking slower and broken up now
andrew gillisNB officers would know about Houlton - the Maineacs
What TheHeckNSBut Sir you don’t KNOW FOR SURE
J DoneThough, not sure why the killer decided to take those firearm safety courses all of the sudden
nikki lewisLie
andrew gillisbut would they admit that they know? lol
Mizz FoxxHonestly the shaking and weight loss may just be disease, doesn't have to be emotional. He seems quite void of anxiety
nikki lewisagree MF, still air of arrogance
Julia RockHe seems vacant to me!
What TheHeckNS@Mizz Foxx agree
Becca ALgc
you watch the new brinks video he was a regular customer, gets swiped
in by the employee, walks in the door and knows where the paper is
waiting for him to sign . Doesn’t even both reading it
Mizz FoxxFor sure Todd
Julia RockLunch coming soon, lots of looking around.
Julia RockDiscussion or decision?
Chris LeeHow
about put out the alert and at end say we are receiving many calls due
to ongoing event please call for serious emergency calls only
Center HiceI don't think Leather can ever give a straight answer ,and take responsibility.
Mizz FoxxGatekeepers, interesting terminology
Julia Rock[message retracted]
Julia RockTheir cops are accountable or made accountable, for the most part.
nikki lewisexperts also said public arent stupid, we dont need a lesson, alert should have gone out period, rcmp chose to not use it
Mizz FoxxSoooooo calculated with his wording. omg
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFisn't
it odd not one lawyer period has ever asked why didn't the OCC call in
more dispatchers and 911 operators to better deal with the overflow
instead call forward it to a 3rd party
InvasiononeWeak questions, only helping support his Airsoft skirt
Chris LeeSkeletor Leather is just part of the circular firing squad
Julia RockSo you’ve been a cop for how many years and did nothing to improve safety.
Becca AWaste of time having leather testify
Mizz Foxx
What TheHeckNS@Julia Rock 100%
What TheHeckNSThank GOD he’s leaving NS
Becca ALol $$$$$
nikki lewisbut rcmp never completes recommendations , Moncton
J DoneWith attrition rates in the 911 centres I'm surprised there's anyone to answer calls at all
Chris LeeHe may fit through the silent patrolman window now. Maybe he can do demonstration
Stella VWomg he told a truth: Im not the best person to speak to..."
Julia RockPlease tell me he isn’t coming to NFLD!
Becca AHe they lots of funding for recommendations
What TheHeckNS@Julia Rock Ottawa
Julia RockPhew!
Becca AOttawa can keep him
What TheHeckNS@Julia Rock NS still has Scanlan … for now
Center HiceWhat the Heck N.s. where is Leather being moved too?
Julia RockOttawa
What TheHeckNSFederal Policing Ottawa
Invasionone“Modernization” role in Ottawa
Mizz FoxxHe answers questions like he's acing a game show. Points at her when he feels right
Peter LambJulie rock. northwest NFLD got their new boss a few months back. Now big operation in cornerbrook cop arrested etc etc
Center HiceOttawa can have
Becca ABrutal
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFYMCA 

don't call 911 we are busy practicing for my concert
Chris LeeLol
andrew gillisC
Lee apparently, we are cast as true-crime ghouls - for things Parker
Brothers would make you do to nail Col Mustard in the library
Julia RockPeter I know. Glad I’m east coast.
Becca ANb is on a roll too now that tremblays gone , they’ve had some record breaking busts since he got the boot
Chris LeeLol Andrew
Chris LeeProf Plum has assisted MCC
J Doneand why he'd make it so obvious
Mizz Foxx"victims outside, 12 plain view" 
Little Grey Cells
Stella VWthe 1hr "oh my god" huddle
Peter Bykerobviously unnumbered pages
Anita ButtsOMG
What TheHeckNSNote book at home vs note book at office?
nikki lewisquoptes ?
J DoneDo
you actually fire a weapon at a firearms safety course...scored 100
practical but that might just be not pointing the weapon in the wrong
nikki lewisquotes
J JI'd like to challenge the date stamped on that notebook, does Campbell always stamp notes
J Jdate should be top right
NS BluenoseComing up with spins
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFH Strong investigation office is the research and development firm for Depends
Stella VW@NS Buenose yup
Becca AWhy didn’t they try to negotiate and threaten with a loud speaker if nothing else , instead of email
Becca AHrp what
NS BluenoseThat doesn’t add up
J Jdialed = calling?
Center HiceI m not surprised
Seamus that he added pages from another book .
Becca ALisa createou is that an officers name ?
InvasiononeDialled in = catching them up to speed
Center HiceYes Becca it is
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFmy notebooks were always grid squared not lined
nikki lewisshes a comms person
nikki lewisshe was on ground Lisa C
Mizz FoxxSorry I didn't remember sooner, but remember to set chat to Live Chat from Top Chat, guys. Top chat disappears comments
nikki lewisrcmp officer comms, versus lia who is civiliant member
What TheHeckNSDisagree - Lisa Croteaux was the first INACCURATE tweeter
Ash Lunnfast and furious questions? MIC DROP
nikki lewisright after the FF note
Center HiceI agree
what the heck
andrew gillisduh - that explains difference at nighttime replay
Center HiceI m going to be back just have to do some guitar
see you in a bit .
Becca AYikes
andrew gillisSo
our millionaire mass shooter could have been a sort of Mr Big &
Furious - set for sometime in 2021 or later -- & he went off
Becca AThat’s a lot of redacting
Peter Bykernotice the amount of time elapsed that was redacted from THAT point... hours worth
J Jwhy aren't these pgs dated with a stamp?
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFLeather wouldn't have fumbled the pressers if he hired Jessica to run them and write the script 

robert thomasso
I went to town for lunch with wife.. been thinking on way back to work.
So can things be fixed with RCMP when decision makers keep getting
kicked upstairs to pad their pensions instead being fired
J Jhis position stamp just appears in other notes
robert thomasmany folded up pages
J Jnotes from home notebook
Peter Bykerself -redacting notes
Becca ATold
Lisa “he has big plans coming from a higher source of the subconscious
mind “ or something messed up like that . After she mentions the changed
man he’s become since joining the cult .
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAF@Little
Grey Cells do they include the pic of the front cover if it's an
official issued notebook it would have date of going into Leathers
service and his officer info
nikki lewisID suspect Known
J Jlisa M?
andrew gillisOccam's
Razor says: leftover loose ends is a sign you have the wrong solution -
to seek simplicity is not your excuse to wave them away
robert thomasLove triangle involved!!!
J Jwhat's the time of this
Mizz FoxxThey
told them to upgrade to heavy armour because he was a sharp shooter.
They're not loose with important terms, someone knew more than they
were/are saying
robert thomasbut no FAC
InvasiononeWhy is Lisa getting a debrief?
J Jsecurity uniform?
Ash Lunnseizure?
Becca AThere was a fb post after the massacre from someone saying they recognized him from years ago as a sharp shooter for rcmp
J DoneWas he a hunter? Never heard much of that
robert thomasMaybe Lisa is getting a debrief to get her story straight
nikki lewis"though" is that a typo? through/though?
: Not sure if somebody already mentioned it but an RCMP member was shot
dead by police after he stabbed girlfriend and 15 yo boy. During the
night in St-Jean-sur-le-Richelieu Qc.
andrew gillisAnd a Mr Big scam in planning, set to star GW, is an extremely simple solution IMO - loose ends, get tied.
J DoneI think hes saying "though" like hes guessing
NS BluenoseErased out
InvasiononeDo civilians or “victims” of crimes get a “debrief”?
Becca AFemale Back deck ?
NS BluenoseErasable pen
nikki lewisi think may too @J Done ?
Mizz FoxxAsked
if he was a retired cop "yeah, something like that". Semi-retired,
semi-special. "No special relationship" doesn't mean not
semi-special.....or perfectly regular.
robert thomaswhen did this information get released
robert thomasB11
J Jbig draw once into scene
Peter Byker"911 - FEMALE" possibly describing caller?
J Jmad man on the road
Mizz FoxxStill
disturbs me when I read one of the first forensic reports it said the
officers searching scene at zahls were assisted by two unnamed military
members. wtf is that
Ash Lunnbut they already stated in notes above shooter KNOWN
Peter BykerUAV's in Air
J DoneI think that's UAV's in air
J Donethey had UAV's?
Mizz FoxxSo
they had military searching scenes for bodies and evidence but didn't
record their names. they could have been literally anyone who did
literally anything to the crime scenes
Ash Lunnphone not pinging??
J DoneIn the emails they said they tried to ping wortman's phone but no result
Mizz FoxxThey also said Lisa's phone was smashed in Portapique but a black cellphone was seized at the clinic warrant
Julia RockWhat time did drone go up? As officers, Lisa nor Clinton was found. Also would a drone pick up a recently deceased person?
J Jyou can't ping a home phone so what are they pinging if he didn't have a phone..come on
robert thomaswhere is that question coming from
andrew gillisthere it is on the screen, Mr Bousquet!
robert thomasdid Wortman have a cell phone in car when he was shot at Big Stop
J DoneCOMM0023848 is the ref to the phone pinging for the "suspect"
Tony K@robert thomas From the Madza document no cell phone found in car.
Peter Bykermock cruiser
robert thomasThanks Tony!
J Donewhat was 22B11...just the wrong number in his notes?
Mizz FoxxSo
sick of that french shit. We live in an English province and Walmart
etc always has boxes/packages turned to the french sides on everything.
Woke bullshit. Saving face at the expense of safety
Ash Lunndiff ink??
Peter Bykerhour and 45 min. gap in note
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAF@Little
Grey Cells Fast n Furious could also be Leathers q to take lots of
quick questions to drown out the press with info overload
nikki lewisthere was something in docs i saw ages ago poss officer shot near five houses
Ash Lunndead cop in car at hidden hilltop camp ground ?
NS BluenoseDarren stated yesterday he was at shubie and big stop
Mizz FoxxThey never elaborated on exchange of gunfire. it literally means both ways, "exchange"
robert thomaswell there is something hinky with change in colour of pdf's
NS BluenoseThen back to colour
robert thomasso where is his original notebook
robert thomasthe switcheroo stinks to high heavens
Julia RockThe stamp is different. Date appears on other side of paper
NS BluenoseThey tried one putting it in the book they didn’t work so then just scanned them
Glowwatcherthe lawyers have to question these notebooks
Glowwatcherhe had 2 years to write a whole new notebook, think he would have done a less sloppy job
Ash Lunn2nd shooting with Hubley ??
Mizz Foxxyeah ash wtf
Julia RockI hope Josh tears this apart like he did maxwells
robert thomaskicked upstairs too.. let that sink in folks
Invasionone“2nd shooting with Hubley” and “Alone gassing up as alone”?
Invasionone“2nd shooting with Hubley” and “Alone gassing up as alone”?
nikki lewismany questions in that paragraph page 67 of notes Big Stop
Tony KHopefully
the lawyers simply ask him about the different pages from different
books as it so obvious and not hiding the difference.
Janes BlondIf this is how motes are presented factually the RCMP has zero credibility. Those wouldnt stand up anywhere.
Ash Lunnthey must think we are daft or blind FFS
nikki lewisand how many notebooks are MCC still waiting for !!
robert thomasOkay I have another question.. Was a cell phone found in car the GW set on fire in Shubie
salt airyall very neatly done for the middle of total chaos
robert thomasprobalby burnt with car but gotta ask
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFmy
notebooks were pocket size and no lines it was grid squared for crime
scene sketches. All personal notations were part of the investigation
Tony K@robert
thomas FIS report on the burned out car did not have much in it. No
cell phone and I do not think they even confirmed the radio in the front
seat which was visible in the pre-accident photo.
Ash Lunnfemale?
robert thomaswhaaaaaat another body in back
Julia RockWitnesses say Heidi was on the ground.
Ash Lunncan't tell which is which BUT they have a photo before they burnt?
Becca ASaid female behind pc I thought
Teri-Ann Hernandezmultiple fire scenes MAIN AREA
nikki lewisexchange
nikki lewisgunfire?
robert thomasso question who decided in H division to destroy evidence
NS BluenoseBots back
robert thomasand then the porn shows up
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFhello Baylin
robert thomasI wonder if the pornbots are using keywords to trigger an attack
Teri-Ann HernandezAngela sm?
What TheHeckNSGreat Job Seamus! You’re getting the lingo
J Donein bernard's statement COMM0003839 ln 302 there's a C5 redaction when he's talking about the fires in the car.
NS BluenoseT
Julia RockPowerPoint?
J Donebut conjecture
robert thomasyeah a drawing ... methinks! I work in CAD and shorthand drawing is dwg
What TheHeckNSPPT is Powerpoint
nikki lewiskeep suspect info for file integrity? makes no sense
Ash Lunnavi=oid?
robert thomasfile integrity? WTF!
Ash Lunnhiding C-237's ?
What TheHeckNSLets hope the participants lawyers ask him all these questions
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFvideo team homes business 


Julia Rock1 hr
Ash LunnFbook pull info ?
Truth InAll207 in police code is kidnapping.
Ash Lunndeletig stuff on FB
Becca AFb deep dive on guy
Truth InAllInteresting!
nikki lewisBash?
Ash LunnI googled C237'
Peter BykerBanking, warrents
InvasiononeNational Witness Protection? 
Teri-Ann Hernandezpossibly Bill 237?
NS BluenoseLife insurance for members more then one —-
NS BluenoseOnly one
Jayme ReneeThere is ESDC again!!!
What TheHeckNSThere it is again ESDC
Teri-Ann HernandezPHA... public health?
Teri-Ann Hernandezact
What TheHeckNSEmployment & social development canada
InvasiononePublic Health Authority?
robert thomasmoved around a roadblock!
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFbody in bay ???
nikki lewisbriefcase 

NS BluenoseHeidi encounter cops car what with her and tracker
Ash Lunnwhy say ANOTHER Hijacking?? where was first Hijacking?
robert thomasso when was this "notebook" released to public
Little Grey Cells
nikki lewishe classed debert as hijacking too
robert thomaswow ... he looks terrible!
robert thomasinteresting how his demeanour changed
Julia RockHours… minutes!
Truth InAllHmmmm.
What TheHeckNSSgt. Peyton
Little Grey Cellshow long was lunch Julia?
Julia Rock1 hr 5 mins.
robert thomasas if SIRT still has credibility
Little Grey CellsContract former NS CO
Ash Lunnunder oath HOW many GUNs did RCMP find at Shubie & Enfield?
robert thomasyeah ask how many guns did they find
Ash Lunn5 or 13+ ??
What TheHeckNSPEYTON National Weapons!!!!!!!!!!!!
InvasiononeAnd then Brenda forwarded the inventory around to a bunch of non-members. Oh, Brenda!
Little Grey CellsBOOM
Truth InAllHolding back.
NS BluenoseOhhhhh
Green Bastardwow
Donna Jjess[message retracted]
The Artist Formerly Known As Squirrel Piss KetchupBoom!
nikki lewislies lies lies COVER UP
Ash Lunnand the wheels on the bus go round and rond
NS BluenoseHe is under oath doesn’t he have to answer the questions
What TheHeckNSCareful Chris
Julia RockMinutes not hours?
robert thomasdammit I missed something important
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFhe's going to love his time in front of the HoC commission 

he just shafted the command triangle and PMO
Ash Lunnside deals?
The Artist Formerly Known As Squirrel Piss KetchupCan’t wait to hear Brenda’s testimony now 
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAF@What
TheHeckNS lol he's set himself up for recall and a big grilling. he's
definitely not going to be setting up his Ottawa desk now 

The Artist Formerly Known As Squirrel Piss KetchupBut
then again the commission seems quite happy to have contradictory
witnesses. Makes for lots of mess especially when cross is denied in
many cases.
robert thomasand then the porn bot show up
Mizz Foxxwhaaaat
What TheHeckNSIn my opinion, this makes no difference to them, he already was in charge when the BIGGEST F up happened and is promoted.
The Artist Formerly Known As Squirrel Piss KetchupWell timed those porn “bots”
InvasiononeWasn’t that the press conference where he said “I think we did make an Alert, or were in the process of making it”
What TheHeckNSAgree, possible recall
Julia RockHe was pretty sure it was teleconference.
Ash LunnTC teleconference?
Peter BykerLeather's Big Book GOES BACK IN TIME. Compare the times listed on COMM0051406 _0053 and _0067
Julia RockTC wouldn’t mean press conference.
Ash Lunncan't or WON"T answer
nikki lewiscant believe he took the afternoon off, on april 23
nikki lewislies
What TheHeckNSApril 22, 2022 at 12:15pm NO MORE NOTES! EVENING PHONE CALL
Julia RockThat was the TC.
Ash Lunnall firearms..HOW MANY seized
NS BluenoseI marked it down oh I mentally noted destruction of evidence maybe????
Julia RockA full glass of water. I’m guessing a drink coming.
What TheHeckNSWe’re talking about YOUR CALL with Comm Lucki - what are the rules? DO NOT TAKE NOTES!
nikki lewishe has zero credibility imo
Julia RockCredibility fail.
nikki lewis"off record tongith Chris" did it go something like that?
Invasionone“I marked it down… mentally marked it down”…. “Why wouldn’t you take notes of a meeting with the commissioner?” “Well, I didn’t”
InvasiononeThis guy
Little Grey CellsWhy is there no crease on inserted coil pages past page 55?
InvasiononeThe only competent person in this commission is Madam Registrar. Always on the ball.
nikki lewis"not my problem"
Ash Lunnthrowing bergerman under bus?
Little Grey Cellspolitical interference
What TheHeckNSLets get to April 18 and 19 Ms. Young.
The Artist Formerly Known As Squirrel Piss KetchupThe PM is going to take a haircut credibility wise.
Glowwatcher100% whattheheck
Julia RockNo follow up on anything with this bunch. Everybody pointing at the other. They should all have the same pay.
Julia RockNo senior rank with leadership skills.
The Artist Formerly Known As Squirrel Piss KetchupI find her voice to be sleep inducing.
What TheHeckNS@Julia Rock sure seems like that
Chris LeeYour right on that Julia
Ash Lunndocs being held back again? entered last minute?
Julia RockHe didn’t have glasses 2.5 yrs ago.
What TheHeckNSSpell it again?
What TheHeckNSROBIN again
What TheHeckNSSolem?
The Artist Formerly Known As Squirrel Piss KetchupRobin Hood.
Ash LunnRobin the nly robin I know that hides more stuff than a squirrel
Julia RockDisgusting that docs are slipped in so that lawyers have little time to prepare and discuss.
Mizz FoxxMy YouTube is barely working, just keeps buffering and quality drops, also geta stuck in full screen when I didn't click it
Ash Lunnme too MizzFozz
Julia RockMF I’ve been booted out twice and have freezing issues.
InvasiononeFeels like our more glowing members of the chat room have gone for a group caucus 
Judy BrownAG notorious for slipping in at last minute
Julia RockDo Not recall
NS BluenoseMizzfox try changing data quality I have been getting kicked out lots only once today
Julia RockHis notes trigger a script.
The Artist Formerly Known As Squirrel Piss KetchupMy YouTube was freezing a lot during Campbell’s two days.
Darcy DobsonHe throws bergerman under the bus and bergerman throws lucki under the bus
NS BluenoseMany guy only interviewed a few weeks ago something wrong with that I would say!!!!! Why MCC?,?
Judy Browndo rcmp and CSIS work together?
Ash Lunnwill Lucki throw Blair & trudope under the bus
NS BluenoseFor her
What TheHeckNSJamie Solem
Darcy DobsonAsh Lunn it may be the only thing that saves her at this point
What TheHeckNSHe’s looking at his lawyer see that
Julia RockHe looks up at the lawyers quite a bit.
Little Grey CellsThey
were/are the same Judy. Yes. They "split", but not really, 1984. One
and the same. Intelligence in canadais one and the same.
Little Grey CellsCanada*
Little Grey CellsOh no. John Robin.... problems
NS BluenoseQuestion how much pull does John robin have what is his position what organization does he work for…..
What TheHeckNSCNIP
What TheHeckNSJohn ROBIN, CNIP
robert thomasso
the long and short of what I have learned today is to get ahead in the
RCMP a person has to be able to throw anyone and everyone under the
Julia RockThat hand single didn’t indicate a triangle. It was more the bottom and top half of a circle.
Ash Lunnwho is clicking ice in back ground? I hear that?
Ken Triolcnip?
Julia RockHand signal.
What TheHeckNSYes, let’s talk about John being put in that role
Ash Lunnman that bus is pretty beat up now, so many people under it
robert thomasso his name is on it but he can't remember it
NS BluenoseWhat is cnip same as independent sector?,? Like Brenda Forbes
Little Grey CellsThey will take everything down to protect their secret
What TheHeckNS@robert thomas he doesn’t remember seeing a final draft
Ash Lunnpolitical interfernce
robert thomashis testimony is as pathetic as he looks
What TheHeckNSSee him looking to the lawyers again?
The Artist Formerly Known As Squirrel Piss KetchupDied in the vine. Grape reference. Grapes of wrath 
robert thomashe skates on that question
Julia RockSo working on a draft and doesn’t follow up.
Little Grey CellsWhere is Robin and his MCC interviews?????
What TheHeckNSGet JOHN here and Darren back
Judy Brownthanks for the info LGC
robert thomasunreal absolutely unreal!
The Artist Formerly Known As Squirrel Piss KetchupHe wants an objection but those lawyers are wary of the optics
Mizz Foxx

Peter BykerI REALLY hope we revisit Lucki's testimony from #SECU committee two days ago
Little Grey CellsCome clean sir... honestly. PLEASE!
The Artist Formerly Known As Squirrel Piss KetchupUnburden yourself.
robert thomasthis
guy is 2IC has he does not know.. when pressed sez "my dog ate the
pages outta my notebook" trhen expects everyone to look the other way,
nothin to see here.. WTF!
Little Grey CellsOh the dirt is beginning to come out
Julia RockHe has another day, so he will skate today and tomorrow he may shed a tear.
robert thomasso it is a scoping problem now!
Little Grey CellsThis will destroy him as a human. His secrets. Look at what it has done to his body!
What TheHeckNSDALEY and again BRENNAN
robert thomasthe 2IC for RCMP would not even make a good mall cop
What TheHeckNSDaley’s coming? Isn’t he being sued?
robert thomashe laughs
Ash Lunnroll out the welcome mat for Daley, but put that welcome map over a big hole so Daley falls in it
Peter Byker"one Truth is plenty for the RCMP."
robert thomassay it
NS BluenoseIs he saying things
Julia RockSo where are all of leathers uniforms that obviously don’t fit him now? Destroyed, home in drawer? Surplus store?
Julia RockMaybe altered!
Peter Byker@Julia redacted a few sizes
robert thomashe is saying hardly anything at all.. except maybe not my fault @NS Bluenose
Mizz Foxxumm
Glowwatcher@Julie. He probably gave his uniforms to a relative who likes to dress up
Judy BrownGeez it's all about covering up stuff, if they could put as much effort into providing info ...
robert thomasbut the report would be a career killer
robert thomassay it
Julia RockLike the forensic report by Logan?
Chris LeeJulia they use it for horse blankets now musical ride
robert thomasboth can happen
Julia RockChris. Lol.
Chris LeeHa ha
NS BluenoseRobert yes but no support from hq …just think he might give it up
Julia RockOr log liner?
robert thomasso basically there is no accountability none at all
Chris LeeLol maybe a Douglas fir
Julia RockIs that a clock under there?
Peter BykerBig book, makes sense
NS BluenoseThis is commission lawyer and having difficulty with her what is going to happen with families questions
Donna JjessCommission won't let them go ahead with them ?
robert thomasyeah
@NS Bluenose I don't think he would give up anything.. he was a good
Soldier who somehow was made a Capo that never will be the Don and now
just wants his bump in pension
InvasiononeChief Super Nintendo Leather treading very carefully here
Chris LeeLol
Julia RockIt thought CT was crayon tray. Glad they clarified.
Chris LeeThey must be able to afford alot of crayons with their budget
Julia RockEye to the crowd.
YESSIscratch scratch
robert thomaslol
Julia RockObjection coming. I bet
Ash Lunnlol
robert thomasIs John Robin the husband of Janice Gray
Little Grey CellsHow to hide documents 101
Chris LeeYes Robert
Little Grey CellsYes Robert
Little Grey CellsJENGA Janice
NS BluenoseYeap
What TheHeckNSHuhHuhHuh keep going
Julia RockNobody asks Rachel is she needs a break. Lol.
Little Grey CellsThe hole that they have from everyone quitting
robert thomasso question.. who decided to hire John Robin to conduct the initial investigation
Julia RockImploding!
Peter BykerThey've had everything. We get the sharpies and crayons to work with. yet still we dig.
NS44porn bots , how I missed you
Glowwatcherwhere were you, we missed you porn bots!
robert thomaspathetic absolutely pathetic
David AmosMethinks
the MCC should ask Gilles Blinn, Wayne Lang, Darrell LaFosse and Mikey
O'Malley to testify the RCMP cannot deny that they knew a lot about the
issue that concerns them long ago N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Julia RockLeather looking like pleather these days!
David Amos
Chris LeeLol
The Artist Formerly Known As Squirrel Piss KetchupGenuine Bonded leather
Julia RockRawhide.
Chris LeeHe is exercising away the guilt
robert thomaslol @Julia Rock he certainly doesn't look like Fine Corinthian
noticed that neither Super Nintendos wore their white shirts to the
MCC… Brenda was in full uniform at the Committee Hearing the other day.
Chris LeeHe is no Volare
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFgovernment
does not dictate the direction of an investigation the evidence
dictates the direction of the investigation or charges laid
Chris LeeSome may have to Google that lol
Little Grey CellsNp unifrom... too much dirty here. Very bad optics
robert thomasand he ain't a two Door Cordoba
Chris LeeLol yup I remember those too
Julia RockEl Camino! Half missing.
Chris LeeOne of my favs El Camino
Little Grey CellsDirty tricks
Peter BykerGood digging @David Amos, some interesting stuff
robert thomasIf Ricardo Montalban was working for Chris Leather he'd be peddling busses.. with plush pissed on vinyl seats
Chris LeeLol no fine Corinthian leather there Robert
Julia RockAnother draft - do you follow-up though?
YESSIa lil boot licking
robert thomasgotta laugh because this testimony is pissing me off.. pun intended!
Julia RockRobert me too!
Julia RockWhat’s his favourite coffee?
What TheHeckNSThe eyes
The Artist Formerly Known As Squirrel Piss KetchupMan his cross is gonna be entertaining.
Chris LeeYup learning nothing they won't break the silence
robert thomashe sez "in a matter of weeks" then looks to audience
What TheHeckNSTo his lawyers
Julia RockReally who wants recommendations for those people when they can’t do their jobs now?
NS BluenoseGatekeepers interesting word
Truth InAllShooting of their uns.
Tony KCampbell
and Leather can provide their future recommendations in their notebooks
and send to MCC.....can you ask some relevant 18/19 Apr questions on
the continued screw ups.
Chris LeeThey don't follow them anyways
Truth InAllGuns
Julia RockLike the handling of LB?
Truth InAllBody cams
What TheHeckNSSERIOUSLY? Are we rewinding time here?
NS BluenoseI will take standard from Truro police chief
Tony KI guess we must wait for family lawyers to step up.
Julia RockCowards.
Little Grey Cellslol... you dont say
NS BluenoseWe are entitled to dash cam audio and video
Peter Lambservice costs vs delivery
Green Bastardand if it doesn't?
Becca AOr like petrocan /Irving , campbell said he was identified in elmsdale
Julia RockI’m guessing no afternoon break and they will end for the day
robert thomasget rid of the bloat and put more officers in field
Little Grey CellsLike you provide documents?
YESSIleveling the plainfield... downward probably
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFit also allows RCMP to ensure they control the equipment and resources so RCMP can't be voted out of NS
Peter Bykertraining vs performance
lilybalm66like you tell the truth
NS BluenoseWe have seen what you accomplish is BC no thanks
Julia RockStop the nepotism and promoting those who don’t deserve. Get rid of the rcmp or at least the brass who are corrupt
YESSIClint Eastwood 

Truth InAllWill they be thinning out the white shirts?
Julia RockHe needs blinders on. Lol.
Little Grey CellsDisband RCMP
robert thomasthese incompetent #$%s need to be FIRED! not promoted or placed on leave or quietly retired
Green Bastarddid I miss something? what does this have to do with 18/19
Chris LeeHe can get em from their horses Julia
Tony KWe are short....everyone is is short.
Julia RockChris, yes in exchange for the new blankets.
Chris LeeLol
robert thomashe does not have any idea how much bloat is in organization
Becca AWhich is how much per year ?
Julia RockShameful these people retire with great pensions!
Little Grey CellsWhat
about if you do NOT provide service? Who decides? And how can we break
our contracts with you (who is really ourselves) and give you the boot?
Green Bastardprotecting pensions
Julia RockIt’s inferred!
Nosy ScotianRebuild from the top down. Cut out the fat like every other corporation has to and just maybe you'll survive
Truth InAllMoved around like priests too.
Truth InAllRobin comes to mind.
robert thomasso
the problem is.. most coming from away and from here want to move to
Halifax because there are moar jobs for spouses there.. And because of
that they need to create "opportunities " for advancement
Truth InAllButcher.
Little Grey CellsThey are beyond redemption
Julia RockGet out!
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFpay cuts for all politicians and white shirts reallocate the funds to dashcams and full-time GPS tracking and hire more boots
Tony KDid you get Lucki questions mixed into his questions?
Little Grey CellsThis was NEVER a question of money
Julia RockThe deficits are the brass.
Glowwatcher100 % Baylin
Green Bastardit's not
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFabsenteeism lol Leather how many have gone AWOL
Julia RockYes because O’Brien called it A business.
Chris LeeToo many generals not enough soldiers
NS Bluenose[message retracted]
Nosy ScotianProbably right Seamus beyond redemption at this point. Sad for 🇨🇦
Tony KDo more with less....affects every govt organization.
Becca ARegular
financial auditing , drug testing, mandatory body cams of all members ,
and removal of the oath is what they really need
Julia Rock[message retracted]
NS Bluenose5 members in ground, how many in offices giving orders and hiding information more then 5 I would say.
YESSIBecca Amen
GlowwatcherThe money being spent on the MCC would be a good start for funding a new provincial police force
Green Bastardagain, nothing to do with 18/19
Tony KRob from peter to pay paul....temporary short term solution.
Little Grey CellsToo
much bloat, money wasted on MASSIVE admin, international operations and
COVERTY OPS. Boot RCMP and community policing by local departments who
don't like dirty trick divisions
Glowwatcher100 % Green , all politics and funding discussions
NS BluenoseGood go we will get organizations like Truro
Julia RockSo I’m hearing too many problems to recover, get out!
Ash Lunnhere's a thought, cut salaries and put some white shirts in a squad car and back on the beat policing the streets lol
Little Grey Cells100% Julia. The RCMP does not attract good people because they (we) are such a toxic employer
NS BluenoseNo one is joining you
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFHey Leather RCMP shouldn't take and hold contracts it can't maintain. Business law 101 that gets you sued for breach of contract
NS BluenoseJulia you are so right
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFgreat NS RCMP so short staffed Dirty Tricks Division has to drive replica cruisers full-time 

Julia RockMove chief MacNeil into NS and let him be involved with restructuring.
Little Grey CellsBand aids for amputated LEGS AND ARMS AND HEADS
NS BluenoseYou are headed on the end of a boot
Little Grey CellsWasting millions washing cash through dental clinics and building warehouses, motor bikes
Becca ACheif MacNeil is Steven MacNeils brother is he not ?
YESSIless services, sounds like a threat
Julia Rock1 hr 25 mins.
NS BluenoseWe Nova Scotia need to inform the province we are not happy with the Rcmp
Julia RockI will go back.
Green Bastardless service delivery
Invasionone“You didn’t mention the meeting with Lucki in your interview with us. Why not?” “I cannot answer without council”
Becca AI couldn’t even listen to him
nikki lewishe didnt tell MCC interview about the request from Lucki to send the firearms inventory I think
Becca AOn no he didn’t say that
Becca AWow
nikki lewisthats it @Invasionone 
Peter BykerThe thin blue line is a garotte.
nikki lewisi bet his interview with MCC wasnt under oath though?
NOVA SCOTIA GROWN61Our tax$$$s go to financing this gang
Julia RockRachel
asked him in your commission interview did you mention your contact
with the commissioner and CI on April 22/23. He answered no. Richelieu
said why and he said I cannot answer
robert thomastrying to let this sink .... Chris Leather is the best of the best seeing as he managed to rise to the top of this organization
Julia RockRachel not Richelieu.
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFCameron Ortis is due in court again soon
J DoneWhen you're a kid you don't see the issues, just the red tunic and horses
Becca AIt’s the conflicts of interest in policing too in the maritimes, especially in rural areas where everyone’s related.
Peter Bykera Hollywood-like creative budget, like how a blockbuster still LOSES money.
Invasionone@robert thomas The Peter Principle. He failed upwards.
robert thomasalright gotta ask.. who is Cameron Ortis
Virtual Asylumthey
are completely USELESS. Most of them around here just ride around all
day. There is one lady that just parks in the pharmacy and plays with
her phone all her shift.
Becca AThat can get corrupt too , families of cops and crooks
Peter BykerInternational
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFRCMP is Secret Branch posing as gravel road cops as a front for shadow ops
Becca ARunning towns
Peter Bykera Corporate capture of the whole security apparatus?
robert thomasthey can't be gravel road cops when most seem to strive to live in HRM
robert thomasoffices that wont even let you in the door unless you have an appointment
They asked Leather why he didn’t mention the meeting with Lucki re: gun
inventory in his interviews with MCC. He couldn’t answer without
consulting with his council. 
Truth InAllMunicipal police with reviews every year.
Green Bastardtruro ps all day
Becca ANeither
Glowwatcherwhere were you, we missed you porn bots!
robert thomaspathetic absolutely pathetic
David AmosMethinks
the MCC should ask Gilles Blinn, Wayne Lang, Darrell LaFosse and Mikey
O'Malley to testify the RCMP cannot deny that they knew a lot about the
issue that concerns them long ago N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Julia RockLeather looking like pleather these days!
David Amos
Chris LeeLol
The Artist Formerly Known As Squirrel Piss KetchupGenuine Bonded leather
Julia RockRawhide.
Chris LeeHe is exercising away the guilt
robert thomaslol @Julia Rock he certainly doesn't look like Fine Corinthian
noticed that neither Super Nintendos wore their white shirts to the
MCC… Brenda was in full uniform at the Committee Hearing the other day.
Chris LeeHe is no Volare
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFgovernment
does not dictate the direction of an investigation the evidence
dictates the direction of the investigation or charges laid
Chris LeeSome may have to Google that lol
Little Grey CellsNp unifrom... too much dirty here. Very bad optics
robert thomasand he ain't a two Door Cordoba
Chris LeeLol yup I remember those too
Julia RockEl Camino! Half missing.
Chris LeeOne of my favs El Camino
Little Grey CellsDirty tricks
Peter BykerGood digging @David Amos, some interesting stuff
robert thomasIf Ricardo Montalban was working for Chris Leather he'd be peddling busses.. with plush pissed on vinyl seats
Chris LeeLol no fine Corinthian leather there Robert
Julia RockAnother draft - do you follow-up though?
YESSIa lil boot licking
robert thomasgotta laugh because this testimony is pissing me off.. pun intended!
Julia RockRobert me too!
Julia RockWhat’s his favourite coffee?
What TheHeckNSThe eyes
The Artist Formerly Known As Squirrel Piss KetchupMan his cross is gonna be entertaining.
Chris LeeYup learning nothing they won't break the silence
robert thomashe sez "in a matter of weeks" then looks to audience
What TheHeckNSTo his lawyers
Julia RockReally who wants recommendations for those people when they can’t do their jobs now?
NS BluenoseGatekeepers interesting word
Truth InAllShooting of their uns.
Tony KCampbell
and Leather can provide their future recommendations in their notebooks
and send to MCC.....can you ask some relevant 18/19 Apr questions on
the continued screw ups.
Chris LeeThey don't follow them anyways
Truth InAllGuns
Julia RockLike the handling of LB?
Truth InAllBody cams
What TheHeckNSSERIOUSLY? Are we rewinding time here?
NS BluenoseI will take standard from Truro police chief
Tony KI guess we must wait for family lawyers to step up.
Julia RockCowards.
Little Grey Cellslol... you dont say
NS BluenoseWe are entitled to dash cam audio and video
Peter Lambservice costs vs delivery
Green Bastardand if it doesn't?
Becca AOr like petrocan /Irving , campbell said he was identified in elmsdale
Julia RockI’m guessing no afternoon break and they will end for the day
robert thomasget rid of the bloat and put more officers in field
Little Grey CellsLike you provide documents?
YESSIleveling the plainfield... downward probably
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFit also allows RCMP to ensure they control the equipment and resources so RCMP can't be voted out of NS
Peter Bykertraining vs performance
lilybalm66like you tell the truth
NS BluenoseWe have seen what you accomplish is BC no thanks
Julia RockStop the nepotism and promoting those who don’t deserve. Get rid of the rcmp or at least the brass who are corrupt
YESSIClint Eastwood 

Truth InAllWill they be thinning out the white shirts?
Julia RockHe needs blinders on. Lol.
Little Grey CellsDisband RCMP
robert thomasthese incompetent #$%s need to be FIRED! not promoted or placed on leave or quietly retired
Green Bastarddid I miss something? what does this have to do with 18/19
Chris LeeHe can get em from their horses Julia
Tony KWe are short....everyone is is short.
Julia RockChris, yes in exchange for the new blankets.
Chris LeeLol
robert thomashe does not have any idea how much bloat is in organization
Becca AWhich is how much per year ?
Julia RockShameful these people retire with great pensions!
Little Grey CellsWhat
about if you do NOT provide service? Who decides? And how can we break
our contracts with you (who is really ourselves) and give you the boot?
Green Bastardprotecting pensions
Julia RockIt’s inferred!
Nosy ScotianRebuild from the top down. Cut out the fat like every other corporation has to and just maybe you'll survive
Truth InAllMoved around like priests too.
Truth InAllRobin comes to mind.
robert thomasso
the problem is.. most coming from away and from here want to move to
Halifax because there are moar jobs for spouses there.. And because of
that they need to create "opportunities " for advancement
Truth InAllButcher.
Little Grey CellsThey are beyond redemption
Julia RockGet out!
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFpay cuts for all politicians and white shirts reallocate the funds to dashcams and full-time GPS tracking and hire more boots
Tony KDid you get Lucki questions mixed into his questions?
Little Grey CellsThis was NEVER a question of money
Julia RockThe deficits are the brass.
Glowwatcher100 % Baylin
Green Bastardit's not
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFabsenteeism lol Leather how many have gone AWOL
Julia RockYes because O’Brien called it A business.
Chris LeeToo many generals not enough soldiers
NS Bluenose[message retracted]
Nosy ScotianProbably right Seamus beyond redemption at this point. Sad for 🇨🇦
Tony KDo more with less....affects every govt organization.
Becca ARegular
financial auditing , drug testing, mandatory body cams of all members ,
and removal of the oath is what they really need
Julia Rock[message retracted]
NS Bluenose5 members in ground, how many in offices giving orders and hiding information more then 5 I would say.
YESSIBecca Amen
GlowwatcherThe money being spent on the MCC would be a good start for funding a new provincial police force
Green Bastardagain, nothing to do with 18/19
Tony KRob from peter to pay paul....temporary short term solution.
Little Grey CellsToo
much bloat, money wasted on MASSIVE admin, international operations and
COVERTY OPS. Boot RCMP and community policing by local departments who
don't like dirty trick divisions
Glowwatcher100 % Green , all politics and funding discussions
NS BluenoseGood go we will get organizations like Truro
Julia RockSo I’m hearing too many problems to recover, get out!
Ash Lunnhere's a thought, cut salaries and put some white shirts in a squad car and back on the beat policing the streets lol
Little Grey Cells100% Julia. The RCMP does not attract good people because they (we) are such a toxic employer
NS BluenoseNo one is joining you
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFHey Leather RCMP shouldn't take and hold contracts it can't maintain. Business law 101 that gets you sued for breach of contract
NS BluenoseJulia you are so right
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFgreat NS RCMP so short staffed Dirty Tricks Division has to drive replica cruisers full-time 

Julia RockMove chief MacNeil into NS and let him be involved with restructuring.
Little Grey CellsBand aids for amputated LEGS AND ARMS AND HEADS
NS BluenoseYou are headed on the end of a boot
Little Grey CellsWasting millions washing cash through dental clinics and building warehouses, motor bikes
Becca ACheif MacNeil is Steven MacNeils brother is he not ?
YESSIless services, sounds like a threat
Julia Rock1 hr 25 mins.
NS BluenoseWe Nova Scotia need to inform the province we are not happy with the Rcmp
Julia RockI will go back.
Green Bastardless service delivery
Invasionone“You didn’t mention the meeting with Lucki in your interview with us. Why not?” “I cannot answer without council”
Becca AI couldn’t even listen to him
nikki lewishe didnt tell MCC interview about the request from Lucki to send the firearms inventory I think
Becca AOn no he didn’t say that
Becca AWow
nikki lewisthats it @Invasionone 
Peter BykerThe thin blue line is a garotte.
nikki lewisi bet his interview with MCC wasnt under oath though?
NOVA SCOTIA GROWN61Our tax$$$s go to financing this gang
Julia RockRachel
asked him in your commission interview did you mention your contact
with the commissioner and CI on April 22/23. He answered no. Richelieu
said why and he said I cannot answer
robert thomastrying to let this sink .... Chris Leather is the best of the best seeing as he managed to rise to the top of this organization
Julia RockRachel not Richelieu.
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFCameron Ortis is due in court again soon
J DoneWhen you're a kid you don't see the issues, just the red tunic and horses
Becca AIt’s the conflicts of interest in policing too in the maritimes, especially in rural areas where everyone’s related.
Peter Bykera Hollywood-like creative budget, like how a blockbuster still LOSES money.
Invasionone@robert thomas The Peter Principle. He failed upwards.
robert thomasalright gotta ask.. who is Cameron Ortis
Virtual Asylumthey
are completely USELESS. Most of them around here just ride around all
day. There is one lady that just parks in the pharmacy and plays with
her phone all her shift.
Becca AThat can get corrupt too , families of cops and crooks
Peter BykerInternational
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFRCMP is Secret Branch posing as gravel road cops as a front for shadow ops
Becca ARunning towns
Peter Bykera Corporate capture of the whole security apparatus?
robert thomasthey can't be gravel road cops when most seem to strive to live in HRM
robert thomasoffices that wont even let you in the door unless you have an appointment
They asked Leather why he didn’t mention the meeting with Lucki re: gun
inventory in his interviews with MCC. He couldn’t answer without
consulting with his council. 
Truth InAllMunicipal police with reviews every year.
Green Bastardtruro ps all day
Becca ANeither
Becca AWouldn’t want either
Ash Lunni smell a smurf in here
robert thomasso the problem with province wide police organization is few want to patrol in Meat Cove
robert thomasbecause where does wife work in Cheticamp
robert thomasor Dingwall
Virtual AsylumI would take Truro anyday over the RCMP.
Tony K[message retracted]
The Artist Formerly Known As Squirrel Piss KetchupThey don’t go into meat cove very much.
Julia RockI hope Chief MacNeil got bombarded with positive encouragement. I sent a card.
robert thomasI sent Chief MacNeil an email letting him know he acquitted himself well in his testimony
The Artist Formerly Known As Squirrel Piss KetchupMacNeil replied to my email the next day.
Becca ARcmp and Truro police have been at war with each other over the $6m contract for years
Julia RockSeamus
when you travel across Canada you don’t have to pay PST. Or at least
that’s how it used to work. Just show your license in other provinces
when you shop.
Ash LunnChief MacNeil should investigate Clayfield who has business addresses right in town of Truro.
Linda MBig buildings with what in them?
GlowwatcherI am in Hants County and would take anything other than RCMP
Glowwatcherwould even take Quebec police over RcMP
Linda MI liked the Dartmouth city police. They knew the community and people.
Julia JonesTruro said they could give us 24/7 covage for a lot less
Julia RockMy
Friend my Alberta came to Ontario and we both bought leather coats and
the lady serving said well you are from Alberta you don’t pay PST, so
got her to pay for mine as well. It was great.
Crystal EdwardsI live in Amherst and we have town police and RCMP and I barely see RCMP...lucky if I seen them twice a month
Center HiceLinda your so right
Dartmouth police were very personable .
Julia RockThe faith in the rcmp is gone.
Julia RockAbused members with guns at that!
Tony Kfarce is back on
Center HiceAlthough
I ld love to shake McNeil s hand in Truro ,who ever it was that said
they sent him a e mail ,do you still have his e mail address ?
Julia Rock21
Julia JonesBut almost all the cops from here has been sent somewhere else to grieve alone
Linda MMost couldn’t outrun us!! lol
Becca ASpeaking of abused , look at what they put the horses through in Ottawa, all for a show. That was disgusting
NS BluenoseRCMP officer shot dead by Quebec police; woman and teen seriously injured in home. This morning
Tony KMCC is back on.
Julia RockMultitasking. Might have to hire more women. Lol.
Linda MYes Julia : (
Crystal Edwardstrue that @ Julia
Julia RockNs bluenose. Wow.
M UAfternoon everyone, my goodness I would never have recognized him, he’s lost half his body weight.
Becca ADo the family lawyers get to ask a leather questions today or is that not happening
Julia RockBecca I’m guessing tomorrown
Little Grey CellsLook at poor Dion Sutton after April 18/19
NS BluenoseAnd Dion was a good guy
Julia RockThe guilt and shame is eating them alive. IMO.
Becca ADidn’t realize he was 2 days long too , brutal
Julia RockMany of them.
Ash Lunna female was taken into custody while attending todays MCC
Linda MRoad safety? They cause most of the mishaps.
Ash Lunnthat freekitty woman?
Julia RockUnfortunately there are some boots on the ground who were out in harms way and suffered quite a bit and likely still are.
Little Grey CellsPardon, Ash Lun?
UncleBlazer@Ash Lunn according to Nighttime Podcast she was
Truth InAllJust today read an article regarding police in NS taking secondary jobs as security guards, bouncers etc. It is a fact.
Little Grey CellsWho audits the audits?????
Ash Lunn@UncleBlazer yup
Linda M@julia Jones Lilly?
David AmosAsk Barbara George and and my evil foe Gilles Moreau about the RCMP Gold Plated Pension Plan
Julia RockBluenose said a rcmp shot dead by Quebec police. What’s up there?
Little Grey CellsSounds like a distraction technique. Dirty Tricks div again up to same old. Plant freekitty or whatever
David AmosLittle Grey CellsWho audits the audits????? I DO
Ash Lunntabernac
Peter Lamb48 you old rcmp with knife shot kil kbec. female and teen injured
Little Grey CellsPDS... ask Dion Sutton
Julia RockFeeding information, cracks and gaps - that’s a big part of the problem here.
Julia RockThanks Peter.
robert thomasyeah they put Dion Sutton on stand
David AmosDeja
Vu Anyone???
What TheHeckNSHoly MOLY
Linda MOh, the wasted trees.
FRANKLY NSAudit ducks on subways
Julia RockDidn’t answer the question.
Little Grey CellsLMFAO
Little Grey CellsOh the glow goes so low.
Crystal Edwardslike and share everyone. even if you get one ear listening could make a big difference
Julia RockAre you responsible? Blah blah.
Little Grey CellsWhen in doubt, bring Agent provocateur out!
nikki lewisjust saw that @Ash Lunn ,
Tony KAudit discussions with CROPs officer is so relevant to WHAT.
Little Grey CellsTheir dirty trick box is so empty when they shit the bed. How dumb do they think people are?
What TheHeckNS@Truth InAll it’s true. Councillors spoke about this on TVeinotte show this week or last
robert thomasso what is the deal on the FreeKitty lady
Julia RockDoes crap stick to his fur?
Ash Lunnfree kittie woman has serious mental health issues big time
Julia RockHe is part of the group. Oh JC is on the bike.
FRANKLY NSOh no people are baffled by Freekitty or whatever the RCMP call themselves these days.
David AmosLittle
Grey CellsWhen in doubt, bring Agent provocateur out! I repeat I am not
COINTEL i Offered that link for YOUR benefit AND of the FEDS Reading
this chat
The Artist Formerly Known As Squirrel Piss KetchupYes I’ve been seeing someone posted at the Braemar superstore in Dartmouth quite regularly.
Linda MKinda like saying ‘write the script and follow it out’.
nikki lewisaudit themselves what a joke
Virtual Asylumhe looks like a shadow of his former self....seems something is bothering him.
Truth InAllWhat a mess.
Linda MNo you don’t audit yourself sir.
Julia RockHe can probably do a forensic audit as well? Where’s all the evidence?
NS BluenoseOh maybe they asked Felix to assist in that as well
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFgreat idea the ones getting audited setting up the auditing process lol that's like SiRT investigating RCMP with ex RCMP assets 

nikki lewiscourse not lol
Little Grey CellsWhat a surprise!
Julia RockNot aware. Oh jeez.
robert thomasso
the logic here is the old standards were not good enuf to use for audit
but once the new standards are implemented they'll be good to go
Julia RockYour old buddies.
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFwell naturally you set up your protection racket prior to initiating the criminal operations
Ash Lunndidn't OPP get caught double dipping with an officer the other day in cahoots with a chief?
Little Grey CellsHOLD
Julia RockHe must know Billy well.
Little Grey Cellsok
nikki lewisDOJ yet again
What TheHeckNSWhy not audit now Chris? They can grade according to RCMP policies!
WoodsfanaticRetired Mounties as 3rd party.?
Little Grey CellsI want my paper back
NS BluenoseHold on what document
Ash Lunnmore docs held back to be edited?
nikki lewiswhat a gong show this sham is, waste of tax payers $$$$$
NovaScotiaFreckles Missed all day. Is this Chris leather? Holy he looks really different
robert thomaseverything is someone else's fault with this guy!
Julia RockPublic commission and they are reading from notes that aren’t public.
YESSIthe neck is reaching "Campbell red" level
Julia RockI’d say he will have another 10;LBs gone by tomorrow.
robert thomaswaiting for new standards that will be implemented over these @#$holes are all retired!
Donna JjessIt is @Freckles
robert thomasthere is no accountability and if MCC gets their way there will never be
NovaScotiaFreckles I
mean no disrespect when asking this but did he lose a lot of weight or
something? Honestly not trying to be rude he just looks real different
to me.
robert thomaslost a lot of weight
Donna JjessA LG.amount @Freckles.
NovaScotiaFreckles Yeah I thought so.
Mizz Foxxmisstep
Linda MYou’re fired. We don’t need any more acronyms.
lilybalm66maybe if both of these people spoke a bit faster we could move on
Julia RockFeeding information, cracks and gaps - that’s a big part of the problem here.
Julia RockThanks Peter.
robert thomasyeah they put Dion Sutton on stand
What TheHeckNSHoly MOLY
Linda MOh, the wasted trees.
FRANKLY NSAudit ducks on subways
Julia RockDidn’t answer the question.
Little Grey CellsLMFAO
Little Grey CellsOh the glow goes so low.
Crystal Edwardslike and share everyone. even if you get one ear listening could make a big difference
Julia RockAre you responsible? Blah blah.
Little Grey CellsWhen in doubt, bring Agent provocateur out!
nikki lewisjust saw that @Ash Lunn ,
Tony KAudit discussions with CROPs officer is so relevant to WHAT.
Little Grey CellsTheir dirty trick box is so empty when they shit the bed. How dumb do they think people are?
What TheHeckNS@Truth InAll it’s true. Councillors spoke about this on TVeinotte show this week or last
robert thomasso what is the deal on the FreeKitty lady
Julia RockDoes crap stick to his fur?
Ash Lunnfree kittie woman has serious mental health issues big time
Julia RockHe is part of the group. Oh JC is on the bike.
FRANKLY NSOh no people are baffled by Freekitty or whatever the RCMP call themselves these days.
David AmosLittle
Grey CellsWhen in doubt, bring Agent provocateur out! I repeat I am not
COINTEL i Offered that link for YOUR benefit AND of the FEDS Reading
this chat
The Artist Formerly Known As Squirrel Piss KetchupYes I’ve been seeing someone posted at the Braemar superstore in Dartmouth quite regularly.
Linda MKinda like saying ‘write the script and follow it out’.
nikki lewisaudit themselves what a joke
Virtual Asylumhe looks like a shadow of his former self....seems something is bothering him.
Truth InAllWhat a mess.
Linda MNo you don’t audit yourself sir.
Julia RockHe can probably do a forensic audit as well? Where’s all the evidence?
NS BluenoseOh maybe they asked Felix to assist in that as well
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFgreat idea the ones getting audited setting up the auditing process lol that's like SiRT investigating RCMP with ex RCMP assets 

nikki lewiscourse not lol
Little Grey CellsWhat a surprise!
Julia RockNot aware. Oh jeez.
robert thomasso
the logic here is the old standards were not good enuf to use for audit
but once the new standards are implemented they'll be good to go
Julia RockYour old buddies.
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFwell naturally you set up your protection racket prior to initiating the criminal operations
Ash Lunndidn't OPP get caught double dipping with an officer the other day in cahoots with a chief?
Little Grey CellsHOLD
Julia RockHe must know Billy well.
Little Grey Cellsok
nikki lewisDOJ yet again
What TheHeckNSWhy not audit now Chris? They can grade according to RCMP policies!
WoodsfanaticRetired Mounties as 3rd party.?
Little Grey CellsI want my paper back
NS BluenoseHold on what document
Ash Lunnmore docs held back to be edited?
nikki lewiswhat a gong show this sham is, waste of tax payers $$$$$
NovaScotiaFreckles Missed all day. Is this Chris leather? Holy he looks really different
robert thomaseverything is someone else's fault with this guy!
Julia RockPublic commission and they are reading from notes that aren’t public.
YESSIthe neck is reaching "Campbell red" level
Julia RockI’d say he will have another 10;LBs gone by tomorrow.
robert thomaswaiting for new standards that will be implemented over these @#$holes are all retired!
Donna JjessIt is @Freckles
robert thomasthere is no accountability and if MCC gets their way there will never be
NovaScotiaFreckles I
mean no disrespect when asking this but did he lose a lot of weight or
something? Honestly not trying to be rude he just looks real different
to me.
robert thomaslost a lot of weight
Donna JjessA LG.amount @Freckles.
NovaScotiaFreckles Yeah I thought so.
Mizz Foxxmisstep
Linda MYou’re fired. We don’t need any more acronyms.
lilybalm66maybe if both of these people spoke a bit faster we could move on
Peter Bykerthe constant churn of bureaucratic human sources isn't a bug; it's a feature.
robert thomasthe bloat in command structure serves as a real solid defense when it come to accountability
Tony KClear reporting should be easy unless you are hiding something.
What TheHeckNSIntense Pressure and Scrutiny
David AmosYAWN
Julia RockScanlon had skid marks earlier.
Little Grey CellsDarty eyes at the mention of Brenda
Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines.
Little Grey CellsNo addressees ... of course that is how headers work
Julia Rock[message retracted]
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFhi y'all such professionalism
J9 Macjust tuning in, he doesn't look well.
Julia RockSo much responsibility yet no accountability.
Tony Kand an extra large donair for supper.
Little Grey CellsDid
Hubley and Macleod have a line of sight on GW or did they just shoot ?
Maybe at Onslow? Line of sight on yellow/orange vest?
Julia JonesI think he wore a bigger suit that don’t fit for a reason
Little Grey CellsHow about horsepower riding over protesters in Ottawa? Was that a use of horsepower?
Little Grey CellsYour newspeak is for people like yourselves... mentally lacking
Julia RockWhy didn’t you call Truro? Weren’t you worried about their safety?
Little Grey CellsDesk jockeys
Julia RockTruro is closer though.
Becca AIf so that’s messed up
What TheHeckNSSean Stanton? Who’s that?
Becca ANm
Julia JonesThis should already been done. More waste of time
Little Grey CellsStanton is keeper of files for RCMP and investigation
Peter Bykerawkward!
Little Grey CellsI dont think so. More Brenda issues
Little Grey CellsNot a waste of time
Julia RockPass the buck.
Little Grey CellsHearsay
Little Grey CellsThe blackmail tool RCMMP use over municipal PDs
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAF@Little Grey Cells now it's official heresay evidence
Little Grey CellsRCMP*
Tracy CI live in Bible Hill. I see the rcmp almost everywhere. Can't drive up pictou road with seeing one or two. I hate it
Julia JonesMacNeil said they have their own labs and such. They don’t need to relay on the RCMP much now
Center HicePalango s doing a great
job ,I hope some day ,he finds enough info that would lead to blowing this case with r c m p wide open
Tracy Cwithout
Julia RockSo get some fluff to do some work.
Little Grey CellsMacNeil had enough a few years ago of blackmail
Julia RockAccountability!
Peter Byker
@Tracy C beautiful province, hope to see it some day!
Nosy ScotianDavid you're like a fly in need of a swatting 
Linda MHe is reading right?
FRANKLY NSThe glow surrounds palango but people are blind
Tracy C#Peter Byker it is amazing here. you will love it
Nosy ScotianI take info from all sources although I have my favs 
Tracy C@Peter Byker
What TheHeckNSnot a waste to the people experiencing the crime ahole
Julia RockSimplistic! Accountability!
NS BluenoseThey
are so great take 911 and takes hours to go to location spend hours
elsewhere and leave kids in house after den parent killed. Oh you are
Julia Jones@Frankly NS …. Your comment is
Becca AAnswered a question with a question on this one , lie
NS BluenoseYou can’t arrive at location of 911 call sir
Julia RockInterop concerns? Peoples lives were in danger.
Julia JonesCan’t trust a person that refuses to look the person in the eyes your talking to. Instead looking down all the time he’s talking
What TheHeckNSthese municipal resources would have been of GREAT value
Becca AHe’s not answering the question
NS BluenoseAwe thing those kids would have took priority
Becca AWas a concern for the public as well
What TheHeckNSCONCERN? It could have saved lives
Becca AWhy j division was a simple question
Julia JonesTruro is
percent carbine trained
NS BluenoseDon’t go their
FRANKLY NSSupport ducks?
Becca Alol he’s the worst
Nosy ScotianWere frightened Truro would show them up maybe?
Truth InAllOh the terror!
Anita ButtsJust go in and get it done but no
Peter Byker@David Amos my wife's father was a engineer on the Great Lakes Line, St. John's born, so darn intelligent, an amazing mind! cheers!
What TheHeckNSInsp ALT?
What TheHeckNSis that what he said?
Little Grey CellsSounds like Uvalde
Little Grey CellsCoward officers
Julia Rock@Peter we wouldn’t say ain’t either!
NS BluenoseAnd we have figured out your play book
InvasiononeImagine thinking any of those things are at all equivalent
What TheHeckNSYOU refused HELP PERIOD
David AmosCHECK
Julia RockWhat needs to happen is that you need to go!
Julia RockFeeding information, cracks and gaps - that’s a big part of the problem here.
Julia RockThanks Peter.
robert thomasyeah they put Dion Sutton on stand
What TheHeckNSHoly MOLY
Linda MOh, the wasted trees.
FRANKLY NSAudit ducks on subways
Julia RockDidn’t answer the question.
Little Grey CellsLMFAO
Little Grey CellsOh the glow goes so low.
Crystal Edwardslike and share everyone. even if you get one ear listening could make a big difference
Julia RockAre you responsible? Blah blah.
Little Grey CellsWhen in doubt, bring Agent provocateur out!
nikki lewisjust saw that @Ash Lunn ,
Tony KAudit discussions with CROPs officer is so relevant to WHAT.
Little Grey CellsTheir dirty trick box is so empty when they shit the bed. How dumb do they think people are?
What TheHeckNS@Truth InAll it’s true. Councillors spoke about this on TVeinotte show this week or last
robert thomasso what is the deal on the FreeKitty lady
Julia RockDoes crap stick to his fur?
Ash Lunnfree kittie woman has serious mental health issues big time
Julia RockHe is part of the group. Oh JC is on the bike.
FRANKLY NSOh no people are baffled by Freekitty or whatever the RCMP call themselves these days.
David AmosLittle
Grey CellsWhen in doubt, bring Agent provocateur out! I repeat I am not
COINTEL i Offered that link for YOUR benefit AND of the FEDS Reading
this chat
The Artist Formerly Known As Squirrel Piss KetchupYes I’ve been seeing someone posted at the Braemar superstore in Dartmouth quite regularly.
Linda MKinda like saying ‘write the script and follow it out’.
nikki lewisaudit themselves what a joke
Virtual Asylumhe looks like a shadow of his former self....seems something is bothering him.
Truth InAllWhat a mess.
Linda MNo you don’t audit yourself sir.
Julia RockHe can probably do a forensic audit as well? Where’s all the evidence?
NS BluenoseOh maybe they asked Felix to assist in that as well
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFgreat idea the ones getting audited setting up the auditing process lol that's like SiRT investigating RCMP with ex RCMP assets 

nikki lewiscourse not lol
Little Grey CellsWhat a surprise!
Julia RockNot aware. Oh jeez.
robert thomasso
the logic here is the old standards were not good enuf to use for audit
but once the new standards are implemented they'll be good to go
Julia RockYour old buddies.
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFwell naturally you set up your protection racket prior to initiating the criminal operations
Ash Lunndidn't OPP get caught double dipping with an officer the other day in cahoots with a chief?
Little Grey CellsHOLD
Julia RockHe must know Billy well.
Little Grey Cellsok
nikki lewisDOJ yet again
What TheHeckNSWhy not audit now Chris? They can grade according to RCMP policies!
WoodsfanaticRetired Mounties as 3rd party.?
Little Grey CellsI want my paper back
NS BluenoseHold on what document
Ash Lunnmore docs held back to be edited?
nikki lewiswhat a gong show this sham is, waste of tax payers $$$$$
NovaScotiaFreckles Missed all day. Is this Chris leather? Holy he looks really different
robert thomaseverything is someone else's fault with this guy!
Julia RockPublic commission and they are reading from notes that aren’t public.
YESSIthe neck is reaching "Campbell red" level
Julia RockI’d say he will have another 10;LBs gone by tomorrow.
robert thomaswaiting for new standards that will be implemented over these @#$holes are all retired!
Donna JjessIt is @Freckles
robert thomasthere is no accountability and if MCC gets their way there will never be
NovaScotiaFreckles I
mean no disrespect when asking this but did he lose a lot of weight or
something? Honestly not trying to be rude he just looks real different
to me.
robert thomaslost a lot of weight
Donna JjessA LG.amount @Freckles.
NovaScotiaFreckles Yeah I thought so.
Mizz Foxxmisstep
Linda MYou’re fired. We don’t need any more acronyms.
lilybalm66maybe if both of these people spoke a bit faster we could move on
Peter Bykerthe constant churn of bureaucratic human sources isn't a bug; it's a feature.
robert thomasthe bloat in command structure serves as a real solid defense when it come to accountability
Tony KClear reporting should be easy unless you are hiding something.
What TheHeckNSIntense Pressure and Scrutiny
David AmosYAWN
Julia RockScanlon had skid marks earlier.
Little Grey CellsDarty eyes at the mention of Brenda
Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines.
Little Grey CellsNo addressees ... of course that is how headers work
Julia Rock[message retracted]
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFhi y'all such professionalism
J9 Macjust tuning in, he doesn't look well.
Julia RockSo much responsibility yet no accountability.
Tony Kand an extra large donair for supper.
Little Grey CellsDid
Hubley and Macleod have a line of sight on GW or did they just shoot ?
Maybe at Onslow? Line of sight on yellow/orange vest?
Julia JonesI think he wore a bigger suit that don’t fit for a reason
Little Grey CellsHow about horsepower riding over protesters in Ottawa? Was that a use of horsepower?
Little Grey CellsYour newspeak is for people like yourselves... mentally lacking
Julia RockWhy didn’t you call Truro? Weren’t you worried about their safety?
Little Grey CellsDesk jockeys
Julia RockTruro is closer though.
Becca AIf so that’s messed up
What TheHeckNSSean Stanton? Who’s that?
Becca ANm
Julia JonesThis should already been done. More waste of time
Little Grey CellsStanton is keeper of files for RCMP and investigation
Peter Bykerawkward!
Little Grey CellsI dont think so. More Brenda issues
Little Grey CellsNot a waste of time
Julia RockPass the buck.
Little Grey CellsHearsay
Little Grey CellsThe blackmail tool RCMMP use over municipal PDs
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAF@Little Grey Cells now it's official heresay evidence
Little Grey CellsRCMP*
Tracy CI live in Bible Hill. I see the rcmp almost everywhere. Can't drive up pictou road with seeing one or two. I hate it
Julia JonesMacNeil said they have their own labs and such. They don’t need to relay on the RCMP much now
Center HicePalango s doing a great
job ,I hope some day ,he finds enough info that would lead to blowing this case with r c m p wide open
Tracy Cwithout
Julia RockSo get some fluff to do some work.
Little Grey CellsMacNeil had enough a few years ago of blackmail
Julia RockAccountability!
Peter Byker
@Tracy C beautiful province, hope to see it some day!
Nosy ScotianDavid you're like a fly in need of a swatting 
Linda MHe is reading right?
FRANKLY NSThe glow surrounds palango but people are blind
Tracy C#Peter Byker it is amazing here. you will love it
Nosy ScotianI take info from all sources although I have my favs 
Tracy C@Peter Byker
What TheHeckNSnot a waste to the people experiencing the crime ahole
Julia RockSimplistic! Accountability!
NS BluenoseThey
are so great take 911 and takes hours to go to location spend hours
elsewhere and leave kids in house after den parent killed. Oh you are
Julia Jones@Frankly NS …. Your comment is
Becca AAnswered a question with a question on this one , lie
NS BluenoseYou can’t arrive at location of 911 call sir
Julia RockInterop concerns? Peoples lives were in danger.
Julia JonesCan’t trust a person that refuses to look the person in the eyes your talking to. Instead looking down all the time he’s talking
What TheHeckNSthese municipal resources would have been of GREAT value
Becca AHe’s not answering the question
NS BluenoseAwe thing those kids would have took priority
Becca AWas a concern for the public as well
What TheHeckNSCONCERN? It could have saved lives
Becca AWhy j division was a simple question
Julia JonesTruro is
percent carbine trained
NS BluenoseDon’t go their
FRANKLY NSSupport ducks?
Becca Alol he’s the worst
Nosy ScotianWere frightened Truro would show them up maybe?
Truth InAllOh the terror!
Anita ButtsJust go in and get it done but no
Peter Byker@David Amos my wife's father was a engineer on the Great Lakes Line, St. John's born, so darn intelligent, an amazing mind! cheers!
What TheHeckNSInsp ALT?
What TheHeckNSis that what he said?
Little Grey CellsSounds like Uvalde
Little Grey CellsCoward officers
Julia Rock@Peter we wouldn’t say ain’t either!
NS BluenoseAnd we have figured out your play book
InvasiononeImagine thinking any of those things are at all equivalent
What TheHeckNSYOU refused HELP PERIOD
David AmosCHECK
Julia RockWhat needs to happen is that you need to go!
Peter Bykerlol! you need to be used to be called b'y, tho!
What TheHeckNSUltimately you refused to save lives
Little Grey CellsWow!@ The blame!
Julia RockHelp was offered and you were too proud to accept! You need to get your act together. Help was offered.
Becca ABlame shifting
Nosy ScotianEverybody has a say accept the people you "serve and protect"
Anita ButtsSo true
Linda M
Julia RockYou evolved into a black abyss.
Nosy ScotianWOW
Ash LunnFluid Dynamic...can they STOP using those terms
J DoneGoing to actually share information too I bet
Julia RockFirst step for interop - acceptance of the op being offered!
Little Grey CellsAnita! You sound upset!
YESSI[message retracted]
Nosy ScotianI'm sure Truro and HRP might disagree Mr Leather
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFinteroperability means be more like big brother role model RCMP
Julia RockPre-existing plans? Wtf?
Little Grey CellsSandwich artists
Peter Bykerthrow a binder at the problem
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFrehire Carroll he can draw the maps to ensure police Services interoperability 

Little Grey CellsLike Chris Wortman
Anita ButtsIt’s true the force doesn’t want to work with local police at alll it’s not a sentiment
David AmosYO
Julia RockSo the GD cops get along but that doesn’t matter when there is airheads at the top!
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFdoes
this binder of interoperability standards also include covert ops
interoperability or is Baylin still the wizard behind the shower curtain
Ash Lunn@Little Grey Cells read up in comments
Little Grey CellsHolder of 

InvasiononeSuper Nintendo Janice
Little Grey CellsJENGA Janice
Ash LunnRCMP in Halfax also go into HRM territory like the Banfield Costco incident
Julia RockDo they use Rolodex as well?
Little Grey CellsFluid and dynamic comment. Ash?
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFCID is so integrated RCMP Tracy took HRP Detective to park in Gab's parking lot completely off the record and off PROS
Julia Rock@Ash Lunn. So weird right?
Peter Bykerneed to walk my four-legged shadow, back soon...
Julia RockDid you know bill well?
MHhow downcast can he be
Little Grey CellsFond old memories of BC, Chris. New members wont even know a BC with RCMP
MHgoing off the deep end - hand waving
Julia RockBut you aren’t accepting help?
Linda Mand round and round it goes
Little Grey CellsAsk the Chiefs of Police of Nova Scotia their view of RCMP
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFyou forget your time on York Regional Police studying astrology
NOVA SCOTIA GROWN61Don't let the door hit ya on the way out
Julia RockAdvice - he takes no responsibility and points finger. What can he offer?
Linda MWhere are his medals?
What TheHeckNSWe heard what the Chiefs of Police have to say so no need to answer
J Donehard to be accountable when you keep playing national musical chairs with all your broken toys
Little Grey CellsTarnished badges in NS
Julia RockBaggage?
Linda MNo clean slate here yet.
Little Grey Cellsoh he smiles
Julia RockStink!
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFhumint sources like the Banfield's and Forbes cough cough who brought them into the RCMP family
MHbaggage carrying around = 23 lives
robert thomasthis guy is a real piece of work.. he is still throwing people under the bus FFS!
NS Bluenose[message retracted]
Linda Mhome is where you hang your gun
Julia RockYou run away why would provinces want you?
Becca Ahe’s such a piece of work 
MHI don't admire him - thin OR fat
robert thomasthis will be good!
InvasiononeTime to get some digs in at Cheif MacNeil
Little Grey CellsPSY OP
J Donelol,
we wanted people to shut up about alert ready and tried to pressure
local forces into agreeing so we could subvert a good option all around
Becca ASignal to them ?
Little Grey CellsYou probably wrote the airsoft script, Chris!
Julia RockI hope he gets used to looking at his boots. Walk of shame!
Ash Lunnis he accusing the local police chiefs of lying?
Julia RockDarren wasn’t aware it was a tool in the toolbox.
InvasiononeThe fake risks you made up to excuse why you didn’t use it
Becca AHe was the one who said the alert wasn’t used , because they couldn’t think of what to say in an alert
Becca ALol
Becca ANo uh uh duh
robert thomaswhatta piece of work
Chris LeeYa sure dude
Julia RockHe could Darren campbell not know alert ready was a tool in the tool box?
YESSIunfortunate indeed
Linda Mfamilies 23
MHoh they were mean tome
J DoneAlert ready being used now. I guess the value outweighed the risks in the end
robert thomasso according to him it is all someone else's fault...
Julia RockCan this man catch a fly?
Becca ALol omg leather doesn’t deserve a badge
MHoh get over yourself
Donna JjessGod Bless the 23 ,and all Families and Friends
Becca AHe’s the worst
Julia RockThey are professional and on the ball.
Linda MWhat time is is going to cry?
Chris LeeQueens Cowboys always right everyone else wrong
Julia RockLinda m he is back tomorrow.
YESSIprobably tomorrow Linda
Ash LunnMIC DROP time
robert thomasand this guy still has a job with RCMP.. mind blown!
Becca AWow
Center HiceHe s a piece of work
Ash LunnTHIS is exactly why Chief MacNeil has witnesses in the romm when he takes these calls from the FCMP
robert thomasdon't the Chiefs have access to same database?
Becca AIt’s a yes or no question
Becca ALol
MHbe blah be blah
Julia RockAka. Shut them down?
J DoneThey didn't give us a chance to spin it lol
Julia RockServants?
Becca AHe’s good at beating around the bush , I’ll give him that much
Ash Lunnface it you guys were busted trying to hide that "wants to shoot a cop" bullentin
robert thomasunreal BUT now he is an advocate.. nice!
Julia RockAnswer the question.
Linda Mkeeping members out of Portapique
robert thomaswas the call recorded
Julia RockWhat were you doing?
Ash LunnWILEY does ZERO follow up on complaint calls on Wartman
Linda Mongoing investigation
Becca AMo $$$$
Julia RockWtf would anything his man offers be taken as effective or helpful?
robert thomashis advice is to blame everyone else but himself
Julia RockDid he write a book?
Becca AHaha she can’t even do it
lilybalm66so just stuff that doesn't the rcmp look stupid
J DoneIf
it's not negligent to blow holes in a building you know there are
people inside without verifying your target then not following up on a
complaint must come with a commendation.
MHa new note pad
MHsounds grievance list
Julia RockIt’s called on-boarding. All companies have it.
robert thomasso what does this got to do with throwing everyone and their dog under the bus
Nosy ScotianYou poor thing
Linda Mdash cams sir
YESSIaka wide awake
Ash LunnRCMP need to STOP purging records of complaints "like wants to shoot a cop" for an example
J DoneIf only he had had some power or ability to improve these things
MHyou hade 911 calls you ignored
Andrew PittGreetings from Berlin, Germany. Sounds like a multi-layered cobweb cake of money burning incompetence
Linda Mdoes that work for coverups?
Becca AHate to say it but I have more respect for rob the carpenter than leather
Chris LeeLol
Julia RockTicker Tape. Did he mean telex?
robert thomasthis
guy is the reason that RCMP needs to be disbanded.. they can to the
musical ride and guard the PM annnnnnd that's all folks!
Nosy ScotianHi Andrew and that sums it up
Chris LeeHa ha I think so
Ash LunnRCMP need to keep drunk cops OFF the air and from giving orders during a mass shooting incident
J DoneAny chance he retires tonight?
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFothers like suspects Banfield family mafia cough cough where's her background checks we paid for them publicize them
YESSISeamus on break 
MHfunny @Becca A
Ash LunnLGC passed out or is AWOL?
Chris LeeHey where is the man the myth the legend
MHhe's joining up?
Andrew PittHi@Nosy Scotian Think u guys deserve better
Julia Rock[message retracted]
Chris LeeMaybe he is too pissed off to talk...
NS BluenoseGone for coffee or cigarettes
MHlet us all call 9ll
Chris LeeAre they?
Becca ADo we know that for sure, or is that from a banfield having a Marriott as a fb friend ?
MHRCMP got to our leader?
Janice WalkerMaybe a puppy potty break
NS BluenoseHope they didn’t abducted him
been reading the articles posted to that Tarnished Badge go daddy
website and it kind of helps fill in some gaps, despite who has written
the articles…. Grain of salt or whatever
Julia RockI
have never been in a job where I didn’t know what was going on or what I
was responsible for! Now he asks for more $$. For what? You don’t know
what you are doing so how would you know what u need?
What TheHeckNS@Julia Rock it’s truly embaressing
What TheHeckNSembarrassing
Leather and Campbell oversee Critical Incident Commands but say "I
can't speak to that" when asked about any kind of operation of the CIC
Chris LeeNone of the brass seem to know what was going on
Julia RockDid Baylin ring his doorbell?
Chris LeeLol
InvasiononeHe knocked on the oil heater for at least 20 minutes
MHis anybody out there
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFduck man kidnapped Seamus 

Faye CourtneyThis is all so sad & upsetting, will watch the 1st part this evening. Sending Love & Prayers
Chris LeeHe knows enough not to answer
MHhe's ghosting us
Chris LeeSomebody check the hollow log for Seamus
MHwitness protection
Julia RockHe is gone to get his spandex on?
NS BluenoseJulie how dare they ask for more money with what they did should be begging for scraps
Brenda Grantlol
MHlululemon extra large please
Chris LeeThat's not a pretty picture Julia lol
Julia RockNs Bluenose exactly.
Julia RockLuluseamus!
Chris LeeLol
Julia RockMaybe he found love?
Linda MHe's got Leather on the line.
Chris LeeWith the porn bots
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFbaylin got him so he can spam pornbots
robert thomasA sad state of affairs when this guy screws up bigtime and gets a promotion instead of losing his job
Brenda GrantThe bots have him hostage lol
Julia Rock[message retracted]
tinycha0sor maybe love found him, maybe we really should call 911….. Lol
MHit's the peter principle - promote to get rid of
Chris LeeHa ha learner pants
Linda M94 person chat live
Julia RockHe will reappear in leather pants.
InvasiononeHe failed upwards
MHwe just lost four
InvasiononeMany such casess
Chris LeeRock star look he has the hair
robert thomasthe peter principle never heard of the colloquialism before
NS BluenoseJulia and dance to ymca
MHstick with me
Julia RockExactly! Is he gone do you think?
Chris LeeI'm thinking he is
MHstartin to look that way
MHgood by peeps
NS44I was wondering the same thing!
robert thomasbye too!
NS BluenoseGood thing is we will all still be hear, that sends a message to them to we’re not going anywhere
Julia RockOk guys, See you all tomorrow! 23! Hugs to all.
Chris LeeLike they say in Russia......Mos-go
robert thomas23
NS BluenoseNope he will be back unless they
Chris LeeNight '
NS BluenoseUnless they
Janice WalkerSame bat time
NS Bluenose[message retracted]
NS BluenoseGot him
Brenda GrantGod Bless the 23
Janice WalkerSame bat channel
NS BluenoseI would
Faye CourtneyM U Totally agree
's 23 

NS BluenoseSay he is on the phone with a family member
Brenda GrantSee you all tomorrow
NS BluenoseBye Brenda thanks for tuning in
Julia Rock[message retracted]
Nosy Scotianhave a good evening all
Julia Rock[message retracted]
Nosy Scotianglad. I stayed lol
Ash Lunn[message retracted]
Ash LunnI think Guilt is eating Leather away
Julia RockAsh. Agree!
Ash Lunnthey better do a good X examination of Leather tomorrow
NS BluenoseI was spinning all I heard was one moment what did I miss
Julia RockNothing he just stepped away for a minute.
NS BluenoseOk great
David AmosTAH TAH
NS BluenoseWe had some fun you will see it in the chat
NS BluenoseDidn’t look like the same man if not for the voice
Chris LeeHey he is back
Julia RockNo Bluenose. Frightening. I didn’t see him until today either. I was shocked.
NS BluenoseLmao
Julia RockChris he didn’t go. Lol
InvasiononeSo if they just needed the account, why did it take 2 months and why did she need a new phone to do it?
Chris LeeWere you right about the pants?lol
Julia RockChris he didn’t return with Leather of spandex. Maybe he changed though. Lol
nikki lewisThought the boys got you lol
nikki lewisBots
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFis it just me or is there no audio
Chris LeeHa ha too bad Julia that would have been pretty funny
NS BluenoseMax employer
nikki lewisHe sold a bike to Griffon 4 days before
Ash Lunnshe hung on to hm for 20 mins until cops arrived and pulle dher off him lol
nikki lewisMy sound good Baylin
Julia RockAll good here Baylin.
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFwhere's the fossilized donuts and McDonald's fries
Peter Bykercoming in cold, no photos timestamped?
Julia RockI’d love to dive through that baby.
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFthe Silent Patrolman is so stealthy you can see it 

dvdvnoMust be Dorrington's car with that mileage.
Ash Lunnno reflcetive stripes on that rear pic
Ash Lunn^^^ FYI
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFlol you can see where they ghosted stripes above the Ford logo when the were water marking the pic of the backend
Derek Rantshi LGC
Invasionone20,000 for a front bumper
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFFord's burn themselves 

NS BluenoseFor a guy who is worried about one miss payment to take dentures out of a man’s mouth
listening all day. Finally have a chance to comment. Who takes all
kinds of pictures of cars they buy inside and out. Very odd
Ash Lunnso they flooded the FD Docs with pics individually to clog it up instead of putting all those pics in one COMM?
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFthey went to the GCS yard and photographed age appropriate cars to pose as the Wortman Banfield fleet
InvasiononeThose are probably the pics they would have posted to the website for the auction
Ash Lunnnotice no boxes ticked off on those reorts about anything remved from the cars?
InvasiononeSomeone smashed it up in the first 2000 km on the road? Why wouldn't they just repair it?
Ash Lunnfound drugs
Oh DearMissed everything again today
was there anything interesting ?
Ash Lunna police dept in Ontario will be calling Max for some cars, a warehouse full of cop cars burnt the other day
InvasiononeNot really, Leather is a lot older looking and skinnier now. A lot of "I can't speak to that" and buck passing
Chris LeeJust more lies Oh Dear
NS BluenoseWho found it max to try and make him look like a good guy
Invasionone[message retracted]
InvasiononeThe meeting re: the gun inventory
Peter Byker@Ash Durham Regional, right? spooky coincidences abound
Ash LunnOperation Hgh Tide??
Ash Lunnwhat is COMM number on that one
Supt. Leather, while being interviewed by MCC, you didn't mention your
meeting with Cmmr. Lucki, why didn't you?" "I cannot comment without
first consulting with council"
Chris LeeSo
Ash Lunn41618
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFwhy C-1 redact a dead man's info lol he can't sue for breach of privacy so who's name is really on the suspect info lines
Chris LeeSurprise I meant lol
NS BluenoseSubject of interest Lisa Banfield
Ash Lunnangel Pattersn Na shaffer too
Chris LeeWasn't saying so to your post invasion one
Peter BykerRestorative justice, when?
nikki lewisThe document I was reading last night listed all the vin numbers
Ash Lunnis costa the coffee guy that came to NS with his own coffee maker?
Chris LeeOh ya that's right Ash
Chris LeeThe one PP was looking for. Was his nickname Coz or something?
Ash Lunnyup
Chris LeeAnother guy that packed up and left
Ash LunnTruro police did give RCMP a head up before they released that
Chris LeeDidn't want to upset Leather by being honest
Janes BlondInset Law n Order theme 
Peter BykerStay tuned for more atrocity propaganda on CBC.
Ash Lunnanother LIE
Ash Lunncomm # plz?
Chris LeeBrutal
Ash Lunnwas in O Drive
Ash Lunn[message retracted]
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFyour doodling and highlighting skills ensure your never getting a job in RCMP CIC pictometry room Seamus 

Chris LeeLol
nikki lewisyes that would be great to share !
nikki lewis46317 is another number within the document not the comm number
Ash Lunn37429 COMM
nikki lewishe spent so long today talking about how it was all saved all over the shop and not together, blah blah
Ash Lunnhope families lawyer brings up that Comm tomorrow lol
nikki lewisobvoious he was talking BS
nikki lewislol
nikki lewiscindy works with Lia
nikki lewisdustine ! jeez its a party lol
nikki lewisO drive Party
Ash Lunnerin pepper?
Ash Lunnlol
nikki lewisplease share on twitter once you are ready if all good
Ash Lunnperjury anyone?
nikki lewiswhat a
show ,
Ash Lunnby destroyed they actually mean transferred to O Drive
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFI have a feeling task 703 is code for enhanced security screening background check
Julia RockJust found it strange handcuffs were kept in bedside table. As per LB. Off topic. I would be frightened.
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAF@Julia the cuffs were at the warehouse bar as per Lisa's comm 0050847
J DoneHow long before these flow charts are all new names as they all move/retire
Ash LunnMcCrossin ?? related to female McCrossin the politian?
Ash Lunnshe had a anti Covid march at border to NB and held traffic up
Julia RockBaylin in her testimony I thought she said they were kept in the bedside table. I think in the reenactment.
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAF@Julia comm 0050847 he reached behind the bar and told me to cuff myself
Julia RockOk.
AlbinoHe had a bedside table at the garage too. apartment upstairs
Chris LeeWouldn't be surprised
Ash Lunnbafield caught lying again?
Peter BykerLucki Leather Chubbs
Julia Rock[message retracted]
Julia RockWouldn’t that be in her HR file?
Julia RockOr personnel file.
Chris LeeShould be
andrew gilliswe are at a record 9 hour LGC stream
Peter BykerMalala survived an assassination attempt when she was 13. or so the story went, anyhow...
May_ MoneyweatherOl
Julia RockWell trudope has the hairstyle of Ukraine’s president or PM!
Chris LeeConcern
I have with that no slight on her but 4 safety violations on the range
indicates nervousness with guns maybe so why is she on the road chasing
down a well armed maniac
andrew gillisRandy Mercerau - Ash L did you hear that?
Ash Lunncoincidence eh? randy Merseareau case
Oh DearWhen did Heidi stop doing media releases ?
Julia RockTiming.
May_ MoneyweatherGrew up in the Hiram lynds road area. All of north river was HA territory for decades
Ash Lunnyup sure was
andrew gillisMalala story made no sense
Ash LunnI remember the day they arressted Jeff Lynds mother to put pressure on him
May_ MoneyweatherAnd yet was still one of the greatest places a kid could grow up haha
nikki lewisi do
May_ MoneyweatherYeah they really messed with mr and Mrs lynds heavy, who were indeed salt of the earth folk
Ash Lunnyup
Ash Lunnto Costa
Ash Lunnthey removed Costa's email address
Peter Bykerprotection racket
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFmy guess Leger is RCMP deployed to Ukraine for UN reform of Ukrainian national police
Ash Lunnthat weird email address was that they redacted Costa's email address
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFwho needs a superpower to read minds when you have Wide Awake
Oh DearJust wow "shot himself"
Ash Lunnwhen did the big stop videos leak?
Peter Bykerthat scenario never panned out
Ash Lunnthe date griffon bought GWs bike?
Ash Lunnapril 14-15th?
Becca AFriends and businesss don’t mix
Becca AAny chance Steven mackay is from police association of ns ?
Becca A[message retracted]
Becca AIs this Lisa ms friend that calls the camp they all go to a cult ?
Oh Dear@Ash Lunn think around 06/08/2021
Oh DearJune 8 maybe of 2021
andrew gillisRight about now Sherlock Holmes would be grabbing his violin in an effort to clear his mind - there is a welter of leads here
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFNSE happens to work out of the same Toronto office Leather and Bergermen worked out of
Nosy Scotianwho shot thereself oh dear?
Becca AWhat kind of board positions
Oh DearThey claimed GW did in that email @Nosy Scotian
andrew gillisand at 11:28
Nosy Scotianok thank you oh dear
Becca AHe looks too young
Ash Lunnis it McNeil or MacNeil?
andrew gillismac is way more common
UncleBlazerCan’t say I’ve ever heard of that company
nikki lewisnope
nikki lewislol that quote at the top is great!
Linda MAcross from rbc I believe. CBRE ?
nikki lewiswe never shove a square peg in a round hole or something
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFyou know who would need Bruno Contractors Bjorn MMM
Becca AYa , bought the Atlantic denturist building
nikki lewissent you a pic, someone came out to say they got dentures from clayfield in yarmouth, on post yesterday
Becca ATroy grant is the other name who purchased it , incase it comes up
UncleBlazerSorry, I’m lost — who is this Bruno company/guy connected to?
Peter Byker@UncleBlazer Bruno was dealing with GW just before Portapique
UncleBlazer@Peter Byker gotcha
NS BluenoseI have a question for anyone is
Ash LunnEs Ka So Nee
NS BluenoseIs portique the same as debert in rcmp lingo
Peter Bykerthe San Francisco Treat!
NS BluenoseI see email at 659 stating multiple victims in debert
Ash Lunnyes
NS BluenoseYou have
Anita Butts
Ash Lunni was answering LGC
UncleBlazerPronounced it right the first time
David AmosSgt.
W.A. (Allan) CARROLL of RCMP recieved the same documents Casey got
byway of Acting Sgt Smith as soon as the Fat Fred City Finest made false
allegations against me in early August of 2012
David AmosSgt. Bridget Leger RCMP H Division Office (902) 426-5120 Cell: (902) 222-0154 E-mail:
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFI think Robins was on a fishing expedition on behalf of the upper level of the command triangle
nikki lewiswell he gave Sharon a messed up card,
nikki lewischad coming back from PP?
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFif the car had a pushbar mentioned but no pushbar call out for Enfield car sighting
Nosy ScotianHubby FF at airport. If they do not have required number of staff bigger planes can't land.
Nosy ScotianSounds like RCs running Skelton crews in huge territories. That has to be a problem
Peter Bykernothing from Brink's?
David AmosI
Ash Lunnwhy is bershire left off that list?
J Doneso
griffon arrested in oxford in 2015 on the charges for all the cartel
stuff apparently that where they think the car number came from
J Donethey
also had the weird immigration thing where wortman said he wouldn't
report a salary for himself and lisa to avoid "red flags" with cra
J Jway below poverty
Peter Bykercall who , you?
Center HiceGod bless the 23 ,and the families
God be with you all that are here. T y Seamus
Ash Lunnwhy is bershire left off that list?
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFby
law Lisa has a legal obligation to know what's going on with her bank
accounts as a cosigner she's just as responsible as Gab for all
transactions ignorance is not a defense
NS Bluenosewasn't she the one with import card for the border as well
J Doneit's
sad to think how coordinated things are and how weaponized they can
make activism. Why would those people organize that rally in HFX when
the Bridgewater stuff was happening?
J J51000 between the 2 of them? right....
J Jhow could he have so much credit with that income?
J Jtd..cibc..rbc..alot of banks in the mix
Oh DearWhy were RCMP asking Lisa why GW was putting the F150 into her name as well as his so they would have joint ownership
CON-CANHey guys. I just got home. I can't believe you're still going. You guys are machines
Linda MConstruction cost
Nosy ScotianGood point JJ
Joanne Willoughby Good evening everyone, I’m finally home and see I have a lot of catching up to do
Peter Bykerthat's a lot of lycra
J Donei think everything is joint ownership...her notes seem like shes insanely happy hes paying her car bills
Nosy ScotianHi Tara. hope u had a decent day
Ash Lunntax evasion
CON-CAN @Joanne Willoughby howdy. Just got home too
Nosy ScotianHi Joanne
NovaScotiaFreckles Finally got off work. How was the day?
Joanne WilloughbyLol I hate the city! So happy to be back in the woods lol
nikki lewishow was today Tara?
NovaScotiaFreckles What are we reading now?
Oh DearWow I can just plead ignorance and be let off with anything ????
nikki lewisclaiming single, thats not going to helpnher cause against the estate
J DoneOh Dear - I couldn't...most couldn'4t
J Done*couldn't
nikki lewisbtw the accountant lives in Shubie
Peter Bykerfinancial records audit of GW and LB
nikki lewisMacmillan
Dear you just have to say you were abused. I can say I heard about it
from someone who heard it from someone else, and you'll be good to go
Ash Lunnis accountant MacMillan going to testufy at MCC?
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAF$56k
they have the dates and times of the transaction at Costco so they
could go grab the footage and see exactly what was purchased and WHO
purchased it
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAF@CON-CAN make me a cheesecake I'll say whoever saw whatever you want I'll even cite Brenda Boe for added effect and legitimacy 

Julia RockBattleship?
Oh DearNo not GPS
Oh DearNo have not looked
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFmore CAD files
Oh DearCar numbers
Oh Dearyes there it does
Joanne WilloughbyThat looks like “ nothing to see here, move along”, is what that looks like lol
Oh Dearhmm I will take a look
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFI sure hope CIC didn't remove a uniform off the streets to drive Skipper around while shooter still running around
Ash LunnCOMM # ??
Peter Bykercheck this document for Wite-Out
Becca AIs that the last name of the guy who left a review congratulating gabe after the massacre on Atlantic denture clinic
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFbezaire cat sounds like a codename Chad the clown would use
J JI noticed phone numbers on the far right
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFnope totally not 2 of the 3 Amigos 

Ash Lunnlol
Ash LunnCOMM 15571 GPS Brown and Melanson lmao
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFoh there's GPS cuz they had a TMR2 personal radio 

Ash Lunnis it maybe cellphone GPS?
Ash Lunndoesit give times?
nikki lewislooking
at a document that captures all official traces by agencies on GW and
LB names etc, vast majority on 18/19 are by HRP police, RCMP didnt run a
name check on wortman until 1031pm it appears
nikki lewisDorrington traffic stop also shows up running his name in the doc
nikki lewiscom 14702
cyndioh my word you are all still here?
Ash Lunna presengfor Oh nice
J DoneAnyone have anything about the chopper saying they were pretty sure he was on the second story of that building on Hwy 4?
J DoneJust a dumb mistake?
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFBrown
said Melanson was ducked beside the car fiddling with the radio so
there's no way they can't go to the trunk server and pull up the GPS for
the radio they signed out plus the Samsung phones
nikki lewisyes took me ages to figure it our, its separated by types of search but then in date order
nikki lewisdoc is of course again in ET
David AmosWANT
Oh DearHubley has GPS here
nikki lewisdowe?
nikki lewisbuggie has no statement on mcc website
Oh Dear18 entries for Hubley
nikki lewisor transcript- nothing for buggie
Oh DearIn the morning 2020-04-19 3:46
Becca AHow does Morrison the other main “victim/witness “ get out of all of this ? Isnt excluding him a form of mysogony on mccs part?
NovaScotiaFreckles Omg the phone numbers
nikki lewis@truthbehold was v interested and followed Dowe a lot and has questions
NovaScotiaFreckles But somebody might call them though right
Becca ALol no thank you
nikki lewishow sloppy lol on DOJ/MCC part
Ash Lunnarchive that for your personal files, they will likely pull it to redact info. @Little Grey Cells
NovaScotiaFreckles Oh I seen someone mention Morrison did we ever find out why he was on the radio the night before his shift?
NS44I just saw a decommissioned Taurus with the stickers still on the bumper.
NovaScotiaFreckles White Hyundai the flalkner vehicle?
Becca AI don’t think , everyone got distracted by Lisa and forgot about Morrison
cyndioh no 44
nikki lewisso many names never heard of
Ash Lunnare there officers names on there from NB??
nikki lewisfor sure interesting
Ash Lunncar # would say if NB or not
nikki lewisre morrison we were talking about an odd sighting of an rcmp vehicle at junc 7 on 102 at around 4am sun 19
Becca AAsh , what’s different about nb car #s?
nikki lewisand was he on his way. back from PP maybe
Becca A The “cult “
nikki lewisF150, pick up? Dorrington noted as leaving, sorry have i misread that?
Ash LunnNB ph#s are a tell too
Peter Bykersome dates are april 18
nikki lewisoh there we go
Oh DearWhat the heck 2020-04-18 22:162216221605 123 orchard_beach drportapique4571217-6394596 ha50248 dow, travise
nikki lewisme but Truth be hold has lots of questions on his whereabouts she says he seemed to disappear
nikki lewisDow
Peter Lambnikki- merchant (I believe,) was driving someone home toward st Margaret's Bay rd around that time. in comms docs
nikki lewisin a pick up truck @peter?
Peter Lambdon't think so
Oh DearGPS in there for him
nikki lewisif i recall dow gets there at some point and seems to disappear is what truthbehold has talked about
nikki lewisaccording to statement and transcripts etc
nikki lewisgreat
nikki lewiswhats this comm number i will tag TBH in discord
nikki lewisplease
Ash LunnCOMM 15571
nikki lewisthanks:)
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFdigital dispatch means officer accepted the call via MWS 

Becca ALisa
m and Heidi being life long best friends, and check confirming her
location right before she gets killed , and not warning her of the
“”gunman “ Can’t all be a coincidence
nikki lewisoh no of course, just gps spots
Becca AChad *
Oh DearGPS does show Dow at 10:16 in Springhill confusing doc
Ash Lunnno Lilly?
Oh DearThought it was saying he was at 123 OBR they way they have laid it out is confusing
Oh DearNo lilly is not there
Oh Deardid a search
nikki lewislilly was at cottage and went to cumberland and got a car didnt he?
Ash LunnGrund was with Lilly at GV firehall
Peter Lambcorrect nikki
Ash Lunnyes Nikki
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFdigital dispatch is call comes up on MWS you hit accept
Ash LunnGrund and Lilly at Hospital
Ash Lunnwith Kids
Nosy ScotianYou folks are amazing. Thank you!!
Ash Lunnis Lilly name beside Grund name like Brown Melanson were>
nikki lewisgood ? Ash,
Ash Lunnweird
Oh DearFunny I was doing GPS for HRP last night and there is almost the same amount of HRP as RCMP data
nikki lewiscrazy @Oh Dear same with doc i looked at earlier, amount of traces was like 20x the amount of rcmp
Ash Lunnis Clay Wortman on the list?
nikki lewisis jamieson on there?
nikki lewisok thanks, will look again later
nikki lewis7.40 am april 19 he starts
nikki lewischad according to that
nikki lewisperhaps a taurus instead of the suv? prior to 7.40 am clocked on gps
nikki lewisis that the sound of motorbikes reported? loud muffler?
Ash Lunnwonder what time that was Nikki?
Oh DearThere was a truck driving around with a loud muffler reported in the early morning hours
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFloud muffler I'm surprised Leather didn't fire off an Alert
Oh DearAddie is there
Oh Dearsearch Addie
Oh DearSays Addie is out of service - not available
NovaScotiaFreckles Did leather say anything today worth going back and watching? I missed the whole day
NovaScotiaFreckles Alright I’m still trying to get caught up on Darren I’ll have to try get catch up on both now
Peter Byker@NovaScotiaFreckles the real action is here on the comment section, digging through some fresh evidence, cheers!
Peter BykerLeather is scheduled for tomorrow's MCC as well, I believe..
nikki lewisyep @Peter Byker , he will get x exam tomorrow
nikki lewisi was trying to find that the other day the ex name ?
nikki lewisfirst name
nikki lewiswentzell is the FIS guy i think
nikki lewispossibly, i was trying to find, it was in a document i read im sure but cant find now :9
NovaScotiaFreckles That’s true Peter!
NovaScotiaFreckles Tomorrow I’ll be able to watch in the morning before work at least!
nikki lewisthats great freckles 
Peter Bykerone of our lovely Cellmates was playing this stream aloud in their local grocery store this morning!
NS BluenoseIt looks like steno pages from steno book
Anita ButtsThey are terrible because notes are sacred and there are many no no s here
NS BluenoseNo steno has line in middle so they can can take notes on both side
NS BluenoseOne of them is turned up as well
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFghost cars so they can appear staffed or ERT unnamed cars
Peter Bykerit was essentially injected into the timeline
NovaScotiaFreckles Yeah it’s been frustrating for me lately not being able to get watch even for a bit before work with you guys
NS BluenoseNo crooked stuff is going on with the note book
Ash Lunnand that Orange piecce is a marker pst-it where to insert extra pages
Oh DearWhy are the pages out of the book?
Ash Lunnone is a spiral notebook Oh Dear
Peter Bykervivid coloured scans next to black/white photo prints from the same submission
Oh DearLooks like paper are laying on top of the note book
Trudy CoveyIs Maxwell's statement out yet?
NovaScotiaFreckles This is mess
Ash Lunnand there is the ORANGE POST-IT paper marker where to insert the EXTRA pages
NovaScotiaFreckles Wtf
Oh DearWhat BS
Trudy CoveyByson was pushing Maxwell about the notebooks
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFright side thicker
Ash Lunngo back to where inserted pages start and see orange post it marker
NovaScotiaFreckles Why are they doing all this stuff
Oh DearWhy Would he not put his notes in his official notebook
Anita ButtsNot textbook note book 

NOVA SCOTIA GROWN61Paper puzzle's wow. Let's goooo
NS BluenoseNope one is dirty too
NOVA SCOTIA GROWN61Hiding the truth
NovaScotiaFreckles I know I know I just mean what are they hiding
Oh DearI meant what reason did he give?
NS BluenoseHe hasn’t been questioned oh dear
NOVA SCOTIA GROWN61That's the big ? @NovaScotiaFreckles
Oh Dearoh ok thank I missed today needed a nap and it ended up being longer than I thought it would be 
Ash Lunnreal
notebook has lines from left to right STRAIGHT ACROSS. the pages
inserted the background the lines are not fully across the entire page
NOVA SCOTIA GROWN61All we can hope for is for someone to grow a conscious.
NS BluenoseIf fuzz is here they are not in war room working , they are getting no sleep tonight
CaperThis was a good stream. Will return to catching up once this one’s over. Almost caught up now
Linda MMaybe the sheet/s that they held back, marked by letters
Baylin is a cross dressing LEAFI'm here for the subway tokens and ducks
154 watching now
Started streaming 2 hours ago
Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines.
robert thomasthe levels of bloat in RCMp is staggering to me
Little Grey CellsYou were talking about people's LIVES. Families were worrying!
Jayme ReneeHis is gross. And the wording of “come up with a number” is pathetic.
andrew gilliswish I had been given a higher total - how about that?
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@Little Grey Cells sounds like they used the covid math for victim counts for pressers
Julia RockHe is getting hot.
andrew gilliscan't believe I heard an answer that clumsy
robert thomasScanlan was at home reading a book or something
Little Grey CellsCobequid is a HOT MESS
NS citizenevil
Linda M@Macdonald Don Secrecy over truth
NS citizenall adults. EVIL
robert thomas23
Julia RockSo another liar?
Julia RockDon’t recall.
Little Grey CellsIt comes up the chain
Macdonald DonLinda M...even worse, its deception over truth
Donna JjessThey all have the devil 9n thier shoulders!Sick!!!
Little Grey CellsSpeaking remarks!
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersso it's Quebec's fault you fluffed the numbers 
Little Grey CellsNo info is vetted
NS citizenit was all public relations just admit it
nikki lewisLia under bus again
Julia RockSomebody couldn’t pass you a note?
Ash LunnI think they were purpossely leaving out the victims on Cobequid
NS citizenwhat a liar
robert thomasfair enuf but here he goes throwing someone else under the bus
Macdonald DonHe's begining to look like his old flushed self, now
Little Grey CellsCobequid BAD news
Becca AHot potato
Becca APass it on to someone else
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@Little Grey Cells Tara should have Leather explain task 703
Julia RockHe was known to police. He struggled with that.
Chris LeeWhoa
Little Grey CellsHow about did he have a PAL? (or in your words Leather an FAC even though RCMP are in charge of guns program)
Ash Lunnwartman DID have a record
robert thomasHE HAD A RECORD
Julia RockDR!
robert thomasthere were reports
Chris LeeIntel you didn't act on
Little Grey CellsAll info would have come on CPIC and JEIN
Julia RockMacDonald will pull Scott soon.
Becca AHe’s going to pull the counsel card again soon if Bryson puts on the pressure
Little Grey CellsBut yo u speak to inaccurate information which you KNOW to be false!
Oh DearNO ONE IN HOSPITAL that he was aware of?
NS citizenhow did they determine she was a victim and not a suspect
NS BluenoseWhy wasn’t she treated as suspect
andrew gillisMaybe
say, I just couldn't believe the 17 number - that someone had double
counted, IE at the same scenes w no single person having the tally? But
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersperson of interest for Intel purposes
Peter Byker'human source' purposes have not been eliminated either.
Little Grey CellsI believe that he was truthful about hospital comment Julie
Ash Lunnhow did wartman take a gun course with his criminal record?
andrew gillisyup bet Scott will get the hook
Julia RockDoing their job!
nikki lewisfacts !
SadMafiosoMicheal Scott clearly watched Adam Rodgers last night....
Chris LeeFrom the minute she was in the ambulance it was clear they treated her like a victim as Browns interview with her shows
Macdonald DonLeather looks he needs another application of Neats foot oil
Julia RockNot a drop of water has been drank.
Julia RockCampbell same thing
Chris LeeLol Don
Ash Lunnwouldn't the 2011 wants to shoot a cop prevent wartman taking any gun course?
Chris LeeU would think huh
Becca ARecords were purged
Julia RockAward waiting for him as soon as he settles in at NB!
Macdonald DonThere will be no dash can audio...all the jokes cracked wouldn't be a good look
MHwhy can't you just say you don't know yet
Julia RockProtecting and serving who?
MHhow about the truth instead of working about appearances
Macdonald DonLeather has all 32 merit badges offered by the Woodchucks
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersit's
a fair assessment the Police State spends too much time training in
manipulation and tracking then actually policing the state
Chris LeeI'd like to see all the Intel on GW that he mentioned
Hollyhis suspension is suppose to up this month
Becca ASounds like a fair assessment
Julia RockLook but not touch. No accountability.
Macdonald DonWas he also responsible for cleaning toilets ?
Little Grey CellsNot out of province
Little Grey CellsButcher is there
Chris LeeNot a team player at all. Me me me
nikki lewisH Strong 2, the covert team that manages the O drives?
Ash LunnH strong 2 is the coverup OP
Truth InAllRobin headed HOIT
Becca AA potential conflict of interest lol
Truth InAllHe had to step away
Julia RockConflict bias lies corrupt!
Little Grey CellsTY Sharon for taking and sending a picture :D
Becca AFfs
Little Grey CellsAnd ty to our silent helper in the background :D
Chris LeeNo nepotism there at all
Truth InAllLol!
Ash LunnWHO did Robin report to??
Truth InAllThe card
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@Little Grey Cells check your twatters DM re my latest message
Macdonald DonRobin always reports to Batman
Truth InAllI recall Maureen saying she nothing of HOIT! Lol!
Julia RockMadame registraire for a senior RCMP position.
Little Grey CellsSorry RCMP
Chris LeeLol
Becca AAnd the phone number on the card goes to Jeff west
Nosy ScotianSpecial business cards
nikki lewiswho sent him ?
nikki lewiswho does he report to?
Little Grey CellsWhat is his EXACT role?
Ash Lunnsooo explain what H Strong 2 is exactly?
Truth InAllYes!
J DoneWas slimy/Smart to make the French side read right where they knew the area was English speaking
SadMafiosoLol, this is awesome.
Little Grey CellsI wonder if he will mention our channel?
Becca AAnyone know how Sharons doing , haven’t seen her online in a while
NS citizenLOL MCC John Robin card
Truth InAllLol!
nikki lewisshes doing good
Julia RockWho authorized the card?
NS citizenprinter printed that off by mistake wasn't an attempt to deceive
Truth InAllBaloney
NS citizenJohn Robin needs to appear before MCC
lilybalm66but he did misrepresent
SadMafiosoWeak lie bud, weak lie.
Truth InAllEye witnesses
Julia RockA hat he gave himself?
Becca A“That’s all I will say about that “
Nosy Scotianmisrepresentation
nikki lewisBS
Macdonald DonSo, it was a joke business card ?
andrew gillisthat hat could earn you a jacket lol
Truth InAllLiar Robin
Green Bastardmay have been
Becca AOmg are they calling it a friendly visit ?
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers"I don't know the full details" but yes that sounds correct is RCMP for ummmm can't incriminate myself
Becca AWellness check ffs
Ash LunnSharon needs to testify and say exactly how Robin presented himself and his card
NS BluenoseOh my god this is a coverup at levels hard to picture
NS citizenhave to ask robin
Rob Claytonmonths later
Tony KHigh integrity....with false business card....not real smart Mr Robin.
Chris LeeBlair
knows Barb McLean who knows Janice Gray sister Pauline TPS homicide
then book head investigators for MCC TPS investigators Hmmmm
Macdonald DonSo, know we know who Cock Robin is...
NS citizenhe's former head of covert operations, give us a break
Becca ADid they have a reason to preform a wellness check ? Or done illegally
Little Grey CellsJust like your conversation with Rodier over the break about weather.... okay, I got a bridge
nikki lewishe knows they are sat their in the audience
Tony KSame as your press conference...not to mislead you think we are stupid.
nikki lewisfire folks go every day
J Donefigure out how that magic bullet hit the sign
Truth InAllYes
Rob Claytontheir handy work
Becca AHe will be boot licking for life
Julia RockThe
Rodier call is suspect. He said he hadn’t spoken to anybody since
yesterday, yeah right! Why would she call? I hope somebody brings it up.
Chris LeeThis whole thing is insidious all dots connect
Truth InAllReading
Little Grey CellsWalking shoulder to shoulder
Truth InAllReading
nikki lewiswell too late
NS citizen100% Lee
Becca AThis all sounds highly illegal to me
Little Grey CellsNO APOLOGY
InvasiononeWas he distributing fliers talking about wild wolves in the area?
Ash LunnRobin did more than Tour the firehall lol
Tony Ksuperintendents rarely would eat their own...obviously.
Macdonald DonHas anyone else heard that one of the fire hall shooters was another Wortman ?
Julia RockIs Darryl Currie there?
nikki lewisif i recall, i thought fire folks said they received no info on support
Julia RockDarren
Little Grey CellsPerhaps I should play June 4 to help you remember
nikki lewishe goes most days @Julia along with Greg
Julia Jones@Julie Darrell is always there
Rob ClaytonCurrie is probably holding back right now
Holly@Julie Darrel hasn't missed a day
Tony KRobin went to Onslow and sent to his HQ by Lucki and Brennan to help cover up the shooting.
Becca AMakes me sick that
andrew gilliskeep in mind folks what we call woods in this case would out West be considered a tended lawn
Becca AEllison was in that building
nikki lewisBS
robert thomasThe New Motto of RCMP "Shoot Things up and Make Things Right
Julia RockDidn’t he say yesterday he knew about alert ready? Campbell didn’t know.
Ash Lunnwere Brown and Melanson after Ellison Sr to shut him up about what he knew about Wartman?
SadMafiosoReady Alert wasn't an option when you incorrectly said that a Amber Alert was sent out on April 19th!
Becca ATakes 5 mins to contact alert ready for directions if they forgot how to use it
robert thomasso why didn't RCMP use the Colchester system then
andrew gillisno animal has growled at anyone in that patch, ever, is my guess
Ash Lunncheif MacNeil, unlike rcmp, reads all his emails about new gech they can use
InvasiononeDidn’t leather once say in a press conference that they DID sent an alert?
Ash Lunn*tech
Chris LeeCmon
MHignorance is bliss
Julia RockVideo and audio gone.
Ash Lunnhuh?
Chris Lee10 year olds knew in 2020
Green Bastardagain, bs
robert thomasyeah they knew about amber alerts
nikki lewiswhat happened to feed?
NS citizenjust
putting out these fertile fallacies such as RCMP didn't know about
ready alert to create a cycle of reflexivity to demand more training for
cops so they know about ready alert or whatever
andrew gillisMr Ellison Sr luckily had left his car - for a long while I thought he was still inside it
Green Bastardyou knew it existed, you are the rcmp
Julia RockBack again.
Julia Jonesinvasionone Yes he said an amber alert
Crystal EdwardsI
find it very hard to believe that these people never heard or was aware
of alerts......I remember Amber alerts when I was a kid
NS citizengood point sad, he thought an alert had been sent
NS citizenbut they don't know how
NS citizenLOL
wendy wongvideo gone?
Little Grey CellsAll good?
Julia RockLeather was a police officer in York region near Toronto as well.
Becca AThey shot at the firehall not the guy in the parking lot then searched the building and property afterwards
andrew gillisDid the young man himself suggest, amber alert, to 9/11 in that incredible call? Would we know if he had?
wendy wongyup
nikki lewiswow
Trudy CoveyReminds me of the press interview, in 202, when he said e-mails were deleted
Trudy Covey202
Becca ABrown
went around the building and banged on the door so hard that witnesses
thought the door was being busted in and ran for life
Julia RockRodier said she would think about it next time.
Little Grey Cellsnow mask
Ash Lunnfirst police on scene asked about Alert, Heidi asked for an Alert
nikki lewiswow
NS citizennot acceptable anwser
robert thomasStanton looks like she just lost her dog
NS citizenthey didn't stop covert ops so we all know we won't get an alert
Julia RockBeselt I think asked for one.
NS citizenhe stands by it
Little Grey Cellswhat is her deal?
Julia RockTextbook I guess?
David AmosTo: David Amos
<> I will be away from the office August
8th to and including August 23rd. Plse contact Insp. Costa Dimopoulos if
you require assistance (613-993-6912).
Donna JjessIs she talking with someone under that mask?
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersStanton is so busy writing her next LEAF book she forgot to take off her mask
nikki lewislawyers got all their questions together in order, good stuff
Chris LeeGo Test
Tony K@Becca
A Brown said never knocked at any doors and the two RCMP (I thought)
were trying to shot the guy in vest as they thought it was GW....they
were simply very poor shots.
Julia RockBeing a cop in Toronto for years - he didn’t know about an alert ready?
Chris LeeGo Tara I meant
NS citizenLOL Baylin, yep, "reimagining Canada"
Chris LeeIt's a joke Julia
J DoneDon't gather for Easter though
Little Grey CellsNo study needed!
Green Bastardpass buck
CON-CANthat makes no sense, since that chick had the message typed and ready to send through alert ready and she didn't send it
Becca ATony k , is it impossible to miss a target by hundreds of feet and shoot the building instead?
Jayme ReneeSurely
NS citizena study or analysis on a public alert LOL
Lockdown Design[message retracted]
Becca ASomeone that has never shot a got before wouldn’t be that off target
Peter BykerTaking
the Oath comes with rights and responsibilities, and a paycheck to
boot. We're all in this crab bucket together, no matter your
affiliations, let's fix this together!
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@CON-CAN any way to get your lawyer to ask Leather to explain CNIP
wendy wongthats a NO
Little Grey CellsThey just can't admit their OP
Lockdown Designare we not studying it now
Tony K@Becca A I am just saying that is what they said....yes hard to believe and they were definitely negligent.
Julia RockOh
it is irresponsible. Aren’t you in charge? You are saying you didn’t
know about the technology. How could the communications people help
robert thomasso pretend you are a CIC
Chris LeeFor sure he knew Julia
NS citizenthey won't admit to the op and are saying they won't stop the ops and won't give us an alert if they go wrong
Holly@ tara Lea Scanlan said the alert would cause more rcmp deaths ...those were her words on the stand , im still not over it
NS citizengotta get these people outta NS
Becca AIf they’re that incompetent they shouldn’t be able shoot a gun ever again
Linda MI believe it was simply an order not to send a public alert.
Becca AThat’s dangerous to society
Little Grey Cellsnot to be use but rather "BE USED"
Tony KI would not the CIC and those group of SSgt making any of those decisions unless different SSgts.
NS citizenexactly Linda
J DoneBut
no one pressed Scanlan on that - since they tweeted it to the public
they weren't worried about the public going after officers
InvasiononeIf only there were Airsoft and mail guns being used. Then we might use AlertReady
robert thomasso active shooter and action plan for this guy, the 2IC, is to let someone else decide
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@CON-CAN perhaps Leather can explain task 703
NS citizena
public alert should be an unavoidable mechanism that gets activated as a
sit of immediate critical response principles and we should be talking
about revisions in law where if there is failure
Ash Lunnthe
rcmp did not know how to set up real roadblocks and contain the shooter
instead they allowed him to get out and continue on his rampage
NS citizenyou go to jail
Little Grey CellsCNIP!!!!
NS citizenfailure to activate the immediate public alert someone should go to jail, that's what it ought to be
Peter BykerBravo! get 'em @ Tom
Julia RockThey need to be rebuilt. Horses and crayons, if you stay within the lines you are eligible for promotion.
Becca ATony k , what percentage of rcmp do you think belong to the thin blue line club ?
Little Grey CellsDisbanded and something BRAND NEW suilt. FAR MORE streamlined
someone tries to use a piece of equipment that I’ve serviced and it
fails, I am liable for what happens as a result of that failure. Not
unreasonable to expect the same standards of cops’ liability
Tony KThey
will stick to the end safety and/or we did not know the Alert and will
stick to that in the civil suit....I trust they will eventually be told
by some court that position is ridiculous.
robert thomasoutrageous!
the RCMP cannot be reformed let them do the Musical ride, at least then
counting horse involved at least half the organization would be
properly trained
nikki lewiswell MCC better get Robin in to answer some questions
Tony K@becca
a I do not know much about thin line and will research....I assume I
read they are not to wear thin line on their uniform.
nikki lewisseems hes v important lol
Ash Lunnit's already been proven that rcmp are not proactive, they are reactive and very slow at doing that.
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumberswhat we really need is NSA with guns oh wait we already have that 

robert thomasand still employed
Little Grey CellsWhy would Bent need to clear Cobequid search with MCU?
Julia RockHow about Rodiers call during the break?
robert thomasBoom
Julia RockIt crept up on you?
Becca AThey
don’t but still do , brown has it tattood on his arm apparently . Seems
like a group/club with military ect not just rcmp that not all belong
to . Gabe had thin blue line decals, patches ect
Becca AIs why I ask
Julia RockDucks in a row?
David AmosAn
important day at the Mass Casualty Commission was when Cst. Ian Fahie
and Cpl. Duane Ivany testified individually about their involvement in
the treatment of Heather O’Brien, after she was shot.
J DoneIf the call happened the way they say how could you not come away with a sense of political pressure
Tony K@Becca
A Ok I read thin blue line was used by some police and offices to
support fallen police forces without approval and it also can be
interpreted as racist.
Little Grey CellsThin blue line is a rabbit hole
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@Julia no duck wisecracks you'll make Amos run to CSIS and snitch on us

Janes BlondPolitical interference. Theres a concept 
nikki lewisgiving DOJ the eye there lol
David AmosFolks who truly care should Google David Raymond Amos
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersBRYSON ASK ABOUT CNIP AND TASK 703
Tony K@Becca A can control all doing what they want. I am ex-caf and if you had offensive tattoo you had to cover it up.
Julia RockIntimidated by truros model?
robert thomasexcuses incoming
NS citizenthey didn't stop covert ops so we all know we won't get an alert
Julia RockBeselt I think asked for one.
NS citizenhe stands by it
Little Grey Cellswhat is her deal?
Julia RockTextbook I guess?
David AmosTo: David Amos
<> I will be away from the office August
8th to and including August 23rd. Plse contact Insp. Costa Dimopoulos if
you require assistance (613-993-6912).
Donna JjessIs she talking with someone under that mask?
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersStanton is so busy writing her next LEAF book she forgot to take off her mask
nikki lewislawyers got all their questions together in order, good stuff
Chris LeeGo Test
Tony K@Becca
A Brown said never knocked at any doors and the two RCMP (I thought)
were trying to shot the guy in vest as they thought it was GW....they
were simply very poor shots.
Julia RockBeing a cop in Toronto for years - he didn’t know about an alert ready?
Chris LeeGo Tara I meant
NS citizenLOL Baylin, yep, "reimagining Canada"
Chris LeeIt's a joke Julia
J DoneDon't gather for Easter though
Little Grey CellsNo study needed!
Green Bastardpass buck
that makes no sense, since that chick had the message typed and ready to send through alert ready and she didn't send it
Becca ATony k , is it impossible to miss a target by hundreds of feet and shoot the building instead?
Jayme ReneeSurely
NS citizena study or analysis on a public alert LOL
Lockdown Design[message retracted]
Becca ASomeone that has never shot a got before wouldn’t be that off target
Peter BykerTaking
the Oath comes with rights and responsibilities, and a paycheck to
boot. We're all in this crab bucket together, no matter your
affiliations, let's fix this together!
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@CON-CAN any way to get your lawyer to ask Leather to explain CNIP
wendy wongthats a NO
Little Grey CellsThey just can't admit their OP
Lockdown Designare we not studying it now
Tony K@Becca A I am just saying that is what they said....yes hard to believe and they were definitely negligent.
Julia RockOh
it is irresponsible. Aren’t you in charge? You are saying you didn’t
know about the technology. How could the communications people help
robert thomasso pretend you are a CIC
Chris LeeFor sure he knew Julia
NS citizenthey won't admit to the op and are saying they won't stop the ops and won't give us an alert if they go wrong
Holly@ tara Lea Scanlan said the alert would cause more rcmp deaths ...those were her words on the stand , im still not over it
NS citizengotta get these people outta NS
Becca AIf they’re that incompetent they shouldn’t be able shoot a gun ever again
Linda MI believe it was simply an order not to send a public alert.
Becca AThat’s dangerous to society
Little Grey Cellsnot to be use but rather "BE USED"
Tony KI would not the CIC and those group of SSgt making any of those decisions unless different SSgts.
NS citizenexactly Linda
J DoneBut
no one pressed Scanlan on that - since they tweeted it to the public
they weren't worried about the public going after officers
InvasiononeIf only there were Airsoft and mail guns being used. Then we might use AlertReady
robert thomasso active shooter and action plan for this guy, the 2IC, is to let someone else decide
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@CON-CAN perhaps Leather can explain task 703
NS citizena
public alert should be an unavoidable mechanism that gets activated as a
sit of immediate critical response principles and we should be talking
about revisions in law where if there is failure
Ash Lunnthe
rcmp did not know how to set up real roadblocks and contain the shooter
instead they allowed him to get out and continue on his rampage
NS citizenyou go to jail
Little Grey CellsCNIP!!!!
NS citizenfailure to activate the immediate public alert someone should go to jail, that's what it ought to be
Peter BykerBravo! get 'em @ Tom
Julia RockThey need to be rebuilt. Horses and crayons, if you stay within the lines you are eligible for promotion.
Becca ATony k , what percentage of rcmp do you think belong to the thin blue line club ?
Little Grey CellsDisbanded and something BRAND NEW suilt. FAR MORE streamlined
someone tries to use a piece of equipment that I’ve serviced and it
fails, I am liable for what happens as a result of that failure. Not
unreasonable to expect the same standards of cops’ liability
Tony KThey
will stick to the end safety and/or we did not know the Alert and will
stick to that in the civil suit....I trust they will eventually be told
by some court that position is ridiculous.
robert thomasoutrageous!
the RCMP cannot be reformed let them do the Musical ride, at least then
counting horse involved at least half the organization would be
properly trained
nikki lewiswell MCC better get Robin in to answer some questions
Tony K@becca
a I do not know much about thin line and will research....I assume I
read they are not to wear thin line on their uniform.
nikki lewisseems hes v important lol
Ash Lunnit's already been proven that rcmp are not proactive, they are reactive and very slow at doing that.
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumberswhat we really need is NSA with guns oh wait we already have that 

robert thomasand still employed
Little Grey CellsWhy would Bent need to clear Cobequid search with MCU?
Julia RockHow about Rodiers call during the break?
robert thomasBoom
Julia RockIt crept up on you?
Becca AThey
don’t but still do , brown has it tattood on his arm apparently . Seems
like a group/club with military ect not just rcmp that not all belong
to . Gabe had thin blue line decals, patches ect
Becca AIs why I ask
Julia RockDucks in a row?
David AmosAn
important day at the Mass Casualty Commission was when Cst. Ian Fahie
and Cpl. Duane Ivany testified individually about their involvement in
the treatment of Heather O’Brien, after she was shot.
J DoneIf the call happened the way they say how could you not come away with a sense of political pressure
Tony K@Becca
A Ok I read thin blue line was used by some police and offices to
support fallen police forces without approval and it also can be
interpreted as racist.
Little Grey CellsThin blue line is a rabbit hole
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@Julia no duck wisecracks you'll make Amos run to CSIS and snitch on us

Janes BlondPolitical interference. Theres a concept 
nikki lewisgiving DOJ the eye there lol
David AmosFolks who truly care should Google David Raymond Amos
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersBRYSON ASK ABOUT CNIP AND TASK 703
Tony K@Becca A can control all doing what they want. I am ex-caf and if you had offensive tattoo you had to cover it up.
Julia RockIntimidated by truros model?
robert thomasexcuses incoming
Becca AAt war with us vs them *
Tony Kcannot*
Ash Lunn[message retracted]
Ken TriolI am wondering what is Task 703
Julia RockBut you didn’t tell them for help or advise of the safety risk!
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersimagine
being so traumatized you need a 3rd party consultant to tell you you
need to stay at your desk in HQ to alleviate trauma while ignoring the
trauma of boots on the ground
opposed to the communication and interoperability issues you had with
Colchester members, who had no idea what was happening, who was in
charge, who was doing what, etc
robert thomasmoar blah blah incoming
Julia RockYou know interop? Call for help
robert thomashe doesn't believe FFS!
Becca ATony k, don’t know anything about politics but seems like a right wing group in the states anyway not sure about Canada
Julia RockTwo or three more than you had.
Little Grey CellsThey brought people in!!!!
nikki lewishes pissy
Julia RockHow about safety risk for the people of truro and area?
robert thomasthey brought people in
Becca AHe’s good and beating around the bush instead of answering questions
Tony K@Becca A I do not support any racist or right wing group...I believe is peace and non violent society.
nikki lewishow did he know he didnt ask Dave M!?
Ash Lunnwhere is the list of NB officers names and their GPS that attended Portapique?
nikki lewishow would he know how many staff they have? Dave M would have opulled every officer available if asked
Julia RockYou are in charge.
nikki lewisbecuase it didnt happe, you just made some filler there
robert thomasThe 2IC
nikki lewisCIC did not say they asked truro that question in their testimony
SadMafiosoLiar, liar. Just say that it didn't happen man.
robert thomasaliens it was aliens
robert thomasyes or no
nikki lewisno documents/statements ive read show any of this
Becca ATony k, Wondering if thats where gabes crazy COVID and gov ideas came from ,
Julia RockSo he knows truros staffing?
Tony KCover
the hospital only...they could have done more if you asked and your
RCMP think we can do it all....we do not need sad.
Julia RockGo back go way back to April 2020.
robert thomasdoesn't matter what is known now is not relevant then
Ash LunnTruo has GOOD radios
J DoneGot him talking in pretzels now
Julia RockYou can see the contempt in his face d.
SadMafiosoLeather's pride is really showing right now. McNeil is probably giggling like a little kid right now.
Glowwatcherits is clear they wanted to keep it in house and no other forces with eyes on
Tony K@Becca
A perhaps GW had some right wing connections in his visits with his US
friend and the log which there are some indications in some articles the
that elks log had their own thoughts on politics.
andrew gillisBecca lol but we are still so far from motive, no? If it ends like this we'll have ulcers
Julia RockThanks Chief MacNeil if you are watching.
robert thomasand now back to Leather's AMAZING notes ..
Glowwatcherthanks Chief Macneil
Ash Lunnweren't Chief MacNeil's officers also Carbine trained?
Donna JjessYes @Ash
Becca AThere’s
an Instagram account with the name Kevin von bergan with a goodnight
left side profile pic , not sure if it’s the same Kevin or not but it
wouldn’t surprise me
robert thomasdisband the RCMP
Little Grey CellsIt is Becca
Peter BykerTwo date stamps??? one corrected???
Tony K@Becca
A I believe GW as a clinician had some grave concerns about COVID19,
losing his money and wanted to protect his assets and was paranoid about
those issues & enough to do this is a possibility.
Julia RockI’d like to see the anger from Josh I saw with maxwell!
HollyAll TPD are carbine trained have carbines in the cars at all times as well as hard body armor
Little Grey CellsNo worries Peter. NS clocks
Glowwatchergreat exhibit
David Amos@Little Grey Cells Do you have a conscience? If so how do you and your cop buddies sleep at night???
Peter Byker

FRANKLY NSmore CSIS ducks quacking...
Donna JjessWish he go quack off
Ash Lunntabernac
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersdid someone say quack 

Julia RockInability to work with others?
Little Grey CellsCNIP?
Donna JjessLol
Jayme ReneeBecause then they dont have control over what comes out. The bulletin proved exactly what they were trying to avoid.
InvasiononeHow would you know how long an operation will be at those early stages? Nonsense
Glowwatchershakey excuse
robert thomasso with that logic then there can be no interoperability unless they are absolutely sure duration of operation
Julia JonesBut his rcmp can work double and triple overtime and be trusted more then an outside police dept
Ash LunnTPD had Carbine trained officers, Encrypted radios and Hard Boy Armour, they would have been an ASSET not a liability FFS
David AmosAnyone can call 902 800 0369 if they have bigger balls than Little Grey Cells and his noname pals accusing me of being a FED
robert thomasand it will have to real short
Julia RockMouse running in a wheel.
Becca AAnyone
else remember a person who posted the same comment regarding Lisa m
asking them about politics saying her whole family was liberal including
police, and that Lisa Heidi were best friend
nikki lewisand local knowledge Ash
Incurable CollectorBoom. Good arguments by the counsel
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumberssustained deployment your not CF ooooooh wait you are paramilitary NDHQ
Little Grey CellsBernard!!!!!
Donna JjessI do @Becca
Macdonald DonWhere is the grilling received by the Truro Chief ???
Becca ANot sure if there’s any truth to it or not but seems like there was a lot of political talk
Tony KI guess you had it all covered...not....that was obvious.
Ash Lunn5O'Brien and then Bernard did not get called to the party?
Truth InAllThe drinker
Little Grey CellsWhere is the Obrien emoji?
Jayme ReneeOhhhhhhhh
Julia RockNot aware of a drinking employee?
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers

Little Grey CellsNot the right emoji
Peter Byker
Little Grey CellsJamie knows
InvasiononeHe also broke quarantine to go into the office to get a radio

Macdonald DonKeeping the public barefoot and ignorant, is the name of the game
robert thomasHilarious he knows
Truth InAllHe was kept out of the loop
Julia RockUsurped
Little Grey CellsTY Yessi, Peter and Jamie... that emoji lmao
Ash LunnBS
InvasiononeOhhhh I’m sure you aren’t
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersSgt O'Brien would have been in a wee bit of trouble if Carroll choked on a crayon 

robert thomasso there are interoperability problems with Millbrook too!
Little Grey CellsCritical Incident Package!!!
Little Grey Cells3 AMIGOS too
InvasiononeOh I love this part of Bernard’s statement.
Tony K2 1/2 years .... and not completed to date....slow in your investigations on many issues.
Little Grey CellsDarren did NOT activate Bernard, Critical Incident Package
Little Grey CellsNo one asked Darren
Julia RockHe deployed the CIP!
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumberswho needs Crisis Negotiation team someone decided real real quickly it was kill not capture
robert thomaswow just wow!
Little Grey CellsBut defining Chain of Command VERY important
InvasiononeBernard’s statement has been up for months. BS you aren’t aware of it
nikki lewis" great Efforts"
Little Grey CellsIf he did Julia, then Bernard would have been activated
Becca A
Julia RockI know!
Julia RockHe said he did though?
Ash LunnMillbrook STILL relies on TPD for assistance, they get along
Little Grey CellsChain of Command
InvasiononeBernard would have at least gotten some sort of email, text or call. He’s the CO of his detachment.
Truth InAllShame on you Leather!
robert thomasYou can tell Leather is lying when he opens his mouth
Macdonald DonAre they going to channel Elvis, at some point ?
Little Grey CellsBring out Dion Sutton!!!
andrew gillisit's
come clear what brass weren't doing, hasn't it? they're quite clear on
that - so using deduction, what was any one of them doing?
Julia Rock[message retracted]
Incurable CollectorCpls and Sgts are out of touch in their own Detachments...
Becca ARobert Thomson, when he lips move before he opens his mouth lol
Ash LunnTPD is Millbrook's Backup, because the Biblehill detachment does not respect Millbrook detachment at all.
nikki lewisblame game again, truro should have followed up
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersBryson WTF are you skipping past Bernard was pissed because he was CRISIS NEGOTIATION TEAM ON CALL AND PART OF CIC PACKAGE
Truth InAllUnbelievable
Incurable CollectorCpls and Sgts are out of touch in their own Detachments.
Little Grey CellsThey miss great points
robert thomasLeather is a good Capo who will never be the Don
andrew gillisotherwise Baylin ya I woulda said good job, Mr Bryson
Ash LunnDIFFERENT DOCS again...
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumberswhy is Bryson making it a racism issue to avoid asking WHY WAS CRISIS NEGOTIATION not mobilized as part of CIC
Becca AHe’s
a prime example of what makes the rcmp so dangerous , refusal to break
the oath protect themselves and the organization first
J DoneSo much for a nonsensical, long winded response to why Bernard wasn't contacted for a Critical Incident
robert thomasbecause he does not accept any responsibility and is never wrong
Julia RockHe said be asked to answer yes or no.
Little Grey CellsBernard should have been directed to Darren
Powerman TaggartProtect the Buffalo at all costs
andrew gillisBryson did tweak the ego
Julia RockMagic docs again.
Becca AToo bad the mcc couldn’t request financial auditing of members
Jayme Renee

J Jsorry guys I had to work lmao..I'm back
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersLisa is going to have to round up the family and relocate to Barbados with Clayfield and his slush funds
Peter Byker@J J
Good afternoon!
Donna JjessGood Day @Peter
andrew gillislow likes per viewer total!
J J@Peter lol thanks 
Peter BykerHello @Donna Jjess 
robert thomasit will only get worse
J Jcorrupt is a understatment
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersodd no one asked to reserve the right to recall Lisa Banfield she's just as important to this
show as Campbell I fully deployed the CIC but ooops forgot CNT Bernard
NS BluenoseTotally agree JJ it is sickening
robert thomasfor the gubmit they can't let a terrible tragedy go to waste when it comes to agendas already inplace
Anita ButtsMr Duggan?
InvasiononeI think the MCC even put out a ruling that LB will not be recalled
J Jhubby's gone for 2 day, I'm available for research if need cellmates
Oh DearThink Lisa will disown her family when she gets her money from the estate
Oh DearTo make sure she does not have to share it
Macdonald DonAn
efficient com system and properly organized logistics would make it
nearly impossible for them to conduct their mass murder operations when
J Jgive her 15000 and send her on her way
J J1 yr salary, she is able to get employment elsewhere if someone will hire her.
Tony KLB sisters will have to be paid off if you think that they know other info.
Oh DearIf Lisa sues, that would leave her to cross examination??
Ash Lunnwhat is stopping them from recalling witnesses?
Tony K25,000 a year with benefits.
lilybalm66Lisa's family is deep in this ,,,my opinion
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@Oh Dear Lisa won't sue, she'll slink away with her tins of $$$ and live off the royalties of her LEAF book and CBC movie
J Jare these cats on lunch I had a meeting at 11
Becca AMaybe
I’m wrong to me lawsuits would be a lot more productive by the rcmp
failing to prevent him from committing crimes protecting society and
receiving treatment for decades.
Tony KBent
is MCU mbr is he not or a want-a-be....wants to feel more important
than being a lowly Constable for 20 years...has to ask for permission to
poop and wanted to search those homes.
J JI saw that this morning, interesting article
InvasiononeFeeling very WIDE AWAKE reading that
Becca ASuing an organization vs individual , wouldn’t she get cross examined either way
J J@Becca I would assume so
Center HiceHello Seamus
and all victims families, and all that are here .
J Jif Lisa settled no cross examination is required correct?
J DoneThey also say elsewhere they can use it for predictive analysis
J DoneMinority Report
Oh DearJust
think about what happened just before pushing through laws that allowed
them to be able to spy on Canadians "houses of parliament terrorist
J Doneyup
Center HiceI
think If I were a family member ,I ld get them all to unite their
lawyers to form a team ,and figure out how to force L B ,and r c m p to
have to transfer all evidence.
J DoneSocial Media specifically I think
NS BluenoseIt is now
NS BluenoseThey are watching everything and everyone
J Jsocial media is poison imo
Oh DearNothing is private
Center HiceVerifying
weather there s any evidence to clear her and any others ( Peter
Griffen + others . ) And pending make them accountable. Force them to
have to have to testify in a legal case .
J DoneImaging google giving away all those speakers for nothing
InvasiononeYou take away social media’s ability to sell your personal information, and they’d go bankrupt
J Jfb has destroyed several ppls mental health its the FOMO effect
nikki lewisyeah that was a BS report on emilys phone
Peter Bykera generation ago, radio and television airwaves entered you home for free, and you could turn it off.
Lockdown DesignI charged it when I had it
Lockdown DesignI picked it up in May 2020
Lockdown DesignEmily tucks phone charger was not broken
nikki lewismultiple duplications of same emails and the outcome clearly BS too
Center HiceL B and others need to have to clear themselves.
Oh DearOMG damage usb port really
NS BluenoseSame place as the wild shot out and robbery lol
Lockdown DesignI
charged it many times after we got it back May 2020 trying to break
onto it figure out code. then we sent phone to mass casuakitt people in
late 2021 at their request. so mass causality must broke
Becca ARegardless they can replace the charging port of that was the issue
Becca AIf
nikki lewisor a time stamp
Lockdown Designthis Is Tammy on work youtube
Lockdown Designyep cut off
J Jmy cell company I log into my account and a record of text, calls with numbers to listed
Julia JonesWhat about her parents phone
Lockdown DesignI charged it for 1.5 years trying different codes to get in. Even took it to a few people to see if they can unlock
Center HiceI
could care less that their watching us ,my health s bad enough ,that I m
on borrowed time ,so if they ld try to do something to attack us ,it's
on record here. I m not intimidated by them.
Lockdown Designhi
Center HiceI stand by the families
getting the truth ,all of us are simply after the truth .
Lockdown DesignI took it to 3 different phone professionals
David AmosChec what the RETIRED RCMP people did with the info my friend Dick Oland's phone and it did not even exist
J JI have no idea what snap chat is lol
J JI still don't get tic toc ffs
InvasiononeYou’re better off for it, J J lol
Center HiceI don't use Facebook, myself ,more gossip than facts I find .
J J@Center Hice 100%
Julia JonesThey got Lisa info off her phone and her phone was smashed
Center HiceI agree
with you as well in your comments jj
J J@Julia Jones yes icloud as lisa quoted
J JI'm technically challenged with my phone let alone social
Julia JonesEmily was young enough to know to back stuff up on iCloud
Julia RockTara miller is next up when they return. Everyone has half an hour now.
nikki lewisnot that it makes any difference but was emily phone contract or PAYG @Lockdown Design , if you dont mind me asking?
Julia Rock@JJ. Break time.
Center HiceJ J I haven't got a clue on these tic tok s ,and sites lol 
J J@Julia Rock, kettle is on..rolling

YESSInever let a good crisis go to waste
Donna Jjess[message retracted]
Julia Rock@JJ Mikes hard Lemondade lol.
J Jsocial media reminds me I'm no longer cool I'm middle aged lol
robert thomasyep sad
Peter BykerCorporations have no national allegiances, they are nations unto themselves.
robert thomasI don't have a cell phone either
NS BluenoseThat was just sad
J Jhitting a bud light later gf
Julia RockI’m flicked off FB more than I’m on.
Center HiceDon't feel bad J J ,I m reminded by it ,I m getting old lol 
David AmosDUHHH back in the 90s the Feds could read your computer screen even if you were not on the net
J JI started calling ppl again, dislike texting
J J@Center Hine I feel ur pain
NS BluenoseHe had paper work so what do they want you to have it or to be able to track you.
Linda MSome have challenged the ‘rules’ and have flown without any jabs.
InvasiononeYour texts are definitely backed up by iCloud
Lockdown Designshe was smart n savy...
GLenn Btrouble with texting is you can send same tx to 10 different ppl & you can take the tx 10 different ways
J Jlisa testify to her icloud being accessed
David AmosBack in the 80s the Fedshad computers listened to all phone conversations
Center HiceThats me too J J lol
And I have the training for computer s professionally ,however I hate the technology of it so much lol 
Julia JonesThey got all Lisa text messages and pictures and numbers
Oh Dearany Draconian laws that they want to pass always seem to be proceeded by an awful event.
LucyIf a user syncs their Messages to the cloud - then they will be restored to any new devices.
NS BluenoseUnder her leg was that before or after she called 911
Lockdown Designshe was techy new how to do stuff
Lockdown Designknew
David Amosn the 90s I new hackers in Beantown who would only meet in person to exchange files hand to hand
Retire Cape Breton@ohdear "diving around the pillar" -evan soliman lol
Julia RockCome on Tara Miller!
nikki lewiswhat was that acronym you were looking for? CP something?
J Jthe torn pgs were probably from home and was stamped after the fact
J Jnotebook notes..not stamped
nikki lewisjoudrey
Julia RockCnip
Peter BykerCNIP
David AmosIn 2001the RCMP et al knew I began full disclosing everything on the Internet before I sued the Yankee Feds in 2002
Oh DeaWhy would you tear out the pages instead of just flipping them, not that I buy they are the real notes
Center HiceJulia
,I think if they have L B info from that phone ,than if there s any
questionable info that incriminate s her ,it should be brought forward.
J JI'm harping on this because it's obvious
nikki lewisThanks guys
Julia Rock1 hr 2 mins
want Bernard to come and tell his story on camera. The things he saw
that day sound like a living nightmare. Likely directly led to his
What TheHeckNSYes agreed - i think every discrepancy should be acted upon right away - get back up and clear it up
Peter Byker
Oh DearCame prepared with note book this time 
UncleBlazerWith Tick Tock China owns all of your content
Center HiceHello Seamus
and all victims families, and all that are here

J Jif Lisa settled no cross examination is required correct?
J DoneThey also say elsewhere they can use it for predictive analysis
J DoneMinority Report
Oh DearJust
think about what happened just before pushing through laws that allowed
them to be able to spy on Canadians "houses of parliament terrorist
J Doneyup
Center HiceI
think If I were a family member ,I ld get them all to unite their
lawyers to form a team ,and figure out how to force L B ,and r c m p to
have to transfer all evidence.
J DoneSocial Media specifically I think
NS BluenoseIt is now
NS BluenoseThey are watching everything and everyone
J Jsocial media is poison imo
Oh DearNothing is private
Center HiceVerifying
weather there s any evidence to clear her and any others ( Peter
Griffen + others . ) And pending make them accountable. Force them to
have to have to testify in a legal case .
J DoneImaging google giving away all those speakers for nothing
InvasiononeYou take away social media’s ability to sell your personal information, and they’d go bankrupt
J Jfb has destroyed several ppls mental health its the FOMO effect
nikki lewisyeah that was a BS report on emilys phone
Peter Bykera generation ago, radio and television airwaves entered you home for free, and you could turn it off.
Lockdown DesignI charged it when I had it
Lockdown DesignI picked it up in May 2020
Lockdown DesignEmily tucks phone charger was not broken
nikki lewismultiple duplications of same emails and the outcome clearly BS too
Center HiceL B and others need to have to clear themselves.
Oh DearOMG damage usb port really
NS BluenoseSame place as the wild shot out and robbery lol
Lockdown DesignI
charged it many times after we got it back May 2020 trying to break
onto it figure out code. then we sent phone to mass casuakitt people in
late 2021 at their request. so mass causality must broke
Becca ARegardless they can replace the charging port of that was the issue
Becca AIf
nikki lewisor a time stamp
Lockdown Designthis Is Tammy on work youtube
Lockdown Designyep cut off
J Jmy cell company I log into my account and a record of text, calls with numbers to listed
Julia JonesWhat about her parents phone
Lockdown DesignI charged it for 1.5 years trying different codes to get in. Even took it to a few people to see if they can unlock
Center HiceI
could care less that their watching us ,my health s bad enough ,that I m
on borrowed time ,so if they ld try to do something to attack us ,it's
on record here. I m not intimidated by them.
Lockdown Designhi
Center HiceI stand by the families
getting the truth ,all of us are simply after the truth .
Lockdown DesignI took it to 3 different phone professionals
David AmosChec what the RETIRED RCMP people did with the info my friend Dick Oland's phone and it did not even exist
J JI have no idea what snap chat is lol
J JI still don't get tic toc ffs
InvasiononeYou’re better off for it, J J lol
Center HiceI don't use Facebook, myself ,more gossip than facts I find .
J J@Center Hice 100%
Julia JonesThey got Lisa info off her phone and her phone was smashed
Center HiceI agree
with you as well in your comments jj
J J@Julia Jones yes icloud as lisa quoted
J JI'm technically challenged with my phone let alone social
Julia JonesEmily was young enough to know to back stuff up on iCloud
Julia RockTara miller is next up when they return. Everyone has half an hour now.
nikki lewisnot that it makes any difference but was emily phone contract or PAYG @Lockdown Design , if you dont mind me asking?
Julia Rock@JJ. Break time.
Center HiceJ J I haven't got a clue on these tic tok s ,and sites lol 
J J@Julia Rock, kettle is on..rolling

YESSInever let a good crisis go to waste
Donna Jjess[message retracted]
Julia Rock@JJ Mikes hard Lemondade lol.
J Jsocial media reminds me I'm no longer cool I'm middle aged lol
robert thomasyep sad
Peter BykerCorporations have no national allegiances, they are nations unto themselves.
robert thomasI don't have a cell phone either
NS BluenoseThat was just sad
J Jhitting a bud light later gf
Julia RockI’m flicked off FB more than I’m on.
Center HiceDon't feel bad J J ,I m reminded by it ,I m getting old lol 
David AmosDUHHH back in the 90s the Feds could read your computer screen even if you were not on the net
J JI started calling ppl again, dislike texting
J J@Center Hine I feel ur pain
NS BluenoseHe had paper work so what do they want you to have it or to be able to track you.
Linda MSome have challenged the ‘rules’ and have flown without any jabs.
InvasiononeYour texts are definitely backed up by iCloud
Lockdown Designshe was smart n savy...
GLenn Btrouble with texting is you can send same tx to 10 different ppl & you can take the tx 10 different ways
J Jlisa testify to her icloud being accessed
David AmosBack in the 80s the Fedshad computers listened to all phone conversations
Center HiceThats me too J J lol
And I have the training for computer s professionally ,however I hate the technology of it so much lol 
Julia JonesThey got all Lisa text messages and pictures and numbers
Oh Dearany Draconian laws that they want to pass always seem to be proceeded by an awful event.
LucyIf a user syncs their Messages to the cloud - then they will be restored to any new devices.
NS BluenoseUnder her leg was that before or after she called 911
Lockdown Designshe was techy new how to do stuff
Lockdown Designknew
David Amosn the 90s I new hackers in Beantown who would only meet in person to exchange files hand to hand
Retire Cape Breton@ohdear "diving around the pillar" -evan soliman lol
Julia RockCome on Tara Miller!
nikki lewiswhat was that acronym you were looking for? CP something?
J Jthe torn pgs were probably from home and was stamped after the fact
J Jnotebook notes..not stamped
nikki lewisjoudrey
Julia RockCnip
Peter BykerCNIP
David AmosIn 2001the RCMP et al knew I began full disclosing everything on the Internet before I sued the Yankee Feds in 2002
Oh DearWhy would you tear out the pages instead of just flipping them, not that I buy they are the real notes
Center HiceJulia
,I think if they have L B info from that phone ,than if there s any
questionable info that incriminate s her ,it should be brought forward.
J JI'm harping on this because it's obvious
nikki lewisThanks guys
Julia Rock1 hr 2 mins
want Bernard to come and tell his story on camera. The things he saw
that day sound like a living nightmare. Likely directly led to his
What TheHeckNSYes agreed - i think every discrepancy should be acted upon right away - get back up and clear it up
Peter Byker
Oh DearCame prepared with note book this time 
UncleBlazerWith Tick Tock China owns all of your content
Julia RockFresh depend on Stanton.
UncleBlazerStanton is out here saving the world
J Jcovid scare 
UncleBlazerNot all heroes wear capes
InvasiononeNever try to understand the logic of maskers.
NovaScotiaFreckles I don’t get it either. Either you wear the mask or you don’t
Peter Bykerideological chastity belt
Julia RockToo much BS flying around she needs a cover.
Julia RockVolume.
NovaScotiaFreckles Unless she’s sitting up there with Covid
UncleBlazerI could maybe understand if all 3 were wearing masks
NovaScotiaFreckles Audio?
J J@uncleBlazer..lmao that was to much
J Jno sound mcc
Oh DearBad memory and forget to take it off? lol
UncleBlazerthere we go
Little Grey CellsOoops
Little Grey Cellsorry
J Jperfect its good
Ash Lunnmuted
Little Grey Cellssorry
NS Bluenose[message retracted]
Julia RockImminent
Donna Jjessmic in mask
UncleBlazerThat is an excellent suit, half Leather
Little Grey CellsI quite like his tweed
Center HiceI agree
you either wear the mask ,or you don't lol
she's all about show.
NS BluenoseShe puts it on for cameras and then takes it off when not on camera….
Julia RockIs he advertising for cannabis?
J Jdrama queen Stanton 
UncleBlazer@Julia Rock I wish lol
UncleBlazerWhat a strain that would be
Julia RockThe tweed suit and all lol
Retire Cape Bretondude doesn't look well. someone should check in with this dude.
Center HiceI agree
N.s. bluenose lol all about cameras 
Peter Byker@ UncleBazer I'll never look at my Leather sofa the same way again
Little Grey CellsIs there something wrong with tweed?
Julia RockTweed is a weed store.
J Jcaressing the table
Ash Lunn@Retire Cape Breton Lucki & Dustime have been calling to check his welfare (cough cough) ya right so they say lol
J Jthat handy dandy notebook

UncleBlazer@Peter Byker just pretend it's cow hide lol
Ash Lunna 3rd nore book ?
Ash Lunn*note
Julia RockSo he was aware of the question coming
Little Grey CellsCNIP? What is CNIP?
NS BluenoseThere is you in regarding notes and note book
nikki lewisim googling trying to find it
J Jso will you hand write the date or stamp this one..your notes that is
NOVA SCOTIA GROWN61Calling Name Identification Presentation Maybe?
Oh DearC------- National indigenous policing Maybe???
Julia RockOh but wanted to go through over 50 before.
Little Grey Cellsahhhhhhhh
NS BluenoseDragging things out to kill her time
Little Grey CellsBingo!
Becca ALol
Little Grey CellsGreat job Oh Dear
Becca AHe can’t answer a question
Oh DearJust a guess
NS BluenoseAnd stop reading it question is is audit done who does it
Little Grey CellsContract and Indigenous Policing
Tony KWe do not do audit as we do everything correctly....textbook....we need independent mandated audits I guess.
Little Grey CellsBrennan
Oh Dearor it could be cops in Ninjas in Pyjamas
Little Grey Cellslolz
Julia RockWhat do you know?
UncleBlazer@Oh Dear bananas in pajamas would do a much better job
nikki lewisunder google i found Canada's National Implementation Plan
J Jwas he coached to dish out verbal diarrhea..gawd
InvasiononeLol Campbell and Leather are B1 and B2
nikki lewisno idea lol if thats it
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@Oh Dear that would explain Lisa's magical DARPA yoga pants 

Little Grey CellsReview his notebook
nikki lewisseems its a body to oversee and ensure that recommendations are implemented they are referring to here?
Julia RockPage 2 you believe? Different docs?
Center Hiceso true
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersdid Brown and Melanson practice and requalify in the proper shooting of a firehall 
J Jblah..blah..blah..
Julia RockJust wtf did these guys do? Seriously, never any follow up.
Center HiceI don't think
this clown would know the truth if it smacked him inthe face ,he s too far gone with b s .
Becca AIt’s all who you know in the maritimes
Tony KWhen
hired into a new position you probably should read the existing policy
and reports in the first few weeks so you can do a good job.
Center Hicethats would nt
J Jlet's hope is jogging skills are faster than his answers..because he wouldn't get to far 
Julia RockThat’s common sense. Who wouldn’t do that? It’s his job.
Little Grey CellsOoooo crayons
UncleBlazerNice graph
J Jhe's been sniffing the Elmer's glue to it seems
Center HiceCan you imagine someone listening to him when their stoned

Julia RockI am.
Oh DearAll Tweets were 15 to 30 minutes delay
Becca AOmg the face
Tony KIt is called a job turnover which most leadership positions know to do.
Brenda Grantlol
Center HiceJulia lol

J JI am too @Julia lol
Donna JjessMe to @Julia Rock lmfao
Wendy HowardHi everyone..
J Jdoes she sound shakey
Tony KFree trip back to NS...yippie.
Julia Rock@JJ. Lol. @Donna Jjess lol.
NOVA SCOTIA GROWN61More trips on our tax dime
Wendy Howard@Julia 
. me too.. it's painful.. lol
Center Hicelol
I love you all lol
your funny as hell 
Julia RockLooks like he has been punched over his left eye?
Little Grey CellsThat word! Fulsome!!!
Julia Rock@Wendy Howard. Excellent.
J Jwhen in doubt..smoke it out 
Oh DearAnd what if something happens in those 6 weeks to a couple of months ???
David AmosYou are full of it too
Wendy Howard@Julia, it keeps me sane, and my family still likes me

Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumberscommand triangle is certainly fulsome fulsome 

Little Grey CellsOh oh
Julia Rock@Wendy Howard. With ya!
Wendy Howard@J J lol 

Ash Lunnoh oh
Tony Knice the erased words.
Oh Dearhmmm what about Onslow siting never been addressed
Center HiceHey I always say do whatever ya like
, that's how it should be lol 
Julia RockWhen it gets rough, have a puff!
Becca ALol
Ash Lunnhehehehe
Wendy Howardexactly.. lol
nikki lewisthe white out, nice !
Becca AErasable pen
UncleBlazergod his penmanship is brutal
Becca ASmudging ffs
Tony K[message retracted]
UncleBlazerdoes he write like that to make it as illegible as possible?
J Johhhh liquid paper
Little Grey CellsWhy the seperate book? Is that policy?????
UncleBlazerCan't even make out is own notes
Ash Lunnlet US see them
J Jpages missing watch lol
robert thomaspages are flying out
nikki lewislooks like bits of paper and a book he has there
Ash Lunnthe inserted pages
Truth InAll,MacDonald so quick to help
J Jput that up madam reg
Julia RockWhy is he looking out to the audience when he said that?
UncleBlazerof course YOUR notes don't help
David AmosAs yourselves why I am enjoying this hearing and saving this chat as well
Center HiceOh I m sure he had someone doing his notes
for him,that ld be too much for him lol
Oh Dear
This is just sad questioning
robert thomasor his response is best ask someone else
Little Grey CellsWho drafted Moratorium on the Destruction of Evidence and why?
robert thomasit is sad questioning.. this lawyer is just ragging the puck
Tony KHe and DOJ likely do not speak anymore since this
Wendy Howardyou do have a good point @Invasionone

Glowwatcher109% at invis
Julia RockJane and Sam coming up. She is almost done.
Oh Dear
OMG really he is that out of the loop BS
David AmosBear in mind that Leather is under oath as he bullshits officers of the court
Julia RockWhy wasn’t the toolbox opened?
though they are not getting very straight forward answers this is much
more interesting and productive then bloody roundtable resume padding
Tony KShare the education so they share the accountability
David AmosI have no doubt Lockyer is drooling
UncleBlazer@Glowwatcher those roundtables shouldn't even be a part of this, a complete waste of days and totally unproductive
Oh Dear
NIPNo Information Provided
J J@Julia they were working on the package
or envelope
with the gatekeepers lol
David AmosLeather certainly fails as a gatekeeper
Julia RockDidn’t Emo ask if you wanted the alert sent?
InvasiononeEmo Gatekeepers is the name of my new band
UncleBlazerNothing rude in that at all lol
lilybalm66who is your gatekeeper sir ?
Julia RockPolice paralysis!
UncleBlazera perfect nothing
Julia RockYou wouldn’t work with truro!
Glowwatcherstop leading his answers
J Jall about control
be nice if MacDonald or another commissioner would tell the lawyer that
she can take all the time she needs to finish “her valuable work”
rather than let her keep rushing herself
Becca ABlame others
Julia JonesShe only has so much time. She’s not leading she’s stopping him from rambling on and wasting her time
InvasiononeHas Stanton switched from her baggy respirator to a useless blue medical mask?
J Jleather has verbal diarrhea..dragging the clock..why can't a yes or no do
Peter BykerI'd buy that tour shirt @Invasionone Emo Gatekeepers ROCK!
Oh Dear
Avoiding that one quickly
Oh Dear
J J@Invasionone I'd support a tour tank top to support Emo Gatekeepers lol 
nikki lewisbut practically you must have been involved with things that have changed???
nikki lewis'dear lord
Becca AHave yet to hear him answer a question
Little Grey CellsIt is not
Ash LunnMax didn't get hat memo?
Ash Lunn5O'Brien time
UncleBlazerDon't skip through the important questions you have...
Julia Rock4 to 5 drinks would be more than 4 to 5 ounces
Julia RockEspecially self serve.
Ash Lunncode of conduct?
Nosy Scotianbe at least a double
Little Grey Cells
Oh Dear

J J#RumCMP it
J Jhe works from a desk or car
Little Grey Cells
Julia RockSobriety tests should be part of recommendations.
J Jhe won't pass a medical unless it's a rum drinking contest involved
Oh Dear

Little Grey CellsAlcohol locks on cars
lilybalm66even if they are there a year ,,,they should know the area
Ash Lunntwo officer to DV call but one officer per car to active shooter?
J Jblow before you go..arrive alive
Julia RockGood thing he doesn’t get paid peace meal! Wtf does this man do?
J JMy calling was marketing I missed that call lol
Peter Bykerfrom
LGC's article --- injury to two arresting officers. A member with his
tenure should have known better," the conduct board said.Picketts was
later charged and pleaded guilty to resisting arrest
Peter Byker He was fined $1,000 and placed on probation for three months.
J J"standard"
Ash Lunncan't their car system be upgraded to text to talk like SIRI so they can listen to calls instead of reading them?
Tony KGood
driving skills with only one deer strike given the number of cars
involved in night and day conditions... but some have poor shooting
Little Grey Cells4/6
BEFORE April 18/19. Since, NS RCMP has been decimated. They have been
in breach of their contracts and have been jeopardizing public safety
Julia RockWhy were police officers being sent home in the morning? Keeping them around to canvass would have been a good idea?
Oh DearGot there quick and just sat there not being able to help "HUNKER IN PLACE"
Little Grey CellsBK article c/o TicToc T!
Jayme ReneeI
don’t think I have ever seen 2 members in one vehicle here in NS. I
know when I have had to call RCMP I have never had two members attend my
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersO'Brien and Carroll self identified as sober 

Little Grey Cells5 Obrien somewhere
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumberstopic of much interest soooooo investigate it as per officer safety and public safety 

Tony KDASH CAMs are also force multipier.
Becca ABody cams with audio to protect both civilians and officers would be a start
Julia RockDidn’t wests scribe also drive?
robert thomasthis
is a question I would ask... once it was known that GW was on loose in
marked car.. Why did Leather decide to keep just one Member per car. Two
cops in car would have made for less confusion
Oh DearBS you can see up that driveway had to be awfully slow turning
Ash Lunnsounds like Lather only read "certain" reports
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersimagine
if ALL CIC knew about BBR then taxpayers wouldn't have had to pay
Indoblue to film it numerous times as the narrative shifted 

Truth InAllSelective memory.ask about Brown and see how unsure he becomes.
Little Grey CellsThe bus goes beep beep over Peterson. They do NOT like him. The truths he was telling...
robert thomasso ask the question did Leather decide to keep one officer per car JFC!
David AmosMethinks the family of Gina Goulet were very wise to hire a separate lawyer N'esy Pas?
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@J J cough cough person strike ooooops deer strike imagine an older lady's reaction time to a cruiser coming up on her at 200kmh
Invasionone“Is it part of RCMP training to bury your service combine if you are injured in the line of duty?”
Oh Dearwow amazing how the only time you get emotion out of these people is when you bring up their members
Becca AAll Morrison had to do was a push a button on the radio
Little Grey CellsWhat did they send it on before? The shoe phone? How stupid do they think we are?
J JI've done I uturn seeing a friend drive hesitation and I ain't flexing in a cop car
Truth InAllWaste of time . What laid back questions after 2 years.
Ash Lunncan MWS be upgraded to READ text on screen so officers can LISTEN to it instead of having to take eyes off road to read it?
J JI need that Bud light sooner than expected lmao
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@Little Grey Cells why is MWS use an issue doesn't she know no one signed in so they clearly weren't operating the computer
Truth InAllWho is this lawyer working for?
Chris LeeShould have been 2 to a car that day no excuse
nikki lewisGina
NS citizenmental health calls, wtf are they talking about
lilybalm66might be a stupid question ,,,but could they have taken all marked rcmp cars off the road and used Truro police cars ?
Julia Jones[message retracted]
Truth InAllFooled me.
Truth InAllYes
Tony KLike we have lots of MH and EMS extra think we are more short in MH and EHS.
Becca ATruro p
nikki lewisodd set of questioning
Ash LunnMWS
should not be timing out all the time and logging officers off, Once
logged in it should STAY on until officer logs off system
Chris LeeI need a Margueritta have to work now....
Julia Jones@Nikki
Little Grey CellsMWS logs are ones Lisa hides behind
Truth InAllThis is her one opportunity. And this rehash.
UncleBlazer@Chris Lee No better way to start a shift
Julia RockRecommendation all logs need to be lined.
J Jwho's he looking at
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@lilybalm66 they didn't need to take cars off the road they just had to keep pushbar cars off the road
Little Grey CellsStay away from Fast and Furious
Tony KGoulet lawyer trying to get questions for potential overall improvements and feels his opinion is important.
Ash Lunnrestrain or shoot them
YESSIprobably DOJ lawyer JJ
Chris LeeFor sure Uncle only way to work lol
Julia JonesWhat has that got to do with these murders
David Amos
robert thomassoftball questions
Chris Lee@Julia Rock yes lined in military grade spandex
J Jyou need in house social workers
Tony KGreat MCU investigation team work....
J Jhe was not qualified from what I saw
Little Grey CellsBathroom drawer
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumberssupport ducks for all RCMP
NS citizensure another administrative caste laid over a useless administrative caste
J Jdisgusting
Julia RockHis pants are going to ignite!
Tony KKeep it all in-house so we control all.
Oh DearI would like you to take your Triangle and put it were the sun don't shine
nikki lewisappalling
robert thomaslair liar pants on fire
Chris LeeThe triangle of trust
Julia RockPoof!
Little Grey CellsRCMP really only good with bulldozers to destroy evidence
robert thomasso ask the question.. FFS were they called
Chris LeeThe triangle of trust Focker
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@Oh Dear he might like that after all he's well trained in cucumber deployments 
Julia RockNo debrief, no follow up!
Nosy Scotianso only Truro is left out
nikki lewisHow many examples of sloppy evidence and scene handling and impact on families
J Jyour teams work close yet the 911 calls or witnesses info was not passed along in real time to all members on April 18/19
Truth InAllSIRT assist...
Oh DearThink in GPS records HRP was even in Wentworth
didn't look happy about being reminded about Gina's place , theybdid
the same thing with Heather's car , and look how they treated Joey
nikki lewisyes he hung his head in shame
Julia RockHolly and look how they treated LB!
nikki lewisso he should
Chris LeeYa that's brutal Holly
Truth InAllNo hard questions asked about Gina’s place.
Truth InAllThis is so sad.
J J23
Julia RockMulti trained?
Oh DearERT THAT TOOK over 2 hours to show up
Truth InAll23
Julia Jones
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@Little
Grey Cells imagine if they returned to the good ol' days where
everything done on the MWS was a dispatchers job before they cut the
dispatch department by 80%
Little Grey Cells23
Andrew Pittshe started off saying I represent the last victim at hour 13. That should have been the ? Why?
Julia Rock23
Peter BykerAbsolutely 23 
Little Grey CellsThat might provide effective policing
robert thomasLisa Banfield got treated like Princess Leia
robert thomas23
Brenda Grant23
Julia RockFailing grade!
Little Grey CellsShort staffed. Breached contract. Seek to have removed.
Tony KCivilianize
the forensic teams and other areas of policing specialty....why do we
need Sgt/Cpls/Constables doing crime scene work? Use police to police.
robert thomasthere is the problem folks they all want to work outta Halifax
Oh DearMoncton and Sackville NB maybe but not Fredericton
Julia RockThey need to go and I hope all boots on the ground get absorbed by other real police agencies.
Julia JonesDrag out the time
J Jsand being throw on sand box
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersimagine
that hospital corporations choosing suit n tie pay raises and
performance bonuses over health care kinda like RCMP white shirts $$$
first public safety last
J Jin
NS BluenoseI don’t think you can be proud of anything
Julia RockRats leaving a sinking
Little Grey CellsCooperate memory loss? What the fuck is that?
Becca AWhat I don’t understand is one of the first few 911 calls got transferred to “bonjour” Fredricton rcmp.
Nancy Macgillivary23
Little Grey CellsTextbook transfer
lilybalm66[message retracted]
Becca ABrutal
Julia RockTurf warfare. Love it.
Chris LeeRidiculous
Oh DearREMOVE all RCMP from NS
Little Grey CellsAnd ALL Canadians that are paying attention
Donna JjessGod Bless the 23 and all the Families.
Little Grey CellsFrom CANADA. RCMP gone
J Jcorporate memory loss is that the memory we all once had of the rcmp?
Julia RockLeave him the books. Show him or her what the job is.
Julia RockBasic on-boarding.

some maybe , but there's also quite a few BOG that need not apply , ex
:Ivaney, Brown Melanson, Bent ect the arrogant POS who thought he should
set up a radar at Heather & Kristen's memorials
Little Grey CellsPlease move along
Truth InAllThey truly never retire.
NS BluenoseAll are been moved and retired as opp her is blown….. and even officers who knew nothing know something isn’t right with them
lilybalm66where did all the rcmp members come from during the fisheries dispute in my area of Nova Scotia
Oh DearSend all RCMP to Ottawa, Only Federal at most and save Canada.
J Jthanks for coming out Leather..Don't let the door hit ya
Tony KYou
likely have lost most of your creditability so will they listen to your
recommendations....but we know all tried their best...textbook.
Peter Bykeraccountability being fulsomely transferred as we speak.
Truth InAllBoomerang RCMP
Julia RockOh I want to see some tears.
NS BluenoseSo what and where are they all going we would
InvasiononeOh that’s rich
Julia RockActions speak louder so cry MF!
Oh DearRCMP are butt hurt
Becca ATheir fault
Little Grey CellsThreaten our safety
NS BluenoseLike to warn those communities of what is coming their way as you won’t warn them
J Jwe have little to no expectations of the RumCMP, your good
Ash LunnI'm sure the new people will be happy to know they have to clean up the mess these rcmp guys left them
Oh DearNPF no questions ???
robert thomasand he is still working for RCMP
David AmosCry me a river Mr Leather
Julia Rock1 he 27 min
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersERT clearly needs to recruit more JTF2
Truth InAllSoftball
robert thomasRumCMP I like it!
Julia RockSo no nash?
Oh DearDon't want any of their wisdom
nikki lewisstill wouldnt issue an alert it seems, we are no safer at all in this province
NS BluenoseNo we want you gone we want municipal police
Tony KChange of top leadership hopefully will provide some new hope for public safety....likely reason why key positions were changed.
Truth InAllThe MCC have their minds on a 3 week vacation.
Truth InAllNova!
Chris LeeHey Nova what up
Oh DearSorry these lawyers are just pathetic
David AmosAre the cops coming to your house?
Julia RockBaylin is coming for you seamus.
Becca AWtf
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersdoes ERT assist with planned Fast n Freezies events
Peter Lambno my previous work Amos
run illegal guns to Mexico and give them to cartels! We’ll be able to
track them and see where the cartels operate!… oh noes, we lost track of
the guns! How totally unpredictable!
David AmosWhat worK?
Rob Claytonactions- they don't want you there
Ash Lunnnunya
Becca ATony k, let’s hope it can’t get any worse
Chris LeeOllie north
NS BluenoseThat said it all
Peter Lambconstruction gig
Tony K@Becca A have to have some optimistic thoughts at this stage.
Peter Bykerwho won THAT govt. contract to supply those arms?
robert thomasthey didn't stop with the gun running.. not by a long shot
Julia RockHis pause said everything.
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@Little Grey Cells Leathers briefing binder
have to wonder, how did he not have a prepared response? Was the pause
that he couldn’t remember what he was told to say? So he just said “I
don’t recall”
Becca ATremblay
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@Little Grey Cells #1 don't get caught #2 don't get caught #3 Snacks#4snacks #5 Big Stop has crayons and snacks
David AmosBTW
I know quite a bit about Fast and Furious because it was overseen by
Mean Little Mikey Sullivan the same US Attorney I embarrassed in US
District Court in 2002
Chris LeeLol
Ash Lunnwhich Politian's brother worked at border.......
robert thomasHe was qualifying everything
Julia RockWill he show emotion today?
Ash Lunnah Houston's bro, and Houston knows Clayfield......
J Jwhen u over talk you have something to hide
Chris LeeSaw that Houston guy on Oak Island TV show. Is he better than last one?
David Amos
robert thomasthe guns get sent to a warehouse in Ukieland and gets burned to the ground by a Kaliber after it is "inventoried"... /s
David Amos
Peter Lambit's going south very fast for a certain demographic in this country.
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumberslol Canada UK USA are currently running Fast n Freezie through Ukraine lol $80 million of weapons currently "unaccounted" for
David AmosMassachusetts U.S. Senate candidate Michael Sullivan denies knowledge of 'gunwalking' during tenure at ATF
Ash LunnBridget Leger...Ukraine....just saying
Peter Lambwhy, they are tying GW into this demographic throughout this mcc.
robert thomasthose Bezminov interviews are very interesting
Julia RockFrightened the bejesus out of me.
YESSInow my cat hates your dog
David AmosEnjoy Ya Bastards
Peter BykerIt's a war of our perceptions, FOR our perceptions
Tony Kvery depressing.....we need some optimize to save us...
Donna JjessShes still a baby , she'll settle.
J Jmy gecko woke up with the bark lmao
David AmosBridget Leger had quite a spit a chew back in 2011
NOVA SCOTIA GROWN61Victoria Nuland Ukraine just saying
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumberswhen a government program is outed publicly they just rebrand it and reallocate alternate funding structures
Julia RockA barking dog is the biggest deterrent for a thief. She works.
J Jgood security 
David AmosAnybody notice how Seamus is trying hard to ignore mean old me?
Ash Lunntabernac
NS BluenoseNova is cute
David AmosToo Too Funny Indeed
Peter BykerNova is a Zen Master; her lesson --- Expect The Unexpected.
Julia RockThe bark. It’s noisey.
robert thomasCute doggie
Truth InAllThe ears!
YESSImake the door window a magnifying glass, they'll think it's a Rottweiler
J Jever try a clicker for training, might be on utube a demo, seen ppl use them, seemed efficient
Ash LunnNova is an Ankle biter, we got one too
J Jtiny and mighty
Janes BlondPuppy snuggle time
kelly blairMy brother had the same dog zoey she was a barker. Might very mighty and tough. 
Tony Kany thief might take her home after they rob you.
Linda MThe rcmp need clicker training
kelly blairZoey survived and was just put down a few weeks ago her back end was going. 
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersgood thing 4yrs ago RCMP CF OPP reported 5000 lost firearms including light machine guns
Becca AHave to socialize well from 5 months+ while they go through the fearful stage
J J@Linda M 100% lol
Julia RockShe is as big as one of my shepherds heads. Lol.
What TheHeckNS@kelly blair sad to hear that, Bless Zoey
UncleBlazerSorry to hear that @kelly blair
robert thomas@Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers it is almost like it was done on purpose
RIP Zoey
NS44@kelly blair sorry Zoey had to be put down 
kelly blairThanks. Very sad but she’s with her owners. 
Linda MYou click the clicker the moment they do what you want.
J Jwho's left for cross examination?
Tony KIs she minature doberman...nice ears that stand up.
Peter Lambbest dogs are Staffys!
Ash Lunna truck load guns went missing last year in central canada too
Julia RockBless zoey!
Truth InAllI have been so out of the loop. Saw the T shirt that sa
David AmosMy
old dog was a Rat Terrier who was smaller than yours but she could ride
inside my coat on my bike She was afraid of nobody All I asked her to
do was bark and I would handle the rest
Julia RockSam
Julia RockLori ward.
robert thomasyup and give them a treat every once in a while.. it works with kids too!
David AmosMy dog at my feet is quite big
Tony KClicker training, or mark and reward, is a form of positive reinforcement dog training.
Julia Rock420
Ash LunnGov announced a by back for AR-15's today in news
Ash Lunn*buy back
Ash Lunngive Gov your AR-15 and get approx $1300
Julia Rock29 mins
Tony KWere ears casted or she came like that.
Mitchell RobbleeNo Canadian mandatory buyback 1500$
Ash LunnHey Maine USA police have a mascott Duck at station
Ash LunnIn Canada is the Buy Back Today
Mitchell Robbleea friend of mine has a custom built worth $5400 and they are gonna try and take it and give him $1500
Mitchell RobbleeCTV had an article today
Ash Lunn@Mitchell Robblee yes
Mitchell Robbleebanned with mandatory buyback
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersI would have named Nova Bibi the kosher hotdog so you qualify for Mossad grants 

Ash Lunnwhen buying them back can they trace the serial nubers to Gov agencies lmao
InvasiononeLet me very clear, 

J Jthis guy needs to be demoted
Peter Bykerlol
Linda Mgun addiction
J Jhe loves the word clear
InvasiononeSafe and Effective, where have I heard that before? 

J Jvodka
nice n clear
Julia RockClear as mud.
J Jself protection?
Julia RockClear safes?
Ash Lunnbuy back and GOV sells them to overseas countries instead of destroying them
Tony KBill Blair seems to be feeling pressures from all sides....I wonder why.
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersI live 15mins away from Savage Firearms in Lakefield the RCMP OPP only recovered 2500 rifles there's still 3000 outstanding
David AmosMethinks
Agent Margaritaville is alive and well and out of the looney bin N'esy
Virtual Asyluma wall ornament?
InvasiononeLet me be very clear, and will all due respect, I- I- I- hck-hck 

J Jwtf are the
at the mcc doing...let's get on with it
Mitchell RobbleeI
was under the understanding you could keep it but not transport or sell
them. Theyre are basically taking peoples property. its unreal
J Jclear and compelling
Julia RockTwo min warning.
robert thomasthey knew from the get go
InvasiononeLet me be very clear and compelling: my glass is empty
robert thomasjust random numbers or ...... not
Julia RockTheir taped online webcast is about 20 secs ahead of YT!
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers@Invasionone I'll deploy Glen Mason immediately just let me get my crayons so I can GPS your location
robert thomasand then those guns get sent overseas as foreign aid
Julia RockBack
NovaScotiaFreckles I’ll never get over how much they go on about food
nikki lewisthis could be interesting lol
J Jhas he apologized at all to the families
NovaScotiaFreckles Thank you JJ! He goes on and on
Chris LeeNot yet JJ
Truth InAllNot yet JJ
J Jthanks
Julia Rock@JJ not yet. One other fsmily lawyer, Sam, was supposed to be up but we came back with her. Maybe Sam got canned. ?
Julia Jones[message retracted]
Ash Lunnquality assurance on the CI or Witness protection program LMAO
robert thomasHis
body language has changed @Truth InAll because now he gets to talk shop
which, to be honest, he is good at it and probably why he has slinked
to the top of this fetid organization
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersclearly the quality assurance officer is on the ball with the notebooks handed into the MCC 

robert thomaswhat
Truth InAll100% Robert.
Julia RockSam was canned!
robert thomasthis one again
J JRachel has had enough screen time 
Oh Dear
quick no
Ash LunnSam was canned? what you mean? explain?
NovaScotiaFreckles I missed a lot today. Did LB’s lawyer ask him any questions like he did Campbell?
Little Grey Cellsseamus x2
Truth InAllRobin HOIT.
Little Grey CellsRobin is not HOIT
Chris LeeLol
Oh Dear
All these exhibit but no new docs
Peter Bykerno thank goodness! @Freckles
Julia RockAnother family lawyer, Sam, was on the agenda to speak. They didn’t have him speak.
Chris LeeSam is in the tree
NovaScotiaFreckles Good he needs to get
robert thomasnot familiar
Ash Lunnis there a purchase order or invoice for Robins Bussiness cards? and is there a COMM for those?
robert thomasOMG!
Julia Rock Chris, lol!
Julia RockI want to see him cry! I shouldn’t have such high expectations.
Chris LeeHa ha it will come soon
Ash Lunnhe'll cry when DOJ gets ahold of him for throwing those two under the bus this morning
Chris LeeDid he ever. He gave it to them good
robert thomasso
now the excuse for Leather and his crew is the dog ate their homework
and if we made mistakes it's cuz of the soft bigotry of low expectations
Oh Dear
Oh so how much can we cover our ass
Julia Rock@Ash Lunn His job in NB might be GD!
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersprovince of Nova Scotia better file a breach of contract suit save their citizens from the RCMP once n for all
Chris LeeHe will get another bump now
robert thomasthe bloat in the organization is the key to their mistakes and indecision
Julia RockHas he drank any
Oh Dear
worried DOJ will have access ???
Ash LunnChief MacNeil can use these emails and docs so TPD can get policing contract
Nosy Scotianagree @robert
robert thomasalways a qualifier
nikki lewisthey didnt want any oversight, period
Julia RockRobert. Exactly too many people doing nothing.
robert thomasThis guy is unbelievable
robert thomashe wouldn't share that opinion
Oh Dear
just noted it earlier HMMMM
Julia RockMan on a fence! His pants must be simmering, you liar!
Julia RockWhat did you infer?
robert thomasit is always the decision of the Province WTF! When did the RCMP decide they are above any authority
Nosy Scotianalways a but
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersLeather thinks he's above DOJ
robert thomasso many people getting paid a crap ton of money to do nothing
robert thomasthe arrogance of this guy is beyond belief
robert thomasyep always a but
Truth InAllPants on fire.
Chris LeeI love that RumCMP. That is classic
robert thomasso
initiatives are good as long as Chris Leather is the one doing them.
Nothing to see here folks! Shut it down and start the three week
Julia RockWhoever, whenever, wherever, but never Leather!
Chris LeeLol
robert thomaslove that one Julia
Julia Rock@Chris Lee. Wasn’t mine. Another brilliant mind. Who was it?
Julia RockRobert. Not mine. Who said that? I’m a repeater.
Chris LeeI think it was JJ
YESSIRumCMP was my pun but it's copyright free 
Chris LeeIt works for sure
Julia Rock@YESSI thanks. Didn’t want to take your credit.
Truth InAllWill he tear up in his wrap up? I say no.
Julia RockI want tears.
Chris LeeI think he may. He was close yesterday
Tony KBeen long 59 days of this stuff.
Peter Byker@YESSI too kind!
RumCMP for You & Me!
nikki lewisi say no
Nosy Scotianbeen a long 2 yrs
Chris LeeWe need a bookie
robert thomasNo tears.. as he has no soul
Julia RockAsk some real questions.
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersI'd love to see the detachment notebook audits lol
Tony KNo tears but an apology
J Jis that notebook stamped 
Julia RockIPV?
Nosy Scotianquestions were weak. nope jo tears. he's tough. he's Leather
robert thomasyeah and an audit of the evidence rooms too @Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbers
Truth InAllVery soon 3 weeks to tan even more for the MCC crew!
Julia RockWhoever Leather!
Chiang LoveI
always knew the RCMP had serious issues but I never imagined that it
could be as bad as it actually is. Rotten to its core, from the head
down, as they say
Truth InAllEnjoy beautiful NS in all her summer glory!
Char DayzI left at 3:15, have I missed anything?
Julia RockConflict?
Truth InAllNothing!
Julia RockNot really I don’t think. IPV just came up with Fitch here.
Char DayzThank you truth inall
YESSIshouldn't be key topic tho
Peter Bykershoehorned in so elegantly
Oh Dear
Total BS
robert thomasnot really @Char Dayz Leather deflected again to Whoever, whenever, wherever, but never Leather!
Truth InAllyou made the right choice.!
Char DayzLol very accurate
J Jgotta jet folks sending positive vibes to all
Truth InAll23
Chris LeeG night jj
Peter BykerHail J J take care
robert thomasthks @J J take care
robert thomas23
Julia Rock@ Robert. I’m going to charge you for usage. Lol.
Char DayzThank you Seamus and to everyone continuing to search for the truth 
Brenda Granttake care J J
Julia Rock@Jj bye
Julia RockWhoever leather.
Chris LeeLol
Julia JonesThat’s
all Fitch is worried about is if rcmp can do better in Ivp. Makes me
sick 23 murdered and she worry’s about something not proven
robert thomasaww
@Julia Rock you're too late I'm broke! have to fill up car with gas and
barely have anything left for beer.. and chips gotta have me storm
chips! Next week I promise!
Julia Rock@Robert. Ok buddy. It’s free.
robert thomasthanks!
Chris LeeMaybe hire Lockyer Julia to sue
Julia RockSeriously IVP - ffs 23 people died! This guy doesn’t know his arse from his head!
Chris LeeIt
just goes round and round. Brass all looking after each other they know
most people don't care about the nepotism and the obvious conflicts of
interest in this whole process
Julia RockChief MacNeil ought to have known? That’s so arrogant.
Truth InAllAnswer that boy.
YESSIculture of humility 

Truth InAllChoke!
Julia JonesFitch was a police chief that’s why this question
Julia RockSimmering.
Julia RockOh he should have! What about your gang!
nikki lewislast he was told by you was that you had him pinned down !
Truth InAllYa told him you had him pinned down dufus!
robert thomasit is never this guy's fault
nikki lewislol snap truth
Truth InAllNo worries we have the guy pinned down ......
Julia RockTeflon Don!
Center HiceThis guy is made of tin ,I m sure he has no heart
David AmosNeed I say that Chief Fitch and her family and friends and I go back to High School Days in Fat Fred City???
robert thomasit is pathetic he is still employed as a Mountie
MHhe's supposed to know why you ghosted hi
Truth InAllHe told MCNeil they thought they had him pinned down. So would you not assume the threat is over?
Nosy ScotianHe got a promotion. Dear God. WHAT a piece of work
Truth InAllHe lied to MCNeil.
MHredder and redder
Truth InAllPinned down my foot!
Oh Dear
Send the RCMP packing they are a sham
Nosy ScotianPin the tail on the donkey
Julia RockRounding home buddy still time to say it wasn’t textbook! Tissues are there, all planning has been done.
Truth InAllAgree Oh Dear!
Albinothey got promoted cause the coverup worked everybody skates away from this
MHhe's admitting it is over whelming and should be shut down and start out simply
Truth InAllI say 1 for no tears and 2 for tears. Vote.
robert thomasIf this guy is among the best of the best them the RCMP gotta go. It cannot be reformed with people like this in charge
Truth InAll1
Brenda Grant1
Nosy Scotian1
robert thomas1
Julia Rock2.
Julia Jones2 fake tears
Peter Byker2
Julia RockMake my day!
Oh Dear
get emotional but no tears "fake"
Truth InAllLol! Julia fake tears!
NS44mine too!
robert thomasgotta go it's beer o'clock and storm chips
MHcrocodile tears tonight at the bar
Oh Dear
Bet they are all grins as soon as they leave
Truth InAllBuskers in town
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersI feel the RCMP standards are to high cuz they won't hire me cuz mean tweets 

Julia RockOh so not listening while she was talking?
MHseems flattered like she's asking his opinion, I think she's slamming the guy YEA
Truth InAllVacation time ! The MCC will be light on staff for 3 weeks.
Center Hice1
MHwho will notice
Truth InAllWe pay for their vacations too.
Peter BykerBon Chance! @Center Hice
Julia RockThe unknown? You don’t know what you are doing now.
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersFitch looks like she's been eating too much macaroni her power suits ain't hiding her widening anymore
Julia JonesTruro
cops are fully trained and fully carbine trained. All cheaper then what
the rcmp have for training…… but they get it done why can’t rcmp with
open cheque books get her done
Oh Dear
only solution is provincial policing NO RCMP
Truth InAllMacDonald is waiting.....
Center Hicelol
trying to catch up I was a bit behind 
Julia RockPower struggle.
Julia Jones[message retracted]
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersLeather loves talking about his plain clothes operators except when Fast n Furious comes up 

Julia RockSenior men.
Julia JonesWhen it’s Stanton’s turn …. She won’t have many questions. It’s all over her head.
MHnot getting enough oxygen thru her mask?
Julia RockAlcohol shot bell?
Oh Dear
RCMP seem to think they are better than other police departments, could be a huge problem
David AmosI
had quite a conversation with Stevey Boy McNeil in 2006 as I was
running against the Attorney General and ex cop Murray Scott As soon as I
stepped to the plate and the MCC came into play Stevey quit
Julia Jones@MH to funny
MHtake away their pretty red uniforms
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersdo you want a Scooby snack Fitch
MHJulia Jones you too
David AmosFitch and her buddies are sorry they stole my Harley
Albinoto get one of their boys gone rogue
Julia RockDuration was a factor!
Oh Dear
So no special OPS happening in those areas ?
Albinoget down here Wortman snapped!
Julia JonesHow much time does Fitch get ? When’s her time up
Truth InAllHe had O’Brien
Truth InAllLol!
Julia RockAlways clean. Just there
Julia RockYou were there so ppl could vent?
Truth InAllCampbell went back to bed
David AmosThe Chief of Police in Amherst ain't calling me crazy anymore
Truth InAllCarrol was distracted I’m sending help for his boy
nikki lewiswho does robin report to
Truth InAllLying officer, you mean.
MHCampbell did say he went back to bed but had to say "I didn't sleep well"
Truth InAllAnswer to
Julia RockNikki it appears to be a six sided triangle.
Becca A phone number on the Business card comes up as Jeff west on Google
nikki lewisDaley
Julia RockSmile. As weird
David AmosAllan Carroll was the corrupt cop who broke the deal I had with his boss Inspector Kingston in Amherst in 2009
Invasionone"Supt. Campbell said that he and the RCMP 'Failed'. Do you agree?"
Julia RockAgree
Baylin's Support Ducks love cucumbersif you put all the Command triangles together you get the 5eyes black cube
David AmosAll my ancestors warned to NEVER TRUST A CAMPBELL
Tony K[message retracted]
NS BluenoseI
feel so bad for the families having to sit through this, make me want
to scream I don’t know how they are going it. Thinking of all of them.
What TheHeckNSLAPSE? That’s a nice way to put it
Becca AShowing up at someone’s door in normal clothes posing as mcc to take statements, then call it a wellness check isn’t ok
Julia JonesFitch MacDonalds belly is rumbling it’s past his supper time. Almost his bed time. Move this along
Truth InAllJulia if only we could see MacDonalds face.
Julia JonesLol
Truth InAllHangry!
YESSI[message retracted]
Becca ABargaining agreements
Julia RockMacDonald hopefully asks him a thoughtful question.
Peter BykerFitch'll cry before ever Leather does!
Julia JonesStanton’s checking her bag for a bar for him or crackers from lunch
Truth InAllLol!
NS BluenoseYou
had people who you sent on. Wild goose chases due to not wanting them
interfering with you opps. So if you had double it would not have
MHno solution here
Julia RockIs Stanton at risk? Why the mask
Truth InAllAgree NS Bluenose.
David Amos
Anita ButtsDon’t worry we won’t miss you 

Julia RockRodier said they would think about using alert ready if there is another incident.
Chris LeeIs that Stanton or Darth Vader
Peter Bykercontagious halitosis?
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